Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 01, 1920, Page 22, Image 22

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Chamber of. Comerce Gives
Out Programme.
urpvc of Contention Is to Devise
tMipplrmentarj Miippins; l'"a
Cllitles on CoaM.
Plans for the two-day session of
the northwest rivers am liarliors con
vention to hf held in Portland next
Monday and Tuesday were completed
late last nislit when the Orecon
t;t t - ctia mher uf commerce announced
comprehensive programme, covcr
1ns the problems to he discussed and
considered by dclepates. Rep
resentation of ports and inland water
ways in orfKon. Washington and
Idaho will be present.
The of the convention Is to
devise supplementary shipping facili
ties, through the intensive develop
ment of existing ports and water
ways and through the development of
new water routes, in order to relieve
rhc present congested railroad situa
tion. It is believed that concentrated
Rctiun of port and waterways work
ers, together with shippers of the
northwest, will solve the dilemma and
nfford two strirgs to the uow of
northwestern commerce.
Programme 1m .trrnnKcri.
The partial programme, wh'ch will
be subject to slight change and a few
additions, is announced as follows:
10 A. M.--Opening, riiarles Hall, presi
dent Oregon tjiate rhamber of commerce.
Klretlon of temporary prestdriit and sec
retaries. Appointment of committee on
permanent organization.
1IT:1. A. M. Aridrrts of welcome,
Gporite I.. Raker, mayor of Portland. Ke
jpIKili&e for V ash inpton. V. M. l.'lay, mayor
of Kvrrctt, Wash. Response for Idaho.
Response for Oregon. A. A, Smith, Baker,
11:15 A. M. Waterway development,
C. I.. McNiir, senator from Oregon.
11:4.", A. M. Adjournment.
'-:!" P. M. Noon lunclieon, Portland
fhambir of 'oin ineree, t!hartes BerK,
preaident memberf.' forum, presidinff. "The
F'ort," If H. 'an Ptizer. president Port
lanrl Chamber nf Coin meree ; '"Our Inland
Waterways," Marshall Shackelford, field
secretary, national rivers and harbora con
gress. Washington. P. C.
-:tn P. .M. "The Hate Question Prom a
Commissioner's View point." prcd A. Will
iams, Urepon public service commission.
J:.:0 P. M. Address. Washington public
er lee commission represei(tatio.
:j:M1 P. M. "Our Merchant Marine," W.
I,. Jones, senator from Washington.
3:4,"i P, M. CJeneral disruption of joncit
4:1.1 P. M. "Need of .Minor Ports of
Oregon." I.. K. Hean. Kugenoy
4:4." P. M "The I" sea of in Columbia
nil Its Tributaries." Marshal! Dana.
, S:no p. M. Address. J. B. Campbell,
secretary Spokane Merchants' assoeiation.
8:.".l) P. M. "How We Can Be of Help to
tho National Rivers and Harbors Con
gress." C. W. Hodson. Portland. Or.
H:0n P. M. Address. B. K. Stone, chair
man port of Astoria commission.
Tuesday's Programme (iiven.
3:00 P. M. "Object and Work of th
National Rivers and Harbors- Congress,"
Marshall Shackelford, field secretary na
tional rivers and harbors congress. Wash
ington, !. C.
3::lo P, M. Address, K. I. Randall, is
aislant secretary public dock commission.
4:oo 1. M.- Report of rc&oiutionit com
tt:::o p. M. Banquet at Multnomah ho
tel. Prank Branch Riley, toastmaster. Ad
dress. "Trade in the Orient," William
PiSgott, Seattle, Wash.
JRalc Industries to Be Discussed at
Portland Session.
SKATTLIC, Wash., Sept. 30. (Spe
cial.) Seattle's manufacturing and
industrial interests will emphasize
transportation rate injustices in the
northwest during the sessions of the
Northwest Rivers and Harbors con
vention to convene in Portland Octo
ber 4 and 5.
For this purpose, a delegation representing-
the Manufacturers" Associa
tion of Washington will attend the,
meeting, armed with facts relating to
present rate problems and .their ef
fect on local industries. Organiza
tion of the manufacturers' delegation
was announced Thursday, by Clancy
M. T-ewis, secretary of the association.
The Portland convention has been
summoned to discuss every angle of
the transportation question, both by
water and rail. The northwestern
delegation of the manufacturers' as
sociation comprises V. K. McDonald,
traffic man with Harmon & Co.. Ta
eoma; Ji. M. Hums, traffic expert
with A. Rupert & Co. of Puyallup
and Sumner; Frank C. Clark of the
Denny-Kenton Clay & Coal company,
and F. C. Moore. This delegation will
recommend a change in rail rates on
raw materials for the manufacture
of chain, a matter that directly af
fects one of Seattle's most important
industries the Seattle Chain com
pany. At present the rale on raw mate
rials for the manufacture of chain is
as high as the rate on the finished
chain shipped to this section. This
is considered an injustice to the Se
attle plant, inasmuch as it competes
with similar industries in the east.
Other changes will be recommended
in the present tariff on gas tanks,
drums and cylinders, an item which
has direct bearing on a number of
Seattle industries.
Olcn Sails With Flour Carp;o.
