TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TnTJESDAT, SEPTE3IBER 16, 1920 ' 15 REAL. ESTATE. For Sale -Bmrb Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. S ALTAI R TILLAMOOK BEACH. 1 have four choice lota, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk, county road and railroad runs in front of property. The other two lota adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. Ail are near the depot, hotel and Kockaway. Size of lota la 25 feet by atnut t'O feet and are ex ceptionally adapted frr business or resi dence. Will consider some acreage near Portland or automobile In trade. Price $150 and $125 each, address R V7U. Or soman. KLMORR PARK choice beach residence lots for sale ; to close estate will offer much below purchase price. East 503d. TilJamook St. For Bale Lota. BUT NOW EAST TERMS. NEW PARK ROSE TRACT. $102 down, over 8 acres and only $050 acre; ground nearly all clear ed except small growth along drainage canal; fine garden and berry land; mohthlv payments only $21. including interest. J. L .HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Cora. bldg. Main 208. PARK ROSE BRANCH OFFICE END OP PARK ROSE C A KLINE. FIVE MINUTES In my auto from Broadway bridge to "Willamette boulevard over the new St. Johns- river road. Think how close tlje peninsula is brought to town. Houses in University Hark are practically unobtain able; lots are moving regularly and we advise your early Inspection. Priced at $300 up; pay 10 per cent down and start erecting your home. Terms to suit you. Ask for Mr. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth st. Main 4.122. FIVE MINUTES In my auto from Broadway bridge to Willamette boulevard over the new St. Johns river road. Think how close the peninsula is brought to town. Houses in University Park are practically unobtain able; lots are moving regularly and we advise your early Inspection. Priced at $300 up; pay 10 per cent down and start erecting your home. Terras to suit you. Ask for Mr. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. ACRE LOTS Located !n semi-restricted district next to Irvington park. Two to six blocks from Alberta and Woodlawn cars. Exceptionally fine soil. Beautiful unob structed view. Bull Run water, gas and electricity. Attractive price and terms. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 517 Corbett bldg. Main 6173. FOR SALK- A lot on E. 30th and 31st, on Hoyt, all improvements in and paid, one block from Laurel hurst and one hlock from street ear. Price $1100; a bargain at this figure. J. D. McCallum, 1015 Oregon st. M. V. car to 70th. $230 WOODSTOCK LOT $250. CoHt owner $050; dandy, 50x100 on 43d t. facing west, 250 ft. N. of 45th ave. Must sacrifice for ca.h. $250. HITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. NEAR Peninsula Park. Jefferson high and graded school, fine 50xlU0-foot lot; $5o0, $$0 cash, $10 monthly. It's a bargain. JOHiN'SON-DUDSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 60x100 LOT, 1 BLOCK from Broadway car. in Irvlnirton : Sl.iOO. terms. 100x100 corner, 1 block from Broadway car In irvington; .i200. terms. W. H. BR1TTS. 230 Cham, or Com. CONVENIENT to west side, Vancouver. St. Johns, Kenton district, 60x100 lot; $300, $30 cash, $0 monthly. JOHNSON-DOPSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. TWO LOTS, 2 blocks from car. Columbia Heights, value $O0; might trade for auto. AN 00, Oregonlan. ALAMEDA PARK Desirable corner, 65x 10". Bryce and 32d. Terms. Main 4203. R. C. P., 73x100. corner Alameda and ntttb:; street paid. Price $1850. Tabor 6441. SACRIFICE lot in Wes tmoreland ; prov e menta paid . Tahor 17 0. ROSE C1TT PARK lot. $650 on 48th street, paved, paid. 1 abor W441. For Sale -House. SUPERB PIEDMONT HOME. On whole Quarter block to alley, sol en did roomy house; very large living room, liar tAant t n Violl a n H Hlnlnir mfim hanlwood floors; 2 fireplaces, massive J plate glass windows; three fine bea ronms, sewing1 room, large billiard room, with table, enclosed1 sleeping porch, full cement basement, best furnace, wash trays, etc.. roomy garage, big attic, solid cement porch. This is one of the best built, stately homes 'in Piedmont. A home that would easily cost. $20,000 to duplicate. ' Owner must sell ouicklyand offers It at bargain price of $11,000. We pronounce this a "snap." See J. W. Crossby, with FRANK L. McfJUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Ahington bldg. Main 1068. BRAND NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK 487 E. 41ST. Artistic 5-room bungalow with garage, breakfast room, plate glass windows, swell beveled plate buffet. 13x10 eastern oak floors, old ivory finish, trimmed ma hogany, tapestry paper, nice attic, fur nace, wide cement porch, etc. Phone owner. Tabor 19O0. 501 E. 43d st. N. DESIRABLE PIEDMONT HOME. Strictly modern, on quarter block; paving in and paid ; garage; fine trees and flowers; eight large light rooms, two baths, two fireplaces; basement 3Ox50 and 8 feet in the clear; a clean cut, spotlessly clean home, newly deco rated and refinished inside and out. Estimated coHt to build, $18,000. Will sell for $12,000 cash. Immediate posses sion. Might lease to responsible people for year at $150 per month. Winifred Smith, owner, 1210 Mallory ave., south west corner, at Jarre tt st. Phone Aut. 82410. HERE ARE BARGAINS. Magnificent 7-room home, choice floors, basement, large rooms, best location, block to cars, corner lot, garage; iJUOuO, cheap. Magnificent bungalow, 8 rooms, swell location, large rooms', fireplace, book cases, very modern, basement, every comfort; $1000, very cheap; Irvington. Magnificent 7-room bungalow. This is swell ; $7000, garage. East 273, Herd man. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $50 PER MONTH YEAR'S LEASE $50. W ES TMORELAND HOME. Living room with hardwood floors and fireplace, beamed ceilings, paneled din ing room witn Duiiet, - nice Dearooms, full cabinet kitchen, nice cement base ment, wash tray, good yard. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT, SM1TH-WAOONER CO., STOCK EX. S3O00 $800 CASH. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace; owner leaving city, can get immediate possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ' Beautifully located 7-robm residence, H. W. floors, hot air heat, finUhed basement, with den. sleeping porches surrounded by beautiful homes; ground aaxioo. .snown only ny appointment. HENRY W. GODUARD, 24;i Stark st - COLONIAL. Alameda beauty : living 16x25, with fireplace, French doors to dining, with large sideboard. Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms, hardwood floors, fine basement. best furnace. Going to Idaho. Only $4050. tiast j a i. FASHIONABLE R. C. HILL. On account of other business, this nrfty 7-room bungalow with sleeping porch is for sale. Strictly modern in every respect. Large corner lot; garage. Commanding a wonderful view. Mar. 3fl03 or T. 3R1. 6-ItUOM modern iiouxe on paved st., near car and school in Sunnyside: large liv ing room, built-in bookcase and buffet. Dutch kitchen ; full cement basement, furnace, washtrays; full lot; Immediate possession; 0O0 down, balance like rent. S340O. Tabor 3712. IRVINGTON HOME. B77 N. loth St. 3-room house and garage. Built 5 years ago of best ma terial. by day labor; must be seen to be appreciated. $S5O0. Owner. East 2871. SOME EXTRA GOOD VALUE. 5-room modern bungalow, 2 lots, on hard street. 3 hlocks to car; an excellent home. Only $24oO, easy terms. Tabor 82!2. 685 HALSEY ST., 7-room modern house; fireplace, furnace. cement basement; nicelv located ; must be seen to be ap preciated. $0000. Owner, East 2871. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Seven rooms and sleeping porch; ga rage; corner lot; modern; gopd district. Tabor 6351. 7.14 E. BURN81DB $4600. Eight -room modern house, having 4 bedrooms, fireplace. furnace, laundry trays; lot 45x100; snap. Terms. East 287L INVESTORS, see me to settle An estate; can give you a bargain In houses close in. Fred Vlereck, 40 Front street. BARGAIN Six family flats, 3 and 4 rms. each, close in. $?250, 1-3 cash; all rented. Main 37h7. ROSE CITY, 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, garage; large lot. Mar. 3J93. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. MARSHALL. 1898. HAWTHORNE. VACANT. $4600. No. 186 New 6-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, paved street and cement sidewalk in and paid for. Place Is vacant, ready to move into. Price $46O0, $1000 cash, balance $25 per month plus 7 per cent interest. I R V I NO T ON. $5750. No. 181 New 5-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, at tic, latest built-ins; in fact, this house Is modern in every respect. Here is a chance to buy a home in Irvington for $5750, payment down $2000, balance on easy terms. , WOODSTOCK. $4800. No. 174 R-room house, den and sleep ing porch, fireplace, good plumbing, elec tric lights, graded streets, cement side walk, newer. This place is situated on an exceptionally large lot, 70x142. Total price $4800, $2400 cash, balance a Ions time loan. ROSE CITY. $4750. No. 164 ft-room bungalow, full ce ment basement, hardwood floors and at tic, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full se4 of plumbing, paved street, ce ment sidewalk, sewer. This property is below the hill, on a lot 50x100. Total price $4750, $2000 cash, balance a long time. ROSE CITY. $4725. No. 187 5 -room bungalow, sleeping porch, attic, fireplace, full set of plumb ing, electric light fixture, pas, graded streets, cement sidewalks, Dutch kitch en, latest built-ins. This is an excep tionally fine home. Total price $4725, balance long-time loan.. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND, $2500 DOWN. No. 206 Th is is a very attractive home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, all built-ins, large reception hall, beautiful large lawn and flowers, several bearing fruit trees. This house . can be bought at a sacrifice. $2500 cash and terms will handle balance This house stand on exceptionally large lot. Call at our office any day and see the many photos of homes which we are offering for sale. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, 285 Stark Street. Near 4th. Marshall 18S. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. Business conditions require owner to move to California at once; will make real sacrifice on one of most eleborate two-story, nine-room houses in city; located on 100x100, looking right down into park; most complete home in city; living room has onyx fireplace, mahog any trim, conservatory and sun rooms, library, a very large unusually beauti ful dining; room, pass pantry, all-tile kitchen, built-in ref rlg-erator, four im mense bedrooms, two enclosed sleeping porches, most elaborate all-tile bath, with separate shower; three toilets, hot and cold water in all rooms, best oak floors throughout; basement finished off into iruit, laundry, coal, furnace rooms; fine billiard room with fireplace and bath adjoining, hot water heat, garbage burner, garage, an immense amount of . expensive shrubbery. R. T. Torrejr, Tabor 407. . LAURELHURST. One of the finest and best-built bungalows around Portland today. Large dining room, very artistic buffet, a most beautiful living room, large front porch, one of the most complete kitchens you ever saw, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, furnace, lot fixl00. This bungalow is on 43d St., not far from Glisan. Call on us, we will gladly show you this. Marshall 1265. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 P wetland Bldg. Marshall 1265. - Marshall 3989. EXCLUSIVE OVERLOOK. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $0000. Because of Its desirability as a resi dential section, less property changes hands In Overlook, perhaps, than In any other section of the city. We have a few desirable homes for sale there, this particular one on Colonial avenue being a double-constructed house with 4 large bedrooms and sleeping orch upstairs, large living room, den, dining room and kitchen down; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, 1 block to car, 12 to Jefferson high school, full lot, t-treet Improvements In and paid; house in Al condition; terms. Main 7487. $5350 ROSE CITY PARK $5360. This ft-room bungalow is beautifully finished in ivory. There is a large liv ing room with big fireplace and book cases, an unusually pretty dining room with buffet; a wonderful Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, oak floors, full light basement, high-grade furnace, wash trays, corner lot, street paving paid. Lo cated this side of 4Uth st. Hurry and see It. It's a good buy. Owner wants $1700 cash. COMTE A KOH LM AN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME. Want reasonable offer on beautiful 2 -story, U-room home on 60x100 lot on E. 15th st., near Knott, just repainted and. decorated.' Center entrance hall, large living and dining rooms, den, pass pantry, ktichen. toilet on first floor; 4 large square bedrooms, Bleeping porch and tile bath on second floor, hardwood .floors throughout, finished attic with bath; lots of shrubbery and fruit trees with room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $6000. This up-to-date 5-room bungalow Is Just being completed, has hardwood floors, buffet, all built-in conveniences, fireplace, full concrete basement, 50x100 lot. on paved streets; $1500 cash, bal. terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $30 to $200 CASH, and $10 to $20 per month or yearly pay ments. Interest 6 per cent per annum, will buy a lot anywhere and build small bungalow, select plans, build on lot al ready owned or partly paid for any where in the CITY Or SUBURBS. PHONE MAIN 8150. BUNGALOW BUILDERS. 230 8tark St, Portland, Or. HAWTHORNE. 5-room cottage: renla.ee. large lot. 1m provements paid ; one block to car; $4250, $500 cash. I have other good buys In this district. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. S2 Fourth sfV Main 4522. 90x1 0O LOT, fruit trees, shrubbery, plenty oi garaen space, - gooa lawn, cnicicen house. 5-room bungalow In fine condi tion, electric lights, gas, full plumbing, cement basement and laundry trays ; price only $3100, $1700 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. AN ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee or your tiue. it is merely a nistory or your title. A title Insurance rolicv is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a title insurance policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. T rooms1, bungalow type, block to car; nrepiace. rurnace. nne condition; ivory nuiHu; o.', uuu casn. C. M. DERK. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. k TITLE insurance policy Is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title insurance policy. No aDHintci rwjuii co. j. ine oe irufll com' pany. LAURELHURST. a t o i- Vrm a inn-t fnrrt nlof 1 - plumbing. Gasco furnace; $1600." terms. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW Nearly new 6-room bungalow "with every new feature; French doors, old ivory iinisn, oesi oaa noors tnroughout, funman Dreaaia-st nooa ; nice lawn ; at tic; a real snap at $000, terms. Phone Tabor 4r. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. .6-room bungalow and attic; all built ins. full lot, cement basement, near school and car; owner going- east; for quicn. aaig fiow eusu. Jiar. .i iJ&li, WHEN you get a title insurance policy you do not need an abstract of title. One premium pays . for all time. Title A Trust company. nvtr T X C K from Rnn Cttv SPa-.'It ai 1 9-room house, $4000. Call owner. Tabor 1333. . TITLE insurance saves time and money De cause no Boanavi la required, xitie Trust company. $2000 NEAT 4-rm. cottage, fruit, ber ries. E. 10 th st. McFarland, Failing bldg. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title Insurance. No abstract re qutred. Ttitie A Trust company. VERY choice Rose City bungalow, strictly up to the minute: $8000, terms. Edwin J acobson. Tabor 7S53. Main 5642. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trust company. ROSE CITY PARK $750. value at $5300; 10O feet from car; best buy in Portland. 657 E. 65th st. Tabor 9354. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. A FEW OF THE MANY HOME BARGAINS. IRVINGTON 8-room Colonial, on cor ner lot. hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, 4 fine, airy bedrooms. lots of built-ins; double garage; price $10,500; term. ALAMEDA 6 rooms, den and sleep ing porch. full basement. hardwood floors in main rooms. 1 bedroom down. 2 upstairs and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, lots of bullt-ms. screened back posch. furnace, fireplace, beautiful lawn and shmbbery; two blocks to car. Price t:j0. Good terms. LAURELHURST Two 6-room -houses, , full basement, furnace, fireplace. 3 bed rooms each; oak: floors in main rooms. One has garage; dirt cheap at $4500 and $4750. Any reasonable terms. See J. A. Mccarty. 270 stark st. Main 1700; event-ngs and Sunday Tabor 5o57. IRVINGTON. Who wants a nice little 6-room house? Hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, garage, all complete, for only $6000, terms. MBTZGER-PARKER CO., 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. ALSO a dandy 6-room house, close In, near Broadway. Needs some repairs; price only $4200. See this. METZGER-PARKER CO.. 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. $7000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME $7000. This is a modern 8-room colo nial home; fireplace, furnace! all built-ins; beautiful view lot; re stricted district, west side. Rea sonable .terms. Tabor 308!; no agents. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Most elaborate, nearly new 7-room bungalow with garage ever built in city; old ivory finish. Immense living room with French doors to sun and dining rooms, kitchen with Pullman breakfast nook and every known convenience, 3 fine bedrooms and attic, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath with heavy-base tub and shower attachment; full cement basement with automatic furnace; near park. Tabor 407. HOME IN PORTSMOUTH. 7-room modern home, two short blocks from car, 5 lots, bearing orchard, plenty of fruit, good soil, house has double plumbing, cement basement, wide porch on two sides, f irepiace, garage; price for 5 lots and house, .$5000, or 3 lots and -house, $4o00. 1 lot and house, $000. Cal4 for appointment. A. W. LAMBERT A SON. 120 Grand ave.. cor. E. Alder. East 640. MOVE RIGHT IN This cozy new 4-r. bungalow, one block from car, near Union and Dekum aves. Full plumbing. white enamel kitchen and bath, 2 bedrooms and clos ets, hall and smalt basement; front and back porches, cement walks; large lot; good streets. Everything paid and in cluded in price of $2650; $500 cash, $25 a month. Owner. 417 Abingdon Bldg. Main 5988. HOME PURCHASERS. LISTEN. THE BEST BUY IN THE CITY OP PORTLAND. Beautiful 8-room modern home, Irv ington ; newly painted Inside and out, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath room, garage, tireplace, full cement base ment. furnace. Owner, 691 E. 16t, st. N. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $4750.00. Very modern 5-6 room new bunga lows ; hardwood floors. Radiant heat fireplace; breakfast nook: cement base ment ; finished in old ivory ; papered walls; fixtures and window shades in cluded. Garage. All city liens paid. $1000 dowji, baL terms. George A Ross, 404 Gerlinfeer bldg., owner. Marshall 808. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $6000. Attractive 6-room bungalow, located on E. Flanders near Park; entrance hall, large living and dining rooms, kitchen wired for electric stove; 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs and 1 bedroom smd attic upstairs; oak . floors, fireplace and fur nace; large lot with lots of room for ga rage; a real snap, terms. Tabor 407. EASY WALKING DISTANCE." Well-built, well-appearing two-story eight-room house; modern plumbing. good furnace, two toilets, good garage, full lot; no Incumbrance; just across Broadway bridge; price $5500; one-half cash. See Mr. Stephens, Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Two strictly modern' bungalows, one brand new, one nearly new ; both weil located in Irvington district; terms if desired. See owner, 670 E. 15 th st. North. No agents. HOME IN WOODLAWN. 7-room modern home, two blocks from street car; fu'll basement, ground 75x125 with alley, house completely furnished; also good family cow and some chickens Price $3700. liberal term. A. W. LAMBERT A SON. 120 Grand ave., cor. E. Alder St. East 4M0. AM BUILDING some - four-room bunga lows on E. 47th st. near Division. Street improvements In and paid for. About one-thdrd cement basement. Plumbing installed ; woodwork in white finish ; wadls nicely papered. Prices from $3300 to $3500. Terms to right party. No agents. Main 830S or Aut. 210-94. FOR SALE: ROSE CITY. Yes! Owner wants to sell not for profit but for quick sale, less than cost. Come let me prove it. New 7-rm. bunga low, large rooms, built for home; all modern features; garage: very attrac tive; only $7iXK; some terms. For in spection phone Mar. 102 MODERN 5-R. BUNG A LOW $ 355 ft. Built-in. buffet, bookcases, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. Located on beautiful corner in Waverly Heights. Improvements all in and paid. A mighty good buy. L. K. PEEMSTER. 417 ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON SNAP $B250. Classy 2story 6-room house on corner; Just repainted and decorated inside and out, old ivory finish ; oak floors, fire place, furnace 3 bedrooms; near car; room for garage : biggest snap in city ; terms. Tabor 407. SWISS cottage. East 3 7th, Lambert ave.; 8 rooms, two natns, n. w. noors. mirrors; FOUR years old; perfect condition; 2 fireolaces: absolutely modern, with every convenience. By owner, leaving city rea son for selling. Mam 4835, Sellwood 2ul evenings. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE $4100. Located on the west side, near 14th and Columbia sts.; 13 rooms, two-family house: two complete sets of plumbing. lot 37VixlOO; income $44 monthly; $loo0 cash, balance monthly. red w. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. LAURKLHURST BARGAIN NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, FINISHED IN H'flHV KNA.M rjLt. BLULK TU CAH CLOSE TO SCHOOL; $6500. INCLUDING ALL ASSESSMENTS. OWNER, TABOR 3828. $3,"00 A 5-ROOM bungalow on Belmont, gains in two hours tha n you can find in two months. See J. P. McKenna. al most 14 years on Belmont at 34Lh. Ta bor 6403. 1800 00. S-room new bungalow, toilet, lavatory and sink; lighting fixtures, window shades: finished in up-to-date old ivory and white enamel. Lot 40x132. $400 cash, bal. terms. Marsnau ooo. 4-ROOM house, Mississippi car line. 50x100 lot, good location; nun trees, an sons of shrubbery; near Jefferson high and Thompson . school; house at 877 Missis sippi ave; price $2000 cash or $3100 easy terms. xrr a ha i.tc BY OWNER 7-room house. temont huemetit. furnace, 2 blocks from car line, within walking distance of high Phone Woodlawn 1340. $5300. WITHIN 50 FEET ROSE CITY CAR. MODKRN 7-room house. Bargain. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence. East 6771. ATTRACTIVE bungalow, Richmond dlst., 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace; fireplace, etc. Close in and a snaip at $5000; some terms. Max. 3993- ALAMEDA PARK. Modern -6-room house, corner lot, 50 sclOO, for., sale by owner. Phone Wood lawn 4446. $7950 CASH. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, elegantly furrirhed. 1040 E. 18th street N., phone wooaiawn PIEDMONT 1H -story 7-room modern house near union and KiHingswbrth garage: no dealers. Phone owner. Wood' lawn 57i6J IRVING-TON BUNGALOW, $6750, terms Y,ft huv in Irvington: &U oak finnm 6 rooms, S. P garage. Neuhauserr. Mam 8078. 5-ROOM bungalow in Rose City; h. floors, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement ; .very nest construction. Owner, 346 E. 4Utn im. rnce 4iou. iaoor 7853, IRVINGTON Good home near 21st and Knott, " rooms, garage; move right in; $7500; terms. Neuhausen, Main 80 7 8. 8-ROOM house and lot near Elliot school close to car lines, xor sale by owner. East 3i. A 6-ROOM modern bungalow in Haw thorne with garae; some terms. Mar snau ayyj. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Willamette Heights, call owner, Alain REAL KSTATE, For Sale -Houses). LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON TH8 PACIFIC COAST. 1000 Photographs of Homec. FOR SALE. See , FRANK L. McGUIRE ' . To Buy Your Home. WHY PAY RENT when THE Mc GUIRE SYSTEM makes' it-so easy to OWN YOUR HOME? The System of REAL SERVICE! 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district. Every kind of home to SATISFY YOUR REQUIREMENTS. EVERY HOME PER SONALLY INSPECTED AND AP PRAISED. Hundreds of REMARKABLE BARGAINS. 21 experienced, courteous salesmen with autos at your SERVICE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. NEVER AGAIN! ! Will you GET SUCH A SPLENDID ROSE CITY AT THIS LOW PRICE! A SACRIFICE In & WONDERFUL VALUE 5-room TYPICAL BUNGALOW! It has bookcases, massive buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, HARDWOOD FLOORS. BREAKFAST NOOK, INVERTED LIGHTS; IDEALLY LOCATED. E. 67th. Price for QUICK SALE. $4450. terras. ITS A GUARANTEED VALUE. UNUSUAL "WESTMORELAND. $3900 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO GET the BEST! You'll set It here. 7 room. homelike, sheltering bun galow. ENCLOSED SLEEPING PORCH, clever builtins to save your time; 4 sunny bedrooms, splendid furnace, TERMS. Reed- way. just east of Milwaukle. clo.e to car and school. WHY NOT . SOLVE YOUR INCREASING i. rnuUbUM TODAY 7 WE HAVE 80 HAWTHORNE3. LOOK AT THIS ONE. 4750 A BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE oungaiow of o rooms, with i truly inviting;, cordial home at mosphere! BUILT-INS; solid paneled dining room : cosy fire . place nook; FURNACE; GA RAGE; close to car and school: E. 48th. TERMS. You couldn't Degin to ouiid It for ANY WHERE NEAR THE PRICE ' ASKED And there's others at &n prices : YOlTLL CALL THf VALUE! ALBSRTA HOMES. S370O TYPICAL 5-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW! rooms cheerful and 'pleasant; HARDWOOD FLOORS; Ideally clean WHITE DUTCH iw i.rte,N ; full concrete base ment with SPLENDID PIPELESS f ukwai'K! i block to car; close to school: E. 2tith near Al berta. We have 80 ALBERTA DON'T HESITATE! $3200 IRVINGTON PARK'S SUPE RIOR BUNGALOW! 6 well-arranged rooms; BUILT-IN LABOR SAVERS; Dutch kitchen; best ' white enamel plumbing: elec tricity; gas; SLEEPING PORCH E. 27th. TERMS. LOOK AT THIS TODAY I MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED! $2300 HOT-WATER HEATING SYS - TEM! 5-room ARTISTIC BUN GALOW with built-ins and a . - SPLENDID HOT-WATER HEAT ING SYSTEM. You'll RECOG NIZE THE VALUE AT A GLANCE! E. 80th. in MontA vllla district. . TERMS. OWN YOUR HOME! IT'S JUST AS EASY. $2700 Just like new, delightful 5-room WAVERLY-RICH MONO bunga low, cosy and neat; white Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. paved street liens Said. Francis ave. We have 56 omes In Waveriy-Richmond. The above are only a few of the over 10OO homes we have for sale. Hundreds of remarkable home bargains which may never occur again. DON'T BE A RENT ER ALL YOUR LIFE: it doesn't pay. Every district , in the entire city. Prices and terms that will suit your purse. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg, Main 1068. Third St., between "Wash, and Stark. 5-ROOM bungalow, rec. hall. good-size living room with cosy corner window seat; dining- room with window seat; VM.ui.ry, ; oearooms and bath. Iul4 base ment. This, house has been newly dec orated and painted inside and out. Is o years old. lull basement. 50xl0O lot. Some nice fruit, 2 blocks from Killings worth ave. Price $310, $630 cash. Va cant. O. A. PEARCB, 815 Chamber Commerce. Main 3-G38. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. $000O; S-room modern residence on E. Madison, near 15th; has fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors in dining room, living room and hall ; street improve ments in and paid. $3000 cash, balance morigase. rnone Main 27. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding; Bldg ARTISTIC? RlINT.il.nw This is a beauty if you're looking for . rem nome cau me. Aast 73. Irvington. A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN A BEAUTI FUL DISTRICT. felx lovely rooms and sleeping porch, hdw. floors in livinar room rfinin p.mm and reception hall; furnace, fireplace and tcmeni uasemeni; ooxioo imp. all in; lots of shade; all for $57o0, terms. Aiumeua rant. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. K-tcr-i rox o-room and hath, story-and- ua.i oanjaicm; xirepuace, ouiit-ins; base inenL, garage; soutn ot Lombard near Aioraa. tvtooo, aw cash. This Is i nice place and can't go wronr on Knn ton property. It's the fas teat-growing O. A. PBARCE, 81-6 Chamber Commerce. Main 338. ONE ACRE, 6-ROOM HOME. BELL STATION LOT OF FRUIT. Ready to move right in.' House com pieieiy iurnisnea; also cow. chickens. etc. Cheap car fare. You can work in city and live here. Price $3600, cash $200, balance long time. Some of the i ine&L irun irees. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH- 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3250. iao casn, balance like rent; street graded, cement walks, sewers In and paid; one block from hard-surfaced i rewt. 4i oiocks irom car and close school. BROWS' A GRANT, 201-3 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 8222. ON1LY $3850 TERMS. 5-room, large attic, firepace, oak Ira; uirvacr, ixiiiror ura., Deamea and- pan eled; buffet; L. R. 14x16; elp.. pr.. 80x100 pavea; ounganow of cla-nt; built for ii o me. a p p i-es . pears, cue rrie. etc. 6 biks. MV car. MAI1N 4803 MAIN 4803. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, fire-place. Dutch Kitcnen, run oasement, laundry trays electric light and gas: 2 blocks from Aiuena car: price stsuo; tiO0 down balance monthly payments. Wdin. 1370, oio Aioeria street. $42O0 ROSB CITY PARK BUNGALOW. iarge living room, an with fire place, large dining room with built-in outlet, uuicn Kitcnen witn large break fast room In old ivory, three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs. 727 E. 72-d st . -n . i a d or wv 4 . owner. RE A I TI Kl ; I. K-rnnm mrAtr- K,. hardwood floors throughout, stain and white er.amal finish, built-in bookcases ana Dunei, jjui.cn Kitcnen, fireplace beautiful 50x100 lot; 37uo, $20o0 cash. JUtl. SOiN -iU UKON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787, $52COI 7-ROOM ROSE CITY HOME. Furnace, fireplace, built-ins. slct-uin pr.; jmt like new; In pink condition; aim. ru ; wxiw. Aiain G. C. GOLDENBERQ. Aiblngton Bldg. "5 Years in Portland SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Two modern residence flats. 9146 E Morrison street, near 30th. one block irom ounnysiae car. trice 4&oO; terms TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. ROSE CITY 6 rooms, all in fine condi , tlon, hardwood floors, all built-ins, fur 1 nace. full cement basement, all kindn r. fruit and flowers, close to car. full lot. paved and paid. $5500, with about half casn. aii xviarsnaii aao'z. IRVINGTON bungadow. 440 E. 21st st. N, iarge living room, aining room, sunroom. lunge Mi.ucn, -r-j uturoom ana oat first floor; 3 bedrooms second floor, rwner, c.at iuio. BEAUTIFUL home of 4 rooms. large i looreu UrL-iv, neany an acre, o i ni trees; nice view, goo a location, nea: car. Will sell very reasrona-ble. Good terms. wain, oaw or wain. 070. ALBERTA. $2SoO. terms: 5 rooms. flr place, bookcae, buffet, built-in kitchen batn, luu -oasement. diock to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank -Bldg. Main 3787, WILL take a car or a good building n for equity in a 7-room house in good O. A, PEARCE. 815 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3638, . ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room modern bungalows hard 1 wood floors; furnace ; fireplace ; garage auxiuu lot. a gooa Duy. iast 7t7 IRVINGTON Exceptional house; also Piedmont wveiy o-room house; no agents, mast ou. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, fireplace, close in, pargain. tduu. Main 715. AT SACRIFICE, semi-modern house, bedrooms, near car. Owner, Tabor 4489. SEE THIS 6-room house, garage, excellent location: price Boo. East 2009. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern. $lo&0, $1 cash. East 7848. FOR tSALE 1-room modrn bungalow with lot noxio. cau Columbia 1224 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BEST CORNER IN ROSE CITY PARjT. I am offering for sale for the first time my beautiful 7-room two-story house. This is one of the most modern . and up-to-date homes you will find in the entire district and Is located on the most desirable corner in Rose City Park. The color scheme is mahogany and ivory and the fine tapestry paper which covers all the walls makes a most at tractive appearance. The rooms are all large and conveniently arranged. Front porch extends clear across front of house. Large reception room with wind ing stairway. Living room and dining room separated by 'large arch. Very handy kitchen with splendid built-in features and new inlaid linoleum on the floor. Cosy breakfast room. Back porch extends across entire back of house. The second floor is very attractive. Large hall connects the 3 bedrooms with the bath. Each room has large closet with window. My hardwood floors are the best money will buy. Furnace, full ce ment basement. GOOD GARAGE. Nice lawn. Lots of rose bushes, fruit trees and a garden. Two blocks to car, six to school. Improvements all in and paid. Immediate possession given. Price $6SOO. Owner will show property by appointment. Call Broadway 779. BEAUTIFUL NEW LAURELHURST HOME $8500. This moderrt 1 M: -story bungalow, two blocks from Laurel hurst pairk, built for owner, well constructed and beautifully finished, with expensive lighting fix tures, shades and wallpaper; bent lino lcum in kitchen and bathroom, high grade plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, beveled plate glass mirror door, plate gl-ass window, French doors, attractive tire-place and bookcases, screens on doors and windows, large ce ment basement, laundry trays, best fur nace and every modern convenience. Garage, soUd cement drive. Beautiful lawn, flowers and shade trees, lot 50ot 100. Call 1233 EAST PINE ST. EAST OF FORTY-FIRST ST. ROSE CITY-PARK $5500. Five rooms and sleeping porch, bard wood floors tapestry wall paper, fire place, built-in buffet and bookcases; full x cement basement; furnace: wash trays; paved street. This house is double con - structed and built of the best materials throughout. $2000 down, bal. like rent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. VACANT. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $4600, terms, just completed, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, large glassed sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen, all built-Ins, fin ished in vory and enamel, full basement (cement), double constructed through out; others are asking $tiO0, deal direct with builder and owner; paving in and paid for. See this today. 1 will be on premises from 1 to 5, or phone East mid; iax Aioerra car to tsi Aioerta st. DUTCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x1 32. ADJOINING IjOT AVAILABLE AND VACANT; UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF CITY AND MOUNTAINS. CLOSE IN ON CAR LINE; 10 ROOMS. 8 BATHS, HOT WATER HEAT. OAK FLOORS. MAHOGANY AND FIVE COATS WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY AO fEll CENT FOR LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL HOUSE IN IRV INGTON AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE. RESIDENCE PHONE MAIN 3363. UST look at this. Mr. and Mrs." Home seeker. One of those fine, well-built 6-room residences, SOxlOO ft. lot. hard surtace streets, close to school, stores and good car service: only $350. I have many other homes from $2O00 to $uOQO on which I can quote a home seekbr reasonable prices and ttrme. J. B. H olhrook, 214-215 Panama bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement, hardwood floors, mfrrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white and ivory nniKh ; choice, neat, desirable; on Haw thorne car line at 27th avenue ; terms reasonable. By owner. Tabor JooJ. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern California bun galow, in perfect condition; six rooms, hardwood floors, furnace fireplace wash trays, 2 blocks car, lot 00x100; this is a beautiful home; price $.1500, $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.; 165 4th St. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. By owner, six-room bungalow, built one year, with all convenience. Includ ing gas water heater, electric range, etc.; living room 2Sxl8; lawn, shrubs, (lowers all In. also screens, screen door and awn ings. Phone 317-30. Terms. 710 E. 22d st. North. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything : furnish pla.114 ana finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc. 24 N. W, Bank bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Modern 10 rooms, living room. 12x25 ft., house finished in old Ivory, hard wood floors, large . fireplace, furnace, garage. 14x28 ft.; beautiful grounds seme native trees. For quick sale owner wilt sacrifice. Owner, Marshall 24G. ATTENTION. HOMB BUYERS. W have several Rood barsains In both new and old houses In Irvington at prices considerably oeiow tne market. tail 1 1 ti iV i II. V-VJ.K O l AUv 1 -KJ., home builders, tiOO East 15th st. North, Telepnor.es, Jast j-i.i,. automatic MUST settle estate; S-room house; closed for 2 families to live separately or open for 1 large lamiiy: ngnt. airy rooms large sleeping porch and front porch furnace, electricity, gas; corner 50x loo. Best buy in Irvington park. Wdln. 2t.2fl. LAURELHURST. Strictly ' modern 7-room bungalow. hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat, garage, lot 75x100. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1H00. Residence. East 6771. ROSE CITY PARK. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; beauti ful modern -story colonial; improved streets; choice location. A bargain at 1 1500. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 ABINGTON BLDG. HOUSE plans! "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints and specifications. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. MT. TABOR. A bargain; W-room house, $8700; hard wood floors, cement basement. 2 fire places, garage, fruit, 3 lots. Take clear property as first payment. Automatic 10-0. 5-ROOM HOUSE. $2750. Corner lot, 50x100, paved street, full basement, good plumbing, small pay ment down, balance monthly. 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 5549. SELLWOOD SACRIFICE, $3000. Double constructed tt-room house, al most new ; full cement basement, wash travs; paved streets; some terms. Mar. 1022. THE 8-ROOM residence at 96ft East Couch st., which is located on iouxioo with sewer and all street liens paid, may be had for $5000. If interested after seeing the property, call Main 3767. COLONIAL IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Six roitms; oak floors, two fireplaces, tile bath, extra toilet, garage, old ivory; owner leaving city. til!l E. lth N. ; j ' t km) cash, balance $70 monthly. SUNNYSIDE home. S rooms, weil arrajyfed. pinK condition , cm nei , uuiueuiaie pos session ; carpets, linoleum, range and winter's fuel, all for $tf0O0. E. S. Jack son. -07 Ry. Exchange bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern bungalow, 6 rooms, all on one floor. Fox furnace, garage, etc, yard and fruit; ideal location. Price $4500, IliOO cash. Owner. 330 Glenn ave. IRVINGTON. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. FINE BUILT-INS, FRENCH DOORS. FRUIT, OARAGE: GOOD BUY; OWNER LEAV ING. ZIMMERMAN, 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ROSE CITY PARK. We have several strictly modem bun galows priced around $5000. Let ui show you before you buy. G. G. McCOKMlC CO.. Main 8220. .roomh6use, only $350O. " Think of it; on paved street, corner. 58 xloO, garage, email payment aown, bal ance monthly. Call 420 Blenry Bldg. - Broadway 5549. GIVING AWAY. I must sell corner lot, 2 houses, 5 and 6 rooms, nearly modern; rent for $70 month; 6:u0, terms; near East Burnside and aSth st. w .mt. uregonian. . $7500. Walking distance, east side: good 8- room house, iuu lot. pavea street. POINDEXTER. 