THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, AVEDXESDAT, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920 23 BUYERS ARE SCARGE IN HOP MARKET Prices Sagging Because Lack of Demand. of FIFTY CENTS IS ACCEPTED Picking Almost Completed in Ore gon and Yield Is Not Over 60,000 Bales. Hop picking; is finished in most of, the mailer yards In Oregon, and the large yard a will complete their harvest in an other week if the weather is favorable. The showers of the last few days have interfered with the work, and some pick ers have returned to their homes, but enough remain to set the last of the crop in. Growers are beginning to turn their at tention to the market, and they do not find the situation as satisfactory as they hoped for. The demand is very slack. This has dragged pricea down somewhat, and unless the inquiry improves it may carry prices lower. A few small lots. aMrrejratinar two or three carloads, have been bought at 50 cents, and tther grow ers announce their willingness to sell at thia price if they get the bid. Fugglea are quoted around 55 cents. . The Oregon crop is estimated by most dealers at between 45,000 and 50,000 bales. There is no complaint as to the quality. Late Yakima advices are that the crop there is coming down a little better than was figured a short time ago. A yield of 2,000 bajes is now estimated. According to reports from England, hop picking in that country will probably not be finished until the latter part of this month. Latest estimates are unchanged at 1250,000 cwts. The market remained dull and listless, neither buyers nor sellers much interested or disposed to transact business. Prices of 191Us and older hops are slightly easier. Total exports from the United States for the 11 months September to July last, both inclusive, were 29,400,100 pounds, or, roughly. 150,000 bales. As the entire 1910 United States crop was only 125,000 bales, a large proportion of the above exported quantity must needs be 1918 or older hops. Kxports from the United States to Great Britain during this period were 25,503,527 pounds. WHEAT TRADING STOPS XS COUNTRY Buyers Withdraw When Chicago Suffers Biff Break. The big break in the Chicago wheat market put a stop to wheat trading in this section. Nearly all the buyers throughout tho country withdrew from the market, except for September hard white, bids on which were 2 cents higher on a local de mand. All offers were lower than Mon day at the Merchants Exchange. October hard white was down 2 cents and No vember 3 cents. Soft white bids were re duced 6 cents, white club 4- cents, hard winter 5 cents and red Walla 3 cents. There were no bids on northern spring. One hundred tons of October feed bar ley were sold at $40.50, or $1.50 more than was offered the day before. Brewing bar ley bids ranged from unchanged to $1 lower. 'Oats were down 91 w 2 and corn 50ctl.75. The Idaho state crop report estimates spring wheat at 15.778.000 bushels, winter wheat 5.908,500 bushels. oats 0,Sll,Ot0 bushels, barley 4.222,800 bushels, corn 900.720 bushels, hay 2,103,000 tons. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Early reports show generally clear southeast and west. No rain, temperature very seasonable and warm. Forecast: Illinois, Missouri, North and South Dakota generally fair and cool er, elsewhere unsettled and cool. Shel don, la., says 95 per cent of corn safe from trost. Elevators are full or corn and oats A Chicago bulletin said: "Millers ex pect a reduced export demand for flour. The policy of the importing countries is to buy wheat and grind It at home to give employment to home labor." Tho four leading winter wheat markets have a stock of only 3,045,000 bushels out of a visible total of 24.8S3.455 bushels. Last year they had 38.030,000 bushels, or about half the total visible. St. Louis reported 40.000 bushels of cash corn delivered on contracts. Wheat re ceipts were 70 cars at St. Louis and 1006 cars at Winnipeg. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wht. Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland. Tuesday 82 Tear ago 3t Season to date . . . . 377 Tear HKO 22H0 . 134 . 48 . 9!4 .1241 . 23 peaches. $1.503:2.23 per box; plums. $1 Corn : No. 3 eat, yellow, ship. 51. 