VOL,. LIX XO. 18.G73 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Postofffce as SfM:on1-C!i! Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS 8STARS IMD1GTED BY BASEBALL JURY Comiskey Watches Em pire Crumble to Dust. MOTHER OF BERGDOLL AND AIDES GUILTY DEFENDANTS CONSPIRE TO GIRL WIN HARDING HAS HUGE STRAW BALLOT LEAD U. S. BARS PACKERS' PLAN TO SELL YARDS LIVESTOCK TRADE HELD UP BY NEW METHOD, PLAINT. H E MORE AUTO MAKERS . FOLLOW FORD SUIT IS IDOL AT FAIR IS EXTENSIVE ONE VOTE SHOWS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE GAINING. PRICE REDUCTIONS OX FTVE CARS ANNOUNCED. AID IX DRAFT EVASION. BOY AND RIM HARDING CROWNS OFWESTVIHGINIA DEBACLE CRIPPLES CHICAGO Joe Jackson Tells of Merely Japping Ball. NATION'S SPORT DEGRADED Cieotle fn Tears, Say Attaches, as lie Tells of Thousands Placed Under Pillows. CHICAGO, Sept. 18. Indictments were voted against eight baseball stars today and confessions obtained from two of them, when the "old Iloman," Charles A. Comiskey, owner ' of the oft-time champion Chicago White Sox, smashed his pennant-chasing machine to clean up baseball. The confessions told how the Sox threw yast year's world's champion ship to Cincinnati for money paid by gamblers. Seven Sox regulars and one former player had true bills voted against them by the Cook county grand Jury and the seven Immediately were sus pended by Mr. Comiskey. With his team only half "a game behind the league leading Cleveland Indians, the "White Sox owner served, notice on Lis seven stars that if they were found guilty he would drive them out of organized baseball Cicotte Sheds Tram, Officials of Chief Justice Charles McLonp Jd'-s court, desirous of gwing the rational game the benefit of publicity in Its purging, lifted the curtain on the grand jury proceedings sufficiently to show a great hitter, Joe Jackson, declaring that he de liberately just tapped the ball, a picture of one of the world's series most famous pitchers, Clcotte, In tears, and glimpses of alleged bribes of foOOO or 110,000 discovered under pillows or on beds by famous ath- lctes about to retire. .r Around the courtroom at one time cr another were some of baseball's jtreatest leaders, among them John J. llcUraw, manager of the New York Giants, awaiting a call to testify tomorrow and John Heydler, presi dent of the National league, w.ho went before the grand jurors this arternoon. The exact nature of the Informa tion Mr. Comiskey put before the trand jury was not disclosed. The men whom the jury involved as a re sult of testimony uncovered by their owner were: Famous Players Indicted. Eddie Cicotte, star pitcher, who waived Immunity and confessed, ac cording to court attaches, that he took a J10.000 bribe. Arnold 'Chick" Gandil. former first baseman. "Shoeless Joe" Jackson . heavy hitting left fielder. Oscfar "Happy" Felsch, center fielder. Charles Swede" Risberg. short stop. Claude "Williams, pitcher. George "Buck" "Weaver, third base man. Fred McMullin. utility player. Cicotte, according to court at taches, told the grand jury he re ceived $10,000 from the gamblers, finding the money under the pillow when he returned to his hotel room on the night before the first game at Cincinnati "I refused to pitch a ball until I tot It," they quoted him as saying. Jackson, it was said, testified he was promised 2u,uuu by Chick Garj- oil, but received only S5000. Claude Williams, according to witnesses, got S10.000. Weaver, after learning of his in dictment and suspension, denied he had agreed to help throw any world's scries games and that he had received any of the money. "I batted .333 and made only four errors out of 30 chances in the world's series," he said. "That should be a good enough alibi." While the grand jurors voted their true bills the "Old Roman" seated in the midst of his crumbling empire out at White Sox park, issued the telegram suspending those Involved, paid off Weaver, Cicotte and Jackson on the spot, and announced that checks for pay due the others would be sent them at once. With his voice trembling Mr. Comiskey. who has owned the White Sox since the incep tion of the American league, said this was the first time scandal had ever touched his "family" and that It dis tressed him too much