IS TTIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXLVS", FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 190 REAL ESTATE. For Sal ft Hausra. BIHR-CA HKY ORPOR ATION, UK A L'lO US. MAIN 747. A Vfry large number of photographs of ne.sirable homes arc. on display in our i iebrootii. They rrprr.-rnt real va.Uf. I I hey did nnt we would not tell such a la"ge number of ho us s as we do. See our listing before you select your home. We- can bavc jou money. HAW'THOltN E. 6-room house on full i-orner lot. it h a'l street improvements in and paid for, in choiceM part ol Hawthorne ; 3 bed rooniH wlt!i closts upstairs, cement bast-m-iit. furnace, laundry iryn: rate slirub herv and all kinds of fruit tree. Tins is a fine buy and may bo had for $1000 down. 41. ST AVK.NTK 7 KOOMS J34O0. This 'house ip a l No. Mil 41 t ave.; !t Was acated today and miles.-, sold by the 1st will he rented. Jt lias 3 large bed ri'OiHB and unusual sleeping porch up fltairs; living room, dining room, kitchen and den, cement hasnieni, laundry trays; ol -ar line ; .40 down w ill handle it. This is a genuine snap. L'O l H. N 10 A M HOVT. $:;ioo. This house has 7 rooms. of them bfinif upstairs bedrooms; paved street and in and paid tor: 1 block t" car, walking distance to high school. IIiium is in A-l condition; abundance of trees a nd sh rubbery ; very ea?y terms. AVOOPT.A WX. 200u. $2."o lown will buy this very substan tial H-room hoUKP. 3 block s from car line; 3 Biiod-i'ixfd bedoroius upstairs and extra room I bat may be used for iew ing room ; w M l-arra need living room, dining r--om and kitchen; rmtni basement. This ccrta tn ly is a bapgain. WALKING TMSTA NCK, ."i R UO M S $200t This house vas listed with us '"" $20On. Today we were told to sell it re g a rd Ie5M ol price, so we offer it for $2006. It is on I he corner of Harrison and Kat 1 1 1 h st n et s. Stre.-t ini prove - in cm a a re in and pa Id. two larae bedroom-, ( i i n tr room with fireplace: din in g room and kitehn ; fine basement. 1 iiis is a .-nap and may be had on pay- rKxiNsnA. $2070. Substantial 5-room bungalow on full lot with ail Improvements paid; one-half block from car; - bedrooms down stairs. A lso 2 room a upstairs that may be used for bedrooms; cement basement, laundry trays, lirepiace, all kinds ot" bui It-ins; very email down payment. 7 - R OO M H OT" S K . $ j 4 OO o0 0 J-HJ W N . This house is doub'n constructed throughout and haji a full cement base ment and is on a lot SOxlOO; tine bed rooms and sice pin g porh upstairs. This honw is in excellent condition. Another genuine snap. BtHR-CAiUKT CORPORATION. 2JI R A V KXCHANGK BI.DG., THIRD AND STARK STKEBTiJ. MAIN' 747. OPEN EVENINGS. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 "Rooms and Sleeping Porch. $0200. Loca ted below the hill, one block from Sandy blvd. Her'4, folks, is a de lightful bungalow, ideally located. Hard wood floors. Hrupiace. buit'et, furnace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, etc. Fa ing and sewer paid. Very' liberal terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark 1st., near 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office oot h and Sandy. $0200 ROS E C I T V PARK $0200. This is an exceedingly attractive 5 ronm liunfalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays. 0Oxl lot; 2 blocks to car and 5 to school. $l."0o down, the balance only $20 h ly ami interest. "We have 32 other homes in Rose City Park. Let Us show you today. COMTK & KOHLMA.N, 20K Chamber of Com. Bids. .Main 6000. Evenings Main 372 or Wdln. 1048. DITCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x132. ADJOINING 1 O T AVAIURliK AND CITY AND MOl'NTAINS. CLOSE IN ON CAKLIXK; TEN ROOMS. " MATHS, HOT WATER. HEAT. OAK FLOORS. MAHOGANY A N P K I V E COATS "WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY 40 PER CENT n LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL HOUSE IN IKV INGTO.V AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE. U KS1 PENCE VHONE MAIN IKStW. KH CA-SH HAWTHORXH If you are look! for a home. In Hawthorne, aee this qulek. livlng room, din'lng rorm, kitchen, pantry, bath and bedrnom-s, cement basement, garage, near car and school. The price is only $.';;-.V, and ow nor asks only $&0 cash. Ion t delay. See this today. IVMTB & KUHLMAX. "S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main ftCO. E'venings Main as 7 2 or Wdln. 1948. 10(100 AND MODERN home of 7 rooms, 1 1m rge bedroom on first floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, French tK-ors between reception hall, living room, diiifng room; artistic fixtures. Price $8.i. Easy terms on balance. O. W. Br van. ."o,s-0 Chamber of Commerce. Main t !;. "" CENTRAL IRVINGTON. $S.;."i0. House of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, central hall, lot ti:ixlOO( fine trees and Shrubbery, splendid garage. Appoint ment arranged. MRS. HAHKY PR HE PALMER, East 7'J7fi. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT tl700. " o-room plastered bungalow ; electric lishts, bath, toilet, full basement, con crete foundation, 1 V blocks from Wood stock car, on E. 4U1 st. ; $.'00 cash, $1:0 monthly and interest. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON SOUTHERN COLONIAL central entrance, ivory and mahogany, newly painted inside and out, douhle garage juid corner. Price $JtOOo, Includes all velour draperies and curtain a. Tcrme. McDONKLL, East 413. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1700. $2.0 cash, $ l."i monthly, buys 4-room plastered bungalow; bath, toilet, city water and gas, 4 blks. from car. coe to school. This Is an exceptional buv. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 7oU Cham, of Com. j-llUOM MODERN BL'NiiA LOW AND SLEEPING PORCH. Double constructed. fireplace. con crete basement, white enamel kitchen; close to car. Price $321)0, some terms. Call Mr. Fisher, Alain 54 20. 24 S Stark st. HAWTHORNE HOME. Lovely corner. 7 rooms, fine attic, douhle garage, finest shrubbery, excel lent location and condition. Appoint ment bj calling MRS, HARRY PRICE PALMER East 7076. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Pretty little bungalow, vine covered porch. Dutch kitchen, nice bath, garage roses, fruit and berries. A cozy little home for two ; $27m. Terms. Tabur 7174. Hast X. LITTLE gray bungalow, vine covered ON CORNER: largo living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch garage, MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER East 7l7tt. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow finished In old ivory; finest condition: half block to car line. Price $3850. $ 1 u00 cash. Bal ance easy. Call Mr. Fisher, Main 54-! 24H Stark st. ROSE CITY PARK. It - can't last, o call Mar. 3X2. A room modern bungalow, near car, below hili. Only $5400, with $750 down bal cmsy. 4-ROOM CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW -rn.nd new. t.tnctiy modern, full bae--Jtnent ; garage ; on jwved street and cax iine. rvrins. Ow ner. 1 ."40 AJfhina JfEW, strictly modern 4-room house with sleeping porch, fine garage, corner lot 08x100; paving; price $olo0; $1200 can casern tlal. Tabor 7-11. 4 ROOM and bath; lot 7ix200: -j blks to car; ?2250. $2tH cash. balance eay terms. Jorfea. with Interstate Land Co 24 Stark st Main 5429. SiA-ROOM house; garage, two large lots. 741 Milwaukie rft.. on Sellwoort car line- $470ii cah. 031 Milwaukie. Phone Seli- wood 1'J0. 6-Rh)M cottage; ceiled: 1 blk to car $21 s::in cash, balance easy terms' Seaman, with Interstate Land Co '4S Stark st. Main 5420. " " IRVINGTON New bungalow on Bra zee !V rooms, art paper; garage; corner' Wi-M take automobile as part oavmenL McDonald. East 410. V A L I 1 N G distance, west side; 7-room house, splendid condition : $."000; now acant. r:4 Mill m. East C34. Owner. f'OH SALE $1000. completely furnished 3-rm. house and lot on N oodstock car Mne. by owner. PhoTie Main 7;t?. IRVINGTON home for sale by owner; $ moms and finished third floor, fine con dition: price $iOO0. Phone East 7911. -ROOM modern house; gas. electricity; on ped street. Call Tabor 111. IRVINGTON H OME S McDonnell, 500 East 14th X. East 419. REAL ESTATE. fr'or hale Houses. AM SACRIFICING SWISS CHALET BUNGALOW, locat ed on nearly acre of ground with line fruit trees, lawn and shrubbery. A beautiful view of city and snow-capped mountains. 