12 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, ,.1920 SUCKER DEAL NOW BEFORE BULL JURY Gambling Frameup to Bilk Owners Is Latest. PHILLIES, CUBS ON GRID Guilt of Cliase and Magee Held Proven by Affidavits of Wig Rush Players. CHICAGO, Oct. 1. The Cook county grand jury Investigating the baseball scandal today received further in- formation concerning the throwing of games in last year's world series, but devoted most of the day's session to an investigation of alleged crooked work in the National league. William Veeck, president of the Chicago National league club, told the Jury that his private investigation of charges that the Philadelphia-Chicago National league game of August 31 had been fixed for Philadelphia to win led him to believe that the club itself had been made the "sucker" in the case. Other witnesses gave ad ditional details of the activities which led to the discharge from baseball of Lee Magee and Hal Chase. Veeck said evidence he had found in Detroit convinced him there was no crooked work in tho August 31 game. He said he believed the gamblers themselves had sent him the tele graVns received just before the game, sayir.g it was "fixed" and that they had done this to make the club switch from Hendryx. a comparatively weak pitcher scheduled to hurl, to Alexander, one of the best in the league. This gave Chicago its strong est possible lineup, which was what the gamblers wanted, he said. Many of them hot on Chicago to win and not on Philadelphia as had been re ported, he declared. Guilt of Chase Held PrOTtn, Garry Herrmann, president of the Cincinnati club and formerly chair man of the national commission, pre sented affidavits from Christy Math ewson, former New York pitcher and Cincinnati manager, "Greasy" Neale, Cincinnati outfielder: Jimmy Ring, Cincinnati pitcher, and Manager Mc CSraw of the New York Giants. These affidavits, he told newspapermen, ab solutely proved the guilt of Chase and Magee. The affidavit from Ring is said to have told how Chase approached the pitcher when he was just breaking into the big leagues and asked him if he "wanted to make a lot of money by throwing games." Ring was quoted as telling Chase to "go to the devil," and then reporting the affair to Herr mann. On another occasion Herrmann is said to have told the jury Ring ac cepted $50 from Chase, but immedi ately reported it to the club man agement. Herrmann verified accounts given Wednesday by President John Heyd ler of the National league of how Lee Magee actually helped win a game he was trying to "throw." Interest in the American league Side of the scandal was kept up by the return of Maclay Hoyne, state's at torney, from New York with evidence which he said would help in prose cution of those indicted. Mr. Hoyne denied reports that he had ordered the investigation stopped, went before , the jury to tell it that he heartily ap proved of its work and then told how Charles Comiskey had sought his aid last fall in investigating the world series. Players Promise Fight. "We investigated for some time and Trhile we found enough to convince us the series was not on the square w found nothing on which to base legal action," said Mr. Hoyne. Clyde BHiott, another witness, veri fied the previous testimony concern ing a trip by William "Kid" Gleason, White Sox manager, to St. Louis in an attempt to get evidence that the World series was not straight. "Buck" Weaver, Fred McMullin and 'Swede" Risberg, three of the eight White Sox players indicted, tonight declared they were innocent and would fight the case in court. "We are arranging for legal coun sel and we'll prove our innocence." Weaver said. "We'll be back in the big leagues next year." It was reported that the jury had received evidence that considerable betting wa done in Kansas City this year on a Cleveland-Chicago game, but no testimony proving crooked ness in this connection was received, according to an official in the state's attorney's office. The jury will not again consider the baseball scandal until next Tues day, when Hughey Jennings. Detroit manager; Jean Dubuc. former Detroit pitcher now with Toledo: John Mc Graw, Fred Toney and Benny Kauff, the latter two players on the New York