to talk about it. Full Confession Rumored. Both Cicotte and Jackson were closeted with the grand jury for a considerable time today and later court officials reported that they told" their stories in. substantial detail. As they left the room they were taken In custody by detectives of the state's attorney's office and taken away. Their detention was not in the nature cf an arrest and it was announced that they would be released later. Cicotte, who earlier in the day had denied vehemently any part in the alleged plot, as described by Maharg at Philadelphia, admitted on the (Concluded on Fags 14, Column l.J. Verdict Is Retnrned by Jury Be fore Judge Dickinson in V. S. District Court. PHILADELPHIA, Eer.t. 's. Mrs. Emma C. Bergdoll and her four co- defendants were found guilty tonight of conspiracy to aid two of Mrs. Berg- doll's sons. Grover and Erwin. to evade the draft. The verdict was returned before Judge Dickinson In United States dis trict court. Mrs. Bergdoll, her son, Charles A. Braun and James E. RomJg former magistrate, were found guilty on every count in their Indictments. Al bert S. Mitchell and Henry Schuh were acquitted on the indictments In which they alone were defend ants, but found guilty with a recom mendation for mercy on the joint bills. On application of their counsel the defendants were released on $10,000 bail each pending a motion for a new trial. FALL OF 20 FEET IS FATAL Aloyslu9 Badcr Dies After Plunge From Scaffold. ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 28. (Special.) Aloysius Bader, boilermaker em Ployed by the Phoenix Utility com pany, on the construction of the Pa cific Power & Light company's new plant, was ( almost Instantly killed while at work about 9:30 this morn ing." Bader and a companion were work ing on a scaffolding. As they were moving some f the planks of the scaffolding Bader pitched headlong, 20 feet, to the ground, fracturing his skull and suffer'ng other injuries. He died soon after reaching the hospital. The deceased vas a native of Rus sia, 21 years of ega and left a widow and one brother, Alex Bader, residing- in this city, besides parents, whose home is at 595 Upshur street, Port land. The body will be taken to Portland for interment. BOYS CONCEAL DROWNING Playmate's Death Hidden in Fear of Arrest. Karl Hanson, 9, 'was drowned in a ac- last who told "A in Mocks bottom , Monday, cofaing to a confesslona made night by one of his playmates, said he had. feared arrest if he of the drowning. The harbor police made an unsuccessful attempt to re cover the body last night and will drag the pond again today. George Finer, 0, of 717 Kerby street, told the story of the drowning to Patrolman Reed after the policeman assured him that the confession would not get him into trouble. The lad said he and Karl Hanson were playing on a raft in the pond and that Karl fell off and sank after a few struggles. The Hanson boy has been missing since 1 P. M. Monday from 153 Alberta street, whSre he lived with his' aunt, Mrs. W. Haldeman. TWO TAYLORS VICTIMS Last Man Hanged in State and Hart Killed Men of Same Name. PENDLETON. Or., Sept. 28. (Spe cial.) Oswald C. Hansel, the last man hanged in Oregon. November 14, 1913, and Emmett Bancroft, alias Neil Hart, who is to be the first hanged since restoration of capital punishment, each murdered a man named Taylor. Hansel killed Judge Frank J. Tay lor, Astoria, Sunday. September 14, 1913. Hart killed Sheriff Taylor July 25, 1920. Both victims were promi nent. Hart is sentenced to hang No vember 5. ' 3224 EMPLOYES LET OUT Shipping Board Announces Cut During Fiscal Year. 2S. A cut WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S. A cut In its personnel of 3224 employes, re sulting in a decrease in the payroll of S5, 530, 372 during the fiscal' year of 1920, was announced tonight by the shipping board. On July 1, 919, the board stated. Its employes numbered 11,706, with an annual payroll of $22,299,676, and on July 1, 1920, there were 8482 em ployes with a payroll of S16.769.304. STEAMER CAPTAIN DROWNS J. R. Kelly of Seattle Loses Life at Powell River, B. C. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 28. Captain i J. R. Kelly of the steamer Wakena, one of the best known Seattle naviga tors between this, and British Colum bia ports, was drowned in Pow-ell river, B. C, yesterday, according to advices received here today. The body had not been recovered. Captain Kelly was a native of San Juan county. CHAPLAIN GETS CAPTAINCY William Loren Fisher of Vancouver Is Commissioned. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 28 (Special.) William Loren Fisher, Vancouver barracks, has been com missioned chaplain in the regular army with the rank of captain. George Augustus Johams, of Fort Stevens, Oregon, has been commis sioned as captain of infantry in the regular army. Youth's Pig of 8 Weeks Best of 15 Entrants. MAID, 15, SCORES AS JUDGE Throngs in Stands Greet Lass Introduced at Races. CROWDS SET NEW RECORD Portland Rotarlans Welcomed. Drill Team of Visiting Boosters Competes for $2 0 0 Prizes. EY Tv A. I (Salem Correspondent for gonlan.) The Ore- SALEM. Or, Sept. 2S. (Special.) There have been coronation ceremo nies in honor of kings and oueens and many other events of world-wide in terest, but nothing has ever trans pired in the young lives of Lester Lynch, 11-year-old Estacada youth, and Dorothy Briggs, 15-year-old Her miston girl, quite as important as the announcements of the state fair judges this afternoon that the former had been proclaimed the state cham pion in the open class competition for Chester White pigs, while the latter had won second highest honors In the boys' and girls' Industrial club live stock judging. Miss Briggs was entered from Uma tilla county and scored 405 out of a possible 500 points. In recognition of her success and as a tribute to her exceptional ability, she was Intro duced to the throngs that taxed the capacity of the grandstands during the races this afternoon. Pig Klght Wrfkn Old. Toung Lynch had as his offering a pig whose entrance into the world was an event of not more than eight weeks ago, under the title of the "Pride of Multnomah." "When In formed by the judge that his pig con formed with practically every re quirement under the rules of the com petition, the boy's face brightened and he strode proudly across the grounds envied by many of his elders. Lynch competed against a fieid of more than 15, some of whom had been engaged in pig raising for many years. A sympathetic weather man. crowds larger than had ever before attended a state fair in Oregon on the second day and exhibits and races far sur passing those of previous events combined to make boosters' day s history-making epoch in this state Tonight the state fair management reported that the receipts of the day had exceeded all expectations, while the attendance indicated the growing popularity of Oregon's annual event. The out-of-town booster organiza tions, including the uniformed Pru narians of Vancouver. Rotarlans of (Concluded on Page 5, Column 1.) . "WATCH THE FANS LEAVE IF THIS BECOMES COMMON. - A rftftSJ' ---,- '. . m ... --- VYomcn at Multnomah Club and Elsewhere Strongly for Senator. Some Workers for Debs. r THE ORECOMAVS STRAW BALLOT YESTEBDAV. ?! 5 S- 2a . i ; I & ' N-thwest Bridge & Iron Co 62 ST 63 7 "Water front.... 34 18 ... . Multnomah A. A C. Women 64 12 ... City hall Men 67 16 ... Women 20 4 Total 257 87 63 7 The close of the second day In the informal straw ballot being conducted throughout the city by The Orego nian found Senator Harding far In the lead and still gaining. A vote was taken yesterday among employes of the Northwest Bridge & Iron company, the women's annex cf the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. the city hall employes and along the waterfront, with a net return of 257 votes for Harding. 87 for Cox, 63 for Debs and 7 for Chrlstensen. Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for president, won by a nose in the ballot among employes of the North west Bridge & Iron company, with 63 out 'of a total of 169 votes taken, senator Harding was a close second with 62, Governor Cox a weak third with 37 and Chrlstensen, the third party candidate, an "also ran," with a total of 7 votes. The vote was taken at the noon hour at the steel plant. Seated around the yards in groups, devour ing their lunch hurriedly in the short half-hour allowed at noon, the work ers considered the question of the coming presidential election "between bites." A few, very few, considered the problem seriously: the vast ma jority appeared to be indifferent about the outcome. Many of the lat ter announced that they had never taken the trouble to register, de claring that "it made no difference to them either. way." "Who cares whether Harding or" Cox is elected?" asked one man loudly. He was a riveter, whose ears were partly deafened by the inces sant staccato or his "riveting gun" against the steel skeleton of a -partly completed hull. "It makes no dif ference to us. Neither of them is the people's choice. I'm for Debs. He won't be elected, of course, but I'm for him, anyway." "It makes no difference In my young life," said a gray-haired la borer, sarcastically. "I haven't voted for 15 years, anyway, and we've had a president right along just the same." A group of young steel workers sat in the shadow of a towering pile of patterned steel, smoking with lazy en joyment in the few minutes left be fore the blowing of the whistle would take them back to the shops. "Who am I backing for president?" repeated one of them. "Let me see which one of those birds is for booze? (Concluded on Pace 2. Column 1.) Palmer's Refusal to Agree to Pro posal Opens Way to IAtigatoin. When Case Is Heard Oct. 7, WASHINGTON, Sept. !S. The plan of the "big five" Chicago meat pack ers for disposition of their stockyard interests was rejected by the govern ment today on the ground that it provided new means by which the buying and eelling of livestock could be restrained and controlled. Formal objection to the packer pro posal and. to Frederick H. Prince & Co, Boston bankers, aa a proposed purchaser . of the packer inter eats, was filed by Attorney-General Palmer la the District of Columbia supreme court. Refusal of the attor ney-general to agree to the plan opens the way- "for litigation when the case is heard In court October 7 The government offered no alter native plan. Attorney-General Palmer, in statement, declared any plan for dis position -of the stockyard Interests "must safeguard competition. Insure the divorcement of packer control and must with certainty set forth proper provisions to prevent creation of a stockyards monopoly." REDS AND POLES CONFER Details of Peace Treaty Under Con sidcratlon at Riga. RIGA, Sept. 28. Consideration of the details of a preliminary treaty of peace between soviet Russia and Poland was begun here today by four commissions named to look after dif ferent phases of the problem before the peace conference. The soviet representatives demand that the conference consider the granting of amnesty to residents of both countries who are charged with anti-government activities and ques tions regarding consuls and transit rights. CUMMINGS COMING WEST Ex-Chairman and William G. Mc Adoo to Tour California. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. Homer Cummings. former chairman of the democratic national committee. Is to arrive In Los Angeles October 27 to tour southern California In behalf o the party presidential ticket, the western headquarters of the commit tee announced here today. It announced also that William G McAdoo will arrive in San Francisco on October 23 to tour northern Cal Ifornia for the same purpose. ' FARM-LABOR TICKETS 0U Party Names Candidates In New Mexico and Colorado. ALBUQUERQUE, N. . I.. Sept. 28. The farmer-labor party of New Mez ico. In convention here today, nomi rated a full state ticket. W. E. Mc Grath is the nominee for governor. DENVER, Sept. 28. A complet slate of candidates for presidentla electors and state officers was file by the farmer-labor party with Secre tary of State Noland last night, he an nounced today. State Commission Plans for 1921 Work. . BONO MARKET IS IMPROVING $2,000,000 in Securities Sold at Good Figure. WORK WELL DISTRIBUTED HjghTvaj-s In Many Parts of State to Be Graded, Macadamized and Hard-Surfaced. DOINGS OF HIGHWAY COM- anssiox. Road work In nine counties agreed on; road work In three counties under consideration. Pledge made to build Crater lake road from Trail to Agate 16 feet wide. Definite action on Wallula cutoff postponed until Novem ber. Two million dollars In road bonds sold for SI. 822, 202, which Is better than recent bond sale. Contracts