7 rooms, double sleeping porcn, TWO FIREPLACES. HOT WA ter heat, hardwood floors, all rooms are extra large. GARAGE COST $70O. Located close to car on the slope of Mt. Tabor. Every thing goes for $7000. If you are look ing for a home, you will buy this. Phone 210-4S after 6 P. M. for appoint ment. CLIENT leaving city wis he me to dis pose of his modern 6-room bungalow and sleeping porch on full uOxlOO lot. in flne location, near school and car; reception hall with full mirror door, hardwood floors in living, dining room and hall; fireplace, bookcases, w riting desk, buffet, Dutch kitchen. Mill cement basement, laundry trays; will sacrifice for $0to providing you can make a $2000 cash payment; all street improvements in and paid. .r. A. HUB-BELL, ' 10-SO Hawthorn Ave. Tabor SS92. "Stucco Office." A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. READ REAP $3150. You rouidti't buy the lot and hatM this-house for. $500; really, it's a won derful bargain; near Woodstock car, S-room bungalow-style house; o bed rooms, hath, fireplace., built-in buffet, bookcases ; bis; full cement basement : ."iO x I O0 lot; f r uit trees-. J u t t h i n k of buying a fine home of this typ-e for S"-170. See picture at our office or caA for auto to show you. C'UMTB & KOH LM AN. Main ft5oO. 2.s Chamber of Com.merce. ROSE CITY. 6-Rootn Bung alow $720A. One nf the most complete bungalow homes in Rose 'ity : it is built good, very best location, one block to th Sandy ; large and attractive li1ng and dining-rooms, two real bedrooms, com plete kitchen and breakfast room. Is it large enough ? Picture asid full de tails at office. C. N. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 2 Fourth St. Main 4 .".2 2. HAWTHORNE ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT $4:io0. Niee 6-rooin house, electricity, bath, fn fine condition throughout; full ce ment basement, hot water heat. tras; large cabinet kitchen; corner lot JiOg (tti 2-.1; room for garage; paved street. a nd all work in and included in price. A bargain at $4.V.O; $1 1 .".O cah and $30 per month. Shown bv appointment only. GRUSSI & BENNETT. fllS-HiM Board of Trade. Main 7452. $.-iOOO WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Ixirge, pood looking 0-room house, lot tOOx 1 1 to, with ce-men't garage, fruit and shade tr !s. If you can use a place of t hi. size, you will find this a mighty good buy as well as a pleasant and con venient piace to live. All improvements in and paid. Will consider smaller plate i n e-xoh an ge. C L K VELA NT-H ETN D K'RSOX CO. SO.S BJ, of Trade. Bdwy. 4754. ROSE CITY PARK, $4200. 5 roonn bungalow, mod-em excerpt heat, all built-ins. r0xl00 lot, large attic, good garage. Owner will accept $1000 baiance rental terms. Bungalows prices! at 54COO in Rose City Park are scarce. Better see t his one toda v. COMTK &- KOHLMAN. Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main R5."0. Evenings Main 3SS72 or Wdln. 1D4S. OWN?:R leaving city, will sell his beau tiful Piedmont home. 4 blks. from Jef ferson high school ; fireplace, furnace, oak floors. 2 toilets. 2 lavatories, heavy construction: 7 rooms, front and back stairways ; rooms large, light and con veniently arranged; paved street; 50x100. price only, $5o0, $10(M cash. JOHNSOX-IXiDSOX CO.. 33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. VERY neat 4-room shingled cottage; clothes closet, pantry, with sink, kitch en, dining room, just built on, good wood shed, small fruit cellar, electric lights; house newly painted white ; lot 40x 120; located a: 6225 02d ave. S. E., end of Woodstock car line, 4 blocks east to f2d st. ; S10O0 cash or $50O dow n and $23 month. SACRIFICE HAWTHORNE HOME. Seven rooms, modern, newly painted and papered, hard w oM floors, interior all finished in quarter-sawed oak; full cement basement. laundry trays; located at 1 17n Hawthorne ave. ; large lot, nice shrubbery, garage; going on ranch, must sell. Price $3oUO. Call Tabor 002 after 6. evening. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Seven large rooms, sleeping porch or sunroom and baths; strictly modern, with furnace, fireplace and garage, large living room across front; 50x100 lot and fine lawn; a mighty comfortable and rea sonable home for a large family. We want $2000 dow n, with terms. Tabor 77:t;. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and large attic, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. 50x 1 OO iot, near good car; owner has left city, so you can get possession at once. $4200. $120O cash, balance monthly. "We recommend this as a good buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 3o N. W. Bank Bldg. Lain S787. $7500 MT. TABOR, home; modern, 8 west slope; view , - garage; elegant nome. .ttv.onj Rose City, 7-r. modern home. $r.vm Piedmont. 7-r. modern. $.-,KtMi New. modern bungalow, 5 r. VmiiO Laurel hurst, beautiful home. CHAS. RTNGLKR & CO.. 22T Henry bjd g. 2-FLAT house: hardwood floors; 100x100 lot. with " garage ; f ul I basement wit h laund ry trays ; four rooms and bath to each flat, with separate entrances; price $47."VO.$1000 cash will handle, bal. $50 per mo., interest Included ; now renting for $72.50 per month. See owner, 270 Burnside- st. 5-ROOM bungalow-style house with sleep ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, full cement basement, la rge porch extending across front. 00x100, some fruit; $4300; $1000 cash. JOHVSOX-DODSOX CO.. 6.?.? N. W. Bank Bldg. Main "787. EVERYTHING IS COMPLETE. ONE ACRE. e-ROOM HOME. Ready to move right in; house com pletely furnished, also cow. chickens, etc.. cheap car fare; work in city and live here. Price J200. cash $500, bal ance long time. Finest fruit trees SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. VERNON BARGAIN. Close to car line and school: ha sewer and pavement; 4 large, attractive roomH, bath and full basement, nice lawn, ."0x 100. and large garage; very comfortable home, with possibilities: only $2."00, with terms. This beats renting. Tabor 77U0. NORTH OF HAWTHORNE. NEAR 42D $20009300 TO $000 CASH. 4 rooms downstairs and two up: fin lot, 00x00; hard surface all in; houM has gas and electricity. Then $20 per montbl and interest. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. CENTRAL IRVINGTON. Cozy 0-room house, fine location.. IRth st. near Thompson; hall and living room opening together : 1 fireplace, ivory fin ish, garage, sleeping porch, full base ment. Fox furnace, easy to heat. Phone E-ist ris. ROSE CITY PARK An R-room residence of best possible construction and Interior finish; 4 bedrooms, fireplace and everv modern appointment: 1 blocks from car; price $7U00. only $2ono, cash. Call 7.".7 E. 42d N. Tabor 7211. OWNER LEAVING CITY WILL SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL 10 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE; BEAU TIFUL GROUNDS; PORT. HTS Ft ,rl PARTICULARS CALL OWNER M R. 24 S. $y00 FURNISHED 0-R. COTTAGE $900. Neat, comfortable little home, same as rent; large porches; overlooks river; Fui ton car. CHAS. RINGLER. 220 Henry Bldg. B roadway 0622. IRVINGTON VIEW HOME Beautiful bungalow, between Irving-ton and Alameda. 0 lovely rooms and tiled bath. All ivory and mahogany. Co n crete garage. Pleasant home for adultsv McDonald, East 419. ALAMEDA BARGAIN $ri000, terms: large living room, fireplace, den, dining room, buffet, one bedroom down. 2 and sleep ing porch up, with or without furniture. 02 1 East "0th st. North. Main S07S. PRICK $2000. 6-room semi -modern bunsralow : fruit and berries; $t00 down, balance $13 per month and interest; 2 blocks to car. 4120 t4tn s-t. s. t,. 0-ROOM modern bungalow, oak floors, fire-place, 100x200 lot. fruit and berries, near car; $3000. $lfioo cash, $30 monthly JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 631? N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK New 6-room 1 U story bungalow, located 1 Vz blocks south of sandy Diva strictly modern through out ; terms. Owner. 