TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1920 13 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. CANADIAN PACIFIC RT. LAND. TOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairie ready- for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter lor stock. Here . grain growing, dairying: and livestock raisins are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming:. The Canadian Pacific railway Is offer ing a larfte area of these fertile lands in Lloydmlnster and Battleford districts. This fertile land will become the home ct thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydminster the world's prize oats have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become inde pendent on a farm in this district. These lands can he bought now at prices averaging about 118 pr acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If land is purchased under settlement conditions, no further payment of principal until end of fourth year; then 16 annual payments. Interest Is per cent. Also thousands of acres of Irrigated lands In southern Alberta at 150 per acre, on which the company will loan $1:000 for improvements to approved purchasers, with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Harvesting is in full swing. Now is the time to make a trip to see the production of the country. Personally conducted landseekers' excur sion leaves Portland for Calgary, Al berta, on Saturday, September 18; re duced raflway rates. Kor further par ticulars see Canadian Parifio Ry. Co., 208 Railway Exchange Bldg. , I P. Thornton, district representative. RB-SETTHNG WESTERN CANADA OW1NU TO THE EXIGENCIES OP THE LATE WAR. The Canadian Railways Bond Corpora tion have 300,000- of improved farms, the most productive and fertile lands on the continent, available for selection in areas of 100 acres and upwards. Many of the farms are fenced, with houses, barns, etc.. and all reasonably close to towns and railroads. Farm areas 3 BO acres and upwards, open level land $10 to $30 per acre, very easy term a This year's Alberta wheat crop Is the greatest in history. Rainfall Is copious. regular and adequate. There has never been a crop failure Sn central or northern Alberta. Improved open land ready for the plow. Also larger areas, cattle ranches and range leases available. Reduced commutation railroad tickets to Alberta. Canada to inspect lands. Sols agents. Get Particulars Portland Agency, Of "the Canadian Railways Bond Cor poration." Mr. B. F. Westfall, . THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 304 Fifth Street. Portland. Opp. First National Bank. FOR SALE One of the best 80-aere farms in eastern Multnomah county near Gresham; all cleared, fenced and cross fenced; half mile from Columbia River highway, on good macadam road, 4, mile from school ; 10-room house, large barn, room for 25 cows ; silo, large ce ment potato cellar, will hold 8 carloads t potatoes; 5 acres of full-grown apple and walnut trees; one stream of water runs through place the year around; 2 good wells, windmill and tank, hot and coid water, electric lights in house and barn; this farm can be bought with or without stock and implements; 20 of beat grade cows that money can buy, milking machine and all farm equip ment; butter can nave possession at any time if stork and implements are pur chased; price $ ;2,000. including .stock and farm crops; enough corn to fill two big silos; kale for winter feed: farm alone $L'(i,000; can make terms on part. Inquire of owner. Gresham phone 44, -or call at Ford Garage at Gresham, Or. FOR SALE SMALL DAIRY RANCH FULLY EQUIPPED. acres, all in cultivation, best of oil ; 5-room house, fine new barn and ilo, good chicken houses; 10 miles from Albany, 3 miles from R. R. station on snail and cream route; fine road; 25 acres mora adjoins this place that can be rented for $3 per acre per year. . Together with 9 good cows. 4 fresh, more fresh Nov. 1, 5 good horses, 8 sows, 10 large shoats. 25 small shoats, 100 White Leghorn chickens; complete line farm tools and machinery, includ ing interest in corn binder and ensilage cutter; 25 tons hay in barn, U acres fine corn. Price $0500. Terms. 13000 cash, balance easy terms. ALBANY REALTY CO.. ALBANY. OR. FOR SALE One of the best all-around farms in southern Douglas Co., Or., con sisting of 578.30 acres; 155 acres farm land, as follows: 20 acres under irriga tion, clover meadows, 18 prunes, 117 grain and corn, 303 pasture, ail under hog-tight fence; V20 acres first-class timber; 14, miles of creek bottom, IT fields and pastures with living water in ayfl of them year around; 4 barns, gran ary, machine shed, smokehouse, silo and hog pens; plenty of outrange, access to the forest reserve; 7 -room house, water piped into house; M, mile to school, 17 miles to R. R., Riddle; good roads, no hills; price $38,000, half cash, balance on time: will sell all of my machinery. grain, hay, 4 work horses, hogs, sheep I and goatb, cattle, at reasonable price; cause for selling, retiring. Address box 87, Myrtle Creek, Or. FOR SALE or trade, Willamette valley farm, 410 acres black loam soil, all un der cultivation, fair improvements, rail way station, warehouse, store and school on place, eight miles north of Eugene. Or., on Oregon Electric railway: will take $10,000 cash down and give any reasonable terms at 6 per cent n bal ance or might consider good apartment house up to 950,000 in Portland or Spo kane, or good stock of mdse. in good town of not less than 10,000 inhabitants up to $20,000; price, $45,000 till Oct. 1. A reasonable commission will be allowed any dealer Instrumental in closing deal. No listings will be given; submit full proposition in full letter. This place will not last long at above price. J. P. Lich, owner. Junction City, Or. ' R. D. Meadowy. ew farm. 15 ACRES, 10 acres cultivated, 2 acres slashed, 6 acres easily cleared, balance timber: 3-roora house, barn and other buildings, water piped to barn, variety of fruit, phone and R. K. D. at door; also two good brood and work mares, 2 sets harness, wagon, buggy, hack, mower, rake, feed cutter three good cows, cream separator, plow, harrow and cultivator, $100 worth of rick wood, hay In barn and other crops, good outran go, market road building; price of place, $ 1 600, or all for $200 ; terms, or ex change for small place suitable for poul try farm. J. A, Plopper, Yamhill, Or. Route 1. box Ofi. 40 ACRES, SO in cultivation. 5 acres of clover, 300 10-year-old prune trees, large family orchard of apples, cherries, plums. walnuts, etc., 1 acre of corn, 2 acres spuds, large barn full of hay and oats, 8-hoom house, woodshed, hog barn, gran ary, chicken house, blacksmith shop, good well at house, spring, water flumed to the place, dandy team and waggon, 2 cows, 2 hogs, separator, mower, rake. harrow, plows, harness, buggy, small tools too numerous to mention. 2 milei from Estacada, Or.,; price $6000; terms 6. W. E. Harmon (owner), Estacada, ur. FyB SALE Fine Willamette farm of 240 acres. 