Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Despite Rain $20,000 Netted
Above Expenses. -
Show ing This Year Said lo Attest
to Growing Popularity or Ore
gon's Agricultural Show.
SAt-EXt, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Pespite the heavy rains which ma
terially reduced the attendance on
Thursday, Kriday and Saturday, the
itate fair which closed here last night
was a financial success, according, to
a report prepared by J. IS. McClintock.
cashier, and submitted to the mem
bers of the talr board late this after
noon. Mr. Mcdlntock's report showed
that approximately 10.000 persons
paid their way into the grounds dur
ing the week, while not less than 10,
000 others were admitted on passes
issued to exhibitors and employes.
The cash receipts, totaling $73,-00.
will leave a surplus of $2(1.000 when
the last hill is presented and paid.
Lain year the cash receipts aggre
gated 170,000.
Mhowlna; Held nemarknble.
Considering that the weather was
ideal during? the entire fair last year
the members of the board said that
the showing made at this year's event
was remarkable and fully attested to
the growing popularity of Oregon's
Rreattst agricultural and livestock
show. Had Kood weather prevailed
all six days this year, members of the
fair board said the surplus would
have been boosted to a figure far in
excess of 50.000.
Following receipts of Mr. McClin
tock's report, A. H. Lea, secretary of
t'.e fair board, said there was yet
some money to be collected from
Portland exhibitors which might
swell tli is year's receipts by $500. In
this event the receipts will be only
$ 1000 under those of last year. In
connection with the report it also was
shown that the cost of statins this
year's fair was approximately 15 per
cent greater than last year, while
considerable money was lost at last
week's event through the closing? of
a number of concessions.
Sucf-exM I'lcasea President.
Presidei.t Savae;e of the fair board
slated this afternoon that he was well
pleased with the financial success.
Other members of the board also were
optimistic, and said they al -eady had
taken up certain matters in connec
tion with next year's fair. Instead of
automobile races on the opening day
of next year's fair, plans are being
made to bring a numbor of Indians
here from the various reservations
and stage a card of races similar to
those featured at the round-up.
The number of exhibitors this year
exceeded by more than 33 1-3 per cent
those of any similar event in the his
tory of the state. The quality of the
exhibits also was better than at any
previous fair. and indicated the
K'rowth of scientific methods promot
ing the agricultural, horticultural and
livestock Interests of this state. East
ern judges who presided over the
various departments said the exhibits
were among the best they had ever
scored and would share places of high
honor in some of the most celebrated
livestock and agricultural shows of
international prominence.
Rnln Cannes Dlf ftcnltlra.
Because of the heavy rains which
started Thursday noon and continued
until this morning the concessions
and exhibits were removed with con
siderable difficulty, and It was not
until late tonight when the last of
the special trains left the grounds
for other points, tine train of 19 cars
of exhibits left today for Gresham,
while another train of seven cars de
parted for Albany. Other exhibits and
some of the race horses left by ex
prrss for I.os Angeles.
I.ate this afternoon no agreement
had been reached between the mem
bers of the fair board and A. H. Lea.
secretary, relative to the latter re
maining at the head of the event for
another year. It was admitted by
members of the board a substantial
increaso in salary had been offered
ilr. I.ea, as well as other concessions.
Definite announcements as to
whether Mr. Lea will remain with
the fair probably will be made some
time this week. Mr. Lea recently re
signed as secretary of the board to
accept a position with a banking
house of Portland.
Railroad Are Praised.
The fair officials were liberal In
their praise of the rail.oads trans
porting exhibits and crowds to the
fair, as well as the local street car
system. In both instances the service
was well handled, and there were no
delays encountered by exhibitors and
Although no definite plans have yet
been made, it was intimated today
tiiat at least one more permanent
building will be erected on the fair
grounds before next year's event. This
will be necessary, according to mem
bers of the fair board, for the reason
that all available space in the pavil
ions was reserved this year and many
of the exhibitors were forced to ar
range thtir displays in the open.
Credits, Collections and Correspond
ence Are New Studies Added
to Local Curriculum.
