9 th otuetry Gilt! Industrial ? Agricultura Financia m OlltlC THE MORMSG OREGON IAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,. 103O C3 XL XL O J r fi o I? JT TJERE are the answers to 32 fundamental questions every business man is asking to-day. The Hon. Franklin K. Lane; former Secretary of the Interior,- who examined this data, has written: "I have never before seen so interesting a picture of the condition of the en are country as that presented in the analysis of the telegraphic replies to the com prehensive questionnaire issued by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; It is valuable particularly because of the character of the men who have made the in vestigation and its wide extent into all parts of. A.t. Why this data was gathered The Board of Directors of the Fidelity and Deposit Company desired for con sideration at its meeting September 20, 1920, the latest and most authentic information as to fundamental condi tions and attitudes of mind affecting the welfare of the country in four re spects industrial, agricultural, finan cial and political- Realizing the value of this knowledge to all thinking men and women, the Company, in line with its desire to SERVE, prints a digest of this information here. How it was procured To procure this information reliably the Fidelity and Deposit Company submitted these 32 questions to 900 representatives, especially selected with regard to geographical distribution from its Field Service of 7000 Repre sentatives. ' These 900 business men were instructed to interview at once bankers, merchants and professional men, farmers, industrial leaders, and also the Chambers of Commerce in their territories, and to telegraph the Company a consensus of all the views gathered. These telegrams were then analyzed and the results tabulated on September 15, 1920. The final answers therefore reflect many thousands of the best minds of the nation and geo graphically represent every part of the Union. . 4 word of explanation As majority opinions and majority con ditions do not always run the same in different parts of the country, the Fidelity and Deposit Company has divided this information under nine geographical heads. It is felt that this adds both value and interest to the replies. Hon, Franklin K. Lane's interpretation The full text of Mr. Lane's interpreta tion of these conditions, together with the analysis here presented, may be had on application to the Fidelity and' Deposit Company at Baltimore. Nw England Division includes i Maine Vermont Rhode Island Now Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut POPULATION. S.OOO.000 (ESTIMATED) Mlddl Atlantic Division includes 1 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania POPULATION. S3 000.000 (ESTIMATED) East North Central Division includes! Ohio, Illinois Wisconsin Indiana Michigan POPULATION. 3O.fiO0.O00 (XSTTMATKO) West North Central Division include! Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Iowa North Dakota South Dakota Kansas POPTTXATION. 1I.OOO.0OO (ESTIMATED) South Atlantic Division includes Maryland Virginia South Carolina Delaware West Virginia Georgia ' District of Columbia North Carolina . Florida POPULATION, 14.000.000 (ESTIMATED) East South Central Division Includes t Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama . POPULATION. 9.S0O.0O0 (ESTIMATED) West South Central Division includes t Arkansas Louisiana Texas Oklahoma POPULATION, 11.000.000 (ESTIMATED) Mountain Division includes! Idaho Colorado Utah Wyoming . New Mexico Nevada Montana Arisona POPULATION, 8.5O0.000 ("ESTIMATED) Pacific Division Includes! Washington California Oregon POPULATION. OJDOO.OOO (ESTIMATED) THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS SURVEY WAS OBTAINED BY THE FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY. THE UTMOST CAKE WAS DEGREE OF ACCURACY. r-TO TNSURE A HIGS? tuiMTCTDin New Middle East North West North South East South West South tv. ie No. INDUSTRIAL QUESTIONS. England Atlantic Central Central Atlantic Central Central Mountain Padfia J" Are building operations in your terri- . tory increasing or decreasing at this time? Increasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Increasing Increasing Increasing Dcireajtiur Increasing jT, In what classes of the following build- ings is the greatest activity manifest? Low' priced (a) Warehouses and factories (b) Warehouses Low priced dwellings Warehouses Low priced Low priced Low priced Low priced Office buildings and stores (c) Low Warehouses Factories dwellings High grads Factories dwellings dwellings dwellings,. dwellings priced dwellings (d) High grade Factories Low priced Warehouses dwellings Low priced Warehouses Office buildings Office buildings Warehouses dwellings and apartments. Stores dwellings Factories Apartments dwellings Factories Stores Stores Factories 3 What is the extent of the increase in the cost of labor over 1919? 10 to 50 20 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 50 10 to 50 5 to 40 20 to 50 5 to 30 10 to 30 4 Is labor increasing in productivity per man? No No Slightly No No No No No Yes 5 Is there a shortage of labor? No Yes No No Slight No No No No 6 Is there evidence of unemployment? No Slight No No No No No No No 7 How do the wholesalers and retailers regard the prospects for fall and winter? Good Uncertain Fair to good Good Good Good Good Fair to good Good 5" Are manufacturing plants well filled Yes, but some with orders? cancellations Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 5" Is there a shortage of raw materials sufficient to curtail production? No Net No No No No No No No io" Is there a shortage of coal? Yes Yes Yes Yes Slight Yes Yes No No 11 Is the shortage of freight cars being . substantially reduced? Yes Yea Yes Yea Yes Slightly Slightly Yes slightly Yes 12 Are general transportation conditi ons . . improving? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13" Are industrial concerns carrying large amounts of customers paper? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Normal No Normal No 15" Are industrial concerns discounting . , their bills? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes " Yes No Yes Yes 15 What is the sentiment regarding Govt. ownership of railroads? Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed What is tVfa sentiment regarding general eccp '"ctive movements? Opposed Favorable Divided Favorable Favorable Favorable - Favorable Divided Opposed 17 18 19 20 AGRICULTURAL QUESTIONS. What are the general conditions of the farmers ui your territory? Are they well supplied with funds as the zcwiii oi the sale ol thtt sesaon s crops? Whet is the sentiment regarding farmers' co-operative movements? Whal is tte -2 x rl effect of the recent qrop in rptSj pneet? New England Prosper Good Yes Iravorable Favorable No effect 21 22 FINANCIAL QUESTIONS. Do the banks appear to have funds to lend and at what rates of interx? New England Yes 6 to 8 Are the banks well loaned up? Yes 23 Over a six months' period have deposit in the banks increased or decreased? 24 Have the number of corporation ac counts increased or decreased? 25 "26 Have the number of individual saving accounts increased or decreased? if the sentiment 5J sgainst the excess profits ta, vtXat substitute u pr. ferred? 27 28 29 30 What is the sentiment 3JOii die sales tax? Have checks, payment of rjtfc1! is pro tested by the banks m ycer territory been greater in number Zr'J the last year than theretofcrj? (The Notaries Public who do a turdc tmzi neae can give information on this subject.) incr eased Stationary Increased. Sales tax Favorable Middle Atlantio- Yes No effect East North Central Good Yes Favorable N.o effect except to withhold grain. West North Central Good Good Crops unsold Favorable No effect Middle ' Atlantic Yes 6 to 8 Yes Increased Increased Increased Sales tax East North Central Yes 6 to 8 Yes Increased Stationary West North Central to 8 Yes Increased Normal to in-crease Increased Increased Sales tax Various Substitutes Favorte ,25 Do the bankers, attribute the in crease in pretested checks, if any, to) extravagance and over-buy .1 No FavorsNO No No No No Divided South Atlantic Good Yes Favorable No effect South Atlantio Yes 6 to 8 Yes Stationary ' Station ai jr Increased Opinion divided on sales tax East South Central Yes Favorable No effect West South . Central Yes Favorable No effect Mountain Good Yes, but large crops unsold Favorable Depressing, farmers holding Pacific Good Yes Growing favorably No effect East South Central Yes 6 to 85 Yes 8 to 105 Yes Yes Stationary Increased Ineresvtsd No substitute offered Divided Divided No No No No No No West South Central Yes 8 to 12 Yes Increased Decreased Increased Stationary Increased No substitute entered Divided No No Mountain Yes 8 to 0 Yes Stationary Increased Various salwtlttitee with sales tax pre-i aominati ng Divided No No Pacific Increased Increased Slight inclina tion toward sales tax Divided No No POLTFBCAJL Quzsr&mz. 31 32 New England List in the order of their relative im portance which of the following con ditions will influence the voters of your territory in casting their vote for President? (a) Foreign relations.. ......... . (b) Industrial questions ......... (c) Prohibition (d) High cost of living ........j (e) Taxation (f) Dissatisfaction with present Ad-j ministration. . ' (g) Railroad policy of present Ad ministration. (h) Radical movements 0) Any other factors which you believe will bear upon the question.. Second Fifth Sixth Third Fourth First Eighth Feventh How will your territory go? (a) Presidential election .. (b) All other offices to be filled at this election within your tetr'tory . . . Is there a general sentiment that tae next will be a Republican or Demo cratic Administration? Republican Republican Middle Atlantio Fifth Fourth Sesond TLSrd First East North Central Second Third Sixth Fifth Fourth First Seventh Eighth West North Central Second Fourth Sixth Third .Fifth First . Seventh Eighth Repnblirirt Republican Republican Republic Republican Republican Republican Fourth Third Republican Republican South Atlantio First Second I Fifth Sixth East South Central First Second Fourth Third Fifth Seventh Sixth Eighth West South Central Mountain Second Third 'Fourth Second first Fourth Democratic Democratic Republican Democratic with considerable Re- publlcan sentiment Democratic Democratic Democratic but sentiment strongly divided Democratic Dernoeratic Third First Rerrabllcan but considerable Dem ocratic and doubt ful Republican, but Democratic, with considerable Dem Utxio Reo-ibUcan locrattc and oubt- semimn.it tfij Pacific- Fourth Second Sixth Third Fifth First i Eighth Seventh Republican Republican Republican Copyright. 1920. Fidelity and Deposit Co. THIS CHART IS COPYRIGHTED Y THE FIDELITY . AND .DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. REPRODUCTION PRIVILEGES WILL -BE GRANTED, UPON APPLICATION. H H OF MARYLAND ELITY AND IT 21 21 RESOURCES OVER $12,000,000 D POS COMP BALTIMORE Fidelity and Surety Bonds and Burglary Insurance REPRESENTATIVES EVERYWHERE Oregon Branch Office 807 Gasco Building ' Portland," Oregon R. E. Pinney, Manager Clarence D. Porter, Associate Manager