Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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Published by The Oresonlan Publishing-Co..
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Governor Cox's noonday speech in
Portland followed the same lines as
those at Salem and at other western
cities. Believing that the word "pro
gressive" and the name "Roosevelt"
are great things to conjure -with in
the west, he rung the changes on
them, but was careful not to tell
.-whither the progress of the demo
. cratic administration "has led the
rnimirv Ha hammprpfl hie- hilftinpss
and the senate oligarchy, but the
former phrase seemed outworn ex
cept for those who would sovietize
oil business and who, if they got the
- power, would effectually dispose of
I Cox and his like as "lackeys of the
' bourgeoisie." He referred to the
Wilson league, unchanged and un-
changeabje, as though it were the
only possible hope of salvation for
! mankind. The reason for his
1 rapid turn to all these varied topics
is easily found. Cox is in search
of an issue which will retrieve the
desperate fortunes of discredited
'T" V. I . . 1. T . t. : 43 - T -I
; and it leads him into perilous paths,
; from which he withdraws with the
caution of the practiced, side-step-
ping politician. He talks much of
progress, but he is beautifully vague
! as to what he .would do to make
progress. He glibly names Roose
velt, conveying the unspoken sug-
i gestion that fifth Cousin Franklin
! his running mate, is a second Theo
' dore. He throws a sop to the rad-
i icals by suggesting, but not expressly
saying, that he would never call out
' troops to disperse a meeting, however
riotous and treasonable. He offers
1 I . x X I .1 , 1
uLLii iaj tuo leaguers uy
' his arraignment of big business and
the beef trust and by dilating on the
' evils of cold storage, but he does not
explain why big business and the
i cold-storage men have not been
; curbed in over seven years of demo
cratic supremacy. He uses such
language that the I. W. W. and other
brands of reds may believe, though
he Is not clearly pledged, that they
need fear no interference with their
activities if he should be elected
I That is the tone of all Mr. Cox's
speeches in the west. He adopted
It as soon as he entered territory
, wnere tne non-partisan league is
strong. In Minneapolis, where work-
ingmen are many amid a great farm
ing population, he addressed his
appeal to both labor and the non
, partisans, telling of the wrongs done
; by "big business," "special interests"
and "artificial control," but he of
fered little more actual remedy than
: . has Senator Harding, though he used
phrases which raise vague hopes. At
targo he talked in the same strain,
appealed for an independent vote,
Vnnd said his fight was against the
senatorial oligarchy" and that he
. 2 had no "quarrel with the rank and
file of either party." His talk about
' "'big business." "vested interests" and
- -"bought elections" caused the Fargo
. Forum, in the state that is ruled by
" the non-partisan league, to say: "It
is the 'old stuff' " that "we have been
Shearing for many -weary.' dreary
, months," and that paper sums up his
. speech by saying:
' 'a about the kind of campaign speech
. on-o would expect from an average ean&i-
date for the position of town constable.
These speeches indicate that Mr.
. -Cox realizes his desperate need of
. "J. votes. He must talk about the league
.fof nations in order to keep up the
, appearance of "perfect accord" with
" President Wilson, but he is more in
. ! , terested in that other league which
- is taxing North Dakota into bank-
ruptcy. The candidate of. a party
which has held complete control
of both executive and legislative
' branches of the government for six
jof the eight" years that its leader has
been head of the republic should
base his claim to public confidence
"on the achievements of his party.
but these he prudently forgets as
. reviving .unpleasant memories.
, 'Z What prospect do Mr. Cox's ante
: "cedents and affiliations hold out that
hls promises -will be kept, that the
-hopes he awakens will be realized?
In contrast with that senatorial oli
garchy of which he says so much
r; ana every memner or which was
directly elected by the people of his
stare, lie owes ms nomination to an
i oligarchy of Boss Murphy of Tam-
; many and the bosses of three other
state machines. Mr. Cox had an
" arduous enough task to live down
the record that Mr. Wilson has made
-for his party. Sponsored by clean
men, whose names and reputation
were a guaranty of sound character
and high purpose, he -might have
done something. But he is doubly
condemned by the auspices under
which he comes before the people
and by the kind of campaign he
There is official authority for the
estimation that fully $3,000,000,000
of our national cash supply is hidden
away by its holders or carried in their
pockets. Of course, we are a nation of
more than 100.000.000 people, and
we require a considerable amount of
small change in our daily affairs-
but do you happen to have $30 in
-your pocket? It would be neces
sary for every man, woman and
child In America to trundle around
that sum if the pocket theory were
, tenable. The conclusion is that
short-sighted thrift- has retired this
vast sum, or the bulk of it, from
"Miserly habits do not constitute
thrift," declared S. W. Straus,' presi
dent of tha- American Society for
Thrift, commenting on the missing
three billion. "Nor are avarice and
penuriousness any better than the
vice of easy spending. Thrift must
be practiced intelligently. We can
not spend or invest until we have
saved, but it is just as essential that
the investing and spending be done
prudently as it is that the saving be
done wisely."
An indolent dollar is almost as
disgraceful as an indolent citizen,
and the essence of their indolence is
the same. For the dollar is wealth
created by labor, and designed to
serve again and again in the inter
ests of progress and employment. It
is stored-up labor, and it has the
potency of the minds and muscles
that wrought it. The French peas
ants, who are models of thrift, and
who invest their toil-won savings in
gilt-edged bonds, have a quaint con
ceit concerning money. - They say,
"Invest it and it will bear little
"The liquor question," declares Mr.
