18 THE MORXING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE. MKN AND BOYS PEEKING EMPLOY MENT , fc The place best equpipped to asslstyou In finding employment is the Y. M. C A. Employe go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the beat type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qua'lflcationa; perhaps you are Iit , ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service 1 absolutely free to ex-service men. . Ail men seeking employment In c leri cal, technical and commercial lines ana those who ore ambitious to better their condition should eee the Y. M. C. A ein ploy men t secretary, room 307. "W HERE TH K HE IS A LWA Y 3 DE- MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN'-' CARRIER WANTED In Union ave dis trict just north of Fremont street. Ap ply City Circulation Dept.. 203 Orego nian bldg. CARRIER WANTED In Mt. Scott district, near l.ents. Apply City Circulation Dept. 203 Oregonian bldg. MESSENGER BOYS WITH OR WITHOUT BICYCLES. Average pay mounted messenger. $110 per month. PERMANENT WORK. Apply DELIVERY SUPERVISOR, 70 Third St. WANTED An experienced electric Ushl man to take charge of a town ol iuu population; must be able to handle trtc supplies and do Inside wiring on the aide- store room, furnished free; no other supply store In town; gi ve rrenfV;: experience and salary expected in first letter. AdureasA.rejnan. OlITTinE life insurance company like to hear from ambrttoua men In .the city and throughout Oregon ana 1la" who believe the" can writ- life if given assistance by supervisor write or call W. E. Hibbard. 14 Wilcox bldg. Interviews 8:30 to 0:30 mornings only. WHY NOT increase your own salar . If you can devote a few spare hour- week i. v,,.w ...hi how to make big monej , work is easy una you au - , applicants must be able to lurniou in- rivA i.hone number. Ah 44u, Origonlan. WANTED Two young men unaer m for right clerical position; must know ;.v ahi- to meet the public, and use vi- rpiinhone: opportunity for advance ment; permanent work; te want d, experience and age. E ririan. . salary Ore- i,.tu TRUCK, used one year; now em ployed on steady job for the winter Will sell this truck for 30O0 and you can start to work. One-third cash re- qUired- MOTOR SALES CORP.. 12th and Everett. Bdwy. 15S. STEADY man wanted to take permanent charge good territory. Supplies and spe cial Information furnished. Experience not required. Cash weekly. If a per manent, profitable business interests you. give this a trial. Yakima alley Nursery. Toppenlsh. Wash. PRINTER-OPERATOR AM around coun try combination man wanted at once; jnust be able to operate and care for Intertype and go ahead with ads. jobs, make-up, etc., as working foreman; 142 to start. Permanent job to right man. Heppner Herald, He-ppner. Or. WANTED By wholesale house, boy about 18; splendid opportunity for advance ment if not afraid to work. Only one living with parents and under home in fluence will be considered; answer in pwq handwriting, stating education. R. 71. Oregon ian. UMBRELLA repairer; permanent position, good wages. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank company. WANTED Young or mlddle-agd man. moft-ioH nrorrrpd us manaKer of foreign . a rinTT.t!i honri and mortgage loan iinorimfnt: one capable of German language preferred. Address J 602. Ore gonian rruDL- i." ciTPC EN VV A !N IK I J. a. Uftt.i ihni will pave hundred's of dollars to every business man and costs 1.1. Money-back guarantee. Call state representative, 10-12 today. Byron, Main 868. , WANTED Middle-aged man handy with tools; must know something about gas engines. $190 and room; this is good job for good man; city ref. required. Call at Bdwy. hall, corner o Bdwy. and Main, hot ween 11-12. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient of fice help, call Broadway 4409. Clerical Belp Service. 629 Artisans bldg. HAN FOR shipping. In machinery house; one with clerical experience preferred; " chance for advancement; state ex perience and wages expected. B 43, Oregonian. BOYS and men can make good money cut ting nag of the "bullrushes" variety. For information inquire of Western Cooper age Co., St. Johns, east end of S. P. S. bridge. . BALESMAN with auto, to show city prop erty. If competent shouid make jOOU GC OLPENBERG, Arlington Bldg. Yrs. in Portland." ( WANTED The servicos of a good, honest ma who owns a Ford sedUin In (tood order who is willing to use his car for b-usinewe purposes during the day and run the car himaelf. AR 0o. Oregonian WANTED. Bids on lathing. plastering. brick work and shingling on two rrsldences, union work. Apply 293 Willamette Boulevard. WATCHMAKER WANTED. Two first-class watchmakers at once; permanent position. good salary. F. Fried lander Co.. 310 Washington gtreet: WANTED First-class shoemaker, $40 per wk will Dav huif fare for a steady man. W rite or wire. Alexander's Shoe Repairing. Twin Falls, Idaho. WANTED Japanese boy for housework : must have experience and references : eood wages. M. Fleifcc-hner, 86 N. 20th street. BOOKKEEPER and commissary, $50O; vmmir man for out or town bank traveling salesman; stenographer. 33S ;. w. Hank Bldg. BRIGHT boy wanted; good hours: good pay; chance for advancement; must hava wheel. Roya.1 bldg.. 2Q floor. BARBER Steady Job; 2 Saturday men. 8 H. Howard, sec. Master Barbers as sociation. 8tJ BdysL RATiESMAN. experienced or Inexperienced. for manufacturing company. Call 62 V N. 23d st. ERRAND boy with wheel. Apply printing department. Kllham stationery & Print ing Co., 5th and Oak sts. WANT bench men and good veneer man for furniture factory. Apply 441 E. Lombard st., near Union ae. .WANTED Man to work on farm; good wages, steau v j on. gnoa accommoaa tions. Call 525 Alder st. WANTED First-class Ford mechanic, capable of handling motor work. 303 East Broadway. BO V for delivery and office work. Good opportunity anil wages. Commercial Ad vertislng Co., Couch bldg. WANTED Meat cutter: state watres ex nected; must give references. Write to Dallas Meat Co., Dallas, Polk Co.. Or. OPPORTUNITY for young man to learn to operate motion-picture machine. Ap ply t to ;i toatiy. . t'latt nidg. WANTED Yooung boy to work In factory Apply Ames-iarris-reviiie Bag Co. 15th and Hoyt sts. WANTED AT ONCE 2 men to learn vul canizlng and retreading. Call 432 Haw thorne ave. I CAN uf another house-to-hou?e in an best selling article on market. 508 Couch bldg.. io nn. APPLE pu kers and experienced packers pickers brinw camp outnt. Herbert W il liaiiif. W hite Salmon, W ash. EXPERIENCED ledger clerk to balance ledger. state exp. ana salary expected Tern po ra ry position, l do, oregonian WANTED Young boy to work In factory. Apply Ame-Harn8-.-svin XlSLg CO., 15t and rtoyt sts. A POSITION with no limit to advance ment is open to a young man theatrl rally inclined. Address E 77. Oregonian BOY WITH motorcycle. 120 Sixth street. Powers & EsteS, LEARN the vulcanizing business, write TtS Ens t Broadway. AMATEUR: Call Main Can you amuse or entertain 70H6 after p. M. BOY WANTED to learn trade. Glen Service Station, 556 union ave. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG man between IS and 23 with at least a high school education; one with two years' college training preferred, to learn the business of a well-established nortunitv for nromotion to one willing I to start at the beginning and put forth earnest, conscientious work. AB 77. Oresonlan. ELECTRICIAN? You can become an elec trical engineer by attendnig the electri cal engineering school of the Oregon In stitute of Technology, day or night; practical laboratory training under ex perienced engineers; ex-service men get state financial aid. Phone Mr. Twogood. dean. Main 8700. NIGHT FIREMAN 12 hours. fre with wood and coal. must have exp., middle aged, married man preferred. The job pays $4.80 and it gives steady year around. Do not phone. Applv in person at once. Oregon Chair Co., 1190Macadam st. WANTED By wholesale house, boy about 18; splendid opportunity for advancement if not afraid of work; only one living with parents and under home Influence will he considered. Answer in own hand writing, stating education. K 71, Ore- gonian. YOUNG man for survey work, good con ditions, $5.50 day; report ready to leave - 7:20 A. M. today; ex-service men, regis ter with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 Artisans' bldg. Bdwy. 1367. A-T-T-E-N-T-I O N. Four of our Portland representatives averaged $50 last week. We can use four more of the same type. Experience not necessary. References required. Ap ply 014 Stock Exchange bldg., after 10 A. M. WANTED Miller, one who understands making all kinds of mill feed and poul try feeds, will not make any flour, water power roller system mill: give reference and wages wanted in first letter. Owner, AV 471, Oregonlun. WANTED Neat -appearing, reliable young man about 25 to travel with manager In auto and learn good paying business. Good pay. rapid promotion to right man. Call in person today after 10 A. M. 220 HotelCarlton. WANTED By life insurance company, young man, 16 to IS years of age, Uing at home with parents, to begin as junior clerk in office; good opportunity for advancement. Apply 013 Board of Trade buil&ing. WHOLESALE grocery operating branch house in prosperous section desires serv ices of office assistant. Good future for man with ability. Grocery experi ence preferred. Please answer fully and give references. BO 733, Oregonian. WANTED APPLE PICKERS. We have 400O acres of apple trees; picking has started. Apply DUFUR ORCHARD CO.. 17o 4th St., near Yamhill. WANTED First-class cook for country hotel, best wages, if you can do the work, no cranks need apply; write giv ing experience and wages expected. Box 113 Fossil. Or. ELEVATOR OPERATOR $3 day. Ex-service men register with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 205 Artisans Bldg. Bdw. 1367. BACHELOR desires man and wife to work on farm for winter in beautiful home, electric lights, running water. bath, every convenience. Address- Geo. Schlerth. Crabtree. Or. WANTED A boy or young man about 16 or IS years, after school hours ; mut have very good references. Apply at 275 Yaimhlil sL, cor. 4th. Colombia River Fish Depot. WANTED Bright boy. 16 or over, for of fice in wholesale house; permanent po sition and good chance for future. An ewer in own handwriting. S 38, Orego nian. WANTED A tailor to work on coats and do busheling work part of the time ; elderly man will qualify. Werner-Petter- son Co., 313 , Washington st. COMPETENT bookkeeper for small cor poration, about 4 hours in afternoon ; state salary and references. N 21. Ore gonian. WANTED Immediately. practical all around job printer, must be able to han dle cylinder and platen presses, come at once. Gazette Times, Corvallis. Or. 2 YOUNG men between 18-20 years old to . work in furniture factory. Apply Uni versal Wood Working Co., 100 N. Third street. WANT ED 2 sh i p p i n-g c'. erk s, night w ork. A pply Log Cabin Baking Co., co-river Vancouver ave. and Fnerao-nrt st. Ask for Mr. Wright. x uLiiw man mr warehouse ana snipping; mut be able to take charge in short I time, some experience preferred. AG 72, Orego n ian. 2 YOUNG men wanted; light factory work; work nights; take Mississippi ave. car to end of line, stockyards car to our door. Western Wax Paper Co. FOR SALE One-man job printing office, good business, 2 Gordons, Individual motors, paper cutter and type; easy terms, Frank Taylor & Co., New-berg, Or. EX PERIENCED presser. Hoffman ma chine; steady work. Pantorium Clean ers, Oregon City; phone Ioj. LABORERS wanted for street paving: $5 eight hours. Cor. Boundary ave. and 1st st. Take Fulton car. 'ORTER wanted for work each forenoon. Cail at De Honey s Dancing Academy, 23d and Washington. WANTED On Hood River ranch, experi enced box nailer. 1 teamster. 2 men pickers. Write M. H. Allen, Parkdale. Or. WANTED Three capable young men. Per manent position; good pay. Apply oni 8 to 0 A. M., room 433 Hotel Oregon. WANTED Boy for work In bank as mes senger; salary 155 per month to start. Call Mr. Meagher, Main 7191. BOYS OR GIRT-S WANTED TO RUN ERRANDS. DA VIES OPTICAL CO., 5-27 Morgan Bid. WANTED Form carpenters for out-of- town work. i2c per hour. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg. EXPERIENCED knitters wanted steady employment, good pay. Standard Knitt ing Co., Inc.. Olympia. Wash. Y'GL'NG man for amateur show; no deten tion from regular work. Call Mr. Coch ran, Broadway 45. Help W anted Salesmen. WANTED EXTKRIEXCKD FURNTTURK AND CAKPET SALESMAN: STEADY POSITION ; REFERENCED REQL'IRKD. 'L. SCHOENFELJ & SONS, INC.. TACOIIA, WASH. WANTED Live salesman to carry as a side line our line ol arugs and pharma ceuticals on a liberal commission basis, selling to doctors and retail druggists in states of Oregon. Washington. Idaho and northern California points. We have a good trade established in these terri tories; our line is being carried by the w holesale houses there. AV 442. Ore gonian. SALESMAN willing to be taught how to sell a high-class line of manufactured products; old company. Well known throughout the United States and Can ada: salary to start with liberal con mission ; permanent position for the right party. Ladies considered; city work. Call or write the W. T. Kawleigh Co.. 917 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. SALESMEN WANTED. Salesmen to sell best-known truck on the market. We can make Immediate delivery ; parts to supply every need in the nortnwest. we want hustlers. BROUGHTON MOTOR TRUCK CO., 325-3 27 Glisan st.. city. WANTED Salesmen who make the hard ware, furniture and general stores trade in Oregon to take a side line of fast selling toys. Good money can be mads between now and Christmas. Write Col burn Manufacturing Company, Spokane. Wash. ON E OF the largest organizations of its kind desires the services of five edu cated, ambitious and matured men, capable of being developed into high class representatives ; the pay Is above the average; even if employed. It will pay to Investigate. Call 100 Wilcox bldg. A LOCAL institution desires the services of five educated, aggressive men, cap able of being developed into high-class representatives; the work is permanent and affords a splendid opportunity for profitable connection. Call 307 Title & Trust Bldg. THREE SALESMEN WANTED. An article that will save hundreds of dollars to every business man and costs $5. Money-back guarantee. Call state representative. 