the aroiixixG okegoniax, Wednesday, September 1020 PUNS FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL OFFERED Cost Plus Profit Basis Is First Submitted. OREGON COMPANY BIDS Los Angeles Concern Proposes to A:-k $1 a Month for Collec tion of Refuse. four proposals to erect garbage disposal plants and to operate them, or to allow the city to operate them upon completion were made to City Commissioner BiKelow. All of the proposals will be con sidered at a meeting called for to day, when Incinerator .Superintendent Helber, City Kn?ineer Iaurgaard and Deputy City Attorney Latourette will meet with. Commissioner Bigelow. Following; this conference a report will be made to the city council. The Pacific Conservation company of San Francisco and Los Ansreles made two proposals. In the first bid the company offers to erect and sell a reduction plant equipped with a CobwelL system for the city on a cost plus 1 per cent basis, with a guarantee that the plant would not cost to exceed $350,000. In the second proposal made by the same company, which is but a tenta tive plan, an offer is made to erect and operate the plant as well as take over' the collection of garbage in Portland, providing the city will Krant the company a franchise for the exclusive collection of garbage. and pass an ordinance requiring the segregation of garbage. The company offers to make two collections of garbage weekly, with a monthly charge of $1, and will pay the city $20,000 a year for the privi lege. This amount, together with a caving estimated by Commissioner Bigelow at not less than $20,000, now spent in the operation of the munici pal incinerator, would net the city approximately $40,000 yearly on the proposition. The Washington-Oregon Nu-Fuel company offers to install plants for the disposal of all garbage and com bustible material, paying the city 50 cents a ton for all such material de livered to the plant. This offer is made with the provision that the city establish a municipal garbage collec tion system. Another offer was made by the Pa cific Cremation company which in cluded the erection of a new incinera tor for the city at p cost of $62,000 for one 50-ton furnace, or $134,000 for four 50-ton furnaces. The same companay also offers to remodel the present plant, and install three furnaces for $60,000. The bid for the sale of new fur naces, with the exception of the last named offer, Includes the erection of new buildings in connection with the lnclnerat'on plant. COLLEGE BEGINS YEftH McMIXXVILLE IXSTITCTIOX ADDS 4 KV PROFESSORS. Dr. Hayncs Engaged as Field Rep. rcienta.tive to Increase Endow ment to $300,000. McMINNVILLE. Or., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) McMinnville college opened its doors today for its 63d school year with a strong faculty and every indi cation pointing to a year of growth ini achievement. Four new professors have been added to the faculty, as follows: Pro fessor L. M. Shumaker, A. B., formerly of Iowa City, Iowa, who will head the department of philosophy and educa tion; Miss Margaret Ramsey, ' B. S., who graduated from the student body Into the faculty, being a men, her of last year's class, and who will have the preparatory department in phys les and mathematics: Miss Marie Krickson. A. B., a graduate of the Vniversity of Montana, who will also teach in the preparatory department and Miss Minnie W. Wangen of Hill- vard. Wash., who will teach French and Spanish. Trofessor Schlauch. who has been acting as student secretary during the vacation period, returned to McMinn ville last week after a tour of the northwest. President L. W. Riley, who has been in Boston for a three months' leave on account of ill health will return October 1 much improved In health. Oak Cottage, a new dormitory for girls, will open under the supervision of Mrs. C. C. Potter, dean of women. Dr. Myron W. Havocs, D. D., has been engaged as field representative of the college to increase the endow ment to over $300,000, and will begin his work at once. He will deliver an address before the faculty and students tomorrow right in the Baptist" church on "Things Worth AVhile." Hop Crop Reported Light. W1LLAMINA, Or., Sept. 14. Spe eial.) The hopcrop is somewhat lighter than was expected in this locality, though the grade of hops is excellent and the absence of aphis conspicuous. No damage 1 expected from the - recent rains. Most yards are running under a contract price averaging 30 cents a pound. The lowest wage paid is 70 cents a hun dred