Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 23, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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World's Champion Reds Are
Out of Running.
American League Teams Ttest With
Crucial Series to Start
KEW YORK, Sept. 22. Brooklyn
retained Its five-game lead in the
National league pennant race by de
feating Boston today while New York
was taking the final contest of the
season v?ith the Chicago Cubs. Cin
cinnati was eliminated from the race
today by losing two games to Pitts
burg. .
Brooklyn, with a lead of five games
over the Giants, has six more games
to play, one with Boston and five
with New York. The Giants have
pight more games to play, two with
lloston, one with Philadelphia and
the five with Brooklyn. To win the
Jiennant Brooklyn must win one game
from the Giants and the final contest
of the season with Boston on October
I, or win two of the five games with
the Giants.
No games were played today In the
lAmerican league. Cleveland Is 1
games ahead of Chicago and the lat
ter the same distance ahead of New
IKTijte Sox to Play at Cleveland
This Afternoon.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 22. The Chica-
ro White Sox, triumphant in their last
fix games, and the Cleveland Indians,
winners of seven straight in the
American league pennant scramble.
rested here today for their Important
three games series which starts tomor
row. Chicago is only a game and a
half behind Cleveland and the series
jnay go a long way toward deciding
the winner.
Chicago must win two straight to
displace Cleveland in the percentage
table and three in a row will be neces
sary in order that the White Sox may
leave here leading the league. If the
Sox take two out of three here they
win be only half a game behind
Both the Indians and the White Sox
have won their recent games through
vigorous hitting, generally piling up
leads early in the games. Chicago,
aithouffh facing good pitchers on the
New York and Philadelphia teams, In
winning six straight cracked out 90
hits for 117 bases and scored 66 runs
to their opponents, 28. Included in the
stick work were 17 doubles and 14
One of the most encouraging things
to Chicagoans in recent games was
the hitting of Shortstop Kisberg. who
made a triple, a double and six singles
In his last two games.
Braves Drop Game When Brooklyn
Bunches Hits.
BROOKLYN, Sept. 22 Brooklyn
drove another nail in the National
league jiennant by beating Boston.
Smith kept the hits well scattered.
The Dodgers bunched hits for runs
In the third and fifth while Konetchy
connected with
eighth. Score:
Huston -
a homer in, the
B R It O
B R It
0 A
1 3
Towel. m 4
2 ft
O) Olson. s. . 4 4
Pulli'n.r 4
llulfcc.l 3
Hofc'1.3 4
Mara'e.s 4
liowtiv.c ;i
Ford 2. 1
Ft:ii'm.p 3
O.N'ciii' 1
0 3
1 0
1 9
o 0
0 1
1 3
i a
o 0
OMnhno'n.3 2
0' l irifmti.r 4
mvheat.l. 4
t Myerp.m 4
llKonc'v.l 3
2' KiMu'f.2 3
Ylllk-r.e. 3
1 ; Smith, p. 3
0 o
0 o
1 o
2 IS
1 3
3 S
1 1
Totals 31 1 8 Tota'30 3 10 2T 18
-jaiLeu jor Jiolke in ninth.
Bc.slon o 0 o 0 0 1 0 0 I
llrooklyn 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3
Krrors, Holke. Miller. Two - base hits.
-ruMirii-ii.v, auuer nome run. ivonetcny.
6-acrulce hits, Johnston. KHiluff. lou-ble
jviays, -mith to Konptrhy, SmUh to Kil-
fluir to Koivetcny. Lett on bases, Boston
6, Urooklyn 7. Bases on balls, off Smith
2. Struck out, by Fiiiinsitn 1, by Smith 6.
J'assed ball, JHUer.
15,000 Gather to See Kuth Get
Double and Two Singles.
INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 22. The In
dianapolis team of the American as
sociation defeated the New York
Americans in an exhibition contest
today. 7 to 6. Fifteen thousand peo
pie saw "Babe" Kuth perform. He
failed to add to his collection of
horn runs, but landed for a double
and two singles in three times
bat. Score:
R. H.E. R. H. E.
New York. 6 9 2Indian'lis . .7 12
Ferguson. Collins and Hoffman
James, Cavet, Whitehouse and Uan-
Have Bancroft Gels Double and
Three Singles.
NEW YORK, Sept. 22 New York'
defeated Chicago in the Cuba' last
game here this season. Tyler and
l'-alley were batted hard 'while
Douglas steadied after the second
Bancroft, with a double and three
singles, and Snyder, with two doubles,
led in the New York hitting. Score:
R H El R H E
Chicago.. ..2 7 lew York ...713 1
Batteries Bailey. Tyler. Martin and
O'i'arrell; Douglas and Snyder.
Curd Kecrult Pitches Shutout Ball
to Ninth Frame.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 22. Sten
gel's home run over the right-field
v. ail with Williams on "base in the
ninth saved Philadelphia from a shut
out at the hands of Lyons, St. Louis
recruit pitcher from Sioux City, the
visitors winning. Lyons also drove
home his team's first run. Score-
R It Ei R H E
St. Louis ..4 12 2 Philadelphia 2 9 2
Batteries Lyons and Dilhoefer;
Causey and Tragesser.
Cincinnati Blanked in First and
Scores on Error In Second.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 22. Ptrtsburg
won two games from Cincinnati.
Adams outpitched Luque in the first
game. The first' run, was scored in
the fourth inning, on hits by South
worth and Barnhart. The other run
was registered in the seventh oa
Traynor's double and singles by
Schmidt and Adams.
The Reds scored their only run in
the second contest or an error which
was followed by a hit. Score:
1" irst game
R H El R H E
Cincinnati .0 5 2 Pittsburg.. 2 8 0
Batteries Luque, Ring and Wingo;
Adams and Schmidt.
Second game
R H El R H E
Pittsburg ..2 8 "Pittsburg ..3 7 1
Batteries Reuther. Ring and win-
go; Ponder and Haeffner.
Oregon's Gridiron Trainers All
Worked Under Hugo Beidek.
EUGENE. Or., Sept. 22. The entire
coaching staff of the University of
Oregon football team this year are
veterans of the Oregon team of 1916.
which defeated Pennsylvania In the
fir-rit "Ea-st vs. West" contest at
Pasadena. Hugo Bezdek trained them
all and their work in bringing the
squad up to the mark Is showing
much similarity of method as a
"Shy" Huntington is in charge, as
he was last year, with Hart Spellman
as line coach and "Baz" Williams as
assistant. Bartlctt, a former track
star a.s well a football man. is
handling the freshman eleven. Bill
Hayward. the trainer, Is a veteran at
that post.
Like most other Institutions, Ore
gon is lamenting the passing of some
of last year's heroes. Brandenburg,
who captained the 1919 team, and
Huntington, who gained 150 yards
against Harvard last winter, are the
leaders on the casualty lust. Hunting
ton has been graduated and Branden
burg has said he would not return
to college. Kive veteran backfield
men, however, including Captain-elect
Steers, are to be here before long,
and there are several backfield men
who showed ability on last year'sj
freshman squad.
Huntington's chief worry, It ap
pears, has to do with the line. Three
linemen were graduated last year and
prospects for others' return are not
Players Asked to Report at Club
Rooms Friday.
A meeting of the Multnomah Guard
club soccer team has been called for
Friday night at the club rooms, 232
Chamber of Commerce building. All
soccer football players who are de
sirous of signing up with the Guard
team are invited to attend the gath
Several of the veterans of the game
have signified their Intention of
turning out for the soldier eleven, as
well as several players who are new
to the game in this city. W. E
Bragg.'who is in charge of the team
is still anxious to get in touch with
a few more good men. He
reached at Tabor 8794.
Baseball Summary.
National league Standinics.
