2(f. TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920 WANTED MlSCKlXANEOrS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. T PAT SPOT CASH AND THK HIGH EST MARKET VALUK FOR DIA MONDS. N'O AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFKRED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS, 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. Furniture Wanted. EOUSRHOLD GOOD3 WANTED We want your used furniture rues, carpets. stoves and all household goods, and wlD pay the highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chine and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy sell or trade CALL MAIN 0072. I.EVIN HARDWARE & yiiRNlTURB CO., 221-223-225 Front St. A. A 6. GEVURTZ FTJRNTTUHEJ 6TOKK. KUTUNITURE WANTED. BEFORE TOU SELL TOUR FURNITURE BE SURE AND CALL MARSHALL 5S7. TOUR CALL WILL BRING OUR BUY ER AT ONCE. WE PAV THE TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. C'A HPKTS, RUGS. ETC.. EVERY THING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WE ALSO BUY OFFICE FURNI TURE. ALL. CALLS ATTENDED TO THE iSAME DAY. CALL MARSHALL BST. A. & a GEVORTZ FUBJNITURB STORE. 205-207 FIRST STP-EET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. I MARSHALL 5081. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WI3 BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR JCTTURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CA1.I.3 ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES 1'AID. WE ARB THE OLDEST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 1S3 FIRST ST. THONE MARSHALL. fiOSU CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE I'AY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR I'KTS. ETC YOUR CALL WTLTi BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY'. K.L1N hi FURNITURE CO., -192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 3U1. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of all kinds, stoves ranges, rugs, etc., to ship out oJ town. WiL1 pay higher prices than any Joca. dealer. Call us for one article or w bouse full and a courteous and com petent buyer will be promptly at your service. Mar. 2013. Crown Furniture Co. WE MUST have a lot f used furniture and household goods, suitable for pri vate and apartment houses. We pay more than others do. A phone call wUl bring buyer with cash. Call P MAIN 738. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your turnitura and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for aame and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. aU8 FIRST ST. MAIN 772H. MAIN 81)51. " We buy everything in furniture; w ay the price. " FREEMAN-WOLFE PUR. CO. l0t 1st St.. S. E. Cor. Taylor. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture, aw n uium seii. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. S87S MAIN. MUST have a limited amount of used fur niture, rugs, etc., at once; will pay more than oiner iM-ai o. puone call WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any o"1-1 wii, o m reaay cash, phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First sc BEDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on - noMccuiu a vu atiiif uoasc for yarding Co., Utn ana -fcioyt. Bdwy. 7U3. Ki-'i.i, us vour furniture and rues rm able Furniture Co.. 203 2d at. Main 73os. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. - WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto, sii-ii or .cast .4Uj. EDUCATION All. S300 TO $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many auto mobile experts are. You may join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if ou take advantage of the gas engineer Ing courses offered' bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOLS OF THE-WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we II deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't it? w rue ior our $1 88-page catalogue. iia iree. ask ror dook no. n. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON KX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. I. EARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS IN LOS ANGELES. Learn a big paying trade and enjoy kti mr.ti vin.,iuon in sunny ualiiomla The NATIONAL Is the oldest schoo in t he country, occupying two large ih;iihiiikm inieu, wnn more erjuipmen tnn ail other schools on the coast j.earn m a snort time by practica m'tiiocis unaer expert instructors. N previous knowledge necessary. W lit. lp students earn their living. W n ssift graduates to well paving Dosl 'Am. s. over PO0O successful graduates i-iarantee your success. Write NOW i or our illustrated 2-page- catalog NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, on r igueroa fat. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors. vulcanic! n This school, not run to make money but o maKB automotive mecnanics, la super mscq Dy jeaaing automobile and tracto business men or Portland. Students d practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office. 416 Oregon Institute of j ec n no logy, x. ai. j. a. SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING AND PRAC TR'AL i-SIU ING. We can accommodate a few more st dents in pattern drafting. novelties. (jrc.smaKers art, aressmaaing, color liar mony, practical designing, draping; en roiimcnt open tin uct. Jj. Compiet course of all given above is only $32, Tvttn terms it aesireu. Konms 4 to Sclling-Hlrsch bldg. Phone Main 3213. W A N TED 100 men at once to learn to operate ana repair automobiles and ga: tractors. Appiy Hempniii s Automobil & Gas Tractor Schools, corner East Lm and Hawthorne. Write or call for free catalogue. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time, 'i eiegrapny, stenography, banklnic. bookkeeping, secretarial. Fiee catalogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEfiK. Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a sei oi ioois ana some pay while learning. Position secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars ana catalogue. .i-i eurnfliae st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will t.a ou the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage itiJtMiiaiiy ; 10013 tree; position: guaranteed; pay wnue learning; tuition ru k i laa l? uaroer cotiege teaches th barber trade in eight weeks; pays whil learning- good set of tools given; post Tions 1 u 1 t: i , muiuii icuuceu. o3 N. I'd g ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll fre ranic enes. ex-awsc state supt., Ai g r n. v . -t-ti n k. oiag. Main S21 6. ' Y. W. C. A. commercial school, shorthan, typing, bookkeeping, calculating ma cr.inp. in lom. MRS. HAN N U M S shorthand school. Ent when convenient. -ju iiiiaoiook East S860. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizin and retreading Irom Akron, O., grad uate. 43 Stark st LEA UN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. FJiiK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg Main 435 Teaching positions, free reg. O RKcToN Uw school. Alisky bldg.. 3d ard iior.