TIIE MORXIXG OliECOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. At'lXJUNT.VNTS. JL'I.IL'S R. BLACK, public accountant. Auditor, Income tax service. Concord bids., -d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ALIKHATION'S. LAtAIES tailoring. Perfect fitting; work g-ar. I. Keubin, 108 Bueh & Lane bldg. AS3AVKKS AND ANALYSTS. aife'N.T,ANA ASSAY OFFICE, 14 Second. ''old, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. B TV. EASTMAN. lawyer and notary public. B34 chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS. DR. McMAHOVS sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam showers, plunges, tubs. ecesaariet furnixhed Rubdowns and manage when desired. Service and prices cannot he beat. S. "W. corner of Fourth and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROtKACTIO, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. Mar sha;! 31S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Al.CfLATOK ADDING MACHIVES. CAI.cl71.ATOR ADDING MACHINE, $15; guaranteed. Mar. 657. 519 Corbett bldg. ARPKNTKKS AND CONTRACTORS. nARPFrJTCiJ GENERAL CONTRACT - -'t.ll ing, J , Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CELLLl.OID BITTONS. .7J'K IRVV1N-HODSON COMPANY. -S Washington. Broadway 434. A. 125 CHIROPODIST. FEPT H!!"?!" Corae to Dr- Gartner. foot "will specialist: corns, bunions. fnot arches made to order. 311 Swet'and huUiing. nth and Washington. Main 1081. DR. T. M. CHAMBERS, foot specialist. Tell your friend. S06 Swetland b'.dg.. Tlfth and Washington. Marshall 3124. CR. o. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected, l.ady assistant. 512 Mnrg.-in bldg. Main 8762. . CHIROPODIST?- ARCH SPECIALISTS. Wri.LIAM. Estelle and Florelio De Veny. The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linirer bldg., S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. . CHIROPRACTOR. 300. non KNOW Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 per cent chiropractic specialist: 11th year In this city. Throngs pronounce treatment best. No camouflage, joss house stunts or profiteering, adjuncts. Adjustments made easy. enjoyable, beneficial and curative. Terms: Initial treatment reasonable and all cases care fully adjusted. Patients requiring ex- , tended time, 31 adjustments $15. Phone, ' cnll or write. CHffiOPfiACTOR cy bTr:;yhoPnr5kiM4s: CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers. needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3S83. COLLECTIONS. N'PTH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17!8. No collections, r.o charges. Eetab. 1900. DANCINH. BL'MMKR'S Dancing Academy: private les . sons ay. eye., latest steps shown. P,i Fth St.. Manchester bldg.. Bdwy. 3300. DENTISTRY. PCWTICTDY IR. A. W KEEXK, 3314 UUISII J?H I Washinpton st. Without pain. Latest nerve - blocking method. IQ; AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 E. 7th. cor. Grant. East 147 and Aut. 2t!)-B2. Dogs and horses clipped HOfSB CLEANING. H. V. MARX, dependable house painting, tinting, paperhanging. Tabor 6217. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTCaS' REWOUND neea Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 527-27, il. 871. 228 Main st. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' ANI MILL SUPPLIES. TH: At. L. KLINE CO., S4-S-8T-b3 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. MATS AND CAPS. . THANHAUSKR HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. R ASMUSSfciN & CO., Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. HOUSES - GARAGES F.nr.fTfTO TV PMRTI.ANtl. ORE GON, SHIPPRD AVTWHF.RBIH 4-FOOT SUCTIONS I1KADI TO PUT TOGETHKH. Kr riot It tigb-gralle material throughout and em (i-W;i 11 y at tractive In Bppriirance, It cti i made at a GKEAT SAVING. Ask for Caialofcue. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. Kaat Kleveatk an.l market, Pirtlnnd, Orra-ua. nunc U. B114 Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Bubh and Woolen Clothlnir. We Make Keveraible, liaod-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size KInff Rugi Woven. IT0. Baa; Ruatx Woven All Slue. C l'lhrs f lraninc and Dyeinn Drpts. Mall Orders Send fur Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning Ox-IS Rtlcs, Steam Cleaned, 91.50 WKSTliRN FLLTK' HUti CO, 54 Union Ave. N. Phoneat Kaat 0516 and Kaat 7A55 WEST SIDE $5800 Good. Seven. Room House; Lot 35x100 $6200 Good Seven Room House; Lot . 40x100 These Properties Are on John-ion, ct of :mti. May Be Seen by Appointment Only. 2- GEO. D. SCHALK 238 streV, WE CALL FOR TOUR OLD CARPETS, Rasa and Woolen Clothlnir. FLUFF. RUGS All Worfc Turned Out Promptly RntS Ku;- Woven All Sixes. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, lald and Refitted. KORTHWKST RUB CO. iss KaMt 8th St. Phone Kant 35M). Phone your want ads to The Oreg-o- nd-AH. Alain 70.0, Automatic 560-05. l3 RTlT ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO., . 31 N. 1st St., Portland, Or. Ke- d electrlo repair- alty. New or used tSSSEj motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented - and repaired. Walker Eletcrlc Works, 413 Burnslde, corner loth. Broadway 5674. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2535. 148 13th atreet- OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tne basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. -'"- TYinn. onfomelrlst. 20D Morrison. Ma. .1-4. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern Instruments; glasses fitted at a Having; satisfaction guaranteed, out ot the high tent district. nM . . . A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist. 223 1st SI. PAINTINO AND TINTING. C. H. TEHRILI. house and sign painting, papering, tinting. 467 E. 37th. Tab. 2611. GET your painting, decorating and signs done now; best work. Tabor 2i6J PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. -lisk. 133 16th st. N. Broadway 234o. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communlca Hons strlctlv confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handtook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. Kan Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 582 Market St.; Chicago office, roora 810 Tower bldg; Washington of rlce, room 103. 625 F St.; New York of fice. Woolworth bldg. - R C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents, 601 Dekum bldg. THYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, ktdnev, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L. Howard, 230 Third street- PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th. Mn. TBI. PRINTING. DBIVTIWfi F. W.BALTES & COMPANY mill I litu First and oak. Main 165. 511-65. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. 301 U. Bank building. Brcadway 2013. STORAGE. PACKING and crating furniture Is our specialty; we can save you half of the freight bv shipping your goods In pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery -om-pany. East First and Madison. East Hitl. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In tile hardware and furniture line. Phone Main- D072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. tiEXERAL HAULING. Jtor an.; horso equipment, any capacity MOVING PACKIN(i STORAGE. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan st., corner l.Uh. Phone Broadway 11181 or 1160. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. " PACK fNG, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. MAIN 51U5. A 1051. MANUFACTURERS .HIDES. WOOL AN1 tASCAHA BARK. K A UN BROTH Kits, ids Front slrcet. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PlvET" 1 inrj ai. 1.. H1.11NE CO.. 81-86-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVKRDING & FARRHL1. 140 Front St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER & CO.. Front md Morrison, ROPE AND BINDING TWINE Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. NEW TODAV. Mortgage Loans LoTvest intrrent rates In4n11ment re paTBnfn'n it desired. Iluilding- Joans maae. Ao delay in closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-21U Korthtrextern Bank Building REAL ESTATE. 'or Sale Fat and Apartntenl Pnperty. WEST 61DB INCOME. 80x100: -1 flat bulldlncs and stores. Price --0. 000 : will consider 10.000 io otuer propertv. ,1. ROBBINS CO., T.01 Railway Exch.. Main 7!31. J''or Sale Reach Property. CHOICE BHA.CU LOIi exchange: for Palntlne and Paperhanrlnf - and Furnish Material. Located on Tillamook beach tSalt. air), near station and ocean. A.K 700, For Sale -Lota. PAKKROSB ACRES TM THfci N1SW TRACT. Fin land for tirrries, onions, celery and all kinds of garden truck, also excellent soil for flor int; very eany terms, $S3 to $12S down, monthly payments only $18 to $-J5 per mo. Nearly all of the tracts cleared except a few wild rose bushes; 2 and 3 acre tracts only S5."0 to $050 per acre. Th corner of Parkrose is jut 6 miles from the Burnsido bridfre. Park rose has a new 14-room school with hih school branches, also church and stores. fI50 PEH ACRE One fine 3 acre tract, down, balance $20 per month. This is one of the few tracts unsold that border on the. drainage canal and is a very de sirable tract. $700 PER ACRE: 2 -acre tract. only $97 down, balance $10 per month. This tract is a corner tract and is on the main road leading? to Randy boulevard. Ground all cleared. $950 PER ACRE A fine tract and not far from Sandy boule vard; 114 acres ready for tha -plow; $107 down. balance $20 month. PARKROSE is reached hy Sandy boulevard (Columbia highway), or take Rose City.. Park car to Park rose car. Parkrose branch office at end of Parkrose car line. Tabor 2it04. J, I. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. NEAR Peninsula park, Jefferson hieh an grade school; fine 50xlOO-foot lot; $500, ca-Pn. 5 iv monmiy. JOHXOX-DODhSON CO., 633 N. V. Bank Bld. Main 3787. FOR SATiE Two good lots In Rose City rarK, or wouin give mem as nrst pay nient on modern bungalow. Owner, Broadway aoiu. LOTS FOR SALE Willamette boulevard N. w. corner Hurrage, 100x100, $1800 lerras. jvi ain iii.';. TWO -LOTS, 2 blocks from car, Columbl Heights, value $S00; might trade for auto. uu, uregoman. IRVINGTON PARK lot. $2.0. on 2Sth near ivimngswortn ; assessments pai ROSE CITT PARK lot. $flo0; on 4Sth at. paved, paid. rapor e4i. t 0xlM FKET on Kast Tenth bPtween Til mo ok au-d Thompson. Phone ast AVraVtCi winding an 5i Yi??. 7 Ing a speci REAL ESTATE. WESTMORELAND. Non-resident owner of good building lot in this desirable tract wishes to sell quick at $550. Near Reed college, golf linka and. car. All improvements in and paid. Call Mar. 5454. 246 Stark. ACRE LOT3 Located In semi-restricted district next to lrvington park. Two to six blocks from Alberta and Woodlawn cars. Exceptionally fine soil. Beautiful unob structed view. Bull Run water, .gas and electricity. Attractive price and terms. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 617 Corbett bldg. Main 6173. ALAMEDA LOT, $1100. ALL IMP. PAID. . Choice oversized lot close to car. -with all imp. paid. Price, tlloO. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 3n6-:;0S Board Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4754. CONVENIENT to west side. Vancouver, St. Johns, Kenton district; 60x100 lot; $300, fM cash, $tl monthly. JOHNSON-DOD.SON CO . 633 N. W. Bank Bld. Main 8787. SPLENDID BUILDING SITE. 50x100 level lot; fine district, between Alameda drive and Sandy blvd. Sacrifice sale. Tabor 7738. LAURELHL'RST. Lot 50x100, fine location on Sandy; m-ill sacrifice If sold at once. East 2119. For S4e Houses. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest "Vy Home." Tears of study of local conditions, a thoroufrh knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a splendid, or ganizatio enable us- to give you the maximum service In HOME BUYING. $2500 Let na show you this corner home on full 50x100 lot. only 1 block, to car. on E. 15th st.; 5 rooms and bath, full cement base ment; terms. $2075 Here ia a good 5 -room home with X u II Dasemen t : m acaaam street and' sewer in and paid; this is on Mason street, west of MUsistsipp-1 ave. ; terms. $2500 Only $:'.o0 ca?-h required. vTe nave sold three nouses just line this. Only one more left 6 rooms, 4 and bath down. 2 up; full basement, cement floor, wash I rays; sewer in and connected with house: only one block to car. Don't delay. $3000 Buys 5 roome and. bath with full basement ; neat an a attractive: newly painted and decorated throughout ; fine lawn. 4 fruit trees, chicken house: one block to car: tjQQ c&ah will handle. $.V00 Buy close-in home near East Ankeny ; 7 rooms, full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, macadam street, paid; terms. ROPE CITY PARK. "vV'e have been handling property in this desirable district since there were but two houses east of the railroad crossing at i7ih and Sandy boulevard when Laurelhurst was a farm. We know the district and can put you In touch with the real buys. On some of these we can make very attractive terms. especially eo if you are in a position to make large monthly payments. $4600 Wo have -a beautiful bungalow, less than 3 years old. of 5 rooms and bath, with breakfast room, large attic; fireplace: buffet. Dutoh kitchen, hardwood floors. - full cement basement, wash trays, double constructed : terms. Vacant move right in. $5330 5 rooms and bath, with Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hard wood " floors. fireplace, buffet, large attic, full cement basement, w-ash trays; street inrvprovements all in and paid: terms. Vacant move right in, $370 r-Jf sold at once. Owner has1 re peatedly come down until he has made a price on this that really h-urts; 6 rooms and sleeping porch down, one room and. attic up; all kinds of bullt-rns: beau tifully finished in sclecte-d grain f ir ; full cement basement, wash trays; terms. H AWTHORNE DISTRICT. We have a nunrher of attractive mod em bungalow homes in this desirable district, from $4100 up. We Invite com parison on an thins that we offer for sale. $7&0l You may have seen some nice homes. We want you to"see this one and compare it with any thing, anywhere, that you have seen at $12. OOO: 7 rooms and breakfast room, finished through out in eiwml ; strictly up to date and built four years aso; attractive -'-story type of home, the bet of construction and. ma terials; terms to suit. LAURELHURST HOME. $7ri00 Let us show you this attractive modern home; hardwood floors throughout; fire-place, bulfet. a exceptionally Iarge bed rooms ; furnace ; garage; improvements all paid. Vou will sure fall in love with this hame. Too large for present owner, only reason for selling. We have homes in all sections. Let us know your wants: L'9 sales in 1-tt days this month. .Our sales come from the class of homes offered and not from ex pert sa !mianshl p. We si m n-1 y sh ow you tno nomes ana let you sell yourself. .Autos at your service. See our photo oi tne oest iiome Duya. . OPEN SUNDAY. J. A. CO. Shortest Way Home." 2G4 Stark St. Main 1094 and 6S3. TWO IN ONE. One modern 6-room house close In, east side.