Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1920, Image 1

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    VOL. LIX NO. 18,660
EutrM ,t Portland CO regno;
Po-tofflr a S'con-ClaFe Matter
Audiences, Largely Par
tisan! Responsive
Charge Made That No One
Knows Where Mr. Harding
Stands on League.
Liquor Question Declared as
Dead as Slavery; Record
In Ohio Is Cited.
Governor Cox, democratic candi
date for president, addressed two
large and enthusiastic audiences in
Portland yesterday. The auditorium
was filled at the noon meeting and
there were about 3000 present for
the 3:30 o'clock speech. With his
party he left for Idaho at the close
of the second address.
"Beware of a change. Stop, look
and listen," warned the nominee in
discussing the drift to the republican
ticket and the apparent desire to
oust the democratic administration.
No traces of the laryngitis were
evident in his voice after his opening
salutation. He spoke with ease and
readiness; his voice carried well and
he grew excited under his own elo
quence. Being largely composed of
partisans, the audience was recept
ive and prone to come to its feet
when the governor made a particu
larly striking statement.
Speech Touches Women.
The second speech, intended
chiefly for women, had a more sen
timental appeal, and by the adroit
relation of a heart-interest war
story Governor Cox caused hundreds
of woman to wipe away furtive tears
toward the close of his talk.
In the main, the candidate's
speeches ran parallel. He proclaimed
himself champion of progress and
accused his opponent, Senator Hard
ing, of being a leader of the reac
tionary forces. He declared that no
one knows where Harding stands on
the league of nations and that the
republican nominee has taken many
conflicting positions on this subject.
He referred also to the so-called
"Blush fund.'
Aiked by someone in the audience
"How about prohibition?" Governor
Cox did not return, a direct answer
either at the noon meeting or when
he discussed the same subject with
the women. He contended that the
"liquor question is "as dead as slav
ery." "It is a question of law en
forcement," said the speaker.
Governor Cites Record.
To the women he contended that
a man's record is the best indication
of what can be expected of him. He
said that when he became governor
of Ohio he closed the back and front
doors of every saloon in the state
on Sunday, and that when he takes
the oath as president next March to
uphold the constitution of the United
States, he will enforce every section
and paragraph of the constitution
and its amendments.
Never once in his addresses did he
mention the name of President Wil
son, although he did make reference
to the "sick roan who could not de
fend himself." To George E. Cham
berlain, United States senator, who
Introduced him at noon, Governor
Cox paid a tribute.
Governor Cox intimated that Sen
ator Harding had tied himself up to
a group in the republican convention
and he wondered what questions the
group had asked Harding. The rea
son why he, himself, did not go to
the San Francisco convention, Gov
ernor Cox gave his audience to un
derstand, was to avoid being chained
by promises and obligations. He
announced that he has not promised
even a fourth-class postmastership.
Plea Made for League.
The league of nations was duly
dealt with, and Governor Cox assured
his audience that if Senator Hard
ing's plan of a separate peace with
Germany should be carried out the
only nations which would affiliate
((Concluded on rice 8, Column L)
Humorist Wants Scientific Inves
tigation of His Find and Will
Take Specimen East. ;
BEND, Or.. Sept. 13. (Special.)
That the lava bear, provincially
known as the "sand lapper." inhab-Itating-
the lava flow In the Fort Rock
country, may prove to be the un
bear, believed for the last 100 years
to be extinct, was the theory advanced
by Irvin S. Cobb today on his return
to Bend after a week's trip to the
south, in the course of which, the
famous writer and humoriet has
hunted bear and deer and fished In
all the lakes along- the way. Incl-j
dentally, Mr. Cobb lost 20 pounds of
his former weight.
Mr. Cobb said today that he be
lieved a diminutive species of griz
zly found in the Seven Devils coun
try in Idaho and the dwarf bear of
the Fort Rock lava flows are identi
cal and are the last survivors of the
sun bear, a epecles formerly found
over a larg-e territory in the lava
flows of California and Oregon. ' He
Is eager to get specimens of the
tiny grizzly and hopes that the at
tention of the Smithsonian institute
may be sufficiently aroused to start
a more scientific investigation of the
subject than be has been able to
A few specimens of the lava, bear
are known to have been killed or
trapped, and a. head. In a fair state of
preservation, has been in the posses
sion of N. G. Jacobson, former super
visor of the Deschutes national for
est, for several months and will be
taken east by Mr. Cobb when he re
turns to New York, after his outing In
central Oregon is completed.
