THE MORNING OREGOfAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1020 STATE DEPARTMENT MAY DEPORT BEDS Congress to Be Asked to Strip Power From Labor Bureau.' EXILE EFFORTS FUTILE ampton today to spend Sunday withf Mrs. Coolidge in observing: their 15th wedding anniversary next Monday. Ha will nnsa th rfnv nultlv. 1 "finitlatu jtst iyi II t HQ 1 nhllo'S. tlons." he said in his address here. "Wo Americans talk a great deal about the rights of man.' We talk ail too little about the duties of man. One man's rights are another man's duties. Unless duties are observed there can be no enjoyment of rights. There can be no freedom without cor responding restraint. "Where the law goes, there civili zation goes and stays. When the law fails barbarism flourishes. Whoever scouts the law, whoever tuungs it into disrepute, whoever connives at its evasion, is an enemy of civilisation. "The majesty of the law' is no idle phrase, for it imparts sovereignty to him who observes it and servitude to him who violates It. The policeman is the outward symbol of the law." rost Successfully Balks Palmer in Banishment of Radicals De spite Convictions. "WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. (Special.) An effort is to be made as soon as congress convenes to take the control of deportation of undesirable aliens out of the hands of tile department of labor and place it in the hands of the department of state. The reason for this is found in the continued success of Louis JT. Post, assistant secretaryy of labor, in balk ins the efforts of the department of justice to obtain the deportation of men, who, in the Judgment of the at-torney-peneral, have been shown to be guilty of advocating the over throw of the American government by force. 150 Oat on Parole. There are now at large in the United States no fewer than 150 aliens whose deportation has been ordered. Many, and perhaps nearly all of these have been paroled by Mr. I'ost to a committee named by him, who are said to be advanced thinkers in politics and economies not an archists or communists at all, but men of socialistic leanings. The excuse for not carrying out the order of deportation is that there are no ships sailing for Russia, though the Buford carried the cargo of reds, among-them Kmma Goldman and Al exander Berkman, without difficulty and the departments were quite will ing to put another transport at the disposal of the labor department for the same purpose. The paroling of reds or their re lease on insufficient bail, following the wholesale cancellation of depor tation warrants by Mr. Post has greatly handicapped the department of justice in its campaign against criminal anarchists. Palmer Not To Prosecute. It was at first suggested that the department of justice should receive ciiarge of the deportation business, but the incongruity or that branch being both judge and prosecutor in these cases was recognized. It seems to have become the policy of this country to make the labor de partment the seat of representation of unpopular political sects and there Is current in Washington a rumor that Raymond Robins, the friend of the soviet, is to succeed Secretary Wilson in the event of Senator Hard ing's election.. This is another rea son for the movement of transfer jurisdiction in the cases of anarchists and communists who subscribe to the doctrines of force, away from the department of labor. Freed Anarchist Red Delegate. The case of Alexander Stocklitsky is instanced as a specific incident of the result of allowing the deporta tion proceedings to remain in the hands of men whose political attitude is like that of Mr. Post. He was convicted of criminal anarchy and ordered deported. He was released on bail. When his conviction was affirmed he could not be found and the bail forfeited. Last month he turned up as oje of the American delegates to the red conference at Baku, which was primarily a con vention of bolshevists of Persia, Turkey, India and other Asiatic countries. Louis E. Fraina and A. Bilan were the other American dele gates. This, is the conference in which Bela Kun, Knver Pasha and Karl It a d e k participated. Radek's ad1 drefcs declared that the eastern peo ples united to soviet Russia will be able to overthrow the governments of the world. GIFFORD NASH IS DEAD "WELL-KNOWN PIAXIST PASSES AT BOZEMAN, MOST. EL PASO TO CELEBRATE FIRST INTERNATIONAL- EXPO SITION MARKS PEACE RETURN. Mexico Day, Oct. 6, to Be Big Event Marking Renewal of Friendly Feeling Between Peoples. ' . . . EL PASO, Texas. Oct. 3. El Paso, October 4 to 9, will