Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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No Reason Given for Quitting
Irreconcilable of Idaho Holds Self
in Readiness to Support
OUier Irreooncilables.
"WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. Senator.!
Borah, republican of Idaho, has writ
ton republican headquarters at New
York and Chicago' asking: that no
more speaking dates be made for him
In the republican presidential cam
paign. Senator Borah also has telegraphed
to Senator - Johnson, republican of
California, another of the league of
nations irreconcilables, and is await
. lng a reply. Mr. Borah declined to dis
cuss the message, but there were re
ports that it had to do with the league
of nations issue.
Senator Borah recently completed a
speaking tour In the interest's of the
candidacy of Senator Harding, the re
publican presidential nominee. There
was no explanation here today of the
mason for his messages to the New
York and Chicago republican head
quarters other than reports that he
and other league opponents had be
come disquieted by the attitude of
many party leaders toward the league
covenant as drawn at Versailles and
submitted to the senate by President
Senator la Silent.
The senator himself would not dis
cuss the matter. Senator Borah is
known to have received and devoted
much study to the international court
plan as brought back from Europe by
Klihu Root of New York, who helped
to draft It, and it was learned today
that the senator Is opposed to the
plan. His opposition was said to be
based largely on the ground that the'
court was designed as a part of the
machinery of the league" of nations.
Published reports have had it that
Senators Borah and Johnson were
planning to submit a series of ques
tions to Senator Harding designed to
develop definitely whether in the
vent of his election Mr. Harding'
would "scrap" the league covenant.
Brandegee to lie Aided.
Senator Borah has stated that these
reports were "news to come." The
Idaho senator will remain in "Wash
ington the rest of this week and then
will go to Connecticut to speak in
support of the candidacy of Senator
Brandcgee, another of the league ir
reconcilables, who is campaigning
for re-election.
Senator Borah also will hold him
self In readiness to speak in the in
terest of other senators opposed to
the league who are candidates fof re
election, j
Republican Leaders Say Tliey Do
ot Believe Senator Is Through.
NISW YORK, Oct. 1. Party leaders
at republican national headquarters
tonight scouted the idea that Senator
Borah of Idaho had .quit the cam
paign," as reported on the strength
of a letter in which he is said to
have asked that no further speaking
engagements be made for him.
"No letter has been received here
which indicates that Senator Borati
intends to quit," an official of the
republican publicity bureau said.
"Several days ago we did have a
letter from the senator asking that
no more engagements be made for
him at present. "We understood this
to mean that he had made engage
ments of his wn, according to his
custom. Senator Borah has been han
dling his own itineraries and not
Working under our supervision. There
is no occasion for surprise that he
should make such a request."
It was pointed out that Senator
Borah has three engagements to
speak in Connecticut next week.
These have not been canceled, ft was
7 ;
this patrolman jocularly cast his'
vote for the federal convict also.
The republican nominee received
the support of the second night re
lief of the police department to the
tune of 52 to 14."" .
Harding overwhelmingly carried the
Journal buildrfig, a canvas being
made of all those offices not a part
of the newspaper itself. A number
of physicians , who have headquarters
In the building were absent or oc
cupied with patients, and their vote
could not be obtained. One medical
laboratory, in which were five doctors
and two women assistants, voted
unanimously for the republican can
didate, as did the half dozen people,
in another suite of physicians' of
fices two floors be"low.
The totals gave Harding 39, Cox 7
and Debs 1. the sole socialist vote be
ing contributed by a musician. Hard
ing buttons were plentiful in the
building, and the republican candi
date's picture was displayed in many
of the rooms.
Harding. Leads at Estacada.
BSTACADA, Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.)
Harding still is running well ahead
locally, according to the Rexall vote
at the drugstore. ' The returns to
date in this vicinity are: Harding
54J, Cox ISO.
dr. a. h. rPHAM elected
Vice-President of Miami Chosen
President of Western Collect.
Studied in England.
BOISE. ' Idaho, Oct. 1. (Special.)
