TIIE MORNING OREG OXI AN, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 10, 1920 HKI.P WANTED- MA 1,15. TOL'NC married rfran. pond appearance and selling ability for grocery route In city: steady position: opportunity to advance; liberal guaranteed salary for beginners. Applicant must have, or be willing to buy, lisht car f-r delivering. Bond and Tofijrenco required. We rcal'y st you up in hu sin ecu. Many Rood outside tiHvnn also open. Grand Union Tea Co., 4ft Washington st. WA NTKD One man locally for dlstrlrt munitgnr, and 2 1 (strict managers; of f (; near; also branch maneeem and H (rm' n and one man with Ford car: pays $IOO to $(iflf per month to wn of ability. Phone factory sales manager for appointment only. Itoom 220, Ore con hotel. TMK OLDS. WORTSTAN A KINO STORE requires Ihe services of experienced srro rrv ori t bnvs. A ppl v au per in tenden t'a office 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. THE Meher A Frank Cnmpanr requires- the service of an expri--nced drape hanger. A ptiy Kntplo ment .Hurrau, Sixth floor. Meier &. Frai-k Company. HAVH a good lie proposition for a good live man; man with car preferred but not essential. Wiil consider proposition whereby you may have full control of jour own territory. Mr. Brown, room 4ss. Multnomah hotel. W A .N T younK man, under 3n. to leave Portland with me to'lay; travel through Orrgoji and California ; machine selling and demonstrating ; steady position; good pay. Call bet. 9 and 12 A. M., ask for M r. Sorensen, Hotel Oregon. w a v t r!voo d wotYk e r s fo r as- HHMBI.IXO THUCK BODIES ; PREFER KXHKKIE.Vf'KO HUD V BUIuDt-K; STEADY WORK. APPLY 00 0 SANUY BLVD. , YOTTVG man to learn automobile business; excellent opportunity for man willing to work and apply hlmwlf; position to start In tool room, See Mr. Walcott. Northwest Auto Co., 18 th and Al der. W A M ED 2 neat appearing young men for t ravelin's; organisations to learn good paving business : big money to hustlers. See manaRHr. 10 to 3 2 A. M. today, room i'-'O Hotel Carlton. KN KR(.iKTlC young man to travel with advertising crew through country: good Tmv. steady position, advancement: ref erence required. Mr. Dawson, Hotel Carlton. I" to 11. BOfKKEErER for esmp out of town. loO-H 75. Bookkeeper in good central Oregon town. $175-9J"i. Bookkeeper in eitv. X125 with excellent chance for ad Tancement. 1013 Wilcox building. A RliUABLB and dependable man as watchuan for Sundays only; preferably a man holding a responsible position on other days of the week. Apply Mr. Bay liss. H. Liebea & Co., 141 Broadway. WANTliD Two good live men to assist photographer and travel soutn; experi ence not necessary. Call Star hotel, room 12, Vancouver, Wash. EX PERI ETN'CED laundry engineer; must understand oil burner and repairing on machines and automohlle; reference re quired; good salary. BP 7T17, Oregontan. LIVE SOLICITORS Canvassers, we have a necessity the public requires; sure seller; good commission. 415 Stock Exch. I'ldg. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for out-of-town position, must have practi cal knowledge of double entry methods. Apply 4H Title & Trust building. W A NT E D Th r ee young men to trave' with manager and solicit; $30 a week to start. Call th Oregon hotel today, fk for Rudtrhruss. ENERGETIC young man to learn the shoe business. Apply to Greenf ields. Fourth nud Mnrr!ftii BRIGHT young man for assistant book keeper. Apply Greenfield's. Fourth and Morrison. BOOKKEEPER who can keep books; sal ary satisfactory to rijcht party; no scrubs need apply. .Main -34K. WANTED Experienced stove man. good reference, freeman Wolf Furniture Co., 2Q First St. WANT all-around auto mechanic, town 40 miles out in Oregon. Apply personally at !M West Park. Main 2500. UALW'URY driver, one who has auto: good proposition for live wire, C 543, Orego nian. PRIVATE SECRETARY. $150. OFFICE HOYS, 5O-$G0. 504 SPALDING. WANTED Married man as partner to cut wood: $2.50 a cord, winter's job. W. E. CampNU, 430 East Bill st. N. IM MEDIATELY Reliable lumber sten ographer for town of 2000; start $130. IV'JO Artisan (Beck) bldg. YOUNG man to help around clothing fitortt: Rood chance to team business, V'uhcy-Brockman, Sixth and Washington. TA I LOR w anted tor pressing and repair ing. J. Harriss, 125 13th. t Bdwy. 1!M8, WANTED Stock boys, 16-18 year Rob- dr ts Bros., Third and Morriwn. W ANTE'D Experienced houseman. Apply housekeeper Clyde hotel, ioth ana starK RKt-IAR'LE, fast waiter for counter. Ohamher of Commerce building. BARHKU wanted for Saturday, $7 guar antee. 24H Alder st. JANITOR Experienced, for railway Ex rha n ge bldg. A pply Room 312. FIRST-CLASS furniture finisher. Cadsby & Son. Wi Ilium B'"Y TO work In drug store. Brink's Pharmacy, lth and Washington. WANTED Metal poll her. California Plating Works. 214 frecond street. WANTED Man to operate small laundry. Inquire 312 Front street. YOUNG timn as apprentice In meat market. ;pilnKy s Market. 4th and i am hi II. WANTED A bus boy. Nortonia. Hotelv Help Wanted Salesmen. WTC ARE In ned f 2 aicrterlnced autn mob-iie salesmen. Appiy Northaett Auto Co., 13th and Alder. SALESMAN willing to be taught how to sell a hlgh-clasu line of manufactured products; old company, well known throughout the United Stales and Can ada; salary to start with liberal com hi ifcsion ; permanent position for the right -iarty. Call or write the W. T. Itawlcih Co., U17 Union Ave., .N. Port tand. Or. ONE OF the largest organizations of its kind desires the services of five edu cated. . ambitious and matured men, capable of being developed into high class representatives ; the pay is above tho average ; even if employed, it will ray to Investigate. Call 900 Wilcox bldg. W A N T ED Several h 1 ith -cl a m t rav el 1 n-K salesmen for washing-machine line for ciocks in ureeon, v ah ncrton and Idaho excellent opportunity fojr really capable men. write, sriacrag past experience and why you beli-eve you can produce, to BF 73-4, Oregonian. WANTED A bijrh-elass special v saJ- nian. prefeira'Wy one who has had ex perience selling adding machlnee, type writers, etc.; excellent opportunity for right man; give expedience. J Ore- go man. WANTED Traveling salesman, two for ladles wearing apparel, one for men's and laaies" raincoats. Nationally known . brands. Good proposition offered. 20S Mci'ermott niag.. Seattle, Wash. fcM.ART salesman roquLred for Portland to eil automatic omce sign, printing plant. Apply Multicolor Preas, Frank Water- house a jq., -n-a uregonian old. fiNAPPT salesman for specialty work on rapid seeing product. Good commission. Call vvi c nam Der or Commerce bldg. between 0 an 10 A. M. GOOD opportunity In our used-car drat for a good salesman, to learn automobile buMnes; will break you In; straight commission. wr. A.rgo, f roadway B2SI E.XCELLENT propoaition for live wire jalrtsman hantllijig retail trade. 