THE .MORNING OREGOXTAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1020 10 MR SAM. Horse, Vehicles, Livestock. . LIVE stock for -sale; registered Hereford buUs and heifers; best breeding and quality; raised on our farm in southern J da. ho. Herd comprises 4U0 head, which must be reduced at once to give us more room; now is the time to buy; run sell In carload lots ; prices reason able; satisfaction guaianteed. Write or tome and see them. Farm close .to Nam pa.. Idaho, on main line of Oregon short Line. L. L. Young & Sons. U. S. STABLES. We have some good youns horses and mares, weight 130 to 171KI pounds, ft to 7 years old ; some well -matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. 305 Union ave. S., cor ner btcvena it. Li. . Williamson and i ! a fs . FOR SALB. Team of bay, mare and horse, 6 and 7 yearr old: weig&t 20OO; well mated; good set of double harness; luve rented my place and moved to town; must se'e to stop feed bill; can bo wen at 305 I Union ave. S. : 15 GOOD milch 'cows. 1 Holatein bull, owner going out of dairy business, 1 Vfe miles cast of Concord station, on Ore gon City carllne. or take Carver car, :i blks. from Coleman station. William F. Oetken. Fo K SA LE by owner, 6 head horses and harness; 1 team, lfcOO lbs. apiece; 1 team, 3 600 lbs. apiece; 1 team, liioo lbs. apiece; a'l sound; any reasonable offer accepted. Phone East 302, ruom 413. OXK FARM team. H0U lbs apiece, sound, nw harness; welt broke, 6 and 7 years old; $123, terms. Kose Park' Dairy, Col, blvd. Wood! awn 3:i50. KEOiSTERED Shropshire rams. 2 years old. $20 ; ram lambs. $20 each, at barn H. 6th and lvon streets. Hoi man I'uel Co.. U4 Fifth street. CH KAP One 1000 lb. big team, heavy double harness and a ii farm wagon, all In good condition ; will sell separately. 380 E. 8th st.. at YamhlU. 00-POUND team, harness and farm w a son : It 0-day guarantee. Atlas wood yard. 11-7 Front. EXTRA fresh good Durham cows and one family cow. 90S Powell Valley and 3 2d street. .WANTED To hire a team of horses and wagon; or will keep them over winter for the UhC. V 33. Oregonlan. 6 LARGE fresh cows, Holsteins, Durhams, J ersey-Holstcina and Jerseys. 701 E. NEW SHIPMENT of large fresh cows, all greeds, price around $100 each. G. K. Hewitt. Portland Union Stockyards barn. TEAM Percheron mares, 8 years, good worker., f ;i(K; trade for. cattle, hogs. R. M. Butlpitt. Corvallls, Or. TH OROt'GHBRED young Jersey cow for a,'e ; just fresh. S. P. car to 3 miles. fS4 S, Fifth, W. Crook. DEAD horses taken quickly; casa for dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 6580. DR. Pianos, Organs and Mnsicnl Instruments. fcECURITV STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 2 small upright pianos. ... .5 and $ 75 3 Bradbury square at 63 $475 Httliet Ac Davis upright piano, cash 195 $53u Kroeger St Sons upright piano, cash 210 $000 Stetnway & Sons upright 290 $930 player piano, now 495 $1000 concert grand piano 295 S parlor-organs $23, $35 and 8 Pianos stored, 73c monthly ; pianos bought and told for cash only. lUo Tenth St.. Corner Stark St, $100 to $130 cash paid for ued upright pianos. Call Broadway 1678, Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth street. PIANO BARGAINS. AH 'we ask Is for you to see them. Real BARGAINS. Guaranteed. Terms given. FJCHER. plain cae II"'' WKSER. walnut case 2S. KIXUSBL'KV, oak, like new- 32j BOULfciRMAN. big snap 230 HENZE. plain oak, bargain 273 KINGSBURY, walnut, almost new., it 2 3 FISHER, mahogany, like new 75 And Others. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder tv USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. Ail In Good Condition. Phonograph, small.... 9 23 Victor, small 35 Victor, bmall -SO Unola Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 1G records 60 Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... 75 Brunswick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $10 cash, $4 to $7 monhtly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th.. Cor. Stark. Phono Broadway 1678. DO TOU want a player piano 7 Tou can get a slightly used player, which we absolutely guarantee. Hit a big saving and on reasonable terms of payment. Several to select from. Weber, Hazel ton, Chick ering. Vocatello, Autopiano, Grinell Bros.. Smith and Barnes. Haines Bros, and Bungalow player pianos. Don't de lav, see these at once. The price is right. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Wash, st.. Bdwy. 750. U S hi D PIANOS Our prices on good stand ard make used pianos are said to be the lowest. Come and see for yourself. Liberal payment plan. We now have K imball. Chick ering, Weber. H addoi f f, Everett. Behning. Harvard, Haines Bros., Hall, Starr and a few others to select from. Don't delay, now Is the time. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th nd Wash. St.. Bdwy. 730. BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE. Stuy vesant pianola oak) $350 tin it h & Barnes (.like new ) 507 Harold S. Gilbert (worth $S00) 630 Latent Improvements. I sell satisfac tion. Six months' rental trial your guar antee. The best shop in the city. HAROLD GILBERT. 384 YamhlU. KXCKT.T-ENT han.lo-mandolln for Price $2u. AO Orcgonian. $:73 STEINWAY, beautiful upright, al most like new, only $450 on terms. Buy the world's most wonderful piano at less than a cheap new stencil piano or thump box. Brokerage Co., Illi! Worcetter bldg. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, MUSIC ROLL&. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 44115. TABOR 67yM. 128 FIRST. k FEW USED Victor, Columbia, Bruns wick and Paramount talking machines; prices $15 to $125 to close out; easy terms. Harold S. Gilbert, 254 Yamhill st. FOR SALE $125 Victrola with cabinet case, 7 book, 55 records, almost new; $mo cash will buy It all. Call evenings, ft 76 Y :i m h II 1 st., room 1. GENUINE Victrola, style IX. $75; $10 cash and $0 per month. Heed French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Wash. St., Bdwy. 75o. FOR RENT Cabinet grafonola, late mualc. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 1 35. GOOO practice piano $90. Another one $115. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Wash. St., Bdwy. 730. PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Will give 'Tillamook Beach lots for m good player. Write BJ b62. Oregonlan. BANJO, Orpheum, No. 2, practically new. must be sold, at once. J. Van Ness, Ore- gon notei. PIANO WANTED from private parties; cash deal for snap. Call Marshall 1532. EMERSON square grand piano; condition. Main &;;S2. first-class A OOD piano, 72. Oregonian. $130. Apply today. AM WANTED Piano at once. cash, from nrl vale owner. Main 364 before 5:30 P. M. $60 KIMBALL, full-size upright, only W A NTED Good -toned piano, pay raeh if jreasonaoie. .Marsnaii aTO; no dealers. HOT, TON cornet, almost new, $50. Call write. C. r . Pit m an. 1526 Lancaster M. PIANO W ANTE D -S pot cash. Main o3s6. Furniture for ale. A BEAUTIFUL fireplace stove. board, screen and pipe, cheap; a few other pieces of furniture cheap. 