2tt THE MORNING OREG ONI AN, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 10, 1920 FOR SALE- M btcellaneous. SEW, SEW, SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. SewluK machines cleaned, timed, ad justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and xnfg. machines; motors, shafting and tables installed; everything in needle. Phono Sellwood 1071. -FUR SALE Bartlett pears. Hubbard squash, potatoes and cabbage at 2 cents per pound; also 15U0 do, sweet corn 15 enu dozen; 6 Poland China piga. W. S. King. New Era; phone 14F14, through Oregon City. THIS ADD SPATES FACTS. We have a large assortment of tailor made suits and overcoats. We sell them at a very low price. "Will save you from $13 to $20 on every garment. Call H. I. Blum. 104 10th at. . FOR SALE New Zealand red rabbits, 2 pairs, 2 years old; 10 4 months; lO l month; will sell all for $15 and deliver. "Wesley Hawes, box 06A, route A, Gresh am.1 Or. Phone Gresham 755. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent ana comfortable roof ? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. 3.4-HOLE u-oven gas range, $22.50; 1 6- hole gas range, clean and In fine con dition. $17.50; 1 gas heater, $5. Call 320 E. 14th at., corner Alder. Phone East 0705. ' FOR SALE. A large Boyntun auper-heated air fur nace. Furnace is in excellent condition and mav be seen at 7-5 Sherwood Drive. .Main t57S. "WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comiortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. NKW MAYTAG ELECTRIC WASHER A Nil WRINGER FOR SALH A 1 .LOW PRICE. CALL EAST tiU4U FOR AP POINTMENT. NOTICE STUDENTS. Are you looking for a first-class drafting outfit? Call Tabor 024 after 7 P. M. HAMILTON-BEACH carpet washer; you an make 30 a day with this macnine; $285, cash or terms. Crescent Chemical Co., Washington st. S1BLOCO PIPELESS FURNACE, $135. Will give results; same guarantee I given by high-priced I urn aces. 12UI Mallory ave. 1. T. Woodmrr. TOR FATAH AUTOMOBILES. USED CHEVROLETS, SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. TIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWT, 240. CHEVROLETS. 3920 Touring, most new, priced, low. a 1018 Touring, dirt cheap, b. 1117 Touring at $:;05. . (g Big Sale of Used Cars. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th. and Washington. 1910 BU1CK LIGHT SIX CHASSTS. 1916 Buick light six chassis; fin con dition; tires good; 1ust the car to make . real speedster; FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Eajt 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. 1019 PAIUE five-pass. ; run only 80O0 miles; in excellent condition in every way: $100 paint job; -worth S2.100 new. "Will sacrifice for $1500. Terms $500 down. Mr. Argo. lidwy. 3281. STUTZ BUKLPOa. - Newly painted and just overhauled; best buy in Portland. Will consider some terms or light car as part payment. Ea.st 231 . .MAXWELL Must sell, private owner. good condition: five tiros, three just new ; $-,o; 2m uown, 9-0 per xnonm. woodiawn oo.n. 1017 BUICK Five cord tires; first-class mechanical condition ; for salo cheap for cash. See Ward at Couch Street Garage, Ninth and Couch. FOR SALE Briscoe touring car; new tires, one spare tir and spotlight. For sale by owner. Call Montgomery, Bdwy 41K4. FOR D truck, gear drive, with open and cloyed bodies; tires almost new. A snap at $700. JO Grand ave. N., near Burn ESSEX touring. 1910; best of condition good tires, one spare. Used privately, $ 1 475; tonus. Consider Ford touring in trad. HO brand ave. N., near Burnside, DODG E touring with new cord - tires and a spare. Good condition and cheap for quick sale, $725 cash or terms. Tabor 1U20 BULCK Condition perfect; 4 new tires and spare, II oversize cords, traded in on new seda-n; prico JIojO. Railt-back, Main 7S0. FORD delivery with open body, flan cur tains; very best of condition. Must sell A bargain at $475, with terms. U0 Grand ave. in., near iiurnsiao. FOR SALE Cadillac car, A-l condition new cord tires, new battery, have no use for this car, will sacrifice. See at 53 Fourth street, Shipley Transfer Co. S550 CASK or trade for light roadster. passenger Oakland, A-l cond it Ion, new top and tires. Automatic 520-13. 465 Broadway. .WHAT have you to offer for 5-passenge auto, Al upholstering, very good con dition; cost J2000; been drnven 7000 miles. N 500, Oregonian. I MUST raise price this week and wil sacrifice my Maxwell car for $475. al in good shape and new Urea. Wdln. 5357. BTL'TZ 7-pass., practically new car; forced to raise money at once; will sacrifice for cash or take in cheaper car and cash. BJ 326. Oregonian. llUICK 5-passenger, good tires, recently overhauled and refinished ; perfect run ning order, $175 if sold at once. 3824 62d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 3S71. iC0 APPERSON speedster, 4 months old, cord tires, going east, must sell ; a chance to get a bargain. R 538, Orego nian. A. BARGAIN, 1920 400 Chevrolet, good tires, excellent mechanical condition, somo extras; $750, terms. Call Tabor 3VM3. 1 1916 FORD Good shape, good rubber: price $425; $225 cash, rest terms. Call at Star Fruit Products. Second and Yam hill streets. Elmer Hicks. $400 5-PASSENGER Overland, tires, top, motor, battery, starter and gears in. ex cellent condition. Main 204, owner. 1020 FORD, worm drive express, double oversize cord tires; curtains all around. Big discount. Main 780. J.91S MAXWELL in first-clasa shape at a bargain. $550; L. E. McDonnell, 304 Oak st. or Wdln. 26S6. FORD chassis, without motor, excellent condition, good tires, 1920 license. Broad way 151. CHEVROLET bargain: new condition: fully equipped; good tires; need the money. 291 Harrison street. Main 4707. 120 OVERLAND Light Four; best light car on tno market today; make offer. 615 Chamber of Commerce building. BU1CK Has been driven about eight weeks; price $IC50; can be seen at Ford garage. Gresham, Or.; phone Gresham 44. PATHFINDER roadster for $275, in good condition; owner must ecu. Air. Argo, Broadway 3281. NEW 1920 DODGE; never toeen used: own er unable to take car; will sacrifice cash deposit. AH cregonian. 1918 DODGE car In Al condition, for $S00. Call 248 Yamhill st., room 305. MUST sell to pay debts Overland bug. In fine snape, 9 1 jvj Jtun. Main 7;S4. 1 1117 DODGE at a bargain. Leo ave., or Sellwoocl 3243. Call 52 1017 STUDEBAKER, 5 tires, $400. 