14 TIIE 3IORXIXG , OREGON I AX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. choice: beach lots, exchange for P Fainting and Panerhantrtns and Furnish Material, located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station- and ocean. AK 7tK, Oregonl&o. For hale Lot. i i-3 acre; $1250 $02.50 DOWN 10 MONTH. Parkrose, all cleared but half acre. Which has some beautiful shade trees. An ideal building spot, view of Mt. Hood and valley, short distance from Sandy Idvd. and car line, rich Hilt land most? in cultivation. Huitable for celery, par den, berries, unrestricted. You can build a little home here and make money on the land. This new tract open 10 weeks and nearly all sold. Come out today. Parkrose branch office, end of 1 a r Is. rose Car line. J. I. HARTMAN COMPANT, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sis. ilain 208. JS50 LOT FOR J 500, 65TH AND GLIS A N. $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. All day Saturday and all day Sunday eur agents will be on the ground at the corner of 0."th and Glisan to show you thut wonderful bargain. A piace where you would like to live and own a home, high, dry and level. Improvements there, end on terms you can spare the money, pay for It and not miss it. .Don't let this pass by. COMK SATURDAY. COME SUNDAY. I INTERSTATE HOMKSITB CO., 40& Abington Bldg., 10(iVa 3d St. Tnk Montavflla car to U5th nt. TTE ST MO REX. AND. ' Non-resident owner of rood building lot In this desirable tract wishes- to sell quick at $50. Near Reed college, golf links and car. All improvements in and paid. Call Mar. 5454. 24G Stark. LOTS LOTS LOTS, j Choice Alameda lots, well located; , $1000; all improvements paid. 'J- hese , -won't last long. n CLEVEIAXD, HENDERSON CO., a QH Hoard of Trade Bldg. OWNER GOING TO EUROPE. "Will sell fine corner lot. 30x100. at a biff sacrifice; located close in on east side, Irvlngton district. Phone East 3! 104. Buy direct from owner and save commission. LajT East 5 1st and Broadway, streets paved, sewer in. all paid to date; worm $1000; will sacrifice lor uuu casn. uwdi, " t; 0 Hum aid e st. FOR SALE by owner. .00x100 ft. SOth si and Siskiyou; $500; easy terms. F Si 't. f so. $0x100 FEET on East Tenth between TUia mook and Thompscn. Phone East 20..3. CORNER lot 12. block 5. Bellecrest; beat cash offer. AV .".mOrcgonian. ForSa!e House. E2S50 SUNNYSIDE BUNG.; fireplace, fur nace, built-ins. cement bast., floored attic: small lot. but a won derful buv; $1000 cash; vacant. IS300 Classy 5-rm. bung., modern, ga rage. "lOxloo; only $500 cash; east of Piedmont. $3500 Haw. snap. Exceptional buy. Like new; paved sts. ; terms. J2S00 5-rm. house; req. some repairs; B'Ox.100; paved and pd.; 2 hiks. Irv. car. This is a snap! Fruit galore ; only $700 cash. S3G50 5-r artistic hung., double built: furnace, firepl.. oak firs., buffet: full bns't. ; 50x100; sewer and walk pd.; 4 blks. "W. W." car; $1250 rash. $41100 i-r. buns., prettiest you have seen ; Irv. Pk., blk. car; firepl., buffet, cement bast.; fine attic; f.oxlOO; great val.; $1000 cash. $5730 Alberta snap. 5 artistically deco rated rooms and fine sips, pr., firepl., oak firs., paved sts. $1500 cash. $-000 ("lose In. 5 bed rms.. furnace.: mod., near 10th and liun.; neat place: $1000 cash. $5200 ii r., E. Irv., every cr.nv. ; a model home; choice dist. Terms. $5S00 Queen Anne. Ors. built: large liv. rui., furn., firepl. . oak firs., buffet and other built-ins; 5 bed cham bers. This is worth $7500. Terms. Near Beaumont, Irv. Uist. $4500 Try. snap. 0 r., furnace, 2 fire places, slpy pr., built-ins. cor., vacant; $2000 cash ; cheapest buy in city and don't you forget it! $3750 Typical bung., 6 r., attic, sip. pr., furn. and firepl., all con v., in Irving ton. The kind you like. Terms. $5450 Rose City, unexcelled val., bung.. modern to the letter. Only $750 cash. $7300 West side, 0 r.. all conv., close in, near car. 50x100, Nob Hill; terms. Main -4n:i. U. C. GOLDENRERO G. C. GOLD E V B ERG Abington Bldg. ' oj Yrs. in Portland. A VE5W POSE CITY GEM! $4600 A BEAUTIFUL. NEW VACANT ROSE CITTY. With EVERY BUILT-IN; HARDWOOD FLOORS; OLD IVORY FINISH; Indirect Ihrhts: TERMS. It's EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! 55th s-t. Ask for Mr. ITaight. MGR. -NEW HOME" Dept.. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buv Your NEW Home. Ablnton bld-. Main IOCS. ' CXEVER IR VINO TON BUNGA LOW ! IT'S NEW! HAS EVERY TMAfJINABLR DEVICE TO PROMOTE comfort and be-auty; . airy birooms. tap estry wall paper, hardwood floors, etc.; latest built-ins. E. 12th, just no ft. south of Siskiyou. Mr. Halght will be here" Sunday from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 5 (or call at office' . FRANK L. McGUIRE. to Buy Your "NEW" Home, AMnpton Bids. Main IOCS. NEW IRVINGTON colonial bungalow of 5 rooms and break' . fast room, beautiful Dutch kitchen in white enamel, oak floors throughout fireplace, furnace, plate glass windows, beautiful tapestry paper and ivory finish. The bathroom has built-in b. tub. pedes tal lavatory, real tile walls and floor; (i Iso linen cabinets ; f0x 1 oo lot : double- constructed garage and full cement run vays. Open Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to o i m. 400 E. 2.id st. N near Prn?ee. HERE'S YOUR HOME, r -room double constructed bungalow. Dutch kitchen, good basement, white T;t.meted plumbing, walls tinted, light fixtures, window shades: paved streets, close to car. $4250. Terms. Owner, Tr.hor 3X25. . HERE is an opportun tty to buy a fine modern 10 -room home, west side, beau tiful view, three lots, triple garage; this place will have to be seen to be appreciated and can be had at a bar gain. Owner, P 70. Oreponian. BUNG ALOW" fl rooms, all newly tinted, ivorv enamel finish. Dutch kitchen, good plumbing, full lot. garage, fruit trees, only $2500. Terms. Owner. Tabor 32.. 4-ROOM lU'XG T.OV. SELLWOOD. Bran dnew 100x100 Dutch kitchen, ht-i'r.kfnst nook, 2 bedrooms, large closets, beautiful bath, only $3200; $750 cash; Tit) mortgage. Sell. 2700. WEST SIDE. l!th and Northrup. 0 rooms, basement, gas. good Int. -walking distance to heart of city. Call Main in:;i or Mafn 440S. IKV'iNGTON New bungalow on Brazee; S rooms, art paper; garage; corner. Will take an torn obi le as part payment McDonald. East 410. $2050. ONLY $050 down, buys a nifty 5 room bungalow, firepl ace, built -f ns, Dutch kitchen, full basement. Tabor H351. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR. R-room bungalow, hot water heating system, fireplace, large grounds. Mar shall 303 OWNER MUST SACRIFICE 0 ROOMS. - Hawthorne, walking distance, corner lot, furnace, fireplace, only $4500; terms. Marshall 1022. . S2(U0 EASY TERMS. Classy 0-room bungalow, modern ex cept furnace. This Is a sacrifice price. Marshall 3QQ3. BEAUTIFUL home. 7 rooms, strictly mod ern bungalow; elope to Fernwood school; terms. East S03S. 6-ROOM bungalow, large living room, fire place, built-ins. full basement, 50x100 lot. Marshall 3003. 1 I FTY modern 6-room bungalow, rooms all on one floor, full lot, choice loca tion. Marshall 3003. REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale -Houses. 3.000.000 HOMES SHORT IN THE UNITED STATES TODAY? 2500 Homes short in PORTLAND! SOLVE YOUR OWN HOUSING PROBLEM! See FTtANTv L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LA RGE ST HOME SELLER ON TH E PACIFIC COAST. Deal with AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM. 1000 photographs of homes for sale. THE GREATEST PICTURE DISPLAY ROOM in the WEST with over 1OO0 photographs of hom-es for sale is at your disposal. EVERY HOME PERSONAL LY IXSPBCTKD AND APPRAISED. "We protect your every interest and put you In immediate touch with the home you are LOOKING FOR. HUNDRE0S OF REMARKABLE BARGAINS. If necessary, we wili help you make your down payment. 25 experienced, cour teous SALESMEN with autos at your constant service. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 0 P. 11. VACANT NEW HOME! $5900 YOU CAN'T OFTEN GET SUCH SPLENDID VALUE! 