8 , THE jrOKXIXG OTIECOXTAX, FTITDAT, OCTOBER t, 1020 GLOWING STATEMENT Ofil PROJECT PROBED George E. Saunders Quoted on Rogue River Bonds. MEDFORD CASE GOES- ON Superintendent FljTin of Public Corporation Can't See Value of $13,000,000 in Ilellgate. MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 30. (Special.) Analysis of a statement issued by George E. Saunders, president of the Rouge River public Service corpor ation, setting forth the development possibilities of various power, irri gation, real estate and Industrial projects in southern Oregon, in some what glowing terms, for the benefit of prospective bond buyers, occupied much of the attention today at the Federal Trade commission hearing into the charge that the Utah-Idaho Sugar company is a combination in restraint of trade. The witness was A. A. Flynn, su perintendent of the Rogue River pub lic corporation, who was questioned by the defense counsel at great length. Judge Stroup, counsel for the sugar company, read a paragraph from the Saunders circular, placing the valuation of the Hellgate canyon power prospects at $13,000,000. Laughter Causes Remarks. Mr. Flynn became convulsed with laughter, which resulted in 4 Assist ant Government Prosecutor Sane re questing Judge Dunham to "take note of the facetiousness of the witness." The spectators also giggled and were included in the request. This incident precipitated a rather heated tilt between counsel for the govern ment and the defense, the latter re marking "that it was enough to make anybody laugh" and that it was "by no means sacrilegious." To further queries Mr. Flynn testi fied that he knew of nothing to cause the Hellgate canyon rights to be worth $13,000,000. Surplus Put at $23,000,000. The "corporate surplus" when all undertakings were in full orperation was placed in the statement at $23. nno.OOO. This, however, did not excite either the witnesses or spectators, as did the Hellgate canyon project val uation, which is located in a wild and rugged section of Josephine county, the nearest habitations being two mountain farms. The last witness of the day was Paul Klrker of Toppenish, Wash., who testified as to a statement he prepared for the Oregon Public Service com mission covering the business of the Rogue River public Service corpor ation and its subsidiary for the year ending June 30, 1915. Alexander Nib Icy of Portland will probably go on the stand tomorrow afternoon or Saturday. MR. UPHAM IS TO SPEAK Portland Realty Board to Hear Ad dress at Luncheon. M. J. LTphpm of Duluth, Minn., head of the International Realty associ ates, owners of Westover terraces, will be the principal speaker at the regular weekly luncheon and meeting of the Portland Realty board this noon in the grill room of the Port land hotel. Mr. Vpl.am is In Port land on a business visit in connection with the properties of the associates here. His subject will be "The Real tor and Business.", Other interesting features are ar ranged for the luncheon today, in cluding the presentation to W. H. Ross of the achievement trophy cup recently won by Mr. Ross in the speaking contest at Spokane. The presentation will be made by Earold Jungck. Fred H. Strong, national commit teeman, will make a report regarding the recent session of officers and committeemen of the national associ ation at Denver. E. J. Daly will be chairman of the day. MAN MARRIES WITNESS State Deprived of Testimony in Iiiquor Case by Marriage. At the preliminary hearing yester day af ternoon"of William Mann, ar rested Tuesday on a charge of operat ing a still, it developed that Mann on Wednesday had married the chief witness against him, Rertha Fahey, In whose house at 5'J5 East Alder street, the still was found. The still, with a large quantity of mash and nearly 50 gallons of moon shine, was located in the attic of the house and Bertha Fahey, now Mrs. Mann, was arrested, as the only oc cupant of the residence at the time. iiince a woman cannot testify against her husband, Mrs. Mann's tes timony cannot now be used. Mann admitted his guilt and said he alone had been responsible for the moonshining operations. The com plaint against Mrs. Mann was dis missed and Mann was bound over "to the grand jury under $500 bond. TODAY'S KII. M KEAH IIKS. Liberty- Charles Ray, "The Vil lage Sleuth." C o I u in b i a Marshall Neilan's "Don't Ever Marry." Rivoli E. K. Lincoln, "The In ner Voice." Majestic Rex Beach's "Going Some." Peoples Elsie Ferguson, "Lady Rose's Daughter." Star Edward Laemmle's "Ship wrecked Among