The Oregon Institute of Technology
of the Y. Al. C. A. has announced that
two new practical business courses,
credits and collections and business
correspondence, are to open for
term of 17 weeks.
In addition a practical and com
plete course in income tax procedure
has been started sor a like period.
Phil R. Sessions, corresponding sec
retary of the Portland Association of
Credit Men and of the adjustment
bureau, is to be Instructor in the
courses in credits and collections and
business correspondence, and Prank
L. Beach, auditor of the Hibernia
Commercial and Savings bank, will
teach the course in income tax pro
The course In credits and collec
tions is announced as a practical one
for wholesale and retail credit men
and assistants in credit departments.
A comprehensive study of the best
sources of credit information and the
most effective means of collecting
accounts will be taken up. The
course in business correspondence is
also a practical, high-grade 'ourse
of instruction in the better usages
in oral and written business English
Tlie aim of the income tax proced-
ure course Is to prepare men who
have a thorough knowledge of ac
counting; principles to be able to
make up a correct income tax return,
partnership or individual or corpora
tion. The course in Income tax procedure
started last week with splendid
attendance. Registration for this
work will close today. The course in
credits and collections commences
today and will continue on Mondays
tor 17 weeks. The course in business
correspondence will staVt Wednesday
and continue on Wednesdays for an
equal period.
V. S. Vessels Would Be Given Busi
ness on Kqual Terms.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3: Consul-General
Skinner at London reported offi
cially today the recent London con
ference between a commissioner of
the United States shipping board and
representatives of foreign lines to the
far east concerning American partici
pation in trade between Europe and
the orient. The London Times had
said the question of American par
ticipation in regular trade between
the United Kingdom and the Euro
pean countries was discussed.
Cotisul-Ueneral Skinner said that
the foreign representatives expressed
Left Frank I.. Beach, Instrnctor In Income tax procedure. RigBt Phil R.
Session, inatructor in credita and collection and bOMincna correapondence-
approval of sharing trade with United
States vessels on equal terms.
"European lines, however, practice
rebate systems," the consul-general
stated, "and in view of the Sherman
act the shipping. board was unable to
agree Immediately to follow foreign
customs. The (shipping board) com
missioner hopes, however, that an
agreement will be reached on this
point and states that prospects of
harmonious relations between Ameri
ca and foreign lines are excellent."
Tercentenary Celebration of Pil
grim Landing Is Held.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Accompanied
by Sir Auckland Geddes. the British
ambassador, delegates from Great
Britain and The Netherlands to the
tercentenary celebration of the land
ing of the Pilgrims visited Mount
Vernon today as the guesU of Secre
tary Daniels, on the presidential yacht
On behalf of the British branch of
the Sulgrave institution. Lord Kn..
creedan, head of the British delega
tion, placed a wreath on Washington's
To the declaration of Secretary Dan
iels that the magna chartu of Runny
mede "belonged no less to England
than to America," Ambassador Geddes
replied in his address that "just as
truly George "Washington belongs to
rniy Reported Half Way Between
Grodno and Vilna.
WARSAW. Oct. 3. Northeast of
Grodno the Poles have reached the
river Ulla, half way between Grodno
and Vilna. the Lithuanian capital, said
today's official statement. The Pol
ish second army captured z&.uuo Kus-
sian'soviet soldiers and took 100 can
non between September 20 and 30,
the statement adds,
'Pursuit of the bolshevik divisions
routed below Llda continues," the
statement said. "The group of Colo
nel Dabirnakl is approaching Novo-
Grodek. Below Baranovitchi Polish
troops captured a thousand prisoners
and 36 machine guns.
"In the region of Suwalki all action
has been suspended as a result of the
Polish-Lithuanian agreement."
L'nlted States Destroyer to Be Con
voyed to Llbau.
RIGA. Oct. 3. The United States
destroyer Kane, which yesterday
struck & mine outside Riga, will be
towed into Libau by the United
States destroyer Brooks, which went
from Riga to assist her. The Kane's
engines are not working.
The destroyers Gilmer, Brooks and
Kane have been ordered to proceed
immediately to Constantinople. The
Brooks and Gilmer will go to the
Black sea as soon as the Kane is
towed Into Libau.