6-room just competed ARTISTIC HOME! Especially good floor arranpe- 'rnent! Old ivtv finish through out; ideal Dufrh kitchen; sunny breakfast alcove; fine furnace. Ready to move In todav! E. 17th. FORCED SALE! OWNER WILL DISCOUNT FOR CASH I SPDCIAL ROSE CITY. MOVE IX IMMEDIATELY! $4200 POSITIVELY UNDUPLICATED! Owner must sell his beautiful Rose City at once! 5 exception ally large and airy rooms, bun galow; built-in conveniences; ga rage, etc. IT HAS TO GO! YOU CAN HAVE IMMEDIATE POS SESSION! E. ti5th st. HAWTHORNE HOMES! $4500 SPLENDID VALUE in an AR TISTIC HAWTHORNE HOME of 6 pleasant rooms; paneled dining room with massive buffet; Dutch V itchen; sleeping porch ; excel lent furnace; full cment base - m-nt. Terms. E. 32d. AN OF FER YOU SHOULD TAKE) AD VANTAGE OF! PEE THIS ONE! $3250 Beau t'i f u 1 English Typ Alberta bungalow In Irvlngton Park ! Actually defies competition! 5 rooms with labor-saving built-ins; splendid furnace; fruit and shade trees. E. 34 th. Terms. You couldn't begin to build it for the price asked. We'll sell it today. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! $1000 EASIEST TERMS! 7-room mod ern comfortable Alberta home on corner lot! 4. airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; gas; paved street. Failing st. Don't pay rent! Own an Alberta home! Wu have HO. TYPICAL MONT A VILLA SNAP! $2700 Super-attractive MontavnJla Bun galow of 5 airy rooms. Very p-Ieiasant and comfortable home atmosphere! Paneled d'ining room ; built-in china closet; Dutch kitchen; white enamel plumhing; elect ricity ; gas; close to car. Terms. Exceptional value. PIEDMONT HOMES. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. $2500 .1 u.t $500 down ! Close to Jef ferson high, Pem'nsula park and 1 i'brary ; 5-room distinctive, splen did bargain, modern home! Very attractive. No mortgage or street Mens to assume! Missouri ave. On of our 10UO homes for ta.e! MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $iU to $5-00 down ; lOoxloo grounds and a 5-room cosy bungalow with bull t-ins; best white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; close to car on 73d. Wonderful value. We have 100 Mt. Scott homes for sale. ANOTHER TtE NTL ESS ONE! ?20DO Just $5-00 down! MT. SCOTT'S MOST ARTISTIC 4-room bunga low ; cheery fire-place and book case in living room; built-in buf fet; best white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; 07th st. The above are only a few of the over 1 000 home bargains we have for sale. Ph olographs of every one in our great display room. It's impossible to adver tise thenn all. 25 courteous salesmen with auto-mo-bites ready at all times, day and evening, to show you property. Often we have as many a-s 20 homes listed with us in a single day. FEE FRANK L. McGUrRR TO BUY YOLK HOME. A B I NO TON B LI ; . MAIN' 1 0C8. 3d .St., bet. Wash, and Stark. MUST SELL. Don't pay any commission, buy direct from owner and save money. Immediate possession; 0-room modern bungalow, newly painted and tinted throughout, Dutch kitchen white enameled, rest ivory enameled ; sleeping porch, cement basemen t and furnace, free electricity for two years, inlaid linoleum, gas range and water heater; two iota 80x100. 12 bearing fruit trees, lots of winter wood. Price $:77r. $1675 down; or if that la not convenient I'll let you have It for a smaller payment down; balance $30 per month, including In terest at 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 1235 or write Q7S5 80th st. Try Broadway 3S2G. 0-ROO.M BUNGALOW SNAP. In a highly restricted district close In: five rooms first floor, one room and sleeping porch second ; furnace, fire place and all modern conveniences; house in splendid condition; owner leav ing the city; possession will be given Oct. 15. Price $IOOO. $1350 cash, bal ance $40 including interest o per cent per annum, monthly. BROWN 6c GRANT. 201-2 Fonton Bldg. Broadway 3222. HAWTHORNE district. Widow going to California will sell her 7-room story and one-half bungalow, spacious living and dining room, beamed ceiling, white enameled kitchen and bath; many hunt ings, wash tray, full sie cement base mmt; lot 40x117; Bing cherry tree, small fruit and growing garden; room for ga rage; paved street: 1 block from Haw thorne tsouth). Will sacrifice $37-50. terms. Some furniture if desired. 325 Glenn ave. stt.sr.o FINE SIX-ROOM LAURELHURST BUNGALOW I am leaving Portland and want to make a quick sale of my cozy home in a choice part of Laurelhurst two blocks from car. House built about four years and not a scr-itch on it; 0 rooms. 3 bed roums, full cement basement; very best material and workmanship; a good garage. For further information call Tabor 3433; eve. East 7738. C- ROOM furnished house, nice corner in Irv in g ton ; good clean house and good furniture; cement basement and furnace; cheap fur cash. Phone East 6739. Owner. 1 RVI N G T ON 7 ROO M S $ 7 S.50. Lovely house, one-half block from Knott and l."Vth St.; art paper, plate glass, large bedrooms, 10x18. McDONELL. EAST 410. NORTH Mt. Tabor, double constructed 5- roorn uungaiow, block irora car; large living rooms, hardwood floors, garage, $4000. terms; owner. Automatic 224-OS. FOR SALE By widow woman leaving for east, 8-room house, garden, fruit trees, chickens: near high school; lot 100x200. 4527 5!th ave. $33o0. A BEAUTIFUL 5-room home for sale by owner at bargain. Only $3500, $20i0 cash, bal. like rent. Ail improvements in and paid. Call SeJ'l. 3003. $500 CASH, $700 terms: house for sale; three rooms. 11 8-year-old bearing trees; city water and gas, close to car. Sell wood 17S0. TO SETTLE estate, will sell a,t sacrifice, fine west side home; beautiful grounds; elegant view. Mrs. L. K Moore, East 3254. IRVINGTON colonial, 0 rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, tile bath; garage. Owm-er leaving city. East $4tM0 8-RoOM house. 100x100 lot, fruit, berries, garden, on paved street. Vi block to car; s cash, terms. Tabor 8-516. 0-ROOM house, 50x100, paved s-treet. terms. Owner. 504 Walden av., Selirwood car Moving to farm. Quick possession. A-KOOM house and garage, 50x100 lot; house in good condition; bargain. East loth and Grant. Phone East 021. FOR SALE Good 7-room house and ga rage, near carline and school. Call 350 Ivv st. East 7O10. 5 Ri M houne, lot 40x100, fruit trees ; $1500. $250 cash, balance like rent. See owner. 61l3-37th Ave. S. E. NEW BUNGALOW. $3750, terms. Broadway 626. Auto matic 327-43. G-ROOM house :or fale. Apply owner Old Country Fish and Chips, 2d and Yam hiilsts. SACRIFICE 6 rooms, modern, easy terma; nice district: owner. Bdwy. 1041. Morris.' MODERN 0-room bungalow. Willametts Heights. Call owner. Main B494. 4-FiOOM house, S7S Mississippi ave. Wocd lawn 507. v ROSE CITY PARK Story and half house good location: $4000. Owner. Tabor 37. FOR MALE by owner, 1020 Stephens Sa lient Six, run 6000 miles. 228 Front st. 3-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished. Owner, 1020 E. Broadway. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IR VINGTON BARGAIN. MODERN" BUNGALOW. BEJST LOCA TION, FINE CONDITION, 8 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, TWO BATHS. GA RAGE; REAL SNAP, $8750, TERMS. PHONE EAST 4167. HOMESEEKERP! JUST LISTEN TO THIS! A fine double constructed bungalow; living, dining, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor; unfinished attic; cut glass doors in bookcases and buffet, Dutch kitchen with all built-ins, pantry, full cement basement, 80x120 lot, roses, lawn, fine large chicken house and run, rabbit house, garden space. You could not put up the buildings for less than $5000. Out-of-town owner must raise money, therefore this price. $3750 for all and quick action. $1000 cash will handle. S. B. Prentiss. 61 3 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. $8500. Just recently completed for owner: near Laurelburst park; house consists of 5 rooms, bath, hall and floored attic (suitable for bedroom); absolutely mod ern. Including screens- throughout; hard wood floors in all rooms. Inlaid linoleum, beautiful lawn and f lowers. 