513 Yamhill. ONE 8 -FT. dining table and A all-wood chairs, all for $13. Phone Aut. 324-09 and 1 05 Beach. CAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Ciil East slU. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. fcTABLACK (Stayblark , the greatest heat resisting stove polish in existence; 25c bott le. Crown Furniture Co., 200 First. FOR SALE 3 round tables,, oak chairs, rugs, showcase, sideboard. 16bS E. 13tb, Sellwood car. , FOR SALE Large all-leather chair, oak and leather chair, couch, gate table. 1607 K. Stark st. Phone Tabor 303 1. FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow, part new. for sale reasonable. 4310 65 th st. P. E. Tabor 237. FO It SALE House furnishings kinds. 600 E. Oak. of all HAND and furniture for tale. 434 E. Rus- Hl st. FOR SA LE CH EAP Child's reed sulky, new plwno box. Phone Sellwood 3710. NEW HOVE sewing machine for sale cheap. 47 Failing St.. Union ave. ra r. GAS RANGE, full-siae white enamel bed and spring, cheap. East 4i:;6. THREE pieces of wicker furniture for $35. E oiT-L FOR SAMS. Famitare for Sale. RUGS RTTG3. 11H xl2-ft. Axmlnster rug. slightly ued. $30. 0x12 Wilton velvet, good as new, at $03. loixl 3 Axmlnster rug in good shape, 9x42 Axmlnster ruff? $27.50. 0x12 body Brussels rug. In fair shape, $17.50. SlxlO Kaba rug, new. but m very slightly damaged, worth $27.50, for $19.75. HEATERS HEATERS. Visit our heater department. We can give you the heater you want at the price you want to pay; wood, coal or combinations, new or slightly used. Easy Ter -No Interest. MIPH FURNITURE CO., 1S8-190 FIRST ST. WOOD and coal naniges. real value, from $17.50 u-p Gas ranges, every one guaranteed, from $12. SO up Heaters Buv while stock .is com plete; from $5.00 up Cook stoves, all In good order, from $10.00 u-p Oil tov-ec, New Perfection, two burners $10. OO Gas plates, new, two burners. $3. 50 Three burners $4.-30 MATTRESSES. Freeman & Wolff special xmre cotton felt, rolled edge, art tick, quality guaranteed ; for this week only ..$12.50 I FREEMAN &. WOTFF FURNI TURE COMtPANY, 200-202-204 "First St., Cor. Taylor. FIRE PALE ON HEATERS! DON'T OVERLOOK TOUR OP PORTUNITY FROM THE PORT LAND STOVE WORKS FIRE AT A GREAT REDUCTION AT THE OWL FURNITURE CO. WB BOUGHT A LARUE QUANTITY OK THEM, DIFFERENT SIZES. WITH OK WITHOUT IS1NOLASS FRONTS. ALL CAST IRON LLNED. BEAUTIFUL NICKEL TRIMMINGS; ALL THE LATEST MAKES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AND SEE OUR HEATERS. YOU CAN BUY A NEW HEATER FOR LESS THAN YOU HAVE TO PA Y FOR A USED ONE. THIS IS A BONA FIDE SALE. It SIZE OPAL $17. 50 IS .SIZE BEAUTY 3 8..V 20SIZE OPAL 21. 30 20 SIZE COMFORT 2tt.SU- OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 1 0- 1 OS FI RS5T STREET, 75 FEET SOUTH OF MORRISON. CLEARANCE SALE. ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT A BIG REDUCTION ALL THIS WEEK. RANGES OF ALL KINDS. HEATERS. WOOD. COAL AND OAS AND ELECTRIC AT A 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. OKI FURNITURE STORE, 20ft SECOND STREET. BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON. ALL OR PART good- furniture, 5-ooim; H rugs, 2 carpets, dining table. 6 chairs, bufV-'t. heater. 2 beds, complete; oak and buckeye ilressers, 2 rockers, up holstered spring couch, small gas stove, dishes, kitchen table, 2 chairs; all in real good shape and a real bargain; $40O on good term? to responsible par ties. East 2001. Call 367 E. 32d St., 1 to 5. Or by appointment; no dealers. IOUSEHOLD goods, steel range. $10.50; heater $1 gas heater, $1.25; round oak dining table, $15; kitchen treasure. $11.75; firesser. $!; commode. $1.73; drop leaf tables, $3 ; rorker, $2 ; chairs, $1.25 up; iron bed, $2.50; mattress, S2.30; Fprings, $1.50 and $2. 384 E. Washing ton. UON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. We fan save you money on your freight In our through cars ; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer Storage Co., 24S Pine at. WILL selj cheap 1 large Majestic cooking range with gas attachment; also 1 large heating stove, all in very best condition. Call evenings. 504 E. 46tn North. No second-hand dealers wanted. 2 RUGS, 0x12 ; 1 fibre 7x9 ; Roman stool ; 8-day regulator (flock; crouch; rocki-ufc chair; taborette; home-made worsted quilUs; set of table silverware. Bdwy. 5403. , LARGE new fumed oak buffet. 1 large and 3 small linen drawers. 2 china cup board a and 1 silver compartment. 2720 E. 6b thy S. E. Phone Tabor 727S. FOR SALE- -$76 buys overstuffed Karpen tapestry davenport, line condition. rt. fine condition. Can be seen between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. Sunday at 001 E. 3 1 tjt st. N. 0x12 BLUE Smith Wilton velvet rug and 8x5 to match, $65. Buck's largo side oven gas range. $35. 1304 E. 8th N. Wood lawn car. HEATER Combination wood or coaU sp.cndid -coiid It ion. $is; o window shades, olive green, $5. 066 Montana, ave. Phone 313-61. WH 1TE enamel wooden bed with box spring mattress, $10; white wicker baby carriage. $15; white wicker bassineLt and stand. $2. Wood lawn 5nl 3. MUST sell my 4-piece walnut set bed. spring. mattress, dresaer, chiffioner, chair and iron bed, spring andmattreas, cash or on terms. 565 Gleason. ALL FURNITURE and carpets of 7-room house in Laurel iiurst a t private sale. Tabor 4603. 1 78 E. Davis. HOTEL range, 7-foot, good condition, sil ver are. dishes, small counter, hood, good order. 3S7 Morris. Eat 1082. Office Furniture-. & ROLL-TOP desks, 1 roll-top t. w. desk, . 2 safes, 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law-size 1 bookcases, chairs and filing; cabinets. Bushong St Co.. 01 Park at. FOR SALE: I COMPTOMETER. Oak office and typewriter desks, i ehairs. 312 Yeon bldg. 1th EVERYTHING In office furniture and equipment. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 6th. Broadway 273U. FOR SALE One flat-top desk. 1 roll top desk. Broadway 274. D. A. Norton. Poultry. !25 WHITE Leghorn pullets, 5 months old, price $1.85. or $1.80 if taken on place. L. Sholseth, Brush Prairie. Wash., Box 130. FOR SALE Thoroughbred blue Amlalu sian and silver Cam pine cockerels. Tabor 2302. WANTED Turkeys and -gobblers. City Hotel. St. Johns. Mr. Fuller. 350 O. W HITE Leghorn hens, also pullets; A. C. strain. East 404. I WANT white Leghorn pullet. 3JS78. 1615 Mississippi ave. wain. FOR SALE 30 chickens. $25. 5S0 Holland st. Woodiawn car to 15th st. Dors, RTbbiU, Bird, ret Stock. 1 LLEWELLYN setter dog for sale. 1 pointer; on layior terrv. road, about 4 blocks from city limits. Wm. limits. W: Boyd, H iJ i-sdale, - Or., Box 236. Route 2. SAINT bred - stock. ANDREA SB ERG . rollers. Taney singers, direct from imported East 4529. FOR SALE St. Andreasberg canary, beau tiful linger. Tabor 1493. ST. ANDREAS females and large breeding rage reasonable. Apt. 14. 103 Ftrpt st. ALASKAN 8194. SPITZ puppies. Call Tabor WANTED Good home for nice male cat. Beat of habits. Tabor 4663. 