Ukrainian Press Bureau Says De
serters Are to Blame.
VIENNA, Oct. 3. (Jewish Telegra
phic Agency.) The Ukrainian press
bureau here issued a statement today
declaring recent pogroms in the
Ukraine to be the work of bands of
deserters and saying the authorities
have executed a number of ring
leaders. A deputation of Jews thanked Gen
eral Petlura, Ukrainian leader, for the
protective measures, the statement
Kelso tiirl Ranks High.
KELSO, Wash., Oct. S. (Special.)
Miss Anita Trask. graduate of Kelso
high school in the class of 1920, who
was one of the honor students of that
class, was one of eight freshman at
Whitman college who were exempted
from first year college English and
permitted to enter their second year
in English because of the exceptional
showing made In examinations. This
is not only a great honor to the stu
dents but to the high school from
which they graduated a it shows the
superior instruction given.
S. & H.- green
Hoiman Fuel Co.
tamps tor cash
Mala 353. S80-21
Carrier to United Kingdom
Expected In Today.
New Board Vessel Under Contract
to Load Wheat Here (or Pa
cific Grain Company.
Another vessel of the Portland
grain fleet, the steamer Withram, is
now due and is expected to get into
the river today to take on a grain
cargo for the United Kingdom.
The Withram. a British vessel of
4590 tons, is under charter to
Strauss & Co. She left Balboa en
route to this port from Europe on
September 18 and is believed to be
off the mouth of the Columbia river
The Withram Is a new vessel,
which was constructed by the Ger-
Umans and then turned over tn the
BVitish. The steamer was launched
about the close of the war and was
completed Just in time to be fcurned
over to the enemies of Germany.
Steamer for Japan on Way.
The arrival of the Withram will
raise the number of grain carriers in
the river to six.-
The steamer Jalapa, of the Portland
grail fleet, got away from San Fran
eisco for the trip north at 1 A. M. yes
terday and should get into the river
Wednesday to take on cargo for the
United Kingdom.
The Jalapa is one of the new ship
ping board steamers and is under con
tract to load wheat here for the Paci
fic Grain company.
Another steamer which is expected
in today is the Artigas of the new
service between this port and Bos
ton and Philadelphia. The Artigas
brings in general cargo from the east
and will lake out a part cargo. The
Artigas departed from Seattle Sat
urday en route for Boston via Port
land and should make this port to
day. Knxtern Soldier Sails.
' Sailings listed yesterday include
the departure of the steamer Eastern
Soldier, which got out of the river at
midnight for New Tork and Philadel
phia, with a full carero of Inmhor
The Eastern Soldier took on lumber
at St. Helens and Westport for the
Charles R. McCormick company.
The steamer Multnomah, of the Mr.
Cormick line, left the river for the
trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles
at 3 A. M. yesterday. - She carried a
cargo of lumber besides passengers.
inree oiner lumber carriers arrived
at Astoria yesterday after loarl inc
umber on the river and were exnected
to get out of the river last niirht.
They Included the barkentine Annie M.
Rolph. the steamer Horace X. Baxter
and the steamer Johan Poulsen.
The Annie M. Rolph has a cararo of
1.415,808 feet of lumber and is en
route for Port Pirie. Australia. The
two steamers are carrying full car
goes consigned to fan Pedro.
The tanker Oleum discharged ranrn
on the river yesterday and left down
on the return trip to Port San Luis.
The E4-Segundo. another tanker, got
out of the river for the trip to San aner aiscnarging here.
Paper Tor Extensive Port Improve
ments Is Taken.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 3. Port
bonds, to furnish funds for extensive
improvements planned for the Smith
Cove terminal, to the amount of 350,
000, will be purchased by Seattle
banks, under an agreement signed
yesterday by representatives of the
banks and the port commission. It
was announced.
Immediately following the signing
of the agreement, the port commis
sion let a contract for the erection of
a 500-foot two-story transit shed to
be erected at Smith Cove and work
will be commenced at once on im
provements of the present terminal
buildings to provide better passenger
Rate of 4 8 Miles an Hour Attained
Ofr Xorthhead, Is Report.
