Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 30, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. I ..IX NO. 18,6T4:
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Fostofftfe s Sfcond-Ciaw Walter.
Home Privileges Given
"Hardboiled" Smith.
2 Gamblers Are Indicted
in Baseball Probe.
Men Who Corrupted Players
Rumored Nationally Known.
Sox Fielder Says Mates Who- Were
Crooked Lived in Fear of
CHICAGO, Sept. 23. Confessions
from Claude Williams and Oscar
Fclsch admitting that they were
bribed to "throw" last year's world
reries were made public today and at
the same time the grand jury investi
gating the baseball scandal took its
first action against the gamblers who
are said to have engineered the deal
by indicting two men whose identity
was only partly revealed.
Ttrown" and "Sullivan" were
names under which true bills were
voted against the alleged gamblers
and both were said to be from Boston
or New York. Later, however, it came
out that the Jury believed these names
to be mythical and used by the men
when they discussed the series
"throwing" with the players. Possi
bility that they are two men whose
names already have been brought be
fore the Jury ancj who are nationally
kr.own, was expressed by an official
in the state's attorney's office.
Confession. Tally With Plot.
The statement by Williams and the
newspaper reports of Felsch's confes
sions tallied with those made yester
day by Kddie CIcotte and Joe Jackson.
They revealed that last year's world
cories was settled in a tiny room in a
small south side hotel.
In this room, occupied by
Cicctte. once the American
leading pitcher,
the deal was made
the world aeries.
which "threw'
wrecked a world championship team
and brought some of the greatest
Idols In baseball in disgrace.
According to the aworn statement
made by Claude Williams, who lost
three of the world series games, he
and "Chick" GandU, "Buck" Weaver,
tiddie Cicotte. who lost two games,
and "Har?: " Felich', whose error
ti.lnr.d lose one game, met here to
barter with "Brown" a.... "Sullivan
to lose the games.
Flayers Sell Selves to Gamblers.
"After we had agreed that we were
willing to throw' the series," wii-i
liams said, "we went out one at a j
time and made our bargains with j
Brown and Sulliva-n."
Williams said he received $10,000
and that he gave $5000 to Jackson, a
statement which tallies with the con
fession made Vr Jackson yesterday.
He was supposed to get 20,000. he
Telsch, according to reports of his
confession, said he - received $5000,
which he found in his locker at the
club house, but that he "never had a
chance to really help lose the series."
His one glaring error of the series
. when he dropped a fly ball
was an
accident and he was warned
ward by the other players not to be
co awkward in making his misplays,
he was quo.ed as saying. The out
fielder declared he didn't want to "get
In on the deal" at first, but the other
players at the Warner hotel coher
ence told him it would be easy. He
said he had been promised $20,000 but
was double-crossed. Abe Attcll and
Gandil were the ones he believed
guilty of the double-crossing.
Bribed Men Fear Exposure.
Felsch denied that the White Sox
had thrown any games this season
and said the men implicated in the
bribery had felt all season that they
would be exposed sooner or later. He
confirmed the confessions of Cicotte
and Jackson made yesterday.
John Heydler, president of the Na
tional league, and John McGraw, man
ager of the New York Giants, told to
day the jury details of the Lee Magee
and Hal Chase cases and also concern
ing the dropping of Heinle Zimmer
man. McGraw was requested to re
turn Tuesday and bring Fred Toney,
New York pitcher, and Benny Kauff,
outfielder, with hlin. Heydler was
asked to appear again at his- con
venlenca after the world's series.
McGraw is said to have told the jury
that he dropped Hal Chase from his
club after President Heydler had told
him Magee confessed Chase bribed
him to throw games. He said he had
heard of many other gambling activ
ties of Chase's before the Magee case.
McGraw Fires Crooked Men.