1178 E. Davis. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $30 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOAKE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled ; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6307. Supplies. 203 V Oak St. SPECIAL VALUE USED TYPEWRITERS Flr-tt-class machine low prices 30 days only monthly trma If desired. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 68 Broadway. Broadway 621. ALL MAKES: sold, rented and exchanged ; term if desired; Fend for retail prices. WHOLES A LE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 wasnington st., m. w. Cor. 6th. ONE REMINGTON invisible typewriter. H. a across 4i h 2,ih r.. near Pine, or Aut. 226-25 all day Wednesday or xnursaay tin iy a. jm. FOR RENT t'nderwood. Remington type- w ruers. j.ou. empire i rangier, 234 Broadway. Broadway 135. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand built, second-hand s-entals at cut P. D. Co.. 81 StarTc. Main 1407. rates. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6th at, Jdala 3ti6a. FOR RAMS. Machinery. HIGH-PRESSURE BOILERS AND ENGINES FOR SALE, H. P. Lbs. 6 B. & W. boilers G30 200 6 B. & W. boilers BOO 180 4 Edge Moore watertube boilers 600 200 8 Stirling boilers ... 250 160 4 Heinle watertube boilers 419 175 2 Erie City watertube boilers 360 160 6 72x18 quadruple, butt strapped 150 150 2 78x18 butt strapped. 173 125 2 60x16 tubular, butt strapped boilers... 150 1 90x20 Lyons waterleg, butt strapped 500 150 1 48x14 butt strapped boiler 60 125 4 54x16 lap-seam boilers 100 1 firebox boiler 350 125 1 firebox boiler 30 2 upright boilers 12 1 Atlas engine, 20x27 automatic 1 Sylvester engine, 26x32. 1 Ball tandem engine, 12x18 and 20x16. -1 10x12 side-crank engine. 1 8x10 center-crank engine. 1 12x36 Qulncy Corliss engine. 1 Upright engine, 8 horsepower. 1 12x10 xl0 duplex pump. 1 6x5 Fairbanks-Morse gear pump. Boilers. Engines. Pumps. Always pleased to make prices. G. & R, MACHINERY CO. 603 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 8201. PORTLAND, OREGON. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR et EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 329 Couch SL FOR SALE 0x11 Willamette with full equipment, almost new line and blocks, $2200. Oregon Machinery Co., Eugene, Or. WANT to buy 2 yard era, 11-inch bore or over give make, number, location and condition. al t , uregonian. FOR SALE Two small donkey engines complete with lines, etc. Addres Box Hn. Hood River. Or. M iseellaneous. DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. Ci., 460 Betmont St.. Cor. E. 8th St. U. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL, . 5 MILLION FT. LUMBER for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 12x12, 4 million ft. 4x0. 4x12 and 12x12. like new, at $15.00 F. O. B. flooring. rustic, shiplap. 1-In. boards, S. I. Electric wire, all sines, . Conduit - pipe. 5 miles plow steel wire cable' from Vj-Inch to l-'-i Inch. Purchased from U. S. Shipping Board. We will sell at about H price. We have a large quantity of PLUMBING SUPPLIES, roofing paper, shingles, doorsv windows and sashes, PKe and fittings, chicken wire. Inside finish. 50 work benches, fire hose, all sizes. 300 mirrors. In fact every t hing to pat up your building with. PROMPT DELIVERY, DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. -CO., 40O BELMONT ST. Cor. E. 8th St. Phone East 61 10. SO FT drink fixtures for. sale; bar and back bar with three mirrors; elegant fixtures, tobacco case, candy case and cigar case: must be fold at once. Pal's Club, 235 First, corner Main. DENTAL CHAIRS Engine, cabinets, X ray machine, miscellaneous dental equip ment and auppliea for sale. OREGON DENTAL SUPPLY CO. 315 Selling bldg. Phone Main 6H05 M ULTIGRA PH for sale: complete equip ment. Including typesetting machine. 8 drums, 3 tts typewriter type, quantity job type; in first-class condition. 403 Oregonlan Bldg. HEATER, Cribben & Sexton make, practi cally new; would not sell, only have moved to house with fursace in. 1UU9 East 24th North. Wood lawn 3809. BROWN taf-feta and georgette dress, hand emrbroidercd. un-to-date model and new also green satin and, georgette braided. size 42-4; ian tLast. wid. SEWING machine bargain stand ; $10 each to cover storage and cost of overhaul ing ; 1 Singer, 1 Domestic, 1 Standard Rotary. Sell wood 1071. MAGN1F1CIENT beaver coat; this has never been worn a day, will retail over town at $1600; 1 will sell for $60. Aut phone 31 6-00. FOR SALE New leather couch.; reason able; Tent her coat, six 40. worn very little, half price.. Phone E. 7122. 460 Hint st. CHICKEN coop, 7x8-6, thoroughtly built oi choice lumber; a dandy; move on truck. 613 E. 15th it N. Phone Auto. S2W-47. FOR SALE Baby carriage and parro cage, good condition. 204 '14th st. Cai before 11 A. M. or after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Boys' new overcoat, size 1 4 $10. cost $20; also magic lantern, $3.30 65 Dekum Bldg., 10 A. M. BEAUTIFUL brown satin dress for much less than cost : never been worn ; size 40.. Marshall 2515. FOR SALE Two oil heaters, one gft heater, one wood heating stove, on .team portable bath. Marshall 4420. ITALIAN prunes, BarOett pears, crab apples, 11 Columbia blvd.. opposite Hu mane aocirtty. wo in. iiij. WARY'H bed. nurserv chair, hichchair. featherbed. Call at 352 Fremont st.. near T.nlon ave. FEATHER bed, live goose feathers, red fox muff, lady's shoes, army last, DiacK vici, size o. Call Marsnaii 320. NEW SHIPMENT Utah Grand coal; spe cial price this ween only, woodiawn 4x2, FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day, delivered any w Here. gin. J4o. PRUNES, 2c and up; bring boxes. 700. 711 Columbia blvd. PRUNES, 2c pound and up; bring boxes. Wdln. 70'.. fix tniumpia pouievara FOR SALE Quantity small potatoes, 50i per sack. The Savtnar lo.t 10O Front took malk Two 7-ft. doora. 20-ft. eriil ing, some molding; gee it- 466 Wash st LEAKY ROOFS repaired and painted rea sotiable. i aoor u.s-4. UOOD Italian prunee. 3 cents per lb. K. Washington. Tabor 6001. AP A $ 12 elect ric heater for $8 taken at once. Phone Wdin. 006. FOR SALE Italian plums, 4o per pound. Main 42S8. POSTAGE stamps for collectors. Evenings after 6:30 410 E. 5Sth. HA car. ITALIAN prune picked 3c per lib.; bring boxes. Tabor 0322. BARTLETT pears $1. $2 per box; Italia prunes oc per in. aonverea. i soor PERFECTLY new tan fluff rug with bor hrr: 9x13. Phone East 737. DRY CORDWOOD for sale. 4225. Call Tabor EIG HT lamp shades. Call mornings. Hroaoway woi. BICYCLE with new solar lamp for sale, $13. 363 19th N. REGISTERS, safes, all sizes, floor case other f ixtus-fes. Terms. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE Portable Eclipse gaa bake oven. Tabor 7112. POTATO sacks, grain s&ckb; bargain prices. 153 Front st- near Morrison bridge. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. 2-load lots, special prices. East 2041. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st St. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 0567. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. CIS COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. - CASH register, safe steel filing case, corn put 1 n g BcaleataJ)agft2i WANTED Musk rat coa t, length, pay cash. Main 364 before 5:30. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding m ac h me. showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. ITALIAN prunes. 3Me pound. Call before 2 P. M. Phone Wdln. 867. FOR SALE One reed sulky, one coUapsi- ble baby buggy. iaoor tss TOMATOES 35c per box and up. 6 Col. blvd., foot of 18th. EY ES tested free: spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Bejding, 245 Alder st. Main 1602. 1 SIX-HOLE range, $2. Tabor 9002, 247 Davis at. BEAUTI FL'L genuine, reed baby carriage. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired exchanged, bought. Btntlcy, Main 4907, FOR BALE. ' Miscellaneous. NEW LINE national cash registers. 5c and Penny Keys. OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISHES. Prices $75.00 $110 $150 Full line of second-hand and rebuilt National registers, fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal allowance for old Registers, J- R. M U MM A, Sales Agent, Bdwy. 1S16. 300 Stark St. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging tilling. Irritating gum.s, all con tribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, In flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally Joss of teeth? I Bueclalize In first-class dentistry; X-ray examinations. JJK. A. W. K1S1--.N11;, Majestic Theater Bldg., 351 Wash. St. PHONOGRAPHS $50 takes a dandy out ing ana table model with a me lor records. guaranteed to play all records; $0O takes $140 stand design, plays all records and guaranteed by us; other specials equally low. See these. We have THE reputation for phonograph values. Pacific Record Exchange, 131 11th st. SEW, SEW, SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad Justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfg. machines; motors, shafting, and tables installed: everything In -needles. Phone Sellwood 1071. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's sample, to the factory. consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic ar whole-ale price. UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 Morgan Bldg. ELECTRIC repair and parts for all makes irons, heaters, - toasters, percolators, vacuum cleaners, fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc-. Wiring and motor dept. Quick service. Hynson Electric Co. Phone Bdwy. 4203. 302 Pine, at 5th. THIS AD STATES FACTS. We have a large assortment of tailor made suits and overcoats. We sell them at a very low price. Will save you from $15 to $20 on every garment Call H. I. Blum. 164 10th st. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana eecona-nana, At ngnt prices, Dougnt, sold and exchanged. Easy terms 11 de sired. NORRIS SAFE St LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 2045. USED electric vacuum cleaners In flrst- claas mechanical condition at a big sav ing: a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth st. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for leas; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. HOT-WATER tanks. SO-gal.. $7; 40-gal- $0 ; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing.- East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. FOR ,ALE Standard, Dayton computing Bcaica, rrgiBter, xiuuai i eieuu iu grinder, wall cases, peanut roaster, coun ter cases, check protector, safe. Act quick. 242 Salmon. WHY AN ever'mstlng aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent ana comfortable roof T We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. t HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE. Fine ' large selection of shotguns rifles for rent or sell cheap. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First, near Alder. 'Main 4495. and ELECTRIC freieht Otin elevator. GDO volts u. c current, capacity .uv ios., epeeu 100 feet, complete with platform, guards, counterweights and overhead shievea. Apply 701 Corbet t bldg. STEWART range with gas plate, pipe and not water colls, $4.; neating stove, nv; girl's dark blue ferge coat, size 12 years, like new, $7. 1377 E. Sherman. LICENSED Independent electrician w Ires 3 rooms tor $ 12; a rooms -:; an new material and guaranteed to pass inspec tion. Wood. 370L FOR SALE 4-ft. dry and green siab wood, also orders taken for j o-inch sta i ana block wood. Phone Woodiawn 6312 af ter 7 P. M. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 32 Morrison. - Marshall 721. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 1259 or East 4045 FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices.. v THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bldg., 6th at Washington. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front st. LOOK here, if your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. C. Thompson. Phone Aut. 51S-13; res. 601 Harrison st. - All work guaranteed. SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. 9S6. EVE., SELL. 144. H ea vy cord wood and wreckage wood. KODAKS. We buy. ell. rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. FOR THAT furnace properly seasoned fir cordwood. $10 per cord while it lasts. 'Main 33S4. ' 12 GAUGE Baker hammerless shotgun with case, fine condition. Tabor 2644 eve nings. ASH LAN D peaches, wrapped, good sizes, single boxes $2-l3: 3 or more $2.25 per box, delivered. Phone Woodiawn 52S0. STATIONARY gaa- engine. 3 -horsepower, almost new; li mo. use;- $100. terms Woodiawn 3356. ' 1 FIELD d isc, 12 discs. 1 R inches. $6C5 ; almost new. Rose Park Dafcry, Col. bivd. Woodiawn 3336. CEDAR posts, large size; get a carload; get ten carloads. H, Goodrich, R, 3, box 304. Lents. Or. FRESH ground bone for the chickens for sale at Jem Maraei, oo. uusan. c. 193 and E. 8585. ALASKAN cub bear fur of two pieces, collar and muff, used only few times. Call evenings. 1687 E. Morrison st. w ksT SIDE home sells and buys ladies' and children's slightly used apparel. 370 14th, near Montgomery. Mar. 3215. FURNACE coal, any amount. October de livery ; get our prices. Call Woodiawn 5292. T.Amv.i riAVE HiKh-grade used apparei. Prices moderate. 1132 E. Gllsan street. ALL GOVERNM ENT anA ahipvard office m . idl. Hv I ( V a t 31 M 5th. Bdwy. 2739. BED DAVENPORT. mahogany frame. tapestry upholstered. Elegant buy. 1012 East 8th st. N. troH kale National register, .on penny up; large and small sares. cigar, canay floor cases, bargain. aimon. CHOICE hand-picked prunes. 4o pound. 