W. U Pct.l v. L. Pet.
Brooklyn. ! 9 .ni Chlraito ...72 75 .4!0
Nr York. 83 b3 .StW.St. Louis.. 70 78.479
Cincinnati 77 6 .;;!!!, Boston ... . 56 79.415
Flttaburir. 74 89 .518 Phlladel'la. 54 89 .878
American Laaoe Standiiisft.
Cleveland. 112 52 .3'.i Boston ... . 67 RO .459
t'hlcaco... 1 rm .2.i' washiner n 62 78 .443
New York. K0 57 .612 Detroit . 58 86.403
St. Louis.. 71 71 .5uo,PhIiaderta. 46 78.319
American Association Result!.
At Indianapolts-Minneapolts game tched
uled for today will be played Suturday.
At Columbua 5, Milwaukee 9.
At Ioulsvllle 3. Kansas City 1.
At Toledo 2, St. Paul 3.
llow the Coant Sfrira Stand.
At I.os Angeles no games. San Francisco
2 gamea; at Oakland no gsmies, Vernon 2
games; at Seattle, no gamtu. Sacramento
I game.
Where the Teams Play This Week.
Salt l.ake at Portland, Sacramento at Se
attle, Vernon at Oakland. San Francisco
at Los Angeles.
Where the Trams Play Next Week.
Seattle at Fortland, Salt Lake at Sac
ramento, L.os Angelea at Oakland. 'San
Francisco at Vernon.
Beaver Batting Average. r
B. H. Av.l B. H .Av.
Valencia 2 2 locjo'slgiln . . . 594 142 38
llaieel.. 606 201 .33liilazier..v. 47 11 234
Blue... 544 1ST .3nT!Ros . 128 30 .232
Sutlirld. 153 43 .S'H! Brooks.. 44 10 .227
Schailur 607 177 .2Mt: Koehler. 378 85 .227
Co 51B 164 .iS'J ypranger 427 81 .213
Wlstrsil 624 177 .2X3!Kalllo. .. 55 7 :i27
Baker.. 14 38 .2.".2i Polf on .. 80 1 .088
Kingd'D S16 76 .240lBarnabe 14 1 .071
Tobln... 164 39 onueon. S 0 .0o0
Valentine Mounts Sulky and Drives
Margaret Dillon ot Victory
After Two Breaks.
COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 22. A new
world's record for 3-year-old pacers
was established at the grand circuit
meeting today. Frisco June. W. W.
Fleming's bay colt, stepped the third
heat of the horse review futurity in
2:03i, after dropping the first heat
to Trampsafe, who prior to today had
held jointly with General Todd, the
3-year-old colt pacing record.
After finishing fifth and seventh in
the two first heats. Margaret Dillon
won the Hartman hotel stake for 2:11
class pacers. C. A. Valentine, after
the mare had made bad breaks in
the first two heats, was substituted
for Jack Monroe as driver. Symbol
S. "Forest, driven by Walter Cox, won
the first heat in 2:01 4, establishing
a new record for the event.
Esthur R.. Murphy entry, won the
third and last heat of the 2:07 class
pacing continued from Yesterday. She
won yesterday's two heats. Best time,
The 2:15 trot was won In straight
heats by Patrick Todd. , Best time
was 2:0i
Harvester, owned and driven by W.
W. Fleming, outclassed the field in
the first division of the 2:13 pace,
winning in straight heats. Best time,
2:04 4.
Loyal W., driven by Ersklne. had
an easy time in the second division.
Best time, 2:05.
Loss of Grimm and Wick Felt at
University of "Washington.
SEATTLE. Wash.," Sept. 22. Univer
sity of Washington has come in for
the usual modicum of early season
gloom, due to the departure of foot
ball men on whom dependence was
placed and the lack-of developed ma
terial to supplant them. This time it
Grimm and Wick, linemen, who are
missing, but so far there have been
too few other losses to enlarge Wash
ington's total to than of some other
Both Grimm and Wick were men
tioned for the Pacific coast confer
ence eleven last year and their ab
sence will leave a considerable gap In
the Washington plans for defensive
work. Grimm has gone home and
taken up farming, and so far has
proved unresponsive to appeals to re
turn to college. V Ick is suffering
from injuries received in the game
with the University of Oregon last
Coarse in Appreciation Begnn at
liiversity of California.