50x100 lot. garage and full cement drive. Will sell furnishings if desired with house. Halt cash and terms to suit. 1233 EAST PINE STREET. ( NEAR 41ST STREET. LOOK HERE1 Sunnyside home and fine Income. I own quarter block, northwest corner 34th and Yamhill, 4 buildings; rents $117 per month; you can occupy one of the houses or Hats, rent the rest; $3000, part cash, buys myequity. Property actually worth $ 12,000; Tnort. $0500. Marshall 740, fore noons $12,500, WORTH $23,000. Going south, want to sell quickly magnificlent 8-room low rambling style bungalow, none equal In construction ; fireplace, two baths (one with shower), sun and breakfast rooms, den, French doors and windows, beamed ceilings, plastered casement, celled attic, best hot water heat, large porch. 200x123 ground, native trees, double garage, paved street; a beautiful country place and right tn Rose City park; $2500 cash will handle. Owner. Tabor 17!5. MT. TABOR BARGAIN. Modern 4 -room house located at ML Tabor, near the park. 1790 Belmont St., near E. 6th st. This is the best buy In Portland of house and lot of this size. Big lot; has 6 bearing fruit trees and berries. The property is vacant so you can move right in. Price $2050, on terms. Look this house over, then call and see the owners. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO!f 300 Railway Exchange Bldg. IRVINGTON SPECIAL 9 rooms and sleeping porch In the very best part of addition. Center en trance hall, large living room, with music room adjoining : 3 fine, large bedrooms on second floor, with but It ins in closets; 2 large finished rooms on third floor. Built by day labor and for a home. Here is a snn p. Price Si 0.500. Some terms. See J. A. Mc carty, 270 1 Stark, st. Main 1700. Eve. Tabor 5057. A REAL BARGAIN. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Strictly modern beautiful 7-room semi bungalow in Rose City Park, one-half block f rom Sa-ndy bl vd. : large lot. fine lawn and shrubbery ; parquet oak floor ing, fireplace, furnace, beamed celling, leaded art gl-asti in library and buffet door ; French doors; large porch, etc. Owner leaving- city; wiil sacrifice for only $1500 cash, balance on easy terms. Call Tabor 1001. . IRVINGTON BARGAIN. MUST BE SOLD. 75x100 Fruit and Shrubbery. 10th Between Thompson and" Brazee. Modern seven-room bungalow ; fire place, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf fet, bedroom downstairs, 2 and sleeping Sorch upstairs; good furnace. Donald lacleod. 1U01-2 Spalding bldg. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 5-room bungalow, modern: fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laun dry trays; line large lot, 50x123, with large cherry trees, variety fruit and garden ; a fine modern home, well lo cated ; only $4350, cash. CLEVELAND. HENDERSON CO., 30S Board of Trade Bldg. BEAL'Tl F U L N E W BUNGALOW. -I am going to s'U my brand new 5 room bungalow and save you a gent's commission. I know the price is RIGHT. Allow me to show you, that is the way to judge. KOB'T. S. COE JR., Owner, 384 h Hawthorne A ve. Eat 4726. Res. East KiO. DEAL WITH O W N E R . $3o00 Just com pie ted. 8-room house and sleeping porch, elegantly finished in old ivory; handsome buffet. Dutch kitch en, fireplace, corner lot ; all paved, be tween Hawthorne and Sunnyside, near car; open today; $1500 will handle. Ta bor S43fi. MODERN 6-room house with hall, bath. fireplace. built-in boouuases, window seat, buffet and kitchen conveniences; large front porch, full cement basement, fruit, flowers and berries; 1 block from car, 2 blocks from school. See house and owner at 748 East 27th st. (Evans ton). Phone Main 2770. NEW 4-ROOM, DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW. COMPLETELY FUR NISH ED: GOOD LOT, CHICKEN HOUSE, MATCHING HOUSE. 12 HENS, GOOD 5-PASS. AUTO. AM LEAVING TOWN. WILL SELL ALL OR PART AT A BARGAIN. PHONE COLUMBIA, 772 FOR DETAILS. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income t We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE SATISFACTION. L. R, Bailey Co.. Inc.. 24 N. W Bank bldg. 2-FLAT house ; hardwood floors : 100x1 00 lot. with garage : full basement with laundry trays ; four rooms and bath to each flat, with separate entrances; price $4750. $1000 cash will handle, bal. $50 per mo., interest included ; now renting for $72.50 per month. See owner, 270 Burnside st. CENTRAL IRVINGTON. Cozy C-room house, fine location, lfith st. near Thompson; hall and living room opening together; fireplace. Ivory fin ish, garage, sleeping porch, full base ment. Fox furnace, easy to heat. Pnune East 018. COUCH ADDITION For sale, modern 12 room house; five rooms, bath first floor, 6 rooms, bath second floor; large attic; one basement room; rents as well-paying lodging house: $05O0; would accept 1 or 2 lots as part payment or bungalow. Owner. Main 3836 after 7 P. M. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, one block Irvington car; strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace and built-ins; an excep tional bargain at $030 cash, balance terms. Open today. 821 E. 16th st. N. FOR SALE $4000. 6-room house; hall, bath, toilet, clos es, big basement, laundry trays, chicken house and garden; lot 40 by 100; one block to car line, close to school : wi, take small 3-room house as part pay- m ent, ciosa in. 11.11 r.. -n: n st. is . FOR SALE by owner, modern 6-room hun galow, lot 75x1 OO, fruit trees and ber ries. Price J40.io. $ 1200 cash. baJarx- $25 monthly, including interest. 1107 Glenji ave. -N. HAWTHORNE SNAP. Paved street, all paid; 6 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, tiara wood floors, built ins. Don't fall to investigate. Price 4500. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg-. A WIDOW on account of being, alone will sell at a bargain my lovely 0-rooms with enclosed sloping porch, all modern, in ivory and mahogany, plate glass and mirror aoors, large rooms, near school. parti, ttuti nu Bctru. easy terms. Tabor 2274. SACRIFICE Owner leaving; cozy bunga low, $2500; cash $020, balance $20 month ly. Also 6-room cottage, garage, naved. rented $35; $2800. attractive terms. Eve nings, laiwr iu.m. WEST SIDE HOME. $4500. $3000 cash. 50x luu, o rooms, mrnace, gas. no incum brance. 786 Corbett. near Glbba. S car. Owner. Main 5036. 4-ROOM house on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. large, beautiful grounds, paved street. Frice reoucea ji.nw. Geo. M. Reed Co., bpaiang Diog. aiarsnan Sdij, IF YOU have 5 or 6-room modern bun galow that you want to sell, I have parties waiting with ready cash. Cail ta?t ua. rj r.Ljiv.x i yrsnauie, moaern i -room Dungatow, iosiuu, garage, trees, nowers only $7000; $2000 cash. Phone Aut 4-ROOM house and lot for sale rhpi owner leaving city: price $1000, $700 cash. Take Mt. Scot car get off Grays grossing, wain sou in. i.uu ft JO. St. a E IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonnell. 500 East 147th N, East 419. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS, ATTENTION! If you are looking for a home In this popular district, we want you to see our listing of bungalows and houses. We have sold hundreds of houses in this district and have been selling property there for years. Most of our salesmen live in the district and we know the history of nearly every house in Rose City Park. We maintain a branch of fice at 50th and Sandy. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. Our past reputation for fair dealing Is a. safe guide for you to follow. Make our acquaintance. Tell us frankly the kind of property you wish to buy and the terms jou can meet. Give us n opportunity to serve you. Understand, you will be under no obligations. A. G. TEBPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. $3500 7-ROOM house on Grand ave., near Broadway, occupied by 2 families now; good, income and no Improvements to pay. You can use a part of house and rent balance and make Jt help to pay for itteif. $1000 cash, bal. monthly pay ments. $4000 S-room house near Kenton, fur nished. Owner had to go east on account of health. Can live on one floor and rent balance; present inrome $45 per month. $1000 cash, bal. monthly payments. A. H. BELL. Mulkey Bldg., 231 Morrison St. DUTCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x132. ADJOINING LOT AVAILABLE AND CITY AND MOUNTAINS. CLOSE IN ON CARLINE; TEN ROOMS. 