hold its first inter national exposition to celebrate the return of peace to Mexico and a re newal of friendly feelings between American ay d Mexican peoples. Mex ico day; October 6. will be the big event of the exposition week. General Ignacio" Enriquex. governor elect of Chihuahua state, will repre sent President de la Huerta at the exposition. Governors of Sinaloa, Co aliuirci and Tamaulipas have also been invited and several have accepted. Governors of Texas, New Mexico and Arisona have accepted invitations to attend the exposition on their re spective state days. Mexican and American exhibits of mining, agricultural and manufactur ing products will be displayed. Among the exhibits will be a state, mineral exhibit from the Chihuahua city pal ace, an exhibit of co'tton fabrics and by-products from the Laguna cotton district of Coahuila and Durango and agricultural displays from Mormon colonies of western Chihuahua. Hans are being made to construct a permanent exposition building here and to make the fair an annual event. Otlices would be maintained in the tui'.ding to give information about the natural resources of the two re publics. Ou October 10 a party of 100 El Paso business men will leave on a special train for Mexico City and other important Mexican cities. BLUNDERS BY FLEET BOARD REITERATED Howard G. Cosgrove Denies Services, Complaint. STATEMENT IS ISSUED T VICE-PRESIDENT THINKS WARS WILL COME. Democratic Campaign Meeting at Ames, la., Is Addressed Im perialism Is Rapped. Musician Formerly Connected With "Cniverstty School of Music and Later Teacher in City. Gifford Nash, at one time one of Portland's best known pianists, died Faturday night at Bozeman. Mont. where he had been head of the music department of the University of Mon tana. He was 52 years old. He had recently contracted pneumonia. Five years ago Mr. Nash left this eity. Previous to this he was con nected with the school of music at the University of Oregon and later taught in this city, where he was associated with his sister. Miss Dorothea Nash, also well known as musician. He was founder of the Musicians' club and was a membrV of the University club. He received the greater part of his education abroad. Mr. Nash was born in England and came to this country in his early life, lie is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallis KMh of Nashville, Or. Besides his parents he is survived by his widow and two sons at Bozeman, his s'ster. Miss Dorothea Nash of Portland, and four brothers, Percival, Desborough, Roderick and Darwin. COOLfDGE LAPPS POLICE ADDRESS GIVEN AT LUNCH AT WORCESTER, MASS. AMES, Iowa, Oct. 3. Vice-President Marshall addressed a large gathering at a democratic campaign meeting here tonight. "Nobody would rejoice more than I," said Mr. Marshall, "if this country could go back to the position it occu pied prior to the Spanish-American war. But it cannot. Entangling al liances began then, under a republican administration and over the protest of democrats against imperialism.' Jo imperialistic system of government ever remains neutral and when we went into that form of government our interests became Interwoven with aid antagonistic to the- interests- of the world powers. 'The Philippine Islands are shortlv to be set free. We will never permit them to be taken forciblv bv anv other power. They will -be -given-their freedom by either the league of na tions or the American people. 'Per sonally I prefer hlp. Neutrality involves disregard for the causes of war. When a people study the causes they take sides. The American people drove Woodrow Wil son into the late war because thrv hb ui eg ana, league or no league, they will drive every future president into war when the question involved is a moral one. Women Leaguers to Visit Salem. SALEM. Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) aiiss uenruoe watsins and Miss Eliz abeth Peshakova. field directors of the national league of women voters. will visit in Salem Thursday, accord ing to announcement made here yes leruay. i ney win speaK at the com mercial club in the afternoon, after wnicn they will be the guests at an Informal reception. Mrs. C R Sim mons of Portland is director for the west coast states and Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, is director of research for the state league. Oregon Boy Scores at Annapolis. LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) air. and Mrs. W. R. Kivette of this city have received a telegram stat ing that their son Frederick has uc cess.iu.iy passed nis mental examina tions for entrance into Annanolis Their son had only six weeks in which to prepare for his examination, and several university presidents hav wired the parents congratulating mem upon tne snowing made bv thei sorijln so short a time for preparation Heceta. Head Lighthouse Cliangcts EUGENE. Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) rranic ueroy has succeeded O. L. Hansen as keeper of the lighthous at. Hecta Head, on the Lane count coast. He took charge last week. Mr. Deroy was assistant keeper at Hecta several years ago and has been at station in wasnington ror some time Mr. Hansen was keeper at Hecta for 24 years with the exception of abou a year. He has been transferred to North Cove, Wash. Ex-Counsel for Supply and Sales Division Explains Recent Resignation. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 3. (Special.) While reiterating his charges of mismanagement in the supply and sales division of the United States shipping board emergency fleet corpo ration, Howard G. Cosgrove. ex-counsel for that organization, has issued a statement which he declared would be his last unless further aspersions from the home office tf the shipping board caHed for a more pertinent re ply on his part. Mr. Cosgrove resents the inference conveyed in a Washington interview with Admiral Benson, and, on that score made the following statement: "Until 1 read yesterday morning's paper, there was never any complaint concerning my services with the fleet corporation. When I sent in 'my report showing mismanagement of supply and sales division, which was prior to my resignation, I knew my services would become unsatisfac tory to quite a number of people. Cer tainly it could not be otherwise. I have always been politically unsatis factory. As to the service causing the present displeasure, I am well sat isfied, and believe that the publicity showing the mismanagement of the sales division has already resulted in preventing a great loss to the gov ernment. Duty la Declared Done. "I did what I thought was my duty, and the matter is closed so far as I am concerned. I am happy to be free from further connection with the fleet corporation, and evidently several people are glad that I am gone. Therefore the situation from this as pect is pleasing to us all." The announcement contained in yesterday's Washington dispatch anent the dismissal of G. I. Deane. local controller for the fleet corpora tion, is seemingly premature, at least as far as local knowledge of such action by the shipping boaTd is "concerned. Dismissal Is Denied. Mr. Deane denies that he has been isniissed from the service. On theJ other hand, he recites that frequent ttempts on his part to separate him- elf from the fleet corporation have resulted in failure. Deane, according to duplicate copies of messages sent by him to the home office, first sent is resignation in on June 17, 1920, nd followed this by. two similar at tempts, the last of which was nswered with a request that he re main another month. . A last request, dated" September 30. asking relief in order that he might ttend to private matters, as yet met with no response. In addition to a de- ire to engage in private pursuits, Mr. Deane declared last night that hi-s resent position had grown distaste ful to him. Andrew Wooley, another attache of he local shipping-board staff, whose ismissal was also mentioned in ves- erday's telegram from Washington, understood to be on leave of ab sence, the first he has taken since 917, at the expiration of which he was to resign. owner of a large ranch in Rea, Idaho. Twelve years ago he married the daughter of A. S. Trude of Chicago. There are four children. During the war he entered an officers' training camp and after the armistice was dis charged, but did not return to hie family, coming to Chicago Instead. The elder McCrea did not learn that his son bad been separated from his family until several months later and since then has been supporting the young wife and children. Snell McCrea and his father quar reled over the disposal of the Idaho ranch, the father trying to protect his eon's family. $5,000,000 OFFERED LEGION BY KNIGHTS Proposal Is Made to Turn Over War Fund Balance. GITY PROTESTS STATION OREGON CITY SOUTHERN PA CIFIC BUILDING 50 YEARS OLD. SDK -FIDES AT FATHER MAN IS SAVED BY HEROISM OF STENOGRAPHER. Tumultuous Greeting From Audi ence Is' Received by GoveriTbr. Public Defense Praised. WORCESTER. Mass., Oct. 3. The police officer as a public servant was eulogized by Governor Coolidge, re publican candidate for vice-president. in an address