73 East J6tn. .oetween aiarx ana ua&. Phone East uring containers. OIL .HEATER, wringer, boiler and tub and feather Du. jrnouo wai. nu, ovi, 822 Water st. COLT revolver, 41, sacrifice. J. Van Neas, Oregon noiei. SAFE Fireproof safe In good order; bar gain. AR oregonian. FOR SALE Factory samples; women's and Children 8. al aeconat tor, main. FINE 7 -pa as. car, trade for diamond, per fect Stone. A f Wi. ureitonina, CIDER press for sale. Call Tabor 2984 rOK SAT- AUTOMOBILES. TTOTin deliver v. 191 6. good condition : real bargain at $450, 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1920 FORD worm drive express; double oversize cord tires, curtains all around; easy terms. Main iw. . HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Cord tires .new paint, mechanically periect. $13QO. terms. tfroaaway ao, DuLMJE delivery for sale by ownec. after C P. M. 40 Vs Alder st. 1919 FORD Sedan, a bargain at $67 Corner Broadway and Hoyt. BUICK 6 touring car. '16, good condition reasonaoie price. t-none nasi uij. 1018 STUDEBAKER car, good condition; a bargain, g.w. uwner, -ouBurnaiae LATE MODEL MITCHELL 6, new paint, cord tires. Snap. Ma In 781. FOliD touring. $425. on easy terms. Dunn. Sellwood i.vm. MAXWELL, $725; easy terms, lumbia St., Vancouver. Wash. FORD ROADSTER (ABC), starter, try and generator. $375. Main 71. FOR SALE Olds 8, or will trade light roadster. Woodiawn 5098. CHEVROLET touring for $.100. on easy terms. Phone uunn. scnwooo i,iya. 1918 FORD roadster, new paint, at a bar gain, $350, terms. Call Auto. Lents 2011 1919 VELTE. perfect condition. Main 781 1918 SAXON SIX. bargain. Main 7S0. FOR SALE AUTOMObILFS. BARGAIN TIME HAS COME. This is the time of the year to buy a good used car. You can save money on these bargains. We have no used ear department. These bargains are on our salesroom floor. MAXWELL BARGAINS. 1917 Maxwell, great buy. fine run ning and in good condition. - .$ 500 1918 Maxwell, all fixed up and first-claas condition , "0 1919 Maxwell, like new 745 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super-Six. Here yon are a high-grade automobile, in first-class condition, with the same service and same replacements as any factory will' give on a new car 1350 1918 Hudson Super-Six. gone all through our shop and repainted an automobile you can de pend upon, with the same service and the same replace ment of parts as a standard factory cuarantees on a new car 1675 1917 Hudson speedster, lame con ditions as next car above.... 1550 19181919 Series Hudson speedster, same above conditions 1875 1920 Latest model Hudson speeds ter; great ouy. Essex late model, all In fine con dition, with the same service to you and the same replace ments of parts as given with the sale of new automobiles.. 1400 1919 Chalmers Hot-Spot light six automobile, all In fine con dition; like new; only 1400 1918 Chandler, all !n first-class condition: special top; two spotlights; 5 fine cord tires.. 1450 Chandler sedan that has been In private use. la in fine running condition, can ba sold very cheap. C. L .BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St. Portland. USED-CAR BARGAINS. You should see these cars to appre ciate their value: 1910 MAXWELL, 5 good tires 830 1!)1S MAXWELL. 5-pass.. new paint 70 in'f noiRT n-nas.. like new loon 1017 OAKLAND seda.ii. new pamt. . 130 1919 ELGIN. 5-pass.; like new.... OOO 3fli CHEVROLET, extra equipm't 730 FORD roadster . 375 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET 7 19J0 FORD, demountable rims, ex tra nninnint: a bargain. MTTOHELL. H-cyl.. 5 cord tires.. 6O0 loifl OVERLAND 00. 5 new tirea.. in 117 DORT 530 BRAND-NEW CHEVROLET, extra equipment 975 CADILLAC "8." 5 cord tires 1830 Also some slightly used Oldemoblls cars that we are prepared to give splen did bargains on. OLDSMOBFLE COMPANY. Broadway and Couch. Phone Broadway 2270. USED CHEVROLETS. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWY. 240. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled ..$20 Rear axle overhauled 8 Valves ground, carbon removed. . . . 8 Magneto recharged 0 We hand-la D pistons.' sera pe bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine lora parts ot;i use a. AH work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPA 1 'O.. 20 Front St.. Corner Jelfei son. KISSEL TOURING CAR. DRIVEN ONLY 5000 MILES, EQUIPPED W ILH U l,UKU TIRES AND A . j MoEK O A CC SORIES: MACHINE LOOKS LIKE NEW: PRICE $1200: CAN BE SEEN AT COMMERCIAL IRON WORKS, E 7TH AND MADISON. A HIGH-CLASS. 7-pass. touring. Just the thing for stage or tor hire. Aiwa vs used privately And is in A-l shape Terms can he arranged. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington St. ALMOST NEW BUICK FOR $1250. I am going east and therefore will have to sacrifice my kjvm i-tuicK e. o pass, for $ 1 2M; run only 7000 mls has rood tiros. 2 extras, bumper. pot light, insurance paid; car is as good as new. I need cash, ran wnoutawn 5-PAPS. Raynes. nearly new. In A-l shape and a real bargain at $ I wo. Bdwy. 1614. 31 Washington st- NEW CHEVROLET. Buy from P. H. DUNN Motor Co.. Cor. Mllwaukie and Bybee avea. Phone Sellwood 1393. Liberal allowance for your Ford or Chevrolet. FIRST-CLASS condition. Overland touring cr: rich maroon color: lHla moaei driven 13.000 miles ; 4 brand-new cord tires. Call Bdwy. 2612. Sale must be made. FORD. CHEAP. In good running order, 1919 ear, good tires, paint good, insurea ior one year, $275 cash, 10 months on balance. baa 1614. 654 E. Ash. LADIES, Learn to drive an automobile. New ca and expert instructor, 6 years expe rlence; reasonable charge. H 77, Oreo man. ESSEX T6URING. If you want a nearly new car In first class condition throughout come to th drugstore at 30lh and East GHsan and pee this one. FOR SALE by owner : 1 910 Chevrolet baby grand, roadster, excellent condition gooa 1 1 res. e.x ira rq uipmcut, nut cotv aider Ford in exchange. O 42, Ore gonlan. 1919 BUICK touring car. newly painted fine mechanical condition, new battery, cord tiref a snap buy for $1450. term to responsible party. Call Frank Smith Bdwy. 11. io. BIG USED CARS. PRICES blOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, scars, oearings. wheels, axles. We wreck all makes t cars and sell fhelr narts at ball price. David Hodes. Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st. 102O PAIGE. SPORT MODEL. Run 2000 miles: new extra tire, bump er and spotlignt; -utw. j l-aurelhurs Owner. PJione Tabor 9116. idi OLDS bearcat special: that Drett Stutz design sport roadster; will set outright or trade for touring car. 210 Jet f e rao n st. STUDEBAKER roadster. A-l condition near cord tires; sacrifice at $5 5: best buy in city. . Call 511 Burnside or phone Broadway IjIo.' 1920 COLE 8. gone 45O0 miles, first-class condition. Double windshield, 2 new spare tires. Mr. Rudeeu. M. 5084 or " M. liril. FORD chassis, will make good bug: a reai anap at $20t. some terms. o0 Grand ave. near purnamc. BY OWNER Late model Olds convertible roadster: a snap for cash or on easy I trms. Broacway MAXWELL touring 191 1. Al condition. . good tires; real bargain at $425. 30 Urand ave. N.. near Burnside. 1919 Velle. 