50 51.50 51.25 No. 3 yellow, delivery. .52.00 51.50 51.00 Millrun 54.00 45. 0O 41.00 FLOUR Family patents. $12.95; baker's hard wheat, $12.95; tmL Dakers patents, $12. 15; valley, $11.20; graham, $10.&U; whole wheat. $11. Oi Ml LLFKED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mlll ran, o7 per ton ; rolled barley. $00 J2; rolled oats. $58; scratch feed. $S0 per ton. CORN Whole, $70; cracked, $73 per ton. HAT Buying pries, i. . b. Portland: Alfalfa, $2324; cheat, $21fc22; clover, $22 ; valley timothy, new, $27 & 28. JDmiry and Country Produce. "BUTTER Cube, extras, 61c per pound; prints, parchment wrapped, in box iota. 6k; per pound; carto na. tt7c ; ha 1 f boxes, Vic more; less than half boxes, le more; butterfat. No. 1, tt3 H4c per pound at stations ; 8c Portland delivery. EGGS Buying price, cases count, 58c; jobbing prices to retailers: Candled, 634f U5c; selects, ti-Sc. UHEESK Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 31c; young America, 32c. POULTRY Hens. 20'(i:iUc; springs, 30 32c; oucks, 25 4j 3c ; geese, nominal; tur keys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 225e per pound." VEAL Fancy, 23c per pound. Frmits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $8.25 9; lemons, $5.255.75 per box; grapefruit. $3 qi S box; bananas, 1213Vc per pound; apples, $I.50&3.7 per box; cantaloupes, $2&2.0O per crate; watermelons, l'&'Zc per poixnd; peaches. $1.50&2.75 per box; plums, 1 $1.50 box; casabas 2ViVjc per lb,; grapes. $2-75(3 25 per crate, 10uHc per pound; pears. $2.503 per box; prunes, 2(5c per pound; huckleberries, 22c "pound. VEGETABLES Cabbatfe. 2Mi3c pet pound; lettuce, $2&2.50 per crate; cucum bers, 50 75c per dozen; carrots, $2.50 per sack; horseradish, 25c per pound ; garlic, aoc; tomatoes, dOtyMoc box; beans, 7&10c per pound; beets, $3 per sack; turnips, 14.50 per sack; eggplant, H&lZftc per pound green corn, 25&30c per dozen; sprouts, 15c pound. POTATOES Oregon, $2.252.75 per 100 pounds; Yakima. $2.00(3; sweet potatoes, &7c per pound. ONIONS California brown, $292.25 per sack; pickling. 8 10c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR tacK bajus; Cane, granulated, 16.30c per pound. HONET New. $7.50S per case. NUTS Walnuts. U238c; Brazil , nuts, 35c; filberts, 8utp35c; almonds, 35c; pea nuts, 14 15 c; cocoanuts, $1.75 per dozen RICE Blue Rose, 14 per pound. BEANS Small white, 7c; largo white, 7c ; pink ,tc; lima, 12 c per pound; bayous, 11 3fc c; Mexican reds. 10 fee pet pound. COFFEE -Roasted, In drums, 2o 47c per pound. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS- All Kizes. 42Mtc; skinned, 419 4Uc; picnics, 25c; cottage roll, 35c LAKD Tierca basia, 23c; shortening! 20c per pound. UK Y SAU Short, clear backs, 25 27c per pound; plates, 2lc. BACON Fancy, 4tiitf58c; standard, 82 & 42c per pound. Hides and Pelts., HIDES Salt hides, .all weights, 11c per pound; green hides, all weights, Vc; green or salt calf, under 15 puunds, 17a20c; greea or salt kid, 15 to 30 pounds, 12c; salt bulls, 9c; green bulls, 7c ; dry hides, 20c; dry salt hides, 15c ; dry calf, under 1 pounds, 25c ; salt horse hides, largu, $4 each: medium, $3; small, $2. PELTS JLry line long-wool pelts, 15c per pound; dry medium long -Wool pelts, 12c; dry coarao lung-wool pelts, 10c; salt long-wool pelts, 2 to $3 each; Bait laiuu pelts, 50c to 75u; salt shearlings, 25o to 4uu; salt clippers, loo to 25c MOTOR STOCKS DECLINE EFFECT OF FEXjT IX FORD PRICE CUT WAL.Ii STREET. pound; 2, Wool. Cascarm, Etc MOHAIR Long staple, 25c per short staple, lac per pound. TALLOW" Nu 1, b per pound; No. 5c per pound. CASCARA BARK Per pound, gross wciguts, old peel, ttVjc; new peel, 8V3C pet pound. WOOL All grades nominal. HOPS New crcp, 5oc; lug glee, 65-c pound. oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, $1.54; drums, $l.ttl; cases, $1.U0. Boiled, barrels, $1.5U; drums, 1.U3; cases, $1.71. TURPENTINE Tanks, $1.90; cases. $2.1L FUEL OIL Bulk, $2.10 per barrel. COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar re!. 17c; cases, 30U,37c. FUEL OIL Hulk. $2.35 per barrel. GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron bar rels, 20c; cases, 41VsC. S ha res Are Off 2 to 7 Points; Rub bers and Oils Are Also