THE aiORXIXG- OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 192Q Horning (toxgman ESTABLISHED BY HENRI I FITTOCK. Published by The Oregonian Publishing Co., I'M Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. C A. MOKDEN. B. B. PIPER. Manager. Editor. The Oregonian la a member of the Asao elated Pfeon. The Associated Press is ex clusively entitled to the uae for publication of all news despatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches here in are also reserved. VutMH-rlutloa Kates Invariably in Advance. (By Mail.) Pally, Sunday included, one year $5.00 IMily. Sunday included, six months ... iJally. Sunday included, three months . 2.23 Ially. Sunday included, one month .... 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San Francisco representative, R. J. Bidwell. ON A JA1ILU HORSE. Having completea his western tour, what has Governor Cox accom .". pllshed? Four weeks remain before , election and, unless something should develop during- that period to produce a revolution in public opin ion, the impressions formed during the last month will be reflected in the popular vote. Mr. Cox has been eloquent ana vo ciferous in behalf of the Wilson league, but has not offered a prac ticable plan for putting the United States into it. Nor has he been able to change the conviction prevalent among both friends and foes of the Versailles covenant that Mr. Wilson himself has scrapped it by his auto cratic conduct and obstinacy. By taking upon himself the defense of this most conspicuous example of Wilsonism, Mr. Cox has taken up a load which will crush him. Krom the league Mr. Cox turned to charges about a republican slush fund, which have been disproved and have served only to invite attention to the source of his own campaign fund and to the popular subscrip tions in small sums upon which his opponents rely. Many questions have been ad ', dressed to Mr. Cox as to whether he would enforce prohibition. Saying he would answer frankly, he ans wered evasively. He always avoided saying he would oppose weakening the Volstead act. The people studied his record and the character of the men to whom he owes his nomina tion, and they formed the conclusion that there would be a high percent age, tof humidity in a Cox adminls ' (ration. Trading on the name of Theodore Roosevelt, whose fifth cousin is run ning mate, Mr. Cox made m appeal to the progressives of the west by t proclaiming himself one of them. ' The people recalled what Roosevelt the real Roosevelt said in the early years of the war and what Cox's newspaper said of the Lusi tania. They recalled what Roose velt said of Wilson, with whom Cox Is in "perfect accord." The men and women who love Roosevelt and honor his memory want none of the Cox brand of progressiv-sm. From every platform Cox has de clared that Harding Is the nominee of a "senatorial oligarchy" which . forced his nomination. That led people to consider the oligarchy by which Cox was forced on a wearied convention. The senators in almost every state are nominated by a di rect primary of their parties, in all states they are elected by direct vote f all the people. They are truly representatives, and their leaders, n forming the alleged oligarchy, are the choice of their colleagues. Who elected Murphy, Nugent, Taggart '. and Drennan, who compose Cox's ; oligarchy? They elected themselves by building up political organizations around themselves, and they chose Cox because he is one of their own kind. All these spurious issues, put be fore the people with all the art of a demagogic orator, could not evoke popular acclaim, for there is a groundswell of disgust with demo cratic administration which makes the people sceptical of all that a democrat says. Mr. Taft is right In saying of Mr. Cox: "He is riding a ) jaded horse." THE MENACE OK MENTAL ABROUAXCK. President Hopkins of Dartmouth college sounded a new note the other day In an opening address to stu- dents in which he urged attention to sins of omission in higher colleges which he regards as at least partly responsible for the disrepute into which certain great words of the language are falling. "Progressiv ism," "liberalism" and "idealism," each properly significant of "mental attitudes essential to the advance of vitilization," he finds, are "losing their force ... because asso - ciated so constantly with groups '. whose theories lead but to destruc tion or futility." The college presi dent continues: We have not put the- samo stigma on mental arrogance that we have on social or political presumption. We have not withheld admiration front the man of large intellectual capacity who was too self -centered or too selfish to utilise, this capacity for the benefit of society as wo have withheld approval from those who hoard wealth or political power. AVo have not held in dlsd.tin the man who utilizes Bis intellectual brilliancy for irresponsible pyrotechnic display to attract the atten- tion of an amazed populace aa we would - . . . in... u i " uic iiitu w no wnn like purpose splurged financially or nrm. tituted political power. Not a novel conception of steward ship, but one that will bear em S phauis in a time like the present, is the notion that we hold our natural . trifts, as we do our property, however honestly acquired, only in trust for , the benefit of our kind. The arro- gance of those who misapply bril liancy of Intellect lies in the assump tion that they alone deserve credit tor their achievements. There are intellectual Pharisees, as President Hopkins realizes, and they are no more comforting than the conven tional kind. The idea that the gift of superior mental power is no less -a trust than any other fortunate possession, once it takes deep root, will do much to foster go6d under standing in places now beset with af ri fa The Issue here raised is one of in tellectual and moral conscience com bined. Without trenching on the metaphysical, which Dr. Hopkins himself undoubtedly would avoid doing, it can be said that moral re sponsibility is increased by intel lectual power. We have the right to expect more from the mentally superior than from those whose lights are relatively dim. The lat ter may more than equalize the dis parity by "instinct ' for intelligent service