Dr. A. H. Upham, vice-president of
Miami university, Ohio, was this af
ternoon elected president of tne Uni-
..At.. . T .1 It n ........ II ,1 Tl. IT T I
Lindley. who resigned some months
ago. This action was taken by the
state board or education and the
board of regents,- in session here.
The board has reasonable assurance
that Dr. Upham will accept. If so,
he takes up his new duties December
1. At present he is directing a cam
paign to raise a $1,000,000 building
fund for Maimi university.
Dr. Upham is an A. B. of Miami,
A. M. of Harvard and Ph. D. of
Columbia. He is head of the English
department at Miami. He graduated
from Miami in 1897, with first honors
in his class. From 1900 to 1902 he at
tended Harvard; from 1902 to 1905
he was professor of English at the
Utah Agricultural college. In the
latter year he married Miss McClin
tock of Spokane, Wash., and 1905 to
1906 he attended Columbia. In 190S
took tho Ph. D. degree. Up to 1910
he was professor of English at Miami
and from that year to 1913 he was
professor of English at Bryn Mawr.
He spent a year in research work in
the British museum library, return
ing to Miami where he again took
over the English department.
Dr. Upham was selected from among
a list of 25 educators. He was rec
ommended by President R. M. Hughes
of Miami. President W. O. Thompson
of the Ohio State university. Presi
dent W. J. Kerr of the Oregon Agri
cultural college and President E. G.
Peterson of the Utah Agricultural
college. He is a member of the D.
K.X;. fraternity, the honorary society
or Phi Beta Kappa and the honorary
journalistic society Sigma Beta Phi.
Six weeks ago he visited Idaho and
Investigated the Idaho university sit
uation, meeting all members of the
state board of education. '
Coveted Honor AVon by Twin Fails
County at Exhibit.
BOISE, Ida., Oct. 1.7 (Special.)
Twin Kails couniy today carried off
the coveted prize for having at the
state fair the best county collective
exhibit of agricultural products. Sec
ond prize was awarded Ada county,
third to Canyon county, fourth . to
Jerome, fifth to Kootenai and sixth
to Gooding county. Grand prize for
the most artistic display was awarded
to Canyon county.
In the horticultural department
Payette county has the largest and
best display of fruit and this county
carried off the big horticultural
honor. Canyon county received the
second: prize and Kootenai third.
Persons Examined Before
Trial Is Begun.
middle and lower Missouri valleys
and light frosts '' as far south as
Arkansas, north Mississippi and north
The bureau also announced that
the lowest temperatures for October
1 were registered this morning at
Atlanta. Thomasvllle, Ga., Mobile.
Ala., and Jacksonville and Tampa,
Fla, 53 degrees being registered at
Rise In Pay Voted Patrolmen and
Fir Fighters In. Tacoma.
TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 1. (Special.)
Tacoma firemen and policemen are
boofe3 Isr a 'flat wage, Increase of
$10 monthly. The council has also
decided to purchase a submarine
Testimony in Cases of Men Charged ! chaser from the government for con-
. "T version Into a. harbor fireboat. It will
Defeat of- Soviets on Polish
Front Seems Complete.
With Killing Sheriff Taylor
Begins Today.
PENDLETON. Or, Oct. 1. (Special.)
Two full davs were used up in an
examination of 61 Umatilla county
residents before a Jury of 12 men was
finally selected for the trial of Elvle
D. Kerby, alias Jim Owens, and John
Laffebean, alias John Rathie, charged
jointly with Bancroft, Stoop and Hen
derson, already convicted and sen
tenced, for tha murder of Sheriff
Til Taylor.
The final Jurors were passed by
both defense and prosecution at - 6
P. M. today, after the state had ex
hausted its six peremptory challenges
and the defense 12.
Three times the trial had to be
temporarily adjourned until new
venires could be drawn. Most of the
50 men excused during the two days
were excused by the court on account
of self-confessed prejudice against
the two indicted for the murder of
the sheriff, only two being removed
by the state because they did not be
lieve in capital punishment. -Both
defense and prosecution indicated
that they thought a good jury had
been obtained.