9-10 today. Byron. Main 244-S. PHONOGRAPH salesman for eastern Ore gon dealer; salary and commission; permanent position in good territory ; right man can make $3000 per annum. Mr. Gillam, 818 Dekum bldg. AN AGGRESSIVE salesman wanted who can close business, well established, au tomobile line, automobile selling exp. Is not essential out real saiesmansniQ is. Knone tuwy. im. HAVE position open for experienced paint and oil sa lewnaa. a nswer. giving ex perience, reieren-ces and phone number, T :t(i. Oregonian. ( MAX with automobile to drive from town to town, $24 to $00 a day easily made. Atrial will convince you. Call Mr. Van- ceil. 4U3 Geriinger oiag. HELP "WANTED MALE. Help Wa n ted Sale m rn. SALESM AN KX PERI BNCBD, LADIES' SILK HOSIERY: OREGON TERRI TORY; COMMISSION BASIS ONLY: REFERENCES REQUIRED. .303 fTH AVE., ROOM 303. NEW YORK CITY. SALESMEN wonaerfui opportunity, come Insurance. 501 Corbtt bids;. W A NT ED A fi ENTS. THE COLLINOB automatic ca.rb-uretor. rectifier, gives more miJeage power, Jess carbon and cooler engine; goes on any car; agents wanted and territory for sale. Col tinge Co.. 320 Gli&an sc. HELP WANTED t'R MA LE. THE OLDS, WORT MAN KING STORE requires the services of thor oughly experienced saleswomen for knit underwear dept. Apply superintendent's office 9:13 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED 3 POWER MACHINE OPERATORS. APPLY AMEfi-H AKKld-.XEVILLE BAG CO, lOTii A.VD HOYT STS. WANTED. YOUNG WOMAN BET. IS AND 23. WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. FIFTH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG., THIRD AND OAK STS. GIRLS wanted for factory work; good wages, steady work ; exp. unnecessary ; - Saturday afternoon off. N. S. car to 10th and. Thurmaa. American Can Co. GIRL FOR DINING ROOM: APPLY AT ONCE BY PHONE. COLLECT. MRS. HENDERSON. CROWN POINT CHALET, CURBETT. GIRLS FOR WRAPPING BUTTER AP PLY MR. TWEEPON AT SWIFT & CO 4 TO 8 HOYT. WANTED Two women or girls used to outside work for picking cucumbers and help with other garden work; those liv ing In Mon.ta.viUa preferred; 35c per hr. Phone Tabor 691. YOUNG LADY to wash dishes at lunch counter; one willing to work; J 18 per week and meals. Apply 'Kitchenette," Central Public Market, 4th and Yam hilt sts. WANTED First-class cook for country hotel, best wages, if you can do the work, no cranks need apply; write giv-i ing experience and wages expected. Box 193 Fossil, Or. WANTED Stenographer ; job downtown lumber office; will ue beginner who has high school or better education and real ambition and energy; state partlcu lars. E 07, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady for general office work. Must write fair hand and have some knowledge of figures. Sulary $10 a week. Apply 400 Oregonian bldg.. be t ween 10 and 11 today. WANTED Subscription solicitors for standard magazines. Best commissions. Stcau work. Apply only 12 to 2 P. M. Room 318 Piatt bldg. EXPERIENCED hand and power machine operators, good pay, steady employment. Saturday afternoons off. Standard jvniung jo.. inc., Olympia, Wash. RELIABLE woman or high school girl to take care 4-year-old child two or three eveniniga week while mother is away. Irvington district. Phone East 0705. GIRLS wanted for operating spinning ma- umiieB . experienced neip prelerred working conditions good. Apply Fort- mim coruage lq, litn ana in ortnrup. 1 OUNG lady who can stand walking to deliver telegrams in office buildings; "Kiinrj u per montn. J" pfleral Tele graph. 7 Board of Trade Bldg. wa.ntld -Experienced laundry help; good wages, room and board. Apply Good Samaritan hospital laundry Phone Marsha.ll 3040. THOROUGHLY experienced millinery salesladies; n-o others need apply- high est saJarles paid. Vogue Millinery, asu Alder st. STOCK girl wanted at Fashion Cloak A Suit Co., uii-k Washington St.. corner . loth. WANTED 'Experienced lady presser of lady to lfam preswiig. Mult. Dye Works. East 29 ilO. A RELIABLE girl for trays and cleaning in private hospital; good aalarv, 617 Kearney st. Broadway 3450. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for fa-ran in eastern Oregon; widower with no chil--dren. Call room 301, st, Charles hotel COMPETENT bookkeeper and cashier for afternoon work 12 to 6: state salary and references. T 65, Oregonian. YOUNG lady to select orders in drygoods stockroom of large store. Permanent position. AN 764, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL girl to exchange services for board and room and spending money prefer Catholic religion. Tabor 64 1. j. WANTED 2 exp. girlstTwork In refreTh" ment booth at county fairs. Apply 14ttVi Grand ave. before 10 A. M., room 3. WILL exchange room, board and wages to girl or woman working duTtng uay from to 4. Main MtfcO. THE Florence Crlttenton Home la ready to help any girl In distress. fca5 tut GUfan. "MV" car. East 016. WANTED Woman for general office work who Is familiar with graphic chart work. Call 310 Oregon bldg. WANTED Woman few hours a dav to assist light house work. CkJ5 E. Madi son. Phone East f715. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenog- rapner, state age, salary 75 per month. Address Box 157, Independence. Or. PA NT E RETS wanted for repair work. Ore gon lanors ana uieaners, 107 2d, N. W. corner Washington. DICTAPHONE operator and stenog. for railway office, $131. 1015 Wilcox bldg., E. G. Evans. DENTAL office assistant; give age, ex perience and salary expected. N 23. Oregonian. ADRESSOGRAPH operator. multigraph operator. 2 typists, R. R. exper. 504 Spalding bldg. YOUNG girl in need of a friend wishes to assist with housework where there are no children. Marshall 4779. GIRL to work in fur store, must be neat, bright and able to meet the public The Fur Shop. 606 Swetland Bldg. WANTED 3 power machine operators. Apply Ames-Harris-Neville Bag Co 15th and Hoyt streets. ' YOUNJ 'lady wanted for work, $12 week to sta-rC gon-lan. stenographic BF 4lH, Ore- WAN-r ED Experienced, helper on high grade coata. Hajik, 203 Journal hidg. GIR'LiS wanted, 3d N. American laundry, 140 E. EXFKKlh.NLKLi saleslady for drug and ruinet uuiiri y ayuivt. 1 1 x aoor U4. WANTED Hand Ironer at the Portland lp. -!'"' J " . "lUII at c til Hi Hi. FfU ST -CLASS help for dressmaking. Yamhill. COOK wanted at once; $75, room and board. Hotel Kockritz, Kalama. Wash. WANTED Nurse Woodward ave. girls Apply 10G4 EXPERIENCED pants finisher wanted. Apply 408 Washington st., roon -U4. WANTED Tailore&a to help on busheling. WANTED First-class chocolate dipper, Tip Williams ave. Phone Wrlln. iy43. GIRL to assiFt with children work; nice home, light work. and house Main 1844. LADY In family of 3; no washing, wages. Call Main 7980 after 7 P. good M. EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply Elsie Hat Co., Artisans bldg. WANTED Girl to take care of baby; good home. 410 Harrison apt. 3fi. WANTED Lady cashier. restauranL Hesse Cafe, 3d and Aukeny. AMATEUR: Can you amuse or entertain Call Main 7986 after 7 P. M. VEST finisher wanted. Room 402 Phoenix bldg. 83Va 5th st. WHERE styles, charm and prices please, Ftanton Millinery, 310 Selling bid. WANTED Experienced woman pastry de partment. Apply chef, Multnomah hotel. EXPERIENCED dressmaker at once. Cabi net Cleaners. 424 Morrison. W A NT ED A lady to do repair work In AspniwaM army store. 167Va W. Park st. EXPERIENCED waitress. The Rose Bud restaurant. 