Cox, "is as dead as slavery."
Mere phrasemaking. It is not as
dead as slavery. It is only half dead.
When slavery was made unlawful
there was no more slavery. There
could not be. The question was thus
automatically and finally determined.
When liquor its manufacture, sale.
distribution was made unlawful, the
first great step only to end the traf
fic was taken. The real struggle
then began.
'It is now," continues Mr. Cox, "a
question of law enforcement."
More wiggling and quibbling. It
is first a question of definition as to
what is liquor and then a question
of law enforcement. If the law is
what it should be, under the prohi
bition amendment, and is enforced,
the liquor will be in time as dead as
slavery. Not before.
Mr. Cox's reply will please those
democratic drys who are going to
vote for him anyway if there are
any such and it will not displease
those wets who see in his election a
chance for them. That is what Mr.
Cox intended. If he can only be
dry to the drys and wet to the wets
he will run in Oregon as well as in
New Jersey. But it Is impossible.
A half-wet may run all right in
New Jersey, where a half-wet is bet
ter than no wet, but no half-dry will
ever carry Oregon.
gatiorin congress than on the Cham
ber of Commerce. Both Senators
Chamberlain and McNarywere mem
bers of the senatorial committee
which drew the Jones law. So was
Senator Jones, who has got what he
wanted from the admiral. It is up to
the two Oregon senators to prove that
they together wield more influence
than one Washington senator, and
all three Oregon representatives
should assist them.
Sending telegrams of protest is not
enough. The matter is of sufficient
moment for all five members of the
Oregon delegation to go to Washing
ton and camp on the trail of Admiral
Benson until he admits that his de
crees are not as the laws of the
Medes and Persians by giving Port
land the same rights as any other
port of the Pacific coast.
Sociologists have always been in
terested in Pitcairn island, that tiny
member of the Polynesian group,,
where an unruly pioneer: element
worked out its own destiny and
founded . a minute but prosperous
state. In a recent news dispatch we
are told that an American freighter
touched at the island, traded with
its people, and sailed away much'im
pressed by the thriving and con
tented condition of the colonists. A
mountain peak arising from the Pa
cific, and surrounded by coral reefs,
is Pitcairn island. Its area is not
have been annexed and, as the Scan
dinavian states would have been un
able to resist German dictation, the
Baltic would have become a German
Construction of the Rhine-Danube
canal is contemplated by the Ver
sailles treaty, but it is to be under
international control and both it and
the two great rivers are to be free
waterways open on equal terms to
all nations, instead of being means
of German commercial and military
The senate oligarchy comes in for
derisive and contemptuous attack by
Mr. Cox. It is the people-hating,
reaction-loving, law-evading, privi
lege-seeking group that defies Wil
son, rules the senate, holds up the
peace treaty, mutilates the sacred
covenant, conspires to run the gov
ernment, and controls the White
House (when it can). That is the
Cox idea.
The climax of its crimes (listen to
Cox again) was the .nomination of
Harding at Chicago. It is a favorite
notion of Mr. Cox that the senatorial
oligarchy, meeting in a hotel room
in the darkness between the days,
formed a new kind of midnight reso
lution to name Harding, and put it
over the following day. All this
antedated' only a little while the
astounding Cox discovery of a $15.
000.000 slush fund to consummate
in November what was begun in
June the purchase of the presidency
for Harding.
All important if true. But it is not
true. It is true that many senators
were at Chicago, and in their number
were Borah, Johnson, and Mccor
mick, who were not for .Harding.
But -what about the senators at
San Francisco? As many senators
were there as at Chicago, and they
had as much, or more, to say. They
were led by Senator Glass of Vir
ginia, chairman of the platform com
mittee, and he saw to It that it con
tained what President Wilson wanted
down to the last syllable. There was
Senator Pat Harrison, too, floor
leader for Cox, and there were some
fifteen other senators, all on the job
for the senate, the administration
and themselves.
But they did not want Cox. Cer
tainly not. Glass wanted himself.
Few others did. Most of them want
ed some other "than Cox. though
they could not agree on the other.
But they agree on Cox now, all of
them. It is not exactly a senate
oligarchy. It is -only a democratic
senatorial cuckoo chorus.
jno oiigarcny nominated Cox- o
Harding. But a small cabal not so
respectable as an oligarchy, and just
as selhsh and hateful, hatched the
scheme at French Lick, Indiana,
headquarters of Tom Taggart- The
original cabal of English history had
five members. .The Cox cabal had
the same number Boss Murphy,
Boss Nugent, Boss Brennan, Boss
Taggart and Boss Moore. A fine
quintette to name a president of the
United States.