Immediately after the last Juror
was accepted, the Jury was sworn In
and George Brown, attorney-general.
who is working with District Attor
ney Keator for the state, opened the
case for the prosecution by briefing
out the proof and evidence that were
to follow.
Defense Waives Argument.
Defense waived opening argument
and examining of witnesses started.
Walter Ranson, who drew a complete
map of the jail and sheriff's office
for use in the trial, was the first wit
ness. Dr. Guy Boyden of this city.
who was called to the Jail to attend
Sheriff Taylor, following the jail
break and fatal shooting, was the
second witness. After he testified as
to the bullet's location in the mur
dered man's body, and other techni
calities in connection with his death.
court adjourned until 9 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Jurors finally selected are: H. C.
Dunn, D. K. Brownell. L. B. Neil. J E.
Jones, Hans Pahl, C. H. Boerstler,
James Mossie, P. T. Harbour. WUMam
Kupers, J. E. MoCormach, M. L. Mor
rison and W. T. Reeves.
Standing Room at Premium.
Standing room has been at a pre
mium most of the time in the court
room since the opening of the trial.
and all day today, despite the fact
thaj court was not in session all the
tirne, on account of exhausted supply
of veniremen, people remained in
their seats awaiting the next devel
opments. At times the audience has
been mostly women, and at other
times mostly men.
Judge Phelps several times threat
ened to clear the courtroom at the
first disturbance, so thatthe audi
ence has been very orderly during
the five days that the murder cases
have been argued.
Attorney Charles Bolin of Toppen
ish. Wash., retained to defend Kerby,
conducted the examination of jurors
for the defense.
be refitted with pumps, the total cost
reaching $35,000.
The raise to' the firemen and po
licemen will cost the city $29,520 a
year. Need of a harbor patrol' be
came vital when Hie present i con
tractor, a tug company, refused to
rtiew the contract on the plea that
Its boats earn more money In general
Accident at Camp Xear Melbourne,
Wash., Is Fatal.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) Hannes Papio, a bucker for
the Clemons Logging company at
camp near Melbourne, was killed yes
terday morning while at work.
A log near the spot where he was
working rolled upon him. Papio had
been married about nine months and
made his home in Aberdeen.
Girl Passing as Hoy Arrested.
CALGARY. Alta.. Oct. 1. Helen A.
Howard, 16-yeai-old Missoula, Mont.,
girl, who ran away from her home
September 26, was taken into custody
here today, dressed as a boy and
working for the Northern Electric
company, Ltd., as a messenger. She
is held for the Missoula authorities.
Hunter Accidentally Shot.
OLTMPIA, Wash., oA. 1. (Special.)
Leo Murphy, 23, of Kingston, was
accidentally shot and killed while
hunting in the woods seven miles
from Olympia today by R. G. Preston,
a member of the same party. Murphy
was shot In the hip and died as a re
sult of shock and loss of blood.
Scotland Yard now employs X-rays
in searching the wearing apparel of
suspects for hidden papers, valuables,
weapons and poisons.
Poles Continue Advance, Bcteg
"About 35 Miles From Vllna,
Capital of Lithuania.
Kharkov, an important city in south
ern. Russia, 250 miles north of the
sea of Azov, has been captured by
anti-bolshevik forces commanded by
General Baron WrangeL The capture
of this city, together with the ad
vance of Polish and Ukrainian forces
west of Kiev, is coneldered here as
having Imperiled the Russian commu
nications. WARSAW. Sept. 30. (By the. As
sociated Press.) The defeat of the
Russians on the Polish northern
front seems virtually complete. The
soviet troops are reported fleeing
eastward in disorder In an effort to
avoid being surrounded by the Poles,
who are In close pursuit.
The result of the Polish victory is
declared by military experts as elim
inating any chance of an offensive
by the bolshevikl.