470 E. 52d st N Tabor 04OS. DO YOU want to buy a strictly modern home in Ladds add., reasonahlv nrieed at $0000 ? have the place; possession may oe naa witnin a snort time. P 66, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK Will sacrifice my 7- room colonial nome tor o.iiin it taken before I leave for the east Oct. 5; origi nal price $.00; or will lease for 1. 2 or 3 yers at am a montn. i aoor :s 5 . IF YOU have 5 or 6-room modern bun galow that you want to sell. I have parties waiting with ready cash. Call REAL ESTATE BONDS. Notary Bonds Fire Insurance. "Insurance of Every Kind." SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH PI KDMONTi-Desirable. modern 7-room bungalow. 70xHM. garag, tree, flowers; only $7000; $2000 cash. Phone Aut. 3241-9. REAL ESTATE. For teale Houses. ADJ WAVERLY DISTRICT. LOOK HERE. FOLKS! WE CAN'T EXPECT MORE.. $47 00 & 47:0 $ 47 OO $ 47 00 $4 7 .V BRAND NEW TYPICAL BUNGALOW. PAVED ST.. SEWER. ETC.. ALL PAID. V BWv. GOOD CAR LINE; 50x100. TERMS ARE EASY. S-&E NOW. By Sunday someone will buy it; all substantially built; double constructed throughout: owner docs not need the money, merely se-llmK his lot at $500; you really reap a tremendous benefit here; and Just see the dainty conveni ence: nothing nicer in city. LARGE LJV I NO ROOM. PRCVrSTON FOR BABY GRAND PIANO. REOBP. HALL. CIX3THES CLCk. FRENCH MIR ROR DOORS. BLTFFET. UNIQUE FIRE PLACE, BEST OAK FLOORS. CHEERY DUTCH KITTHKK A NI) OTT ! .TITST i Htt CLASSIEST BREAKFAST NOOK: FULL OEiM EXT BA ST. LAUNDRY TRAYS. OTHER FINE DECORATIVE PEA TURKS; CHOICE ELECTRIC FIX TURES, STANDARD PLUMBING. FINE ATTIC. .NOW VACANT. EASY TERMS. XOW VACANT. MOVE IN. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. G. C. OOLDENBERG. ABIXGTOX B LDG. MAIN 4S03. "30 Years In Portland." MT. TABOR HOME. West slope overlooking city, trictly modern S-roorn home, full front porch, exceptionally beauti ful" living and dining room, mas sive fireplace; also a very artistic buffet. A mrictly up-to-the-minute w hite enamel kitchen and screened in back porch, large backyard; a,1 kinds of flowers and shrubbery, fruit trees and a regular vineyard. Second floor of this house has 4 large light airy bedrooms with ex tra large closets and full modern bath; basement fuH size of house, cement floor, fruit room and fur nace; also wash trays. Cement driveway; OOx2uo lot goes with this piace. This home is tn a strictly restricted district of high-class homes only and if you are in the market for a home in this district we will gladly show you. We have a low price of $SiHK. with any rea sonable payment down. Marsnali 1260. ELEGANT ROSE CITY BUNGA LOW. 5 rooms? and plastered sleeping porch with French windows-, lo cated among the" best Rose City homes, with every convenience pos sible, including H. W. floors, breakfast nook, all built-ins, fur nace, fireplace, nice large porch, inverted lighting system. Only 2 years old and in perfect condition. 50x100 lot. plenty of shrubbery, first-class garage, 1 bllt. north of car. This bungalow must be sold this week. $3600 cash required to handle. Tabor 30SU. T R V I XG TON BARGAIN. MODERN BUNGALOW. BiST IiCA T? ON. F INK CON D 1 T I ON. S R OO MS. SLEEPING PORCH, TWO BATHS. GA RAGE: RRAL SNAP, $S700, TERMS PHOXB EAST 4167. LOOK HERE! Sunnyside home and fine income. I own quarter block, northwest corner U4th and Yamhill, 4 buildings; rents 117 per month; you can occupy one of the houses or flats, rent the ret't ; $.;oot, part cash, buys my equity. Property actually worth $l2,O0O; mort. $6000. Marshall 746, fore noons. NEAR GROV ELAND PARK AND FRANKLIN HIGH. 6-Room Bungalow $4lOO. Folks, you want to see this. Here is a nifty bungalow. Living room extends entire width of house. Hard wood iloort. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc. You never would expect to buy such a home as this tor so little money. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 30i2. Branch Office 00th and Sandy. 6-ROOM HOUSE 70x200 LOT $3000. Good 6-room house, electricity, gas, fireplace, bookcase. buffet, cement basement, bath, garage, lots of ground, over H lots; cement walks and grading paid; 4 blocks to car; handy to school; near E. 62d and Glisan. Price a snap $3000. about 100O cash and $35 per month, including interest; shown by ap pointment only. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S-.121 Board of Trade. Main 7452. MAGNIFICENT HOUSE FOR LARGE FAMILY. Residence, formerly home of late Judge Sears, E. Madison near 1 0th, containing 11 rooms; hrst Moor living room, libiary, dining room, kitchen all (except kitchen) finished in H. W. floors; second boor. 4 bedrooms, toilet and bath; attic, 3 rooms, finished for hot and cold water, in basement; $600, half cash, balance mort gage. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. FIRST TIME OFFERED. Priced for quick sale; one that has not been sold and resold every month. 62 apartments, 4i 3-room suites, 18 2-room, 40 furnished. Groun-d' and building lOO-x 100 f., 5-story brick; No. 1 construction; elevators, tiled bath; walking d.ista.nce. Cost more to build 6 year ago than price asked. ROOK, 403 Couch bldg. for information. WHY PAY .KENT? Here ia a 50x100 lot with 3-rm. cot tage, in the suburbs, close to car, on paved street., for $7O0. smalf cash pav ment and balance at $lo per' mo. ii'e interest. Can you beat it? Ask for F. C. Marshall, with Frank L. McGuire, Ab Ington bldg. Main 106S. XEAT, fine 4-room furnished cottage In good condition, gas, electric lights and toilet. 00x126 ft. lot; some bearing fruit trees, sewer in and paid: street paved but not yet bonded, will be about $L'U; price only $ISOO, $746 cash, $30 per month including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. IN WALKING distance of Jefferson high, we nave a o-room modern bungalow, all on one floor. Full cement basement with wash trays and wotodlift. Ab solutely double constructed; winter wood in. No phone information ; this is a snap. $2070, good terms. Ralph Harris Company, 827 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. I am going to sell my brand new 5 room bungalow and save you agent's commission. I know the price is RIGHT. Allow me to show you. that is the way to judge. KOB'T. S. COE JR.. Owner. 3S4H Hawthorne Ave. East 4726. Res. East 1O06. DEAL WITH O W N E R. $MK Just completed. 8-room Wmse and sleeping porch, elegantly finished in old ivory ; handsome buffet. Dutch kitch en, nreplace. corner lot ; all paved, be tween Hawthorne and Sunnyside, near car; open today; $1000 will handle. Ta bor S43tft FOR SALE $4000. 6-room house; halt, bath, toilet, clos s, big basement, laundry trays, chicken nouse anu garaen , lot u dv imi : one $ block to car line, close to school ; wilr taae snnau o-room nouse as part pay ment. closo in. 1131 E. 2Qth st. X. $3000 i 1 2 IK) CASH. BAL. EASY 5-room furnished bungalow, full plumbing, gas and electric lights, fire place, some built-ins, full basement. Price includes wood, coal, briquets JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $3200 EAST 6TH ST. $3200. 7-room house, only 4 blocks from Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Full lot. 50x100. all assts. paid. Snap. $1000 ccsh or will take small car and $300 cash as first payment. 626 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 6127. FOR SALE by owner., modern 6-room bun galow, lot 70x100, fruit trees an-d ber ries. Price $4U0t, $1200 cash, balance $20 monthly, including interest. 1107 Glenn ave. N. " HAWTHORNE SNAP. " Paved street, all paid: 6 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built ins. Don't fail to investigate. Price $4500. W. H. ROSS. HOP Northwestern Bank bldg. SACRIFICE Owner leaving; cozv bunga low, $2000: cash $620. balance $20 month ly. Also 6-room cottage, garage,- paved, rented $30; $2SOO. attractive terms. Eve nings, Tabor 7000. ROSE CITY PARK, bsiow Um hilL mod ern 5-rm. bungalow, all rooms hardwood floors, furnace, attic; only $4000; terms. viwia, mm spaiding bld-g 7-ROOM bungalow with sun porch sleep ing porch, breakfast alcove. , finished in whiite enamel; nice lawn and shrubbery for sale by owner. Call Wdln. 1318. ' $40O0 8-ROOM house. 