National league team, are ex pected to testify. The jury will be sworn in as a special session tomor Tow. Its regular term expiring today. Reports said to emanate from mem bers of the White Sox team credit "Happy" Felsch with having- placed $5000, accepted as a bribe from the Bamoiers, as a bet on Cincinnati the second game of the series. It is claimed he telegraphed his wife in Milwaukee to come to Chicago for the first game and that when she met him his greeting was to toss xia.uuo in winnings on the table. The players said the couple had a disagreement over the affair, but later were reconciled. The money was said to have been withdrawn from a savings bank last Monday. Mrs. Felsch is expected to be questioned by the grand jury. KOBIX QUIZ NEAR KXD Giant Players Will Go to Chicago Hearing: Xext Tuesday. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Examination of members of the Brooklyn base ball club by District Attorney Lewis of Kings county in an effort to learn whether any of them had been ap proached in an attempt to "fix" the coming world s series was continued today. Eight members of the team appeared before the prosecutor, but no statement regarding the question ing was given out by Mr. Lewis. After he had questioned Captain Zack Wheat and two other players yes terday Mr. Lewis said he found "absolutely" nothing to substantiate the vague rumors which prompted him to make the investigation. The remaining members of the team will appear before Mr. Lewis tomor row, and it was said that in all prob ability he would make a statement after he had questioned all club members. The New York club of the National league will- be represented at the tfrand jury hearing in Chicago Tues day by Manager McGraw, Pitchers Fred Toney and "Rube" Benton, Benny Kauff and Larry Doyle. Doyle was added to the list today, and it was said He will be asked to make a statement regarding some bets he made with Hal Chase on the world's series last year. Doyle explained to day that these bets were made on his part in a friendly way while the Giants were barnstorming and were indulged in only to add a little in terest to the big game. He said the bets were usually $10 or $20 and that he placed his money on the White Sox to win. Doyle today made light of a state ment said to have ben made by Charlie Dooin, former manager of the rhillies, in which it was alleged that attempts were made to "fix" a seriee in 1908 between the Giants and Phil lies to enable the Giants to win the pennant. Doyle declared it was all news to him. He said his record In baseball was clean, and that he would stand upon it regardless of what anyone said. CLEVELAND GETTING READY Clerks Prepare Tickets for Expect ed World's Series Games. CLEVELAND, O., Oct. l.-An extra force of clerks are at work at the offices of the Cleveland baseball club assorting tickets for the world's series games to be played here, if the In dians win the American-league cham pionship, as is expected. Thousands of requests for tickets in excess of the capacity of the park have been received and those lucky enough to receive tickets for big games probably will be notified Mon day. Regular patrons will be given the preference. It is said. The Cleveland team will return here Sunday night after the game in Detroit and will leave here for New York Monday evening, arriving there early Tuesday. Henry P. Edwards, baseball expert of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, has been appointed official scorer of the world's series games if they are played here. Estacada Plays Camas High. ESTACADA, Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.) The football season commences to day with the Estacada high playing Camas nigh on the home field. The high school pupils had a rally last night marching through the streets, lighting a bonfire and practicing the school yell. Fresno Draws Auto Racers. FRESNO, Cal., Oct. 1. Automobile racing enthusiasts from all parts of California are gathered here to wit ness the 200-mile race tomorrow that will christen Fresno's new mile motor speedway Nine of America's fore most race drivers will start for a purse of 115,000. Pullen Marries Seattle Girl. RIVERSIDE, Cal., Oct. 1. Eddie Pullen, automobile racing driver of Los Angeles, ahd Miss Hazelle Ruth Monger of the same city, recently of Seattle, Wash., were married here to night. Cutler Throws Martinson. QUINCY, 111.. Oct. 1. Charles Cut ler, former heavyweight champion. was awarded a decision tonight over I'aul Martinson, Danish wrestler, in a match here. French Champ Wins Bout. BALTIMORE, Oct. 1. Benny Val- ger won an uninteresting 12-round bout from Ralph Brady of Syracuse, N. Y.. tonight. Baseball Summary. National League Standings. V. K Pet. I W. I- Prt. Brooklyn. !H 1 .3!)