THE . MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF fit Editor Main 707O. 50-H5 Sunday Editor Main 7070. 300-B3 Advertisinij Department. .Main 770, 50-9 Superintendent of Bids. . Main 7070. Mii-Ob AMirsEMENTS. HKILIO (Broadvi-ay at Taylor) "The Ac quittal. " Tonight. OKPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This alfernoon. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock company in "At 8-:40." This Afternoon and tonight. LTRIC (Broad-way at Morrison) Musical comedy. -The Black Cat." Three shows dally. J. 7 and 8 P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and movins pictures. 2 to 5. )." to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundaja and holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P- M. PA N T AG E 9 (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily, S:S0, I and :Oo. Lc.MBEit Propertt Attached. Prop erty of the Sam Connell Lumber com pany was attached yesterday by a deputy United States marshal as the result of suit filed by the Big Creek Longing company to recover J9070.69 said to be due on a bill for timber. Shortage of cars. Mr. Connell said, had prevented him from moving his lumber and this delayed payment of the bllL He received permission to continue operating the mill, which is at Burlington and employs 60 men. He had two cars sent in yesterday and this will permit a partial resump tion of deliveries and payment of the bill in the- near future. Don Francisco to Address Ad Clttb. "When the Producer Advertises" is the subject of an address to be de livered before the Portland Ad club at the regular weekly meeting at the Henson hotel at noon today when Don Francisco, president of the Los An pelca Advertising club and advertis ing director for the famous "Sunkief advertising campaign will be the principal speaker. Sandy, the kodak man. will also give a ten-minute talk on "What Advertising Has Done for Me." This is another of the series of talks which is being handled by the advertising committee. Stamps Altered, Charge. War ravines stamps with their registra tion marks apparently removed, alleged to have been found in pos session of M. L. Hochfeld, a jeweler at 85 Third street, were responsible for his arrest by Secret Service Op eratives Jarrell and Foster. The mer chant was released on $2500 bond. The stamps are believed o have been stolen, but were not connected with those involved In other recent alleged sales brought up tn court. Hochfeld had $100 worth of the stamps. Bots Hunt Out" op Season. Two boys were picked up near Browns--vllle for hunting game birds in closed season and were taken to Albany to appear in the justice court. One of them, Walter Paine, was fined $25, but the other, Lewis Kgglcston, was released on a promise of good be havior. The latter is only 17 years old. Another arrest reported to the state game warden yesterday was that of R. C. Brown of .Gold Beach, who was fined $25 for not tagging deer. Haiti Lecture Tomorrow. Dr. W. T. McElveen in his current ' events talk tomorrow night at the First Con gregational church will comment on the inhumanity of the United States government toward the inhabitants of the island of Haiti, He insists that the state department at Washington has permitted the National City bank of New York City financially to ex ploit that island. Three thousand Haitians have been killed. Water to Be Inspected. Inspe tion of the water supply of Oregon cities is to be made by Lieutenant L Donald Mars, assistant sanitary engi neer of the United States public health service. Lieutenant Mars will work in conjunction with the Oregon state board of health, it was announced yesterday. He has just completed spection of the water supply of cities in the state of Arkansas. Smashup Results in Suit. G. G. Tiohrer is plaintiff in a suit to re cover $1062 from M. W. Rose as i result of an automobile collision be tween their automobiles on Bast Halsey street on June 17. The Rohrer machine is alleged to have been badly damaged in the smash-up and the plaintiff charges it was due to the negligence of the other driver. Fish Ladder Approved. Plans have been approved by the fish and game commission for a fish ladder to be built on the Savage rapids dam. five miles above Grants Pass on the Rogue river. The dam is being erected by the urants Pass irrigation district which plans to ravse the river 30 feet and put in a power plant. . Cell Inertia Basis op Disease. Dr Dee says cell renewal has disproved drugless theories by eradicating con ditions after all their methods had failed. 