Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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S.&H. Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Fall on or Before 10th of Month
Candy Sale ,
OWK Peanut Brittle, fresh and qOn
delicious. Specially priced, lb. Oil
Marshmallows; the plain kind. CQf
Saturday special per pound OUfu
No telephone orders and no deliveries.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Mask O'Uth
Non-Massage Liquid M:sk
an instantaneous rejuvenator both
Accidents Prove Fatal to
Man and Woman.
chemical and mechanical in action. Treat
ment given by expert operators in
our Beauty Shop on the Second Floor.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
hop at This Store Where Quality Is the First Consideration
When You Buy an Article at Olds, Wortman & King's You Can Rely Upon Getting Full Value for Your Money
Airs. A. H. Steadman and Mike
l-'rceg- Fail to Recover Prom In
juries Two More Hurt.
Two victims of automobile acci
dents died at Portland hospitals
Thursday night and yesterday morn
ing and a third Is in a serious condi
tion as a result of injuries received.
Mrs. A. H. Stedrnan, who received
a fractured skull when knocked to the
pavement at Tenth and Morrison
streets by a United States mail auto
mobile September 28, died Thursday
night at St. Vincent's hospital. The
body was turned over to Coroner
Smith, who is making an investiga
tion. It is not known whether an in
quest will be held.
Mrs. Stedman. who was 76 years of
I age. had been living at the Edison
hotel. The automobile which struck
her was reported by the police to have
been driven by S. C. Garvin, 432 Mar
guerite avenue.
The second victim was Mike Erceg,
an employe of the Columbia univer
sity, who died at Good Samaritan
hospital as the result of injuries sus
tained when run down by an auto
mobile driven by Harry A. Prosser,
208'i Third street, on the Linnton
road Tuesday. The driver of the
automobile was said to have been at
tempting to dodge cattle which Erceg
was driving down the road and ac
cidentally Btruck the man.
i Driver I Exonerated.
An investigation made by the police
exonerated Uarvin. driver of the ma
chine which struqk Mrs. Stedman,
from blame for the accident. He is
said to have stopped the machine im
mediately after striking the woman.
The accident which resulted in the
death of Krceg occurred outside the
city and the sheriff's office made an
Investigation the result of viich was
turned over to the coroner's office.
William Keane. 6, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Keano. 130 Morris street,
is atthe Emanuel hospital suffering
from Injuries sustained when 6truck
by a machine driven by E. Li. Swarth
Out, Albina avenue, at Mis
sissippi avenue and Morris street.
Thursday night. Swarthout reported
to the police that the boy, who is be
lieved to have suffered a fracture of
the skull, ran Into the street. He
said he swerved his car in an effort
to prevent striking the lad. but that
the rear fender came Into contact
with him.
Hospital attendants last night re
ported the boy better and that he has
a chance for recovery.
Police are making an Investigation.
Alexander Denner. 16, of 488 East
Twelfth street north, received injur
ies yesterday when the machine in
which he was riding was struck bv
a Southern Pacific electric train at
Fourth and lloyt streets. He was
taken to the Good Samaritan hospital,
where he was reported to have re
ceived a bruise on the head, but was
not seriously hurt.
Donald McDonald Misses Cash
After Meeting "Friends."
Inspectors are looking for acquaint
ances of Donald McDonald, who are
alleged to have made him drunk and
robbed him of $73.
McDonald was picked up yesterday
by the police at First and Everett
streets charged with being drunk.
He declared two men, whom he met
In the north end. plied him with
liquor and then robbed him. In ad
dition to the money they are said
to have taken his money belt con
taining three checks. The money belt
and checks were found in the vicinity.
The drunk charge against Mc
Donald was continued for sentence
by Judge Rossman who thought the
man had been sufficiently punished.
Ferson AVho Drinks Should Xol
Carry I'irearms, Sajs Judge.
Joe Edwards, who was arrested nt
the Lyric theater Thursday night
with a revolver in his possession and
was charged with carrying con
cealed weapons, was fined -S yes
terday by Municipal Judge Rossman.
Edwards was with a companion, W.
C. Barker, and the two are said to
have been intoxicated.
Edwards told the judge that he
was employed as a night watchman
and for that reason carried the re
volver. The judge told him. how
ever, that a man who carried a re
volver should be careful and not
drink. The revolver was confiscated.
