Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 13, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Olty Kditnr Main 7070, ,r.n-f5
Sunday Editor Main 7070. 860-95
Advertising Departmont. .Main "070. 5H0-95
Superintendent of Bid? .. Main 7070. 5tiO-U5
OnPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor Vaude
ville. This afternoon and tonight.
BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock
company in "Peggy Behave." Tonight.
X.YRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical
comedy. "The King of King Bong."
Three shows daily, i, 7 and 9 P. M.
EIPPODROUE (Broadway- at Tamhil!)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5.
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PANTAGKS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily, 2:30, 1 and
lVhat kind of programme the Rotary
club of Portland will adopt for its
weekly luncheon meeting throughout
the coming fall and winter will be
decided at a dinner meeting at the
Crystal room of the Benson hotel
Tuesday at 6:30 P. M. The dinner will
take the place of the'regular weekly
luncheon that day. Reports of of
ficers and committees will be heard
and suggestions for the - fall pro
gramme will be heard from all mem
bers, following- which a comprehen
sive plan will be mapped out.
Stores Close tor Jewish Feast.
Several Portland stores will be closed
today in observance of the Jewish
Mew Tear. . The celebration of the
year 56S1 in the Jewish calendar be
gan last night with special services
at 8 o'clock in the churches. . The
congregations will meet aisain this
morning at 10 o'clock for prayer and
the carrying out of ancient rituals.
The Kevr Year wlil be observed in
the synagogues of the orthodox
church through Tuesday, but observ
ances in the reformed church will
close today.
Dr. Lovejot Wix.1, Speak. Dr.
Esther Pohl Lovejoy, democratic
nominee for congress, will be the
principal speaker at a meeting- to be
held under the auspices of the Cox
Roosevelt club in Bickner hall, 102
North Jersy street, St. John-s, Tues
day at 7:30 P. M. A musical pro
gramme has been arranged consisting
of solos and duets by a number of
prominent singers. Mrs. Bessie M.
Richards, president of the- club, will
Pomona Grange Calls Meeting.
Multnomah district Pomona grange
will meet at Columbia grange hall
near Corbett station on September 15.
The all-day session will begin at 10
.A. 1L Measures before the voters
at the cominjr election will be dis
cussed from all angles. Ray Gill of
Ruselville is to lead in this. Dr.
i.sLher Pohl Lovejoy is slated for
an address on her observations abroad
and at home.
Bio - Interest - Pattno Short-Time
Investments for Sale. 'We have a
large number of County Warrants on
one of the most substantial counties
in the state of Washington, drawing
8 per cent interest, exempt from in
come tax, in $500 denominations
Will possibly be called in one year.
These are an unusually good and
safe investment for your money.
Coast Culvert & I'lume company,
Portland, Or. Adv.
Kiwanis Cltjb to Celebrate. The
Kiwania club, at its regular weekly
luncheon Tuesday at the Benson ho
tel, will celebrate the 133d anni
versary of the adoption of the con
stitution of the United States. Mil
ton A. Miller, collector of interna
revenue, will be the speaker of the
day, his subject being "The Adoption
of the Constitution by the Various
Women's Union to Meet. The first
fall meeting of the Portland Women's
union will be held this afternoon,
commencing at 2:30 o'clock, in the
reception rooms of the Martha Wash
ington hotel. Committee chairmen
will be on hand and outline the pro
gramme planned by each committee
for the ensuing year.
Home Song Meeting Fixed. The
public Is invited to be pesent and
participate in the singing of favorite
home eongs in room A, central library,
at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. There
will be an interesting lecture and a
number of piano, vocal and violin se
lections. Battert A to Hold Reunion. Vet
erans of Battery A will hold a reunion
Wednesday night at the armory.
wnere they will be addressed by
Mayor Baker. Many of the older
members, a number of them citv of
ficials and public officers, will be
Furnished House Wanted for
lew months. Must be of modern
equipment and best grade with pleas
ant grounds and garage. Will pay
any suitaDie rent. Telephone Mc
Craken Motor Co. Adv.
Modern office systems devised ud
Installed. Our system experts at your
service, no obligation. Over 400 stock
forms to select from, at a saving.