!:Chicago. . . 75 77.493 New York. 8H (id .." St. I.o.uia. . 73 71 .4S(I Cincinnati M ! .537 Boston . .18 Mi .403 Pittsburg. 77 73 .ol3,Pliiladelia. 00 DO .400 American League Standings. Cleveland. 17 5S .63H, Boston ... . 72 S2 .4!S -nicaKO... ni .nzit w aningi n ho Krf .443 Sew York. U5 50 .617!retroit. . .. 0 12 .3H5 5t. Louis. 70 96 .4!7iEbiladel'ia. 47 t4 .3u9 Americnn Association Results. At Louisville 5. Milwaukee 1. All other Association iramea DostDoned. coid. , How the Coast Series Stand. At Seattle 1 frame, Portland 2 uames: at San Francisco. Los Angeles 2 games, Oakland 2 games; at Los Angeles. San Francisco 1 game, Vernon 1 game; at Sac ramento 3 games. Salt Lake 1 game. Where the Teams Play Next Week. Portland at Oakland. Seattle at Ios An. creles. Vernon at Salt Lake. San Francisco at Sacramento. . Iteaver Rutting Averages. AB. H. Pet. AB. H. Pet. Valen'a. 4 3 .7."0I robin. . . l!t 40 .230 Maisel.. filO 202 .331 ! Slglin . . . 613 144 .234 Suth'ld. 147 45 .:'.13!Brooks. . 44 10 227 Blue... 556 lft .SoVKoehler. 3x8 87 .224 Cox.... 5S5 173 .2!6iSprang'r 445 83 .203 Sehaller !2 1S4 .24.Kallio. .. OS 9 .155 Wist'zil G28 ISO 2SS Barnabe. St 3 .087 Baker.. 162 42 .25!! I Poison. . 80 7 .0S.S Kingdon 332 82 .247 Tohnson. S 0 .Ooti Ross... 133 32 .240:Pillette. 2 0 .000 - T T T . 1 t BROOKLYN'S SPITBALL ARTIST. I PS f :-::V : ::- s: ;: f -:ii s : :: : t. -s;; ::; r . mmixJ i I ' - , "38 sv , - f 4 v ; V - - . . ' ' 4 ' 1 i ! i ' ' X L Photo. Underwood &. Underwood. I A. L. )lam,m, one of the formidable member, of the pennant-n In. nine Brooklyn tram. Mimiu Im from Pittsburg. I MMSEL OUT FOR IT OF Beaver Captain Galled East by Death of Mother. RAIN SPOILS SOUND GAME Both Young and Old Portland Men Appear to Be Going Strong Against Tiair.iers. racific Coast Leucue Standings. W. I Pet. I W. I.. Vernon.. 300 S3 .546 Salt Lake. !0 84 Los Ante:. 8 S5 .53l;Oakland . . 8S 87 Pet. .517 .476 .462 .418 San Fran 06 86 .527 Portland . . 7S 91 Seattle.. S3 85 .522iSac'mento 76 106 Yesterday's Results. Portland at Seattle, no game. rain. At Sacramento 1. Salt Lake 2. At San Francisco, Oakland 14. Los geles 4. An-Ver- At Los Angeles, San Francisco 3 non 0. Judge W. W. McCredre. president of the Portland baseball club, re ceived a telegram from Walter Mc Credie in Seattle yesterday saying that George Maisel, centerf ielder and captain of the Beaver squad, left last night for his home in Baltimore, owing to the death of his mother yesterday. Mrs. Maisel has been ailing for several months and George has been hoping for the end of the season so that he could go back to his home. Maisel will remain in the east as the season would be over before he could return and he would probably not be able to play any baseball for several weeks even if he could get back. All too late the Portland club has taken what seems to be a new lease on life and got off to a flying start in the present series in Seattle, taking two out of the three games played. Rain yesterday swamped the field. Maybe the Beavers' lease will run out when they next tangle with the Rainiers, but according to all reports from the north tho youngsters and old heads are stepping around like a lot of colts. The fact that Vernon and Los An geles both lost yesterday leaves them practically the same distance apart in the race for the flag and the gonfalon is still anybody's rag. A bit of news which might cause genial Judge McCredie to bat a wicked eyelash is that the Beaumont club of the Texas league disposed of short stop Don Rader to New Orleans for the mere sum of $4000. Don was on the Portland payroll -for a season and then some, but Boss Walter let him go last year when too many young sters began to grace , the club and Wes Kingdon broke in sensationally at the shortpatch Rader took Sewell's place on the New Orleans ciub. the latter having been sold to Cleveland to fill Ray Chapman's place. Tris Speaker purchased Walter Mails on the recommendation of Frank Chance. The manager of the Cleveland club asked the peerless leader about Mails nearly two months ago. With Mails having a winning streak cf six games. Speaker evident ly is satisfied' with the deal despite the fact that Walter was knocked out of the box yesterday. SEALS GAIX OXE OX LEADERS Vernon Loses Shutout and Seraphs Also Drop Contest. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 1. San Fran cisco gained a full game on the lead ers in the Pacific Coast league pen nant race today, defeating Vernon, 3 to 0. while Los Angeles was losing to Oakland. Masterly pitching by Cole was mainly responsible for the Seals' victory. The game was won in the fourth when Agnew scored from third on Hasbrook's single to left. Score: San Francisco I Vernon K R H o a; b r h o a Schick, 1 5 0 2 2 OLong.r.. 4 0 0 6 0 Ken'y.r 3 0 0 0 0 J.Mitc'l.s 4 0 0 2 1 Cave'y.s 4 0 0 1 5 Alcock.l 4 0 2 1 0 Agnew. o 4 1 2 3 0 Fisher.2. 4 0 12 2 Fitz d.m 4 0 1 4 0 Ohad'e.m 3 0 12V Walsh, 2 4 111 3 Muetler.l 4 0 0 5 0 Hasb'k.l 3 0 2 12 OiSmitb.3. 3 0 0 0 1 Kannn.3 4 1 1 3 "Devor'r.c 3 0 0 6 1 Coie.p. 4 0 0 1 1 ilouok.p 3 0 0 3 1 Totals 35 3 V 27 161 Totals 32 0 4 27 6 San Francisco 0 0010000 2 3 Vernon 0 0 0 0 0 0i0 0 0 0 Errors, Caveney, Ha.brook, J. Mitchell. Three-base hits. Schick, Agnew. Batted SEASON In run. Hasbrook. . Stolen bases, Agnew. Schick. Sacrifice hits, Kennedy, Has hrook. Struck out. by Houck 1, Cole 1. Bases on balls, off Houck 4, Cole 2. Run responsible for, Houck 2. Touble play, Kamm to Hasbrook. Wild pitch, Houck. BEES SMASH SENATOR STREAK Sheely Drives Out 2 8th Homer and Rj an Leaves Game. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Oct. 1. Sacra mento's winning streak and Paul Fit tery's string of six straight victories were broken when Salt Lake took today's game. 2 to 1. Sheely drove out his 28th home run of the season in the sixth. Buddy Ryan. Sacramento right fielder, was ordered from the game by Umpire Eason for disputing a deci sion at the plate. Score: Salt Lake ' I Sacramento B R II O A! B R It O A Mulli'n.s 3 113 2 Schans.3 3 0 0 0 3 Wolter.r 4 0 10 1 Kopp.l.. 4 1111 Krug.2. 4 0 1 3 4 Moilw'z.l 3 0 0 11 0 Sheely.l 4 12 7 OIRyan.r.. 3 O 0 1 0 Hood.m 3 0 0 3 OCom'n.m 3 0 0 3 0 Hosp.l.. 4 0 12 OOrr.s 4 0 2 2 1 Sa-nd.3. 3 0 12 drover, 2 4 0 0 2 2 Byler.c. 4 0 17 ICook.c.. 4 0 17 1 Stroud.p 4 0 1 0 4 Fitterv.p 3 0 10 3 IPenn-er. 1 0 0 O 0 Totals 33 2 9 27 121 Totals 32 1 5 27 11 Batted for Cook in niroth. Sa.lt Lake o 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 o 2 Sacramento 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Errors, Krug. Fittery. Home run. Sheely. Three-base hit. Mulligan. Two-base hit. Sheely. Stolen bases, (Jompton. Fitter.v, Sand. Mulligan, Ryan. liases on bails. Fittery 2, Stroud 4. Struck out. Stroud 6. Fittery 1. Double p!ys, Grover to Moll wltz. Schatlg to Grover to Mollwltz. Runs responsible for, Fitierv 2. Stroud 1. Hit by pitcher. Mulligan 2. Mollwltz. ACORXS SLAUGHTER CRANDALL Eight Runs Clatter Over Pan In Fateiul Third Inning. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. Oakland fell on O. Crandall with a vengeance in the third innine torlav. flriviner in eight runs that went toward making! up a 14-to-4 victory over Los Angeles. Crandall was knocked out of the box for the second time this week. Every member of the Oakland team faced him that inning, three of them twice, while Wylie got two hits. Brown pitched the rest of the game for the Angels. R. Arlett knocked a home run into the left-field bleachers in the seventh. Score: Los Angeles . Oakland BRHOA! BRHOA Zeider.l. 2 1 0 0 2;Lane,2... 5 3 3 2 3 McA'ly.s 4 113 3Vilie.r.. 4 2 3 4 " K.C'd'1,2 3 1 1 5 2Cooper.m 4 2 2 2 0 Cr'fd.r.. 2 0 0 0 liMiller.l.. 5 14 10 Kas'er.c. 110 1 OiKnight.l. 4 2 0 ! 2 Statz.m. 4 0 2 2 liG'lardi.3. 