Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 01, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Gowns From Paris, France,
and Paris, Neb., Seen.
Feather Fans and Tailor-Mailcs
.Appear side by Side A hen
.Music Makes World Kin.
If the frenetic advocates of an
American awakening to the multi
tudinous delights and advantages of
music and the ubiquitous commenta
tors on the absence of an artistic at
mosphere in America in fieneral and
the Pacific northwest in particular
could have bcfii "uinoiil those pres
ent" last nisht at the opening- of our
all too brief opera engagement they
misrht cease to deprecate a. condition
of seeming: Philistinism and acknowl
edge that the imputation of coldness
and lack of appreciation for good
music is not deserved.
It is safe to forecast that the or
jrani.atlon, the Scotti Grand Opera
company, is in for a successful engage
ment. There could be little doubt of
this after witnessing the capacity au
dience and Its unbridled enthusiasm
at the openiiifr performance.
One could hardly say that the au
dience was a typical first nisrht opera
audience, as the term applies- else
where, but it was truly a first night
Portland audience.
Mualc Makes All Kin.
Raincoats and Rowns from Paris,
France, and Paris, Neb., rain-splashed
heavy coats and magnificent furst
rubbers and straw hats, satin pumps
a nd walking boots, decollete and one
piece nerfres. umbrellas and lorg
nettes, feather fans and tailor mades.
side by . side In happy Juxtaposition
affirmed that a little touch of music
makes, the whole world kin. There
was the old pair vho love mffsic for
old music's sake, the woman who
waits until Scotti has sung his last
note and then hurries home because
the rest of it doesn't interest her, the
young st udents who want to hear every
note and sit perched happily forward
in their scats drinking it all in, the
soulful member of some little group
of serious dabblers who makes notes
and misses half the solos to figure
It out by the score she bought, the
fertous. sad or ardent music lovers,
the glowing-eyed Italians high up in
the gallery who know the opera so
perfectly that they never apptaud in
the wrong place, and the many, many
downstairs who regard every high
note as the signal for applause even
if it breaks right into some exqui
site bit of orchestration.
Story of La Town Ik Graphic.
Quite apart from the vocal beauties
of the performance and the ease, pow
er, clarity and perfection of time and
nuance with which the singers
achieved the wonders of the Imperish
able rriusic, the dramatic splendors of
the production sent the breathless au
dience into transports of delight. The
story of "La Tosca" is one of the most
graphic stories of human misery ever
written. In the keeping of this very
fine company, of which Antonio Scotti
is head, the story proves a revelation
In ensemble acting and achieves the
effect of a powerful impression by a
marvelous co-ordination of the ele
ments that go into visualizing the
story. It la all told in swift movlnj
Jianan, too rapid lor one not profi
cient in the language to follow the
text of the dialogue, but each char
acter enters as a mosaic that appals
ana inniis ana rivets the attention.
Scotti's impersonation of the Karon
Scarpia stands out with vivid dis
tinctiveness afid Is a splendid piece of
dramatic art quite apart from his
singing of the role. A fine vigorous
performance he gives, full of action
brimful of personal magnetism and a
certain assumption of devil-may-care
recklessness and confidence much on
the order of Otis Skinner in similar
picturesque villain roles. His death
scene was a very fine enactment and
the stage setting of Belascoesque in
Dramatic Intensity Remarkable.
-i iic xosca. 01 Florence Gaston
is raemoraole for its remarkable dra
matte intensity and notable for its
emotional force, variety and expres
siveness. Her singular physical beauty
and glorious" voice combined to make
the role unforgettable. The Mario of
-Mario namiee revealed an admirable
dramatic poise and a clear concep
tion 01 me requirements of the char
L.ouis CAnzelo as the Sacristan
contributed a performance of marked
artistry ana Arthur White's Sr-iar
rone was a brilliant addition. Other
prtncipaJs In "La Tosca" Included
George Parker as a jailer, and Mary
Kent as a shepherd, with a goodly
number of chorus folk in character.
j no scenes were three and nnit
adequate. The costumes am freh
and fine and the entire production
quite superior in every detail.
Tonight the offering is '"La Bo-
Character of Scarpia Is Made to
Stand Out Strongly.
In music elaboration, "Tosca
composed four years after Puccini
wrote La Boneme," is not eav b
tensely tragic and massive and the
score calls tor orchestral pictures
that kind.