ASTORIA, Or., Oct, 3 (Speoial.)
The heavy and steady wind that com
menced a coupie ot days ago de
veloped into a real southerly gale last
night and continued all day. At
Northhead the wind attained a' rate
of 48 miles an hour, while' in the city
there were gusts which exceeded a
30-mile rate. That the storm extends
well off shoreTis indicated by the high
seas running along the coast. This
evening the wind is moderating and
the barometer, which dropped to 29.60,
is starting up.
No damage has been reported either
on sea or land, with the exception of
a slide on the Seattle, Pacific & Spo
kane' railroad near Mayger, which de
layed the trains for several hours
last night.
Paeific Coast Shipping Xotes.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 3. f Special. )
Government gold expended in Seatti for
alterations and other work in Je.panes
ship since tlie first of the year will pass
ine i. t ".v"., m,K wnen me contract for
converting the- steamship Eastern Sword i
r -v- rV
from a coal burner into an oil burner is
i completed. ,
I Taking the plaoe of the sti-amsritp Prince I
j Rupert, which was beached in Swanson
Bay, B. C, last Wednesday after striking j
a rock, fhe steamship Prince George will
handle the Grand Trunk-Pacific company's
Seattle-Vancouver, Anyox-Prlnise Rupert,
The steamer West Ivis arrived last nlcnt
bringing a general cargo of .VXIO tons from
Mani'a and way ports for discharge at
Seattle. .
The steamer Clauseus, now en route
to Portland from Sabine, Tex . with DO00
tons of sulphur, will come to Puget sound
after discharging to load railroad Ues for
England. .
After SDendlne- several days at the
mouth of the Columbia river, engaged in
mine planting practice, the baited htatesj
mine planting steamer. Major Samuel j
Ringgold, arrived here this morning to
resume station at Kort Worden The
Ringgold had a rough trip from the Co
lumbia, having been caught in the south
east storm which prevailed Friday.
COOS BAT. Or.. Oct. S. (Special.)
Although the storm of the last two days
had moderated todyy. the wind still
blew strong and heavy rain continued.
No damage to shipping had been reported
up to tonight.
The steamer' City of Topeka. bar;bounl
here for two days, sailed today for Port
land with passengers and cargo from San
The steamer Johanna Smith departed
today for San Francisco with a cargo of
lumber loaded bera.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. a. fSpeoial.) The
steam schooner Horace X. Baxter, carry
ing lumber from Portland, sailed at 0:30
today for San Krancisco.
The steamer Kantern Soldier with lum
ber from St. Helens aed Wewtport. sailed
at 7:30 this morning for Philadelphia.
The ' steam schooner Johan Poulsen.
carrying lumber from Westport, Bailed at
1 1 today for San Francisco.
The steam schooner Multnomah with
lumber from St. Helena, called at 4 this
morning for San Francisco and San Pedro.
The barkentine Anna Rolph arrived
from Portland at 3 this morning with a
cargo of lumber for Austrnlia. She will
be towed down the coast by the tug Storm
After discharging fuel oil In Portland
the tank steamer 131 Segundo sailed at
1:30 this morning for California.
The steamer Artigaa arrived at'4 this
afternoon from Seattle with part cargo
for Portland from the eastern coast. She
will load 1.S0O.OOO feet of Ues at Wauna
and too. 000 feet of lumber at Westport
before proceeding to Portland to dis
charge. A wirVless message received this after
noon said the steam r City of Topeka will
be dne at 8 tomorrow morning from Ban
Francisco, via way porta en routs to Port
land. 'San Francisco. Oct. 39. Special. )
Captain Henry, of the French bark Pierre
Antonlne, brought hia command Into port
late Saturday without the assistance of
pilot or towboat. With a good spread of
canvas drawing to a favorable wind the
French merchantman sailed through the
Golden Gate to an anchorage. The Pierre
Antonlne was in ballaat. 197 days from
Dunkirk. She la one of a number of
French windjammers which have been
chartered to load grain on thla coast for
the United Kingdom, a trade In which
they plied extensively prior to the war.