Lower. Bond Market Firm. NEW YORK", Fept. 21. Leading stocks were subjected to intermittent selling pressure today, the professional element, almost as a whole, extending their short commitments as a result of developments which seemed to foreshadow further in dustrial readjustment. Foremost among these was the suspen sion of dividends on the common stock of the Central Leather company. While this action occasioned little surprise, the im pelling cause directed renewed attention to the depression now prevailing In many important branches of trade and manufac' ture. Yet another significant development was the announcement that the Ford Motor company had cut the price of its products pre-war oasis. Motor shares and their subsidiaries, especially the latter, were mong the heaviest features. Extreme de lines in these issues, lnclndine rubber ids. cialtles, ranged from 2 to 7 points. Oils, which derive much of their sup port from the motor Industry, also fell back. ' " Sales were 700.000 shares. MoneV on call acrnln hlrf at 7 Tr rnt and time funds ruled at recent rates. The bond market was active and malnlv firm, including liberty issues, with mixed nanges in the foreign group. .Total sales. par value. $12,300,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Rat, American Can 1.200 Am Car & Fdy 400 Am H & L Pfd l.HOO Am Inter Corp 4.0oo Amer Loco... 2.0OO Am Smt & Rfs -5,3tH American sue 2.700 Am Sum Tub 1.400 Am Tel & Tel ttOO Amer V ooien 1.500 Anaconda Cop 2.2UO Atchison .... 2.000 Atl G & W In 1,2410 Baldwin Loco 31.4O0 Bait & Ohio. . 3,700 Bthle Steel B 5.900 But & Sup Cop UK) Cal Petroleum 1M0 Can Pacific. . 3.400 Cen Leather. . 4,400 'handler Mtrs IKW Ches & Ohio.. 3,600 Ch Al & S P. 1.200 Oh & Nr West UK) Ch R I & Pac 4.4M Chino Copper 500 Corn Products 1.000 Crucible Steel 2.300 Cuba Cane ifug 3,5oO t;rie 14. i mi General Elec. . tt.200 General 51 trs 7,000 Gt Nor Pfd . . l.Ooo Gt Nor Or ctfs 2,200 llinois Cen . . 200 nspr Copper. 300 Int Mer M -Pfd 300 nter Nickel . . 3,rioo nter Paper. . 500 Kan Cty South 1.30O Ken Copper. . 800 Mexican Petrol 30,5tH Mid States Oil 18.2O0 Mid vale Steel 1.8U0 Missouri Pao.. 1,80 Nevada Cop.. 200 Y Central. . 4.900 N Y N H & H 9.000 Nor & West . . 300 Northern Pac. IS, 000 Ok Prd & Rfg 500 Pan-Am Pet 18.700 Pennsylvania. . 500 Pitts & W Va 9,000 Ray Con Cop. 1.100 Reading 6,900 Rep ir & Steel 7,sm Royal D N Y 7.000 Shat Az Cop low Shell T & Trad 1,(MK Sin Oil & Pvfg 12.04'0 South Pac. . . 17,!im Southern Ry.. lo,8oo S Oil N J Pfd 1.400 Stude Corp.. J2.50O Bank Clearings. "Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows; Portland Seattle .. Tacoma . Spokane Tacoma, Monday. Year ago Beaton to date... Year hko Seattle. Monday. Y'rar ago Season to date . . . Year ago CHXNXSE 14 953 1224 1 64 20 ... 2 40 151 159 323 101 C35 218 470 3 5 5 1 . . . 1 3 22 200 43 228 07 ... tS3 242 1 8 ... 5 . . . 2 76 SO 47 507 90 148 416 I" LOUR ENGLAND large Stocks Imported, bat Quality Not tiatis factory. No one knows exactly how' much Chi nrse flour has been purchased by the British royal commission on wheat sup piles, but Judging from the large stocks that aro on hand and the amount that has been allocated through importers. Chi nese millers must have done well, cables C. F. G. Raikcs, London correspondent of the Northwestern Miller. The first arrivals were not liked at all, but later some shipments were quite good value. It being supposed that Australian wheat had been used in the milling and mixture. Recently, however, the flour has got a bad name owing to it having been ascertained that some 'of the shipments did not consist of pure flour. Other ele ments than wheat, such as bean flour. have been found in the samples examined. It is hardly likely that there will ever be a permanent trade in the markets of the United Kingdom In Chinese flour. MORE CUBE BUTTER IS OFFERED Kggs Scarce and Firm Poultry Prices are Steady. There was more cube butter offered yesterday than for several days past and 61 cents was the best price reported paid. The hop-growing districts have ceased to draw on this market and some of them are again beginning to ship this way. De termtned efforts are still being made by Seattle firms which are short on