100x100 lot, fruit, berries, .garden, on paved street. block to car; cash,, terms. Tabor &516. REAL ESTATE. For 8ml e Houses. 6.000.000 Homes Short In the UNITED STATES TODAY 3000 HOMES SHORT IN PORTLAND! FRANK L. McGUIRE. FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLER OX THE PACIFIC COAST. I0OO photographs of homes- for sale. VISIT THE GREATEST PICTURE DIS PLAY room in the WEST! 1000 photo graphs of personally inspected and ap praised homes chosen from every dis trict In the city. HUNDREDS OK RE MARKABLE BARGAINS. We PRO TECT YOUR EVERY INTEREST AND put you in immediate touch with the home TOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 20 courteous, experienced salesmen with autos at your service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUXDAYSV LOOK AT THIS IRVINGTON. $000 DOWN. $4700 $000 down: UNDUPLTGATED; 6 room. most delightful BUNGALOW-TYPE HOME. Cheery fire place; paneled dining room with built-in buffet; whit Dutch kJtchen: splendid furnace. PAVED STREET LI F.N S PAID. THIS WILL GO TODAY. REAL ROSK CITY. $3DI0 PRICK CUT FOR QUICK SALE! verv attractive, clever. 5-room ROSE CITY BUNGALOW; solid paneled dining room. II A RD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, full concrete basement with fur nace, etc. THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. Terms. " E. 41st. We have 48 ROSK CITY HOMES. IT'S ALL HERE. $3200 IT'S NO USE TO DEBATE ABOUT VALUES when you see this CLEVER 0-room bunga low on the WEST SIDE of BEAUTI FUL MT. TABOR. Ideal floor plan ; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full cement base ment: JUST LOADS OF FRUIT: A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN and It's vours. Salmon st. THIS ' BARGAIN DEFIES COMPE TITION. ANOTHER HAWTHORNE. $3100 JUST $000 DO WX : 7-room, mod ern, substantial HAWTHORNE II OM E. BEST w hite emanel plumbing, electricity, gas, three sunny bedrooms1, full basement, street liens all paid. NO RENT TO PAY. LOOK AT THIS TO DAY. E. Taylor mt. $1SOO $0OO down ; 4-room BUNG A LOW COTTAGE In Hawthorne district: white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas: only $0K down. E. 30th. Wc have over 100 homes in HAWTHORNE. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $400 down. $3130 CLEVER 5-room "BUNGALOW, so neat and cosy! Fireplace, best white enamel plumbing, electric itv, gas. full lot: 41st ave. IT'S WORTH THE MONEY. RELLWOOD BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $2000 TYPICAL. JUST - LIKE -XEW SELLWOOD BUNGA LOW of 4 -light, sunny rooms, built-in labor saving conveniences; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. TERMS. East 18th st. We have 00 more homes in this district. SO ALBERTA HOMES SO. $3000 ATTRACTIVE 6-room ALBERTA. built-in labor-saving conven iences, best white enamel plumb ing, elect rici , gas, full bearing fruit trees, garage. TERMS. E. 0th. $3250 TYPICAL SO-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW, very artistic 1 ines; built-ins, fireplace, two garages, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gaa. TERMS. E. 20th. near Alberta. READ THEM AXD PROFTT ! $1200 $300 down : cosy three-room AL BERTA COTTAGE: electricity; gas. fruit. EASIEST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. E. 32d. We hav SO homes in ALBERTA. TT LOOKS LIKE HOME. $2620 HERE IS AN S-room. well-built home on a corner lot : 100x100; fireplace in living room : dining room with built-in buffet: white enamel plumbing; electricity; gap; 77th ave. THIS IS UN DUPLICATED VALUE. MT. SCOTT'S BIGGEST. $2800 $000 clown! PRICE CUT FOR QUICK SALE! And it'll go, too; 6-room delightful bungalow; three sunny bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. lOOx 10O. with GARAGE; OWNER'S LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN. MUST BE SOLD! 00th ave. A REAL SPECIAL ONE. $400 DOWN. jOttSO -HERE'S A SNAP! THINK! $400 DOWN! NO RENT TO PAY! ATTRACTIVE 6-room modern substantial home; PAVED ST.: LIENS ALL PAID. Best plumb ing, electricity, gas. full cement basement ; 1 blk. to Wms. ave. car on Rodney. THIS WON'T LAST AT THIS PRICE. THIS IS THE ONE. $400 DOWN. $1900 $400 down! Just think! four-room ARTISTIC, just like new; VA CANT (IMMEDIATE POSSES SION) BUNGALOW; full base ment; Marguerite ave.; OOx 114 lot. We have 46 homes In WOODSTOCK. Some wonderful bargains. The above are only a few of the over lOOflr home bargains we have for sale. Photographs of every one in our great display room. It's Impossible to adver tise them all. 25 courteous salesmen with automobiles ready at all times, day and evening, to show you property. Often we have as many a 2 homes listed with us in a single day. FRANK f,f McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. ABIXGTOX BLDG. MAIN 1068. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $3000 7-ROOM house on Grand ave., near Broadway, occupied by 2 families now ; good income and -no improvements to pay. You can use a part of house and rent ba lance and make It help to pay for i tt:e If. $1000 cash, bal. monthly pay ments. $4000 8-room house near Kenton, fur nished. Owner had to go east on account of health. Can live on one floor and rent ba la nee : present income $40 per month. $1000 cash, bal.1 monthly pavments. A. H. BELL, Mulkey Bldg., 231 Morrison St. Suburban Home. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. AND ONE THAT PAYS. 7-room house equipped with modern plumbing, air-pressure water system and sewer; dandy garage, chicken park and barn. Three -acre tracts, all In bear ing fruit and garden: excellent -oil: corn now growing 10 ft. high. Jersey cow, hogs and eh ickens ; deltgh tful lo cation on good road only mite from city limits. Photos at office. Price $i!000 for quick sale. Terms. A. K. HILL CO., Acreage Dept.. 426 Lumbermens bldg. Bdwy. 421. REAL ACREAGE BARGAIN. 0 acres on Base Line road, at Orenco: walk from station to piace: nice creek on back of place, lots of fruit. 4-room house with screened porch and fruit cellar; all fenced; some berries; chicken house and park, hoghouwe, barn, electric lights and telephone In house, city water and gas in street. Price $2200 cash or $1321 ca?h and assume mortgage. Mar sters, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW $2S0O. $1 000 cash. $20 monthly, buys 1 h acres with a 3-room bungalow cottage. 2 good henhouses and other outbuildinggs; lots of strawberries, loganberries and black berries, 20 assorted fruit trees. Bull Run water. This place commands a view of the entire city ; of a mile to the Estacada car line. Fred. W. German Co., 7o2 Cham, of Com. ONE ACRE, cultivated. 47 choice fruit trees; house attractively finished ; beau tiful electric fixtures ; best plumbing, modern bath, sewerage, new inlaid lino leum in bathroom. Paid up electricity 2 years; winter's wood, hot water heater, window drapes and rods. Large garage, lawn and shrubbery; 2U miles from city limits; just off Powell valley road. Auto matic 261-1 1, ask for 0421 ; $4000. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Over 2 af res. 6-room modern, would cost $40O0, 'barn, other . buildings. Ford 1H18. cow. 75 chickens, 2 pigs, electricity in house. $5700. Terms. Near Powell Valley road. J. BOBBINS & COMPANY. 301-2 Railway Exchange, Main 7I31. SUBURBAN home. 2 acres. All citv conveniences, all kinds of fruit and shrubs, landscaped grounds. Will give terms or will trade for city property. Price $17.0O0. H 24. Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME? and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north ot Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." A BEAUTIFUU modern tittle country home, close in near station and paved road ; fine lawn, fruit, shade trees and flowers. Phone Aut. 324-10 or call 1210 Mallory ave. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, a fine 2 acre tract, modern house: 6 blocks south Huber station. See ank talk it over with. J. A. Davis, owner, Huber, Or REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE by owner; beautiful home on paved highway overlooking Clackamas river at Gladstone, including nearly one acre of ground, beautiful trees and shrubbery; house modern throughout. I. F. Hodge. Gladstone. Ior hale Acreage. BRECK'3 LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Mr. Capitalist: I have option on the most productive soil that lies out doors, close to carline and w hen you sen it, you'll delight to ' "start something to increase available fca supply. Whether you want one acre or 100 acres. I'll con tract to set out loganberry vines, give Same expert cultivation as on my own acreage, keeping ground in park-like . condition till next July (or longer if desired. I've bought 4 acres of this ground right here in Port land where seasonal help can always be obtained to harvest the berries. B RECKS HIGH -GRADE. PORTLAND - MADE LOGANBERRY JUICE (advertised by Sealy-Dresser as "the original juice aid still the best." was pressed the past season from ber ries averaging $250 per ton at my Rose City factory. My long experience as fruit grower, nurseryman and mfg. on Atlan tic coast (Vineland, N. J.. 1SS6 to 10i4 and past 6 years In Portland, qualify me for above proposition. Thiw is no "wildcat" stock-selling scheme, but a wane, safe business proo osition offered by a man of moral and financial responsibility. Look me up in Bradstreet's. You control your own money and my funds don't get mixed. up with yours; but YOU CAN PROFIT BY MY EXPERIENCE AND SKILL ALONG LINE ABOVE DESCRIBED. I've no time for triflers, but will cor dially appreciate an interview with those havinj means to invest, any day, by ap pointment (except Sunday. Iet'a do a little team work In grow ing the berries. In a year or two, I may invite you to join me in building a big factory to replace my small unit now in operation. F. A. BRECK, Fruit Grower and Juice Man. since 18S6. 4 East 42d st. N.. Tabor 2678. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. 30 acres. located 1 1 miles from good town. 23 miles from Portland, on a rocked road that will be paved: 20 acres can be cultivated. 1 - acxea under culti vation: 1 acre bearing orchard, over an acre of berries set out last spring: 4 room house, barn 20x40, 3 large poultry houses, 1 brooder house, garag, other buildings: with the place goes 770 chick ens. W hite Leghorns; cow. horse, com plete line of machinery, furniture, poul try equipment and crops ; price $70'0 for everything; large cash payment; photos at office. Inspected by Marstersl with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 35 YEARS TIM E OX THIS WELL IM PROVED 27-ACRE RANCH, 25 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Located 1 mile from 2 electric lines, paved highwary. town and school, west of Portland, good rich, deep soil. 15 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, some timber, running water through place, good well, new buildings. 4-room house, big barn, garage, chicken house, hog house, orchard, and berries, fences good; price only $6070, take $1825 cash, balance 30" years or less time if you de sire. See SAM H EWE Y at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 8. Chamber of Com merce Bldg. KENDALL ONE-ACRE SNAP. $1100. Nearly one acre con tan I ng 7 full lots, good small bldg.. easily converted into a small house; chicken house and runs; some fine native trees, all fenced and facing east S2d t.. paved St.. about 6 blocks from car. Price $1100, $400 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent- GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7402. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains tn stocked and equipped farma, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER &. ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. Telephone 17-X. MUST RAISE CASH. 10 acres. mile from Hubbard; 300 feet off Pacific highway; all cleared and cultivated. Finest of black soil. Excel lent onion land and some honest to good ness beaverdam. This will be sacrificed fot $20i) per acre. $000 cash, balance easy. See Mr. Vail. A. W. ESTES. 000 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. THE CHICKEN DREAM. 10 acres, all in cultivation. A 1 soil, good house, barn, 0 chicken houses, brooder house. All supplied with water; 1 cow. 0"O chickens, incubators, etc. ; 4 acres prunes, variety of other fruit. 5000. Terms. See Mr Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 0O43. 410 Henry Bldg. 5 ACRES ON Ains worth avenue, all in high state of cultivation. 51 assorted fruit trees, full bearing, acre of logan berries, 6-room house, price $7ooo or 1 acre with house and orchard. $3000; good terms, also 13 acres. 1 in cultivation, 20 miles out, right at station: $20oO, might consider modern bungalow up to $3000. O w ne r, W ood I a w n 2375. FO R SAL E LOGO E D -OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres soi last year at our low price. Easy payments offerea tc actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. CHICKENS, BERRIES AND FRUIT. $20 down. $12.00 monthly, buys a splendid tract of 2.47 acres, located 1 n miles from Portland city limits; splen did creek, some bottom land. Total price $000. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. CITY ACREAGE. Tract of about cne acre with young bearrng orchard, righ t on Hawthorne ave.; small house; price $2000; terms. W. H. ROSS. llOO Northwestern Hank bldg. CHEAP. 10 acres, all cleared ; spring, well, brand-new 4-room house ; near New berg highway and 4th st. electric. WALTER SCHULZE. 28 N. 2D ST. PHONE BDWY. 727. FOR SALE Attractive 5-room California bungalow, hardwood floors, full base ment, concrete floor; all modern built ins; cor. lot OOxloo. 1 blk. carline: 2 blks. to school: $4200. Part cash. bal. like rent. Call Aut. 22:1-1 1 2 ACRES close to Gil lis station on Bull Run electric, good 2 -room house, fine well, plenty of water, chieken house, 00 chickens, fine soil, no gravel. $ 1200, some terms. Boehm. 201 Oregon Bids Broadway 1608. ROCK WOOD ACREAGE, Close to station on Troutdale electric, all cleared. Can be bough t on easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 20l Oregon Bldg. Broad w ay 1 60S. 5ACRES. only $000; located in beautiful Tualatin valley; partly fenced; some trees 500 down. $lo per month. feee owner, OOP Concord Bldg.. 2d and Stark. SACRIFICE Choice 10. near Vancouver; good buildings, surroundings ; ideal loca; $40iiu. 141 East 0ith North. Eve nings. Tabor 7O05. fc2u ACRES logged-off land, some tillable; running water, good stocK range, $u per icrt. terms. J. R. Sharp. 007 Sherlock FOUR choice acres at Jennings Lodge. 2 in orchard. 2 in clover, 2 blocks to car line. See Russell at Jennings Lodge. Ore gon City car. TWO TO 10 acres, close In ; small pay ments; will make fine home. 2U2 Lar rabee. 10 ACRES iH miles east on Villa ave. and Buckley ave. : Bull Run water, ali cleared and fenced. Tabor 5268. 160 ACRES. Coos Co., SS00. 1k cash G Smith. 1219 Mallory ave. Fruit and Nut Lands. FOR SALE Young bearing orchard. 25 acres; prunes, pears, apples and mis cellaneous; improved. Payette valley ; cash and terms, or will consider income property or garage equipment and ma chinery that can be moved. AV 4S8. Oregonian. Homeeteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead. Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts. Also have some good relinquishments. See Mr. Helm, 31 7 Board of Trade bldg. For Sale -rarms. SPLENDID STOCK FARM. 260 acres, with good buildings; will accept Portland property in exchange.' W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 411 ACRES, 12 miles from Portland, about 30t a. cleared, some timber. 40 a. tim ber near Forest Grove. 20 a. half mile from Portland. Address Inez DelAsh. mutt, 1605 W. 10th, Spokane. Wash. FREE ILLUSTRATED FARM BULLETIN. Dairies, vineyards, orchards and delta farms capable producing $200 to $1200 per acre. Send postal. PAUL ROSSITEK, STOCKTON. CAL. GOOD paying (arms: sizes and terms to ' suit, with stock and implements. C. J. V-U1I19UU (veal oaiaia ww.. -uo Jtsrri son st SACRIFICE Improved foothill SO. run down; worth $20W: bargain. $1050; terms. 141 East 6tfth st. .N. Evening. T a b o r 7005. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good oil, tillable; employ ment; easy terms. J R. Sharpe. 83 S 3d. 6 A. LEVEL, cleared, fenced. 