Three new steamers built at local yards
departed today on their first voyages
They are the Jalapa. Captain C'hrlstensen,
which will load flour on the sound for
the United Kingdom at the rate of $Ji:
the Heber, Captain Carstens. which will
load grain on the sound also for the United
Kingdom, and the Halway, Captain Deery,
which has a cargo of oil for Balboa.
Bringing 44.448 caes of salmon and
US fishermen, the Alaska Packers' bark
Star of Finland. Captain Wiese, arrived
late Saturday, 15 days from Alitak. The
San Francisco salmon fleet is now In home
waters, with the exception of four vessels
due to arrive within a few days.
Four day 21 hours was the fast time
logged for the run from Honolulu to the
coast by the United States "army trans
port Great Northern, which .arrived at
noon today, berthing at the Fort Mason
piers. The troopship brought a large list
of military passengers and casuals.
The freighter West Cadron left today
for San Pedro to finish loading for Manila.
In ballast, the Alaska Packers' tender
Kanak, Captain Mclaughlin, arrive.d to
day, seven days for Loring.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Oct. 8. Arrived at 2 A.M.,
Steamer oleum from Port San I.uis. Sailed
at 11 P. M., Steamer Oleum for Port San
1. uis.
ASTORIA, Oct. 3. Sailed At midnight.
Steamer Eastern Soldier for New York and
Philadelphia; at 1 A. M., Steamer El Se
gundo for San Pedro: at 3 A. M., Steamer
Multnomah fur San Francisco and San Pe
dro. Arrived: Iovn, at a A. M., Barken
tine Annie M. Rolph; at 8 A. Al., Steamer
Horace X. Baxter; at 0:30 A. M., Steamer
Johau Poulsen.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3. Sailed: At 1
A. M.. Steamer Jalapa for Portland; last
night. Steamer Hawarden from Portland
fur London and Liverpool; steamer Paraiso
for Portland.
SALINA CRUZ. Oct. 2. Sailed: Steamer
Point Lobos from Portland for Callao.
TACOMA, Oct. 3. Arrived: Steamer
Fred Baxter from Portland.
SAN PEDRO, Oct. 2. Arrived: Steamer
Ryder Hanify from Columbia river.
PORT SAN LUIS, Oct. 3. Arrived:
Steamer W'aabtenaw from Portland.
TACOMA. Wawh., Oct. 3. Sailed Dutch
steamer Eeenidijk for Roterdam via Se
attle; Skagway.Tor Alaska ports.
SAN PEDRO. Cal., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Arrived Steamers Tamaha, 7 A. M.. from
the orient; Daisy Freeman, J2 noon from
Gras Harbor; Celiio, 10 A. M., from San
Pedro; Admiral Schley. 4 P. M., from
Sailed Steamers President, . for San
Francisco, 10 A. M.; Celiio. for Portland,
4 P. M.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 3. Arrived
Steamers Admiral Farragut, from San
Francisco: Admiral Goodrich, from south
eastern Alaska; West Katan, from Liver
pool; Richmond, from San Pedro; Amur,
from British Columbia ports.
Sailed Steamers Admiral Goodrich, for
southeastern Alaska; Richmond, for San
V. S. Xaval Radio Reports.
(All positions reported at S P. M., un
less otherwise indicated.)
ATLAS, San Pedro for Ketchikan, 340
miles from Port Angeles.
W. F. HBRK1N. Monterey for Portland,
4S7 miles from Monterey.
QUEEN, San Francisco for Seattle, 443
miles from Seattle.
JOHANNA SMITH, Coos Bay for San
Francisco, 302 miles north of San Fran
cisco, GOVERNOR, Seattle for San Francisco.
2itt miles south of Cape Flattery.
CITY OF TOPEKA, Marshfield for
Portland. 95 miles south of Columbia
PARAISO, San Francisco for Portland,
185 miles north of San Francisco.
WESTERN CROSS, Portland for Lon
don via Panama canal, 40 miles south ot
M1SKIANZA, Manila for San Francisco,
1 400 miles west of San Fincisco, October
2. 8 P. M.