Cannibals." Circle Bert Lytell, "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Globe Jack Pickford, "Bill Apperson's Boy." LEONARD CLAPHAM and Virginia Fa ire have the principal roles in "Under Northern Lights," com ing to the Star theater tomorrow. Both are graduates of the Universal school of film drama, which has pro duced more stars of the first magni tude, than can be claimed by all the other motion-picture companies com bined. Hundreds of screen favorites, from Mary Pickford down, made their early appearance in Universal films, which continues to develop high-class talent each year. Leonard Clnpham, who is a Ken tuckian of splendid appearance and fine physique, was introduced to the Universal studios by his schoolmate, J. Warren Kerrigan, when he was starring at the Big U. Tnat was about three years ago and he has been doing splendid work ever since. He played the leading heavy role In the recent serial success, "The Lion Man," then appeared in the leading role in "Her Five Foot Highness," opposite Edith Roberts, and now he is considered ripe for featured parts. Virginia Faire is a 16-year-old miss who halls from New York and who last fall won the fame and fortune contest conducted by a leading motion picture magazine. Her beauty and dramatic ability won the highest praise from the judges, composed of leading screen stars, writers, critics and publishers. Carl Laemmle, pres ident of Universal placed Miss Faire under contract and for the past nine months she has been given a course of training which has developed all her beauty and talent. "Under Northern Lights" will show at the Star only until Tuesday midnight. On Wednesday Gladys -Uockwell in "A Sister to Salome." W Screen Gossip. "Springtime" is the song Miss Ida Lldyard is singing in the "atmos pheric setting" at the Liberty this week. Miss Lldyard has the same stage setting as she had during the first part of the week, but when "The Jack Knife Man" came on she changed her. vocal selections. Many Oregonians are finding lb Miss Lid yard an old friend whom they knew five years ago as Miss Ida Hender shoot, slpter of "Babe" Hendershoot, a local singer of equal charm, and of Arthur Hendershoot, orchestra direc tor and merchant of Eugene, Or., where the present Liberty singer for merly made her home. Claire Whitney plays a prominent role in Robert G. Vignola's adaptation of Merwin's "The Passionate Pilgrim." Frankie Mann, too. is cast in this pro duction. Miss Mann is now showing on the- People's screen in the con tinued photoplay, "Trailed by Three." Lucy Cotton, popular on stage and screen, is playing opposite Bert Ly tell in "The Misleading Lady." Edith Day, who is repeating her New York success on the London stage, in the title role of "Irene," con templates making two pictures while there for. Carl E. Carlton, who re cently produced "Children Not Want ed," starring MIsb Day. Raymond McKee became seriously ill at the West Coast studios while play ing opposite Shirley Mason in "Merely Mary Ann." Casson Ferguson was engaged to take Mr. McKee's place and all Scenes that had been taken with Mr. McKee in them were repho tographed. Mr. Ferguson plays the leading male in "Madame X," starring Pauline Frederick, which will open at the Majestic tomorrow. HARDY SPEAKS FDR HAYES ARGUMENTS PRESENTED FOR CANDIDATE'S ELECTION. AUTOMOBILE PRICES FALL Reductions on Maxwell, Chalmers and Vclie Cars Announced. Price reductions on three more makes of automobiles were announced yesterday. The C. L. Boss Automobile company received word from the Max well and Chalmers factory of price reductions of $160 to $J00 on Max- Wfll f II r K l.ln mi Marn-.t! 1 . $150 on Chalmers models, except the . iui.u cai a, v un'ii are reauced only $50. v The other reduction announced was that of Velie cars, which the D. C. Warren Motor Car company was in tructd to sell at a decrease of $200. The Vclie factory announced further that all Velie models will be equipped with cord tires, making the reduc tion virtually one of $300. SMOOTH LIPFREES MAN Sleuths Baffled When Prisoner Ap pears Without Moustache. Shavine of a moustache sometimes works wonders in changing: a man's appearance. The case against three men, arrested two mon t ha ago for soiling1 "fcoft drinks" which contained 6.2 per cent alcohol, yesterday in municipa 1 court was dismissed upon failure of two internal revenue offi cers; who made the arrests, to identi fy the men. After the dismissal Pete Christoff admitted to the officers that ho had 'shaved his moustache In