Antonio Scotti; who first created
xne part or Bcarpta, chief of police
In Rome, Italy, 20 years ago. mad
that portraiture stand out so strong
ly last night that it dominated all
else on the stage by its masterful
power, scotti s Scarpia is a creatioi
of long study, and by its very in
tensity is black and sinister, vocally
and intellectually. It is related that
ecotii, Dorn in Milan, Italy, is a hard
ened bachelor who has his own o
ciaea views as to love making, and
that his chief amusements when he is
around his home in New York city
are Linage ana norse racing. If a
oiner 01 nis amusements could
jiieu puiuu-H or statecraft, some i
ni coma oe shed on the vo
.sycnoiogy or, his Scarpia. Its
lense power tairly haunts the mind
ior noura utberward, when one gets
away iroin tne glamor of the stage
This estimate of the vocal power
Scotti's Scarpia is all the m
rotable and remarkable, when i
remembers that Scarpia does not s
one soio that stands out from
others. In the sense that Margue
in "Faust" sings "Thule" and
loreaaor in carmen" sings the song
of that name.
There is no pretty overture in
"Tosca." indeed, there is no over
ture at all. There are three dark
chords that are the motif and the
action of the opera begins. Music
from a hidden chorus haunts the ear.
the hum of a "Te Deurn. the faint
beating of a drum and the roll of a
pipe organ, while the scenery depicts
a church interior.
.Mario Cavaradossi, painter, plopwl
and sung superbly by Mario Chamlec,
tenor, first arrests attention of the
audience, as Toca and Scarpia have
not yet taken part in the stage action.
Chamlee hasg a powerful tenor voice
of mellow, sugary sweetness and
charming clarity. Chamlee gave
much pleasure., with his artist io sing
ing of the aria "Recondite Armpnia."
This led up to his duet with Tosca.
followed by her solo "Non la Mosptre."
These airs are interrupted by music
announcing the stage procession of
ecclesiastics, consisting of choristers.
eminarians, cross bearers and high
priests. Searpta's solo "Va Tosca, nel
uo cuor anhlda Scarpia." was sung
gainst a babel of bells, booming of
tage cannon, yet it dominated and
held the absorbed attention of the
The second act la owned by Tosca,
dramatically sung by Florence Kas-
ton. She Is an Knglish girl, and has
splendid soprano voice of power
and rare sweetness. She is an in-
ense emotional actress, and made
his quality stand out when she sang
appealingly "V lssi d arte e d
amour no feci."
These three voices of Scotti. Eas-
on and Chamlee stand "out, for superb
two more: nvs to Rt:iis-Ti-:n:
Today and tomorrow only re
main for belated registrants to
put their names on the books
at the courthouse so that they
may vote in the general elec
tion In November.
Registration is necessary only
for citizens who have not voted
in the last two years or who
have moved from the precincts
In which they last cast their
Registration headquarters are
on the first floor, west side of
the courthouse, between Salmon
and Main streets on Fifth, and
will be open from 8 A. M. un
til 8 P. M.
Totals to date, which showed
a gain of 772 names yesterday,
Male. Female. Total
Republicans. .45. 369 30.087 75.456
Democrats 14.974 111,877 25.851
Other parties 2,982
Grand total. .... .106,342
quality, although the other -artists
have voices that also win admlratiom.
f course all singers use fluent
The orchestra numbers about 30
and is led by that prince of interpre-
ative orchestration. Carlo Peronl.
Scenery, principals, chorus and all the
rest it's a real bit of the New York
Metropolitan, except that the big
building that houses the real Metro
politan has not also been brought
along. Tonight, "La Boheme."
Last night's audience was large
and finely representative of musical
Alton B. Parker, Who Presided at
Tercentenary Celebration, Ex
presses Deep Regret.
NEW YORK, Sept. 30. No official
action will be taken against agitators
who interfered with last night's meet
ing of delegates to the tercentenary
of the landing of the Pilgrims, Alton
B. Parker announced tonight.
Mr. Parker presided at the isesslon
which was invaded by members of the
American women pickets for enforce
ment of America's war alms. He said
the disturbance was not of a nature
to demand prosecution of the of
fenders. The meeting was the last of a series
under the auspices of the Sulgrave In
stitution and allied organizations and
included in its programme besides
speeches the presentation of tableaux
representing famous historical scenes
of colonization days. Representatives
of England and Holland and other
countries were guests of honor.