3 BATHS, HOT WATER, HEAT. OAK FLOORS. MAHOGANY AND FIVE COATS WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY 40 PEit CENT FOR LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND AOOEPT SMALL HOUSE IN IRV INGTON AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE. RESIDENCE PHONE MAIN 3300. HAWTHORNE BA KGA'IX $4750. Good as new 0-room modern bouse In first-class condition, full cement base ment, furnace heat, Dutch kitchen, built ins, 30x100 corner, lot, full garage, a fine variety in fruit ; all improvements paid. A bargain at $4750, $2000 cash ; no agents; occupied by owner. 401 E. 43d ti., corner Lincoln. WHY PAY RENT? Furnished bungalow, five rooms, on 40xlO0 lot, with fine fruit trees; streets paved and paid: brase? bed, davenport, buffet, rugs, range, chairs, etc., included in price; $3050, $050 cash, balance like rent. CLEVELAND. HENDERSON CO., 30S Board of Trade Bldg. IN SUNNYSIDE One block from best car service, a 0-room modern house, recep tion hall and den. full cement base ment, hot water heating plant, front and back porch. ack porch latticed and screened : A-l cement gara ge with co merit driveway, cement walks and steps; located at S71 E. Yamhill st., between 28th and 20 th. Phone Tabor 7013. Price $5SQO. 7-ROOM. modern bungalow; non-resident owner says sell for $2750. $10O0 cash; large living room, well-lighted dining room, big pantry, kitchen, I bedroom and bath with fine plumbing downstairs; concrete basement, garage, cement side walk; Peninsula district, 1 blk. to car; a real bargain. Ralph Harris Co., S27 C. of "'om. Main .024. SACRIFICE HAWTHORNE HOME. Seven rooms, modern, newly painted and papered, hardwood floors, interior alt finished in quarter-sawed oak; full cement basement, laundry trays; located at 117:: Hawthorne ave. ; large lot, nice shrubberv. garage; going on ranch, must sell. Price $550O. Call Tabor 062 after h. evening. Rose City bungaiow, 5 rooms, deeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement ; beauti ful lot In desirable restricted district, 1 block from Sandy ; $1 200 cash nenessary ; $40 per month Includes interest at G per crnt. Ta.hor TTB. lOHXlOO AND MODERN' home of 7 rooms. 1 large bedroom on first floor, hardwood floors, fireplp.ee. built-in effects, French doors between reception hall, living room, dining room ; artistic f ixt urea. Price $S50. Easy terms on balance. O. W. Bryan. 508-9 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1003. OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER SAYS SELL. Living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bath and bedroom, cement walls, part basement. Alberta car; only $1500; $650 cash. You will have to hurry to get this. S. S. PRENTISS, 615 Chamber of Commerce BMg. IRVINGTON NEW BUXOALOW On 25th st. near Knott: 6 rooms and breakfast room ; all ivory ; ha rd wood floors throughout : wide concrete porch and garage; $8500, terms. McDonald. East 411). AF.TIST1C bungalow of 6 rooms and re ception hall, attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-in effects, full cri'crete basement, garage, paved street. Priee $55on. Terms. O. W. Bryan. 508-0 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1003. IRVINGTON SOUTHERN COLONIAL central entrance, ivory and mahogany, newly painted inside and out, double garage and corner. Price $OOoo, includes all velour draperies and curtains. Terms. McDONELL. East 4 IP. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow finished in old ivory; finest condition: half block to car line. Price $3650, $1000 cash. Bal ance easy. Call Mr. Fisher, Alain 5420, 24H Stark st. OUR HOME with white woodwork, fire place, furnace, corner lot, house light and airy: immediate possession: Haw thorne district, on car and school ; a snap for $4500 ; must be sold immedi ately. Phone Broadway 3600. MOVE RIGHT IN. $100 cash, $13 monthly buys new 3 room bungalow, full 50x100 lot, full base ment, concrete foundation, 2 blocks from St. Johns car. Total price $1400. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com 0-ROOM substantial bouse on PORTLAND HEIGHTS; large, level grounds, all con veniences, fine state of repair, compara tively new; hard-surface street, clear of Mens. You will like this place. Geo. M. Heed Co.. Spalding bldg. Marshall 3377. VACANT BRAND NEW CLEAN. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2750. Near Union ave. and Dekum; shades, fixtures, tinting, linoleum, large lot, small cash payment, balance like rent. Move In tomorrow. Tabor 9586. CLOSE-IN. IRVINGTON. Eight-room, semi-modern house, near Irvington and Broadway carlines. In ex cellent condition, clean, light and comfortable- good garage. lawn and roses; $3000. Owner. East 2205. ROSE CITY PARK An 8-room residence ,pf best possible construction and interior finish; 4 bedrooms, fireplace and every modern appointment; 1 blocks from car; price $7000. only $24100 cash. Call 737 E. 42d N. Tabor 7211. OWNER LEAVING CITY. WILL SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL 10 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE; BEAU TIFUL GROUNDS: PORT. HTS. FOP. PARTICULARS CALL OWNER, MAR. 2486. $000 FURNISHED 3-R. COTTAGE $900. Neat, comfortable little home, same as rent; large porches; overlooks river; Fui ton car. CHAS. RINGLFR, 225 Henry Bldg. - Broadway 3022. $30 CASH. $12.50 MONTHLY Buys 3-room house, close in, near Rus sell St., sewer connections, city water. Total price $1100. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bio" g. IRVINGTON. Save $500; buy from owner. East 16th, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 firenlaces; entire interior Ivory finish. Phone East 3735. WEST SIDE. Eight-room house for sale or for rent furnished ; si tuated near 23d street and Depot and Morrison carline. Call even- nigs, between b andjs. Marshall 381 7. 4-ROOM CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Brand new, strictly modern, full base ment; garage ; on paved street and cax tine. Terms. owner, I340 Alibi na ave. NEW, strictly modern 4-room house, with sleeping porch, fine garage, corner lot, OSxlOO; paving; price $3150; $1200 cash essential, l abor 211. SIX-ROOM house; garage, two large lots, 741 Milwaukie St.. on Sell wood car line , $4700 cash, 631 Milwaukie. Phone Sell- wood 1VJ. WALKING distance, west side; 7-room house, splendid condition : $5000; now vacant. 534 Mill st. East 634. Owner. FOR SALE $1350. completely furnished 3-rm. house and lot on Woodstock car line, by owner. fnone iiain IRVINGTON home for sale by owner; 8 rooms ana iinisnea third iloor. fine con dition; price $0000. Phone East 7911. IRVINGTON PARK 6-room" "b u n ga 1 ow H'OxlOO. alley, shade, fruit trees; 25oO will hanaie. uwner, liit tz. aist st. N. ALMOST new 4-rm. house, 75x 10H lot; price reasonaoie; migni iraae ior auto mobile. 090 Powell Valley road. 7-ROOM modern bungalow; furnace, tire place, hardwood floors, garage. 