THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE3IBER, 15, 1020 17 " FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. COLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO.. 460 Belmont St.. Cor. B. Sth St. TJ. 8. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL. S MILLION FT. LUMBER for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 12x12. 4 million ft. 4x0. 4x12 and 12x12, like new, at $ 15.00 F. O. B. flooring. rustic, ahlplap. 1-ln. boards, 45. T. S.. Electric -wire, all sizes. Conduit pipe. 5 miles plow steel -wire rable from -inch to ln-inch. . Purchased from U. S. shipping Board. We will sell at about price. "We have a large quantity of rLUMBINd SUPPLIES, roofing paper, shingles, doors, Windows and sashes, , pipe and fittings, chicken wire, Inside finish. B0 work: benches, fire hose, all sizes. 80O mirrors, all sizes. in fact everything to put tip your building with. PROMPT DELIVERY. DOLAN WRECKIXll & CONST.. CO.. 4 U0 BELMONT ST.. Cor. K. 8th St. " Phone East 6110. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 B 11th St. Are you tired of some of your phono graph records? Here is the place where you can exchange them for brand new. late hits or for old favorites; music rolls aluo exchanged. New Victor, Columbia, Lmerson and Okeli records at 39c. OOo and ic each: slightly-used records at 25e. 35c and 50c each. "We atso buy. Our stock is conveniently arranged. You can try any record before exchanging or buy ing. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 11th Street. KECORDS at half price; brand new Co lumbia, Victor, Emerson, Okeh and Pat he records at .'!l)c. One. 60c and 9e each; slightly used records at 23c. 35c and 30c each; exchange your old record for new late hits or old favorites. Mail orders filled. Send for catalogue. Pacific Record Exchange. 131 Eleventh st ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the nerve-blocking method, without after effects. I make X-rny examinations of teeth. 1 specialize in first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Ladv attendant. Mar. 3203. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majesllc Theater bldg., 35H4 Wash. MUSIC ROLLS at a big reduction. Q. R. S. P. O. P. artempo and vocal style. 1.23 roll for 75e; $1 rolls for 63c: all new word rolls; regular rolls at 2.rc. 33c and 60c each, slightly used. We exchange all makes of rolls. Pacific Record Exchange, l.ll Eleventh st. 6AKES Kire and burglar-proof safes, new -and peeond-hand. at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms If de aired. - NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 204S. THIS ADD STATES FACTS. We have a large assortment of tailor made suits and overcoats. We sell them at a very low price. Will nave you from $13 to $20 on every garment. Call H. I. Plum. Hit 10th st. FOR SALE Registers. showcases. all sizes, ice boxes, wall cases, scales, safes, electric coffee grinder, counter case shoe Rhine out fit: on terms. 242 Salmon. L,sl:d electric washing machines; come bar gains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, Firth and Oak Sts. NF.VV "SINGERS." 3 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 32 Morrison. Marshall 721. FRUNLS FOR SALE Large Italian rrunes. 42d St., between Simpson and Alnsworth. Ask for Mr. Skinner. Ai brrta car. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 1239 or East 4045. FURS FURS. Above high rent beiow high prices. THE FUR SHOP, BOB Swetlaml Bldg., 5th at Washington. SAFES New and second-band; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 19B0. 48 Front st. LOOK here. If your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. C. Thompson. Phone Aut. 515-13; res. 501 Harrison st. All work guaranteed. NOTICE STUDENTS. Are you looking for a first-class drafting outfit? Call Tabor 2024 after 7 P. M. FOR SALE Well casing, diameters 10H- in., 12!-ln., 15',i-in.; one 12 driving head; for quantity, and prices write State Board of Education. Boise, Idaho. WHY DON'T YOU RENT A SHOTGUN OR RIFLE! TERMS REASONABLE. N"FWMAN. 123 FIRST. MAIN LI c E N S E D independent electrician wires 3 rooms for 112. 5 rooms $20; all new material used ana guaranteed to pass inspection, iioonuwn tiivi. FOR SALE 1-A special Eastman kodak with Optimo ah.. B. A- L. Tesear B. anas, lens. F. 6-3. AP 91. Oregonian. CNF. HAND-CROCHETED bedspread made from the best Rpyal society thread; value sir.". i:all Main 7-'.7. FOR THAT furnace properly seasoned fir cordwoorl. $10 per cord while it lasts. Main 33S4. BARTLETT pears and Italian prunes for sale. cll 3to Rodney ave., or call East 3Sti2 all week. Fnn SALE 9 volumes t'ry, good condition. 27 so. "Ridpath's" his Phone Sellwood FOR RENT Singer sewing machine, two months for $3. Empire Transfer, Broad way i..i. SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. 986. EVE.. SELL. J44. Heavy eordwood and wreckage wood. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchanga ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. CEDAR posts, large size; get a carload; get ten carloads. t. tjooarlch, K. 3, box S04. Lents, Or. KEW TWO-ROOM, ready-bunt cottage, -'xiu, suitaoie lor garage, siou. 117 Clinton St. BRUNSWICK, phonograph, cost $250, Just like new, ao records, price $200. Mar shall 1612. FIREPROOF double door safe for quick sbie,. $ii". f or particulars, Bdwy. 2739. Y. . wax. a l i. run st. iTALIAN prunes. 5r: Bartlctt pears. Gra venstein apples, $2; order in advance. oftdlawn 1 i ti.t. - BLMPLE.N electric sweeper, almost new. price tfrii i aoot ir.'. NEW. all-wool man's 3-piece suit; 3. Main 10S2. 6TKWART WOOD AND COAL RANGE. I-W I A tit.1 It 3JPI. DAI. TON adding machine, first-clans con ditlon. cheap. Phone Bdwy. 23S7. BRITANNIC A Encyclopedia for sale. Sell wood 6 1. 6V.T OF fi volumes of the new Student's ttererenee worK. wain. Ji-tn. FOR SALE: 4-foot ash and heavy 4-foot fir Knots. wooaiawn LARGE Italian prunes. 5c pound. 55th st. and foweu vauey roaa. rabor 1301. ONE REED baby buggy for sale. Phon FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding macnine. Bnowcaac. a 1st St.. near AS FOR SALE A large mirror, 72x48. Main 33 IS. Call CAKE Fireproof safe in good order; bar gain. An o-tn. uivggniMn. EYKs tested free; spectacles ruaTanu. Dr. Belding. 245H Alder st. Main 1092 VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, renalrod exchanged, bought. Bentley, Main 4007. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies' used apparel In Laurelhurst home. Tabor 2S23. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdln. 3607. JSLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. 2-Ioad lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. POTATO sacks, grain sacks: bargain prices. 1 .".3 Front st.. near Morrison bridge. FOR SALE Factory samples; women's and children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-psss. car, trade for diamond, per fect stone. AP 852. Oregonian. FOR SALE Italian prunes. S630 44th st. S E. Pell. 1335. FOR SALE Cash legisler and scale. Front street. 49 HFK. medium s:ze. new, at nearly half ftrice. 306 Oak st. NEW .256 Newton rifle with full leather case, ammunition. P 539. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent ft Awning. 1 N. 1st st. PATENT SIGN-WRITINrs APPARATUS ADDRESS BOX 391. S1LVERTON. OR. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. DK'SK ADDING MACHINE. $15 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 657. FOR SALE. M iscellaneous. SEW, SEW, SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and rnig. machines; motors, shafting and tables installed; everything In needles. Phone Sellwood 1071. . SPOT CASH PAID FOR shotgun or rifle, trunk, suitcase, hand bap tools, furniture, showcase, chairs, tables, stoves, cash registers. EVERYTHING OF VALUE. NEWMANS EXCHANGE. MAIN 4493. TABOR 6798. 12S FIRST. LADY sen fan BUit ! 3B. mole cape. wrTSt watch, gent's open face watch, revolver, camera, nickeled ther mos bottle, electric curling iron, some baby clothes, size 2 and 3 years, camera, etc., etc. at bargain prices. Mrs. Barton, Main 7044. USED electric vacuum cleaners In first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners. 91 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANT. 81 Fifth st. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. SAVE TEN DOLLARS. Here Is a chance to save $10 on a brand new brown wolf fur that cost $S3 last Saturday; bring $75 with you and take it away. Fur can be seen at room S33, Y. M. C. A. Call for Mr. Buck. SUITS Brown broadcloth, dark mixed tailored, black broadcloth tailored and green sports suits' georgette dress, black velvet tarn, tailored hat. sizes 36 to 38. Call Main 677 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, heaters, toasters, vacuum clean ers, etc. We buy, sell and exchange everything electrical. Broken Iron cords repaired free. Hynson Electric Co., Fifth and Pine ts. Broadway 4293. ALL KINDS of second hand lumber, ceil ing, flooring, dimension lumber, doors, windows, bricks and new shingles. See Mr., Whitlock at East 7th and Haw thorne. Phone East 8479. HOT-WATER tanks. 3U-gal.. $7: 40-gaI., $9; tested, and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gaa heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roofT Why not a permanent ana comfortable roof ? Wo repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. DEALERS NOTICE. 600 pounds of iron wedges, -sledges, gas fittings, steam fittings, Jenkens valves, Stillson wrenches and other hard w are at a bargain. 522 Washington. " FOR SALE. A large Boynton super-heated air fur nace. Furnace is in excellent condition and may be seen at 125 Sherwood Drive. Main 6578. MUST SE'lL TODAY. Back and front bar, 14 feet, 8 tables, 10 chairs; will sacrifice before moved if you mean business. Come 163 Grand ave. PETITE ITALIAN and egg plums.4-6 eta. lb. windrall apples 7;c box. Bring baskets. Tabor 8232. 245 E. 91st St. N. Montavilla Depot car. FOR SALE 1 gas range, in good condi tion and almost new-, coal and wood range; also Iron bed-lounge. Call Wood lawn 5301. HAVE a very fine gent's all pure wool heavy overcoat. 38 or 40. lined through out, good as new; will sell less than half price. Woodlawn 3313. NEW BEAVER coat, all northern skins. never worn, 40 inches long, storm collsir and belt; very reasonable. Phone Auto. 316-06. CRAB APPLES for sale. 5c a pound. Or ders taken by phone Wednesday and Thursday only. Sellwood 3578. 1000 Francis avenue. ITALIAN PRUNES. 2c lb. and up. J. C. Harrison 716 Columbia, nil, E. union A ve. FOR SALE Two 10-oz. tents in good condition: 8x10, 1x12; single cot. small sheet iron heater. 4 Union ave. S. SHOW CASES, cash register, scales, meat sneer, check protectors, electr-lc coffee mill. Ice box, gas grlddje. 113 2d. STEEL range with gas attachment, new Drass bed and all-metal springs at a sac rifice. Call Columbia 891. FOR PALE AtTOMOBlLES. CARS GUARANTEED. 3020 Templar. 1920 Dodge. j:iju Oldn-six. 1919 Buick. J91S Chandler chummy, wire wheels, new cord tires at $10 under rtall. W RAY MOTOR CAR CO.. Bdwy. 3247, 11th and Couch. 1919 BUICK TOURING. IOoks and runs like new: 5 new enrd tires and a real buy at $1400; will give terms or take cneaper car as part pay ment. East 1383. 402 Wellesiey court FOR SALE Very cheap, 5-pass. Oakland touring ear, new top: 5 cord tires; me chanically O. K. Will give liberal terms or will trade for light roadster. Phone 52Q-13 or call 403 Broadway. LIBERTY SIX, can't- tell it from new: at big sacrifice; can use late model Ford as part payment; this is a crackerjack car; private owner. Tabor 2596, Eve nings Tabor 8850. FORD ROADSTER. We have several good ones. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 13th and Washington. FRANKLIN FOR SALE. . Feries 9-B. Runs and looks like net: 11. 000 miles. Quick sale, $2400. Main 6741. Bdwy. 840. BUICK LIGHT SIX AT $050. Come and take a look. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. FOR SALE 1919 Chalmers five-passenger car, in splendid condition, never been off pavement; run 6000 miles. Pries $1450. AL 79. Oregonian. MUST be sold at once. 1918 Oakland; Al condition: make us an offer. Franklin garage, 13S3 Division st. Sea Frank Tavelll. FOR SALE 1919 Chalmers 5-passenger car, in splendid condition, never been off pavement, run 6000 miles: price $1450. AL 79, Oregonian. CHALMERS roadster. 1917; best of condi tion. A real bargain at $600. 80 (trand ave. N., near Burnside. CHANDLER . 1920 touring: wire wheels. plate glass, side curtain. Snubber's spot light: $1650; terms. Bdway 30. MAXWELL touring, 1918. Fine condition, good tires. Real bargain at $775. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1918 FORD, newly painted, new top and tires: want car with starter. $425. Mrs. McLean. Main 6560 or Bdwy. 5779. FOR SALE Two light Ford trucks. Ap ply Post Exchange, Vancouver barracka, Washington. 1920 DODGE BARGAIN. New 1920 Dodge; never been used; can be seen at 6'Jl E. 16th st. N. AUTOS FOR SALE. 191S model 9A Franklin; sacrifice lij'.io, iuu casn termsi; balance. 294 3d st. SLIGHTLY used 1020 Ford coupe with starter and demountable rims, looks and runs like new. AK 96, Oregonian OVERLAND touring; good condition. Must sell. A snap at $375. Terms. 30 Grand 19JS u v l l,a r. l. o-cynnaer; rear over hauled ana motor gone over; this Is real bargain. Broadway 4592. WANTED Late model 5-passenger car. In exenange lor iv acres near lualatl $1500. Phone owner. Main 6256. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywheel: crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Broadway 268L 1919 BRISCOE, 3 cord tires. 2 new fabrics. New spare, exceptional value; very econ- omicai, i ou. Jiain iai. FOR SALE Snap, Chevrolet roadster, 1919, finest condition; cash or terms. East 605L HAYNES, 1919 model; bargain , If taken QUICK. rounB x nuur too. 1918 DODGE, new top, in A-l condition, $795. 248 Yamhill st. Call Hicks. 1920 FORD delivery; double oversize cord tires; all new. A bargain. Main 7S0. $275 LIGHT touring, little used, perfect condition. Mar. 4729. 1913 BABY GRAND Chevrolet; powerful motor: lots of pep. Broadway 4592. WILL trade 5-passenger Maxwell as first pay't. on 5 or o-room house. Wdln. 5357. 1919 OVERLAND 90. looks and runs like new. Snap. Main 7S1. 