1G THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1920 V REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. LAWTSRS TITLli & TRUST COMPANTT, Marshall 1S9S. ROSfci CITY. No. W A. Very pretty 5-room btrng low, rood garage with cement drive, good bammnt, plumbing, electrio lights, fca.it, (rradel streets, cement sidewalks, lot 60x100, 1H blocks to Rose City car, close to school ; total price only $3200; cash $1000. balance easy terms. This home Is Just' as pretty aa a iittla doll bouse. Better hurry. NOKIH PIEDMONT. $5500. Na 153. Extra large 7 -room house, large reception hall, den, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pretty winding stairs leading up from parlor to second floor; upstairs four large bedrooms and sleep ing porch, two of the bedrooms have built-in dressers with French mirrors: floors downstairs hardwood; large ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace. One of the prettiest places on Cleveland ave nue in a $15,000 neighborhood. Remem ber, the total price is only $5500. Half cash, balance long time. ROSE CITY, ' $4200. No. 20G. 5-room bungalow, good attic, good set plumbing, electric lights, gas, Dutch kitchen, latest bullt-ins. been built 5 years; lhk blocks to Rose City car, 46xlO0 lot. Remember, the total price is only 4200; $1200 cash, balance terms. Party buying the house will be expected to buy winter's wood that is in the basement. UWYKRS TITTLE & TRUST COMPANY, 2b5 Stark St., near Fourth. Marshall 1S98. BEAUTIFUL NEW LAURELHURST HOME $S500. This modern 1 u -story bungalow, two blocks from Laurelhurst park, built- for owner, well constructed and beautifully finished, with expensive lighting fix tures, shades and wa.llpaper; best lino leum In kitchen and bathroom, high grade plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, beveled plate giass mirror door, plate glass window, French doors, attractive fire-place and bookcases, screens on doors and windows, large ce ment basement, laundry trays, beet fur nace and every modern convenience. Oarage. soUd cement drive. Beautiful lawn, flowers and shade trees, lot 50x 100. Call 1233 EAST PINE ST. EAST OF FORTY-FIRST ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A feature of this beautiful home is the magnificent view of city and moun tains, unsurpassed by anything in Port land. Living room, music room, dining room ana kltcnen ; Dearooms upstairs, hirh. lieht basement, hot-water heat, large grounds with much fruit and shrubbery; an exceedingly pleasant home nrf thn nrlr-A is below its Value. Only $ 1 3,5 0O and terms can be- ar ranged. FREDERIC CL PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bids. PENINSULA DISTRICT We will be glad to show you the real value of this 7 room bungalow, wnich is in the best of conauion ; nas one Pig owiroom ana bath downstairs; large living room, full width porch, big kitchen with fine ttantrv: full basement, cement walls. partly floored, and walla and ceiling colled. Beautiful lot with garage and mall ceiled house In rear. This cannot be duplicated anywhere in the city for less than $3500. Price only $2730, with terms. Ralph Harris Company, 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON. A most charming 6-room home on 27th street N. Large living room, cove ceilings in dining room, exclusive porch entered by French doors from living room; built-in refrigerator in Dutch kitchen ; 3 most cheerful bedrooms and very large glassed-in sleeping porch on second floor. This Is a real homy homo and a splendid buy at $10,000. Half cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. ROSE CITT PARK $5500. Five rooms and sleeping porch, hard . vnod f loom, tanestrv wall naner. fire lplace, built-in buffet and bookcases; full cement basement; furnace; wash trays paved street. This house is double con structed and built of the best materials , throughout. $2000 down, bal. like rent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. DUTCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x132 ADJOIN ING LOT AVAILABLE AND VACANT: UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF CITY AND MOUNTAINS, CLOSE IN ON CAR LINE; 10 ROOMS. 3 BATHS. H OT W AT EH HEAT. OAK FLUO K3, MAHOGANY AND FIVE COATS WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY 40 PER CENT FOR LONG TIME II DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL HOUSE? IN IRV INGTON AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE RESIDENCE PHONE MAIN 3360. $41:00 HERE is a home that wo are dead anxious to show you; 5 rooms and steeping porch down ; attic and 1 finished room up; built-in bJook case. writing desk, buffet, dressrrs; full basement; 80x100 Jot with alley. Only 2 blocks to car. Terms. J. A. W1CKMAX CO., "Shortest Way Home." 2M Stark St. Main HH4 and " THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income ? We design and buiid apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE SATISFACTION. 1.. R. Bailey Co.. Inc. 924 N. W. MBank bldg. ATTENTION, HOME BUYERS. We have several good bargains in both new and old houses In Irvlngton at prices considerably below the market. Call THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., home builders, 690 East 10th st. North, Telephones, East 2432. automatic 320-85. SOMETHING ODD. Four large rooms and bath, fine lot, nice lawn; lota of built-ins; folding beds; everything in excellent condition; two blocks to Kenton car. Price $2200. $500 canh. balance $20 monthly. Call Air. Fisher, at Main 6420. 248 Stark. MUST settle estate; N-roorn house ; closed for 2 families to live separately or open for I large family; light, airy rooms; large sleeping porch and front porch ; f urn ace. electricity, gas ; corner 5'xl 00. Best buy in Irvington park. Wdln. 2621. $4250 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Large living room, den with fire place, large dining room with built-in buf Tet, Dutch kitchen with large break fast room in oid ivory, three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs. 727 E. 7 2d St. N. Tabor 0S44. Owner. LARGE residence on Thurman street. clos to new M ontgoniery Ward plant and near Willamette Heights bridge. Strictly modern. 7 rooms and 3 attic rooms, full lot; $900. 1 nqulre 710 Flanders st. Phone Main 4812. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," 11 lustra ted book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints and specifications. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. MT. T ABO It. A bsrgain; 9-room house, $S700: bard wood floors, cement basement, 2 fire places, garage, fruit. 3 lois. Take clear property as first payment. Automatic 216-02. 1 R VI NOTON. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, FINE BUILT-INS. FRENCH DOORS. FRUIT, GARAGE; GOOD BUY; OWNER LEAV ING. ZIMMERMAN. 818 CHAMBER OF COMM ERCE. ROSE CITY PARK. We have several strictly modern bun galows priced around $5000. Let us show you before you buy. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. Main 8220. VACANT! VACANT! HAWTHORNE. Walking distance: 6-room modem hou. corner lot, furnace, fireplace; $ 4 5O0 : terms. Mar. 1 02 2 . 6-ROOM house. 2 lots on 84th st. S. E., H block from car, electric lights and gas full plumbing. Price $2000; terms. Phone nasi oo. VERY choice Hose City bungalow, srrictly up m i ii in i ii uvc lorms. Hi aw in Jacobean. I aoor i .xi, .via in 5642. ONE BLOCK from Rose City Park school, 0-room house, $4000. Call owner. Tabor ROSE CITY PARK $7500. value at $5300; itMl ieet ironi car. urai nuy in -fortlaJld. 057 E. 65th st. Tabor 0354. FOR SALE by owner, an 8-room well-built house. ." bedrooms, furnace, garage. 431 K. ;;itn si. ft-ROOM nouse. 1 blocks Broadway, walking distance; $3000. 390 E. 1st N., near Hancock. BY OWNER, brand new 5-room nicirirrr. close in; Miss. car. (4200. 