to the welfare of the times in which they live," as Dr. Hopkins phrases it. And it must be increas ingly clear that narrow-mindedness may be as little to the advantage of an age as ineffective-mindedness. A class that deserves to be set down as intellectual profiteers because it trades on the necessities and the disadvantages of others will be richly rewarded in new inward satis faction if it will study the face in the mirror held up by this educator. There are nevertheless signs that the leaven is working. In science the "professional spirit" has come to be regarded rfs a thing' to be rev erenced. More and more the idea that a great discovery can be legiti mately kept as a secret is dis appearing. There is increasing co operation in the field of scientific research, as distinguished from that of sociology. One can only wonder whom President Hopkins had in mind when he alluded to the "ob stinacy of minds and the uncom, promising attributes of tempera ments in individuals whose intel lectual equipment has won leader ship in movements," which defeat their own purposes because of utter failure to comprehend the respon sibility that leadership of every kind implies. DAYS OF WISE COMPROMISK. ' A demc-iratic contemporary, his torically minded for the moment, remarks that when the United States constitution was presented for adop tion it was attacked on th ground that it created a super government over the states and "would destroy the people's liberties." We are also informed: The fight against the leaxue of nations is the fight against the American .con stitution all over again. The same fears are expressed. The same call is made for reservations. The same charges are made against those, who framed the instru ment. But the constitution was adopted. None of the things charged against, it came to pas. Kveiy fear proved groundless. Kvery contention against It was demon strated by experience to have been idle and foolish. Fairly accurate in part. Far from true in other respects. The principal criticism of the constitution as orig inally drafted was indeed that it cre ated a super-government that would have the power to destroy the peo ple's liberties. Hut the criticism was directed against things the constitu tion omitted rather than things which it contained. Its ratification was se cured by compromise. That com promise was agreement by the lead ers of the federalist party, which stood sponsor for. the constitution, that they would aid in securing amendments to the constitution which would guarantee the ' people against the feared loss of their lib erties. The promised guarantees were formulated by the first congress and were promptly adopted by the states. They are that part of the constitu tion known as the bill of rights and are in the first ten amendments. They guarantee free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms and security against unreasonable search: they insure the permanency of the jury system, pro tect the rights of accused persons, guard life, liberty and property against deprivation without due course of law, prohibit cruel and un usual punishments and safeguard other rights and liberties. In a word the chief objection to the constitution as originally framed was met, the honest doubts and fears of those who had opposed it were al layed, and the document was not in jured in the process. The same thing could have been done with the league covenant. If Washington, Adams, Jay, Marshall and others had been so unyielding as President Wilson the constitution would have probably failed of adoption. The early contentions against the consti tution have not been "demonstrated by experience to have been idle and foolish." Probably no sections of the constitution appear as often in court decisions protecting the rights of the people as the sections forming the bill or rights. RELATIONS WITH JAPAN. .Great desire of the Japanese peo ple for friendly relations with the United States is evidenced by the Yomiuri of Tokio in publishing a Japan-American supplement on the occasion of the visit of the American congressional party. The paper is run or articles by leading Japanese statesmen, politicians, business men and writers to the effect that, after the United States introduced Japan to the modern world, the immigra tion question must not be permitted to cause a quarrel. It is urged that, as the two principal civilized nations fronting on the Tacific ocean, the United States and Japan must co-operate in the interest of peace: that they have a common task in China and eastern Siberia; that they have common interests in commerce: and that war between them would be an absurdity. All of this Is true, ana it is the more reason for an understanding on the most serious poipt of disagree ment immigration which will put an end to friction. This cannot be reached unless it recognizes the un deniable fact that the two nations are different, an adjective which does not imply that one is inferior to the other. The difference is social. therefore cannot be removed by laws or treaties. The two nations can work together in international pol icy, in which their aims and interests coincide, if the masses of their people do not come into close con tact and attempt to mix. Social dif ference is a thing to be accepted as a tact, not to be argued away. If the subject should be approached from that viewpoint by Japan as well as America, there should be no insuperable obstacle to agreement. This is the more desirable because there is much work in which Japan and the United States can co-operate (or themselves, each other and the world. They can work together to promote order, good government and development in China and Siberia, based-'on the independence of those countries. There is better prospect of their doing so now that the milt tarist is yielding to the liberal ele nient in Japan. Those countries -will afford Japan plenty of room for its overflow population, and Americans will offer no objection to this expan sion provided it is not made the means of political or commercial domination. Americans of broad vision -welcome' the progress of Japan in de mocracy, commerce, industry and they welcome and reciprocate ex- pressions of good will such as the Yomiuri publishes. They