Phone Main 1971. 'Pacific Staty. & Ptg.
Co., 107 Second street. Adv.
Albina W. C. T. TJ. to Meet. Al
bina W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Ada Wells. 925 Commer
cial street, tomorrow at 2 P. M.
Dr. J. M. Gronholm, Astoria's ex
perienced chiropodist, will locate in
room 503 Dekum bldg. on Sept. 15.
Dance. McElroy's orchestra, Mur
lark hall, 23d and Washington sts.,
every Wednesday and Saturday. Adv
Beautiful, large fern: also large
oil painting at Mount Hood, sacrifice.
Call 560 Schuyler St. Adv.
Several desirable offices at very
reasonable rental. 218 Fenton bids
Bdwy. 1769. Adv.
Good Eats at Dericks' Cafetehia,
JS4 Oak street, between West Park
and Tenth. Closed Sundays. Adv.
Dr. Collie F. Cathet has returned.
Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co,
mine agents. East 1188. Adv.
Dr. A. Tilzer has returned. Adv
witness the marriage of Dr. George
Aiintlie and Miss Jean Moran.
Entertaining for the brides-elect
and for the visitors will be In order;
and a gay season Is anticipated. j
Mrs. Frank E. Smith was hostess
at a recent luncheon at Waverley
ccuntry club. Covers were laid for
Mrs. T. A. LIvesley and Mrs. John .
Roberts o( Salem, Mrs. F. J. Cobbs,
Mrs. George F. Nevins, Mrs. Anderson
M. Cannon, Mrs. E. J. Mautz, Mrs.
John Ross Dickson, Mrs. L. Ward !
White, Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mrs. F. E. i
Judd, Mrs. W. L. Thompson, Mrs. Otto
Wedemeyer, Mrs. S. F. Wilson, Mrs.
Everett Babcock and her sister, Mrs.
Frederick H. Siegfried of Montclair,
N. J.
A pretty wedding took place last
week, when Ida May Ott of 987 Borth
wick street, this city, was married to
Joteph Barker of Olympia, Wash. The
ceremony was performed at the home
of Mrs. Herman Seeker, 1114 South
K street, Tacoma.
After a two weeks moter trip
through Rainier National park, sound
cities and as far north as Vancouver,
B. C, Mr. and Mrs. Barker will make
their residence at 1103 !ast Fourth
street. Olympia. They will be at
home to their friends after September
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Coofe and eons,
Frederick Jr. and Roger, have re
turned to Portland after spending the
summer at Seaside.
Mr. smd Mrs. Arthur H. Brown and
Arthur Jr. have returned from a va
cation at Agate Beach inn. Next Sum
mer they will open their Gearhart
George Jorgensen was soloist at the
social gathering at the home of Mc
Donald Potts, Metzger, at the party
giyen by the Metzger Woman's club
Friday evening.
The First Congregational church
was the scene of a very attractive
military wedding on Saturday morn
ing. The participants were Colonel
James N. Pickering, who is stationed
at Spokane, Wash:, and Mary Eliza
beth Brooks Moore, who made the
journey from Brookline, Mass., to
meet ner ruture husband. Colonel J.
W. Brooks was best man. Dr. W. T.
McElveen officiated.
Among the society folk who mot
ored last week to Neab-kah-nie tav
ern were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ains
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ball, gen
eral and Mrs. Beebe. Rodnev filisan.
Clarence Sewell, Gabrielle Sewell, Dr.
aim jure. o. j . uicKson ana auss Ita
lian Moss.
Mrs. George Edward Frost of Ir-v-
ington has returned- from her cum
mer home In Benton county.
Miss Margaret Williamson, daugh
ter of Mrs. J. A. Williamson, has re
turned from Los Angeles. Cal.. where
she has been visiting at the homes
of Mrs. Robert Blumm of Melrose
avenue and Mrs. Charles McFarland
Allendale place.
The engagement of Miss Elizabeth
Margaret Dellar to Victor A. Kolmltz
or beattle was announced yesterday
by Mr. and Mrs. John Dellar, parents
of the charming bride-elect.
Mrs. William Alexander Pettl
grove of Corvallls was the guest of
Mrs. Arthur O. Jones of the Hotel
Oregon for the week end.