WAWALOXA." Kobe for Portland. 746
miles from. Columbia river lightship,
October 2, 8 P. M. -
ARCHER, Everett for San Francisco,
left Everett.
CATHERINE D, Anacortes for N'a
naimo, 24 miles from Anacortes.
EVERETT, Everett for San Pedro, leav
ing Everett.
RICHMOND, towing barge 95, Seattle
for San Pedro, anchored in Port Angeles,
storm bound.
FKED BAXTER, arrived from Tacoma.
HAa'DES, Honolulu for San FranuUiCo,
311 miles west of Honolulu.
Eu'TER.PRISE. San Francisco for Hllo,
1912 miles west of i'an Francisco.
HOBOKEN. Honolulu for San Pedro,
2O&0 miles from San Pedro. .
EASTERN GALE, Port Allen for San
Francisco, 1013 miles from San Francisco.
LURL1NE, San Francisco tor Honolulu,
SO miles west of Sa.n Francisco.
ECUADOR, 1340 miles west of San Fran
cisco. HYADES, Honolulu for San Francisco, 72
miles from San Francisco, October 3 at
8 P. M.
FRANK BUCK. Gavlota for Portland
114 miles from Gaviota.
DILL WORTH, Point Wells for San Pe
dro. 250 miles from San Pedro.
AVALON, WJllapa Harbor for San Fran
cisco. 40 miles north of San t rancisco.
ARGYLL, Port San Luis for Seattle. 720
miles from Seattle.
WEST CADRON, San Francisco for San
Pedro, 10 mites west of Point Sur.
QCAB31N, Los Angeles for tevattie. 275
miles from Los Angeles.
WEST KASSON, Baltimore for San
Francisco, 83 miles from San Francisco.
LANSLVG, Vancouver for Port San Luis,
20S miles from Port San Luis.
HEBBR, San Francisco for Portland, 63
miles north of San Francisco.
STOCKTON, San Pedro for Seattle, 125
mlies north of Ban Francisco.
LAVIDA, San Francisco for Seattle, 1
miles north of San Krancisco. October 3
at 8 P. St.
-WEST KALAN. San Francisco for Se
attle. 521 miles north of San Francisco.
8 P. M.. October 2.
WILHEJ.MINA. San Francisco for
Honolulu, 10!ii miles from San Francisco,
8 P. M.. October 2.
WEST SE'JUANA. San FranelBCO for
Tokuhama, BIO miles west of San Fran
cisco, 8 P. M., October 2.
PAWLHT. Portland for Kobe. 73 miles
northwest of Columbia river, 8 P. M-. Oc
tober 2.
t'ITT OF RENO. Kahulul for Portland.
6J2 miles from Portland, 8 P. M-. Octo
ber 2.
nELLWOOD. Relllnerharn for Honolulu.
822 miles from Rellingham.
DERULAY. Seattle for Sarr Pedro and
South American ports, 10 miles aoulh of
Umatilla lightship.
WfclST SBgUAXA, ?an Francisco for
Yokohama, 7110 miles west of San Fran
cisco. HORACE X. BAXTER. Portland for
S!n Pedro. 50 miles south of Columbia
river llghtxhip.
CI.ARHMONT. Raymond for San Pedro,
bar-bound In Willapa harbor.
EL-SEGUNDO. Portland for Richmond.
4',s miles from North Richmond.
W. S. PORTER. Everett for San Fran
cinco. 878 miles from Everett.
MULTNOMAH, St. Helen's for San
r rancisco. f)0 miles south of Columbia
MOFFETT, San Pedro for Portland, 115
jii'is snuin or Astoria.
for Point Wells, 145 miles from Point
W ells.
EASTERN SOLDIER., Westport for San
Pedro. 47 miles south by east, magnetic,
from Columbia river lightship. ' .
LURLINE, San Francisco for Honolulu.
382 miles west of San Francisco at noon.
Tides at Astoria Mondny.
High Water. I Water.
5:59 A. M 6.4 ft. (11:30 A. M 3.3 ft.
5:23 P. M 7 ft. I
Report From Mouth or Columbia.