pounds. Careless Shampooing Spoils the Hair Soap should bo used very carefullv if you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonsful of Mulsl- jiea win cieanse me hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the ecalp soft, and the hair fine and silky bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family for months. Be sure your druggist gives ITH ever so many of the attrac tive girls going away to col- ege and finishing school it is but natural that social interest should be centered in them as well as in the lovely young brides-elect who are be ing so charmingly feted. The sororities are busy with rush parties and the pretty maids are get ting their wardrooes ready for school. The Delta Zetas will soon have chapter at Oregon, as their charter has been granted and Mrs. Gertrude K. McElfresh. a faculty woman at Oregon Agricultural college, has been named national Pan-Hellenic dele gate and will go to Eugene in October to install the Delta Psi local Into a real active chapter. Miss Alys Sut ton, a Louisiana girl, is head of the Eugene group and is national parlia mentarian for the Delta Zetas. A charter for an alumnae chapter also has been granted. Mrs. McElfresh will leave within a few days for Cor vallis. where there is an active chap ter of many girls of charm and abil ity. Chi Om. ga at Corvallis is headed this year by Frances Castner. daugh ter of Mrs. Charles H. Castner of Hood River, and includes some bright Portland girls on its membership roll The Thetas. Kappa Kappa Gammas, Alpha Phis and other sororities claim some of the most charming girls of the state. The girls going to finish ing school in the east and California are among society's favorites in the younger set. the sub-debs. Miss Liouemma Waters is a lovely girl who has come up from Los An geles to attend Oregon Agricultural college and is at present the guest of her aunt. Mrs. W. C. Knighton of Trinity place. Miss Waters is a mem ber of a prominent family of southern California. , Miss Dorothy Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene, has left for Berkeley, -where she Is entered as a sophomore at the University ol California. Miss Lillian Marshall has gone to Palo Alto, where a number of Port land girls are attending finishing school. Miss Lee Tevis will leave on Friday for Miss Harker's school in Califor nia. Miss Honor Youngson will go to school in Boston. The event of social Interest for this evening will be the marriage or .-vubs Marjorle Campbell and Wilson B. Cof fey at the bride's home on Portland Heights. Many little boys and girls are an ticipating the children's party to be given under the direction of Evelyn McFarlane McClusky in the concert room of the Sherman & Clay building Saturday. September 18. The children Invited are from 3 to 10 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L,. Frank have gone to Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, for a short trip and on their return will go to Pendleton for the roundup. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Menefee are be ing congratulated on the arrival of a baby daughter. Mrs. Clarence M. Olmstead has re turned from the beach after an ab sence of three months, and is at home at North Twenty-fourth and Marshall streets. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce to Canada for are the planning a trip near future. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rice, prominent residents of Walla Walla, were visit ors in Portland yesterday. They came to place their son Charles in Hill Mil itary academy. Mrs. 13. J. Curtain of Kansas City. Mo., will return to her home next Sun day after a delightful visit here as the guest of Mrs. F. E. Moore at her home on Hawthorne avenue, formerly the Burrell residence: Dr. William Alexander Klrkwood of Trinity college, Toronto, left for his home Sunday after a brief visit with his aunt, Mrs. J. D. Kirkwood. and his cousins. Alberta and Mary Kirkwood, at' 9S East Eighty-third street North. Mrs. J. A. Davies has returned to Portland after spending two months at her summer home on the Molalla. Mrs. Bruce Rowan and attractive children are still there but will re turn this week. BEAVERTON, Or.