While the audience wae gathering
several women bearing banners with
anti-British inscriptions entered the
In commenting on disturbances
which ensued Judge Parker, while ex
pressing regret that disorders should
have occurred, said there was "noth
ing to be done at this time "
Gales Extend: From -Vew England
to Cuba; Frost in Midwest.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. The trop
ical disturbance first noted by the
weather bureau as centering in the
gulf of Mexico was reported tonight
as having traveled northeastward,
with chief disturbance off the New
Jersey coast. The gales circling it
the bureau said, extended along the
entire Atlantic from New England to
Cuba, while winds continued high in
the gulf. The lowest barometric pres
sure reported tonight'was at Atlantic
Weather conditions along the track
of the disturbance were unusual. The
bureau reported that the temperature
in a number of the gulf states Thurs
day morning was lower than recorded
in any previous September. There
were frosts as far south as Oklahoma
in the plains states.
Illinois Candidate for Office Peti
tions Ballot Boxes.
CHICAGO, Sept. 30 Attorneys rep
resenting John G. Cglesby, candidate
for republican nomination for gov
ernor, today announced they had de
cided to appeal to the circuit court
to prevent certification of Chicago's
primary returns, which, it is claimed,
would give the nomination to Len
Small, his opponent.
A suit will be filed tomorrow, it
is said, asking that the ballots cast
In S00 Chicago precincts be opened,
alleging fraud and Irregularities.
Ex-Commandant of Twelfth Dis
trict to Train Pact Tic Fleet.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 30. Rear
Admiral Joseph L. Jayne was relieved
as commandant of the Twelth Naval
District here today. He assumes com
mand of the training of the Pacific
fleet at San Pedro Monday.
Admiral Jayne is succeeded here by
Rear-Admiral A. S. Halstead, former
commandant at Portsmouth, N. H.
Six "Wets," Five "Drys," One
Doubtful Named for Congress.
TRENTON. N. J.. Sept. 30 Six men
rated as wets live arys and one
doubtful were nominated for congress
in tne primaries luesday.
Representative Joseph E. Ramsey's
loss in the sixth district to Randolph
Perkins, "dry" for the republican
nomination, was the moat conspicuous
organization defeat, .
Cox Charges of Friction Held
Stories of Break Over Progresfclve
lsm and Ieague of Nations De
clared Groundless.
MARION. O., Sept. 30. Senator
Harding, taking note of democratic
charges that progressivism and the
league of nations have created fric
tion among republican leaders, said
tonight that he was confident of the
support of a united party on both
He characterized as "absolutely un
true" published reports that Senators
Johnson and Borah, of the treaty ir
reeoncilables. had informed him that
they soon would withdraw from the
campaign a'nd at the same time he
announced that former President Taft
and Herbert Hoover, two leading re
publican advocates of ratification.
soon would be taking an active part
in the fight for election of the re
publican ticket.
Support Held Assured.
Commenting on the appeals of Gov
ernor Cox for progressive support,
the republican nominee declared he
had Information convincing him that
"the rank and file of the supporters
of Roosevelt are putting their full
faith in our cuase." He made public
with his indorsement a telegram to
the governor from Charles Sumner
Bird of Massachusetts, a former leader
of the Roosevelt progressive party,
declaring that known progressive
sentiment was "a complete refutation"
of democratic assertions.
Discussing informally the league
issue. Senator Harding said he never
had given privately or otherwise to
any republican leader any statement
of his position on the league which
had not been contained also in his
public utterances. His stand, he said,
was known in every detail to the
public and was commanding the
united support of republicans.
"Story Absolutely Untrue."
Asked specifically about the report
of a joint letter Irom Senators John
son and Borah refusing to take fur
ther part in his campaign, the nomi
nee replied:
. "There is no such, letter. The story
is absolutely untrue."
"Have you had any recent commu
nication with Mr. Taft on that sub
ject?" he was asked.
' "I have had no direct communica
tion with Mr. Taft, but I have heard
from those close to him and I under
stand he will be In the campaign
working heartily for election of a re
publican president by the middle of
October. So will Herbert Hoover."