412-13-14 Artisans, bldg., cor. Broadway and Oak. Calf and have your case outlined. Adv. oiKQLAKs may not always pass you by. They may come tonight. ' Protect Jour valuables. Phone Mar. 2391 for one of our burglary and hold-up policies Before the loss occurs. W. R McDonald Company, general insur ance. Adv. do mdt poiwet to call up East 30S8 when you want the Salvation Army auto-truck to call for cast off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, turniture etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. Major Jonn tsree, district officer. Adv. r or Kent or Lease. Large cast side residence. Va blk. ground, close In, suitable for sanitarium, school, small boarding house, undertaking establishment. Telephone . Peterson awy. Adv. Man Bound Over to Jurt. Arthu Snodgrara yesterday was bound ove to tne federal grand jury, when he admitted he had operated a still in t-ortiana. tie was arrested last Sat uraay. dance. Liberty Assembly Unite Artisans will have their season's open ing dance Wed.. .Sept. 22, east sid W. O. W. hall. E. 6th and Alder. Goo music. Ladies 3oc, gents. 55c. Adv. A New Set op Teeth? Artificial dentures made by th specialist, Dr. K. C. Rossman. meet th requirements of service and appear ance. journal Diag. Adv. Oriental Roas stored, rep'red. wash cleaned. Cartozian Bros. Inc., oriental rugs and carpets. Wash., near loth. Adv. Dance. McElroy's orchestra, Mur lark hall, 23d and Washington sts., every Wednesday and Saturday. Adv One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Timms, Cress & Co.. 184 2d st. Adv. Fall Chinook Salmon for canning, 10c per lb. Bay City Fish Market, 280 Yamhill street. Adv. The Moore Sanitarium. A few weeks works wonders. Office Selling bldg. Adv. Salmon for Canning, 10c Per Pound. Alder Market, First and Alder Sts. Adv. Salmon for canning, 10c per ib. Green's Market, 281 Yamhill hall. Adv. Dr. L. M. Davis, Portland, Or., 3-ln-l, Caloptoma sacks, good, dependable. Adv. Columbia River Salmon to can, 10c per lb. Fulton Market, 232 Alder Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co, Bine agents. East 118S. Adv. Dr. R. J. Chipman has returned; Stevens bldg. Adv. Dr. Dammasch. Stevens bldg., re turned. Adv. 2 Fur. Houses for sale. Mar. 3613. Adv. Dr. Eari.e Henton has returned; Morgan bldg. Adv. Girl's $100,000 Suit Begun. Trial of the $100,000 damage suit of Flor ence Rostad. 17, against the Portland Railway, Light & Power company was started yesterday before a jury in Circuit Judge Tucker's court. The girl sustained permanent injuries, when she fell from a moving street car on East Fiftieth street on March 30 last. Besides a skull fracture it was necessary to amputate her left , arm and left leg. She alleges the street carwas started without warn ing a-s she was boarding it and that the accident was due to the negli gence of the car operators. Junk Dealers Guiltt op Theft. Ben Weinstein and K. Adler. junk dealers, were found guilty of the theft of a steam engine from Edward H J Bolich by the verlict of a jury yes terday in Circuit Judge Morrow s court. The men will be sentenced Friday morning. The state charged the two men with stealing the engine last fall. They alleged it was a part of junk which they bought from 1 another person, but the evidence in dicated that it was taken by them from the Bolich home. Deputy Dis trict Attorney Dempsey prosecuted. Woman Takes Poison. .Mrs. Peari Shields, 37, said to be a housekeeper at 862 Vaughn street, was taken to St. Vincent's hospital early yes terday suffering from formaldahyde poisoning. Physicians stated last night that her condition wad critical. According to the police, the woman left a note in which she said that she was taking the poison because of ill health. Neighbors at the Vaughn street address knew little about the woman beyond the fact that she seemed to be In ill health. Patients Disturbed bt Motors. Complaint has been received from all the hospitals to the effect that pa tients are disturbed by the noise made by passing motorcycles anii auto mobiles, according to Captain Inskeep of the police department, who an nounced that automobile drivers who persist in driving their machines with open cutouts in violation of the city ordinance, especially while passing a hospital, will be Haled into court and