THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. SEPTE3IBER 14, 1920 DISTRESS LOUS AT IL CAPITAL MM i Moving Day This Year More Serious Than Ever. - HOUSE SHORTAGE ACUTE rrotlcm of Getting Accommoda tions at Any Rat Will Bo Questionable for Many. y Walkerbura, Scotland, his country home. Alexander William Charles Ollphant Murray, first baron of Murray, of Kll bank. was born In 1870, the eldest son of the first Viscount Elibank. When he was chief liberal whip In the house of commons, he became In volved in a controversy, because pf his use of funds of the liberal party to purchase American Marconi shares. An inquiry by the house of lords re turned a finding that he had commit ted "errors of Judgment," but that there was nothing- In his conduct "which reflects upon his personal honor." OI1EGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Washington, Sept. 13. As moving day which Is October 1 approaches the national capital is confronted by a housing situation which is the most serious in its history. In addition to the expressions of mental anguish which one hears through the walls of an apartment, other evidences of grief over having to move are witnessed every day in the offices of "60 real estate agencies. To begin with, there is a great shortage of accommodations in Wash ington. Since the beginning of the war few new dwellings have been erected because of the high cost of materials and labor, and also because of rental laws enacted by congress which restricted the rates which land lords could charge. But something else has happened to add to the acuteness of the situa tion. The scheme of co-operative buy ing of apartments has been insti tuted, and many persons unable to make sufficient initial payment" on the apartments in which they have been residing find their homes being sold from under them. Many DIar House. Sold. When-the scheme was first intro duced it was not thought that it could ever become so general as to endan ger any large number of apartment dwellers, but gradually It has taken hold until more than 20 of the largest apartment houses in the city have been placed on the market. One build ing containing 50 apartments was practically sold to 60 individual buy ers before sundown of the day the sale began. - Instead of an experiment it has be come a rage, and tenants who are able to buy their apartments are mak ing the purchase to insure themselves of shelter this winter. -Landlord are scurrying to get rid of all investments in rental property before congress returns because of a fear that new legislation will be en acted to hamper the returns on their Investments. Early in the war congress passed what was known as the Saulsbury law, which prevented landlords from increasing rents until peace had been declared or a new law enacted to take its place. The result was that ten ants had a fairly nice time and the law worked largely to the disadvan tage of the realty owners, on the one hand, and to those holding sub-leases on the other hand. Poor Little Benefited. The almost 100,000 war workers brought to the city by the little scrap with Germany derived small benefit from the law designed to protect them as much as the original tenants. Many of these war workers were unmar ried and obtained their living quar ters from those lease holders who held living quarters before the war at pre-war prices and were holding on most advantageously under the Saulsbury resolution. The poor war worker many times paid more rent for a single room than the tenant paid for the entire house or apartment. This went on until after the war, and the last session of congress substituted what is known as the Ball act for the Saulsbury reso lution. The new law established a rent commission, which was to pass on an rents with a view to protect ing both landlord and tenant. After many decisions had been made by this commission the District of Columbia court of appeals declared the law unconstitutional, and rents have been running wild ever since, Unfurnished apartments which for merly rented for $50 a month have gone to $125 and $150 a month and it is poor four-room apartment in Wash Ington now that the landlord does not price at ?iuo a month. Old Renta Are Doubled. Added to those who cannot purchase apartments are the large number who cannot pay the higher rents, and alto gether a grave situation has arisen Senators and members of the house on their return In December are likely to be infuriated when they go about to find living quarters for the winter. In many cases they will find their old rents doubled, but at that they will do well to discover any place to live. The small number of war work ers released from the government service were principally unmarried persons, so their