4 0 10 1 Xei'off,3 4 0 1 1 2 Brub er.s 4 10 4 3 Bllis.l... 4 0 0 1 OlDormn.c 4 114 0 O.C'd'l.p 1 0 0 0 0R.Ar't,p. 3 2 113 Brown. p 2 0 0 1 :i Lapan.c. 2 0 0 0 2 McD'd.r. 1 0 0 1 ll Hanley 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.31 4 0 24 16 Totals..37 14 15 27 12 Hanipy batted for Brown in ninth. Ln Angeles 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ockland 3080012 0 14 Eirors. McAuley. K. Crandall 2, Bassler, Rrubaker. Stolen bases, K. Crandall. Bass ler, Lane 3, Brubaker, Dorman. Cooper. Home run. R. Arlett. Three-base hit. Coop er. Two-base hits. K. Crandall, Statz. Ging- iardi. Lane. Sacrifice hits. Cooper. K. Crandall, Ginglardl. Base on balls, off H. Arlett 4. off C. Crandall 1. off Brown 1. Struck out. by R. Arlett 2, by O. Crandall 1. Hit. by pitcher, Knight by Brown. Runs responsible for, O. Crandall 5. R. Arlett 4. Brown 4. Innings pitched, by O. Crandall 2 plus. Charge defeat to o. Crandall. JIMMV DUXD.EE LOSES FIGHT Joe Miller Gets Close Verdict Over Frankie Farrcn. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. (Spe cial.) Joe Coffey showed the way sufficiently to Lucky Jimmy Dundee tonight at Dreamland rink to win the decision from the Oakland boy. It was a good fight and a fast one, with Coffey winning because he was the aggressor and on top of Dundee most of the way. Joe Miller was once more accorded a mighty close verdict over Frankie Farren. Miller scored better than a week ago. Tim Kelly and Leo Matlock slugged their way to the usual tempestuous draw. Harlan Dunker put up a wretched draw with Willie Keeler. Pickles Martin was given a draw with Bat tling Vierra. Johnny Webber won from Eddie Landon and Kid Finney knocked out Jack Horn'in the first. Jones and Karnes in Tie. ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. 1. Bobby Jones, Atlanta amateur, was tied with Jim Barnes, the Sunset Hills profes sional, for the lead at the end of the second round today in the southern open golf championship. Both made the 36 holes in 156. Canadians to Play Soccer. The Canadian Veterans' association will hold another practice game in the Reed college grounds tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. All ex-service men interested in the game are in vited to come out and participate in the game. AUTO DRIVER . IS HELD COROXEK'S JURY PASSES OX DEATH OF MIKE ERCEG. Testimony Is Declared to Show That Auto Was Being Driven Too Fast by II. A. Prosser. The coroner's jury which last night investigated circumstances of the death yesterday of Mike Erceg as re- suit or injuries received Tuesday when struck by an automobile driven by H. A. Prosser recommended that Mr. Prosser be held for further in vestigation. The jurors also expressed the conviction that Mr. Prosser had been driving too rapidly. '"We find," the jury's report stated, "that Mr. Prosser was driving too fast under the conditions. We recommend that he be held under investigation to the grand jury." Mr. Erceg was driving a small bunch of cattle on the Linnton road, near the S. Ban mill, when injured. The testimony showed that as Mr. Prosser came up from behind the cattle suddenly began to spread over the road and that on an impulse to go after them Mr. Erceg stepped in front of Prosser's machine. Henry r. Ketchum, an eye witness to the accident, testified that Prosser drove by him and was traveling about 25 miles an hour at the time. Testi mony of Eric Norman, who was help ing Erceg with the cattle, corrob orated that of Ketchum. On the witness stand Mr. Prosser was questioned at some length re garding an unknown woman who was riding with him at the time of the accident. He said he was coming in from Johnson's landing and picked up the woman there. After he had put the victim of the accident In his car and driven on about a mile, he testi fied, the woman became hysterical and Insisted on getting out of the car. MOOSE TO BUY BUILDING Rend Lodgenien to Take Over Big Business Block. BliND. Or., Oct. 1. (Special.) The Moose lodge of Bend last .night voted to purchase the Sather building, one of the chief business, blocks of this city, from E. A. Sather, for $30,000. The lodge plans to spend $15,000 In alterations and improvements. UNGFORD TIKES ON FIVE LOCAL BOXERS Tar Baby Plays With All From IIS Pounds Up. GEORGE EAGLE IS SIGNED Portland Fight Colony Growing as Boys Begin to Gather