NORTH HEAD. Oct. 3. Condition of the
sea at 3 P M.. moderate; wind, south, 44
PORTLAND. Oct. 3 Maximum tem
perature. 86 degree; minimum. 54 degrees.
River reading at 8 A. M., 5.5 feet; change
in last 24 hours. 0.5 foot rise. Total rainfall
I3P. M. to 5 P. M. .. O.lo Inch: total rain
fail since September 1. ll20, 48 inches:
normal rainfall since September 1. 2.13
Inches; excels of rainfall since Sep
tember 1. 1920, 2.73 inches. Sunrise. 6:12
A. M.: sunset. fi:4S P. M. Total sunshine.
51 minutes; possible sunsh ine, 11 hours.
36 minutes. Moonrlse. 9:59 P. M. : moon
set, 12:2:4 P. M. Barometer (reduced to
sa level) at S P. M.. 29.87 inches. Rela
tive humidity at S A. M., 96 per cent; at
noon, 71 per cent; at 5 P. M., 7a per cent
: t
.021. .IS
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Pt. cloudy
A. M, today,
P. M. report of preceding
and vicinity Rain;
Oregon and Washington Rain:' moder
ate southerly winds in Interior, fresh south
westerly gale along coast, diminishing dur
ing afternoon. -
Southwest storm warnings ordered 6:30
P. M. for mouth of Columbia river. Grays
Harbor and entrance to Strait of fc'r .u
3 Republican Governors to Speak.
NEW YORK, Oct. S. Three repub
lican governors Coolidge of Massa
chusetts, republican vice-presidential
nominee: Allen of Kansas and Sproul
of Pennsylvania will speak at the
Baker I 4S' 72 0
Boise I. . . 7 )
Boston . ..... ..I 72 0.
Calgary . . ... . . 56 0
Chicago I 74:0.
Denver . . . .1. . . 82,0
Dpb Moines. J... I Sou.
Eureka ....(... 72!0.
Galveston ..l... 74,0
Helena . . . . 4Si Hs o
Juneau t . . .1 4( 44 0.
Kansas City)... SJ'O
Los Angeles'... 74 0.
Marshfleld .1 5S 7i'.
Medford ... 42 76 0
Minneapolis ... 72 o
New Orleans... 74:0.
New York 6S o.
North Head. 53 ."0.
Phoenl. !I6 0
Pocatello 74 0.
Portland .. 54 lln.
Roseburg .. 52 74 0.
Sacramento I 50! 84 0
St. Louis. ..(.. .1 82 0.
Salt Lake. . 70 0
San Diego. .... 6S 0.
S. Francisco! ... I 74 10
Seattle .... 4S; n 0.
Sitkat (
Spokane ... 50 2'0.
Tacoma ... 4! 00 0.
Valdeit S'.VJiO.
Walla Walla 52 7!0.
Washington ...I 72 n
Winnipeg Ki 0
Yakima .... 40j "(I (.
Is Toothless Old
Age Inevitable"?
If some of the teeth have started
to go, the rest? will surely follow
unless a way can "be found to
check the real cause of so much
tooth destruction. In 95 in every
100 cases according to author
itative belief that cause is
' ' 'Acid-Mouth."
Counteracts "Acid-Mouth"
Teeth that are sound and whole now
will have an excellent chance to remain so,
if their possessor will use Pebeco Tooth
Paste every night and morning, and have
a dentist go over them twice a year.
Pebeco counteracts "Acid-Mouth" by
encouraging the saliva to do its normal
work of protecting the teeth, gums and
entire oral cavity from acids and other
harmful secretions and deposits.
k Qa SiON u OUR OrS T
The children just love
WR1GLEV5 and it's good
for them.
Made under conditions of
absolute cleanliness and
brought to them in WRIGLEY 3
sealed sanitary package.
Satisfies the craving
for sweets aids digestion
purifies breath allays thirst
and helps keep teeth clean.
Philadelphia academy of music Octo
ber 15, it was announced at repub
lican national headquarters here yes
terday. Ktg. V. S. Pat. Off.
Pebeco is sold by druggist3
-imul tVrsiB Trf aj tii il I ssrnii )1 L&J KJL
Stifi 5c .