1020 DODGE for sale by owner; bargain for cash. Phone Broadway 3073. 1920 HUDSON speedster, fine condition, at a bargain. Call Woodlawn 961. 1918 REO T-pass., just overhauled: new tires. Price $830. Main 7S0. 1919 ESSEX in perfect conditon ; tires almost new. $1330. Terms. East 3319. DODGE touring car, good condition, $850. 1013 East Irving st. Tabor 2903. LA'IK 1918 Maxwell: new paint. Al condi tion. $330 -M a in 781. DODGE roadster. 1920; cash. Tabor 1630. new tires, $1100 1318 SAXON bargain. Main 7S0. 1913 VKLlli, perfect condition. Main 7xj). FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN PRICES. Remember this Is the time of the year for you to get a real bargain in a, used car. We have no used car department These bargains are on our salesroom floor. Essex late model, all In fine con dition, with the same servi'-e to you and the same replacements of parts as given wlLfe fie ale of new automobile .......... .$1400 1919 Chalmers Hot-Spot LisM Six automobile, all in fine condition, like new, only $1400 1918 Chandler, all in first-class con dition, special top. two spot-lights, five fine cord tires . $14541 MAXWELL BARGAIN'S. 191 Maxwell, fine running llttls . car., in good shspe . . . .' $425 1917 Maxwell, great buy. fine run ning and in good condition ......$300 1918 Maxwell, all fixed up and first class condition ....$550 1919 Maxwell. Ilka new $743 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super-Six. Here yon are a high-grade automobile in first-class condition, with the same service and same replace ments ss any factory will give on a new car $1350 1918 Hudson Super-Six. all gone through our shop and repainted, an automobile you can depend upon, with the same service and the same replacements of parts as a standard factory guarantees on a new car $1675 1917 Hudson Speedster, same condi tions as next car above $1550 1918-11)19 Series Hudson Speedster, same above conditions $1875 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. TJSED CAR3. Rebuilt to Tour -Satisfaction, by a Firm With a Reputation. What More Could You Ask? lB200handler chummy roadster. ...$ 1 son lf'17 Hupmoblle. model N. Just right 1100 1910 Reo touring, like brand new.. 140A J 010 Essex roadster, 5 cord tires... 1430 1010 Mitchell Baby 6, 05 new 1030 1919 Overland S3 six. wire wheels HMK) If 17 Buick 6 roadster, ex. fine bodv. !30 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet roadster. . 800 191 Ford sedan, overhauled . . . .T. fi.30 I1H7 Ford touring. Just new tires... 073 I'-'li Maxwell touring, rebuilt 4 lOISFord touring, overhauled 400 KirtCole 8. runs fine. 6 tires 9O0 1913 Franklin, wonderful condition., 500 Ford bug, snappy little car... 450 Many Others Select From. Make Your Wants Known and We Will Be Glad to Serve You. CONLEYT3 USED CAR CENTER. Conley & Arbuckle. 8 10th St. Bet. Stark and Oak. Terms riven. Phone Bdwy. 1424. PAIGE. DO YOU WANT A PRACTICALLY NEW , CAR CHEAP? CALL OWTs'ER. E'aot 312 or call 522 E. 27th N. 1018 1-TON truck, solid rubber tires in rear, electric starter and everything in tip top shape. Has long body and will carry an overload with absolute safety. For quick sale we will take $375 cash or make liberal terms to suit. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 625 ALDER ST. MODEL 38 Haynes, good cord tires. looks and runs like nw; must be sold this week: priced $200 below value. Broad way 1614. 531 Wash. 1918 MAXWELL touring; this car has ha exceptionally good care ; looks tne pari in ,v,rv wav of a new car: all practi cally new tires and one extra. Price $750. -'5cl cash down and the balance easy A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 ALDER ST. BARGAIN. . MODEL S3 OVERLAND. Owner must sell this car at once. It is Vn diuidv shape throughout: snap price. $350. Leaving car for sale at Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 2to. 18 11HKVROLBT ROADSTER This car Is the real goods and, will ap peal to you if you want a bargain; it has new tires and refinished and looks and runs as new. Low price ana zisu aown. balance monthly payments. 605 Aldei st. Red Front Used Car Co. 17 FORD ROADSTER Ford roadster, in good condition and runs good as any Ford; has all good tires. $373. $100 down and Dai. mommy, A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 A UJBrt ST T-t;F.D car baraains 1 Oldsmobile 4, $700 1 Studebaker, seuu; l uouge, oou; o trnrri. X400 to 1450: 1 Buick. $300: bugs, $150 and $230; 1 Overland road ster, $330; 1 Peerless, 7-pass., $300. Long Sllva, 462 Hawthorne. CHEVROLET touring. 1920: shock ab sorbers. spotlight, tires gooa; perrect mechanical condition: -run only 6000 miles; $750 cash, or terms. Phupe Mr. Thomas, Woodlawn 2S0O. 1917 CADILLAC 8. A new cord tires, new top. new paint, engine in best of condition. $2200. Haw thorne Oarage. Jl.. rsawenorne. .ai MAXWELL touring, 1919; A-l condition used privately. A snap at $900. Soma terms. SO Grand ate, N., near Burn side. CHEVROLET touring. 1919; A-l condition Must selL A bargain at $500. Terms if desired. . 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. k-ord delivery with open body, flap cur t-ins: very best of condition. Must sell. A bargain at $475. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., mear Durnaiuo. rnHn one-ton truck. 1018. Truck adjust meat, gear drive; tires almost new. Real bargain at $750. 3U Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD truck, gear drive, with open an closed bodies; tires almost new. A sna at $700. 30 Grand ave. 14., near Burn side. ESSEX 1919. BY OWNER. Like new; many extras; will sacrifice this car for the low price of $1250 and give terms. Room 423 Clyde hotel 1917 STUDEBAKER six; Just been over hauled and repainted, new top; this cai In excellent shape; 5 tires; has been in private use since new, can r.ast pia. PHRVROLET. 1920: car used for dem nnstrxtiniF. run less than 500 miles, per fect condition, price right. East 2538. iota vklie. rich maroon paint Job, whit wheels, new tires; can't be told from new. Main 1 si. TWO FORD deliveries. $323 and $375. 1 .ad Q AQOItlou uamifB, iu w thorne avenue. TA1S FORD touring, privately used. Fin ' condition; good tires; $440, some terms. E. 3158. CHEVROLET, 1918. A-l condition; goo tires: run 14. OOO miles. In family use bargain at $375. Sellwood 2477. nnntlR touring car. A-l condition: quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 North Third street. Broadway 41. OAKLAND touring. 1918; almost now. Will sacrifice at tuts. ou urana ave. N', near Burnside MAXWELL touring. 1917. Al condition good tires. teai oargam at $425. Grand ave. N1.. near Burnside. AUTO WRECKING. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO 290 Union Ave.. Nesr Hawthorne. CHEVROLET 1918 chassis. Make a dandy Dug. I juu. i i ah. o vi uraua ave. V near reurnaiae. 1917 BORD roadster, generator, battery and A. -t. . siarier. .viairv isi. 1913 MITCHELL, 6-cyl.. 5-pass., $900. S3; E. 12th St. .N. v i'oodlawn 682. 1918 STUDEBAKER De Luxe. New pain new tires, ah lor eivuu. main isu. DODGE" late 1918: looks like "new--tires; terms. Bdway. 30. 