- W. E. R.chardson. sec Main 877 Y TEP T'IPH E R Teachers Agency Ft- rti.eLiUia. Ma; 6274, Broadway bids. HELP WANTED MALE. EN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOY- The place best equpipped to assist you In flndlne pmnlnvm r is the Y. M. C. A. Employers eo there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the beat type of men and bnv- Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain quauiica tions; perhaps you are lot ted for nnn nf hA,a rar-eM Advisory and emolovment service Is I abSoiUtpl V fn.o tn sy.iArvii'A men. All men seeking employment in cleri cal, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should tee the x. employment secretary, room 30T. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE M AND FOR CAPABLE MEN." MESSENGER BOYS WITH OR WITHOUT BICYCLES. Average pay mounted messenger. 11101 per month. Average nay for foot messenger, J85 1 per month. Permanent work. Apply delivery su pervisor, 76 Third st. NUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES are within reach of high-grade CLERICAL, TECH NICAL. , COMMERCIAL and PROFES SIONAL men. now emDloved. who de sire to be put in touch with employers wno will recognize your executive abil ity; salaries SiMOO to S3n.000 per year: correspondence held strictly confidential ana win unaer no circumstances Jeop ardize your present connections; If you are quailtied, request details, AN 87, oregonian. WANTED Live advertising man for de partment store ; good salary; only expe- nenred need answer; give previous em- pioymcnu jsj s, Oregonian. MESSENGER BOYS WITH OR WITHOUT BICYCLES. Average pay mounted messenger. $1101 PERMANENT WORK. Apply DELIVERY SUPERVISOR. 7G. Third Su 25 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUND averaged by a number of our salesmen, young, middle-aged and elderly. Busi ness never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other inexperifneed men nav e uone. w a.shington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. TH E DUDRE Y school of aeronautics wishes to announce the opening of their new classes In aviation. Including pilots and mechanical course. Monday, Sept. 0. Avail yourself of t his opport unity to get Into this profitable pro fession at once. Apply S24 Morgan bldg., Dudrey Aircraft Co. v AN l ED An experienced electric light man to take charge of a town of 700 population; must be able to handle elec tric supplies and do inside wiring on the I side; store room furnished free; no other I Aiippiy store in town ; give re Terences, experience and salary expected In first letter. Address A V 446. Oregon ian. OLD. LINE life insurance company would like to hear from ambitions men in the city and throughout Oregon and Idaho 1 who believe they can write life insurance j If given assistance by supervisor. Write I or can w. j. JrdibDard. PJU4 Wilcox bldg. Interviews 8:30 to 0:30 momings only. WHY NOT increase your own salary? If you can devote a few spare hours week ly can show you how to make big money; work is easy and you can start at once; applicants must be able to furnish ref erences; give phone number. AE 443, Orygonlan. WANTED -Two young men under 25 years! fiir night clerical position ; must know j the city, able to meet the public, and use I ine tetepnone; opportunity for advance ment: permanent work: state salary wanted, experience and age. E 75, Ore- j gorian. YoUNG man, single, not over 22 years of ! age. W!o is looKing ior permanent oosi- tion. willing to work and learn at same time, an opening in our sales depart.: experience not necessary. Call Coy Cor- pete mug. BUSINESS MEN. If your need Is trained, efficient of fice help, call Broadway 44i. Clerical iieip bervice, 01: a Artisans' bldg. MAN WITH logging camp experience who wouia 11 Ke to learn salesmanship ; good position and salary to start: no ca vassing. ' Give age. experience, reference and phone. ak eti, Oregonian. MEN WANTED with tools to cut cord- wood and teams to. yard out; good price; money guaranteed. Call Tuesday, 21yt. at 21 i E. uth st., Vancouver, Wash. R, J. waring. MAN FOR shipping, in machinery houBe; one wun clerical experience preferred; ciiance ior advancement; state ex perience and wages expected. B 43, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged man for janitor work, care heating plant, elevator, lights, etc. Answer, stating experience and reference; wases expected. Grand Ho tel, a 1 ; a v a n a, wash. BOYS and men can make good money cut ting nag 01 tne uunrusnes variety. For iniormauon inquire 01 western Cooper age Co., bu Johns, east end of S. P. A &. bridge. WATCHMAKER WANTED. Two first-class watchmakers at once: permanent position. good salary. F. Fried lander to., JlU Washington street. WANTED Reporter. Unmarried man pre- terrea. write, stating experience and sal ary desired. City editor. Republic, Yak ima, v asinnKitm. WANTED First-class shoemaker, $40 per wees; win pay nan tare ior a steady man. Write or wire. Alexander's Shoe Repairing, I win t alls, Idaho. BOOKKEEPER and commissary, $500; young man ior out ot town bank : traveling salesman; stenographer. 33S I M. w. Kantt is tag. CO ATMAKER wanted, by El of Anderson. w an rtu First-class furniture and car- pet salesman; good opportunity for en ergetic man; all answers strictly con- iiaentiai. Address Af u4. oregonian. WA NTED Immediately, man for general iarm worn; must oe anie to milk.; good wages. is. H. Reeher, Forest Grove, or.. R. l. WANTED First-class Ford mechanic. capable of handling motor work. 303 East Broadway. BOV for delivery and office work. Good 1 opportunity and wages. Commercial Ad- I vertising Co., Couch bldg. WAN TEu Meat cutter; state wages ex pected; must give references. Write to Dallas Meat Jo., Dallas. Polk Co., Or. OPPORTUNITY for young man to learn to operate motion-picture machine. Ap- I yty i- to o today, jis fiatt bldg. WANTED Yooung boy to work in factory. Appjy Ames-Harris-Seville Bag Co., na n a Hoy ts t s. WANTED AT ONCE 2 men to learn vul canizing and retreading. Call 432 Haw thorne ave. I CAN use another house-to-house man: 1 best selling article on market. 508 Couch mag., ivy 4tn. APPLE pickers and experienced packers; pickers brin camp outfit. Herbert Wil liam?, w nite baimon, wash. WANTED Man and wife janitor for lead ing theater. Apply box AB 70, Orego nian. WANTED Have two good propositions for a live wire advertising solicitor. Apply Af o.i. uregonian. EXPERIENCED ledger lerk to balance! ledger, btate exp. and salary expected. Temporary position, i 3a, Oregonian WANTED Young boy to work in factory. l;tn ana noyt sis. WANTED Tailor for fitting and bushel- ing ladies' and men's work. AO 21. Ore gonian. WAMH.U xoung men as news agents on railroad trams, small cash. bond. Cole News CO.. 14 .N. lUtil St. A POSITION with no limit to advance ment is open to a young man theatri- cally inclined. Address E 77, Ore go n i an . SOLICITOR by established firm on good- paying proposition. Call 214 Pittock I Mk.. Sunday, to 11. weetc days. 5 to 6. WANTED 3 expert apple packers at . Hood River, flione ast 1311. Portland. BOY WITH motorcycle. 129 Sixth street. Powers & Estes, w ide-a w AKb. experienced dub boys; no otner need appiy. jpewara grin. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or vriie loS East Broadway. WANTED Experienced gas fitter with f ord car. Appiy idi rarK st. AMATEUR: Call Main Can you amuse or entertain? I (vso alter t r. al. MAN WILL put in wood at 50c per hour Call Main 6375. SCHOOL BOY ca n earn board doing por ter work t u hours evenings. loj. oth. I HELP WANTED MALE. - THE BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY OFFERED BY ANY WANT AD IN THI3 PUBLICATION. THE LARGEST CONCERN IN ITS LINE IS SEEKING A LIVE WIRE TO ACT AS ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER FOR THE STATES OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON. THE PRODUCT IS A STAPLE AL READY EXTENSIVELY USED. THE CHIEF QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION ARE: FIRST. ABILITY TO JUDGE AND SELECT AGENTfi (WOMEN): SECOND. REFINED. EN THUSIASM. AND THIRD, UNBOUND ED AMBITION. A MAN POSSESSING SUCH QUALI FICATIONS CAN OBTAIN, A PERMA NENT POSITION. THE INCOME HE WILL DERIVE SALARY AND COMMISSION BASIS) WILL BE MUCH GREATER THAN HE EVER EARNED. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 497. MADISON SQUARE STATION. NEW YORK. CARRIER WANTED in Union ave. dis trict, just north of Fremont street. Ap ply City Circulation Dept., 23 Orego nian bldg. CARRIER WANTED in Mt. Scott district. near ients. Apply city Circulation Dept. --j-j viruujn uiug. PRINT E R-OPER A TOR All around coun- ury cpmomaiJon man wanted at onoc: must be afbl-e to operate and tare for intcrtypa aoa go ahead with ads. jobs, make-up, et.. as working foreman: $41! to start. Permanent job to right man. Meppner Herald. He-ppner. Or. SODA DISPENSER; permanent positfon.no ouiiuay, noiiuay or nigiit work. Apply employment bureau, bixth floor, Meier &. Frank company. A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N. "Four of our Portland renreueatatlves averaged ..t last wek. W can ujco four more of the saane type. Etxperlcn-ce uui mxcsKiiry. iiererenccs required. Ap ply ti4 to took Exchange bldg., after 10 A. M. WANTED By wholesale house, boy about j o , apienaiu. opportunity lor advance ment if not afraid to work Onlv nn living with parents and under home in fluence win oe considered : answer in own handwriting, stating education. R. I. Oregonian. UMBRELLA repairer; permanent position, wages. Appiy employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank company. MILKER and farm hand wanted; also boy to get cows irom pasture; married cou ple with boy preferred. J.n-quire Mr. Raddent, Imperiar hotel. Will party with wife and boy who called Monday Pleas e call again ? THREE SALESMEN WANTED. An article that will mva hunriroria nf dollars to every business man and costs $u. ' Money-back guarantee. Call state representative, 10-12 today. Byrou. Alain tet8. YOUNO man, over 20 years of age. ener getic ana neat appearing; a permanent position in our sales - department open; experience not necessarv. CaJl 402 Spaiding bldtg.. a to 5 P. M. WANTED Young man. 1 7 to 19, as junior ciertv in oirrco ot large manufacturing --tabai'shme-nt : permanent mohIi !nn : splendid opportunity. Give age, phone and salary desired. BC 733, Oregonian. WANTED The services of a good, honest maTi who owns a Ford sedan in good order who is willing to use his car for business purposes during the day and run the car himself. A R 6, Oregonian WANTED APPLE PICKERS. ' We have lour thousand nnr- r.f a nnlo trees; picking has started. AddIv DL'KL'K ORCHARD Co., 170 4th st., near Yamhill. WANTED. Bids on lathing. olasterlnir hriv work and shingling on two residences, union work. Apply 208 Willamette Boulevard. PR VATE SECRETARY 1 0 .0 Bank messenger Steno Bookkeeper ..' 504 Spalding Bldg. 80 100 WELL-KNOWN. fast-growing northwest publication has permanent position opn for wide-awake salesman. Apply be tween hours 9:.10 1 11 11 A Vf r-nr.m ,n Board ofTrade bldg. WAN TIED Japanese boy for housework : mujt have experience and references good wages. M. Fieischner. SO N. aoth street. WANTED Man experienced hun.m., ttock to do chores; steady job and good ; - I'ttin . party. ford. Dairy, Brush Prairie. Wash. Jersey MEN AGE under 55, experience unn.. sary, travel, make secret investigation, reports, salaries., expenses. American 1-oreign Detective Agency. ft!6 St. Louis. MILLWRIGHT partner wanted: I have rora ana job m sight: shar expenses: "batch. Grand Ask for Bettis. evenLns. ive. WANTED -Good reliable watchman for out. iaKe. inquire Overmtre Steel Construction Co.. E. Water and Haw thorne. WANTEDMan to teach In 1-room. 4-year ""S" scnooi and act as principal ot .grades. Apply Clerk Dist. No. 32 Ma pleton. Or. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer in good r roruano with large finan cial company, $130 .to $173. 1013 Wil cox bldg. EXPERIENCED stenographer for out nf town, lumber experience preferred but not essential. $154). 1013 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Young man for genera. 1 wr-.k around theater. Call at Majestic, be tween the hours of 10 and 11 A. M. BRIGHT boy wanted; good hours; good mm., nuance ior aavancement; must have wheel. Roya.1 bld-g.. 2d floor. WANTED Industrious school boy to work from 3:30 to 5:30 aftPrnnnn t,h -n day Saturday. AN 854, Oregonian. MAN with knowledge of landm-ninr t take charge of country place; reefrences. a. kJ, Oregonian. SALESMAN, experienced or inexperienced. N 2'"d J"aciurinar company. Call 62 y ERRAND boy with wheel. Apply printing department, Ivilham Stationery & Print ing Co.. &th and Oak sts. wai oencn men ana good veneer man ior turmture- tactory. Apply 441 e Lombard st., near Union ave. t WANTED Man to work on farm ; Kood wages, steady job. good accommoda tions. Cali 525 Alder st. BOY WANTED to learn trade. Glenn bervice fetation, 550 Union ave. LIVE salesman, good opening for wide- it watte man. no 1 a . oregonian. GOOD reliable man for orderly in private nospuai. ojl ivearney. -btawy. 8450. CARPENTER, new house. 48th and Stan- ton. rnone wain, oaj, evenings. WANTED Young man for grocery deliv ery, ruiu. tor, urana ave. and Sassalo. WANTED Porter. Seward Hotel Barber Shop. MEN wanted to distribute circulars. 331 BO Y WAN TED lttth st. to deliver. Call 25 N. WANT bright young man, 16 or 17. to do coHectin-g. Inquire at 284 Everett. BLACKSMITH wanted. City Iron Works, 10-7 N. 2d st. COMMISSARY men for out of towi to $150. 1015 Wilcox bldg. TYPESETTER for job printing shop. Front st. 758 W A N T E D 'Firs t-c lass upholsterer. Grand ave Help Wanted Salesmen. AN OLD, reliable firm wants a good, live salesman to call on grocery trade: state age, salary wanted and phone. BP 53. Oregonian. SALESMEN wonderful opportunity. ' come Insurance. 601 Corbett bids. la. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen WANTED EXPERIENCED FURNITURE AND CARiPET SALESMAN; STEADY POSITION ; REFERENCED REQUIRED. L. SCHOE.ViFELD SONS, INC., TACOMA. WASH. SALESMAN willing to be taught how to sell a high-class line of manufactured products; old company. Well known throughout the United States and Can ada: salary -to start with liberal con misnlon ; permanent position for the right party. Ladies considered ; city work. Call or write the W. T. Rawleigti Co.. 017 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. WANTED Salesmen who make the hard ware, furniture and general stores trade In Oregon to take a side line of fast selling toys. Good money can be made between now and Christmas. Write Col burn Manufacturing Company. Spokane. Wash. ON E OF the largest organizations of its kind desires the services of five edu cated, ambitious and matured men, capable of being developed into high class representatives; the pay is above the average; even if employed, it will pay to Investigate. Call 909 Wilcox bldg. A LOCAL institution desires the services of five educated, aggressive men. cap able of being developed into high-class representatives; the work is permanent and affords a splendid opportunity for profitable connection. Call 307 Title & Trust Bldg. HAVE position open for experienced pai-nt and oil salesman. Answer, giving ex perience. refere.ncea and phone number. T iiG. Oregonian. MAN with automobile to drive from town to town, $24 to $t0 a day easily made. Atrial will convince you. Call Mr. Van ceil, 40o Ger linger fridg. WANTED AGENTS. TH E COLLIN? automatic carburetor. rectifier, gives more mileage power, less carbon and cooler engine; goes on any car; agents wanted and territory for bale. Coiling Co., 325 GUsan at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER; must be accurate, but not necessarily fast; real qualification to have a gift for describing women's clothes In such a way that other women can actually see the garments; position is ttiat or assistant manager ior i tail ?uit and cloak store. Reply, giving sample description or a suit which you think would appeal to most women; ex ceptionally good salary. K. 20, Orcgo nian. WANTED pflwr machine operators. Afp-ply Ames-iHarris-Neville Bag Co., 15th and Hoyt sts. 1 LADY agents who are willing to work and wno expect good pay tor what they do, it you arc not ambitious and have no need of funds, do not f.pend your time in answering this adv. I have a money maker for workers. Call at room 803 bpaiding bldg. CAPA BLE girl to answer phone, receive clients and assist stenographic work in law office ; moderate salary and excel lent working conditions. Write letter about yourself, stating age, experience. salary expected. 15 J 00, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for office girl ; murit be bright and alert and capable of handling public diplomatically; should be high school graduate; salary tiu per month to start; good chance tor advancement. -v S4. oregonian. WANTED By young couple, elderly lady to care for young child ; no housework, good home and some wages. Mrs. E. M. Tilton, 6709 41st ave. S. E. Mt. Scott jcar. WiHLL-KNOWN. fast-growinir publication has permanent position open for wide awake sales-women. Apply between hour :: and 11 A. M. Room 620 Board of Trade bldg. EXPERIENCED hairdresser contemplating opening new down-town establishment or enlarging present business can get fine. legitimate proposition; something uiixer ent. J 8, Oregonian. ASST. bookkeeper, reliable and accurate, to keep customers' ledger and cash ac counts; opportunity for development and advancement. Apply 428 N. W. Bank bldg., Wednesday before 11 o clock. WANTED Cash girl to answer phones and maxc change. Apply istubbs Ele trie Co., 75 bth st. GRADE or high school girl to arist with care of 1 V. -year-oki child for board, room and wages, Alameda dist. Call ut2 r.ast 2 th st. N. WANTED Capable woman to keep house in small Tamuy. Bungalow. J-'leasan surroundings: no washing. Apply X 80 Oregonian. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Apply 549 Morri son st. ednesaay morning. STENO typists. R. R. experience. Multigraph operator. 504 Spalding Bldg V OU NG lady who can stand walking to deliver telegrams in office buildings salary $00 per mont h. Federal Tele graph. T Board of Trade Bldg. GIRLS wanted. E. 3d N. American Laundry, 140 WA NTED Experienced laundry help good wages, room and board. A nnl Good Samaritan hospital laundry. Phcm Marsnau liiMV. TOlSG lady for dancing in Hawaiian iaz: vaudeville- act; experience not .required 11 wuang 10 learn; good salary. .Mai 1 420 bet. and 12 only. GIRL wanted foK lunch counter; no cook tv evenings from 4 to 10. 623 Wash ington nt. STOCK girl wanted at Fashion Cloak teuit Co., o4 Washington sL, corner 10th. GIRL for light work in window shade fac tory. The Colunrbia Mills. Inc.. 54 o1 Morrison st., 4th floor Royal bldg. WANTED An experienced chocolate dip per. Busy Bee Confectionery, 2S3 Mor rison. CLERK for delicatessen and grocery. Apply Tip-Top Delicatessen & Grocery, 13th and Morrison, after 1 A. M. EXPERIENCED cashier and wrapper, clothing store experience preferred. Ben Selling. ' 1 WOMAN with two children wants- house keeper for widowers having two or three children. Room 21. 260 Market st. GIRL living on St Johns marline for light factory work ; advancement for right party Woodlawn 205. HIGH school girl will exchange nice room and board for assistance with house work and wages. Phone East 781 8. GIRLS to canvass and Apply between 4 and 6. lOth, room 9. demonstrate. Colonial, 17 WANTED -Experienced lady presser or lady to learn pressing. Mult. Dye Works, East 2920. . " FIRST-CLASS help for dressmaking. 3G3 Yamhill. WOMAN for Elks club dining room from 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. J. Brizzolari. WANTED Girl to wash dishes, wait table noon tim e; no Sun, work. 1 14 N . 3d s t. COOK wanted at once; $75. room and board. Hotel Kockritz. Kaiama. Wash. WANTED Nurse Woodward ave. girls. Apply 1064 EXPERIENCED pants finisher wanted. Apply 40S Washington st., room 204. GI RL wanted : good pay, steady work. Manning's Cafeteria, 285 Yamhill st. CHAMBERMAID. Couch hotel, 251 Couch street. WANTED Taiioresa to'hel'p on bushellng. 4S N. 6th st. EXP. WAITREiSSE- at Moonlight Cafe. 123 N. 6th st. WANTED First-ciass chocolate dipper. 775 Williams ave. Phone Wdln. 1143. RELIABLE woman for 3 or 4 hours' housework per day. Call 245 4th st INSURANCE stenographer; give full ticulars. BC 40, Oregonian. GIRL to assist with children and house work; nice home, light work. Main 1844. LADY in family of 8; no washing, good wages. Call Main 70S6 after 7 P. M. WANTED Waitress, out of town: trans port aUonfurnfshedClanSellw-ood 254. AMATECR: Can you amuse or entertain? jaii aiain noo auer 1 r. m. VEST finisher wanted. Room 402 Phoenix oiag. oj iiniBi. WANTED Experienced help in tailor shop for general repair work. 704 Wash. st. ELDEKLY woman for chamber work. Call at 4'.4 Morrison st. arter jo o clock A. M WHERE styles, charm and prices please Stanton Millinery. 310 Selling bldg. GIRL for general housework, good wages East 40S5. Call mornings. WANTED A dishwasher. Campbell hotel. HELP WANTED ITMALE. INTERESTING WELL PAID EMPLOYMENT NEAR YOUR HOME. More than 8 offices in Port land. One of which is probably near your home. $14 Per week to start. $60 For first month. $900 For first year. REGULAR INCREASES THEREAFTER. YOUNG WOMEN APPLY NOW Room 601. sixth floor. Park and Oak streets. Telephone bldg. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE X & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY " Reouires the services of " Girls between the ages of IS and 22 for positions in dairy lunch and soda fountain departments. There axe vacancies in many depart ments for experienced salespeople. Splendid opportunities and permanent positions for those who desire ad vancement. Experienced saleswomen for the em broidery silk and cotton thread sec tion of the art needle department. Three experienced workers for mono grams and initials. 20 gir between the ages of 16 and 18 for positions in wrapping and marking departments. Former employes not now employed are invited to make application for rein statement. A (united number of short-hour salespeople will be con sidered. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. .MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for women of pi easing personality between tnt ages 01 o0 and 50 to connect with old-estabiishrd Institution either for work in the city or country. Our proposition is well known and is indorsed by leading educators and business men. Permanent employment. Teachers or demonstrators preferred. Those who can qualify can earn from $50 to SI 50 a wpek. It w-ili pay you to inves tigate. A pply room 305 Central bldg., i;;2 10th st W ANTED. Experienced Power Machine Operators. Overalls. Whfrts, Macklnaws. 44-hour Week. Saturday Afternoon Off. HIRSCH-WE1S MANUFACTURING CO., 205 Burnside st. GIRT-S WANTED TO WORK TN CRACK ER AND CANDY FACTORY. APPLY TRU-BLU BISCUll CO.. EAST 6TH AND DAVIS iSTS. THOROUGHLY experienced sales women for high-class millinery store. Apply at once. Madame Bournet, 347 Morrison st. WOMEN wanted to work in our factory at Vancouver preparing pears for can ning; car fare paid to and from Port land: our own cafeteria serves meals to employes at cost; good wages. Factory Oth and Hill sts., Vancouver. Report there or phone East ttoao. WANTED A few young ladies for motion picture work ; if necessary special coach ing by director. Apply Sunbeam Film Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Hours 10 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M. AM ORGANIZING a crew of G women for a money-making proposition to make the towns of Oregon. Apply to Mrs. Wilson, 403 Gerlinger bldg., between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. YOUNG lady who is accurate at figures to check invoices and assist in other clerical work. Chance for advancement for the . right person. State experience. R 660, Oregonian. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal ( government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 32l Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged 20 to 35, for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 3J2, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER for Alaska. $500: sec retary, $150; 2 bookkeepers, $125; steno grapher. $125 ; beginner doctor-s office ; 2 clerical girls. Call today. 338 N. W. Bank Bldg. DANDY position in Pendleton awaits the young lady who can make good in a general office. Write and teil us what you can do and we will do the rest. Box WANTED Beginner Gregg shorthand teacher, small B. C. near Portland; give fu; 1 information. Apply "Principal," A V 447. Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. EXPERIENCED skirt makers and helpers wanted. Jonason, S treed Marr, 415 Columbia bidg.. between Park and West Park, Washington. WANTED An experienced middle-aged working woman to manage rooming house; no children. D. H. Welch. As toria, Or. WANTED Quick, energetic woman to sew and cut curtains ior automobile body. Apply in person at once. Universay Body Corp., 00 Sandy blvd. SOLICITOR 'to call on leading residents good-paying proposition ; established f:rm. Call 214 Pittock bik., Sunday, y 11. Week days. 5 to tf. GIRLS wanted for operating spinning m cnines: experienced neip preierred: working conditions good. Apply Port land Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. GIRLS over 1 6 years of age wanted for bread wrapping. Apply Log Cabin Bak ing Co., Fremont and Vancouver ave. Ask for M r. W rig ht. A RELIABLE girl for trays and cleaning In private hosplta l : good salary. 017 Kearney at. Broadway .woo. YOUNG lady to select orders in dry goods stockroom of large store. Permanent position. AN 764. Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL? girl to exchange services for board and room and spending money; preier Catholic religion. i aDor 010. WANTED 2 exp. girls to work In refresh ment booth at county fair.. Apply 146& Grand ave. netore iu a. at., room 3. WILL exchange room, board and wages to girl or woman working during day from v to 4. .nam iWMh EXPERIENCED seamstress wanted - al Opera House laundry. Must understand power machine. 241 Everett. TH E Florence Crittenton Home to help any girl in distress. - Glisan. "MV" car. East Oi ls ready LI55 Eal WANTED 3 power machine Apply Ames-Harris-Neville 15th and Hoyt streets. operators. Bag Co., WANT good plain coon Tn small boarding house. Call at 669 Savier st. EXPERIENCED saleslady for drug "and confectionery store. Call Tabor -'04. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co.. East 25th and Holladay. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Ap ply Hotel Eaton. BUSHELMAN Burnslde st. Colonial cleaners, S48 WANTED Hand ironer at the Portland Laundry Co., Union ave. and E. Mili. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework in small family; nice home. Call Marshall 2315. GIRL, to assist in general housework. Ap ply 1014 Savier st. N., near 21th st. GIRL. 3654. for general housework. 1240 Thurman Bt. WANTED irl to help with housework. 5S5 E. 22d st. N. East 1499. GIRL for light housework, 3 In family: modem 5-room flat. Main 7713. A GIRD to asjeist in general house-work ; small family. S10 Overton st. Main 5317. EXPERIENCED waitress and housekeeper wanted. Cali 26 N. 2d st. WANTED A chambermaid hotel. Phone Broadway 11. tt Olympia SCHOOL girl anted at once; wages, ply 202 Washington sU Ap- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED A woman for cooking and downstairs work.: must be experienced and with refer ences ; good wages. . Mrs. Ray mond Wilcox, Portland Heights. Main 1S87. GIRL or woman wanted to assist with housework and help care for 2 chil dren ; no cooking; no washing; good w-ages and congenial home. Phone East 6ft 84. GIRL to assist with general housework and plain coaking; new home and all conveniences. Phone Marshall 4316. mornings. GIRL or woman for general housework, country; good home, near town ; neat, good cook ; wages reasonable : children. Write 1003 East Yamhill sL, city. WANTED Good cook In family of two; small modern home to care for; plenty of time for rest or .recreation; good wages; references. Marshall 2311. RELIABLE woman. middle-aged pre ferred, for general housekeeping in small home; two adults in family. Call East 4y02 after U A. M. WANTED Housekeeper for gentleman and daughter, aged 11, with privilege of working; small wages. Inquire after 4 P. M.. 408 First st. COM PETENT girl for general housew ork, family of 4; good wages. Phone Main 1574. 