The case against Barker was con
tinued for sentence.
3 Ji-
Coffee cos'.s. about the
game per cup whether
with or without the good
taste and cheer.
Don't believe it? Buy
a pound of ordinary cofee,
and see how many cups
it makes. Then buy a
pound of good coffeesay
Schilling's and count the
Then figure out the co&i
per cup.
Just about the same-.
Schilling CofFee
Women's Plush Coats I
in a Feature Showing
By all odds, our present showing of Plush Coats casts into eclipse all its
predecessors. It is beyond doubt the broadest, biggest and most compre
hensive display ever presented in Portland. High-class garments of best
grade plush and seal plush. Short, medium and full length styles with
collars and cuffs of fur or self material. Some in belted effects, others
with full loose backs; full lined. Sizes 16 to 46. Priced $45 to $250
Misses' and Girls'
Winter Coats
- w r M f a T--1 rril i i t 1 .
f '- vj junior snop, oecona rioor- ine smartest, moaes oi me moment await your
sV- inspection. Youthful, becoming Coats designed especially for misses and
girls, .belted, plaited and loose back models, with convertible cape or scarf
collars. Coats of cheviot, melton, chinchilla, velour and corduroy in
the newest Fall shades. ' The prices range from $13.75 to $65.00
Misses' Dresses
$19.50 to $62.50
Junior Shop, Second Floor. Charming new Fall Dresses of Taffeta, Satin,
Tricotine, Serge and Jersey. Many beautiful styles are beaded or em
broidered in the new colors. Also straight line, plaited and ruffled effects.
Mothers are invited to come in and view these Dresses; 19.50 to $62.50
Silk Petticoats
... For Girls
Flannel Middy
Junior Shop, Second Floor. Sara
toga, Bob Evans and Jack Tar Mid
dies of red, navy and black flannel.
Smart styles for school wear. Dif
ferent models; $5.50 to $15.95
Junior Shops, Second Floor. Girls'
and Misses' Silk Petticoats of Taf
feta and Jersey. Also Saline and
Heatherbloom Petticoats. All new
Fall shades. Priced $1.98 to $5.00
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Ivory Soap Flakes
Packages Free!
With each purchase made Satur
day in the Drug Department we
will give FREE one M. size) pack
age of Ivory Soap Flakes. (Limited
quantity only). Dept., 1st Floor.
Creme Oil Soap
Special 90c Dozen
Cuticura Soap special only 200
Revelation Tooth Powder at 250
Colgate's Tooth Taste only 250
Jergen's Oatmeal Soap, doz. 850
Mentholatum at 230 and 450
Java Rice Powder, all colors 450
Hinds H. & A. Cream at 79
Sal Hepatica, SO 0, 600, $1.20
Packer's Tar Soap, a cake 230
Nujol 20 oz. bottles only, $1
Pluto Water, qts. 450, 3 $1.25
Creme Elcaya priced only 590
Mermen's Shaving Cream S70
Ipana Tooth Paste at only 500
CaL Syrup of Figs priced 550
Resinol Ointment 550, $1.10
have-Aid priced a tube 500
Wool Sweaters
Second Floor1 Medium and heavy
weight Wool Sweaters of the better
grade on sale Saturday at a special
price. Flare, tuxedo and sport
models in plain or fancy weaves.
Some have belts, others tie sashes.
Wide range of plain colors and
combinations. Sweaters of extra
quality. Priced special $14.98
Sale of Khaki
Second Floor Khaki Outing and
Sport Suits flare coat with breeches
or Norfolk coat with skirt on sale
Saturday at substantial savings.
$ 9.50 Khaki Suits priced $7.12
$11.45 Khaki Suits priced $8.59
$12.50 Khaki Suits priced $9.38
$13.25 Khaki Suits priced $9.94
Corduroy Suits
Corduroy Outing Suits in latest
styles. Brown mode and taupe.
Shown with 6kirt or breeches.