Zimmerman was dropped from the
New York team, McGraw is said to
have told the jury, because informa
tion had come to the New York man
ager that the third baseman offered
Benny Kauff $500 to help throw
"I believe Kauff was innocent
t aid McGraw, "but I got rid of Chase
and Zimmerman even though I knew
it would seriously Injure my team, be
cause I did not want such men on the
Heydler'a testimony was largely the
Interview he gave newspapermen
tCoaciuded on Fge 15, Column 3
Amusements TTnder Ban Sald..ot
to Have Appeared Question
able When Contracted.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 29. (Special.)
Governor Olcott, acting upon a report
that some of the games on the fair
grounds were of a questionable char
acter, last night wrote a letter to the
members of the fair board directing
tlitm to close up these establishments.
He said In his letter that failure on
the part of the fair officials to act
would result In his office taking a
hand In the situation.
Trevlous to receiving the governor's
letter members of the fair board said
the chief of police, a state agent, and
federal officer had Inspected all the
shows and games and had pronounced
them to be satisfactory and not ob
This did not satisfy the executive,
however, and a conference was called
at the fair grounds early today. It
was finally decided to name a commit
tee to visit the concessions and close
any of them which were found to be
violating the law.
It was reported tonight that the
inspection of the committee resulted
in closing five games, which, when
they were contracted, were not under
Prohibition Officials Seek to Com
mandeer Desk Space.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept 29. Civil
action to close for one year offices In
the building in which T. J. McNally
was. according to federal prohibition
agents, arrested yesterday when
liquor Is said to have been found in
a desk in the office, will be instituted
under the Volstead act. according to
United States District Attorney Rob
ert C. Saunders.
If the government wins the case
the room may be closed for a year
or the owner 'Of the building may be
required to give Bonds that the pro
hibition laws will not be violated in
It, Mr. Saunders said.
Kansas and Nebraska Report Kill
Ins Temperatures.
TOPEKA, Kas.. Sept 29. Killing
frost was reported last night in west
ern Kansas, with a minimum tempera
ture of 28 at Goodland and Dresden,
the weather bureau here reported to
day. A heavy frost throughout the
entire state was predicted for tonight.
OMAHA, Sept.- 29. Killing frosts
from a number of points in Nebraska
were reported today to the local
weather bureau. The bulk, if not all
of the state's corn crop, however, is
past danger from frost, it was stated
at the bureau. Prediction of a heavy
frost tonight 'as made.
Tc las Aero Clnb Authorizes Trophy
and $10,000 Cash.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. An interna
tional airplane trophy, with a cash
prize of $10,000 and smaller awards.
has been authorized by the Aero Club
of Texas, C. Anderson Wright, its
president, announced today. This ac
tion was taken upon learning that
Sadi Lecointe's victory in the race at
Etampes yesterday gave France per
manent possession of the James Gor
don Bennett trophy.
The new trophy, authorized to be
offered through the Aero Club of
America, would be called the Cox air
plane trophy, after S. E. J. Cox of
Houston, Tex.
Battleship Squadron to "Attack"
California Coast Soon.
MEXICO, AT SEA, Sept. 28. The bat
tleship squadron of the Pacific fleet,
composed of five dreadnoughts, Is pre
ceding to attack a point off the Cali
fornia coast, Admiral Rodman an
nounced today. Beginning tomorrow.
the fleet will be on a war basis and
communication with - the shore will
be discontinued.
','Much enthusiasm was shown by
the Hawaiian islanders on the occa
sion of our recei. t visit there," Ad
miral Rodman said, "and about 347
recruits enlisted on the various ships."
Census Gives Bessemer 71.9
Cent Gain in Population.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. Census
announcements today were:
Moberly, Mo. (revised), 12,808; in
crease 1SS5, or 17.3 per cent; previ
ously announced, 12,789.
Bessemer, Ala., 18,674; increase,
7810. or 71.9 per cent.
Populations of the- slates of Ken
tucky and North Dakota and Hoquiam,
Wash, will be announced at 10:30
A. M. tomorrow.
Kansas City Reports "Fourth De
cline This Year.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 29. Re
ductions in retail lumber prices rang
ing from 10 to 20 per cent, according
to grade of the product, were an
nounced today by all retail lumber
dealers here.