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) A pretty home wedding took place at Hazeldale. Wednesday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ayres when H. Parker Downing and Miss Manie Ayres were united in mar rlapre in the presence of their im mediate relatives. Rev. Guy R. Stover of the Hillsboro Evangelical church officiating. The weddins march was played by Miss Grace Ayres. The bride was at tractive in a dainty white embroi dered voile gown, carrying- a bouquet of bride roses and maiden hair ferns. The rooms were tastefully decor ated in the autumn leaves and flow ers. Following the ceremony refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker Downing have gone on a three weeks' motor trip and on their return will reside DOGS HORRY OF ACTRESS AT PASITAUKS. Lola McCoy. a farm near a hamlet in On New York there are dogs of every breed waiting for the re turn of their charming mistress, Lulu McCoy, who is one of the stars at PantageB this week. Miss McCoy is one of the few women of the stage whose hob by is collecting pedigreed dogs of all descriptions, in the ken. nels at her summer home she has bjooded Pekinese, grey hounds, Siberian wolf hounds, Belgian police dogs, Mexican hairless dogs, Airedales from the heatherland of Scotland, St. Bernards from Switzerland. English sheep dogs and dogs of all sorts. f v - ; TN : i f K - tv-i . in a beautiful new bungalow on the Downing farm south of Beaverton. The bride has been a popular school teacher in Washington county and has a great many friends. The groom is well known in Washington county, being one of its successful farmers. The auxiliary of "Sons of Veterans" will give a free card party and prizes Thursday evening, at room 525 court house. Members of the G. A. R, and wives, daughters of veterans and hus bands, sons of veterans and wives are cordially invited to be present. . The Will. P. Dickenson Relief corps No. 30 will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. Davis. 980 East Morrison street. Friday. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Christensen have invited their friends for a social evening and to witness the interpre- TODAY'S CLCB CALENDAR. The Portland Woman's New Thought club Mrs. J. B. Rhoades, Lillian apartments, 2 P. M. Community Service Hikers 436 Northwestern Bank build ing. 7:30 P. M. The Coterie club Mrs. G. A. Nichols. 965 Dyncklev avenue. 11 A. M. Ockley Green Parent-Teacher association Sewing room of school, 2:30 P. M. Women's Association of White Temple Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison, 582 Main street, 1 P. M. American War Mothers 525 courthouse, 2 P. M. Couch Parent-Teacher asso ciation School assembly, 3 P. M. tation of some esthetic and modern dances given by some young dancers WhO recently COmDieleri a nnrmnl course in this art.- About 50 are in cluded in the guest list. Miss Margaret Kent of Lansdowne. Pa., is visiting Mrs. H. A. Russell (Helen Wortman) and is being enter tained on motor trips and outings. Mrs. H. C. Wortman is still traveling and expects to be away for many months. She has been to Manila and will go to Burmah. Mrs. W. B. Streeter and Miss Flor ence Holmes, who went abroad two months ago, write interestingly of their visits to Interlaken, Lake Gen eva, Montreaux. Paris and other places in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kadderly and daughter. Allie May, will epend the winter months in southern California. They are leaving next week and will be missed by their many friends. Gordon Granger Relief Corps will hold a regular meeting Thursday at 1 o'clock followed at 3 o'clock by a "silver tea" to which all members and their friends are invited. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohn have returned to the city from their wedding trip and are at the Multnomah hotel. Women's Activities served by the Daughters f tha American revolution at a joint meet ing of Multnomah and Willamette chapters Friday, September 17, in the Sunday school temple of the First Methodist church, .Twelfth and Taylor streets, at 2:30 o'clock. The meeting is open to', the public. which is cordially invited to attend. The pro gramme will be opened by the sing ing of America." followed by the pledge to the flag. Mrs. May Dear born behwab will sing "The Star Spangled Banner," Mrs. Warren Thomas accompanying. The invoca tion will be given by Dr. Joshua Stansfield, and Mrs. Schwab will sing two songs by Jena Branscombe, 'The Morning Wrind" and "Noon," with Mrs. Thomas at the piano, after which the address of the day will be de livered by Judge Charles H. Carey, his subject being "The Principles and Ideals Embodied in the Constitution." Mrs. John A. Keating, state regent of D. A. R., will preside at the meeting. The auxiliary of Friendship Chap ter. Order of Eastern Star, will meet