45th near H.awtnorne. ny owner, xauor j. ALAMEDA PARK. MODERN 9-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER. $7000. TERMS. WOL.N. 807. LEAVING town, must, sell strictly mod ern 8-room bungalow; may rent. Sell- wood 3400. REAL. ESTATE, For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74b7. A very large number of photographs of desirable homes are on display in our salesroom. They represent real value. If they did not we would not sell such a large number of houses as we do. See our listing before you select your borne. We can save you money. IRVINGTON. $1000 down will take this unusually well constructed two-story house of C rooms and sleeping porch, on full lot, with all street improvements fn and paid. Large reception hall, living room with fireplace, massive built-in buffet, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms up stairs. This house could not begin to be built for the price for which we are au thorized to tell it. Only $7500. ALBERTA. This 5-room bungalow Is strictly mod ern, one and one-half blocks from the car, paved street and sewer. Two excel lent bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, very best of plumbing. This bungalow Is not yet three years old. It is unusually attrac tive and is close to Jefferson high and grade school. The price is $4200 'and may be had on convenient terms. HAWTHORNE. This substantially bull t-5-room house is on the bungalow type, two blocks from car, one block to grade school and walk ing distance to Franklin high school; macadam street with sewer all in and paid. This house Is on 34th street, near Salmon, and Is in excellent condition. The price is $3500, on terms. ALBERTA, 100x102. $500 down will buy this cosy bungalow on corner lot 100x102, two blocks from car line. Living room, music room or den, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bed room, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fruit and shrubbery, 50x100; can be had for only $3400. ROSE CITY PARK. $1000 down will take this strictly modern one-year-old 5-room bungalow, on a full lot, below the hill, one and one-half blocks from the car line; two large bedrooms, fine living room with fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors. Ivory woodwork, large attic: pavement and sewer all in and paid for. SELLWOOD. This C-room bouse Is on a full lot, one-half block from the car. It has three large bedrooms, two of them being up stairs; paved street and sewer. Price $3200. ,with reasonable down payment. This Is a very good buy. 100x102 CORNER. 4-ROOM HOUSE $1725. Four-room bouse on piece of land 100 xl 02, with abundance of fruit and ber ries, four blocks from car. This is a real snap ; terms. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Streets. Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS. NEW ! N" E W ! NEW ! SP EC I A L A N N O T ' NO E M E NT ! We have a DEPARTMENT DE VOTED exclusively to the sale of N E W B I "NV i A LOWS 1 N E VERY PART OF THE CITY, under th efficient management of Mr. .1. T. Haight. who is a recognized pxpert in this 1 Inc. A T PRESENT W K HAVE SOME CF THE MOST B E A UT1 FUL. T l'-TO-THE-MI.V-UTE BUNGALOWS in Portland, and we're gcttimr NEW ONES as soon as they're finished. Ask for Mr. Haight. Mgr. "NEW HOME" Dept.. with FRANK L. MoGUIRE. To Buy Your "NEW Home. Abington bldg. Main lOtiS. HOME BARGAINS IN- OVERLOOK. $5250 $ 1 75i cash, balance $50 and In terest at 6 .monthly. Beauti- ful 6-room, modern home, hard wood floors, furnace. fireplace, cement floor, wash trays, full lot. restricted district, will give pos session in two weeks to see this is to buy. $1000 $loo cash, balance $25 per month and interest; 5-rooni bungalow, with stairway to attic and one room finished u n stairs ; also sleeping porch. his is a real rargniii for quick sale and ia reduced from $1500 to $4000. You cannot bent this tn the city, quick possession. M. K. THO.M PSOy, SIS Mississippi Ave. Phono Wood lawn 1 733. NKAK GROV ELAND PARK AND FRAN K LI N HIGH. 6-Room Bungalow $4 100. Folks, you want to see this. Here is a nifty bungalow. Living room extends entire width of house. Hardwood floors. riropl:M:e, buffet, Dutch kit-lien, break fast neck, cement basement, furnace, etc. You never would expect to buy such a nome as this for so little money. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK, Strictly modern 5-room bungalow; large rooms, all built-ins. hardwood floors, attic, basemen t, ga rage ; good location; trees and flowers; owner leav ing city. iv,) E. 40th N. $405O. IRVINGTON. Fine home, hall, living, dining. Vitchen. 3 bedrooms, f ine, basement and furnace ; a beauty; 50x1 0O lot. East 1347. 6-ROOM home, newly tinted, good plumb ing, large tearooms, corner lot 80x100. 5 bearing fruit trees, berries, chicken house and chickens included; Inlaid lino leum, cement sidewalks; $2850, $500 oown, terms. 1 aoor -uu;. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money And build tor you. Terms like rent. Ca:i and se-e us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. IRVINGTON VIEW HOME. Beautiful bungalow, between Irvington and Alameda, 5 love-ly rooms and tiled baith. All ivory and mahogany. Con cte garage. Pleasant home for adultst McDonald. East 410. $3700 TERMS. Modern 6-room 1 -story bungalow, fire place, built-ins, 50x1 00 lot, convenient to car. school ana store, close in. Mar shall 3093. PRICE $2000. 6-room aemi-modern bungalow: fruit and berries; $iWo down, balance $15 per month and InteU; 2 blocks to car. 4120 64th st. S. E. ROSE CITY PARK New 6-room lu story bungalow, located 1 blocks south of sandy Diva.; sincuy moaer;. tnrough out ; terms. Owner, 4 10 E. 52d st. N. Tabor 646S. BY OWNER Two new double constructed 5-room bungalows, centrally located; full lots, high grounds, near schools and several carlines. 4.;o-434 Wygant., cor. 7th. Open lor inspection. DO YOU want to buy a strictly modern home In Ladds add., reasonably priced at $9000? I have the place; possession may be had within a short time. P 66, Oregonian. ko;f. CITY PARK Will sacrifice my 7 room colonial home for $5300 if taken before I leave for the east Oct. 5; origi nal price $6500; or will lease for 1. 2 or 4 years at oo muiim. 1 uoor kpr 13(10 E. Madison st.. near 45th. large rooms and sleeping porch, lot 60x 100, many iruit irees; price -uuu; va cant. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Com merce bids. Main 947S. H AW TH ORNE SNA P C LOSE IN. Classv doubie-construeted 5-roorn bun galow. fine condition ; cement basement anl waise; lui-i iui; i.vvj irmi, $:i5O0. pad-t terms. lw L. Lincoln. HOUSE PLANS. 'Distinctive Homes," illustrated book Of over 100 designs, i; oiueprtnts $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. VACANT FOR KALE BY OWNER. 6-room bungalow, oak floors, fire place, buiit-ins; steam neating plant; garage; paved street ana sewer. 350 E 45th st. , ion vfiTftX 50x100. imp. nald. 9 room a sleeping porch; arranged for two fami lies; easy to rent; $4500. $lOGO cash, balance like rent. Zimmerman. 81$ Chamber or commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS For sale, mod. APn 6-room bungalow: beautiful vfw restricted neighborhood: no incumbrance, terms or cash. Phone Main 3836 after 7 P. M. FOR A SMALL payment down you may buv a. new 4-room moaern nouse on - corner lot 50x100 at a sacrifice in a good district on tne &c. jonns line tor soo. Call owner, laoor uuoi. ROSE CITY PARK. I have beautiful 5 and 6-room modern bungalows close to R. C. car; some real good buys. East S03S. lOoxl 20 S-ROOM house, and barn 16x20 feet, loganberries, grapes, shade trees, chicken house; price $8500. 1051 Com mercial st., near Jefferson high school. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch.. $5230. Located below the hilt, one block from Sandy blvd. Here, folks, is a de lightful bungalbw. Ideally located. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, etc Paving and sewer paid. Very liberal terms. Let us show you. A. O. TEBPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Mam 3092. - Branch Office OOth and Sandy. ATTENTION. MR. BUYER. After presidential election vou will say I TOLD YOU SO, and after thia beautiful 30-room residence is sold to some one that can appreciate GOOD VALUE you will bra the same thing. Why not be the LUCKY ONE? By appointment only. Price not over $11,500. METZGER-PARKER CO., 260 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. Suburban Homes. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. AND ONE THAT PAYS. 7-room house equipped with modem plumbing, air-pressure water system and sewer; dandy garage, chicken park and barn. Three -acre tracts, all in bear ing fruit and garden; excellent soil: corn now growing 10 ft. high. Jersey cow, hogs and chickens; delightful lo cation on good road: only y mile from city limits. Photos at office. Price $6500 for quick sale. Terms. A. K. HILL CO., Acreage Dept.. 426 Lumbermens bldg. Bdwy. 421. N'ICE 4-ROOM HOUSE AT MAPLE WOOD. Completely furnished with gas range, 2 beds and all other household furniture: on 50x120 lot ; 2 chicken houses, rabbit hutches for 100 rabbits; 12 does. 1 buck CJ with the place: some fruit and berries; all for $1600; $500 cash, bal. $25 month and interest, near the street car line; be fare. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank BMg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW $2S00. $1500 cash, $20 monthly, buys 1 'A acres with a 3-room bungalow cot tare, 2 good henhouses and other outbuiidingga ; lots of strawberries, loganberries and black berries. 20 assorted fruit trees. Bull Run water. This place commands a view of the entire city; H of a mile to the Estacada car line. Fred. W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ONE ACRE, cultivated. 17 choice fruit trees; house attractively nnished ; beau tiful electric fixtures; best plumbins. modern bath, sewerage, new Inlaid lino leum in bathroom. Paid up electricity 2 years; winter's wood, hot water heater, window drapes and rods. Large garage, lawn and shrubbery: 2 4 miles from city limits; just off Powell valley road. Auto matic 261-11. ask for 5421; $4itu0. EXTRAORDINARY One acre, new barn and chicken house, small house, large sleeping porch, fruit, large gardvn ; spot cash price, $050; SO min. to town. Mrs. L. M. Johnston. Lake Grove; S. P. train three blocks from lake ; acre 52, back road. FOR SALE by owner; beautiful home on paved h ighway overlooking Clackamas river at Gladstone, including nearly one acre of ground, beautiful trees and shrubbery; house modern throughout. J. F. Hodge. Gladstone. SUBURBAN home. 2 acres. All city conveniences. an kinds or fruit and shrubs, landscaped grounds. Will give terms or will trade for city property. Price $17,000. K 24. Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." A BEAUTIFUL, modern little country home, close In near station and paved road ; fine lawn, fruit, shade- trees and Howers. Phone Aut. 324-11) or call 1219 Mallory ave. FOR S ALE Cheap, by owner, a fine 2- acre tract, modern house: t blocks south Huber station. See and talk it over with J- A. Davis, owner. Huber. Or For Sale Rusk net Property. WHITE brick bldg.. modern design: month ly income $2M; 20,.oo. terms. See own er. 540 Tacoma ave. Sell wood 140. Fruit and Nut lands. HOOD RIVER orchard for sale at a sacri fice on account of sickness: 20 acres, fully stocked and equipped, well located, on good road; close to railroad, store, school, P. O. and church: good buildhigs, irrigation, spring and well: will consider clear income property; some cajsh, bal ance yearly payments. This is a money maker. Act quickly. For particulars address C. T. Baker. R. F. D. No. -4. box 90. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE Young bearing orchard, 25 acres; prunes, pears, apples ana mis cellaneous; Improved. Payette valley; cash and terms, or will consider income property or garage equipment and ma chinery that can be moved. AV 4tS, Oregonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead. Portland or Kose&urs district. larming or timber tracts. Also have some good relinquishments. See Mr. Helm, 017 Board of Trade bldg. TWO HOM EST E ADS close to railroad, heavv valuable timber, running water. close neighbors; $250 each. iiOl Corbett Bldg. For Sale Acreage. REAL LITTLE RANCH. COMFORT, CONVENIENCE, LIVING. 2 ACRES FOR $.5750. ONLY $1500 DOWN. Right at the door of your business. where in 20 minutes over a paved road you can be in your country home, at the doorsten of one of the cutest architec tural little 4-room and bath modern homes; chicken buildings to house over loo chickens, and 2 acres of the best soil on earth, filled with vegetables and spud ready for you to dig and place in your cellar ; city water ana gas, ana oniy a cuunle blocks to electric station with 21 tiains a day; $7 monthly commute, in the K.averton district. Price uu on terms. $15b0 down, balance easy. Why live in city when this is waiting for you? INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO., 4(0 Abington Bldg., lOOVs 3d St. ACRES ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. ONE MILE TO TROUTDALE. $3500, ONLY $500 DOWN, THEN $20 MONTHLY. You men who love fishing or bathing almost off the front porch, just get ntxt t. the best thing on the Columbia high way: 3 acre ot the best of soil, S60 feet front on paved highway, JO fruit tre 2 mountain springs on the property; an ideal spot for comfort, healtn and enjoy ment: fair 6-room hou&e, small garage. The right party with little work can make tins property worth $(OO0. See this quick, Saturday, Sunday or Monday When you see it. you will want It. INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO., 401 Abinton Bldg., loOVa 3d St. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT JRKSHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes. coicKen rancnes ana Derry lands. KRIDER & ELK INGTuN. G res ham. Or. Telephone 17-X. 5 ACRES ON Alnsworth avenue, all in high state of cultivation. 51 assorted fruit trees, full bearing, acre of loga.11 berries. 6-room house, price $7o00 or 1 acre with house and orchard, $3500; good terms, also 13 acres, 0 in cultivation, 20 miles eut, right at station; $2500, might consider modern bungalow up to $3500. Owner, Woodlawn 235. BERRIES? BERRIES? BERRIES? Do you know what big money you can make on them ? Let me show you some real berry land close to Portland. a highway and two railroads; only $325 per acre. S. S. PRENTISS, 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 3 0.00U acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. CHICKENS, BERRIES AND FRUIT. down. XI 2. 50 monthly. bu splendid tract of 2.47 acres, located 1H mi;es from rortiana ciiy umns; spieu did creek, some bottom land. Total uric $550. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. CITY ACREAGE. Tract of about one acre with younr bearing orchard, right on Hawtnorne ave.: small house; price $2000; terms. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. CHEAP. 1ft acres, all cleared : BDInir. well. brand-new 4-room house ; near New fcera: highway and 4th t. electric. WALTER SCHULZE. 2S N. 2D ST. PHONE BDWY. 727. SACRIFICE Choice 15. near Vancouver; gOOU DUliainss. surrwuiiuings, iueu.1 t.on; $4ii00. 141 East both North. Eve nt n gsTaborTOjiS. 520 ACRES logged-off land, some tillable; running water, good stock range, $u per acre, terms. J- K. Sharp, 657 Sherlock building. TWO TO 10 acres, close In; small pay ments; will make fine home. 202 Lar ra bee. fOR SALE 0 acres. 7 cleared: cheap for cash. Address E. D. Chamberlain, Troutdale. Or. 10 ACRES, 14 miles east on Villa ave. and Buckley ave. : Bui 1 Run water, all cl ared and fenced. Tabor 526S. 160 ACRES. Coos Co.. $800, hi cash. tt. Smith. 1219 Mallory ave. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. BRECK'S LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Mr. Capitalist: I have option on the most productive soil that lies out doors, close to carline and when you see it. you'll delight to "start something" to increase available fivoQ supply. W nether you want one acre or 100 acres, I'. I con tract to set out loganberry vines. gie same expert cultivation as on my own acreage, keeping ground in park-;ike condition till next J uly (or longer if desired. I've bought 4 meres of this ground right here in Portland where seasonal help can always be obtained to harvest the berries. BRECK'S HIGH-GRADE, PORTLAND - MADE LOGANBERRY JUICE (advertised by Sealy -Dresner as "the original .iuice ar.d niil the bet. was pressed the past season from ber ries averaging- $20 per ton at my Rose City factory. My long experience as fruit grower, nurseryman and mfg. on Atlan tic coast tVineland, N. J.. 1S0 to 1914 and past 6 years in Portland, Qualify me for above proposition. Thia is no wildcat" stock-selling scheme, but a s-ane. safe business prop osition offered bv a man of moral and financial responsibility. Look me up in Bradstreet's. You control your own money and my funds don't get mixed up with vnurs: but YOU CAN PROUT B MY EXPERIENCE AND SKILL ALONG LINE ABOVE DESCRIBED. I've no time for triflers. but will cor dlallv appreciate an interview with thote having means to invest, any day, by ap pointment t except Sunday. ) Let's do a little team work In grow ing the berries. In a year or two, I may invite you to join me in bui.ding a bi: factory to replace my small unit now in operation. F. A. B RECK. Fruit Grower and Juice Man. since 1SSG. 3S4 Eat 42d st. N. Tabor 26 1 S. FOR SALE bv owner; $5050. Ovenook re stricted district; 5 large rooms and re ception hall, sleeping porch and large floored attic, furnace, hardwood floors and all built-ins. inlaid linoleum, bras-a rods and silk drapes: garage, fu.l ce ment basement, laundry, winter fuel tn basement; double construction through out: city improvements all In and paid ; $11MH cash, balance $20 per mo., 6 per cent interest : short time only. Long view a-e. I'hor.e Wood lawn 3133. FOUR choice acres at Jennings Lodge, 2 in orchard, 2 In clover, 2 blocks to car line. See Russell at Jennings Lodge. Ore gon City car. For Sale -Farms. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park Lmds, open prairie readv for the plow, interspcrs-ed with trees. v Inch afford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on success fully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offering a larse. area of these fertile lands in Llovdir.inster and Haiti ford districts-. This fertile land wiil heroine the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Saegcr Wh'lr grows the world's prize w heat. Near Lioydminster th world's prize oats have been grown, and butter of tle highest quality i made. A man can soon be come independent on a farm in tins district. These lands can be bought now at prices ave rag ing a bout $ 1 S an acre. You pav down 10 per cent. It land is purchased undr settlement conditions, no further payment of prin cipal until end of fourth year;- then 10 annual payments. Interest Is 0 per cent. A l;o thousands .of acres of irriga ted lands in jout hern A', berta at $" p-r acre, on which the company will loan J'lhul for improvements to approved pure ha sers. with -0 yea rs to pa y fr land and loan. Harvesting is m full swing. Now is the time to make a trip to see the nrod uct hm of t h country. Personally conducted landMcekers" ex cursion leaves Portland tor aigary. Alberta, on Saturday. Oct. 0. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., -Jos Rail way Exchange :dg. L. P. Thorn Lor., district representative. $S000 PROPOSITION FOR $.-.non. r.2 ACRKS RKI, SOU,. EVERYTHING THROWN" IN. ONLY $2000 1 10W X. Only 5 miles from ilillsboro. about mi'es from Portland. The best little ranch. A fine living for a man w ho hues vegetable or chicken raising, who wants t see the fruit grow and make you Id 5 money. The soil will grow for you the biggest and best the market has for sale. This is the place and everything on the place thrown in: A good house. c..st $1:000 to build, a barn 40Ou, chicken house lOx.'lO. 2 good wells, n :ee orchard, loot strawberry plants. - in cultivation. 4 cow and 2 cal es. 1 tea ni mu.es and horse, buggy, wagons, tns of hay. 1 tons turnips, all the farming implements, no land in vicinity can he bought for less than $200 per acre: will gie possession in 4S hours. The stock and fixtures wort h over $ 1 50u. 'Everything inel ud-d fot $5000; only $200O down, balance $;;ooJ for 4 vears at O per cut interest. INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO., 4K Abington bldg.. :M st. DAIRY FARM. 350 ACRES. 200 acres In high state of cultivation; improv. emer.ts consistin g of good 7-room houte. barn lOOx'Joo. cement floor, mom for O head of ce ws, with ai'. modern equipment; three large silos, large straw shed, machinery shed, ful'.y equipped creamery, hore barn, la rge new hot house; water piped through all buildircs; place is stocked with 50 had of fine dairv cows, two head of yearling heifers. 40 head of hogs. 75 head of sheep. 4 horses and a complete set of farm im plements all go with the place. It is located on the highway, half a mile from railway station and one hours drive from Portland. The owners of this property wish to retire and will mke a cuod deal on price and terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES 6c CO.. S5 Fourth St. HOMESEEKERS AND SPECULATORS. NOTICE. 3V0 acres on paved highway near Portland, lies almost level and very suitable for subdividing Into small homes which can be old readily. Rest of land, no stones, springs and running water. If vou haven't sufficient capital to handle it come in. we will form a companv to buy it; only $:.. mmi COIHl BROS.. 2'43 OA K ST. FINE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 105 acres all bottom land, never over flows, 3 miles from town; fully equipped with complete line of farming tools and stock, sed and hay. - houses. 2 barns, U silos, ensilage cut ter and engine. HO'U'K NEWELL & SON. Room 5, Over Savings ilank, Albany. Or. A Fl A RG A I N. 1f,0 acres, over loo cleared; firsl-class soil; two miles from Dallas. Polk Co., on main road and R. R. flag station on place, near school ; surrounding land held at $125 per acre; will sell for $05, half cash, balance at 0 per cent. Win. Moll. Washington Ridg., owner. DEAL WITH OWNER. 2O0 acres 2 miles of Oregon City on Mollala highway; well improved 80 acres under plow; bargain. $ UK acre. See us for all or part. Easy terms. C. A. K EOppLE. Owner, ftth and Main St.. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE LJ1- acres on good county road; school and a station on the p. ace: plenty work on the place; ten acr-s cleared: good creek running through the place; land lies well, 7 miles from Fort land. M rs. M. Flanagau. 54 7 Onk st. I W ILL sell my 20-acre farm. 0 miles from Portland; all cleared; 8-room house, out buildings, etc.; plenty of water; on hard surf aco road; $10,500; liberal ternx. East SPLENDID STOCK FARM. 260 acres, with good buildings; will accept Portland property in exchange. W. II. ROSS. 1 1 00 N orth western Bank Bldg. 411 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, about 300 a cleared, some timber. 40 a. tim ber near Forest Grove. lin a. half mil from Portland. Address Inez De Ish mutt, 1605 W. 10th. Spokane. Wash. FOR SALE Stock ranch. 1GO acres. 3 in cultivation: crop, cattle, horse, buggy, harness, plow, tools, f urn it ure. house, barn : cash or trade Port and property. Address Frank Bergman. Kalama. Wash. FR E EI LLU S T RATE D FA RM BULL ETIN. Dairies, vineyards, orchards and delta farms capable producing $200 to $120O per acre. Send postal. PAUL ROSSITEK. STOCKTON. CAL. FOR SALE or trade. SS acres of irrigated land in Klamath county; nearly ail un der cultivation; government water right; will sell all or part; only 4 miles from railroad. Add. W. C. Gauntt. Rainier. Or. CHICKENTKKiTT. GARDEN RA NCH E3 near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. -OH Failing bid. GOOD pavinjr farms: sizes and terms to uit. wiih stock and implements. C. J. CuUison Real Estate Co.. -05 Va Morri son t. SA.CRI FICE Improved f 00 th HI SO. run down; worth $2500; bargain. $1050; terms. 141 East 00th st. X. Evenings. Tabor 7Q55. FOR SALE or part trade, all or part of an SO-acre farm, Al soil, creek bottom ; 1 0 miles N. E. of Vancouver. J. N. Campbell. Orchards. Wash. Route 1. i.ov. i e,l - F lands. $10 acre up; running water, good foil. fe tillable; employ ment; easy terms. J Tt. Sharpe. h3 3d. 5 A LEVEL, cleared. lenced. 3-rm. house. well; near Willamina': $15u cash. $lo mo. and lrt. Jesse K- Sharp. 557 Sherlock b.d. 45" ACRES for sale. Improved. $5500 W. E. Craswell. R. A.. Oresham. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 1 or 5-room bungalow ; 2 lots, fruit and jrarden space; must be reason able, P 77, Oregoniau, WANTED REAL ESTATE. OUR OFFICE WILL SELL MORE HOMES 111 A. AN x KJAI. ESTATE) OFFICE IN AMERICA. Just think! l.'