to be let In Novem ber for paving near Seaside, Cor vallis and Newberg. Contracts likely at next meet ing for most of ungraded part of Klamath Falls-Ashfand high way and from Bartlett spring to Fort Klamath on The Dalles-California highway. Gravel contract to be drawn at next meeting for 18 miles of John Day highway. Concrete paving contract from Oregon City to Multnomah line via Oswego awarded. Contracts awarded aggregat ing 467.031.67. Another extensive road work pro gramme was decided on by the state highway commission yesterday, in volving grading, macadam and hard- surface paving for- next year In many counties of the state. The commission informed delegations that it la somewhat shy of funds, but has arranged to carry on projects with county funds voted for co-operation. If the commission, at the November meeting, maintains the pace set yes terday, 1921 will be another big year in road construction. The bond market is improving and there Is an indication that other things are on the decline, all of which govern the amount of road work set afoot by the commission. Tho proposed Wallula cut-off, which would be an extension of the Columbia river highway from Uma tilla to Wallula junction at the state line, approximately 20 miles, was not acted on for the present. Route to Be Reviewed. Chairman Benson made a motion that the route be surveyed and put up to the government as a project. He said that Umatilla county would not be asked to co-operate, as it is a state enterp'rise. Commissioner Kiddle con tended that there is no need for this route at present. Commissioner Booth suggested that action be deferred un til he could go over the ground in person, a proposition agreeable to the other commissioners. Noticing that the government Is ad vertising six miles of the Mount Hood loop, on the east end. the comrrfTssion decided to request the government to postpone this work for the time be- f. The commission Is not keen on building the entire loop, but Is com mitted to co-operating up to Govern ment camp. Work Line-up Indicated. Here is the work lined up by coun ties for contract at the November meeting: Clatsop Columbia highway. Con tracts to be advertised for paving '18 feet wide on a black base from Sea side to the junction of the Warrenton cut-off. To widen with fill from the junction of the Warrenton pavement to Young's bay. If a sand fill is made, this section to be paved next summer. Curry county Coast highway. To grade 1.6 miles from Port Orford to the new grade at Hubbard creek. The county will be asked for co-operation on this Job. Benton county To pave nine miles from Corvallis south to the end of the present pavement. Jackson county-Crater lake high way xo grade ana rocK 13 miles trom Trail to a point near Agate. Road to be 16 feet wide. To advertise to clean up Incomplete portion of Ashland Klamath Falls highway in Jackson county. Klamath To grade 18 miles from Jackson-Klamath county line to Keno, on the Ashland-Klamath Falls high way, providing rights of way are se cured by the county court. To grade from Bartlett Springs, at end of pres ent grading job, north to where the road forks beyond Fort Klamath. This is on The Dalles-California highway. Malheur county To gravel 18 miles on the John Day highway, from Vale to Jamieson. Survey ordered on Cen .ICoacluded 9a Page. 2. Column i.X Sugar Takes Another Tumble; New Quotation, $15.30, Will Go Into Effect Today. More automobile prices, following in the path of Fords, tumbled yester day. Portland distributors of the Hudson, Essex, Stuaebaker, Overland and Willys-Knight cars all received telegrams from their factories an nouncing decreases ranging from a little more than S100 to S200. Prices of Hudson and Essex ears went off S200. Studebaker cara dropped S125 to $200, according to modeL The Overland went down S140 and the Willy-Knight S105. On the other hand, makes ef the Fierce-Arrow, a high-priced car, an nounced an increase in prices. All models of the Pierce-Arrow were raised $230 each. Announcement was made by whole sale grocers yesterday of another de cline in the price of sugar. The drop this time is only 25 cents a bag. The new price, S15.30 a hundred pounds, will be effective this morning. Sugar supplies in the market were exhausted yesterday, but a freeh sup ply arrived last night on the steamer Rose City and it will be distributed today. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. Sugar at the refineries was brought to the New York price of $14 a huntfred weight here today, marking a decline of SI in two days. The retail price for the new allotments should be 17 cents a pound here. .The falling off of raw sugar quota tions was given as the reason for the decline. The Hawaiian raw quota tion now Is S10.78 a hundredweight. Further declines may be looked for, the refiners announced. TACOMA, Waeh.. Sept. 28. (Spe cial.) The first drop in restaurant prices for several months was an nounced today when one restaurant reduced the price of Its merchants lunch from 40 to 35 cents with cor responding cuts on many other arti cles on the menu. "I am not paying an exorbitant price for sugar nor S200 a ton for potatoes now and flour has dropped," was the explanation offered by the proprietor. Tne drop in coffee enables me to sell It now at & cents a cup Instead of 10," he added. CHICAGO.' Sept. 28. J. A Green berg, owner of several apartment buildings, today announced a 10 per cent rent reduction, effective October 1, and stated that a similar reduc tion would be made next May. "We are following In the foot steps of the manufacturers who have inaugurated a decline in prices," said Mr. Greenberg. Twenty -two hotel owners today agreed o cut their restaurant prices from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. Vegetables, fruits and cereals will be cut the most. BEVERIDGE AIDS HARDING Former Indiana Senator to Start Stumping .Tour October 2 . CHICAGO, Sept. 28. Former Sen ator Beverldge of Indiana will begin his stumping tour of the west in the interest of Senator Harding' October 2 at Madison, Wis. This was announced at republican national committee headquarters today- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, SO degrees; minimum, 57 decrees. TODAY'S Fair and cooler. Politic).. Germans in Pakota grill Cox on league. Page 6. Wilson releases campaign thunder for bourboDS. Page 5. Oregonian straw vote shows Harding has big lad and is gaining. Page 1. Democratic paper rebukes Cox. Page 2. Campaign now at stage where voters minds are made up. aays Mark Sullivan. Page 2. Harding la Idol of West Virginia. Pass 1. Foreign. Two killed, many hurt in Irish riots. Page 2. French aviator wins International trophy. Page 8. National. Government rejects big five packers plan to sell stockyard interests. Page 1. Dome tic Mother of Bergdoll and codefendanta found guilty. Page 1. Thousands attend last rites for Olive Thomes. Page 8. American Legion decides to take no part in controversies between capita.! and labor. Page 3. Pacific Northwest. roy and girl win crown at fair. Page 1. Jail break pact related by Hart. Page 4. Bird bill opposed by business men. Page 7. Sprts. Cight National baseball star. Indicted for throwing gamts. Page 1. Coast league results: Seattle 2. Portland 1"J; Oakland 6. Los Angeles 7; Vernon ' S, San Francisco 6; Sacramento-Salt Lake traveling. Page 15. Trambitas facing acid test in Thorp. Page la. Cleveland nearer American pennant. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. Recover- of domestic wool market la alow. Page -3. Wheat weakened by declining price, cf commodities Page 23. Standard stock, recover from recent de clines. Page 113. McNary confers with chamber of com merce on port problems. Page 22. Deep draft vessel easily handled in harbor. Page 22. Shipping Interests petition "Wilson to trans fer coast guard to navy. Page 22. Portland and Vicinity. Half-cent Increase In local milk prices an nounced by commission. Page 8. Highway commission's road-building pro gramme for 1921 extensive one. Page 1. Prices on several make, of automobiles re duced StOO to 20U. Page 1. Four changes in city charter proposed. Page l(i. Park-to-park auto caravan reaches Port land. Page 4. United States will probe Hedderly killing, ase Throngs Battle to Hear Standard Bearer. 