Advices from the front report that
one Russian-division surrendered to
the Poles after having murdered all
the commissaries with it who tried
to compel the troops to offer resist
ance. The commander of the third
bolshevik army committed suicide. It
is asserted, when he realized that his
command had been completely
Tonight's communique reports that
Posen troops, sweeping eastward,
took the railway junction of Barano
vltchi, north of the Pinek Marshes,
key to the old German trench line.
South of the Pripet the Russians
have been pushed back across the
River Slutsch.
This afternoon's reports show that
the Poles are less than 35 miles from
Vilna, the Lithuanian capital, and
their advance is continuing.
Campaigning of Californlan for
Harding to Go On.
SAN XiANCISCO. Oct. 1. Senator
Hiram W. Johnson today denied that
he had received from Senator Borah
of Idaho a telegram relative to join
ing in an effort to determine if Sen
ator Harding would "scrap" the
league of nations, as reported in
eastern dispatches. Raymond Ben
jamin, western regional director for
the republican national committee,
oeclarcd there had been ro changes
in Senator Johnson's speaking pro
gramme. "In my opinion and this I say from
his public utterances Senator Hard
ing has 'scrapped' the league of na
tions," said Senator Johnson.
Mr. Benjamin's announcement was
Issued in denial of a statement that
there might be minor changes in Sen
ator Johnson's proposed speaking
Homesteaders in Hawaii Get $7000
lo $12,000 From 20 Acres.
HONOLULU. T. H., Oct. 1 Home
steaders growing sugar cane in the
territory of Hawaii are making enor
mous profits this year, some of them
making from $7000 to. $12. 000 on 20
acres, according to Albert Horner,
territorial sugar expert.
Horner, in a report of Governor C.
J. McCarthy, dpplores the practice ot
many homesteaders in hiring alien
labor to cultivate their lands and de
clares that when this state of af
fairs is brought to the attention of
congress the lid will be clamped down
on homesteadiiig high class cane land
In Hawaii.
Governor McCarthy said with re
gard to the report:
"The present system of cultivation
contracts is a palpable evasion of
the spirit of homesteading. It re
sults in making the homesteader a
landlord, who rents out his property
p Japanese cultivators and does
nothing to develop it himself. Un
less this is stopped, homesteading
Rill be killed"
Manila Ordinance Denying Soldiers
Liquor Held Illegal.
MANILA. Oct. 1. The ordinance re
cently passed by the municipal board
of Manila prohibiting the sale of
liquor to American soldiers and sail
ors is illegal, according to an opinion
handed down by the city attorney to
day. He characterized it as class leg
islation and an unwarranted interfer
ence with affairs of the United States
army and navy. :
The municipal board in enacting
the ordinance alleged that soldiers
and sailors, while under the influ
ence of liquor, disturbed 'the peace.
Idaho Financial Institution Expect
ed to Pay Ofr Depositors.
BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 1. (Special.)
Assurance that affairs of the Com
mercial Savings bank of Mountain
Home, which he closed Tuesday,
would soon be straightened out and
that the institution would resume
business without loss of depositors'
money, was given today by Bank
Commissioner John G. Fralick.
"The directors are arranging to re
finance the bjnk," said Mr. Kralick,
"and 1 am sure they will have it go
ing again very shortly.
West Virginia Goes Ahead in Popu
lation Rank of States.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. West Vir
ginia, with a population of 1,463,610,
an Increase of . 242,491, or 19.9 per
cent over 1910, has passed Maryland
in the relative standing of the states.
West Virginia stood 28th in 1918 and
Maryland 27th.
Other census announcements today
Wheeling. W. Va. (revised) 26,208;
Increase, 14.567, or 35 per cent; pre
viously announced 54,322.
Mobile, Ala. (revised) 60,777; In
crease, 9256, ' or 18 per cent; pre
viously announced 60,151.
The census bureau will announce
at 10:30 A. M. tomorow the popula
tion of Coeur d'Alene, Lewiston and
Wallace, Idaho, and Yuma, Ariz.