yesterday at a luncheon of the Worcester police relief assocla tlon in connection with their field day. The governor received a tumul tuous greeting by an audience tha comprised policemen or this city, po lice officials of many other cities of the state, business men and political leaders. GovernorVCoolidge characterized the policeman as "the first line of public defense." from which "he cannot de part until relieved." "But there is toward the officer, he added, "a corresponding duty of the state. Tt owes him generous com pensation for the perils he endures for protection of society." Governor Coolidge went to North- For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of - UKESCK CO. 4 Dizrerrnt Kinds of Laundry 4 Different Prices EAST 494 Complaint to Pjibllc Service Com mission Starts Inquiry; Rail Officials Quizzed. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 3. (Special.) The Oregon public service commission, acting upon a complaint received from Wallace B. Caulfield, A. A. Price and Thomas F. Ryan of the Oregon City Live Wires, sent a letter to A, T. Mer cier, superintendent of the Southern Pacific company, calling attention of the officials of that corporation to the apparent need of Improved station fa cilities at the Clackamas county city. The letter to Mr. Mercier was pre pared by Fred G. Buchtel, chairman of the commission. "Please be "advised," said Mr. Buch tel's letter to Mr. Mercier, "that the commission is in receipt of a com munication wherein it is contended that the Southern Pacific station was constructed more than 50 years ago. and that few changes for betterment have been made since that time. "Further, that the present freight depot is entirely inadequate and crowded, both as to freight and pas senger facilities, and that consider able time is lost by shippers and re ceivers of freight by reason of these poor facilities. Also that it is the practice to unload stock at the main depot and lead them across the pas senger platform to reach the street. "It Is probably ' needless for the commission to state that if but a por tion of these contentions are true, that there is immediate need for marked improvement of the station facilities at that point and the com mittee's statement that 'Oregon City is justly entitled to something far better than the present Southern Pa cific depot,' should have full and com plete investigation at a very early date. "We. ask that this communication be given prompt consideration and that complete report be filed, outlin ing the result of your investigations. together witjl such remedies as are proposed to be applied, if any, to re move any just cause for complaint.' FAIR IS CALLED DFF ACTION" TAKEN BECAUSE , RECENT HEAVY JIAINS. OF Buildings Erected This Year, but No Time for Drainage or Put ting in Walks. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 3 (Special.) Because of the recent heavy rains the Linn county fair, which was to have been held this week, beginning Tuesday, was called off today. The grounds are in such condition because of the rain that it was deemed inad visable to go ahead. The board of directors of the fa association reached this decision i meeting held this forenoon at the grounds. It is believed the track would be in shape if no more rain comes, but the ground is very damp. The fair buildings were built this year and there was no time to build walks or roads inside the grounds and hence conditions for public con venience are very unfavorable. Before another year the new grounds can be drained properly and roads built so that ' unfavorable weather conditions may be met. Girl Slams Door Sbnt While SneJl McCrea Shoots at W. S. McCrea of Chicago. CHICAGO, 111, Oct. 3. W. S. Mo- Ccea. a noted figure for 30 years in Chicago financial circles, was saved from death at the hands of his son snail Dy tne neroism or a young woman stenographer. The young man shot himself through the head. He died In a hospital. The eon had tried to shoot his father In the latter's office in the Gas building, but was prevented by Miss vera Danford, the elder McCrea s secretary. Miss Danford slammed a door shut between the two after one shot had been fired. She narrowly escaped injury when a second bullet from young McCrea"s revolver crashed through the door as she locked it, the bullet miesing her by only a few inches. . W. is. Mccrea formerly was treasurer of the People's Gas company and the shooting occurred in his office in the Gas building. Snell McCrea. 35 years old, was the MEMORIAL PLANS MADE Scheme Is to Have Building in , Washington With Quarters for Veteran Societies.