The flipping board steamer Olen.
Use Cnticura To Keep
Children's Skins Healthy
If mothers would only use Cuticura Soap
and Ointment for every-day toilet and
nursery purposes, how much suffering
might be avoided by preventing little skin
and scalp troubles becoming serious. Cuti
cura Talcum is also excellent for little
ones, it is delicately medicated and ex
quisitely perfumed.
mpl faeft Trm by Watl. Arfdreai: "Ctlw
Llrwrt...Dp30r. !.. Ihn." Sold .!-.--.Hera.
Sop2bc. OinUn.nt 26 nd faOr Talcum26e.
SBFCtittcura Stap shares without mug.
formerly operated as a tramp by the
i Admiral line, and now in the service
j of Williams. Pimond & Co., repre-
sented by the Columbia-Pacific Ship-
vuuijaiiy, pui 10 sea je5icradj
with afull carp-o of flour for Ham
burg direct. This is the first cargo
to go from Portland to Hamburg:
since before the war. Flour aboard
the Olcn amounted to 82.880 sacks,
or 5a.200 barrels, valued at J750.0O0.
Milpin Board Adopts Ruling- Call
ins Tor Contracts.
WASHINGTON". Sept. 30. Under a
ruling adopted today by tne shipping
hoard, copies of all charters or freight
contracts made on American and for
eign vessels are to be filed with the
chartering executive in New York. It
was framed to further the purpose of
the merchant marine act. the board
announced. The customs division of
the treasury is to co-operate.
Under the ruling, board officials
explained, the government will ob
tain information regarding rates,
terms and shipping policies which it
is the function of the shipping board
to administer. During the war the
trading with the enemy act required
all American or neutral owned ves
sels' to file '.'.hatters. Under the new
merchant marine act. however, it was
said, the board could recall charters
to he filed.
Admiral Line Vessel Will lul to
Sea After Fuel Is Taken.
The Admiral Line steamer Pawlet
finished loading her outward cargo at
the Crown mills yesterday evening
and shifted to the Union Oil com
pany's dock to take on her fuel sup
ply She will go to sea today.
Ileeause of the small amount of
outward freight offering at present,
the run of the Admiral line vessels
is being shortened from five ports to
two. The Pawlet will touch only at
Kobe and Manila this trip. Freight
for Yokohama will be trans-shipped
at Kobe and that for Shanghai and
Hongkong will be trans-shipped at
The steamer Wawalona of this line
is due here tomorrow from the orient.
The steamer Coaxet, nowat munici
pal terminal No. 4, is scheduled to
sail October 12.
Assessed Valuation Kselusivc of
Wooden Hulls Is $8,000,000.
A bid for all Property of the sup
ply and sales division of the shipping
board on the Pacific coast has been
made by the Barde Industrial com
pany, a concern affiliated with M.
Barde .& Sons. The property for
which the suppiy and sales division
is asking bids has an assessed valua
tion of approximately $8,000,000 ex
clusive of wooden hulls moored in
liake Union, North Portland and
Alameda. ,
Upon the promise of two more au
thenticated bids for this enormous
supply oc material, M. K. Miller,
director of the supply and sales di
vision, has postponed the closing
hour for bids to 4 o'clock this after
noon. The bids will he wired to
Washington and acted upon there.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Sept. r.O Arrived at 3
A. M. Steamer Springfield, from
port: at 10 J M. Steamer Kl Segundo,
from San Pedro.
ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. SO. Sailed at fi
A. M. Steamer Washtenaw, for Port San
T.uis. Arrived at S:::5 and left up at 1":I0
P. M. Steamer Kl Segundo. from San
Pedro. Arrived at P:15 and left up at 11
A. M. Steamer Fred Baxter, from San
Pedro. Arrived down at 7::0 A. M. and
bailed at ":10 P. M. steamer Olen, for
Hamburg. Arrived at i:i:.1 A. M. Tug
Daniel Kern and barge, from Coos Bay.
Sailed at P. M. Steamer Santiam,
for San Pedro. Arrived at 4:.M) P. M.
Steamer Klavel, from San Pedro.
rived at 4 A. M. Steamer Steel Worker,
from Astoria: at 7 A. M. Steamer W. K.
Hcrrin, om Portland.
POINK RKYKS, Cal.. Sept. SO. Passed
at 11 A. M British steamer Tanneburg,
from Portland, for United Kingdom.
SAN PKDRi.l, Cal., Sept. 2!. Arrived
at S P. M. Steamer Atlas, from Porikand.
KOBK, Sept.
from Seattle.
J 6. Arrived Endicott,
Jesaup, from Seattle.
26. Arrived West
C.T,ASGOW. Sept.
from Tacoma.
-Arrived H ax turn.
SKATTI.E. Wash.. Sept. "0. Arrived
K.amath and Yosemtt. from San Fran
oisco: Admiral Rodman and SkaRway, from
southeastern Alaska ; Art. Rati, from Bos
ton, via Sun FYanciscrt. .
lnrioH Admiral UcWfV. for San DieCO
via San Francisco; Northwestern, for south-
nestprn Alaska.
TACOMA. Wash.. Sept. "0. Sailed San
ta Inez., for Dupont ; Forest Kins, for
San Francisco via porta.