- which is a real investment. Easy terms. You will havo to see this property yourself to appreciate its true value. No photos, no liHtings. Thin puts you in touch with, the owner, who is really making a sacrifice at this time for business reason. No agents. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. B14-B3. HAWTHOFtNE DISTRICT. $4.100 $4750. New, mod., 5-6-room bunealows. fin place, hardwood floors, but It-Ins. houses finished in old ivory, papered, all city iiens rata oarage, Jasy terms. Mar shall S:S. DANDY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood, fioors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, good cement basement, 50x100 lot, garage, paved street: walkine dis tance of grade and high school; quick RBADY TO MOVE INTO. "-room house with built-in effects, close to car, near 28th st and Powell. First-class condition : fruit and shrub- Dery. uniy 3iau. jiitio win handle. John E. Howard, 318 Cham, of Com. A MODERN 7-room house, beautifully iurnisneui reaoy io move rieht In: cated In a desirable district, east side. within wanting distance; a snap $...0O, hair cash, balance terms. J. S auiiivan, ius nenry jiag. 'OR SALE Modern 6-room bun a low a 748 East 27th st. Fireplace, hardwood floors and all built-in conveniences, two diockb irom ncnooi ana one from car $40)0 cash or $4200 on terms. Tele phone Main 27tti. $100 DOWN PARTLY FURNISHED $2000. Four-room cottage, elec.. gas, good. piumDins?. sxoves, Decs, etc., lull lot. SMITHAVAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. SAVE ' YOUR MONEY. Buy from owner 7-room bungalow fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in con veniences, garage, fruit, near city ; can maice terms. iaoor iid mornings evenings. SMALL MODERN BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, corner lot ; strictly up t date? all improvements In and paid. E. 4Tth st. N. For appointment' call Tabor 0-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, "hard wood, floors, ttarage; near 2 good ca lines. $40oo. $1KH cash, balance terms. JUH.HO.N-lAHSU!N CO.. ,13 N. W- Bank Bldg. Main 787. tiiWOO BY OWNER, strictly modern room double-constructed bungalow; fire place, bullt-ins, 2- toilets, full cemen basement, furnace, etc. Sob this befor you buy. but -E.. autn -i aoor 04 AT.'RKRTA S2850. terfns: 3 rooms: f ir-e place, bookcase, buffet, bull tin kitchen, bath, tun Dasement, diock to car. JOHN SON -DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bld-g. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK 7-room square house a snap at $5o00; near car line; all mod ern. 657 is. .tn st. $2800 WEST SIDE, South Portland, 7 room, well-built,- modern home. Owner, East 4021. KEAT. ESTATE. Fo Sale Houam. ' ntVIXGTON Nearly new 6-room bungalow and large breakfast room, hardwood floors throughout, beautiful tapes try paper; select hardware and electrlo fixtures, bath room with tile floor, pedestal fixtures, gasco furnace, garage, large cement porch, faces east, rooms all on one floor. Shown by appointment only. Price $9000, halt cash, J. L.-HARTMAN COMPANY, ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 08. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. No. 513. Price $4iG0. $1000 Cash, 6-room bungalow, very good trpa of a home; Dutch kitchen, tire . plB.ce.' tapestry papered walls, full basement. 44xl0u lot; own-erfoff this place is out of town and instructs us to relieve him If possible of this home and has cut the price on the property. You will have to call early if you get this. Other good buys in this district. Max. ltio. Mar. 39S9. MAGNIFICENT rAITftELHURST HOME. Going south; wish to sell quicKiy ejao orate 2-story 9-room house located on 100x100 looking into Park; old ivory finish, mahogany trim; 3 nreplaces, a onvT 2 bnthK library. aunroom. con- Ear-vafnrv Inr r f Pronch linnn and arches. a!l-tile kitchen, maid's room and ha th d iMn ina- A lara-e bedrooomi and sleeping porches, finished basement j with billiard room; hot water heat. Sy base burner. Civraae. lots of beautiful I shrubbery. Snap for cash. Tabor 407. rT7T-w rni nvi a t GROUND 2x13:! ADJOINING LOT AVAILABLE AND VACANT; UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF CITY AND MOCNTAINS. CLOSE IN ON CAR LINE; 10 ROOMS. 3 BATHS. unT vi-.ts-p mw. at OAK FLOOR 9 MAHOGANY AND FIVE COAT3 whitf. tot.t wir.T. rARRY 40 PER CENT FOR LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL IN IRV- LVGTON AS PAYMENT ON B fiRVn 7-ROOM HOME. An exceptional home in one of Port land's best districts: large rooms, hard wood floors, old ivory finish, sleeping porch, fine basement, furnace, trays, ga rage, new paint and finish throughout; full lot; all improvements paid ; price $7000. terms. This home will please yU THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. PlfiinMOVT 14000. - On a paved street, one block from thrPA cur lines. 100x100 lot. we ha an 8-mrvm hnuM built in excellent taste. whic.lt Is being offered at $1000 down. This is ood value in a good, resident!. district. Cell Mr. Mahoney, COB A. M cK EN N A & CO 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. XttOOO. MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE ON E. MADISON. NEAR 15TH STREET, con sisting of 11 rooms, bathroom, etc.; hardwood floors in dining and living runms: utreet improvements in and paiu. $3000 cash, balance mtg. If in market for a home seo - TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME. Large living room, tile fireplace, cosy dining room, cnina cioset, reception nan, cabinet kitchen, hdw. floors, best plumb- inir. full cement basement, good furnace. 3 large bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, plenty airy closets ana ouiit-in chests. Al construction. For sale by owner at right price. Terms. Tabor 30U6. MODERN 4-room house, sleeping porch, one-hall acre erouna. an in cultivation: tine soil, no gravel; new garage, chicken I house and runs, family orchard; just I off s2d st. This is a real buy at oo00. a. w. Lambert & son, 120 Grand Ave., Cor. E. Alder. East 640. THAT VACANT LOT. "Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 24 N. W. Bank bldg. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. Very well-built eight-room house, thorousrhlv modern. hardwood floors. laundry trays, etc.. double constructed throughout. This is on a paved street, 1 - In a first-class district; price $."000, $1000 cash. Fred - w. oerman (-o.. io2 Cham ber of Commerce. CENTRAL IRVINGTON. Cosy six-room house, splendid location on ISth st.. near Thompson; reception hall and it vine room opening tosretner. fireplace. Ivory finish downstairs; well I bniit and easy to heat: arasre. sleenLns porch, full basement and Fox furnace. ! Can r,ast iuo or u.am. .tti. B I ; N N Y S I D E D1STKICT $ 2 2 f. 0 . 5-room plastered house, with bath, sewer connections, gas and electric lights. hard surtace stit:t. run basement, con crete foundation, on K. 20th street, close to carline; $500 cash, $23 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 7U2 Chamber of Com- I merce. ' NEAT AND CLEAN $2000. $500 cash, $30 monthly. 4 -room I plastered bungalow with sleeping porch. T0xlu iot. ram, roiiet. gas ana elec tric lights, all kinds of bunt-ins, 1 u blocks from R. C. Park car. Fred W. German Co., 7.12 Chsmber of Commerce. 7-ROOM mddern house, sleeping porch. breakfast room, uutcn Kitcnen, rurnace. fireplace, weh trays, good yard, fruft trees. A real bargain for $4.j00: terms. Half block from Williams ave. 265 Mor ris st. 8 ROOMS and finished, attic, hardwood floors, bunt-ins, nrepiaee, not water heat, double garage; on carline; fine view; 12 minutes walk to Washington st. $10,500, terms or smaller place to $5nno. 34 Kanway Kxcnange. A BARGAIN. Do you wajit to buy a 5-room bunga- I low with lots of ground for $5250 that j would cost iuu to oui:a tooay r it s a wonder! See THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6J-15. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. - 5 nice rooms, all hardwood floors, fine basement, furnace. trays, corner lot, faces east: paved sts. : price $4150, terms. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. BU1ID NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for yoil. Terms tike rent, t an ana ""i- BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2J35. LAURELHURST. Two dandy bungalows with parages that will interest you. a u THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. VACANT WESTMORELAND. REAL BARGAIN, 6 ROOMS 100x100, colonal house, rurnace, nrepiaee, sun porch, east front; only $3000; terms; see this beautiful noine. warsnau ju-j: QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, all kinds o? built-ins; price $5250. East 7978. Call mornings and evenings. A. REAL up-to-date house; T rooms; lot 75xlOO; beautvrui trees ano: snrurD&ery; i 1 block from school. Irvington park : terms. Cali owner, Main 630, aiter 9 A. M. $4500. Walking distance east side; 7 rot bath, -furnace : terms. POIND EXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. ALBERTA bungalow, $2250; 5 rooms, plas tered, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, woodiift. bath, basement; 4 blocks to car; $1400 I cash, balance terms. 1050 34th st. Owner. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Good 7-room modern residence.' well built and in fine condition; corner lot, 1 weidier street. suuuu: nair casn. TAGGART BROS.'. 1102 Spalding Bldff. BY OWNER. $4300 Must sell my 7-room house, excellent eondRion. garage, lot 50x125, fruit and shrubs, close In, near Union ave. East 5U7i. $7500. Wanting di&tance, east side; good 8- rootn house, ruu lot, paved, street. POINDEXTKR, 208 SELLING - BLDG. Main 18UU. Kesiaence, Jtast oTT L - IRVINGTON. 8 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood rinnrm ihroutrriout. sraraee. POIN'DEXTER. 208 SELLENG BLDG. Main 1800. East 6771. $7050 CASH. Elegantly furnished 6-room bungalow, swell location.. O.wner. 1046 K. 18th Norm. r-iioiie v uuu iawn i l ROSE CITY PARK. 14 rift Alameda. 6 rooms and Tnah ception hall, attic, full basement; house In fine condition. Inquire on premise.. IRVINGTON, modern, comfortabio 7-room house, garage, 2 fireplaces, furnace. 4S8 INVESTORS, see me to settle an esiai.- can give you a bargain In houses close in. " rtfu v m i r, t from St. ALBERTA 4-room modern bungalow floored attic; $2150; terms. H09 East REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hounee. IRE YOU A STRANGER IN PORTLAND? DO YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING A HOME? . DO TOU KNOW VALUES? THF. M rfll'l "R W. SYSTEM PROTECTS YOUR EVERY INTEREST, i PUTS YOU IN IMMEDIATE TOUCH i WITH THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 10C0 PHOTOGRAPHS OF APPRAISED HOMES FOR SALE. I FRANK I- McGL'lRE. i LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE j PACIFIC COAST. DEAL WITH AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FrrtM. 10OO PHOTOGRAPHS OF PERSONALLY INSPECTED AND APPRAISED HOMES FOR SALE. EVERY DISTRICT. EVERY MODERATE PRICE. If necessary we will help you make your down payment. Visit the greatest picture display room In the entire west. Hundreds or remarkable bargains. -J courteous, experienced salesmen with autos at your service. Our office will sell more homes than any other real estate office in the United States, be cause the McGuire system is the original. superior, scientific modern metnoa oz home selling. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. INCOMPARABLE VALUE. .LOOK AT THIS ROSE CITY. $4450 You wouldn't build H for $6000. we can't recommena this oeaun ful home-like bungalow too high ly. Rarely can you find a home that Is so well built and arranged. Most attractive - built-ins that make for comfort and beauty ; fireplace. hardwood floors. E. 67th. Don't fail to see this. You will be convinced. DUPLICATE NEW YORK APART MENT. LOOK AT THIS. $2400 Just n$-j00 down. Rose City typi cal bungalow; large pergola iront porch just like a cosy 4-room apartment; practically new; best white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas, just $0K down, balance $;0 per month; close to car and school; this Is a real snap. Fre mont at. x BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE. $4S00 You'll harbor happy thoughts of nome in tnis cnarmmg naw thorns bungalow, 5 rooms, cheery living room with fireplace ana bookcases; massive buffet in din ing room, wnlte uutcn Kitcnen; sunny breakfast nook: hardwood fioors. concrete driveway and ga rage; paved street liens; E. 52d. near Hawthorire: close to car. Look at this today. AN'ftTHER HAWTHORNE. $3500 Vacanh Hawthorne, o-room bun- j Fireplace, model white Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms, ; White enamel plumbing, electric- lty. gas. garage, paved street, - liens paid; 1 bik. to SS car; close to school: E. 4th. Move in now. We have SO homes In this district. WAVERLY RICHMOND. $3500 Very pleasing is this Waver ly Kicnmona artistic o-room semi bungalow home; on Francis ave nue; just one block to car: fire place. -3 sunny bedrooms, white enamel plumbing. electricity; gas. full basement, garage ; no paved street lien to pay ; We're selling homes fast, it don't take long for the exceptional ones to BO. PELLWOOD'S ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. $2900 Delightful 4-room bungalow in Seiiwood, on Reynolds, oik. to car; paneled dining room, cheery fireplace. Ideal white kitchen, full basement. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; terms. We have SO homes In Sell wood. Some splendid buys here. We have one on E. 10th at $3130. easy terms-. 