departure means notning out toe vacation or a room here and there in somebody's house. Their going, it must be said. Is hardly noticeable, because a gotra room with in a mile or the executive deDart ments rents from 30 to $50 a month. Just what congress will do Is not readily discernible. It will be the wives who will break into a rage, and it goes without saying that the exalt cd husbands will get busy to brin: relief. Just how the problem can be solved nobody knows, because by the time congress arrives on the scene the most of the owners of rental property will have taken advantage of the great demand to dispose of their holdings to persons ready to become home owners. Problem X- P to Congress. It would seem that the only way out will be for congress to originate some paternalistic home-building scheme, such as a few of the larger city governments are considering. Many who came to Washington dur ing the war to help Uncle Sam and still retain their positions were, as has been said, unmarried,. A very large number have married, which calls for more homes. During the last 12 months 6000 marriage licenses have been issued in the District of Columbia. CITY MAY END JITNEY WAR Seattle Voters to Decide Issue If Ordinance Becomes Law. SEATTLE, Sept.' IS. The problem of the operation of jitney buses on Seattle streets in competition with the municipal street railway lines will be settled at a special election to be held November 2, the date of the general election, if an ordinance ordered drafted today, is enacted into law. The ordinance nrorldes for the sub mission of two jitney bills to the voters. One, framed by the drivers, would allow the buses to operate throughout the city. The other favored by the city council, would prohibit their operation on downtown streets. FRANCE'S THRIFT COUNTS Debt in Part Met by Resale of American Army Stocks. PARIS, Sept. 13. The French min istry of finance, it is learned, will pay a part of the $250,000,000 due in October from France on the Anglo- French loan from the proceeds of a resale of the American army stocks which it purchased and upon which New York bankers will advance sums reported to amount to $25,000,000. The Harris Brothers company of Chicago has engaged to become the sales agents of the French govern ment for the disposal of stocks esti mated at more than $150,000,000 in value. FLOOD'S CAUSE LIFE LOSS Several Towns and Villages De stroyed; Inhabitants Drowned. MANILA, P. L. Sept. 13. Heavy loss of life and property resulted in the northern provinces of Luzon island. of which Manila is the largest city, from the typhoon and floods of Au gust 30, according to advices received today over communication facilities which were prostrated by the storm. Several towns and villages were practically destroyed, and many of the inhabitants drowned. SENATE CONTROL IS AIM (Continued From First Page.) garded as a rather chronic office seeker. It is quite generally believed that the democrat will have little chance in the election in November and that if Senator Jones wins the republican primary ho will succeed himself. Tomorrow is also the date of the very interesting and important pri maries in New York, which will give the first decision in Senator Wad worth's effort to succeed himself. Republican party leaders everywhere throughout the nation are watching this effort with intensely sympathetic interest. BORAH TO TALK IX DAYTON On Same Day Cox Defends League In Senator's Home Town. BY MARK SULLIVAN. (Copyright by the New York Evening Post, Inc. Published by Arrangement.) MARION, O., Sept. 13. (Special.) Senator Borah of Idaho will make his first speech in the campaign at Day ton, Ohio, tomorrow. It happens that Senator Borah attacks the league of nations in Oovernor Cox s home town on the same day that Governor Cox, on his western tour, defends the league of nations in Senator Borah's town, Boise, Idaho. Senator Borah's speech will be an Important event. He is one of the best speakers in this country, and knows his subject well. Among all the irreconcilable senators, Borah was the one who, next to Senator Knox, was best able to give a constitutional lawyer's presentations of his position, and Senator Borah, in addition, was always a more graceful speaker than Senator Knox. Senator Borah's speech will be watched with intent interest to see how closely his position coincides with the latest position taken by Senator Harding. It has been understood that Senator Borah has always had in mind a constructive alternative for the league of nations as an institution for limiting wars, but that he felt the first thing to accomplish was to defeat the principle upon which he alleges the league is founded. It re mains to be seen whether his speech tomorrow will merely denounce the league, or will present an alternative, and whether this alternative coincides with Senator Harding's. Senator Johnson of California will also make his first speech of the campaign this week. The line which both these irreconcllables take will be watched with close Interest. 