That the lava bear is a dwarf griz
zly existing probably in no other
part of the world was the belief of
Stanley Jewett, formerly of the
United States biological service and
known as one of the foremost au
thorities on the animal life of the
Lemon Preparation Much In De
mand on Long Island.
NEW YORK. Sept. 13.Special.)
Thirsty souls in the vicinity of River
head, L. I., are assuaging their rrlef
with lemon extracts containing from
60 to 80 per cent alcohoL
Such is the finding of the police in
vestigating the death of Mrs. Joseph
Stone. 27, in the Southampton hospi
tal. Riverhead, from lemon extract
poisoning, the symptoms of which do
not resemble those of wood alcohol
The police say that during the past
few months the sale of extracts In
this section increased rapidly among
those not at all interested in lemons.
The army was the first to recognise
the deleterious effects of the extracts
and forbade their sale at camps dur
ing the war and since.
Woman Arrives From Soutli Amer
ica for Second Ceremony.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 13. Mrs.
Carlos Quesada, married by proxy in
Grenada, Nicaragua, May 17 last, saw
and kissed a husband here today for
the first time as a wife.
Quesada was engaged to- Miss Do
mingo Mongaio, daughter of a
wealthy Grenada, merchant, when he
was called here on business suddenly,
Later Moses Goodman acted as his
proxy at a marriage performed In
Nicaragua while Quesada was In San
Mrs. Quesada. announced upon her
arrival here a second ceremony must
be performed, to prevent comment by
any "critical Americans."
Drowning Bride Clung To Until
Hands Become. Xnmb.
RACINE, Wis, Sept. 13, John
Jones, whose bride of six weeks was
drowned yesterday in Lake Michigan
when their boat upturned, recovered
sufficiently tonight from injuries re
ceived in fighting the waves to give
' Jones said be clung to the boat for
hours while holding his wife and that
she died in his arms.
"I tried to keep hold of her even
when I knew she was dead," he said,
"but gradually my arms grew numb
and she slipped into the water."
Husband Held to Await Action of
Grand Jury.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 13. The
death of Mrs. Gertrude Viger Kuehl-
ing, part heir to a $1,000,000 estate in
Detroit, was due to "accidental
drowning" in the Potomac Wednes
day night, according to the coroner's
inquest today.
Her husband, Roy H. Kuehling, It
was said tonight, will be asked to ex
plain to the grand Jury tomorrow the
circumstances that have been regard
ed by the police as of such signifl
cance as to warrant his arrest. He
wat etill held tonight.
Pope X'amcs Monsig-nor Keane as
Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento
ROME, Sept. 13. Monsignor Patrick
J. Keane of Oakland, Cal., has been
appointed auxiliary bishop of Sacra
mento by Pope Benedict.
He also will be titular bishop of
Banners Carried In Pa
rade to Nominee.
Democratic Plot for Govern
ment Control Held Nipped.
Attack on Class Rnle and Lauda
tion of Labor Provisions of
Act Win Applause.
MARION, O.. Sept. 13. Senator
Harding, reaffirming his support of
the Cummins-Esch. act, restoring the
railways to their owners, charged in
a speech to a delegation of railway
workers late today that by assum-;
ing control of the roads at all, the
Wilson administration had sought to
promote a policy based on perma
nent government operation.
Had the experiment proved a suc
cess, the republican nominee de
clared, the administration would have
favored retention of the transporta
tion lines and other public utilities
under government control. The war,
he said, had offered an opportunity
to try out the scheme only because
it permitted administration officials
to "take advantage of the anxieties of
the people" in asking authority to
take over the properties.
Rights of Both Protected.
The senator also assailed as "so
cialistic" and "revolutionary" the
plan supported by some labor leaders
to put the railways at the disposal
of the railway workers.
The Cummins-Esch, bill, he said.
was the best measure congress could
work out in the time allotted, and
gave to both railway owners and
employes a just guarantee of rights.
Several hundred union men. compos
ing the Harding and Coolidge Rail
way club of Marion, were In the del
egation, and they cheered the nom
inee as he hit . at class rule and
lauded the labor provisions of the
They . carried . banners expressing
their support In such Inscriptions as
'The government must change con
ductors," "Harding will not sidetrack
us." and 'Safety first; elect Harding."