14 rooms, that's a money maker. Let us tell you more about it. $.VH DOWN. A GOOD VALUE. ALBERTA. $2S50 This is an Alberta with 100 per cent value; o large, airy rooma in this bungalow; built-in labor sav ers. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing", electricity, gas. garsge: 1 block to car; E. 13th. Only $."00 down, balance like rent; own your home. We have SO Al berta homes. New listings every day to replace the sold ones. MONT A VILLA HOME BARGAINS. $2325 Here's a Montavilia bargain In a 5-room bungalow-cottage; con venient white kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. cl0re to car and school; terms. E. 77th st. We have 80 homes in this district. Look at our 1000 home bargains today. PENINSULA. $150) DOWN. $150 DOWN". $1400 $150 down; 4-room neat cottage; living room. kitchen. 2 airy bedrooms: full basement. 50x100 lot. S. Jersey at. We have 50 t homes in this district. The above are only a few of the over 1 poo home bargains we have for sale. Photographs of every one in our great display room. its impossihie to adver tise tiiem alt. 2." courteous salesmen with automobiles ready at all times, day and evening, to show you property. Often we have as many as twenty homes list with us in a single day. SEE FRANK L. McCUIRE. TO BUY TOUR HOME. ABINGTON RLDG. MAKV 100S. 3d st.. bVt. Wash, and Stark. VACANT BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. SSI ALBERTA ST. ALBEKTA CAR. $4600. Liberal terms, just completed, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, large giaesea sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, all built-in effects, linen closets. French doors, dou blc constructed throughout; full base ment (cemented), plum blng and electric work complete. Pved street and paid ror. ueai uirect with owner and builder. O'hers are asking $6500 for a similar home. See this today. Owner on nrem- Ises 1 to 5 daily, or. phone East 6516 ouring nay ior appointment. IRVINGTON HOME. Want reasonable offer on beautiful 2tjs-story. 9-room house on 60x100 iot on E. 15th t.. near Knott, just repainted ana aecorateo. . enter entrance hi large liwng and dining rooms, den, pass pantry, kitchen, toilet on flrstr floor. 4 large square bedrooms, s eeoin? norch and tile bath on second floor, hardwood iioors throughout, finished attic with bath; tots of shrubbery and fruit trees. with room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. IN LAURELHURST. ft-room house, all fioors hardwood ex cept kitchen ; fireplace, furnace. 4 b-d rooms, halt and bath upstairs: full basement; modem in every respect; fruit trees and roses: lot flOxIOo unin cumbered. Reason for selling, owner leaving city. tann ano terms. 211 Hazeirern place. Manor 2t4. BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, beautifully constructed, 4 rooms, large living room with fireplace, kitchen with all built-ins, including breakfast noek ; concrete basement: casement window sleeping porch; every convenience; $3250, easy terms to responsible part v. Fr particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 rarK si. MURRATMEAD. Splendid home. 8 rooms, also larre living and sleeping porches, many fine features, wonderful view of city, close in. but in exclusive district. Appoint ment arrangen. MRS. HARRY PRTCB PALMER. East 7976. Hi ACRES with new modern ,5-room bun eaiow ironting on improved mvq.. on v 8 blocks from Multnomah station. Every moo ern convenience; large garage, choice gardening land, 'Owner com pelled to sell, hence the low figure. MiMU. ror particulars see jrs f, i i t.fc la.n u, .fiatt Diag., 17 .Park st. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $0000. 6-room bungalow on E. Flanders, near Park; oak floors, nrepiaee and furnace, 2 bedrooms ana oatn aownstairs. l bed room and attio upstairs; nice lawn with lots of room for garage. -asy terms. Ta bor 40i. IRVINGTON HOME. Splendid location; central hall. 7 rms and fine sleeping porch: lot 63x100: fine trees ana riowers. cement garatre. 2 fire places, r uii particulars oy cainnir MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. N. W. COR. 16th and Prescott 8 room- large Ifving room, almost Quarter block of ground, tine irui ana shrubbery. owner win repaint. JjRa HARRY PRICE PALMER. Ea.st 79 76. IRVINGTON SNAP $6250. Attractive z-story s-room house on corner, just repaintea ana aecorated In side and out; old ivory finish, oak floors, nrepiaee ana iurnace; Dig snap. Terms. Tabor 40. SPLENDID corner home, close in. T rooms and finished attic, finest construction beautiful shrubbery, double garage, full particulars oy csmnn MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMFER. East 7976. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room modern house on corner lot 50x100, with furnace, fireplace, all bullt ins. hardwood floors downstairs; for sale by owner. vvoocuawn mo. 4-ROOM attractive house at 960 E. 2Sth t R 1 lots, garage, percola oo-reh; newly painted and papered; $2000, $500 down. c. veiiosg. aiiiwauKie. Or. HILL3BORO, 20 acres. $400; a bargain. Main 3672. MCrarianq, mailing bldg. MODERN fi-room bungalow. Willamette Heights. Call owner, Main 6191, REA L ESTATE. For Sale House. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. PRICE $12,300, $5000 CASH. 8 rooms arid- modern to the minute; Has all the latest built-ins. large living room, d ining room, sun parlor and kitchen on ground floor and 4 bedrooms and line bath on second noor; has hard wood floors throughout; fine cement ga rage; located in the very heart of Irv ington and a wonderful buy. Hurry if you want something good. LAWYERS TITLE TRUST CO., 2S3 STARK ST. MARSHALL 1S9S. BEAUTY MAY FADE; FORTUNES DIS APPEAR AND FRIENDS ObrAtt 1 : This darling home will encircle you with love and comfort forever: eight ex. qui.slte and beautiful rooms IDEAL IRVINGTON LOCATION. Just believe it, friends. It is Portland's best for the price. Two stories of architectural taste and refinement. Hardwood throughout; n' evervth in sr. Lots' of plate glass. PRACTICALLY NEW. Would you believe it? $6750. Terms. Postscript. Oh, yes, there's a good garnge. Mr. SANDERS. "Own-Tour-Home" Department. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO. 3"2-33 Raiiwav Exch. bldg. Main 5199. or Main 7511. Marshall ROSE CITY. $4725. No. 187. 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, attic, fireplace, full set plumbing, electric light fixtures, gas. graded sts.. cement sidewalk, Dutch kitchen, latent built-ins; this Is an exceptionally fine home. Total price $4725. $2500 down, balance longtime loan. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 85 Stark Street, near 4th. Marshall 1898. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. If you are looking for a real up-to-the-minute bungalow, you will appre ciate this home. It has five moms and breakfast room, oak floors throughout, fireplace, furnace. every imasrinable built-in feature. plate-glass windows, beautiful tapeptry paper and Ivory finish throughout- The bathroom has t lie floor and walls, with expensive plumbing and cabinets: BOxlOO lot, large garage and full cement runways: best location in the city. 400 E. 2:.d et. N.. between Thompson and Brazee streets. For appointment, phone East 7593. owner and builder. $5362. 