49 N. Third. LEDGER clerk for Insurance accounts; give full particulars. C r.rt. Oregonian. WA.VTED Park st. -Experienced w aiueas. HELP WANTED FEMALE. INTERESTING WELL PAID EMPLOYMENT NEAR YOUR HOME. More than S offices in Port land. One of which is probably near your home. S14 Per week to start. too For first month. $000 For first year. REGULAR INCREASES THEREAFTER. TO UNO WOMEN APPLY NOW Room 601. sixth floor. Park and Oak streets. Telephone bldg. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELiiGRAPH COMPANY. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY Requires the services of Girls between the ages of 18 and 22 for positions in dairy lunch and soda fountain departments. x There are vacancies in many depart ments for experienced salespeople. Splendid opportunities and permanent positions for those who desire ad vancement. Experienced saleswomen for the em broidery silk and cotton thread sec tion of the art needle department. Three experienced workers for mono grams and initials. 20 girls between the ages of 16 and IS for positions in wrapping and marking departments. Former employes not now employed are invited to make application for rein statement. A limited number of short -hour salespeople will be con sidered. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor, MF.1E H. &. FRANK COMPANY. WANTED Two neat-appearing, attractive girls for waitresses; salary 00 per mo. ami board first mo. and $70 per mo. and board second mo. Good chance for fur ther advancement to girls who apply themselves; experie-nce unnecessary. Ap ply The Hazeiwood, S3 Was-hingtoa St.. after I A. M. GIRLS WANTED TO W6RK IN CRACK ER AND CANDY FACTORY. APPLY TRU-BLU B1SCU1X CO., EAST 6TH AND DAVIS STS. STENOGRAPHER Open Sueno-bkpr $Su-$100 Diet. -typist. Collector. Office girl $63-$7.1 fteao, temporary .$125 Bookkeeper with shorthand exp...$T5U 5.29 Artisans' Bidg. THOROUGHLY experienced sales women for high -class millinery store. Apply at once. Madame Bournet, 347 Morrison st. WOMEN wanted to work in our factory at Vancouver preparing pears for can nlntr: car fare naid to and from Port land; our own cafeteria serves meals to employes at cost; good wages, i? actory 0th and Hill st?., Vancouver. Report there or phone East ouuo. WANTED Girl for office girl: must be bright and alert and capable of handling public diplomatically; should be hig h school graduate; salary $OG per month to start ; good chance for advancement. X 84, Oregonian. WANTED By young couple, elderly lady to care for young child ; no housework, eood home and some wages. Mrs. E. M. Tilton. 670a 4lt ave. S. E. ML Scott car. WANTED A few young -ladies for motion nicture work: if necessary special coach insr hv director. AddIv Sunbeam Film Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Hours 10 to 4 and 7 to 9 AM ORGANIZING a crew of 6 women for a money-making proposition to make the towns or Oregon. Appiy io Airs, wnson, 403 Geriinger btug., between iu a. jxl and 4 P. M. Y'OUNG lady who Is accurate at figures to check invoices and assist in other clerical work. Chance for advancement for the right person. State experience. R 660, Oregonian. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of emolovment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 320 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged Ju to lor wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 312, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER for Alaska, SSOO; sec retary. 910; 2 bookfeeepers, l ; steno grapher, $125; beginner doctors office; 2 clerical girls. Call today. 338 N. W. Bank Bldg. A DANDY position In Pendleton awaits the young lady who can make good in a general office. Write and tell ua what you can do and we will do the rest. Box WANTED Beginner Gregg shorthand teacher, small Li. C. near Portland; give fuil information. Apply "Principal," AV 447. Oregonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 8450. DM car. Wanted Domestic. GIRL for general housework; good wages If competent; teach if willing; no wash ing. Phone East 2465. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work in small family; nice home. Call Marshall 2:115 WANTED Experienced girl for aecond work, no laundry, no window cleaning; wages $50. Main 1478. EXPERIENCED girl for downstairs work and cooking; no washing, no children. Main 2047. WaNTED Middle-aged lady as housekeep er on small berry farm; full charge. Ad dress J. M. Mathes. Springfield, Or EXPERIENCED girl for general house- worK in country vowii ncm - i uthamu. Phone Mar. 5133. 'TO Flanders mornings. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work, wages $00 a month, ttilo Everett. Call mornings. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework In lamily of three; no wash ing. Phone Tabor 5S99. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. $25 per month and a good home, G T. Baxter, Dolph, Or. GIRL wanted, general housekeeping and cooking; 2 adults; easy place, 155 -V 22d st. WANTED Woman for general housework, $45 per month ; no washing or ironing. East 3907. . WANTED Elderly lady for light house work and care for girl seven. Call 4328 27th ave. . WANTED Girl in small home to help with house work. No cooking; good pay. East 8188 6S5 E. Stark. WAN TEiD Lady for light houeiwork and care for 3-year-old child ; good w ages. 12 E. 11th yt. S. WANTED Competent, exp. second maid in small family. Phone mornings. Main 5654. t COLORED GIRL Tor general housework; must be good cook, no washing. Main 740. WANTED -Competent girl for second work. Mar. 4540. 90S Overton st. GIRL for general housework, good wages. East 4Q85. Call mornings. GIRL for general housework, small house, three in family. East 2803. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with general h o u se w ork . Eaa t 24 9 L WANTED Girl with some exp. to assist wit h general housework. East 4774. GIRL to assist in general housework. Ap ply 1014 Savler st. N.. near 29th St. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren. Mar. 3065. GIRL for general housework. 3054. 1240 Thurman st. help with housework. N. East 1499. GI RL for general housework. Call Wood lawn 32Q5. j 1 R I, for general housework; two ii family. Phone Main 7025. GIRT-- for light housework. 3 In family; modern 5-room flat. Main 7713. ' EX PERI ENCE D waitress and housekeeper wanted. Call 20 N. 2d. su HELP WANTED FEMALE, Wauled Domestics. WANTED A woman for cooking and downstairs work; must be experienced and with refer ences; good wapes. Mrs. Ray mond Wilcox. Portland Heights. Main 1387. GIRL or woman wanted to assist with housework and help care for 2 chil dren; no cooking: no washing; good wages and congenial home. Phone East A0S4. GIRL or woman for general housework, country; good home, near town; neat, good cook , wages reasonable; children. Wil'.n 10Q. East Yamhill at., city. WANTED Good cook in family of two; small modern home to care for; plenty of time for rest or recreation; good wages: references. Marshall 2311. RELIABLE woman. middle-aged pre ferred, for general housekeeping in small home; two adults in family. Call East,4002 after 0 A. M. WANTED A middle-aged widow to cook for a family of four ; no objections to one child. 