18 THE 3IORMXG OREGOMAN,' WEDNESDAY, SEITE3IBER 22, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For frale -Houses. BIHR-CATtET CORPORATION REALTORS. MAIN 7487 Before you select your home, visit our show room and inspect the hundreds of photographs of our dosirable. homes for sale; they have been selected with great rare. We will be glad to show you any house in which you might be interested. IRVINGTON $7500. $10O0 down will buy this hplendldly constructed house of 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors Massive built-in buffet, full ce ment basement; three upstairs, sleeping rooms. Street improvements in and paid. This is a bargain. THREF.-QUARTKRS ACRE ON MACADAM ROAD, 7-ROOM HOUSE. J500 down will take this three-quarters acre on macadam street, bloeK from tar line. Enough fruit on place to carry monthly payments. Double con structed 7 -room house. 2 bedrooms up stairs and 1 down. B-rst of plumbing, pas and electricity; walking distance to Franklin high school. 4 blocks to grade school. The land alone la worth the price asked for the property. This prop erty belongs to an estate which heirs are anxious to close. Price is only $4uuu. ALBERTA BUNOALOW 100x102 $3000. 100x10'.! corner lot with substantial bungalow, 2 blocks from car. Living room, dining room, den. bedroom. Bleep ing porch. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, garage. This is an excellent place, well worth the money. Very convenient terms. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4000. Unusually well constructed, on a full lot on 53d street. Five large, well-arranged rooms, including large living room with fireplace, built-in buffet in dining room. 2 nice bedrooms, floored attic, cement basement, laundry trays, bent of plumbing, excellent surround ings, trees and shrubbery. Hard to du plicate this buy in Rose City. $750 down. AI.BKRTA $3100. Splcndldlv built bungalow of 5 rooms on full corner lot, - blocks from car. -good -sized bedrooms downstairs with floored attic, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. The architecture of this house 1b exceedingly attractive. $ou0 will handle. WALKING DISTANCE. $2800. On East Harrison and 11th streets, a substantial 5-rougn bungalow type house, corner lot with all street improvements in and paid. Two large bedrooms, liv ing room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen; best of plumbing, gas and electricity. This is a good buy. TKRMS. "WOOD LAWN $2650. On Dckum avenue, a substantial 6 room house; 3 large bedrooms upstairs, cement basement, best of plumbing, freshly tinted and painted. $250 will handle. y PENINSULA $2575. Substantial B-room bungalow on full lot with improvements paid, half block from car; 2 bedrooms downstairs; also 2 rooms upstairs that may be used for bedrooms; cement basement. laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins. Very small down payment. BTKR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. MAIM 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, on 501 h St.; it has 5 rooms on main nnA finished -oom and fine sleep ing 'porch upstairs; this is a typical bungalow, modern in every detail; sur rounded with beautiful trees ana pretty flowers; It has hardwood floors, fire- nl.i-n fiirnsro hook cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trova wonri lift: fine 50x100 lot. good garage; property it In clean first-class condition: vacant, ready to move right Jn; the winters fuel is in. the linoleum, gas range and gas heater are left in ; all goes for $5250. $1000 cash, balance $50 per month, including interest. If you want a beautiful R. C. home you can move into this one today. For Inspection see E. W. HUGHES, 507 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2S58. Marshall 1838. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. $2500 Down. No. 206. This Is a very att ract ive home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch: all built-ins. large reception hall, beautiful large lawn and tlowers, several bearing fruit trees; this house can be bought at a sacrifice; $2500 cash and terniH will handle balance ; this house stands on exceptionally large lot. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 2o5 Stark st, near 4th. Marshall 1M8. LAURELHURST HOME. Non-resident owner writes us to sell her beautiful 8-room home. It contains everything in the world you would want in a high-class home; large lot, double garage, hot water heating plant, etc. Let us show you today; it will place you under no obligations. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. rrr.oo piedmont HOME FOR $66on. On Williams avenue between Killings worth and Ainsworth: house has 6 rooms and enclosed sleeiiing porch, cement hnwmpnt. furnace, firenlace and a num ber of built-ins, good garage. We will appreciate an opportunity to show you this property. Terms can be arranged If desired. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222, $7500. RMiitiful T-room bungalow, located near the Alameda In the fashionable Rnu Citv communltv. Larce corner lot. garage; commanding an excellent view o the citv and mountains. Surrounded on all sides by beautiful exclusive homes. Has 5 rooms on 1st floor and 2 rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor. Modern In every respect. Nothing like It In Ro.e Citv for the price asked. Marshall 3093. or Tabor 6351. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $750 DOWN. Splendid 7-room residence, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, double ga rage. 2 blocks north Hawthorne car; 50x100 lot, paved street, sewer, every thing paid; price only $4750. This is positively a very great bargain. 084 East Main street, corner 3Ln. Owner, Marshall 746. $50 to $200 CASH, and $10 to $20 per month or yearly pay ments. Interest 6 per cent per annum, will buy a lot anywhere and build Ema.il bungalow, select plans, build on lot al ready owned or partly paid for any where in the CITY Or SUBURBS PHONE MAIN 8150. BUNGALOW BUILDERS. 230 Stark St. Portland. Or RittrtAIN (-ROOM BUNGALOW. Thi cosv little home has living room. dining room, kitchen, bath and large bedroom with full cement basement and wash travs; In fine condition; elegant o-.HUn snnt of black loam soil: property worth S3OO0; want to leave city and will sacrifice for $2200. $50 cash, bal ance" monthly. Particulars. G. A. Sarles-, 7 33 N orthwestern Bank Bldg. MT. TABOR 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, old ivory finish throughout ; liv- ine and dining room papered. Dutch k itch en. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath. Full cement basement, sleeping p-trch. furnace ana nrepiace. -ol o Ox 100 Price $6500. Tabor 410. 5-ROOM SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. Half acre near Lake Oswego, with fine new bungalow; will sell for $3O00 on terms. This is an ideal rural home with electric lights and water; will have gas very soon. G. A. Sarles, SU3 North western Bank Bldg. $4200 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Large living room. den with fire place, large dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen with large break fast room in oid ivory, three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs. 727 E. 72d st N. Tabor 0844. Owner. HOUSE ON BROADWAY. Be the first to see this wondenful bar gain; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, noth ing lacking from oak floors to garage; if you are a real buyer you'll look no further. This is a gift at $5300, terms. Mar. 3352. LA RGE 7 -room home, lot 82x200. on paved street, improvements paid; good garage, $3100, cash. $25 per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5420. - 248Stark et. IRVTNGTON 6-room bungalow. corner; built about year, perfect; near school; between Brasee and Knott. McDonell. East 419. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, H61 E. 51st st- Price $450O. some terms. In tjuir owner, OSO E. Madison. E. 4501. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. DKKt'M & JORDAN. READ CAREFULLY. 