Worker Declared Friends.
J. W. Rosebury, paet president of
the local unit of the Order of Rail
way Trainmen, presented the delega
tion to Senator Harding and told him
they hoped by coming to prove the
fallacy of "the Impression that rail
way workers are opposed to your
candidacy because of your support of
the Cummins-Esch act."
Conceding that the act was "not
perfect," Senator Harding character
ized it as "the most considerate piece
of legislation ever enacted in the pro
tection of any group of workmen In
the United Statee."
"When the world war came on,"
he continued, "we had gone so far
In restriction and regulation that the
government's response to much of the
railway baiting made It difficult for
the railway management to keep
pace with the expanding requirements
of the country.
"It is not important to discuss now
whether me railway service was
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.)
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Governor Cox. who addrcased tfvro larare micTfnccw nt ttrfHtrlnm and
la conference with the Ohlo&n during hi
Neither Norwegian Nor His Spouse
Able to Speak English; Both
Have Until Next Jane.
ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
The wives of applicants for admis
sion to citizenship must learn the
English language and qualify them
selves to be citizens of the country
before applications will be passed on.
That, In short, was the ruling made
today by Circuit Judge Eakinl
The ruling came in connection with
the application of Oswald W. Johnson,
a native of Norway, the hearing of
whose application was continued until
next June in order that he may learn
more concerning the form of govern
ment. Examiner Tomlinson called
the attention of the court to the fact
that Mrs. Johnson, wife of the appli
cant, cannot speak English, and the
court directed that she, too, must
learn to speak, read and write Eng
lish and fit herself to become a citi
zen. "When we admit this applicant,"
said the court, "we also admit his
wife to citizenship and there la no
reason fhy she should not be just as
well qualified.
"Under the laws now in force wom
en have the same rights of citizen
ship as men, they can vote in any state
In the union, and in many states must
serve on juries. The admission of a
man to citizenship also admits his
wife and if we do not see that these
wives are also qualified for admission
we will be creating a great citizen
Bhip wholly unable to perform the
duties which may be required."
Friction From Force of Flow
Causes Spark Igniting Gas.
! Well number seven on the Carman
lease in the Elk Hills, owned by the
Standard Oil company, is a flaming
torch today, having come in yesterday
with a roar forcing 16,000,000 cubic
feet of gas through .its casing .with
such force that friction caused a
spark, igniting the gas. This is the
third big gas well to catch fire dur
ing the last year.
Man, for Pay, Declares He Will
Take Crow From Male Fowls.
SPOKANE, Sept. 13. The city coun
cil hail an opportunity to make Spo
kane a "crdwless" city- so far as its
roosters are concerned.
A resident of Vallejo, CaL, wrote to
the city offering to come to Spokane
for a consideration and extract the
noisy element from the male barn
yard fowls without, he says, remov
ing them from their pens and without
destroying their beauty or health in
any respect.
Massachusetts " Health Officials
Seriously Concerned.
BOSTON, Sept. IS A total of 97
cases of Infantile paralysis in this
state, and 14 new cases reported to
day, have caused some concern among
health officials.
This announcement was made by
the state health department today.
Banks to File Statements Vp to and
Including Sept. 8.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 The con
troller of the currency today issued a
call for the condition of all national
This will Include the close of busi
ness on Wednesday, September S.
American Race Thrills With. Tanks
Leading Indians by Half Game
But Behind Standings.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13 The Brook
lyn team of the National league by
its double victory over the Chicago
Cubs today increased its lead in the
penant race to five full games over
Cincinnati and New York. The Giants
defeated St. Louis and Cincinnati
dropped a game to Philadelphia, these
results placing the two teams tied so
far as games are concerned, but giv
ing the world's champions an ad
vantage of two percentage points
over McG raw's men. The five game
lead of the Superbas gives them an
advantage of 32 points over the Reds
and 34 points over the Giants.
All three leaders in the American
league won their games today so that
there is no change in relative posi
tions. The anomaly continues of the
New York Yankees leading Cleveland
by half a game, but trailing the In
dians by one percentage point. Cleve
land and New York each gained two
points by their victories over Phil
adelphia and Detroit respectively
while Chicago added three points by
defeating Washington and thus crept
up a point on the two leaders.