5 pass.; good as new; $1000 cash. Phones-East 4401. FORD runabout. Al condition; tires almost new. real bargain at $3.'0. some terms. 30 Grand ave. NT. near Burnside. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel crank shaft turning. H, B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Broadway 2bSL 191 BUICK. 4.v. 1044 Macadam rd. Phone Auto. 510-0. FORD delivery.' good condition; $425, easy terms, ry ow ner. i ai'ur n,.. 191 S DODGE; new top: in A-l condition; $795. 249 Yamhill St. Hicks. 1919 OVERLAND 90. looks and runs like new. Snap. Main 7SL FOi SALE AUTOMOBILES. C. Q. BLEASDALE A CLEAN-UP SALE AUTOS $100 TO $1500. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. FORD TOURING r MAXWELL TOURING , CASE TOURING STUDEBAKER LIGHT 4 ... MAXWELL ROADSTER STUDEBAKER 7-PASS MAXWELL, 1918 MAXWELL ROADSTER FORD COUPE ..' DODGE TOURING OVERLAND ROADSTER CHANDLER CHUMMY OAKLAND SIX .$ 275 . J75 . 400 . 450 . 450 . 475 . 575 . 650 . 675 . 675 . 950 . 1050 . 1100 MANY OTHER CARP TO CHOOSE FROM. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. C G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 1852. FORD OWNERS CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 alves ground, carbon removed .... 8 Magneto recharged ..." 6 vV e hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All wors: guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO s weak. Have it RECHARGED by LAJiKTS. Universal auto repair co 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLE ASM YOU. OREGON RON D & MORTGAGE CCs. 20J SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MY BROTHER has gone out of the auto moone Dusiness and I have taken h is new demonstrator off his hands; have no use for this beautiful car and will sell at a price that will stun you ; five-pas senger, o-cyiinder ana a Deauty. call me at Tabor 5032 and have a ride. If you want a good car at a great bargain ou will buy this. At home Tuea. or Wed. ail nay. DON'T miss this one. Elgin . Just re newen. at $1250. Is a bargain among1 oargH ins. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 90 OVERLAND TOURING 1S model, anri'has red top. FIsk tires ail around and many extras; is refm ished and will ur prise you. I f you want a bargain, call ana see tnis ono $250 down, balance monthly. 505 Alder st. Red Front Vfd Car Co. CHALMERS SIX. 7 -para., good tires and bumper, overhauled and repainted. Can be bought for $H1. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington st- DODGE TOURING, In good condition, at me sea Liir Miie. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15fh and Washington. '18 BUTCK TOURING This fine, reliable car is rfinishd and looks and, runs as new; has cord tires and one etra and we will show you anything you want done with the car. Low price and liberal terms: $400 down, balance monthly. Take car in trade. 5U5 Ald'-r st. Red Front Used Car Co. REO FOUR, overhauled and repainted, a gooa mi ran if car: $-tMi will handle. Bdwy. 1014. 531 Washington st. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG Sc SILVA. Phone East 6340. 462 Hawthorne. PAIGE touring car for sale; new set of tires. spotlight, complete net of too is, paint like new; must sacrifice at $11.i0; party leaving city; wish $400 down, bal ance easy monthly payments. Call Bdwy. 275. Mr. Smith. MY 1018-1019 HUDSON AUTOMOBILE. WITH SIX BRAND NEW CORD TIRES THAT COST ME $S0 EACH. ALL GOES. CAR LIKE NEW. YOU CAN HAVE IT INSPECTED ANY TIME ANYWHERE. MUST BE SOLD. PHONE MAIN 3t37. 1917 MITCHELL 5 -passenger; newly painted; in good condition; can get good reference from Mitchell people: price $750. Phone East 2651, or 694 East Broadway. WILL GIVE YOIT TEN DAYS TRIAL OF MY CHALMERS CAR, LATE MODEL WITH HOT SPOT; RUNS BETTER THAN A NEW CAR AND LOOKS LIKE ONE. CALL BROADWAY 3047. 19 i CHEVROLET touring In fine me chanical condition; motor just over hauled: fine tires all around. A snap for $29-5. Call Irvine, Bdwy. 240 or Tahor 58ftS. CHANDLER TOURING. 1920. like new, wire wheels, cord tires, shock absorbers, spot light, mirror, Vic toria curtains; It's a beauty; $1650, terms. Broadway 30. 1917 CADILLAC 8. 6 new cord tires, new top. nw paint, engine In best of condition. $2200. Haw thome Oarage, E. Hawthorne. East 4592. COLE 1020 model Toursedan fclosed cari, fully equipped, with Goodrich cord tires; has been driven 2500 miles; a snap. X 86. Oregonian. ESSEX touring. 1019, best of condition, good tires, one spare; used privately, $ 1475. terms ; consider Ford In trade. SO Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FORD touring. 1W1S model, good order, good tires; a bargain, J400. Call 409 Hawthorne ave. Hawthorne Vulcanizing Works. FOR SALE Ford roadster with truck body, bought In Auigust; will knock off $144 fffMji purchase price; terms. Phone East 3111. 703 E. Couch. FOR SALE 1920 Ford coupe, new extra tire ; large electric horn ; moto-meter, electric starter and everything; private party. Call Tabor 24 10. 1918 FORD sedan. Runs well, looks well. To be sacrificed for only $550. Phone Main 377. 191S MAXWELL, first-class running order; no reasonable offer refused ; private owner. 423 Pittock block. FIRST reasonable cash offer takes 191S Chandler touring. Call Mar. 1332; after 6 P. M. call East 2502. 1918 - OA KLAND, 5-pass.. brand new. ex tra tire, never been off pavement; mile age 5O00. Se 11. 187.9- FRANKLIN 191R model 9A. good condi tion. $1W; this la a genuine sacrifice. 6S6 E. 51st t- N. " FORD touring car. new .paint and good condition: a bargain for $350; will give irms. Auto. Lents 2011. ptTs HUPMOBILE for sale, good condi tion, reasonable. Call 266 N. 20th, corner of Overton. 4(M) OVERLAND -passenger, in excel lent condition througnout: extra tire and tools Owner, Tabor 5820. Main 204. FOR SALE at a bargain, nearly new 1920 MaxWeil. Inquire at 103S East 9th st. North. FORD touring. 1917, best of condition, good tirea, j-eal bargain at $4O0. 30 Grand ave. N.. pe ar Burnside. LATE 9 17 Velle. new top and paint, con dition Al: full leather upholstering, $950. Easy terms. Main 780. FOR SALE New Ford touring, run about 30 days in city, at a bargain for cash or terms. Call 327 Oregon hotel. FORD touring. 1910. good tires, fine con dition, a snap at $375. SO Grand ave. near Burnside. CHEVROLET. -,191. chassis; make a good bug; $275, terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 191 8 OVERLAND SIX, new paint : motor perfect. What is it worth to you ? Main 7P0. OVERLAND touring, good condition; mast sell; a snap at $375. Terms. 50 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD sedan, 1919. $700. will take Ford touring or roadster in exchange. J. Lang. 28 W. Simpson st. - BY OWNER- 1917 Ford touring, bargain. E:i!t 320S eveninfrs 1 MAXWELL, new paint. $550. Main 7gl. 1920 KSSEX, cord Urea. Main 78L FOR SAI.K AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR VALUES Should not be measured by price alone, but should be judged by value and fu ture service. e solicit your investi- i gation of our used car stock on this 1 basis and we are satisfied that you will 1 at the same time find our prices right, , quality of our cars considered. ! We offer here a few for your ap proval: 1916 MAXWELL, 5-pas., 4-cyl. OVERLAND, model 75, 5-pass., 4-cyl. OVERLAND, model 90, 5-pas.. 4-cyl. OVERLAND, model S.y 5-pas.. 4-cyl. 1016 MITCHELL, 7-pas., ti-cyl. lt17 MITCHELL. 