SA N KRANC1 SCO. Sept. 30. Arrived :
l,a Krimera. Seattle; Arcyll, Seattle;
Steel Worker. Astoria; William F. -Hernn.
Astoria; West Nilus, Honolulu; Acme,
I e par ted : Went Sequana, Marseilles;
West Katan. Glasgow.
Tide at Ant orb Jriday.
High. l-ow.
,- A M ..7." feet I R:4 A M ..2.0 feet
:o'J P. M...'.." fet 1 -44 P. M...-0.4 feet
lienor! l-'rmn Mouth nf Columbia.
NOKTM HEAP. Sept. .10. Condition of
the sea at 5 I. M., moderate; wind soutn
easi miles.
Port Calendar.
To Arrive at Portland.
Vessel From Date.
Str. Wapama Fran Oct. 2
Sir. WawaUma Orient Oct. 2
Str- Krnest H. Meyer. San Fran Oct. 2
Str. West Kfrats China Oct. 2
Str. City of Topcka-.SaJi Fran Oct. 2
Str. Artixas Koston Oct. 3
Str. City of Reno. ...Honolulu Oct. 3
Str. Witram Balboa Oft. i
Str. Tiverton San Fran Oet. 7
tr. West Katan New York Oct. 7
Str. Chovo Maru ....Orient Oct. 10
Str. Steelmaker New York.... Oct. 10
Str. Clauseus Halboa Oct. 11
Str. Orant New York .. . .Oct. 13
Str. l.ehich Moston Oct. 14
Str. West Toffus .Boston Oct. 17
Str. Steel Exporter. .. New York ....Oct. 21
Sir. Walihitf tord San Kru.ii Oct. 21
Str. Kinderdyk I-Jurope Oct. 22
Str. Kastern Glen.... New Yrk ....Oct. 25
Str. Isis Middleboro ...Oct. 2
Str. M eiyo Maru ....Orient ....... Oct. ."M
Str. Hawaiian New York ...Nov. 14
Str. lowan New 'ork . ..Nov. 2-
To Depart From Portland.
Vessel ' For Dat
Str. Pawlet Orient on. 1
Str Rose City San Fran Oct. 1
Str. Willamette S. F. & U ..Oct
Bkt. Annie M. Rolph.Port Piric ....'.ct. 2
Sir. Vlor. X. Baxter... San Fran Oct. 2
Str. Kastern Soldier. . L td. K ingdom.Oct. II
Str. Multnomah S. F. & I., a Oct. 4
Str. J oh a n Poulsen ... San Fran Oct. 4
Str. Heilbrcnn t!td. K ingdom.Oct! 4
Str. Laisy San Fran Oct 0
Str. CotiAet Orient Oct. 12
YeMels in Port.
Vossel Berth.
Bkt. Annie M. Tlolph. Clark-Wilson mill.
Str. Kl SeRundo WiMbridKe.
Str. Fred Haxtr In jstroam.
Str. Pawlet Terminal No. 4.
Str. Waban . . Terminal No. 4.
Str. Coaxet ..Terminal No. 4.
Bkt- Buffon Clark-Wilson.
Str. Bermuda Columbia dock.
Str. Memphis Astoria.
Str. Heilbronn Mblna dock.
Str. Spri-neTield Portland L&r. Co.
Str. Eastern Soidicr. . Westuort.
Str. Waterbury Suppie-Ballin dock.
Str. Multnomah St. Helens.
Str. Willamette St. Helens.
Str. Johan Poulsen.. . Westport.
Str. Daisy Vinsworth dock
Str. Kos City St. Helens. .
Str. West Canon Montgomery dock.
New Import and Export Tar
iff Is Arranged.
Portland and Olhcr Pacific Ports
Itcstorcd lo iHqua I Position
for Trade Competition.
PortJand and other Pacific coast
ports are a pa in placed in a position
of crjual competition with ports of
the Atlantic and L.ulf coasts for the
trans-Pacific bu.-inrs.s by the new im
port and export tariff which has been
agreed to "by the western transcon
tinental railroads. A copy of the
new tariff was received yesterday
by the traffic bureau of the port and
dock co mmissio rws.
The pen era I off ect of the new im
port and export tariff is to remove
differentials which have existed
aeai nsl the Pacific coast since rail
road freight rates were increased late
last AuiruFt. These differentials
ranged from $1 a ton on ,auto
mobiles to $1.S4 on iron and steel.
Rates A re I iiunlized.
The&c 'ijrurcs represent the -savinV
which could formerly be effected by
exporters in routing their freight for
t h orient th rouph Atlantic or Gulf
ports instead of through ports on the
Pacific coast. The new tariff equalizes
t hese rates and makes the total rail
and water t ransportation cost from
the centers of production to trans
pacific destinations practically the
same, whether shipnunt is made
t hroush New York, Galveston or
Portia nd.
The manner in which the new tariff
affects shipments . through Portland
is shown in the following- table,
giving the new and old rates per 100
pounds on various commodities
selected from the tariff:
. nnnrnairy
Acrf.'u! tural implements
Canned goods
Window g I aH
Dry goods "
Iron and teel articles
Mil'1 h Inery
t V.ndenseii mi, it
Pneumatic tires
Autos . passenger)
rn fe.
