f . TIIE MORNING OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1920 " r Center Aisle Bargain Square Sale N. and M rrr AFFETA ALI Tn& Quality" Sto& or- Portland Regular; $2.50, $3 and Better Grades v AO SILK ii B 4 3 t For Women and Children Early Autumn Sale of Wool Stockings Wool stockings with a slight admixture of cotton to make them wear longer and to give added comfort. Already clever people are planning to buy wool stockings and wear them with low shoes all winter long. Here is the opportunity to get the colors and styles you like at quite a price saving. Hundreds of pairs just in. All sizes in every style. Brown Heather $2.85 Regularly $3.25 Brown heather wool mixed stockings of ex ceptional quality. Slip-stitch fashioned leg. In the real brown mixture which goes with brown or black shoes. White Stockings $2.85 Regularly $3.23 Soft white wool mixed stockings with fash ioned legs. Drop-stitch pattern. Very desir able quality. Green Heather $1.85 Regularly $2.23 Most popular of all heather mixtures. Drop stitch pattern. Fashioned leg. Extra good. Bropi Heather $1.85 Regularly $2.23 Brown heather mixtures to match autumn shoes. Exceptionally well made, . Drop-stitch pattern, fashioned legs. Brown Heather $1.79 Regularly $2.00 Correct shade of brown, in fashioned leg Stockings. Such warm stockings bought now will probably save many a cold later on. Brown Heather $1.85 ' Regularly $2.23 Boys' and girls' good looking wool mixed stockings are so warm and durable that it seems as though every child should wear them during the rainy weather. They wear splen didly. Any size. Meier & Frank's: Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. N A Few Fine 1 Silt Sweaters J--2 Three styles of exquisite sweaters in three different colors. Rose Orange French Blue Plain and basket patterns with tuxedo or shorter collars, some trimmed with fringe. - Originally they were $85. Thursday the price will be $42.50. Limited number. - Meter & Frank's: Sweater Shop, Third Floor. Inexpensive Pretty Hats to Wear on Rainy or Clear Days Don't you often want a "lit tle" hat that won't spoil and can't blow off? Something that has good lines and is agreeably "cheap" ? Quite a number of such hats have come to the Millinery Salons these last few days. They are so attrac-' tive that we cannot promise just how long any will be left because naturally your neighbors are on the lookout for them exactly as you are. Soft litttle frit 'hats embroidered In oriental colors, with glint of sold, are $4.75. Hatter's plush and beaver com binations are $6.75- Beaver sailors In brown and other colors are $7.95. felt hats for Brightly colored Echool girls are ii. Beaver sailors with sectional crowns are banded by silver cords with beaver balls, at $7.95. . Soft little velvet hats are $8.60 Stitched cloth hats in pretty col ors are $5.50. Black velvet tarns stitched with gray and blue beads are $7.60. Dozens of others. Why not try them on and see if they are not effective. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Salons, Fourth Floor. Annual Fall Showing and Sale of .Paint -Imperial . House Pa T "Imperial" House Paint This high - grade paint comes in all the desirable colors. All colors except green at the following prices: Quart cans, 1 0Q special 01 U3 Gallon cans, CO DQ special OOiOiJ Five-g-allon 'cans, f I O 7C special . 0 I Oil 3 GREEN Quart cans, " I I J special ; 1 1 1 Gallon cans. (17 special O'liUI Flve-grallon cans, CIQ7E special V i vi I J . . i Varnishes, Brushes, Etc yeHURSDAY, Friday and Saturday the Household Utilities Section offers special prices on UL the paints, enamels, wall tints, varnishes, floor wax, mops and brushes needed for the beau tifying of Portland homes and business places this winter. Painting is economy because it preserves. Paint freshens up the home and makes it like new, pro claims the fact that the family inside is comfortably prosperous and that it takes care of its belong ings properly. A little, paint on a window sill, or on a roof; a fresh coat of varnish on the floor; a fresh tinting of the wall to cover up the traces of some recent heavy storm such things add to the looks of the home and to the happiness of mothers. ' This sale of paints, varnishes and brushes enables one to save on the regular costs and yet procure the best grades for the purpose. EXPERT PAINT MEN in attendance. ij'lL Champion White Enamel Vhite kitchens, white dining rooms, white bed rooms add greatly to the joy of living. White paint makes rooms look much larger and it almost seems to coax sunshine into the room. V pint cans, special Pint cans, special. . . . Rubber Cement Floor Paint Rubber cement floor paint drys quickly and has a hard finish. 12 colors . at following special prices. 1 quart cans, special 4 frallon cans, special Gallon cans, special ...94c $1.69 $3.14 iSillll 1 Washable Wall Paint IS colors in a flat oil paint which is already mixed for immediate use. Quart cans, Bpecial Gallon cans, special $1.12 .$3.69 Quart cans, special Gallon cans, special ...47c ... 8 1 c SI. 43 $4.99 Interior Flat White Paint Japalac This combined stain and varnish is used for refin ishing furniture, floors and almost anything that needs a coat of fine stain or varnish. Regular prices quoted. 4 pint cans, priced Vi pint cans, priced 1'int cans, priced .. Quart cans, priced Gallon cans, priced , Japalac Enamel 25c ....... 50c 85c .....$1.55 $5.50 Vl pint cans, priced V pint cans, priced ; Pint cans, priced Quart cans, priced. ...... Japalac Gold Paint ... 30c ... 55c $1.00 $1.80 pint cans, special Pint cans, special Quart cans, special Gallon cans, special ...37c . 61c .