The reduction is the fourth this
year and makes a decline of 20 to 40
per cent from the peak prices of last
Jiiay, the dealers say.
Original Sentenc'e by Court
martial 3 Years in Prison.
Convicted Army Man Admits Harsh
Treatment and Says Term Im
posed Was Too Light.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Sept. 29.
(Special.) Information came from
the prison authorities at the Fort
Leavenworth penitentiary today that
ex-Lieutenant Frank H. "Hard
boiled" Smith had not served out the
term of 18 months to which he was
sentenced for brutal treatment of
American expeditionary force prison
ers in the prison camp at Chelles.
France. Instead. It was said, he was
paroled and permitted to go to his
home in Fainesville for several
months of the time.
The parole was given at Fort Jay
on Governors island. New York, ac
cording to the officials here. Smith
had been confined there pending the
congressional investigation of ill
treatment of soldiers in France, but
in July, 1919-jIt was reported that he
had been br6ught to Leavenwortn to
spend the remainder of liis sentence.
Parole Report Made.
Apparently he was carried on the
records as a prisoner at Leavenworth,
for one of the conditions of his parole
was that every month he should mail
a report of his movements to the au
thorities here. This he did until the
term to which he was sentenced was
completed recently.
"Hardboiled" Smithv was originally
sentenced by a courtmartial in France
to three years at Leavenworth. While
confined at Gievres after conviction
his case was reviewed by General
Pershing, who cut the sentence. .in
half. Subsequently the notoriety at
taching to this and similar cases and
the statement of General Peyton C.
March that severe brutalities ' had
been practiced by some officers, at
prison camps inspired Secretary of
War Baker to investigate.
On July 19, 1919, General Pershing
reported to Secretary Baker on several
cases, among them .that of "Hard
boiled" Smith, recalling that Smith,
commanding officer at the Chelles
prison camp, had been tried on 24
specifications, found guilty on ten and,
sentenced to three years at hard labor
and dismissal from the service, the
sentence being reduced to 18 months
by the "confirming authority."
Members of the congressional sub
rConcluded on Pace 3, Column 5.)
Jury Recommends Life Imprison
ment Instead of Death Penalty.
Verdict Takes Five Hours.
PENDLETON, Or., Sept. 29. (Spe
cial.) Irvin Leroy Stoop and Floyd
Ll Henderson tonight were found
guilty of the murder of Sheriff Til
Taylor when they broke jail hare
July 25. The verdict, returned after
the Jury had deliberated five hours,
carried with it a recommendation for
life imprisonment instead of the pen
alty of death. Sentence will be pro
nounced at 9 o'clock tomorrow
Instructions of the court were read
to the jury this afternoon, follow
ing- the closing of the arguments
by both the state and defense In the
case of Irvin Leroy Stoop and Floyd
L. Henderson, charged with murder in
the first degree for the killing of
Sheriff Til Taylor, and the Jury re
tired for deliberation at 4 o'clock.
Lengthy instructions were given by
Judge Phelps, owing to the many
issues Involved In the case, Emmett
Bancroft having already pleaded
guilty of the killing and having been
sentenced to hang November 6, and
the trial of Elvle D. Kerby and John j
Laffebean coming tomorrow on the
same charge.
Six separate .verdicts could be rend
ered by the Jury according to the in
structions of the court, each defend
ant being entitled to one of three,
guilty in the f irst,degree, guilty in
the second degree or not guilty.
Argument and rebuttal were closed
for the state by Attorney-General
Brown at 2:45 P. M . and immediately
the court read the Indictment to the
Jury changing the two defendants
with murder in the first degree. The
court then instructed the Jury upon
the evidence- presented in the case,
ruling that the defendants were not
being tried for jail-break, but for
murder, thus eliminating much of the
testimony presented by the state
which did not prove the defendants'
connection with the actual killing.