the interval between the arrest and trial. Chamberlain, Stan field, According to Text, Should Be Opposed Be cause of League Stand. Dr. J. S. Hardy, secretary of the Hayes for Senator club, has prepared a statement showing why Thomas A'. Hayes has become an independent candidate for .United States senator. The burden of the statement is that Mr. Hayes is for the league of nations just as President Wilson wants it. whereas Senator Chamberlain voted for the Lodge reservations and R. N. Stan field, republican candidate for senator. Wants to scrap the document. Dr. Hardy's announcement follows: Since a lare majority of the elec torate of Oregon favorable to the rati fication of the peace treaty and covenant to prevent war, as agreed upon at V'er- 1 sailles, had no one of choice on the bailot for UniLed States senator, a movement was inaugurated to place the name of Thomas A. Hayes on the ballot by peti tion aa independent candidate. Our candidate is a progressive, of dem ocratic faith and believes in the tenets of Jefferson, Lincoln and Wood row Wilson. He is opposed to compulsory military trnining and great armament - and known that it will be unnecessary when we haVe ratified the Versailles treaty. He beileves that time and money spent irt those pur suits would be better employed in produc ing things that the world needs. Instead of makinu people burden-bearers of non-essentials of civilization, our candidate believes in collective bargaining and that labor in manual or mental fields is not a commodity for sale or trade and that he who works is worthy of his hire. He believes In free speech and free press and in free patriotic assembly. Mr. Hayee, by training, observation and study, understands the needs of Ore gon and Its people and can gain recogni tion in the halls of congress. Finally, the independent candidate stands four square on the Versailles agree ment and w hole-h Parted ly supports t he covenant to prevent future wars and, when elected, will at iirst opportunity vote for its ratification. He is bolstered in this opinion and position by the facts that the eight other nations, our allies in the war, ratified the treaty on presentation to their governments promptly, amid the glad acclaim of the populace and the further fact that up to now 41 countries have obtained membership in the league with Germany and Austria on probation, having asked admission when signing the treaty. Altogether embracing more than three-fourths of the civilized population of the globe, leaving outside of the league, revolutionary Russia, the terrible Turk, Mexico and our own country, which a recreant senate has labeled a slacker and quitter, a stain upon our nation's es cutcheon that can only be removed by the enlightened electorate in November. Mr. Hayes' contestants are George E. Chamberlain, who by his vote helped to engraft upon the peace pact all of the silly and nullifying Lodg reservations and amendments; including article 10, which ex-President Taft so highly ex tolled In his auditorium speech here more than a year ago, because it had teeth In it, and that President Wilson says is the heart thereof. Another choice is R. A. btanfield, republican candidate for sena tor, who has taken one of the ten po sitions of the republican candidate for the presidency on the league of nations and is in favor of scrapping the whole thing. Under these political conditions, pecu liar to Oregon, the candidacy of Mr. Hayes will appeal to all those who believe that the covenant will help -to promote stable peace. They will share in his sincerity and view with much concern the tragi cal suffering, death and despair from lack of food and raiment for innocent chil dren and peoples and view with alarm the portentous clouds rising on all horizons of the earth. Our candidate ( knows that the league contains nothing that endangers our gov ernment, its sovereignty or its constitution and that all such claim is unadulterated camouflage to bolster wrongs and to dis guise intrigue and for partisan and per sonal expediency ana tor tne lurther pur pose of dragging from mountain tops of Information and world honor a man far above them by the cores of envy and hate and betrayal, regardleae of human suftering and death in the world. In this knowledge, Mr. Hayes is sustained and buttressed by the American Bar association, William Howard Taft, George W. Wicker stia.ui, ex-attorney-general appointed by Taft; Professor Lowell, Woodrow Wilson and other millions of Intelligent uconle. It the treachery of the