.$1 .3:i
. 1.4. '3
. l.0
. 1.33
3. 3:;
Fluctuation Kxamplf Cited
A typical example of the recent
fluctuations in export rail rates is
given by cotton, which, before the
increase of August 26. had a rate of
$1.2t from Texas common points to
Portland and other Pacific ports.
When the August increase became
effective, the export rate on cotton
was raised to 1. '.. thus creating a
differential of $3.3 it a ton against
Pacific ports. The new rate of $1.50
will just remove this differential.
The new export and import tariff
is now being published by the rail
road companies an an announcement
is expected within a few days as to
the date upon which it will be made
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SEATTLE, Wush., Sept. o0. (Special.)
The steamship West Ison, or the West
lvis, of the United States merchant ma
rine fleet, operated by Struther & Dixon,
will proceed to British Columbia ports for
careo in early October, it has been an
nounced. Wharfage charges at tho county docks
m Lake Union are so high as to be pro
hibitive, according to Captain R. Andrews
of the 1-ake Union Boat &. Towing com
pany, who said today that he has been
forced to abandon the movement of J00O
cord of mill wood as a result of the
county's rates.
Despite the stormy weather she ran into
the first of the week, the liner Victoria
Captain Johnnon. of the Alaska Steams-hip
company is making steady progress in
the lawt voyage of the year from Seattle
to Nome, Alaska. Captain Johnson re
ported today that the ahip was 1165 miles
?JJi fr.m Sr:iPe llalter. or approximately
40n miles from Unamak Pass.
The Alaska steamship company's
freighter Skagway arrived late this aft
ernoon from Houthwestern and southeast
ern Alaska, with a full cargo of copper
ore, salt herring, whaie oil, fertilizer and
other northern products.
When the American association of the
port authorities met in annual conven
tion in Chicago this morning it found a
telegram awaiting it from President Lippy
of the Seattle port corn mission. Inviting
it to ho!d its 1021 session In Seattle The
telegram was sent laat night by Mr
Kippy. the invitation having been author
ized by the port commission at its weekly
meeting yesterday afternoon.
Ott.VTS HARBOR. Wash.. Sept 30
(Special.! The steamer Charles Christen
son arrived thia morning from San Pedro
and is loading at the Aberdeen Lumber
At Shingle company's mill.
The schooner Forester arrived thia morn
ing from San Francisco and will load
at the A. J. West mill.
The steamer San Jacinto and Chehalis
cleared at 1 o'clock today for San Fran
ciseo from the K. K. Wood mill. He,,
quiam, and the American mill, AbeVdeen
The government dredge Michie has re
sumed operations at the bar, after bein
delayed several days by storms.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. uft. A ftcr discharg
ing fuel oil in storia and Portland, the
tank steamer W ashtena w bailed at u:20
this morning for California.
Th tank steamer Kl Segundo arrived at
S:.;n thin morning from California, with
fuel oil for Astoria and Portland.
Carrying a cargo of wheat from Portland,
the strainer Olen sailed at 2:10 o'clock
today for the United Kingdom.
The steamer Fred Baxter arrived at
J: 1 5 today from San Francisco and pro
ceeied to 1 'or t land.
The steam schooner Flave! will he due
tomorrow from San Pedro and will load
lumber at Westport.
The steam schooner Wapama and Ern
est H. .Meyer will be due tomorrow morn
ing from San Francisco.
Carr ing a cargo of lumber from Ham
mond mills, the steam schooner Santiam
sailed at 2:15 this afternoon for San Pedro.
American - Hawaiian Steamship Service
Resumption East and Westbound Sailings
TI7E are pleased to announce the re-establishment of the East
and Westbound coast to coast steamer service via the Panama
Canal between NEW YORK and PORTLAND with steamers of
the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.
From New York
Westbound j
S. S. Hawaiian October
S. S. Iowan ....
S. S. Texan.. . . ,
S. S. Mexican.. ,
.October 23
. November 6
. November 20
Rates and full information gladly furnished upon request.
Columbia-Pacific Shipping Co.
Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon
The tus Daniel Kern arrived at 9:2"
today trom Neah Bay towing the W. B.
A T. company's barge No. 2.
The steamer West Keats will be due to
morrow morning from the orient en roui
to Portland.
PORT TOWNSKND, Wash.. Sept. 30.
Special Under riiMricr m .1 .1 Moore
of San Francisco, the Dutch steamer TJit-
arfoiti sailed early this morning for Ade
laide, P,prt Plrie and Fre man talc with
lumber and general cargo loaded at Ta
coma. She will make a stop at Union
Bay. B. C.. for bunker coal.
During the past tew weeks there has
been a revival of the lumber industry In
the northwest, many new orders having
1-eeii received by millmen for delivery,
both by rail and water. Railroads are
placing heavy orders. Forty per cent of
the lumber for wh ich ord e rs have bee n
received Is for railroad repairs and " im
provements. One order for 20.000.000 feet
las been placed by the Burlington line.