will wel come good understanding between the two nations, which is possible only through frank recognition of the facts as to their relations. VINDICATING THE PROFESSORS. News from the colleges at the opening of the new term is that stu dent enrollment is unprecedented, but that business and industry con tinue to outbid education for the service of trained men. The absen tee strike goes on. The college pro fessor, wedded to his profession, might pause over an offer of, say, 10 per cent more salary in an alien field, but industry offers rewards far greater than that. An exchange records the case of a professor of biology at $2000 a year who has ex changed his chair for a position with an automobile company at $4000; a professor of modern lan guages at $1200 who has become a -trade commissioner at $4500, and a professor of English at $1500 who is to receive just three times that much as an advertising manager. Teach ers of public speaking are turning-to private speaking, in selling goods; a $3000 college' president finds that executive ability is in demand in commerce and will receive $7500. The story is not new, and the list might be indefinitely prolonged. It is, -nevertheless, to the optimis tically inclined, a vindication of the college professor, and an utter re futation of the cynicism of Shaw, which was to the effect that those who can do things do them, "while those who can't teach." The pro fessor -evidently is no longer the dreamy-eyed, absent-minded man of abstractions who boils his watch and puts the egg in his waistcoat pocket. That he has become a practical, wide-awake man, worth bidding for by business concerns, is a sign that a change is coming over the whole spirit of education. Yet there is point to the warning sounded by Vernon Kellogg in the North American Review, that the business world in the long run will injure business if it persists in its course. ' It will not be the first time that excessive competition has over reached itself. Industries that "pro vide for themselves today at the ex pense of the future" lack foresight, to say the least. The better plan is that now being fostered by certain of the larger industries, which are co operating with the technical schools in creating conditions under which professors have the promise of a living wage. The best type of teacher is worth as much to the school as he can pos sibly be to any private concern. It probably is true that some teachers are not worth more than they are now getting. But . the professors enumerated, who have made good on the outside, have completely justi fied their claims. FRIITS OF ALTOCRACT. One of the worst consequences of the establishment of autocratic rule by President Wilson has been whble sale discharge, on far better terms than were given to honorable sol diers, of so-called conscientious ob jectors in plain violation of the draft law. These favors were shown to slack ers only. Men who served in the army without effort to avoid service by making the plea of conscientious objection were court-martialed un der a military code which survives from Roman military law and were given long sentences in prison for small offenses such as absence with out leave. Men thus convicted in France were sent to the prison camp at Chelles, where they were beaten and tortured by "Hard-boiled" Smith and his picked gang of sluggers. Smith was tried and sentenced to three years in prison. General Persh ing reduced the sentence to eighteen months. A congressional committee reported that the original sentence was too light, but Smith did not serve all of the reduced sentence. He was released from Fort Jay, N. Y., on parole and allowed to go to his home for several months of the time. Then he was nominally sent to Leav enworth prison, but actually was re quired only to mail a report of his movements to the authorities there. His sentence has now expired. When the soldiers who fought re turned from France, many of them landed penniless, their pay being long overdue, and the administration had made no provision for their re turn to civil life. When the slackers who refused to fight were set free, they were given honorable discharge, full pay for the time that they had refused to serve, civilian clothes and an apology. A direct result of this kindness to men who were too yellow to fight was a mutiny among the remaining prisoners at Leavenworth. It was not suppressed, but by order of Sec retary Baker the commanding offi cers surrendered to the mutineers by sot merely permitting but by co-op erating with them in establishment of a soviet to which government of the prison was practically handed over. Leniency to the conscientious objectors was the cause of the mu tiny, according to Frederick Stone, a prisoner, who said: It was the dissension . . . the re lease of 113 C. O.s (conscent'ous object ors! by Secretary of War Baker, all al lowances and back pay. army pay, after they had been confined six to eight months; that was what caused the cis- enstou. aunerai uprising. The whole story was brought out at an inquiry, in the United States court. The prisoners struck and, when Colonel Rice, the commandant, attempted to address them, they hooted him. At the suggestion of the executive officer, Chaplain Smith, they appointed a committee which adopted resolutions asking Rice to telegraph Baker a plea for reduced sentences or amnesty, that the com mitteemen be not punished and de nouncing the act of Baker in releas ing the conscientious objectors. Rice sent the telegram and gave his per sonal promise that the leaders should not be punished. When in formed that the men would go to work. Rice shed "big tears," accord ing to one prisoner, and gave the committee a "midnight lunch," the first ever served in the prison. A committee composed of repre sentatives elected by the prisoners in each wing was then elected, a con sitution and by-laws were drawn up and revised by Rice, an executive committee of four was chosen, to "confer with" the commandant once a week and with the executive offi cer daily, and subcommittees were appointed to run .every department of the prison and its government. Soviet rule was fully established. Terrorism by the committee, akin to that of the Russian soviet, soon