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 51 ITCH ELL, 5-pass., -cyl. 1017 MITCHELL., 6-cyl. 1919 MITCHELL. 5-pass.. ti-cyl. 1918 MITCHELL. CHUMMY 1919 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 1919 MITCHELL roadster, 5 cord tires a real buv. 191 S OAKLAND, 5-pass.. 6-cyL 1919 OAKLAND. 5-pus., 6-cyl. JORDAN SILHOUETTE. A-pafS., 6-cyl. JORDAN sport marine. 4-pass.. 6-cyL Many different models to choose from. Most of them have gone through our shop, some of them have been repainted. You will not find the equal of our stock, in quality, in the city of Portland. No brokerage charges and reasonable terms. PRICES $330 AND UP. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO. 3S Years in Business. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone Broadway 4675. FOR SALE BY OWNER. J91S MAXWELL TOURING CAR. $050. Car 'In good condition, run less than 6000 miles, three new tires, two ot her tires almost as good as new, new i lard battery. Improved 1920 fun. Car repainted, always received good car, looks good; no squeaks; extra include two mcKei-piated bumpers, Stewart spot light. Macbeth lens, two Weed chains triple brus pump. pure lire, tubes spare wheel and extra tools. Valves re cently ground and cleaned. Car out of town: will be In Portland next week and can make appointment. Wriie at once A V 407, OrpRonian. FORDS FORDS FORDS. FOR SALE. - 1017 touring 1918 touring 1015 touring 1 90 touring .$,7" no . S475.00 . J575.HO . J075.0O If it's a bargain you want, come and se these: $100 down will take some of these cars. '. E. OSBURN & CO.. Phone 601. Greaham. Or. SAXON SIX TOURING This Is late model and rerinished and new tires and new scat covers, and looks like new car. This ono runs fine and low price, and we will take $ 1 su down, balance eay. Cume and try it. open Sundays. Take car in trade. 505 Alder st. Rod Front Car Co. '18 CHUMMY ROADSTER This one has wire wheels a nd nrvr tires and tubes and some extras and in ref inlshed dark blue body, gold btripe and maroon wheels; wry stylish job, and one that will pit-as voti. Low price and we will take $2.Mj' down, balance easy. Come. and try it. Opn Sundays. 505 Alder at. Red Front Used Car Co. MAXWELL touring, Just from the paint shop, only $"00. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 'IS MAXWELL TOURING Thf is the finest Maxwell touring at the low price of $."25 in this city today. Has good tires and looks and runs the way ou want ono to. Take $175 down, balance easy. Come and try It. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. 1910 HU1CK touring in most wonderful condition. looks and runs like new: driven only ."000 miles; 5 new tirs: I netil cash and will accept $ 12T.0 cash if sold nt once; might accept fcrnali car as part payment with bal. cash. Easi 1593. 42 Welleslev Court. SEDAN. Late model Oakland sedan; has he n used very slightly; all extras, 2 bumpers. Hhock absorbers, etc.; has had bst of care. Owner leaving and must be sold at once; best offer takes it. 1030 K. Grant St.. after 4 P. M. CHALMERS ll.cht 0, new top. 4 new tires, one good spare ; in ex cell en t media nical condition. This car looks good and runs better; $075 cash or mlglit consider ond bug in trade as part payment. Mr. Ward. Broadway 23"9. BY OWNER. 1919 Oakland 6 touring car; has $2fU worth of extra eiuiptmmt; new battery, paint work pood as new; car has been well takii care f and is in ex cellent mechanical condition; price $1251. Call Marshal 1 34 1 0. A REAL bargain; a high-clau Firht seeing and highway car. fpeclally built; 12-passenper Packard, for comfort and easy riding; for quick sale will sacri fice for cash. 57." JerTeracn. LATE model Dodge roa.lster in fine me chanical condition; fine rlre.i all around; can be seen at Fields Motor Car "n., 14th and Alder. &dwy. 240. See Irvine or Grout. FORD delivery w ith open body, flap cur tains, very beEt of condi tlon : must sei 1 ; a bargain at $475, with terms. SO Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. 191". good mechan ical condition, good tires; mux! sell; a snap at $4.".n, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnsioe. T TRADE. 7-pass. Chalmers, fine condition; new rubber; want hiune equitv, lot. acreage; $limf. East Mu. FORD tone-ton truck. 1918. truck adjust ment, gear drive; tires almost new; real bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. WILL take good make piano or player piano as part payment on slightly used five passenger automobile, good condi tion, good tires, etc. 43S Washington ft. CHEVROLET touring. 101S. fine condition, good tires; a map at $47.: terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 1919 CHEVROLET touring; car looks like new ; 7 tires, on rims, two new ones ; cheap. Main 7043. FOR SALE Dodge touring car. fine me- chanical condition, good tires, by owner. 790 Brooklyn, call after 4 P. M. FRANKLIN, series 9R. looks and runs like new, ll.OOO miles; for quick sale. $2400. Call Main 074 1 or Broadway 840. CHEVROLET DEMONSTRATOR Save yourself some money on this. Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1 30". KA DE & SIMONTON '0.. lived cars, re pairing, storage. 415 Gllsan. Bdwy. 4592. 1918 HUDSON speedster at a big bargain and in finest of condition. Good tires, and will give terms. Phone Fast 192. 1918 STUTZ touring car. biggest bargain In the city: wire wheels. 5 cord tires; terms. Phone Broadway 4825. PAIGE 6ix. 1917 touring, wire wheels, one extra, real bargain at $ 1000. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. DODGE touring car. A-1 condition; act quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 North Third street. Broadway 4918. 1918 VELIE, rich maroon paint Job. white wheels, new tirei. Can't be told from new one. Main 7S0. MAX WELL touring. 1918. fine condition, good tires, real bargain at $775. oO Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. A UTO WRECK I NG. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. dO Union Ave., Near Hawthorne. MAXWELL touring. 1919, fine condition; used privately ; a snap at $S75; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnyide. 1917 OAKLAND, best buy in town, must sell ; will consider fresh cows in trade. Tabor 2560. 1918 STUDEBAKER DE LUXE, new top. new paint, new tires, all for $10u0. Mam 7,0. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closed bodies; tires almost new; a snap at $675. 20 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR TOUR FORDS. - $30 ALDER. BROADWAY 1S5X WANTED Late model Stutz or Hudson roadster for mining stock ; producing. Lorenzen. 