(Continued From First Page.)
clined to state his choice later sought
out the canvasser and in confidence
reported he was for Cox..
"I didn't want to let the rest of
these fellows know I was for the
democrat," he reported with a con
fidential whisper.
One stalwart bluecoat announced
with booming voice that he was for
Debs and didnr care if the whole
Tvorld knew it. 'rtiier standing by
Sugar Refinery Experts Say Good
Output, Is Anticipated.
SALT .LAKE CITY. Utah, Oct. 1.
Many Utah beet sugar factories today
began to cut beets of the 1920 crop
and by next week, it is expected, all
factories in the state will be in op
eration. Experts of the Utah-Idaho company
declare beets this year are high in
sugar content and -a good output is
anticipated. .
Association Officers Say There Is
Xo Occasion for Alarm.
DES MOINES. Oct. 1. Prospects
are good for plenty of coal for all
purposes during the coming wLnter,
in the opinions of D. B. Wentz and
J. D. A. Morrow, president and vice
president of the National Coal asso
ciation, expressed here today.
There is no occasion for alarm,
they said.
Heavy' to Killing Frosts Reported
in Several States.
WASHINGTON, Oct 1. Heavy to
killing frosts were reported by the
weather bureafc this morning in upper
Michigan, the upper Mississippi and
Dirierrnt Kinds of Laoadn
4 Different Prices
EAST 494
CHANDLERS choice of four wonderful
Chandlers that must be disposed of at
once ana to uu una we io kuiuk iu
tempt you with some recklessly lo
nrii-rs. Two of these cars Just can
in and have never been offered be
fore: One 1920 four-passenger dispatch,
driven but 2100 miles, practically
new. wire wheels, cora tires, one ex
tra, "seat covers, motometer, bumper.
snubbers, etc. Cost equipped J200.
We have had it priced S23oQ; will now
take $2000.
Another 1920 Dispatch, almost
duplicate of the above, driven but
uouo miles, worth $2200, and priced at
$1800. '
One 1919 Dispatch, wire wheels,
bumper, motometer, cord tires and
extra, driven only about 400 miles,
worth $1900- to anybody, but specially
cut to $1500.
One 1918 seven-passenger Chandler.
good paint, tires an'd seat covers; a
$1600 value, priced at $1250.
These cars will be sold at these
prices at once to the first applicant.
Vou may arrange terms on any., of
Covey Motor Car Company
Washington SU at list. Alain. 5214.
The New Victor Records
for October Are Here
Come in any time and we will gladly
play these new numbers for you.
18686 I'm in Heaven When I'm in My Mother's Arms
William Robyn
Down the Trail to Home, Sweet Home. .Wm. Robyn 83c
18687 Tell Me, Little' Gypsy John Steel
!The Girls of My Dreams John Steel 85c
18688 Dardanella Blues Billy Murray-Ed Smalle
Swanee Peerless Quartet 83c
35698 Ziegfeld Follies of 1920 Medley Fox Trot
. ... Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Cuban Moon Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orch. $1.33
18689 Beautiful Hawaii Waltz- Ferera-Franchini
Hawaiian Twilight Fox Trot Hawaiian Trio' 85c
43180 Virginia Judge First Session Fart 1
r Walter C. Kelly , "
' . Virginia Judge First Session Part 2
" Walter C. Kelly $1.00
18685 The Three Little Pigs Sally Hamlin
The Duel .i ... i . .Sally -Hamlin 83c
74636 Rigoletto Paraphrase de Concert. .. .Alfred Cortot $1.73
64898 En Calesa (The Carriage Is Waiting, My Dainty
Marquise) Emilio de Gogorza $1.23
74633 Faust Dio possente (Even the Bravest Heart)
Giuseppe De Luca $1.75
87313 Au Printemps(To SpringJ Geraldine Farrar $1.25
74634 Allegro Moderato a la Polka. .'. .Flonzaley Quartet $1.75
64899 When You're Away (From "The Only Girl")
Mbel Garrison $1.25
74635 Valse (Tschaikowsky) Jascha Hcifetz $1.75
89158 Stabat Mater-Quis est Homo
Mme. Homer-Miss Louise Homer $2.00.