0O8 Harney St., Vancou ver. Wat-h. HIGH SCHOOL girl or girl working part time can earn room and board and small wages assisting about home evenings. Main 1844. COMPETENT girl for general housework. lamny or 4; gooa wages, none Alain 1574. 740 Flanders. WANTED A competent cook; good wages. Apply Mrs. Mears. 721 Flanders. Main 2560. SCHOOL girl wanted at once; wages. Ap ply 2ti2 Washington st. HELP WA NT ED MALE OR FEMALE . CRANBERRY pickers wanted. Picking very good, lake a pleasant outing on the finest beach on the coast and earn the vacation by picking berries a few hours each day. Our cranberry bogs quarter mile east Tioga, one mile north Long Beach. Buy Ucket to Tioga. P. O. address Edward 3 Heckard. Long Beach, Wash. WANTED At once, ballet dancing teach er. alker Dancing school, Morrison at Third. WANTED Cranberry picker. Woodlawn ol i5. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AUTOMOBILE mechanic with experience in repairing, welding, electric and ma chine work, wants to buy half interest, buy alone or work as foreman, salary or commission, must be good location and well equipped shop. Write AV 460. Ore gonian. PRIVATE detective open for engagement. age ; nas experience and reieroces: prefer hotel or any reliable business house, terms $150 month, expenses; en gagement strictly confidential. AB 08, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by first-class welder. 1 have my own complete welding and cutting outfit new; eastern Oregon or Washington preferred ; also understand machine work and auto repairing. M. R-, 7Q4 Washington st., Vancouver. Wash. YOUNG man with good education, com mercial training, wants position with re liable firm, in or out of town. It you have vacancy for good beginner call Col. 308. AE 52. Oregonian. MAN 37, SPEAKS and writes fluently the English, German, Bohemian, Croatian and Serbian languages, with 14 years' of 1 ice experience, wis ties office or other suit able position. L 55, Oregonian. A Y'OUNG married man with 5 years' ex perience in garage work wants position running garage nights; must be good joi. I have had 2 years in my owd business. Call Woodlawn 110. Y'OUNG married man, first-class stock clerk, experienced in grocery, hardware and machinery, wants position with re liable firm. Call Woodlawn 110. MIDDLE-AGED man with 20 years' saw mill and logging experience would like to hook up with good reliable company. A P 27, Oregonian. YOUNG man, now traveling the valley for wen-Know accessory house, desires a change; well acquainted with Bradstreet accounts. L 60, Oregonian. PRINTER-OPERATOR: good country experience. AP Lb. all-around Oregonian. ROOFS REPAIRED at any time, rain or shine, shingled, papered, tin or gravel. We use Web Foot paint. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main 6320. TELEGRAPH operator, usea typewriter, ten years' experience, relay or gen. of fice work, desires locate ih or near Tort Land. L 5, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wishes employment ; con sider pa rt time If hours were regular; first-class city reference. Call Main 4278 mornings. HAVE FORD delivery, established routes, city and county; would like side line, sell to grocers. What have you? Davis, 100 E. 6.th st. North. BOY OVER 18 wants steady Job driving Ford, not later than fi :3u P. M. : expe rienced in grocery delivering; can fur nish references. Tel. Main 0381. DOCTOR. wishes a position as assistant or will take a locum tenems ; married ; well qualified. R 93, Oregonian. POSITION by clean-cut American coupTe as tenant, man on farm or take charge ef gentleman's place; can drive car. Call Sellwood 2390. SALESMAN, thoroughly experienced drugs and sundries; would consider any good line. H. Kaufman, Byron hotel. ELDERLY man wants watchman or ele vator job ; references furnished. Main 6133. FIRST-CLASS Ford operator wishes posi tion driving on some east - side route. Phone Tabor 6377. COMPETENT office man desires afternoon and evening office work. P. H. Green, 554 Johnson st. NIGHT watchman, now working, wants position In or near city in few days. Address Watchman. X S7. Oregonian. WANTED Work for 2H-ton truck with large freight body ; by ton or hour. Broadway 2927. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng; work guaranteed ; prices right. Phone Tabor 8551. EMPLOYMENT by elderly man. janitor or general nouseworK; reicrencea. k. ii, Oregonian. i GOOD all-around cook open for ment ; will go out of town. X gonian. engage 78, Ore- FIRST-CLASS hotel and restaurant man; chef or steward : 1 8 years' experience ; open for engagement. BO 43, Oregonian. MAN AND wife want janitor work 3 or A hour evenings; experienced. C 58, Ore gonian. OWN 2VS-TON truck, take any kind haul ing; long-time contract preierrea. Wood lawn 4783. EXCEPTION A L salesman, broad expert en-e; sell any line; have auto. AL 40, Oregonian. MARRIED man wishes work mornings, evenings or all night; lota of experience. BJ oit, oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, now employed needs extra work during or out of hours. 604 N. VV. Bank Mdg. ftone 511-75. CARPENTER. shlngler. estimates fur nifihed; work guaranteed, referencea Berkey, Marshall iio. REED college student, expert driver, wants position driving oao. ft ours. A R OO, Oregonian. NIGHT watching wanted by janitor with city references. L 1, Oregonian. $3-$4 FOR Ti.NTiAO ronrns. fall on me an-d be satisfied. Broadway .K2.f. MAN. handy at auto repairing Woodlawn :M any time. or drivinf PAINTING. tinting, prices reasonable. YOUNG man wants position as chauffeur, all or part of day. East 3338. GET your painting, decorating and signs! done now. ttrai " v- lauor i.FJtt. JANITOR or other work wanted, part time. Da vis. Qutmby hotel, 4th st. CLERICAL position wanted by young man 21 years old. Main 2336. TWO BUSINESS college students desire work on Saturdays. Phone Sell. 301. HIGH school boy. age 19. wishes work on Saturdays. L 3, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman ; experienced with oil burner. East 6382. ED THE handy man: all kinds of handy work, reasonable. Sellwood 33P2. ROOFS repaired, cleaned reasonable. Tabor 929. and painted; JAPANESE boy; any kind job after 12 noon or 5:30 afternoon. 209 AJ-der st. WELL, here we are to tint your room for $;V$4: good work. Bdwy. 5000. BRICKLAYER, furnaces, boiler, fireplaces. East 02S2. Anything in brlk work. GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wishes situation. Address S. Harry. 