TUB MORNING OKEGOMAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. 5i-;J Sunday Editor Main 70T0. Ob0-05 Advertising- Department. .Main ""70. joJ-JJS Superintendent of Bids. .Main 70i0. ojO-u- AMUSEMENTS. HEIUG (Broadw.j at Taylor) Marcus fchow of Tonight. OKPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock company In .-Peggy Behave. This an ernoon and toniBUt. LTRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical comedy. "The King' of Blnc Bong. Three shows daily 2. 1 and 9 P. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamimi) Vaudeville and movlne Plct"resAv and 6:45 to IX P. M. Saturdays. Sundays ana holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 PANTAGES ( Broad w ay at vllle. Three shows dally. 2:-. 1 anQ 0:05. POLICE COULDN'T SEE JOKE. A little amusement which he tried to obtain at the expense of the police depart ment resulted in, J. C Dallingford 23. laborer, being arrested on a charge of drunkenness. Dallingford. according to the police, entered a store at First and Yamhill streets and called the police station, asking- that two police men be sent there immediately. Then he walked down the street to afc the "fun." When, Patrolman Elliott hove in view Dallingford pretended to be busy with some tackle attached to a painter's staging. In spite ot his ehow of innocence, however, he was taken, to the station.- He will bave a hearing in the municipal court today. Kv Club to Hsas VamDuzer and 6apibo. A programme of vital in terest is scheduled for the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Port land Ad club at the Benson hotel to day when H. B. Van Duzer, president of the Portland Chamber of Com merce and Aaron Sapiro. California attorney, will speak before the club, jlr. Van. Duzer will speak on Port land's future maritine position. Port land is at the present time under the Jurisdiction of Seattlie and business men generally are averse to the treat ment accorded them. Mr. Sapiro. who is the exponent of Co-operative marketing will speak on, "The Co operation, In (Marketing.- Beatrice Palmer will sing. Reed College Opens. Reed col lege opened Monday with a registra tion of more than 250 students. About 110 of these, are new students, the freshman class having an enrollment of 85. When the doors to the regis tration, room were opened at 9 o'clock a, long line- of students had congre gated and the office force was busy the entire day. Living conditions are somewhat crowded, but-with the re modeling of the Ladd house, across the street from the campus, to be oc cupied by men students accommoda tions will be increased. It is expected the enrollment will be over 300 bj the first of next week. Passing Worthless Checks Alleged Nicholas Cogan. until recently pro prietor of a confectionery store on the cast side and at present agent for a magazine having headquarters in the Artisan's building, has been ar rested on a warrant charging the passing of checks without funds in the bank on which they were drawn. According to Deputy District Attorney Dempsey. Cogan has given a number of worthless checks recently and im mediately following his arrest filed his petition in bankruptcy. He is in Jail in default of bail. Talks to Be (Madb in JTtgh Schools. The Oregon society. Sons of the American Revolution, will commemo rate the anniversary of the adoption of the constitution of the United State, by addresses' at the several nigh schools of the city on the morn ing of crhstltution day, Friday, Sep tember 17. The speakers assigned are as follows: Lincoln high, (Wallace Me Oamant; Washington high. W. W. Dugan; Jefferson high, Hugh Mont gomery; Franklin- high. Judge Robert Tucker; High School of Commerce, Robert E. Smith. Pedestrians Mat TJse Bridge. The' police were advised in a communica tion from the county commissioners yesterday that repair -work on the eastern approach to the Morrison bridge will be begun Monday and that during the progress of the re pair work for a period of about SO days the bridge will be closed to all .traffic except pedestrians, who will be compelled to make a detour, ap proaching the bridge across a dock to the north. Damage Surra Filed. As the out come of a collision July 11 between nutomobiles driven by J. Leavitt and J. F. Potter, two damage suits were filed against Potter in the circuit court yesterday. Leavitt seeks $1652 damages for Injuries to himself and automobile and Annabelle Domb. who was riding with Leavitt, aks $5025 as recompense for injuries to herself and baby when thrown from the machine. Big - Interest - Pattno 5hort-Time Investments for Sale. We have a large number of County Warrants on one of the most substantial counties in the state of Washington, drawing S per cent interest, exempt from in come tax. in $500 denominations. Will possibly be called in one year. These are an unusually good and safe investment for yopr money. Coast Culvert & Flume company, Portland, Or. Adv. Fight Wrecks Furniture. Manuel Jlores, logger, and Andrew Neyra, laborer. 