The orders received total approximately
72.OOO.OO0 feet. The larger portion Is for
domestic purposes. More than 10.000.000
feet is for foreign countries. New orders
from foreign coun tries are coming, which
indicate that the export business will con
tinue throughout the winter in a satisfac
tory manner.
Announcement Is made by the shipping
board that vessels of the merchant marine
will be permitted to load cargo for the
orfent in British Columbia port. Here
tofore shipping board steamers have been
denied that privi I lege, but owing to the
light offering of freight on Puget sound
the board has changed Its policy. The
steamer Kstison. or the West I vis, will
be the first to take advantage of the per
mit and will load at least a part cargo
for t he orient at Vancouver early In Oc
tober. SAN PEDRO, Cal.. Sept. 30. (Special.)
The fishing season for albacore and tuna
has closed. The greater portion of the
launches a re beginning to lay up and
fishermen hold little hope for getting any
catches of size until next season.
A few sardines of canning sine are be
ing caught. Cannershave announced that
they are ready to begin the pack as soon
they arrive in quantities.
The steamer West Kasson will arriv
here tomorrow from Baltimore, completing
the first round-the-world trip in' service of
Pacific Mail. The Wt-st Kasson left San
Fra n c i sco March 12. She was built he re.
t'a plain M. T. Pa ne. formerly master
of several vessels of the Olson & Mason
Co., ts here awaiting completion of tne
stVmer Culberton, of which he wPi as
sume command. The steamer is receiving
its finishing touches in the yards of the
Los Angeles Shipbuilding & Drydock com
pany. Major Carlington, United States engi
neer in charge of this district, has approved
seve-al of .the proposed harbor im prove
ments requested by different commercial
organizations. lie has approved dredging
th main channel to a depth of 35 feet,
the channel connecting local a nd oLng
Beach harbors to o0 feet and the dredging
of a channel to Fast Basin o0 feet in
Arrived' Steamers De Long, from San
Diego. 1 A. M. ; Queen, from San Diego, 7
A. M. ; Steel Maker, from New York, 7
A. M. ; Celilo. from Portland. 1 A. M. ;
J. A. Moffett. from Puget sound, 1 A. M . ;
H umbold t, from San Francisco, 2 A. M. ;
Daisy Putnam, from Portland, 5 P. M.
Sailed Steamers Prent Iss. for Albion. 3
P. M. ; Queen for San Diego. 10 A. M. ;
Orani. for San Francisco. 2 P. M. ; J. A.
M oftett, for W 11 bridge, 5 P. M. ; Celilo.
for San Di' go. 2 A. M.; Atlas for Ketchi
kan. 5 P. M.
TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 30. (Special.)
To the fleet of eight big steamships of
various lines announced to load here with
in the next fortnight, two more are now
added besides the Africa Maru, which be
gan discharging cargo Wednesday. The,
A frica's cargo is made up of silk, veg
etable oil, toys and f rozen yolks of eggs.
Th new -Brazilian service to Tacoma
wl M be inaugurated by the steamship Irisi.
2000 tons. The West Katan, RsOO tons.
Captain Waters, will load full cargo here
at the Sperry mills for the United King
dom. The Holland-American line steamer
Kemdyk is due to load wheat for Kurope.
The . Dutch steamer Tjitaroem. Captain
A. Oldenhurger, is completing lumber cargo
for - Australia. She will carry 3.O00.0O0
feet front Kverett and Tacoma mills.
TACOMA. Wash.. Sept. 30. (Special.)
Local 'shipping men a re anxiously await
ing the arrival from Union Bay. B. C, of
the Holland-American line steamship
Kemdyk, scheduled to be in today by the
British Colum bia shipping men. The
Kemdyk is reported locally to have sailed
from there for Tacoma Wednesday, but
so far ha failed to put in an appearance.
The Keniuy k has wheat to load here for
After discharging freight here the For
est King sailed during the night for down
sound ports to load for t California. The
Santa Inez shifted to Dupont to load and
will return here Saturday night to com
plete. She will leave here for San Fran
cisco Wednesday.
Tacomlk waterfront men are smiling to
day over the mishy p that befell one of
the submarine chasers here yesterday dur
ing a cruise about the harbor with the
city officials on board and a number of
other guests. The purpose of the cruise
was to Illustrate what a sub chaser could
do wit h the view that the city might buy
the sa me for a fire boat. The vessel,
while going at 14 knots, with four harbor
pilots on board, hit a sand bar. K very
one sat down, fell down or laid dow n,
with Mayor Riddell taking the full length
of the deck. On an incoming tide the ves
sel floated In an hour. It is expected
that the city will purchase one of these
vessels and refit her for fire-fighting pur
poses. The Grace Pacific liner Santa Inez
shifted to Dupon t today to ta ke on pow
der. The vessel expects to leave Wednes
day with the barge Belfast in tow for
Valparaiso. Chile, calling en route at
Arlca, Callao. Salavarry. Antofagasta and
Iquique. The Belfast will carry l.ttOO.OOfl
feet of lumber f rom local in P Is.
Word was received in Tacoma today by
agents of W. R. Grace Co. of the death
at Lima, Peru, of Captain Krickson of
the Grace motor.ship Santa Flavla. Cap
tain Kricktfon was well known up and
down the coast. The Flavla sailed from
here in August for ports of Peru and
Chile. While in Tacoma Captain Krick
son was under treatment for heart trou
ble. This was the cause of his death. It
is said.