723 C haxrioer oi onwnerce. WANTKD Agents to sell standard lines to narnware ixaoe. write aiayes Bros Tool Mrg. co. rort Austin. Mich. EX PERIENCED scale and store fixture salesman. Thompson Scale ft Fixture Co.. o('tf L'a k st. YOUNG man wanted for retail store. D T3 9, Oregonian. SALESMEN wonaorfui opportunity, come Insurance. &U1 Corbett bldg. HUE LP WANTED FEMALK. WANTED! TOUNG GIRLS FOA BAG MANUFACTURING. Our girls average from $16 to $25 per week on pleco work, sewing sacks. The work Is pleasant and easy to learn, and wo guarantee $12 per week while learning. Girls must not be over 16 years of ago. 25 rr under Modern and up-to-date factory, Saturday afternoon off. Apply AMES-HARR1S-NEV1LLB CO 15TH AND HOTT STS. Take N. B. or 16Lh Car. GIRLS wanted for factory work, good wages, steady work, experience unneces sary, Saturday afternoons off. Take North and south Portland car to loth, and Thurman, American Can Co. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quire the services of girls between tho ages of 16 and 18 for our wrappingand office departments. Only those, who- are not to return to school will bo con sidered for positions. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. ME1EK & FRANK COMPANY. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the uerviees of girls between tho ages of 18 and 22 for positions in tho soda fountain and dairy lunch depart ments. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. ' MEIER & FRANK. COMPANY. THE METER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced millin ery makers and saleswomen; permanent positions. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor ALE 1 EH & FRANK COMPANY THE METER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced mil linery makers. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor. Meier ft Frank Com pany. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced sales women for silk and dress goods depart ment. Apply Employment Bureau Sixth Floor. Meier ft Frank Company WANTED 2 strong, active girls for lining sugar eaeKs uy piece wont; gooa wages paid. Apply Ames. Harris. Neville Co.. loth and Hoyt. WANTED Neat appearing ladle to dera onstrate high-clae article. house-to- house, work in city : salary ; no ex peri ence necessary. Apply 713 Couch bldg.. afternoons - to . MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 329 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak, its. Bdwy. 4537 APPLICATIONS will be received from vounir women, aced 20 to 3ft. for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steaay employment. A.u ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER for Alaska, $500; secre tary, $iju; stenographer and bookkeeper, $100: typist and G. O. W.. $1)0; be ginner in stenography. $60. 3o N. W. Bank Bldg. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sta. Phone Main 5450. JM car. WANTED Names, women, clris over 17 wifching government positions; $100 month up. Answer immediately AY 246. Oregontan, Portland, Or. WANTED A Washington high school girl to assist in nouaewor- ana care oi enn dren for board and small wages; good nome. rnone i aoor ui. ow js. tHtn jn WANTED Operators on overall fronts also two needle Singer machines; 44 hours work; Saturday afternoon oil good wages. Apply 22 Front st. NEA.T, reliable girl of age, or single worn an. to keep house and help in store, experience not necesstary ; reasonable wages and steady. i07 Commercial st. WANTED Girls for addressine circulars, must be good and rapid writers. $2.20 per day. Answer In own hand writing to aj -74. ureyonian. - EXPERIENCED woman for cooking and downstairs work ; no washing. Call 602 Broadway bldg. WOMAN to sew mattress tides; must be experienced cutter, inquire 07 N. Union ave phone East tai3. WANTKD Competent nurse. S small required. children; city references Phone Mar. 807. WANTED Extra salespeople in all d partments tor Saturday work only, bimon a store, -a ana Aiaer. YOUNG lady, well acquainted with city, lor collecting ana o I rice, $12 to start. AH 411, Oregonian. AN EXFEKiENCBu airi for aenera housework; best wages; references. Main S32U. GIRL for housework: no cookine: washing. One who wishes good home. Tabor HIGH-SCHOOL or business-college gir gooa home. Doara, room ana wages. MISCi MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing bcnooi, iay, evening; st month J'J 14th st., wain o;s. EXPERIENCED COOK and dinine room girl wanted for residential hotel of 30 people, aam tsi. dz min st. WANTED High school girl to help with general nousewora ana care or two chil dren. 724 fccnuyier st. THE Florence Crlttenton Home la ready to neip any sin to aiainui. vta Ja,aal iiiian. ."w v car. bui oia EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper, land's, 260 Morrison. Swet WANTED Stenographer in law office. 603 Fen ton bldg. B. A. Norton. WAITRESS wanted st Pilot Butte Inn Bend. Or. ; only , first-class need apply. EXPERIENCED mangle Hotel laundry. Birl. Portland GIRLS wanted wanted at once. Columbia Paper Co.. East 25th and Hulladay. Box GIRL for errands. Archer ft Schans Co.. Royal bldg. STENOGRAPHER wanted; beginner. J 558. Oregonian. A GIRL for housework; family of three. Good home. 780 Marshall st WH ERE styles charm and prices please Stanton Millinery, 310 Selling bldg. LADY COOK wanted at once. 402 GUsan at HAND ironers. American Laundry Co 140 E. 3d st. N. ' WANTED Chambermaid. ICS N. 6th st. Rainier hotel. ERRAND girl wanted. 609 Royal bid. HELP WA NTED-ITMAXK. $14.00 PER WEAK TO ST ATI T. TeJefphone Operating For Toung Women. REGULAR iNCRRAffEP. KAjPID AD VANCEtMENT. Apply Now. Room 601 th 'Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets. THE TA.CTFUC TELEPKCNW AND TBLIXJRAPH COMPANY. CANNERY HELP WANTED. STAR FRUIT PRODUCTS CO- an east YAMHILL. WANT GTRLS FOR FACTORY WORK. CALL PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. 13TK AND DAVIS, 7;39 A. ML THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY tias vacancies In several departments for experienced salespeople. These are per manent positions ana oirer spienaia op portunities for those who desire ad vancement. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for adies, neckwear. Apply employment bureau ooiore ju :.. LIPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. WANTED by large wholesale house, office assistant with several years experience in wholesale grocery lirve or jobbing business; position requires rapid, ac curate checking of Invoices and saied records, knowledge of bookkeeping would be helpful; good opportunity for ad vancement: your reply con f id-en ttal state age, experience and phone number. did, 4rregonian. STAPLING GTRLS WANTED: EXPE RTENCED PREFERRED, OR WILL .TAKE GIRLS WHO ARE WILLING TO LEARN: PART TIME WORK ONLY. SEE MR. HENDERSON, OREGON! AN Al AILHUOM. WANTED. First and second cooks ami dishwash ers, women referred, for work in dor mitory and cafeteria, 80 miles from Portland ; salaries for cooks $70 per month and up with board, jjisnwaanera $60 per month and board. Apply by letter to Box AV 361. Orcfirnriian. or. on Friday morning from 0 to 12. to Miss nan wen, oewara notei. THE METER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced girl for credit department, particularly one who understands newspaper clipping. Ap ply Employment Bureau, sixth floor. jueier x f rank company. THE METER ft FRANK COMPANY re- q ulres the services of Waitresses for dairy lunch and soda fountain depart ments Apply employment bureau sixth floor, Meier ft Frank company. WANTED Expert gown maker and de signer; good wages and permanent posi tion to right party. AJ 476, Oregonian. THE OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING STORE requires the services of experienced saleswomen for candy department. Apply superintendent's office, 8:13 to 10:30 A. M. THE OLDS, WQRTMAN & KING STORE requirea the services of experienced grocery order clerks. Apply superin tendent's office, 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. WOMEN wanted to work In our factory at Vancouver preparing pears for can nfng; carfare paid to and from Port land: our own cafeteria serves sneals to employes at cost; good wages. Factory 9th and Hill sts., Vancouver. Report mere or pnone .ast eowt. POSITION open to competent -typit-t to do billing on L. C. Smith ; must understand filing; want wide-awake young woman who takes Interest in doing her work neatly ana accurately. Appiy in person 0 to 10 a. y ., iv in or in jsroaaway. NLAT-APPBARlfTG young woman, exneri encea in swiLcn-ooara ami information aesK wora, some stenography and filing, mist be competent and experienced : good salary and opportunity for advance ment, j o.;, ureconian, WANTED A bright, intelligent girl for food checker in large restaurant at Spo kane; experienced preferred, but not ab solutely necessary ; permanent position Apply Broadway Haxelwood, 127 Broad way. LAjDY agents for all or part time, selling goo as or merit a-na goods that every lady needs and wiU buy. Your earnings s-re as great as your efforts. CaM at room gT3 bpaiamg building and Investigate YOUNG lady to do general office work and answer telephone; one with previous ex perience preferred. Answer In own hand writing, giving age, experience and sal ary expected. R 535. Oregonian. WANTED Teacher for country school In Washington county. Can pay $125 per month if well recommended. Write at once to clerk, C. 1. Williams, R, 3, Banks, Or. GJRL to assist with housework; no cook ing or washing. Must be neat and of good appearance. Nice home; wages $50. Mr?. Bowman, G45 Knott St. Phone East 4315. WANTED Woman willing to do janitor work and operate elevator; permanent position. Emporium, 126 6th at. WANTED First-class finishers on gowns; Errand girl, also stock and office girl with some knowledge of bookkeeping and able to operate typewriter. 302 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Lady to do sewing and repair work. Experienced. No other need ap ply. Colonial Cleaners and Dyers, 384 East Burnslde st. WANTED Woman to operate electric sewing machine; permanent position for right party; state experience and salary desired. BD 740, Oregonian. WANTED High school girl to work for iboard and room and wages; Jefferson or W ashmgiton district. o. 11. 1 oung, 760 Wasco street. East 6S?m. WANTED Practical nurse to care for elderly Invalid 'lady; permanent posi tion. Call East 5043. WANTED Experienced alteration lady. Apply at Bon Ton Millinery, 3d and Morrison. WANTED A lady cook for a small hotel. Close in. Butts & Pake. 241 Couch st. WANTED Two experienced waiters. Ad - (Ureas P, O. box 443, The Dalies, Or. HIXl' WANTED FEMALE. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. Must fce competent stenographer with fair knowledge of bookkeeping and capa ble of meeting the public and one de siring permanent position. Prefer wom an around the age of 30, also one in terested in science. Position will be rady about October 1. Best of refer ences w ill be required. Good salary to start; advancement depends upon ability. T 570, Orcgonianu THE OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING STORE requires the &er ices ol an experiences com p tome ter operator. Also apprentice pirls for office work and girl for In formation desk In general oftice. Arply superintendent's office 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for cut-glass department. Apply employment bureau httfora 10:30. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. WANTED BY LARGE GROCERY COR PORATION, A YOUNG LADY r Oil GENERAL OFFICE WORK. ANSWER. STATING AGK. EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. K 03, OREGO NIAN. WANTED Woman to work on ranch; easy place; electric washing machine: treatea like on of family; good wages; fare paid. Mrs. Frank Maddock, conaon, or. or se Mrs. Wain, 310 Selling bldg. WA-NTEiD Girle for ushers, between 18 and "l Ann v ndav managers omce, between 12 and 1 P. M. Cou4d also use high school girl ior Saturday and Sun day work. Apply between 5 and 6 P. Ml. People Theater. WANTED An experienced lady for no tion dept. Must be quick and accurate and good stock keeper. oooa salary paid to one who can qualify. See Mr. Kemp. Simon's store, 2d and Alder sts. SKIRTM AKERS, none but experienced tall- oresses, to help on ladies coats. 441 Aider. J. K. Stern, Ladies 'Tailor. STENOGRAPHER. $75. EXrKRT T1F1ST, XltW. EXPERIENCED COMPTOMETER OPR.. $110. " 504 SPALDING. WANTED Steno - dictaphone operator. railroad general omce; give experience, age, phone number. Salary basis $130 per month. AV 877, Oregonian. THE OWL DRUG COMPANY can use the services of a bright energetic aiert woman who has had at least one year's retail sales experience. WANTED A capable woman, middle-aged preferred, for downstairs work. Would give good home to mother and child under 0 years. Telephone Main 2352. WANTED Woman experienced in laundry work and general cleaning. Monday pre ferred, 50c per hour. Phone Sell wood 1725 mornings. WA'NTEED -Girl or woman to do upstairs work and mending in private family; can come In by day or live at place. AN 4rtO, Oregonian, HELP WANTED palace Laundry, E. 10th and Everett sta. SCHOOL GIRL. COUNTRY GIRL PRE FERRED, TO ASSIST WITH HOME DUTI&S; MUST- BE 15 OR OVE7R; WAxiKd AJs'iD GOOD HOME. EAST bQ40. WANTED Eorperienced fancy hand lroner. one who Is capable of handling a nmaJl office; steady work, good pay. Opera House Laundry, 24-5 Everett street. WANTED School girl to assist with light housework for board and room and sma;l wages; walking distance Franklin high and Richmond public schools. Tabor 0437. GIRL to care for children Sundays, eve nings and holidays; free, comfortable room. Marshall 1723. WAXTBD School girl to assist with baby in exchange for room and board. Main 620S. . HIGH school girl to assist with house work for room and board and $15 per month. Phone Wdln. 5413. 