3-rm. house, well; near Willamlna: $10u cash. $10 mo. ana Int. Jesse R- Sharp. 507 Sherlock bid, rpOOM cottage and 6 acres of land; 5 acres in fine young bearing orchard. Call :; 13-30. 40 ACRES for sale, improved, $5500. W. E Craswell, R. A., Gresham. REAL ESTATE. FARM S. FARMS. FA RMS. FARMS. ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 17 acres of good black soil, with 15 acres in cultivation. 9 acres in young orchard. 5-room house, large barn, chickei house and other out buildings: water piped in the house, located on the highway about 20 miles from Portland. Price $0500, $3100 cash, balance terms at 67. LINCOLN COUNTY. 160 acres in Lincoln county: 12 acres - in cultivation. -30 acres fir and cedar, balance pasture: 6est of soil: fine trout stream, also well, good 4-room house, barn and other outbuild In gs. young team. 2 cow s, 1 yearling. 2 hogs, wagon, mower, rake, plows, se para tor, all small tools, household furniture; every thing goes. Total price $3000. $1000 cash and good terms on the balance. CLACK A WAS COUNTY. 40 acres of red-shot soil, all (ill able, all fenced : acres in eui ti vat ion. good creek and a wel I, family orchard. 7-room house, barn 36x34. chicken house, etc. ; on rural route. 1 'fe miles from -mall town. Price $4200, lrz cash, balance 5 yrs., at 6'e. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, ins acres, with 60 acres In cul tivation ; plent y of water. 1 acre of family orchard, O-room house, barn 40x40 and all other outbuild ings; on a rural rmjte. 4 Vi rp i!e from Estacada. Included are 3 horses. 7 cows. 17 hogs. 70 chick ens, 25 turkeys and full set of Implements, including a tractor. Price $8000. $0000 cash, terms on the balance. , WASHINGTON COUNTY. 28 acres. 2 miles west of HiUs boro. 1O0 ft. from electric station: 20 acres In eultivation. 10 acre of genuine beaverdam ; water piped to the house and buildings; 0-room hou?-e. barn 32x36. shop, chicken house, etc., good family orchard. Price $10,000. $3o00 cash, long time on the balance. MT7LTNOMAH COUNTY. 80 acres east of Gresham, lo cated on good road: all level, all feneed". C,0 acres in cultivation; 2 wells and a good creek, good or chard. 6-room house. large ba rn and other outbuildings. Price $17, 000. $S000 cash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 367 acres, with 60 acres in cul tivation; about 2 million feet of good tir and cedar timber, good . creek and spring, water piped to the house and barn; 5 acres in bearing orchard; modern S-room plastered house, practically new barn 30x00 and other buildings.; a complete set of farm Implements and stock. Total price $21 .000. $10. 0O0 cash, long time on the bal ance. 25 miles from Portland. The above farms are only a few of the manv splendid places we have for sale. Complete descrip tions and photos at our office. Uo will be glad to show these farms at any time. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 CHAM. OF COM. DAIRY FARM. S00 ACRES. 200 acres In high state of cultivation; improvements consisting of good 7-room house, barn 100x200, cement floor, room for 80 head of cows, with ali modern equipment; three large silos, large straw shed, machinery shed, fuliy equipped creamery, horse barn, large new hog house; watr piped through all buildings; nlace Is stocked with 00 head of fine dairy cows, two head of yearling hellers. 40 head of hogs. 70 head of sheep. 4 horses and a complete set of farm Im plements all go with the piace. It is located on the highway, half a mile from railway station and one hours drive from Portland. The owners of this property wish to retire and will make a good deal on price and terms WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. SO Fourth SL ENGLISH WALNUT ORCHARD. SI acres. 10 miles south of Portland, Washington county; 4 miles from Sher wood 60 acres under cultivation. i acres- can be cultivated. 4 acres assorted fruit, lots of prunes; .lO-room house, large barn, hophouse. chicken hou.-c, buildings good; hop press and furnace with the place goes 3 horses. tUf1"-0 brood sows. 2 shoals. 23 pigs. i00 chick ens. M turkeys. 20 geese, complete line of good machinery. 10 acres potatoes. -acres beans, hay and straw ; wil. con sider Portland house up to $4ooo. some cash and verv easy terms on balance. Inspected by Nelson, with John rergu son. Gerlinger bldg. - IRRIGATED ALFALFA STOCK RANCH. 80 acres located four mllea from Red mond. Or., on good roads; paid up water right for 50 acres; 26 acres in good stand alfalfa 5 yrs. old: 22 milk cows, half in terest In pure bred Holstein bull; 30-ton barn full of hay; WO-ton silo: 5-room modern bungalow; 10 10-gallon milk cans and separator. An ideal dairy proposition wi h income of $5o0 monthly. Price $12,000. $4000 cash. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4022. 246-ACRB BARGAIN. This place consists of 246 acres of best soil: IOO acres under cultivation; 40 acres good timber. This soil habeen partS,;d upon by experts and pronounced Ai ; domestic trouble cause of sale. There are 40 acres clover, 30 acres oats. 6 acres rve 1 acre spuds. 8 acres timothy, and full set of farming equipment and o4 head of stock; family orchard and ber ries; good fences; 2-story 6-room house; barn 40x100: machine shed and alt out buildings. Price only $20.ono, with full equipment. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REACHING THE IDEAL. 03 A., S5 A. under plow, 14 A. In clo ver 00 A. ready for winter wheat; liv ing' stream: an S-R. modern home, fire place, bath; large bam; plenty out building? Situated on a -Jghtly knoll, commanding a tine view 1 miles from good valley town on Pacific highway. This is one of the show places of the vallev The price right, so won't lat long.' Only $120 per acre, $0Oo cash, terms on balance. Don't wait. See Rock , 43 Couch tldg. LOG AXBERRV LAN D. 34 acres. 4 miles wuth of Woodburn. II mi'es north of Salem; all under culti vation: a mile from electric station: good buildings. 2 acres in loganberries, bearing: large orchard; 1 mile to scliooi ; Hh the ranch goes team. 2 cows. 2 Tiogs. chickens, wagon, buggy, cultiva tor, plow , cream se-pa rat or. harness, tools, etc. A fine piece of loganberry land; price $6000. S40U0 cash. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES. EAGLE CREEK. 40 acres, stocked and equipped, only 1 u. miles from car, on good graveled road ; 8-room houe. barn and other bu.ldings; horse, cows, chickens, full farming machinery, running spring water at house. A bargain at $6000; $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SO ACR KS. 40 acres cultivation, bal. pasture and timber. Fine 4-room house, open fireplace and Dutch kitchen, water in house. Some furniture goes. Family orchard, barn and outbuildings. 3 good springa and creek: 0 cows. 0 tons hay. mower, rake, plough, disc, wagon; small tools 2 new 10-gal. milk cans. Close to school and cheese factory; 42O0. good terms. C W. Millership. Alder hotel. Main 527 0. 40 ACRES ALFALFA LAND. $2100. Located near Bend : all level, with fullyx paid-up water right: s mile to store" good road; this i a bargain at only $2100; $6O0 cash, bal. 10 yearly pay men us, 6 . F. L. EDDY. W TTT E R. LOW E & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU want a place which will produce 4v, tons of timothy per acre. 60 bushels of wheat or 120 of oats. I have an hl acre place which I will sell you at $.3 per acre. Everv foot cultivated, livable house, large barn and a local market for all the hay and oats you can raise. Might take in a good house in Portland. Fuller details at 324 Railway Exchange. YOUR OWN FAULT. Wages cut. No place to keep cow. chickens, make garden and earn some thing outside of wages. Acres, half acres, near 42d and Simpson : no city assessments or gravel; $10 payments. R W. Cary, 1219 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. DEAL WITH OWNER.. 