Brooklyn has not yet" clinched the
pennant, but its comfortable lead will
enable the team to take things a little
easier for the remainder of the sea
son unless the Reds and Giants start
a winning streak. Brooklyn has 14
games to play; Cincinnati 22 and New
York 18. Should the Superbas win '
half their remaining games, it will
be necessary for the Reds to win 16
and the Giants 14 to tie Brooklyn. On
the other hand if Cincinnati and New
York win only half cf their remain
ing games, it will be necessary for
Brooklyn to win only four more
games to capture the pennant.
- Visions of a world series. In the
greater city have sent New York and
Brooklyn baseball fans to the parks
in such numbers that at Ebbets field
the police shut the gates a half hour
after the first game began. A crowd
estimated at 10,000 persons was
turned away.
Authorities Said to Be Unable to
Stop Smuggling From Canada.
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept.. 13. Liquor
13 being run from British' Columbia
into Alaska without serious opposi
tion and Alaskan authorities are help
less to remedy the situation, accord
ing to W. J. Jordan, assistant super
vising federal prohibition agent. In
Seattle today en route to San Fran
cisco after an inspection trip in the
While in Ketchikan Mr. Jordan con
ferred with the assistant United
States district attorney there on
methods of putting an end to the
smuggling of whisky into Alaska.
Sixty Per Cent of Employes Back
at Work After Shut-Down.
LAWRENCE, Mass., Sept. 13. The
four mills of the American Woolen
company here which shut down July
10, resumed operations in some de
partments today.
It is estimated that not more than
60 per cent of the workers thus far
have received employment.
Temblor In County of Perth
Awakens Many Inhabitants.
SCOTLAND, Sept. 13. An earthquake
shock awakened many inhabitants
here today.
A dull rumbling sound accompanied
the shock.
fnntor Onmhcrlnln, mho wan much
Portland vlait ;
Elections Today Watched
With Interest.
Both Parties Claim Successor
to Charles S. Thomas.
One Candidate Wished on Demo
crats by Non-Partisan League,
Whose Strength Is Surprising.
Copyright by the New York Evening- Post.
Inc., Published by Arrangements
CHICAGO. Sept. 13. (Special.) To
morrow marks almost the close of
the series of primary elections in
which the two parties are trying to
capture control of the next senate.
Republican leaders, who believe
Harding will win overwhelmingly,
concede that senatorial elections in
certain states are more doubtful, and
democratic leaders, who concede that
Cox may lose, say they can capture
at least two senatorships from the
The present republican majority in
the senate is two. Publicly, the re
publicans axe claimnig that they will
add eight or ten to that majority,
That, however, is practically impos
Senator Tbumai Staya Oat.
Two of the states in which both
the . republicans and the democrats
say they can elect a senator hold
their primaries tomorrow. In Colo
rado the term of the present . demo
cratic senator, Charles S. Thomas,
ends with the coming session. Sen
ator Thomas was strongly urged to
enter the democratic primaries for
the nomination to succeed himself.
Although the urginr went the length
of filing a, petition putting- him in
nomination, he refused to file the
acceptance necessary under the Colo
rado laws. His voluntary retirement
is a pity; it takes from the senate
one of its freest minds and one of
its most pungent personalities. I
For the democratic nomination to
succeed him there are three candi
dates. It is generally conceded that
the strongest of the. three is Tully
Scott, a justice of the supreme court
nd, as such, credited with radical
inclinations, going so far as to be
lieve in government ownership.
Prominent Lawyer In Race.
Another of the candidates for the
lemocratlc -nomination is Colonel
William C. Danks,. a lawyer with a
good practice, a veteran of the Span
ish and German wars, and a man of
excellent reputation, but without ex
perience in public life, except as a
member of the city council.
The third candidate is W. R. Col-
Iicotte. who was rather wished on
the democratic party by the Non
partisan league, which at one stage
recently seemed to have captured the
democratic party machinery.
The strength of the Non-partisan
league In Colorado has turned out to
bcf surprising, comcotte years ao
was a populist and an office holder
by appointment under that governor
of Colorado, who, a generation ago,
was known in the ribald press of the
east as "Bloody Bridles" Walte.
Colllcotte Is for the Plumb bill, for
the farmer, for the closed shop and
the open forum.
Veteran Exposes Millionaires.
On the republican side are two
leading candidates; one is Samuel D.
Nicholson, elderly Leadville mining
man, without much previous political
experience as a republican party
worker and years ago a leading pop
ulist. He is successful In business.
energetic ana nas maae practically a
house-to-house canvass.