Cox Pretense "coated.
The message to Governor Cox from
Mr. Bird, who was a democrat before
he went to the progressive party,
."In your acrobatic campaign to
attract voters, you endeavor to con
vey the impression that the progres
sive voters for the late Theodore
Roosevelt have been ignored and out
lawed by Senator Harding who, as
you express it, seeks advice from only
a 'certain type of men,' namely,
standpatters and reactionaries. The
opposition to you of such progressives
as Johnson, Poindexter, Beveridge,
James R. Garfield, McCormick, Bald
win, Robins and, in fact, by practi
cally all of the progressive leaders,
who stood back of Colonel Roosevelt
in 1912 and 1916, is a complete refuta
tion of this oft-repeated, misleading
and tricky statement of yours.
"I resent with intense indignation
your desperate effort to capitalize his
honored name for the purpose of pro
moting your political aspirations and
for the purpose of perpetuating the
power of the democratic party, which
he, above all, distrusted and excori
ated." Statement Borne Oat.
Commenting on the telegram, Sen
ator Harding saild:
"I only wish to say that the facts
as to the position of the progressives
of this country, as he states them,
are borne out by the information
which is sent me voluntarily that the
rank and file of the supporters of
Roosevelt are putting their full faith
in our cause."
Tomorrow Senator Harding will
speak from the front porch to a gath
ering of women, and officials at his
headquarters said his address would
be one of the most important of the
campaign. It will deal with social
justice, outlining the senator's pro
gramme for humane reform and for
organized social betterment.
A headquarters announcement said
that 5000 women were expected to at
tend. Women of all political faith
have been invited.
CLEARINGS UP 39,8118,083
THAX IX 1919.
Substantial Growth of Business and
Industrial Life of Portland
Is Indicated.
Business and industrial life of Port
land is shown to have enjoyed a sub
stantial growth throughout the last
year, judging from the bank clear
ings for September, 1920, as compared
with the clearings a year ago. The
month just closed showed clearings
nearly $9,000,000 greater than for
September a year ago.
The bank figures for September of
this year are siso, 346,491. 38, with bal
ances of $42,247,384.84, as compared
with clearings a year ago of $171,405,
240.44 and balances of $44,074,117.69.
In building permits the month this
year did not equal the record set by
September, 1919. The number of per
mits this year, however, was con
siderably larger, a few big buildings
last year swelling the total. Last
year's figures for the month of Sep
tember were number, 900; value
$1,370,035; while this year's were
number, 1036;- value $774,345.
Youngsters Drive Home Hygienic
Facts to Older Folk.
To hate the cigarette, and to abomi
nate the pipe, with an intensity which
tfirills, one should have heard little
Kleanor Ringler before the Oregon W.
C. T. U. at W hite Temple last night
when she articulated Smo-king is
in-jurious!" Or have listened to the
prize-Jnning essay on "Tobacco and
L,fficiency. by Ralph Green, of Ben
son rolytccnnic school which set
fortii-an array of statistics to prove
that the use of the weed Is fraught
with grave personal and economic
Prizes for winning essays on health
topics were awarded to Ralph Green,
in high school competition,; Robert
Muzzy, in the grade school contest,
and Vera Jenks, winner ill the lower
White Temple held a large audience,
assembled to hear the youngsters ex
pound their views on health, and how
Io maintain it, and many a hygienic
fact was driven home to the elder
They were warned not to eat be
tween meals, and advised to bathe
frequently, the schedule for winter
being fixed at twice a week. "But in
summer." declared the small maiden
who read one paper, "we should
bathe once 'a day."
Speaker at MelhocliM-Epicopal
Conference ' Charjres Lax Re
gime Under Ohio Governor.
ROCK FORD, III, Sept. 30. Politics
were injected very forcibly into to
day's session of the Rock River con
ference of the Methodist liplscopal
church when Dr. Clarence True Wil
son, general secretary of the national
board of temperance, prohibition and
public morals, spoke upon "the pres
ent situation," discussing prohibition,
Americanization, the Bible in public
schools, protection of Amercans en
gaged in outlawed business in foreign
countries and gambling crusades.