Judge Phelps instructed the Jury
that the burden of proof was with the
state to establish each and -svery alle
gation of the Indictment, but ex
plained that if .conspiracy to shoot
their way out of the jail was proved
against all of the four men implicated
in the murder it was not necessary
for the state to prove the defendants'
presence at the actual killing to es
tablish their complicity as principals
in the murder. - A blow at the testi
mony of Emmett Bancroft, confessed
murderer, who testified Tuesday that
all of the four had agreed to shoot
their way out of the jail if necessary,
same when the court ruled that the
testimony of accomplices should al
ways be view with distrust. v
Another Death Reported la Wall
Street DUaster.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. The thirty
seventh death as the result of an ex
plosion In Wall street September 16
occurred tonight when Theodore Peck
of Nyack, N. Y., died.
Burns and internal injuries caused
his death.
- 'i
Small Percentage of Persons "Whose
Minds Are Not Made Vp En
countered Among Women.
N. W. Bank Bldg.
luen ...........
Cent, library staff
Telephone vote
Men .............
Wad hams & Co.
Pacific Grain Co.
Men ..,
Gr'de teachers' Ass n
w omen
A more decided trend in political
conviction, evidence of more or less
careful consideration of the Issues in
volved, was encountered In yesterday's
straw ballot on the presidential elec
tion being taken by The Oregonian
throughout the city.
Votes were cast in the Northwest
ern bank building by the employes
of the Northwestern National bank,
the day staff of the Central library.
Wad hams & Co.. the Pacific Grain
company afld the Grade Teachers' as
sociation. A poll also was taken by
telephone, with the result that Sena
tor Harding maintained his lead over
the democratic nominee almost 3 to 1.
As a general rule, when the in
dividual was asked regarding his
preference, the answer was given im
mediately and decidedly, showing that
he had made up his mind and was
prepared to stand by his decision.
Usually, too, when the preference was
stated, the voter volunteered in a
word or two reasons for backing his
Voting along party lines loomed In
yesterday's ballot. Harding follow
ers were large members of the re
publican party, with the exception of
a few democrats who "didn't believe
in the league of nations." Cox ad
herents, for the most part, were for
the league of nations unreservedly.
One, man now for Cox staUwl that he
had voted the republican ticket until
Wilson was first nominated and had
voted "with the democrats ever
The vote in the Northwestern Bank
building stood S9 to 37 in favor of
Harding, while the employes of the
Northwestern national Dank sup
ported the republican candidate, 77
to 17.
The usual small percentage of un
decided voters were encountered
especially among the women.
"It doesn't make any difference to
me who's elected," declared one wo
man, "but I'm for Cox."
"I'm for Harding for no particular
reason," volunteered another. "Just
on general principles, I suppose."
One man put into facetious form
some of the sentiments hidden In the
(Concluded on Fi 2,. Column 1.)
v V.) R LA C A K
O O T"
Senator's Party Narrowly
Escapes Wreck.
Plea Made for Government
Representing AH. -
Lessons Drawn From Arrogance
and Autocracy of One Man and
Tragedy in Germany.
SPECIAL TRAIN, Sept. 29. Senator
Harding's special train escaped a ser
ious wreck by a hair's breadth today
as It was carrying the republican
nominee across West Virginia on the
last leg of his last campaign trip.
His private car "Ideal" left the
rails near Millwood, a small mountain
village, and with its trucks banging
tbemselves to pieces over the railway
ties, was dragged across a high and
narrow trestle at the rate of 30 miles
an hour. The train came to a stop
beyond the chasm Just as the rear
wheels of the "Ideal" veered off the
ties entirely and buried themselves In
the gravel. "
The other cars of the train did not
leave the rails and no one was in
jured. A defective casting in the
front truck which Jolted to pieces as
the car crossed a switch was blamed
by train offictals for the accident. In
its perilous career the heavy car
splintered ties and snapped off rail
bolts for more than 300 yards and two
of the ties in the trestle it crushed
Special Heads Homeward.
