Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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wmm votes
Candidates' Fate on Both
Lord Mayor of Cork Is
State of Collapse.
Tickets Up to Ballot.
Wife, Sisters and Brother Address
Appeal to American Ambassa
dor and Other Embassies.
LONDON. Sept. 13. Terence Mac-
6winey. lord mayor of Cork, was In
state of collapse end exhaustion this
morning at Brixton prison, where he
Is continuing: his hunger strike. This
Is the 32dday of his fast. MacSwiney
passed a bad and restless night, ac
cordine to a bulletin Issued early to-
day by the Irish Self -Determination
By mid-afternoon Mayor MacSwln'
sv's condition had not altered mate
rially. The leagrue's bulletin stated
that he continued prostrate and ex
Mrs. MacSwiney. wife of the mayor.
together with hla sisters, Mary end
Annie, and his brother. Sean, have
addressed an appeal to the American
ambassador and the heads of other
embassies and legations in London for
submission to their governments. It
expresses the hope that the united
.councils of the nations . addressed
"will prevent' the traredy now pend
lug and thereby calm the peoples of
the world."
Both Sides Arer There la No Binn
ing In Case of MacSwiney.
' LONDON, Sept. IS. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Assurances that there
Is no element of bluffing In the re
spective attitudes of the British gov
ernment and the Irish nationalists
relative to the MacSwiney case were
obtained from responsible sources of
each faction by the Associated frees
"If the Sinn Felners think we are
bidine our time and will capitulate
when MacSwlneya condition . requires
llth-hour action in order to save bis
life, they are mistaken."
This characterizes the British offi
cial view as expressed to the corre
spondent. "There can be no question abont
our desires or intention of having
Lord Mayor MacSwiney recede from
the tragic stand he has taken," de
clared an official at the London head
quarters of the Irish nationalist or
ganization. "If he is not released
voluntarily by the government he will
most certainly go down in history as
the first Irish hunger striker to per
ish In an English, prison."
The home of fleewhich controls the
prison commission, has all along
strictly adhered to its policy of di
vulging nothing about the prisoner.
But It became known today that some
of its reports from the bedside of the
hunger striker havfe been surprising.
Ten days ago the officials believed
that a new Irish crisis was imminent
when the prison physicians reported
that the lord mayor could not live
more than 36 hours.
Since then the doctors have declined
to predict but have confined them
selves to what they believed to be the
actual condition of the prisoner. They
contend that the case baffles medical
science that in such a case one man
mipht have been dead days ago, while
another might live many weeks.
The doctors disagreed with the re
ports of the Irish self-determination
league which evidently are obtained
from relatives of the prisoner, that
he Is in great pain. The home office
report today said that he was consid
erably weaker than yesterday, but not
In pain.
Two in Cork Prison Collapse; Con
dition Cause of Anxiety.
CORK, Sept. 13. (By the Associat
ed Press.) The 11 hunger strikers in
the Cork jail were Bttu alive today,
but all of them were restless and ma
terially weaker. Two of the striking
prisoners. Burke and Kenney, col
lapsed twice during the night and
their condition is causing especial
Sean Hennessy. the 19-year-old
youth, remains in a comatose state
and in his semi-conscious moments he
la refusing to take the customary
quantity of water. During last night
he accepted only two sips.
It was learned today that both the
government physicians. Doctors Pear
son and Battiscombe, had received
death threats.
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Republicans Seeking: .Nomination
for Governor Quit Exchanges;
Speak on Same Stage.
Mrs. MacSwiney, In a recent Interview," said: "Tea, I am positive he will see his task through. Of course It Is
only his conviction that he is fighting for an Ideal that has enabled him to survive. I am fully reconciled
to hearing of his death. His battle is mine, for It is one I took on myself" when I married him three years
ago while he was In England under a deportation order.
"I wish to express to all the Irish people and many sympathizers with Ireland's cause in America my deep
est appreciation of the messages and cablegrams I have received from them since ray husband started hunger-striking
25 days ago."
Mrs. MacSwiney is a slender, bine-eyed, plainly-dressed woman of youthful appearance.
Troops With Fixed Bayonets Block
Streets as Hunt Goes On.
BELFAST, Sept. 13. (By the Asso
elated Press.) Activities of the mill
tary took a new turn today when they
made a house-to-house search for
arms in the unionist quarters of
The search occupied all afternoon.
Troops with fixed bayonets blocked
entrances to the streets.
Republicans have been busy in
other places. The coast guard sta
tion at the entrance to Lough Swilly
was burned Saturday night. This
morning a mail train was held up at
Gortatlea and Dublin and Cork mail
. (Continued From First Pase.)
breaking down under the great strain
put upon It for war service. The
country was apprenensive and
were all deeply concerned In putting
everything that we possessed at th
command of the government for th
winning of the war.
"With such a feeling manifest
throughout the country, the rail
roads were taken over for the war.
Undoubtedly there was back of th
movement the insistent forces in ou
country who believe In governmen
ownership of railways. War seemed
to offer the opportunity for the ap
plication of their theories of govern
ment and I suspect the taking ove
of the railways was more impelle
by the thought of modifying our gov.
ernment policy than the developing
of a better service for the conduct
of the war.
"This suggestion was later on con
firmed by the insistence of the ad
ministration that it be given author
ity to take over the telephone and
telegraph lines. When congress pro
posed a grant of authority to take
over these lines It was expressly
stipulated that no such seizure would
bo made unless the exigencies of war
urgently required it. but after the
authority was arlvcT vithout a nf
exmenry TinviTjr arisen- unti withou
telephone and telegraph lines were
seized because an administration was
in power which was disposed to take
advantage of anxieties of people
while involved In war, to revolu
tionize completely our government
policy in dealing with these public
Failure Prevents Control.
If the experiment with the rail
ways and these communication lines
had been successful it reasonably
may be assumed that the' policy would
have been made permanent. Such
was the undoubted Intent of the pres-
nt administration.
"I must emphasize one of the gross
misunderstandings relating ' to the
Cummins-Esch law. It did not pro
vide for a permanent government
guaranty of dividend's on railway
capital. On the contrary. It placed a
limit on these dividends. It did pro
vide for a maintenance qf rates for a
period of six months which would
guarantee a sufficient railway earn
ing to make possible the financing of
necessary railway improvements un
der the control of their owners.
nut this guarantee of 6 per cent
earning was limited to the period of
transition of six months' duration and
was universally recognized as being
necessary because of the admitted
failure of the government to main
tain the railways in a state of pre
paredness for efficient service.
If we had returned the railroads
without this temporary guarantee of
earnings, in all probability the great
American system would have broken
down entirely and we should have
found ourselves In a state of railway
paralysis, which the country could
not tolerate.
Wages Xot Reduced.
"We also stipulated that there had
been no reduction of American rail
way wages during that same period.
In other words, we gave the American
railway men the same guarantees that
we gave to the American owners and
in neither case was this done with a
sole thought of owners or of work
men, but congress was thinking of the
welfare of all the American people.
We have eliminated every specu
lative phase of railway operation un
til the railway business has become
an extremely conservative (Tne with
nothing left to Inspire efficiency and
pride in management except competi
tion in service. We have taken away
that Impelling force known as money
making and reduced railway opera
tion to a service to the American
people, with a very limited return
made possible on capital employed.
Theorists Kot Satisfied.
"Naturally this enactment did not
appeal to those radical advocates of
railway ownership or those socialistic
theorists who thought the railways
ought to be seized by the government
and placed at the disposal of the rail
way workers for permanent operation
and profit. Congress felt an abiding
obligation to restore the property
seized for war to those who held title
thereto. To have seized railway
properties and turned them over to
a favored class in America would have
involved the destruction of our very
system or government and revolu
tionized the republic.
There has been much outcry
against the act (Cummins-Esch)
being hostile to labor and unjust to
unionism and subservient to capital.
On the contrary, it Is the very oppo
site of these things. It does not in
tenere witn collective bargaining; on
the contrary, it facilitates collective
bargaining. Moreover, it recognizes
tha,t railway workmen' ought- to be
employed under the most fortunate
conditions for the good of all the
American people. It, in effect, pro
vides that they shall be abundantly
ana generously compensated and
tablished for the' first time In America
a tribunal through which the govern
ment's concern for workmen may be
given expression." .
Autocracy Is Attacked.
In an address today to a delegation
of Californians, Senator Harding said
in part as ioiiowb:
"Americans, I greet you who come
from far places with deep gratitude
for the honor you hava done the cause
l represent, which I believe is the
cause of all the people of America.
"lhere is no sectionalism in the
united states.
" 'America first. That spirit is be
hind our Individual citizenship,-which
conceives government as being the
expresson of a community of Inter
ests, and not a paternal or autocracy
or one-man source of pretended
"Today you have come here from
the Pacific -coast. I do not doubt
that Americans on the coast are trou
bled about the . Japanese question
That question raises every Interpre
tation or our watchword, 'America
first.' for it Involves four sets of
obligations. It involves our obliga
tions to a gTeat power. It involves
the obligations of that power toward
us. It involves the obligations of all
America toward one group of Amer
lean states and tbelr peoples. Bu
It also involves the obligations of
that group of states to the nation.
Rapport to States Xecded.
"In spite of the honor of a people
and the great measures of contribu
vancement. it is conceivable that they
may be so different in racial char
acteristics or in manner of life or
practice from another people of equal
honor and achievement that, no mat
ter whether it be on the soil of one
or upon the soil of the other, thJrae
differences, without raising any ques
tion of inequality, may create, as I
believe they have created, upon our
coast, without blame to either side, a
friction that must be recognized.
"The nation owes It to the Pacific
coast to recognize that fact. The na
tion owes it to the Pacific coast states
to stand behind them in necessary
measures consistent with our national
honor to relieve them of their diffi
culties. Solution Held Possible.
"Acting . in fine friendship with
Japan, it is possible by international
action, friendly financial and com
mercial co-operation to erect a Joint
policy of greatest good to the far
east .and its peaceful development.
By working with the liberal forces
within Japan which now have reached
predominance. America can exercise
her great influence In substituting
for territorial aggression, the peace
ful, righteous reclamation of op
pressed and impoverished peoples on
the Asian mainland br-the means of
commerce and financing. Japan has
even more than we at stake. Her re
sponsiblities and opportunities are
great and she knows that they can
best be fulfilled by friendly co-operation
with America.
"Therefore, her interest In remov
ing all sources of irritation is equal
to, if not greater, than ours and I,
and all Americans, shall regard her
and her people as wise enough to con
tinue to assist In solving the ques
tion of Japanese immigration so that
not only shall new and more stringent
understandings be made and not only
all understandings shall be observed
officially, but so that evasions of
these agreements by individual Jap
anese shall be completely stopped."
-c mo. condition oX P.eri!, tli4 tion tUcy make to the world's ad
Hays Says Plans for Nominee Are
Not Changed to Include Trip.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. There will
be no "barnstorming" in connection
with projected speaking trips of Sen
ator Harding, Will H Hays, national
chairman, said here today in com
menting on a report from Marlon that
the republican presidential candidate
would travel from coast to coast. has been absolutely no
change in our plans as announced a
month ago," Mr. Hays eald. He ex
pressed doubt that Senator Harding
would go farther west than Omaha.
Before leaving for Chicago Mr.
Hays said he did not believe that
Senator Harding would speak in
every state where there Is a contest
for United States senator.
Such a course would entail going to
Utah, California, Washington and
other far western states which are
looked upon as being republican
strongholds this year, he said, and
do not need the personal presence of
the presidential candidate.
He said he was not at liberty to
announce what cities .would be vis
ited, adding that this Information
must como from Marion or Chicago.
With the exception of New York,
the rule will be "one speech in a
state," Mr. Hays declared.
Enrollment Is 1922 as Compared
With 1710 Last Year.
EUGENE, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
That the growth of Eugene has
been marked during the past year is
indicated In the increased enrollment
in the city schools on the first day
over the attendance on the first day
last year. The "greatest increase, is
shown in- the high school where the
enrollment up to Saturday night and
not including yesterdays figures was
598 as compared with 470 on. the first
day last year. .
The total enrollment In all' the
schools today was 1922, as compared
with 1710 on the opening day of 1919,
an Increase of 212. The junior high
school and the Lincoln school show
a Blight falling off in attendance this
year, but all other schools show an
Baker Orders Investigation; Soap
Stored in Municipal Warehouse
Free One ' of ' Complaints.
charges that John l. Hooper,- as
sistant purchasing agent for the city
of Portland, is discriminating against
Oregon made products in, favor of
eastern products through purchases
made by the city are contained in a
letter signed by H. S. Mackay, man
ager of the Coast Chemical company
sent yesterday to Mayor Baker by A.
G. Clark, manager of the associated
industries of Oregon.
Immediate Investigation of the
charges was ordered by Mayor Baker
In a letter to City Commissioner Pier
in charge of the bureau of purchases.
together with a complete report on
the actions of Assistant Purchasing
Agent Hooper in the case to be sub
mitted to the mayor. .
Six months were spent by salesmen
of the Coast Chemical company In an
effort to gain opportunity to induce
Mr. Hooper to give the Oregon pro
ducts a chance.
"It is Mr. Hooper's policy apparent
ly, reads Mr. Mackay s letter, "to
give the benefit of the doubt to Chica
go or some other eastern point."
lh Coast Chemical company man
ufactures a liquid soap which is pur
chased by the city in large quanities
Although Mr. Mackay is piqued at the
alleged refusal of the city purchas
lng agent to give the Oregon pro
duct a trial, the principal complaint
is against the allowance of the east
ern manufacturer to store large
quantities of the soap in the city's
warehouse without charge.
n ii!iifirMMthni'iimi' w iim fcjMus: II
1 Just Looking!
State Board Will Adopt Protection
Programme Is Report.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
That the Oregon state board of fores
try eventually will adopt in part the
forest protection programme urged by
w. B. Ureeley, national forester, was
the information brought here today
by F. A. Elliott, state forester, who
attended a meeting of the state for
estry board- in Portland Saturday
Mr. Elliott said the plan proposed
by Mr. Greeley included an intensive
fire prevention campaign, coupled
with an appropriation by the govern
ment sufficient to provide adequate
facilities and men to combat fires
where they had once gotten under
way. The tentative appropriation
urged by Mr. Greeley aggregates more
than $1,000,000, of which Oregon
would receive in the neighborhood of
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 13. (Spe
cial.) Except for completion of rou
tine work that comes at the end of
campaign, most of the candidates
for nominations on the democratic
and republican tickets at tomorrow's
primary election found comparatively
little t'ney could add oday to the
work they have done In tbe last few
The polls for the primary election
opi n at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning;
and close at 8 o'clock in the evening,
and most of the candidates consider
today that their cases have been
fully presented to the voters.
For instance, at noon today Colonel
Georga B. Lamping and Senator M.
T. Coman of Spokane, both of whom
are candidates for the republican nom
ination for governor and have hurled
challenges at each other for a week
or more, held a second joint meeting
In a theater. The two candidates
spoke from the same platform last
Friday and did not .do injury to -the
feelings of either, and it was not ex
pected that today's last-minute setto
would materially disturb the amica
ble relations of the rival headquarters.
Hart Closes Campaign.
Governor Louis F. Hart, who was in
Seattle yesterday, started north for
a last-minute tour through Skagit
and Snohomish counties, hia early
stamping ground, and to close his
campaign in Everett tonight. Colonel
Roland H. Hartley, who spent Sunday
In Everett, came to Seattle to spend
the early part of the day, but he, too,
will close his campaign in Everett to
night. He is also to address a meet
ing in Monroe tonight. John A. Gel-
latly closed his campaign In Seattle.
Gellatly s position in the race re
mains up to the last minute an enig
ma to the political wiseacres. Gellat
ly Is conceded heavy support by the
states moral forces; he Is conceded
the women's vote by many, but just
how heavy he will poll in Seattle no
one knows. He Is overly strong in
spots here. Gellatly said tonight he
believed he would carry Seattle by
10,000, judging from reports received
Coyle Holds Last Meeting.
Captain W. J. Coyle, candidate for
lieutenant-governor, had a last meet
ing with his workers in the Butler
hotel at noon today. R. W. Huntoon
presided, and the meeting prepared
for a hard fight at the polls tomor
row. .
Among the democratic candidates
for governor, rr. E. T. Mathes of Bel
lingham was- in Spokane today to fill
engagements to make speeches before
six meetings of voters, while Judge
W. W. Black and A. E. Judd, state
senator, closed their campaigns on the
West Side.
Senator Edward T. Coman and his
Spokane group of supporters left for
the East Side tonight, to be at home
when th,e polls open. John A. Gellat
ly went home to vote in Wenatchee.
Governor Louis F. Hart drove
through Seattle from Everett to vote
at his home town in Tacoma.
Two Go Home to Volt.
E. L. French, senator, of Vancouver,
and John L. Sharpstein of Walla
Walla, former senator, who closed
their campaigns for lleutenant-gov
ernor In Seattle, went home to vote.
C W. Claussen, state auditor, who
has been making (he pilgrimage from
Olympla to Port Orchard to register
and vote at every election during the
past 15 years, passed through Seattle
on this mission again today. A large
number of state officials and em
ployes who maintain their voting
privileges in Seattle came to this city
today to go to the polls in the morn
None of the political leaders today
ventured a close guess at the size of
the vote that will be cast In the pri
maries tomorrow. The last compila
tion of registration in the state
"They come, they look and they leave."
Not so here, however. They come, they
look and they leave but they come back
and buy. If a prospective buyer visits our place first,
he returns after he has completed his investigations
and has posted himself. If he has made the rounds
and has gotten his bearings before he visited us, he
is equipped to appreciate our offerings, and our goods
sell themselves to him.
exclusive agents
For young
men and
their fathers,
showed 280.000 qualified voters, but
it was stated at the time that politi
cians felt several thousand other
voters had been registered since the
secretary of state's office made this
Willis Bloom, in charge of the elec
tion division of the secretary ot
state's office, confirmed this view to
Votinc Strength In Doubt.
We don't know now many regis
tered voters there are In the state,
said Mr. Bloom. "The county audi
tors furnished us with a mailing list
of approximately 280,000 voters in
August, but this list was compiled
before registration closed and before
the final drive for the qualification of
voters. I believe that there are be
tween 350,000 and 400.000 registered
voters in the state now. but while I
have confidence in this estimate, it Is
only a guess.
At the headquarters or nearly 40
candidates who have maintained sep
arate organizations in Seattle for con
gressional, state or county offices the
principal work today was in prepara
tion for. tomorrow when the fiirht will
be waged to get out as heavy a vote
as possible.
Seattle Electors May Decide Ques
tion of Operation.
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 13. (Spe
cial.) Seattle voters may be called
upon at a special election on general
election day, November 2, to say
whether the jitney shall go from the
downtown section or stay.
Corporation Counsel Meier, at the
request of Councilman Moore, is draft
ing an ordinance to provide for the
submission of two jitney bills to the
voters on general election dary.
One is the initiative bill which the
Jitney men themselves have framed,
which now lacks but 204 names of
enough signatures to refer it to the
voters. This bill would allow the jit
neys to operate throughout the city.
The other is the council bill, which
would bar the jitneys from the down
town district hounded by VirerinlR and
Jackson streets and Eight avenue and
Eighth avenue south and Klliott bay.
Minister Is Banqueted.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
Members of the Salem Ministerial
association and their wives today ten
dered Rev. R. N. Avison and Rev.
L. W. Porter a farewell banquet at a
local hotel. Mr Avison has accepted
a call to Spokane, while Mr. Torter
has not yet decided definitely where
he will locate. Mr. Avison was pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal church
here for ten years.
Bridge Work Washed Out.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
The falsework of the new Mchama
Lyons bridge over the Santiam river
near Lyons went out last night as the
result of recent heavy rains. The i
rush of water carried a Jam of about
7000 feet of logs down the stream.
Although exact figures were not ob
tainable today, the monetary loss will
be considers hie.
State School Asks Legal Aid.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
Attorney-General Brown today was
asked by J. H. Ackerman, president
of the state normal school, to defend
the school in the suit instituted in
Clackamas county recently to break
the will of Rachael Phillips, who left
$4000 to the educational institution.
' S. & H. green
Holman Fuel Co.
stamps for cash.
Main 353.- 680-21.
Alleged Wielders of Hot Iron to
Be Arraigned Tomorrow.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 13.
(Special.) Alvln Steigerwald and
Homer Maulding, charged with brand
ing Walter Groth with a branding
iron at Washougal last summer, are
to be arraigned before Judge Back
of the superior court Wednesday.
The case attracted much attention
at the time and a hearing was held
in Washoueal before a justice of tha
peace, who held the men to answer
to the superior court.'
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
( Cantrell u" Cochrnnes)
Ginger Ale
Write the importers
56 Beale St-, S. F.
with name of your dealers if
' they cannot supply yon.
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
SiMip.OlBtiBM4-Tmlrani.S5e.evaf T wh . Forsmmptee
iMrw: Ottmra. lbaTUa.Jain.X. y-ld.m.lU .
ft 'f .
Doctors " Recommend
Bon-Opfo for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy '
in the treatment of eye troubles and to I
strengthen eyesight. Sold tinder money
refund guarantee by all druggists.
advertised by this company
at special prices Sunday we
will continue to offer until
all cars are sold.
See them as soon as pos
Washington St. at 21st.
Main 6244.
No skill necessary
No skill in stropping is
necessary to renew the
fine, keen edge of the
AutoStrop Razor
blade. Just slip the
Strop through the
razor head and pass the
razor back and forth
along the strop. You
don't have to take the
razor apart, nor even
remove the blade.
Quick, clean,
ONLY with a stropped razor blade
can you get a really satisfactory
shave every morning.
Know the joy of a fine, keen edge for
every shave use the AutoStrop Razor,
the razor that sharpens itself.
Built right into the frame of the
AutoStrop Razor is a remarkable self
stropping device simple and efficient.
You don't have to take the razor apart
nor even remove the blade, for you have
in the AutoStrop Razor a safety razor
and stropping device combined in one.
Just slip the strop through the razor head
and move the razor back and forth along
the strop. In 10 seconds you have a new,
sharp shavingedgel 500 cool, comfortable
shaves are guaranteed from each dozen
blades I
Ask your dealer today about the
AutoStrop Razor trial plan.
4uto-t5trop Razor
On razors, strops, blades, etc., hereafter
manufactured by us we shall apply
the trade mark "Valet" in addition
to the trade mark "AutoStrop" as an
additional indication that they are the
genuine products of the AutoStrop
Safety Razor Co., New York.
sharpens itself
; ; linn x4-w. ft