8tJ3 Mason. 2 STRONG W6MEN SHAKERS; 2 BODY IRONERS; GOOD WAGES. APPLY LIBERTY LAUNDRY, 47 UNION AVE. WAITED Schoolgirl to assist with house work for room and board and reasonable wages. Call Broadway 4180. BOOKKEEPER who can keep books; sal ary satisfactory to right party; no scrubs need apply. Main 2343. J DESH WASHER at once; $30 per month, room and board. Hotel Korkritz, Kalama. WANTED Lady for laundry office. Apply 4-1 Washington, between ana v A. M. Experience not necessary. WANT reliable experienced counter waitress for permanent position. 101 Brh st. WANTED A girl, with business ability. exp.-In general office work and stenog raphy. V 570. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper to care for chil dren; middle-aged woman preferred. AB 883, Oregonian. GIRLS wanted for light work in toy fac tory. Apply Constructo Co., 441 E. outn Bt., Mt. Scott car; Automatic 22-813. GIRL or woman to assist In housekeeping and taking care of baby, small family, good wages. 7H3 Olark ave. Alain 2054. STENOGRAPH ER, - wholesale house offers good future for girl with ability; please stnte experience. J mO, oregonian. A GIRL to asfclst with general housework; may sleep home if desired, 000 Glksan st. Aiarsaan zir-r. MARKER and sorter to go to Tillamook; good wages: rare paia. inquire Osmund ft Co.. Broaaway WANTED Experienced seamstress on power machine; steady work. Ths Opera House L,aunary, wereu street. WANTED Several girl ushers. Apply Steve Downey, Hippodrome theater. 12 noon. WANTED Girl for labeling. See Mr. Wolf. Wadbams ft Kerr Bros., 13th and Davis. WANTED Nurse, undcr-graduate or prac tical, for night duty; small hospital. 1105 Jackson, H lilaboro, or. EXPERIENCED GIRL in bakery and con fcctlonery. Laurelwood station, Mt Scott ar. YOUNG LADY cashier for short hours and Saturday only. See Mrs. Jones, Jones market, 4th ana Alder. WANTED Exp. chambermaid. Morris. 10th and Stark. Hotel HAIR DRESSER AND MARCELLER, BG 493, OREGONIAN. ABSOLUTELY first-clas chambermaid AR 73o, Oregonian. WOM&N janitors. Apply room 325 North western anK biag. WANTED Cook and kitchen helper- for small institution. Carl Broadway 344M. EXPERIENCED saleslady. Yamhill Bak Ing Co.. 244 Yamhill street. WANTED A reliable nure girl. 4S9 E. 17th street North. WANTED Caah girls. 13-17 yra. Bros.', 3d and Morrison. Roberts EXPERIENCED pressers at U. S. Cleaners, Corner Grand ave. and East Yamhil Wanted Domestics. .FIRST-CLASS wages for a cook; also 2d maid who wui assist in care or caiiaren. Marshall 3o4, iimo thurman ht. YOUNG GIRL to assist with hp and care of 4-year-old child. 185 usework 16th st. near lamhiii. WANTED School girl, not under 1 years, to assist with general housework. Phone Aiain 00.5. COMPETENT girl for general housework, good wages: family of four. Phone Main 1574. 740 Flanders st. COOK, experienced, no other work, wages jaain id. GIRL to assist with housework, small fam ily. good home and wages. Tabor 619. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist in housework. East join at. GIRL for general housework. Apply 58 Ella St. jOuu wages. jrnone Ou3, WANTED Sept. 13. kitchen helper, res; dent. Appiy pe. neten s nan. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework;nowasning, jrnone Mar. 51 GIRL to aoslst in cooking and 'genera houaeworK; auuns. wain GIRL to assist in general housework. Ap ply 1014 Savler gt. N., near 2ftth st. A GOOD girl to do cocking and down stairs wor k. Main C026. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Main 8473. GIRL to assist with housework or high school girl. Apply 1006 Thurman. WANTED Reliable girl fo- second work. 008 Overton st. Marshall 4546. MAIDS wanted. Apply linen room. Hotel Oregon. " GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. 31 2-38. ' KITCHEN HELPER. 43 West Park. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W sin ted Do me tie. COOK nd working housekeeper, parents employed, two bovg in school, modern farm home 20 miles from Portland; no laundry; wsgea $40; must be active, healthy, good character. Address H &t u re$on ' a n. WA NTKD G IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- WORK; 3 ADULTS IN FAMILY; YOU WILL HAVE A GOOD HOME AND EVERY EVENING OFF; GOOD WAGES. m APP LY 294 CTjL LEGE. CORNER OTH. CAPA BLE young man want office of other work where there are chances for promotion If satisfactory. Have a good eduration and can be depended on as a worker. E 641, Oregonian. WANTED Woman to assist with care ef two children and housework; Portland Heights location: unusuallv good maid's Quarters. Wages $0. phone Marshall WANTED Thoroughly competent woman . for care of baby and two older children. Must be well recommended. Mrs. Ray mond Wilcox, Portland Heights. Phone Main 13fi7. EPrin.ced gri for generaJ housework; good cook; no laundry; no Sunday or Thursday dinners; all elec trical appliances; good wagee; references. Apply mornings. Tabor 0 ; 874 K. Taylor. GIRL to do cooking In private fa-mfly; wage satisfactory. Phone East 3126, WANTED Experienced housekeeper for small family; one who can take charge of home. Good pay; good home. 444 Park st. RELIABLE girl for second work in pri vate family of four adulta: rood home. good wageV 702 Main St., corner of lv-'ng. Phone Main 7258. HIGH school or business college girl to a.-Lst with housework In family with children; good home In Irvington; small wsgew. Call East 7607. GIRL FOR cooking In private family, 4 adults, where second maid is kept; good wages, good home. 702 Main St., cor. iving, rnone Main 7o. EXPERIENCED GIRL or middl- ed. housekeeper; one without child, one who can take charge of homo; good home and gooa pay. 444 farK st. WOMAN to do housekeeping for small family; must be neat. 877 Long ave. Take Woodstock car to 28 and Gladstone, waiK o diocks soutn. EXPERIENCED cook. best wages: no washing. Call mornings, 220 Cornell road. Phone Mar. 1SG7. Reference re- quired. WILL GIVE good home to school girl to assist in household of three; 3 blocks from Franklin high school. AN 471., Oregonian. WANTED Experienced cook for private family where othjer maids are ke.pt; no other work required. Phoaa Mrs. Eiilott Conbett, Main 4967. SCHOOL girl wanted; a good home for a willing girl who wants to earn her way through. Apply 262 Washington sU. near Third st. NEAT, reliable woman wanted for general housework: eoort nl-w nonir? f,.rn.