70O0. MOUNT TABOR. WONDERFUL VIEW. Beautiful home, 8 rooms and sleep ing porch. Very large living room, with fireplace and bookcases; large, light dining room, with built-in buffet; den and kitchen ; 4 light spacious bedrooms and double sleeping porch and bath on second floor. Grounds 75x100, garage, fine fruit trees, berries, lawn and roses. Easy terms. Must be sold this week. House modern in every respect and could not be duplicated for $10,000. DBKL'M & JORDAN, 333-4 Cham'ber of Commerce Bldfg., 4lh and Stark. Sts. Main 2233. " "VERY SPECIAL" BARGAIN. 7 ROOMS. LOT 75x100. FRUIT, GARDEN, ETC. "SACRIFICE BY" NON-RESIDENT. NEWLY PAINTED. TINTED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. LARGE LOT. FRUIT. ETC. MODERN. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. PRICE $3350. ABOUT $500 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. NO. 1330 ATLANTIC AVE., 1 BLOCK TO WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. ONE-HALF BLOCK TO PORTLAND BOULEVARD; ST. JOHNS CAR, OFF AT PORTLAND BOULEVARD, WEST 1 BLOCK, SOUTH ONE-HALF BLOCK. ADDRESS OWNER, CARE 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136 OR MAIN 1777. $1400 HOME IN SUBURBS. $:;oo DOWN. Be independent of the landlord, let that rent money buy you a home of your own. We offer you a comfortable 4-room house with lights, gas, and city water, large floored attic, on lot U5x 120. If planted to marketable produce would bring you a neat Income, good chicken house and run, also wood shed; owner non-resident, has put close price on prop erty for quick sale. Pay $300 down and move right in. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NO OTHER SUCH OFFER IN PORTLAND PROPERTY. FOUR-ROOM N E W BUNGALOW. NEVER OCCUPIED: FLOORED ATTIC THAT CAN EASILY BE CONVERTED INTO TWO BEDROOMS; GROUND 7 FULL LOTS AND ABOUT 40 BEAR ING CHERRY TREES. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR CHICKENS. ALSO FOR A FEW COWS. LOCATED ON 52D ST. AND CLOSE TO A CAR LINE. PRICE ONLY $5500. TERMS. NO SUBURBAN ACREAGE OFFER CAN BE COM PARED WITH THIS. E. A . LI N D G RE N . SAVON LAND CO.. 955 N. W. BANK BLDG. MARSHALL 108. HAWTHORNE. VACANT. i $4600. No. 3 86 New 5-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, paved street and cement sidewalk in and paid for; place is vacant and readv to move Into; price $4000, $1000 cash, balance $25 per month plus 7 per cent interest. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 285 Stark Street, near 4th. Marshall 1808. A BARGAIN. A well built double constructed 7-room house, with lOOxloO-ft. t ; good plumb ing, large, well arranged rooms, base ment, wash trays, chicken house. All in best of condition. Near Walnut park. A genuine bargain at $3500. Terms. $2100. The best little four-room house you ever saw for the money. Good lot. full cement basement, wash trays, Dutch kitchen. It will please you. See Air. Libby . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. BDWY. 5t43. 410 HENRY BLDG. : 52 5 $3 5 2 5 EASY TERMS. 91 5O0 FOUND WOULD BE LUCK. Suppose this home proves a similar good fortune In good east side district. The nicest 5-room double constructed builder's creation for the price you ever saw. Erected just before the high prices. Cement basement ; pavement; built-ins, etc. Perfect condition. Nothing to spend. A rent-saver at once. An unusual invest ment today and years from now. Photo at office. Cars to take you at once. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., 332-333 Railway Exch, bldg., Main 5100, or Main 7511. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Having determined to sell my home, I am offering much below present prices, my eight-room house located in the best part of Irvington, on a lot 75x100; this home is exceptionally well built, with large rooms and plate glass windows throughout. Has two fireplaces, one be ing in the upstairs suite. Fine garage, lawn and flowers. Close to car; price $8500. See my agent. E. B. HOLMES CO., 272 Stark St. WEST MOUNT TABOR. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4100. Folks, we want you to see this. Here is a nifty bungalow. Living room ex tends entire width of house. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. b res k fast nook, cement basement, lur nace, etc. You never would expect to buy such a home for so little money. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. BARGAINS! ALL READY TO MOVE IN! $350 down, $35 month, including inter est, D-roora modern oungaiow, close in, $2100. Fine 6-room modern bungalow, fine neighborhood, $3000. $35 month, includ ing interest. Beautiful Irvington hrand new 6-room modern bungalow, $5500. Very easy terms. DUBOIS, 804 Spalding Bldg. BRAND NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK 487 E. 41ST. Artistic 5-room bungalow with garage, breakfast room, plate glass windows, swell beveled plate buffet, 13x16; east ern oak floors, old ivory finish, trimmed mahogany tapestry paper, nice attic, rur nace, with cement porch, etc. Phone owner. Tabor 1900. 501 E. 43d st. N. FOR SALE BY OWNER. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Five rooms and sleeping porch, garage; 50x100 corner lot; large living room, fireplace, finished in ivory, French doors, hardwood floors, cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays. This ii one of the most attrractive bungalows in Rose City Park. Can be seen today irom l until 4 f. m. oio East aist st. North, corner Stanton. GARDEN HOME, $375 CASH. HALF ACRE. $2150. Say, here is a good buy. A 7-room house and a acre, only few minutes walk from Garden Home depot. There are l. bearing fruit trees on place: thl is a fine place for garden and chick ens. Ler us show you today. Comte & Ko h 1 man. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Com merce bjdg.- GLAD TIDINGS TO HOME BUYERS We make a specialty of snaps; my large acquaintance and years or ex perience In Portland enable me to offer you some of the best buys in homes to day Rose City, Hawthorne, W estmore land. Richmond. 4 exceptional bargains come see my small, but careful listing autos at your service, u. Joira, Cham, of Com. Marshall 1022. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. S2S50. $500 down; five rooms, .large living room, dining room. Kitcneni two bed rooms, bafth, hall, pantry, etc., fine lot. shrubbery, basement; two blks. Haw t borne car. four blocks S. S. car. 34th St. Balance $2o month. "Get Busy." Tabor 3900. ROSE CTTY PARK. $5500. 6-room semi-bungalow, 50x100 strictly modern, hardwood floors. lot, full concrete basement, furnace, sieepin. g porcn, paved streets. 'terms. RICHARD W. MAST, - R1TTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4000. Nicely located. 1 block from Sandy. Thla is an attractive bungalow, facing east. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4ti. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. HAWTHORNE. Modern. 6-room house in fine condl tion ; 4 blocks from car, 2 blocks from school : full oOxlOO corner lot, good garage, plenty ot truit ; all Improve ments in and paid : winter s wood in basement; for quick sale. $.20. N agents. BOX T T, Arleta Station. A RARE bargain in u 5-room bungalow, close in. close to school and car; bath, toilet; full basement, with furnace. Price $2650. Lueddcmann Co.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. ONE EXCELLENT BARGAIN. 5-room modern home, close to car; house finished in ivory and tapestry paper. A real home. ' $2000. Terms. Tabor S292. J UST completed, modern bungalow, three rooms and bath, lot 50x1 12. fine loca tion, just east of Irvington; paved street, cosy place; terms. 971 Knott st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS.. Modern 7-room house, large grounds, shrubbery; brand new; real chance; walk ing distance. AE 330. Oregonian. HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW, 6 RMS. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Vacant; strictly modern; first-class condition. Tabor 4299. REAL ESTATE. .For Sale Houses. FIVE ROOMS MODERN, WEST SIDE. FORECLOSURE PRICE.) READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. EASY WALK OR TAKE 3D-ST. CAR, OFF AT MEADE ST., GO EAST TO CORBKTT, NORTH TO NO. 685. PRICE THIS WEEK $1900 (CHEAP AT $3000. $300 CASH; BALANCE EASY RENT 1'Al'MEN'TS. (SEWER, SIDE WALK AND PAVING ALL IN AND PAID). PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. ADDRESS OWNER, 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136. AFTER 7 CALL MAIN 1777. MARSHALL 1808. NEAR WALNUT PARK. 8 Itoonui and Garage. No. 194. Has large reception hall, liv ing room, den, Dutch kitchen and break fast nook: on first floor and four nice bedrooms and bath on second floor. Also has large floored attic. A dandy buy at $5500; $2000 cash. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., m 285 Stark St. near 4th. Marshall 1808. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. $4750 An S-rooin modern home in ex cellent condition inside and out ; hard wood floors, central entrance, reception hall, fireplace, all built-ins; every con venience; fine electrieal fixtures; 4 bed rooms, garage to match house with cement floor, gas tank, and pump, fine basement. Everything complete. This Is the best value we have among our listings. .Priced for a quick sale. $1750 cash, bal. mortgage. METXGER PARKER CO.. 269 OAK ST. BDWY. 5355. $400 PAYMENT. 4 rooms. 80x100 lot, exceptionally well kept little home with bath, electricity, gas, laund ry trays, situated on a beau tiful SOxlOO lot with 8 full-bearing fruit trees, besides small fruit of every de scription, only 3 blocks from Kern Park station; full price only $2200, $400 down, balance like rent. Pay on your own home instead of giving to the landlord. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Yeon Bldg. ALBERTA NT FT Y BUNGALOW. $3800 50x100 lot, attractive trees and shrubbery'; house new last Feb ruary; 2 blocks to car and Ken nedy school. HAWTHORNE. $3000 Neat 5-rom bungalow, hardwood floors and other modern con veniences; garage; full lot. Easy terms. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART CO. BROADWAY. 5173. 624 HENRY BLDG. BUY YOUR HOME NOW ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-room bungalow near car, located on a flOxlOO-f oot corner lot ; full base ment, floored attic, etc. Price $4600. Some terms. t WEST PIEDMONT. $500 cash, balance easy terms, "buys a 4-room bungalow on OOxloO-foot lot, near two car lines. Price $3250. See Mr. Christenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. DO YOU WISH TO SAVE $400? Then come to north Mount Tabor, this week and buy a modern 6-room and sleeping porch bungalow for $3800. Next week it will be $42o0. Large lot, garage, sewer connected. Built 8 years, but never rented. Has large attic, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, ivory finished Dutch kitchen and bath, fireplace and built-in conveniences, East front, with nits. view. -Good terms. Tabor 2!34. CLOSE-IN HOUSES. Ross street, near L. Broadway; seven rooms, furnace, fireplace, rooms very large and airy. 1 bedroom first floor 3 bedrooms 2d floor; will pay interest on entire investment; price $3900. E. 1st street, near Halsev: 7 rooms furnace, -jiouse in good condition; price HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. Main 831. C-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. Good 6-room cottage, attic, electricity, bath, triangular lot, 63-ft. frontage ; city improvements in and paid; on Halsey sL, near E. Broadway, 10 minutes' walk to west side. Price a snap, $2750 ; $500 cash, $25 it month. Shown by appointment orn. GRUSSI &, BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. BEAUTIFUL 5-room modern bungalow furnished with practicaMy new, elegant lurmsnings. including victrola. stoves. carpets, beds and beddimg; SoxloO lot with alley; improved with choice shrubs and fruits. Owner desires to go to Cal ifornia. WifU sell for only $3700. Some terms ca n be arranged. JOHNSON-DODtiON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE. $4750. Here it is. folks. New bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. Ass'ts. paid. Easy terms. Lei us show vou. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main G092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. LARGE FAMILIES Will find this Piedmont house of seven rooms particularly suitnble, hardwood floors, many attractive built-in features, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, con crete basement, close to carlines and schools; $5-500. $1800 cash. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO., ' 82 4th. Main 4522. GOOD substantial 6-room house in fine location; every room Jarge and light; hath, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories. laundry trays, full cement baseonent, 50xl0O lot; on hard surface street. Price for imme diate sale $4200, $1000 cash, balance like rent. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3T87. 'WANTED AT ONCE. WILL PAY HALF CASH. OR $2000 FOR $4000 strictly modern 5-room bungalow, in Mt. Scott dist. Must have H. W. floors and built-ins; ask for Russel Shepard WITH FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE $500 DOWN $20 PER MONTH. Must sacrifice this modern home, part ly furnished and all street Improvements in and paid for, at less than cost of the house. $2650. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. BUNGALOW, PAVED DISTRICT, $S50 $1000 CASH. 5 large rooms in first-class condition Inside and out. 50x100 lot, paved sts. and sewers, paid; 17 minutes by street car to west side. CEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., !tO6-30S Board Trade bldg. Bdwy 4754. $4300 $100O: CASH. 5-room bungalow style house, with sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, full cement basement, 60x100 iot; immediate possession given. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W- Bank Bldg. Main 3787. VACANT BUNGALOW. $3000. $500 CASH. BAL. EASY. 5 rooms, finished attic, cement base ment; large lot, all st. imp. in and paid 20 minutes car ride to west side; vacant, move In. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 3O0-3OS Board Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4754. EAST BROADWAY $0000. This attractive home on Broadway, west of 15th st., has S rooms, is in itood condition ; owner leaving city offers at ciuse price. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Five rooms and bath, elec, full base ment. 2 blocks to car, 5 blocks to Jeffor son high, car barns and new Beach school. $400 cash. bal. like rent. Total SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2150. Corner lot, hard street, sewers, some fruit ; 2 blocks to street car; a few blocks east of Laurel hurst park ; $550 cash, balance $25 a month. MORRIS & BUNDY.' 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $3500 $1500 CASH. Cosy 5-room bungalow; fireplace, book case, buffet, good basement, lawn, rofesl some fruit; good view; on hard surfaced street. AM liens paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 0n N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. THINK OF IT! IN ROSE CITY PARK! Up-to-date 5-room and sun parlor or sleeping porch bungalow. Hardwood floors; furnace, fireplace, etc. Beauti ful corner lot. 1 block to Sandy blvd. and car line. $4500. and terms. Let zne show you. Tabor 7736. I R VI XGTON 9000. " DUTCH COLONIAL. 'i Seven rooms, very modern, big living . room, garage. Shown by appointment only. -Terms. Main. JJ550. COMTE & KOH LM AN, 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5 ROOM'S, close to .lefferson high, onlv 1 block from Union ave.; modern; has full cement basement. laundry trays, furnace heat, fireplace, buffet. Only $4200; can give terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO..' 633 N. W- Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $1750 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $1750. Close to Woodlawn car. nice lot ; 7 fruit trees, chicken house and run; house has elec, gas. good plumbing. $650 cash, bfil. like rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Houses. ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. We are the leaders In sales in the Rose City Park district. We maintain a branch office there at 50th and Sandy blvd. We are better equipped than any one else to handle property in that dis trict, most of oursalesmen live tnere, we know nearly every house in the section and those who want to sell naturally cume to us with their Rose City Park property. Doesn't it stand to reason that we can serve you best? At any rate it would be folly to buy without first see ing ourl istings. This much is sure It would be poor business judgment. Let us show you- you will be under no obli gations. A. G. TEEPE CO-., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $500 DOWN. ( "WILLIAMS AVE. CAR. 5 ROOMS $3500. Yon will get your money's worth in this double-constructed 5-room. com fortable home, fine bath, light kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot. good garage, paved streets and sewer In and paid; located south of Mason st.. nice neighborhood, 2 blocks shopping district and Williams ave. car. This cosy home Is in first-class condition and can be bought on terms of $500 down, $25 month. LET US SHOW YOU. .GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 189. NORTH IRVINGTON. Lot 100x100. No. 121. 5-room bungalow, full set of plumbing, electric lights, gas, shades, built-ins. basement; lot 100x100, right on the Irvington car line; paved streets, cement sidewalk, sewer. Total price only $4500, $1500 cash, balance only $25 per month. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S5 Stark Street, near 4th. Marshall 1898. . IRVINGTON $5250. 5-room bungalow with finished attic, including maid's room, furnace, fire place, completely furnished, newly paint ed and in splendid condition; will sell house and furniture for $5200, can make terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, 50x100 lot; paved street, paid. $3500. $500 cash. Tabor 4299. Suburban Homes. FIVE acres. 15 miles from center of Port land, near Oregon City; all under .cul tivation, young fruit trees. 2 springs, 1 creek, 4-room bungalow, with full ce ment basement, large attic, some plumb ing, pressure tank; 3 good chicken houses, new garage, small barn, 1 miles to Oregon City line ; 1 acre in clover, some potatoes, 4 cords wood, barn full of hay. 30 fine chickens. 15 pullets; price for everything. $3000. $1000 cash, balance for 3 years. 0 per cent; inspected by Mars t era, with John Ferguson, Ger- iinger Diog. MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES. We have a number of good suburban home bargains on .the Oregon Electric; any kind of a place you want from acre to 5 acres and larger; also some beautiful vacant acreage tracts for homesites. All city conveniences In the streets. Let tis show you tbe best around Portland. G. G. McCORMIO CO.. 242 Washington st. Main S220. ACRES with modern 7-room house. tajs. electricity. Bull Run water , loca-ted within city limits, one block from city cars and hard-surface streets; all un der cultivation, fruit and berries, etc, House without the land is worth Whal we ask for the whole place; price only $6500. J. J. COHAUN, 635 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME ACRE. One acre of land, ail in cultivation. abundance of fruit, beautiful shade trees, large 7-room house, plpeless fur nace, bath, etc., all built-ins. laundry room, large porch on three sides. Every. thing in first-class condition, on paved street. Total price ssooo. $50OO cash Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES OF GROUND with large modern bungalow, beautifully situated on sight ly ground near Multnomah and Ryan stations on the. Oregon Electric. One of the last large tracts left In this neigh borhood. An excellent speculation and a line nome at tne price. For particu lars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. - GARDEN TRACTS. As low as $35 down and $10 per mo. uon t pay your-rent money to tne land lord. Put it into a Piece of land, build 2 or 3-room home and be independent. City water, gas and electricity available. Close to car. Only a few tracts left on tnese terms. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry Bldg. 2 ACRES, $4550. $750 Cash, Bal. Easy. 2 acres on 42d st.. comfortable 5-room house, barn, chicken house; 1 acre in choice bearing fruit of all varieties: sev eral English walnut trees ; paved street OLEV ELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 308 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4 MODERN BUNGALOW, ACRE. NEARLY ALL BEARING FRUIT. Fine view, including Mt. Hood; elec tricity, gas. Bull Rum 4 rooms and bath plastered, plumbing, cement basement. turnace, garage, barn; near city car $30U0. J. C. COttBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldj 10 ACRES ON THE STREET CAR LINE 4 MiLEiS FROM VANCOUVER. Paved road all the way from Portland good 4-room house, barn, chicken house, good cow, hog, chickens, family garden. Ail ror s-oimju. STEWART 6c BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. OAK GROVE. Beautifully located acre with lots of fruit and shrubbery, cosy 5-room oungaiow with modern conveniences. Only $4500 with good terms. FREDERICK C. PRATT, Broadway 1058. 210 Oregon bldg. HAVE 2 acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences. y hour from center of city ; not a commercial place, just an ideal home.. L 54. Ore- gonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well locate!, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aiaer rtrooK." FOR SALE 2-acre modern suburban home. Broadway L. A. .Norton. FOR SALE 12 acres and beautiful sub- urban nome. Bdwy. 274. D. A. Norton. For fc'ale itusinws Property. APARTMENT HOUSE INVESTMENT FURNISHED FULL. PINE INCOME. BEST CASH SNAP IN PORTLAND. Exceptionally well constructed, soli brick: fireproof basement: modern I all details and of recent construction just before orgy or nign building costs income so large that you almost con sider- it unbelievable. Circumstances of unusual character make thi deal pos sibie. KKltE y.Nbi 934. uuv. Term; $5000 on furnishings and a like amoun or so on the building as first paymen the balance on terms of 10 years j monthly installments out of incom Building w411 pay this and yield large living income. . This is one of many cash snaps i this well-equipped organization. M. Vernon Parsons, O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332 RaHway Exchange. " Main 7511 Main 5109. OWN AN interest in Inside city holdings. Ownership certificates in centrally lo cated 2d ave. Seattle real estate, lease to wholesale houses. Denomination $1000. The only way by which you can get all of the income. netting better than interest rate, and also the profits realized on the investment. Oregon l vestment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamb of Commerce bldg. BEST east side location for garage or any business 'building; 3 paved sts., 100 by 1 35. for sale ; near 26th and Division. Write P. M.. 320 East 11th St., City. OWNER leaving city wlU make sacrifice, for quick sale, of income property which . nets 15 per cent annually; $6000 will handle. Phone Tabor 7756. WHITE brick business block, modern de sign, monthly income $265. Price $26,500. Terms. Inquire 549 Tacoma ave. Sell wood 140. For Sale -Acreage. NICE LITTLE COUNTRY' HOME. 8V acres. 7 in cultivation ; 4-room bungalow, water piped in house and barn; also creek for stock awter; on good rock road, 3 miles from highway, 1 's miles to Kood high school and town on street car Ijne; very best of soil. Price $2250, terms. 14 acres close to city limits of For est Grove, 2 acres beaverdam, 8 acres in cultivation; old barn and small shack; i. mile or'f highway on good rock load: small creek. Price $4000. terms. L UEDD EM A N N COM PA N Y. 013 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 10 acres, ha if cleared, country home site, hard road., small house, barn. Or chard, creek, 10 miles center of town ; near Corbett. $2500; take late model car. Hup. Buick or similar value as part, or sell on easy terms. J. G. CORB1N CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 600 ACRES logged off land, fertile soil, 2 Ati. from small town; good road; bar sain. 515 Lumber Exch. bldg. TEN ACRES, close to Portland; some Jm- pii ements. cash or terms. Main 4 4 So. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. PARKRORR ACRES IN THE NEW TRACT. i Fine land for berries, onions, celery and all kinds of garden truck, also excellent soil for flor ists; very easy terms, $85 to $125 down, monthly payments only $18 to $25 per mo. Nearly all of the tracts cleared except a few wild rose bushes; 2 and 3 acre tracts only $550 to $950 per acre. The corner of Parkrose is just 6 miles from the Burnside bridge. Park rose has a new 14-room school, , with high school branches; also church and stores. $650 per acre One fine 8-acre tract. $96 down, balance $20 per month. This is one of the few tracts unsold that border on the drainage canal, and Is a very de sirable tract. $700 per acre 2i-acre tract, only $97 down, balance $20 per month. This tract is a corner tract and is on the . main road leading to Sandy boulevard. Gfound all cleared. $950 per acre A fine tract and not far from Sandy boulevard; acres ready for the plow. $107 down, balance $20 per month. PARKROSE is reached by Sandy boulevard (Columbia highway), or take Rose City Prk car to Park rose car. PARKROSn3 BRANCH OFFICE at end of Parkrose car line. Tabor 2904. J. L. HKRTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. WELL EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres, located in good town, with fine high- school. Washington county. near ii uisboro ; fine soli. 3 acres un der cultivation, all ' can be cultivated. balance in heavy timber; lots of bear Irg fruit; 5-room house, on sightly ground, with lots of shade trees, fire place, small barn. 2 chicken hous, one modern that will accommodate 500 chickens; one Buckeye brooder, 10O0 chick capacity; 2 incubators, 5O0 White Leghorn hens, 2 fine Jersey cows. Ford touring car; price $3700. half cash. John Ferguson, GerMnger bldg. TRADE YOUR HOUSE FOR RANCH EQUIPPED. 80 acres, Clarke county, Washington, 3 miles from La Center. All level, line soil. 1 5 acres in cultivation, balance pasture: family orchard; 4-room house; barn 30x74, silo, . well, 2 spring; all fenced : V. mile to school. This Is dandy ranch, but owner Is called to England on business and must sell. There is nearly $3000 worth of personal prop erty, crop, stock and equipment. Trice $8000. Portland house to $3000, $000 casn, long time on the balance. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. FOR SALE. 10 acres. 35 miles from Portland. mile from R. R. station, all under cul tivation, good spring on place, 7-room house, shed, small barn. 475 prune trees set out' last, year: 3 acres potatoes in ground: equipped with gas pump, 1200 feet 1-inch pipe, 350 feet 1-inch hose and storage tank for irrigation; four heaa horses, three cows. 75 hens, 6 tons hay, two wagons, -2 plows, 2 harrows. J culti vator; price $3500, half cash, balance to suit at per cent. J. P. JOHNSON, 11 Cherry Grove, Oregon. 20 ACRES PRUNE LAND. $30 PER ACRE. We have 20 acres as fine prune land as can be found in the state. 53 miles west or Forest Grove. .1 ust roiiini enough for perfect drainage; no rock or gravel ; fine spring ; could now be cleared for a few dollars per acre. As an investment alone you could soon double your money. Must be sold this week. This land will grow any crop grown in this climate. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies outdoors; close td city ca line, beautiful home sites. 1 will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July. 1921; 30 years' experi ence as fruit grower, juice manufacturer. moral ami financial responsibility; guar antee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of this worth-while .proposition? F. A. Breck. Mfc Breck's Loganberry Juice, 3S4 East 42d st. North. Tabor I 2678 or Main 6173. DO YOU WANT A HOME? CAN YOU SPARE $100? Here is your chance. 20 acres of fine land, 7 miles from Gaston, Or., and only $2U per acre. Small creek; several I springs, some fir and cedar timber and i some brush land: easily cleared; no rock or gravel. We don't like the word "snap," but you can't beat this buy in tne state. A. W ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. ; 40 ACRES BRUSH LAND, $20 PER ACRE. $300 cash, near Scogglna valley, Wash ington county, Oregon. Greater pari level: fine soli: no rock or gravel. Wil low and hazel brush and a few dead stumps; spring water. Pay for it with goats while they clear the land. If you want a good buy see us at once. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. AN JOAQUIN VALLEY CALIFORNIA TRACTS. In 40 and SO-acre tracts, all under ir rigation, adapted for alfalfa, barley. oats. corn. veKetables. sugar beets. grapes, raisins, prunes, peaches, figs, etc. Come in and let us tell you how in vestors are making money in this won derful valley; homeseekers trips every week. California-Oregon Farms Co.. 52S Lumbermens bldg. 7 ACRES. $GC0. One acre in cultivation; fine spring and trout stream, small house and barn and wood shed; less than 4-mlie from electric station, 20 miles from Portland; fine auto road from Portland. MO RRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments ottered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. 10 ACRES. $650. Unimproved land, right at station on electric line. 18 miles from Portland; fine trout stream and springs; $250 cash; balance to suit. MORRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 2 ACRES FOR $50 DOWN and $8 per month; located near electric station and paved road; lies level; some nice timber: ideal suburban homeslte; fine for chickens, berries, etc. Price $800; terms $50 cash and $H monthly. LU KDAJhiAi Arsrsj tuiirAA x , 013 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ACRES. $00O. 1 acre in cultivation; fine creek and spring, small house and barn, about mile from station on electric line, only I 20 miles from Portland. MORRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $250 CASH, balance easy, buys 5 acres blocks from Oregon City carline, at Hull Station. Price oniy uuu. aee ivtr. Farna worth, with H. A. DRTER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. CHICKENS. BERRIES AND FRUIT. $25 down, $12.50 monthly buys a splen did tract of 2 4-i acres, located 1 miles from fortiana city limits, splen did creek, some bottom land; total price $550. r red vv. uerman -o., tzz Cham ber 0" Commerce. 6Vb ACRES on O. E., 0 miles out, all under cultivation. Tenced ; small shack ; 1 acre orchard, on -good road, near high way; $3S0O. iOO casn, easy terms on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO., Main 5420. 248 Stark st. jtjou ONE-ACRE tracts, all cultivated, on Gresham car, c fere, at S2d st. ; Bull Run water, gas and electric lights; $2O0 cash, balance like rent. George A. K.i ggs. 52S Lumbermens Di-qg. tr ACRES logged-oir land, located IV, miles west of Scappoose, Columbia conntv. near county road; no trade. A. S. Walker. 605 E, Morrison st. East 401. 5'0 ACRES logged-off land, some tillable; "running water, good stock range. JO per acre, terms. J. R- Sharp, 557 Sherlock building. FOl S VLE H acres adjoining Parkaai townslte; 7Vs A. in G-yr. trees; good house balance in potatoes; $50u0, cash pPicc. J im sami. rarKaaie. or. 10 ACRES about mile south of DalU Or.; all cleared. 6O0 fruit trees; price $350. S150O down WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bldg. 2 ACRES and good 4-room house, all out buildings, KUU" "vii "iiu mur wiciinni, Rnckiev ave. and poster road, s;ooo: SI 0OO down and $20 monthly. Tabor 72S8. 320 ACRES, $25 AN ACRE. S z sec. 7, twp. 2 S.. R. 4 E. acre cleared; $40o down; terms. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bldg. GET OUT on the land; here Is SO acres in I Lane Co.. close to- railroad and lots of I ti '': $2600, terms. Owner, J S7, Ore gonian. J REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreace. SOME ACREAGE BUYS. m "Five acres. $1000; 47 acres, $7500; 47 acres, $12,500; 2 acres, $3Ou0; 2 acres, $o000 and many others, easy terma. See J. ROBBINS & CO., 301 Railway Exch. Main 7931. Homesteads, Relinquishments. FOR A HOMESTEAD or relinQUishment location in the O. Ac C. land grant see Mr. Helm. 317 Board of Trade bldg. Fruit and Nut Lands. ON TROUTDALE car line, 1 acre close to Rockwood station, clear. 4i milea from city limits; easy terms ; step lively. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg, Bdwy. 1053. For Hal -Farms. HERE IS A REAL FARM BUI'. 