'The other of the leading candidates
for the republican nomination is Karl
C. Schuyler, an active Denver lawyer,
a newcomer In politics, regarded as
able. He, like Nicholson, Is wealthy,
being credited with having made a
fortune in Wyoming oil.
A third republican candidate, Colo
nel Rice M. Means, is running chiefly
on the basis of being the "Buddies'
candidate, having been an infantry
colonel in the 40th division. He is
a lawyer of fair ability and clean
record, who says he wants to find
out what chance a poor man has
against two millionaires.
Between the two winners of these
primaries, the fight in November will
be bitter. Colorado is one of the
states both parties will fight hard
est for.
Soldier Opposes Jones.
Washington also holds its primaries
tomorrow to select candidates for the
succession to Senator Wesley L. Jones.
Senator Jones is opposed for the re
publican nomination by a decidedly
popular soldier. Colonel W. M. Inglis,
who made an exceptionally good rec
ord as the leader of a Washington
regiment in France. Senator Jones is
also opposed by a less formidable can
didate of the radical section of the
For the democratic nomination there
is only one candidate. George F. Cot
terill, a Seattle man of more than
average ability, who is under the
'handicap of havinjr come to he re-
.Concluded on Ff a S. Column
Judge Wolverton Declares There
Must Be Cause Shown Before
Warrant Can Be Issued.
A man's home is his castle and he
may defend it. under certain cbndi
tions, against prohibition, revenue or
other legal agents. Federal Judge
Wolverton held yesterday when he
sustained a demurrer in the case of
John PItotto and J. Battaglia.
charged with-using weapons to keep
federal agents from entering the for
mer's home.
The court held that even though
such legal agents are armed with a
search warrant to enter a private
home or other building, obtained
through their belief that such place
is used to harbor a law violator,
that is not enough. He decided that
the magistrate who Issues such a
warrant must be satisfied that a vio
lation is being committed and the
magistrate is expected to base his
belief on other testimony than that
offered by the federal agents.
The decision is regarded as far-
reachlnsr by local attorneys. No
longer will a "John Doe" or a "Rich
ard Roe" warrant suffice for police
to enter private homes and search
for liquor or stills.
Revenue officers endeavored to en
ter the Pitotto home, 410 East Tenth
street. They met with a volley of
shots from the owner, "while Battag
lia, standing across the street, also
opened fire on them.
Pitotto and Battagllla were In
dicted by the grand jury and charged
with" using deadly weapons in re
sisting an officer.
Counsel for the defendants con
tended that officers had violated the
fourth amendment of the constitu
tion. This amendment provides that
no warrant shall be Issued except
upon probable, cause, supported by
oath or information, and particularly
describing the place to be searched
and the person or things to be seized.
"Probable cause is a legal conclu
sion for the magistrate to deduce,
and the mere assertion, under oath.
that the affiant believes the law Is
being violated is insufficient," ruled
Judge Wolverton. .
The court held, as a consequence,
the defendant was entitled to defend
his "castle," in any manner he saw
Jugo-Slava, Awaits Allies Request,
Says Minister to TJ. S.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Jugo-Slav
troops will withdraw from the line of
demarcation between Jugo-Slavia and
Albania as soon as the definite status
and boundaries of Albania have been
determined by the allied powers and
a request for withdrawal made by
This statement was made today by
S. Y. Grouitch, Jugo-Slav minister to
the United States.
Seven Arrested by Kansas City Po
lice; Home Brew Is Beverage.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 13.
Seven men were arrested in an aban
doned church today.
According to the police, they were
holding a "home-brew" party.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 80
dssrees; minimum, 53 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; strong southerly winds.
French and Italian premiers reach agree
ment. Pare 3.
MacSwlney has bad and restless nljhu
Pace -
Moving day at national capital thia year
more serioua than ever.
Pace 2.
. Politics.
Railroad men pledge aid to Harding.
Page 1.
Governor Cox addresses two enthusiastic
audiences in Portland. Page X.
Senate control chief aim in primaries to
dty. Page l.
Election returns show republicans have
carried Maine by big majortty. Page 1.
Cox is sentimental in appeal to women.
Page 9.
Washington votes at primary today.
Page 4.
Campaign forgery alleged by Clarke
county sheriff. Page 6.
Democratic trail blazed by waste. Page 3.
Pacific Northwest.