301 Corbett pioy. I X V 7 ' i R S gee me to settle an eatnta- can Blve you a bargain in houses close in. Fred Vlereck, 40 Front street. FARliA I N Six family flats, 8 and 4 rms. each, close In, $J50, 1-3 cash; all rented. Main 37S7. MT. TABOR ft-room bungalow, strictly modern, corner 100x100 feet. ' Call Ta- bor 410. IRVlNGTONf Exceptional house: also Piedmont - lovely 6-room house; no agents. East 7504. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, fireplace, close In. bargain. I30Q0. .Main 7015. 6BE THIS 6-room house, garage, excellent location-, price J6900. East 2009. FOR SAUK 4-room modern bungalow with lot 110x75. Call Columbia VJU. " IRVINGTON HOMES McDsnell. 5U Kast 14tt N. East 41. KEA1 ESTATE. lTor Sale Houses. BTHR-CAREY CORPORATION. HEAXTORS, MAIN 7487. Oont, to cur display room mn4 litotot th .hun-dreds of photographs of desir able homes we have (or salo in every ectlon of the city. They ay chosen with trreat axe. M00. On pvei street, with swwer: a very attractive and substantial -buzvga-low with lull cement basement. 2 large, airy bed rooms, built-in buffet. Iutch kitchen. 3 blocks to car. Con-venlent terms. Look at this. JETTFERSON" TTTOH SCHOOL. S3SO0. firtstantlal 8-room house on tet SOx 1(0; paved street and sewer: half block from car: 3 hooka to Jefferson hirh school. Fine garden, chicken house, lots of fruit trees a-n-d shrubbery. This bouse is la fine condition. Convenient terms. 3175. "Very attractive 7 -room buntrajow on a full lot. 1 block from car ami 2 blocks to school: lance living-room, built-in buffet in dlni-ng-room. Dutch kitchen. 4 nice bedrooms, 2 of tnem being- up stairs: cement basement, laundry t-raya. all kinds of fruit, shrubbery and flow ers. House in excellent condiiton: terms. NEAJt JEFPERSOV HIGH. FURVI-HJST. 30OO. Substantial 5-room furnished house on full lot. half block from car. 2 blocks to Jefferson high school: best of plumbing; 2 large bedrooms; very convenient terms. . ALBERTA. S3000. Very substantial 5-room bungalow on ftLI corner lot; larjje, well -arranged rooms, cement basemmtt. best of Dlum-b-IrLg. $500 down will buy this place. It la very good value. PENTXSULA. 20OO. This 5-room bungalow is an excellent buy; 2 lange bedrooms, cement base ment, laundry trays: 2 blocks from car. Kitchen range goes with place. Easy terms. WOODT.AW.V. S2G50. $250 down will take this substantial - 7-room house: four large bedrooms, living-room, dlnin-g-room. kitchen, cement basement. This is a bargain. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. . 21i Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. Open Evenings. NEW OFFERING. A BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA RES IDENCE; MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF CITT, MOUNTAINS. ETC.: CENTRAL HALiL: ALL LARGE ROOMS AND EACH WITH A LOVELY OUTIXJOK DOWN SHADED STREETS OR OVER "VEL.VETY LAWNS: HOT WATER HEAT. 2 FIREPLACES. SPA CIOUS VERANDAS AND SLEEP ING PORCH; DOUBLE GARAGE. UNUSUAL APPOINTMENTS A I.I. THROUGH; VERY LARGE GROUNDS AND SO BEAL'TI TI FULLY LANDSCAPED. ALTO GETHER A HOME OF RARH CHARMS AND REFINEMENT. APPRECIATED BY THOSE DE SIRING ONLY THE BEST. AP POINTMENT ARRANGED. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7976. DEKUM JORDAN HOME BARGAINS J 4000 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7 room bungalow, full cement base ment, furnace, Dutch kitchen, only "4 block from Hawthorne av. on 48th st. Street hard surfaced. tlOOU cash, balance to suit. 4000 RICHMOND DISTRICT. 6-room modern house, full cement base ment, furnace, garage, fruit. f 1000 cash. Terms. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK." 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dining room, buffet, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace. 50x100 lot, block from handy Blvd. Terms. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sts. Main 2233. A STORY WITH TWO ENDINGS Yes. IT IS "SIMPLY SURPRISING" that this may be done by almost any one: this was a young professional man: needed a home; couldn't quite dig up enough to buy what he wanted: thought hard; this is what happened; Bought a furnished housekeeping apartment house with a few hundred down; made his rent: auu per cent on hta investment; resold the-other day at good profit. He will soon have enough to make the first payment on the HOME H K WANTS. COME TO OUR OFFICE and we wili guarantee a similar experi ence to you if you welcrt one of our best bargains In "DiaNlFlED, BETTER CLASS ROOMING HOUSES." We have a solution for every housing problem. V. ri. ShUTttifilM CO.. 332-:;s: Railway Kxch. bldg. SAVE RENT BUY A HOME. 10n cash, $25 per month, buys a 7 room house and bOx.100 ft. lot. Price si you. $300 CAJ?H. Easy terms, buys a 5-room houre and iwixiw it. lot. ADundance or fruit, etc Price J1977j. 1SOO CASH. Easy terms, buys 4-room house, 50x100 it. lot, two blocks from car, one block from Willamette blvd. Pnice $210. f50 CASH, St5 per month and Interest, buys an unfinished 4-room house, 50x100 ft. lot. Va block from tjt. Johns car. Price $1350 Se Mr. Chriwten-pon, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 6043. 410 Henry Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. 6-ROOM B U N G A LO W CRE GROUND r50O. It would probably cost $8000 to dupli cate this property. You would never expect to find such a fine bungalow home as this, so ideally located, for so little money. Instead of making profit, this owner is acluully losing a large amount of money. We want to say to you, now is the time to act- If you hesi tate you are going to be sorry. Prob ubly never again will you have an op portunity like this one. A. G. TBEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near Fourth. Main 3002. Branrh Office. .r0th and Stindy. oxu $rro cask. $2."00 Here is your opportunity; "no ex cuse for paying high rents any longer. We have 2 houses that are Identical; 4 rooms and bath down; 2 up; full basement, half floored, wash trays. Routes newly painted and in fine shape; only 1 block to .car. You will have to 'hurry as these will both sell to the first parties inspecting same. $0, Including Interest, month!)-. J. A. WICK MAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 2fi4 Stark St. Main 1094 and HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Six Rooms $4350. Easy Terms. Here U a dandy home offered at a very moderate price. Hardwood floors, built-in buffet; furnace; in fact, every thing one would naturally expect to find in a modern, up-to-date home. Full lot. Very liberal terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St. Near 4th. Main 3092 Branch Office, 50th and Sandv $50 to $200 CASH, and $10 to $20 per month or yearly pay ments, interest 6 per cent per annum will buy a lot anywhere and build sma'i bungalow, select plans, build on lot al ready owned or partly paid for any where in the CITY Or SUBURBS PHONE MAIN 8150. BUNGALOW BUILDERS 230 'Stark St. Portland, Or Suburban Homes. MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES We have a fine list of modern subur ban homes. .acre (o 5 acres. Located on the Oregon Electric at Ryan Place, Multnomah, Ma pie wood. Garden Home' Barstow and Metzger stations. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. Main 8220 CHICKEN ranch Almost five acres, all cultivated, fenced, fine well, barn, some fruit ; only 3."i minutes out ; at a sacri fice for $1700; easy terms. Call 500 concora Ding., oecona ana stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, .well located, near .nrim. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north or Kisiey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider Brook HAVE 24 acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences. hour from center or city; not a commercial place, just an ideal borne. L 54, Ore- goman. l'-fc ACRES, west sido, 5-room, new house. rice ; jw casn, Daiunce per j 1 101 1 1 11 . ie-jvuwcrLfHJH v-o.. j y$ corbett hing. FIVE acres. Capitol highway: house, barn orchard, big hennery, scenic. $2500. Main :672. Mcf ariand, f ailing bldg. FOR SALE 1:2 urban home. acres and beautiful sub- -bOwy. z:i. L. A. Norton FOR SALE 2-acre modern suburban home. aroaoway zaa. xj. a. isorton. HALF-ACRE, small house, furnished. $S50, .Main rtb. Mcf anana, issuing Mdg. A GROSS income of Ho?