100x100 lot and 5-room bungalow tn good residentisl district; street paved; rood ST5te Ilvinar room and dining room. with built-in buffet, finished in old Ivory; vDutch kitchen: two very nice bedrooms, large nnd airy attic, floored; full basement with furnace. This place has not been on the market. Call and see us at once if you are looking for a good buy. Reasonable terras can be arranged. WAKEFIELD FRIES CO.. S3 4th ft. ROSE CITY PARE. On 40th at., north of Sandy. Is one of prettiest homes ever offered for sale In this exclusive district; large living and dining rooms, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch, hardwood flqors, fireplace, tapestry wall paper, full ce ment basement, furnscr. wash trays, fine enclosed back yard, with lawn and shade trees; price $5500, terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, ftl" Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. MURRATMEAD SWELL HOME. Nine-room strictly modern house, fur nace, three fireplaces, oak floors, all built-in effects, three bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; fire re stricted location, just south of Haw thorne avenue on E. 24th at., walking diatance. Can bo bought for $10,OO0. or will se 1 1 with ma h oga n y f u rn i t u re and $ir00 player piano for $15,000. Will take good five or fix-room bungalow as part pav. Shown bv appointment only. CRUSSI A- BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 74r2. ONLY $.".XV DOWN. Two blocks Setlwood and Brooklyn r: a fine 6-room, 2-story hous: 3 hlJrooms and bath on upper floor; base ment, corner lot. garage. Th Is is a mighty Rood buy for $3::75. Just think, only $.0O down. Cut out this ad and bring to our office or phone and we'll send a salesman with an auto to show you, rOMTR & KOHLMAN. t 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6550. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Five-room bungalow In A1 condition inside and out; excellent basement; fine shrubbery, splendid Iot. party going to Cal., demands Quick action ; good cash payment. fTi'ftrt. HAWTHORR REALTY CO.. Corner 36th and Haw thorne. Tabor 7163. $ 4200 SU N N V SIDE. $ i t,'AS ti. 6 - roms and bath, full cement base ment, wash fays. Dutch kiU-hen. The lot is especially beautiful with flowers and shrubbery, all kinds of berries, grapes and fruit. It's a mighty good buv for $4200. Let us show you today. Comte & Kohlman. M. 5o0. 2S Cham- $3200. 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, full- basement. wash . trays, built-in kitchen, all nice large rooms, loox lon ft. lot on S6th st.. 2 blocks frrm car; $100 ca?h. balance to suit. Seo Mr. Farnsworth with ft. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 60S-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 50t. RPf.RN'ni D HOME BARG.TV. 5-room bungalow, large rooms, trend furnace, fireplace, excellent plumbing, kitchen finished in white enamel and has all huilt-ins; near Ainsworth avenue and three blocks from Union ; lot 55x100. Trice $42frt. good terms. EROVN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. DANDY COTTAGE. $2R0O Dandy 5-room cottage with Im provements ana pain : .Maw morn oi trlct. 4 blocks from car. $1150 cash, balance $55 month. In eluding interest. Let ns show you this. H. J. HARPER CO., Room 3D 7 Railway Exchange Bldg. THIS ONE LEFT. Owner Reaving state is offering for first time an S-room ultra modern home; nothing lacking, steam heat, one large bedroom down. 3 Up. with sleeping tmrrh near Reed college; price Sb.HUl, $2000. terms on bal. Mar. 3352, eve. Ta bor 3O90. J. B.1 ROCK CO. WEST SIDE TEN PER CENT INVESTMENT. 12-room house on 50x106 Tot, corner Fourth and Caruthers streets, monthly rental $60. Price, Including some furni ture, $o75o. good terms. BROWN & GRANT. 2hl-2 Kenton B!dg. Broadway 3222. MONTANA A V E. $ 330A. A verv srood 6-room house. 1 4 stories, nice basement, choice plumbing, gas. full lot, choice fruit; every improvement in $50 cash, balance to suit. This prop ertv is convenient to industries. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON". Ree It and make reasonable offer: 75x 100. shrubbery and fruit, select neignnor hood, 19 th near Thompson, modern bungalow, one bedroom downstairs. 3 and sleeping porch upstairs, hardwood floors. POOKcases, ourret. iurnace. uonaia jviac leod. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. COMMERCIAL ST. $1950. Here is a fine east front full-size lot. all improvements in, with a cozy 4-room cottage, plasterea, goea piumning. gas electricity and basement; $250 cash, bal ance easv terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N". W. Bank Bldg. Ma rshall 4114. NEW 4-R. BUNGALOW. $500 cash, $25 per mo.; immediate possession; full plumbing; beautiful white enamel kitchen and bath; 2 bed rooms and closets, hall, cement walks, impis. paid ; large lot : located near Union and Dektim av-es. Price only $2650. R. FT FEEMSTER, 417 Ablngton BlUg. 6 ROOMS, furnished, newly painted, full line plumbing, gas. gas radiators, elec tric light, lots of fruit, fine lot, 3 blks. to Mount Tabor car; can have cow and chickens. $3100, terms. See owner, H. N. Scott, 601 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7276. ; ' " IRVINGTON. S4750. Full lot 15th. near Tillamook; 7-roora well-built cottage and garage, comfort able home, $2000 cash, balance good terms. Donald Macleod, 101-2 Spalding bldg. ; - 9 s IRVINGTON. Two 6-room t bungalows, one 7-room; all up-to-date, ranging from $5750 to $R.V0. McDoneH. East 419. S350O E. 1 7 T H. AT ANKENY. Six rooms, modern, good condition, big value, within walking distance, must sell. Jacob Haas, Main 6127. East 1364. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Nearly new 6-room house, large sleep ing porch, shower, Lrvington district. Phone 43ast 3069 MODERN .bungalow, well located, near Franklin high school; $2600, terms, Ta bor 13Q1. - FIVE-ROOM furnished house, $1100; $550 down, easy terms. Phone Tabor 48U4. REAL ESTATK. NEW OFFERING. A BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA RES IDENCE: MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF CITY, MOUNTAINS. ETC. ; CENTRAL HALL: ALL LARGE ROOMS AND EACH WITH A LOVELY OUTLOOK DOWN SHADED STREETS OR OVER VELVETY LAWNS: HOT-WATER HEAT. TWO FI REPLACES. SPA CIOUS VERANDAS AND SLEEP ING PORCH: DOUBLE GARAGE. UNUSUAL APPOINTMENTS ALL THROUGH; VERY LARGE GROUNDS AND SO BEAUTI FULLY LANDSCAPED. ALTO GETHER A HOME OF RARE CHARMS AND REFINEMENT. APPRECIATED BY THOSE DE SIRING ONLY THE BEST. AP POINTMENT ARRANGED. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7976. $1000 CASH. THIS IS BARGAIN DAT IN LAURELHURST. Come oat to the tract office at East 39th and Giisan streets, get key and inspect one of the handsomest 5-room bungalows in the city; less than a year old. Price $7300. ALSO Almost new 6-room colonial home, does to the park, a beautv. STILL ANOTHER. 7-room 2-story house, about 8 years ' old. in fine condition ; solid mahopany fin.sh downstairs, ivory above. $7750, worth $10,000 BEST OF ALL. $750 ca?h, $50 per month. 