7P0. T 1918 OVERLAND SIX, fine new paint, $750. Main 0S1. XR SALE Maxwell delivery car, run only 60OO miles, aiuuar as jaas to., Mar. 126, ;NE W 1920 CHANDLER, five cord tires. lots OI eitran. w inm m v u ai;a. CHEVROLET roadster, fine condition; snap. Broadway 1908. CHANDLER, 1920 model, sale r trade; consider smaller car. D 537, Oregonian. WILL sell my Ford touring cheap for Casil ; gooa conunmn. aant poe. 191S REO, 7-passenger, almost new tires, motor Just overhauled; $S50. Main 7S0. LIGHT touring, little used, perfect condl- tion, cheap. Jiaranan evenings. FOR SALE 6-40 Hudson, sonable price. Call at 47 1916. at rea ! Wash. t. 1919 CHEVROLET roadstar. East 6057. G. S. Brown. bargain. XATE 1918 Maxwell. looks and runa like new, $600. Main mj. lion OVERLAND, fine condition, xnan terms to responsible party. 108 Fourth st. 1910 BRISCOE, five new tires; car Al; a snap. Main tsu. 1UST sell my Grant 6 car; bargain, $575, Consider icrms. x auur 110. IOIS SAXON SIX, snap. Main 7 5 1. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SELLING SALE. We put the price so low on our late model cars that seeing is buying. SALE STILL, ON. 1919 ESSEX TOURING. 1920 CHEVROLET. 1920 BRISCOE TOURING. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. ELGIN SIX. YOU'LL LIKE. HERE'S ONE THAT CHANDLER SIX CHUMMY. HUPMOBILE TOURING. HUICK ROADSTER. JUST OUT OF j. n ca rAHNTfiill b il AN L)S. OAKLAND SIX TOURING. DON'T PASS UP THIS SALE. THE USKD CAR EXCHANGE, USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS. 15TH AND "WASHINGTON STS. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed .... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL, AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. USED-CAR BARGAINS BY LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. 1 Olds 4 $700 1 Studebaker 600 1 Dodge 750 1 Overland roadster 350 1 Chevrolet roadster 350 3 Fords,, from $400 to 475 1 Mitchell bug 250 XBulck ton truck 500 FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 valves ground, carbon removed..... 3 Magneto recharged 5 we hand-lap pistons, scrape bearfnrrs. etc.. which insures a perfect running muior. uenuine f ora parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. 102O 5-PASS., 4-cyl. car, bought four mos. ago. The prettiest of alt light cars; cost I Unit new ; wonderful power, 26 nines to gallon of gasoline, 32x3i tires, cAira, musi sen at once. i ar per feet. Would consider good diamonds in irane. a iare snay Jp for someone. AB 4i3. Oregonian. WK CARRY a full line of auto accessrles, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light .globes ete. ; also do towing. Open day. and night. liONG & SILVA, Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne HERR Brand new Mitchell roadster, used one week and run only 165 miles; cord tires in rear, non-kids all around, new spare ir-, ouinperw, hpot ngn t, license, etc r aemry guarantee. .Must sacrifice; no reasonaDie orrer win be refused. Bdwy, 32M, Mr. Argo. ' POW ER S P E ED CLASS. 1920 NATIONAL SEXTET. . . Pa inted in famous National gray trimmed In black. WONDERFUL PER FORMER. Can be had st treat aarri fire. For appointment call Mr. Ireland, nronuway i: 1 1. DODGE SACRIFICE 191S Dodgo touring car same as new. Tires are new. Motor cannot be equaled This is one bargain you should see. liberal terms to responsible party. Mr. Stanley, 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 1 .t. $750 BARGAIN. Oakland tourine car in fine condition. Will and must be sold at a liberal price, Motor, tires. top and leather good, Paint is brand new. Cash or terms $75V can Kdwy. 4154. Mr. Clemens, 100 N tsroaaway. LATEST model Essex roadster, only driven inree montns. cost 5-3-. with cauin ment; need larger car. Will sell at $628 discount. This car is better than new and can be seen after 6 P. M. Cal FOR SALE 1919 OLDSMOBTLE. RUN ..imi MiiKs: o ruRi) tires, iooo Ol WlLhS OF hom GUARANTEE; NO RE PAIRS NEEDED. CALL MAIN 7 89 0 iStth'UKW A. al . AND AFTER 6 P. M Al A K l'i A f f UliN 1 M EN T. ARE lOL thinking of an unused car? I am in position to save you several hundred uonars on various ma Res or new cars your iavorue car may Pe in mv list state car desired. AJ 480, Oregonian 19 IS CHEVROLET, new oversized tires. paint, top ana curtains in cood rnnri tion; used privately with best of care. i-rice right ana terms. See at Weber' Garage, ;i0tli and Belmont. 1913 GRANT 6 In fine condition, 2 Miller cord tires and one extra; lots of extras. Will sacrifice at $800. Terms $300 down. Mr. Argoe, Bdwy. 32S1. BARGAIN Late 1019 Ford. run 3000 miles, with about $200 worth of extras; must selL 001 Vancouver ave., near Russell. 1917 5-PASSENGER BUICK, 4-cy Under. In Al shape; new tires ; must sacrifice, leaving city; $600. Tabor 607.1. OVERLAND 90 for sale; first class con dition, $t00; just think of this offer. Phone Marshall 5241 or P. O. Box 4301. 1917 HUPMOBILE touring, $000 cash, $G0 terms; migni consiuer gooa lot or equity for part. Wood lawn 1 729. ONE of those dependable 1916 Olds. 4- cylinder touring car, excellent condition, new paint, $000. Wdln. 5516. LATE 1919 Velie, driven under 5000 miles; a new car for $1400. Why pay more? Main 7S0. 7-PASSENGER- light six Mitchell, new paint, cord tires. Try it out. Make an offer. 68 N. 23d st. BRAND NEW Baby Grand Chevrolet tour ing, w 111 sacrnice ior 1 400. Terms, $470 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1920 MAXWELL, like new, only run few miles, musi sen mis weeK. Private owner leaving city. Manor oo30. FORD delivery, HUB; good condition. A real pargain ai du Grand, ave. Is., near Burnside. 191S MAXWELL touring la first-class shape; jOU. can owner at Main iluy, 40S Board of Trade building. OVERLAND touring ; good condition. Must sell. a. snap at xerms. 30 Grand ave. in., near ournsiae. 4- CHEVROLET 1918 chassis. Make a dandy bug. $300. Terms, do Grand ave. N., near jjuniamc. FIVE-PASSENGER Cole in fine condition. everyimngi wonuenui vuy ior o-o. Xerms. Jir. Arsu, ouwj'. o-oi. 1918 MAXWELL, runs like new, repainted and a Dig oar gam 11 tasiea at once, private owner. Bdwy. 5015. DODGE touring car. A-l condition; act quickly. rnira Mreei oarage, - .North Third street, wroaaway 4ais. - MAXWELL touring, 1917. Al condition ; good tires. Real bargain at $425. 30 Grandi ave. is., near 5urnsiqe. AUTO WRECKING. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO., 290 Union Ave., Near Hawthorne. CHEVROLET royal mail roadster, pri vately uaeu, ii bi-vi3o .-uuui Lun, o good tires, extras, -tau; gome terms, giast 3150. WILL take good small car as part pay ment on my j bc r none Mr. Hagerman, Broadway 3281. or East 7897. MUST sell my 7-passenger touring car; communicate with me If you want a bargain. Owner. BP 451. Oregonian. HUDSON four, in fine shape, good tires; $200. terms. East 1770. FOR SALE One Saxon touring car. Terms. Broadway 2296. 1917 FORD roadster, with demountable rtms, $375. BF 731, Oregonian. 1919 OVERLAND 90. just like new, $750. Main 780. - EXIDE starting-lighting battery; no use tor it; sacrifice $17. 5a Tabor 4573. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. C. G. BLEASDALB, A CLEAN-UP SALE. AUTOS $100 TO $500. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. Ford tourinp, for quick sale $2' Maxwell touring, fine condition $375 Ford touring, well equipped $475 Maxwell touring, 1917, a bargain.. $450 1 Maxwell touring. 1918: mechanically right ; $650 Maxwell roadster, 1918 '. $650 Studebaker light four 1450 I Overland, model 90 $650 Overland, new model 4 roadster ....$950 1 Ford coupe, in fine condition $700 I Buick light 4; fine shape $630 I Oakland light six. almost new.... $1100 Chandler chummy roadster ......$1050 Studebaker, '19, light six $1450 1 Many other cars to choose from. Open Evenings and Sundays. C. G. BLEASDALE, 630 Alder Street. Broadway 1S52. FALL CLEARANCE SALE" USED CARS. ah are cars ot merit. AH are guaran- 1 teed. All are arood buva. National Sport $1000 I Cadillac. 7-pass 1900 I McFarland, 7-pass 1000 I Oaklands $600 to 1450 Overland. 5-pass. onlv 450 Chevrolet, o-pass, only 500 1 Oakland sedan, demonstrator; fully I guaranteed 1800 1 J-tOok some of these values over and see ror yourself. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMTANY. J Q N. Broadway st. Phone Bdwy. 41S4. $1900 CADILLAC TOURING CAR, REAL BIT Y- 7-passenger. five tires, good top, fair paint and a perfect motor. Cannot be equaled under $2200 anywhere. Look it over and be convinced. Wonderful value for family car or for hire purposes. Will give terms. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 4184. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING CAR. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. Car good as new mechanically. Has j run less than 10.000 miles. New paint, good top, upholstery and tires. Has all accessories. Cash or terms. See C. I Stover, 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 1 o-t. LIGHT SIX. 1920 model. I have acquired a new popular car. never used, conti nental motor, Delco system, Timken equipped: a beautiful, nowerful and eco nomical car of lasting quality. Sells for I z-,iu; win sen ior away below 11st price. Jerms to right party. AB 474, Orego nian. LATE MODEL Chevrolet touring In fine mechanical condition; good tires all I around. Paint excellent. Call Broadway 1JJ.1 days; WoodJawn 1131 evenings. OAKLAND, 1920. touring, almost new. not a mar or scratch, upholstery in perfect condition. The car just broken in. fine mechanical condition: must sell at once. Will sacrifice to cash buyer for $1050. Call owner. Wdln. 4068. $."30 $550. 1916 Dodge. 5 good tires and Al me chanically ; snap for this price; 40 per I cent down, balance easy payments. 522 Aider. $550 $550. BUG FOR SALE. Excellent body, ton and wind shield. bumper, 4 new tire; a snap at $300. See Irvine. Fields Motor Car Co., Broadway u, laoor FOR SALE Owner of brand new Ford touring car with lots of extras on wants a used car to be used for hire. Will give a good trade. 5820 92d st. S. E. Automatic. Ients 2011. FOR SALE CHEAP. High-grade late model Chalmers tour- Ins,, in A-l condition. If interested will demonstrate. Call Main 590 or Tabor I 7K.,7. AO 478, Oregonian. 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING. 1918 Chevrolet touring, finest condi tion; t irew nw ; ii2,. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Eat 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. 7-PASS. Studebaker six, good rubber and new top, line lor lamily use ; terms. will accept light roadster or touring car in exchange. Tabor 3282 or Broadway ii 1 .t. 1920 NATIONAL SEXTET. Seven-passenger, like new, cord tires. Will sacrifice, cash or terms. Consider late model Hupmobile in trade. Call I Mr. Ireiann lor appointment. Bdwy. 217. 1918 PAIGE roadster, fine condition in every way; cord tires in rear. Will sac rifice for $1200; worth , $2300 new. Terms, $400 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 1918 7-PASSENGER Buick. fine mechani cal condition, looks fine and runs better: cord tires; some extras; must be, sold at once; a snap buy for $1400. Phone owner at Main 44i9. LATE 1917, 7-pass. Chandler; thoroughly overhauled and SKin paint job. Pnc $1400, or will take light car as part pay ment. Terras on bai. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. MAXWELL touring, 1010; A-t condition: used privately. A snap at $000. Some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn- side. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. lyiS 7-PASS. Studebaker in best condi tion. All new tires and new paint. For quick sale, $r0. terms. 5820 02d St. Automatic, Lents 2011. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, good mechan-I leal condition; gooa tires; must sell. A snap at $475. Some terms. ' 30 Grand ave. N., near Kurnside. $1000 BUYS a 5-pass. Chandler touring. This is a gooa car ana must be seen to be appreciated. 'hone Mr. Yaw, Bdwy. 3848. CHEVROLET touring, 1919; A-l condition. Must sell. A bargain at $u00. Terms if 1 desired. to urand ave. is., near Burn- side. 1920 PAIGE 5-pass.; better than jiew; worth $2300 new. W Ut sacrifice for i $1800. Terms buu uown. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. a.ai. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes or cars and sell their parts at nan price. Ls,vid J lodes. Auto Wrecking Dept., 10j-7 N. 11th st. FORD one-ton truck. 1918. Truck Adjust ment, gear anve; tires almost new. Real I bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnsiae. WILL reduce the price of latest model r ,v 7Ji .H rSf.u yOUr offer. LIBERTY SIX; looks and handles like new; early 1919 model. There is not a better ouy in rortiana. Terms to re liable party. Tabor 2596. ' 1918 OAKLAND. A-l condition; five good tires; price $900; terms or cash. Frank lin garage, 1383 Division at. See Frank Tavlllt. 1PI7 MAXWELL, chassis, can be 249 Sixth street. Will give terms. FORD runabout, Al condition, tires almost new; real Bargain at some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FORD chassis. Will make a good bur. A real snap at $200. Some terras. 30 Grand ave. N.t near ljurnsige. PAIGE SIX, 1917, touring. Wire wheels. one extra. Real bargain at $1000. 30 Grand ave. r., near jurnsioe. MAXWELL touring, 1918. Fine condition. good tires. Real bargain at $775. 30 I Grand ave. IS., near Aiurnslde. OAKLAND touring. 1918; almost new. Will sacrifice at U io. 3U Urand ave. N, near Burnside. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheeh: crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 5S4 Alder st. Broadway 2G8L CHEVROLET touring, 1918; fine condi tion, good tires. A snap at $495; terms. 30 Grand ave. in., near -tturnside. FORD touring, 1917. Best of condition. Good tires. Real bargain at $425. 30 Grand ave. is., near nurnaioe. 1920. 