storage stocks, to depress the market by bringing In Canadian butter. . Eggs were firm with very light receipts and a good demand. Poultry supplies were of good size, but cleaned up at steady prices. Country dressed pork was very scarce. Yakima Potatoes Received, The demand for fruits of all kinds was slow. Peaches dragged and prices were weak though the supply was not large. Cantaloupe stocks were also limited. Grapes of all kinds were plentiful. Two cars of Yakima Netted Gem potatoes rived. Graded stock was quoted at 3 cents and field run at 2H cents, PORT LAN Li MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour. Feed, Ete. Merchants' Exchange., noon sslon. Bid Wheat Sept. Oct. Nov. Hard white $2.50 $2.46 $2.4.". Raft white 2.32 2.32 2.32 White club 2.;7 2.37 2.:i4 Hard winter 2.30 2.80 2.30 Red Walla 2.30 2.30 2.30 Oats No. 2 white. 47.50 4S.00 4 00 o. 2 gray 45.00 45. OO 45.00 Barley Brow In 50.00 49.00 49.00 ClearJns. . .$0,010.279 . . 7, !!. 353 hiu.b4u . . 2.157.105 Balances, $7.28U.5m 1.IMO.610 1O2.903 739.308 SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Pricea Current on Vegetable, Fresh Fruits, .Etc., at Bay i'lty. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21. Butter Extra grade, OSo; prime firsts, 04c. Eggs Fresh pullecs, 72V4c; dirties, no. 03c : extra pul lets, 04c ; undersized, 41ic. Cheese Flats, iancy, 30c; young Ameri ca. 3bc. Vegetables EpKrwant. lug. 605c; sum mer squash. uv'tjyoc; potatoes, street prices, river, $2.05 ft 2.75 ; sweets. 4 Si 4 c; onions, yellow and white, iM)ciu f l ; central Australian brown, Jlfivl.rj; oeana, atrp 12Hc; bell peppers, 50w0.c; cucumbers. 75c $1 ; celery, crate, $4 4x'5; green corn, sack. $2p2.50; peas, 12Vsul5c; tomatoes, 65c (d$l. Poultry Hens, 1-arge, colored, 33Sc; small. 300-33c; White. Leghorn, large, 3(Q 32c; smaii, 2J(g'27.; strictly young roosters, 3(&,41c; old, 23' 24c; try erst 40fM3c; broilers, 4Sd50c ; ducks, 25(ir28c; pigeons. (a 'd.oQ dozen ; squabs, 00c; turkeys, alive, 50tfr 52c. . Fruit iStra. wherries, i5ca$l; raspberries, 70eij$l: blackberries, $&$$10; cantaloupes, standards, i .c q. $ l ; ponies. to vi uoc a La, o" a 4,c ; watermelons, $2ii3.25 dozen; Valencia oranges, ..5or(i o.2j ; lemons, 2y 4.25; grapefruit, $3(5) 4. 25; apples. Bell- owers, 1 1.5Q& L7; peaches, $l;S1.7. plums. $1.25&2; pears, Bartlett. 34 wrapped ; rig. 1 1 1-25 ; grapes, black. $ I 7v4j2; seedieas, $l.o0 1. bananas. 9 lie. Recei-pt flour, 71iO quarters: whMt 940 centals; barley, 4:170 centals; oats. 4tW cen tads; potatoes. 8950 tacks; oniony 2230 sacks ; hay. 21 o tons; hides. 3b roILs oranges, 500 boxes; livestock, 500 head. Brazil May Support Coffee. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Early advances were not fully maintained, but the market for cof re futures showed a generally steady tone during today s trading. Ow ng to the holiday there were no cables. The market opened at an advance of 111 to 34 points and active months sold at 30 to 34 points net higher with December touching 8. 30c. compared with i. 2c, the low point of last Saturday. Rumors that the Brazilian government was consider ir.g action to support the primary mar kets were circulating again today, but after early buying orders had been eup piled the market eased oil to 8.10c for December under realizing. That delivery closed at 8.20c with the general market showing net gain of 17 to 28. September, 7.70c; October, i.aic; lectmber. 8.20c March. 8.75c; May, 0,O2c; July. 0.10c. Spot quiet; Rio is, cantos 4s 13 Eastern Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Sept. 21. Butter unchanged Ecks Higher; receipts, 11, ISO Cdse firsts. 53 V& $i-54 fee; ordinary firsts, 4s 50c; at mark, cases -included, 49 53c standards, 55c; storago packed firsts, 50 u otic. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Butter firm Creamery higher than extras, 01 02 creamery extras. Sic; firsts, 514fOOc. Eggs-F1rm; fresh gathered extra firsts, 61 U 03c ; firsts, 5 1 $i jc, C'neese firm. State whole milk twins current make spec i a La, 28 V 2$ 'c ; others unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Evaporated ap pies dull. Prunes fairly active. Peaches steady. FOR SALE I0OO Alaska Pete & Coal. 50 American I.lfeograph. 