740 Flanders. WANTED Elderly lady to do light house work for small wages and good home. Call Sellwood 30HO after 7. A SCHOOL girl who wishes a good home and wages' to assist with housework. Broadway 3548. A WANTED A competent cook; good wages. Apply Mrs. Mears, 721 Flanders. Main 2500. GIRL for general housework; good wages If competent; teach if willing; no wash-ms- Phone East 24H5. WANTED Experienced girl for second work. io laundry, no window cleaning; wages $50. Main 147S. EXPERIENCED girl for downstairs work and cooking; no washing, no children. Main 2647. WANTED Nurse girl ; must have some experience; good wages. Call 05a Bryco ave. Broadway car. WANTED Middle-aged lady as housekeep ir on small berry farm; full charge. Ad dress J. M. Mathes, Springfield, Or. EXPERIENCED girl for genera! house work in country town near . Portland. Phone Mar. .15:i. 770 Flanders mornings. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. J25 per month and a good home. G T. Baxter. Dolph, Or. UI UL wanted, general housekepping and cooking; 2 adults; easy piace. 155 N. 22 d St. GIRL or schoolgirl to assist with house work. Apply 1006 Thurraan st. Mar shall 877; WANTED -Woman for general housework, $45 per month ; no w ashing or ironing. East :tyo7. WANTED Girl or woman to help with housework, good pay. Apply 262 Wash ington tt. Phone East SIX. work;" no washing. cooking and Mar. 517. GIRL for general housework, small house, three in family. East 2803. . EXPERIENCED girl to assist with general housework. East 2491. WA NTED Girl w it h some exp. to assist w ith general housework. East HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. CRANBERRY pickers wanted. Picking very good. Take a pleasant outing on the finest beach on the coast and earn the vacation by picking berries a few hours each day. Our cranberry bogs quarter mile east Tioga, one mile north Long Beach. Buy ticket to Tioga. P. O. address Edward H Heckard. Long Beach. Wash. APPLE graders, packers and pickers: ex perienced help only wanted: besin Oct. 1; highest wages. C. W. Dewey. Lyle, Wash. WAN T E D M an an d wife coo ks for log ging camp: $2.25. room and board. Apply betw een 7:30 and &:;io a. wi. v . r. . C u 1 i na ry Workars Assn.. 242 Ankeny. WANTED At once, ballet dancing teach er. Walker Dancing school, Morrison at Third. GOOD coatmaker wanted; paying weekly scale. 43 N. th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CARPENTER and jobber; prices . reason able estimates furnished. Berkey, Mar shall 1 "!'. . Work guaranteed. Ai v! rv.T ENT office man desires afternoon and evening on ice ' - 1 5.4 Johnson st. . WANTED By all-around ran en man. to take charge or wor. .1' , East 5654. B K. Close. 01 E. 12th st. CANADIAN, married. d-sires position as chauffeur; who aiw mut houe. AB CO. Oregonlan: JANITOR or watchman; i good painter and paperhanger i l, UrcMoman 3 M KN WANT to cut enru v oou ai win ter; -must Do gooo. iiniue.. Dayton. Or. XHiHT watchman, now worklnK. wani.-t -pnsillion in or near n.j " Address Watchman. X S7. Oregonian. WANTED Work for :'4-ton true large freight Douy; oy ion Broadway 20-7. PAIVTIXG, UntinR. paperhangine ; "rk guaranteed; prices right. Phone Tabor MAN WANTS work evenings, r. to P. M.; give particuiaiw. . t .... w.. Oregonian. ; EMPLOYMENT by elderly man. Janitor or general houstfwork; references. Jv 11. Oregon Ian. ; GOOD all-around cook open for engage ment; will go out of town, X Ore gonian. fTrStTclASS hotel Jd restaurant man; r-hpf or Kiewa.ru . o - -, open for engagement. HC 4.t, oregonian. i v w WANTS wood-cutting contract, anv amount; will be or take a partner. Oregonian. TWO MEN with dragsaw want wood con tract; state particulars. J 00, Orego- nian. . AUTOMOBTLfi mechanic. newcomer to o In nd warns n- v , , 1 , , workman; married. iting ."Marsnau j. i io. OWN "U-TON truck, take any kind haul ing: "long-time contract preferred. Wood lawn 47S ' "BFprv college student wants work either Wednesday or Saturday afternoon or both. AG S79, Oregonian. RHirKLAYER, furnaces. boilers. flre- places. worn. rTnpENTER Contracting, repairing and remodeling. Reliable mechanic Broad way S48T. EXCEPTIONAL, salesman, broad experi ence: sell any line; have auto. Al. 4b. Oregonian. MARRIED man wishes work mornings. vJUm or ail night; lots of-experience. K.T TiO, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, now employed, needs extra work during or out of hours, "iu - W. Bank bldg. Phono 511-75. MAN handy at auto repairing or driving. Woodlawn 6:t37 any time. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. LATHER wants work after Sept. SO. Oen. Del.. Hillsboro. Or. a nVF.VTIST couple wants farm job; 2 AenndrnTGen. Pel.. Hillsboro. Or. YOUNG man wants position as chauffeur, all" or part of day. East 33SS. rpT vour painting, decorating and signs done now. Best worn. xaoor t,s. JANITOR or other work wanted, part time. Davis, yuimpy noici, - . AUTO driver would like steady job- driv inn. nr!vate or truck. Broad-way 4T.1S. ED THE handy man; all kinds of handy work, reasonable. Sellwood 3382. ROOFS repaired, cleaned and painted; reasonable. Tabor 929. JANITOR wants some worK alter o xr. f'nll after 10 A. M. Main 4980. J VPAXESE boy; any kind job arter l noon or 5:30 afternoon. 209 Aider st. S3-S4 FOR TINTING room. Call on me and be sa t i s f i e d . Bd w y . 3 .62 3 . WE.I.L here -we are to tint your room for s:V-$4- good work. Bdwy. 5669. GENERAL machinist, tool and die maker; will leave town. O 41. Oregonian. YOU FURNISH paint and tint, I -will put it on for reasonable wage. E. 879a. JAPANESE wants position hall boy. John Yoshloka. as porter or 2i6 Front st. MIDDLE-AGED married man wishes em ployment evenings. M 78. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy boy in family. wants position as ho us D 42. Oregonian. FOR H1RE- nd hoist. -2-ton truck wun dump Broadway 133. VOR CONCRETE WORK PHONE WOODLAWN 54S3, TRUCK 2-ton. with freight body, hire. Phone Broadway 133. SITUATIONS WANT K I M ALE. INDUSTRIAL relations engineer, now- em- , -, . , r vi in east, aesiret- ;vmmr-n"n in . Portland; graduate engineer, age married trcnoral mrtnf.i.cTvirinir expert- 1 ence. employment manager shop em ploying 8000 ; personnel, legislative and association experience; will get results for manufacturer. lumber company or association; conversant with Portland conditions; available 50 days. AV 4t4, oregonian. YOUNG M A N. F U LL OF P E P. WANTS 1 SOUND PROPOSITION. EITHER WITH PARTNER OR OTHERWISE: LONG EXPERIENCE MEETING PUBLIC. NO WILDCAT SCHEMES CONSIDERED. PROPOSITION MUST BE Al. A J 50, OREGON 1 AN. YOUNG MAN wishes position driving car . after 3 P. M. ; many years' experience and can do repairing. Call East CS74. IF VOLUME of your business does not re quire services of accountant full time, an experienced accountant will write up your books periodically at moderate cost, furnishing monthlv statements of value to you showing condition of your busi ness. AG 2. Oregonian. RELIABLE, ambitious man. age ;U). with 10 years' general office training in Port land, desires active position where op portunity for advancement Is good; character f position hrst consideration. AH 23. Oregonian. PRIVATE detective open for engagement, age 22; has experience and references; prefer hotel or any reliable business house ; terms $150 month, expenses; cn gagement strictly confidential. AB 6S. Oregonian. WANTED Situation by first-class welder. 