Governor Cox is "loose, low and
liquid," he said, "the champion of the
liquor interests, the advocate of the
laxest enforcement regime that Ohio
has ever known." Dr. Wilson also ac
credited the democratic candidate with
responsibility for the prizefighting
wave that is spreading all over the
Many objections were raised by the
clergymen to Dr. Wilson's partisan
statements. He said Senator Harding
was the last republican he wanted
for a candidate, but with "Harding 90
per cent dry and with Cox 100 per
cent wet, I have no choice in the mat
ter and you ministers should not have
doubt how to vote or inform your
congregations which is the right
William Jennings Bryan will make
the sixth floor of the new national
headquarters building of the Method
ist Epscopal church his Washington
home. Dr. Wilson announced.
Exemption, of Americans, Resident
Abroad, From Income Tax
Asked by Council.
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. James A.
Farrell, president of the United
States Steel corporation, speaking
before the annual meeting of the Na
tional Foreign Trades council today,
emphasized the need of a permanent
American foreign trade to offset the.
periods of business depression re
sulting largely from decreased do
mestic demands.
"But such a trade cannot be se
cured without the serious effort of
our business men," continued Mr.
Farrell. "They must be induced to
equip themselves for foreign trade;
to devote some portion of their
products to foreign trade and to de
mand of the government that willing
support of legitimate enterprise to
which they are entitled.
"Other nations are older in the
field. Some control cables, coaling
stations, harbor privileges, banking
facilities, railroad and shipping fa
cilities. It Is doubtful if private
American enterprises can at this late
date obtain similar facilities unaided.
"If, however, we can obtain from
the legislative and executive branches
of our government an understanding
of these problems with which we are
faced. I am confident that the Ameri
can business man can meet this
foreign competition."
The council urged exemption of
American - citizens, resident abroad
from provisions of the income tax
and excess profits tax.
Fortune Tellers Mast Make
ment on Income.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 30. Fees
for ouija messages and fortune tell
ings are subject to war tajc, Justus S.
Wardell, collector of internal rev
enue, ruled today.
He asked the police to aid in locat
ing mediums and spiritualist socie
ties charring admission to their
Transport Also Brings Back Bodies
of J 00 Service Men.
TCETV YORK, Sept, 30. Nearly 600
American soldiers returned Wednes
day from duty in th Rhineland
aboard the transport Antigone. Seven
hundred bodies of American service
men also were brought back.
Among the passengers were several
members of the American Olympic
Balarleeo Assumes Governorship.
MEXICALI, Lower California, Sept.
30. Manuel Balariezo of La Paz,
Lower California. was today in
stalled as governor of ths northern
district of Lower California by Gen
eral Plutarcho Ellas Calles. succeed
ing Luis M. Salazar. Senor Balariezo's
appointment, it was announced, was
made by Provisional President de la
Huerta September 25.
Pass Used Fraudulently.
J. W. Rudolph, who travels under
the alias of G. A. Armstrong, was
fined $200 yesterday by Federal Judge
Wolverton for fraudulent use of a
railroad pass. He was formerly yard
master of the. Southern Pacific at
Hillsboro and obtained the pass to be
used br his wife. Instead it was used
Just in, never offered before,
for sale by owner. Big snap.
This is a 191S car in wonderful
shape, and cannot be deplicated lor
this money.
Covey Motor Car Company
Washington 6t. $X 21t, Main 62 U.
by Martha E. Weaver. His wife and
five children. live in Chicago.
Wife Desertion Charged.
Police detectives yesterday took
into custody R. H. Smith, 30, of 15u
luth, Minn., on a telegrraphic warrant
charging him with deiiertins his wife
and child. Smith asserted he left Xu
luth about two months ago, com ins
here in search "of work as a meat
cutter. He admitted having: had
0h 5ftW
pai.s :
- J:
$25 Boys' Suit Days
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY we place on display and sale the best
assortment of Boys' Suits at this attractive price that we have
shown for pevcral seasons best makes best tailoring best lininss
and best patterns sizes 9 to 18 years the majority of these are
Boy Scouts fofr0ltJVgn 1 1 6 143 sYxtti St.
Shoes Outntter5g- Children, Alder Street
NewVictor Records
for October
There is something for you among these new October offerings.
There is always new entertainment whether the desire may be for the
great music by the greatest artists, the latest popular songs of the day,
or new and lively dance tunes. Any Victor dealer will welcome the
opportunity to play any music you would like to hear.