BERKELEY. Cal., Sept. 22. A
course of appreciation, not of art. but
of football. Is being carried on un
officially at the ' University of Call
fornla. The object of the course Is to
enable the girl students to understand
the finer phases of the game which
they, as loyal adherents of the uni
versity, will attend this fall.
The course Is being carried on at
California field, where the football
teams practice, and sessions are held
each afternoon while the players are
at work". . '.
Fifth Infantry Band to Furnlsll
MusU; Girls to Give Show.
An entertainment and smoker is
scheduled for tomorrow night at the
armory, to be given by company B,
5th infantry, N. G. O., to the members
of the company and their friends. No
admission will be charged.
Music will be provided by the 5th
infantry band of 47. pieces.
The community service girls' min
strel will stage a 30-minute minstrel
show. Two four-round bouts will be
" J - l - 1
Otr Vers --Yes 'M-teeo
am V wovjvP STRomgl".
staged, In which Elroy C Hickman.
160 pounds, will take on a "dark
horse" from one of the local clubs.
Young Dempsey, 130 pounds, will
take on Otto Williams, another B
company boy of 128 pounds.
Harold French and Ike Paulson will
stage a 20-minute wrestling exhibi
tion go.
Blanche Cable will play a cornet
solo and Harold McCraken is booked
for a piano recitation.
William F. Woodward will address
the boys.
At the conclusion of the programme
mncn win pe served.
The programme will be in charee
of Captain D. D. Hail and A. F. Peter
iiorev, cx-TWorld's Dirt Track
Champion, to Start In Salem.
SALEM. Or.. Sept. 22. (Special.)
Bringing with him a 290-horsepower
racing car with which he expects to
shatter several Pacific coast and state
records, Fred Horey of St. Paul, for
mer world s dirt track champion. Is
en route to Salem, wheie he will be
one of the starters In the auto races
mat open me Oregon state fair Mon
day and Tuesday of next week.
Horey was the victor In the Minn
sota state fair sweepstakes event, one
pf the most important dirt-track
classics of the season and anticipates
turiner victories In his campaign
western racing circuits. Besides hi
special-built racing car he will also
nring to balem an Essex car, and in
tne iignt-car competitions will too
this mount as a member of the famom
Ksser team. Horey's big machine will
be barred from the light-car races
Decause of Its size and power. Inter
national - Motor Contest association
officials have announced.
Auto Pilots Eipcct Fast Time on
Track at Fair.
JiUUii.NE. Or., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Jimmy Costa who will pilot the Fiat
28 in the auto races at the Eutrene
fair Friday and Saturday afternoons
arrived in thia city today and started
grooming his speed wagon for the
several events in which he is entered,
He Is the first of the racers to arrive.
Other racers are einected to ir.
rive today or tomorrow. There should
be about ten entries for the seven
events each day. The races are under
the control of the International Motor
Contest association whose rules will
govern all entries and events. Bill
Breitensteln of Kansas City will wave
K? ""l" "ass . and bring the
the drivers to the scratch.
Wapato Is Called as Witness.
lem, or, Sept. 22. (Special.) Paul
Wapato. -Willamette's widely known
Indian athlete, has been called to
Chelan. Wash., to testify in acivl suit.
It became known at football practice
yesieraay. According to reports,
wapato was spending nis vacation i
ueian iw years ago. when at one
of the bathing resorts a lad. Richard
Kelsey, swam into a grounded elec
tric wire. It is said that -Wapato
turned oil me current at a nearby
nwiLcii. ana putiea tne nelpless 14-year-old
swimmer out of the water
However, the boy died later, and for
tne past two years the parnets have
Deen waging a suit for damage:
against the Chelan Power comoanv
and this is the third time Wapato has
Deen summoned as a witness.