1920 l-SSKX. cord tires. Main 7S1. FOR SALE ACTOMOB1LHS. USED CAJS VALUES should not be measured by price alons but should be Judged by value and fu ture service. We solicit your investiga tion of our used car stock, on this basis and we are satisfied that you will at the same time find our prices right, quality of our cars considered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1913 REO. 5-pasa.. -cyl $ 300 1910 MAXWELL, 6 -pa S3.. 4-cyl 400 OVERLAND, mod. 75, 5-pass., 4-cyL 650 OVERLAND mod. 00. 5-pass., 4-cyl. 650 OVERLAND, mod. So, 5-pasa., 4-cyU 700 lf1 MITCHELL, 7-pass., 6-cyl.... 5O0 1017 MITCHELL, 5-pass.. 6-cyl.... 1OO0 1918 MITCHELL. 5-pass., 6-cyl . 1150 191 7 ,M ITCH ELL, 7-pass., 6-cyl 900 1910 MITCHELL, 5-pass.. 6-cyl.... lt0 191 is MITCHELL, chummy 1100 3919 CHANDLER chummy 191:1 MITCHELL roadster, 5 cord tires A real buy. 1918 OAKLAND, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1919 OAKLAND. 5-pass.. 6-cyl. -JORDAN Silhouette. 5-pass.. 6-cyL JORDAN Sport Marine. 4-pasa., 6-cyl. Many different models to choose from. MeKt of them have gone through our sbop. some of them have been repainted. You will find the equal of our stock. in quality, in the citv of Portland. No brokerage charge and reasonable terms. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER COMPANY, SS Tears in Business. BROADWAT AT EVERETT ST. Phono Broadway 4675. BUICK ROADSTER. This car has ail the extras von could get on one and If you need a Buick roadster, see this one; new cord tires and tubes, one new cord tire never on. is mounted and has tire cover: bumners back and front; patent no-glare lens; all the parts have been renickeled; snub bers all around; full leatheT tmecial ton. seat covers; top lined to match the seat covers; full set tools and car runs per fect: low price and will take $350 down, balance easy; come and try it- 605 Alder st. Red Frort Used Car Co. DODGE car sacrifice: In good condition. easily worth $900. but owner compelled to sell will take $300 for short time; w-e also have a Studebaker in good me chanical condition; owner Jut paid $130 to have the same Overhauled; this is very suitable for a farmer, as it has a box already attached; has good tires, one new tire; tires alone worth the price; will take $200 for It for a few days. Cobb Bros.. 263 Oak st- FORD OWNERS, FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. 8 Magneto recharged ft We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. . Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. A BARGAIN. A HUDSON SPEEDSTER. LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW; EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES AND TWO EXTRA NEW GENERAL CORDS WITH TIRE CARRIER IN THE REAR. PRItB '. $1550 EAST 6303. CYLINDER CHALMERS, overhauled and repainted; 6 good tires and a pump fr:. "reHl baresln at 1800. Bdway 1414. 531 W ash. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. This one has been refinished Packard blue with gold stripe and has wire wheels and good tires and will look like new to you and runs the same way. Low price and take $250 down; balance easy; come and try It. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. "'ISO FOUR, (i-passenger: overhauled "V" 'i"""1""; -" win Handle. Bdway 1614. u31 Wash. st. FORD TOUR NO '18. At the low price of $450. with $150 down, balance easy; has been refinished and looks and luns fine; come and take a look at a real hnrmin F.n& ... Red Front Used Car Co. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90. in the verv Dest Rind of mechanical condition and all good tires and refinished like new. $725. Easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 625 ALDER ST. ELGIN CHUMMY. Some buy at $850,. worth $1000. It todav. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. See -k uttu touring; are you in the ;..7., "l ,iur a new cftrT wl discount. . y.our ,rd a Part Payment. East 3o3 before 6 P. id. Res. 262 Ivy St even In gs. CHEVROLET TdimtKi-. Jut the thing to save car fare, only THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15rh and Washington. 1918 PAIGE roadster, fine condition in every way; cord tires In rear. Will sae- rmo ior ei-ou; worts $2300 new jerms, siuo down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. rams live-pass.; run onlv ROO0 miles: In excellent condition n every way; $100 paint Job: worth $2300 new. Win sacrifice for $1500. Terms $500 VT . -. . T .1 .. . . ......... ..... m av. OUWJ. O-Ol. 1919 BUICK touring car. newlv nalnt.rl fine mechanical condition. nw Ho cord Ores: a snap buy for $1450. terms to i tmuuoi"i pany. van frank Smith Bdwy. 1130. SNAPS. We. have a few used ears that are to be sold at give-away prices; better -- 1 " o.ue oc oimonlon Co 415 Glisan st. 1020 PAIGE 5-pass.; better than nTT ;v.1rn? ?ew; w'- verifies for Bdwy. 828L Ar MOTORS, gears- bearings, wheel. ..i.. we wrecK an maKes of cars and sell V !? iT V. v "avia Modes. ""L" iw-i is. nth st. BUIOK coupe, looks and runs like new rr V 11 ifO BTC11 n !1 1 Wll ....... . . J 4?3UWpneMtlt 115 B' 6lBt rt- nrth- ater ?-?0W PRICKS Jfo Misrepresentation. Tl COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. LATE E 1917 Chandler Chummy; thoroughly erhauled and $10O paint Job. Price oveniBuieu ana aiuu paint 1nh i, $1300. Will take light car as part V meat Terms. Mr. Argo. M , . . I , , " - "uwy. Sh L. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. good mechan- eu hib, must sell. A snap at $4o. Some terms. 30 Grand ESSEX touring. 1919; best of 1,1.1 a-uuu "ii" vi c. Liea privately $1475; terms. Consider Ford touring ir trade. 30 Grand ave. K., near Burnside. .U20 HUDSON 7-PASSENGER. EQUIPPFn -.'.;. : . : . : . x a. tire. . IN iLi- UlVli UBIKAI. TERMS. fl-M I.- & n 1; -.? u 1918 OV E.KI.AM) six. new n,l.i .... perfect. What is It worth to you? Main PAIGE SIX, 1917, touring. Wire wheels, one extra, iteai oargam at $1000. 30 brana ave. rt., near xurnsiue. BRAND NEW Baoy Grand Chevrolet tour- ing. Will sacrifice for $1400. Terms. alio iipwn. mi. Q'lwy. aHl. FORD chassis. Will make a good bug. A real snap at -uu. some terms, aa urana ave. rt.t near -PurnBiqe. MUST sell my i-passenger touring car commuoiwLv . . " -a 1 1 you want bargain. , Owner. BP 451. Oregonian 1918 MAXWELL in Itrst-class shape at a bargain. jjv, jutvuaoeii, ju-ft Oak st. or wain. zooo. CHEVROLET louring. 11: fine cohHI Aion, good tires. A snap at $495; terms. 30 tirana avo. 11., near aurnaiaa. HUDSON speedster, new paint, cord tires first-class condition; $13o0; terms. FORD delivery, ' 1916: good condition. , real bargain at $450. 30 Grand ave. N . near Burnside. BY OWNER. 1920 Stutz 7-passenee touring, practically new; see this bar- ga I n before buying. BC 736, Oregonia n. FORD touring, 1917. Best of condition. Good tires. Real bargain at $425. . 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. . 1920 BUICK Has been driven about elgh wka: price $1650: can be seen at Fan garage. Greeham. Or.: phone Greaham 44 FORD runabout. Al condition, tires almost new; reii uaigniu av tf-iu, Duma terms. 