20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 1920 SOLE PORTLAND AGENTS FAMOUS MADAM IRENE CORSETS THIRD FLOOR Kodak Albums' 30c to 10 Fine assortments of kinds and sizes of kodak albums in which to safekeep your kodak pictures. Have" you ever had any of your best "snaps" en larged? Meier & Frank photographic experts do very success ful work. Meier & Frank's: Kodak Shop, Main Floor. English Toffee Lb. 49c. Our regular 80c grade made up specially for this week-end sale. Rich toffee of butter, honey, sugar and corn syrup filled with, browned almonds, chocolate covered and sprinkled with chopped cocoanut. Everybody likes it. None delivered. Meier & Frank's: Main and Ninth Floors. Center Aisle Bargain Square Sale of Books 25c Were 50c to $1. Children's picture books and grown-ups' fiction. Books for an idle hour at less than the cost of most magazines. -Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle. Main Floor. Duck and Pheasant Season Open Before you start be sure you have the right gun, the rigljt ammunition and the right clothes. Let Meier & Frank's Sporting Goods Store outfit you and our experts help with your selections. Meier & Frank's: Sporting Goods Store. Sixth Floor. EsUMLs4 m to or Tn& Quality' Sto he or- Portland rrUv.SxUTIonHMivAlte3U Portland-Lower Prices:. The News for Saturday r - ' Giving and Now the ' "Miss Manhattan" Suit Sale ' $57-50 Of course you know "Miss Manhattan." Miss Manhattan suits and coats are known everywhere in the United States. Meier & Frank's sell them exclusively in Portland. THE MISS MANHATTAN MANUFACTURER HAS TURNED OVER TO US 100 SMART NEW SUITS AT A DIS COUNT THAT ENABLES US TO OFFER THEM AT $57.50. Three models are pictured, but if we tried to show all the styles that are ready for you to see it would take half the page. Miss Manhattan suits are always delightfully young. They are made for high school girls, college girls and girls who have just graduated from business college. They have snap, charm and audacity. They are made of good materials. They come in the new shades of brown, tan, rein deer and soft dark blue. Velour, tricotine and silvertone are the materials. Many have collars of seal dyed coney or muskrat. Attractively sijk lined so that inside as well as outside they have that smart Fifth Avenue look which means so much in a suit. Sizes 16, 18 and 20 year3. Only a few of a kind .of some styles, but all sizes in others. Every suit has just arrived from New York and will be shown for the first time Saturday. TELEGRAPH OR MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED SATURDAY WILL BE FILLED AS LONG AS THE QUANTITY LASTS. PLEASE STATE COLOR. SIZE AND MATERIAL. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Miscellaneous v. Suit Blouses r $1.95 New plaid and striped silk blouses at this spe cial price. On the same table are a few better than usual tricolette hip-line blouses and plain colored black and dark blue satin blouses with low or high tailored collars. To add a spice of variety are afternoon kinds of blouses of georg ette with short sleeves and lace. Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Special New Winter Coats $25, $32.50, $55 Sizes for "Women, Juniors, Misses Warm . coats. Good coats. Some with ' fur collars. Made of such representative autumn ma terials as silvertone, velour, pom pom. Wanted brown, blue, tan. Plain and wrappy styles. Not all sizes in each model, but plenty of all sizes in the group. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Fiiled.) New October Hats $5.50 to $15 ?" one hears so often in the "Why is this only - Millinery Salons. . I v There are tables and tables filled with unending variety of new shapes and styles at prices under $15. Colors to go with any suit r coat. Styles becoming to any complexion and hair. Nearly all the hats are comfortably soft and crushable and can be adjusted any way one likes. Small or large ostrich feather hats are $7.50. Original "off-the-face" hats from our own workrooms are $11.75 to $15. Ef fective crushable artistic hats are $5.50, $6, $7.50, $8.50 in embroidered velour, velvet or beaver cloth. This first October Saturday is a fine time to choose just the hat you like. Real Filet Lace Neckwear $1.69 to 3.95 Neckwear Shop is specializing charming collars of plain or tucked net .edged with real filet lace. Made in the roll style, which can be worn with almost any neck line. Some of these collars have cuffs. Specially priced $1.69, $1.95, $2.49, $2.59 and to $3.95. Special Collars $1.25 Roll styles of georgette crepe with embroidered corners, edged with imitation venise or else organdie with imitation filet or venise. In the lot are collar and cuff sets and vestees-with and without collars. .All at this special price of $1.25. Plush Scarfs to Vfear Instead , of Furs New shipments for October breezes. Smart choker collars as well as the larger scarfs with and without pockets. Both beaver and seal-dyed plush in either style. Priced $6.75 to $24.50. Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Autumn yeilings - x Veiling Shop is showing scores of new kinds and styles of veilings to wear with autumn hats. An interesting assortment reasonably priced at $1 to $2.50 includes filet, hexagon and novelty meshes with chenille dots, scrolls and various embroid eries. Black, brown, navy or taupe. Veiling Remnants 50c Regularly 73c to $1.25. Short lengths of novelty mesh veiling in black, navy and brown. Each remnant long enough for a small or medium 6izc hat. Priced by the remnant at 50c EACH. ' Meier & Frank's: Veiling Shop, Stain Floor. Just 60 of These TuK FrocKs for Girls Were $7.50 to $12.50 $4.95 .. Not quite $5 Tfor party and school dresses of cotton crepe, gingham, lawn and organdie. Some are fine enough ta be hand embroidered. White, light and medium colors. Not all sizes in any one style and some show marks of handling. 6 to 14-year girls can be fitted. Girls' Regulation Dresses $6.95 Another opportunity for girls 6 to 14 years. Sailor dresses of devon shire cloth and chambray in cadet blue with sailor collars and trimmed with white braid. Serge Skirts $3.39 to $9.95 Plaid or navy serge skirts in the pleated styles which school girls like. Made with attached underwaists. Originally $4.95 to $12.50, now $3.39 to $9.95. Sizes 6( to 14 years. Girls' C6ats $10.95 Upward Warm, good looking navy blue coats for 8 to 14-year girls are $10.95, others of velour, silvertone, tweed and tinseltone in sizes 10 to 16 are $17.45 upward. - " Meier & Frank's: The Store for Girls, Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) . School Girls' Hats $3.25 to $14.50 At the end of the Millinery Salons is a little shop given over entirely to school girls' hats. Beaver hats with streamers at $7.0 to $10. Felt hats $5.75 and $6. Pretty plush and velvet hat3 as low as $3.25, $3.75, $4.50. Dress hats, some with fur, at $4.75 to $14.50. Mothers are invited to bring their daughters. Just 40 Boys' All ;Wool Overcoats $14.85 Sizes 7 to 12 Years Meier & Frank s: Millinery Shop. Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) I Any mother or father who has priced overcoats of this character knows full well that $14.85 is away below the normal value. That is why we are emphasizing the oppor tunity afforded by this Saturday sale for the supplying of 40 boys with good sound overcoats for fall and winter at a big saving. Made from Oregon wool for Oregon weather. Belted models, neat patterns, good colors. Well to get here early for these. t Meier & Frank's: The Store for Boys. Third Floor. I: '4 ' Mem Now for the Biggest Day in the Biggest One-Price Shirt Sale in Our History. Saturday the favorite day for men te come to their favorite store. And this Saturday above all because the news of our great shirt sale has been sown broadcast. Lots of men will be keen to take advantage of this first opportunity to share in the sale and others who have already bought shirts will come back for more. And we, doing well our part, will have lots of new shirts ready for those who come today. So we expect all attendance records to be shattered on this the third day of the sale which started Thursday with 11,51 At One Price $61 .85 lirt Government Tax 9c Of course we have sold thousands of the original complement, but like a good gen eral we keep pouring in reinforcements to strengthen the broken' lines and we will have ready for men who come today a veritable army of shirts almost as spic and span and certainly as good and dependable as if they were out for the first time. Tub Silks Fiber Silks Madras Flannels Russian Cords Repps Poplins These to mention only a few of the varieties. Every shirt of first quality and thousands made of the good staple cloths that never go out of popularity. There are, of course, all sizes in the sale, but not all sizes in all the kinds of shirts that make up the sale. Colors guaranteed fast, fit and workmanship thoroughly reliable. 2 Shirts for $7.50 (Taxioc) Many good judges men and women buying for men are stocking up for months to come. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Do You Worry About How Your Clothes Look Rather a personal question, perhaps, but meant well. Many young men of our acquaintance are obsessed and embarrassed with the idea that they are objects of scrutiny and observa tion wherever they go. Older men learn that this is not so, that they were not continually objects of captious criticism from all and sundry, yet they feel that there is some good to be derived out of this mental at titude and so clothe and deport themselves as if it were always a reality. Society Brand Clothes are for young men because their acknowledged style leadership keeps the young man conscious of his good appearance They are for men who stay young because staying young consists largely in retaining the con fidence and alertness of youth, after its self-consciousness has been swept away. Style Headquarters alone has So ciety Brand clothes for such young men and men who stay young. Meier & FranVs: The Store for Men. Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) if" . ij! 1