100 acres 3 miles from Oregon City, joining main road, from 20 to -5 acres under cultivation; lot more tan be cleared at little expense; from 30O to 4O0O cords of first growth fir; fair set of buildings; all fenced and cross fenced; plenty of running water on the place. With this goes team of mares, 3 good cows, 100 chickens, 2 brood sows, some shouts, 50O busheAs of grain, lot of hay, stump puller, cream separa-tor, full set of machinery, tools, impienvent-s, etc. Price- is $10,000, and a batrgain; half cash. Might consider a house in Port land for paxt of purchase price. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THiS IS POSITIVELY THE BIGGEST 3ARGALN WE HAVE EVER HAD TH 1 OFFER. 40 acres of excellent land with live erspk runnine across, one corner; 4 6 acres of fine swale land; every foot can be tilled; graveled road on 2 sides; nti 1 v rt miW southeast of Hillsboro. Th-ere is about 2000 cords of fine wood j on ihft lsnrt- wiU brine $5 Der cord on, the place and the land, will be worth twice the price asKea now juici me wnnd i taken off. $1000 wfii handle; $1200 balance can win. for 3 years at 6 per cent. Better act at owe, for this is a bargain. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRRIGATED FARM. 320 acres in Deschutes district. 2o0 acres cleared and cultivated. 109 acres now irrigated, paid-up water right. 50 acres in alfalfa ; place all fenced and rrosfl-ft-nred. 1200 acres rented pasture under fence; good buildings, insured for! $4000; 30 head cattle, a norses. sonic hon and chickens, all necessary farm machinery: everything for $21,00O. Will take small cash payment, or will con sider some property and sinall cash pay ment:, Daiancu iohk liuic. w v city now. H'EUUKMANN COMfAI, . 913 Chamber of Commerce. '1-1 A - Ft w S S TOC K AND EOUIPMEN 1. All in cultivation except one acre gooa limber land: land lies fine, creek on place; good 6-room house, barn, gran ary, z cnicKen nouses: omer ouiuunu- mgs; spring water piped to house and barn; team, 6 milk cows, 50 chickens. or more ons nay, sauas et?u crop of carrots, corn, potatoes, etc, ana all necessary farm tools ana implements go with place: mite irom scnooi; im mediate possession. Jrice 9 tuvu; terma, $3600 cash. bal. mortgage. 913 Chamber of' Commerce. SMALL BEARING PRUNE RANCH. 16 acres. 1A miles from rtea Electric station and Capital highway. 20 miles from center ol I'ortiana. uooa graveiea road. 4 acres fine prunes, other fruit; 4-room house, barn, chicken house; one 1 horse. ftO ch ckene. complete line or ma chinery; price $5000. includes the prune r-rir and a 1 1 other rrnns it n i enummeni . i nr S440O without the Prune crop: $200C cash; nice, neat place; inspected by Nel- son. with John Ferguson, oerunger oiog. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY NEAR EUGENE. Rl ACRES FIT LL Y KOLIrrbU. 55 acres in cultivation, level, dark lnam soil well drained, in rich corn dis- I trTct; family orchard, 6-room house, barn and all necessary buildings; this place is fully equipped with $2900 worth of stock and Implements; the owner must ko east. Joins small town. Price for everything $750O, terms $3000 cash. MacINNES. 210 Oregon Bldg., 5th and Oak. W H ER E YO U R $ $ $ DOUBLE. You can sit on the bank of the Yamhill and watch your money grow. Listen, there are 248 acres, iou a. Doitom lAnrt. ".i a. in nons. awe n nouses, 4 barns. 2 hoo houses. 4 miles from good town and rock road, new uy. going through farm will have station on ground. $25,000 priced or quick sale. Will take i. in Portland property, oai. cash, or sell for $10,000 down, time on bal. See Rock, 403 Couch bldg. SMALL FARM. NEAR PORTLAND. s i. Hrrpt within 14 miles of Port land. 1 mile from electric station, 20 acres under cultivation, balance timber and stumps, all Ilea fine; 17 acres in timothv and clover. 5-room box house. barn, well, all farm machinery to run i place witn ana it tons nay in Darn, j Price $6000; take house to $4000, balance Mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. tto Ft SALE 16O0-acre ranch. unllowa county, or.; ouu acres in cuuivauon ; in the heart of grazing section; close to pfiv't. ran ire: running water year round liood buil dines, including 5-room house. barn for 20 head horses, chicken houses. hnirhnuses. dairy barn e"iuipnoa tor iniiR- lnir 40 cows, corrals, etc. A.11 fenced und cross-fencod. Price $50,000. For further particulars address T. H. lurcher, box 7iS, enterprise, kjv. CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acres, 1 miles from Tigard, on 1 craeled road, i mile from paved high way: 36 acres can be cultivated: 14 acres under cultivation; good creek, some fruit trees: cheap house; over 25O0 cords of wood, which will more than pay for this place; $2.00 cash, balance at 6 per cent; inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 42 ACRES. STOCK AND CROP. $S000. 8 miles from Vancouver. Wash.; 42 acres in hisrh state of cultivation, good ! house. 3 acres in prunes, $1000 crop al most ready to harvest ; good team, 3 cows, wagon and all kinds of machinery and tools ; 30 tons of hay. 4 acres fine potatoes ; everything goes for $8000, half cash. MORRIS & BUNDY. 613 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DAIRY, STOCK-AND HAY RANCH. 158 acres, located in the prosperous Glenwood district; very rich soil, largely lake bottom. SO acres in cultivation ; spring water, house; on-main road, close to school and creamery. Only $70 per acre. Will exchange for Portland resi dence. MacINNES. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165S. 2(t ACRES. 12 acres bearing prunes, 0. acres under cultivation, balance slashed; good pasture, some fine standing timber: 7-room farm hou&e. barn and other out buildings; 4 miles, from Vancouver on paved road : eiectrlc station on ground ; $4oOO, hair casn. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5420. 24S Stark st. EXCELLENT FARM BUY. SO ACRES. 20 MILKS PORTLAND. CLARKE COUNTY. 65 acres in high state of cultivation. fair buildings, living stream, ramny or chard. mile from paved road, price I 4( under adjoining farms, $137.50 per acre. $3500 cash, balance 5 to 10 years at oc. Jacob rtaas, tzt c or kj. oiag. MIGHT TRADE ONE OR BOTH. $4800 160 a. with 120 in cultivation and 80 reo.dy to eed. more land adjoin ing to be had at Siigntiy bigher price. I $4000 80 a. with good buildings, good creek, some fine bottom. Make fine stock or dairy. 1 erm on either place. Owner. 3-- nairway cxcnange. VERY desirable farm home. 20 acres. 1 i miles idillsDoro, an cultivated, ll acres clover; extra good house; extra good barn, outbuildings: fine team black mares, cow. chickens, farm, tools, 1 tons clover hay, 150 bushels wheat. 150 oats, potatoes, garden; $0u00, half cash. Dubois. MM Spalding nldg, STOCK RANCH. GO acres; -O acres cleared. 20 acres 1 pasture, balance timber; good house. barns; orchard, lots of outrange; price $3 one-nair casn. oaiance terms. Mckinley land company. Castle Rock, Wash. 20 ACRES, extra fine farm. Pacific high- . v. all cwnvaiea, gcoa Duiiainirs. XSOO0. with farming tools, horse, cows. hogs. hay, feed, chickens; first-class I place for oerries. garaen or dairying. Main 307. wcrarmnu, up waning bldg FOR SALE Excellent stock ranch, nicely !OCaiU. 1 IV 11 , P'CIIIJF tL water ana range, nouse. Darns, orchard, Ktock: fully equipped; a oargaln for im mediate sale. Box 7, Auto Rest, Trinity county. Cai. " 80 ACRES. 30 In cultivation. 10 acres prunes: good bungalow, good barn: all stock and machinery : near town; JS00O; easy- term s. 732 Patton Road. Main 830. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $0 to $000 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all ! sizes. McKarlano. us t ailing bidg HOOD paying farms: sizes and terma to suit with stocK ana imprements. C. J. Cutlisoa Real Estate Co.. 2054 Morri- BQD st. ; LOGGED-'EF lands. $10 acre up; running water, gooa son, vt uiiaoie; employ ment; easy terms, J. R. Sharpe. 83 4 3d. 000 ACRE'S logged off tend, fertile soil, mi. from small town; good road; bar- gatn 515 Lumber Lxcn. b.dg. 5 A LEVEL, cleared, tenced. 3-rm. house, well: near Wiilarplna; $150 cash. $10 mo. and trt Jesse K. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bid, 10 ACRES, Capitol highway. $.10O0: house, barn, orchard, big henhouse; $500 cash. McFarland, Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE. For FARMS FARMS EAR MS. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 17 acres. 1 milo from Spring dale, 15 acres in cultivation. 9 acres of fruit, good 5-room house, large barn, spring water piped to buildings: price $5500, $3100 cash, 4 years on the balance. BEAUTIFUL CHELATCHIE PRAIRIE. 200 acres, over 100 acres of rich bottom land, 45 acres in cultiva tion, 55 acres brush, 100 acres of fir timber, cruises near 4.000.000 feet. 2 trout streams thorugh place, family orchard, good 6 room house, barn 24x00, all out buildings in first-class condition, mile to high and grade school, 4 miles from town, on good road. Price $14,000, $6uo0 cash. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 160 acres in Lincoln conntv, 12 acres in cultivation, 30 acres fir and cedar, balance pasture, best of soil, fine trout stream, also well, good 4-room house, barn and other outbuildings, young team, 2 cows. 1 yearling, hogs, waaron, mower, rake, plows, separator, all email tools, household furniture, every thing goes. Total price $3500, $1500 cash, and good tcricsxia the balance. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 32 Chamber of Commerce. I THOUGHT I TOT.D ALL fcOOUt that llKtrt.arro Mim-h in !nt Sun day's Oregonian. X. sure en t lota of rni;i but nenri v all wanted less land from 20 to 160 acres). Sure they wanted some of it. wny not 7 Only two hours' drive from Portland on Columbia river highway. HIT I CAN'T CfTT IT so I win repeat the ad and state my price mat win sell it this week. DIFFERENT EXCEPT TN PRICE from the ordinary logged-ofT land propo sition that comes to vour nntic. be cause It Is reallv . ranch with f.nee about 50 acres cultnvated land, orchard. barns and houses, with water piped to them ; pond for trout culture, water power for electric lights; close to school, high school, good roads; only two mis to highway, railway and Columbia river; good bottom and bench land, deep soil, no rock, plenty of water: a little over two hours run from Portland: anrt sav. so cheap for cash, really I must ask ou to come ana see me personally. lor I can't afford to spend the price of the ranch on this ad. and there is lots more to be told about it. as I have to co In and see me. soon, as I have to ko back to mv mrill in n ffw rinvs .1. 1 1 La ber, 705 Broadway bldg. No phone. FOR SALE OR TRADE. HOG AND DAIRY RANCH. SO acres, best loam soil, no rock or gravel ; 35 acres in high state of culti vation, all fenced and cross-fenced; fine spring, small stream near buildincs: good 6-room house, brick basement, dairy barn 4 Ox t0, box stalls, hay fork, pulleys. ropes, aairy. double walled fruit house. poultry house and park, hog house and ioi, large wooustied. well House. .tiu bearing fruit-trees, consisting seven larjre cr.erries, pears, 20 Italian prunes quinces, balance commercial apples strawberries, raspberries ; elevated build ing spots, woven wire fencing around yard, larce lilacs, snowballs, rosea and other flowers: buildings all painted, land siopes gently to tne road overlooking h.ghly improved district; ideal land lor prunes, walnuts, clover, tmioth v. oars and vetch; 5 acres seeded to timothy and clover, balance in oats and vetch. Close to school ; has all rural advantages ; 6 miles from town, on good auto road. Price $8000. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. 270 ACRES. 9 ml. from Dufur. near good country scnooi. oj acres in cultivation. 25 acres in fall grain. 25-acre water right, 6 acres in alfalfa, produces three crops, good family orchard. 1.2OO.0OO of pine iimDer, tnis ranch equipped with wwa, norses. macmnery and, wood saw. Price $10,000. 400 ACRES 1H ml. from Wamlc. Or.. 200 ci e in cultivation, more could oe farmed. 105 acres in fall grain, ditch running through ranch, some growing timothy, good 7-room house. 2 big barns good family orchard, plenty of water; ail fenced and crossed fenced wit h hog fencing. Price $40 per acre if taken at once. 440 ACRES 3 ml. from Dufur, m ml. from eievator. iruu acres wneat land, creek running through ranch, good buildings, good alfalfa land, on creek bottom ; in cluding 60 head of hogs, one span of horses, two cows, and some farm ma chinery. ,' TV. C. HANNA. Dufur. Ore. WELL-LOCATED FARM of 242 A.: fine dark loam soil, all tillable: 185 A. under cultivation. 85 A. in clover. 20 A. good timber, bal. pasture: 2 springs, 2 wells; all fenced; 10-roora house, elec tric lighted, all necessar:Pou:buUd:nss, family orchard; located "i miie from Donald, on highway to Aurora. mile to school and church. This farm is one of the best In this section and Is a money-maker for the right party at $140 per acre. Personallv Inspected. A BARGAIN". 60 A 1 mile from Butteville. 3 miles from Donald, on good graveled road ; 10 A. in cultivation. 15 A. more was once farm, can be .easily plowed, 5 A. waste land. bal. timber and oasture: this very good fruit land and has one of the best building sites in the valley ; land joins river; this place will be sold to first man who sees it at $50 per A., $1000 casn. Dai. fi'.e. SEE J. L. GROFF, Donald. Or. .CHOICE POULTRY FARM. Six acres clear, 30 minutes out. half mile from red car electric station and Hilisboro highway on good macadam road ; splendid new bungalow furnished complete with all the conveniences or city home for the maintenance expense or a country place. Stocked with 450 White Leghorn lay ing pullets, 200 year-old White Leg' horn hens, housed In the most modern poultry houses; 1 year-old heifer. 1 acre large Kaie. acre slock oeets ana car rots, large ga-rden, good orchard, 10 cords wood in shed. 50 bushels wheat. 7 tons hay. 1 buggy. 1 set buggy harness. 1 set work harness. 2 Petal um a brood ers and other small tools too numerous to mention. 1 large barn and other necessary sheds and bui dings, all for $05OO or without furniture. stock and equipment for $7800. G. W. GELVIN. Phone 79X1. Orenco. Oregon. A BIG BARGAIN IN A SMALL CLARK COUNTY DAIRY RANCH. 4t A., 30 in cultivation, 4-room house, large barn, 40 tons of hay, 11 fine cows. 5 calves, 1 bull, heavy team of mars. wagon, new harness, farm implements, cream separator. 100 chickens, 20 hogs, cream house and all kinds of outbuild ings; about 1 A. potatoes, kale, 2 A. or chard, mostly prunes; best of soil, lies level. 9 miles from city, 1 mile from Brush Prairie, on paved road to Van couver: fine crop of prunes on trees. Prico $12.0o0: $."U00 cash. bal. terms. W. W. WILSON CO.. 505 Washington St.. "Vancouver, Wash. LISTEN! SO acres. 30 in full bearing prunes, modern S-room house, electric lights, large drier, good barn, 4 horses. 3 cows, 10O chickens; all farm machinery, $lo. 0O0 crop this year; 3 miles good town; $26.0oO. one-half cash. 732 Patton Road. Main 83SO. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED AT ONCE. We have several clients who want 3 and 4-room houses with bath, located close In, from $1200 to $2500; will con sider run-down property if price is right. Call Main M2. We mean business. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BUILD WOW : If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. FARMS wanted : I have several clients who want some wen-improved farms : perhaps yours will be just what they want: come in and se me. Geo. A. Riggs, 52S Lumbermens bldg, WANTED Modern 5-room home in any good district up to $4"00; can pay $150O cash payment. See M r. Harper at 3o7 Railway Exchange bldg. A DIRECT buyer wants a .It-room modern bungalow, between Alberta, Denver and Peninsula park, not to exceed $:;.im. For Immediate action. A B 743, Oregonian. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Will trade auto for part payment on a modern home, not over $6000. Mar shall 131S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Will trade auto for Portland Heights view lot. Phone. Marshall 1318. WANT 5 rooms, full lot anywhere: give price, term), location; owners only. AH 57. Oregonian. IF YOU have a good home to sell, call me mornings and evenings. Swan. Main S243. W A NT ED Best 50x 1 00-f t. thorne that cash will buy gonian. lot In Haw AH 706. Ore- 5-ROOM bungalow: K:'.V down, ' balance terms. AR 67, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OUR OFFICE WILL SELL MORE HOMES THIS YEAR THAN ANY OFFICE IN THE UNITED STATKS! NEW RKCOD ESTABLISHED BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. Just THINK! 