THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1020 RE A L ESTAT E. For finale House. Marshall 1898. BIQ SNAP. IRVINGTON. N'o. 24 -A 6-room house, cloee-in in Irving con district. House bas a good attic, furnate, fireplace, mod si n plumb og, latest Luilt-lna; paved street; ce--nt eidowalk and sewer. Extra spe cial prfc on this st $55H, $1250 cash, balance Just like rent. AWYKUS '11 TLB A TRUST CO., 265 Stark St., near 4t,h. Marshall 1M1. GRAND A V EN U G. Si & Rooms and Attic l.iis Is not a new houise. but very comfortable and exceedingly cheap at ine pml asked $10Ot, which Includes areet, sewer and sidewalks, all paid for; l block from Union-avenue tar; $250 will handle; balance $25 per month. You probably pay at least this Tiiuch rent every month. You cannot pay bUt with rent receipts, but the money paid oat month on your home eul comes back to you. Let Us tihow You. GEO. T, MOQKE CO.. 1Q7 Yeon Bldg. HAWTH O H NK BUNGALOW B rooms and reception hall, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, largo floored attic; all street improvements In and paid; close to car; immediate possession t'l.KVKLANO-H KNDEUSON CO . no-;;uH Board of Trade Bldg. Pdy. 4754. IOVT overlook this; $300 cash secures Ur you a nice little bungalow ot 5 rooms, full pi urn Ning, bath, nice fixtures. Kir land district. Mount broil; you will not disappointed when you see this; va cant; ready to move In; let us show you. Price $2500, only $3lH cash, balance as rum : no mortgage to assume. o. A. i'carce, H: t'hnm. of Com. Main 36::S. Is-ACRK HOME $1130. $1.0 cash. $15 monthly, buys this aniontlid one-half aero tract, just outside city limit : H-room slun k cottage w ith sleeping porch, double gaiHiie, bath, city at nr. ;;2 homing fruit trcey. Fred W. trfrman Co.. 732 Cham, vt Com. Suburban Home. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. Near Tigard, Just off New berg- hlgh h, commanding tine view of surround ing country; 12'.;, acres, ail in cultiva tion ; modern bungalow : living room, riming room, kitchen, breakfast room and bath on flrt floor. 3 bedrooms on 2d Hoor. full cement basement, beet of con st ruL-tidii and in first-class condition; In pxnau.sitblo well and pressure wa ter system, barn, pumphouso and chicken hou.c lo accommodate 4"M) liens; family ore ha rd. half acre strawberries, half raspberries; some crop goes with plae; a i.o Implements, etc.: a comfortable, complete country home, only a short J rive from fort land, over hard surface. $12,000. with terms. FRKPERIC C PTiATT. Broadway IH.'tS. 29-210 Oregon Blrtjf. SUBURBAN HO M E B E A UTIFU L. Hero is one of the most attractive homes a heart could tie ire, built for a horn, but owing to business pressure owner must Rave statu; Mtuated just off Pow ell ailed road, about 0 miles trom courthouse. The house Is well planned and very attractive, living room 1 fc30, fireplace, bull t-ins, 2 very light a fry bedrooms, kitchen, bullt-lnfi, fruit col l a r, hot and cold waK'r, splendid bathroom. Al plumbing. private water 5.stcm, electricity and beautiful electric fixtures. If you are looking for claewy suburban home, let us ehow you this. Price $41)00. R. H. CON FRET, niTTKR. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg $3500 $500 DOWN PARKROSE. 2 acres and house started, near Bandy Mvd. and carline; g-round all cleared ; corner tract; gaa and water piped in front of property. This la indeed an exi.-cptiona Ily pood buy for the person who want a home and has only small means; monthly payments only $25 and interest. .U U HARTMAN COMPANY. b Chamber of Commerce bid ST. Main 204. MODKUN HOME WITH PLUMBING. Four aeres. nil under cultivation ; 28 cherry trees, f prunes. 7 pears. 12 apples, quinces, grapes, 700 logan berries, 2tMio strawberries and lots of garden; 8-room modern house w ith best of hito enameled plumbing; good out buildings; 200 chickens. Jersey cow, heifer calf, incubators and all crops. Located between Newberg and McMinn viile on line road, right iu small town, near the Willamette river. Price $4500, $2000 caah. Or consider small bunga low up to $3000 in Portland. Inspected by Brooks, photos at olf ice. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. 14-t-ACRE HOME. $6000. All fenced, woven wire, hog tight, practical ly all under cult 1 vat Ion, good well, 6-room plastered house with fire place, barn 2x40. chicken house, hog houf-e and well house and wood shed. s mile c:ist of electric station. In Clarke county, Wat-h in st on ; 100 pear trees, 80 apple trees horse, buggy, harness and tools Inculded; exchange for city prop erly i or vs.iue to saauo. wee Mr. Stevens. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber' of '"om mcroe building. 7 ROOMS, bath and reception hai4, ivory .and wh'te enamel fiuibh. garage, air pressu re water system, city gas, phone, chicken park and barn; three s-acre tracts Mghly Improved: 00 bearing fruit trees-, acre berries, H acre corn (over 1 fe-ei high t, good garden. Jersey cow, hegK and chickens; only mile from city hums, on good road; priced at $t.00 for quick bale. Terms. A. K. Hiji Co., ljuntbermen's bldg., Edwy. 421. AT JENNINGS LODGE. One acre of ground and modern C roem bungalow with full basement, ftre risce. in fact a very modern above-the-average place, facing Oregon City car line between Ashdale and Jennings Lodge : for quick sale at $7500: must have $4500 cash; good terms on balance. il. M. Holbrook, owner, Jennings Lodge. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, C L. X 12U0. Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with 150x145, piped water, lights, fenced, woodshed. 2 blocks to school, 35 min utes out on bij red electric; $200 down, t an you bat it? Call 600 Concord bldg.. heron d and Btark. ACRE. Very good 4-room house, wood shed, ehieken house and run; plenty fruit, roses, vines; 10 mlno-tes to car line; Just outside city limits. A bargain at $1250 easy terms. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. TWO VAI.LABLB lots 50x200, and 3-room bungalow on the Willamette river. Haa gas. electricity and Bull Run water. Sou can enjoy boating, bathing and get our years supply ot fuel free Take Oregon Citv (Hr to Island station. ln quirc for Killeen. MODE R NS U B URBAN HOMES We hive a fine list of modern subur ban homes, u acre to 5 acres. "Located on the Oregon Electric at Ryan Place. Multnomah. Maplewood. Garden Home Barhtow and .Wzger stations. O. G. aicCOKMlC CO.. Main S220 CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $!Soo up. Inquire ad house north of Kistey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider Brook." HAVE 2Vk acrea of ground, fine large hou, all city conveniences, H hour - from center of city; not a commercial place, juat an ideal home. 1, 54, Ore gonlan. For Sale Bub in ess Property . OWNER MUST SELL OR TRADE. rwoatory building on a corner, lo cated on car lino in a business district Store occupied as a grocery. Income $80 per month. Will sell or trade for stock of merchandise ia city or country. M 842 Pregonian. ' 75x100 FOOT. 2-story white brick bldg.. Income $2ti monthly; price $rt 5o0 terms; cost of building today. $40 000 Inquire of owner, 049 I acorn a ave. Sell wood 140. lonxioo. ;JD AND Jefferson sts., Portland very choice, very cheap: a very rare opportunity. For ownir, see J J. John, son. 314 Spnidlng bldg.. Portland. Or CAFETERIA cheap for cah; owner dis agree; location g-ood: long lease. See Owner. AL 471, Orcgonlan For Kale Acreage. COUNTRY HO UP E. TEN ACRES f2500. A dandy 7-room bungalow, fireplace hxrg porches, all kinds of fruit and ber rle. fir trees, etc.: just out of Vancou ver. Broadway 50. u 0AROA1N 20 acres rich soil, near Tuaia tin. on good road, 3 acres in cultiva tion, some valuable timber. Price SJ0OO fprms. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of ACRES at Ruby Junction, nearly all cleared, bal. fir rnv fin n. $l00. terms. $100 down, bal $13 Sir SSTJHwfS'ia Behm' 209 Ore0a DlS- BARGAIN in a choice 2-aere tract on KiUinrsworth ave.; also two good lots rear Franklin high school. Owner 1006 K. 7th St. N. 520 A. LOGGKD-OFF land. nom tillable running water, good stock ranch - 9 acrea terms. J. It. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg 8-ACRE farm. Sycamore station. Est-icada line, $250O. See owner at place W p Dean. Third house west from station RELT ESTATE. For gale Acreage. $87 DOWN. $17.50 MONTH. PARKROSE. Nearly 3 acres of rich slit land. $625 acre. This choice tract is north of f?andy boulevard. A cor ner. 606 feel, facing on a main street. Deal for future platting, almost 3 acres, 121.200 square feet, equal to 24 lota 50x100 feet. High, level ground; good view of mountains; virgin soil; suitable for berries, celery and truck patch. No restrictions. You can build a temporary home here and save rent. Your garden and chickens should more than make your nay ments. Total price, $1739. Come out and convince yourself. The richest land, cheapest in price and close to heart of city. Only a few'desir able tracts remain to he sold. Nearly $100,000 sold in this tract in two months. Homes going up all around. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20$. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARK ROSE CAR LINE. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR. $7.00 DOWN. $17.50 MONTH. PARKROSE. Nearly 3 acres of rich silt land, $625.00 acre. This choice tract is north of Sandy boulevard. A corner 606 feet, facing on a main street. Deal for future platting, almost 3 acres, 121.200 square feet, equal to 24 lots 50x100 feet. High, level ground. Good view of mountains. Vir gin soil, suitable for berries, celery and truck patch. No restrictions. You can build a temporary home here and save rent. Your garden and chickens should more than make your payments. Total price $1739.00. Come out and convince yourself. The richest land, cheapest In price and close to hrjurt of city. Only a few desirable trseta rerun in to be sold. Nearly $ luo.OOO sold in this tract In two months. Homes going up all around. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BLDCJ. MAIN 20S. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARKROSE CARLINE. TAKE ROSE C1T Y CAR. $00 ACRE. 3-ACRE TRACT. $107.50 DOWN. $21 50 month j which includes interest at 7c. Running stream south boundary line. 506 feet on a main street. Some beautiful trees along stream. A little natural park; ash, oak and cotton wood trees. This attractive home site will appeal to you. Be sure and ask to see it. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. MAIN 2oH. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARKROSE CARLINE. TAKE ROSE CITY CAR. 10 ACRES ON PAVEMENT FOR ONLY $4S."tO. Not a foot over 6 miles from the city limits of Portland, facing on pavement, a splendid 5-room bungalow, large front porch, large living room with fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, best white enamel plumbing, plastered, on concrete foundation, cement sidewalks, house practically new and in perfect condition; 1 0 acres of laiid, a. perfect traet, all In cultivation; price only $450; will throw In 50 bushels of wheat for chicken feed. In fact, just about throwing in the land, as houte would practioally coHt the price to build ; no bare land in same vicinity facing on the pavement for lens than Ja'X) per acre, however, non-resident says sell. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 12a N. Sixth street. Broadway 4381. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies outdoors; close to city car line; beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till J uly. 3 021 ; 30 years' experi ence as fruit grower, juice manufac turer, moral and financial responsibility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of this worth while proposition ? F. A. Breek. Mfg. Breck's Loganberry Juire, 384 East 42d st. north. Tabor 2078. or Main 617:.. SELL YOU 20-ACRE RANCH AND THROW IN 6 ACRES OP LOGAN BERRIES FOR 190 AN ACRE. Loganberries, most of them will b 2 years o'd in the spring, balance of the ranch in grain, good rich deep soil. This is a good money-making proposition for someone, H mile from good town, elec tric station and paved highway, 40 miles from Portland. See SAM HE WE Y, at .1 . V. HARTMAN COMPANY, N o. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. St ACRES, 5-ROOM COTTAGE $2750. Nearly 2 acres, all fenced, some fine fir trees, S-room - cottage, gas for light and fuel, good well, chicken house and run, small barn; on E. 82d St., a paved road to Portland, about 5 blocks from Kendall station, half-hour ride In auto. A real snap at $2750, about $1000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Shown by appointment only. GRUSSI ft BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 6a ACRES. 6 blocks from electric sta tlon. in Washington county; all can be cultivated ; 4 Mr acres cultivated ; good family orchard ; 6-room house, brick foundation, bath room and plumbing in. ready for fixtures. This is the best of soli, right in email town norm or Hlilsboro. Price S2700, i ! luu caati. John Ferg-uson. Oerlinger Bldg. 15 ACRES one mile from Hlilsboro; ail in a hlch state of cultivation, well fenced, good u-room plastered house. barn and other outDUiidings; an Kina fruit and berries; l5 mile from the electric line. urlce f-iooo. cash. MORRTS & BUNDY, Chamber nf Commerce. FO R S A LE LOGO E D-OFF LA N D. Write for map of western Washington show ing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 40 ACRES. 