Coffroth Owns Tijuana Track.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept. 22. Pos
session of the Tijuana race track
reverts to James W. Coffroth under
a decision rendered by Judge Robles
Linares In Tijuana. About two weeks
ago a writ of attachment against the
J track was obtained by a Lower Cal
ifornia land company from the court
of the first instance. Coffroth ap
peale'71 and obtained a reversal. '
Cubs Bay SU Joseph Star.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept. 22. The sale
of Johnny Kelleher, manager and
shortstop of the St.- Joseph Western
league club, to the Chicago Cubs was
announced today. Kelleher will re
port to the Cubs at once. The nur-
chase price was not given. -
Vaughn-Street Park Resem
bles Mallard Marsh.
Former Popnlar Member of Beavers
Completes Season Managing
' Hefina, Canada, Xlnc.
Pacific Coast League Standing.
W. L. Pct.l - W. L. Pet.
ernon 17 77 ..V5'5alt Lake. . S7 St .818
Anirele. 82 St .532 Oakland. . . S4 P J .47 7
San Fran... SI 82 .S-"H Portland. . . 70 89.460
Seattle ba 81 .521 Sacramento 71 101 .112
Yesterday Retulta.
.At I.OB Ang-eles 2, Ban Francisco 3.
At San Franclaco, Oakland 2. Vernon 7.
Salt Lake at Portland, no same, rain.
At Seattle 0, Sacramento 6.
Skiddy weather turned the McCredie
private estate on Vaughn street into
mallard marsh yesterday and caused
he ground-tender to hang out the
No Ball Game" sign.
There used to be a fan In Washlng-
on who pummelled his wife every
lme the home team lost. She used to
pray for rain not knowing that it
meant a double header later In the
eason. So far as yesterday's post
ponement is concerned there will be
no making it up. Double-headers al
ready are scheduled for Saturday and
Sunday afternoons, and. if there are
ny wives among the 258,285 wearers
of -the festive golosh afflicted with
hubbies who throw the goldfish on
he floor or step on the pussycat e
tail when the Beavers fail to win.
hey may breathe easy this morning.
It may be good news, too, for the
Portland wives used to he mighty
to every smoker of uh(r6 (fyir7tf Cigars
fortunate, for the Beavers had the
pennant winning knack several years
ago. Nowadays, if hubby came home
and stuck a hatpin in the wife's hide
every time the home club lost wifey
would lock like a kippered herring in
short time. However, the only bird
who has come to our attention for
being a baseball cave-man isn't such
a bad guy after all. Underneath his
rough exterior there beats a chivalr
ous heart. While he uses a bed slat
on his wife's anatomy he always
takes care not to give her a bruise
where it will show.
There's a real gentleman for yon,
brother filet of sole, there are few of
them left.
Bill Sneas. former popular member
of the Portland ball club, returned
yesterday from a season managing
the Regina team of" the Western Can
ada league. Begina won the pennant
for one-half and Calgary the other
half. These two teams then came to
gether in a nine game post-season
series for the championship.
Regina won the first three games
and then folded up like a steam chair
in a typhoon, and after permitting
Calgary to tie the count, four games
apiece, lost the final session and the
coveted piece of cambric, emblematic
of the title.
Bill says that when his boys got a
snuff of the fumes of a pennant they
began to act like a day s outing in a
second hand "ottermobile." Their igni
tion got full or red ants: baby punct
ures all the tires trying to chew on
the non-skid treads and the manifold
got loaded up with cHnkers.
Anyway, Speas is back for the win
ter and may again be fdund shuffling
trunks at the Union depot when the
next equinox roars by.
Those 14 points are always taking
tb,e joy out of life, as Mr. Briggs is
wont to remark. Judge McCredie an
nounced the batting average of his
Tacoma recruit. Bourg. as .330 and
the official averages show only .318.