6. A H. green Holman Fuel. Co. Adv stamps ror cats. Main SSS. 6-lL PRINCE REACHES PANAMA Wales Entertains President of Ke public( at Dinner. PANAMA. Sept. 13. The Prince of Wales, on boaref the British cruiser Renown, arrived at Panama this morning from Honolulu, whence he sailed September 2 on his voyage home to England from Australia. The prince was host tonight at a dinner on the Renown. Among those present wire President and Madame Lefevre. The prince will depart tomorrow for Kingston, Jamaica. BARON MURRAY SUCCUMBS , Liberal Leader Subject of Inquiry by House of Lords. LONDON, Sept. 13. Baron Murray of Elibank, died suddenly today at to & TX7 Z & TST ts (& . THOMPSON'S Vf- 1 Deep-Cnr-ve Lenaea v Are Better AN rfi Trademark Registered, ) V Tm7 oirv rf 9 THE SIGN OF PERFECT SERVICE Thoroughly experienced Optometrists for the exami- a nation and adjustments, a) skilled workmen to con- v struct the lenses a concen trated service that guaran tees dependable glasses at reasonable prices. Complete Lens Grinding; Factory on the Premises SAVE YOUR EYES THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE EVKSIGHT SPECIALISTS. Portland's Larieit, Most lllodern. Best Equipped, Ex elusive Optical Kstablisnmcnt 20f)-1O-11 CORBETT BI.DG. FIFTH ANO MORRISON Since 1U0S. I) 9 I ft e 0-32 g&. CJ. T!J Principal Portland Agents for the Butterick Patterns All New Fall Styles Now Showing Fall Delineator Now In. "The Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash" pne ii ed Special Free' Lessons in the Use of the Three-Point Embroidery. Needles at Our Art Goods Section. Don't Miss Them. lteni for Tell a Story of Wonderful Saving Possibilities That Few Shoppers Gan Well Afford to Miss Values Are Far Out of the Ordinary When shopping come here first. We didn't say "buy" we said "come." It isn't a demand nor a command; it's merely a hint. We want our stocks and our prices to suggest how to invest the household capital at your disposal. You owe it to your self-interest to see the vast varieties of this great store; you owe it to your personal concern to see the dependable qualities of the new fall stock; you owe it to your spirit of economy to see the moderate prices that are quoted at this great store. The housewife who is thrifty, the husband who is prudent, the mother who is careful, the father who is frugal Every prominent member of the family who has an economy duty to ful fill will find it a part of wisdom to come here first. Then make your comparisons and shop where your best judgment may indicate. An Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of Woolen Dress Goods MORE THAN 3000 YARDS Quick to take advantage of a price break on a splendid lot of fashionable Fall and Winter-Weight Woolen Dress Goods places us in a position to offer our patrons values far out of the ordinary just at a time when most every woman's thoughts turn to securing such fabrics for the making of the new season's garments. So, if you would purchase high-grade all-wool fabrics, correct in weave, perfect in quality, desirable in color and at a splendid saving Don't Miss This Sale. j - if 56-Inch All-Wool DOUBLE WARP TRICOTINES $4.95 This Sale at, Yard. , This extremely fashionable fabric comes in a deep rich navy blue a real "mannish" fabric that makes up beautifulfy An unmatch- QP able value at IV7c) 54-Inch All-Wool NOVELTY TWEEDS $2.95 This Sale at. Yard. , A fine assortment of colors in the most popular mixtures 54-inch fabrics, ail wool, shown in a splen did weight. A wonderful value at : . . . $2.95 EXTRA! The First Time in a Sale ! Women's Wool Hose At $1.15 Pair The Fashionable Heather Mixtures Fashion has decreed that these are the popu lar stockings for fall wear with stylish footwear they come in neat heather green mixtures and are made with reinforced heel and toe - t all sizes. This Sale at, pair iD-LeJ-D EXTRA! Men's Fall and Winter Weight RIBBED COTTON UNION SUITS $1.98 Sizes From 38 to 44 If you can wear any of the sizes in range 38 to 44 you can secure a splendid bargain in Men's fall and winter weight Derby Ribbed Cot ton Union Suits in ecru styles in the closed crotch. This Sale at S1.98 A TIMELY SALE OF Corsets for One Day CORSETS $1.79 CORSETS $2.39 CORSETS $2.95 CORSETS $3.59 The fall season Is here and your autumn apparel demands, of course, a new cor set. Do you realize that we have cut hundreds of our regular stock models for this one-day sale all the way from 20 to 50 per cent? Well, we have. R. & G., Empire, Lady Ruth, Merito, Lady Louise, Calma. Scores of models, back and front lace, pink or white, overweight coutils, brocades, pekin stripes, double batistes, fancy novelty brocades, etc. 11 styles at $1.79, sport and average models Lady Ruth and Empire mostly. . 