- 2 adults, 2 children; good wages for right ya-Fiy. M.u mornings, warn, la-J. GIKL to assist with housework; good home and good wages. All electrical conven iences. 735 East 35th st. N- Phone E. 2030. GIRL for general housework; new home, all modern conveniences, good wages. Call jnornings, Ut3 Westover road. Mar- shall 4316. EXPERIENCED cook; must bring good references. Mrs. C H. Davis Jr. Main COUPLE, employed, rirl , going to school, want kind, motherly lady for plain imunowm n.. tt ow, vjregonian. GIHL for general housework; three in fam- i.y ; experience not necessary. 271 N. 22d. Main 3S94. A looistj girl for light housework: rood uKCBi qo wasntng. Apply at once. 344 nun st., west siae. near Market. WANTED Girl or woman for second work smaii mmuy; gooa wages. Main 3003. 783 Flanders. WANTED Good girl for downstairs work: . - iv. cunvenj-nce; gooa nome. Apply 497 E. 3 6th N, East 2032. GIRL can secure room and board hv re "- -lce raone vv oodiawn eiAfa.uib.NOED girl for general house. wur; picaani quarters; good wages. WANTED G1rl for second work. $35 ner A L' .JJriva"' oearoom, sitting room mm unui. j-none iiwood 3 00S. GIRL to assist with housework; no heavy o iT 1 ' iurimc-e. a month. 671 jAf liRiBNUED girl for general house- wora; no cnnaren: no upstairs work or WANTED Girl for reneral hA...n.ir ? nome. no washing. 410 E. llth St. Is. HELP WANTED MAIMS OR FEMALE. v nuAtttKia Dickers wanted at vnce to go 10 fct. xxtuis, or.; vines culti vated excellent accommodations, work una monin. Apply public Em v'j uc in. piiicB, Artisans bl d g. 80 HOP-PICKERS wanted beginning 13th . " A,P1-V at- teiens hotel, room 3, 2291,4 Second at. Call for S. T. Edmi- oiuu, piiune main 11J1. wa.-n iR,u jo more hon nickers. Annlv 222 Plttock block, loth and Washington HELP WANTED WITH YN VESTMENT. WANTED Partner, must be mechanically lui-jiueu a.nu nave pome money; this la mre opportunity ror trustworthy man. Auurca a on, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED stationary engineer wants vyaiuun; nave naa sawmill experience; i.uuir . mi on Burners. ML 530, HOMES designed, built and remodeled, by j uu rcnapie ouiioers. wood- WANTKD by hig-h school student p-lace in private family to work for board and -au ooaiawn in'8, aia.n ana vue wain Janitor work in offrce y 01 meaier, oay or night. Ja.U Mala ucl w tr n ana a. M. u n. ir,L, Mtln wants wotk as Janitor or ,, V ' - y or n'ffnt perlenced. jia-ni mij, pei, ween and 12 A. M. YOUNG man wishes position as chauffeur vrii.i iiivic lamuy; caaiuac preferred. Phone East 5040, Roaeen. wanted Clerical position In hardware Tiuaiiiocj uy in n uo years oi age; eatperi- wa'.mb.u -.iKing jod, first month 15 I cows, eecona. u cows; in city, close in, 1 OA RraMKR and Jobber; prices reason able estimates furnished. Berker Mar- k , n 1 tco -'--- . J tui-u ft ci wann raca ana garage man 10 years' experience and good references " --a "sccg. o-au, oregonian. YOUNG MAN employed In office desires night work: free after 5 P. M. ; refer ences, i oon, uregonian. CARPENTER Contracting, repairing and renuucims. neuaoie mecnanic. Broad way .not. YOUNG MAN attending school wants Janl- o,WOrk mornln or vening. Woodiawn WA. 1 homi on farm for boy 13 where, he can attend school. AN 809. YOUNG man attending school wants board and room in private family, close in must be reasonable. Q 540, Oregonian' GOOD, willing, reiiahie hlghschool boy wants work of any kind every afternoon ana omuru7 3. nam. o.f Uh.MfcM siuewaiKs. runways, retaining a.nv. a-taaea on con- MAN WANTS work with a plumber- can do steamntting, also most of plumbing ai'TOUna COOK. flt ferred. H. J. McDonough, 154 h Beech si., rui n in . WATCHMAN, night or dar: Mr. .,z perience; good references. Phone East PAIN TIN -J . t;in.ting. decoratl n g., Caill xja-yp. T iiuj ot vyu., pnoue wain. 2407. BY EiXP BR1 ENiQED furniture repairman anu reunwiiw. 1 , VTC-oniaJl. WANTED Job helping a milk driver on route. Jn. vresonian. WANTED Position by experienced hotel PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting; gooa wui iv. - m-r. .-ij. 1 8-Y BAR-OLD boy wants poal tion after SCHOOL 1 p-. COLORED janitor., half day; city refer ences, nowy. FO R HOUSE-FAIN TING, 5856. phone Tabor FOR HIRE 2-ton truck wtta dump body and noist. " j BOY IS WISHES position after school; can drive f org. oeu. oregonian. TRUCK 24-ton, with freight body, for hire. Phone Broadway 133. HAULING wanted for 2-ton Packard truck. Broadway v . l. , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man, 21 years, dec. student Ben son roiy., aesirea worn. k tween 4 o'clock and midnight; would consider working In private family for board and room and small wages; must do something. C. S. L, box 43, Y. M. C. A. YOUNG married man from the east is making his home here in roruana. Would like to have a position as city salesman. Has had eight years' ex perience selling. Can rive the best of references. John J. Wagner, SO E, 3Sth N. BD 41M, Oregonian. WANTED By man recently out of hos pital, work, watchman or caring tor property or light chores; not able yet to work hard ; don't expect large wages. J. H. Williams. 228 Washington st Abbott hotel. Main IM24. LUMBERMAN open for position as super- imenaent, sge bs; wen acquaint the lumber game and know how to han dle men ; 18 years experience in saw mil I s and logging. AV 362. Oregonian . WANTED Situation by man of 35 years experience. Ia a salesman; can nana i e men; capable of executive work; too young to retire and wants a job. Ad dress P. O. box 765, Yakima. Wash, POSITION wanted by thorough LUMBER man with manufacturing experience of 13 years on the coaet, can take charge of your plant and get results; best of references. JC 832, Oregonian. AMBITIOUS married man. 35. wishes per manent position with responsibility: have had 15 years' experience in the electrical and steam game, maintenance and in-stalls-tion. AG 477, Oregonian. MACHINIST, 18 years' practical experi ence in machine shops, wants a first elass position where a skilled man can show production and quality of work. Address AO 476, Oregonian MARRIED man, over 20 years experience, general merchandise and bookkeeping, desires position Oct. 1; moderate salary; references. AV 422, Oregonian. WILL REPAIR at any time, rain or shin AH work guaranteed. We specialize on paper, tin and gravel roofs. Portland Roof Repair ft Paint Co.. Main 6320. EXPERIENCED man and wife want po sition as janitor and management of f irst-elass