205 in cultivation, .balance pasture with living water and ' some valuable oak grub timber. This is one of the befit wheat and clover farms in the valley: a rich black sou with natural drainage; no hills nor gravel; good buildings; owner going to Canada. Price $125 per acre. HART & MULLER, SOS Oregon Bldg Salem. Or. JOR SALE 1600-acre ranch. Wallow rountv. Or.: 8O0 acres in cultivation: in the heart of grazing section : close to gov t, range; running water year round Good buildings. including 5-room house. earn for 20 head horsos, chicken houses, hoghnuses, dairy barn equipped tor milk ing 40 cows, corrals, etc. All fenced and r.ross-fenced. Price $50,000. For furthor particulars address T. 14. Zurcher, box 7nM, enterprise, nr. 20 ACRES. 2-3 in cultivation, fine run nlng stream, some fir timber, good well, family orchard, good - 5 -room house, barn and chicken house, electrio lights. gas and city water at the gate; only 10 minutes from electric station. 15 miles -from Portland. $6(100. HESGARD, COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. STRAWBERRY land. 35 A., fenced. $5000 includes cow, hog. team, implements, hav: 15 acres Clear, pasture timber. springs, ditch water, spring water in house, 3 miles soutn uciell. Dukes Val ley district. Address. Spring Dale, R. R. Z, iso. uo, rtooo. niver, ur. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. ' See our advertisement under Farm Lands For Sale. Canadian Railways' Bond Corporation Agency. 104 Finrraj1 , roriiana. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5 to 10 acres. Improved sub. urban home: will trade for 5-room mod era house, cash value $2000. 4848 62d St. S. B. Tabor 308S. WANTED 4 or 5-room house, any lo eality. Must ba a bargain for cash Tabor 875. 0210 58th ave. S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Will trade auto for Portland Heights view lot. rnone iviarsnall 1318. WANTED To buy a modern 8 or 9-room house, woo rim or Portland Heights. . STRICTLY modern home. Portland Heights, 5 bedrooms. 2 baths: with view and gHrage. - ona. oregonian. HAVE $1000 cash and $50 a month: want a 5-roo-n, bungalow. AH 80. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WbSELL a very large number of houses. We render treal service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we guarantee that you will be sat - isfied with our efforts. Phone and our appraiser will call on you. BIHK-CAREY COMPANY, -Carey-Savidge Company, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. TWO THOUSAND CASH and newly worked over 5 -room furnished house.- cement walks, Oregon City addi tion, and 1117 Chevrolet touring car, looks new, for a 6 or 7-room, nice modern house between Madison and Burnside and 15th and 25th sts., east side. Shelton Bechtel, Jennings Lodge. Phone Oak Grove 128-X. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE? If so, phone Hargrove Realty Co., Broadway 4381, and ask for Mr. Clark. This firm always has on hand some sub&tantlal buyers wanting homes in Portland; usually farmers whose farms they have sold. HAVE client for strictly modern resi dence; must have four bedrooms; pre fers Irvington; might consider some other good district; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from $5000 up; they can pay $1000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and interests POIN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDQV Main 1S00; Residence, East 8771. 81 ACRES, all practically beaverdam and all in cultivation, five-room house and large barn, rocked road, school and church; $6100. Want house or suburban - improved to $4500 or sell easy terms. 324 Railway Exchange. WEST SIDE HOUSES WANTED. I make a specialty of selling west side homes and have many buyers for same. If you house is for sale, call and see me. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. BUNGALOW WANTED. Modern bungalow, value not Inflated, any good district; prefer Portland Heights ; have auto for part payment. Phone Marshall 1318. WANTED 5 or 6 -room bungalow, will trade in 1917 KisselKar sedan as first payment. E. D. Pickens, 380 Union ave.. East 4461. WANTED To buy a business site, 100X 125, south of Washington street as far west as 17th St., as far south as Main. B.I 745, Oregonian. WASTED House out of you are going to lose, otherwise, pay all cash. naan. ---- repair or that foreclosure or L 642, Orego- WAN TED House or bungalow; have $1000 as first payment. R982. Oregonian. WANTED West side house, $5000 to $8000. P. O. box 377. i'armi 'Wanted. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred; will buy . the equipment. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. IS TOUR FARM FOR RENT? We can sell your personal property and lease your farm. We have clients waiting. F. L. EDDT. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldf. WANTED To rent a sheep ranch that will carry 000 to 1000 sheep. Will buy the sheep If the- price is right. Phone or write G. A. Withee, Amity, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. 1278 A. on Shutter Flats, Gilliam county; 1100 acres under plow, 800 acres sum mer fallow, good house; 4 miles to ele vator; good roads; 45-h. p. caterpillar, plows, seeders an wagons. Rent for $4000; some terms. HESGARD, COB A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. FOR RENT 385-acre ranch on Santlam river, mostly bottom, about 185 acres in oultlvation. lot tim'ber and pasture; rent $1200 per year cash ; good buildings, good roaas; lencoa ana croes-iencea. J . J? , Farrington. Hotel Alder. TIMBER LANDS. MILLMEN. N. B. Thirty million feet of timber for sale at $2 per 1000 on sees. 33 and 34, l. o in. ana 4 m. or w. m., Clarke county. Wash., abundance of water to flume timber to Lewis river, one mile distant. See Bradley. Sec. 33, Lauffer. Turn Turn Mountain, Hopkins. Yacolt. Wash. TIMBER FOR SALE. Have about 60 million feet of timber, with logging outfit and 40-M mill: will sell timber on stump&ge basis and lease mill or sell on easy terms. AK, 82. 100 ACRES tlmberland. cedar cabin, larre creeK. near road in game country: $160U clear ana Al in Ford jouring $550 clear, to trade for Piedmont or Irvington lots: give or take cash difference. Geo. Smith. 1210 Mallory av. Phone Aut. 324-11). TEN ACRES in cultivation, bearing fruit trees, berries; good house, barn, chicken houses; win trade for 100x100 and 5 or 6 room modern bungalow. Zimmerman, Hift unamper or commerce bldg. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. See our advertisement under Farm Lands For Sale. Canadian Railways' Bond corporation agency. Filth street, Portland. FOR SALE $1800, or exchange for prop erty near &. ; improved lot. 847 E 47th st.: owners only. Rlnearson, 918 Mercnante exchange, san Francisco. Cel. WANTED To exchange two lots in Irv ington lor beaverdam land. E 69, Ore gonlan. $1800 EQUITY In attractive bungalow Iq fortiana tor bpokane property. Ta bor O30. 839 ACRES in central Oregon to trade for farm near Portland. 6305 82d at. S. E. Phone Tabor 404T. ) ACRES on Columbia Highway; will take piano- or car part payment. 8504 E. 68th St. 8. E. MACK truck, equipped for logging or dump work, seeking job. Address 3721 60th st. Tabor 5S70. PORTLAND property and some cash for seaside property. J. Mellsh. Seaside, Or. FOR SALE 5,825,000 ft. Coos county tim- ner. sroaaway zi4. v. a. isorton. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY. Five-room plastered cottage, one block to Union ave. car, clear of Incumbrance; sewer, city water, gas, electrio lights, basement, first-class conveniences; value $2500; exchange for modern bungalow up to $5000 or $6000 -in good district; will assume. Five-room modern bungalow, one block to M. V. car. on paved street, two blocks to Jefferson high; price $4000; exchange for one acre and good house, not far from city, even exchange. New house, 8 blocks from Capital Hill station on electric, one-half acre of ground, value $2500; exchange for auto or vacant lots as first payment. Four-room plastered house, with bath; two blocks M t, Scott car; exchange for four or five acres with house; will assume small amount. SEE MR. STEPHENS, Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 10 ACRES, nice little farm, near Belllng- ham, vvasn.; au unaer cultivation, on paved highway, in small town, has 2 houses and other buildings, will trade for Portland property or vicinity and as sume, or what have you? Address E. D. Pickens, 380 Union ave.. East 4461. LAW LIBRARY Up-to-the-minute law library to exchange for small suburban home. 40 minutes from Portland; this has been placed with us for sale trade, value for value. Coast Law Book Co., 602-3 Corbett bldg. ONLY aeency in Portland for well-known tire; tires. lUDes, accessories ana vul canising business to trade by owner. Will invoice around $4000. Want 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, well located, and will assume. AP 839, Oregonian I WILL trade V4 block desirable city property in growing western Canadian town, railroad center, for unincumbered Portland property, value $1500. What have you 7 Tanor aaoo. 10 ACRES, in cultivation, well adapted to prunes or oerries, avi miles to good valley town, ou mnes irom Portland will exchange for good automobile. AF 478. Oregonian. 160 ACRES on R. R. and highway. $25 ner acre, to exchange for city nronertv or close-in acreage. 613 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . TRADE 2V4 acres on Oregon city car line for property in Tacuma or will sell. Write E. I. Richardson, 756 Commerce St., Tacoma, vv asn. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE or trade for stock of groceries . or place suitable for chicken ranch, 10 cows, 3 yearlings. 7 hogs, farm Imple ments and crop value about $2000. W. W. White; Star Route, Box 9. Brush Prslrle. wash. , WISH to exchange carpenter work for plumbing and electrio wiring. Box AE 95, oregonian. NEW TWO-ROOM ready-built cottage 20x 10; cost $200; suitable for garage. What have you in exchange, 1172 Clinton at. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. AUCTION SALE. 2H miles west of Rainier. Or.. Thurs day. Sept. 16. 11 A. M. 21 2 to 6 year cows, mostly Durham, some good Jer seys, some fresh, some short springers, extra good cows; 4 2-year-old heifers. 1 16-mo.-old heifer. 8 6-mo.-old heifers. 3 4-mo.-old heifers. 5-year-old registered Ayreshire bull, tuberculin tested. 8 white Rochester hogs; nearly new No. 5 De Laval cream separator: light farm wag on, set heavy harness. Autos will meet trains at Rainier. Schultz and Ulman. Owners. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, auc tioneers.' Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE At Cedarbrook station, Esta cada car, 11 registered Shropshire ewes, $12 each ; also 17 2-year-old registered rams, $40 each. At barn. East 6th and Ivon streets, Portland, 30 registered ram lambs, $20 each. Holman Fuel Co., 84 Fifth street. U. S, STABLES. 365 Union ave. corner of Stephens. We have several good young horses and mares for sale; 1300 to 1700 pounds; some well-matched teams. G. D. Will iamson & Glass. BARGAIN $85 takes top buggy, harness and 1 mare that is gentle for anyone to ride or drive, is fine animal lor small ranch, used to cultivating. 106 E. Stark St., cor. 78th. st. Also lamiiy cow for sale. FOR SALE Some extra fine pure-bred Duroc gilts, about 4 months old. One pure-bred Duroc boar, Bame age. Price $25 each, registered. J. S. Beall, care Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Portland, Or. 25 LARGE Holsteins, fresh and coming fresh, 3 to 6 gallons. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd., go one black north. ' FOR SALE CHEAP. " Fine Jersey cow; good reason for sell ing. For particulars call Tabor 1535. FOR . SALE 2-lnch double set harness, 1 3-inch wagon, 1 horse, weight 1500. Will rent horse. Mr. -Clarke, 30 Front. 3 FRESH cows, Guernsey, Jersey and Hol stein, 34 to 45-pound cows; heifer calves. 923 Belmont. Sunnyside car. DEAD free. horses and cattle hauled away Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TiiBOR 6568. DR. FOR SALE Good family cow. 1117 Flavel ave., take Eastmoreland car. CUB BEAR FOR SALE. 163 W. ETirerson, phone vv oodlawn 2luo. HORSE to exchange for laying hens or a good cow. Main i81B. PAIR mares, weight 2300 pounds, must be sold at once. 102a hi. lamlull st. GENTLE family cow. cheap; 3 gallons. 327 B. 2tn St.. Moicate DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 42U.i. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 2 small upright pianos. .... .bo ana o 1 Bradbury square at 8$ $475 Hallet & Davis upright piano. cash 195 $550 Kroeger & Sons upright piano, cash 210 $900 Stelnway & Sons upright...... 290 $950 player piano, now 495 $1000 concert grand piano 2!5 8 parlor organs $23, $35 and 48 Pianos stored. 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St $100 to $150 cash paid for used upright pianos. Call - Broadway 1678. Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth street. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. Ail in Good Condition. Phonograph, small ..........$ 25 victor, small so Victor, small 60 Unola Cabinet and 12 records. .... . 60 Music, cabinet and 1C records. .... 60 Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... i5 Brunswick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $10 cash, $4 to $7 monntiy. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678. BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE. Stuyvesant pianola (oak .......... $550 Smith & Barnes, (like new) 567 Harold S. Gilbert (worth $800) 650 Latest .improvements. I sell satisfac tion. Six months rental trial your guar antee. The best shop in the city. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 348 YamhllL WONDERFUL baby grand piano, $1300 grade, very latest, used 4 months, one of the world's best makes; Just like new; yours for $650, some terms. Brok erage Co., 312 Worcester oiag. FOR SALE Sonora, valued at $175 and as good as new, together with $20 worth of records, for sale reasonable. Phone Tabor 3449, or call, at 494 E. 66th st. North. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Selberllng-Lucas Muslo Co.. 125 127 4th St. Main 8586. ORGANS. ORGAN'S. $20 and up. terms given, all In good condition. Seiberlingr-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st, bet. Wash, and Alder sts. WANTED To rent a piano to a party with no children for an indefinite time. Call Tabor 252. KIMBALL organ, 6-octave, high grade, in piano case, sacrifice for space, $50. Phone Marshall 1949. See It. FOR SALE-r-Bush & Lane piano in perfect condition; also furniture. E. G. Decker, 1607 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 3631. PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for good player. Write BJ 862. Orcgopian. BRAFONOLAS with records for rent. Em- pire Transfer Co., 54 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. PIANO wanted if bargain for cash. Call Marshall 1532; dealers don't answer. FOR SALE Good piano, reasonable; cash. Main 1086. WANTED Good used piano Call 518-40. for cash. WANTED Piano for private party, pay all cash. Main 3864 before 5 P. M. WANTED A piano, pay cash if reasonable. Alarsnall riua. iso aeaiers. PIANO wanted; pay cash. Main 8586. Furniture for Sale. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE FOR SALE. INCLUDING LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. LIBRARY AND BEDROOM FURNITURE IN MAHOGANY. OAK. ENAMEL AND BIKDSEYE MAPLE. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION AND PRICES REASONABLE. TEL. EAST 7495. POSITIVELY NO DEALERS. HEAVY fancy brass bed, springs' and hair mattress, $05. oak antique combina tion dresser with large beveled mirror. $35. Oak chiffonier, $20. 9x12 splendid rug. $25. Loose leather cushion oak Morris chair, $17.50. Heavy oak and leather rocker, $17.50. Dressing chair. $2.50. Two good 33-4 tires and tube, $15. nuo union ave. n,ast iu. LATEST MODEL beautiful mahogany Victrola with $60 worth of Red Seal and Victor and other records. All Just like new; sold originally for $210. will dis count a clean $75 for immediate sale, cash or liberty bonds at face. See third floor Oregon Ellers Music House, 287 H Washington St. AT PRIVATE SALE. 812 Marshall St. Household furnishings, upright grand piano,,' rosewood case: grandfather's clock with chimes, overstuffed furniture; walnut bedroom set. flemish oak dining room set, china, glass, etc.; Monday. BTuesday, Wednesday, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Phone Marshall ' 3356. FOR SALE Complete furnishings of five- room fiat coaststing or mahogany fur niture, Wilton rugs, body brussels and rag brussels rugs, brass beds, box springs, mattresses, standing mirror, etc. 589 Giisan st. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to cautornia. we can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. HOUSEHOLD goods, dressers, chiffoniers. commodes, Deos, springs, mattresses, stoves, ranges, heaters, -gasoline camp stoves, tables, stands, chairs, rockers; cheap. 384 Washington. . BARGAIN Furniture of 5 room flat, convenient, 2 rooms rented, cheap rent. 31H4 5th -St. Main 8258. West side. Call before 2 P. M. Mrs. Howard. LARGE gaa range, 6 burners. 8 ovens, less than 1 year old, cost $175, price $75. Also Westlnghouse electrio range; 1 rug. . Seiiwood 2633. STEEL cot and mattress, pair pillows, stool, comforter, 5 and 2-gal. Jars, elec tric Iron; sell 70 books for $3. Tabor 3536. i SAVE half of the freight bx having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Call East 891 Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. 1 SMALL gas range, 9x12 rug, wicker sulkey. breakfast table and piano box. Call 309 E. 35lh St. Tel. E. 1037. FOR SALE TWO SINGLE MATRESSES, CHAIRS AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CALL AT 631 HO YT ST. OAK beds, 2 dressers, one princess, 9x12 bath rug. Bet springs, office desk. East 80B7. 6-ROOM house at 612 Columbia at. for rent, furniture for sale. Act quickly. SMALL library table and leather chair cheap. Call E. 848. FOR SALE 2 good 8x12 ruga. 654 E. 46th st. North. FOR SALE 1 leather couch and 1 Mor ris chair. Tabor 4218. SECOND-HAND gas range for sale. Ca,!l Tabor 418. $10. FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for ale. . Broadway 4551, FOB SALE. - , Furniture for Sale. FIRE SALE ON HEATERS! DON'T OVERLOOK TOUR OP PORTUNITY FROM THE PORT LAND STOVE WORKS FIRE AT A GREAT REDUCTION AT THE OWL FURNITURE CO. WE BOUGHT A LARGE QUANTITY OF THEM, DIFFERENT SIZES, WITH OR WITHOUT ISINGLASS FRONTS. ALL CAST IRON LINED. BEAUTIFUL NICKEL TRIMMINGS; ALL THE LATEST MAKES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AND SEE OUR HEATERS. TOU CAN BUY A NEW HEATER FOR LESS THAN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR A USED ONE. THIS IS A BONA FIDE SALE. STORE CLOSED MONDAT. OPEN TUESDAY MORNING. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR - LESS. 166-168 FIRST STREET. 75 FEET SOUTH OF MORRISON. I DINING TABLE, $25. 6 chairs (solid oak), 3 each. 1 rocker. $4. 1 leather chair, $50. 1 Columbia grafonola with 25 records, $150, terms, 1 couch, $20. 1 mahogany settee, $15. 5621 41t St. S. E. Monday or Tuesday. CLEARANCE SALE. ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT A BIG REDUCTION ALL THIS WEEK. RANGES OF ALL KINDS, HEATERS, WOOD. COAL AND GAS AND ELECTRIC AT A 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. OKI FURNITURE 9TORE, - 209 SECOND STREET. BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON. ARE YOU going east? Am shipping a carload of furniture to Minnesota: have room for about 10.000 lbs. more; you can save money by shipping your goods with mine, call .ast 91. OAK FOLDING bed and Majestic range. both in good condition. hiast 7ou. office Furniture. TIME CLOCKS. Bundy-Simplex time clocks, in perfect condition, complete with card racks, at about one-third cost of the same clock new. These clocks are the best buys on the market and your opportunity to secure the best clock made at a frac tion of the original cost. D. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. 81 North Fifth st. Broadway 2739. OFFICE equipment, desks, tables, chairs. typewriters, adding machines and comp tometers from shipyards and govern ment. D, C, Wax. 31 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. 6 ROLL-TOP desks, 1 roll-top X. w. desk, 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law-size bookcases, chairs and tiling caoineta. Busliong & Co., 01 Park st. FOR SALE. 1 COMPTOMETER. Oak office and typewriter desk, with chairs. 312 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE 3 flat-top desks, 1 roll-top desk. Broadway 274. D. A. Norton. ONE OAK office desk. Fhone East 8067. Foul try. 850 HOGANIZED White Leghorn yearling laying hens, high-class laying ana breed ing stock; $1.25 each, in lots to suit; 100 4 months old White Leghorn pullets, $1.50 each. J. Rv Maguire, 787 Oregon street, Portland. WHITE LEGHORN and Ancona hens: also .a few White Leghorn. Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red pullets. labor osuj. 6348 84th st. WHITE . Leghorn pullets, 75e up, and other varieties. 941 East 73d N. Take Rose City car. 20 PLYMOUTH ROCK hens, 1 year old; after 3:30 afternoons, 1132 E. 35th st. N. Dogs, Babbits, Birds, Pet Stork. TPOTt SAT.T! I YOUNG SINGERS. INCLUD IN G GREEN AND YELLOW BIRDS. EAST 6874. BEAUTIFULLY colored and Vino talking parrot with 4&rge cage and pedesta , $50. B9S Union ave. East-, 7S29. WILL trade thoroughbred orange and white Persian mate cat ror. good singer and cage. 40 E. 72d st. N. ST. ANDREASBURG male roller, also females, with, new breeding cage. East 5518. ' PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501. $250 stud.: kittens cheap; cats boarded. SINGERS FOR SALE. CALL THE STUDIO; MAIN 468. 90 RABBITS lor sale, cheap? 462 Haw-1 thorne. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exchange, we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St, Main 2283. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6307. Supplies. 263 Vs Oak St. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewrit ers, (3.50 a month. Empire Transfer. 2a4 Broaaway. nawy. 100. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6th St. Main 8663. Machinery. FOR SALE. One 70-ton Shay. -One 45-ton Mogul. One 35-ton Porter Saddle Tank. Several Yard Engines and Road En gines. E. TUBNET. 