BURNS, Or.. Sent. 12. (Sreeial.
D. M. McDade, principal of the Har
ney county high school, and Miss
Bernadette Flanagan from Lewlston.
Maine, were married Ausrust 31 at
untario, ur., by Rev. Father Stack.
The bride was attired in a smart
blue tailleur and carried a boquet of
roses, representative P. J. Gallagher
and his wife attended the bridal
coupla and after the ceremony were
noses to a wedding breakfast for
Mr. McDade Is well known In Ore
gon,-where he has lived for a number
of years. He is a graduate of Bowdoin
college and attended the University
or uregon summer school.
The couple will live In Burns, where
the, high school is located.
Women's Activities
See Our Window
Fashioned by
Famous Makers
Suits Overcoats -
Raincoats These from America's great
est designers and tailors.
Good Clothes
Clothes That Wear
S. A II. Trading Stamps
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
the coming year elected at the last
meeting are: President. Mrs. Otto W.
Heider; vice-president, Mrs. Frank
James; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Shawver
and treasurer, Mrs. Homer Frick.
Miss Elizabeth Shepard has returned
to the east and plans to go to Italy
At the last meeting of Albina
Woman's Christian Temperance Union,
the following delegates were ap
pointed to the Multnomah county con
vention to be held at Portland in Sep
tember. Mrs. Ada Wells, Mrs. A. Riser,
Mrs. J. A. Wray, Mrs. Pettit, Mrs.
Hall, Mrs. M. E. King and Mrs. C. M.
Purvine. ' Mrs. Burcham was appointed
delegate-at-large. Delegates appointed
to the state convention were: Mrs.
Hamilton, Mrs. J. A. Wray. Mrs. Col
lins and Mrs. Scruggs.
Montavilla Parent-Teacher associa
tion will hold their first regular meet.
ing following the summer vacation.
Wednesday. September 15, at 2 o'clock,
in the school assembly. A large at
tendance is desired so that every par
ent may co-operate In this work, as
there are points of vital importance
to be discussed. A short programme
has been arranged and small children
will be taken care of.
William McKInley Woman's Relief
corps will give a luncheon and enter
tainment tomorrow at 12:30 at East
Eightieth and Glisan streets.
Mrs. Redmond Marshall, president
of the democratic women's club, asks
those women who hold reception
badges for the Cox meeting to meet
at 11 o'clock, this morning at the au
ditorium at the south entrance on
Second street. .
SHERIDAN. Or.,Sept. 12. (Special.)
The local Woman's Study club be
gan the year's work after the sum
mer vacation with an opening meet
ing at the home of Mrs. C. K. Knicker
bocker, Thursday afternoon, Septem
ber 9. A large number of the mem
bers were present and an enjoyable
social afternoon was spent, taking
the place of the regular semi-monthly
study meetings which will follow
throughout the year.
A short business session was held
to dispense with the accumulated af
fairs of the summer, after which the
president of the club, Mrs. Otto W.
Heider, gave an Impressive address
of welcome to the new members. Miss
Olive Mark briefly outlined the study
course for the following year, em
phasizing the first half- of the pro
gramme, which Is to deal with the
general topic, "Americanization." A
new custom is being instituted in the
society in holding regular parliamen
tary practice, and Mrs. Knickerbocker,
newly appointed parliamentary cen
sor, gave a short resume of the Im
portant features of that work.
After the short programme the an
nual reception for the newly-received
members was held. Mrs. Frank James
favored the club with two beautifully
rendered instrumental solos. A novel
musical contest, followed by dainty
refreshments, concluded the delight
fully spent afternoon.
The Study club is beginning Its
ninth year of work and has a mem
bership of over 30 ladies. Officers for
Schools Set Aside Week tor Work;
Groat Congratulated.
John Xj. Day, chairman of the re
publican county central committee.'
yesterday cent a letter to D. A. Grout,
superintendent of schools, congratu
lating the educator on the setting
aside of all of this week in the city's
schools for a study of the country's
constitution. Mr. Day, in his letter,
outlined the benefits that he thought
would result in the action of Mr.