apartment house; best refer ences. Main 5164 or Bdwy. 317, apt. 1. REGISTERED DRUGGIST "open for posi tion; young man, single, lO years' experi ence; first-class references. J. M. King, Perkins Hotel. NTED Caleominlng and Interior paint ing; prices reasonable: Satisfaction guar anteed. Call R. Montgomery. East 3737. between 6 and 7 P. M. MAN AND WIFE want position cooking. small camp preferred. I'articuiairs nrst letter; reaay to go at once; a:so luwy experienced. Address 4004 02d st. S. E. SALESMAN Temporary, unemployed, de sires connection with wholesale or man ufacturers on road; experienced, good references. J 5o, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND newspaper man and printer wants Joo; married; 3 years 01a. w nai have you? Can come Immediately. AK 406, Oregonian. OPERATIVE wants job lnfaoteA or bu'lnen houe. Write or call Elmer llo-liem-beck. Homewood Hotel. Vancouver. Wash, Have good references and experience. YOU FURNISH paint and tint; I put it on for reasonable day s wage; see me before ordering material. Phoae East 798. I WANT E.D Work for big team; will plow. haul or scrape: work guaranteed. A. J. Tayloar, P. O. Box 218, Gresham, Or. Phone Grefhaxn 318. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE- UCULlisu. rnu.L iaduk .'34. .Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. GRADUATE ACCOUNTANT WITH VA RIED EXPERIENCE DESIRES PER MANENT POSITION: MARRIED. A(JE 3; A-l REFERENCES. AK t42. ORE GONIAN. BOOKKEEPER and general office man wishes place In city. Interview best way ior ooin 10 oeciae. u ooj, oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, 8 years' experience, wants permanent city position moderate sa-1- ary. J- lj oregonian. BOOKKEEPING. ACCOUNTING. INCOME i aa t.Kv J.OJS, trrc Krnest Johns, wiuiams ave. rnone aii-ai. BOOKKEEPER wants position, in or out 01 city; ai reterences. Alain 7400. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, TOTTNO LADY with stenographle and secretarial experience desires position where personality and ability to meet public count. Broadway 4490. MISS BSTELLA POMMERS. graduate of me conservatory or Music, .uricn, Switzerland, will accept two or three pupils for piano. Phone Main 4749 for appointment. ; POSITION as teacher by youna lady ha inr m years' experience in teachina art ana DasKetrwat tne state normal scnooi. BelllnghamflfW ash. Carry a certificate from the JTclUngharA normal. AP Abo. oregonian. EXPERIENCED married lady with aood reference would like position as manager or rooming house or hotel. Airs. H, 11. Jones. Main 2.01. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position. pnone labor 50o0, Miss Anne N. iiattis. im. Mskiyou st. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will call East 8318. ELDERLY woman will do light housework ior woraing woman in tne city. X ii. oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings white mother la away References. Wood lawn 1611. REFINED woman desires position infant's nurse; thoroughly reliable ; experienced. Rer. C o4., oregontan. EXPERIENCED window demonstrato wishes position in city or traveling. none iwain room oi. JAPANESE young girl wishes to lear: English and help housework. Broadway yTiL 04 Tvortn rrnra st. EXPERIENCED woman desires manage ment of apartment house or hotel. Woodiawn m. YOUNG woman, experienced, wIM care for apartment house, tor nice a pa rim en ana wag-ee. it ojw, oregonian. TYPIST desires work to do at home. Mar 4033. WANT housecleanlnr. other work, hours. day: work guaranteea. woodiawn b305. POSITION as lady maid; will travel, Call Broadway 247, room POL'. HIGH school girl wants work on Satur days. Woodiawn oinu. WOMAN wants work by the day. Call Main 26. o. LAUNDRESS wants work by hour. Wood lawn 4500. WOMAN wants day work. Friday. 567. Room i. YOUNG lady desires clerical position. Ca Tabor 47Tj. WILL take orders for sny kind pies. cakes, salads. rnone aast e-iui. WOMAN wants day work Friday, Satur day. fc-ast sf-, room iw. EXPERIENCED woman withes day work t-lday ana maiuraay. ok iiwdou ufli COLORED lady wan East 3237. ts day work. Phon Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Oiflce. YOUNG woman of refinement and educa tion. with wiae ousme&s experience, ae sires a position as office or department al manager. aj em. urrKoni3n. ArcniiNTAXT open for few hours' h 1 nnai worx exocnencea. in sysiem izing. auditing and income ta.x work. C 544. oregonian. SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER. Now York City reierences, owirea rraiwatiUM position. MacMiiian, wain wj, EXPERIENCED Ediphone operator and stenograpner o-esirea posiuuu, naerenc-a. Tabor 176. YOUNG LADY, experienced in liability in surance, nesires posmon as sKsiscant to liability manager. Call East 3334. CASHIER, experienced and able to give the oest ox reici cub, wuubs jpoauLioo. R 53. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition; salary siuu; references. Automatic 225-34. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants sec retarial or other responsible position. Ph oneJMain 8321. BOOK KEEP ER-STE NO. wants position; excellent references. Main 7406. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. East 4246. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; oest reierences. aiam ;au. Press ma kera. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed prices reaBonaoie. 4. wcairai it lag. 10th st.. Main 340, DREcSiMA-KING, aJterations. children's ctotnes; worn Buai-mncu, iurs. wrround, 407 Tenth. Main 17S0. I THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker 1 wishes more oay engagements. Mar. 3876. I GOOD seamstress, remodeling a specialty; I $3,50 per day. Woodiawn 3150. I THOSE desiring first-clacs dressmaking 1 rail iiaiu SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALK Drees makers. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tabor 78. 5. N arses. TRAINED nurse going east at once, will care for invalid or chi d. Y 00. Ore sonlan. TRAINED nurse wishes more caaes or hourly nursing; reasonable terms. Mar shall 349. Housekeepers. AN ELDERLY woman wants a position ss housekeeper for a widower with one school child, or llcht housework In a small family. G 10. Oregonian. WEARING apparel, ail descriptions made, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dve Works. 549 Morrison st Hrtwv. 42M. . WIDOW with 2 children desires house keeping In gentleman's home. B 43, Oregonian. WOMAN with 2 small children would like position as housekeeper for respectable man. Mrs. Banta, 1038 Macadam gt. LADY, experienced, would like house keeping, city or country. AL 473, Ore gonian. LADY with 2 boys would like place keep ing house for man with not more than 2 children. Ella Altiff, 34 E. Pth st- N. WOULD like management and care small apt. house. Easrt S216. of Domestics. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, ear pet cleaning by expert workmen ; floors waxed, furniture polished like new. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 183 Chapman St; Phone Main 1157. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4638. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. HOUSE cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; let us iigure on your worn. Tabor 5131. SCHOOLGIRLS 14 and 15. want rood home in country; willing to work; amail wages. AM 46, Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Modern 5-room furnished house, on east side: will lease for year. Phone East 3570 or East 3130. Houses. A REFINED young married couple with out children, neat and particular ten ar.lA. desira to rent or leate a nice mod ern bungalow or small house In a good neighborhood. Must have hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, partly furnished or unfurnished. Can give very high ciad3 references, fc'hone Tabor 8454. ON OR BE-FORE Sept. 25. 3 to 5-room cottage within or near city; by respon ibie parties: best of care given ; one with garage If possible. G 543. Ore goni a n. . RESPONSIBLE couple with no children aefire to rent a moaern o or o-room unfurnished house; good references fur nished. Call between 0 A. M. and 6P.1L Marshall 1234. 4 OR 5-ROOM house : must have at least one bedroom and kitchen fur nished; will pay up to 410. Hotel Cadillac, apartment 03. WANTED to rent for a term of years. 7 to W-room house. Portland Heights; excellent care taken and references furnished. Phone East 4301. 'AM1LY with chUdrren. 8 and 6, desires small fuirnished house, apartment or housekeeping rooms by Sept. 18; north or east; bet of care. All 4b0, Oresonian. TO RENT By professional man, 5-room house or bungalow, lurnisnta or un furnished; can furnish references. BC 834, oregonian. WANTED 6-roora bungalow with cement basement, wanted to rent by J aouits, distance no object; will pay (35 a month. Lai 1 sei 1 w ood ziszv, ai ter o f. .w- W ANTED Unfurnished modern, house or bungalow with garage, win pay gooa rent, best of references. T 50-, Orego nian. WANTED to rent: by two middle-aced people, 3 or 4-room nouse. par 11 y moa ern. with lot and outbuildings. SeU- wood 324. WANTED To rent, by responsible youn couple, a 4 or o-room nouie, preier Sunnyside district or vicinity; good care guaranteed. A J 481, oregonian. RESPONSIBLE people with two girls, 3 1 ana iv, want o or t -room xurmsneu house; give best of care; prefer not over $3. .. Br 4iJ, oregonian. REFINED couple with iniant and child 01 four years wants nouse or o or icas rooms renting under 930 month. Sell wood 1444. WANTED To rent or lease 4 or o-room modern bouse or apartment unfurnishea adults only. Phone Seilwood 3454 or Main 535. w a jt k 1 Trv rn or inanA. small mod ern house, east side preferred; in gooa location. Possession bepiemuer u. ex cellent references. A V 307. oreKoman. WILL wilt or leu.se 8 or 10-room residence prefer Portland Heights; best reicreucea. Will pay your price, siainju. RWsPQN'blBLE ou.rtv wants to rent mod ern uor o-room lurnisnoa nouse, gouu references. Call East 30o3. WANT to rent small house or flat; rea sonable; furnUhed preferred. E o-, Oregonian. WANTED To lease 5 or 6-room unfur nished, modern house, good location; oniy adults in family, rnone laoor pw. WANTED TO RENT Furnished or partly furnished modern 8 or y-room house adults ; references. Main c-341. BY RESPONSIBLE couple, small child furnished or unturnianea nouse ia goou district. Phone Marshall 2674. WANTED To rent unfurnished small house or flat; guarantee oest or care will lease. Mr. Perkins. Marshall 81. WANT to rent, with prospects of buying. 5 or 0-room house, wan garacn, in uuu urbs. Ka?t 4''1'1 OR 6-ROOM furnished house, walking distance Franklin high ; w ill lease fur year; adults. N 550. Oregonian. WANTED To rent a houte or flat, by Sept. moaern 6-room J0. Sellwood 20'Jfl. Apartments. WANTED Furnished apartment by two adults, references given as to care that will bo taken of furniture and responsi bility. Phone Marshall 81i. a-ROOM apt- and bath wanted by couple, w a I k i n g distance. Main lSlM. room '1. WANTED By Sept. 15, 1 or 2 room ap t. walking distance. A C 472, Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED 3 or 4 housekeeping rooms or small house unfurnished. East side pre ferred ; couple without children. Phone Woodiawn 421. vnu'( fAntlRmnn wishes furnished room in private home by Sept. 13, west side preferred, rent moderate. Give particu- lara. L 561. Oregonian. LADY, employed, desires room in nice apartment or private home, west side. Address A. Multnomah hotel. WANTED Room in private family by professional woman. AF 473. Ore gonian. Kuums With Board. REFINED couple employed "wish rm. and board with priv. fam. ; willing to take care of children, evenings. Boa AV 331. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in private family for girl 8 years of age; in an swering please state location and phone number. AN 468, Oregonian. ckn'TLEMAN of Kood habits desires room and board with private family, west side; 55 per month, references. AE 473. Oregonian. LADY wanted to take full charge of 2A-year-old baby girl; good clean place re quired. Call Miss Henry, 300 Williams avenue, or call Halsey apt.. East 2. WANTED Home for Rirl in IS hat tuck school district, by working widow. Main 448. WORKING man wants board and room fairly close to E. 7th and Morrison; state particulars. E 667. Oregonian. WANTED Good clean home i for boy aged 0; reasonable. 4003. E 545. Oregonian. 1 country Marshall ROOM and breakfast wanted in private family. H 544. Oregonian. WANT home for 5-months-old girl. Call evenings. Broadway 1318. PARTY to board invalid mother and son, apt, free. 001 Everett. W ANTED Close to Reed college, good room with board. D 538, Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. MARRIED couple, employed, want house keeping rooms with refined lady who will care for 5-ycar-old child during day. Call Automatic U'-!5-34. MOTHER and sop want 3 or 4 h. k rooms, modern and reasonable, walking dis tance S. Pr roundhouse, by the 15th. AJ 814. Oregonian. WOMAN, employed, wishes housekeeping rooms where little girl of 5 will have best of care through day. 1 W0, Ore gonlan! Miscellaneous. WANTED To rent office room and share phone and stenographer expense jointly. Phone 310-38. FOR RENT. SOME very good, clean sleeping rooms at 03 17lia SL, near Taylor. FOR RENT. Varnished Rooms. IfAXWETX HALL 207 14th Street. Hot and cold water, steam heat every room. Get located for winter; ideal lo cation, close in. Transients; a home away from home, (No apaxkmenLa HILI-CREST HOTEL. T33 Washington, cor. Lurreus Place. Phone Main t23. Homelike and delightful for convenience. Special ratea for pprminenw. ANSONIA HOTfiu 124 34th St.. at Washington, Rates $6 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms; dose to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Fast Morrison st,. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. RITZ HOTEL Morrison and Park street. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. PERKINS HOTEL, Fifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth .Kates i a day up; weekly. $j up; Ires phone and baths. ONE LARGE, modern, furnished front room with kitchenette; also sleeping room. East 80-0. WILL RENT to refined couple one or two rooms with kitchen privileges in nicely furnished home. Sell wood 30.5. 1 FURNISHED bedroom; bath, telephone. etc. : gentleman only. 40a va Park at. Main 4443. MA KE "The Bush mark" your home: clean, modern rooms. Washington st., at FOR RENT One nicely furnished room. west Blue apartment, within walking dis taece, Marshall 22 Si SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Jr'none JUast .01. 2 Hi Grand ave. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 llth St. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for from 1 to 3 persons, walking distance. Call at 40 Columbia st. HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th st. Central. clean, respectable. Suites with or with out bath for permanent guests. HOTEL LENOX. Third and Main sts. Rates $5 a week up; large rooms, attractive lobby. BASEMENT room, light and clean, suita ble ior 1 wo young men, 41a a month 67 Trinity Place. A CLASSY home, elegantly furnished front room, not ana com water ; two gentle men preferred. 57 Trinity Place. N E WLY f urnibhed rooms, single or ea suite. 53.ii Everett, corner 10th. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. oiei uauiuac, inira, near jeilerson. OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping sod sleeo- ROOM, suitable for 2 men; hotel district. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and com H Hier. -oi yin si. 2 MODERN sleeping rooms. 303 Fargo at, E. 140S after 5:30 P. M. J LEA N. modern rooms at 431 Park sti gentlemen only. Marshall 4410. IRVINGTON, comfy, sunny room-, two. carlines; 10th of month. East 17. ROOMS, furnished and unXumivhed. 362 - olJt-ge st. DESIKA BLE furnished rooms. si. -narnau t t 'J. 2 UNFURNISHED, one furnished bleeping ruirri, tirraHiaat ir ae3irea. it rj. itth . L nfurnifrhed Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms In modern home, very reasonable, with free light and gas 1L''4 E. Main street. TWO LARGE unfurnished rooms with bath. 105 E. 35 th st. Furnished Kooinw in Private Family. WILL share my front room with some refined lady as a companion or soma poor lady in need of a friend; can be own bos j ust so you are honest v and frankness with honesty and frankness. Call Broadway 1770 after 10 A. M., room 7. N E WLY FUR N 1SHED SLEEPING ROOM IN PRIVATE FLAT. SI 1 TA BLE FOR TWO: CLOSE IN. 561 EVERETT. CALL AFTER ii P. M. CLEAN, beautifully furnished room In pri vate apt., connecting , bath, f lrst-ciaP3 apt. house, close in; gentlemen preferred; references. Alain Ct'lO. FRONT parlor with dressing room, suitable for 2 refined gentlemen; also side room, sleeping porch for both, with or without garage. Broadway 4:"';. LARGE front room with bay window, furnace, modern, suitable for 1 or SIS per month; meals if desired. C07 GUsan and 2Jth. Bdwy. 204 S. NICELV FURNISHED room in privats family, modern. steam heat, home privileges, west side, lady preferred. Call .Main 4QM. NICELV furnitthed front room for 2 gen tlemen or man and wife employed; also one single room; call after 0 P. M. Mar. ::oos. LA KG E front room, home privileges and use of piano; c ! In on car iine. Ca.l after 3 P. M., Tabor 2351, ask for Mis H D(i Res. TO I Olt '1 gentlemen. Urge, light, steam heated room, near 1 Sth and Washing ton: references. Phone Broadway 267. FURNISHED room, next to bath furnace Phone heat, close In, 00 N. 10 th Broadway 4431. at. ROOMS to rent, all modern, close In; ref erences. Main 2000. 361 llth at-, ccr- ncr of Mill. La RGB, beautifully furnished room ; rea sonable; employed girls preferred. 745 Hoyt st. FURNISHED room, private family; gen tleman only; freo heat and bath. 33 Kh rgo St.. near U nion ave. Auto. 322-63. BEAUTIFUL front room in Laufelhuist home for ono or two people. Tabor NICELY f urn ished room, reasons ble ; good neighborhood, west side, wal king dis tance. Phono Broadway 2i'O0. NICELY furnished rooms In fine neigh borhood, walking distance. Phone, light, heat. East 7714. 120 EAST 15TH, newly furnished rooms; phone, ligh t, heat ; good rates. LA RGE steam-heated room in private family. Nob Hill district. Main 1C09. NICE, comfortable room, steam heat ; walking distance. CSO Flanders, apt, 34. 269 14TH, near Jeffer-on ; choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3S03. FURNISHED room for gentleman, with use of kitchen. 554 Johnson. Bd y. G4. NICE SUNNY room, walking distance. Hot and cold water; Main 5L-07. FURNISHED room In prlvat e home. heat. I ir li t and bath. 110S E. Belmont st. FURNISHED front room for business woman. 434 10th st. Main ."2tt6. iURNISHED room down town, $3.50 per week. Main 5404. FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. block Alberta car line, Wdln. 3077. ROOM for a gentleman in etrictly private Jewish family; references. Bdwy. 1782. 2 PLEASANT rooms, with all conveniences. suitable for one or two. o'iy llth st. Rooms With Board, CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23 D AND HOYT S TS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the co-uiforts of a home, reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. AuL 21-974. 12 E. 7th st. LARGE, -well furnished front room; home cooking; exclusive family hotel; vacant Sept. 15. East 8089. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3S0 Tenth st. For business girls and students; reasonable ratea Mar. 1251. Room With Board in Private Family. LARGE room, furnace heat, good board ; home comforts; walking distance; men preferred. Want permanent room era East S445. ROOM and board, close in, west side: hot and cold water in room; men preferred. Broadway 3764. WILL board two friends in private home, walking distance; large front room with piano; best meals. Main 5613 IRVINGTON Large, pleasant room with board. East 6645. ROOM and board. 574 Ladd ave., near East 12th and Hawthorne. Ea s t 5145. Furnished Apartments. LUCILE COURT 3-room furnished apt $50. Bdwy. 2071. FURNISHED 4 -room spartuicuL Berkeley, 39 Triuity Place, The