Tonight thye special, minus th
abandoned "Ideal," turned northeast
ward for Marlon, the senator complet
ing his three-day trip with two eve
ning addresses in Ohio. During the
day he had spoken in a half dozen
West Virginia cities ' and had ad
dressed a big afternoon meeting at
Ashland, Ky.
Americanism, representative gov
ernment and governmental economy
featured the nominee's speeches and
he also touched on most of the other
Issues of the campaign. At Ashland
he condemned "pork barrel" river
and harbor legislation and asked for
a more efficient development of the
cation's inland waterways.
Speaking to a crowd at Mason City,
W. Va., he compared his abandoned
private car to the American car of
XT. S. Peril Pictured.
"The great car of state." he said,
"going forward to the fulfillment of
national engagements, ' got off the
track last year over in Paris and it
left things in very bad order and I
think maybe in crossing the trestle of
Internationalism In the senate to pre
vent us from completely leaving the
track, , we might have had a very
serious wreck for the United States.
"So I am tefting. you that Instead
of trying to put a broken car back
on the track let us cut It loose and
go on and keep our engagements
with all the world."
The allusion roused a cheer.
Another shout of approval came dur- I
ing a speech at Parkersburg, W. Va,
when in referring to Governor Cox's
discussion of the "America first"
slogan in South Dakota, last night.
the republican nominee said:
"I note by the morning papers that
someone has taken up that slogan and
tried to compare it with that used
by the Germans during the war.
Cox Plea Considered.
"Somehow or other the comparison
has appealed to me. And I noted in a
colloquy between the democratic can
didate and a citizen of German origin
that it was attempted to the
slogan 'America first' appeal as one
of selfishness and an ultimate menace
for us in our relations with the rest
of the world. I do not know that I
can pronouce correctly the well-known
slogan of the Germans, 'Deutschland
uber alles,' for this meant. I under
stand, that they were of
Germany first.
"And I beg to remind my country
men that under the spirit of 40 years'
practice in Germany, under that slo
gan, Germany became industrially the
most eminent, educationally the most
influential, progressively the most
notable, well known in the accom
plishment of art and most conspicu
ous in widened commerce of any peo
ple in the world.
"You know what ended all.
Only the arrogance and autocracy
of one man who turned the in
fluence and popularity of a great
people into the one tragic spectacle
of all history. And so I take the les
son from Germany and I warn you,
my countrymen, let us not have one
man dictatorship in the United
. Wilson's Reslme Rapped.
At Huntington. W. Va.. the senator
spoke from a stand erected near the
railway station to a crowd which
jammed the street for a block away
and cheered tne nominee many times.
Mrs. Christine Bradley South,
daughter of former Senator Brad
ley, lntroducea Senator Harding at
the Ashland meeting and in opening
CoociuUcd eo Fe, 2, Column S.J.
Police Take Animal Back to Turk
AHer Mile and Hair Walk
to Mount Calvary.
A young seal escaped from his pond
at the entrance to the City park last
night and flapped his way up Wash-
r;v - F
frightening several pedestrians. He
was captured by Fatrolman rorKen
and taken back to his home.
The seal was donated to the park
about two weeks ago. An ocean
breeze wafted a scent of his old
haunts over the park last night, and
the youngster flapped his way out
of the pond and struck out in the
general direction of the Pacific.
The escape was discovered when
a motorman on a Kings heights
S'trept far fitnnn.H f invnetita n
dark object on the car track. He
thought someone might have fainted
while out for a walk. He descended
and scrutinized the body.
"Hully gee!" he exclaimed, mindful
of the company's rule against swear
ing before passengers. "And this a
dry town, too!"
He induced the aquatic pedestrian
to move off the track and telephoned
the news to police headquarters. Pa
trolman Forken and Special Patrol
man Finn took up the chase. Mean
while the seal had flopped up the hill
and was almost to Mount Calvary
cemetery when they overtook him.