30,000 OUTSIDE AUDITORIUM Nominee Pledges Party Win Put an End to Waste. BUDGET SYSTEM PLANNED Democratic Estravajrance IT a 3 Brought Nation to Brink of Fi nancial Ruin, Senator "Warns. WHEELING, TcVa., Sept. 18. Be fore a tumultuous crowd whicn. packed the Wheeling auditorium, while thousands more battled In th streets for admission. Senator Hard Ins laid down hero tonight a policy of government economy and strict business administration. Krom the time of arrival her, in tho early afternoon the republican nominee was besieged by howling thronfjs and during the auditorium address his words again and again awakened avalanches of applause. So dense and tumultuous was th crowd along the line from the sen ator's hotel to the auditorium that both his car and that which carried Mrs. Harding were lost for a time in traffic Jams. Mrs. Harding reached the hall first and was given an ova tion as she was pushed through, crowded aisles to the platform. Crowd Cheera for Minutes. "When the nominee arrived the) crowd rose and cheered for more than a minute. Previously Senator Harding had made a short talk denouncing one man government before a crowd of many thousands who flocked tho slreets about the "hotel and earlier in the day he spoke to five crowds that gathered around his private car as it came across West Virginia Senator Harding told his audito rium audience why he preferred th front porch campaign. "It wasn't because I didn't desire to .' come to you and preach the gospel of Americanism from tho republican standpoint." he said. "I have been doing that all my life: that's why I'm a nominee for president. But I choose to speak from the front porch over at Marion for the very reason that I have encountered in , Wheeling today. I didn't like to dis appoint anyone. When I came to your city. I find the tide of republicanism running high and there are 30,000 peo ple in Wheeling who want to hear the gospel of republicanism as I de light to preach it; but only about 50U0 of us can crowd in here. I'rr.a III Mouthpiece. "One thing I could do In Marlon was that I could talk to virtually all of the American people through the medium of the great American press. "I think the American people have heard, I know they have heard up In Maine, and I think they have heard everywhere and have resolved we ought to do two things, first, to put 1 our own house in order and tnen let I the world know that we can manage . our own affairs." I Declaring that democratic extrav- J agance and mismanagement had hmiiiriit tho nation to the DrinK oi financial disaster. Senator Harding said that the republican party pro posed to inaugurate a policy of econ omy and efficiency that would put the whole federal government on a sound business basis. The nominee quoted treasury de partment figures to support his charge of unwarranted expenditures, and asserted that one effect of the administration's proposal for a new issue of treasury certificates would be to further handicap the money market and increase the cost of living. Budget System I'romiied. He scored President Wilson for his veto of the budget bill passpd by the last republican congress and prom ised that a budget system would be one of the first policies inaugurated by a new republican administration. "Unless we check the existing sys tem of waste and extravagance," ha continued, "we shall run head-on Into disaster. We have heard during the last few days from the democratic administration at Washington that it needs money, more money, always more money. And during these same days we have heard from a democratic candidate that, if he is elected to the presidency, he will give to tne people of this country a budget system such as the present president, with whom he says he Is in accord, rejected last June." Senator Harding said the public debt had increased from $24,299,321. 467 June 30. to $24. 324. 672, 123 August 31, and that the deficit for the last year would have been nearer three billions than one billion, had not the republican congress cut down admin istration requests for appropriations. As an illustration of financial in efficiency." he quoted Brigadier Gen eral Lord, director of finance of the war department, as saying that the department went into the war with out any fixed financial policy, with the result that a dozen bureaus were competing in purchases and driving prices skyward. Referring to the proposal for a new Concludd oa l as ."oluma 3.) V