opposers ot the league for peace is not vlaloned now, the future historians win place their names on the scroll of dishonor in letters large enough that he who runs may read, that 37 round robins, 13 irreconctlables and four or five apostate democratic senator combined in their perfidy to discredit s great president in the eyes ot the world and through their actions dishonored our nation, betrayed our allien and broke faith with our soldier dead. The printed . nasi will say that when our government was naked for succor and for bread for the dying. the misrepresentatives of our country gave them a stone instead and left a bleeding world on fire. health service, who is co-operating: with the state board of health. A number of larvae of the malaria mos quito were found in a marsh adjoin ing the lake there. The engineer reported that he would make further investigation In order to determine the extent of the propagation of the mosquito in that district and the steps which will be necessary to put an end to the insect. ALFALFA GROWERS FORM Present Crop to Be Sold In Pools by Board of Directors. BOARDMAN, Or., Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) The Columbia Basin Alfalfa Growers' association has completed permanent organisation at Hermiston. A. I Larsen of Boardman was chosen president, Capt. Dobly of Hermiston, vice-president, and Don Campbell of Hermiston, secretary-treasurer. One director was chosen from each dis trict Including Echo, The Meadows, Stanfield, Butter Creek, Hermiston, Columbia, Umatilla, Irrigon and Boardman. The association will immediately begin to work up a final selling: con tract for the 1921 crop to be presented for adoption at thj annual meeting next May. : The present crop will be sold in pools under control of the board of directors. Particular attention is to be given by the organization to the needs of the western Oregon dairymen, the grading" of alfalfa for the purposes of stabilizing the market, as well as the control of the cost of producton. AGED AUTO VICTIM DIES Cur AVhich Struck Woman Said to Have Been Driven by S. C. Garvin. Mrs. A. H. Stedman, aged 76, -died last night at St. Vincent's hospital, as a result of a fractured skull suf fered September 28, when she .was knocked down at Tenth and Morrison streets by an automobile, said to have been driven by S. CGarvin, a mail carrier who lives at 432 Marguerite avenue. The coroner began investiga tion of the case immediately after she died. Mrs. Stedman lived at the Edison hotel. She was walking across Mor rison street when the mail automo bile turned into Morrison street from Tenth street. Garvin reported to the traffic bureau, it is said, that ho stopped his machine just as it struck the woman. Her injury was due to Prominent fat that comes and stays where it a not needed is a burden; hindrance to activity, and a curb upon pleasure. Many forms of advice to reduce weight have been advanced, such aa dieting, hard work, excessiveexercise. etc., all ot which are either unpleasant or dangerous. The latest, mere modern and pleasantway totakeoS burdensomefat, is to take, after each meal and nt bedtime, a Marmola Tablet. These little tablets are as effective and harmless as the famous Marmola Pre scription from which they take their name. To get rid of fat at the rate of two, three or four pounds a week, simply take one of these little tablets after each meal and at bedtime until you have reduced your weight to where you want it. No wrinkles or fiabbiness will rem am to show where the fat came off. They are for sale by all druggists at tl for a good site box. If you prefer to have them come to you direct by mail, prepaid inplain sealed cover, send amount to the Marmola Co., 97 Garfield Building, Detroit. Mich., aad bid goodbye to dieting, exercise and fat. Be yourself, slim, trim and sttractive. ?!!' Phonographs on Payments Buy your phonograph now from Hovenden Piano Co. and enjoy the wonderful pleasure it will bring to your home. Pay for it out of your monthly income. We Take Liberty Bonds at Par PRICES $35 AND UP Easy Terms Pianos Player Pianos HOVENDEN ' PIANO CO. 146 Park Street Between Alder and Morrison the fall on the pavement. Funeral arrangements have not been completed' WARD M. ACKLEY HONORED Portland Boy Gets Appointment In V. S. Regular Army. Ward M. Ackley of Portland, who served in the recent war as captain of Company M. 363d Infantry, has re ceived appointment as captain In the regular army. He was scheduled1 to report for duty with the 39th infantry