1 have my own complete welding and cutting outfit new; eastern Oregon or Washington preferred ; also und erst ami machine work and auto repairing. M. R., 7 Q4 Washington st., Vancouver. Wash. Fl RST-CIAS Japanese coin Di nation cook with J5 years experience desires posi tion in hotel or restaurant. Can take entire charge of kitchen if necessary. George Tanaka, Lesard Hotel, Walla Walla, Wash. A YOUNG married man with 5 years ex perience in garage wrfrk wants position running garage nights; must be good .iob-. I have had 2 years in my own buines. Call Woodlawn 111. PRINTER-OPERATOR; good country experience. AP 55, all-around Oregonian. RuOFS REPAIRED at any lime, rain or sh ine, shingled, papered, tin or gravel. We use Web Foot pa int. Portland Hoof Repair & Paint o. Main 620. HAVE FORD delivery, established rout'. city and county ; would like side I in1 s"H to grocers. What have you? Dvi ltiil E. 65th st. North. Y0UN1. good. rllHtli 1 married man wants any kind of rename w 01 k . i - at un.l leriral. Cull WoodlaWn' Itook keeper. Stenographer. Office. EXPERl E N C E D bookkeeper-accountant wants permanent city position; moderate salary. C 74. Oregon la tt. WE MAKE IT A POINT to furnish com petent office help promptly and private ly. Phone us your wants. Bdwy. 514. BOOKKEEPER wants position in or out of city; Al references. Mam 74ft6 ACCOUNTANT wishes work during spare time. Phone Sellwood 3081. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WELL educated young woman, experienced in business, halesmanship. office work and .management, would like opportunity to work into partnership with some busi ness tnterprise. Satisfied with smail remuneration. Might invest later. AJ 5tt. Oregonian. WANTED By competent woman. posi tion as cook In private Christian family: best of references from last employer ; none but first-ciass families need apply. Address. Plating wages. R 7'.. Oregonian. SCHOOL teacher. 5 yrs. experience, wishes position teaching a school offering good salary where board is reasonable; can give references. BC 53. Ore son ian. LADY who is thoroughly experienced in hotel busienss wishes management of hotel or apartment house ; references. East 12 L ' . TEACHING position wanted by accountant who whes to return to the profession ; former ioise teacher. AB 73, Oregonian. SWITCHBOARD operator wishes position in hotel; 2 years old. married; for room and small wages. AG 7.. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position Ktand ; hotel preferred. X '1 nian. in ciar 3. Orego- LACE, SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will call East 8518. WORK by day or hour. Call between 2 and 3. afternoon, Marshall 5162. Ask for Mrs. Smith. EXPERIENCED woman washing, ironing ; 40c 521 -02. ' w unta work, hour, carfare. PLAIN cook wants housework or hoiiM keeping; give particulars. BC 42, Oro- jronlan. KXpsKlBNCISti LAT-NDKESS wants work; references. Oregonian. KX?ER1ENCKD laundress wants rtjVrnct-s. Woodlawn 1611. WOM IN wants two or three hours work, mornings. bc hour. Phone Main iOL'O. UOOD laundress wishes about 7 hours each day. Woodlawn 3(Mtf. WOMAN wants work by the hour Wednes day. Phone Wood law n 14'2l. WANTfcUt A place to take care of chil dren. Kast a:itr. tXHKRIKNKU woman wants clcanir by the hou r. M a rshall 307 -. A l.ADV wih e washing and ironing by day. C; Woodlawn S.M. WOM AN wants day work. Phone Tabor WOMAN wants work Thursdays. 5 67, room WOMAN" wants d; Auto. 311-57. iy work for Wednesday. BXPERIKNCKD young lady desire switchboard work. BJ Oregoman. Bookkeeper. Steiiograptirrw. ODice. STENOGRAPHER of long experience, ex ceptionally neat, quick and accurate, well versed in English and punctuation, desires position where these qualifica tions are essential and where opportuni ties for advancement are goou. K 13. Oregonian, LADY with thorough orncc training uiu position as references. cnerai uun-e oaaiam.-i, o AM 8, Oregonian. WF MAKE it a point to furnish competent office help promptly and privately, phone us your wants. Broadway jU. YOUNG colored girl. accurate. speedy typist, -wishes work to bring home after S : 3". W ood 1 awn :t4S0. STENOGRAPHIC position wanted by com petent young lady; ii years' experience. K IS. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER 10 years' experience legal and commercial. E. J. Woodruff. Main 110. . BOOKKEEPER and ttenogTapher wants work for few hours a day. AJ o, Ore gonian EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion; can furnish references. BC 4H, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra phtr; best of references. Main 2817. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best references. Main 2817. LOOKKEEPER-ttTKNO., o-nort references. Main wants position: i496. YOLNG woman desires ngni ouice worK i no shorthand. Phone East 8725. YOUNG DC 47 n oman wants ngnt onice work. Oregonian: Dressmakers. WEARING apparel, all descriptions made, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works. 049 Morrison st Bdwy. 42o9. DKESSM KING. alterations. children's clothes, mens silk shirts; work guaran teed. Mrs. Ground, -U7 loth st. Main 17891 , DRESSMAKING. plain sew ing. men's shirts. East" 7620. Corner 2Sth and E. Washington. TAILORED suits, coats and street dresses, - suits made over neatly, alterations, etc. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. olQ-00. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, will go out "by dav, rate $4 per day; not later than 10 A. M. Phone Main 177H. DO YOU admire dressmaking well done? Try Mrs. Bates, Tabor 8012. GOWNS suits, coats. alteration. Marshall 4377. 413 Main st. ARTISTIC dressmaking by day. Heibei. 2-2510. Nurses, PRACTICAL nurse of middle age would care tor maternity cases in country. Ad aress or call Mrs. A. Jones, 561 Daven port st.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED NURSE'S SERVICES OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT; SPECIAL TY NERVOUS AND MENTAL CASES. TABOR St12. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. Wood lawn 3314. COMPETENT nurse, general nursing, or care invalid or elder: y. Mar. 317-L COMPETENT nurses furnished upon re quest b hour, daj- or week. Mar. o4'J. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Houekeepers. v ... . .Tr 7 1 , "u ! 