The wooden steamer China, offered by
the United States shipping board at Clare
men t, Va.. is a Tacoma product turned
out at the Seaborn yard and launched
July 4. 191. The vessel took fire at
'laremont, Va., and w as scut tied In 50
feet of water September 4. it is said.
Steamer Alaska Bought.
Purchase of the steamer Alaska as
a companion ship for the passenger
liner Rose City was announced yes
terday by Frank Schafer, agent of the
San Krancisco & Portland Steamship
company. The Alaska was recently
announced to have been chartered by
this company for this service. The
Alaska will leave San Francisco on
her first voyage to Portland Novem
ber 6, and with two steamers in. the
service, a schedule of a sailing every
five days will be inaugurated.
The Alaska is similar in type to
the Rose City, and has accommoda
tions for 225 passengers and 2500 tons
of freight. She formerly operated in
Alaskan serv-ice.
From Portland
November 14
November 24
December 11
December 25
$6, 1 66,9 18.
Nineteen Vessels Clear From Port.
Wheat Leads In Cargoes Car
ried, With Flour Second.
Kxports from Portland during Sep
tember, 1920, amounted to $6,466,918.
according to cargo manifests filed at
the customs house and tabulated by
the Merchants exchange. Compared
with $2,170,607, the value of exports
for September, 1919, the figure for
the month just ended shows an In
crease of $4,296,311.
Nineteen vessels cleared from
Portland during last month for off
shore destinations. Seven of these
vessels went to the United Kingdom,
five to the went coast of South Amer
ice. three to the Orient, two to Aus
ti alia, one to Hamburg: and one to
the Mediterranean.
Wheat led all other commodities,
both in quantity and value. Of this
cereal, 1,943,416 bushels were ex
ported during the month and this
quantity wasvalued at $4,772,240. All
but two cargoes of the wheat went to
the United Kingdom. One of these
was sent to South America and the
other to Mediterranean ports.
Second place was taken by flour,
of which 75.766 barrels were exported,
valued at $915,032.
Lumber sent to foreign destinations
during the month amounted to 14.498,
188 feet and was valued at $458,523.
Miscellaneous general freight ex
ported in September had a declared
valuation of $300,963.
The value of imports received here
during the last month will not be
known until an official, statement
from Wash in gt on is received at the
customs house, though it is known
that September imports this yea r
were well over the mark of $464,371.
set by September, 1919.
Imports received here during Aug
ust of this year were valued at $525,
367 by the federal bureau of statistics,
showing a healthy gain over the cor
responding month of last year, when
imports were valued at $56,669.
I mports received at Portland dur
ing the period from January 1 to
August 31 of this year were valued
at $6,730,738, as compared with
$1 . 380, 654. the value of imports re
ceived here during the correspond'rfcg
period of 1919.
Marine Notes.
The steamer West Canon, comins to load
wheat for t lie Pacific train company, ar
rived in the river at B o'clock last niffht
Her first berth hrr will be th Mont
gomery dock. The t ('annn is botns
operated by the Columbia-Pacific Shipping
The Fteamer West Keats of the A'ortn
China line. Mill be duo at Astoria at s
o'clnt-k this morn inc. Sho will discharge
and load at municipal terminal No. 1.
The satoam schoonrr Tiverton, operating
in the Charles Nelson line, will leave Suit
Kranrlsco. October 4, with gencrat f reiftbt
for Port land.
The Kuropean-Pacific !in steamer Water
bury, takinc wheat and ties for the United
Kingdom, shifted yrs-terday afternoon from
the Montgomery dock to the Suppie-Ballin
dock to complete, her cargo.
Capta in Harry Ij. Chase, the new mem
ber of the Columbia river pilots, left for
the mouth of the river last nijrht for his
first job ti his n-e-w capacity. He w ill
prulde the isteamer Wa pa ma of the Mr
Cortnick line, from Astoria to the SlAiirlt-fe-r
ard at Vancouver, and thence to the
Couch -street dock. The Wapama. In ad
dition to her passenger list. bringing:
shipbuilding steel and miscellantous frifrht.
The Standard Oil company's tank Hteamer
Kl Segundo arrived at her dock at WIH
l.rfdge at S:13 o'clock last night from San
The Hfeamer Kastern Soldier, operated
for the l.uckenbach Steamship company
by the i en era I Steamship corporation,
moved to Westport yesterday morning from
St. Helens to finish loading. She hap
aboard miscellaneous freight for New York
nnd Philadelphia loaded at Seattle and
wil 1 complete her cargo with about I'.Ohrt.
imm0 feet of lumber and ties from the
Columbia river. She j expected to put to
sea Saturday evening.
The British steamer Memphis, which is
load ing t he last ca rgo of grain cui pora
tion flour to go from the Columbia river,
will com e up the river tomorrow fro m
AHtoria to complete her cargo at the
Irving dock.
The pteamr Springfield, of the North
Atlantic & Western Steamship company,
moved up from Wewtport to the F'ort la nd
Lumber company's mill yesterday morn
ing to oi tinue load ing lumber for the
west coast of South America.