5no Banker St Merchants Pete, too Elgin Motors. 10O0 High Gravity. 1OO0 Harvey Crude. 1000 Invader Texas. 10O0 Qtieet Tradinc 125 Universal Nut Lock. 35 Pacific States Fire. 50 Nw World Life. 25 Superior Portland Cement. Liberty Bonds at Market. FIeRRIN'S RrlODES'iNCi r ESTABLISHED ISM. STOCKSano BONDS- Muln tun. Railway Kxnhanirtt Klrijr. Members Chicairo lioaxd of Trade. Texas Co. Texas & Pao' Tobacco Pdta Transcon Oil . . Union l"ai;iric V S Fd Prat, U S Ind Al.. U S RU Storea S Kubber. . S Steel U S Steel Pfd ;tah Copper. West T-'nlon . . West Kleetric Willya-Overld . IMtO S.soo s.uoo 0. 000 ;too 1. aiK) 12.3110 s.ono 15.Ji0 1.4UO , 1.5UO 100 3,'J(M 10, BOO Last High. Low. Sale. .-IB 35 3B 13 13S lZ'ihk 7014 SH TOH 77S 7GH 77 97 95 95 i 112 lOBii 110H 90S S9 SO',., 1S? 8 8 82 '4 80 8t 55 V 64 'A 64 S4, S-t', 84 152 14U14 150Vi 114 112 ,112Vt 44 43',, 43 , 77 73'), 78 20 20 20 :M)i 30 301 122 121 121 50 r. 48Ti 47 85 62 W t3 60 65 65 3S 37 37 75 75 75 3S 38 3S-4 2 ZHV. 2S 8 8S 88 133 128 130 40 38 38 20 10 20 145 14.1 143 20 20 20 70 79 79 35 . 34 35 90 90 90 4S 48 4HVt 78 77 77 19 10 10 82 81 81 22 21 22 25 25 25 190 191 194 10 15 16 4l 39 40 2S 27 27 ,12 12 12 77'. 75 76 35 34 35 97 96 96 SOU 79 79 4 4 4 Ott ' v 93 93 42 42 42 34 34 S4 15 15 15 95 93 94 83 81 82 87 85 87 8 8 8 53 53 53 34 33 34 97 96 9(1 29 29 29 105'. 15 105 84 62 64 52 51 52 3S 37 . 37 70 6S 68 13 13 13 124 122 122 6 60 60 86 85 85 72 70 70 87 85 83 90 83 90 10 105 106 05 64 64 83 83 83 48 47 4S 15 14 14 CDS. Anclo-Fr 5s.. .100 AT&T uv 6s 96 Atch gen 4s. . . 76 Capitalization $1,500,000. Actual Cost, Properties, Buildings and M achinery $1,500,000 A security of better than 2 for 1 is given holders of preferred stock in this com pany, whose great paper mill at Salem is beginning operations with contracts for all products it can manufacture. 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock Price 100 Par Value of Shares $100 Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. $600,000 Preferred, $900,000 Common Dividends Payable Monthly Paper making is highly profitable, and this company is controlled by some of the west's best known paper manufacturers. I umbo nnaiislfariisiCQ Lumbermens Building HT YARDS IS SMALL OXLY SHEEP ARE RECEIVED AT XOKTH PORTIiAXD. 90.06 86.40 85.54 86.70! D H O con 4s 65 85.761 N Y O deb 6s.. 91 88.881 N P 4s 76 86.00 do 3s 54V- 9.56:Pac TAT 5s.. 81 50 Pa con 4s... 89 U S Lib 3. . do 1st 4s. . . . do 2d 4s. . . . do 1st 4s. . do 2d 4s. . do 3d 4 Us. . do 4th 4Ua. Victory 3s... do 4s U S 2s res lol'ilS P con 5s 100 do coupon .."l"l to. rtaliway &s 83 U S 4s reg. . . . l3 Vi. i V P 4s 80 do coupon.. "io u s Ht.el as... ui Pan 3s rtg.... 77 do coupon.. i i "tsia. Mining btorLs at Raaioa. BOSTON, Septi 21. Closing quotations: Hog Prices Unchanged, but Tone of Market Is Easier Weakness in Cattle Division. There vas a light run of livestock, at the North Portland yards and prices were unchanged from Monday. The tone of the hog market, however, was somewhat easier, although additional sales were mad. at $20. Cattle continued weak, while sheep and lambs were steady. Receipts were 1523 head of sheep. The day a sales were as follows: 8 steers 2 steers 3 steers 973 1 steer. 1000 1 ste.r. 910 21 steers 811 2 steers 1015 21 steers 1118 30 steers 808 2 cows. 919 14 cows. 1055 27 cows. 27 cows. 6 cows. 3 cows. 4 cows. 25 cows. 1 bull. . 17 hogs. 2 hogs, t log.. 12 hogs. 6 hogs. 1 hog. . 5 hogs. 1 hog.. S hogs. 1 hog.. 1 hog.. 1 hog. . 7 hogs. 18 hogs. 1 hog.. 5 hogs. 1 hog. . 3 hogs. 12 hogs. 2 hogs. 0 hogb. 1 hog. . 2 hogs, t hog.. 9 hogs. Wt. Price 910 t 7.50 940 7.001 1005 912 710 973 877 850 680 194 170 150 190 175 280 310 130 143 410 110 140 182 212 280 188 220 256 210 265 106 410 160 140 17.1 5.50 7.i 7.50 7.501 7. 8.25i 7.50! 6.2 7.00, B.25 5.50 6.00 5.40 5.0 1 hog.. 2 hogs. 1 hog. . 2 hogs. & hogs. 2 hogs. 1 hog.. 3 hogs. 11 hogs. H hogs. 2 hogs. 3 hogs. 4 hogs. 4 hogs. 4 hogs. 196 lambs 5.401132 Jambs 7.00!231 lambs 19.251248 lambs 19.75 93 Iambs 16.501 16 lambs 18.501 13 lambs 20.OOI196 Iambs 38-OOil 1'4 lambs Wt. Price. 290 $18.00 50 19.00 lfsQflaBaSsaaBBflBaBBBsSBaKEES 19.00; 150 210 211 425 410 200 205 403 215 240 150 147 155 65 65 65 66 . 