'were arrested in a rooming house at 350i Glisan street on, a charge of disorderly conduct after they are said to have partially wrecked the room as the result of a physical encounter. K. Yoschihara. proprietor of the rooming-house, called the police, and Motorcycle Patrolmen Jewell, Burtch and Davis were dis patched! to the scene. Model Cleaners Robbed. An In vestigation is being made by the polii-e of the burglary of the Model Cleaners, 931 Union avenue. The thieves entered the establishment through a skylight and knocked down two doors by the use of an ax andi a sledge. Four suits, a coat and an overcoat were taken. Painter Falls. Ahm Broken. Frank Mauchan, palsrter. 394 Taylor street, fell from a ladder at Park and Taylor streets and suffered a com pound fracture of the left arm ye3 terdsy afternoon. He was taken to 6t. Vincent's hospital. Corrective exercises may prevent your wearing glasses. Enroll in Dr. De Keyser's Eye Culture Course. $5 fee, patients free. Phone M. 95S7. Adv. Don't Be Satisfied with Just "false teeth." Get artificial dentures of the better kind made by tho specialist. Dr. Rossman, 307 Journal bldg. Adv. Ptorrhea, Soft Teeth, Decat. Cap be cured today in the Smith-Long way. Examinations free. 310 Bush V Lane bldg. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red. wash cleaned. Cartozian Bros. Inc. oriental rugs and carpets. Wash, near 10th. Adv. Dance. McElroy's orchestra. Mur lark hall. 23d and Washington sts., very Wednesday and Saturday. Adv. Several desirable offices at very reasonable rental. 218 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 1769. Adv. If Troubled with bed bugs or cock roaches call Main 5359; reliable. In Becticide Co., 225 Abington bldg. Adv Dr. McMahon's 100 Chiropractic en joy a Die. a a v. K-Emmerer Coal Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. t.ast nsg. Adv. Dr. Collie F. Cathet has returned. Adv. ARi-rNGTON Garage Opens; storage. washing. 96 balmon at 10th. Adv, Four Big Feature Specials to Temporarily Meet and Beat Conditions Suits) $30 Overcoats at Raincoats $75 "We were unprepared for conditions that have arisen in the market. Be that as it may. we must meet and beat .them. For this reason we are offering garments made by famous makers the sort of merchandise you know has real value. Every suit, overcoat and raincoat at these prices has been taken from rejjular stock. Not one was purchased for "sales" purposes. Kuppenheimer Good Clothes These famous hand-tailored garments are nationally "recognized for their quality, their fine lines and long life. Included are our blue serges 'and newest arrivals in fall overcoats and raincoats. Our $100 dress suits now $75. Lion Specials $30 A splendid selection, all from regular stocks. Clothes of real tf A worth that wear. Th latest in design and materials. O'Tr'ii $60 $75 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland MORRISON AT FOURTH Statutory Offense Charged. R. J. Snyder, arrested on complant of the "women's protective bureau, was held to answer to the grand jury by Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday on three different charges with an aggregate bail of $3000. Snyder was charged with a statutory offense in volving a 5-year-old girl and also with transferring to this girl a dangerous disease. He also was charged with living with a woman giving her name as 'Mrs. R. J. Snyder. The woman was held to the grand Jury charged with living with Snyder when not married to him. Bedford Neal was held to answer to the grand jury on a charge or attempting- w commit a statutory oiiense. j-iis oan was fixed at $1000. The case involves a girl S years old. Misfit Coat Used r Court. A misfit coat that is said to have hung for many months in a locker in the office or tne ijea iiiicao cuiui,i,j was brought into the federal court vesterday and tried on Arthur Le.