$17.50 Corduroy Suits at $13.13
$18.45 Corduroy Suits at $13.84
$21.00 Corduroy Suits at $15.75
$23.95 Corduroy Suits at $17.95
Second Floor
$2.50 to $4.00 Silks $1.98
Center Circle
Main Floor
3000 YARDS plain and fancy 'r
made below present market
prices. Printed Crepe de Chine,-
Printed Satins, Plaid Poplins,
Fancy Striped Satins, Plain Taf
fetas, Messalines and Satins in
black and colors; Figured Fou
i lards, Wash Silks, Radiums, etc 1
Silk s suitable for dresses, waists,
I suits, coats, linings, underwear
' and other purposes. 36 and 40
inches wide. Standard (PI QQ
f?2.50 to $4.00 grades. DXmJO
Fourth Floor
Experienced telephone clerks at
your service 8 A. M. to 5:45 P. M.
Call Marshall 4S00 or A. 6231.
Saturday Specials
Dried Prunes, special for A
Saturday, 2 pounds for ktJKs
White Wonder Soap, Q- ff
Special 16 cakes for DJ-lU
Royal Baking Powder fyr7n
45c size Saturday special Oil
Snow Drift Shortening special
Saturday 600, $1.15 and $2.25
O Joy Custard
A dainty, creamy, economical
dessert. Absolutely pure and
wholesome. Not a gelatine. See
demonstration in Grocery Dept.
Men's $5 and $6 Shirts
Main Floor These are such good Shirts
and the price is so Jow that any man
may well buy a year's supply. Strictly
high-class shirts in nationally-known
makes. Soft cuff styles, each shirt cut
to fit. Made up in splendid quality woven
madras the fabric that gives best of
service. Regularly sold from C0 QQ
$5 to $6. Saturday priced at 30.0i
Men's Hose
3 Pairs $1
Main Floor Men's Cotton Hose of ex
cellent quality. Choice of several good
shades and all sizes. These are well
worth 50c the pair. Priced ff
special Saturday, 3 pairs for 0AUl
Men's $4.00 Union Suits $2.35
$2.50 Night Gowns $1.67
Main Floor Men's Night Gowns of
heavy grade flannelette in fancy
striped patterns. Cut in full stand
ard sizes and well made in every par
ticular. None sold to deal- - frr
ers. $2.50 night gowns only 3AU I
Ask for your S. & II. Green Stamps.
$22.5.0 to $35.00 Hats
The most important sale of high-class Millinery
yre have announced this season, in fact the values
in this sale remind one of the pre-war days.
100 Beautiful
Pattern Hats
in the offering no two alike. Reproduc
tions of imported models and patterns from
the leading American artists. Lyons Velvet
Hats in black, blue, brown and taune
Duvetyn and Velvet Hats in beautiful two
tone combinations Smart Turbans in many
charming styles new of f-the-face
Hats new Roll Sail
ors new side-lined Hats in
becoming styles for maids
and matrons. We also in
clude in this sale a number
of beautiful large, dressy
Hats trimmed with ostrich and other novelties. As stated above
there are but 100 Hats in the lot. Those who shop early will
have a decided advantage. Hats priced heretofore to I- Q
sell at $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 to $35 in one-day sale at &Ao
Millinery Salons, Second Floor
See Morrison Street Window
v y
Women's $15 to. $18 Boots
Special $11.95 Pair
Women's Brown Kid Boots with
medium pointed toe, welted walking
soles, military heels Q- " fir
Regular $16.50 boots 5-LAt)
Women's Buttoned Boots of black
calfskin with fawn color cloth tops.
Narrow toe, leather half " QFT
Louis heels, $15 grade ' DJ-X0
Women's Laced Boots of dark
brown kid. Plain pointed toe, high
curved heels and cloth Q1 i QC
tops.. $16 boots, pair Di-X0
Women's Black Suede Boots of
famous make. Goodyear welt soles,
military h e e 1 s. All (1- - QP
sizes. $18 boots, pair DjL-L70
Oxfords $9.95
Women's Oxfords of dark tan and black calfskin. Military or flat heels.
One style shown in brogue last. These are all up-to-date Oxforda from
our own regular "stock. Practically all sizes in each style. (PQ QfT
Standard $12.50 and $13.50 grades. On sale Saturday, a pair at Dt0
Shoe Department, First Floor
Main Floor Vassar Union Suits of
heavy ribbed cotton. Long sleeve,
ankle length. If you wear the heavier
weight union suits here is a wonderful
bargain. Ask for Style 307. Stand
ard garments sold regular- (J0 QC
ly at $4. Priced special w.OO
Men's Fall Hats
$7.50 to $18.50
Our showing of Men's Fall Hats is now
complete. Step inside the Morrison Street
entrance and see the new season's styles.