became the rule. It destroyed the regular discipline and was accom panied by wholesale stealing, by vice and drunkenness. Whisky was smug gled in, Intoxicants were made of prune Juice and lemon extract, mor phine and other drugs were stolen from the hospital and sold to prison ers, gambling went on openly and a "redlight district" was ' established where depraved vices were practiced. Sheets, blankets, socks and handker chiefs were stolen in thousands and shipped away for sale:- Orders, of the guards were reversed by com mittees and the latter were obeyed. The soviet had a slugging committee, which beat men who reported mis deeds to the commandant or" guards who asserted authority. Many men escaped, seventy-eight in one month, filling out and signing their own transportation blanks. Some escaped In order to save their lives from the sluggers. Finally-a man was slugged to death and inquiry in the United States court followed. In giving a synopsis of the testimony the Kansas City Star teiys: The soviet was sanctioned officially by Secretary Baker and the war depart ment, and the army officers in charge of the barracks bad to submit to the soviet. All of these proceedings, destruc tive of the moral spirit and disci pline of the army, were in flagrant violation of the law, but they accord with the spirit of pacifism. Speaking at St. Louis on September 20, 1916, Secretary Baker said: You may classify ma as a professional pacifist. I belong to every peace society, and it is my co'uention we ought to sub stitute reason for force. In other words, Mr. Baker was a conscientious objector, and therefore had a fellow-feeling for the men who objected to serve because they were pro-Germans, communists, so cialists Or I. W. W.. not because they were members of "a well-recognized sect or organization whose creed or principles forbid its members to par ticipate in war." He found that con gress had not provided exemption for his kind of objectors, so he boldly established a new class, outsldeof and contrary to law. On October 17, 1917, he sent a "confidential" order through the adjutant-general to the commanders of all national arm and national guard camps, instruct ing them "to segregate the conscien tious objectors," to handle them "with tact and consideration," not to treat them "as violating military law. . The order closed with this evidence that Baker feared condem nation by public opinion: Under no circumstances are the instruc tions contained In the foregoing to be given to the newspapers. This attempt to enact law by edict of a department head was approved by President Wilson, for on March 23, 1918, he signed an executive or der that not only members of a re ligious sect which forbids participa tion in war but those "who object to participating in war because of con scientious scruples but have failed to receive certificates as members of a religious sect or organization from their local board will be assigned to non conrbatant military service." Though Mr. Baker has taken pre cautions to prevent public opinion from becoming informed of what he was doing, he wrote to the president on July 2, 1918: We are now doing all that public opin ion will stand m the interest of conscien tious objectors. His guide was not the plain mean ing of the law but all that he thought public opinion will, stand" when kept in the dark. Thus was leniency given slackers, severity imposed up on those who, though offending against discipline, had shown readi ness to fight, and mercy esiended the bully, Smith. The fighters were handed over to be slugged by Smith and his gang or by the other hard- boiled men. who naturally come to the top among a'erowd of mutineers like those who organized the Leaven worth soviet. It is to guard the people against men with such a peculiar twist in their minds as Mr. Wilson and Mr. Baker have revealed that the fathers of the republic founded a govern ment or law, not of men. - The Wil son autocracy is a government of men, not of law, and we see its fruits. Mr. Pat Foie, who opens his new hotel in The ralles today, has some thing of which to be proud in the woodwork, all of Oregon fir, with wonderful efects in the grain and the polishing thereof. Pat Foley, by the way, is as much an asset of The Dalles personally as is his hotel com mercially." This electrical exposition proposed for Portland in 1925 ought to be one of the most popular events ever held. Think of the grand opportunities for getting lit up. The Dutch government has de cided to make the ex-Kaiser pay an income tax. It would be still more to the point if they'd make it an in heritance tax. Foor little Pu-yi, the 14-year-old ex-emperor of China, wants to visit the United States. Wonder what movie director has been offering him a contract? A fellow thrown out of a Harding meeting for disturbance at Baltimore lias exaggerated ideas of value for a democrat- He is suing for $100,000 damages. The "punkin" pie is pushing aside the huckleberry affair and soon the "punkin" will get its from the mince article. Thus the progress of the seasons. Whatever Commissioner Bigelow asks for the fire bureau, he should be given. Fire is a master that must be suppressed in this city. New York figures twenty-five years ahead on her intra-mural traf fic. Portland would not be "crazy" if she did the same. Edison's Invention to talk to the dead may connect up with Bryan's heart in the grave if the wizard only will hurry. Registration shows a 3-to-l ratio, and that undoubtedly will be the size of the Harding vote in Multnomah county. September was a wet month in Astoria, but if it had anything on Portland only the record will show It really begins to look as if the sun has declared for the closed shop in Oregon. Why not a torchlight parade for republican first voters and invite the state ? . Last day to get- on the city ticket. which, by the way, is full enough. Flour and butter drop today healthy pancake combination. At least two days at the Gresham fair will be about right. BY-PRODUCTS - OK THE TIMES. American Gift of Picturesque Extc Iteration Illustrated. "It is said that American conver sation among men tends to degen erate into a mere exchange of anec dotes," writes, Mrv William Archer in "Observations a rial Reflections." "I