137 homes sold In At gust! 34 homes sold in one dav; 11 TO DATE THIS MONTH! 890 ALREADY SOLD THIS YEAR! WE CAN SKLIi YOURS! WE will APPRAISE INSPECT AND PHOTOGRAPH SAME WITHIN 24 hours after listed. We Fpend THOU SANDS OF DOLLARS advertising and empioy 25 experienced sa iesmcn to work on the sale of YOUR house. Call or write FRAXK L. MVGUTRE. TO SKLIi YOUR HOME. APIMITON BLLK;. MAIN 3. I WANT 5 TO 30 ACRES FOR A HOME. 1 have been in Portland, just long enough to know that I want to make this section my permanent home; de sire to get my family out of the hotel and on a littio tarm home before win ter se:s in: desire from ft to 10 acres; not over, say, 15 miles out; want om fruit, good location and pretty fa;r buildings; must be homelike. Send de scription, price and directions for reach ing your place to P. O. Box .No. 3475, Portland. Oregon CASH! CASH ! If you are leaving the citr or wish te close an estate, or own a house which you want to turn into money, I will per sonally pay you cash and close deal within 24 hours. Prefer houses in need of repairs an. I under $3000. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Largest Home Seller on the Paelfl Coast. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WANTED 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. We have a client who will buy in od'rn 5 or 6-room bungalow with, pirae : must be 50x100 lot. in ei'-her Rose City Park, Piedmont, Walnut Park or Irvington Helchts; not over $0500. RICHARD W. MAST. R1TTER, LOW E i CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. A CLIENT wants an up-to-date bungalow of 5 rooms, must be strictiy modern on paved streets, have eh rape and be in Rn?e City, A lamed a Park or Laurel hurst; not over $70oO; c;m rtiiy cash. RICHARD W. M AST. R1TTEI1, LOWE .fc CO.. 201 -;; r-7 Board of Trade Blng W A NT ED A T ONCE. ' Have client for home in Rose Clry or other good district; will pay m t $."r00 for or 6 -room bungalow, J'joo cash and largo mont n!y payment. Murt be abl1 to give ju ick possesion. Call Main S02 and we will inspect at once. W ANT to bn v a hem e on in; about ST.OOO. AM 07 we.st side, close , Oregon ian I-arms Wanted. I WANT 5 TO 10 ACRES FOR A HOME. I have been in Portland just long enough to know that I want to make this section my permanent home; de sire to get my family out of the hotel and on a littio farm home before win ter sets in; desire from 5 to 10 acres; not over, say, 15 miles out; want snmn fruit, good location anil pretty fair buildings; must be homelike. Send de scription, price and directions for reach ing your place to P. O. Box No. 3-175. Portland , Oregon. WANT GOOD FARM LAND not over 10 east of VanC'lli ver on Columbia miles river, with good building site to improve for the raising of fancy stock. Prefer hind without buildings. Will pay ail cah. Geor?e M. Reed Co., Spalding bidg. Marsha.ll 3377. 5 OR 10 ACRES, near car line, with building: will give $1K0 lot first pay ment. .1. Grav. Troutdii le. Route 1. Wanted to Kent arms. HA VE Italain gardener wanting to lcaca 10 acres or more garden lanu oetween 1 'or t land and Troutdaie ; immedaite ac tion F. L, EDDY. R I TT E R . LO W E &- CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EXPERIENCED farmer wants highly im proved farm, have nome in cny ana cash for personal .property or will lease vacant place. Phone Tabor 4727 or write A. W. Johnson & Sons. 47 E. 53d St. W ANT to rent farm, cash advanced; possession December ; sntistactory rerer ence given. Orchard, Wash.. Route 1, Box 125. TIMBER LANDS. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION About 50i0 cords within m'- or h. P. R. R. ia Marion county, fine road to station; will sell stuinpuge on easy terms, Lu-ddemann Co.. 013 Cham, of Com. 160 ACRES timber. 3600 fvet fir; 7 miles from R. it. ; $2 wo, term Jones, Main 5420. FOR SALE 5.S25,onrt ft. Coos county tim ber. Broadway 'J 1 4. D. A. Norton. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR. KENT October. 1. farm with about 16 fit-res in cultivation; good house. large family orchard; 1 mile to town. 40 mile from Portland; team, wagon, harness and plow, $ 1 50. Would like rent'-r to cut cord wood this winter. Woodlawn. 2209. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A 46-acre farm; 25 acres under culti vation, balance, good pasture land; all under fence; 8-room house, modern barn, good condition. 0o.04 feet; etone root house, good chicken house; water piped to house and barn; good family orchard, on macadam highway. 2 '-a miles from Estacada. or. ; price $80rii; would con sider a trade for a bungalow, desirable location.- SEE FARNSWORTH & GOULDSTONE, 132 Hawthorne ave., near 50th st. Phone Tabor 2J.V.t. . 14V-.-ACRE HOME $6000. All fenced with woven wire, practically all under cultivation, good well, 6-room, plastered house, with fireplace, barn 2Sx 40. chicken house, hog house, well house and wooushed, mile east of electrio station, in Clarke county. Wash., 100 pear trees. 80 apple trees, horse, buggy, harness and tools included; will ex change for city property up to $3500. See M r. Stephens, Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND P PECULATE TO ACC U M U LATE. Vacant lots one of our specialties. Can't you sell your home or city prop erty ? Possibly 1 can arrange to better your financial position. See Mr. Koss. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadwuy 5M43. 410 Henry Bids:. , A WONDERFUL FARM. 149 acres. 1 ri miles Hi Unborn. 65 high state of cultivation. 13 acres heaver dam, all fenced, on rock road, good modern barn, fair house, orchard ; this land is worth twice the asking price; will take good city home as part, good terms on balance. See J. B. Rock Co., 403 Couch Bldg. MY IRVINGTON" HOME. R rooms. 4 bedrooms and sleening porch, all hardwood floors, fireplace, large cement basement, furnace, sun room, living room 15x30; central en trance is too large for me. will ex change for 5-room house, west side pre ferred. Call Bdwy. 165S or E. 24."6 eve. 4UO VC KES wneat and stocK ranch, near Bickelton. Wash., for trade; 20 cre cultivated. 40 acres rich bottom . good water fUDp'.y, small orchard ; old house; will trade for modern city residence. Write J W. Forr ester. Cascade Locks, or phone Tabor 505. owner, Sunday. WEST SIDE INCOME. --SOxlOO' 2 flat buildings- and sterex. Price $20,000; will consider $10,000 in other property. J. BOBBINS & CO.. 01 Railway Exch.. Main 7!'.l. F A R M E X C H A X G E . '40 acres. bldg... real stock ranch. Price $11000; consider other property, city preferred. 301 Railway Exch. Main 7 w:i 1 . . rMuK CORN ER loi- at Hyde Park, free oV incumbrances, to trade for a house enuity or a good automobile; pay d.f f , 're n ce B I -. Oregonian. iLN"liID 5-pass Haynes for real estate " and" assume up to $2O00 difference; soon le-iving city, o describe thoroughly your offer. AM 60. Oregonian. '. rt v'FIES near White Salmon, to 1 change for car. lots, house equity. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. W YNTED A 2-ton truck or Ford touting car. in exchange for late Studebaker with new paint and tires. Eagle Garage, Lenta. Auto. Lents 201 1. 6WNERof late Studebaker with new tires and paint will se'l at a sacrifice or exchange for Ford ; $050. Call Auto. Lents 2011. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE or trade for light machine, a good te;im of horses, harness, wagon, plow and scrapers. Call A uto. 315-37. FOR SALE. Horsfs. Vehicle. 3Jve.tocK. 4-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow. giving good rich m ilk. $00 cash. 13S 1 Union ave .N., or Woodlawn 5 101. A RA Bl A N gelding .high school lad v's saddle hor.se. Dr. C. L Clark. 165 W. W a 1 1 ss L ; ' LA R'i E team for hire. 321 East 36 tb sU I'lione Woodlawn 6"68. DEA D horses ana ca tt le hauled a way free. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. MILK goats for sale very heap. 1350 iuir St.. woouiawn W A N T fresh Jersey as part payment on iyi7 Oakland. Tabor 2-60. If