208 McKay Bldg. Phone Tabor 401, AIR COMPRESSORS. A1P. TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valvea. coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR at EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 829 Couch St. WE PAY the hiahest Drices for second. hand machinery, scrap iron and Junk of au tunas, rnonc cans promptly attend ea to. cell Main 6684. GOLDBERG tc DAVIS. 207 Columbia st. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. o. Wtccw- -JOU7. . Miscellaneous. SEW, SEW, SEW. SEW. Phone Seiiwood 1071. HO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed. ad Justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfg. machines; motors, shafting and tables Installed; everything in needles. mono seiiwood iuji. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats. we have placed them on sale to the pub- Uc at wholesale price. 726 Morgan Bldg. " USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum -cleaners. $1 eacn. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth St. SEWING machines, new and second-hand soia tor less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, heaters, toasters, vacuum clean ers, etc. We buy, sell .and exchange everything electrical. Broken iron cords repaired free. Hynson Electric Co., Fifth and Pine sts. Broadway 4293. HOT-WATER tanks. SO-gal.. $7: 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st East 8518. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roof a Work guaranteed. Main 6560 BEAUTIFUL imported Chinese flower pots and all kind of good house miscellaneous and also garden tools. Call after 11 A. M. Phone 517 24. or 193 2d st , WARDROBE trunk, cost $110 last week, and ring with 2 diamonds and three rubies, all for $115; need money immedi ately. Room 241, New Scott hotel. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20; all new material used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. ITALIAN prune delivered at 5oilb. r,n East 8492,- . ' FOR SAXR. Miscellaneous. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 B 11th St. Are you tired of some of your phono ograph records? Here is the place where you can exchange them for brand new, late hits or for old favorites: music rolls slso exchanged. New Victor, Columbia, Emerson and Okeh records at 39e. 50e and 60c each ; slightly-used records at 25c, 35c and 60c each. We also buy. Our stock is conveniently arranged. You can try any record before exchanging or buy ing. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 11th Street. 1 FOR SALE. BLACK WOLF FUR AND WHITE NET RUFFLED DRESS. SIZE 8. EAST 0874. RECORDS at half price: brand new Co- juMiuja, victor. Emerson, Oken 'ana Paths record, at 39c 60c. 60c and 69o a: .lightly used records at 25c. 85c and 50e each; exchange your old records lor new late hits or old favorites. Mat! orders filled. Send for catalogue. Pacific Record Exchange. 131 Eleventh st. DRESS FUR PARROT New 875 hliiM I rlcn li.t fa H .. a irtr h... dress, size 36-38. tulrn x:is T.r. n. uine white fox fur wnrth sirwi tn 1. $5. Beautiful, many-colored, fine-talk ing parrot and large cage and pedestal. " una union ave. East .7829. MUSIC ROLLS at a big reduction. Q. R. S 1 r-. artempo ana vocal style. SI. 23 rolls for 75ct XI rnll. f A,.- .11 n.w WOrd rolls: r.rnla. rnlla a. 95. A-l. n A 60c each, slightly used. We exchange all ; .. OI roiis. macule Record Exchange. 131 Eleventh st. FOR SALE Registers. showcases. all sizes, ice boxes, wall cases, scales, safes. .eiectnc corfee grinder, counter case shoe shine outfit; on terms. 242 Salmon. PEARS, BARTLETT pears. 80c box. lesa ay ton; oring containers. A. J. Stout, Hoff, Or., on C. Hornshuh farm. 9 ml. S. E. of Or. City. ' BEAUTIFUL $125 12-guage pump run. iiK-e new, tor sale cneap; or trade for livesto-ck. Address W. H. Criteser. Ore gon City, route 6. Phone 635 W-l. USED electrio washing machine; some SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 5th and Oak mtm. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthlv. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORK. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. NEW BEAVER coat, all northern skins. Sever worn, 40 inches long storm collar nd bolt, very reasonable. Call , after aunaay. sih-ob. PRUNES FOR SALE Large Italian prunes. 42 d St., between Simpson and Alnsworth. Ask for Mr. Skinner. Al berta car. WE WASH your rngs at home on tha floor wnn vne riumuton-seacn electric carpet washer: satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 1259 or East 4045. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP, pti6 Swetland Bldg., 6th at Washington. SAFES New and second-hand; some with ourgiar cnsjsis, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC8CALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1906. 48 Front ex. LOOK here, if your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call u. C. Thompson. Phone Aut 518-13; res. 801 Harrison at. All work guaranteed. NOTICE 6TUDENTS. Are you looking for a first-class ararting outfit 7 call Tabor 2024 after 7 P. M. RIVERSIDE tire. 30x31. ne.r 111 ow teet steam nose. 5: n. p. electric iron, ::; wicker nursery chair. $1.50, Phone T. 9205. 1258 East Yamhill st. FOR SALE Oak wood, suitable for manu lacturing purpose, also several hundred corps fir wood. Box 452. Carlton, Or. KITCHEN range for sale by owner; good conumon; cneap. call 4Uf JS. Taylor st. or phone East 2964. PERSIAN LAMB COATEE, gray fur col r, latest- style; worm si7d. sacrifice tor a aays. sos. Marshall 5749. FOR THAT furnace properly seasoned fir corowooa, iu per cora while It lasts. Main 3384. FOR SALE A double-barred bicycle in koou conauion, price 919. uau at (Utf J"""- BARTLETT pears and Italian prunes for sale. Call 563 Rodney ave.. or call East asm an week, FOR SALE 9 volumes "Rldpath's" hi tory, gooa conauion. ftione seiiwood GOING away to school, will sell m v Pt.r muiv .uii viioaii. iau oeii. dioo, alter o FIREPROOF double door safe for quick saie iiu. r or particulars Bdwy. 2739. jj. u. wax. si .-v. otn st. FOR RENT Singer sewing machine, two monms tor o. empire xransrer. Broad way 155. CHOICE Bartlett pears. $1 per box and up. i. n. itun st.. cor. stark. Fhone East 858: bring boxes. SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. S86. EVE., SELL. 144. Heavy cordwood and wreckage wood. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. CEDAR posts. large size: get a carload; get ten carioaas. ru uooarjen, R. 3, box 304. Lents. Or. NEW TWO-ROOM, ready-built cottage. 20x10, suitaoie xor garage, ioo. 1172 Clinton st. - CHOICE perennials, rosea, iris, phlox, He- nantnus. wont Gretna lliy. 304 xotn N. East 1828. BUTTER-KIST popcorn and peanut ma chine, nearly new. cneap ror casn. or will trade. BF 100, Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, call or write ut. Dean. 234Vs Morrison st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 44 1st St., near Ash. BABY carriage, $20. Reversible body and in good conaition. 000 ijiisan. Apt. 6. FOR SALE A large mirror, 72x48. Call Main 331S. FINE library table of dark fumed oak for sale cheap. Call 714 Lovejoy. Main 8271. DRESS FORM for sale, late model. 646 Yamhill st. Main 2715 FOR SALE Rain cape, man's size. 8. Call C. walker, 5 K. Lincoln at. SAFE Fireproof aafe in good order; bar- gain. AR 846, Oregonian. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245 Alder st. Main 1692. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley. Main 4907. LADIES Opportunity to get ladles' used apparei in uttui,mm,t iini. xapor 2S20. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdln. 360T. BLOCK WOOD. Blab wood, mixed. 2-load lots, special pricea. r-am zol. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day. POTATO sacks, grain sacks: bargain prices. 1 S3 p rout bu nom- wwrnwn oriqge. FOR SALE Factory samples; women's and children s. zaa pecona. cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car, trade for diamond, per fect stone. A f eoj. uregonian. SPECIAL prices on fire extinguishers of all Klnoe. tan jaain iwj. FOR SALE English baby carriage, mo hair top; reasonable. Woodlawn 5391. ADJUSTABLE dress form for saie, very cheap. Call 512-52. HOTEL range, good as new, dishes, silver ware. 2SI Morns. r.ast auoj. 14 DINING room tables, large and small, 287 Morris. Phone East 1082. NEW SINGER sewing machine In good or der. 287 Morris. East 1082. FOR SALE Italian prunes. 6630 44th it S. E. Sell. 1335. SEVERAL dosen fruit Jars, all sizes and kinds; reasonable. 745 Hoyt. FOR SALE? Cash legister and scale. Front street. SAFE, medium size, new, at nearly half price. 308 Oak St. BOAT engine for sale cheap. Call Tabor 1476. ALL-WOOL three-piece suit; new. 1082. Main FOR SALE Second-hand tent A anap at $25. Automatic 216-02. FOR SALE Mallard ducks for decoys. River road, box 285, or call Oak Grove 1. NEW .256 Newton rifle with full leather case, ammunition. P 539. Oregonian. KENTUCKY wonder beans for cannins. 60 per pound. Broadway 2899. " SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st st. A B- GAS range, kitchen heater and brary lamp. Call E. 6867. PATENT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX 291. SILVERTON. OR. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9367. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. wu.yv. ....ni I NEW lure, capo and throw. Tabor 8492. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOLAN" WRECKING & CONST. CO.. 460 Belmont St.. Cor. E. 8th St. TT. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAI ' - 6 MILLION FT. . LUMBER -for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 12x12. 4 million ft. 4x6, 4x12 and 12x12, lika new. at $15.00 F. O. B. flooring, 4 rustic. , ahiplap, 1-ln. boards, 8. I. 6., Electric wire, all sizes, Conduit pipe, 5 milea plow steel wire cable from j-lnch to 1-Inch. Purchased from U. S. Shipping Board. We will sell at about price. We have a large quantity of PLUMBING SUPPLIES, roofing paper, . shingles, doors, ' windows and sashes, pipe and fittings, chicken wire, inside .finish, 50 work benches, fire hose, all sizes, 800 mirrors, all sizes. In fact everything to put up your building with. PROMPT DELIVERY. DOLAN WRECKING CONST.. CO.. 460 BELMONT 8T., . Cor. E. 8th St. Phone East 6110. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new " and second-hand, at right prices, bought. sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de- airea. NORRI3 SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Main 2045. FOR SAI.F- lUTOMOBILES. USED CAR VALUES should not be measured by price alone but should be Judged by value and fu ture service. We solicit your Investiga tion of our used car stock on this basis and we are satisfied that you will at the same time find our prices right. q.ual lty of our cars considered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1915 REO. S-paas., 6-cyl t 800 1916 MAXWELL, 5-pass.. 4-cyI..... 400 OVERLAND, mod. 75, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 650 OVERLAND, mod. 90. S-paas,. 4-cyl. 850 OVERLAND, mod. 85. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 760 1916 MITCHELL, 7-pass., -cyl 600 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-oyI 1000 1918 MITCHELL. 5-paas., 6-cyL.... 1150 1917 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyl 900 1919 MITCHELL. 5-paas., 6-cyl 1600 1918 MITCHELL .chummy , 1100 1919 CHANDLER chummy. 1919 MITCHELL roadster. 5 cord tires A real Duy. 1918 OAKLAND, 5-pass., 8-eyL 1919 OAKLAND, 5-pass.. 6-cyl. JORDAN Silhouette, 5-pass., 8-cyI, JORDAN Sport Marine, 4-pass., 6-cyL Many different models tn nhooia from. Most of them have gone through our shop, some of them have been repainted. You will not find the equal of our stock, in quality. In the city of Portland. No brokerage charges and reasonable terms MITCHELL, LEWIS & COMPANY. STIVER 88 Years In Business. ' BROADWAY AT EVERETT ST. Phone Broadway 4675. USED FORD BARGAINS. LOOK THESE OVER. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONET. 1914 touring $175 1917 touring 295 1918 touring- 1919 touring 875 1919 touring, self-starter 650 1914 Bug- 1918 Chassis 1915 dellverr 800 290 225 1916 delivery 895 1019 dellverr 250 1920 sedan, self-starter 950 1018 worm truck chassis 360 We sell on terms that you can afford 10 ouy. OVER 100 USED FORDS IN STOCK. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, s USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. Grand Avenue and East Yamhill Street. Open Sunday. Open Evening. LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD FARTS, A BARGAIN. A HUDSON SPEEDSTER. LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW; EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES AND TWO EXTRA NEW GENERAL CORDS WITH TIRE CARRIER IN THE REAR. PRJCE $185o QAOl 030.3. ESSEX ESSEX CHASSIS. A BARGAIN IN A FTNH CHASSIS iu mA-a.. uuu Ult HAClNO CAR OU OF. CALL BROADWAY 8047. OLDSMOBILE. $750. Sacrifice my 6-pasa. Oldsmobile. ew paint. 6 new tlrea, plate glass spotlight etc A quiet, powerful, economical car In elegant condition. Will gladly dem onstrate anywhere, $750. E. 7829 Sun day; Bdwy. 1641 Monday. S OVERLAND Bargain. Al condition, good upholstery, paint, eta. Spot light bumper, completely overhauled, lota of power, 4 new cord tires; driven only by owner; $400 cash, balance monthly. Phone Mr. Ward. Broadway 3700. Broad- 1920 MAXWELL JSYTi. S50' ALL XE-W" TIRES. REPAINTED AND FINE CONDITIO V CALL BROADWAY S047. 1919 BUICK touring car, newly painted fine mechanical condition, new battery' cord tires: a snap buy for $1450. terms to Bdwynil30 party Ca" Frnk Smith, CANADIAN FARM LANDS. 8ee our advertisement under Farm Lands For Sale. Canadian Railways' Bond Corporation Agency. 104 Fifth street. Portland. 1 iiATB 1917. l-pass. Chandler: thorough I v overhauled and $100 paint Job Price $1400. or will take light car as part pay ment Terms on baL UrArto. Bdwy. FRANKLIN FOR RAI.F. Series 9-B. Runs and looks like new 11.000 miles. Quick sale, $2400. Main 6741. Bdwy. 840. 7 PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow. new one man top. all overhauled, newly painted, two new tires: bargain for 'cash. 217 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Baby grand: owner leaving; city and will sacrifice 1950 F. B. Chev rolet lots of extras and priced right for quick sale. Phone Automatic 322-43 FORD delivery. 1918: good condition. A real bargain at $450. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. y FORD touring. 1917. Best of condition. Good tires. Real bargain at $425. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 1920' BUICK Has been driven about eight weeks; price $1650; can be seen at Ford garage, Gresham, Or.; phone Gresham 44 LATE 1919 Velle, driven under sooo miles: a new car for $1400. Why pay more? Main 7S0. FORD runabout, Al condition, tlrea almost new; real bargain at $350. Some terms, SO Grand ave, N., sear Burnside. FOR SALE ACTOMOBtLES. GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN PRICES. Remember this Is the time of the year for you to get a real bargain in a used car. We have no used car department These bargains are on. our salesroom floor. Eesex late model, all in frne con dition, with the same service to you and the same replacements of parts as given with the sale of new automobiles $1400 1919 Chalmers Hot-Spot Lirht Six , automobile, all in fine condition, like new. only $1400 1918 Chandler, all in first-class con dition, special tOD. two SDOt-lif hts. five fine cord tires $1450 MAXWELL BARGAINS. 1916 Maxwell, fine runnlnsr little car, in good shape $425 117 Maxwell, great buy. fine run ning and in good condition $300 . 1918 Maxwell, all fixed ud and flrst- class condition $550 1919 Maxwell. Ilka new $743 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super-Six. Here you are a high-grade automobile in first-class condition, with the same service and same replace ments as any factory will give on a new car $1350 191 S Hudson Super-Six, all rone through our shop and repainted, an automobile you can depend upon, with the same service and the same replacements of parts as a standard factory guarantees on a new car $1675 1917 Hudson Speedster, same condi- tlone aa next car above $1550 1918-1919 Series Hudson Speedster. same above conditions $1875 C. L BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. FRANKLIN SEDAN. Very latest model; run only short while; looks like new. Can be had at a reduction of $900. Terms to responsible parties. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, Main 4880. 601 Washington Street 1918 DODGE touring car tn splendid me- cnanicai condition to be sold on account of the owner buying a larger car; has been in private use and received excel lent care; equipped with 6 good tires; Can be seen at Meier & Frank's garage, 2d and Jefferson sts. CHANDLER CHANDLER. 1918 TOURING, 5 CORD TIRES GABRIEL SNUBBERS, BUMPER AND TWO SPOT LIGHTS. A REAL BUY. SI40U, UAan OK l'BRMS, CALL MAIN 3937. LATE model light 6 Chandler, will sacri fice this car for $800, some terms, or take neni delivery this car was lust overhauled, new paint, good rubber and extras, hee tnis at uao hi. Caruthers st. Phone Sell. 1399. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE OWNER. 1920 Brisco, run about 3000 miles: looks like new; new tires and extra equipment' sacrifice for cash on ac count of leaving town at once. Call Broadway 1404. IU-3 e. zsth st. N. USED car bargains 1 Oldsmobile 4. $700 1 studebaker, $000: 1 Dodge, $650; 6 Foras, $400 to 4ou; 1 Buick, jaoo: 2 bugs, $150 and $250; 1 Overland road ster. $350: 1 Peerless. 7-pass., $300. Long sr ftiiva. ioj nawtnorne. A CLA6ST bug for sale. In perfect con Oltlon. Lots of speed and power. Good rubber all around and three extra tires. This Is ho lemon. If Interested call Mam 4370. Res. 181 13th st. WHAT do you think of this? A dandy little Bulck 4 In fine condition, abso lutely ready for any trip, ready in every way, all for $350. $150 down, $25 per montn. BOffy, d4ll. 523 Alder st. 1919 FORD roadster; demountable rims. This car is exceptional for $475. Terms. . Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder ata. Bdwy. no. WILL be sold today, 1916 Maxwell, good I tires ana everytning; take a look at it. try It out; only $350, $150 down, $20 per month. Bdwy. 3411, 523 Alder st. 1918 MAXWELL, Al condition every way. newly painted and overhauled, sacrifice for $550 for quirk gale, some terms. Mr. Argo, -Bdwy. 3281. MAXWELL touring, 1919; A-l condition; used privately. A snap at $900. Some terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. FORD roadster for sale. Stromberg car buretor, speedometer, mud chains. Will sell cheap. Need larger car. No dealers. East 6387. 1918 CHEVROLET touring; a dandy; has front seat convertible to make bed: snap $525; terms. Fields Motor Car Co. Bdwy. 240. LATE model Velle, 2 bumpers, new paint maroon with, white wheels; 2 cord tires, 2 new fabrics. For quick sale, $1300. Rallsback. Main 781. I MUST raise price this week and will sacrifice my Maxwell car for $475. all In good shape and new tires. Wdln. 6357. CHEVROLET touring. 1919: A-l condition. Must sell. A bargain at $500. Terms if desired. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. FORD delivery with open body, flap cur tains; very best of condition. Must sell. A bargain at $475, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FIRST-CLASS Oldsmobile touring car; 8 cord tires, nice shape; $1200: terms. Fields Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. FORD one-ton truck. 1918. Truck adjust ment aear drive: tires almost new. Real bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave, N.. near Burnside. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closed bodies; tires almost new. .A snap at $700. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burn side. DODG B touring car. A-l condition: ai.t quickly. Third Street Garage, 84 North Third street, isroaaway 4i8. 7 -PASSENGER light six Mitchell, new paint cord tires. Try it out Make an offer. 68 N. 23d at 1018 DODGE with new top. in Al condl-' tlon. for $800. iia xamniu at. call Hicks. NEW 1920 LEXINGTON, by owner. Must sell at once. No reasonable offer refused. Tabor W4tta. MAXWELL touring. 1918. Fine condition. good tires. Real bargain at $776. 30 Grand ave. In., near Burnside. CHUMMY APPERSON EIGHT. Looks like new; must sell; $1800, cash or terms. Automatic 314-01. CHALMERS roadster, 1917; best of condi tion. A real bargain at $600. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. BUICK Six In first-class condition, $1100 cash; I'm private owner. AR 95, Ore gonian. CLASSY 1920 ROADSTER. Beautiful car, like new; must raise money quick: $S50. terms. Seiiwood 651. BUICK BARGAIN Light 6. late IS; good condition, cord atires, leaving; will sell very cheap, terms. Seiiwood 651. OVERLAND touring; good condition. Must sell. A snap at $375. Terms. SO Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel; crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st Broadway 6bL 1919 BRISCOE, five new tires; car Al; a snap. Main 780. -919 0VERLAND 90, Just like new, $740. Main 780. GOOD bargain In 1918 Ford, new tlrea. extras. $400. 104 E. 68th st. N. FORD SEDAN, besteicondition, good tires, Sfi50 If sold by Monday. Seiiwood 651. FORD touring car for sale. 22d st. North, room 3. Call at 3S5 1912 FRANKLIN touring car, $325. Owner. Woodlawn 196. 1920 DODGE for sale by owner; bargain for cash. Phone Broadway 3073. BUICK 6 touring car, '16, good conation, reasonable price. Phone East 5733. FORD, short covered delivery; body for sale cheap; good condition. Wdln. 58!4. 1920 Ford touring. $350: 1915 Buick. $150 439 Sumner St. CHEVROLET touring car. Cash or terms Woodiawn 1131 or Broadway 1211. "I I91S SAXON SIX, anap. Main 731. JOB8ALE AUTOMOBILES. FCRD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled 820 Rear axle overhauled 6 J alves ground, carbon removed .... 