15 miles from Portland, hard surface road, good soil, level, 2-room box house, small chicken house. 1 mile from electric car line, timber enough to pay for place twice; am working man, need some money, will show you this after 6 P. Al., or aunaays; per acre. terms. hl mi, oregontan. TWO ACRE 3. IMPROVED. Located In Rockwood acres adjoining MUwaukie. Tnls is a beautiful sightly tract, highly Improved with 2 houses; lights and city water. Appiy to owner, 207 Northwestern Bank bldg. ACREAGE. 414 acres, all cleared and fenced, close to till ii s tax ion, on xun nun eiecinc; very best of soil; a snap for $1500, terms. $200 down, balance $20 per mo. See Mr. Boenm, ow Oregon Diag. iroad way 1658. S ACRES unimproved land 6 miles from the city of Portland; S. E. ; cordwood timber on the place will pay for it. Price $450. terms; also 10 acres of iand. price $00, terms. Nelson, 313 Henry H ! a g.. Trom j to o j-. in. SACRIFICE Choice 20; make beautiful home; quarter cleared, buildings, stream, best soil, including horse, wagon, hay, notatoes: $3500. See Chauncey Barnev. 5 miles southeast Oregon City, by Linn's mill. 1-1 a PR.ES. a house-movinir outfit artd car. pet loom. Tom Allen. 6131 92d at, S. E. Fruit and Nut Lands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres. 17 acres in trees; 7000 boxes apples this year; has modern 5 -room bungalow. cellar, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porches, tub and shower bath, screened porch, kitchen bay, etc., large packing house and barn, 2 tenant houses; spring water on place; Improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000: a good Investment, a fine home and place to live; has paid a, good net return. A 540. Pregonian. Homesteads. KWinquiahment. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead; either farming or timber tracts, on or near good roads; also have some good - relinquishments, close in; hours, 8:30 to S and evenings, 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exch. bldg. TWO HOMESTEADS on county road. Good farm land, some good timber, close neighbors, saw mill, trout atream. black soil. Near McMinnvllie. lXX. 301 Corbett building. TWO ADJOINING homesteads or relin quishments wanted. Describe what you have. O 923, Oregon ian. For Sale Farms. 15 ACRES, mostly in prunes, about 15 miles from Portland ; modern house, targe barn, hot and cold water; reason able terms. J. M, Farrington, R. L. No. 4. Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACRES. STOCKED. BARNS. HOUSE. WELL WATERED; A DANDY PLACE FOR $4000; TERMS. ZIMMERMAN, 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 11-ACRE home, improved; 28 miles from Portland; for trado or sale by owner. For further Information address Chas. Schmidt, Scappooae, Or. Star Route. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, eai.y terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sites. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, larm lands. Special bargains. Ackley Co, Clarkston. Wash. LOGO ED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good roil, Vi tillable; employ ment; eay terms. J. R, Sharpe, 83 ft 3d. REAL EST A TIC. For Bale? Farms. LARGE VALLEY FARMS WORTH THE MONEY FOR SALE BY OWNERS. 320 acres. 63 to 70 under plow, bal ance timber and cut over; place lies principally rolling with some creek bottom land ; several thousand feet of saw timber; good gravel road to market; Improvements fair; large barn, J-room house, fenced and cross-fenced : living water year round and good well ; fruit for family use on the place. This one is about ten miles from Corvallis and six miles from R. R. shipping point. We will accept In exchange on this property a house and lot or acreage up to $0000; price $10,0K. easy term a Possession October 1, 120. 