60 82 81 72 78 77 77 77 100 93 110 107 124 123 870 812 370 300 17.50 19.75 19.75 17.50 17.50 19.00 19.50 17.50 19.25 19.35 19.65 19.65 19.65 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.00 8.50 8.00 9.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.80 6.00 7.50 7.5J 5.75 5.75 5.T5 b 00 6.00 18.00 1 7.50 9.50 9.60 6.75 6 50 50 8.00 Allouese Ariz Com . . . . . Cal & Ariz Cal & Ariz. . . . Centennial Cop R Con Co . K Butte Cop M Franklin J. I Rovalle (cop) 27 Mohawk OO Lake Copper . . 10 North Butte . .. 57 lold Dominion.. 67 I Osceola . 10iQulmy 6 10 Superior Sup & Bos Min L'lah Con Wolverine t Green 3 16 25 38 47 4 3 7 13 Cananea. 27 Money, Kxchange, Etc. NKW York. -Sept. 21. Prime mercantile papor unchanged. Exchange, irregular. sterling demand, $3 48; cables, $3.49. Sterling weakened furtt-er in the late dealings; demand. $3.46; cables, $3.47 . Francs, demand 6.09. cables 6.71; Belgian francs, demand 7.32. cables 7.14; guilders, demand il.OO, cables 31.12; lire, aemana cables i.iij; marks, demand l.o7, cables 1.58: drachmas 9.34. New York exchange on Montreal, 10 per cent discount. Time loans strong, uncnangea. Call money, steady; high, 7 per cent; low. 7 per ' cent: ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 7 per cent: last loan, 7 per cent. Bar silver and Mexican dollars, un changed. LONDON, Sept. 21. Bar silver, 59d per ounce. Money, unchanged. Discount rates, short and three-months' bills, 6 11-10 per cent. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 11" Swift International 31 I.ibbv. McNeill & LlODy National Leather 10',4 Leather Dividend Passed. NEW YORK, Sept. 21 .Directors ef the Central Leather company, at a meeting here today, passed the usual quarterly divi dend of 1 per cent on common stock "In view of continued depression in the leatner and shoe industry and the desirability of conserving the cash resources of the com pany.' Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Copper, Iron, antimony, lead and sine unchanged. Tin, easier; spot and nearby, 44.25c; futures, 44.75c. Cotton Market- NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Spot cotton. quiet. Middling, air. 7 lambs;224 lambs 19.751230 lambs 17.601 0 ewes. 15.501 11 yearl. 18.00 S yearl. 19.75j 4 mixed 19.251 7 mixed 17.501 S mixed 19.75i 1 cow. 19 75 12 steers 17.001 2 hogs. 19.001 1 hog. . 19.75 32 lambs 19.751 85 lambs 79 17 501 14 yearl. 126 20 001 40 weth. IIS 18.00 274 weth. 113 20 001 1 calf. . 370 Official quotations at the Portland Union stockyards were as follows: Cattle Price. Choice grass steers... $ S.75te 9.50 Good to choice steers 7.75 fr) 8.7. Medium to good steers 6.7.W 7.75 Fair to good steers 6.25JU 6.7. Common to fair steers 5.75tfa 6.25 Choice cows and heifers 6.75i&i 7.50 Good to choice cows, hellers. . 5.75 6.7j Fair to medium cows, heifers. 3.75&J 4.75 runners 2.75 3.75 Hulls 5.0o(ff 6.00 Choice dairy calves l3.O0-15.0O prime light calves Medium light calves ll.Ooiifll.OO Heavy calves T.0:ls 9.0: Lieut feeders 5.500 6.50 Prfmf'mixed 19.50(3 20,00 Medium mixed 10. on til 19. r0 Hmonth heavy 1 7.50 w 18.00 Rough h-nvy 15 now 17.50 New offering $10,000 1 to 10-year 7s of the City of Toppenish at 100 to yield 7 Income Tax Exempt Cash or Partial Payment Plan. Ask for Circular 75. fW -a'.lJ "III ILV r",3(sjM , .... L. -v -x J t "c - a. TV.1"-""" r-"W . . Ksjf ,"7" 5 Panorama of the City of Edmonton Invest in the Securities of a Prosperous, Growing Canadian City We offer subject to prior sale and change in price CI TY -$750,000 General Obligation 6 Gold Notes of EDMONTON ii se Province of Alberta snug Free From All Dominion Government Tax Dated September 1, 1920 MATURITIES AS FOLLOWS: $250,000 Due Sept. 1, 1922; Price 94.62; Yield 9To $250,000 Due Sept. 1, 1923; Price 92.2G; Yield 9 $250,000 Due Sept. 1, 1924; Price 90.11; Yield We Denominations $100. $500 and $1000 Principal and semi-annual interest (March 1st and September 1st) payable in Gold Coin of the United States in Xew York and at the offices of Morris Brothers, Inc. -FINANCIAL STATEMENT- Assessed valuation ....$86,605,715.00 Value municipal property (not Including jrublic utilities)... 11,035,376.00 Net debenture debt 9,448,997.00 Revenue from public utilities (above cost of operation)..... 