8 Majrneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. Ail work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO ia-JJ.eak- Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. o,i'NIVERSAI' AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. 1920 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Practically new, run only short dis tance; has spare tire, never b"en used. Can be had at a substantial reduction. Terms if desired. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. Main 4SS0. 601 Washington Street FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 8 Valves ground, carbon removed..... 8 Magneto recharged ................ 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only- used. All work gua ran toed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO 2S0 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. DETROIT ELECTRIC. . In first-class condition niechanicallT and In appearance: also charging plant for same. No reasonable offer refused. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. Main 4S80. 601 Washington Street. A GOOD BUY. Late 1918 Dodge touring, run only on ravement for private use, well taken car of. excellent mechanical condition, looks fine, has good tires all around, cords on back. Rayfleld carburetor, clock on dash, spotlight. Can be seen daytime at 434 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Main 6607. Evenings and Sunday 512 East 46th N. Tabor 4S69. LjiTi:"mo!,eI 5-passenger Stutz bull-doir. ciiv,. xav nanaier cnummv, xisoo; 1919 5-passenger Buick touring, 1918 5-passenger Bulck touring. 1917 8-pas-senger Saxon touring, 191.8 Baby Grand Chevrolet touring. 1917 Ford touring, 1917 Overland touring and a Ford bug. Columbia Auto Sales Co., 345 Union ave. N. East 56. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessrresv hicb. luuea. r ora parts, light glebes, etc. ; also do towing. Open day and sight LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. A STUTZ opportunity: 1919 Stutz Bulldog, damaged: will sell very cheap. Phone Marshall 2159. LATEST model Essex roadster, only driven iiiree nionms. uost with equip ment: need larger car. Will sell at $028 discount This car is better than new and can be seen after 6 P. M. Call Bdwy. 734. ' $550 $550. - 1918 Dodge. 6 good tlrea Rnd Al me chanically; snap for this price; 40 pet cent aown, balance easy payments. 522 Alder. $550 $550. 1918 PAIGE roadster, fine condition in every way; cord tires In rear. Will sac rifice for $1200; worth $2300 new. Terms, $400 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 1919 PAIGE five-pass.; run only 8000 miles; in excellent condition in every way; $100 paint Job: worth $2300 new. Will sacrifice for $1500. Terms $500 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. HERE IS A- REAL ONE. 1918 Chandler, 7-paseenger, perfect condition, cord tires, extra tire, bumper. 2 spotlights, $1500; terms. Manvllle. East 861)5. CHANDLER, 7-pass.. T cord tires. Al mechanical condition, bumper, spot light, double tire rack, motormeler; must sell, am leaving town. Marshall 1362. 1920 PAIGE 5-pass.; better than new worth $2300 new. Will sacrifice for $1800. Terms $600 down. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 8281. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes. Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st BIG USED CARS. PRICES RIGHT. STOCK. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. LATE 1917 Chandler Chummy; thoroughly overhauled and $100 paint Job. Price $1300. Will take light car aa part pay ment Terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 328L CHEVROLET touring. 1018. good mechan ical condition; good tires; must sell. A snap, at $475. Some terms. 30 Grand ave. IN ., near nurnsiae. WILL reduce the price of latest model Maxwell, slightly used, to reach your purse. Call Bdwy. 734 and make an offer. ESSEX touring. 1919; best of condition; good tires, one spare. Used privately. ' $1475; terms. Consider Ford touring In trade. 30 Grand ave, N., near Burnside. 1920 BU.1CK Condition perfect; 4 new tires and spare, 2 oversize cords, traded in on new sedan; price $1650. Railsback. Main 780. STUTZ 7-pass., practically new car; forced to raise money at once; will sacrifice for cash or take in cheaper car and cash. BJ 326, Oregonian. 1920 HUDSON 7-PASS ENGER. EQUIPPED WITH CORDS AND AN EXTRA TIRE. WILL GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. . .$2150 EAST 6o3 , 1917 CADILLAC 8. 6 new cord tires, new top. new paint, engine in best of condition, $2200. Haw thorne Garage. E. Hawthorne. East 4592. 1919 CHEVROLET sedan; thoroughly re built; carries new car guarantee; $1100; terms. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and A Ider sts. Bdwy. 2 40. OAKLAND touring. 1918; almost new. Will sacrifice at $975. 30 Grand ave, N.. near Burnside ABSOLUTELY new Hudson speedster, $400 off; immediate action: terms, ak 4&0 Oregonian. ' MAXWELL touring. 1917, Al condition: good Urea. Real bargain at $425. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. auto Wrecking " portland auto wrecking co 290 Union Ave.. Near Hawthorne CHEVROLET 1918 chassis. Make a dandy bug. $300. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. PAIGE SIX, 1917, touring. Wire wheels, one extra. Real bargain at $1000. 30 Grand ave. N-, near Burnside. 1919, 7-PASS. Cadillac, run 7000' miles, looks like new, $3450; will give terms. 367 Stark st BRAND NEW Bany Grand Chevrolet tour ing. Will sacrifice for $1400. Terms, $470 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. FORD chassis. Will make a good bug. A real snap at $200. Some terms, 30 Grand ave. N.. near BurnslQe. MUST sell my 7-passenger touring car; communicate with- me if you want a bargain. Owner. BP 451. Oregonian 1918 FORD touring, privately used; good condition, good tires. $440; some terms. East 8158. DODGE roadster, a bargain at $1215 cash Call Marshall 90, or see car at 1914 East Yamhill st 1919 CHEVROLET touring; extra tire, fine shape to run. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. 1920 FORD, worm drive express, double oversize cord tires; curtains all around. Big discount. Main 780. 1918 FORD, electric starter and lights, dem. wheels. A-l condition. Woodlawn 253:1. MAXWELL roadst,er, trade for Ford tour ing or sell $350. Call Broadway 4021. inquire for Brown. 1919 CHEVROLET light delivery in good shape. $650; terms. Fields Motor Car Co., 14tfa and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, in first-class mechanical candition. by owner; 5 good tires. This car iooke fine. Mar. 5537. 1918 MAXWELL in first-class shape at a JWSa.rga.in. $550; L. E. McDonnell, 804 Oak J t or Wdln. 2686. CHEVROLET touring. 1918; fine condl lion, good tires. A snap at $495; terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1917 STUDEBAKER, 5 tires, $400. 780. Main 1918 OVERLAND SIX, fine condition. new paint, $750. Main OSL 1918 REO, 7-passenger, almost new tires motor Just overhauled: $S50. Main 78o! HAYNES, 1919 model; bargain If taken quick. Phone Tabor 2458. FOR SALE Ford sedan. Car at City Hall garage. Fourth and Jefferson. LATE 191$ Maxwell, looks and runs like new, $600. Main 7S0. WHITE 30 bug. good shape. $380 cash or terms. Hawthorne Garage. 19f0 OVERLAND, fine condition, snap. terms to responsioie party, llip Fourth st ' FORD ROADSTER, $100. Main 7SJ,