490 CHEVROLET. bargain. with terms. Webster's Garage, E. , 11th and Flanders. CHALMERS roadster, 1917; best of condi tion. A real bargain at $600. 30 Grand ave. in., near uurnaiae. FORD bug. 191S engine, good tires and top; exceuenL conamon. xerms. Howard. Wdln. ai4. 1U20 FORD coupe, driven only 4000 miles, for sale cheap for cash. See Ward at Coucn street oarage, rs intn and Couch. DODGE sedan at a bargain. Will take I cheaper car in part payment. Bdy. 2274. ' LATE 1917 Chandler Chummy; thoroughly WANT sturdv liht tourine SruwniaikefiirttpSi;taJob- Price Ad? wmytdV Ir'aSS $1300. Will take Ughtcar as part pay- Bter a'pass.( and 30 acres ment. Terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. cotn COUnty. J. I. Johnson. FOB (SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUY NOW. The cars we have on hand now were purchased during the gasoline shortage at our own prices, which means a big saving to you. Our cars are overhauled and riven the work to make them look and run like new. J- We Invite your closest Inspection. 1919 Reo 4 touring, like brand new.$1400 1919 Essex road., never run better. 1450 1917 Hupmobile, runs perfect ... 1100 1919 Scripps-Booth 6, runs fine... 1050 uiy .baby Grand Chevrolet road ster sou 1917 Buick 6 roadster, very late one so 1917 Maxwell. Just rebuilt 475 191S Ford sedan, runs very fine... 650 111 Korrt touring, repainted 400 111 T Ford touring, lots of extras.. 4O0 ;iu ford touring. 3ust new tires.. 3 10 1916 Cole 8. fine running condi tion 900 1913 Franklin, just new tires 500 Chandler coupe, well equipped, in first-class condition..... 1000 Terina given Trades considered. CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. CONLET & AR BUCKLE, 66 10th St., bet. Stark and Oak. Bdwy. 1424.. USED CAR VALUES Should not be measured by price alone. out snoum be judged by value and fu ture service. We solicit your investiga tion of our used car stock on this basis. and we are satisfied that you will at the same time find our prices right, quality of our cars considered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1915 Reo. 5-Dass.. 4-cvl. $300 450 400 500 650 500 750 150 1000 1150 900 1 too 1600 1100 1915 Buick, 5-pass.. 4-cyl iui6 Maxwell, o-pass., 4-cyl. Overland, Model 75. 5-pass.. 4-cvl... Overland, Model 00, 5-pass., 4-cyl... 3916 Mitchell, 7-pass. 6-cyl Overland, Model 85, 5-pass.. 6-cyl... 1917 Hupmobile, 5-pass., 4-cyl jim i Aiitcneu, ft-pass., o-cyi 1918 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl 3918 Mitchell, 7-pass, tt-cyl twin Mitchell, u-pass., 6-cyl 1918 Mitchell, chummy 1919 Chandler chummy. 1918 Oakland. 5-pass. 6-cvl. Willys-Knight, 5-pass., 4-cyl. iv ju Mitchell roadster. 5 cord tires. A real buy. Jordan sport marine, 4-pass.. 6-cyl. Jordan Silhouette, 5-pass., 6-cyl. Many different models to choose from, most of them have gone through our shop, some of them have been repainted. You will not find the equal of our stock, in quality, in the city of Portland. No brokerage charges and reasonable terms. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER COMPANY. 3 Tears in Business. Broadway and Everett Streets. Phone Broadway 4675. ESSEX. Carefully driven less than 3000 miles by private owner. See this if you want a nearly new car for cab. East 712. T. W. SCOTT, 912 E. GLISAN. REAL -BARGAIN IN BUG. POWERFUL FRANKLIN. Snap price $150. $50 down, balanre in 4 mo. Ask for Grout at Fields Motor Car Co., 11th and Alder. Phone Broad way 240. 1918 DODGE touring car'in splendid me- cnamcai condition to be sola on account of the owner buying a larger car; has been in private use and received excel lent care; equipped with 5 good tires; Can be seen at Meier &. Frank's garage, 2d and Jefferson sta. DODGE ROADSTER. Bought Feb. 26, and has had careful attention by me, as looks and demon stration will convince you ; has three tires less t'hfen two weeks old and two others in fair condition. Price 11215 cash or $200 below present price. Phone owner at Marshall 90, or see car at 1914 East Yamhidl street. 1917 OVERLAND LIGHT DELIVERY. 1917 overland light delivery, electric ligh ts and starter ; car in good condi tion ; tires good. You will be surprised when you see it. A real bargain, $3b5. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 3770. Grand Ave, and Hawthorne. CHALMERS six, demountable; license and Htarter. 414 Gltnan. cor. 10th. $400 cash. LATE model Velie, 2 bumpers, new paint. maroon with white wheeln; 2 cord tires, 2 new fabrics. For quick sale, $1300. Rai Ipback, Main 78 1 . FOR SA LB Nash roadster. 1920 model. in first-class condition. Five cord tires. Seats three comfortably. Will sell at auite a reduction in price. If inter eated address W. j. Hateman, 402 Tudor Arms Apis. lo not telephone. MUST be sold by private party. 1920 Stephens Salient Six o-pasi., or trade on smaller car. Phone Main 0706, or 303 Selling bids. FORD ROADSTER. $400. Main 7S1 Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Auto truck; 2 U. -mile haul for logs, a per thousand ; good road. I also want to rent or lease a truck br the day or month for hauling grain and lumber. - . bchoenhett, box 24, Blod gett. Or. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. corner 15th and Washington. WOULD like to share car with Christian Scientists Sundays and Wednesdays. driving between Raleigh station and Portland, for some remuneration. AC 4 10. Oregonian. WOOD SAW for sale, mounted on Wlntoo chassis, or will trade for light touring car ; win consider no jutiK. Call bun days. Wood lawn 620. Week days cail Automatic .124-46. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. Dodge pre Studebaker road- land in Lin 942 E. Mor- I rison st. WANTED to buy. 1911 Pierce-Arrow tour ing or roadster, r irst class condition. Reasonable. Covey Motor Car Co, BEAUTIFUL Bush &. Lane piayer piano, circafe lan walnut, to exchange for late automobile, value syuv. 'tabor t42. 1918 MAXWELL Runs and looks like new car, will exchange for latie model Ford sedan, private party. Bdwy. 1354. TRADE your car for Interest In small man ufacturing concern and a good job. Mr. Brown after 6, room 488 Multnomah hotel I WANT hauling for heavy 2 -ton truck and trailer; outfit almost new ; winters Job preferred. Wentworth, East 4724 WANT to buy old cars, any size, any con anion. waii Vancouver ouo. rc b. uore. WANTED Ford : must be in sood condi tion ; cash ; owners only. Columbia 49 $o00 MORTGAGE on rooming house, 7 to traae ior auto. Alain z.ivu. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior, Henderson , and Cleveland Agency. LATE '17 H.-D. with sidecar, new bat terv. new A. B. C. two new tires, ex tras; trade for Ford bug or $295 cash. TaborMM. 