tomorrow with Mrs. H. W. Fawk, 391 East Fifty-first street, North. The first meeting of the fall sea son of the Travelers Protective as sociation auxiliary will be held to morrow, in. room 330 Morgan building, at 2 o'clock. A large attendance of the members Is desired as plans for the winter activities will be discussed. Oregon Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy will meet for the first time this year at the home of Mrs. William Turner, 54 East Eighteenth street. North, tomorrow afternoon at o clock. Take Rose City car to Eighteenth street- Members of Holman parent-teacher association and patrons of the school are urged to attend tHe first meeting of the association to be held Thurs day at 2:30 P. M. in the assembly of the school. Miss Amelia Seary. a member of the public welfare bureau. will be a speaker and Mrs. W. H. Bathgate of the Glencoe district will tell of community club work. Re freshments will be Berved during: the social hour which will follow the programme. . One of the most important events of the season will be the first meet ing- of the Portland 'Grade Teachers association to be held this afternoon t 4:30 o'clock in the library. This ,'iil be a meeting at which measures of interest will be considered and should be attended by every grade teacher. Couch Parent-Teacher association will hold the first meeting of the year this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Francis Hays of the public welfare bureau, will be the speaker. All who are interested in the work of the association are urged to attend this meeting and become members so that lit H.lllffl The Sugar Saver among cereal fowls Grape-Ms No' added sweetening needed TCoull like the appeal ing flavor of this sugar-saving food. SOLD ET GROCERS A Man's Taste Salted just enough crisp, delicious and tasty it is no wonder that most men enjoy soup just twice as much when Snow Flakes are served. Try them and see for yourself. Don't ask for crackers -say SNOW FLAKES they may do their part in the activi ties. The Lady Elks' Bridge club will meet tomorrow afternoon in the Elk's temple, with Mrs. J. P. Cassidy as hostess. Honors in "500" last week went to Mrs. A. Wiprut. Mrs. Charles Conrad and Mrs. R. L. Phillips. R. C. Ayres, advertising director of the Zellerbach Paper company, will speak at the Friday luncheon of thj Womerf's Advertising club on "Paper the Message Bearer of Ad vertising." Mr. Ayres is past vice president of the associated advertis ing clubs of the world, and is well known in Portland. Miss Daisy Gib son, a pupil of George Natanson, will sing, accompanied by Paul Hutchin son. The luncheon will be at 12:15 o'clock in tho Tyrolean room of the Benson hotel. Guests may be invited. DRY WORK COMPLICATED SEARCH FOR BOOTLEGGERS IS 5IADE MORE DIFFICULT. Warrants Henceforth Practically Will Be Equivalent to a Pre liminary Hearing. Work of revenue officers search ing for bootleggers will bo no simple matter hereafter as a result of the decision Monday by Federal Judge Wolvertou relative to the present form of search warrants. According to United States Attor ney Humphreys, the only legal kind that may now be used will prac tically be equivalent to a preliminary hearing before the federal commis sioner. The decision roused considerable complaint around the federal building yesterday. officers maintaining it would handicap them in making prosecutions. They have been in the habit of working on tips without being re quired to disclose the name of the informant, but this will be necessary on the new form of warrant. It is felt that men will fear to have their names connected with the search and will not so readily report bootlegging operations. Panama President in U. S. Today. WASHINGTON. Sept. 13. President elect Belisario Porras of Panama will arrive in Washington tomorrow. Sec retary Colby will pay a formal call upon Dr. Porras and the president elect will return the call. Colby will be host at a dinner in the evening at the Pan-Amerioan union. Lawd, Missy, Dat Laun-Dry-Ette Sho' Do Make De Ironin' Easy The Laun-Dry-Ette .washes and dries clothes without a wringer. That means an absence of wrinkles that are so hard to iron out. See Demonstrations at ELECTRIC MAID SHOP 133 Tenth Street Phone Broadway 4024 "Let the Electric Maid do your work" E1M. APPLE OUTLOOK BRIGHT PROSPECT IS FOR GOOD PRICES IX EXGL.VXD. British Crop Reported Almost Total Failure People Willing and , Able to Buy. HOOD RIVER. Or., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Despite the fact that the con trol price, lifted temporarily recently, will again be applied on November 15, A. K. Woolpert, northwestern man ager for Dan Wuille & Co., London apple merchants, who have numerous Oregon and Washington connections, believes the export demand for Hood River Newtowns will result in prices satisfactory to the growers. The control price on November 15 will go to 23 shillings sixpence a box. whereas the former maximum was held to 20 shillings. Writh exchange at $3.60 a box of apples will bring the grower about J4.23. but shippers must deduct from this about $1.14 for freight, insurance and incidentals. Mr. Woolpert cites encouraging ob servations of Edward A. Foley, points out the almost total failure of the crop of the British Isles and the willingness and ability of the people there to buy. Mr. Woolpert says northwestern growers should need tne aavice oi Mr. Foley with regard to packing their fruit. He quotes from a letter from the London agricultural com missioner as follows: "Coifsideiable dissatisfaction is ex pressed by the railroad companies of Great Britain about the frailty of the American apple box. Enormous break age is reported and the railways are agitating the use of a stronger box and compulsory wiring. "The railroads are right in asking that the boxes be wired. The wires should be placed at the ends and not in the bulge, so that if the nails fall out the boards will be held in place." MAW LEY GETS WOOD1 PULP 15.Vcar Supply Purchased by Com pany Costa $650,000. OREGON OITT, Or., Sept. 14j (Spe cial.) The Hawley Pulp and Paper company has a timber supply for 15 years, on the present basis of con sumption, according to a etatement made here today by Willard P. Haw ley Jr., general manager of the con cern. "We have just purchased 10.122 acres of spruce and hemlock in the upper Necanicum river district, in Clatsop county," said Mr. Hawley. "for - ! - 1 ' J !"'l 4 - SOME MORE P. C. B. PRODUCTS Tiffin Biscuit Vanilla Wafers Zweibach Fiesta Wafers Panama Creams Oatmeal Crackers ' Long Branch Saitir.e Flakaa Marahmallow Sandwich Cheese Sandwich Assorted Cakes which we paid J650.000. We acquired practically all of this property from the Jones-Wheeler company, and it has enough timber to make around 300.000 tons of paper." The Hawley company is manufac turing 100 tons of paper dally. BOYS' CHORUS ORGANIZED Portland to Have Organisation Like Those of Other Cities. A Portland Whitney boys' chorus was formed last night in the audi torium of the Y. M. C. A., the meet ing being in charge of C. S. West. lately of the Whitney boys' chorus of Seattle, and Dr. D. D. Whedon. Mr. West told of what had been done by Whitney boy choruses in different cities, how boys are taught to sing, how a chorus is organized on a per manent basis, how pledges are ob tained, against the smoking of cigar ettes, and how the boys are sent away on concert trips during a portion of the summer months. H. G. Wertz was appointed music director for the .new chorus. Re hearsals will be held Tuesday nights at the Y. M. C. A. DELEGATES ARE NAMED Purchasing Agents' Body to Meet in Chicago in October. W. C. nueg-nitz. president of the Purchasing Agents' association of Oregron. and S. F. Woodbury will rep resent the association at the national convention to he held in Chicago October 11. 12 and 13. Mr. Woodbury will be a candidate for fourth vice president of the national association A leaflet about Portland, which has been sent to all the state association members, was distributed last night at the monthly banquet. Oregon City Has Tobin Move. OREGON' CITT. Or., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Petitions were placed in cir- Ki wash.notonS . JABt ime S 1 t--y H . W fta L III 9 is manufactured for Pacific Coast custom- P j n ers by a Pacific Coast plant. The location Ej II 9 of its pUnt in Central Californii gives it b I I B every advantage of short cuts in both raj f OREGON B "" watcr transpoyacion in f j I H reaching its markets. I g I a Tfcu means lower freight rate, jj v II Ej dtiwery, pmmpt serwe. m 1 1 B adjusting claims mtai dealers and f uV- m4 lotver prices for tke housewife. E - j H TirrrrMZ Waxe" a oo display te the beat store. f ir I 9 it a guaranteed for to years. f I I THE ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMPANY LW f Mill CAURMA h z Y)J If J "Lifeame Ware outwears 5 I I a Js "nyummyue" J i llJJLij , f a "i - r t "i ' -1 ' "b L ' imwi i ill Mr i i " iiii r ' i r i ,J" -a- - COAST MADE FOR. COAST TRADE (C5 TTT) IT KT TC3 Contains Vertebral Lesions The Cause of Your Ailments DISEASES OF THE Eye. Car. and Throat. L,anira and Bronchi, Asthma, iosis. etc Tubercu- Heart. Palpitation Poor Circula t i o n. Leakage. High Blood Pressure, etc. Stomach. Acute and Chronic Dyspepsia. Ul cer, etc Liver. Jaundice, Biliousness. Sal low Complexion. KMnrya. Bright' Disease. Dia betes, etc. FEMAL.E DISORDERS Chronic Conarlpa tlon Nervous Exhaustion, Goiter. Tumor, Rupture. H e m -orrhoids (Piles), Lumbago. Sci atica Rheuma tism and many other diseases are r n r r d by rorrer tins aptnai leaions. ertenm t-m h TTaraal Poattfvn Vertebra tn tl Ah" ml position WHY? Study the photographs taken of normal and abnormal spines. Note in the ab normal apine the contraction or settling of series of vertebrae. LOOK AT THE RE5CLTS t the nerves which conduct vital energy to all organs of the body are impinged or pinched be tween the vertebrae at the place where they leave the spinal canal and cord. The organa supplied by the affected nerves can no longer functionate cor-wmCH SPIK IS TOtRSt rectly. their supply of vital nerve en- Abnormal Aormal ergy is obstructed, they become INAC TIVE. PARALYZED, lilSEASKD. Don't Say Your Case Is Hopeless and Incurable Correction of spinal lesions hai resulted in curing diseases that were t one time thought incurable. My life has been devoted to scientific investigation of this subject. The roward for my efforts is youra. THIRTY MINITTKS ARK HKDriRED IX GIVING TREATMENTS, which are PAI.NJLESS. iNHiionAllM;. ARE YOU INTERESTED f DO YOU K7TOW THE MEANING OS" GOOD HEALTH f Come to my office, consult me in regard to your case, let me describe my treatment, then do what you think best. You r under no obligation. COVSITLTATIOX FREE LEONARD V. H0SF0RD, D. C, Ph. C. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN" Office Hours: 10 to 12: S to 5. Evenings. S to 8 (except Saturday) THIRD AND WASHINGTON PHONE MARSHALL, 4048 60S DEKUH RLILDINU RESIDENCE l'KOM! TABOR S3S3 A $5000 EQUIPPED OFFICE culation today asking J. J. Tobin to become a candidate for mayor and are receiving: a large number of sig natures. Mr. Tobin has been a member of the council from the 1st ward for several years. He is chairman of the finance committee. College Death Holds Man. WOODSVILLE, N. H., Sept. 14. The Grafton county grand jury today re turned an indictment of murder in the first degree against Robert T. Meads of l,a Grande, 111., who shot and Is a Merry Widow "Soon after my husband's death 9 years ago I was taken with typhoid fever. Since then have suffered from stomach and liver trouble and con stipation. 1 have doctored a great deal without benefit. Since taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy three months ago my bowels have moved regularly and I am feeling well again. 1 am now a happy woman." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. At all druggists. Adv. m u is n SIP :X-: - V';' i: - killed Henry K. Maroney of Medford, Mass., on the eve of commencement exercises at Dartmouth college last June. Hi trial was set for Monday. Today's Trend of Fashion is toward low cut gowns and waists o the sheerest materials, revealing arms and shoulders. This makes Del atone a toilet necessity to pretty women. DEL-A-TQriEv is a scientific preparatiun made by beauty ex pens ior me purpose of removin R hair fro cm the face, neck or un derarms, taAJy and aasily. Beauty specialists use Delatone because it leaves the skim clear, firm and per fectly smooth. Delatone is easiest to apply simple di rections with every jar. aAtAny1ruggistf ?T?rmi!irTOrtCTii;iinntMnnniflMUXHu Iag-OSan a word every woman ahould knou) THE question of keeping dabirr despite the physical handicap is solved for women who add the word FAG-O-SAN to their vocabularies. Instead of say ing they require a sanitary napkin, dainty women today are securing the most im proved, sanitary, Spiarnam Mom filled napkin cool, non pack by aimply ayin? FACO-SAfr If your dealer hasn't FAG-O-SAN'. tea uitll be happy to supply you direct THE SPHAGNUM PRODUCTS CO. j Sellinc-Hirsch Bids. g Portland, Ore (Too uj:miiaiii;ai:aii;uu;Q-jia;rj:ic:ii'j::i,.i.;;:uiri:ii:iUi!iaiinniJTi;,nimiranaiai5 Still Some Chance to get one of Acheson's Coats or Suits. I am going away for two months or so, and as I have closed my Alder-street store. I have placed the balance of my stock with the Fashion Tailors, 12th and Burnside, to be closed out at HALF PRICE. You will find bargains. J. M. ACHESON. 1 1 "t lid you Muisiriea. aov,