The police loaded the seal into the
side car of a motorcycle and trundled
him back home. He splashed into the
pond with evident relish. The police
say the seal wandered about 1H miles
and traveled at what would be an
easy walking gait for a man. The
seal weighed about 100 pounds.
German Station, Largest In World,
Has Radins of 12,000 Miles.
NAUEN. Germany. Sept. 29. (By
the Associated Press, by Wireless.)
The completed wireless sending sta
tion here, the largest in the world,
was officially dedicated today in the
presence of an invited company, in
cluding Ellis Loring Dressel, United
States commissioner to Berlin. Other
members of the American mission
also were present.
President Ebert, who spoke at the
function, after congratulating the
German makers of the plant on their
skill and Ingenuity, sent broadcast a
message opening the new service.
The towers and antennae which
serve America. Just completed, have
a sending radius of 12.000 miles and a
capacity of 75 words a minute.
Fire in Auto Stopped With Flowers
From Vase In Car.
BEND. Or., Sept. 29. (Special.)
Their closed car set afire as the re
sult of defective battery connections.
Mrs. E. IS. Coovert and her daughter-
in-law, Mrs. Dean Coovert, used a
bouquet of flowers snatched from a
ase in the automobile to beat out
the flames.
Mrs. E. E. Coovert is in central Ore
gon from Portland, visiting at the
ranch of her son-in-law.
Th Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Highest temperature, $2
degrees ; lowest, oo; rair.
TODAY'S Tncreabinp: cloudiness; moder
ate aoutnerniy winds.
Senator Harding and his party narrowly
escape serious wreck. Page 1.
Harding Is three -to-one favorite over Cox
In Portland. Page 1.
Republicans confident of Kalns In both
houses of coming congress. Page 2.
Colby delegated to defend president's ac- i
tion on Jones marine bill. Page 6.
Senator Harding measure up to emergen- !
cles of political campaign. Page 3- :
Republican womon begin picture campaign '
in Portland. Page 1G. j
Norman S. Richards Is late candidate for
Mayor. Page 11. J
Embargo will be prevention of war, says ,
Cox. Page 2- !
ChArlets Hebberd is elected ehairma-n ef
Washington republican central commit- '
tee. Page 4.
P. "W. Galbralth Jr. elected new commander
of American Legion. Page 3. i
Managers of big Chicago hotels begin
slashing bill of fare prices. Page 1.
British emblem starts near-riot. Page 1. 1
"Hardtooiled" Smith ie released from
Leavenworth. Page 1.
Housekeeper for Pen-ton disappears and
mayor of Los Angeles is threatened.
Page I
Pswific North wet. j
Throng svt state sets record. Page 6. I
Governor closes five games at state fair.
Page 1.
Stoop and Henderson convicted of murder
at Pendleton. Page 1. j
Sport. '
Two gamblers who fixed 11)19 world' i
series indicted. Page 1.
Cleve:and now game and half ahead la !
American league. Page 14.
Coast league results: Seattle Portland
4; Sacramento 7-4. Salt Lake 6-3; Ver
non 0. San Francisco 8; OakJand 5, 1
Los Angeles 0- .Page 14.
Alex Tram'bitas gpts draw decision in bout
wcth Harvey Thorp. Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Good start made in seeding winter wheat
crop In eastern Oregon. Page 23.
Chicago wheat higher on buying by sea
board. Page 23.
Proposals for flfet corporation's surplus
tockH on coast will be received until
4 P. !. tomorrow. Page 211.
Portland and Vicinity.
Union loses first point in hearing of the
ater Injunction case. Page 9.
Mother testifies against son; daughter-in-kiw
gets decree. Page 10.
Cobb bags two black bears, deer and limit
of fish on hunting trip. Pags 11.
Columbia hichway elates park-to-park
tourists. Pag 5.
Alvin Benoit sentenced to three years for
attacking sleeping girw Page 14.