prosecuted vigorously. Free Christian Science Lecture. The Christian Science churches of Portland announce a free lecture on Christian Science to be given in the municipal auditorium. Friday, Septem ber 24, by Mr. William W. Porter. :. S. B.. of New York City, member f The Board of Lectureship of The Mother church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The doors will be open at 7:30 o'clock and the lecture begins at 8 o'clock. A ordial invitation is extended to the public. Adv. Canning Clubs to Compete. The Sunnyslde Canning club and the Orient club of Multnomah county will give competitive demonstrations this afternoon in the Meier & Frank audi- orium to decide which club shall be represented at the state fair. The public is invited. The Orient club will show methods of canning at - o'clock and the other club will begin at 3:30. The cold pack process will be used. Mrs. N. C. Maris will be the udge. . Portland Temple Takes Prize. The band of Abd-uhl-Atef temple. No 11. Dramatic Order Knights of hnorassan, of this city, won first prize and the drill team took second prize in the contests Saturday night at tne Vancouver prune festival. The Portland Pythians participated in initiatory ceremonies while in Van couver. 37 tyros becoming votaries of tne order. Man Faces Accuser Tod at. Alvln Be.noit, charged with attacking Louise Bender, with intent to kill her, will face a circuit court jury this morn- ng. The crime is alleged to have been committed at the girl's home. 6 Clay street. Benolt is alleged to have climbed through a bedroom win dow and beaten her while she lay asleep. Minister to Lecture on Norway. Norway of Today" will be the sub ject of a lecture to be given this evening at Our Savior's Norwegian Lutheran church. East Grant and Tenth streets, by Rev. Odd Gornltzka of Seattle. Rev. Mr. Gornitzka only recently returned from Norway. The lecture is set for 7:30 o'clock. Dance and Enjoy Yourself Tonight Cotillion Hall. America's Finest Ballroom. Best Dance Orchestra. Public Invited; Strangers Welcome Every Wed. and Sat. Adv. Dr. De Keyser's Course in Eve Culture relieves eye strain, prevents as well as cures defects in vision. En- roument ree of la applies on glasses if found necessary. Phone 9587. Adv Keramic Club exhibition at the cen tral library, Sept. 23. 24, 25. The Public 13 invited. Adv. Enjotable, curative. Dr. McMahon's chiropractic. Adv. Autumn Winds and Autumn Rains . Call for RAINCOATS 25 See these we are f ea turing at I i a w A ... I 7 $6 to , EVERYTHING IN English Slip-On Raincoats. Waterproof, odorless. Doeskin surface in pleasing grays and tans. Belted, double breasted, convertible collar. - - Warm and snug enough to answer all raincoat and overcoat needs through the winter. Other Raincoats $50 For the Outdoor Man WATERPROOF CLOTHES Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given 0 WAZELWOOl HAZELWOOD BREAKFASTS are very appetizing and moderate in price Special Combinations ranging in price from 30c to $1.00 offer a great variety to choose from Choice Selected Fruits Strictly Fresh Eggs Delicious. Hot Cakes With Real Maple Syrup Tender Steaks and Chops THECTrazela)ood - QJ C0NFECTI0NEKf &RES1AUPANT 388 Washington 127 Broadway Mrs, Gasco Series No. 4 - Si -'V J I -V. i - - I U. S. MINER SOVIET MAYOR CHICAGO JEWISH LAWYER IS GOVERNOR OF AMUR. PURITAN CAFETERIA G. M. JACKSON. Mgr. NOW OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEWLY DECORATED THROUGHOUT " Best of Foods the Market Affords Properly Cooked at Popular Prices Music Evenings 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. BASEMENT RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. FOURTH and STARK STS. BOYS' SUITS FOR LESS Local Manafactyrers of Men's and Boys' Pure Wool and Worsted Clothing Undersell Retailers. The Brownsville Woolen Mills, the largrest manufacturing clothiers west of Chicago have one of the most com plete boys' departments on the coast. Here you can buy splendid, pure wool suits and overcoats direct from the manufacturer and you. save money because the middleman's profit Is eliminated. That is why we are able to undersell the retailer. Boys' cloth ing department, third floor of Woolen Mill building at Third and Morrison. Open today. Adv. Army Officer Tells Kiwanis Club Bolshevism Will Xot Last; Says Siberia Is Wilderness. Colonel O. P. Robinson, ex-chief of staff of the American expeditionary force In Siberia, spoke