Somehow we prefer Lodge to Boss
Murphy, Watson to Boss Taggart,
McCormick to Boss Brennan, Wads
worth to Boss Nugent, Willie (sena
torial candidate) to Boss Moore, and
Harding to Cox.
more than two square miles, yet it
maintains a population of 175
people, the direct descendants of
mutineers. x
In 1790 the island was colonized
by the landing of nine malcontents
and rebels from the British ship
Bounty, together with a few natives
of Tahiti, both men and women. The
English mutineers were a rough lot,
and the removal of all legal restraint
gave tneir passions free rein. Kor a
decade Pitcairn was the most un
happy isle in the world. Vice and
homicide had their way with the
colonists, aloof from civilization, and
in 1808 but one of the original set
tiers was living. He was John Adams
and from the wreckage of the Pit
cairn social structure ne founded a
colony that Great Britain eventually
Of late there has been consider
able discussion, serious and prank
ing, regarding the idealistic proposal
that a superstate be founded by men
ana women oi tne wnite race, some
where in the Marquesas islands, also
of the Polynesian group. These col
onists, bound for the land of always
afternoon, would be mutineers from
the present order of society distrait
Or blase persons who believe that one
may-dodge responsibility by shifting
residence. Those who are content
to remain in the white man's world
and apply themselves to the dally
task of winning bread and further
ing civilization, will have not the
slightest objection to .the coloniza
tion of the Marquesas. Indeed, it
were better for them and for us' if
our parlor theorists and revolution
aries were segregated from society
and marooned in Polynesia to apply
tneir theories.
The men of Pitcairn held the stub
born belief that egoism was the
thing, and that it should be main
tained by pistol and dirk. They
abrogated the ruLs of the council
and within a dozen years they were
dead with one -exception. John
Adams ah, how many scars that
old sea dog must have boasted!
saw the light whe. the last of hi
comrades had a. grave in the coral,
and applied to Pitcairn the princi
pies of Knglish law and industry, as
ne understood them. And Pitcairn
has prospered from that day.
uicse wouia-De colonists or the
Marquesas might well derive a les
son from Pitcairn island as a sig-
nincant social experiment. If thej
conclude, as all logical folk must,
that Pitcairn failed in eg6ism and
succeeded only as a law-abidin
community venture, then they have
no ready excuse for their own pro
posed experiment. They may even
become profitable citizens, if the les
son is understood, and remain at
home and build houses, and rear
families, " and take those tasks that
come to hand. i
How potent is prayer? To those
f little faith the theologians will
reply that its potency is determined
by the sincerity of complete belief.
Thus we wander into the metaphy
sical, where coincidence and theory
are queerly tangled. Yet we have
both spiritual and scientific testi
mony that faith is a tremendous
integer in our affairs. Savages pray
for material blessings, while ethical
prayer is largely the petition of the
civilized. As surely as we know that
material blessings do not always fol-
ow devout prayer, we know that
spiritual strength is given to those
who pray.
An interesting- addition to the
library of theology will be the book
which a Pennsylvania clergyman is
writing. It is entitled "Answered
Prayer." While other ministers were
content to tell their flocks that
prayer is often answered, if the heart
is pure, letting the statement stand
as proof, the Rev. Russell H. Con-
well, pastor of the Baptist temple.
Philadelphia, has kept an accounting
of the results noted in his own min
istry. He cites more than 1000
instances of answered prayer, and
supports his faith with detailed nar
ratives of the circumstances in each
case. The testimony Is not his own.
with respect to the individual cases,
but is that of persons who sincerely
believe that their prayers were spe
cifically answered. ' The mere weight
of numbers, all confirmatory and
concise, would seem to preclude, the
general application of coincidence to
these attested results.
Should such testimony produce a
natural result it will, when pub
lished, cause a great many wishful
persons to practice a neglected de
votion. Yet if prayers be answer
able, in definite, material ways, om
nipotence will not be deceived. We
cannot conceive that the plaint of
mortals for an adjustment of their
own affairs will 'move the interces
sion of deity, unless they are abun
dantly deserving and something
more than that. Ope perceives a
ready reason why prayer mar be
permitted to strengthen the spiritual
nature always, but only to be infre-'
quently manifest in a material sense
We must take the world as we find
it, and work out our own destinies,
and leave it the better for' our hav
ing lived and we must do this with
but a vision of reward, by our own
strength and bur own faith in our
selves. If it were not so, if all
materialistic prayers were granted,
the world would no longer be or
dered by divinity, but at the whim of
One must be privileged to see Dr,
Conwell's book, when it is printed
to estimate its worth as testimony
to the efficacy of prayer toward ma
terial ends. That it must be of some
worth is to be admitted for the
wonders of faith are not manifest
only in Philadelphia.
Farmers Want Other Books Than
Those Telllne About Fertiliser.
A farmer down in New Jersey who
is in the habit of reading the books
sent out by the state library com
mission said:
"Seems like city folks down to the
state house think. because I'm a
farmer, I want to spend my nights
reading about fertilizers. Bless your
heart! I don't. I want to git out and
above fertilizers. I want to read some
thing, say, about the stars I see every
night. I would admire to know 'em
all by name and when one of 'em
comes peekm' round the corncrib, to
say: 'Why, there's old man Jupiter,"
familiar and knowin' like."
This New Jersey farmer ha9 the
right idea of the use of books and
reading. He does not want to become
so completely absorbed in his work
that ..he can neither think nor talk
about anything else. He wishes to
keep outside of his work and re
main master of it. He resents the at-
empts of others to dehumanize him.
The same problem comes, in greater
or less degree, to every one wno is
forced to earn a living. By far the
largest part of the activities of any
individual is concerned with bread
and butter. The majority of mankind
are never emancipated from the daily
struggle to procure food, clothing and
shelter. But it makes a vast differ
ence whether one is mastered by this
necessity or remains master of it.
Minneapolis Journal.
Those Who Come and Go.
Indian Commissioner Sells, who
was banqueted at a Lapwai hotel by
fifty Nez Perces, probably is accus
tomed to such courtesy in his official
rounds, though it does not conform
to the popular idea of the "Injun.