17 styles at $2.39. Wonderful assortment of sport heavy stouts and average. Merito, Le Regents, Lady Louise, Empire, Merito mostly. 15 styles $2.95 Sport, stouts and average, R. & G., Merito, Le Regents, Calma mostly. 14 styles at $3.59, cream of the house strictly high-grade R. & G., Calma, Merito, stouts, average and sport models. Women's Handsome Coats At $43.75 Continued Tuesday an extraordinary showing and sale of women's new fall and winter coats at a phenomenal price reduction $43.75. Come, if only to look. Here youH find individuality in design, richness of fabrics and skillful workmanship in this comprehensive presentation, with the added advantage of extreme moderation of prices. Values truly sensational. Comfort Coverings 29c Yd. Cretonnes, Silkolines and? Silkateens in pretty figure and' flower designs in medium dark OQ colorings broken lines from regular stock, to close This Sale at C AUTO ROBES ON SALE TUESDAY AT $3.48 Just 15 in the lot splendid Auto Robes of good size in cotton and wool mixed. They come in neat plaid styles. While Any Re- Q9 AO main This Sale at DO.0 BED SPREADS ON SALE TUESDAY AT $2.95 A fine lot of full size white crochet Bed Spreads shown in neat designs and hemmed ready to use. While Any Remain This Sale Qfr at only ..' tDD Again We Were Fortunate in Securing a Great Lot of Standard! Aluminum Ware At Speeial Price Concession Invincible and Lifetime Aluminum Per colators, Double Boilers, Sauce Pans, Covered Kettles, Preserving Kettles, Convex Kettles All at One Price In our Basement we have arranged another great sale of Aluminum Ware in well known and reliable makes every piece of standard quality. The assortment includes about two dozen EACH of the following items so if you are to profit by this great saving you should come as early as possible. When the sale starts youH have choice from 24 good size Percolators 24 sets of 2 and 3-auart Sauce Pans 24 6-auart Covered Kettles 24 4-nnarf. ir A Pan a 24 6-quart Preserving Kettles 24 4-quart Convex Kettles While Any Remain You Pay Only $1.69 for Choice No Phone or Mail Orders None Sent C. O. D. 500 Pairs of Famous Makes Shoes-Pump s-Oxf ords J. and T. Cousins, A. M. Creighton and O Van Duttenhofer Makes, All at, Pair At this ridiculously low price for it represents a mere fraction of their actual worth we offer choice from all broken lines in the above famous makes. Styles are all good and leathers are the most popular Black Vici, Patent Colt, Gunmetal, etc. Styles in high shoes with cloth or matt top low or high heels. Not a. pair in the lot worth less than twice the figure quoted tPO OCT O.OU for this Sale ENGLISH LONGCLOTH ) 27-IN. OUTING FLANNEL 10 YARDS FOR $3.90 AT 25c YARD Only One Bolt to a Customer None Sold to Dealers Fine Nainsook finish English Longcloth of A standard quality plain blue and plain pink splendid quality full width 10 yards flQ Oft 27-inch Outing Flannel. Priced for this OfTrt to the bolt. This Sale at DOI7U Sale at OC Beautiful Taffeta Silks At $1.98 Yard A FULL COLOR RANGE TO SELECT FROM SILKS OF LUSTROUS FINISH AND PERFECT QUALITY We want all our store friends to see these beautiful Taffeta Silks and to share in this special offering. We secured a great quantity at an unusual price concession and we promise you a great "silk treat." They are 36-inch Taffetas, soft, durable and of brilliant finish. They come QQ in all wanted plain colors and are priced for this Sale at, yard D-L0 Another Great Sale of Beautiful Georgette Crepes Silk Voiles, Chiffon Cloths and Silk Marquisettes ON SALE AT $1.00 Per Yard v This Price Is Less Than the Manufacturing Cost. This Dollar Day sale of these extremely dainty and beautiful fabrics, for making party and dancing frocks, afternoon dresses, waists, blouses, etc., will be one long remembered by the women who are fortunate enough to be able to attend as a sale of phenomenal value-giving. Included are 39 to 42-inch Georgette Crepes, Silk Voiles, Chiffon Cloth3 and Silk Marquisettes in all the best evening and street shades.' Again we advise' that you purchase for both present and future needs, for $1.00 a yard is less than the manufacturing cost. On sale in the Center Aisle, Fancy Goods Section. TWO-POUND WOOL PROCESS COTTON BATTS $1.48 - Only Two to a Customer j Beautiful white Cotton Batts in wool process finish, pomes 72 by t - AQ 84 inches and 2 pounds in weight. This sale at . p 1 'rO Our Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. A