52 N. 4th st. GENERAL machinist, tool and die maker; will leave town. O 41, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy boy in family. wants position as house D 42. Oregonian. FOR HIRE 2-ton truck witn dump body and hoist Broadway 133. FOR CONCRETE WORK PHONE WOODLAWN 6483. SIT CATION 8 WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN 27 YEARS OF AGE W ITH TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE ADMINIS TRATIVE AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK WISHES TO SECURE POSI TION WITH RELIABLE CONCERN; CAN QUALIFY AS -PURCHASING AGENT. TAKE CHARGE OF ACCOUNT ING DEPARTMENT OR ANY POSITION REQUIRING EXECUTIVE AND- AD MINISTRATIVE ABILITY; CAN FUR NISH BEST OF REFERENCES AND WILL LEAVE CITY. L 2. OREGONIAN. INDUSTRIAL relations engineer, now em ployed In east, desires connection In Portland ; graduate engineer, age 36, married, general manufacturing experi ence, employment manager shop em ploying 6000: personnel, legislative and association experience; will get results for manufacturer, lumber company- or association ; conversant with Portland conditions; available 00 days. AV 404, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WITH HTGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE EDUCATION IN COMMERCE DESIRES POSITION WITH WELL-ESTABLISHED FIRM IN CITY; THOR OUGHLY EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN: CAN FURNISH EXCELLENT REFERENCES; CAN OPERATE TYPE WRITER. DRIVE ANY KIND OF CAR AND HAVE SALESMANSHIP ABILITY. K 5, OREGONIAN. YOUNG MAN."FULL OF PEP, WANTS SOUND PROPOSITION. EITHER WITH PARTNER OR OTHERWISE; LONG EXPERIENCE MEETING PUBLIC. NO WILDCAT SCHEMES CONSIDERED. PROPOSITION MUST BE Al. A J 56, OREGONIAN. TO UNO MAN wishes- position driving car after 3 P. M. ; many years' experience and can do repairing. Call East 68.4. TRUCK 2H-ton. with fre.ght body, tor hire. Phone Broadway 133. .Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. PERMANENT position wanted by young man 26 as asst. bookkeeper or bookkeep er; good penman, quicK and accurate; $25 a week to start; in or out of town. Address C 03, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-steno., with office experience of eight years desires permanent position witn reliable t irm ; moderate salary to start, with view of advancement ; best references f uruished. L 54, oregonian. EXPERIENCED auditor and accountant will prepare your monthly statements, showing result of operations and condi tion of the business; reasonable charge. C 57, Oregonian WE MAKE IT A POINT to furnish com mint nffiA hln oromotlv and private ly. Phone us your wants. Bdwy. 514. PCfclTTON wanted by young man of 18 who has completed bookkeeping course; references. E 06, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants em ployment. Can furnish best of reierences. Ca I J Marshall 3021. ; BOOKKEEPER wants position In or out of city : Al references. Main 7 4ftt. YOUNG man wishes half days stenograph ic work. Main 1082. ACCOUNTANT wishes work during spars time. Phone Sellwood 3081. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. W ELL educated young woman, experienced in business, salesmanship, office work and management, would like opportunity to work into partnership with some busi ness enterprise. Satisfied with small remuneration. Might Invest later. AJ 50. Oregonian. SCHOOLteacher. 5 yrs. experience, wishes position teaching a school offering good salary where board is reasonable; can g ive references. BC 33, Oiego man. JTeaT American woman wishes day work, best of families; will accept housekeep er's position; good cook. P 08, Orego nian. , LADY "who is thoroughly experienced in hotel buslenss wishes management ol hotel or apartment house; references. East 1281. , ' YOUNG lady wishes position in cij;ar stana; hotel pi eferrea. X 73. Oreso nlan. . COLLEGE graduate will tutor grammar, high school, college subjects; reason able. L r8, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care dren eveninua while mother is reference Woodlawn 1611. f chil away; LACE. SCRIM AND MABUU1SETTE cur- tains done up East 8olb. EXPERIENCED elevator operator permanent position ; references. wants Phone East EXPERIENCE! LAUNDRESS want work; references. M H5, Oregonian.. WOMAN wants day work Friday. :. room loo. evenings, hasiooi WOMAN wants two oi mornings, 50c hour. three hours work. 1'hone Main 0329. LADY wishes washing and ironing day. Call Woodlawn Sq4. by EXPERIENCED young lady desires switchboard work. BJ 20. Oregonian. OSSONS given in grammar grade studies; backward pupils a specialty. Marshall 1 rOUNG woman, experienced, wish cooking in cafeteria or delicatessen. Bdwy. 28.b. Woo k k ee per. Stenographers. Office. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper ana steno-rraoner aesirea h , experience; best of references N 10U Oregonian, LADY with thorough office training desires position as general office assistant; good reierences. AM 8. Oregonian. WE MAKE it a point to furnish competent office help prompts Phone us your wants. Broadway ul4. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants re sponsible position; prefer insurance, hut would consider other lines. East J89Q. Y'OUNG colored girl, accurate. speedy typist, wishes work to bring home after 5:30. Woodlawn 3480. STENOGRAPHIC position wanted by com petent young lady; 3 years' experience. K IS. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER 10 years' experience legal and commercial. E. J. Woodruff. Main 1J0. J STENOGRAPHER, four years' experience, desires position; reierences. Phone Auto. 225-34. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants work for few hours a day. AJ 57, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion; can furnish references. BC 43. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pf,er; best of references. Main 2SI7. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog "rap her; best references. M a in 2817. STENOGRAPHER, 8 years' experience, de sires permanent position. East 4240. BOOKKEEPER-STENO- wants position; ennd references. Main 7496. LADY wishes bookkeeping and general of fice work; experienced. East 1004. Dressmakers. WEARING apparel, all descriptions made, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works, 549 Morrison at. Bdwy- 4259. . DRESSMAKING. alterations. children's clothes, men's silk shirts; work guaran teed. Mrs. Ground. UI 10th st. Ma,ia 1789. ( DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. men's shirts. East 7625. Corner 2Sth and ' E. Washington. TAILORED suits, coats and street dresses, "suits made over neatly, alterations, etc. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 310-00. DO YOU admire dressmaking well dune? Try Mrs. Bates. Tabor 8012. EXPERIENCED NURSE'S SERVICES OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT; SPECIAL TV NEKVOfS AND MENTAL CASES, TABOR 89 12. TRAINED nurse wishes more cases, rea sonable terms, or institutional work. Mar. 39! COMPETENT nurse, ge-ncral nursing, rare invalid or ekierly. Mar. 3173. PRACTICA L nurne wants position ; can furnish references. Phone Marshall S93S. WANT working dietician, diet. Phone Bdwy. 1980. mostly surgical Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPING position wanted, by neat economical lady in home for 2 or 3 gen tlemen or couple employed, city. BJ 56. Oregonian. . WOMAN, refined, neat, intelligent, desires housekeeping, widower's home, where she may have 13-year-old daughter. AR.til. Oregonian. REFINED woman, age 33. wishes position, widower or bachelor, modern home, no objection to 1 or 2 children. Phone Tabor 4069. m WIDOW with two children. 13 a-nd 4 years respectively, wishes housekeeping in widower's home. E 94, Oregonian. Domestics. GOOD COOK, quick, neat, intelligent, de sires position cooking for large or small number of persons; entire charge taken, experienced, references. Sellwood 789 or AR 62. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE young married lady wishes three or fpur afternoons or evenings a week taking care of young children or baby. East 8320. WOMAN would like day work. Call Wood lawn 4960. SITl'ATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Housecleanlng. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, carpet clranlng by expert workmen; floors waxed, furniture polished like new. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. U' Chapniftn tu Phone Main 1157. TH E VER I REST WINDOW-CLEAN' ERS. Tabor 4G3S. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully given. Best of reiorences. PORTLAND Housed en.n ing Co., window cleaning, waxing and vacuum work. Ta- WANT house cleaning, other work, hours, day; work guaranteed. Woodlavrn B305. W A NTKD TO R E N T. i ROM 2 lots up to 1 acre, with 5 or 6 room hou.-e. What have you? Tabor 535. T 60, Oregonian. Houses. WANT TO RENT FURNISHED RESIDENCE. 9 or 10-room modern residence wanted y seven responsible men w liling to lease and give bond Insuring proper care' preference west side or walking distance east side; occupancy desired October 1 E 6, Oregonian. "WANTED Ily responsible people, fur nished or unfurnished haute, 5 to 7 rooms. preferably Irvington. Laurel hurst or Rose City, must be modern, ref erences exchanged. Phone Main 7854. apt. 434. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 3 to five-room bungalow. tat or apartment, responsible 34-?ie: wiIi take excelKnt care. Main TO LEASE Furnished house. 7 to 9 rms ; must be modern and in good neighbor hood; references furnished. AE 18. Ore gonian. . ANTEiD " or 6-room - furnished house in location handy to shipyard. Will pay $. month. Address G O'J, Oreg.mian. RESPONSIBLE conp-ie. 410 chl'ldire-n or references; modern bungalow ease. Automatic 3PS-40. bTt will T.AXTED to rent 3 or 4-room unf urniPht d tlat or apartment, west side, no children. Phone Mar. 53. WANT to rent o or 6-ronm bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished; prefer one with garage. Phone Tabor IS.'iO B OCT. 1. 7 or 8-room modern ho mar.ent tenants: no children nlngs. Main .1677. WANTEDNicely furnished bungalow. May r ." or 6-room house or low children. Woodlawn 3l'.. WANTEDTo rent hv f 1.. f K., - 1 modern house. Tabor 34t;,. Main 11 5. Apartments. FURNISHED apartment 11 at u-nnruj-t hr young couple, no children: prefer small -e.i-iurn snea place close in. with piano , - . . . i , e.cet-aing t.j; lease. P. O. box 444. city. w ill i-V. L .7 apartment. 1 room and xi V. neaiea; close in, apt. 1. ;iG0 nV- rt i VionG morning or evening. WANTEL liy October J. by coupie ,:h out children, a three-room urn urnislieil apartment; will pay as liiuh J4o per Lnth. "ANTED 'J or 3-room furnished apt. on 7' young married couple. L SHALL apartment or in Alberta district. Main cna. nouseKeenins room, rnuns orilce hours. WANTED Twc Or thro.rimm flip-.,:......! uj wet. 1 ; two adults. Ea.t 7-lti KonM. r,ri.r,yjnunR woman desires room with Vr , t- 7 ureuKiusi iu private home, tvjj 4i. Oregonian. BY Y'OUNG man of Rood habits In Catli Mam -V' Nb HiU dlstriet Preferred. iiuouih l itb Board. O.MEOXE to care for infant durin? ri must be clean; gvod pay; mother en pioyea ana would like room with f;.milv sible. WANTED By two business young ladies room or room and hoard In rouneil vate family. au j).ast 2820 after 6:30 man, einphiyed. wants board and V. private lamuy preferred, we.it side, YOUNG ma wants ronm iui t u day in comfortable home, close in w est side. A K 31. Oregonian. BOARD and room In private family by particulars . Oregonian. WANTED Room and board in family by aingie business woman Oregonlun. M OTHB R. rieair bom ding place fu months-old boy. E ir, Oregonian. ItiiwlneK 11 area. WANTED Office space, mostly to hav a Vi . I " VUL ot clly most of ume llonsekee-ping Rooms. c-'jUC'"1'1 inny wants a nice housekeep M iscellaneous. WA XTED To rent about 1 aere. with .iuunc , v iit ; vp oest or core v. u.iiie. x none 'i s nor .i.t.i. for fur: he r--i ei fine. j i irOROnian. yx ' l or iann on the Mt. Scot '" r ouisioe aistnct, Sc car fi StandiFh hotel, room 37. FOR RENT. SOME very clean, warm sleeping rooms 208 17th st., near Taylor. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL. 23 Washington inder new management. Large, home ii Ke louoy wnti large fi replace ; auto niiic elevator; phones in each room Kc-.ma with or without baths. Rates $3 week and up. FEVV VACANCIES in exclusive fami.y ho tel for coupies or young people em ployed; large, attractive rooms, well fur nished; ?hirwt-r. hot water heat; good ta;ile board. shown by appointment only. Eatt 8089. FEW VACANCIES in exclusive family ho tel for couples or young people em pire ed. All conveniences, with table dob ra. :nown by East 8089, appointment only. HOTEL EN A N. 107V, 4th st.. nxt to Lib erty theater, under new management; hot and cold water in rooms; best dohar-a-day house n city; rates to permanent guests: transient trade solicited. ANSONIA HOTEL 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire pioof. large, attractive, spotless rooms; ciose to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $0 per wk and up. HOTEL B A R R. 112 N. Sixth 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. $3 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Free phone and baths. MORGAN HOTEL RSU Grand ave.. East 433. Olean steam-heated rooms, $3 50 per week and up. Also transient and H. K. rooms. LARGE office room, clone t, heat, water, electricity, gas, etc. Some furnishings convenient. Room 13, 165!4 4th at Mor rison. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park streets. New. fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. TO GENTLEMAN, small furnished room", heat, light, hot and cold water, bath. Apply apt. 5. 323 H Division, cor. E. nth st. LARGE downstairs room, hot and cold water; w ith break faft ; walking dis tance or one block from car; gentie man. East 737. LOVELY room with alcove ai.d private lavatory, suitable 2 men; furnished heat walking distance. Nob Hill. 738 Hoyt Main 2964. CHEAP separate rooms for laborers; all outside. comlortabie and convenient, quiet place. 24 Aibina ave. Call East 8150. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. GOOD outside Bleeping room, for men only. New hall hotel. 402 E. Washing ton st. Phone East 8490. HOTEL LENOX. Third and Main ets. Rates $5 a week up; large rooms, attractive lobby. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free phone and baths. HARRISON HOTEL, rooms $2.50 per week; board If desired. Front and Har rison StSj HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th st. Central, clean, respectable. Suites with or with out bath for permanent guests. ATTRACTIVE, modern room in pr.I vi te familv for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 211 N. 23d nt. Mar. 332L OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. 200 Front, corner Madison. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; ciean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, Third, near Jefferaon. t'OR REN1 Furnished Koonis. GARLAND HOTEL, 25 Trinity p;ce. $4 week up; warm, modern outside rooms. Furnished Room in Private Family. LA ItGE room, furnace heat, good board; home comforts: walking distance ; men preferred. Want permanent roomers. hast S445. 430 E. Ash. XK ELY furnished sleeping room In modern home, for one or t wo persons ; walking distance. 