It shows the merit in the republican
plans of long ago in lifting the abo
rigine out of his blanket, though.
A man met death at Newberg by
contact with a loose wire. Nobody
saw the accident, and the presump
tion is that he took hold of it, as one
naturally would. All loose wires are
not charged, but some of them are
at times. What about those who
leave them in that condition?
Whether or not Maine Is a polit
ical barometer and whether of not
TIIE DANUBE IN BRITISH HANDS, certain states art sura to s-r. r-.rnb-
One of the first and greatest com- I lican. every republican In these parts
war is that I ought to be wearing a Harding and
In its demand that' Portland ship
ping shall be released from the
stranglehold of the Seattle agent of
the shipping board, the Portland
Chamber of Commerce has come
face to face with the stone wall of
opposition erected by Admiral Ben
son, the chairman and practically
the whole board. On every point
that iB raised in the interest of Port
land it is found that action has been
taken to please the three favored
ports of New York, San Francisco
and Seattle, which appear to have
more influence than all other ports
and the interior combined, and that
this action will not be changed until
the new board established by the
Jones law has been organized. That
is the edict of Admiral Benson, from
which there Is no appeal.
we inus nave to aeai witn a new
autocrat, subordinate to the chief
autocrat, to whom he is directly re
sponsible. According to the old law.
the board should have five members,
but three have resigned and their
places have not been filled, and Mr.
Donald does not assert himself, so In
effect Admiral Benson is "the whole
thing." He has reinforced his power
by giving orders to his subordinates
that they must make no promises or
agreements without first obtaining
authority from him. That makes his
authority absolute, but it also fixes
all responsibility on him.
Although he refuses to move. Port
land must find means to move him.
It is intolerable that the right of
Portland to do shipping business on
equal terms with other ports should
be denied and that the commerce of
the port should be destroyed at the
arbitrary dictate of this one bureau
crat. The task of moving him falls
more properly on the Oregon dele-
mercial results of the
British business interests have se-
cured control of the navigation of
the Danube river, which Germany
intended to make one of the chief
means of fastening its grasp on the
commerce of Austria-Hungary and
the Balkan states. The Danube Is
the great waterway of Kaumann'a
visionary Middle Europe, for it is
navigable from Wm, Wurtemburg, to
its mouth in the Black sea. It is
the main water highway of Wurtem
burg, Austria, Czecho-Slovakla, Hun
gary, Roumania, Serbia and Bul
garia, and is their outlet to southern
Russia and Turkey.
A British corporation directed bv
several of the greatest shipowners
and bankers has been formed with
a capital of $6,000,000 and has
bought the three principal Danube
steamship companies, which have
hundreds of tugs, passenger steam
ers, docks and wharves and over
1000 barges. This company will
carry a great traffic in grain, cattle,
coal, lumber and oil on the river's
1750-mile course. Under the treaties
with Austria and Hungary the river
will be regulated by an international
commission, which will maintain the
channel, make improvements, regu
late rates and service and collect
dues. The river is navigable for
steamers of 8000 deadweight tons as
far as Braila, 100 miles from it3
mouth: for vessels of 600 tons and
barges of 1500 to 2000 tons as far
as Turnu-Severin, 600 miles uo.
where a canal was cut through the
Iron Gates: and thence to Regens-
burg by boo-ton barges and passen
ger boats. Draining an area of 300,
000 square miles, the Danube Is to
Europe what the Mississippi is to
North America, and is the only great
river of that continent flowing from
west tt east.
One of the grand schemes of com
mercial world-conquest which were
cherished by Germany was the con
nection of the Danube and Rhine by
means of a ship canal and the deep
ening of tne former river to aecom
modate larger vessels. The Oder,
flowing through Prussia, was to have
been connected with the Danube in
the same manner. As the Rhine and
Elbe and the Elbe and the Oder are
already Joined by canals, Germany
would then have had a network of
waterways by which goods could
have been, carried from -any part of
the interior of the empire by the
shortest route at the lowest cos
to tne tsiacK sea without passing
through the open sea, where they
would have been exposed t6 attack
by an enemy or to storms. The pan
German beme included absorption
of Holland, which would have made
the Rhine an all-German river. The
Baltic provinces of Russia were to
Coolidge button.
both sexes.
That very old man who was re
leased from McNeils island over a
year ago, held for counterfeiting.
again is in the toils of the law for
the same offense. He is now 90 and
his next term better would be for
An Oklahoma prospective bride
groom forgot his fiancee's first name
when he applied for the marriage
license. He'll remember it all right
later in married life when he gets
over the dearie period.
' This applies to
There are few girls in this country
who have not heard the nursery
rhyme supg by mother:
Roek-a-b?re. babr. on the tree ton.
Whn t i - wind hlnws the cradle will TOcV :
When the bourn breaks the cradle will fall.
And down will come cradle, baby ana ail.
But how many know the origin of
these lines? Shortly after the Pil
grim Fathers landed at riymouth, i
Mass.. -a party were out in the field.
where the Indian women were picking
strawberries. Several of these women.
or squaws, as they are called, had
papooses" that is, babies and, hav
ing no cradles, they had them tied
up in Indian fashion hung from the
limbs of surrounding trees. When the
wind blew these cradles would rock.
A young man of the party, observing
this, peeled off a piece of the bark,
and wrote the above lines, which, it
is believed, was the first poetry-written
in America.