- and Linn Blair, managers ot the serv- i ice. Tho object was to attempt to place its ownership, as the garment Kn found to contain two bottles of moonshine, branded as "Scotch' It was alleged by revenue men tnat tno coat was kept in the office for the purpose of holding liquor, several other caches of which had been found n the same room. The case was dis missed by United States Commissioner Drake because of insufficient evi dence. 1 Indus Trouble Adjusted. Assist ant United" States Attorney Reajmes has just returned from Kalamath Falls, where he has been attempting to adjust troubles among a group of Indians on the reservation. He sue- rpfrtfd in having two of the men bound over to the grand jury. The case i-nvolves - the alleged sale of liquor by George Black, one or tne Indians, to WiUard Lotchcs, Foster Berkley and two others named Cohen and Wicks. Lotches is then alleged to have gone on the reservation to the home of A"braham Charley and staged a stabbing duel with the lat ter. Tso one was nurt, out iotcnes was bound over for investigation. Block was bound over on charge of selling. Twelve Pass Examination. Twelve men were successful in a municipal civil service examination held April 5 for civil engineers. The successful applicants are as follows: Forest G. King. 100 .per cent: Louis G. Apperson. 100 per cent: W. C. Nicholas. 100 per cent: S. W. Richardsonr 98.88 per cent; Orrin E. Stanley, 94.44 per cent: Geary Kimbrell. 91.11 per cent; Louis F. Schuele. 91.11 per cent; M. Steven Miller, 91.11 per cent; George A. Raven. 90 per' cent: John W. Peters, 88. R8 per cent: Harold T Gilbert. 88.88 per cent and Henry G. Richard son. 87.77 per cent. Reckless Driving Charged. G. A. Nelson was arrested by Motorcycle Patrolman Smyths of the traffic bureau yesterday on a charge of reckless driving and . violating the prohibition law. Nelson was arrested after he had driven his machine into another car at Grand avenue and East Burnside street. Patrolman Smythe, who made an investigation of the ac cident, reported finding a gallon jug and a quart bottle of cordial in the back of Nelson's car. Ohio Man Seeks Brother. Ed F. Walt of Batavia, O., has written ask ing information concerning his bother, T. V. Walt, who he says was last heard; of in this state and has been .gone from Ohio for many years. Walt is very anxious to locate his brother, he says, and would be glad to get into communication with anyone who knows or has heard of him at any time. The Church at Portland, John G. Lake. -overseer, now have their per manent divine healing institute on the second floor of the N w Gordan bldg.. on Fourth and Stark, entrance on Stark street. Heali-Bg rooms open every day. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. ; 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. Services every day at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. Adv. The Moore Sanitarium. A few weeks works wonders. Office Selling bldg. Adv. The Columbia River Highwat' is now paved to Hood River; Hood Rivr county fair, Sept. 17-18. Adv. One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Timms, Cress & Co.. 184 2d at. Adv. Cruelty Alleged in Divorce Plaint. That Earl Ferbrache woke their child by setting an alarm clock so that it would ring at 2 A. (M., and then punished the child for crying, is an item of the divorce complaint of Hazel Ferbrache, filed in the circuit court yesterday. Ludu Williams com plains in a divorce suit that Sam Williams poured scalding hot water on her. Jessie C. Tucker does not go into details in a divorce action against S. A. Tucker. Another divorce euit sought on grounds of cruelty was filed by James J. against Dessie Reilly. (Mexican Charged With Theft. Albert Mandez. Mexican laborer, ar rested, for investigation when he was found trying to purchase some cloth ing vth a check which had1 been stolen from the store of Ned Munger, 333 Seventeenth street, was charged with burglary in a complaint filed yesterday. Batt. Is Forfeited.. Oliver Heath forfeited $100 bail in the municipal court yesterday as the result of fail ing to appear to answer to a charge of disorderly conduct filed against him as the result of an escapade at the auditorium during the address by