Mitze Protests When Two Get on
Third Base in Seventh.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22. Freak
plays featured the game Vernon won
from Oakland over Mitze's protest.
Vernon scored two runs in the fourth
inning on a double squeeze. Chad
bourne coming all the way from sec
ond. In the seventh, with one out, Smth
FIRST let us make plain
three facts:
During the past few years,
the prices of Havana, and
Sumatra tobaccos have
steadily advanced. The
profit on Robt. Burns Cigar
has at times fallen distinctly
below a safe business mar
gin. This margin of profit
has at times approached the
vanishing point
At no time have we com
promised in the slightest the
quality of Robt. Burns Cigar.
To this formula we stand
It is our belief that the smoker of Robt. Bums
would much prefer to pay a slight advance
in price rather than face the slightest leC-down
in the quality of his cigar.
JLo maintain that quality
it has become imperative
that we add 2c apiece to the
retail price of Robt. Burns
The price of Robt. Burns
Invincible is now changed
to 15c; . the new price of
Longfellow is 17c.
on third. Devormer on second. Long
grounded to Ginglardi. who threw to
Mitze. who ran Smith back to third.
Smith then stepped off the bag and
Mitze tagged him. Phyle ruled that
Smith was out and Devormer was en
titled to the bag. Mitze then entered
a protest. Score:
crnon . I Oakland
1 1
OWllte.r.. 3
J.yit'll.s 4
High.l.. 4
Fisher.2. 5
Cba'e.m. 4
Kd'g'n.l. 2
3mith.&. 2
2 5
1 1
1 3
6lltru ker.s 4
OiCooper.m 3
1. M'u'.cr. 1. . 4
1 3
0 4
1 2
1 4
0 1
0 10
0 2
0 0
U u
Omnight.3. 4
1 10 0 Ginc dl.2 1
x u 3A,Ariett,i a
De mer.c 4
b 6 l'Mitze.c.
Pitrcy.p 3
Sm'll'd.p 1
0 o
1 o
l Holling.p 3
0 R.Arl tt.x 1
Totals 34 7 13 27 111 Totals 30 2 5 27 18
xR Arlett batted for Holling in ninth.
Vernon 0 1 o 2 0 0 3 1 o 7
Oakland' 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Errors, A. Arlett. ilttzer. stolen oases.
Bnight. Two-base bita, chadbourne.
Smith. Wilie. Sacrifice hits, fcimith 2.
iidington. High. Base on bafls. off Fiercv
5, off Holling 3, off Smallwood 1. Struck
out. by Plercy 2. br Smallwood 3. Double
plays. Mitchell to Edngton. Runs re
sponsible for, Piercy 2, Holling 6. Winning
p:tcher, Piercy. Innings pitched, by Piercy
6 2-3, runs 2. hits 5. at bat 23.
Seattle Game CallCd in Seventh
"When Rain Begins.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 22. Sacra
mento took .the first game of the
series here today, 6 to 0, in six inn
ings. A heavy, muddy field made play
ing difficult and the game was called
at the close of the seventh on account
of rain. Seattle used three pitchers
without avail and Fittery held the
Rainers to three hits.
McGaffigan, Sacramento second
baseman was Injured when he tried
to field a ball. Score:
M'Ga'n.2 4 2 3
1 3' Elliott, 3 0 0 0. 0
tvopp.i . . yi
0 0 Cun'm.r 3 O 0
Molll.l 3
Ryan.r. 3
Com'n.m 4
Orr.s. . . 3
Schang.3 2
Cady.c. . 3
Fitty.p 3
0 - 1
0 0
0 0
8 0 .lurp y.3 3 o 1
1 3
5 0
0 S
0! Eld'd.m
2 0 Ken'hy.2 3
2 2: Strand. 1 1
0 0 Zam'k.l 0
3 llBaidn.c 2
0 1
0 1
0 0
.1 0
5 0
:: i
o o
o o
o l
:t o
o o
0 0
0 2, Uern'p.p 0 0 0
lOatley.p 0 O 0
ISwee'y.p 0
remp'y.l 1
Parri'n.3 0
Totals.2 6 9 18 81 Tota!s.28
() (1
0 0
0 0
O 3 21 R
Sacramento 1 4 1 0 0 0 1
Seattle - 0 0 0 0 0 0
Errors. Elliott. MurpTfy, Baldwin. Stolen
bases, MctJaffigan 2, Kopp, Mollwitz. Two
base hit, Orr. Sacrifice hits. Mollwitz,
Schang. Bases on balls, off Sweeney 1.