- is worth inves tigating. See Houck, 110 10th su MAI ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUJnTRBAN HOifE BEAtTTrFTJI. Here is one of the most attractive homes a heart could desire. Built for a home, but owing to business pressure owner mm leave state. Situated Just off Powell Valley road, about 6 miles from courthouse. The house Is well planned and very attractive: li-ving room 18x30, fireplace, butH-4n; 2 very light. Ojiry bedrooms, kitchen bullt-lns. fruit cellar, hot and cold water, splendid bath room, A-l plum-bins, orrvate water sys tem, electricity and beautLful electric I fixtures. If you are looking for a classy I suburban home, let us show you this piacs. .frice 4Ulo. Ri. H. CONTRBT, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-57 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL, SUBURBAN HOME. i-iiving and front room 14x30. fireplace and buitt-tns, electricity, gas, hot and cold water, Dutch kitchen, best of plumb ing, cement basement, furnace. The house has never been occupied; H acre on V ilila- ave., nj carline and good scnooi. only 0WM, terms if aestrea. R. H. CONFREX, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. SOI -8-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. SUBURBAN HOME $5200. S50O CASH. BAL, KASY. Nearly one-third of an arce Just over the city boundary; all kinds of bearing fruit; equipped to handle chickens: mod ern bungalow with cement basement, j ouiiL-in Durtet. bookcases; Dutch kltcn en; modern plumbing, electric light, gas and city water: 5 blocks to city car. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 3Q6-3Q3 Board of Trade bldg. Bd-wy. 4T54. 1 ACRE AND 7-ROOM HOUSE, $2800. OWNER SACRIFICES. Good 7-room house, gas, electrtoity. not and cold water, bath, 1 acre In garden, lawn and berries, 15 bearing iruu trees, 2 blocks- from busi-ness dis trict of Gresham. Someone is going to gex a oargaln. R. H, CONFRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COURTNEY ACRE. OREGON CITY CAR .Bungalow, 7 rooms; pressure water I system; furnace, electric lights, gas: beautiful shade- trees; 32 bearing fruit trees; nice garden; 2 blocks east of sta tion. -rice. Vb acre, $5750; 1 '4 acres, $6500; $2000 cash, terms on balance. Just a dandy home for someone. No I agents. Phone Oak Grove 1503. Call lor HlacKman a place. HILLSDALE BARGAIN. One acre, 6-room houee, porch, base ment, city water, gas. electricity, tele phone, bath, toilet, double garage, ce ment walke, some fruit trees, barn. chicken houses, near city limits on west siae nignway; price $40OO. one-half cash. rest 6 per cent. Joe Gentemann. 167 Va f irst st., Portland. Or. ACRE. BUNGALOW, ORCHARD. BULL RUN. GAS. ELECTRICITY. Close in. east side. Mount Scott car. fine view including Mnnnt TTnnH enrlv all bearing fruit: bungalow, full plumb ing, furnace, garage, barn. Taxes under jo per year: satino. Terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 30S-6-7 Lewis bldg. For Sale Business Property. TH-B POSTPO.VBR IS HESITATTNG HIMSELF OUT OF MANY A BARGAIN THESE DAYS. THIS 13 k SUPERIOR iin v o& i .Mr.! I . Solid brick. Nob Trm Hlwtr.tt. -in t.. fine apartments; nearly all completely I iuiuuhicu. win excellent lumlture: in come in excess of $tKK per month. vvill sell furniture and nearly new brick cunning witn a nrst payment of $12,000. J he balance mav be nniH from thn earnings of property at a low rate of I Interest. This is an unexcelled oppor- I tunlty to make a small investment pay I nunc iriuuia ana in a lew years you .,, uii mo pjroiipriv clear. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 3S2-3S3 Railway Exch. Bid. ROSE CITY PARK. BCSIXESS BLOCK. tSOOO SNAP 18300. fays 12 per cent on the invKfmnt. street improvements all in and paid, hot water heat. Jt would cost $15,000 to duplicate this building. $4000 cash, bal ance at i per cent. Location on Sandy boulevard. A. N. Mikkelben Co., 52d and i mo,nu j uuumvuru. EXTRA "FINK BUSINESS CORNER. When the Standard Oil frm na n v a lects a business location you realize at onco that it must be a good one. Here i a corner at oy juo feet, with oiancara kjii itiung station, a grocery store with living rooms above; both streets paved, fine corner and a snap for $7500. one-half cash, balance esjiiiv arranged. See K. W. HUGHES. 607 OWN AN interest in Inside city holdings. wwnnrHnip eriincatea in centrally lo cated J. a ave. Seattle real estate, leased to wholesale bouses. Denomination $1000. The only way by which you can get all of the income. netting better than interest rate, and also the profits realized on the investment. Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber 01 commerce mag. OWNER MUST SELL. OR TRADK Two-story building on a corner, located on car line in a business district: store occupied hs a grocery; income $S0 per month ; will sell or trade for stork of I mercnanmae in city or country. M 942, vrrgonian. 100x100 &D AND Jefferson sts.. Portland; very cnoice. very cheap; a very rare op portunity. For owner, see J. J. Johnson, 01 bpaiaing Diflg., Portland, Qrj $12.000 BUSINESS property, centrally lo- -it-ia fio.u. ierms. uwner. u US, Tor Pale Acreage. $ir6 DOWN BUY NOW. ON LAKE OVER 4 ACRES. PARKROPK. just 1 tract on lake, only $72.1 per acre, this tract corners on May's lake, this is a good d?ep spring-fed lake, ground U fine garden soil, just the kind of a tract to improve with berries and have a pleasant summer home at the same time. Remember, this is in the new diking and drain age district and is celling very rapidly, easy monthly payments. PA RK ROSE BU A VCII OFFICE AT END OF PARK ROSE . CAR LINE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 208. 2H ACRES, 1 block from base-line road. on line graveled road, 6 blocks from car; close to city; gas, city water; electric lights within 6 blocks; 160 apple trees. 6 1 chorris, 18 rows raspberries. 300 feet long. 2 rows loganberrio. 3 rows rur; rants, 1 row blackcaps: ail in fruit, bear ing. Price $30O0. including the apple I crop; iuwj casn. Also 1 acre joining this on the pavement for $1200. with city water.- John Ferguson, Gerllnger mug. 2 ACRES, 5-ROOM COTTAGE $27-3. N early 2 acres, all f e need , some f I n e fir trees. 5-room cottage, gas jor light and fuel, good well, chicken house and run. smaJl barn; on E. 82d st., a paved road to Portland, about 5 blocks from Kenaau station, nair-nour ride in auto. a real snap tut zi.u, aoout sioou cash. balance to snjat at 6 per cent. Shown by appoinitmen 1 oniy. GK US-SI & BENNETT. 318-321 Boar! of Trade. Main 7452. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE SNAP. 20 acres, only miles from city boun dary. 11 miles from courthoune," best soil tor iruu and berries, fine view; lew acres .cleared, balance brush. Only $2750 lews than $140 per acre. f KtL' I'.KIC KJ. f KA IT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bidg. 1.00 ACRES $400. One full acre adjoining $375. Close to Mt. Hood electric and paved Base xine roaa. ljevei, wooaea land. Only few acres left. Terms, $25 down and iu per monin. STRONG & CO., 634 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. TWO ACRES IMPROVED. Located in Rockwood acres adjoining Milwaukie. Tnis is a beautiful sightly tract, highly improved with 2 houses; lights and city water. Apply to owner. o worth western ann Diag. 5 ACRES unimproved land 6 mi.es from the city of Portland. S. E. ; cord wood timber on the place will pay for it. Price $450, terms; also 10 acres of land, price $100, terms. Nelson. 313 Henry Bldg.. from 3 to 6 P. M, lVt, MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. A splendid tract of nearly one acre; lev el land, nice soil ; price $400; $10 down. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES, only $550; located in beautiful Tualatin valley; partly fenced: some trees; $."o down, $10 per month. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BARGAIN in a c:oice 2-acre tract on Killlngsworth ave.; also two good lots near Franklin high school. Owner. 1006 E. 7th st. N. 520 ACRES !ogged-off land, some tillable; running water, good slock range. $0 per aTt . terms. J. K. Sharp, 557 Sherlock building. REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. BUT NOW EAST TERMS. NEW PARKROSE TRACT. Just ontslde city llmfts where taxes are low. nearly 3 4 acres, ground mostly all cleared except a dandy little growth of oak, ash and cottonwood trees, which border on the drainage canal, making Just an ideal little building site. BUT NOW, get the ground ready for spring planting. This tract is on the main road leading from Sasdy blvd. and car line; terms; only 9119 down, balance $24 a month. This is only 70O per acre. PARK ROSE BRANCH OFFICE, END OF FAEKROSG CAR LINE. J. U HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 208. LOGANBERRY ACRSAGE. Have secured nntlnn nn ht rrnnnd that lies outdoors; close to city car line, beautiful home sites. 1 will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July, 1921; 30 years" experi ence as fruit grower. Juice manufactur er, moral and financial responsibility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of this worth while proposition? F. A. Breck, Mfg. Brecks Loganberry Juice, 384 East 42d st. North. Tabor 2678 or Main 6173. 15 ACRES, a house-moving outfit and car pet Mom. Tom Allen. 6131 92d St. S. E. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead; eitner iarming or timber tracts, on or near cood roads. Timber close in and can be handled at once. Hours 8:3U to 5 and evenings 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. Bldg. For Sale Farms. FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres, every foot in cultivation, A-l land, no waste ; about 15 acres bottom land; good 7-room house, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modern chicken house, brooder house, garage, etc.; 2a tons of hay in barn; chickens; family orchard- This place is 5 miles from Hi I Is bo ro, S V miles paved road ; one of the best forties in the district; price $13,000; good terms. 40 acres. 30 in cultivation. ID acres pasture, creek, family orchard, 6-room house, barn. silo, etc.; 16 miles from Portland, near pavement; extra choice land. This is a real bargain at $8500. 12 JA acres, all in cu Itivation : A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land; 5-room house, barn and other out buildings; 1 cow. 3 tons of hay, garden tools. Price $5000, or will sell 5 acres with Improvements for $3500. We have many other good farm bargains. -1 acres. 1 W in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; about 60 bearing ap ple trees; rolling land; creek, 5-room plastered house, good barn, full of bay: chicken house, hothouse, etc.; good well; on good road; good team mares, 6 milch cows. 1 heifer. 4 hogs. 60 chickens; pota toes, kale and corn growing. This is a nifty little place for $GS00; half cash. 20 acres, acres in cultivation, o acres in pasture; choice land, nearly level ; 5-room house and barn, 3 acres orchard, small fruits; 18 miles Portland; price $U250. $2575 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. 20 acres, 10 acres In cultivation. 10 acres pasture and timber; extra choice location, H mile R. R. sta., 6 mi. Hills bo ro ; 6-room modern house, modern plumbing ; water in barn ; good chicken house, family orchard, small fruits; price $6000; half cash, bal. 6 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. MR. FARM BUYER, here is one good farm of 167 acres. with 65 acres in cultivation. 5 acres of fruit, about 2.OOO.00O feet of fir and cedar, nearly new 8-room plastered house, modern barn 36x60. and all other buildings; creek and good spring, with water piped to house and barn; stock includes 3 horses. 6 head of cattle, 30 sheen. 25 hors. poultry and bees : all farm Implements; located in first-class farming district, 25 miles from Port land; price $21,000; $10,000 cash and long time on the balance. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. RANCH EASY TERMS. 200 acres, 120 open plow land, bal. timber pasture; fair bldgs.. good road, 1 mile from grade and high school; stock and equipment all for $10,000, with $2000 cash, bal. 5 years at 6 per cent. BOX 193. EUGENE, OR. $4000 CLACKAMAS COUNTY. $4000. SO ACRES. Improved farm, 5 miles S. E. Estacada, good roads, excellent soil, no rough or rockv land. 10 or 12 acres in cultivation. box house, good barn, living spring and stream near, family orchard, abundance cord wood timber, fine pasture. This is the makinjr of a good farm and is genuine bargain. Requires $.S00 or $1000 cash. Phone owner, Tabor op. FOR SAUE 4-year lease and equipment. 80 acres, 6i in cultivation, with good buildings ana orcnara. on county road 1 4 miles from school; 1 team of horses 5 ana 1 years ota, gooa cows. 1 farm wagon, 1 Oliver plow, 2 cultivators, sinele: - double harrows, 1U acres po tatoes, acre carrots and all kinds of garden, house hoi a rurnuure. chickens and harness; price $900; 25 miles from Portland. J. J. Myers, route 3, Estacada, Oregon. 380 STOCK EQUIPMENT. On S. P. and Pacific highway. V mile of station, upper Willamette : fertile slopes and bottom lands; large portion in cultivation; all fenced ; good D-r. house and numerous outbuildings: several acres commercial fruit; abundant springs and running water: 150 head stock, turkeys. etc. Equipment, $19,000. Will consider small amount trade on strictly cash basis. t. F. FEEMSTER, 417 ABTNGTON BLDG LAND TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. I will sll 50 acres of my farm to the highest bidder on Friday, Sept. 17, 1920, at my place 1 Vi miles north of Bellevue, Yamhill county, on main public road. On same date will make sale of all my stock and Implements on said farm. Time on part if desired. Land can be inspect ed at any time. J. H. PUTMAN. McMinnvllle. Or.. K. F. D. 3. ALL FOR $3.100 LVM CASH. 115 acres. 7-room house, s-pring water piped to house and barn, barn for 11 head ; hog, chicken, root houses: no rock, part level, part rolling; 10 acres cul tl vat Ion, 5 acres prunes : In Umpqua valley, one mile to railroad ; home mar ket for everything. Place is making money now. Glad to tell you of this. MacINXES. 210 Oregon Bidg. Broadway 1658. A COMPLETE FARM HOME. 35 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Only ISi miles from Cottage Grove; quality soil, fine location, good road, nice improvements. best of market ; everything complete, all goes but furni ture for $750O. Terms $2500 cash. MacINNES. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 165S. 2S0 ACRES wheat land; about 100 acres in cultivation. 70 acres to be seeded this fall: 170 acres near by, about 50 acres in cultivation : 3 -5 crop goes with place; this land will coon be Irrigated: want smaller place. Add-ress owner, 038 Union ave. North. Portland. Or. A WONDERFUL 42-acre farm, all un der cultivation, piumuing m nouse same as city, electric pump and lights, also creek; you will have to see this to ap preciate It, $."00 per acre. Also have many other properties. Marshall 272 be fore noon. No agents. 147-ACRE3 DAIRY RANCH, all In culti vation, mi ire 1 ' uiii uuign, ur. a bargain If taken at once. G. T. ST API-ETON, Gaston, Oregon. CLARK COUNTY CLOSE IN BARGAIN, 40 acres, it mues 01 Vancouver, near XTiiirtl.ne road. AO Tiner prune land in the world. Lies fine. 30 acres under cultivation. To close out, $Hk per tcre. Terms. j. c. COR BIN OO.. 30C-6-7 Lewis bldg. 160 ACRES wheat 1 a no, all level and fenced; bam noias jo tons ot nay; gooa nrinir house o years 01a. o rooms, eel lar, fireplace, bathroom; will take $4000 or $1000 cash, balance easy terms. 