20H SELLING BLDG. Main 1S00. Residence. East 771. 7-ROOM house, four bedrooms, hardwood flours aownsi&irs, iuu concrete oase ment, furnace, garage, corner lot 50x100, Owner. East 333. VACANT! VACANT 1 HAWTHORNE. Walking distance: tt-room modern house, corner lot, iurnace, fireplace $ 4 500 ; terms, lar. 1022. R.ROOM house. 2 lots on 84th st. S. E i vlrwlr rnm car. electric litfhts anH tra u full plumbing. Price $2500; terms. Phone East iu. BEST buy in Sunnyside. 5-room modern cottage, an improvements in ana paid only $2650; $650 cash. 229 E. 34th st IRVINGTON HOMES. McJDonell, 600 East lath. At, East 418, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. HOMES ON EASY TERMS. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. GARAGE. Modern 5-room bungalow, large floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays. ftsplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, ea- I rage; paved sts. and sewers paid. Only $ooo cash, balance rent terms. e-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3200. KUxlOO, BEARING FRUIT. 6 rooms on first floor, fireplace, ce ment basement, HOIOO, all kinds of bearing fruit, only 2 blocks to car; $600 casn, Daiance o montn. SUNNYSIDE HOME. An attractive 7-room home, 1 bedroom, bath and toilet down. 3 bedrooms up; cement basement, Dutch kitchen, 50x180 I lot, ail Kinds of bearing fruit, paved sts. ana sewers paid. .Price $34dUt terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 806-308 Board of Trade Building. Broadway 4754. 93250 WTtST FIDE BUNGALOW. Here it is, fotr-t; just what you want. NEAR CORBETT AND CARLONIA. SUNNY. SOUTHERN PORTLAND. - blocks) car. view of mountains and harbor: 6 large., well-arranged too rms with finest decorations, built-ins, fire place, buffet, sleeping porch, cement basement, porcaiain plumbing, garage, nice lot, SO min. N-S car; no bridges to cross; nice neighborhood. You could not expect to huild a home like this I lor let, a than $454)0; that is -positive. Now, the house is practicably new and in pink of condition. All we want is a couple of prospects to show It to and it's surely sold. Terms arranged. Don't aeiay. Main 4WX1. G. C. GOLDENBERQ. Abinpton Bldg. "35 Years rn Portland.' MT. TABOR. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Selected materials and skilled work manship are everywhere reflected In this substantial Mt. Tabor home, with its 3 I large, wen-arranged oearooms. with clos ets and sleeping porch upstairs, large living room with excellent fireolace and built-in bookcases, music room, dining I room witn nanusome DUiit-in ounet, French doors, -inch hardwood floors. jjucca Kitcnen, cement basement, tur nace, laundry trays, garage. In Al con dition, street improvements all in and paid; walking distance to Franklin high scnooi. .Main 74 . RODNED AVE.. FINE tf-R. HOME. $5000. in ice u-room nouse in pink 01 condi tion, electricity, gas, furnace, bath, full cement basement, trays, buffet, white enamel and mahogany woodwork, 3 I bedrooms, trench doors In living rooms, 1 fine lot, SOxlOO, all city work In and paid: about 12 fine full-bearing fruit 1 trees, loaded with fruit: fino chlcKen run with three small houses, lots of choice roses; on Rodney ave., nea- Jef ferson high school, close In; price ouvy, some terms. fcno wn py appoint ment only. GRUSSI Jb BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. UNOBSTRUCT1BLE SWEEPING VIEW BUNGALOW. $4."00. A never-to-be-shut-out view of several snow-capped mountains, full lot, paved street, sewe cement basement, laundry trays, large living room with fireplace. built-in buffet and Innumerable other built-ins, Dutch kitchen, restricted, ex clusive district, attractive architecture. Its splendid construction and excellent condition, these and many other desira ble features all combine to make, this an ideal home. Let me show It to you. easy terms. vacant. Main 74ST. ROSE- CITY PARK. 2 blocks Rose Citv Parle onr 1 utorr. double constructed, li-room. modern bun galow. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, completely furnished for $4vrO, $1loo cash. If you don't need the fur niture, we will reduce the price $500 and WKe wt as nrst payment. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. SJ70O THIS lias been reduced from $4200. owner just simply must sell: rooms and batii, also sleeping porch 1 first floor, attic and one finished room up. Full basement all built ins. even dressers. Let us show you. Our autos at your service. It places you under no obligations. 1 erms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 'SHORTEST WAY HOME." 24 Stark st. Main D04 and 5S3. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Ainsworth avenue and 3 blocks I east of fiedmont ; rooms all good size has furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. finished in white enamel, good attic, two 1 more rooms could be nnishea; &,xiw lot; price $4Jod, $1000 cash, balance easy terms. BROWN A GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. IRV1XOTOX HOME. Four nice rooms and sun porch down stairs; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and I batn upstairs; all white enamel llnisn; hardwood floors downstairs, bot-water heat. 2 fireplaces, running water in Jjed- ruoms. Price $7000, half cash. No agents. For an appointment addsess I owner. K. ob, oregonian. ' NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $0OOO. New 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern: hardwood Honrs, breakfast nook, fireplace, garage, 00x100 lot, on paved street; terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PIEDMONT HOME BELOW VALUE. On Williams avenue, les sthan blocks from car: 7 rooms and sleeping 1 porch, iurnace. nrepiace and all modern bullt-tns; one bedroom on first floor; splendid garage; surrounded by good Homes. I'rice terms. BROWN A GRANT, 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. 4-ROOM house near Columbia Park, three large rooms downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; also attic and full cement basement. Owners are leaving citv. have nrice very low. $4000. $1500 each, bal ance like rent. You can get additional I lots with fine fruit trees if desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. IRVINGTON WONDERFUL HOME. SI 6.0(H). On 23d. near Knott, real city home: beautiful living room. Ivory and mahog- any, 2 tiled 'baths. 2 white tiled fire places, la r ire bal.room in blrdaeye manle. large breakfast room; built about four years. fc-ast 4 1. VERY attractive 7-room bungalow, mod- ern except furnace, located 0205 E 45th st.. a. rJ.. ieet irom wooqsiock line; a bargain tor someDoay; must sell soon. S-e it. :o reasonable orrr re- I fused. Call Tabor 7o3 or Main 5642. BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit witn tne state or uregon to protect you against loss; yet it is cheap er than the abstract method. Title A Trust company. SEE THIS SWELL BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, large attic, all strictly tvj date; very pretty in every way; streets! and sewer paid. Rose City ca,r. Low price. Eayt terms. Tabor B'tf'J. POk SALE Modern five-room house on paved, street; gas ana cook, stove, iruit trees. 300 feet ground; street at back; 25 min. from Vwn, Mt. Scott car; $4500 cash. fnone lapor A TITLE insurance policy Is a guarantee 1 or tne title to your nome. w nen you huv your home have the titles insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trust I comrany. ABOUT four-fifths of an acre, all in cul tivation, ana gooa it-room boune. on 1 65th St., close to Hawthorne car. A. I mighty good buy at $3500. See Atchi-1 son. 204 Henry Diag. IRVINGTON. 7-room house, ail up to date, hardwood floors up and down; line lor the price. $0500; easy terms. McDONELL. EAST 419. A.KOOM house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage, near 2 good car Hues; $40tK. 510011 casn, balance terms. 1 - JOHNSON-DUUiSUN CO., 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. TWO GOOD, modern, 7-room houses, full hsBements. aos-tfio uoroett at.. 1mm. diate possession, $3000 each. David 8. . Stearns, on corptti piag. IRVINGTON 7-room home near Kno.tt, one biocit to car ana scnooi; i50U. EAST 419. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance policy. iNO aostraci required Title A Trust company. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, attic, furnace, cor ner lot 50x100, garage; price $050. B. M Price A Co., 200 Henry bldg. Broad- TITLE insurance is the modern way of I nanallliK lUien iw rett eetiu.ee. UUick'er, costs less and no abstract required. Title ' & Trust company. LAURELHURST. 116 LADDINGTON COURT. Strictly modern, sightly location; 8- roona residence ; cash or terms. Owner. WE HAVE already examined the title to I your property and can issrfe you a title I Insurance policy without delay. Title A I Trust company. WHY PAY RENT of $20 to $25 per month when you can ouy a o-room cottage on i. disi: near iui iid.' HEXRYi W. GODDARD, 143 Stark St. WHEN you purchase your home have the title lnsurea. iet a title insurance poL lcty. line oc irui u. ' - HAWTHORNE $44XK sacrifice, $500 value: new five- room modern, near school. Tabor IX5: 8-ROOM house. restricted district, nice grounds, &01 43 isorta. labor lyou. REAL ESTATE. BIECK CAREY CORPORATION, REALTORS. " MAIN 74S7. Se the Photographs of our larre. carefully chosen listing before you select your home; we have desirable homes for sale in every section of the city. ALBERTA, suooo. Very substantial 5-room bungalow on full corner lot ; large well-arranged rooms, cement basament. best of plumb ing; $5o0 down will buy this place. It 1 very sooa. vaiuo. PENINSULA. $2IO0. $500 DOWN. Tf you have ever fallen heir to any thing you will appreciate being able to get a no use liRe tnis at this or ice. It is well built, on a full rot, 1 block from car and 2 blocks to school: cement base ment, laundry trays. 2 fine bedrooms, best of Diumbint on Rnlrt w in. near Washburn; fine kitchen range and sev eral cords of wood included. 1INSWORTH. NEAR 15TH. $2750. $ti00 own will tflkn thi 7-room hnnse with 4" upstairs bedrooms; larse living room with fireplace, cement basement with laundry trays ; piped for furnace. This is a substantial, attractive house, weil worth the money; easy monthly payments. SELLWOOD. $2200. Six-room bungalow type house. 8 Bed rooms, built-Jn buffet. Dutch kitchen. gas, electricity; full lot, paved street, 1 block from car; furniture $300 more. This is very line value: easy terms. PENTVfTJIA, $575. Modern 7-room bun train w with 2 lanra sleeping rooms downstairs and - up. r in est of plumbing, cement basement, laundry trays : lot 50x105; close to car; large living room with fireplace. House is In A-l condition and may be had for small down payment. BIHR CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AJsD STARK STREETS. MAIN 74 87. OPEN EVENINGS. A WORD ABOUT HIGH-CLASS HOMES. We have a CHOICE SELECTION of classy bururalows and houses in very desirable home locations in ail exclusive sections of Portland, rang ing in price from 57;o to yjv.ooo. Every one of these offerings are passed unon and inspected by our expert Appraiser. We REFUSE TO OFFER FOR SALE some properties tnat are not. in our judirment. FuLLi WORTH THE PRICES asked by the owners! We protect the beat inter ests of buyers and see to it that the VALUE IS THERE! That's the REASON WE'RE SELLING SO MANY high-class homes. See J. W. Cross ley. Mgr., High Class Home Dept., with FRANK L. McfJUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. A-bington Bldg. Main IOCS. LADD'S ADDITION. 869 HEMLOCK ST. A beautiful home, just put on the market, and located In one of the choicest spots in this addi tion. We are ottering at a very moderate price. 6 bedrooms, largj living and dining rooms, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, beautiful sun room, electric fixtures and plumb ing; the best money can buy; pa rage. Drive by and see this home. You will not be disappointed. Shown by appointment only. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., Broadway 2UB0. 85 4th St. ROSE CITY PARK. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. S4050. Everything that one likes and might reasonably expect to find in a home you will find in this strictly modern 5 room bungalow. For instance, it is on a full lot, has paved street with sewer. loveiy surrounamgs. aesiraoie neighbor hood. A larjce living room with ti re place, a built-in buttet in the dining room, Dutch kitchen with Its innumer able built-ins, 2 large, airy bedrooms, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors. old ivory woodwork, lots of other things that make a home desirable. You will agree this is a bargain. May be had on terms. Main 7487. TWO 5-ROOM COTTAGES. On Upshur St., near Montgomery Ward bldg.; lots 25x100; can sell for $1600 each, t-00 down, balance same as rent. They are extra good places for the money asked. See us soon, as they will go quick. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., Bdwy. 85 4th St. jmsr.o -JS5 5-RM. SUNNY I DE BUNGALOW, $4O00 FOR $i:S50. Has flrepia.ee. furnace, built-ins, full cement basement, laundry trays, gas, choice electric fixtures, shades, large floored attic, sewer and walks paid; all double constructed; vacant; elegant con dition; fract. lot; 4 car lines; terms. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, O. C. GOLDEN HE KG, Abington Dldg- Main 4803. HANDSOME LAURELHURST HOME. One ot the mot elaborate 2-stor? bungaJows with garage and every new feature, including rich od Ivory finish. French doors, finest oak floors through out, dainty breakfast room, one fine bed room and bath downstairs; three large, square bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs ; finished basement with biUiard room; located on East Flanders street in most exclusive section, near car and park; less than four years old and never offered before. Ta-bor 407. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. 4200 MODERN BUNGALOW $4200. Large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, nice dining room with built-in bullet, medium-sized cab inet kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, nice ce ment basement and floor, also wash trays. Fine lot. facing east,, good close in district; 500 to $luM cash, bal ance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. A RBAL BARGAIN. Bungalow in the center of Piedmont; 7 rooms; modern and in excellent con dition; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, nice righting fixtures and ail kinds of built-ins. convenient to good car serv ice, schools and Peninsula Park; price SOoOO; terms. BROWN A GRANT, 201-2 Fenton B!dg. Broadway S222. WEST PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. oi00. Neat 5-room bungalow on large cor ner lot, 65x1 OO ft. only 10 minutes by auto from business center, 1 blk. from beautiful Willamette blvd. 10OO down, good terms for balance. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTEK. LOWE A CO.. 2OT-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNG A. LOW. 5OO0. The owner's written and witnessed consent to part with this bungalow at this price prevents one from Justly ac cusing the purchaser of stealing It. Let me tell you about the house and the terms on which it may be had. Fred Everson, Main 7487. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City, 1 diock 011 car line, iuocks to school, hardwood floors in 4 rooms, fireplace, buiit-in bookcases buffet, stain and white enamel finish, beautiful 5ox loo lot; $4750, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ftS3 N. V . Bank hi d g Main 3787. CENTRAL IRVINGTON. Corv six-room house, splendid location on ls'th st.. near Thompson; sVception hall and living room opening together, fireplace, ivory iinish downstairs; weil buiit and easy to heat; garage, sleeping porch, full basement and Fox furnace. Call East 91$ or East 4S;16. ROSE CITY PARK. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 7-room house with two lots on , Sandy blvL; every modern conven ience and improvements, including sun room, sleeping porch, etc. Price $12,500. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main S31. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. Owner must leave this week. Imme diate possession 9-room bungalow; cor ner lot; hardwood floors; built by day labor for home. Extra features Fur nace, fireplace, garage; 2 blocks to car; east front. Any reasonable terms. Mar shall 1022. GET TITLE insurance instead of an ab stract; it is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected affainet error. Title A Trust Company. ROSE CITY. PARK. 1430 Alameda, 6 rooms and bath, re ception hall, attic, full basement; house in line condition. ; Inquire on premises. REAL ESTATE. For 5ale LOOK AT THIS TODAY! DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED HOME! NEWLY BUILT. DOTBLB CON STRUCTED HOME; 6 ROOMS; VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW TYPE; ROOMS ARE AIRY AND COMFORT ABLE. IT'S VACANT; MOVE IN TO DAY. WELL PLANNED ROOMS. IDEAL WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN "WITH SUNNY BREAKFAST OOK ADJOINING. IVORY FINISH THROUGHOUT. OWNER LEAVING C ITT. TE RMS. A LIB ERAL DIS COUNT FOR CASH. ONLY $5990. EAST 17TH STREET NORTH, LOOK AT THIS TODAY. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068. 3D BETWEEN WASH. AND -STARK. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW, HU; 20O0 LES4 THAN COCSi. Thia beautiful buugalow is ail on or floor. Very artistic, 2 cemented patios, 2 beautiful stone fireplaces. Dutch, kitchen, with pass pantry. Breakfast room, large living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, good furnace, corner lot, with very artistic stone wall all around. Winding cement walks from corner ofi lot enters pergola and continues around house. Paved sts. Restricted district. This bungalow would cost fully $2otM more to build than we are asking for it. Price only $040O. Xabor OS. No as onus. NEATLY FURNISHED. Ready for housekeeping, 4-room cot tage and floored attic, clean and neat as) . pin; it has good bath, electric lights and gas; food dry basement, beautiful lot. with fruit, flowers, garden and. chicken house; 5 blocks to Montavilla carline. 8 blocks to Mount Tabor school. Only $2500 for complete outfit or J100 without the furniture. See this for a real snap. My auto is at your service E. W. HUtiHES. 507 Journal bids. Main 2S53. IRVINGTON. Elegant home; up-to-date; modern; large living room. reception room : dining room; very attractive; all In olii ivory ; hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen ; two fireplaces; three large bedrooms with extra large closets ; full cement basement ; fine furnace ; fine garage with cement driveway. Lot 60x1 15. Lawn, flowers and garden. Price $075O. Some cscih and terms ; owner going to California; this Is a bargain and you can move In at once. McClure A Srhmauch Co. SQfl Ry. Exch. Hid?., Main 1503. LAURELHURST HOME. $7G0Q Let us show you this fine home; ti rooms and bath. hdwd. floors throughout; beautiful built-ins. Largu living- room, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. Garaga. The bedrooms are exceptionally large with fine mountain view Terms. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. SHORTEST WAY HOME." SM Stark st. Main loiM and 5S3. VACANT. VACANT. $2475 EASIEST OF TERMS $2475. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE FOR RENTING? 7-room plastered, double-constructed house, small dirt haaement. good plumb ing, electric lights, gaa; lot UOxlOO; all kinda of berries, grapes, etc., several fruit trees. If yu want a good com fortable house that is more than worth the money. se this at once. Main "yt7. Mariels or Williams, 82 Clia.mber of Commerce hldg. PIEDMONT HOME SACRIFICE " Ownr leaving, must sell at once, large, beautiful living and dining1 room, fin ished in solid mahogany. . Beautiful built-in buffut. bookcases, hardwood floors, S large sleeping rooms, sleeping porch, large lavatory, best of fixture throughout ; hot water, furnace, full ce ment basement, ideal location, garage, excellent condition. This will bar in vestigation, only $6500. $2500 ca.ih, bal ance to suit. See owner today. Johnson, Marshall 1022. E. 2SD AND TAYLOR STS. 8 rooms, double constructed, up-to-date residence, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, le.und.ry trays. In fact everything that an up-to-date home should have, 70x10o lot. with 12 bearing fruit trees, between Hawthorne and Sunnyside carlines. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10U7 YeOtt hldff. COMPLETELY FTTRNTS'HET BUNGALOW FOR $25 A MONTH. The cutest bunffalow. Paved St., Rood, neighborhood, roses, nice big front porch, cement basement, good furniture and piano Included in price; only $-'1075, small payment down and $25 monthly. Keys at Tabor 3220. No- agents. ROSE CITY PARK. Six-Room Bungalow, Garage. $5350. Tdeal!v located below the hill In Rose City Park. Y.ou will admit the price is mighty low for this home. Hard woo floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, garage, etc. Reason- able terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near 4th. Main 3002. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $4800 NEW MODERN BUNGALOW $4S01 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, one floor, modern every way excepting furnace, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood firs., all kinds of bullt-tns. Dutch kitchen, attic ; house exceptionally well built, doubly constructed, every way. Term are easy. See this at once. Main 70C7. Mariels A Williams, b20 Cham, of Onm, bldg. $2750 MODERN BUNGALOW $2754. VACANT IN FEW DAYS. A REAL OLD-TIME BARGAIN. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, one floor, good basement, furnace, plumbing, elec tric lights, gits, some built-ins, near car. hard-surfaced street, easy terms. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams 8-0 . Cham, of Com. bldg. WEST PARK SACRIFICE. One of the best residence corners on West Park st., improved with excep tionally good, modern house of 9 rooms, full concrete basement, excellent heatlit? plant, choice location for apartments. If in the market for property of value thla nerits your Immediate attention. O. W. Bryan, 500 Chamber of Commerce. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN -HAWTHORNE ONLY $4O0O SOME TERMS. 5-room modern bungalow, nicely and completely furnished and winter's fuel in, all goes ; this is only 1 blocks to car and in the bent part of this district; immediate possession. B. F. KELLY. 715 S WETLAND BLDG. 5-rm. bungaldtr; hot water heat, garage, 3 wash trays, hardwood floors, etc.. By owner. 565 E. 63d st N. ROSE CITY. MUST SELL QUICK. Leaving city, price cut to $5000, ought to sell for $tiooo, modern "-rooms, si. porch, one block north Rose City carline. See this. Jacob Haas Main 6127, East 1304. OWNER will sell neat 7-room bungalow. double constructeu. new paint outside ; Frt-sh and clean inside, has good dry basement, wide porches, good fireplace; full lot, garage, 2 blocks to car line. Price and terms very reasonable. Call Tabor 7s53 or Main 5642. irvington! f Situated In a corner of beauty, m a --S with flowers, draped with vines; hall, Jiving, dining in old ivory, 4 bedrooms in whit hardwood floors, garage; $650o, terms $1000, balance $50 per month. Ea-vt 1347. MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGii in fine condition, corner lot 5oxl0o; base ment, furnace, trays, cement floor, bath, 2 toilets. Price $4500. Owner, 223 Skid more st. Be Your Own Landlord. 13-room modern house, arranged In 3 Apts., fine place, good income ; S50O0. , Snap. $2100 cash handles. Northwest Hotel News. 715 Couch Bldg. MODERN bungalow, six rooms, close in. Irvington; well furnished, thoroughly clean, for sale by owner. 400 Tillamool-'. open 10 to 2. JUST VACATED BE QUICK. 545 East '8th st., near Brooklyn; 5 room house, full lot. $2500; $500 cash, balance monthly. East 2W71. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Ideal home for family, with children, near car and school. Owner leaving city. Main 8076; evenings. East 3i4. IRVINGTON. Classy 6-room bungalow located at 500 East 25th st. N.t for sale by owner. Open from 8 to 5. cant, u-o iast Aiuer, uear