Occasionally of late, pessimism has
become so intense that there have
been predictions of a panic in 1920.
But if history is to repeat He elf, says
writer in Leslie's, there will be
no such financial disaster this year.
In no presidential year since the na
tion began has a panic occurred.
Business may have been dull and
there may have been plenty of depres
sion, but this has never culminated in
a general crash.' The fact is as cu
rious as it is reassuring. The explana
tion may be that the powers of in
dustry and finance are particularly
ori guard during presidential cam
paigns, having made due preparation
beforehand, having trimmed sail care'
fully and exercised- special vigilance.
They have been ready to meet any
possible storm and so have not been
struck hard by unexpected blasts.
The editor of the Chicago Tribune
must be a disciple of Lucullus. Heai
"Today we picture a steaming
gleaming ear of Golden Bantam "corn,
fresh trom the pot, its lustre en
hanced by a bit of butter, its savor
made piquant by a dash of salt, and
for those who like it pepper. -The
very thought tickles the palate. It Is
more than food. It Is an Inspiration.
It makes us forget the red terror, the
political campaign, the high cost of
living, and cling to life and to our
dally task for another week, when it
may become a reality.
Such realities are rare. When one
tastes the season's first ear of Golden
Bantam corn, fresh from the pot
steamed, not hoiled. one's attitude
toward life Is subject to change. The
rdinary physical processes suddenly
take on new importance. The busi
ness of fueling the human furnace
becomes a pleasure. Faces across the
table, bisected as they are by ears
of Golden Bantam com, take on new
significance. 'They are a product of
the corn, full of health, full of
strength, full of life, full of posslbill-
ies for good, and soon to be full of
While machinery business is good
as a general thing in the east, auto
mobile lines seem on a decline, accord
ing to O. C. Feneisaon, who has just
returned to the Oregon after four
mojiths in the east. He is going on to
San Francisco with a shipment of ma
chinery just purchased for a plant.
which may locate later on the Colum
bia river. Mr. Feneisaon said he had
occasion to visit a large specialty
company manufacturing auto top
holders and was told by officials that
from 40 to 50 per cent of the orders
from the firm had been canceled re
cently by reason of a decrease in
demand for such accessories. The
local man was all over the east, saw
the Dempsey fight, visited in St. Joe,
Chicago, Grand Rapids and Washing
ton, D. C. and talked politics wher
ever he could find someone interested.
"Harding, is running strong all over
the eastf' he said, "and it looks as
though Cox is going to be the worst
beaten democrat since Cleveland."
When he was 14 years of age Judge
Martin White ran away from his home
in Kansas to fight in the Indian wars
of 18G8. Then he came out west and
settled at St. Helens and last year
ran for county judge. When the votes
were counted W. J. Fullerton had
beaten him by three ballots and went
into office for a month. Then there
was a recount and v nite louna nim-
self six votes to the good and has
been judge ever since. About six
months .ago he was reminded of his
boyhood escapade during the Indian
wars when he received a pension for
services at that time. Judge White
was at the Imperial yesterday with
George M. McBride, manager of the
Columbia City Furniture company.
Mr. McBride is a son of tl chief Jus
tice of the Oregon supreme court and
used to be a state senator.
Although Captain W. Hclraan hails
from Portland he has been so long
away from here on ocean voyages that
I he had forgotten all about tne nign
cost of living. wnen ne put up .
the Multnomah he told his friends
there about selling a wardrobe trunn
to a friend in Japan. It seems he had
originally paid $40 for the trunk and
thought he was putting over a good
business deal when ne boio it tor
$60. Captain Helman reached Port
land anr) decided he could use a simi
lar trunk. He went shopping anu
found that the same article would
cost him Just $150.
When the new. Oregon hotel at
Cottage Grove was formally opened
Sunday the celebration was not neg
lected by Portland torn. .
bertson of the Seward and Cornelius
drove with his wife and Mr. and Mrs.
F W. Beach to the Lane county town
to witness the festivities. Mr. Beach
is publisher of the Northwest Hotel
News and secretary of the Oregon
Hotel Men's association. While in the
section the party made numerous side
trips, returning yesterday.
Tom Crawford. La Grande attorney,
came clear in from eastern Oregon
to -hear Cox. He was bound not to
miss anything and went to Salem to
hear the candidate speak there, came
came back on the train with him ana
spent yesterday around the Imperial
with fellow democrat. There are two
things that will get Mr. Crawford to
town, politics and ball games. He is
a confirmed ball fan, both foot and
base. Along with other things he if
an ex-circuit judge.
Writer Thinks State Should Compen
sate Him for Years in Prison.
PORTLAND, Sept. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) After reading the matter con
cerning the release of John Arthur
Pender in The Oregonian, I am con
strained to observe that ' it ie most
remarkable that the man after all
the nine years of suffering from gross
mistreatment by state and society
yet retained such clear conception of
right and doing right. His will power
must have been marvelous to have
withstood the dishonor, dietrust and
hate that the publio placed upon
him at the time of his conviction, and
to his everlasting credit may we say
that had he been of ordinary men
tality he surely would have yielded
to prison influence and become one
of the forlorn inmates, with a great
hate and grudge against society, law
and justice, thereby increasing the
uncontrollable desire for revenge. It
is easy to harbor an imaginary in
justice. How much easier must it
be to nurse a real case till it re
places calm and sober judgment. Yet
we find in the governor's statement
that "all who Investigated this man
found him of the same favorable men
tal and moral status at all times."