1918 HENDERSON motorcycle sidecar electric and gas; complete equipment many extras. Alain 8d4i. 1920 BRAND new Cleveland, for less than retail price. rhone Kast 0888 or 44t Jt-ast fciurnsiae oeiore o P. M. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-UO 3V ST. MAIN 6230. ONE National 1919 model sidecar, first- class condition. aast j.j4. Auto Tire and Accessories. BRAND new 40x8 Goodyear cord. all- weather tread, with tube, mounted on rim; ioye on. rnone Alain 160. 86x4tt CORD tire, retread. Miller Ad-On. C. P. -Baretie, i am wduy. Automobiles for Hire. 1920 5-PASS BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobile for Ulro. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch, Remember our number, Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY J40S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 190 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway mo. AUTOSWITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAILOR. MAIN 16S7. AUTOS FOR HIRE Day or night service; Columbia highway trips. Phone Main 355 or Tabor 4845. FOR SALE: TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks in the state ot Oregon. They are all overhauled and put In the finest possible condition. It will pay you to investigate our line. 1913 Dodge delivery 19IS Ford panel delivery. Reo, 2-ton V - ton Republic special. . 1-ton Republic .$ 950 . 450 . 600 . 800 . 8.-.0 2-ton u. M-. 10O0 3s -ton Republic 2500 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRASSING A TREECE. 542 Alder it, cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. BAKERY DELIVERY TRUCKS, Two exceptionally good bakery delivery trucks one Overland and one Studebaker. Complete with good bodies and all necessary equipment and are ready for busi ness. Call Broadway 1460. 2-TON PRACTICALLY NEW REPUB LIC TRUCK. A-l MECHANICAL CON DITION, USED 60 DAYS AND RUN 500 MILES: JUST LIMBERED UP NICELY: SAME SERVICE ON THIS TRUCK AS I ON ONE THAT NEVER LJCFi FLOOR. $975 CASH WILL HANDLE OR MAY USE A LATE MODEL FORD TOURING CAR AND SOME CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT. BALANCE EASY TERMS. BY OWNER, 385 S. THIRD ST. MAIN 7094. ROOM 202. USED TRUCK SACRIFICES. We are closing out the following I trucks at prices that will move them. 5-ton Republic, run less than one year, $3000. 2-ton Winther, 1919 model, $2500. 2-ton Garford. 1918 model, $2000. 2-ton Nash, 1918 model, $1500. 1 -ton Model D Federal, $S50. Terms to reliable purchasers. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 12th and Everett streets. HAVE large truck and logging trailer ca pable of hauling 10 tons; want contract that willl pay $4.50 to $5 per hour; will put bed on to suit the Job. B 591. Ore gonian. 1919 FORD ONE-TON' TRUCK. 1919 Ford one-ton truck, worm drive: equipped with fine express body; cost me $I05O; my price $695. Terms. Looks liK now. j 0-4 1, urcgonian. MODEL 9, t-ton Republic truck; newly rtninterl and overhauled ; first-ciass me chanical condition. Trade for touring I car or stock. What have you 7 C 564. oregonian. 1 HAVE a 2-ton Nash truck just over hauled and painted, new windshield and flat body, just me ituck mr some wood hauler. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Mr. Yaw, Bdwy. 3848 or Tabor 6293. W I LL sacrifice 2-ton auto truck, fully eouinned with ruriiuure.or moving nody. this truck taken for debt. A. G. Onslow, Win ton building. 23d and Washington streets. Phone Main i "-.. NEW 2 -TON TRUCK with good busl- iness for sale: do not answer this un less you have at least $ir0O cash; $3800 is price. S. B. Shafer. Deer Island. Or. WOULD contract 2 -ton new truck with reliable Iirm; Know Business. warren Guyer. Monmouth, Or, care ' Bronson's mill. - I NEED MONEY. Will sell 1-ton Internal Gear drive truck, used 8 months, for $000. Phone Bdwy. 4379. FORD 1-ton truck in good condition: tires like new; terms. n.a.si or tsroaa way 4KV5. 141 North bixth street. WANTED To rent, 1 Va or 2-ton truck without driver, ior aoout jo uays. Mar shall 4700. Ask for Mr. Brook way. 1919 FORD truck with platform body. pneumatic cora ures, o;u ior quicK sale. r OX -tSrOB., i ruu iuau:, vr. I92n ONE-TON Ford truck, been used months, perrcct condition, wiu aeil reas onable. Main 0200. 3W-TON Atterbury truck with Job tba paia jiu'j last nioiun, tu'u. Motor 1 Sales Corpora tion, 1 2t h and Everett sta. I 2-TON truck and trailer, with job guar- nteed ?.5U a oay. can wdin. J94,. WILL trade gooa j-ton trucK. used one year lor touring car. fDono Tabor 02i3. FOR SALK cheap. 1919 Ford delivery car. rirst-ciai3 con at tion. un i-a st. S. K. ON ACCOUNT of health, 3Vfc-ton truck working in town. Ulsen. bhH V. 13th N. GARAGES. WANTED A used portable garage in good condition, wdln. u-44. AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rates. Hemphill's Trade Schools, 20th and Hawthorne. SAVE 40 per cent. Expert auto repairing; work guaranteed.. Phone East 7bU3. WANTED M1SCKI.LANKOUS. 8.ou UP TO S2A.0O GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3032. 245V4 BURNSIDE. tALL Al hUi!'(JKU AMltiUDI ULSlli. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. FURS, FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $lou. Reasonable prices. l.A Jf KAMJK FL K Mt U. CO.. 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main to-'u. UP TO $33. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. we pay any price xor men a clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 0344. WE MUST have 500 used men's suits, coats and pants, all sizes, all colors, call us for one or more. We pay cash from $10 and up. A phone call will bring u with cash to your place. Call 167 1st L, near M o rr iao n. or call Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY la buying men'a cut-oft clothing; highest casn prices paid; wiu call day or nignt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the market price for 2d-hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of Junk. Call Main 734 and 1 WILL CLEAN UP YOUR, HOME. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds. VINE'S JEWELRY 6 TOO RE. 257 Washington at., cor. 3d, Main 664a DON'T FORGET that Alder the Tailor pays the highest prices- for second-hand clothing. Call at 201 Third st. Main 3207. THE BOSTON TAILORS AND CLEAN ERS PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR LA DIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHING AND SHOES. 