General Merchandise.
483 to 494 Washing-ton St.
Take the car. home from
Neuralgic Pains
Give Way o Soothing Hamlin's
Wixard Oil.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe, sim
ple and effective treatment for both
headache and neuralgia. Ilubbed
in where the pain i.i, it eases the
tortured nerves and almost invariably
brings quick relief. Keep a supply
on hand.
Wizard Oil Is a good dependable
preparation to have in the medicine
chest for first aid when the doctor
may be far away. Its healing, anti
septic qualities can always be re
lied upon as a preventative against
infection, or other .serious results,
from sprains, bruises, cuts, burns,
bites and stings. Just as good. too.
for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites,
cold sores and canker sores.
Generous size bottle 3.7c
If vou are troubled with constipation
or BL'k headache try Hamlin's Wizard
Liver Whips. JuKt pleasant little pink
pil.s at druggists for 30c Adv.
If yon are troubled with pains or
aches; feci tired; have becdacl
indipestion. insomnia: oainsui dbss-
ase Jt v.nne, yo j will tux2 relief m
The world's standard remedy fov HCarfr.
ItTcr, tlcdder anc v.zic acid troble3 ant?
Na'-ionf 1 fleaisdy of Hc!lard aincc 1696.
iTMOf eiz .8, ell crujgiots. Gura-.J,
fjxi- fat. &o aexe GoM Mcdm or. avarv hnr
aau ::cpw "!0 ;
iiwiiiiaiimiiii ai'n i ,ir i m in 1
Br . . ( ' ,- ,,f 1" .. 3
4 Duirrrmt Kinds of I.aoadrV
4 Different Prieea
EAST 404
Stop Your Coughing
No need to let that couch persist. Stop th
irritation, and remove ttcklins and hoarse
ness by soothing the inflamed throat witii
V 2. A. y. A A. M. A stated
communication will be held
in their loriire room thia
(MitniLiVl rvenins u , ?-ao
October 4. After a short
bUMi nesa
urn srMiun, mg loaee win o ad
dressed by Urother ProtVsMor b'rederielc
S llunn 'rhA .iihi... in k.. ..... -
. . .. - " ".-j. uo .imsuniQ
Origins. Visltinir brethren cordially
inviteii. Bv order of M
lo... A. F. AND A. M. Slated
communication thin t.V.m-
11. V "JeV,,:a o'clock, fcast
Jlh and Ghsan Work in
-- dearee. Visitors wel
come. By order w f
12. A. K AND A. SI. Speeclal
communication thl, (MondaO
e ,i" ! o clock. Work in the
31. M. decree. Visiting breth
ren welcome. "
w- -M. DE LIN. Sec
S.. will ive a benefit after
noon card party on Tuesday,
Oct o 2 o'clock, for Masonie
1 nd rf-"?.ter" S,ar "me fund.
. , - ana rrir-rwls wei
ThianmP.?.'"1 -UU"
-. O. E. S Stated com
munication this (.Monday)
evenins. Decrees. Visitors
welcome. Hy order of w. M
l'-'S. O. E. S. Stated com
munication this (Monday)
eve., Oct. 4. at 8 P. M. De
gree. Visitor welcome. By
order tv. M.
4T. U. C. C. OP E.. meets this
iMonday) evening at Pacific
States hall. 11th and Alder. Ini
tiation. Visltint; brethren wel
come. Major V. H. Kmrlck,
w . i nori isnor .i.iil. i, J..
Phone Seliwood -'dill'
REGULAR meeting of
Industry Ledge No. 8, A
O. U. W.. 3d floor Pvthlaa
.- - iiviuirrij Aiwaiim
r" YamhllL' Monday nlaht. a
Jl O'elcclc Rntrjkt ltin,.h
N W. J. ALLiuN. .Recorder.
EMBLEM Jewelry, Buttons, charms, plea,
new desixna. Jaeger Bros., lwl-3 Sixth at.
FRI'cDLANDERK for lodg-e emblems,
claM vius and uicaala. 10 Washlnstua it
riviy tl 1 HI
7i M if 3
" """"ail