77,773.0O Net local improvement debt - 3,046,763.00 In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these are secured by long-time debentures totaling $2,594,420.00. Wealth Untold Secures . This Issue The city of Edmonton is one of the most progressive and prosperous in all western Canada Its future Is- written In the historical progress of its past. There, in the center of 27.200 acres of fer tile country, this city of 60,000 people has eprunj? up, midway -between and connected by three trans continental lines to Winnipeg; on the east and to Prince Rupert and Vancouver on the west. It is the feeder of supplies for an empire vast and resourceful. Oat erf its preat warehouses po the foodstuffs, implements, furnishings and other materials for much of the new northwest. Into it pours the livestock and agricultural products of the great district surrounding. Kdmonton. too. is rich in diversified Industries, meat packlnp establishments, flour mills, creameries, shoe factories elevators, brick works, car repairing shops, as well as the freneral shops of the Kdmonton, Dunvegran & Kritish Columbia railway. Rich deposits of coal surrounding Kd monton not only supplies cheap power fuel for manufacturing but the payroll of this Industry helps swell the general prosperity of Edmonton. Legality to Be Approved by Malone, Malone & Long, Toronto, Canada Maim 646 KMrrMwcrrcRM mnk bid. Pips heep Prime lamba Cull lamba .'. YearllnKS .... Wether Kw 14.501S.00 O.OOifc 8.50 .50D 7. SO 6.0o& 0.00 . German Cities Bonds Are Actively Traded In on the N. Y. Curb Market We are specialists in these is sues and- particularly recom mend the purchase of Berlin 4 Bremen 4 Hamburg 4Vi These cities represent the mo?t im portant Industrial and shipping cen ters of Germany and have the great est tteeurity back of theaa bonds. At prent pricn. profit a hi ta a 14MH"n aro poHMihlr. ex?tit oron for cah or n conirvativ marpJi. Writ for circular New York Stocks Are Paying 8 to 10 Our Weekly Market Letter gives a careful analysis of these high-class, listed securi ties. Every investor should have this. Mailed FREE by asking for PS-20. ,HENRI & BERNHARD WOLF & CO., Inc. BTOC'KS, BONDS AND FOREIGN EXCHANUM. 280 Madison Ave,, New York Chicago a.lveittock Market. l1i!?nCAa0; 8ept- 21 Cattle Receipts. 15.0K0, openlne veiy slow, few sales choice steers mid yearling about steady; early , .PV!.: otner h"'"- M0.50&17.75; Jew ish holidays next llonjHy and Tuesday re stricting Hhlpping demand; grassy ateera. ! V Vn -X. I",r,""!e' weak; few cattle sailing i..V. 3,14; bare'y steady; cam. em. ti.-ji . " .b"loffna ull. 7; beat veal calves 1718; steady: cow. and heifers ytry draegy; receipts westerns, 6000: mar ket weak. ,H!"";RV"pt"' 1800: uneven; mostly ISO to 5o lower than yeaterday's averng- V-P-,8: bulk "Bht and butchers. $17W 1.U0; bulk packing sows, $l.1510 5o- S!5 to :Sc- l'r; bulk kinds, 1.5017. Phi-op Receipts, 27.0OO; slow to CIV- MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Established Over Quarter Century "The Premier Municipal Bond House Portland, Or. Morris Building 309-11 Stark Street Merchants National Bank Bldg., San Francisco, CaL Seattle, Wash., No. 3 Central Bldg. Capital Over Million Dollars -TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH ORDERS AT OUR EIPEXSE. lower; top native lambs. 113.50; few early sales above 12.75: choice Nevadas held at $14; bids lower; good heavy ewea sold Sc. 50; good feeder lambs. S13.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Sept. 21. HogsReoeipts 4000; unevenly 10c to 25c lower: bulk medium and llsht butchers, S 10.75& 17.25; top. $17.85; bulk, strong weight and packing grades. ;i.254ll.50. Cattle Receipts, 10,000. fed steers steady: top. $17; grass steers and butcher stock steady to weak; veals, steady; Block ers and feeders mostly steady. Sheep Receipts 30, ww; market on fat Inmbs fairly active, weak to 25c lower; best early sale range lambs, $18.50; bulk. $12.73 1113.25; beat wethers, 7.50; feeding lambs mostly 25c lower; top. $13.15. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Bept. 21. Cattle. 