351 East 57th st. ortfa. ISO DOWN ON 8 ACRES. On electric line near station, store and school; price $950. $50 down, 7 years' time on balance. DRAPER, 401 BOARD OF TRADE. GOOD PayinB f8n;d " "S.eraents"! J I w ,ltVa!lrJt'r. n? f Cullison Real Estate Co.. 205 h Morri- son st. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES na.r porvianu, jw w .w per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sires. McFariana. -us failing bldg. ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, farm lands. peci. . Au&Acr -Clarkston. Wash 5 A LEVEL cleared, fenced, 3-rm. house, well near Wlllamina; $150 cash, $10 mo. and int. Jesse R. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bid. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good roil, ri tillable; employ- ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d 10 ACRES $300O; house, barn, orchard; Capital highway. McFarland, Failing bldg. 0 ACR ES, house, barn, orchard, Tigard district; 12 acres cul-, 8 timber," $5500. McFarland, 208 Failing bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 13 ACRE RXVER BOTTOM FARM. All In co.lt., 2 acres genuine Beaverdam. This soil cannot be beat; 2 acre family orchard; ail kinds berries; good house and barn; fenced and cro&s-fenced; fully stocked; team, harness, w-agon. 2 cows, 60 chickens, ail farm Implements, house furniture and one-third this year's crop go with place: stock and crop are worth J150O; close to Woodburn, This Is a bargain. Price $5500, Including everything: $3000 cash. Ralph Ackley, Main 7141. 627 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE One of the best all-around farms in southern Douglas Co.. Or., con sisting of 578.36 acres; 155 acres farm land, as follows: 20 acres under Irriga tion, clover meadows, 18 prunes, 117 grain and corn, 303 pasture, all under hog-tight fence; 120 acres first-class timber; 14 miles of creek bottom, 17 fields and pastures with living water in all of them year around; 4 barns, gran ary, machine shed, smokehouse, silo and bog pens; plenty of outrange, access to the forest reserve; 7-room house, water piped into house; mile to BchooL 17 miles to R. R., Riddle; good roads, no hills; price $38,000. half cash, balance on time; will sell all of my machinery, grain, hay. 4 work horses, hogs, sheep and goats, cattle, at reasonable price; cause for selling, retiring. Address box 87, Myrtle Creek, Or. FOR SALE or trade. Willamette vallej farm. 410 acres black loam soil, all un der cultivation., fair Improvements, rail way station, warehouse, store and school on place, eight mi.es north of Eugene, Or., on Oregon Electric railway; will take $10,000 cash down and give any reasonable terms at 6 per cent n bal ance or might consider good apartment house ud to lou.UUU in Fort ana or bno kane. or good stock ot rndse. in good town of not less than 10, Wo inhabitants UD to $20,000: price. $45,000 till Oct. 1 A reasonable commission will be allowed any dealer instrumental In closing deal No listings will be given; submit full proposition in full letter. This place will not last long at above price. J. P. Llch, owner. Junction City. Or. R, D. Meadowview farm. SO ACRES. Stocked and equipped, good buildings, fine water, good auto road, H mile from school; extra fine clay loam soli. lies nearly level; no rock or gravel. 60 acres in high state of cultivation; fine family orchard. Including wal nuts ; 5 cows, team, wagon, har ness anfl all farm tools; $12,00A. Terms can be arranged. This is an extra fine home and will ap peal to you. Call at once. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 W. Sixth Street, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT WOOD PROPOSITION. miles from Vancouver. 14 miles irom orchard, on good gravel road ; 24 acres of timber, IOO0 cords down, about 400 cords standing; 80 cords cut and ricked. Including 1 Vaughn draa- saw, cross-cut saw. sledges and wedges : two years' time In which to get wood off ground. Price for all $JO0O; half cash terms. 5.7 acres best loam soli, no rock or gravel: 1400 corda of first-class wood 1 H miles from electric station and paved highway. Price S40O0: terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main street. Vancouver, Washington. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 40 acres 3 miles southeast of Ridge field. Wash., only 15 miles from center or Jfortland; dd acres under cultivation, 89 acres can be cultivated. Fine chard and large garden; 5-room house, barn, granary, chicken house; creek and well; county road. mile, from high way; best of black loam soli, no rock nor gravel. Price. $5500, with large line of good machinery, young team, chick ens, hay, seed and feed; $2000 cash. Photos at office. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINOEK BLDG. SPLENDID 115-ACRE RANCH WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS. CITY WATER, JOINING CTTY OF 250O PEOPLE. 40 MILES S. W. FROM PORTLAND. Good 8-room house, phone, electrio lights, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, electric lights and city water in barn, milk house, good granary, chicken house, t0 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber, all good, rich, deep soil, bearing orchard. new Fordson tractor, plow, other farm implements, 6 . good cows, team and wagon, harness, 15 tons of hay in barn ; price $20O per acre; located on electric line and paved highwav. See SAM HE WE Y at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 1600-acre ranch. Wallowa county, Or.; 300 acres in cultivation; in the heart of grazing section ; close to gov't, range; running writer year round Good buildings, including .l-room houne, - barn for 20 head horses, chioken houses, hoghouses, dairy barn euipp-Jd for milk ing 40 cows, corrals, etc. All fonce-1 and cross-fenced. Price $50,000. For funh-r particulars address T. iS. Zurcher. box 758, Enterprise. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL a very large number of houses. We render real service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we guarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and our appraiser will call on you. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY, Carey-Savidge Company, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. $5000 TO $6500 CASH to buy a six or seven room house In Rose City ; ono-f toor plan ; must have hardwood floors, garage, close to school and car. Must find a home soon. No dealers. OWNERS ONLY. AB 884, Oregonian. HAVE client for strictly modern resi dence ; must have four bedrooms ; pre fers - Irvington, might consider some other good district; will pay what the place in worth, all cash. PUINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. HAVE many clients w ho want modern homes In restricted districts from $50o0 up; thev can pay $looo cash, balance $50 or more per month and interest. POINDBXTKR. 20H SELLING BI-DG. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. A HOME IN IRVINGTON. Eight rooms, hardwood floors ; above 15th street. Must be In good condition. Will pay up to $0000. Terms, $300" cash. No dealeis. OWNERS ONLY. X 12, Ore gonian. WEST SIDE HOUSES WANTED. 1 make a specialty of selling west side homes and have many buyers for same. If you house is for sale, call and see me. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. WANTED To buy on the installment plan 5 or 6-room house on good street in eith-r Piedmont or Alberta ; give lowest figures. Address B. M. G.. 248 Killlngsworth ave. WANT 6-room house close in on east side; must be in good condition and priced HENRY W. GODPARD, 243 Stjirk St. HA V P cien4. wanting 5 or 6-room bun gakow. See us at once. JOH-NSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, will trade In 1017 KiFpel Kar sedan as first payment. E. D. Pickens, 3 SO Union ave.. East 4461. WANT 5-room modern "bungalow In Haw thorne. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4S80. WILL ry cash for good home in any good district. See JUHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WANT modern 6 or 7-room house in West moreland; no inflated price will be con sidered. HENRY W. GODPARD. 