NEW SUEDE HATS of unsurpassed qual
ity. Black and colors. Priced $5 to $12.50
NEW VELOUR HATS in beautiful rich
shadings to match fall fabrics. $8 to $18.50
NEW BORSALINO HATS in latest fall
shapes. Made in Italv. Priced $11 to $12.50
NEW FALL DERBIES in the latest blocks.
These range in price, $7.50 to $12.50
Men's $3.50 Gloves $1.95
Motorists and others having need for Gauntlet Gloves should take quick
advantage of this sale. Made with all-leather hand folding cuffs and draw
strap at wrist. Full assortment of sizes and standard $3.50 J- QC
values. On special sale Saturday while any remain at only J-LJO
Boys' Fall Suits
$12.50 and $13.50
Main Floor These Suits will give best of service
because they are made up in splendid quality
corduroy in dark grays and browns. Latest Nor
folk models with full cut knicker pants. The
tailoring is of the highest order. Sizes for boy3
8 to 16 years. Priced at $12.50 and $13.50
Boys' Overcoats
At $11.85 .
Aain Floor Boys' heavy winter Overcoats in
belted back styles with convertible military col
lars. Cloth lined throughout. Dark gray, brown
and tan. Broken sizes, 12 to 18. CI f QK
Specially priced for Saturday at wllOJ
Boys' Pants $1.19
Main Floor Good dark colors in Corduroys and
mixtures. Broken sizes, 8 to 18 years. These
are great bargains at the price. On " Q
sale Saturday at special price of D A -!-
Sale of Curtains
Third Floor $2.75 Voile Curtains,
with fancy medallion edges
special Saturday the pair
$3.00 Voile Curtains,
priced special, the pair at
with fancy medallion edges CJO QfT
$3.00 Voile Curtains, J) nf
$3.50 Voile Curtains, J0 OCT
priced special, the pair at
$4.00 Voile Curtains, Iq
priced special, the pair at DO4vr
Regular $5.00 plain Curtains, with
lace edges. On special (PQ QfT
sale tomorrow at, the pair DOi0
New curtains make cheery win
dows! Buy now and save money!
ART CKL TONNES regular $1.25 grade special Saturday at, yard 890
$2.50 TERRY CLOTH double faced 36 inches wide special, yard $2.00
COLORED DRAPERIES in assorted patterns $3.00 grade special at $2.45
Drapery Dept., Third Floor
Bath Towels
Main Floor 500 of our best Bath
Towels have been reduced in price
for Saturday's selling. All sizes
and weights plain white and with
colored borders. Regular 85c to
$1.75 Bath Towels 650 to $1.50
Main Floor Extra heavy quality
unbleached Sheeting in one of our
best makes tm sale Saturday.
Unbleached Sheeting 2i '7Kf
yards wide special, yard
Unbleached Sheeting QKf
yard3 wide special, yard OOU
Pillow Cases
H emstitched Pillow '7CTp
Cases, size 45x36, each only OL
Bleached Pillow Tubing 45 inches
wide. Mill-end pieces. On Kflf
sale Saturday, special only OVC
Main Floor
Basement Sale
95 Women's and Misses5
New Shipment Just Received
The Basement Garment Store announces for Saturday a notable sale of
95 Women's and Misses' New Plush Coat. These were purchased at a sharp
reduction from regular prices and we are going to give our customers the
benefit of the saving. Very latest fall models in belted and loose effects.
Short, medium and full lengths. Some are full lined and some have fur
collars. Take a few moments' time and see these handsome coats Saturday.
3 Great Special Lots
Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats
$28.50 $35.00 $39.50
Sale of Paints
3d Floor
HOUSE PAINTS in several de
sirable colors. On sale, CO QQ
special gallon Saturday Oi0
WHITE PAINT for inside and
outside use. Priced Sat- QO QO
urday, special gallon OfcUiO
VARNISH for floors and lino
leums. Produces a hard, lasting
finish. Quick drying. Q" fif
Special Saturday, quart wltUU
WHITE ENAMEL for interior
use on woodwork furniture, ? Q
etc. Special, pint at only "Ot
Basement Millinery Sale $6.98 to $7.98 New Fall Hats Special at $5