30 Grand ave. is., sear Burnside. a KNAP at $375, Ford roadster, with de livery body attached: party leaving city. Call Main 0101 tor Ktiuiiuingm. ONE OF those dependable 1916 Olds, 4" cyllnder touring; ca.r, excellent condition. new paint, ikiu. v uuuiaw u uoio. rnnh delivery, excellent condition, express body with curtains new Lambert tires on rear wneeia. -"--i. ici in. auur LATE model Mitchell si cord tires: snap. Main New pain FS1. BUICK 6 t)uring car, '16, good condtlon. reasonable pries, x none x.aat otaa. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled .$20 Rear axle overhauled ...... .......... 6 Valves ground, carbon removed .... S Magneto recharged ....a 5 W'e hand-lap pistons, scrape' bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine .Ford parts only used- All work guaranteed. THE REASON1 the Ford engine starts hsrd and ' the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO la weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL ACTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessrles, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. ; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA, Phone East 6840. 4U2 Hawthorne. 19 FORD ROADSTER. This car is like it was the day it left the showroom and has lots of extras; it will please you. Price and smsUl pay ment of $150 down, balance munthly. Come and try it. 505 Alder IL Red Front Used Car Co. CASE touring, late model. Just repainted and win run to suit you; we are ottering this car for quick sale at $525; small payment down, balance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 ALDER ST. IT BUICK TOURING. This car Is In good condition and you can try It before you pay for it: has been refinished and has cord tires; take very low price for aii cash. 603 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. $550 $550. 1016 Todge. 5 good tires and Al me chanically; snap for this price; 40 per -cent down, balance easy payments. 522 Alder. $350 $550. HUDSON SPEEDSTER '19 MODEL. This car is first-class and will speak for Itself; has cord tires and other extras and will guarantee it. Low price and terms. For inspection apply at . 005 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. FORD SEDAN. This will be picked up soon. If you want a Ford Sedantiiat's rigbt, see this one. THE USED CAR' EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 1919 DODGE 1019. Must sell my Dodge at once as I sm leaving town; car looks and runs Just like new; will eacriflce for $'.50 cash. BDWY. IIS. Mr. SOLE Y. LATE 1017. 7-pass. Chandler; thoroughly overhauled and $100 paint Job. Price $1400, or will take light car aa part pay ment. Terms on baL Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. R W. "corner 16th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. (30 ALDER. BROADWAT 1S53. WANTED -Standard automobile under 300O lbs. weight in exchange for 2 lots on 7 I'd and Halscy; valuation $000; even exchange or pay cash, (inference up to $1000. P 562, Oregon ion. HAVE a tlooo note, 4 months. 8 per cent, will trade In as first payment on good Ufed light six: sport model desired.'Call Woodlawn 3118 for appointment; must be private owner. No dealers need apply. WANTED Ford as first payment on 4- room bungalow, west side, i'rii-e only $1500. balnn-cc to suit you. Lce-Kobert-son Co., 413 Corbett bldg. TO PURCHASE from owner chummy road ster or 4-pasa. late model car. cotillion Garage, bet. J3th and 14th. WANT to buy old can, any size, any con dition, call Vancouver oua. t;. tior. FOR SALE or xchange, 2 , acres, well improved, tor flrst-ciass car. Main 7811. LATE model Ford coupe, reasonably priced. Mr. Kohn. Marshall 32o. Motorcycles. LATE '17 H.-D. with sidecar, new bat tery, new A. B. C. two new tires, ex tras; trade tor Ford bug or $2U5 earn. Tabor 5ISS. 1920 INDIAN motorcycle, with tandem. lor sale. can between a ana 7. 3'J2 4th st. - FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2O6 ap ST. MAIN 6230. BARGAIN Pierce Arrow bicycle nearly new, 533 casn. inquire at janion garage. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or mgnt service. COUCH MAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch, Remember our number, Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDiOXa LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th St.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SUULlVAfl S f A&MIU.-S UAKAtlK, Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16S7. AUTOS FOR HIRE Day or night service; Columbia nignway trips. fnon Main 353 or Tabor 4S45. CLASSY Kissel-Kar sedan with driver; special winter rates. van r.aat 3-ie. 1020 5-PASS BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH UK1VE.K. UnUAUWAI BJ4I. . FOR PAI.E TRffRS AND TRACTORS. BARGAIN SALE. DON'T FAIL TO LOOK THESE TRUCKS OVKR. 1 -TON PANHARD $ 400 2 -TON NASH 1 .-iOO 1 -TON DEN BY 1000 Sli-TON GMC 2300 l'.T-TON DENBY 000 GUARANTEED FOR 80 DAYS. WILL CONSIDER TRADES OR EX CHANGES FOR PASSENGER CAR OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF N. W. PHONE BROADWAY 3S48. TENTH AND DAVIS STS. M"EN WANTED AT ONCE. Have contracts for road, lumber and log hauling, excellent working conditions, go to work at once; ten trucks working now and making money: road con ditions good: can work nearly all win ter; long-time contracts and not a 5 per cent proposition; nave been on tne grouna mysell ana pronounce tnese Jons o. K Three-ton truck required. Mlntosh Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash, st. REPUBLIC TRUCK. My practically new Republic truck must be sold at once. Sold my business and have no further use for same. Will sacrifice for 50 uer cent off its worth: if Interested, get busy. Call Broadway 1021 between 8 o'clock and tt o'clock or Sunday at 9622 Foster road. BEEMAN GARDEN TRACTOR. Demonstrator for sale at big reduc tion. Wentworth A Irwin, Inc., 2d and Taylor. Phone Main 2S92. NEW 2V4-TON TRUCK, with good busi ness for sale: do not answer tnis un less you have at least $1500 cash; $3800 Is prire. S. B. Sharer, peer island, or. WOULD contract 2V4-ton new truck with reliable firm; know business. Darreli Guyer. Monmouth, Or. cars Bronson's mill. 1V4 G. M. C. TRUCK, exchange for Ford car- or lor sale. jju. iail at 144 1st St.. or Wdln. 8760. or Main 1515. FORD coupe or sedan wanted, or late model touring; must be priced right. Pearce. Main 3838. 4-TON WHIT 0 truck; good condition: good body and cab. Priced low; easy terms. Call Fields. 825 29th st. FOR SALE 2 1-ton Ford trucks. "18 and '19 models; good condition, good tires. Phone Woodlawn 4130. FOR SALE or trade. White truck, 2-ton capacity. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stork. FORD truck. 2-ton att.. new buffer. Must sell. Owner. East 8096. new motor and Make an offer. WANT hauling for heavy 2',4-ton truck and trailer.' East 472. Wentworth. ACTO BEPAIWNO. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill's Trade Schools, 20th and Hawthorne. SAVE 40 per cent. Expert auto repairing; work guaranteed- Phone East 7693. GARAGES. WANTED To rent small private garage near 23d and Sandy. Phoae 271-15. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Set of golf clubs and bag; must be reasonable. Marshall 4313. WANTED Good gas range quite reason able. Tabor 7538. WANTED A good BC 97. Oregonian. second-hand trunk. WANT to buy bunch of wooden decoy ducks. D 14, Oregonian. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE; PAY CASH. MAIN 4493. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST. LEAKY roofs repaired reasonably. Tabor 9324. , WANT E D M lSCELLANEOUg. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT 'CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE .DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DLA liONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 840 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.30 TO $23.00 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He paya more than anyone in ths city for suits, overcoats and shoea. Call Marshall 1229 or 2o3 Madison st near 3d st Will call day or evening. $8.5U UP TO $25.00 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANxBODY KLSli BETWEEN -J.U AND 3D. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $luu. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and YamhllL Main 6529. UP TO $33. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 2d Bt., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. WE MUST have 500 used men's suits, coats and panta, ail sizes, all colors. Call us tor one or more. We pay cash from $10 and up. A phone call will bring ua wltb cash to your place. Call 167 1L au. near Morrison, or call Main 73. " OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest caih prices paid; will call day or uight. PEOl-LE'S St-COND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madlsoa. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest price for second hand furniture, tools-, rags, old clothing and all kinds of jur.k. Call Main 734 and 1 WILL CLEAN UP iOUK HOME. DIAMONDS WANTED. W'e pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds VINE'S JEWCLRY STOORE. 257 Washington St., cor. 3d. Main 6640. DON'T FORGET that Alder the Tailor pays the highest prices for second-band clothing. Call at 20l Third st. Main 3207. WANTED Evinrude or any detachable motor boat engine in good condition; muMt bo cheap. Address 704 Wanh, St., Vancouver, THE BOSTON TAILORS AND CLEAN EKS PAY HIGHK.ST PRICE FOR LA DIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHING AND SHOES. 363 3D. MARSHALL 343S. WANTED Slightly used wardrobe trunk steamer size; reasonab for cash; pre fer one of standard make. L 1. ore 1,'untun. SAFE Small or medium aixea fireproof safe; will pay caaa if price reasouabls. BC 851. Oregonian. STEAM BOILER wanted for vulcanizing shop, either gasoline or coal burner mutt be good. AF 802. Oregonian. LADIES Let tne Vogue Apparel Exchange sell your used garments and furs. 403 Alisky bldg. Main 3132. DIAMONDS wanted if a bargain, can use one medium and one large; no dealers. AJ S7, Oregonian. DUCK hunters want 3 shooters for fine lake near Portland; line cabin. ;x. 41. Oregonian. WANTED Gas engine, 114 H. P.; must be cheap tor cash. R. 1.. roster, Oswego Or. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices para for dla monds. Dan Marx .o.. 2a.. Wash. St. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture rugs, carpets, stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash pries. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture.' When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9071 LEVIN HARDWARE sa FURNITURK CO., 221-223-325 Front St. A. a 3. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE STORli. FURNITURE WANTED. BRCORE YOU SELL TOUR FURNITURE BE SURE AND CALL MARSHALL 587. YOUR CALL WILL BRING OUR BUYER AT ONCE. WE PAY THE TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CARPETS. RUGS. ETC.. EVERY THING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W E ALSO BUY OFFICE FURNI TURE. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY. CALL" MARSHALL 5S7. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 203-207 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. MARSHALL 6981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY ; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST, MOST RELIABLE HOL'SB OF OUR hl.NU LN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 598L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR rfc i a, t it.. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BU1EK WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of ail klnaa stoves, ranges. rugt, etc, to ship out town. win pay maiuer prices tnan an local dealer. Call us for one article n a house full acd a courteous and cnm. petent buyer will be promptly ac your service, ji m . . j- uimmre jo. RS SURE AND LET US SEE vim- furniture aod household aodi K fore you sell. We are in the market for same ana win par uisuesi prices. PORTLAND FUR-Nl'i. UiUli sXCUANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 772s! W'E MUST have a lot of used furniture and housenoia goous, suitable for prl vata and a iartmeiit nouses. Ha. na more than others do. A phone call will bring buyer wna umh. eaii MAIN 738. MAIN 8331. ; We buy everything in furniture; nay the price. FREEMAN-WOLFE FUR. CO. 200 1st St.. 3. E. Cor. Taylor. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay tbe highest prices for use. furniture. ju sell. CALL UNITED FUKNlTUitia Si'ORB. b7 MAIN. MUST have a limited amount of used fur niture, rugs. w uuee, win pay mor than other local dea.ers. A. phone ca win copv"-q 1 REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all poin n household goods. Pacific Coast i-v. warding Co.. uth and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7U3. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITUR nf anv description; have the ready c&h Phone today. Main 4637 or 166 First st. SELL us your furniture and ruga. Relf able Furniture Co.. 2Q3 2d at. Main 73US. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIM 3332. WE BUY" used furniture. For best resul call AULD, 11-11 ur .1VA EDUCATIONAL. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school. Enter when convenient. 230 Tillamook st-. East 3S60. j f -1 ; N : H instruction, commercial trans lation, English and art. Marshall 2402. FI3K Teachers' Agency Journal b'dg. Main 4835 Teaching positions, free reg. OREGON law school. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, sec Main 977. ENGLISH teacher for beginner. 10:30 to 12. Apply 219 Henry, bldg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. WILL instruct a few small children in French. Tabor 8377. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Position secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. .234 Burnside st POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TO BE AN OCULIST. Portland Optical School, 2d fioor Co lumbia bldg., opens September 20. No tuition charged Oregon ex-service men. Phone Main U5S7 for further in formation about enrollment. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning: tuition reduced this term. 233 Mad lson. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks: pays while learning: good set of tools given; posi tions secured; tuition reduced. 