10 HtoMtt w.,th 1 fed of friend, wishas sework in family with per month. Marshall children ; $23 HOUSEKEEPING position wanted, by neat economical lady in home for 2 or 3 gen tlemen or couple employed, city. KJ 56. OreRonian. REFINED woman, age 33. wishes position, widower or bachelor, modern hoiup. no objection to 1 or 2, children. Thone Tabor 4"i0. YOUNG woman with boy 7. w ishes work housekeeping for man with one child or n.cre: city or country. C i'l, Oregonian. WIDOW would like position as housekeep er for widow or single man only, an American. X S.". Oregonian. Domestics. RESPONSIBLE young married lady wishes three or four afternoons or evenings a week taHTuig care of young children or baby. Ea t S3 2". COOKING or dining room work by wman with, hoy 12. camp or ranch. BC AO, Oregonian. YOUNG w omen, ex perienced. wish cooking Bdwy. 2?0. in cafeteria or delicatessen Housecleanlng. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen; floors waxed, furniture polished like new. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 1 Sj Chapman &t. Phone Main 1 1 57. THE V E R T BEST WINDOW CLEAN EUS . Tabor ' 46oS. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of reiorences. PORT LA N'D Housed can ing Co.. window leaning, waxing and vacuum work. Ta bor 5151. ELDERLY woman will do any kind of work. Olympia hotel, room 3. Bdwy. 11. WANT house cleaning, otnr work, hours, day ; work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WANTHD TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lisls of Hrsirable vacant houses, apartments and f lata with definite information pertaining to each. Nrwcrtmcrs to Portland will find thin bureau of great, value in helping thorn K"t properly and uuickly Iwcated. Eighth Floor. WANT TO RENT FURNISHED RHS1 DENCE: 0 or 1 O - rot tin modern resid enco wanted by se en responsible men willing to la w n d give bond insuring proper ca re . preference west side or walking distant- cast side; occupancy desired October 1. K 7'V t reponian. WANTED To rent 4. 5 or room housi n a ge-od distriet on the east nide for 0 months or longer, furnished or unfur nished. Will give excel lent ca re. St at n number of rooms, also amount of rent wanted. N . Oregonian. WANTED to lease for at least one ear, 5 or 6 room modern unfurnished house, Roso City preferred. Adults only, and can furnish the best of references. Phone Ta bor fsti7. FOR RENT In Irvington. prirt of house, 1 11 rnis hed or unfurnished, to a res p tin -fibie couple who will he permanent and have the hett of references; give phone number. t.T. Oregonian. TO RENT, or will lease by responsible people. 5 or 6 room modern house. Would like garage in connection. Call Bdwy. 2oi3 between 8 A. M. aqd 3 P. M. W ANTE IV A 4 or ; galow. east side couple. Address ( it . Box 2!( I . i-rooMi cottage or bun preferred : responsible E ni i I Loder. Oregon RESPONSIBLE couple wants furnished or unfurnished house, will lease and meet your terms if suited; best of references; Trv ington preferred. Phone Eat 1 54 S. TO LEASE Furnished house, 7 to 0 rnis. ; must be modern and in good neighbor hood; references furnished. AE IS. Ore gonia n. WANTED to rt'nt, 11 or 4-room furnished cottage or apartment: adults only. Call the auditor. Mar. 5.V-M. office hours. WANT to rent 5 or 6-room bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished; prefer one with g ii.ra ge. Phone Ta bor 1 S50. BY OCT. 1, 7 or 8-room modern mar. ent tenants; no children. 1 1 i 11 k s. M a i n 5 rt 7 7 . house, per Call eve- WANTED Nicely furnished bungalow. May buy. HF 10, Oregonian. WA NT 5 or 6-room house "r lower flat; no children. Woodlawn "W. Ki: UN ISH Kl aparm young couple, no ?t or flat wanted bv hi'riren: prefer small we i I - furntpheii pi a or Vict roia. : price c close in. with piano nt-t exceeding $to; will leae. I. O. box 444. city. WANTKD - - Apartment. 1 room and kilctaent-Ue. heated ; close in, apt. 1. r10 Market st . Phone morning or evening, after o'clock. Auto. r'iTi-":;. W A - T K D By October 1 . by couple with out children, a t hree-room uni urn ism ea apartment; will pay as nmnth. Call Woodlawn iKh as J40 per WANTED H' t bo vs. 1) and Phone 1M--'K ed apt. by woman with '2 : ; rent not exceeding $3". WANT apt. for mother and boy attending high school for janitor service. Call Broadway 4917. SM A LL a pa rt men t or housekecni n g roo m in Alberta district. Phone off ice hours. Main H!t. W A N T E D- apt. by ' lr thrcc-roi t o adulir! n f ii rn i.nhed East 740 KOOM with modern conveniences by young woman emploved; Portsmouth and ait. .1 oh us diM rict. -'a! I East 2 1 73. Koom With Board. ' 1T1 1 private family in modern home, a room and two meals a day for youn g man Thiw muvt be nit;e place and out of the ordinary. Stat-e rate. AK 2V, Oregon ia n . VlOMKONE to care for infant during day; must be clean : good pay : niolhur em ployed and would lik. room with family r possible. H.I ",s. Oregonian. YOt NG man. employed, wants board and rovm. private family preferred, west aide. AM 69, Oregonjan. OUNO man wants room and two meals a da v in comfortable home, close In on west wide. AK SI. Oregonian. Y UJ NG LADY wishes board and room in family where there arc no other boarders. A -1 r-33 AM iX OreRonian. W A NTED Room a rid boa rd in C. S. family by single business woman. K 17, Oregonian. BUSINESS girl wants board and room in Catholic family, east sid-. south of Haw thorne ave. East after 7. BOY (Benson student) wishes room and board in private family, M V district preferred. BD 27, Oregonian. M iscel lanPQUH. W X N T E D To rent about 1 acrn, with 5 or 6-room house; will give best of care of same. Phone Tabor .":;r.. for further reference. J 12, Oregonian. lz OR 1 ACRE of land on the Mt. Scott car line or outsuie aiMnci, oc car lare. Stand is h hotel, room 37 FOR RENT. WASH RACK FOR RENT. One of the best downtown west aide storage garages; does washing for large auto concerns. BD 324, Oregonian. SOME very clean, warm sleeping rooms at JOS 17th st., near Taylor. Furnished Rooms. TO GENTLEMAN, small furnished room, heat, light, hot and cold water, bath. Apply apt. 5. 5-23 J,i Division, cor. E. lltii st. LARGE downstairs room, hot and cold "water; with breakfast; walking dis tance or oneblock from car; gentle man. East 737. CHEAP separate rooms for laborers; all outside. comfortable and convenient, quiet place. 24 Albina ave. Call East S100. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guesta. Commodious suites for families. HARRISOX HOTEL, rooms $2.50 per week; board if desired. Front and Har rison its. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 ilth at. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient aad permanent rates. HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th st. Central, clean, respectable. Suites with or with out ATT R A CT IVE, modei n room in priva e family for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 211 N. 23d st. Mar. 3521. OH IO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep ir. g rooms. 2 '16 Front, corner Madison. 51 DAV. $2.5'1 week up; ciean. baths free. H otel Cadillac, Third, near Jefferson. N E W, most desirable modern room, large r single. 341 11th. Main 3478. SIN CLE H. K . room ; ha sein en t room for man; 1 sleeping room. ;;i)5 !'Uh s-t. GARLAND HOTEL. 2.i Trinity place. 5 1 week up; warm, modern outside rooms.