for Winter Shows. B T DICK SHARP. Sam Langford took on five of Port land's best scrappers yesterday in his workout at the armory, the box ers weighing from 116 to 176 pounds. Not one of these youngsters did Sam try to hurt and stepped around and played with them as if he was a light weight. Langford may be a veteran in years of experience in the ring but anyone who saw him step yesterday afternoon, getting In shape for his ten-round bout against "Tiny" Her man next Wednesday night, will po bond for the fact that there is still many a good battle in the Boston tar baby. Allie Taylor, the young Bend ban tamweight, who will meet Johnny Coy of Sacramento in one of the six- round special events next week, took the frrst whirl with Langford for two rounds. Taylor dug right in with both hands and Sam playfully took everything Allie. had to offer. As a result both got good exercise. Bert Taylor, the Portland light- heavyweight, was next and boxed Langford two rounds. Langford opened up on Bert with some lusty body blows but did not try to caress the latter's chin. Willie St. Clair Takes Whirl. Willie St. Clair followed Taylor, stepping three fast rounds with the negro heavyweight and gave the fans a big laugh by his antics. Weldon Wing, who will box Young Sam Lang ford in the semi-windup, took on Toung Sam's godfather next, boxing two rounds. Frankie Crites. the Newberg light weight, brought up in the van of spar ing partners and gave Langford the best workout of the bunch. Crites did not hold Sam in fear and tore right in. He put everything he had in his punches, but they bounced off of the Boston heavy's dome like gravel off an army helmet. . Langford will take on all the boys again this afternoon, starting at 3 o'clock at the Armory. Kvann Signs Eagles. Matchmaker Bobby Evans complet ed his bill for next WewneFday night yesterday, signing George Eagles, the tearing-in San Francisco lightweight, to box Frankie Crites in a four-round match. This bout is far 'above the usual curtain-raiser for class and would fit in any bill further up on the card. . Eagles worked out yesterday at the London club with "Goat" Laven, the San Francisco middleweight. Laven arrived here Thursday accompanied by his manager, Jimmy Stevens. Eagles and the "Goat" went through three spirited rounds. The affair was one slashing workout and better than many fights as far as action is con cerned. Joe Gorman, the slashing Portland featherweight, who has a habit of making a Spanish omelPtte otit of his (Tits,. CLvxi 9" II adcrfbt 'l (Xa THErREJXOKIN(j FOR THE WORLD'S Please do me a favor, look around and see if you can find me a Rheumatic that I cant cure in six weeks' time I have advertised for three years and failed to find any case that I could not cure within Mx weeks 1 have cured over twenty-two hundred without a single miss, the average case is cured in'lO davs' In cases where the hips and joints are stiff and enlarged from solid matter, or pushed out of 1ni"nt" we restore firll action in 30 days. I have a real honest Rheumatic cure. Com see for yourself. real goods anil I will deliver i-. n. ma i ii in ol., cur. uaK. opponents, will be a busy boy next week, with two tough fights sched uled. That is, they look to be tough on paper. Next Wednesday night in Seattle Joe will tangle four rounds with Bud Ridley and Thursday night will step over to Tacoma and meet Morgan Jones in a scheduled six round main event. Morgan is a young er brother of Harold and, although a featherweight, is said to be a better boxer than his brother. Two Portland boys will box in Ab erdeen next Monday night on Harry Druxman's all-star show, which is his first card of the season. Frankie Murphy, late of Denver but a Port lander by adoption, will meet Billy Wright of Seattle in the main event of six rounds, while Sol Bloomberg, the hard-hitting little bantam weight, will meet Eddie Moore of Seattle in the six-round semi-windup. Moore is rated as the best bantamweight around the Puget sound section. It will be Bloomberg's first bout in sev eral years. When Sol quit battling he had the distinction of taking part in 25 "semi-pro"- and professional scraps and only dropping three deci sions. He won all the rest of his