Grout, at the same time suggesting
that an excellent opportunity to heal
the constitution discussed by authori
ties could be had in the many Consti
tution day meetings, to be held Frl
The meetings are Co be under the
auspices of the republican count;
central committee in the following
communities: Central library, Albina,
Rose City park, Llnnton, Lents, St.
Johns, Gresham, Alberta.
Gus C. Moser, senator, will epeak
tonight at a meeting of the Sellwood
Republican club in the community
Lieutenant-Governorship Sought by
Walla Walla Man, Who Has
Worked' for Reforms.
John L. Sharpsteln of Walla Walla,
who la a republican candidate for
nomination as lieutenant-governor in
Washington, is at the Hotel Portland
on his way home, having just com
pleted a speaking campaign in west
ern Washington.
Mr. Sharpsteln says that he feels
reasonably confident of his nomina
tion because of his state-wide ac
quaintance and legislative experience
coupled with .his well known opposi
tion to all forms of radicalism; that
his work with, and in behalf of pub
lio schools should count, and his be
ing the chief moving factor in secur
ing the laws for minimum wages for
women, for county tubercular hos
pitals and nurses and the absentee
voting bill will be among the things
which will be of aid to him.
Mr. Sharpsteln, who la 62 years of
age, has been a resident of Washing
ton since 1865. He says that whether
nominated or not he will make his
usual campaign In behalf of the re
publican state and national ticket.
Fine Suits, Only $6 0.
By being measured today for a new
suit, you can save enough money for
a nice present for your wife. A fine
selection of woolens worth up to 75
will be mads to order for $60. Fit,
workmanship and satisfaction guar
anteed. Brownsville Woolen Mills.
Adv. ' .
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to all our friends -and rela
tives who rendered assistance and
sympathy in our recent bereavement
of our daughter, granddaughter and
niece Dorothy; and the many beauti
ful floral offerings.
Youngster Hurt by Wagon.
FOSSIL. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
Bobby Steimer. 6, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Steimer, was seriously hurt Fri
day afternoon by being run over by
a wagon loaded with wood. He and
a playmate ran and "caught on" after
the wagon passed and in some way
he became entangled In one of the
WEDDING dates of Interest will
be Wednesday of this week,
when the marriage of Hiss
Marjorie Campbell and Wilson B.
Coffey will be solemnized; September
25, the day for the marriage of Miss
Lucile Evans and Urban F. Diteman
Jr.; September 27, the date of the
wedding of Miss Mildred Houghton
and Allan Hopkins and October 2 to
The United
"Tour Home Society for over a
quarter of a century.
New 20-pay life and whole life
Large membership In Oregon.
Assets nearly $1,500,000.00.
Home for dependent members.
Headquarters Artisan Building,
llroadnay and Oak Sta.
fnone tsroaaway 1220.
Specializing in.
i jnsirucuoris
.Holmes School
feoyWeidjerSt, forflaM.Oreg'on.l
You Cannot
Enjoy Life
unless you are sure your
family will be properly
provided for when you
You can EASILY pro
vide for their future
needs by taking a policy
with the
New World Life
Home Office, Spokane
Capital Paid in $1,134,500.00
Joy Makes Good Clothes
smart woolens;
tailored to meas
ure; EASY
104 Fourth St., Bet. Washington and Stark
Four Shops in Portland!
11 '4 I
Use Crimson Rambler
THAT'S the modern way of keeping the fruits of
summer delicious for a later season.
Thaf s the safe way MELOMAR is insurance against
the wasteful process of "candying."
That's the economical " way there's no shortage of
MELOMAR. That's the charming way the flavor is
vastly more appealing. By all means preserve with
Improve baking and making of dainty desserts
with MELOMAR you'll be surprised
For Preserving:
Use the same proportions of MELOMAR
SYKUP to frnit as yon would sugar.
. - -. 'Trh
i . kjivi jii.,.-iisf;ieh, a vi i .tr
I Caa&f Ma I7m22&r i'-Vl V
I SiW Bubble
I MohM
I Fare Hoacy
V Bonow Trade j
11 W iry
Get your Crimson Rambler Recipe Cabinet
t by 8 ending ns one Crimson Rambler label
and 10c
Portland, Or.
wheels and the wheel ran completely
over his body.
Cowlitz County Fair Comes Soon.