243 Stark St. A STRICTLY modern home, Portland Heights. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths; with view and garage. O 55'J. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, full lot; wilj pay $1500 cash. Call- Mrs. G. Arnold, phone East 8040. WANTED Lot In Rose City Park in ex change for 5-paesenger Overland, used very little. AG 06, Oregonian. WANTED To buy houe. west side. Marshall 8377. 6 or 7 room modern 1206 Spalding bldg. LIST your house or acreage for sale or trade with Interstate Iand Co., M ain 5420. 248 Stark st. Ground floor office. WANTED Lot or smaller piece of ground on the river bank, close in. C 50, Ore gonian. HAVE your land surveyed, by registered civil engineer and surveyor. U. E. Nel son. 212 Board of Trade bldg. Main 2010. HAVE $500 to pay down on house with not less than 6 rooms, located in vicinity of Piedmont district. Call Main 7223. WANTED House or bungalow: have $1000 as first payment. R 982. Oregonian. WANTED West side house, $5000 to $8000 P. O. box 377. WANT 4-rnom modern bungalow; all cash. X Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. NEW RTXTORD ESTABLISHED BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. ' Just think! 937 homes sold during August; 13 homes sold In one day I 80O homes sold to date this year. We spend, thousands of dollars advertising and employ 21 experienced salesmen to work on the sale of your home. IS IT FOR SALE ? We Inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listed. THE SYSTEM. OF RESULT I See FRANK L. MeGUTRE. TO SELL YOUR HOME. ABTNGTON BLDG. MAIN 10fl. I HAVE $5000 CASH to purchase a home in Rose City Park. Five or six rooms in f irnt-clajs condition, hardwood floors. Wish interior finish in white enamel or Ivcry. Must purchase quick. No dealers. OWNERS ONLY. BD SS3, Oregonian, Kami Wanted. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred; will buy the equipment. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. IS YOUR FARM FOR RENT? We ean sell your personal property and lease your farm. We have clients waiting. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED to rent, farm; not less than 150 acres under plow, fully equipped with machinery: must be up-to-date, good soil and location. Phone Tabor 4948. Address E. L. Stevens. 55 E. 6 4 in st. N., Portland, Or. FOR KENT FARMS. 75 ACRES FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR PALE. Good 6-room house, barn 60xl2o. feed big silo, outbuildings; all In f irst-clasa condition; all in cultivation but lo acres. in pasture : 8 acres corn. 8 in cabbaee, 7. In potatoes; crops all good; 60 tons of hay in barn; 4 horses, harness, 3 wagons; all other farm tools and machinery to run the farm, with 12 extra cood cows, all big, heavy Holsteins and Durhams; rent is 9oau per year; an personal prop erty and crops for $5600: some terms This Is on the paved toad. 19 miles from .Portland, on good milk: route. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Woodlawn 1031. 12S ACRES to rent, personal property for sale; 50 acres under cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced. 10 good cows, 1 heifer. 3 horses, 9 hogs. 150 chickens 1 0 tons of hay, new cream separator, 8 milch cows, drag saw. Ford truck, all tools, implements, etc; everything for lsOO. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4o ACRES. 5 acres clear, srood 5-room house, chicken house, etc; 1 0 miles from Beaver creek on Willamette valley Southern; near 3 sawmills. Will rent cheap to have place cared for. Scandi navian preferred. Phone Woodlawn t128, TIMBER I.A,NI5. MILLMEN. N. B. Thirty million feet of timber for sale at $2 per 1000 on sees. 33 and 34, t. 0 n. ana 4 E. of W. M.. Clarke county. Wash., abundance of water to flume timber to Lewis river, one mile distant. See Bradley, Sec. 33. Lauffer, Turn Turn Mountain, Hopkins. Yacolt. Wash. ONE OF the best logging shows you could find at this time is waiting for you at this office; 6 million feet right on the it. jtt. ; oia-growth yellow tir; can give you good contract for logs. This, is an exceptional opportunity. 324 Yeon Bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. FOR SALE One 30.000 capacity sawmill complete; 20 to 40 million of oid growth iir tiiaocr; gooa loading oock at s. p track. Write or inquire R. A. Babb, Eugene, Or. 20 MILLION feet of hiso-grade fir in sec 18, -22. i W.f 3 M. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bldg. HAVE tie mill; want timber; or near good road. AV 411 must be on , Oregonian FOR SALS 5,825,000 ft. Coos county tim ber. Broadway 274. D. A. Norton. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY. Five-room plastered cottage, one block to union ave. car. clear of incumbrance sewer, city water, gas. electric lights, basement, first-class conveniences: valu $2500; exchange for modern bungalow up to $5000 or $6000 in good district will assume. Five-room modern bungalow, on block to M. V. car, on paved street, two blocks to Jefferson high; price $4000; exchange for one acre and good house, not far from city, even exenange. New house, 8 blocks from Capital m station on elect ric. one-half acre o ground, value $2500; exchange for auto or vacant lota as first payment. Four-room olastered house, with bath two blocks Ml Scott car; exchange for four or five acres wi th house ; win assume small amount. SEE MR. STEPHENS. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com, REACH ACRRAGE. 17U acres. near llwaco, especlall adapted to berry culture, will produc anv ltod adaoted to the coast climj rlnf to macadam road, home market for berries and vegetables; will exchange this desirable tract for residence or income property. What have you to offer? O. B. RIPPEY. 610 McKay Bldg. BIG WHEAT FARM TRADE. 2080 acres in Umatilla county, 16O0 acres In cultivation; very fair farm buildings, well; leased 2 yrs. for one third of crop. Price $35 per acre. Will consider any good property as first pay, balance all payable out of -crop. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 1M3 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY. STOCK AND HAY RANCH. l.VS acres, located In the prosperous Glenwood district; very rich soil, largely lake bottom ; 80 acres in cultivation ; spring water, house, on main road, close to school and creamery ; only $TO per acre. Will exchange. MacINNES. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1653. W A LK I Nj DIST NCE JEFFERSON HIGH 4 rooms, plast ered, with bath, toilet, lavatory, basemen t, gas. electric lights, corner lot 50xl0; street improvements in and paid $2750; will accept $50u to $75t in furniture, balance like rent. Ownr. Main SltfS. 10 ACRES, nice little farm, near Belllng ham. Wash.; all under cultivation, on paved highway, in imall town, has 2 houses and other buildlngn. will trade tor Portland property or vicinity and as sume, or what have you? ' Address E. D. Pickens. 3S0 Union ave.. East 4461. 400 ACRES wheat and stock ranch, near BickelOon. Wvh., for trii.de ; 2O0 acres cultivated. 40 acres rich bottom; good water supply, small orchard; old house; will trade for modern city residence." Write J, W. Forrester, Cascade Locks, or phone Tabor 305, owner. Sunday. 3 0 OO ACRES CHOICE WHEAT LAND in rich wheat belt, well located, level, 2 sets of buildings; want to retire; will soil for $65 per acre and will take income to $125,0j0. This is worth investigating. MacINNES. 210 Oregon Bldg Broadway 165$. LAW LIBRARY Up-to-the-minute law library to exchange for small suburban home. 40 minutes from Portland ; this has been placed with us for sale or trade, value for value. Coast Law Book Co.. 602-3 Corbett bldg. 14 LOTS ON KILLINGS WORTH AVE. Just outside city limits; gravel road ; $200 each ; exchange for cigar stand, store, other business or cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. r.00-8 Bd. of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. FINE business corner In Slites. Idaho, with 50x100 store building; good opening for garage; value $4000. Want property in or around Portland. Write A. P. Bagg lund, owner. 