battles, never fighting a draw. At the time he was only 17 years old and the objection of his parents to him boxing caused him to desert the ring. Now, of age, he is ready to step out in earnest. Call Issued for Precinct Lists. If precinct supervisors' lists are not turned in to County Clerk Beveridge without further delay there will be considerable confusion in handling matters at the coming general elec tion, he announced yesterday. Mr. Beveridge made a public request that all such lists outstanding be turned in at once. Secretary's Aide Begins Duties. OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 1. (Spe cial.) A. G. Rae has been appointed assistant secretary of the Oregon City Commercial club and began his work Friday morning. Mr. Rae will have charge of the clubrooms. the rrtUporlon of dues. etc. OSmjWJaJ Aoam ArniJLuMn v&m 0 RaaJL Mb 1&w odeL town. QwjlX orUf juuxm AoQMjxL 1&l Gawdl ouyujju acccrxhm ta H7j& '. 'CGVndk QAJL iftjLUVUf (jWurAlmcd 0JvdiiiJ' saXti."AA parLtZj. 9kJ) net ifcjaX AAjotiL U" AfyiacxdA Ttexus Or AfeWjl&jb wfarQu Ur&q do lDlt MVUa 0 sx MrKGVJ mat Coweta rJcrmiiXcc Xovvuctcs amaxxsla True, UXAAt Xa ay AiqftJt Xb JxJUb ' ' fiuJt "VYU.1. JcftTrfj WJb Oj JtAMsL tOAJu nru - i GREATEST RHEUMATIC CURE the goods. Gentlemen only. Treatments $2.50. eecona iioor i'noenix i. lag. tJuwy. JACK KING, Rheumatic Doctor. AD SIGNS ORDERED DOWN STATE HIGHWAYS TO BE FHEE OF ALL POSTERS. Action Taken by Engineer Follow ing Decision Given hy Attorney-General Recently. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.) All advertising signs within the rights of way of state roads must be removed at once, according to a letter sent out today by Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer, to all division engineers. The action was taken, according to Mr. Nunn's letter, on the theory that the highways are public property and no person has a right to appropriate a part of it to his own use by posting advertising matter. Attached to Mr. Nunn's letter were copies of a legal opinion given re cently by Attorney-General Brown, in which he held that under the law no printed, painted or other advertise ment, bill, notice, sign, picture, card or poster can be placed or attached to any building, gate, fence, bridge, tree, reck, board or structure within the limits of a state highway. In case such advertising matter is placed, the attorney-general held that it would be lawful for any person to remove or nestroy the same, and in so doing such person would not be liable to the owner of such advertisement, or the party erecting or maintaining the same. "As a matter of justice, however," said Mr. Brown's opinion. "I would suggest that where any such sign or advertisement is found within the lim its of a state highway and such sign or advertisement is of such charactei or structure that it can lawfully be maintained, that before a representa tive of the highway department re moves or destroys the same, the own- OdUL XxjftUJ CutnJLjuMjiJUU (XctCCalOq bwn(i(fi tturujblAAflJCufc ctndL aurst ast)uijpJL CAlqaAmz aw Htfci- ftoUXiMJtt-, IS'lOOKIrKi TOR THEM Examination free Hours 9 A. M. to 6 H i r, if he can be found, should be noti- iiea. League to Be Debated. OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 1. (Spe cial.) O. D. Eby, affirmative, and William Stone, negative, will debato the league of nations at Gladstone Monday. October 4. These two men debated this issue at the Commercial club rooms last week and are sched uled to debate in several towns on the same subject. Oregon City Petitions Filed. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 1. F. A. Metzner filed his petition today as a candidate for the city council from ward 1. Mr. Metzner was formerly a member of the council, having served for six years. W. C. Green of ward 2 filed his petition as a candidate to succeed himself. M. II. Long filed Friday ns h candiij-ite from ward S. PAIGE SEDAN 3 ust in, never of f errd before, left fur sale by owner. Bi tnap. $2100 This is a IMS car In wonderful shape, and cannot be deplicatcd for this money. Covey Motor Car Company Washington St. at 21st. Main LM4. A Liferent Kind of Laundry 4 Different ITIce EAST 494 curitsh rrVrCcTV wn