200 acres 2 miles of Oregon City on MolLaia highway; well Improved SO acres under plow; bargain. S1O0 acre. See us for all or part. Easy terms. C. A. KEOPPLE. Owner, Pth and Main St.. Oregon City, Or. I WILL sell my 2-aere farm. 0 miles from Portland; all cleared: S-room house, out buildings, etc.; plenty of water; on hard surface roaa; $16,5O0; liberal tern. East 5757. KEAL E STAT ft. For Sale -I-arms. THE BEST FA RM NEAR PORTLAND. This farm of 107 H acres of the very best land to be found . is located close to Portland on a fine road. It i prac tically all under cultivation and lies beautifully, both for farming and a first-class country home. The house is thoroughly modern. 10 rooms, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, bath. 2 toi lets, hot and cold water, electricity m a H Mdgs., Including house for help. The barn will hold 20 head of stork, besides- feed ; large new machine shed, in fact all bldgs. are nearly new. All modern equipment, such as new Nci'son tractor, new disc harrow, --bottom tractor plow, binder, mow er. ra ke, po tato . planter. potato digger. in fact everything to ma ke farm ing prof ita t!e and a pleasure. Fruit and berries are abundant on this place; 5 good hor5fs. 3 cows, hogs, chickens, etc., go with this up-to-date farm. It is a pleasure to show this place, as there is real value here. Every t hlng Is in eluded at a price of $00, not; will give some term., or will consider high class Portland property up to $10,ooO. Let us show you this farm. F L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-.-.-T Board of Trade BMt. THIS FARM IS READY TO STEP RIGHT ONTO AND MAKE MONEY. Only 18 mi lea out on main road, which is paved must of the way ; t oiK-ist- of H0 ;iera. 20 in high state of cultiva tion. 24 more in good pasture, all fenced and eross-fenced. niostlv hog-tight : from 30O0 to Hmmi eords of wood on balance besides some fine pi ling and poles. Fair set of but Idings w ith wa ter piped by ram, barn has granary iiifode.and patent stanchions for 7 cow ; 2 nog houses, good chicken house and park; with thi.- goes full set of machinery, tools, im plements, etc. : 3 good cows, team of mares. 2 brood sows. 8 hogs in fattening pen. ready for market; 7 more readv to start feeding; ion chickens, ftoo bushels qf wheat. 200 oats. I - acres potatoes, sbme carrots, kale, hay and nlrnw in barn ; everything for $10.ono. ha If cash ; will consider house in Portland for part of purchase rrice. STEWART & RUCK. 310 Northwestern Bnk Bldjr A L L FO R $30OO $ 1 .V V CASH. 110 acres. Umpqua valley, clover and corn belt, 7-rooni house, barn for 11 cows, spring water to H. and B. Other buildings; no rock. .".O acres can be irrigated; IO acres in cul a tion ; ' 0 acres in prunes and walnuts. Homo market fr evervthlng. Fine hununq and fijhing. This place is making money. M.WNNES. 210 Oregon Bid g. Bd wv. 1 65 DA IRYMEN. here a chance to buy a stocked and equipped dairy, almost join ing the city: consists of 6i acres with god buildings, 10 good big Holstm cows, a good team; all kinds of machin ery and tools, everything one would want to farm with; price $14,000, half cash. STEWART & BUCK. 310 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FARMING FARMER'S FARM. 16S acres, all fine state of cultivation; 1 2 -room hous. maple fin innings, fire place, etc. Could not be bulit for $0tt0O. Good barn and 14 orher buildings. A fine it-untry home. $20,000. Terms to suit. Slo Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Broadway r.O3. 410 Henry Btdg FINE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. I'.'O acres all bottom land, never over flows. 3 miles from town: fully equipped with complete line of farming ti.!s and stock, seed and hay, 2 houses. 2 barns. 2 silof. ensilage cutter and engine. HOGl'E NEWELL & SON, Room 0. Over Savings Bank, Albany. Or. YOU WILL SAY THIS IS A BARGAIN. 160 acres, timber. $3oon worth of cedar, besides l.ttoO.OOo feet of fir: small shack a ml some clearing. You can get it all fo:- $160'. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. Bk. bldg. FOR SA LE 13 acres on good county road : school and a station on t he place ; plenty work 011 the place; ten .teres cleared; good creek running through the place; land lies well, 27 mlies from Port land. Mrs. M. Flanagan. 347 Oak st. DAIRY ON TRICK FARM. On Columbia blvd.. no city assessments, electricity and city water availnbie. Will sell 0 to 01 1 acres, with bui Mings at bargain. R. W. Cary. 121'J N. W. Bank !dg. BY OWNER. 1 I V acres garden land; new 6-rnom house and other buildings; close to station and school. 7 'miles from Port land, on hard-surface road. D. Stoner. Beaverton. Or., route 1 . box 27 - A . CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $00 to $000 per acre, easy terms, best soli; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 20 S Failing bldg WANTED REAL ESTATE. TWO EXCHANGE BARGAINS. lOacres located near Orchards. Wash., with 0-room house, barn and other outbuilding. Price $4700; will exchange for Portland property up to same value; pretfr Alberta district. 14 acres. locate near Or chards, Wash., with 6-room house with fireplace, good out building?, on R. route, on paved road ; 200 fruit trees. good improvements. Price $6onO ; will exchange for Portland property up to $30ou. See Mr. Steph. ns. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. of Com. PAY UP TO J2SO0 CASH. Want 4-room ho us-; must have 2 bed rooms. Prefer Beaumont. Rose City or A larneda parks, or Williams ave. 10 E. 7th st. N. Must be neat and with bast -men t. HAVE BUYER WHO MUST MOVE. Wants house, good quality. 0-7 rooms with good view of Mount Hood. Prefers i:. slope Mount Tabor or Willamette Heights. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART f'O., Bdwy. 0173. 624 Henry Bldg. n Laurclhurst or cheap for ca?h. Irvingion ; must BJ S i. Cjregonia 11. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. We do no I care how oid and dilapi dated they are or w here they are; w e can sell them if your price it right and your terms easy; 6 kern salesmen at your service. Fred W. German Co., 7:i2 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT EM. Many buyers on my liwt wanting houses around $:Um0: some cash. I can seii yours It' price is right. G ive me a chance to tn yours. ROB'T. S. COE JR.. .'IM'i Hawthorne aye. East 4726. E. lo'tO. WEST SIDE houses wanted ; have many buyers for same. If your property la for sale, cull and see the man who makes a specialty of selling west -side property. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1478. WA NTED -120 acres clear. cultivated Willamette valley land, worth $10o per acre, for fine Pled m on t home, st rictly modern, worth $12.t00 cash. Call on owner at 1210 Mallory ave.. or phone Aut. 324-10. SUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rcn.; call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2030. I M UST have two houses by Saturday ; have party wanting house up to $3otO. with very smaii pa rnrni n. : make large monthly payments; also have j . party with $2.oo cash; in Alberta. Mirn 0420 or see Mr. Seaman. 24S Stark st. HOMES WANTED. We have a large number of customers wanting modern liomets for $.-.'Kn or less in any good district. Call Tabor 77i0 for quick sale. . WANT a me-dern oungaiow of 0 or 6 rooms. H'awthorne or Sunnyside, about $4oM; have mostly all cash. Phone Mr. Pearce. Main S63S. FOR SALE OR TRADE Small mfg. prop osition protected by U. S. patent; would consider improved or unimproved iand. AJ 4. Oregojlan. WANT lot or acreage near Medical col lege or West Portland park ; will con sider shack or house. Main 5420. WANTED 4 or 0-room bungalow; 2 lots. fruit and garden space; must be reason able. P 77, Oregonian. W A NT modern home. Alberta district. Main 0420. Farmrt Wanted. WANTED 10 to 20 acres, Iioufo. etc.. part cleared. clo?e to hard road; have $0no to $600 down; up to $2000; no agents. Write H M R-. 346 Harrison st. VOR KfcNT FARMS. 20 ACRES for rent, 14 miles out in Wash ington county: all under cultivation ; buildings, stocked and equipped; rent for term of years. Albert Haraba, 7!31a Mississippi ave. CONSIDERABLE pasture, fruit; SO near Oregon Cit y ; until November. 1 021 . f:ion. 1 41 East 6:th North. E entns. Tabor 7000. FOR RENT B. C. Dennis farm. "4-mile tnulti of Wapaio; 6t acres. 3o cult., hay some stork; green feed: school 'y-inile. 400, Addrcsa GaMon. Or.. R. No. 2. FOR RUNT FARMS. FOR S A l.E Lease on 2in0-Hcrc w hea t land; I6O0 under cultivation. 