The steamer Wallingford was named
yesterday by .1. O. Euson. agent of the
General Steamship corporation, as the next
vessel to call here In the service of this
company to the west coa;t of South Amer
ica. The Wallingford will be due here
October Jl.
L'- S. Naval Uadio Kenorls.
i All positions reportrd n.t R P. M. 3 ri
terduy unlet. othrrwhe Indicated.)
U1I.WOKTH. Point Wells, for San Pedro,
!i m iles from San Pedro
NANKING, San Francisco for orient,
14-' miles from San Kranciaco, 8 1'. M.,
NORTH WKSTCRN. north bound, M0
nviles from Seattle.
RKDWOOD, Bellingham for Ketchikan,
off iarriola reef.
KASTERN tit'I DE. Honolulu for San
Francisco. fH7 miles from San Krancisco.
September 211. R P. M.
WHITT1ER. Coos Buy for Port San I.uis.
r.rl! mils from Port San l.uis. September
2ft. K P. M.
JOHANNA SMITH. San Kranrisco for
Coos Bay, -Is miles north of S:in Fran
cisco. WILHKLMINA, San Francisco for Hon
olulu. 4ii." miles from San Francisco.
ENTERPRISE. San Francisco for If ilo,
1 12." miles from San Francisco, September
2i fi P M.
ADMIRAL SCH LEY, Seattle for Pan
Krancifco. miles from San Franrleo.
After Suffering for Months
He Finds Relief Through
Tanlac Now on Job and
Feeling Fine.
Many wonderful indorsements have
been given Tanlac, but the statement
made the other day by Humphrey
Kearns of 411 Main Bt., Holyoke, Mass.,
is in many respects so remarkable as
to be almost incredible.
Mr. Kearns has been employed by
the Linden Paper Mill Co. for the past
la years. The facts in his case, which
are already known to hundreds of
Holyoke people, are given below just
as related by himself. Here is his
"I was never sick a day in my life
until about four months ago when 1
fell down in a faint at the mill and
had to be .carried home and put to bed.
"There was such pain and feeling
of pressure in the top of my head at
times that I thought I would go dis
tracted. I lost the use of my left arm,
lejr and foot, and my stomach got so
out of order that I couldn't eat with
out its hurting me.
"My food would invariably sour and
the gas from it would press on my
heart so aa to almost cut off my
Nervous Breakdown
"I ami so nervous it seems as though I should fly" "My nerves
are all on edge" "I wish I were dead." How often have we heard
these expressions or others quite as extravagant from some loved one
who has been brought to this state by some female trouble which
has slowly developed until the nerves can no longer stand up under it.
No woman should allow herself to drift into this condition without
giving that good old-fashioned root and herb remedy Lydia II. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial.
Read the Letters of These Two Women.
North East, 3Id. " I was in ill health
four or live years and doctored with
one doctor after another but none
helped me. I was irregular and had
such terrible pain in my back, lower
part of my body and down each side
that I had to go to bed three or four
days every month. I was very nervous,
tired, could not sleep and could not eat,
without getting sick. A friend asked
me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and I am sorry I did
not take it sooner for it hSs helied me
wonderfully. I don't have to go to bed
with the pain, can eat without being
eick and have more strength. I recom
mend your medicine and you are at
lilierty to publish ray testimonial."
Ei.izareth Weaver, R. R. 2, IN'orth
East, Id.
P.ROAD ARROW. San Pedro for Itsoka.
Japan. miles from San Pedro.
V EN KZt'KhA. fcan Francisco for orient.
ln."- miles west of Honolulu, September
Lll. P. M.
STANI-KY Dc IjI. A R. San Francisco for
Kverett, l."r miles north of San Francisco,
September 8 P. M.
WHITTIKR, Coos Rhv for Port San
l-uin. uns mi lew front Port San Luis.
W. F. HERR1N, Avon for Monterey. 10
miles south of lightship.
I. ;. SCOFIKI-D, San Kranciaco for
Philadelphia, i"0 miles south of Sun Fran
cisco. OI.KCM. San l.uis for Portland.
miles from Astoria.
CO I. K. I URAKK, Sa n Ped ro f o r
Point Kilts. miles nort h of Sa n Pej ro.
C A PT. A. F. 1 , 1 7 C A S . t o w i n s ua re '21 1,
San Pedro for Vancouver. 400- miles from
WKST SKOCAVA. San Francisco for
Honolulu. 61 miles west of San Francisco.
KASTERN ;riPK, Honolulu for San
Francisco. 3fM mtlen from San Francifw-o.
A DM IRA I- FARKA;i:T. San Francisco
for Seattle. r8 miles from Salt Francisco.
A SC NCI ON. Sa n Fra neinco for Copen
hap'n. I miles south of San Francisco.
A KTK;AS. latitude 42:12 north, longi
tude IU4 :4 west. San Francisco for .Seattle,
at N P. M. September "JO.
CITY OK RKNU. Kahalui for Portland.
1400 miles from Portland at K P. M. Sep
tember '2U.