Governor Cox Monday. Battery Case Today. R. H. Saliger, charged with the larceny by bailee of a-battery valued at $60 from the Storage Battery company, wil'l have a hearing in the municipal court to day. Saliger was arrested early yes terday mooning by Inspectors Maloney and Schulpius. MILK ZONING ADVOCATED PLAN" URGED AS WAY FOR RE DtCTIOX OF COST. TOWN' HAS 3 ASPIRANTS Xatire Sorts of Kankakee, III., Seek ing Governorship. KANKAKEE, 111, Sept. 14. Three Kankakee native sons are running for governor this year in as many states, all on the republican ticket. Len Small is seeking the republi can nomination in Illinois, where the primaries will be held tomorrow, while Harry Hanna of Santa Fe, New Mexico, is, a candidate there, and Ed ward' T. Coman is running In Washington. BUSINESS .MEN MEET Many Gather to Look 'Over line Woolens at the BrownsvlUo Woolen Mills. Every day more and more men are coming in and are receiving a pleas ant surprise in our $60 made-to-measure-suits. Testerday we were favored with many new customers and well we should, becauee many of our .woolens are priced below market value. Adv. CHARMlXfi SINGER IX M4.RCTJS SHOW CAST AT THE HEILIG, l 'f jB r - v ? x. 1 fmvH L ut 4 ii Li Miss Bee Vinsome. "Smile-With Me." "How to Reduce "Lingerie, "Classy Clothes" and "Bachelor Days, Good-bye" will be some of the song . numbers in the Marcus show of 1920 that will open this evening at the Heilig theater and will be the feature for the remainder of the week. The show is one of the decorative, entertaining, lively atlrac tions that makes a hit everywhere. Aaron Sapiro, San Francisco Attor ney, Discusses Question Be fore Housewives' Council. "Don't vnt your anger on the dairymen because of the cost of milk," admonished Aaron Sapiro, San' Fran cisco attorney, in speaking yesterday before the housewives' council. Mr. Sapiro is the man who drew up the Plan and contracts of the Oregon Dairymen's league, whiclt have been the cause of controversy. He is an advocate of the zoning trystcm of milk delivery and helieves the pres ent practice could be done away with through legislation and consumers' organizations. The speaker devoted' much time to an explanation of the economics of ft,"0rlrMtlVe,mrketinsr' "ching on its relation to fruit, milk and other commodities. He declared that the tKmwh V" .n0t any further I I! W fif I AC 1 AS 3. , ------ ' ' miner and that self-interest Is the consumers" guar an.? of flth the association. of rone-'Everher the th ,leaF-U "7?" beeom. .7 ia aiiemptiner to T?1 rbIem of the lryman and n; 1 co-operate it must milk. If these nhHtt.. the cost of milk ti v.. .... per cent. Th j , L" -a miit,- . J . . is xo nave xnn?.f,'?f,h other commodities made such " " - D distributed as Joseph Loeb, publicity man for the Nestle's. Food, Products company! was present and attacked Mr. Sapiros Stand1 OTTi jenm jt KA ' - w vluvi iuia ljj. i no lat - ter admitted that the dairymen's association in California had done two illegal things, but declared he o. m v i uvea, mem, ACTIVITIES BEGIN TONIGHT T. M. C. A. Schedules Rijr' "S 9 r Stunt" to Open Season. The many fall activities of h f. XT C. A. will begin this week, and the nrst affair will be a big "stag stunt" tonight at 8 o'clock. It will be in charge of the physical, social ana memoership, departments. Ray Lesher, wrestling instructor, will demonstrate holds, with William Henderson assisting him. Andy Johen sen and R. B. Temple will box three two-minute rounds. The referee" will be Tom Gawley. physical director. A wrestling combat between John Viedehoff and Ray Lesher will be staged. Viedehoff has recently re turned from Japan. The physioal department will also present exhibi tions of acrobatic and physical de velopment posing. '' - Besides these events the programme will include music by the orchestra, vocal and piano solos by Professor B. G. Henry, reading by J. W. Pal mer, games and a guessing contest. Walter Jenkins will sing. BROKEN ROCK MISSING County Roadrjxaster Report Theft ' Prom Bunkers Xcar Linn ton. Five loads of broken rock have been stolen from the bunkers of the county quarry near Linnton, accord ing to a report made to the county commissioners yesterday.-,.