307 Washington St., Van couver, Wash. TEN ACRES in cultivation, bearing fruit trees, berries; cood house, barn, r-hicken houses: will trade for 100x100 and 5 or 6 room modern bungalow. Zimmerman. MS Chamber of Commerce bidg. WILL take a car or a good building lot for equitv in a 7-room house in good district; value $2300. O. A. PEARCE, R15 Cham. Commerce. Main 3.38. INCOME property for residence Equity $5500 in splendid quarter block. Sunny side. Income $117 month. What have you? Marshall 746. FOR SALE $18"0. or exchange for prop erty near S. F. ; improved lot. 347 E. 47th st. ; owners only. Rlnearson, 913 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco. Cal. TRADE 2 W acres on Oregon city car line for property in Tacoma or will sell. Write E. I. Richardson. 756 Commerce St., Tacoma, Wash. WILL sell or trade lot 10. block 154. Rom City Park, for property vicinity New York c 1 1 y. AV 43 2. Orego n i a n. WANTED To exchange two lots in ington for beaverdam land. E 59, gonian, Irv-Ore- $-1800 EQUITY Portland for bor 536. in attractive bungalow in Spokane property. Ta- 339 ACRES in central Oregon to trade for farm near Portland. 6305 S2d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 404 T. 20 ACRES on Columbia Highway; will take piano or car part pay.ment. 3504 B. fiSlh st. S. E. PORT LA N D pr?pt;rty and ome cash for Seaside properly. J. Melish, Seaside, Or. TO FX CHANGE MISCELLANEOCS. F.OR SALE or exchange at way below value, as party wants truckc or used Ford. Have a late Studebaker with fine paint and new tires. See me at once or call Auto. Lents 2011. WANTED Good truck or used Ford tour ing. Have a late Studebaker touring car in fine condition. Will give good trade. Eagle Garage. Lents. Auto Lents 2011. WANTED Ford touring or truck in ex change on a new Ford or new Chevro let touring car. Eagle Garage. Lents. Auto. Len ts 2011. FOK SALE or trade for light machine a gcod team of horses, harness, wagon, plow and scrapers. Call Auto. 315-37. NEW TWO-ROOM ready-built cottage 20x 10; cost $200; suitable for garage. W hat "have you in exchange. 1172 Clinton st FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE At Cedarbrook station, Esta cada car, 11 registered Shropshire ewes, $12 each ; also 17 2-year-old registered rams, $40 each. At barn. East th and Ivon streets, Portland, 30 registered ram lambs, $20 each. Holmaa Fuel Co.. 4 Fifth street. MUST sell my 1600 lb. team, good heavy harness and 3 V Inch narrow tracn nan truck wagon, all in A-l shape; can be seen at 180 E. Sth st. Ask. barn-man for Bradley's team. $140 HOLSTEIN COW with a trace of Jersey, tests 0.2 butter fat; will be fresh in February and will probably give 6 gallons. B. W. Spang, Tigard, Oregon, General Delivery. FOR SALE Some extra fine pure-bred Duroc cilts. about 4 months old. One pure-bred Duroc boar, same age. Price $25 each, registered. J. S. Beall. care Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. Portland, Or. RAM BARGAINS Pure-bred Lincoln and Cots wold yearling rams, average shear 20 pounds, price $20 each, crated. Shade' land Farms. Amity, Or. FOR SALE Two excellent, good milk cows; come fresn. next month. Excei sior Dairy, 255 Columbia Blvd. FOK SALE Guernsey bull calf. 6 weeks old ; handsome. Phone Alain 48os 8 A. M., noon, 5 P. M. HOUSE to exchange for laying hens or a gcod cow. Mam S11.- 5 FRESH dairy cows 4 to 7 gal. 9GS Powell v aiiey, cor. -. v ooastocK car. DEAD free. horses ana cattle hauicd away Fhone Milwaukie t-j for service. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 6369. PIGS, young feeders, 30 to 50 lbs., $8 and $10. will deliver, aiain 4-suy. FOR SALE Flavei ave. -Good family cow. Hi; take Eastmoreland car. FOR SAL! ; 1 2oO lb. mare or exchange for cow. ri. -:otn st. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4J0J. LARGE team for hire. Phone East 118. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument s. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 2 small upright pianos 65 and $ 75 1 Bradbury square at 80 1475 Ha.Het Ac La vis UDrlaht Diano. cash 195 S550 Kroeser St. Sons uorlcht Diano. cash . . . : 210 $900 Steinway & Sons upright 200 $950 player piano, now 405 11000 concert arand Piano 205 3 parlor organs $28. $35 and 4S Pianos stored. 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St. $100 to $150 cash paid for u.ed upright pianos. Call Broadway 168, Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth atreet. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly- Ail in Good Condition. Phonograph, amaU 25 Victor, small Victor, bmail . Unola Cabinet and 12 records.., Music, cabinet and 1C records... Domestic cabinet and 12 records, 35 50 60 60 75 BrunsSvick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet Phonocrauh cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 S5 to 110 cash. 14 to 17 monnuy Schwau Piano Co., 101 loth.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678 BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE. Siuvvevant pianola (oak) $55 Smith fc Barnea tllke new) 567 Harold S. Gilbert worth $800).... 650 Latest improvements. 1 sell atitac- I tlon. Six months' rental trial your guar antee. The bet-t shop in the city. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill. WON D E R F U L baby grand piano. $1300 grade, ery latest, used 4 months, one of the world's best makes ; Just like new; yours for $50. some terms. Brok erage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, MUSIC ROLLS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4415. TABOR 670S. 12-S FIRST. SAXOPH ONE, Conn, me Lou y "C," silver plated, almost new; complete. In caic. Call before 3 P. M., room 307 Venable hotel. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. .Seiberllng-l.ucas Mu&lu Co.. 125 127 4th il Main 85 S6. O RGAN sl ORGAN S. $20 and up. terms given, all In good condition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sl, bet. Wash, and Alder sLa. PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862, Oregonian. PIANO wanted Marshall 1532 it bargain for cah. CJi ; dealers don't answer. WANTED Piano for private party, all cash. Main 3S64 before 5 P. M. WANTED A piano, pay cash if reasonable. Marshall 570i. No dealers. PIANO wanted; pay cash. Main S5S6. Furniture for Hale. H E AT E RS, HEAT E R S. Just a Word of Warning. With cold weather .iust around the corner and the price of heat ers advancing rapidly, there is no better tunc to get YOUK.S than RIG HT NO W. We can g 1 ve you any stylo and size you want and wo are still selling them at lut year's prices. Easy terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-100 First St. SPECIAL SALE on steel coil bedsprin gs In full size and size only; guaranteed for :. years with factory cuarante'! label attached to every sprln s ; they are a rea.i guwd and comfortable spring. Our hpccial pric $7 50 for the fw we have left. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 1G6-10 FIR.ST STREET. 75 Foot South of Morrison. T H KEK-FIE;E PA RLOR SET. Solid oiik davenport o-cu.fhion teat. rocker and easy chair to match; our spe cial fa!e price. $(. 'injs couia not be . duplicated for $125. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 1G-H3 Fl RdT STREET. 75 Feet South of Morrison, IRVINGTON. Ivory bedroom uite. mahogany parlor SUlte large manunmij 'U'', iny cherry writing desk, with- rugs; Wilton rungs and runners ; two oak dressers. curtain, leather couch, bookcase etc., etc. NO DEALERS. 560 E. Schuy ler tt. uH(;ANY dresser $30. bed. complete, $40 ; rangi $ IS. fcteel couch $5. mattress $IU. kitchen treasure , laoie oaK i...thr rocker S10. Victrola SIOO. dishes pictures, tools. Call before Saturday. 1555 Oatman st., !J car. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. Wo can save you money on your freight in our through cars : fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer fe Storage Co., 248 Pine st. A BA RGA I N Furniture of convenient, 2 rooms rented 31 1 Vr 5th st. Main H258. room flat, cheap rent. Went side. Call before 2 P. M. 51 rs. Howard. LARGE gas range, 6 burnori. 3 ovens, less than 1 year 01a. cost u., price Also Westlnghouse electric range; 1 rug. Sell wood -tKJ. FOR SALE Wood or coal heater, buffet and -bed witn springs; a -1 conai tion. 1217 E. 29th st. north. Wood lawn 5705. SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Call East S01 Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FURNITURE 4 -room flat for sale cheap; leaving city. No dealers. Main 6N3Q. North rup St., flat D. FOR SALE Complete oak dining room et, leather bottomed chairs. 145 North lth st. Broadway 3032. FOR PA LE 64 yards Wilton carpets, f i ne condition. 145 N. ISth. Broadway 3632. 54-IV, OAK roll-top de5k. quartered oak oitice table. 2n7 Stock Exch. bldg. SE OND-H AND gas range for saie, $10. C ail Tabor 416. FOR SALE 9220. i:;0 Coal heater; price $20. Tabor iOth ave. S. E. FUKNJTURE for sale cheap. Shaver st., grocery store. Inquire 140 DAVENPORT, dining table and chairs for sale. urnaoway 1 . FURNITURE for sale. 335 Vx East 6ih tu FOR SALE. Furniture for hale. RANGES. Ton can still select a real Talue from our large stock and save money. Our prices range from. $17.00 CO $55. COOK STOVES. - $10 f $17.5 From HEATERS. All In excellent shape trm. $2.50 to $27.50, GAS RANGES. All guaranteed, from. $1JM 9 $45. BEDS. Used beds from . . 2.50 ira 2-inch continuous post beds at $10 SPRINGS. T. Y. springs in good shapa.t $2.69 Iron springs , t 7.00 MATTRESSES. Kanr cotton mattresses. Arctic. $9.50 FLOOR rOVERTNO. Tor this week, square ytL. OOe. FREEMAN WOLFF FU31NX TL'RE CO.. 200-202-204 First U Cor. Taylan BTG CUT TN STEEL RANGES to make room for the new stoctc We have decided to dispo. of our stock of used ranges at about one half of their real value. No reser vations. This includes every used range In the house. On account of limned space we quote only a, few of the many bargains offered. One Elite range, 0 holes, large oven and firebox, high warm closet; all In good condition$12.50 One Garland range, same size as above; a bargain.. ..$12.50 One Alcazar combination range, lightly used, but In A-l condition; has large oven and firebox, high warm closet and broiler above, sanitary, base, all white enamel fronts and burns wood, coal or gas. This If a bargain at $125 One Niagara range, 6 holes, large oven and firebox, w arming closet; a snap at ....$20 And many other equally good bargains. If you have any particu lar choice in ranges, come in and look them over. You will probabiy find it among this lot. Credit if desired. No Interest. KLINE FURNITURE CO, 192 First at near Taylor. in tima Ar fiimlhiT. crockery. alumlnuTn utensils and everything to furnish your home: come and see us. Once you buy of Feldstein you are sure that you purchased your wants at a right price. Congolenm for your kitchen floor. 65c a yard. A large assort ment of patterns to solect from. 8x11 grass rug . .$S.f5 Sxl2 grass rug .5 6x0 grass rug 6.50 9x10.6 wool fiber rug, $13.50 and up 0x12 wool fiber rug, $14.75 and up Iron bed, any size, from $3.50 up Y. Y. springs with support. .$5.25 Cotton-top mattress 6.25 Cotton combination mattress. S.75 Cotton felt mattress, $11.05 and up Silk floss mattress, $1S.75 and up Buy your beaters from us and save money. We have a large as sortment to select from. We guar antee the price as most reasonable store in Portland. FELDSTEIN KURNTTT'RE CO.. 174 First St- N. F. Cor. Yamhill. FOR SALE Complete, furnishings of five room flat consisting of mahogany fur niture, Wilton rugs, body brusscls and rag brusels rugs, brass . beds, box springs. mattresses. standing mirror, etc. 5 S3 G! isan St. 5-ROOM house at 512 Columbia st. for rent, furniture for sale. Act quickly. Office Furniture. OFFICE equipment, desks, tables, chairs, typewriters, adding machines and comp tometers from shipyards and govern ment. D. C, W ax, 31 N. 5th. Bdw y. 273!. 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law-six bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Rushong & Co.. f1 Park st. FOR SALE. 1 COMPTOMETER, Oak office and typewriter desk, with c h a I rs. 312 Yeon bidg. FOR SALE 3 flat-top desks, 1 roll-top defk. Broadway 274. D. A. Norton. Toultry. 350 HOGANIZKD White Ighom yearling laying hens, high-clatts laying and breed ing f-tock; $1.25 each, in lots to suit; 100 4 mouths old Whito Leghorn pullets, $1.5o each. J. R. Maguire, 767 Oregon street. 'Portland. FOR SALE A good, modern chicken house; has 1 windows. 13 White Le g -horn hens, 9 Plymouth Rock hens, large Barred Hock rooster. 7 E. loth st. N., near Prescotr nt. Call afternoon between 4 and 5, 320-34. PL' LLETS. thorough bred. 4 and 6 months old ; ithoue iianu Reus, w mte Jeg horns; alJ-o some hens, year old. 6115 !!Hh t. S. E., Lents, Portland. Phone Auto 2421 Len ts. 9 WHITE Leghorn pullets and 1 rooster. 6 nfo. old; also chicken house and wire fencing; must sell; am leaving. Call Scliwood 2477. WANTED Young turkeys, young gosllns. Rose City hotel. St. Johns. Col. 125. R. 1. K. CHICKENS. chicken fence, cow. East 3632. Dog, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. ST. ANDREASBLRO trainer, yellow sing ers, tcma les ann cages; must bell tuu week. Tabor 5617. 90 RABBITS for sale. cheap. 462 Haw thorn. I.aanr h es an d Boats. GOING away to school, will sell my Peter boro canoe cheap. Call Sell. 3758. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. A I K COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 330't. 32 Couch St. WE PAT the highest prices for second hand machinery, scrap iron and Junk of all kinds. Phone calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 5684, GOLDBERG & DAVI3. 207 Columbia st. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. "Vv od' ?607. Ty pew r iters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies foe all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2255. " DOANB GUARANTEED TYPE WRITER SERVICE, All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange, Vain 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak St. SPECIAL VALUE USED TYPEWRITERS First-class machines low prices 30 days only monthly terms if desired. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COH feii Broadway. Broadway 621. ONE ALMOST new No. 0 Oliver typewriter for sale at a bargain if taken at once. W 3S, Oregonian NEW rat rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut m. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. A.LL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Sth st. Main 3 60S. OLIVER typewriter for saie. Tabor 64 5R. Miscellaneous. STEEL RANGE (Acorn), burns wood or coal, with gas attached. $75. 56& E. Sal- mon st. HARRINGTON R1CHARG-S 12-gauge Bln gl shot takedown gun. almost new, $10. 763 E. Everett st, after 6 P. M. BUTTE R-KIST popcorn and peanut ma chine, nearlv new, cheap for cash, er will trade BF 100. Oregonian. ITALIAN prunes tor sale; 3 and 4 cents p.r pound. 6730 59th ave. S. E. ; take Mt. Scott car to Tremont. ITALIAN prunes delivered East 8492. at 5c lb. Call ARCHITECTURAL outfit, reasonable. Cail evenings, 7 to 9. 430 Knott ft. HOTEL range, good as new, dishes, silver ware. 2s7 Morris. East 1QS2. 14 DiNING ROOM tables, large and email. 2S7 Morris. Phono East 102. FOR SALE Italian prunes. 27th and Washington, Milwaukie. Woodward. GOOD heating stove, $15; plates. Woodlawn 2227. also two gas LEAKY roofs repaired reasonable. Tabor 9324. FOR SALE Cheap. Italian prunes. Tabor 3464. 4 East 57th st. N. LARGE Italian prunes 4c a pound. Wiatt, 42d and Jeseup. PRUNES. Wdln. 2c pound and- up; bring boxes. 69. 71 1 Columbia boulevard. M A.I EST IO range for saie. East 34th et. South. cheap. 494 (. IDE Ft press for calc. Call Tabor 2984. CHOICE damson plums. 152 E. 66th St. L "