Wives of aliens must qualify for cltixen
ship, Juage ruies. rife i
Irvin S. Cobb thinks sun bear, long thought
extinct, thrives in uregon. fage 1.
Moore repudiates confession exonerating
Brake of uuDinsay inuruor. rage o,
Mayor Baker opposes return of city Jobs
to politics, rags i.
Cincinnati Reds have apparently lost
league title. Page 1.
Coast hears howl from United States
Olympic athletes, page is.
Tillman arrives lor match with Trambitas.
Page 11.
Beavers make gain for booby prize
Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Sugar prices sgain reduced by California
refiners. Page -J.
Export buying lifts wheat options at Chi
1 K. 3.
6v -
Trend of Wall-street stock market is un
certain. Page S3.
Portland and Vicinity.
Chamber of Commerce seeks concerted
action to save Portland a port. Page 16
Federal court holds that man has right
to defend home against illegal liquor
raids. Page 1.
North Pacific coast is swept - by violent
equinoctial storm. Page 3.
Oregon soon to decide between co-operative
marketing and Non-partisan
league. Page 12.
Women police told by mayor to make ar
rests in dance halls. Page 6.
New Burnslde-street bridge protested b
citizens unless absolutely essential.
Page 22.
Rock of the Marne is Portland visitor.
Page 13.
Five persons injured, 30 accidents when
autos skid. Page 7.
Tonsue of Austrian loosened by jud-e.
Party Plurality Biggest
in State's History.
Campaign Fought Along Na
tional Lines With League
of Nations Chief Issue.
Vote Rolled Up by Winners
More Than 53,000 Greater
Than in
PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 13. Re-.v
publicans swept the state in the elec
tion today and elected Frederic H.
Parkhurst governor by the largest
pluraltiy ever given a gubernatorial
candidate in Maine. With only 42
isolated towns and plantations to be
heard from, which cast about 3500
votes in 1916, Parkhurst's plurality
over Bertrand G. Mclntire, democrat,
was more than 64,000.
The largest previous plurality was
about 48,000, given the republican
nominee in 1896.
Women Aid Republicans.
Aided by the women's vote, which
went largely to the republicans, the
party rolled up a vote more than
53,000. larger than that of 1916,
while the democratic total was in
creased by only about 2300. Repub
licans elected congressmen from
all four districts and obtained a
large majority in the legislature,
besides electing their candidate for
state auditor.
Republican strength was uniform
throughout the state. Several cities
which showed small democratic plu
ralities in 1916 returned large
pluralities for Parkhurst. In many
others which went republican four
years ago the plurality for that
ticket was greatly increased this
year. Considerable significance in
the outcome in its bearing on the
voting for president in November
was asserted by republican leaders
to be apparent from the fact that
the campaign was fought out almost
wholly on national lines, with the
league of nations as the chief issue.
Few Democrats Elected.
Returns from 592 precincts out of
632 in the state gave: Parkhurst
for governor 133,817; Mclntire
The same precincts in 1916 gave
for governor: Milliken (Rep.)
80,014, Curtis (Dem.) 66,652.
Missing precincts are small towns
and plantations.
The state senate is solidly repub
lican and the republicans elected
every county attorney and county
sheriff. Twelve democrats were
elected to the state house of repre
sentatives. Returns from 75 precincts out of
91 in the 1st district gave for con
gress: Beedy (Rep.) 19,027, Has
kell (Dem.) 8593.
In the 2d district 140 out of 145
precincts give: White (Rep.) 34,390,
Price (Dem.) 21,558.
In the 3d district 102 out of 223
precincts give: Peters (Rep.)
19,581, Towle (Dem.) 8815.
In the 4th district 128 out of 173
precincts give: Hersey (Rep.) 25,920,
Brown (Dem.) 10,047.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Will H.
Hays, chairman of the republican
national committee, commenting on
the election results in Maine, said:
"Maine has pointed the way. The
result gives the greatest reassur
ance to all well-wishers of good
government regardless of party af
filiations. '
"The north star of the union re
mains undimmed.
"Maine continues American.
"This overwhelming republican
victory unmistakably evidences the
demoralization of the democratic or
ganization, the repudiation of the
administration of their leader,
Woodrow Wilson, and the complete
condemnation of the campaign con
duct of Candidate Cox.
"The women, too, have demon
strated their dependability in this
(Concluded on rage 3, Column Li