6-room cot tajre. good as new, all in oM ivory, price $4500. These places are all vacant and ready for occupancy. Don't forget the place. Ea-st ."9; h and Glisan sis., or phone Tabor 3433 A SPLENDID HOME. OCCUPYING QUARTER BLOCK ON MAIN ST.. NEAR FORD STREET BRIDGE. LA RGB ROOMS: EVERY CONVENIENCE EXPECTED IN FINE HOME. SI7RROUNDD BY PORTLAND'S FINEST HOMES. APPOINT MENT ARRANGED BY CALLING MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7076. HOME BUYERS, ATTENTION. We have 6 new houses under con struction and two ready to move into; large rooms, attractive paper, old Lvory finish, built-in effects in kitchens and breakfast rooms; hardwood floors, fire places, bookcases, shade and electric fixtures; large cement basement and laundry trays; lots 50100. one block from Hawthorne car. These houses are sold on small margin and must be seen to be appreciated. Owner glad to show you. Ea.y terms. Price $4150 to $4350. Tabor 7939. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HOUSES. Have built 4 houses on the heights th:; season and sold two. The third is now completed and ready for sale ; the fourth will be within a few weeks. Seven aiid eight rooms each. strictlv modern ar.(' located In the best portion of the district. Price $13.."00: $250u cash, bal ai.ta like rent Call up for further in formation. J. L. KARNOPP, Owner. S19 Ry. Exch. Rld-r. Main 675 BEAUTIFUL HOME. Head f Irvington. In Alameda: center hall, with French doors to living, dining, library and breakfast room; 3 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, two baths; all ivory flnieh, plate grlass windows, hardwood floors; no vacant; $11,500. East 1347. REAL IRVINGTON SNAP. One of the most delighLful homes on Hancock street, near East 22d. built by owner for some several years ago and never offered for rale before; center en trance hall, artistic living room, ' large den. each with fireplace, breakfast room. 3 largo bedrooms, bath and sleep in p poroh on second floor; maid's room i n auir ; fine basement and heating plant ; beautiful shrubbery, trees and garage. Price $0 500. terms. Ta,bor 407. bungalow! Very fine 5 rooms; large living, dln iny, choice location, R. P.; bookcases, fireplace, hardwood fioors. basement, furnace, beautifu I lawn, (lowers, lot 50 x ion. garage, attic. Splendid 6-room bungalow. Hawthorne Add., d -script ion as above, cheap. New bungalow, 5 rooms, description as above, cheap. East 273. WHY PAY RENT? Here ts a 50x1 no lot with 3-room cot tage at Milwaukie. close to car and paved streets, at $700, $190 down. $10 per mo.. 6 interest. Can you beat it ? See it today. F. C. Marshall, with Frank L. McGuire. Main lOtW. Abington bldg. OWNER. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Beautiful S-R. modem, newly papered and painted; fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, full cement basement, pa racre, laundry trays, full lot: choicest neighborhood. Owner, 691 East 10th st. N. ATTENTION, HOME BUYERS. We have several good bargains in both new and old houses in lrvington at prices considers bly below the markot. Call THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., borne builders, 690 East 15th st. North. Telephones, East 2432, automatic 320-85. IRVING TON. $5 0O0. ' Hall, living, dining. 3 bedrooms, sleep ins porrh; $1250 cash, $50 per rnon'h. Lai.t 1347. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints and specifications, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Cosy 2-room house, gas, electric lights, fruits, berries, garden, good chicken house and run. lot 57x102; $900; $500 arwn. naiance mommy. 5707 SSTH AVE. S. E. TABOR 5UVI2. LAU R KLH IJ RST. Pt rlet ly in od c rn 7-room bu-nga 1 ow. hardwood floors th rough out, hot water heat, garace,. lot 75x100. POINDEXTKR, 20A SELLING BLDG. Main 1 fioo. Resfdenre, Ea?t 77l. FOR SALE -5-room modern house, com pletely furnished, and ."It by- 1 00 lot, lo cated at 1670 Minnesota ave.; $;j0O0, $1800 cash, balance $15 per month, 6e interest. Call after 5 P. M. Woodlawn 6362. OUR HOME with white woodwork, flre- place, furnsce. comer lot. house itcht and airy; immediate possession. Haw t name aisirict. on car and school ; j snap for $4500; must be sold immcdi st"ly. Phone Broadway 2266. NON-RESIDENT OFFERS 7 ROOMS Strictly modern $5500, 26th st.. 2 blks car: large living room, hardwood floors furnace, fireplace, almost new, double constructea ; oniy real Duyers wanted any reasonable terms; clear of incura brenee. Marshal 1022. IF YOU art a home lover you will ap preciate our moaern -rooin house in Mt. Tabor. Big grounds; f lowers and fruit. Right on the car line. Price X2G50. Terms. Owner, Main 1503. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 9 rooms, substan tial house, largo level grounds, com paratively new. Ideally located: hard surface street and a place that will appeal to you. Marshall 3377. 7-ROOM HOUSE, move right in. partly furnished. Go look at It, make me of fer; easy terms. No. 342 Pargo st-, near Union avenue. Dandy yard and fruit - trees. Phone East B359. or 305 Oak st. IRVINGTON bungalow. 440 B. 21st st. N -large living room, dining room, sunroom' large kitche, also 1 bedroom and bath first floor: 3 bedrooms second floor Owner. East 70. 6. MR. "WORKINGMAN. here Is your chance to get a splendid 7-room bungalow, close to car and school, in nice neighborhood: $i;00 cash will buy it. bal. like rent See it before you buy. Owner. Tabor 7K3a. M00. "WITHIN 60 FEET ROSE CITT CAR. MODERN 7-room house. Bargain. POIND EXTER, SELLING BLDO. Main 1SU0. Residence. East 771. MODERN 7-room house In heart of Bun nyside; owner will sell for $0000 cash; this -is an emergency bargain. V 45, Oregonian. IRVINGTON 'home, built to live in; seven rooms, modern, hot water heat, hard wood floors, white enameled finish. It interested call East 6036. AT COST Choice lot with jfood new shack. 14x24; gas and watr in; can be remodeled or used in new building. 1213 Borthwick. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving city, will sell fine modern home, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, double garage, choice location. Main 807 8; evenings. East 394. MODERN Mt. Tabor 7-room bungalow, fin ished in ol-d ivory; all built-ins; garage Tabor 8144. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. For sale by owner, 9-room modern bunsalow. 3t0 . 4-d. Tabor frOLx. REAL ESTATE. fc'or Sale House. SUNN TS IDE BUNGALOW. $2S50 $1000 cash, 5 large rooms, fun-. floored attic. fireplace, iur nace, full cement basement, built ins; $4.V0 would not build the house, lot Is small hut sewer and walks are paid ; bik. car; wortli while; see it; vacant now. Maia 4S03. WEST SIDE UNPARALLELED BARGAIN. $3250 $$00 cash. 5 large rmn., sip. Trch., fireplace, buffet, full base ment, fruit tr-es, garage. houf like new. near school and cal f Fulton Pnrk. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON" PARK. $4200 $1000 cash. 6-room dandy double constnu-ted bungalow with fine large attic; just Hearing comple tion, built by owner to sell lot : priced for labor only ; has fire place, buffet, most desirous Dutch kitchen and brkfst. room, ce ment hns't. only block to car. " EAST IRVINGTON SPECIAL. $6000 Queen Ann bung., furnace, fire place, hdw. firs., buffet, linen clo.. eletr- plumbing, 2 bed rms. downstairs, 2 and sip. pr. up stairs, 8 r. all told, a very cheery home, built 3 yrs.. double consort, paved, cor., garage, bik. school, 2O00 cash. ADJ. ALAMEDA PARK. $5650 $1 5O0 cah. 6-r. Dutch colonial. built 8 mo., lOhxlOO with fin srarage, house alone cost $7ton, has 2 fireplaces, furnace, hdw. floors, sun room, hrkft. room, large liv. rm French doors, 2 blks. from paving. NEAR 20TH AND E. YAMHILL. $430O $inno cash, great snap. S-room elegant home, five bed chambers, furnace, firopl- and all the god things; 50x100; laundry off kitchen: paved sts.. bik. cor. ROSE CITY PARK DREAM. $5250 Terms. 7-rm. bung. -type home In pink of condition, furnace, fire place, etc. WTLLAMETTK HTB.. EXCLUSIVE. 9-room artistic colonial res.. 4 yr. built, vacuum heat. fireplace, shower. 15x30 liv. rm., impt'd tapestry decorations, finished In "-coat oM ivory, slp'sr pr.. jrHrajt". terms. $S750; cheapest borne on market. G. C. GOLDEN BERH. Abington Bidg. Main 4S03. "35 Years in Portland." Marshall 19. ROSE CI T V. $4200. X. 20". 5-room bungalow, ennd a'tic, good set plumbing, electric lishts, gas. Dutch kifhen, latest built-ins; been built five years; 1 blocks to Ro.e City car; 46x1 ni lot. Renumber the total price is only $ 420ft. $1 200 cash, balance terms: party buying the house wil! be expected to buy the winter's wood la basement. LAWYFRS TITLE TRUST CO- 2S5 Stark St., near 4 th. Marshall 1S9. TRVTNGTOV. $7500 CASH $2"nft. A HOM E FOR THE MOST EX ACTING PERSON. 5-room bungalow, finished old" ivory, hardwood ' floors t hroughuut. high-class hardware, full ha.-e-men t. lot 5ux 1 OO; fine built-in buffet and bookcase; a new home, near sctannl and car line: a rejet sn a p ; tnis will please the wife and children. PACIFIC GEXCV Phone Mar. CtS.t. IRVINGTON R.VRGVTN, $7250. WORTH $S5O0. On 2"th St., among the finest home In this choice district, is a 7-room strict ly modern home with hardwood tloors t h rough out. tapestry wall paper, living room 162t, pretty dining room, music room, kitchen. 4 bed tooths and bath, nrepiaee. full cement basement, furnace, nash trays and garage; everything nPBt and clean: immediate possession; $57.0 cash, ba.auce can stand at 7". LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. Chamber of Comme.rce. Main 6067 oi : IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $11 .500. On 22d : living room "n-i0: library, Isrge dining room, model kitchen, two fire placet, two tiled ba ths, gueat room has lavatory; best ba rdwond floors throughout; wide porches, awnings, ce ment garage. McDONKLL. EAST 410. ROSE CITY HOME SNAP. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, double plumb ing, excellent basement, furnace. 5ftx100 lot. fine lawn, shrubbery, etc. Paving, everything pa id : immediate poswen-iioii ; 1 block car. west of 4 2d st., '5000, 2onn cash, worth $1750 more. Jacob Haas, 26 O. of C. Main 6127. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, near Tuala tin, consisting of S acres, all in culti vation, mo.-tlv set out in fruit; aM fenced; ncarlv new 5-room plastered bunaalow ; barn. chicken housas; also horse, etc., go with tho place. Price $4 soft. Terms if desired. TAGGART BROS.. 1 H2 Spalding BUI p. BUNGAlyOW. 5 rooms and lartre attic; fu:t cement basement, furnace, fireplace, 50x lArt lot, near" ffco4 car. Owner lias left riv to vou cab get possession at one. $42O0. $1200 cah, balance monthly. We recommend this a a trnnd buy. JOIlNSOX.pnpso.N CO.. 6rC N- W. Bank Bldg. Main 5T7B7 EXTRAORDINARY HOME VALUE. R-room bungalow in the center of Piedmont. Ptrfctly modern and good as new. Fricc for immediate sale, $6rtOO: can be seen by appointemnt. Let us show you. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Kenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. FOR PALE 6-room cottage, modern, new ly painted ln-ide and outside, papered, new gwrage. laree wood and coal shed. Price $3500. some terms. Call at house No. 3 0 E. 6th st. S., or 0.1 Grand ave Rose City, Monlavilia or bridge transfer car. J. C. McCoy. Phone automatic 215-05 or Eaat 3426. i aoo $.1oO CASH. Good 5-room bouse, located en East Davt- street, near 20th: lot alone worth $ 1 r.no; improvements in and paid. $.w0 cash, bal. $ 1 5 per mo. J. L. KARNOPP . Main 675. :;i: Ry. T.x. bldg. KERRY ST.. $:;.00 A nice m -story, 7-room home wn rhoice plumbing. gn. electricity, good basement, all m pood condition, on a fine fractional corner lot; $500 cath han dles It. ba lance" to suit. H BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. "W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MODERN 5-R. BUNGALOW. $:.550. Full cement basement, furnace. laun dry trava, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc., beautiful corner lot, Waverleigh Hts. Im provements all in and paid; $ 1 00 wnl handle. A mighty Rood hy. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington Bldg. 6-ROOM modern home, lartre lot. improve X ments paid. 1 1 block to car; full cement basement. a kinds t,"llt!-rt r-2 buffet, good ehuken house; $2to0, rash $25 per month. INTERSTATE LA NO CO.. BiiMETHIXT, tXTKR K ? T 1 NO. TV'O new Oodce, nov.r been run. new torrl tires: harpain. cash or terms. liv'0 stui!taker, all extras ImaBinaBle. will take smalk-r car or baby ran4 piano on tra.le: easy terms. 691 B. 16th t. N. 0ner. LARGE residence on Thurman street. clo?e to new Montgomery Ward plant and near Willamette Heights bridge, htnetly modern 7 rooms and S attic rooms, full lot- $9000. Innulr, 710 Klander, St. Phone Main 4SJ2. ciMrto KOR A good 6-room on pavea streets, con baiemfnt and garage. $500 cash. bal. terms. prANCHARO. 401- Swetland Bldff., Phone Marshall 829. Kor Results List With Me. $2500 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2500. Five rooms, 1 '-a blocks car; hardsur face. full lot. $300 down SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange. r GOOD HOME. Seven-room houne. lots of fruit, on Daved street In Sellwood. a little run ; down but is a snap for any one able to see real value. For information phone Aut 220-50 between 10 and 12 A. M. "IRVINGTON HOMES NEAR SCHOOL. One $51, 7-room, garage; one $.'00, 7-rooms. near IGth.; on $;5O0. 6-rooms, all ivory, one block to school and car. East 419- 4 ROOMS, west side, 25 minutes walk downtown. Full Hot. fruit and berries. Has electric lights, water, patent toilet nH full basement with board floor. $1100, and some terms. Marshall Kf.31. iunnM modern California bungalow, full lot. I0f feet from car. near school ; $5050 $375 cash. $-5 per month. 'interstate LAND CO.. Main 542V. - IS Stark st. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. .M East 14th X. East 419. 8-ROOM house. restricted district. nic grounds. 501 E. 43 North. Tabor IQOO. " COSY 3-room house, in pood district; full lot. $ 23 5 u . owner. Tabor $Z i5 . ' 6-ROOM modern bungalow and furniture. ciosi in. 4!0 Tillamook. Open 10 to 2. SUNN VS IDE, owner, 6-room house. 1000 E. Salmon. FARNf for sale by the owner. Call Main .