0O0 acres good clean su mm erf a 1 1 o w , balance pas ture: 3 wells, plenty feed straw; 2 mne to town. 2 R. K. nd high -hool; Ai head horses and -o',t. harness for 4 hauri full A...Ht f . . ( .... t . ! Hoolts combine harvester; some cah, balance terms; w ouM consider some ' rado R. Newton. Lind, Wash. 20 ACRES, fine bottom. I,nd on Willam ette river. near Meldrum station on Oregon Cit y carline ; 2 blocks ot C paved road ;- IO miles to courthoue. Has two small houses and barn and 4 acres und.r cultivation, with running stream. U ill be rente.!. Apply to John D. Wik ox. 4 14 Pittock bi-M-k. TIMBER I.A N DS. FOR SALE or exchange. 120 arrcs jpI.ow pine. Wheeler county, for 1 or 2 lots or small bungalow and a.vume. Owner, ALiln 3S.i6 after 7 P. M. j W A NT ED logger to take contract 1-vc inourauu, aoout L'o.iMUl per imv. .rood ground and limber. H 'rce..n i;-11 WA NTED - Portable brr. Address box l Til 111 W-1 hutlt t 1 'II 1, B row ti 1 He , v TIMBER I ' million f. er ch;tp for ida. -V U. Larson. Wotulbui n. ( ir. TO EMIN.r: REAL ESTATE. WILL TRADE for merchandise business building 111 Port la ml, aere of extra fine f;i rm land in 'arke county. Less than I m from business diMrn-t. Port'. OoO Hen s in cult ival ton. 2m a pasture. 2 set.- of buildings, tc roatl, Tiear school, well fenced ; watered. Vm 1 ued at $ H mm ton. eumbrance $U.HMt; alo 2onu ;t t im br ; will cruise f Valu'vi st $40. OnO. Clear of cum bra nee. lle.s ml. od .nd In- AT1CINSOV PdRTEIl. 1 12 W. 6th Street. Vancouver. Wa..h. SALE of: TRADE. O acres. .1 unci ion u ; 11 acre cleared and has been under cultivation: g'od j-ruom lions--, shiimlej, brn 11x20 feet ; 20 acres fenced Im; t iph t ; spring and two creeks; this land has aoout $20tw t iTn ber and ha been ct 1 mated a . more; adjoins lOOl acres 1 . C. land grant that can bo secured; price $10 per acre, very easy terms, or w n I t raiie for city h nme 111 good location, but w:' 1 aoi as sume. A. W. ESTES. (no Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 04-V". EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Vacant lots one of our specialties. Can't you sell your home or city prop erty? Possibly I can arrange to bet ter your financial position. Se Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. I Wl LL trade my 40 -acre f;irm va'.uedl at $2000 for a hou-sc and lot In Port land. It ts mostly improved with a good house and running w-ater; a'.s many good ou t houses ; t;o fru .t t rees ; flock of thoroughbred Leghorn chickens, bees and stock; also wood cut for two ears' use. T. C. Goiicrsrud, box 21, I rays River. Wash. FOR S ALE OR Til A DE. 2Sts-ton truck; milk and freight haul; will trade $2000 equity for same in house and lot in Portland or good property; this is an opportunity of a lifetime for a good rustier. Cash sale price for my equity $ 1 7c0 or will handle on $10o0 down. S. B. Shafer. Deer I aland. Or. M.A K A M AS O UNT Y. 0 AOR ES N K A R EST AC.VD A. House, barn, spriivg. stream, orchard, IO acres cUa red. fm- t imber and pas ture ; no waste land . no rock, rich soil ; good roads. Price $4000. W K 1 consider 5"iiia;i house and lot on absolutely caall basis. Ow ner. Tabor 00S6. W A N T D A 1 R Y RANCH. Must be elose ti Purl la nd. prefer stoc ketl ; wa nt 4 1 to acres or more ; price not over $00,000; will exchange going bakery business, $0O,ttno and $20,000 cash. Se J. RoBBlNS & COMPANY. :i01-2 Railway Kxrhaug-. Main "001. W ILL sell or trade my home at Tisard. r.. "wo minutes out. on Oregon Eb-ctiic: 4 acres. bouse. barn. chicken hous-. m i Ik house, family ore hard , chic k e ns and four good milch co w s. 1 d es ire to 7 -room modern bungalow. BJ 82. Orego nian. -SO ACRES, 10 cleared. balance pasture hut level; two creeks, good 7-year-old buildings. family orchard. I1- acres pru n -s. good w-- i 1 ; I m 1 U-s1 from Wood -land; pn- . for all. $sin; will lake Portland home to ..".Ooo. balance long time. Leonard Oiidie, La Ceni-r. W.ish 2U ACRES, good hous- and b.irn ; lots of fruit of all kinds; 16 acres in cultiva tion: s'.ock and implements; 10 miles Portia n d ; price $!0nn ; clear ; wa nt c?i ty propert. O. W. Bryan. Main l'.t,'i. 0ns-it 'ham ber of 'oiumerce. A BOUT 1 acre and new nifty buima low of 4 rooms and breakfast nook; floored at tic; cone re 1 e b;isemeii t ; srmi" fruit; close tn ; price $60uo ; mt g. $2000; w ill take well -located lots. O . W. Bryan. Main 1063. OOK-0 Cha mher of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE for autotuohj U. lo acre, cleared, fenced and in cultivation; line for prunes ir berries: 0t miles from Port '.and. 0 miles to good valley town, 10 minutes walk to school : will exchange for good automobile. P i.". Oregonian. FOR SALE Ml TRAD hi W h a t nave ou got to trade f or an 1 Sx30 1 1 olt caterpil lar engine in extra good coml i t ion ? A I so a five-bottom Can ton gang plow. John S. Beull. Woodla wn 7 1. STOCK FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 2o0 acres with good bui'ii'iig.s and near good outrange; want Portland pro pert;. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. EXCEPTION A L Choice "JO. near eleet ne ; some personal included. $:'..".op; accept iidence. 141 East 6'.tli North. Eve mrgs. Tabor 7u00. FINE RESIDENCE NO MORTGAGE. Will trade for othrr properly. W. H. ROSS. 1 1 oft Nort h western Ban k Bldg. FOR SA LE Modern 7-room house, will consider exchange for Pendleton or Wal la Walla piitperty. 412 E. 26th St., Vancouver. Wash. WEST SIDE f'atM and cottage, income $:M per month ; w iil exchange for acre age, kits or hou-es f(r rqulty. A. H. .KKR. 42 ll'rrv bMg. WELL improved 0-room mod. bungaiow; fine bathroom. basement, I acre ai! pi anted, hen h. use. ga ra ge. 10 milt s out, for small farm. A'' ; . Oregon in n. HAVE lot in Piedmont district, one block from Union :nc. Trade for Ford or will take good phonograph as part pay ment C". i 1 Wdili. I0Q7. HAVE ou a Hol.'SK to TRADE for a KA KM ? 1 have a number of GOOD ONES to SELECT from. Broadwav 160.S. MaclNNKS. 2H OREGON BLDG. SPLENDID farm near Portland for sat or exchange bv owner f-.r modern house in cit;' or suburhs; fine opportunity to get a good place. A ' 17. 1 T' gon la n. FOR SALE or exchange. 0-ror.m modern house, 0 lots; take ciear property, well located, f :rt payment. Auto. 216-02. Fo R . S A LE or e.vciia ngc. 0- room modern houe. 3 lots; take c.ear propertv. well located, t ;rst pa y men t A u o . 21 6-2. Cll EA P or trade on acreage. Leo bug. Kas-t 4:s. . PORTLAND property to trade for Tacoma or SatLe. ii I O Bernice b d. Tacoma. TO EXCHANGE MIS KI.I.ANKQI S. WILL t rade for I ivestock or farm tooi 1010 Maxwell delivery in first -class con dition, or will sell it cheap. 0:0 Powell Valley road. W ILL sac ri tic.- Grant s-;x louring ai in good condition for pay ment 011 modi, rn bungalow, balance moat In y. IMj Hi. Oregonian. WILL trade Maxwell car as Orst payment on a ti ve-room house : monthly install ment and interest not to exceed JJ."i month. Woodlawn 03.'. 7. . WILL trade some good wnrtt horses and some frerh cows tor a light automobile, t'all at '.KtO Powell Valley road. WILL exchange repeating shotgun for :;tx4 S. S. auto tires. Call Main 4013. 012 Sell ing bldg. FOR SALE. Monte, Vehicle-, livestock. LARGE pastures for rent, near Portland, for win tering stock. 0OO Concord bldg. Phone M ain HQ. 2 FRESH and 1 dry cow for sale. Box 727. Powell Va;ley road, fourth house east of 2d st. FIVE head young f resh Guernsey cows. 2 fresh Durhams. Jersey. Hj.lstt -ins ; a Iso young fa m i 1 y Jersey. $60. 0 1 East Ash. 32'-POUN D team, harness, wagon and wf-odrack for 2O0 if taken at once. Nelbauer A- Son, Gresham. Phone 401. $ 1 .s." BUYS tea m bay ma res weighing 220O, harness and farm w a yon. 4010 67 th si. S. E. Mt. Scott car. THREE young fresh flve-gal. cows; good test ; Jersey, Guernsey. Hoasiein ; trial aiiowed. l2fl Belmont at. Sunnyside car. DEA D horses ana cattle hauled away free. Phone Milwaukie 60-J for servj c e. DEAD horses taken quickly: cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. SIX EXTRA fresh "1 milking cows. 06 K. "2d ind Powell VETc.trt.iN ARI AN. DR. HOWE. TABOR 4566.