.si homes sold in Sep-tern-bcr: IM.'I to date this vear. LARG EST HOME SELLERS ON THE PA CIFIC COAST. Is yours for sale? LIST WITH US NOW. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the majority of home buyers. We'll Inspect, appraise and photograph within 24 hours after listed. 25 experienced salesmen wiih autos to work on lis saie. CaU or write- FRANK T. McGlTRE To Sell Your Home. Ablratrton bid. Main 106&. WANT a corner lot In Laurelhurst or Irvington; must be cheap for cash. BJ 84, Oregonian, SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. We do not care how o.d and dilapi dated they are or where they are; we can sell them if your price is1 right and your terms tasv ; 0 keen salesmen at your service. Fred W. German Co.. 7i2 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT 'KM. Many buyers on my list wantin if houses around $"Oo0: some cash. 1 cam sell yours if ir;ce is right. Give me a chane.a to trv yours. ROH'T. S COK JR.. 3.4 T3 Hawthorne ave. Hast 4720. E. 1001. WEST SIDE houses wanted; have manr buyers far same. If your property is for sal-, call and see the man who makes a specialty of Belli r.;T west -eld property. John Singer. 4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main t47S. W A NTED 120 acres clear. cultivated Willamette valley land, worth $ 100 per sere, for fine Piedmont home, strictly modern, worth li.ooo cash. Call on owner at 1210 Mallory ave., or phone Aut. 324-19. JPJIl-D NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like reni; call and see us. BUILDERS' RE ALT V EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Hid?. Main l'o35. WANT Ed) To buy from ow-ner. a hous not to exeeod $5ft"0. in gvid resiriene-s district; will want terms. Address O. M S0 E. 4i,h st. N. Phone Tabor 'U'.w;. WANT a modern onnqaiow of 5 or S rooms, Hawthorne or Sunnyside, about $t0: have mostly a:i cai-h. Phone Mr. Pearce. Main ot3S. FOR S A 1 ,40 OR TRADE Small mfg. prop osition protected by U. S. patent; would "consider improved or unimproved land. A.1 M. Orego.iian. HAVE your land surveyed by registered engineer and surveyor. U. E. Nelson. -'12 Hoard of Trade lildg. Main 20 10. W A NT lot or a ere a ge near Mediea I col lege or West Portland park; wili con sider shack or house. Main 51i:0. WANT modern home. Alberta district. Main 5420. WANT 7 or S-room house, under $300O, all eadi. w ner. Tabor 5100 l nrniH Muti ted. WANT to buy from owner, small farm with some fatnek, on eas-y terms; cruld pay about $ I 5o down. 'JL'2 I .ah he Fiblg. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTKD To rent by praetie;ii farmer. 4'i to 00 acres, good V'Uild in l-s. clos-e- to transportation. II 70. Orsonian. I'OK RfcNT FARMS. FOR SA I.K I .cane on 2000-acres when t land; 1 hi under cn It i vat ion. onO acres good clean summerfaWow. balance pas ture; o wei:s. plenty fee,i straw; J mi.S to town, L R. Ii. and high school; 4 head horses and colts, harness for 4' head . full out tit farm tools, with 20 -f cot 1 1 00 Its co iti hip e ha r vester : some. cash, balance terms: would consider some trade. R. Newton, Llnd. Vah. 120 ACRES for rent. 14 miles out in Wash ington county ; all under cul ti va t ion ; buildings, stocked and equipped; rent for term of years. Albert llaruba, 703 M ississippi ave. CONSIDER A HLE pasture, fruit; SO near Oregon Cit y : until November. 1021, $:ion. 14! Last OOth North. Evenings, Tabor 7l' 55. FUR KENT H. C Dennis farm. -11uid eouth of Wapato; tio acres. :.u cult., hay some stock; green feed; school Js-miIc $500. Address Gaston. Dr.. It. No. 2. TIMBKK LANDS. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED SAWMILL. owner unable to hamiie; will sill tn rel in ble pa i t v on good terms. A com plete s.ivMiiill, 3o M. t-apHcity. and U& giri;, equipped with raino;id. all fnfir.st clii.v; condition: I.O'io.immi ft. of yood lumber; ;iO mile from Portland. All i ; I -rma ' ion nT 40;; Coiieli bldg. FoR SALE lO acres of Cmher laud. 3 m ties f -um Tig.t rd K. K. station; good s.-iS and water; about 4O0.000 feet of lumber, sa w- ni 1 1 1 oil place. Ca il 35l I s y st. Fast 7;r.. FOR SALE or exchange. 1-0 acres yellow pine, Wheeier county, lor I or 2 lota or sn;a 11 bung a low and a s.-u:ne. Owner, Mam after 7 1. M. WA NTED Logger to tak by ihousa nd. a bout "H.ntu ground and limber. H 0 contract log per day. good v oregrmian. WANTED Portable sawmill without tim ber. Address box L'ti.;. llrownsvi'le. Or. TI1 Ii E Ii I A. L. Lars illion feet cheap for cash. Woodburn. or. TO KCHiF REAL KSTATK. WILL stL or trade ir.y ho:iit at Tigard, Or.. 'Mi minute out. on Oregon Electric; 4 Here. hoiii-e. barn. chicken house, milkhouse. family orchard, t hickens and four good miii h cows. 1 desire 5 to 7 room mud ern bungalow. 11J i2. Urego n i a n . SO AC l ES. 15 ca red, ha la nee past ui e but le el ; two e reeks, good 7- ear-old buildings. family orchard. 1 '-j acres prunes, good weil; 4 nulls' from "Wood land; price for all. $suo: will take Portland home to $:;5mi. balance Ions time. Leonard Oddie. La Center. Wash Jt) ACHES, good house and barn; lots of fruit of all kinds; 1ft acres in cultiva tion : stock and implements; 15 mi le 9 Portland; price $05imi; clear; want oity property. o. V. ltrya n. Main 1003. iwtJS-0 Chamber of Commerce. A HOl'T 1 acre and new nifty bnnga low of 4 rooms and breakfast nook; floored at tic; concrete basement; some fruit; close in; price $tiomt; mtg. $20tMi; will take w el I-local ed l"ts. . W. ltrya n. Main 10;;i. 5tiK-! 'h amber of Commerce. ' ' LAk' E C . 320 acre, no incumbrance; nearly all In cull i vat ion ; houe. burn and other bufidings; SM per acre. I want ." to 20 acre, Washington or Yamlutl Co. 7:12 Patton Road. .Main TO KXCHANGE tor automobile, 1 a c -.-. cleared, fenced and in cultivation; tine for prunes or berries; 50 miles from Ptrt land. .1 miles to good valley tow n, 15 minutes' walk to school: will exrhadge for good au tomobile, P 5. Oregon in n. FOR SALE O It TRAD i W h a t n a v e you got to trade for an lNx:;. Holt caterpil lar engine in extra good condition? Also a live-bottom '"anton gang plow. John H. ileal!. Wood law n '.11 1 1. at. JO HNS House on paved street, clear of debt, worth SOOo-0 ; sell or trade for house close in; can pay $1010 cash dif ference. Charles J. RoswTl. owner. Marshall lsi or Broadway Q7. STOCK FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 200 ai res with good buildings and near good outrange; want Portland property. W. II. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. l x C E PT I O N" A L Choice 20, nenr electric; some personal included. $;50 ; accept rt-sidence. 141 East 00 th North. Eve rurgs. Tabor 7055. FINE RESIDENCE NO MORTGAGE. Will trade for other property. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. AT WASHOUGAL. 10O A.. 40 A. under cultivation, orchard and huildinjrs, $75 ler A. Part trade, balance easy terms. Fast :t1..s. FoK SALE Modern 7-room house, will consider exchange for Pendleton or Wal la Walla property. 412 E. 26th St., Vancouver, Wash. W ELL Improved tl-room mod. bungalow : fine bathroom, basement. 1 acre All pianted. henhcuse, garage, 15 miles out. for small farm. AC Ol, Oregonian. HA V E lot in Piedmont district, one block from Union ave. Trade for Ford or will take good phonograph as part pay ment, call worn. j..o HAVE you a, HOUSE to TKADE for a FA KM ? I have a number of GOOD ON ES to SELECT from. Broadway 165a. M ar 1 N NFS. 210 OREGON B LDG. MODERN home. Rose City Park, to trade for farm in Oregon or homo in Eugene AV 5o. Ore-Ionian. OLDS.MOHI LB it 101! Model Roadster for grocery store. See Burroughs with Interstate Land Co., L'41 Stark st. MuST des-irab'.e Victoria, B. C, property; trade for Portland pru-perty. C 30, Ore gonian. $:re 5 A. 111-year-old apples. LewlMon. Idaho, for Portand property. Main 411. IN 'OM E East side corner, $2110 equity. for vacant property. 1 , oregonian. CHEAP or trade on acreage, Reo bug. Kast 418. PORTLAND property to trade for Tacoau or SatLe. 310 Berctce b.tiiC. TacouiA.