147 N. I7lh st. Broadway r37l. NICELY furnished corner room with mn ning water, bath. furnace heat. hot w-ater: walking distance; congenial sur roundinga. Phone Eatt 2143 after 0 P.M. LKIiViE'' ai tractive sunnv room ; furnace heat, telephone, private fmiiv; block and a half to good car line. lol0 East 24th North. Wood, awn 3SiK. FOR RENT Lovely room, modern home: walking distance: one or two refined w orking girls, with or without kitchen privileges. Main 311. ONE iari;e furnushed room for 2 gnt'emen; al!",- adjoining front rooms fuinti-rned for 3. gentlemen: west side; wa'.king dis- tar.ee. Phone Ma: n 6M'. NICE front bedroom, modern home and car.ine ; furnace heat: breakfast if de sired; homo privileges; no other roomers 1 ahor 0'-o6. ELEGANTLY furnished larjre front room. suitable for two, in beautiful, modern home; a'.so 1 light H. K. apt. 1441 E. .!fZis5ilJ:jrabor MS0. t 12TH ST. Large modern front room. ..,,., ,h water, warning distance, two cloth closets, garage, suitable for 2 or 3 men NICE room for Jefferson high school girl or young man, home privileges. $3 per month. u"e v ooaiawn 33M. BEAUTIFULLY furnished corner roam- restricted district; 2 car lines; $12 per mo., breakfast. Tel. Woodlawn 073; l- L kn 1 SHED room for bath mn irom neart of cit Ma 490. V" K1'Y , furnished room, lovely neigh borhood; splendid car service; walking "istance. En.t -02. FOR RENT Furnished room In nrivt family with or without board 47" N 2:id b;. Main 3275. NICE front room: homn nrtvii.r .hk use of piano: verv revnnr. ki - i on car line. 1212 Belmont. Call after 5. NICELY furnished room for F.ntimon tull before 9:110 A. M. and after 6 P. M. iI Hoyt. Marshall SuoS. NICE front room for congenial gentleman: walking distance; references. 504 East lay lor. I"R VINGTON 3 comfy, sunnv xoomw: hafn ,Vetepno,ne; two canlincs. Automatic FRONT room, choice location. u-iikin SiarantM4li Lucretia. nr. Washington. LA Kf E front room. nirnlv rnrri.i. . ifiht. bath. heat, walking "distance. 4'.7 WHY pay carfare, furnishe.l r.inrv. a.th furnace heat, plenty cf hot water, verv reasonable. E. tilu5. .A KG E sunny front room, hot and coid water; suitable for two; west side: close In. Mam 3335. ATTRACTIVELY furnished suite, bedroom ana suung room. I.add s Addition, suit nb.e for two gentlemen. East 1120. KOtiM for man in modern residence: ron. gmal surroundings; $4.50 a' week. Main LARGE front room, will ar ranee for lii-iit Jl. K. tO ladies ttnrloxd. 374 VanrAnvBr ave. Phone E. walking distance. modern sleeping room HOant Saturday. couple em "'J Everett st. loyed. 1 FURNISHED room for oung genlit man, entrance. BUwy. Hteam heat, private 3 4U5. NICELY furnlfhed sleeping roo: ms, hot and oniu water. 205 Fifth st 209 14TH ST. Rooms, modern rnnveni-em-es; walking distance. Main 393. PLEASANT room for one or two voung men. HjO N. 21st. Broadway 20S7. LARGE well-furnished sleeping rooms ant'. cold water. 707 Flanders st. ' hot BEAUTIFUL modern rms.. W. S, Nob Hi i district; $1J-$15 mo. puji, Everett. DESIRABLE room, all conveniences; gen tleman only. O.'t North 21st bt. TWO OR THREE rooms; no children. 425 rl. 57 til s GE NTLEM I-j. only ; free heat and batlL 3t3 Furgo St.. near Union ave. 322-ti3. NICELY furnished room In beautlTuI home"; steam heat, walking distance. 215 14th. 1 AND 2 ROOMS, Mail -son st. Citn, airy. Rooms With board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 21D AND HOYT STS CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known reslcentlal hotel on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2..0 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. N O KT ONI A HOTEL. Portland's downtowa higu-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or wivhout board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the c on forts of a home, reasonable rates. WILL OPEN with firt-ciass room and board for Kontlemen. October 1. THE VUCASH. ?DS Johnson St, Mmln 3" ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences; walking distance: $5 per week. AuL 21-974. lli E. 7th at. LADY going In the country will take, fit tle boy or girl to board, eec 2-0 years; k'vebest oi care. Phone Alar. 3023. HEREFORD hotel, home cooking, pleasant rooms, moderate rates. 735 Hoyt il, near 23d. T II E MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 Tenth st. For business gins and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 125L Ko'nn With Board in Private Family. WO FRONT rooms; all con veniencea. in juiet neighborhood, walking distance, within two blocks of two car lines; breakfast and dinner given If wanted; reasonable prices. Mrs. G. W. Burnett, f;;i E3st Couch st. Phone East oj09 af-tt-r 3 1'. M. all day Sunday. KOuM and board, west side, strictly mod ern home, lor young lady, willing to share room with a refined, congenial young woman; reasonable rates; cloee to. two car lines. Phone Marshall 27M. ROOM and board in private family for two gent lemen occupying same room ; 2 meals; $U per week ; hot water heat, shower bath. Call 3 1 .". - 7 : 1 . WANTED By a nurse, 2 young children to board and care for; will also take care of children during mother's Illness; refer ences exchanged. Tabor 5733. PLEASANT front room with home cook ing and all privileges for two refined, congenial working girls; block to car. Phone East 412. NICELY furnished 2 front room suite, rea sonable, with board or without; walk ing distauce. 555 Madison st., near 17th st. LA D Y will give board and room to little boy or giri from 3 to 0 years and give bet of oa.ro in country. Phone Mar shall 3023. Fl'RNlSHED room and board in private family for couple or t wo gentlemen; good district. 1148 Hawthorne. Tabor 7414. KoOM and board, walking distance, gentle man preferred. Broadway 3704. 655 Northrup st. ROOM and board for one or two children or widower with children, good home. 171 N. 17th st. or Broadway 5710. GOOD room in a modern flat for 2 werking men or women: home privileges; breakfast if desired. Main 52S3. IK VI NGTON Beaut If ul front room and board, suitable for two. East 004 3. ROOM and board in private family fuf couple employed. East 1073. Furnished Apartments. WILL sublet beautifully and com pi etely furnished 4-room outside corn-er apt., wa rfklng ri;ta.nce ; no di i Idren. Phone Broad ay 2700. 3 ' Q rent. VERY desirable 3 or 4 rooms, furnish! or partly furnis-hed apt. on car lin, Irvington dlst. ; adults only. Automatic 329-4 7. NICELY furnished. 3 rooms and kitchen ette ; nea r car line; $35 per mo. 320 Tillamook St. Phone East K0. PEA BODY APTS., 19tn and Ipstiur sts. Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Fteam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1540. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent ; also sleeping room; wood range for sale, 425 Burnside. HOUSMM AN APTS. Large, handsome 3 ronm apartment; private porch ; adults only. Ca i i Main 1552. $55 SPLENDID 4-room apt. newly re no vated and furnished. 394 Guild. Come and see. NOB HILL district, 3-room basement apt, $25 mo. and light janitor service; no j llres. sroauway dii oeiore y a., ai. sink and bath. 39 6th st. M 9529. NP'"E three-room furnished apt. for rent; S40: wicker furniture for sale. E. 3474. $0 WEEK for 2-room furnished apartment; beat, hot and cold water. 402 ' Third st. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Leeds apt s., 210 Market. 4 ROOMS, clean, pleasant. Wdin. 399 &