- William Eatchel, roadmaster, has been in structed to call in the assistance of Sheriff Hurlburt's office if necessary in tracing the thief. A Republic truck, No. 15897, gath ered up the rock September 3, 4, and 5 with the representation that it was for the use of the county, it is claimed, though the rock had been sold to Charles L. Durkeo of 410 Sell ing building for building purposes. Watch the Prices: ill II! We are unable to obtain a renewal of our lease and cannot find a suitable location elsewhere, so are going out of business it rat- Every New Fall Suit Must Go! - Every New Fall Dress Must Go! - Every New Fall Coat Must Go! Greatly reduced prices will prevail here starting today. We must sell out as quickly as possible everything we have in the shop. Tumble oits Smart new styles that will please the most fastidious, trimmed in embroidery and fur. Materials are Duvetine, Velour de Laine, Peach Bloom, Vejdine, Tricotine, Velour and berge. 1 lot Suits formerly Belling BP Cjl OQ fi $175. Forced to vacate price. l 1 Cf 1 lot Suits formerly selling up to CJQQ Cf '$125. Forced to vacate price.... vOtVeUU 1 lot Suits formerly selling up to $95. CQ tZf Forced to vacate price.... ip020J 1 lot Suits formerly selling up to $75. tfJQ Cft Forced to vacate price ptS7iJvF 1 lot Suits formerly selling up to $65. flJQQ ECf" Forced to vacate price JjOJeOvr 1 lot Suits formerly selling up to $50. lJOQ Cf Forced to vacate price VsCI.iJV Coat New coats in autumn styles and winter warmth, handsome and durable for motoring, social or busi ness use trimmed in fur and embroidery. Materials in Veldine, Duve de Laine, Bolivia. Tinseltonc, Ve lours, Yukon ScaL Behrlng Seal and. Sealette. 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to f O Q Cf $195. Forced to vacate price. . 4 1 si 7 .OU 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to tljQQ Cfl $150. Forced to vacate price.'. VtJ?.OU 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to $99.50. Forced to vacate price. 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to $85. d C Q C A Forced to vacate price JOJOl 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to $60. Q C A Forced to vacate price ipOJ.iJVJ 1 lot Coats formerly selling up to $50. Forced to vacate price. . . W -A We bought heavily for the fall season high-grade merchandise such as our clientele demands anticipating brisk buying. But circumstances have come about that compel us to go out of exist ence. It means a loss to us, but a big gain to you. , v We start clearing our wardrobes and shelves today. Come early and select the garment that is sure to please you most. Down For social use, for business wear or for any purpose what ever these delightful dresses of Duvetyn, Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Kitten's Bar Crepe, Moon - glow, Charmeuse, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Satin in a va riety of trimmings and in all sizes and colors, will be found charmingly suitable. $69.50 $29.50 - 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up to $125. Forced to vacate price. . 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up to $85. Forced to vacate price.. 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up to $75. Forced to vacate price.. 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up to $60. Forced to vacate price.. 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up to $50. Forced to vacate price. . 1 lot Dresses formerly selling up JJOO Cf to $40. Forced to vacate price. . Vs5.0U $89.50 $69.50 $52.50 $39.50 $29.50 143 Broadway, Near Alder Complete Fall line of BLOUSES Greatly Reduced in all the latest shades and materials- i TAXI DRIVER FINED S1BB STORY OF FIGHT WITH NEGRO DOEST CONVINCE JUDGE. Levy and1 60 Days in Jail to Be Appealed; Bootlegger's Blow Made Him Stagger, Defense Movie thrillers of a wfld western type didn't have anything on the story which Louis It- Maple, for-hire car driver, related to Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday in the effort to explain away the charge of driving an automobile while intoxicated which had been filed against him. A wild ride to Clatskanie and re turn with a negro bootlegger and a fight with the same "bootlegger were included among the thrilling details which Maple related. "I wasn't drunk," he explained to the judge. "I was staggering as a result of the blow on the head re ceived when the big negro attacked me, that's why'the policemen arrested me for being drunk," he declared. Judge Rossman, not impresed by Maple's story, fined him $100 and sentenced him to 60 days in Jail. Maple gave notloe of appeal and his bail was fixed at $500. Maple was arrested by Patrolman Stanton when he drove up in front of the police station Monday night and left his car facing the curb. Stanton said that when Maple got out of the machine he staggered and that there was a noticeable odor of liquor on his breath. The driver had a bloody wound on the side of the head, giving color to his declaration that he had an encounter with a negro. Construction Causes Detour. WTULiAMTDNA. Or.