yesterday noon to members of the Kiwanls club at their weekly luncheon in the Benson hotel. His topic, "'Siberian Possibili ties," was a revelation to members of the club. "The Siberian government of today is a political experiment." declared the army officer. "It is not lasting. Bolshevism is but tbje bestowment of the divine right or kings upon the proletariat, and that can not last. "Our forces penetrated a total of 1100 miles into Siberia, and found a country vast in its resources, but wlttt millions of acres waiting cultivation. Whether they will be cultivated in our lifetime is conjecture, pure and simple "We found Russian officers as a whole in sympathy with the German side of the war. The trans-Siberian railroad is run by a committee repre senting the various allied govern ments, and along its many miles of track one may witness the desolation of that country. One reason for the steel shortage in the United States exists right there. Piles and piles of steel are stacked along the track, for miles on end. The director f the board operating the road is John F. Stevens, formerly of Portland. "We left there in October, 1919. nearly a year since, when the Kol chak government had fallen, because it attempted to be imperialistic. "Cheap labor in Russia is one reason for its present predicament. Cheap labor' in any nation is a bad condition; it makes education impos sible and wastes humanndeavor. "I found the mayor of Vladivostok a coal miner of Pennsylvania, who had left the United States four months previous; the governor of Amur is a Jewish lawyer of Chicago and- the chief of police of Moscow is a confessed crook, who has done time in American Jails. He incidentally made a good chief." Alfrefl A. Aya, representing the Ore gon state chamber of commerce, spoke on port problems. L. H. Sam mons and H. C. Pownall gave Ki wanis talks. Alleged Check Passer Caught. CHEHALIS, Wash., Sept. 21. (Spe cial.) Ivan Swarthout yesterday was returned to' the Lewis county Jail by Sheriff Berry and Deputy Winn, who "Jim, look at that soot from the Furnace blowing; ein and ruining our pretty home. Why don't you get me that Gasco Furnace?" went to Sacramento for him. Swarth out.' who as a boy lived in Centralia. later lived in the Puyallup valley and Seattle. About a year ago, while on a visit to Centralia he is alleged to have passed, worthless checks on local merchants. He disappeared and a short time ago was located in Cali fornia, his arrest and return here fol lowing. Halsey Schools Opened. HALSEY, Or., Sept. 21. (Special.) Schools opened Monday In charge of W. W. Patterson and Henry F. Eng lish in the high school; Beventh and eighth grades, Mrs. L B. Kimbrell; fifth and sixth. Miss Agnes Arnold; third and fourth. Miss Helen Cook, and flrt and second, Mrs. Minnie Cross. The Indications are good for a good attendance. .Read the Oregonlan classified ads. Heating Small Houses We have a large stock of small Rich ardson & Boynton and Boynton Fur naces suited to heat four and five rooms. - We also have PIPELESS Furnaces. Have your furnace repaired now. J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. 04 Market Street. Main 461 Centralia Adds Teachers. CENTRALIA. ash., Sept. 21. (Special.) Congested conditions at the Edison school has resulted in the employment of another teacher for the fi-fth grade. The new instructor is Miss Heloise Kggers, a graduate of the Bellingham Normal school, who taught last year at Wenatchee. CARD OF THANKS. We take this means of expressing our gratitude to our friends for their condolence and sympathy in our re cent Dereavement in the loss or our beloved husband and father, also we wish to thank our many friends for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. DORR SHARP, FLORENCE SHARP. FLORA SHARP, L. I. SHARP. " Adv. BEAVER BOARD FOR BETTER WALLS AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Yound goP.OIpfancnt.Tmlenni,Ce.Twy wlm. FerMmpTea 44 JOY-land" Joy is making them new suits and overcoats tai lored ip their measure from fabrics they select ed at Joy's, and he's doing it right and on x EASY PAYMENTS "Let Joy do it" 104 Fourth St., Between Washington and Stark. Four Shops in Portland Porous rubber aieana pramarur blaw-outa How ordinary porous rubber wastes your money Premature Irouble now eliminated in new non-porous tire . R There's Romance in Business In the phenomenal development of equipment, methods and service which have combined to save you money, time and labor promoting" the highest efficiency. You can see these things demonstrated at The First Seattle Business Show ALL THIS WEEK At the Biff Arena, Seattle An exposition of Modern Administrative Methods and Equipment. The manufacturers and inventors of the most approved equip ment, mechanisms, appliances, methods, sys tems and service for the saving of time and the insuring of efficiency exhibit- and dem onstrate at the Arena all this week. Thursday out-of-town Merchants' Day. ' . Friday, 1 to 6 P. M.,' Executives' Day Open daily 1 to 10 P. M. All business men and women invited. Go today. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH PROGRESS Ordinary rub ber im " po rouw." A tlatm 0f mUr oof through im ttmu UINED! That's what a blow out means to your tire. Yet blow-outs may occur at the end of only two or three thousand miles even before the tread is well worn. This is the curse of motoring. It does more than try your patience: it wastes your money. . Premature tire troubles weakened tread eurface, blow-outs, sand blisters, tread sepa ration all are due largely to porous rubber. As ordinary tirea weaken they absorb mois ture. Dirt, grit, oil and other harmful sub stances enter the mil lions of pores. After this, slow unseen dis integration finally a nasty blow-out 1 To produce a rubber that has not these weaknesses, two prac- ' tical tire builders and two research chemists spent months in labo- Croltd Cant pound ia"non- main watir tioht imttfi. iUJy. ratory research and road tests. They tr last discovered Crolide a non-poraat rubber compound which eliminatam premature tiro troubles. Crolide aeas up the millions of small pores Made with Crolide Compound, Thermoid tires are from 50tol00tougherthan ordi nary tires, yet they gain in resiliency. A one-inch strip stretches to 11 inches. It was after comparing their value, point ' by point, with 9 other makes that We became distributors for Thermoid Crolide Compound tires for this territory. You are invited to call and see these new tires, also the famous Crolide Compound tubes. Let us tell you interesting detailed facts, experiences and tests that show why either Thermoid Cord or Fabric tires nrf tpremature trouble and give better mile age. Write or ask us for name and address at the Thermoid dealer who will supply you ALLEN & HEBARD CO. State Distributors 64 Broadway ' Phone Broadway 3223 R. A. Boggess, 1648 E. Thirteenth StreetN Dapp & Neubauer,-783 Front Street Hansen's Tire Service, Twenty-fourth and Thurman Laurelwood Filling Station, 6419 Foster Road Multnomah Auto Repair, 333 Fargo' Street Dealers: National Vulcanizing Works, St. Johns Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First Street Peoples Auto Repair Co, 5S29 Foster Road Square Deal Garage, 1111 Hawthorne Avenue City Garage, 106 E. Seventh St., VancouverWash. J. A. Dary, 42 North Grand Avenue Crolide non-porous rubber gives extra wear uiniiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiinniiiit: 6 to JUancing S and 9:30 to 12. If You Appreciate Refined and comfortable sur roundings, with Metropolitan service and unexcelled cuisine, YOU WILL ENJOY Tour evening" dinner or after theater supper at The Arcadian Grill MULTNOMAH HOTEL One of the largest and most at tractive restaurants in the west. Jack Seltenrich and his famous orchestra. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiMmiiiiiiMiiir BARON EUGENE FERSEN OF MOSCOW, RUSSIA The distinguished scientist and metaphysical teacher, a nephew of the late Count Leo Tolstoi, will deliver a vitally important lecture on The Healing of the Future at 8 P. M. Wednesday, September 22 in the Grand Ball Room at the Hotel Multnomah ADMISSION FREE COLLECTION Why Not Let Dr. Burkhart demonstrate to you what a wonderful treatment he has for Liver, Stomach Trouble. Consti pation' by sending- ?u a trial treat ment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound? It will not take but a few days to convince you. It is an old, reliable herb remedy. . Address 621 Main St. All druggists. :J0-day treatment, 25c; 70 days, 50c. Adv. 6imMS Nlerht and MoraJnjc. Have StroBK, Healthy Eyes. If they Tire. Itch. Smart or Bur a, if Sore, Irritated, In flamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Sootben, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Murine Kye Remedy lo.. thienro. Head the Oregoni&n classified ads.