can remember ? only one party who was in the least degree open to this reproach," he says; "and there the aneodotes were without exception so good and so admirably told that I, for one, should have been sorry to ex change them even for the loftiest dis courses on Shakespeare and the mu sical glasses. "Here, for instance, is aa example of the American gift of picturesque exaggeration. On board one of the Florida steamboats, which have to be built with exceedingly light draft to get over the " frequent shallows of the rivers, an Englishmen accosted the captain with the remark, 'I un derstand, captain, that you think nothing of steaming across a meadow where there's been a heavy fall of dew.' "Well, I don't know about that,' replied the captain, 'but it is true that we sometimes have to send a man ahead with a watering-pot!' Or take, again, the story of the southern coloneLj who was conducted to the theater to see Salvinl'a 'Othello.' He witnessed the performance gravely. and remarked at the close, 'That was a mighty good show, and I don't see but that the coon did as well as any of 'em.' "A third anecdote that charmed me on this occasion was that of the man, who, being invited to take a drink, replied, 'No, no; I solemnly promised my dear dead mother never to touch drop; besides, boys, it's too early in the morning; besides, I've just had one.' " The oldtime family doctor is rap idly disappearing, Dr. Matthias Nicoll Jr., acting' state commissioner of health, declared in an. address before the conference of state health offi cers and public health nurses, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Specialists are taking the place of the general practitioner, he asserted, leaving the field of general practice of medicine open to the "quack and charlatan." To restore the depleted ranks of the general practitioner, for whom, he said, "there is a crying need," Dr. Nicoll advocated that the ' state for mulate qualifications for 'practicing a specialty in medicine. The most important of these. he contended, should be astipulation that the can didate must have engaged in general practice. In parf time at least, for a period of not less than five years. "Under present conditions," he said, after a few weeks or months of study, a successful case or two, es pecially in a small community, and a specialist is born full-fledged from the head of Jove." 8 The city of Antwerp received its name in a curious fashion. The first habitation was a castle of three tow ers on the river Scheldt, ruled by a great robber ' named Antigonus. Legend gives him a height of 40 feet, and strength in proportion. As the main road ran by his castle gates he formed the jolly habit of halting travelers and demanding heavy toll ere he would" allow them to proceed. In cane they refused, or had not the money, -he seized them and cut off their hands, holding that the sight of such unfortunate wretches wan dering about the country would be excellent propaganda to . the ' effect that he meant business. The hands he threw or tossed into "the river, and in time the spot became known as "Hantwerpen" or "hand-tossing." A giant wooden figure of Antigonus Is in existence, and . on great parades it is dragged through the streets with a man inside,' who by means of a lever, works the head back and forth in a somewhat lifelike man ner. The figure is 40 feet in height Detroit News. ' Richard Stapells is Toronto's 87-year-old youngster. Through three generations he has wrbled in tunes pleasant to the ear, and he Is still an active chorister. Born in London, he was a close friend of Charles Dick ens. His youth was spent in Roches er, England, where he first sang in a choir 68 years ago. lie is now in his forty-seventh year as a member of the choir of All Saints Anglican church, Toronto. He can reach high on the scale, though his normal voice is a deep bass. His son, Richard Jr., is organist of the Church of the Mes siah in the same city, and his grand son, also named for him, is a Toronto manufacturer and clubman. If you have a message to send. to a girl, the Boston Transcript tells you how to "say It with flowers": If you consider her a wise girl, say it with sage. If you think her cold, say it with snowdrops. Ifyou desire to marry her, say it with a poppy. , If you know she has a sweet "both, say it with candytuft. If she impresses ypu as a sad girl, say it with rue. If she is of a happy, joyous nature, say it with gladiolas. If she seems a prunes and prisms sort of girl, say it with primula. If you think her a sour, sharp tongued old maid, say it with snap dragons, catnip and a century plant. Mrs. Louis Bustanoby, widow of the famous New York restaurateur, re cently admitted to reporters that it was true that she had become en gaged to Count Giuseppe di Colonna. and said that In a short time she would return to Europe and go to the count's home in "Italy where they would be married. She also laugh ingly admitted that she had written home: "I have plenty of money, they have none. Counts are cheap. Why not bring one home with me?" "Yes, I wrote that,;', she said, "and the only reason that I did not bring him home was that I was afraid that I would have to pay duty on him." The home of an old man named Walsh of Dungarvan. Waterford. Ire land, whese son is evading capture b the authorities, has been raided at night so many times by the mili tary and police that he has sent them the key of the door in order to save himself the trouble in future of get ting up to let them in." "I don't think Reginald is going to propose, mother, dear." "But. Gladys, he is constantly buy ing you the most expensive presents." "They are what convince me that he will never be able to rent a flat and pay the first installment on tiio furniture." Washington Star. Those Who Come and Go. Cigarettes are baneful, whether you roll your own or whiff the Turkish terribles of Hackensack, N. J. This statement is backed by no less an authority than J. A. Hermann, of the Portland clerical staff. " It is noticeable that Mr. Hermann's net tonnage has increased of lata, and inquiry develops the interesting fact that he weighs 193 pounds, while six months ago he recorded but 146. Ab stention from tobacco wrought this change, declares