- CHICAGO. Oct. 3. The board of di rectors" of the Knights of Columbus toduy voted to offer the American Legion $5,000,000. This is the balance of the JiO.000.- 000 collected by the organization for war purposes, to erect a memorial building in Washington. The building, which would be In memory of the Americans wno aiea In the war, would contain an audi torium seating 20,000, quarters for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Grand Army of the Republic, the Spanish War Veterans and similar societies. Ownership of the structure would be veuted in the American Legion, and it would be governed by a board of directors. Of the funds offered. 1,000.000 would be used as an endow ment for upkeep of the building. - Committee to Meet Ga.lfcra.Hh.. A committee has arranged to meet Colonel GalDraith. new head of the legion, In New York soon to make the proposition to him. In the statement announcing the offer the Knights of Columbus said: "The building will be a memorial to our hero dead for their parents and other relatives and an inspiration to the living and to future generations who will see in it a symbol of the sacrifices of these dead and find in it an incentive to serve their country as unselfishly in tne future. x Site to Be Obtained. "The building is to be patterned after the civic auditorium in San Francisco and to promote permanent Interest In the army and navy. Its auditoriums and halls are to be used for public gatherings as free as Is practicable. "A sutable site must be obtained, preferably by act of congress. "The offer Is open to the American Legion until July 1. 1921. "If the legion accepts this offer and then by any chance the legion should cease to exist, title to this building and land shall revert to the nation for such use as the United States senate shall determine." The board declared that in making this offer it "believed it was carrying out best the wishes of the donors." jjjjj jjjl' 'I Jp So he took an inch of Purola and a like amount from four other shaving creams and worked up a lather from each. He put the results on separate glass slabs. Here are the comparative volumes of lather at the end of one minute: 3 PUROLA Foxu- oi-dirvary Tva.virv ct-eantj1 "tl s.7susJJif!j a ca Y. M. C. A. GETS DIRECTOR A. Edwin Pryke to Take Cp Duties at La Grande. LA GRANDE. Or. Oct. 3. (Special.) A. Edwin Pryke has arrived in the city from Kalispell, Mont., and will take up his duties immediately as physical director for the local Y. M. C. A Mr. Pryke conies highly rec ommended. He is a graduate of the Y. M. C. A. college at Springfield, Mass., later taking three years of medical work in Chicago. He is a life member and Medallion holder of the Royal Life-Saving so ciety of London. England, and is also a life member of the New York First Aid and Life-Saving society. to the usual rule, fraternity men and women averaged higher in their grades at Whitman than non-fraternity students for the year 1919-1920, according to a report made by regis trar E. 13. Ruby. Fraternity women averaged 82.50 with non-fraternity women receiving an average of 81.60, while fraternity men averaged 79, against 76.51 made by the non-Greeks. The average of all students in col- ege was Ml. 05. Kappa Kappa Gamma ed the Greek sororities, receiving 83.67, while Phi Delta Theta led the fraternities with 79.42-. Creek Water Requested. SALEM, Or.. OcJ. 3. (Special.) Ed ward McElllgott of Grants Pass has filed with the state engineer applica tion to appropriate water from Max creek for the irrigation of a small trct of land in Josephine county. Nick Sauer of Kerby would appropri ate water from the Illinois river for the irrigation of 64 acres of land in Josephine county. Peter Goebel of Wallowa seeks to appropriate water from Bear creek for the irrigation of a small tract in eastern Oregon. Oddfellows Entertain Students. EUGENE. Or.. Oct, 3. (Special.) The Eugene lodge of Oddfellows will entertain all university students and members of the faculty who are members of the order on Tuesday evening. It was announced that the second degree will be put on by the lodge and that afterward a chicken supper will be served. It has been ascertained that- there are a large number of students who have taken the degrees. COINS MADE FOR CUBA Silver Pieces Are Made Also for Peru, Baker Announces. WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. United States mints during September coined 780,000 pieces of silver money for Cuba and 640,000 pieces of silver for Peru, Director of the Mint Baker an nounced today. No gold coins were executed fo. the United States during the month, but coinage from other metals-amounted to 61.615.000 pieces. aggregating $2,780,930. - ENROLLMENT MARK SET ITnlve-rsltv ot Washinslon Has 510 Students Entered. SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 3. A new .enrollment record for the Unlversitly of Washington for the term just opem ing was set today when the total of students entered reached 6103, 41 more than the record of last year. Tomorrow 'is the last day for regis tration for the term. Read th Oregonian classified ads. FRAT STUDENTS IN LEAD - 4 Whitman Report Reveals Different Averages Than Ordinary. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 3. (Special.) Contrary c o M E D Y N E W S T R A I L E D B Y T H R E E 1 NOW SHOWING The Best Picture i i IWC'ffS I N Between W. Park and Alder GEORGE WALSH Ever Did "Sink or Swim Story of a Two-Fisted American's Experience Abroad' For comedy and punch, an entertainment as pleasing as a Babe Ruth Home Run TODAY and TUESDAY Starting Wednesday MADGE KENNEDY "DOLLARS AND SENSE" j5 Then he went farther and found out that Purola gives 150 times its volume in lather and that there are 150 shaves in every tube. He also found out Purola will work up a lather quicker than any ordinary shaving cream. He believes Purola is the quickest, most economical and roost satisfying shaving cream made. So do we! So will you! If you don't return any part of the tube to the dealer and get your money back. All good druggists sell Purola. X-nrr Pm-os Prepsrclon rs prepared and t umrmnred fcf Blucnauer- frsnJi Lsboraconeo, Ponjjna. Ongaa ftCG. OLS- Shaving Cream,. V. M. C. A. Secretary Arrives. LUGKNE. Or.. Oct. 3. (Special.) Frank liberhardt, the new (reneral secretary of the Kuerene Y. M. O. A., arrived here from Lima, O., Saturday and will take up his duties tomorrow. Mr. Kberhardt was elected to this po sition by the local board of directors several weeks apro. He has been con nected with the Y. M. C. A. at Lima for 16 years and repcrts received by the local directors indicate that he has l.cen very active there. All in Readiness for l-'air. Kverythingr is in readiness for the opening- of the Multnomah county fair at Gresham this morning. A special programme of interest to school chil dren will be provided, as this has been designated school children's day and all under 16 will be admitted free. Tomorrow will be Gresham day. Read The Oreeonian classified ads. i j-i.irrnwxs- .i in m liii to ,v nvi i: n town' ivcv " r vj -; ,r,-;ri 1WM iii.TJi.-r1- . .MMmzmmMW-ti-.Txtfw?:.' .rv-.-WA xrsr- j r S N THOMAS MEIGHAN in CIVILIAN CLOTHES The story of a girl who married a captain's uniform with Tommy in it N OW PLAYING """ma."-" "An ounce of prevention is uorth a pound of cure" ' Legal Advice Prevents Trouble A large proportion of the litigation ih courts arises over the settlement of estates. Wills prepared by individuals without legal advice are causes of such trouble. , But wills need not be poorly prepared. Because of his experience in such matters, a competent attorney can make suggestions which will tend to avoid tangles in the settlement of YOUR estate. In like manner the Bank of California, experi enced in acting as executor or trustee, can avoid certain mistakes when named to administer estates. Ask for our blank, "The First Step in Making Your Will." It will be a great help to you and to your attorney. .BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N A A NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System . Third at Stark Streets PORTLAND OREGON Here's Free Proof That You Can Hear! The wonderful, improved Acoosti con has now ena bled more than 400.000 deaf people to hcr. We are sure it will do the name for yon: are so atxo liitely certain of it that we are eaeer to send you the 1920 Acousticon ' For IO Iayt FREE TRIAL No Deposit"No Lxpenje There i nothing yon wili have te do but ask for your free trial. No money to pay, no red tape, no rrserva tion to this offer. Our conlidrnce in the present Acousticon is so com plete that we will (-ladly take all the risk in proving, beyond any doubt, that the Joy of Hearins Can Be Your Again! The New Acousticon has improve ments and patented features whirh cannot be duplicated, so no matter what you have ever tried, just a?k for a free trial of the New Acousticon. You'll get it promptly, and ( if it doesn't make you lie:ir. return it and ou wili owe us nothing not one cent. Dictograph Products Corp. t SOT B, Oregon ISIdg.. forllnnd. Or A A a 1