So strongly was the governor con
vinced of his innocence that he says:
"A great injustice was being done the
man in allowing him to continue to
be confined in the penitentiary." This
being so, how much greater was the
injustice done him by the state, the
courts and the people in convicting
an innocent man and keeping him
there for years, and in the same
measure did they do injustice to his
wife and aged mother.
We cannot condemn too strongly
the system of so-called justice which
permits such gross crimes to be com
mitted on innocent men in the name
of law and order. In support of
this we read the report of the parole
board, who. after investigating, say:
The evidence which convicted him
(Pender) waa of
More (Truth Than Poetry.
By Jamea J. Montague.
The Portland baseball -team has
signed a recruit from the California
melon league. The main trouble
with the team seems to be that too
many melon leaguers are already on
the payroll. -
When the first effect of the threat
ened British coal strike is to haTve
the nation's sugar ration, the labor
party's chance of winning the next
election is badly damaged.
Prohibition, Governor Cox avers,
is now a dead issue in the United
States. Just a trifle premature, Gov
ernor. It will be a dead issue after
the November election.
What one sees of Tillamook
county, going and coming, looks
clean. The creamery and dairy idea
is educational and spreads easily.
Whoever killed Hedderley, alleged
bootlegger, was handy with his gun
and so, too, were the killer's com
Taking the visit every way. Doc
Morrow gets the most satisfaction
out of it. - It was managed with rare
"Harding Promises Sober Business
Era," says a headline. In short,
boozeless administration.
"Rain and wet grounds" and it's
nearing the end of the season: Isn'
it positively disgusting?
It really begins to look as if the
wets will have to declare a thirst
Great day today in the great state-
across the Columbia.
It is the season for rain, that's all
Buy an umbrella.
The Chamberlain crowd- had him
all their own.
Bruce Barton in "Collier's" disposes
of the "tired, business man" myth by
following the t. b. m. through a typi
cal day. We were reminded while
reading his article of the story of a
young millionaire who claimed to
work, but who was eeen one morning
to run down the steps of his man
sion and jump into his car.
"What's your hurry, Dick?" asked a
friend who was passing by. -
"Oh," said the other as he glanced
at his wrist watch, "I've got to get
down to the office right away, or I
won't be in time to go out to lunch
It is doubtful if the little group of
men who proposed tne first labor
parade by the Knights of Labor in
New York in the fall of 1883 had
the least idea of how the idea and
the movement would spread. Here,
38 years later, we have Labor day
a .legal holiday In all the states, ex
cepting possibly three of the western
states always the first Monday in
September. The Knights of Labor, in
18S2 and again in 1884, held a parade
in New York. Then they passed reso
lutiona that all parades of the kind
were to be held on the same day, the
first Monday in September. Workers
began agitaiton 'for making the day
a legal holiday. Colorado was the
first to acquiesce.
The Los Angeles Times tells where
a number of w. k. people ought to get
their mail:
''Candidate Cox, Salt Creek. Wyo.
The demagogue, Pleazall, Wyo.
The suffragette. New Freedom, Pa,
The newly-wed, Honeyville, Utah.
The old maid, Primm, Tenn.
The bachelor, Jane, Minn.
The highbrow. Brqwning. 111.
The lowbrow, Nick Carter, Tex.
The profiteer. Pirate Cove, Alaska.
There are 1,000,000 blind and at
least 400,000 deaf in China. India
has 500,000 blind. Nearly 5 per cent
of the population of Cairo is said to
be physically defective, usually blind
or half blind. The natives of the
African jungle, instead of being the
lusty savages of imagination, are for
the most part physically below par.
The great majority of them are mal
nourished and diseased and marked
physical defects are common. -
About seven or eight years ago
Emmett Cachran came in from Hepp
ner looking very much the part of
the hayseed. He put up at the Im
perial, where some one started quiz
zing him about his ranch. It soon
developed that Cochran had 13.000
acres of land' fend 30,000 head of sheep
and still didn't regard himself as
being much of a personage. He is
still ranching, but has taken up bank
ing as a side issue. Mr. Cochran is
again at the Imperial. Another Hepp-
ner man at the same hotel is J. w .
Bevmer. who shares honors with
Cochran both as to banking and
stock raising ability.
Ed Bartlett, formerly of La Grande
but now mayor of Estacada, is a
proud father and is proclaiming the
fact to acquaintances ai the lm
perial. Laist spring his daughter
presented him with twin' grandchil
dren and this summer his son went
to Antwerp to throw the discus at the
Olympic games. What more could a
parent ask, he reasons.
The man who decides what the
Marion- county tax roll is going to
look like each year is Ben F. West
of Salem. Mr. West is county as
sessor, but he hasn t forgotten tne
time when he was a printer, and it
Is still a great temptation for him
when he sees a stick of type and an
inked-up apron out in somebody s
composing room. Mr. and Mrs. West
were at the Seward yesterday.
Seagoing "rafts to carry lumber
from the Columbia river to San Pedro
were first built by J. Evenson. Clats-
kanie logger, who is at the Benson.
The big log floats are 400 feet long
and 50 feet wide and are cigar-
shaped. The company Mr. Evenson is
connected with has its mill In the
California town.