315 Selling bldg. After 5 :30 p. M. Oregon Yacht club. WANT good light car; no junk; pay half In first-class carpentering. painting, tinting ; balance terms. East Klt;s. WANT to buy old cars, any size, any eoa- dltton. Call Vancouver 506. R, E. Gore. WANT Ford, any condition; describe, give price, rt i, oregonian. WANTED Cartercar; prefer 1910. 1011 or 1912 model. AS 27, Orcgonian. HUPMOBILE. model N. 1G or '17 roadster, labor' 4fi.S afternoons. WANTED -Gasoline tractor, ond band. Address X 79. new or sec regonian. WILL pay tor iae moaei rord to-ir- iiig, must be fcood condition. Tabor 5991. TOR SAI.F. AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wianted. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lnwnsdale St. 8. W. corner 15th and Washington. WANT EI sedan. Used 101 S or 1919 Tabor U20:. Motorcycle. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used mo ors. parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 (Jrand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. FoK SALE Ha.t-y motorcc.e and cyc.e -ar; naj top. wir.u-sa;OHl, fcas two; cricap or wi-i trane. Phone Ea-t 7722. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2't 3D ST. MAIN H230. Auto Tires and Accessories. CLUTCH Universal joint and fly w iieei. complete utiit ior srio vis j raniiLa car. Aut. 5-15-S9. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or right service. COUCH MAN OARAGE, 19th and Couch. Remember our number, Broadway 3SiHl NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND."5. HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 24US. 15TH AND WASH. New 1120 modeia. reasonable rates. 133 32th st.. between WaLuiiLon and Alder. Broadway 40 aTthoF&benktt, cars for hire without drivers. army garage, third and taylor. main 10s7. AUTOS FOR HIRE Day or ui(;ht service; Columbia highway trips. Phone Mam S.5 or Tabor 4S45. AL'TOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION OARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A l-'3ti. 1320 5-PASS DRIVER BUICK FOR HIRE. B KG A DWA Y 3547, with: CLASSY Kissel-Kar stijan with driver; bpecial v. In Ler rates. Call East 341ti. KOR SAI.F TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FRE3 TRIAL ON TRUCKS. W have one of the largest stocks oC us rt trucks In the state of Oregon. They are all overhauled and put In the finest possible condition; it will pay you to investigate our line 1918 DODGE delivers $ 9"r DUO CHEVROLET delivery 600 1918 FORD delivery, all new tires 450: 1919 FOKN 1-ton. express body . 650 Two-ton KEO 1018 3U-ion REPUBLIC 2.V'0 191S ?-ton Special REPUBLIC.... S00 MANY OTHERS T3 SELECT FROM EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANNING & TREECE, - 542 Alder st., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. FORD 1-ton. worm drive $r,M) G. M. C 1 ton 7 STU DE BA K E R. etf -star ter . REPUBLIC ton Tim; PAN HARD 1-ton 7,r.0 REO --ton ." CADILLAC delivery 5'JO OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Broadway and Couch. Ph on a Broad v a y 2270. BARGAIN SALE. DON T FAIL TO LOOK THESE TRUCKS OVER. 2 -TON NASH . .$l.".tM 1 -ton DEXUV 10m S'i-TON (IMC P..-TUN HENRY HOrt GUARANTEED FOR ::o DAYS WILL CONSIDER TRADES OR EX CHANGES KOR PASSENGER CAR OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF N. W. PHONE BROAD W A Y S 4 8. TENTH AND DAVIS STREETS. WE ARE GOING TO SACRIFICE OUR USED TRUCKS. Almost new 1 yt -ton Diamond T. with $3(to covered body, $2000. Pract iciill v new 2 -ton Federal, with stake body.' $2m0. 1-. -ton G. M. C. in good condition. $i:nii. 1M2H 7 -passenger Patterson touring car. $1501. OREGON DIAMOND T TRUCK CO. 35 N. I4ih St. F'hon1 Broadway 4557. THAI I .MRS Two and four wheeia. One to ten -ton capacity. For every hauling purpose. HIGHWAY TRAILER CO.. 124 Bdwy Op p. NW Pontof f i Bdwy. 3770. S-TON STANDARD truck, fully equipped; f neu ranee, license, ca b and body ; 400 mh h will handle. East 90s. Ask for Ran- dlt-s. Fo R D truck. 1 919 model, for sale at 7S1 First st. Good mechanical condition. Main FORD truck, good mechanical condition, for sale cheap. 1120 Montana ave. AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill's Trade Schools. 20 th, nd Haw t borne. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 112.50 TO $25 00 FOR SECOND-HAND WUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison . near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $8.50 UP TO $25.00 GOLDSTEIN, THE TAYLOR, PAY3 HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 'J32. 245 Vs BURNS! DEL CALL ME BEFORE AN iBUUTC ELSE. BETWEEN D AND SD. FURS. F U R S. F URS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur drese-.Wfe for summer and nave $iuu. Reasonable price. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and lamhilL. Main 6529. WE MUST have 500 used men's suits.. coats and pants, ail sizes, all colors. Call us for one or more. V e pay cash from $10 and up. A phone call will bring us with cash to your place. Call 107 1st u, near Morribon. or cail Main 73S. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes, OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344, SEE NEWMAN TODAY. WILL RENT OR SELL YOU SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. SAVE YOU MONEY'. BTTY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. 12a FIRST, N EAR ALDER. MAIN 44Q5. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest caU prices paid; wiU call day or night. FOFLB ij S tlCOND-IIAND STORE. Marshall 3223. 209 Madison, DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash in any amount tot diamonds. VINE'S JEWTJLRY 6TOORE. 257 Washlugton St.. cor. 3d. Main 6610. DON'T FORGET that Alder the Tailor pays the highest prices for second-hand clothing. Call at 1 2tU Third st. Main 3207. y ANTEiD A 4-econd-hand Evinrutie or other detachable boat -met or. Commu nicate with. Robert M.itche4, Amity. Or., VULCANIZING outfit, with tire tool.s. jacks and complete outfit; must bo first class and. cheap Ior cah. AE 29, Ore gonian. THE BOSTON TAILORS aKU CLEAN ERS PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR LA DIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHING AND SHuES. SG3 a P. MARSHALL 34A. LADIES Let tne Vogue Apparel Exchange tell your used garments and, tura. 4uit Allsky bldg. Main 3132. WANTED Smail office safe, filing cabi net, typewriter desk. Address K 12, Oregon ian. . WANTED iBoy's eccond-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition ; reasonable prire. Call up Tabor 1473. SAKE Snail or medium sized fireproof safe ; will par cash if price reasonable. BO KM, Oregonlan. JUNK, rags, metal-, oid clothing, furni ture, tools, carpeu; good, prices. i-a.3t 5 171. ON E SMA LL swing, cut off saw frame and hanger. K 11'.. Orcgoni?n. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dta monds. Dan Marx ."o.. WarF. at. WANT counter scales. 5f or 100 pounds food prr i nd rr. V.' o o i 1 a w rt 7 li. WANTEL LJ 60. Second-hand gui bag iicd c.ui. Oresonian.