KELSO, Wash.. Sept. 13. (Special.)
The Cowlitz county fair will be held
at Woodland, September 22 to 25 in
clusive. Officers of the fair associa
tion and T. Y. Blanton, county agent,
are busy with arrangements. The fair
was taken over by the county this
Changes in Schedule
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway
Local train No. 6, leaving Portland 7:35 A. M., will terminate
at Fallbndge instead ofLyle, making additional stops at Grand
dalles, Spedis and Avery.
Limited train, No. 4, leaving Portland 9:15 A. will not stop
at Granddalles, Spedis and Avery.
Local train No. 7 will start from Fallbridge Instead of Lyle,
leaving Fallbridge 1:45 P. M., Lyle 2:30 P. M. instead of 3:30, ar
rive Portland 5:50 P. M. instead of 6:55, making additional stops
at Avery, Spedis and Granddalles.
Limited train No. 1, arriving Portland 7:45 P. M., will stop at
non-scheduled stations west of Fallbridge to discharge passengers
from east of Fallbridge, instead of from points east of Lyle.
Limited train No. 31, heretofore leaving Portland 2:00 P. M.
Saturdays for Astoria and Clatsop Beach, and No. 30, leaving
Seaside 6:05 P. M, Astoria 7:00, arriving Portland 10:15 Sundays,
have already been discontinued.
Train No. 21 will leave Portland 7:20 A. M. instead of 7:05,
arrive Astoria 11:35 instead of 11:20, and terminate at Astoria.
Train No. 29, leaving Portland 8:30 A. M., will make additional
stops at Mayger, Kerry, Clifton and at points west of Astoria.
Train No. 24 will leave Astoria 4:00 P. M. instead of 4:50,
arrive Portland 8:10 P. M. instead of 9:00. Will not run west of
No. 32 will leave Seaside 5:25 P. M. instead of 6:40,
Astoria 6:25 P. M. instead of 7:35, arrive Portland 9:50 P. M. in
stead of 10:50, making local stops west of Warrenton.
Train No. 26 will leave Rainier 7:00 A. M. instead of 7:35,
arrive Portland 9:00 A. M. instead of 9:40.
Limited trains to and from Spokane and east use the Union
Station; all other trains the North Bank Station.
Further details may be obtained at ticket offices
year and will be operated as a county
institution. Specialists have been ob
tained as Judges, among them being
D. Brooks Hogan, manager of Ladd
farm, who will judge the livestock,
and E. S. Robertson, horticulturist
from the state colleg-e, who will Judge
the agricultural entries.
Mohammedans do not wear silk. As
it Is the product of a worm, they re
ard it as pnclean.
Oregon life
A Household Word in Oregon.
Learn Radio Travel
Enroll Now Day or Night
You can learn to be a commercial operator in 4 to
6 months. Travel in every important port in the
world. Wonderful opportunity to study foreign
Address or Call Radio School, Div. C,
Portland Y. M. C. A.
Automotive Schools
Automobiles Tractors Vulcanizing Machine
Best and most completely equipped Automobile School per student
in America. This School prepared standards for 50 other schools.
Indorsed by National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. A
highly specialized instructor for every 12 students. School operated .
on Departmental basis.
For information address or call at Div. C
Orecon Institute of Technology Portland Y. M. C A.
Pt" ' r 1 vrTI 1 1 !'r I r-ti
A Comparison
Twenty years ago the housewife's kitchen was equipped with
a plain iron sink encased in unsanitary, vermin-inviting, moisture
holding woodwork.
Today she may have a beautifully enameled one-piece fix
tureno cracks or crevices to afford breeding places for vermin;
adjustable from 30 to SS inches from floor no weariness In
working over a sink that is too low.
The Most Exacting Demands Met by Our
For Sale by Leading Dealers
Visit our showroom and make your selection from our display
of sinks, bathtubs, closets, washstands, showers, laundry trays, etc
Filing Cabinets
65-67 Broadway, Portland.
All Night
Our Tire department is always
open, and in case you should need
a new tire on the road, we are
in a position to deliver it to you
any time, any place.
If stuck or wrecked, call our
Cadillac "8" towing car, equipped
for the most difficult jobs.