Rigoletto Paraphrase de Concert Piano
En Calesa (The Carriage is Waiting. My Dainty Marquise)
Faust Dio possente (Even the Bravest Heart)
Au Printemps (To Spring)
Allegro Moderate a la Polka (From Quartet in E Minor)
When You're Away (From "The Only Girl ")
Valae (From Serenade for String Orchestra) Violia
Mabat Mater Quia est Homo (Who Shall Blameless Stand Before Thee ?)
Mme. Homer and Mias Louise Homer
Honour and Love (From "Monsieur Beaucaire") John McCormack
Largo from "New World" Symphony Philadelphia Orchestra
Airicana Adamattor, re dell onde profonde
(Adamastor. Ruler ol Ocean) Titta Ruffo
Gypsy Love Song Reinaid Werrenrath
Virginian Judge First Session (Parti) Walter C. Kelly)
Virginian Judge First Session (Part 2) Walter C. Kelly j 45180
The Three Little Pig Recitation Sally Hamlin)
The Duel ' Recitation Sally Hamlin j 18635
I'm in Heaven When I'm in My Mother' Arma William Robyn )
Down the Trail to Home, Sweet Home William Robyn) 186SS
Tell Me, Little Gypsy John Steel)
The Girls of My Draams. John Steel J1S6S7
Dardanella Blues Billy Murray-Ed Smalle)
Swanee Peerless Quartet) 18688
Beautiful Hawaii Walt Frank Ferera-Anthony Franchini)
Hawaiian Twilight Fox Trot Hawaiian Trio j 1S6S9
Ziegfeld Follies of 1920 Medley Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra)
Cuban Moon Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra 3S69S
Hear these "new Victor Records today at any Victor dealer's.
He will gladly give you an illustrated booklet describing them.
New Victor Records on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month.
Victrolas in great variety from $25 to $1500.
rcq. y.a. rT. orr
Victor Talking
Camden, New Jersey
trouble with his wife before leaving
home, the police say..
Traffic Congestion to Be Remedied.
City Commissioner Bigelow. Chief
of Police Jenkins. City Attorney I.a
Roche and City Kngineer Laurgaard
were yesterday selected by the city
council as a committee to confer with
members of the county boawi of com
missioners today to consider a plan
to relieve, traffic crn8restion on the
Alfred Cortot
Emilio DeGogorza
Giuseppe De Luca
Geraldine Farrar
Vlon zaley Quartet
Mabel Garrison
Jascha Heifetx
This trademark and the trademarked word
"Victrola" identify all our products. Look
under the lid! Look on the label!
Camden, N. J.
Morrison and Burnside bridges. Con
gestion is aid to have resulted
through til rppa'ir of thrp brkluea.
in the Housewife's
Chain of Daily Thought!
New Crop of S.
New. Crop of kS
2 lbs. for 50c; 25-lb. If
box for ji;$.75 ' fjr
12 2.00
10 1.25
12 1.75
12 1.75
10 1.25
10 . 1.00
10 .85
12 1.35
Income Tax
A course for bookkeepers and
accountants, using government
income tax forms.
Frank L. Beach, Instructor
Auditor Hibernia Bank
Classes Just Opening
Enroll Now
Oregon Institute of Technology
1th Floor Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
Main 6700
stt?;e HOTEL
On Geary St., Just off Union Square,
close to "everything worth while. Good
accommodations st moderate rates.
Breakfast. 50c, 60c. 75c; Lunch. 75c;
Dinner, C1.25 (Bundays. $1.50). Muni
cipal car passes the door. Stewart
Motor Bus meets principal trains and
steamers. It is advisable to make res
ervations in advance of arrival.
Gasoline for
A Tt the rtaaoiin ou tiTd can be ob
tained from ihe usl of Uhha vcr Tablet.
Sold oi mi absolute money-back iuhihm:i.
Permanently removes cm r bun from plug 9.
Mini era and piston he. do. Vour mour
will run smooth" ttnd deveio mora por
a nd enerpy. Absolutely guaranteed not to
harm oar motor or engine V uny ay.
100 isaYcr Tablet. 91.00.
126 Stark ftrevt. "3lain 53a
DlNtrtbutnrfi for Oregon.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlad. Main 7070, Automatic 560-Da.