One of the frequent visitors at the
Oregon is Nathan Weil. Hillsboro
merchant. Now Mr. Weil is generally
a good-natured individual, but ever
since Saturday he has' been fairly
bursting with glory. He has just
cause, for on that day he reached
Portland with his rand-new bride
from New York. He has been back
east for a short time.
When the first of the month comes
around every who owns a house in
Salem flocks to the office of Charles
A. Park 'down on Commercial street.
The reason is simple; he has charge
of the water office, where, incident
ally, gas bills must also be paid. Mr.
Park is at the Seward.
One of the people who see that Ore
gon's red-cheeked apples get known
over the world is Bennett Ee Beixe
don. a ruit broker from New York.
He has Just been at Hood River with
his sister, Sara De Beixedon. and the
pair are now at the Portland. ,
Mrs. A. G. Barker, who has been
In Seattle this summer; registered at
the Seward yesterday on her way
back to Eugene. She is housemother
at the Gamma Phi Beta sorority, and
will shortly resume her duties there.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Shinn of
St. Helens favored Portland with a
visit yesterday. .Mr. Shinn used to be
deputy collector of revenue under
David Dunne, but now confines his
attention to the Columbia County
Abstract company, of whlch he is
the fllmsle.t type He
was the victim or puouc opinion anu nut
the victim of that dearee of evidence
which aaya that no man shall Jtand
proved iruilty unless the evidence shown
such tq be the caae beyond a reasonable
Again, we read: "Public sentiment
in Columbia county was at whte
heat." Further on it says: "Public
opinion was demanding the apprehen
sion of someone, and Pender proved
to be the victim." I think that the
word "haDDened" would be better, as
T io not concur with the idea con
veyed in the last quotation. I do
not believe that public opinion or the
the public generally desired the ap
prehension or conviction of anyone
but the real and guilty party. I am
- that it would be impossible to
find, even in Columbia county, at that
time one person who wa demanding
the apprehennsion of merely some
Th nu was followed closely at
the time and we could only attribute
Ma onnviotion. because of the said
flimsy evidence, to a com-oinaiiun
circumstances and to the fact that
the accused did not have the re
sources to prolong the cane to the
point where public .opinion subsides.
Inasmuch as the people of Oregon
have through their processes
or deprived this man of his honor and
liberty and Indirectly nis ageu inui...
of her home and causing mucn
row and Buffering to all inose '"""f
diately concerned, would it not be in
keeping with the honor, responsibility
and ideals of said people to cause.
through their legislative proceed,
an appropriation of at least $10,000
to be given him to compensate in
n.rt in Ihn loss of nine years' use
fulness and the fruits of honest labor
which he would have orainamy in
quired in that time that he may re-
- his aired mother hrr home
and to himself and wife a cottage of
their own.
The cprner stones of this great re
...kir.. a-a its contented ho'iics and
;,(Hs So let us, the holders of
the previously said public opinion or
.ntiment which condemned the man
now acquit ourselves in so far as
.. hv restoring to him his due
equity in the pursuit of happiness
n , .rrf to cause him to for
get the great injustice and serve ii
a measure toward restoring his con
in hnmui nature and man
. ,j nk... is th taxpayer who
Klltu. " - -
would refuse this obligation?
tv.. incirwxed sentences apply to all
and like treatment should be accorded
.11 who have unjustly suffered as
did this man. I". nuoi.oy.., -4216
Sixty-fourth street North.
I used to believe that the haughtiest
Since the days of old Tiglathpelesar
(The khedive. you know), was aa
early day king
Like Attila. Richard of Caesax.
I fancied in youth that a king on a
With vassals and subjects to cower.
Whenever he spoke in a threatening
Held the peak of unlimited power.
When feeling abused, as the best of
us do
Who crawl this terrestrial globe on,
I often have felt that I'd not be so
If I had but an ermine trimmed
robe on.
I have longed to bark out rasping
words of command.
And issue brief, roughly termed
And shake like an earthquake a ter
rorized land
Clear out to its uttermost borders.
But I hanker no more for a sceptre
and crown.
No power or pelf Td be- rich in.
I have seen the effect of one terrible
When frowned by & cook in a
She dries up the beefsteak: the eggs
she serves raw;
She makes a black paste of the
And the household regards her with
reverent awe
For a man is the slave of his
And now when I'm feeling unhappy
and down
(A state that I often am brought to
No longer I yearn for a sceptre and
To make folks behave as they
ought to.
Just give me an apron, a long handled
And into the kitchen inject me.
And let me with kettles and sauce
pans commune.
And I'll make the most haughty
respect me!
Let school teachers he of good cheer.
A young man who followed that pro
fession for four years has just in
herited ISO.OOP.OOO.
Decide for Yourarir,
Is this a presidential campaign, or
merely a dissension in the Roosevelt
nig: Bnnlnesa Chance.
There is a fortune awaiting the
man who discovers an effective anti
dote for home brew.
(Copyright 1020 by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
To Mountain Maid.
By Grace 1".. HalL
Inference From Cox' Sluh Fond TalK
Is Tkat Taey Are for Sale.
OAK GROVE, Or.. Sept. J 2. To the
Editor.) If Governor Cox's accusa
tions were true, -rfho would he expect
to be bought? Is his estimation of the
democratic voter of the kind that he
thinks it is boodle Instead of prin
ciple that he is Interested in? Being
an old time-politician he should have
a good chance to judge that party.