33 N. 2d at. MRS. G. M. MELBY'S private kinder garten and preparatory, lirst grade, re opens at 690 East 45th IL N. Tabor S3'.3. Rose City Park. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange b.dg. Free booklet. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-aast. rtate supt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 827S. WOULD like to hear from a number of boarding schools for boys of 11; prefer Catholic. R 1,;. oregonian. TUDY massage. Portland School of Mas sage llnc-l, til swetiana Diag. Main i igrj. HELP WANTED MALE. AGGRE-SSrlVE, energetic, neat appearing young man, single, not over years oi age, to leave city at once, travel wun manager and learn good paying busi ness. Call room 609 Corbett building. 9 to 4. today only. WANTED Energetic youog man, 25 to 30, as traveling collector in Oregon, must have Ford car; if $50 per week above expenses Ic-oks good to you. call in person, room 1:20, Hotel Carlton, to oay after lo A. M. . OFFICE and commissary work, out of town. $3000; lumber stenographer, out of town, $150; traveling salesman. $200: atenigra;iher, city, $125. 33 N. W. Bank blug. WANTED 2 young men over 21. to work as salesmen and travel in crew with manager; permanent work with good pay; experience unnecessary. See Ruiri rulf, Oregon Hotel after 9 A. M. today. WANTED Several live-wire salesmen for a new auto necessity. Plevisunt work and big money. County agents wanted. Investigate. V to 12 A. 31.. 513 Wilcox bldg. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL TO RUN KltltANDS AND ATTEND GENERAL OFFICE DUTIES; GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY ROOM 712 ELECTRIC BUILDING. WANTED Hoy. 16 to 21, to asoisl on door and general work around theater; must be neat appearing and energetic. Apply manager's o-liice. Peoples theater, 12 to d.y. WANTED Truck driver for cement truck on highway: good wages, long hours. Phone Woodlawn 4:59. or call at 1420 Winona st. Take Woodlawn car. Call today. WANTED Olfice man. ambitious and hard worker, for good pot-Uiua with big local concern. Good salary if qualified. Give phone and busine address. D 18, Ore gonian. HAVE the best proposition for a good house-to-house man in the state: if you want to work in the city and make some big money call at 508 Couch bldg., 109 Fourth St. WANTED Linotype operator and general printer - for country ollice. r crmancnt position to right man. Town of 4500 population. Addrese Raymond Herald. Kaymond. v ash. YOUNG man to act as shipping clerk and look alter reserve stock; salary month. Lennon s, 300 Morrison. WANTED First class paper hanger for out-of-town work. $9 per day. f nours Transportation furnished. Apply 509 Oregon bldg. MEN. CATHOLIC Opportunity for three men of good character ana appearance local ana road work. Call 719 Spalding Bldg.. 8 bo B A. M 4 to i M. GOOD wages to wide awake boy for office work and delivery, opportunity to learn for boy who is ambitious. Commercial Adv. Co.. Couch bldg. YOUNG man stenographer to learn com mercial paper and financing business; good opportunity for advancement. Br 3. Oregonian. WANTED Wood cutters. $2.50 per cord; winters job; land and living conditions good. W. A. Campbell. t- i East e-Ln street North. East 212S. WANTED An experienced middle-aged working woman to manage rooming j house; no children. D. H. Welch. AS- toria. Or. WANTED A shoe salesman, permanent position; must be a good, experienced man. Apply at Levitts store. Fourth and Washington. DRIVER for a Ford deliver car. Stubua Elec. Co., Sv 6th st. JAPANESE house boy wanted: must be experienced and truatwortny. rerraanent place. Give phone number. Out of town. AV 436. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Ford delivery driver, strong and willing, western risn o.. i -o rirsi, near Washington. 7 o'clock morning. WANTED Ambitious young man with previous experience in retail hardware store. 130 First st. J. J. Kadderly. WANTED Three young men, city and traveling; good pay. Apply only to It A. M., room tKi, Hotel Imperial. WANTED Firet-claas vulcanizer to run shop; state salary. Box 311, I ne Danes. Or. - WANTED Good coatmaker. capable of three to four coats per week. Apply Arn- stein. Simon & Co.. linn st. WANTED Alert, years old; $60 House. reliable boy. 16 or 17 a month. 221 Custom WANTED A first-class window trimmer and card writer. Apply Aeanara fc Adams. 539 Willams avenue. WANTED Furnishing goods man who can tr.m windows. A. H. Deliar. 3-l wash street. BOY" WANTED, with wheel, for errands and delivery: chance tor- advancement. Bushong ee CO.. HI rara street. OLD MAN as companion and chores on small farm. Call after a:iitl 1-. M.. 04vs First St.. room 47. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, night shift, from 0 to 1. Savoy Restaurant, 132 Grand avenue. BOY OR young man wanted to deliver and work In meat market. Alberta Mar ket, 650 Alberta st. WANTED Young man to work around furniture store. Must have good refer ences. 200 First st. WANTED Boys over 16, also high school boys for short hours. Oregon Alleys, HH'.i Broadway. ; WATED Experienced man on the floor to attend to taoies. tiano XJiliiaru ranor, Park and Alder. WANTED Young man for delivery clerk; steady position: good chance for ad vancement. Ben Selling WANTED At once, first-class open shop, experienced turret lathe machinist. Ap ply 520 Oregon bldg.. Sth and Oak sts. CABINET maker for high-class fixture work. The P. T. Aipge Co.. 29th and Nlcolal sts., Portland. Or. BOY 16-18 yrs.. energetic. 1 to take care of pet stock. Routledge Seed 4c Floral Co., 145 2d St. BY OWNER Late model Olds convert ible roadster: a snap for cash, or on easy terms. Bdwy. 4036. YOUNG man to drive Ford truck and learn wholesale paint business. Basch Hunter Paint Co.. 4S1 Glisan. 2 CARPENTERS, $G 8 hours. Call at job on lutn St.. Between xnicauai aula rre mont- today. BOY WITH motorcycle. Apply Powers Jt Estes. 129 Sixth st. BELLBOY wanted. Park st. Arlington club. FIRST-CLASS plumber for out-of-town work. Apply 5u9 Oregon bldg. WANTED -A man with a 1-ton truck to haul slabwood from yard. Call East 2041. BOY with bicycle, not afraid to work: must have reference. Apply 111 N. Bdwy. BRIGHT boy for wholesale house. Apply 134 Front tt. YOUNX1 man 18 to 20 for crk where advancement Is good. 1015 Wilcox bldg. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 East Broadway. BOY TO work in dinJng room from 6:30 to 8 P. M. Marshall 6S1. WANTED Experienced Janitor. Call in person. Madras hotel. 443 WANTED Cash boys, steady positions; hours 9 to 6. Ben Selling. Bl'sHELMAN wanted. Apply Jimmy Dunn, IJrcauway ana Aiaer. WANTED First-class coatmaker. Apply 54x Royal bldg. Main a29v HELP WANTED MALE. $3O0 TO $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many auto mobile experts are. You may join the high-salaried, skilled-raechanio ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOLS OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL Investigate, enroll and don't pay ns a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't It? Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 8 OUR COURSES ARB FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX. AUTO AND GAS ENGLXE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. MEN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOY MENT. The place best equpipped to assist you In finding employment Is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the beat type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service ! sbsolutely free to ex-service men. AU men seeking employment in cleri cal, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C A. employment secretary, room S07. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN." WANTED A thoroughly experienced farmer, married, with email family: must thoroughly understand modern farming, especially corn raising and the care and operation of a gas tractor, and be abre to do ordinary farm blacksmllh lng; prefer one with knowledse of beef cattle and hogs; a permanent position for several years for trie right man; a Scotchman or middle-western farmer given preference. In auurwering give sge. weight, size of family, farming ex perience and references; do not answer uo.ess you are a practical farmer today. R 59. Oregonian. WANTED. MESSENGER BOTH WITH OR WITHOUT WHEELS. Average pay mounted mes-mrer. $100, Average pay loot messengers. $85. Permanent work. APPLI DELIVERY fciVPEUVTSOR. EH 76 1-SIrd St. UNUtiUAL OPPORTUNITIES are wrth-ln. reach of hlgh-grad CLERICAL. TECH NICAL. COMMERCIAL tuid PROF.E.I PIONAL men. now employed, who de slre to be put In touch with emvployersi who will recognize your executive abil ity; salaries $2400- to $30,000 per year; correspondence held strictly confidential and will under no circumstances Jeop ardize your present connections; if you. are qualified, request details. AN 87. Oreg-on ian. .AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors, vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics. Is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send It or rail at office. 416 Oregon Institute of Tet-hnology. Y. M. C A. THE METER FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced silk and dress goods salesman. Permanent position. Apply .Employment Bureau. Sixth, Floor. Meier & Frank Company. MEN WANTED AT ONCE. Have contracts for road, lumber and log hauling, excellent working conditions, go to work at once; ten trucks working now and making money: road con ditions good; can work nearly all win ter; long-time contracts and not a 6 per cent proposition: have been on the ground myself and. pronounce these Jobs O. K. Three-ton truck required. M'Intosh Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash. St. $225 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUND averaged by a number of our salesmen, young, middle-aged and elderly. Busi ness never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. BRIGHT boy for errands and general of fice work, good hours and good pay. This is a splendid chance for willing boy. Apply at once, Oregonian business office, advertisinaf department. MACHINIST to operate milling machine and do general machine work; must be quick and accurate; also able to figure out all kinds of spur and bevel gears; steady work and good wages if satisfac tory. Do not apply unless you are a first class machinist and able to do accurate work. Fred Dundee. Broadway at Flan ders. WANTED Immediately, ' an all-around country printer: good field: either a young man or elderly man who is will ing to Identify himself with a live prop osition and help to build up the business in a growing and prosperous commu nity. Call 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. and ask for Mr. Kutpfer. WANTED 1 00 men at once to learn to 1 operate end repair automobiles and gas tractors. Apply Hemphill's Automobile & Gas Tractor Schools, corner East 20th and Hawthorne. Write or call. tor tree catalogue. WANTED BOT ABOUT IT YEARS OP" AGE FOR FACTORY WORK: GOOD WAGES. APPLY AMES. HARRIS, NEVILLE, 15TH AND HOYT STS. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient of fice help, call Broadway 4499. Clerical Help Service. 629 Artisans' bldg. MARRIED man. aged 23-40. to represent responsible company; salary and com mission; permanent position: opportun ity . for advancement. Address D. K. Wilson. 601-03 N. W. Bank bldg. $10O PER WEEK is what you can earn if you will allow us to teach you how to sell our goods: previous experience In, selling is not necessary. Call 902 Spad ing Bldg., apk for Mr. Borders. $75 TO $150 weekly wage of aviators; now is the opportunity to get into this fast growing, fascinating game. Call or write Dudrey Aircraft Co. 824 Morgan bldg. A POSITION Is open In office wholesale grocery house, out f town, for young man. experienced in this line preferably; references and salary wanted. W 41 Oregonian. BOYS and men can make good money cut ting flag of the "bullrushes" variety. For information inquire of Western Cooper age Co., St. Johns, east end of S. P. 4fc s. bridge. MAN WANTED Who can cut and lay carpets and cut and hang draperies; steady Job to the right person; acawer, stating experience, references and salary, expected. F. A. Gammer, Stockton, CaL CUTTER of gentlemen's garments. Must be thoroughly experienced and of pleas ing personality. Give references, o 642 Oregonian. WANTED at once, first-class barber; will guarantee right man $30; 60 over 40; good over money. Write A. A. Anderson, Molalla. Or. OFFICE BOY, 16 years old, for a news paper office; hours 6 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. $15 per week. Call room 815 Orego nian bldg., after 2 P. M. . I AM state distributor for well-known light truck, want office manager who will invest $2500 in the business. AH 80. Oregonian. WANTED A boy about 17 years of age to learn wire and iron work trade. Ap ply In person to Northwest Fence St Wire Works. East Oak at. and Union ave. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading from Akron, O., grad uate. 433 Stark st THE STATE SCHOOL FOR DSA7 at Sa lem, desires the services of an Instructor in wood-working and cabinet-making.' OPPORTUNITY for young man to learn to operate motion picture machine. Ap ply only 12 to 3 P. M.. 318 Piatt bldg. WANTED Delivery driver; experienced boy preferred. Wascher Bros., 5ti E. Broadway. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; weekly, monthly pa.pess. Contracts cashed. Clyde, 210 stock Exch. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, salary $12 $125 per month; good penman; give age and experience. BC 734. Oregonian. , WANTED Boy over 16 years to help on milk delivery truck. Call at 15 Union ave. EXPERIENCED salesman for retail gro cery; apply, stating age, experience, salary expected. AN 86. Oregonian. YOUNG man in office wholesale house: must be accurate in figures. Apply 34 North Front street. MEN WANTED Opportunity to make big money. Apply 4o3 Gerlinger bids. BOY WITH wheel, permanently. Chap pell's Flower Shop, 331 Morrison. MUSICAL entertainers for Sunday! must be A-1. Call .Main 7981 after 7 P. M. MAN for steady job on farm near Port land. Call 301 U. S. Bank bldg. WANTED Head counter man. Coffee Cup Lunch Room, 332 Washington st.