3D. MARSHALL 3438. SAFE Small or medium sized fireproof sate; 'will pay cash if price reasonable. BC avl, oregonian. STEAM BOILER wanted for vulcanizing shop, either gasoline or coal burner; must be gooa. Ar out oregonian. LADIES Let the Vogue Apparel Exchange sell your used garments and- furs. 4o3 Alisky bldg. Main 3132. WANTED To adopt infant, good home. will furnish references. G 542, Orego nian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co., 2b3 Wash. st. JUNK, rags, old clothing, tools, metals, furniture, carpets; good prices. East 5171. HEATING STOVE WANTED. SELLWOOD 3542. .22 SAVAGE N. R. A. rifle wanted, state age and price. AC 473, Oregonian. WILL BUY school clothes Xor boy 13, ooO, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To buy two second-hand bowl ing alleys which are In shape to move and relay; specify cash figure. AC S3 8, Ore-go nian. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. EKNKST DEEDS, S40 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25.00 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madfson st. near 3d st. Will call day or evening. SECON'D-HANt) coal oil burner. 66 6th st. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture rugs. carpets, stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents. bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have -anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE A. FURNITURE CO., 23-223 Front St. A. A S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. FURNITURE WANTED. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE BE SURE AND CALL MARSHALL 5S7. YOUR CALL WILL BRING OUR BUYER AT ONCE. WE PAY THE TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS. ETC.. EVERY THING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WE ALSO BUY OFFICE FURNI TURE. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY. CALL MARSHALL 587. A. A S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STOKE. 205-207 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. MARSHALL 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTKNJJJiiU 1U bAJib JJAi; HIUHtfti PRICES i. a LU. W Anci l tii OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUH KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 50 SI. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES KVKR PAID BY AN VON K ii TH bi CITY FOR FURNITURE, CA.lt- PE1S. hil"C YOUR CALL WILL BRING TH BUYER WITH. THa aio.-SKi. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN tfUtf. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of, ail klnda. loves, ranges, rugs, eic. 10 snip out town. Will pay nighcr prices Uian any local dealer. au us ior one article a house lull and a courteous and com netent buyer will be promptly at vour service. Mar. 2693. Crown Furniture Co. WANTKU High-class furniture to fur nish living room ana Dearoom complete. Will give clear warranty aeea v rrrn ton. uregon, business lot ; value $75u Answer where 1 can see stuff quickly KF 473, oregonian. HK SURE AND LET US Srcre your iuruiture and household goods b tore you sell. We are In the market for came aua win pay mgnesc. prices. PORTLAND FLKNllUKili EXCHANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. W'B MUST nave a lot or used furnitur and nousenoiu uii.uie ior pri vt& ana a. pa.ru ut uouh's. we nu v more than others do. A phone cail will bring ouyer wim tu. v,ui MAIN 733. MAIN 895L We buy every iniug in furniture; w pay tne price. FREEMAN-WOLFE FUR. CO. 200 1st tit., 3. E. Cor. Taylor. WANTED One small used rug about 4 Inches oy ov mi-ncs; aico two roc kin chairs ana iwo micnen cnairs; s price and particulars. P io, Orego nmn. , CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 887 MAIN. MUST have a limited amount of used fur niture, rugs, etc., at once; win pay mora than othe-r local dealers. A phone call wiil convince ou. Main 4773. WILL take furniture for 5-rooms as part payment on my ij-u rago sport model. Bhone East 7&'J7. REDUCED FREIGHT RAT Fa to all points on DouscDuiu fiwus. muiig uoast For .nVHtnf ( 'o bth and Hnvl hHiuu t. I . ' ' WE NfciL oi-.cuu-jiau 'URITJURK of any description; have the ready cash, phone today. Main 4027 or 1B First st. SELL us your furniture and rugs. Reiu able Furniture o.. ;vo -a st. AiajQ 730s. "household furniture wanted will pay cash. maim 3332. WE 4U1 useai.uiiiii.urc. r or oest results Call AUIU. -iflA Ut East 240u EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. - Will teach yuu the trade in 8 weeks. give you a scC of tools and some pay while learning. Position secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or cat I for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnaide st. ST. HELEN'S HALL 13th and Hall Sts. Kindergarten. Vista ave. and St. Clair; Reopens Sept. 1 3. Registration 13th and 14th. at 13th and Hall Sts. Main 2278. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TO BE AN OCULIST. " Portland Optical School. 2d floor Co lumbia bldg., opens September 20. No tuition charged Oregon ex-service men. Phone Main 9. 87 for further in formation about enrollment. O REGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning ; good set of tools given ; poai tlons secured ; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st. MRS. G. M. MELBY'S private kinder garten and preparatory, first grade, re opens at 6O0 East 45th at- N. Tabor 83KJ. Rose City Park. MISS MATTINGLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL. Shorthand and Typewriting; Individ ual Instruction. 269 14th, near Jeffer son. Main 3 8V 3. EXPERIENCED, well educated teacher de sires a limited number of private pupils; elementary work preferred. Main 14;i0. 1 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute, 4C4. Railway Exchange b;dg. Free booklet. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school. Enter when convenient. 23U Tillamook at.. East 3860. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K, Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. M gr., N. W. Bank bid g. M a in S276, OREGON law school, Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. J3. Richardson, sec Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. PRIVATE kindergarten opens Sept. 13. 1203 Ivon st. Tabor 4138. STUDY massage, Portland School of Mas sage (Inc.), 711 Swetland bldg. Main 7786. FlSK Teachers' Agency Journal b'dg. Main 4$3i, Teaching positions, free re. HELP WANTED MALE. GARAGE FOREMAN. Man to take charge of local garage. Excellent opportunity. Very best refer ences required. Correspond with Box 747, giving references. THE METER & FRANK COMPANT re; quires the services of boys about IS years of age for helpers on delivery wagons. Permanent work and good op portunity for advancement. Apply Meier & Frank Garage, Second and Jef ferson streets. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of an experienced suk and dress goods salesman. Permanent position. Apply . Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank Company. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tmctor business men of Portland. Students do practical renair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. WANTED First-class machine prcsser; good wages and permanent position. Hroad way Dyeing and Cleaning W orks, 372 Union ave. N. Must be thoroughly experienced. HIGH-GRADE solicitor to solicit business for the collection department of a na tional commercial agency; one familiar with credit department work preferred: business entirely with manufacturers and wholesalers; clean-cut proposition for a hih -grade man; state age. experience, saiary and references to receive atten tion. 0-W. Oregonian. BOY TO do errands and general office work; good chance for advancement If ability is shown. Apply Oregonian Eusi- ness office. CAN PLACE 20 HOP PICKERS; Jl.SOPER HUNDRED POUNDS. RANCH :0 MILKS FROM PORTLAND. GOOD CAMP GROUND. CALL BEFORE lO A. M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 BECK BLDG. BDWY. 1S67. TWO CHAINMEN for railroad party; $"." and $S5 and board. AG 473, Oregonian. A BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN Represent a reliable established company in your territory. Experience not necessary. We help you succeed. Some splendid open ings now for young middle-aged 01 elderly men. Toppenish Nursery Co., loppenish. wash. WANTED A first-class furniture finisher to take the position of head finisher in a furniture factory. Must know the trade thoroughly and be able to fur nish references as to experience in factory finishing. Address Seattle Mat- t ress & Upholstery Co.. Sea 1 1 1 e. ash. MAN THOROUGHLY experienced in ha dlinx correspondence of malt order bus iness of reliable and old-established firm. Good opportunity. Give reference and salary expected. Address P. O. box 214, station B. Battery ana Washington ts.. San rrancisco, Lai. WANTED to BLACKBERRY PICKERS. CENTS PER POUND PAID. RANCH K MILES FROM PORTLAND. CALL BEFORE A. M.. KNIGHTS OF COT.l'MPUS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CO'. PECK BLDG. BDWY. in1 WANTED Two cooks, man and wife at Oregon normal dormitory. Monmouth, Or. Good waces: permanent employ ment. See Miss Jessica Todd. Seward hotel. Saturda y morn tug. Sept. 11, from 1 to 12 A. M. HANDY MAN to work in giraffe. Wages $10O per month. State experience, age. married or single. Steady work if satisf actory. An.sw er In ow n handwriting. J 001, Oregonian. BOl' OR young man to make himself gn- et ally useful around clothing factory, asiistinir cutters, etc. Fine cuance for live one to learn a good business. Wages to start lo week, urownsviue w ooien Mill store. IF YOU can sell an article of real merit we can arrange to give you the selling rights for the state of Oregon, or parts of it. See Wm. II. Sahly, Imperial ho tel, room 330. 8 to 10 A. M. or 7 to 0 P. M. VV A NT ED 100 men at one to learn operate and repair automobiles and gas tractors. Apply Hemphill's Automobile & Gas Tractor Schools, corner iaKt -"tn and Hawthorne. Write or call for free rata logue. OFFICE ROT FOR PERMANENT POSI TION TO RUN ERRANDS AND AT TEND TO GENERAL OFFICE DUTIES; GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY RUOM 712 ELECTRIC BLPG. BOY FOR delivering and office work with established firm. Opportunity for bright and energetic boy, with good wages to start. Commercial Advertising Co. Couch bldg. STOREKEEPER Experienced with charge accouu ts. w ho understands records and receiving of supplies of all kinds. Reply in own handwriting. Address box US, Dtifur. Or. WANTED Elderly couple. German pre ferred, to take care of suburban home comprising 23 acres, house and barn. Compensation, division of proceeds. Ad dress L ..s, Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitor, experienced only. weekly, montnly pun ilea tion. Kand-Mo- Naltv oocket maps, railway brotherhood books. Call 1 lo 3. Clyde Agency, 210 Stock exchange DiQ-g- WANTED Elderly couple. Lierman pro- ferred. to take caro of suburban home comprising 2o acres, house and barn: compensation, division of proceeds. Ad- dross L uregonian. WANTED Boys with high school eduea- tion to leaxn tho hardware business. Honey-man Hardware Co., Park and Crlisan wtreets. WANTED Office messenger. general office ; salary basis, o per month. tiive age and phone number. AB bJ2 Oregonian. WANTED At once, first-class, open shop. al 1-round lathe machinist. Only experi enced man need apply. 20 Oregon bldg., Fifth and Oak sts. WANTED At once, two good open shop laborers for work in plant at frt. jotins. Residents of St. Johns preferred. Apply r'0 Oregon bldg., r lttn ana uaK sis. CUTTER of gentlemen's garments. Must bo thoroughly experienced and of pleas ing personality. Give references. O 542, Oregonian. TIMEKEEPER Answer In own handwrit ing, giving reference and salary ex pected. Permanent position, out of town. Address box 9S. Dufur. Or DELIVERY boy for all-day work. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., S06 Spalding bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Boy over 16 to de liver groceries. 60th and Belmont. Phone Tabor 378. NIGHT MAN for garage, middie-aged man preferred. 717 Hawthorne or Last 1300. YOUNG MAN to drive grocery wagon in downtown district. See Mr. Luihn, Scaly-Dresser Co. BOY WANTED, one who desires to learn good trade. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 62 1 T h urinan s t. MAN AND "WIFE, for Hood river apple ranch, good house and a bout 3 months work. Phone Bdwy. G7Q6. WANTED Good shop man and slaughter house man; steady position. Corvallis Meat Co.. Corvallis. Or. BARBER wanted for Saturday and steady. 113. Second st. WANTED Barber for Saturday work ; $9 guaranteed. 6tf2 Lombard St., near Fiske. SHOEMAKER wanted. Oregon City. K. Schoenheinz, WANTED I experienced wringer man. Apply Oregon Laundry. MOTORCYCLE boy wanted at Powers & Estes. 120 Sixth street. WANTED Two good sheet metal workers at once. r irt street. WANTED Good painter tor tinting. $6 per aaj Bl- 1 SASH and door machine man. cabinet makers. 4-iO Wooster bldg. TRUCK DRIVER -Must know the city. Appiy v. -'i- - r 1 mi 1 at. WANTED A few men to handle auto spe ciatty in Oregon. D 540, Oregonian. SALESMAN A hustler can make li $23 a day. D 541, Oregonian. BELL BOY for Campbell Hotel. 2d and Hoyt. WANTED E xperienced Third street. bushelman. BUSHELMAN wanted. Apply Dunn. Broadway and Alder. Jimmy HELP WANTED MALE. $300 TO $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many auto mobile experts are. You may join the high -salaried, skilled-mechanic 'ranks If you take advantage of the gaa engineer ing courses offered by tho LEADIN'Q AUTO SCHOOLS OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay its a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our $1 bJS-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GA KNtilNH SCHOOL. UN TON AVENUE AND WASCO ST. MEN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOY MENT. The place best equpipped to assist yen in finding employment is the Y. il. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boys. Many firms havo standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are lil ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service u absolutely free to ex-service men. All men seeking employment in Cleri cal, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should seo the Y. M. C A, employment secretary, room S07. M AND FOR CAPABLE MEN." the MEIER & FRANK CO. require tb services of a bus boy for tearoom; good wages; hours, u:lo to o:4.. Apply Employment bureau, Pixta Floor, Meiar & Frank Co. THE MEIER A PRANK CO. require the services ot an experienced candy matter. Apply employment bureau, sixth, fioor, Meier & Frank. Co, DEFINITE INFORMATION CONCERN ING MOONSHINERS AND BOOTLEG GERS; ALL COMMUNICATIONS HELD SECRET AND GIVEN PROMPT AT TENTION BY THE PROPER AUTHOR ITIES ADDRESS P. O. BOX 35o, PORTLAND, OR. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient of fice help, cail Broadway 4419. Clerical Help Service, 52U Artisans' bldg. OFFICE and commissary work, out of town. $.w00; lumber stenographer, out of town, $ t.".0; traveling salesman, $2CHi; stenographer, city, $123. iiiiH N. W. Bank Bldg. AVIATION PAYS Wanted, a few young men to take pilot and mechanic courses. Splendid opportunities; big pay. Par ticulars. Dudrey Aircraft Co., 824 Mor gan bldg. BOYS and men can make good money cut ting nag 01 tno ounrusnts variety, hor Information inquire of Western Cooper age Co., St. Johns, east end or & P. ft S. bridge. MAN WANTED Who can cut and lay carpets ana cut and bang draperies; steady job to the light person; answer, stating experience, references and salary expected. F. A. Guramer, Stockton, Cal. A1AN AN D WIFE ( all around cook and helper! tor commercial hotel in soutnern Oregon ; wages $ 1 75 per mo. Address Paul Mueller, Guerin Hotel, Myrtle Poi n t . or. A FEW men wanted for steady work b Portland Gas & Coke Co. at plant on Linnton road. Take f-ee bus at 23d and S a v icr sts at 7:1T A. M. WANTED Names, men. boys over 17, wishing to become mj.ll carriers; 9lli month. Answer immediately, AV 24 j Oregon Ian. Portland, Or. MAN w anted who can a rive Chevrolet truck; a good chance to get in business for yourself; will sell half interest or all. Phone Woodlawn 4397. WANTED A BOY FOR OFFICE WORK; MIST BE OVER 1 YEARS OK AGE. APPLY LANG & CO., 1ST AND AN K EN Y. W A NTED Two all around mechanics: good wages, good living conditions. W ir or write Fandon Garage, Bandon, Or, If nt competent don' t pply. W A NT ED Elderly, honet man to do chores on farm near the city; good home, pleasant surroundings. Will pay moderate wages. B 50'. Oregonian. WANTED TWO 1R-VEAR-OLD BOYS I M OA SPY FACTORY. STKA O V WORK . APPLY TRU-HLU BISCUIT CO., EAST SIXTH AND DAVIS. MEN. age under A3, experience unneces sary , travel, make secret investigation, report?, salaries, expense. American Foreign Detective Agency, 616 St. Louis. A HKLPER in meat market, some experi ence, a steady place to wining worker. Call or address Spraner'a Store, Bcaver ton. Or. W A NTED Experienced shipping clerk. maJe. out-ot-to-wn jon; give age, experi ence, phone No. Y ."itiO, Oregonian. W A NTED Experienced log scaler, out- of-town Job; give age. experience and phone number. AO -17. V Oregnoian. CYLINDER press ferdcr wanted at once. Columbia I'aper uox o.. -jin ana HoMaday ave. 1 BOY WITH wheel. pr day; must be 11 or over. federal iciegmpn vo., 15oa.ru of -Trade bldg. YOUNG man wanted for office work and collecting. fl. wk. to start; give phono No. P 230, Oregonian. BOY BETWEEN 16 and IS years to run one floor water power elevator. .Apply at Levitt's ptore, 4th and Wshinicfpn WANTED Two f 1 r s t - c I a t n ev h a n i c s . Couch Street Oarage, win ana couch. A k for Mr. Ward. WiLL LET a room to man In exehans for few nnurs carnen wora: aaiiy. 120 Thurrnan St. Marshall ."6.14. BOY WANTED to help around but-her shop and deliver orders after schoo or alt day. Inquire 230 N. Ifith st. H. Ene!. CA HP ENTER Contracting, repairing and remo;!rling. Reliable Mechanic Broad way 24 S7. SH KKT metal worker, all-round, ex pe rlenced man needed. Call 247 Ankcny su Broadway 4.". W A NTED Roys over 1 rt. also h igh school bovs to work short hours. Apply Oregon Alleys. SB1 Broadway. WANTED Experienced cheaner and d yer, top wages. Codd-Dodge-Lindley Cleaners, Olympia, Waw h. WANTED Extra salespeople In aJi de partments for Saturday work only. Simon's store. 2d and Alder. YorNf man to select orders In dry goods department ; permanent position. Apply in off'ce. Jones Cash Store, H Front M. WANTED Mill and yard men for taw mil' at Cilendale, Or. Must have carfare. Call 624 Morgan Mdg- HARD candy maker, one used to running; vacuum fan. Vogan Candy Co., Eaj-t 11th and Flanders sts. BARBER Steady Job; 2 Saturday men. S H. Howard, sec. Master Barbers as sociation. 86 Bdy. st. SA LESM EN, experienced or Inexperienced, py manufacturing company. tau 02 v N. 23d st. LABORERS wanted for street paving. corner or 72a ana outn ave. a. a, xake Mt. Scott car. WANTED Siudents to learn vulcanizing and retreading irom Aaron, grad uate. 433 Stark sL COM PETENT office boy for permanent position ; gooa aovanceracni. Appiy in own handwriting to A J 477, Oregonian. WANTED Ford mechanic: state experi ence anu l ci "i c iv,o in . t. 1 . aiic; Motor Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED Experienced make-up man for morning newspaper. appiy - juorning Astorian. Astoria. Or. DELIVERY boy wanted at once. Rosclawn Grocery, 4fv ttoaeiawa avenue. Phone Woodlawn 'J15. YOUNG man wan tea. M ust bo reliable; one witn wneei prcicrreu. frank rau Irug Co. Ask for Joe. REPRESENTATIVES in all counties in Oregon to nanoie nan 011 purners. 66 6th at.. Portland. W'ANTED Boy about 18. to work on garment press machine. "Palace Laun ch r y Kast loth and Kvcrett. HOY wanted : good chance for advance ment. Kteist & Co.. 125 N. 5th st. A BARBER wanted at once. Apply Peter son Barber Supplies. Ill 3d st. BOY WANTED for general work around store. Nlcoll the tailor, IPS 3 st. SECOND baker. $0 per wk.. permanent, good town. Address A V 34:, Oregonian. SHOEMAKER wanted; first-class mechan ic only. 42 E. 2Sth st. N. LEARN tho vulcanizing business, write l.r8 East Broaaway. Call or WA NTED A pressor for men's clothes. The Wardrobe. Broadway 1394. CARAMEL and nugat man. Vogan Candy Co., East 11th and Flanders sts. JAPANESE schoolboy wanted. ;S85. Call Main WANTED Young H. S. boy to work after school at Joy-the-tailor. 104 4th st. PRESSMAN, cylinder and platen. Enter prise. Oregon City. BOY WITH wheel. Royal bldg. Archer & Schanz Co. JANITOR WANTED Who understands Ice mac hi no and repair worka. 275