2S. 000; corn fed steers steady, most others tully 25c lower; trade dull; she stock steady tt weak; quality common; feeders steady to 2.Vc lower; canners and other mostly steady: prime slcers. SI"?? 17.."P; Evening Commerce Courses Leading to B. C. S. Decree. Opening Week of September 27 i Register Now. Acroontins; Principles Complete Accountancy Course Corporation Accounting RuMlneu Law BuvlneHN Finance Income Tu Procedure Credit and Collections Salettmannhip HuntncMM CorreMpondence Public Speaking Coat Areonntlnar Specialized Accounting? Mr Claris, clean, will he in his office for careful Interview Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings and by appointment. For free 36-pape catalogue describing courses, subjects, require ments for Oregon C. .P. A- examination, etc., call or addrers IMv. C, Oregron Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. Bide. (Phone Msln 6700.) Taking. "Shortcut" Investments Strange as it may seem, many a, man's financial progress is beyond criticism up to a certain point. Then he goes wrong. He tries a short cut with the money so patiently and successfully accumu lated for investment. Disaster follows. Today there is no excuse for taking a disastrous course. Today, with the earning power of money greatly increased, sure gains can be made over investment ground. We know it. Our careful surveys are at your disposal without obligation. Blyth, Witter. & Co. UNITED STATES GCVERKMEJTT MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Main 8183 402 Yeon Building: Aek us today fior List M-22. yearling- heifers. 915; choics vealer, $15 6hep, 13,000; sheep slow, mostly tewdy; most western ewes, $0.115r 5.0. ; fat Inmbs steady to 25c lower ; top westerns, 113.50; natives. $12. i0; feeding' lambs slow, top $13.2o. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Sept. 21. Hojc Receipts, none; steady; prime, $19.7&r i!0.5; ijie dium to choice. $18.75 73; smooth heavies, $17.75fijlS.2'.'i; roujfh heaviej, $15.7 tjt 31.25; pigs, SlStplS. Cattle Receipts, !fl0; weak; prime steers. J9.50lO; medium to choice, $39; common fo" sood. $tffi 7. rf; "best cows and heifers. $7.2A$t 7.75 ; medium to choice, $0 (7; common to good, $4.54& ti; builau $44P 5: rnlvs, JTft'l.l, New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Raw sugar, steady; centrlfua.1, 10.78c; refined, unset tled: fine granulated. 14.50c. Invented fn F n r c I jr n .Money under our now plan make possible Profits $1000 toS20.0C0! ; aena iu cents stumps at once Tor our new loo-page oooKiet, with run particulars- We are specialists in Korpitrr. Exchange, and maintain branch offices in many large cities. (.KO. If. PEKRINS CO. r0 Rroacl Street. New- York iMiiuiuiMiHiinirniimHitw WE OWN AND OFFER OUR PARTICIPATION IN $675,000.00 Seattle School District No. 1, 6 GENERAL OBLIGATION GOLD BONDS Dated Oct. 1, 1920. Due Serially April and Oct. 1, 1923-1960. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Value $243,738. 304.00 Total bonded dbt, includini? this issue 7.944,000.00 Less sinking fund and uncollected taxes 1. 51,996.98 Net debt $ 6,352,003.02 Prices to Net From 5.60 to 6 74 According to Maturities. Offered subject to legal opinion attorney -a t-law, of Honorable John C. Thomson, New York City Qarstens & "fcarles, Jncorporated Est. 1891. I Government, Municipal & Corporation Bonds. I I 'Third Floor U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone Broadway 4108 -.iiiiiHniitiHitiiiiHiniMtunimniiiujnii fmimtummiwfiiia Surety for Long Service on a Small Investment SURETY BRAND ia a moderate priced, smooth surfaced Carey Roofing made in light, medium and heavy weights and finished with talc It is very popular for barns, garages, factories, ware houses and all sorts of farm buildings. ' Like all Carey Roll Roofings, it is made of genuine As phalt refined and tempered by special processes which are the result of 47 years of practical experience in roof making. There is a SURETY of satisfaction when you buy a roofing that has been on the market for so long a time, and has served so many others in your community so welL Headquarter or btxtlding and insulating prodactm of ASPHALT ASBESTOS MAGNESIA A Roof for Enry Building" PACIFIC ASBESTOS & SUPPLY COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS 67 Md 69 First Street. PORTLAND, ORE: