TIIE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1020 21, FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room. 1, 2 AND 3-ROOM housekeeping suites, completely furnished: with or without private baths; gas ranges, laundry, hot mater continually. lbG Sherman at. Marshall ii'Ji. " UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Bellingham apartments, one 2 -room suite for housekeeping. 4-1 Vi E. Morri son st. A CLEA N modern te priced H. K. room, near 2Jd and Washington, suitable for one or two. Cail Main 3810. between n and B. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district for 20c. Auto aervice. Free storage for 13 days. Phone Bdwy. 245. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished H. K. rooms. $10 up. Including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TWO SMALL. furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.00 week. 207 Knott St., near Williams. DESIRABLE- housekeeping rooms com pletely furnished. Hot water. Elec tricity. 228 Harrison street. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, fresh ly tinted; on car line. Uo'J Williams ft FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, west side. Tabor 8003 between 10 -A- M. and 12 M. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 2 H. K. ROOMS, third floor front, neat and cozy. Nob Hill; very reasonable. Ladies employed only. West side, walk ing distance. 50 UUsan St.. between 2uh and 21st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, light, phone, bath and stove hat furnished. Close to Montgomery-Ward plant. 392 N. 24th U near Thurman. FURNISHED housekeeping room, light, heat, bath, phone, stationary tubs. water, use of home; walking distance; employed only. Main 7292. yURNISHEDH, K. rooms, electric lights, phono, bath furnace heat. 712 Hoyt st. Main 4338. A CLEAN, cheerful room suitablefor two young men. with or without evening meal. 333 13th st. THREE rooms and kitchen, also single room; reasonable. 661 Everett. FOR RENT Three furnished housekeep Ing roonn 93 Belmont at. T afu o r&3& 4 . ONE OR two furnished or unfurnished rooms, close to cartings. 903 E. &Lh at. N. Houses. ROOM3, modern bungalow; oak floors, tile brick, fireplace, built-in bookcases tnd buffet, handsomely decorated, white Itchen with all bullt-ins; full basement and furnace; large lot, with fruit trees and flowers. Just beyond Laurelhurst; guaranteed leas $50 per month. Tabor 1 702. FOR RENT. 8 even -room bungalow. 1 acre, Oe ear fare; 100 W. L. pullets, 5tt months, and garden for sale. Will sell furniture. Will lease to responsible party, $13 month. R 20, Oregonian. LARGB residence, central east side loca tion, suitable for hospital or sanitarium; will lease to responsible portles; lull in form at ion from us. FARRISH. W ATKINS A CO.. 106 2d Street. 1RVINGTON. Seven-room modern house, sleeping porch, fireplaces, built-in features, nice grounds, etc. ; furniture will be sold to those renting house, otto K. bcnuyier su FOR LEASE for one year a 4-room house located at lu"9 Princeton st; $15 and 6 months' rent In advance. Inquire at 0113 45th ave. S. E. M. S. car to Stewart station, 1 block to a number. East 4171. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway CSO. A 6747. MODERN 5-room flat, cheap; partly fur nished; walking dfstance, near steel bridge. Apply alter 5 P. M. 3la Holla day ave. 1-ROOM cabin, $5 per month, lease; 6 months rent In advance. Call or write 6113 45th ave. S. E. AiS car to Stewart station. East 4171. XiOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. ol21. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 10-room house and garage, fine grounds, furniture for sale; ref. required ; adults. Mar. 2480. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling, first-class equipment. Gre-n Tr. Co., 2U2H Alder at. Main 126L 572-61. I-ROOM modern house. 473 E.f45th n7, Roe City Park, $50 monthly; rocking chairs and etatr carpet for sale. t-ROUM house, $28; new range for sale, $00; vacant October 1. 427 10th st. 4-ROOM house to rent, $15. Fred Spear, Tabor 5tS7. UouD 7-rooxn house, no furnace. Cor. E. 24th and Ash. East 6155. FURNISHED modern 0-roora house, just off Hawthorne. East 1323. 300 E. 22d at. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT 7 -room modern home, par tially furnished; immediate possession; conveniently located. This place i for sale, "but if rented will give lease, for six months or a year. If Interested, call on owner, look at the house and say what you will pay for it. Tuesday only. from 9 to 11 or 3 to 7. 703 E. Ankeny. IRVINGTON Will lease my home for one year from Oct." 1; 7 rooms, com pletely furnished; piano, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, large yard and all other modern conveniences; $100 per mouth. Apply 652 2d at. 4-ROOM furnished cottage at E. 30d and Taylor, two people only; until next EMarch, 1921; rent $33 per month. H. II. Staub. 1Q27 Belmont. FOR RENT 5-room modern furnished house in St. Johns, close in. One-room residence, by owner; price $25 per mo. Fruit and garden. 315 E. John st. fc-ROOM house, completely furnished, for rent and furniture for sale. Price $430. No children. Home after 9 A. M. East 3 190. -ROOM nicely furnished, house for rent en Sept. 18. Cover & Gregory. East 243. Price $50. m TWO-STORY residence. East Side, nicely furnished, including piano and garage. Reference required. E. 3352. FOR RENT 6-room nicely furnished house, in Al condition. Call 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUNGALOW for rent, furniture for sale; a bargain; must have quick action. BP 464. Oregonian. FURNISHED house on Portland Heights for four months. Sunday and evenings. Main 7350. NICELY furnished house for rent, right couple, no small children,. 674 E. Ank eny. Call Main G3S3. HOME free to middle-aged lady, for ligh.t services'. Marshall 1-513. COUPLE may housekeep in fine, modern home. Sellw. 636. FURNISHED 4-mom cottage, $20; not modern but comfortable. Main 9323. $0 FURNISHED house, childrrn. 103 E. S-Uh N. FURNISHED houc. 4 rooms; newly re finished ; cloe to car. Tabor 3061. S-RUOM furnished house. 527 Market! nrar 1th st. TO SUBLET part of display window, desk room and some storage to suitable party Call in person. 226 Stark st. $30 STORE. west side, good location, close in. Tabor 11 14. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 812. M iscellaneous. FOR RENT Fine lodgeroom in SMling-Hirt-h building. Splendidly equipped. Portland Tent No. 1. The Maccabees, 310 Oregonian bldg. Phone Main- 1034. TO CLUBS, lodges, etc.: Manchester hall can he rented fr dancing parties, etc. Call Broadway 3590 or Main 3318. BUSINESS OPPOKTrMTlES. LIVE opportunity, going manufacturing business- Write for particulars. AP 8i0, Oregonian. VOR SALE Grocery-confectlonerv? chance for pool hall or card room. 275 aa st. ROOT beer stand for sale ; doing good business and in a fine location. 26 N. Hth st. aoort 2S-ROOM hotel, heart city, netting momn, wn lurnimea. ree Harper J. A. WICK MAN CO., 264 STARK ST. OWNER would sell well paying rooming house. For appointment phone Main 4-'W. IF YOU want to sell your business of an kind, for quick sale list with Morris. 243 btarK sr. Aiain A RESTAURANT and lunch counter In nisy country town : good profit: price or iy i..Mf. Awm -rvri i t k u m Ding. BARBER chair mirrors and supplies. great mn - r 1 1 iu no in. near stare. FOR is A LE Down -town garage. Broad way 274. D. A. Norton. BARBER SHOP for sate. 265 Fifth st., op- pos. t e ! L,y n n. HAVE few pinched dol'ars and time to invest. tt i'-. urrsonmn. A GROSS income of 25 pt rent ib worth inveatigatin g. gee ri puck, i mi nt n st. WILL SELL my 4-taWe pool room. No agents. Inquire 5o2 Union ave. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS opportunities, we have over &0 stocks of goods and businesses listed, consisting of dry goods stores, grocery stores and other good business chances ranging In prices from $350 to $20,000: we list nothing only that which will warrant and justify your Investment and purchase; if you will call at our office we surely can. suit you if you are look ing for a business. COBB BROS.. 263 Oak st. MEN WANTED AT ONCE. Have contracts for road, lumber and log hauling, excellent working conditions, go to work, at once; ten trucks working now and making money; road con ditions good; can work nearly all win ter; long-time contracts and not a 5 per cent proposition; have been on the ground myself and pronounce these Jobs O. K. Three-ton truck required. M'Intosh Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash, st- BY TEST with our new Invention for ra en gines, have driven from Milwaukie to Seaside, Or., with less than three gals, of fas; will burn- any low grade fuel, no cartoon; will eeU U. S. rights at low figure to get started; to anyone mean ing business will demonstrate. T 669, Oregonian. WANTED Office partner for an out of the ordinary business that will pay better than $200 per month to each after this month; $150 foT half Interest; $150 to he used for advertising, $300 In total needed. Call 616 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE A good little grocery store and soft drinks and lea cream, tobacco, cigars and confectionery, on electric roal 82 miles from Portland; good place for man and wife or 2 young men ; price $1400 cash. Medford hotel, corner Fifth and Glican. DENTAL office for sale, eastern Wash., good town, no competition, no license re quired as chamber of commerce will stand behind you against interference; $500. pay for It from receipts; average $700 to $900 mo. Address box 101, Llad, Washington. BEST paying newspaper in central Ore gon for sale on account of failing eye sight. Plant In its own building and thoroughly equipped. No competition, and a money-maker. $3000 cash, terms on balance. No leases or trades consid ered. Address AV 435 Oregonian. A COUNTRY GARAGE, In a good valley town, doing $100 day tusine; rent $N0 month, lease; clearing $300 month; $2oOO will buy controlling interest. Particulars 511 Railway Ex change. SAWMILL, 30 to 40 M capacity, logging camp and planing mill ; plenty of tim ber, flume to shipping point; location Willamette valley; splendid proposition to right party. Owner, AF S70. Orego nian. WILL sen my $1S5 equity 1 a 3-ton truck used weeks, will sell for $1500; also $&00 equity in 5-ton lumber trailer, would like a trade In a small grocery store; the reason, for selling is a broken leg. AM 92. Oregonian. $1400 RESTAURANT, well located; brick building; long lease; average dally re ceipts $70. This place actually worth $2000. Must sell this week. Good terms. See Har-per. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 504 STARK ST. PA RTY with small amount of cash wanted for well established distributing agency in the city; exclusive territory; must be able to keep books and look after details of office. AN 470. Ore g on lan. $1700 GROCERY, close In on Barr road, living rooms in connection, store will Invoice about $2000; old age reason for selling. Morris, with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. - Main 5420. 248 Stark St, GARAGE SPECIAL. 60x100, brick, good lease, low rent, fine location; has storage and repair trade; will invoice; $1000. Call 611 Rail way Exchange. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg.. Broad way 1902. A PARTNER WANTED! " Handy man with $330 can buy equal half interest in auto repair business; been clearing over $8 day for each partner. Call room 401 Dekum Bldg. $000 CONFECTIONARY", place for card room, nice corner location doing good business; must sell at once, $450 cash, balance easy terms. See Morris, with Interstate Land Co., 243 Stark st. $1250 CcTnfejCTIONERT and light gro cery; fine location on corner; daily re ceipts $30; two living rooms. See Har Dcr. J. A. WICK MAN CO.; 24 STARK ST. CHRISTIAN man having $3000. with some education or media n.ica.1 ability, can ob tain posHlon and interest in established well-rated paying manufacturing-, busi ness. AC 79, Oregonian. WANTED Ai.y kind of merchandise stocks; best prices paid ; f urnitur stocks preferred. Write or phone Mala 463. 174 First st. $1500 GROCERY, west side location, liv ing ropms in connection ; nice, clean stock, good buildings. Burroughs, with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. FOR SALE Pool hall, confectionery and soil arinK ; nas iour pool taDies; doing big business; price $2000. 1129 Albina ave. NEW 2S-TOX TRUCK with good busi ness for sale ; do not answer this un less you have at least $1500 cash; $3800 Is price. S. B. Shafer, Deer Island. Or. I HAVE good location in heart of the city, win lease or rent it; will be vacant first of October. See Tony, 61 3d st. Barber shop. A SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY. Cigar, conf. and ice cream parlor at 873 Va E. Burnslde at., for sals, $2000, rent $4"0; leaving city. Owner. ONLY bakery and restaurant in Willam ette valley town; electric oven; doing $175 per day business. A bargain for quick sale. AV 370. Oregonian, WILL sell my equity In truck with well established freight route; is making money every day; $1300, terms. AG 98, Oregonian. , CORNER store for rent, prominent street. west siue, ciose in; gooo. location lor pool hall or drug store or other business. Address AM S90. Oregonian. A POOLROOM. Confectionery, soft drinks, etc., 4 pool tables, profits large; $10OO .will handle It. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. $85M) iRUO STORB'well located on 6th st. at corner; Lease; fine business. See - Harper. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 24 STARK ST. PARTNER wanted to transfer business. $1000 wanted. call Tabor 6122 for ap pointment. TRANSFER and storage business. A good lease, iois oi storage. $zuu will nan die. Apply 209 Oak. BARBER shop. 3 chairs, best location in town ; rent $15, lease; good business; reasons for selling. Box 27, Eugene. Or. GROCERIES Bring wife and uncle, take possession now, 3 per cent dis. on Invoice. Phone Wdln. 211. No agents. FOR RENT Pool room. 694 Powell St.. corner 20th. Rent $20 per month. Call at 324 Front st. Phone Main 7806. PARTNER, experienced baker, wants a good reliable man; a good chance; no fake. AP 60. Oregonian. $1700 BAKERY Fine location; rent $35 day: $10JK will handle. See Harper. .T. A. WICK MAN CO., 264 STARK ST. HAVE cash buyers for restaurant; must be well located. For quick sale list with . Morris, 24S Str.rk St., Main 5429. HIGH-CLASS hotel cafe and restaurant; doing $100 day business; $1750 cash. E. 7 MS. D ' ?J 7CT7J ' mm h &Mte -zk r"T. frtv m . . -rn - ) j ! 'ff BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Corner 5th and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. YAMHILL MARKET LOCATION. Lunh counter right In the heart of the market: 3 jear lease; rent $75; price $1500. EX5GS AND BUTTER. If you are a live wire and know this business there is none better; 8 year lease; rent $125; price $2000. BAKERY GOOD'S. COFFEES. This la a Uvs proposition and won't Last long; 3 year lease; rent flC5; price $2000. FISH MARKET LOCATION. Four year lease; rent $80; re frigerator and light free; $1000 takes this. OUT OF TOWN POOL TTAT.L. Pool ha 11 and soft drinks, lo cated la the best town in Oregon; rent $5; daily receipts $S5 and up; 4 pool tables, 1 billiard table, fi card tables; sickness has forced this on. the market; price $11,000, some terms. OTJT OF TOWN. Three pool tatoles, 1 billiard table, o card tables, soft drinks; this business is well equipped; rent -$40; partners do not agree, reason for putting this on the market; price $5500. OUT OF TOWN". Fonr pool tables, 2 card tables, front and back bar; rent $35; daily receipts $53 to $05; If you are Interested in any of these buys doia't delay as they are selling. PACTFIO AGEiNCT, INC. 614-20 Swetland Bldg., Corner fith. and Washington. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANTS. $ 650 West side, good lease; terms. $ 850 West side, nine living rooms. $2500 Buys first-class restaurant, close In on Third street; receipts $65 to $M daily. $3500 Right down town: a money maker, soft drinks end confec tionery in connection. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. $1100 Buys good place doing good busi ness. $1250 Good place on Alder mt west side, $1800 Good place on Washington street, west side; good lease. $3000 Buys one of the best confection eries on west side, on Fourth st- $3500 A real business; good fixtures and stock; daily cash sales $80. $4000 Buys one of the best in the city on west side; come and see this. J $8000 Or invoice; country store; doing around $30,000 annually: 1 acre land, store building 30x60, 5 good living rooms overhead; on electrio line, J5OO0 cash. bal. time. POOLHALL, SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. $3600 Eight pool tables and two billiard tables in Al shape. $ 650 Cigar stand, right downtown on Third street. SEE BROWN & BTDDLE, 824 Ry. Exch. Bldg. i and Stark. FOR SALE General merchandise store lo cated on west side; electric line and Pa cific state highway; postoffic; also agency for S. P. R. R. tickets and ex press in connection; revenue $100 per month; business will average $30,000; general stock and fixtures about $8000; building leased and rents for $15 per month; living rooms in connection; rea son for selling. Apply box AV a03. Ore gonian. $3200 CASH AND CARRY grocery, estab lished trade; rent only $35. Including light, water, gas and heat; modern-building and fixtures. $7000 Leading general merchandise tore in fast growing community, near Portland: some terms. COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash, "We do not misrepresent." ARE YOU looking for a business that will make you big money? If you have from $10OO to $5000 and want to work along with it you can join us In a venture that will pay bigger than any other place you can use your money and time and with an everlasting future. S 67, Oregonian, WE HAVE good logging contract open, 5 million feet. $5.50 per M-, 4-mile haul, practically all down hill and truck should average $45 per day, $200O will handle deal. SHTVES-HOWE MOTOR CO Chapman & Yamhill. Main 3516. $1500 BUYS confectionery and grocery doing $40 ?er d.y; 2 good computing scales, $100 cash register, 2 good Ice boxes, fixtures and show cases good; clean stock; 3 living roojns partly fuT nlshed; rent $20 per month. Call Col. 450. DENTAL office for sale, eastern Wash., good town ; no competition, no license required, as chamber of commerce will stand behind you against interference; $50O, pay for it from receipts. Average $700 to $900 mo. Address box 101, Lind. Or. POOL ROOM. For sale by owner and save com mis sion; central east side location; get in now for the winter months and get the cream of the business. Address for appointment D 61, Oregonian. GARAGE 40 CARS. 0 year lease, owner wants a partner to sell the gas. oils, tires, used cars, etc.; profits good; $150O will buy equal half interest. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. (i x R AGR at sacrifice: have other busi ness plans and will accept best offer lor Coiumoia garage, lui -c. r fasenuen St., St. Johns; make us an offer; owner on premises GOOD-PAYING, small west side confec tionery and light lunches: best location; ideal for two people. Would consider trade for house or automobile, AP 99, Oregonian. DINING ROOM for rent In a 100-room hotel In Idaho town of 4500. All fur nished but linen; beet hotel In city, do ing capacity business. Write Hotel Washington, weiscr. inana A GARAGE SPECIAL. Located on one of Portland's bet traveled streets; sell gas, oils, tires snd auto repairing: profits large; price only $L350. Call room 401 Dekum Bldg. BARBER SHOP In Portland, fixtures first class, good location, long lease, low rent: to trade Tor snoo in small town: value $1500 cash. J. T. Barker, owner, 537 Union ave. North. WE SUPPLY you with all stock up to any amount desired, if you can show vou are reaay; get ousy and qualify. $100 required as guarantee. G 540, Ore gonian. GARAGE partner wanteld ; iiandy man with $500 buys equal half interest In tools, oils, stock. Must have help. 781 ist st. Ii:E CREAM, confectionery and lisrht ery stock and fixtures: expenses only $1 a aay. rnone cast i.ji. GOOD paying restaurant; fine location; cheap on account or sicuness. 3i5 Front, GROCERY store and fixtures for sale. TOO Grand ave. S. LOW BROS., carpenters and builders; re- modeling and jopping. Phone o 19-66. M r .1 a A .ft S 1 1:7 : W-5-5-5-y-fr.T HrTN.t IT. 0' M i-r-:i . . - . " I y I' v"m. w,i-d miiri .. pm uttiiiiim f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE: A furniture and hardware business consisting of a $15,000 stock of new goods. Doing a $30,000 business per year. Retiring on account of age. AV 430, Oregonian. SACRIFICE t New restaurant at S3 1st. near Oak. Must be sold for half Its cost, only $2T5. Rent is only $25. Phone Main 26!t4, room 17. . $you RESTAURANT, well located, good equipment; will sacrifice for quick sale. Morris, with INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. STATE distributor wanted for best light truck on the market : dealers already established in all parts of state. AN G2, Oregonian. WANTED Party with $50O to look Into a good strawberry proposition In the White Salmon valley. AK 84. Orego pian. t $700 CAFETERIA, downtown location. ooing line business; some terms, bur roughs, with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. BAKERY goods staU on Yamhill st. mar- Ket; pay i2W or more moirtn. .fries $975. CaH 511 Railway Exchange. 250O WE'LL -paying confectionery. Call ojn . vAaJODAT o uxmmexce iuig. Swank. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 Morrison St. BAKERY Rotary type for sale, reason able. Call and get particulars. Tabor 1913. Business Opportunities Wanted. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or writs ALLISON A BILLINGS. 401-402 Dekum bldg. Established 1904. WANT going grocery with furnished living rooms; fixtures must be bargain; stock at invoice; will go to $2000; give full particulars and phone first letter; I mean business. AN 89, Oregonian. WANTED To rent a good location in Portland) or country town for a shoe repair shop; give full particulars) in answer. Address AN 85. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for good shoe repair shop; give full particulars in answer. Address AN 84, Oregonian. WANTED Grocery up to $3000. doing good business, well located. Call East S84. 291H Morrison at. HAVE $400 cash to Invest In a good, well located businesa AB 90, Oregonian. Stocks and Bonds. INCREASE of capital stock permits es tablished export concern to offer limit ed amount of treasury stock for sale; business has always been very profitable; good investment ; capable man could become active member. AV 429. Orego nian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. $050 WILL NET NEARLY $100. $950, and on terms, buys this out-of-the ordinary value: 13 rooms, mostly H. K. ; easy walking distance. West Side location ; clean ; unusually low rent ; stove and furnace heat ; average good furniture; no Improvements to make. This is a surprise bargain. Call Glea son. at Main 7511. 12 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Corner home. Nob Hill location. Heat $40, furnace, elec. ; delightfully clean. Nets $130 besides apt. Price $1700. Some terms. Main 8540 for appoint ment. Ask for Mrs. McClnln. MRS. M. E. LENT. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We writs all kinds of insurance. 12 ROOMS. H. K. ; rent $60. Gross income $175 : good furniture, hardwood floors, hot water heat, good home and Income. Price, $22.50; 16 rooms, H. K.; rent $55, furnace, elec gross income over $200. Good location. Price $2250, part terms, MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry bldg. 20 ROOMS. Apts. and sleeping rooms. Rent. $75. Eiec, gas, furnace heat; location right. House and furniture In fine condition Cash, price $3200. See Mrs. MoClain. MRS. M. E. LENT. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8560. ROOMING and apt. house headquarters: If you are in the market for a rooming house, see our list; we have them rang ing In price from $1200 to $5000, well located, with good terms. See Harper, with the J. A. Wickman Co.. 264 Stark street. 3 MODERN ROOMING HOTELS. 42 rooms, $2400. terms. 34 rooms,. SSOK). terms. 54 rooms, $ 10.500, terms.. COOVER & HOLMAN, 823-3-4 Failing Bldg., Third and Wash, "We do not misrepresent." IF YOU want to sel your rooming house, hotel or apartment house, call and see us, we have cash buyers for same. C J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO.. 205 Vx Morrison St. WANT A ROOMING HOUSE FROM. OWNER. If you have a good income producer I am in the market to buy. Must have some terms. Call roe evenings, at Ta bor 3083. WILL PAY-SPOT CASH FOR YOUR HOT0L, ROOM I JOG OR APT. HOUSES IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT. We buy and sell chattel mortgages. A, J. DeFOREfciT & CO., 520 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. TWO BARGAINS. 88 housekeeping rooms, $1 600 down. 13 housekeeping rooms. $ 800 down. COOVER & HOLMAN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." FOR SALE by owner, 16 rooms about half H. K.. bal. sleeping rooms. This is right downtown and away above the average for cleanliness and furnishings. Price $2300; some terms. Call 361 Taylor t MRS. M. E. LENT hotels, rooming and apartment houses. All sizes and price. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560 for appointment. $20,000 CASH REQUIRED. Apartment building: or building and furniture; exceptional Investment oppor tunity; Imoorae $13,500. Mr. Cary, man ager., 270 Lincoln st. Main 1377. 32 ROOMS, H. K., pries $1800, part time; rent $75 with lease, west side, income $200. A. J. D FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590l 30-ROOM hotel for sale by owner, fire proof brick, H. and C. WAter and steam heat, all rooms; good clean place; clears $300 per month. Good W. . location. AJ SS, Oregonian. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. mnod furniture and clean; clears $100 and a good home. Barney Johnson Co., 170 10th st. $2400 TRANSIENT rooming house, ordi nary furniture, but real money maker. Call Marshall 3993. BY OWNER. 10 H. K. rooms. 3 kitchen ettes, water; good furniture, neat and clean: always full. 170 Chapman st. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board, Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st. 7 ROOMS, W. S-. beautiful new furniture, lovely home, income. Owner. u92i Everett. GOOD modern he tel. ground flood lobby ; N. W. heat, a good buy at $26,500. TH O M SON, 620-21 Henry bid g. 7 ROOMS, nice place, close in. all nicely furnished.' clean; snap, $450. Garland, 201 3d. HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses. H. W. Garrand. 201 3d st. POLLY AND n r " 7771 All I 1HAT '"titti. r J v4HFil A TH K Bi:T OK KKI'ORTS SOMCTIMIOS FA 1 1 HV CI. IKK STKRUIO'I'T. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. COX CAME AND SAW AND IT TAKES NO SLl'SH FUND TO BUY THIS. Solid brick. Nob Hill district; 16 large fine apartments; nearly all completely furnished with excellent furniture; In . come In excess of $600 per month. Will sell furniture and nearly new brick building with a first payment of $12.0O0. The balance may be paid from the earn ings of property at a low rate of inter est. This is an unexcelled opportunity to make a small investment pay huge returns, and in a few years you will own the property clear. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANT. 332-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. $S00 BUYS 9 -room rooming house; a real home: rent $37.50. $1000 buys 10-room hotel complete; will take good auto as part payment; terms. $3000 buys 60-room hotel, rent $60; will exchange for house or a good auto in part payment ; terms. $1200 buys 13 H. K. room house, good west side location, neat place; well equipped. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg.. 3d and Stark. S WELLE ST LITTLE HOTEL IN PORTLAND. SS rooms, nearly all with private baths, handsomely furnished and clean; exceptional location, west side; fanciest kind of corner brick building, 4 years lease; clearing $1000 a month; price $25,000; will take $10,000 cash, balance good security. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. NOTICE A FBWt GOOD ONES. 40 rooms, H. K., steam heat Price $4000 85 rooms, H. K steam heat, Prtce 2000 23 rooms, H. K stove heat; rent.. 60 8 rooms, good location. Price 800 COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. MA GOON & SPENCER. 26 Cham, of Com. W-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Brick buildloig. Knob HU1 location, 4 year lease; good furniture, well arranged apartments, all with private baths, . phone and lifts; rent $350 a month, clears from $900 to $1000 a month profit; price $17,000, part time can, be arranged. A. J. DeFORBST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 10 ROOMS. Elegant Nob Hill home, with, double garage, 4 apt a. ; rest sleeping. Furnt--' ture actually beautiful, piano, elec., washing machine and vacuum included. Rent $70; income $300. Cash to handle this $3000. See Mrs. McClain. with. MRS. M. E. LENT. B24 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 8560. 14 ROOMS for $1550. White temple dis trict. Owner, Main 85a. SPECIAL NOTICES. M iscellaneo us. NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice U hereby given that on Monday, Septem ber 13, 1920, the board of equalization of Multnomah county will attend at the office of the county assessor, at the court bouse In Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rolls for ths year 1920, and correct all errors in val uation, description or qualities of lan da, lots or other property, assessed by the county assessor. And it shall be the duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. If it shall appear to such board of equalisa tion that there are any lands or lots or other property assessed twice, or in correctly assessed as to description or quantity, and in the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond the actual cash value thereof, said board may make proper correction of the same. If it shall appear to such board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the assessor are not assessed, such board shall assess the same at the full cash value thereof. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice fe hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the estate of Mary Ellen Harvey, deceased, has filed its f4nal account with the county clerk, and an order has been made and entered directing this notice and setting Wednes day. October 13. 1920. at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the hearing thereon at the county courthouse in Portland. Oregon. Dated, at Portland. Oregon, this 4th day of September, 1920. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Junction City. Oregon, Administrator of the Estate of Mary EJlen Harvey. Deceased. C. N. Johnston. Attorney, Junction City, Oregon.. SEALED BIDS will be received by the S. P. & S. Railway company, up to and including September 30, 1920, at room 5, North Bank station, 11th and Hoyt sis., for the following Dodge automobiles: Car No. 504932; motor No. 557012. Car No. f.O."o3; motor No. 557227. Car No. 505082: motor No. 557302. Amount bid on each car to be shown separately. Cars can be Inspected at the S- P A . Railway company s sal vage room. 11th and Hoyt sta Right reserved to reject any or all Bids. W. F. TURNER. Comptroller. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: On account of manufacturing condi tions Harper A Brothers, publishers. have closed their northwest subscription branch at Portland, or., indefinitely All business will be handled through our San r rancisco orilce, Alar ket st. B. R. StTack manager. SEPT. 11. 1920 I will no longer be re sponsible for debts contracted by my wife (Cella Leete), she having left my bed and board. RALPH LEETE. Proposals Invited. NOTICE Is hereby given that In accord ance with chapter 357 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1917. and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, the board of directors of Medford irrigation district, a municipal corpora tion duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of Oregon, with its principal oiiice in the city or Med ford. Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals and bids for the construction of works for the irrigation of the lands of the Medford Irrigation district in ac- - cordance with plans and specifications ' filed in the office or the board of direc tors of said Medford irrigation district In the Liberty building on the corner of West Main and South Grape streets, in the city of Medford, Oregon, where said plans and specifications. which are known as the Little Butte project and which were filed with said board on the 25th day of March, 1920. can be seen and are now open for examination, on or before the 1st day of October. 1920, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Any such proposals or bids should be addressed to E. M. Wilson, secretary of board of directors or Medford Irriga tion district. Medford. Oregon. At said time and place the said board or dlrec tors will open in public any proposals and bids so received, and as soon as convenient thereafter, the said board will let saici work to the lowest re sponsible bidder. The said board, how ever, reserves to itself the right to re ject any and all bids and may readver tlse for proposals or may proceed to construct the work under its own super lntendence. Any person or persons to whom contract may be awarded shall enter Into a bond with good and auf ficient sureties to be approved by the board, payable to said district for its use lor not less tnan twenty-five 25) per cent of the amount of the contract price, conaitionea tor tne iaitniui per formance of said contract. Dated Medford, Oregon, this 17th day of August. 1920. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By LEONARD CARPENTER. President. E. G. COLEMAN. Director. W. A. FOIXiER, Director. E. M. W I LS ON. Secrets ry. HER PALS SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NYJ)TICE Is hereby given that in accord ance with chapter 357 of tbe General Laws of Oregon for 1917. and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, the board of directors of Med ford Irrigation district, a municipal cor poration duly organized and existing under the laws of the slate of Oregon, with its principal office in the city of Medford. Oregon, will sell one million two hundred and fifty thousand ($1,250, 000.00) dollars in bonds of the Medford irrigation district, being the issue au thorized at an election duly held by the electors of said district on the 9th day of August. 1920. and directed to be is sued and sold by a resolution of said board of directors duly passed at a reg ular meeting of said board on the 16th day of August, 1920, at the office of the board of directors of the Medford Irri gation district in the Liberty building on tne corner of West Main and fcoutn Grape streets, in the city .of Medford, Oregon, on the 1st day of October. 1920. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. Said bonds to be sold shall mature serially in annual amounts so as to be approximately equal, principal and in terest, beginning five years after the date of issue and continuing up to and Including a period of 40 years thereafter. Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness, or in its equivalent. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of Jan uary and July of each year, principal and Interest payable at the place to be designated respectively in the bonds and coupons, said place to be in the United States, and to be designated by the suc cessful bidder or bidders. Said bonds shall b of the denomination of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, nor more than one thousand ($1000.00) dol lars. Coupons for interest shall be at tached to each bona. Sealed proposals, addressed to E. M. Wilson, secretary of board of directors of Medford irrigation district, Medford, Oregon, will ha nc.ivd hv t h raih board of directors at their said office xor the purchase of said bonds until the aid 1st day of October, 1920. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Said board of directors reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 17th day of August, 1920. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MEDFORD i K1UUAX1U.N DISTRICT. By LEONARD CARPENTER. President. E. G. COLEMAN, Director. W. A, FOLGER. Director. E. M. WILSON. Secretary. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received until the 20t!i ay of September, A. D. 1920, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for the purchase of Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars ($200,000.00) worth of bonds of the Langell Valley Irrigation dis xict of Klamath county, Oregon. Said oonds to draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually upon the first day of July and the first day of January of each year until tho ma turity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of directors of said irrigation dis trict and should be directed to the sec retary of the Langell Valley Irrigation District, care of Ferguson, Fletcher A Mifflin. No. 16 Loo in is building, Klam ath Falls, Or. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered, A. L. WIS HARD, Secretary of the board of directors of Langell Valley Irrigation district. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Light brown brlndle Boston bull- oog, smaii wnue spot In race; strayed from 820 Hamblet ave. In Alameda Park Sunday afternoon; Liberal reward. Phone Woodlawn 47L WILL PARTY who took taupe silk un brella from mezzanine floor at L' Cafe teria Sunday eve. kindly call Auto. 32995 or leave at Oregonian office 7 Valued as gift. Reward. LOST Party who found purse in Imperial hotel lavatory Sunday evening, contain ing gold watch and $10 bill, kindly re turn. as Is valued by owner. Mar. 943. LOST Rifle. 32 caliber Remington, canvas case, on Bluff road between Cottrell and Sandy, Saturday afternoon. Route 1 Hillsdale, Or. Main 6457. Liberal reward. LOST A wool knitted scarf, orange color with black ball trimming, on streets, Morrison to Washington on P:wk, Wash- lngton to 4th. Please call Tabor 61&6 STRAYED Female brindlo English bull dog; owner's name and Sacramento on collar. 1159 Rodney st. Phone Woodlawn 5818. LOST Australian ehepherd dog; black with white feet, ring around neck and streak in face; short tall. Reward. Ta bor 4520. LOST Between Eugene and Portland, night Sept. .10th, automobile robe: one side green, other red-green plaid. Noti fy 99 E. 16th et., Portland, rec. reward. LOST Sun. morning at E. Holladay and Grand ave. boy's small red bicycle; re ward for information or return to 1010 K. 17th N. Wdln. 3442. FOUND On the corner of Jer.ev H Sesslndend sta., a fern. Owner may have "J ior aa. t;aii Columbia LOST In the Baker theater on Sunday afternoon, taupe silk umbrella, natural wood handle and amber ring. Kinder pleasecallMrs. Kertson, Ea&t 8G35. LOST Ptirple silk umbrella. silver handle, monogramed, at People's theater Satur day. Valued as keepsake; reward. Call Congress hotel. LOST In Columbia theater. Thursdav between 12 and 2 P. M.. a small gray purse, containing diamond ring and $4.75. iji rcwitru. LBii 1 a DOT J. U;. LOST One diamond ear screw, weisht 1 carat. Liberal reward will be paid for return of same. Phone Aut. 519-25. or Wdln. 1977. DARK brown silk handbag, silver mounted between Imperial hotel and Tllford bldg Finder call J. Johnson, Main 431 or Main 6641. Reward. LOST Bunch of keys: suitable reward n M. Brandhagen. 262 4th St. Main 3032 or main ifu. LOST On Tillamook road near Willamlna a cushion covered with red. Please re- iurn io xiau street. ijo i rup, wnue wtn Drown spots on neau mua uiu; name on collar Boomer. East 8364. REWARD Package containing vest, taken cau irom counter Dy mistake at Bial kln's store. 75 3d at. Phone Main 4377 LOST A string of pearl beads In shop ping district. Phone Wdln. 2001. Re ward. 14H5 East 6th st. N. LOST A bunch of keys on East lOjh or Morrison. Owner. 670 E. Morrison. Phone 'East 5485. LOST Sept. 11, Mlchelin tire, 30x3 with inner tube, mounted on rim. "Finder telephone Phelps, Main 7141. Reward LOST Large brown suitcase, containing a man's suit; also a boy's suit of clothes. Finder call Tabor 875; reward. LOST Tuesday afternoon, moss agate brooch, in or near Robert Bros, store. Please phone Tabor 3863. LOST Black srilk handbag containing door key, small change, post card addressed to Seattle. East 8198. LOST Moonstone brace! ef. Sunday. Tabor 51 2 6. Reward. LOST Fraternity pin. pearl set. Call East 890. Reward. LOST Whits fox fur, Thursday, Ppt. 9, at Fifth and Morrison. Tabor 123. LOST Cameo pin on Sandy blvd., or Rope City church. Phone Tabor 5SX LOST Black purse at Second and Yam hill; reward. Tabor &25S. I ia f '. . i LOST AND FOUND. LOST A black leather handbag at I.au reiwood near Mt. Scott car, containing some valuable paper for the owner only ana some mony. Finder please com municate with ine. Phone Tabor 0232. or call at G020 40th ave. S. E. Loser is old crippled lady unable to work. LOST Saturday night between Crown t-oini cnaiet and union station, black traveling bag of long grain leather, con taining among other articles babvs un derwear and nursing bottles. Suitable . reward. . A. H. Brown. Broadway 82. LOST Bar pin set with diamond and two pearls, between Broadway-Taylor, 17th and Washington, Sunday evening. Keep cake. Very liberal reward. Address R12, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL -ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, TITLE A TRUST BLDG. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN A CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH psid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Luxnbermens b;dg. L BUY firt and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 21 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan. See Lawyers' Title & Trust company. 285 Stark st.. near 4th. Money to Loan on Seal Estatel ' RESIDENCE LOANS. ". five-year period. Vou may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce In terest on loans under $5000 INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at -', You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exam ple. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and Interest; you have privilege of paying $10O or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. No COM MISSION. BUSINES3 LOANS. Five-year period. 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. 407 Ye on Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment pian, $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $10O0 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment prtvilegea EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark Sl, Portland, Or. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT te build small bungalow on lot yea own or have partly paid for, or to buy a lot anywhere in the city or any suburb; pay back $10 to $20 per month or yeariy payments; plans f urniahed. PHONE Main 8150. BUNGALOW BUILDERS. 230 Stark St. Portland, Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to ult on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FA ILING BUI LDINQ, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4119. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 and 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTER X BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St., Portland, Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mttjrs. and Contracts. No Delay. No Delay. No D;iay. $1000.- $1500, $2000, $3000 and UP. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM OF COM. $40O. $500. $600. $Su0, $1000, $1200. 91500, $20o0 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Go.on Mortgage Co., Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. LI B E RA l7LO AN S. We loan our money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. K. Bowman Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property. f avorabie repaying priv ileges ,no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 6371. $500, $1000. $1500. $2000, $2000, $3100 to loan on improved city property, 7 GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $300, $400, $500, $7."0, $1000 AND UP; low rates ; quick action. Fret. I W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on re.1 estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bid g SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOAN S . 6and 7 per cent Louis Saloman & Co.. 4ub Selling bldg. $200 TO LOAN. Geo. M. Reed. Marshall 3377. $3000. $2000, $1500, also less am aunts al 7. Ward, Atty.. Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large en your automobile or furniture contraota we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave tli se curity -in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly puymenta WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes Rates reasonable. Private offices. All businesa stric&y confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3"S 8. W. cor. Third and Washington. "salary loans chattels! we loan money. en short notice to salaried or working men on tlfeir own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction stnctiy confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INJJURSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (Licensed.) 218 FAILING BUILD I NO. MONEY TO LOAN! " on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third SLCorner Washington. Main6649. GEO. HARVEY loans money on houe hold goods: legal rates. Tabor 3806. (TTvO -HULL tfcPUIi-'V . ' f FINANCIAL. Money to I-oan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS, LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS . AND FURNITURE, 894 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH, CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. -PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSNV MONEY loaned on autos, pianos, furni ture, bonds and all kinds of securities. Legal rates. W. A. Hathaway, room 206. Washington bldg. QUICK money to salaried people, without indorsers or security ; investig. conilden UaL 316 Cham, ot Com, bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on diamond. Jewelry, lega-1 rates; articles held a year; estab llshed IhSS. Dan Marx & Co.. 2e3 Wash. x,oans n anted. LOANS WANTED. $1S00 on modetf-a Hawthorne bunga low, all street imp. in aaid paid; 3 years, . 7 per cent interest. $1500 on modtra bungalow end three lots. 3 years, 7 per cent interest. C L E V E L A N D -II E N D E R S O N CO., 3Oti-30i Board of Trade Bldg., Broadway 4754, S FIRST MORTGAGE bonds of local packing plant, maturities 5 to 9 vears at par and accrued interest; denominations $00 to $1000. For sale by Oregon In v. a Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FIRST mortgages on improved Portland real esiato lor saie. Cail and see our list. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. Title & Trust Btdg. $0000 WANTED Security well located modern income property. Value $10,000. ti per cent. See A.. K. Bill. 4-0 Lum- WHAT will you pay for seller's contract, $1900, at 7 per cent, $5 per month, on $3:u0 house, clear of other incum brance? AV 433. Oregonian. $400 3 OR 5 YEARS, 7 per cent 0 rooms with 50x100 lot. East llth St., near Har- ' riaon. C. B. Young. 810 Spalding bldg." WANTED From private party, $1000 at 7 per cent for 3 years on a 2-story o room residence. Tabor 9-29. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., Cham, of Com., Fourth and Stark. PERSONAL. EPHEDRA NEW HEALTH BUILD KR. pbreua is a hroiio herb ua 4a treatment of all kiuney dlse-ss. uropsy, atuLuu.cn and intestinal disordera. Ephredj is a goruiiuiue .u tonic, cleansing the stomach, liver, kidne s and intestinal orgns. -piirtdA reUevua gas and acid condi tions of aig-ative or ns, has most won deriul eitccia on riioutuauu con anions. lb days' treatment. :.50. EPiiRH-DA CO., ALidKY BLDG. THE ROUND UP. Two Fierce-Arrow cars leave Portland Mouuay. -epi. in, at 9 A. L. lor Round up. re $5 fvr passenger, round trip, including uao ot car Lo lairerountls uur ing weeJt, Keiur:& Aiouuay, itpt. 1:1. Fur rcaervauoua p-oUa - Houston. Bawy. DO Bru-aay. KLK hunting iu Montana, Doraering Yel lowstone prk; party, uusiue ud pro- .! ioul men now lormiug, season opens Oct. 15; prty Lrt ucl lotn with aud a ie horv aud ptc ouiiu; lor p xticu lars aaart&s Jc H uiiiion, La.uviw, iont. tM . PATTNAUDE'S school of Beauty Culture will open epu 1J. Persuus ae tinug to t advantage of ciass ln ivtUuLioni huuula rigkLcr at ouctt at sou imp.uvuuenii auop, inezaaiu Lour. lie ua 110 lei, Ou.y iiuuiel uumuer 01 applicant in eca class. ATTENTION.-LADIES! Buckraui net and wire iiu. t frames; a larife assortment to chouse iroai; cituin lu. UiojlUj Ot lUied' auU gems' iiaLS ot all kin u. a ra.uce U. a Lie is. torrison. bcL Prk ud We&t 1'a.rk. AL JtiE. Colt A YALE BULL. ctilrouodifcL. podiatrist; many years' expentucN m CnicaKu. 50i-ou swetland ulu Fit ia ana aahiujtton. oni-iid, ur. .Pliou RHEUMATISM and stomach troubles yield to Lautf's Jklineral V ouuer wiieu U eiss fails, a pure mineral, Lut a urug. Paca ae $1. itecumnienucd by touuua Portland Put. Co.. ai4 Stik. Portland. 1 AKAitA AN T1E'TaC Pu WUiiit la cie.uiug, inic gerilciai aua luvlg-or-tiug a uuuue, great aid in leucor 1 uoc una tei.ie uuiuer, 5uc ana 1 por pox. P01 liana laotei 'Uric. LEARN beauty culture, uiguL school. 7 to 9 o'cioc ; 5 cxyvrt -pcciul leacuers; vora day time, itru tuua ira evcuni.a. nita. ry Be-my Pi 101 a. Lrau ltu GRADUATE NURSE gives body mu.s.ge. -leaui uLiia, viur to.y aud eiectxiu ius- u iioor bwuiuuu bid;., room. i. Al in lioo. open evcimifca till 9 u ciut t'Uoue tor ewuiiig appoiutiueut-s. VV AN XD .very woman to know the value of Pi nice s povtuers auu creania. Removes uu ana summer Irecktca. beauty box, iiireti iuntu auvpi), spcut 1 TRY THE METROPOLITAN SYSTElM. Why uve your caiiurea wear g.as7 Drugit&s punicia d. AiiM iu 3a aud urribuu. D1V1N HEALING. Wonderful reslu. uruu;t physician. Dr. J u&epu. Smith, -0i Ails y bid;., id and ALorrisou sls. P..VX fc HAN BUT, leading wig and loupe niakeia; Iiucki scui iidniau hir fcouo.a, uaiiurtMiig, iauiirlu, xc d ttk4p llo LllteUt, iii.it Aider. I in 54U, "; TH ME TRIPOLI T ANS Y ST E 7 tVn lill )uuri'Vci iuU oi dope.' Joo-U AiivKy BiU., od ana Moxr o . Co mUi lauua tre-e. SEE GEORGE RUBEN STEIN. veteran opUcin, eyes te&leu, gi;se tittea, bro en len es duplicate; o lull lea prices. b lorribou s tl 0-I6 uoiu lect tied up at Dr. Eaton a tne CHiliOPoDl-i' na ARCH PoT no dotsD L Hurt, vou: a via. t,r uvm lie. Giooe uiug.. ixin Vv n. xjaV. si. E1HEL ADAMS 'lre-tmonis for dan dru auu i uing hair, iu icun. ou ioaday btu., cor. urruiuu; br.. 11 tu, u, uuuajs l- to 3. ' the' METROFOLITAN system' auuai tnei-pe tic, druless phywi-ci-its. too-J Aiu ;id., a and Aiec- MlilNo3, Sun., Tiiurs., ii P. M. nev. Mrs. J. C. Scuorl lor private help. 441 i-Lh bl., cor. iiei'Ui. ou w oo a car line. NO CURE, no pay; falling hir, dandrufr. nalr rowu on b .d lit- a ;.aie or ' .cuts. .U4 Macie-y biug. IF TROUBLED with cancers or tumors, sea Dr. Gcidie liugg, cancer -peciaiMt D-k i bmt. annua tion tree. -.ioaAiiii, b liis, kiuney s, constipation, LucuiuiUim. Dr. in a. or en at.-n, drux M.LrhUK steam bath, violet ray: lmornvt your sisLein. Lrs. Rolilns. 40 Ciay. jiain joiy. xv a. u 10 a r. u GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc." Hours - to or b appointment.. Phone ii in lu-'. omcea aoa-C. liiird mu WAN'i ED lor adoption, boy from 2 to 4 years ut a,ye' uod home, every advan- a & c Fhpne Bruadw ay -'tip;:. WILL pay part fare for lady going east to car for infant on way. AP bo. Ore Ionian CALP treatment, facial massage, elec trical treatment, steam bath and mas saue. Etiiei Burke, J04 Dekum btd. PiLS can be permanently cured without operation- CU or write Dr. Dean. 4 .oi riaou St. VIT-0-NI3T MAGNETIC AND VIOLET KAf TREATMENTS, BODY MASSAGE. DAILY. 4jQ MORGAN BLDG. Al. J57y. bLP-.Rfr'LUOUS hair, moles, warts removed oy 10 needless method; triai free. Josie frinley. 514 Bush 6t Lane blug. Main bobs. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland b,dg.. Fifth and Wasnlngton sta IF YOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body .assage. Dr. ovidi Laj. a.on 4-i Morgan blC. Main l:rj. DuESi"T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youT See yiereck. collections. Dekum bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED wit hou t operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box llu5. JUN1C1DE will cure rheumatism or money bacK. Dekum blug. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an QperallOI- rtrt uvvm.t. r. j. 50X 3 100. L DIES try our French Facial Massage ca in treatment. -30 Fleidner i ... ic- 1 GOITRE, enlarged giands; cure f" J a. R. Strachan. route a. huito PL KK1NS National Herba ilou. bidg. Phon- Main &!55. LAWYER, $35 for cases not opposed. Mai: If'SR. A-l M.VSSAGKS for rheumatism, P. uL'han an Bldy . 1a i n s .1 ' 10. eirc. 415 Pl.iM'DA U.tl.ll. tot inerU --Mwl . ''vL Fis. b-a-A L. oJd. bell. la mornings. 102.0v