OI.KN. Portland for United Kingdom,
4T milen south of f'ohitnbfi river.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
breath. At these times they had to get
me to a window where X could get
fresh air in order to breathe. My
appetite left me entirely and 1 simply
hail to force down what little 1 did
1 got to where I was constipated
for three and four days at a time, so
nervous T would tremble all Over, and
could not sleep at all. 1 just tried
everything, including electric treat
ment. "One day my friend, Mr. Edwin
Broadbent, came to see nje and per
suaded me to try Tanlac. and I be
lieve it was a godsend to me. I start
ed getting better before I finished the
first bottle. I got so I could eat some
thing and retain it and picked up in
strength rapidly.
"Well, I have taken only three bot
tles of Tanlac so far and am still tak
ing it, but have' already regained the
use of my arm and leg. and talking
about appetites. I can hardly get
enough to eat, and my stomach never
gives me the least bit of trouble.
"My. nerves have steadied down until
I can sleep like a log every night.
I have been back on my job at the
mill now for several days and am Just
getting along fine. In fact, I am feel
ing better than I have in many a day
and I can't-find words to fully express
my gratefulness to Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
AlinneapolisIinn. " I was run do-wn
and nervous, could not rest at night and
was more tired in the morning than
when I went to bed. I have two chil
dren, the youngest three months old
and it was drudgery to care for them
as I felt so irritable and generally worn
out. From lack of rest and appetite
my baby did not get enough nourish
ment from my milk so I started to give
him two bottle feedings a day. After
taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound I felt like
a new woman, full of life and energy.
It is a pleasure to care for my children,
and I ain very happy with' them and
feel fine. I nurse my baby exclusively
again, and can't say too much for your
medicine." Mrs. A. L. Miller, 20oU
E. 24th St., ilhineapolis, Mhinv.
Ailing Women Should
those afternoon head
aches, those bilious at
tacks and those bowel
today rig-ht by taking
We can prove what we
'say about it.
Cascarilla Tonic
Debility of Stomach and Bowels.
An Excellent System Builder
and Mild Laxative
Which Represents the Activ Principle of
Caacartlla. Caacarn. Mandrake.
Capsicum and Cardimum
( Averaging- 20 ofAlcoho. )
POSE. On to Two Tablespoon u la. three
atimes daily, before meals.
The Kerosene Kreim Co.. Inc.
Manuiacturei-B and Distributors. Portland, Ore.
Contents 16 ounces.
Coprrictot Applied (or
Did More Work
In t hrce -mon tha than in six year?. If
took Ir. Burkhart :it his word. Sent
for a trial treatment for I-uver.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation. I
was restored in a short time. Jeo.
H. Kendle, Kenton. O.
I have a trial treatment of Mr.
Burkhart's Vegetable Compound for
every afflicted person. Not a cent
in advance. Address 6 21 Main St..
Cincinnati, O. Adv.
"Wholesome-aeansing -Refreshing
,Vh6ir Ycur Eyes Ksed Gars
Rely Upon
S. S. "I l l V OaK TOI'KKA"
Sails 0:OO I'. yi., Oetoner .. for C noe
Kay. KurtUi ami San I ru !', nn
nectine with Mean. ere to Lot Angeles
ami suit IHi'ro.
Oc tol r .
Iie.flr St en mh Ip Company.
Ticket Offi 101 Third tot.
ireljcbt Office Municipal tock No. S.
l'hone Main K281.
Freight Service
I'nrtliind .lit pun him Cliin..
SS. CHOlO MAKt. KK1HI ton, loading
eurlv Octoher. .
SS. M.KIYO .MA Kl', Mxm tons, loading
(. her ol .
For Y okolinma, K -b.- ;ml Shanghai.
ALso -Manila, 1. 1.
r'riKlit and I"ir.nsrr Service.
ss. AMO Mfr, ir.nno tono, loading
Juiiiiary 1U. I i- I .
For rato, fares, spa-''' ; mi information
(eiicrul Asriiln
Wilcox Itlris. Main 4565,
t omp.ijrni rnerale Tninsa t lantique
KxprcM I'oftal Service.
I. A LOHItMX!i..H''t.
l.AK.X VKTTK ....Oil
l. TOI' INK. . .O. t.
J!! ICH A M BKAU ..Or!.
IT.. Nov. 13. Dec. 11
l.A SAVIJlii o
:;u. Nov. ::7,
KHANCB Nov. 3. Dec. 1. Dec.
f-'ticai Rroh.f Pa'illi- "cmt Acriit. UN)
"h'rry SI.. Sraltli-. or Any l.o-ul .Vfcml.
SailinR Suturtluy, 2::tQ I. M.
M. IIOI.I.AM, Aeent.
Wl Third Street. I'lione Main 26.
Astoria and Way Points
Round trip daily frxwpt KrMay) kavfa
Portland :I0 A. M.. Alder-xtrrrt d.x-k.
j.ratre AMnria. 2 I. M.. Klavel dork. I lire
'i.110 each way. Special a la carte dining
erie. Ilirert ronnrrtion for mmiId
braclirs. Nieht boat daily. 8 I. M., daily
evt-ept Sunduv. lite lliirkin Transporta
tion o. Main 14'iJ. .Ml
l'hone Your Want Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070 Aut. 360-93