at Camp Lewie en September 28. Captain Ackley received a .first lieutenant's commission at the first cfficer6" training camp at the Presi dio, San Francisco. He was promoted to the rank of captain while in ac tion on the Flanders front in Belgium. He was decorated with the dis tinguished service cross and the Ital ian cross of war. KNIGHTS ENLARGE CLASS Studies for Foreign Born Added to Sight School. In line with a general programme of the Knights of Columbus com mittee on war activities to aid in Americanization work throughout the cou-ntry, the evening school for former service men -maintained in Portland by the organization this week an nounced establishment of classes along this line and in elementary' sub- JCI.UO. The school Is toeatert at 290 Orand Eyes Are Protect them before serious damage is done ! Perfect evesirrht means c cess for you to the fullest joys of life. Protect them effect ively and inexpensively by wearing glasses, providing an examination shows that you neecUthem. We examine the eyes and make the glasses best suited to your special need in our own shop for one charge, which is a reasonable one. "Any lens in 60 minutes." COLUMBIAN Optical Company Floyd F. Brower, Mgr. 145 Sixth o boo o o D O U B T U L MONEY SAVED BY PURCHASING CLOTHES OF DOUBTFUL REPUTATION IS QUICKLY EX HAUSTED BY THE POOR SERVICE SEC&RED. SELECT CLbTHES OF NATIONAL REPUTATION SAFE GUARDED BY A WARRANT OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE. I , ', '-r-i. mmsamm 1 iil t : .v..-..v.-.t-i vr.Av-.";..v..i"- .V.T.- Vf. r ' : fr---'- ------- .-a4 CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT THE ANNOYANCE OF A TRY-ON READY- TO -PUT- ON TAILORED AT FASHION PARK AL WA YS PRICED TO WARRANT VAL UE TO BE HAD ONLY AT THE BEST CLOTHING STORES Rochester, New York avenue north, and all Instruction as well as books and classroom para phernalia Is provided free of charge. Among the classes for foreign born and elementary work for those who have not- finished grade school are the following: Elementary Knglish. American history and citizenship, arithmetic, penmanship, grammar. Among the more advanced courses automobile mechanics is proving popular. There is still room for new students before announcing a waiting list. Anothrr poptilur arl-ancrrl class Is that in higher accounting. Students may register and start in at any time. Candidate's Plea Heard. SAX FRANCISCO. fppt. 31. An order to show cause why James S. Kdwarda of Redlanda should not be placed on the November ballot as prohibition candidate for United States senator was Issued by the statp supreme court hre tndav. MALARIA INSECTS MENACE Several Cases of Illness Reported In Oswego Lake District. The report of several cases of ma laria in the Oswego lake district re sulted in an investigation yesterday by Li. Donald Mars, assistant Bunitary engineer of the United States public Haye Received The October Victor Records May We Play Them for You? Ask to Hear WHY KICK OR CRY? FACTS are FACTS THE WAR IS OVER We will take our loss right now We won't wait another day Back to the old-time clothing prices HERE M to On on Mesa s dints Today, men's Suits for $18.85. These are regular values to $30.00. Sale Btart 9:30 A. M. Big lot to choose gPj Young men, take notice. Hundreds of fine Suits, the very latest in Btyle. Nifty, 6nappy, stylish, all colors; absolutely the very latest. Hundreds of them bought to sell at $45 to J?OQ CK $62.50. Sale starts today 9:30 A. M.; your choice )tU00 Men's Suits, $23.85. Big lot to choose from. Sale CO QTZ starts today at 9:00; regular values to ?u8.50 '. 0-(O.OtJ Men's $15.85 overcoat sale. Think! $15.85. These coats were bought to sell at $25.00 to $35.00. Sale starts to- C" C day 9:30 A. M.; your choice tD.LU.OtJ Good selection Brown, Grey, Green, Mixtures. Men's Suits $27.85. Hundreds to choose from; regular value $35.00 Cf to $42.50. Sale starts today at 9:30 A. M.; your choice DA t .OtF J- 1 OF Melt's and Young Men's Raincoats; regular $20 values. Cj 1 1 QP tOlXsOO These are belted coats. OXXeOti Men's and young men's fine Overcoats with and without belts; good selection; big lot to choose from considered good bargains at $45.00 to $55.00. Sale ?OQ Qrt starts today 9:30 A; M, at &tV00 Remember our big slock of Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Hats and Shoes are going in this great price- cutting sale. 9:30 A.M. Today GLICKMAN S Cor. 2d and Alder 243 Alder 135 Second St. 9:30 A.M. Today Cor. 2d and Alder OVER 800 SUITS AND OVERCOATS GOING IN THIS GREAT SALE