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Automobile and auto-truck drivers will encounter eerlous diffi culty in getting past the Wlllamina & Grand Round railroad construction that is now under way, unless they choose the detour oyer the hill. The recent rains have added havoc to the road problem on the Tillamook road and this combined with the heavy travel, has made problems many. Baby Dies of Ptomaine Poisoning. COTTAGE OKOVF, Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Burley Bender, I-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lew S. Bender, died Saturday evening of ptomaine poisoning. The funeral was held Monday frrsjn the chapel. Physicians were of the opinion that the poison ing might have resulted from pork and beans eaten two days before, but Mr. Bender is of the opinion that the The Liberty Laundry Co. wants to lease building with ground-floor area of 7500 square feet or more. Present lease expires soon. Prefer new building. A. E. MYERS 303 SWETLAND BUILDING poisoning resulted from the eating o some non-edible berries growing their backyard. Stills AVorklng Overtime. of J various sections of the state. Kvery in I mill is working overtime at nreseiVt and no shutdown is anticipated for the winter. WILL a MIX A, Or., Sept. 1 (Spe cial.) Mills here are unable to fill all the orders being , received from "Society for Spreading? thr Knowl fdee of Trof Prayer, Portland. Or., and District Branch," together with the office of Mr. F. L. Raw son, in charge of JOHN W. PARSONS FOLLOWER. OF" CHRISTIAS fCIEXCK Is located in Room IOC. Bririra Yamhtll Bldg., Main 5S17 The ob ject of the "S. TC T. P." is to unite those, of whatever - religious per suasion, who are endeavoring to pray by the realization of Clod, which is scientific right thinking. The aim is to spread the knowledge of how to overcome sin. disease, and limitations for oneself and others. Weekly meetings are held on Monday at 8 P. M., devoted to study of TRUE PRAYER Treatment may he had from Mr. Rawson, if desired, from Mr. Par tons, or members of the staff. Claris instructions is given every Thurs day evening at 8 P. M by Mr. Par sons. Life Understood and other publications on sale. iiiiiiiilitiiiiiiiii ii rut i i fill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiirriiriTiiiriri Read The Oregonian classified ads. MSI i'i-i r. s I 'uCl -I MS E Dancing ji to 8 and 9:30 to 12. If You Appreciate Refined and comfortable sur roundings, with Metropolitan service and unexcelled cuisine. YOU WILL ENJOY Tour evening dinner or after theater supper at The Arcadian Grill MULTNOMAH HOTEL One of the largest and most at tractive restaurants in the west. Jack Seltenrich and his famous orchestra. USED CARS advertised by this company at special prices Sunday we will continue to offer until all cars are sold. See them as soon as pos sible. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington St. at 21st Main 6244. TiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiunn WHEN YOU GO TO SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL STEWART On Geary St., Just off Union Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, 50c, 60c. 75e; Lunch. 75c; Dinner, 1.25 (Sunday. $1,50). Muni cipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make res ervations in advance of arrival. Bead The Oreronian classified ads. ur2 PjjPP I Printers Bookbinders Desks Filing Cabinets GLASS & PRUDHOMME COMPANY 63-67 Broadway, Portland. Heating Small Houses We have a large stock of small Rich ardson & Boynton and Boynton Fur naces suited to heat four and five rooms. We also have PlPEI.ESS Furnaces. Have your furnace repaired now. J. C. Bayer Furnace Go. SQ4 Market Strrct. Main 4KI BEAVER BOARD ijlf FOR BETTER WALLS cLB AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets 107.5v