off Fittery 5. Struck out. by Hwet-ney 1,
by Finery 4, I.''itil)V phys. K;tt'-ry to
committed: Full, long-leaf
Havana filler of fine selec
tion, toned to agreeable
mildness through our special
process of curing and
wrapped in the finest ob
tainable Sumatra leaf.
Our latest purchases of
Havana and Sumatra leaf
for Robt. Burns were made
with our usual care and
after the widest possible
survey of market condi
tions. Yet for that leaf we had
to pay much higher prices
than ever before
There are no indications
in sight at the present to
warrant a decline in the
price of Havana and Suma
tra leaf tobacco. When such
time arrives, we promise that
the smokers of Robt. Burns
Cigars will receive the bene
fit at the earliest .possible
McGaffifran to Mollwttl. Baldwin to Mur
phy u ZamlAck. Innlnga pitched, by Le
maree 1 1-3, runs 3. hits 5. at bat 9.
losinir pitcher, Uemaree. Huns responsible
for. Demaree 2, B-aiiey 0. Sweeney 0. Fit
tery 0.
San Francisco Pitcher Slams Out
Homer at Right Time.
LOS ANGELES, Cal Sept. 22.
Love outpitched Pertica and San
Francisco defeated Los Angeles. Love
aided materially In winning his own
game by knocking a home run to the
right field bleachers in the fifth.
The Angels had a chance to tie the
score in the eighth but Crawford
failed to deliver the hoped for pinch
hit. The fielding of Ellis cut off at
least two more runs from San Fran
cisco's score. Score: ' '
San Francisco I Loa Ange'.es
13 H 31 O A! BRHOA
Schick. 1 5
5 0'K71irr.l 3 0 0
Ken dy.r 3
Cven'y.s 5
Walsh, 2 3
Fitz'd.m 4
Hasli'k.l 3
Kamm,3 3
Agnew.c 4
Love.p . .4
0 M Auleyj 4
S Zelder.2 4
l'rfd,r 3
0 B'ssl r.o 3
0 Statz.m . 4
iNiehtt.3 4
O'ElMs.l ..3 0
Totl 34 3 9 27 7 Totals 31 2 5 27 12
San Francisco 1 0 o 0 1 0 0 1 3
l.o Angeles 0 o O 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Errors. Agnew. McAuley. Home run.
love Two-base hit. Ellis. Stolen bases,
Walsh 2, Fitzgerald. Zclder. Sacrifice bits.
Kennedy 2 Struck out. bv Love 5. by 1'er
tica 4. Bhso on balls, o'ff Pertica 3. off
JLove 3. Runs responsible for. Pertica. 2.
I.ove 2. Doub Plays. Lova to Caveney to
Senators to Hold Berth.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Sept. 22. Lew
is Moreing. owner of the Sacra
mento Pacific Coast League baseball
club announced today the club will
remain here next season. He had prev
iously asked the chamber of commerce
to purchase the club, stating he de
sired to sell his franchise In the
league. ,
Lejrion Plans Football Team.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Sept. 22. (Spe
cial.) Aberdeen American Legion men
will seek football honors this fall.
Henry Craig, high school athletic
coach and a Legion member, will have
charge of the team. Squad organiza
tion will be effected during the week.
Two amateur boxing bouts opened the
first fall legion session. The business
of the session concerned the proposed
state and nationwl bonus bills.