Mr. Hermann, as he loosens his vest and gazes proudly around. , Entirely willing to make affidavit that the most ponderous pumpkins in all the world are grown, in Idaho with the possible exception of Ore gon Richard W. Childs, manager of the Hotel Portland, returned the other day from Boise where he attended the Idaho state fair. He was accompanied by Mrs. Childs. Some year ago, and just preceding hia honey mouii, Mr. Childs was secretary of the Boise commercial club. The ' Idaho state fair was among his pet projects. He washed and dressed it, and combed its hair, and honked the clarion of public ity. "Despite my protracted absence." admitted Mr. Childs, "I found the fair to be more successful than, ever, with a larger attendance and a roster of exhibits that exceeds the most hope ful dreams of the old days. I regret, however, to say that the two-headed calf industry has disappeared from the-entries, though its place is more than taken in public interest by very superior dairy and beef stock." - All the elevators In Portland's fed eral buildings the new postoffice, the old postoffice and the custom house are now smoothly functioning and halting at the pre-ordained floors. The heating plants are ready for a hard winter, whether it comes or not. And this befalls by reason of the visit of W. A. Brennan, qf Washington, D. C, who is officially charged with an annual Inspection of machinery in government buildings. Among hia official privileges is the stopping of any federal elevator at any floor, or mid-way, and his least word is law to the janitor. He registered at the Imperial during his brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grider of Tilla mook are at the Oregon for a few days. One fails to see just why Mr. Grider deserted the coast city at this season of the year. For all the rivers that flow into the Pacific near to Tillamook are, at the present writing as the polite correspondent would phrase it simply teeming with sil verslde salmon, steelhead and sea trout. "The plea of business, how ever valid it might be at any tother time, Is certainty unseasonable." com mented Clerk Doyle, "considering the piscatorial advantages of Mr. Grider's native heath." "T like Portland." confided A. Tt. Siissman of Minneapolis to the day clerk of the Multnomah. "I like this city because it reminds me so much of my own. They are twins, you might say, in the sisterhood of American cities. Of almost the same size, each is renowned for scenic beauties, pretty children and cleanly streets and buildings. By ginger! if I wasn't already committed to Minne apolis for life, I couldn't pick another location that would please me more than Portland." With Dewey in Manila bay. and serving under Gridley when the Amer ican admiral put the historic ques tion that opened a decisive naval bat tle, was Robert L Trask, who reg istered at the Multnomah the other day. Mr. Trask, who also saw sea service with Fighting Bob Bvans. is now a ship chandler at Wilmington. Del., and has definitely chosen to re main on "the dull, tame shore" rather than to rove the seas as chief petty officer. E. D. Aldrich, editor of the Pendle ton Kast OreR-onian, registered at the Portland yesterday, where he greet ed his little daughter. Amy Elirabeth, who has been under treatment in a lo cal hospital during the past several weeks q u I t e grieved at missing round-up. "The round-up was bigger and better than ever." said Mr. Al drich. with the proud smile of the true Fendletonian. Miss Marguerite Mahoney of Min neapolis is registered at the Multno mah while en route home from an extended visit in California. During the war Miss Mahoney was manager of one of the government hotels in Washington. D. C. and is thoroughly experienced as a hotel manager and executive. Later she was in official service as secretary to the comman dant at Fort Snelling, Minn. Charles Hall, president of the Ore gon state chamber of commerce, ar rived yesterday from Coos Bay to open the Northwest Rivers and Har bors convention this morning. He Is accompanied by Mrs. Hall and is stop ping at the Benson. Herman Wise, veteran postmaster and port enthusiast of Astoria, and B. F. Jones, port commissioner and community booster of Newport, are registered at the Imperial while at tending the northwest rivers and har bors convention. Mrs. M. It. Hogue of Klamath Falls who is one of the most exalted offi cials of the Eastern Star in Oregon, is at the Imperial while visiting local friends and attending to lodge af fairs. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sandborg. and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sandborc of Galesburg, 111., are at the Oregon while visiting points of scenic in terest near this cit.. T. B. Cushman of Cushman. Or.. down Cooo Bay way, is at the Impe rial while here as a delegate to the rivers and harbors convention. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Klersted of Boise, Idaho, were among the new arrivals yesterday at the Portland. Dr. G. W. Marshall and Mrs. Mar shall registered at the Portland last night. J. M. Watron of Roseburg is afthe Benson for a few days' business visit. TIME SAVING IS EXAGGERATED Distances By Old and Sies Routes to Willamette Boulevard Compared. PORTLAND, Oct. 1. (To the Editor.) Publication of the engin eer's extravagant claim that the new county road from Russell street to Willamette boulevard makes a sav ing of twenty' minutes to autoists. is not justified by the facts. The old route over hard surface pavement by way of Kmerson street and Albina-Mississippi avenue, is 2.6 miles in length and an auto traveling twenty-five miles an hour will cover that distance in six minutes. The new county road cuts that distance to 1.8 miles, and the saving will be less than two minutes. The street cars from St, Johns come from Greeley street to the Broadway bridge, via Williams avenue, in fif teen minutes, although the distance is much greater. I confess to having had a feeling that certain land owners were urg ing the new road for personal profit, but when Mr. S. Benson, one of such property owners, threw In $10,000 at a critical moment to get the project pushed through, I felt that I owed hiin a mental apology, because his land benefit will be far less than that sum. COMAiUTLR. why riMiior is Kuit ii. v it i Comparison of Candidates' Kitueas Strongly Pavers lirpublican. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 1. (To the Editor.) So many former pro gressives have asked me why I am for Harding that perhaps The Oie gonian's readers might be interested In my reasons. Here they are: I am a follower of Theodore Roose velt alive or dead. While he was here I worked with him and sup ported him. Now that he has gone lo his reward, I stand for the principles and work for the thintss fr which he worked and stood. I am a Roose velt republican. Had he lived my choice for the re publican nominee and for the next president would have been Theodore Roosevelt. But only the spirit of Roosevelt is with us still. The repub lican convention has perforce chosen another candidate. 1 can not have what I wanted. That, however, is no reason for throwing my vote away. Senator Harding and I have opposed each other in politics. He was regular in 1912, while I followed Roosevelt, and I can never be glail enough thut I did. He has said thingd about Roose velt which I deeply rei-ented; 1 have said things about Harding which he must have resented just as deeply; and I have not forgotten. He has many friends who are not mine, anil there is not a little in his record that 1 regret. On the other hand, 1 find deep in his confidence men whom 1 trust; what 1 like least in his record is farthest back, and what he has said about forestry, conservation and agriculture at Marion is sound and right. Senator Harding was not made to my order, but he is by no means the reactionary I thoiifiht him. He is 'a republican regular, who supports w hat his party agrees on, and acts with the majority. There is nothing auto cratic about Iiiin. Under him. there will be no one-man rule at Washing ton, congress will represent not tho president, but the people, and the government will he American again. Harding is no super-man,-but sim ple, earnest, sincere and human, best thought of where best known. Men who know him, and on whose judg ment I rely, say he is slow to decide, but having decided stands like a "stone wall. What I saw at Marion con firms it, I liked Harding because he dodged nothing, looked me straight in the eye. and unmistakably meant what he said. And I liked Mrs. Hard ing even belter. I want to see Harding elected not! only because I have come to tninu well of him. but because he belonss to the party of Lincoln and Roosevelt, and because I have had my fill of the democrats at Washington. We must have in charge, men and a party capable of running the government, and in the White House a president, not a boss. Cox is in bad oompany. The liquor men are for hini. He stands with Baker, who refused to prepare when he knew that war was sure to come, and therefore sent against the tier- man machine guns thousands of young Americans untrained or ha.l-tralnea, and without artillery support. Cox stands tor Palmer, who prom ised to reduce the cost of Iivins and conspicuously failed, but for political reasons let the liquor traffic go on; who denied the lights of free speech and free assembly; imprisoned hun dreds of people in defiance of the law he was sworn to inforce. and turned over to the Southern Pacific railroad without a struggle $3i0.000.000 worth of oil lands in California to which it had no risht. That Palmer was .ser iously considered for the nomination at San Francisco shows how low the democrats have fallen. There may have been more unfaithful public ser vants than Mitchell Palmer, but not many. Cox stands for Wilson. No sooner was he nominated than he hastened to the White House and authorized the statement that there was perfect agreement in all things between Wil son and himself. Nothinc is more Important than to have done with the Wilson clan, and the only way to do that is to vote a&Rtnst Cox. The people of the whole earth have learned at bitter cost that what Wil son says is no indication of what he has done or what he will do; that his words and his actions do not match, and that to have his own way is more important in his eyes than the safe guarding of America, the welfare of nations or the saving of human lives. If a man believes in Wilson, argu ment is useless. As for me, I hold that it is time to finish with all that smacks of Wilson, with tho ineffi cient extravagance and secreti veness, with the national and international blundering and with the Impudent assumption of wisdom an righteous ness beyond human. The only way to repudiate Wilson is to vote against Cox. Finally, Cox is too reckless in state ment, too shifty in argument, too much like a, inait runninc for a little office in a little town. His speeches shout it aloud Cox is too small to he president. Harding's speeches could have come only from a man big enough to handle the job. G1FFORD PINCIIOT. ALL MINISTERS SKXT NOTIC'IS Problhlttonlsls Assert Pulpit Is refl nltrlr In Concrresslonnl 1'olltU-H. PORTLAND. Oct. 3. (To the 15di tor.) An open letter in The Oreco nian Saturday signed by C. K. Cline criticises the statement that minis ters In a called meeting of the Mm isterial association last Monday in dorsed the democratic candidate for congress from the third district. For once Mr. Cline is correct. The min isters did not Indorse the democratic candidate, but they did most unani mously indorse th prohibition can didate and this office is every hour reminded by phone messages that this indorsement receives the hearty sym pathy fsf both-pulpit and pew. Mr. Cline also says that 1f call was made not all of the members were notified. In this Mr. Cline is not correct for the entire list of ministers were notified and if any failed to re ceive notification it Is quite the fault of Uncle Sam and not of the persons who sent out call, which was done at the request of tho officers of the association and met with their en thusiastic approval. Those of us who were present expected Mr. Cline to appear and oppose the action as he usually does oppose any action that does not bear his particular party stamp. The support that is heartiest from among the ministers comes from members of his own party who are believers in prohibition above party ties. ADA WALLACE UXRUH. Pecretary Multnomah County Dry Congressional Committee. SONG. Through the desert of defeat, Sorrow's sands beneath my feet; May my spirit as the sun Burn until the way is won. Let me bathe in passion's glow Though keen sorrow's cup o'er flow; As I plod, if I can sing Light shall grow my Journeying. Jeanette Martin. Liberty of Speech Defended. Washington (D. C.) Star. "Every man is entitled to hi opinion." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum: "the same as a man is entitled to a composite breed of dog It may be nothing to be proud of, but it's his if h wants to hold on to iu" More Truth Than Poetry. Oy James J, Montague. TO A ROBIN. Your chattering, times without num ber. When hunting for worms on the lawn. Aroused me from glorious slumber An hour or two before dawn. Yet not a hard thought did I harbor. No bitter revenge did 1 seek: I knew you were guarding my arbor With that little beaK. The beetle? that came to devour The tender young shoots, in the spring. When the vines were beginning to flower. Fled off at the whirr of your wing. No aphis the petals dared wither. You put their whole army to rout. And busily yonder and hither You fluttered about. The slugs that appeared in the au tumn. The round, .purpling berries to munch. Had hardly arrived when OU caught 'em And joyfully ate 'em for lun.-h. Your vigilance, keen and unblinking. I always delighted to see, tl'oor idiot!) blissfully thinking It all was for me. Rut now. you perfidious sinner. il.v grapes have been pluekcd to provide. Not a dainty dessert for my dinner. But a meal for your little inside. Don t ask ine lor merey or pardon. You rust-ally, larcenous elf. Your labor in guarding my garden W as all for jourself! A National l.nltit. Americans iiivet,t firat and investi gate afterward. No Kir ct ion ( rook. Shakespeare was a poacher and a plagiarist, perhaps, but never as a repeater. lie Fair. In common justice to Mr. Dobs tftn government ought to build a front porch on the Atlanta penitentiary. (Copyright. 102(1, by tho Bell Syndi cate, Inc.) John Burroughs' Nature Notes. - . - - - " '' - r i 1. Are crows always cheery? 2. Why can weasels catch rabbits? 0. How does insect life spend the winter? Answers in tomorrow's nature notes. Answers to previous questions: 1. Does tho woodcock sing while in flight? The flight-somi of the woodcock I have heard but twice in my life. The first time was in the evening twilight ahout the middle of April. At an alti tude of lOU feet or more, it began to float ahout in wide circles and broke out in an ecstatic chipper, almost a warble at times, with a peculiar smacking musical quality. 2. At what season are the eggs of insects mostly laid? Tho present season" Is always the mother of the next, and the inception takes place -long before the sun loses his power. The eggs that hold the coming crop of insect life are mostly laid in the late summer or early fall, und'an analogous start is made in the vegetable world. The egg, the seed, the bud, are all alike In many ways, and look to the future. 3. Is the gray squirrel apt to fall to the ground from the trees? Indeed, the flying squirrel has little or no advantage over the gray squir rel, and in speed and nimblene&s can not compare with him at all. If he miss his footing and fall, he Is sure to catch on the next branch; if the connection be broken, he lnaps reck lessly for the nearest spray or limb, and secures his hold, even if it be by the aid of his teeth. (Rights reserved by Houghton Mifflin Company. ) In Other Days. Twenty five 1 ears Ag. From The Orettonian ef October 4. 1S:.. Andrew K. Hurleijrh of Seattle was yesterday appointed receiver of the Northern Pacific Railway company's property in this slate by United Slates Circuit JudgQ Gilhert. Salem. Attendance at the state fair was considerably below the aver afre. (late receipts amounted to $:i:m0 as compared to $4723 in 1K94. The county board of equalization has had f'"0 callers since beginning its sessions and l."0 complaints that assessments are too high havo been filed. Extensive repairs to the Morrison street tiridpe have just been complet ed and it is expected to last 10 years more. Plfly Yejirs Aeo. From The Oreeoniaii of October 4. 170. Tours. It is reported that General Beauregard Is in the French service and is urbanizing troops iu South France. An absorbing topic in this city has been the discovery of the father of Finice Caruthers as an abject pauper in the streets of St. I.ouis. Finice Caruthers and mother came to Oregon in 1S4S and took a donation claim of .4't acres where i now located Caruthers addition. Both have died ami a considerable fortune awaits tho father. Mi Lucky of Eugene yesterday ar rived here with five head of fine wool sheep imported direct from England. UII.L, OK RIGHT!) FIRST OMITTED OversiBrfct by Forefathers Causes Doubt as to Wilson Infallibility. DALLAS. Or.. Sept. 30. (To the Editor.) In May IT87 men met to form a constitution for the people of this country. The fundamental doctrine of government, as under stood by those gentlemen, was con tained in the declaration of independ ence. For four months they worked earnestly to form a government based on the doctrines of liberty, yet they adjourned without any guarantees of liberty set forth in the instrument as they made it and after congress met it proposed the first ten amendments to the constitution and they are the Now if those men, aiid they were ones that give us our boasted liberty, men of ability and great patriotism, overlooked the essential things set forth in the ten amendments, is it not just barely possible that Mr. Wil son overlooked something in "the league?" Again it was not until the fourth presidential election that it was dis covered that something had been overlooked in the manner of electing a president and another amendment was found to be necessary. Is it not possible that even Wilson could over look something? Americans will never goose step in the presence of any one. U. O. HOLMAX. NotuiiiK Can Help lllm Xnw. SAN D V, Or., Oct. 2. (To the Edi tor.) 1 noticed an item on the front page of The Oregonian of September 28 headd "Beveridge Aids Harding." The question I am getting at is whether it will do ti e samo liiing tor Cox, and what brand? R. E. LSSON".