Or is his reference to sale directed
at the independent, progressive and
new voters of male sex or does he
hold the woman voters in such esti
mation that he thinks the republicans
could buy them?
Where there is a buyer there must
be a purchasable product to do busl
ness. and he surely gives the repub
licans credit for sense enough not to
waste money purchasing voters it al-
readv has. So the purcnases must
have been .in his mind from some of
the above-named elements. It would
look as if they would be pleased to
h classed in the purchasable class
In no other way can a logical deal
be carried out, for a buyer does not
nurchase that which he has
Governor Cox is feeding fine words
and nromises to the progressive voter
In hf sneeches and accusing him of
beine- for sale in his slush fund at-
i-i.saiinnn ro we stand for that? I.
as a Roosevelt republican, do not.
Thit onlv hone -the democrats have is
to get up a strife between the dif
ferent elements of the republican
nartv and they work on that at elec
tlon time and between times they
fiirht a progressive as hard as they
do a rejrular. Do you hear of Cover
nor Cox advising support of progres
sive republican nominees lor con
gress? There are lots of them in the
"Progressive" means with a demo
crat, "you vote for me and I will vote
the 'straight democratic ticket my
On the thoroughfare we've passed,
say mountain maid.
Where the superficial touch so long
has lain.
You, a timid misplaced creature, half
Child of forest glen, oft kissed bv
sun and rain:
In your eyes the tenderest blue of
high-hung skies.
On your cheek the rosiest tint of
dawn's deep glow;
And I marvel that from out your
To tho feverish town you ever care
to go.
You have braided rays ef sunshine in
y,ur hair.
On your lips the elderberry Juice is
And the sweetness and the freshness
of the air
In your, mountain home is haleed
'round your head;
You arc like the frightened creatures
of the wood.
Shy and modest as 'twas meant that
maids should be.
Yes we'd change you yes, we'd
change you if we could.
And we'd make you like the other
maids we see.
We would robe you in the garments
that we know.
We would tone the flaming color in
your cheek.
We would regulate your accents soft
and low.
And we'd teach you when and how
'twere best to speak:
But O maid, long not for madness of
our thrills.
From the marts and streets of men
real joy has fled.
Rest content among the glowing sun
drenched hills.
That the wine upon your lips may
long be red!
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Clerf of Burns
are at the Seward. Mr. Clerf Is a
rancher and found his duties at home'
calling him back to Harney .county
last night. His wife will remain here
some time longer.
J. Myrick of Yakima was among
the new arrivals at the Benson yes
terday. Ho is manager of the motion
picture .house operated by the Jensen
& Von Herberg interests of Portland
in the Washington town.
Instead of taking his stock through
Seattle for shipment, H. Chambers
prefers to deal with the Portland
market. He is a stockman from the
country around Olympia and is to be
found at the Perkins.
My ain lad comes a-doon the brae.
And. oh. he is sae.fatr
With fluted lip and crackling "e'e.
And bonnie. stark red hair.
He whistles as he steeks the door.
And oh. I fling it wide!
ATrd set the humble paritch. oot.
The bannocks doon beside.
We sit agin the dosing fire,
Jtony a nicht the same.
For there's naethins 'ike in
A simple heart and hame!
Land Offices In Oregon.'
.RICKRBALL. Or.. Sept. 12. ITo th
Editor.) Where are the public land
offices located in Oregon? I would
like to get information concerning
homestead land. SUBSCRIBER
Burns, l.a Grande, Lakeview. fort
land, Rostburg,' The -Dailes, Vale.
In Other Days.
Twentj-Mve Years Ago.
From The Oregonian of September 14, 189n.
New York. Yesterday was an ex
citing day in Wall street and for a
time threatened to be a repetition Qf
Black Friday of years ago.
Washington. Information as to se
cret Investigations made by order of
the navy department indicates that
President Cleveland is seriously con
sidering intervention by the L'nited
States in Cuba and that war with
Suain is a oossibf lit v.
A buffalo escaped yesterday from
the wild west show at East Davis
and East Twelfth streets and was
lassoed by cowboys at East Eleventh
A committee will go over the line
of the proposed Klickitat railway
next week for the purpose of secur
ing deeds to the right of way.
Fifty Years Age.
From The Oregonian of September 14. 1870.
Berlin. The official report of the
capitulatioh of Sedan states that 122,
000 prisoners were taken.
Washington. The contract for
transporting the mail daily from Oro-
ville. Cat., to Portland has been let
to Hill Beachyfor J158.000 per aja-num.
Salem. The Oregon legislature, met
for the sixth biennial session. The
senate was organized and elected
John D. Fay of Jackson county presi
dent. Ben Hayden was elected speaker
of the house. The message of Gov
ernor George L. Woods was submitted
to the legislature.
Two very large kilns of brick, the
second one for one of the companies
and the third for the other this year.
are now burning at tne yaras on I am-
hill street at B street.
Klsrht Typea of Lawful FVe.
MULIXO. Or.. Sept. 13 (To the Edi
tor.) Iwuld like to know the herd
ing law as to line fences between twe
ranches, or two neighbors. What kind
and what height of fence is lawful?
How long does a verbal agreement
stand good? SUBSCRIBER.
Eight types of lawful fence are de
scribed In the statute. Inquirers as
to lawful fences should mention the
type they have in mind, as the entire
statute is too long for quotstion In
these columns. The question as to
verbal contracts is too indefinite to
permit an answer.