Grade teachers lock doors and parley.
Page B.
Chamber of Commerce plans broader activities-
in. trade channels. Page 4.
Thirty-sex-en th annual convention erf state
W. C. T. U. opens. Page 1.
Seal escapes city park and Is captured near
iiuuat Calvary cemetery, rasa 1,
Police Quell Intruders at
New York Meeting.
Women With Banners Marcji
Through Carnegie Hall.
Iiigli-.! Delif'rates to Ceremony
liootetl Girls Refuse to Sing.
Colby Fails to Speak.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Police were
called to Carnegie hall tonight to
eject a crowd of men and women who
forced their way into the huildins
during the tercentenary celebration
of the landing of the Pilgrims. Th
intruders, carrying banners with anti
British inscriptions, created great dis
order with shouts of "Hurrah for
America!" and "Down with Eng
land:" The disturbance reached such pro
portions that it was Impossible for
the speakers to continue and it was
decided to adjourn.
A group of women who said they
were members of an organization
known as "The American Women
Pickets for the Enforcement of Amer
ica's War Aims" led the intruders.
Some of the banners they carried
bore the names of British delegates
to the tercentenary celebration and
characterized the delegates as "Brit
ish spies."
Children Refnae io Sing.
The disturbance started when the
British anthem, "God Save the King,"
was reached. Several boys and girls
in a chorus of the musical programme
left the stage, saying they would not
sing the number and that they did
not knov it was on the programme.
Two men, wearing army uniforms
and carrying the American flag, also
left the stage.
When the piano and organ that ac
companied the chorus broke into the
strains of the British anthem, shouts
arose fn various parts of the halt.
Colby Was to Speak
Secretary of State Colby was sched
uled to speak but he hud not arrived
when the disturbance began.
The chief motive for the demonstra
tion, the women said, was to protest
against "inveigling American boys
and girls into singing the British na
tional anthem," which, they said, was
"a treasonable act."
Members of the chorus gathered in
front of the auditorium after the
meeting and sang "America," led by
some of the picket leaders and Joined
by many men, who said they were
war veterans.
HritlMh Delegates Mooted.
British delegates attending the cel
ebration were greeted with derisive
shouts when they pushed through a
path made in the crowd by police.
Some of the 'girls said they had
been asked to sing at the meeting
tonight and consented. They attended
rehearsals, they added, and did not
know that the British anthem was to
be sunp. Many children with boy
scouts and campfire girls were in the
second balcony.
One of the banners carried by the
pickets, but which was kept furled,
bore the inscription, "Don't speak,
Mr. Colby; remember the English flat
tered Benedict Arnold." The pickets
said there was no occastion to show
the banner when Mr. Colby failed to
Items on Bill of Fare Are Reduced
2 3 to 3 0 Per Cent.
CHICAGO. Sept. 29. (Special.) To
day prices of vegetables, fruits and
cereals on the Blackstone hotel's bill
of fare looked as if they had been
caught in a bear raid. Vp and down
the list prices had been reduced from
15 to 30 per cent.
Managers of 21 other hotels and
restaurants, members of the Hotel
Men's association, are gointr over
menus and marking down the least
popular dishes.
This action results from a cam
paign carried on by Russell J. Poole,
head of the city's commission on the
high cost of living, and a general de
cline in the market prices of food.
Samuel Sampson, owner of three
apartment buildings, announced that
he had reduced rent on apartments
and" on all other flats which he owns
in various parts of the city 10 per
cent, to take effect October 1.
"This action has been contemplated
since the general reduction In prices
started." said Mr. Sampson-. "I be
lieve landlords ail over the city will
see the justice of s'milar reductions."
First Ambassador Since AVar Pre
sents Self at Paris.
PARIS. Sept. 29. William Mayer
von Kaufbeuren, German ambassador
to France, today presented his cre
dentials to President Millerand at the
Klysee palace.
riptomatic relations of France nrir
Germany are thus restored to the
pre-war basis. , . ;