64901 Honor and Love John McCormack $1.23
74631 Largo from "New .World" Symphony:
- Philadelphia Orchestra $1.75
88622 Africana-Adamastor, re dell' onde profonde
Titta Ruffo $1.75
61S97 Gypsy Love Song (from "The Fortune Teller")
, Reinald Werrenrath $1.23
Our Mail Order Department will send them to out-of-town buyers.
Check those desired and use this ad for your order.
rrttzss m
as otKmm
MEN! $2.45 Is Less
Than Half Price
J All
WE PURCHASED every pair the importer had on hand at the end of the season.
Result: You save over half on- these finest of all men's gloves, broken lines, but
v All Sizes in Street Shades
Also broken, sizes in White Dress Gloves. Not a pair that does not sell in the regu
lar way at more than double.
Men's Shop. Jusl Inside Washinglon-Slrcci Entrance Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
m wrj&jnm
ft Ik ,; fifl Vif! mmxs&n
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r iff f - ?I mmMmm
1 1 m kMI vmmmm
mm mm
Mens New. Fall
Gabardine Raincoats
. $47.50
Rushed to us by express. Made of a fine
quality of Princeton Gabardine. The double"
breasted model with raglan shoulders. Full
belted; slash pockets and convertible collars.
In dark tan shade.
Every raincoat at this price bears the famous
Cravenette label.
m $65.00
This price permits of a wide se
lection inasmuch as this price group
is a large one, containing many new
styles and patterns for men of all
sizes, but having in common one vir
tue good taste. For it is an indica
tion of good taste when a man wears
Smart Clothes
SUITS of this make meet the
standards of Portland's best-dressed
men in material, in workmanship
and in style. The materials are
ALL-WOOL and consist of pure
worsteds, unfinished worsteds, cassi
meres, cheviots and navy serge in
smart mixtures, checks, plaids, stripes
and plain colors.
Here are some of the styles in the
suits :
The Suits:
English Doncourt
M orlcy
JT-lerchandise of J Merit Only"
Type 57 Cadillac
This Is a most remarkable oppor
tunity for you to purchase at a great
reduction one of these excellent cars.
Refinished ss it is. this car will
undoubtedly please you to just as
creal an extent as a new one.
We will accept a reasonable pay
ment and Rive terms on the balance
at a yrice ot
Covey Motor Car Company
Washington St.. at list. Main 6244.
Home Prepared, Home Cooked
Foods Salads
Cold Meats and Pastries
"Everything for a Luncheon"
Thirteenth and Morrison Stu.
" Autoists Always Remember"
il tmciAh. CO,
C. GEE WO has
made a lite study
ot the curativa
proper ties pos
sessed in roots,
herbs, buds and
bark, and has
compounded there
trom his wonder
ful, well- known
"av tI remedies, all 01
MriKitniim , h I c h are o e r-
fectly harmless, as no poisonous
drugs or narcotics ot any kind are
used In their make up. For stomacn.
lung-, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neu
ralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, uerv
ousness. gall stone and all disorders
ot men. women and children. "Irf
C Gee Wo's Wonderful and Well
Know n Root and H.srb Remedies.
Good results will surely and Quickly
ft- 'JW '"watj ' "r i BP
Is Relieved
Prompt Permanent Relief
rarely f aiL Purely
vegetable - act
6urely but gent
ly on the liver.
TRplipva after 4
dinner dis- A
tress re- 4
lieve indices- 1
tion; improve the complexion brightea
the eyes.
Small FID Small Dose Small Price
Phone your wanf ads to The Orego-
Uian, ilain 7070, Automatic SS0-9a.
. Mornings
feepVour EVes
:ior - Cloar J Healthy
far ftm X ym Car Bek Cs-Oicafa.
Read The Qregonian classified ads.