$1.08 $3.89 TINT "Dekorato" Wall Tints All the artistic shades that you see upon your neighbors' walls can be placed on your own if you so desire. 5-lb. packages, special 63c No. 1 cans, priced No. 2 cans, priced. . . . . . 35c 60c Japalac Aluminum Paint No. 1 cans, priced No. 2 cans, priced 25c 40c J ' PWtCH-ST f J AUNT I Porch and Step Paint High-grade outdoor use. Quart cans, special Gallon cans, special paint for $1.23 $4.34 Beaver Floor Varnish Pint cans. Fpecial Qirart cans, special .69c $1.29 Beaver Spar Varnish Pint cans, special Quart cans, special Uallon .cans, special ..72c $1.39 $5.39 Beaver Linoleum Varnish 68c ....$1.28 Pint cans, special Quart cans, special J SHELLAC Orange and White Shellac 14 pint botles. nMp special UrU pint bottles, KQf .special - d DU Pint bottles, ! in special 0 I . I U Quart botles, C I QQ special . . V 1 .30 Brilliantshine Metal Polish Pint cans, special Quart cans, special grallon cans, special Gallon cans, special. ........ ...26c 42c ...77c $1.49 Johnson's Floor Wax After summer vacations somehow the floors seem dull and they need a thor ough waxing to get back their pristine polish. 5 ox. cans, auto size, A I ft special Hlli Pint cans, special. Quart cans, special gallon cans, special ...77c $1.44 $2.69 Johnson's Prepared Liquid Wax . Especially designed for floors, automobiles and furniture. 45c 68c ..$1.26 Vi pint cans, special Pint cans, special Quart cans, special Art Decorative Eriamels All colors.. U-pint cans, " special , -pint cans, special , Pint cans, special . . 3 1 c .49c ,87c Pint cans, special . . . Columbia Linoleum Dressing ...68c $1.28 .$2.39 .$4.40 Quart cans, special -gallon cans, special ........ Gallon cans, special H pint cans, priced Pint cans, priced Quart cans, priced xrz gallon cans, priced Gallon cans, priced Valspar Varnish at the Standardized Price This high-grade varnish pays to use because it is so entirely satisfactory. ..:65c $1.10 $2.00 $3.90 $7.50 Complete line of famous Japalac varnishes, .enam els, gold and aluminum paints at the standardized prices. Full Line of O'Cedar Mops and Brushes At Regular Prices Small triangular t OC mops, priced 0 I .A3 Largo triangular CI 7f mops, priced vl.fO Battleship mops, C I Cfl priced 01 3U O'Cedar polish, 4 oz OOp cans, priced OUU O'Cedac polish. 12 oz. Cflp cans, priced OUw O'Cedar polish, quartf I OC cans, priced... VnZU O'Cedar polish. 4 CI JC pallon cans, priced will 3 O'Cedar polish, gal- CQ flfl Ion cans, priced. VwiUJ Full lities of brushes, turpentine, white lead, raw and boiled oil at lowest prices. l Mohawk Varnish Brushes - .. 43c ...53c ...77c ...94c $1.29 1- inch brushes, special ls -inch brushes, special , 2- lnch brushes, special 2Vi-inch brushes, special , 3- inch brushes, special India Paint Brushes 2-lnch brushes, special 2-inch brushes, special 3-inch brushes, CI JQ special.! OI.'tO 4-inch brushes, special .77c 99c- 1,83 Meier &. Frank's: Household Utilities Section, Basement. I and . . . Every Yard Perfect GOOD silks at less than two dollars! .That means pretty silk frocks for the average woman at appreciably less than ten dollars for the material. Every wom an knows that dresses of silks like these usually cost a great deal more than that! Such a saving comes through a large special purchase by the Downstairs Store's executives while in the east. The market price broke MEIEPw & FRANK'S had the cash and the outlet and Port land women benefit. - Both the messaline and taffeta are of standard quality and they measure S6 inches wide, so that they will cut to good advantage. 16 Colors in the Taffeta Plenty of black and navy, also gray, brown, taupe, cardinal, plum, reseda, Copen hagen, old rose, apricot, nile green, sky blue, pink, putty and maroon. , IS Colors in the Messaline Black,-navy, white, maize, plum, old rose, flesh pink, purple, Nile, copen, tan, gray, cerise, red and green. . THESE SILKS USEFUL IN MANY WAYS Good for children's and young girls best frock's, women's smart dresses, petticoats, long and short blouses, linings, millinery trimmings and the fashionable taffeta pillows and curtains. Extra! Black Satin Duchess e 1000 yards of fine, heavy, lustrous quality 36-inch black satin Duchesse, just re ceived, hurried into the sale at $1.89 yard. Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor. HERE'S YOUR SUIT SALE We're Putting Portland Men Into New Suits and Putting Dollars' Into Their Pockets $45 to $60 Grades $35 to $40 Grades 25 $35 suits for men and young men; $25 suits for young men. Virtually all of the former and great majority of the latter all wool. $35 group includes SOCIETY BRAND, Adler-Rochester and other standard makes; $25 group comprises young men's suits from our regular makers. In all, ' several hundred suits from our regular stocks half a dozen lines reduced to two bedrock prices because it's MEIER & FRANK'S policy to UNDERSELL. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Third Floor. Thursday Featuring of Autumn Skirts in Regular and Extra Sizes Women of larger than average size may be glad to know that navy blue serge skirts of good quality can be had here up to 42-inch waist measure at $15 to $25. . College and school girls will be delighted with the new plaid skirts in serviceable combinations of dark blue and green or brown and green; these are in the plain styles which hold their shape best for every-day wear. Priced $12.50 to $19.50. Knife-pleated navy blue serge skirts for college girls are $10 to $17.50. Plaid skirts in the more exclusive styles and colors come in all regular sizes at $19.50 to $35. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. It I i ;1 19 a 1. IS 19 3.1