230 acres, 90 acre- under plow, bal ance pasture and timber. This place is on a fine gravel road about 34 miles north of -Corvallis, one of the best towns in the state; home of the Oregon Agricultural college; land lies level and rolling; improvements, large barn equipped for 30 dairy cows; 7-room good house, electric lights, gas engine, electric plant, electric pump, new dairy house, other outbuildings; good fruit for family use ; place fenced and cross fenced, living stream and several springs. This Is an ideal combination stock and dairy farm. There Is nearly enough firewood on this place to pay for it if cut and marketed at present prices. With the place go some tools and 45 tons of first-clafis oats and vetch hay in the barn. Price $toQ00. terms. Possession at once. We will take some trade up to $10,000. 1S1 acres. 140 acres under plow, bal ance oak timber and pasture; land lies level and rolling; just two miles from Corvallis on paved highway to Portland. Improvements: good 7-room plastered house, three large barns, other out buildings ; two acres good orchard. Place all fenced and cro-s-fenced. This farm could be easily subdivided and sold to good advantage for fruit and poultry. It muHt be seen to be appre ciated. We will take property in trade up to $1 3,000 on this one. Possession October 1, 1020. Price $23,000. terms. CHICKENS. Here is vour opportunity to own a poultry farm that will handle 00,000 to 75,ooo hens. 212 acres, 125 under plow, balance timber and open paitture. all Rntly rolling. Improvements; large 7-room house with fireplace and small basement, four room cotta "e, large barn equipped for 1 5 dairy cows, new hen house. 1 sx 140 feet, with 2 foot granary in the center; 20x18 foot hen house, some other outbuildings. Excellent gravity w-atcr system, water piped to house, barn, dairy and hog houses and to hen house : fine stream crosaes the place furnishing abundance of fine Water year round. With this place go several hundred bushels train 40 tons good- hay in barn. JO acres corn, all tools and equipment and stock as fol lows: 3 horses. 6 Jersey cows. 2 heifers, 450 whit Leghorn hens. :UV0 white Leg horn pullets and a number of cocks. This place is five miles from Corvallis on good graveled road, close to paved highway, high and grade schools and R. R. station. Price for all $23,000, part cash, balance terms. For further information arrange for appointment with me at the Imperial hotel, Portland. Or.. before Sunday night. H. E. Walter. After Sunday address me Corvallis. Or. FOR SALE One of the best all-around farms in southern Douglas o.. .jr., con sisting of 578.36 acres ; 155 acres farm land, as follows: 20 acres under irriga tion, clover meadows, 1 8 prunes, 1 17 grain and corn, 303 pasture,' all under hog-tight fence; 120 acres first-class timber; 14 miles of creek bottom, 17 fields and pastures with living water in all of them year around; 4 barns, gran arv, machine shed, smokehouse, silo and hog pens; plenty of outrange, access to the forest resene; 7-room house, water piped Into house; hk mile to school. 17 miles to R. R., Riddle; good roads, no hills; price $38,000. half cash, balance on time; will sell all of my machinery, grain, hay, 4 work horses, hogs, sheep and goats, cattle, at reasonable price; cause for selling, retiring. Address box 87, Mvrtle Creek, Or. FOR SALE or trade. Willamette valley farm, 410 acres black loam son. an un der cultivation, fair improvements, rail way station, warehouse, store and school on place, eight miles north of Eugene, Or., on Oregon Electric railway ; will take $10,000 cash down and give any reasonable terms at 0 per cent n bal ance or might consider good apartment house up to $50,000 in Portland or Spo kane, or good stock of mdse. in good town of not less than 10.000 inhabitants up to $20,000; price. $43,000 till Oct. 1. A reasonable commission will be allowed any dealer instrumental In closing deal. No listings will be given ; submit full proposition in full letter. This plaoe will not last long at above price. J. P. Lich, owner. Junction City, Or. R, t. Meadowview farm. 1G0-ACRE FARM. Located in the famous Willamette val ley, south of Portland; fronting on the Pacific highway now being paved; R. F. D.. telephone and milk route, close to station. There is no better valley land than this 160-acre farm. All fenced and cross-f enced w Ith woven wire fencing ; 135 acres in crops, 25 acres pasture, some oak timber; A 7-room house. Dig Darn with hay forks and carriers; chicken house, hog house, wood house, etc. Or chard and small fruits. Think of it, a real farm, well improved. In a fine lo cal) ty, paved roads, electrle and steam transportation. Price $100 per acre. One half cash. HOGUE, NEWELL & SON, ALBANY. OREGON. BEARING PRUNE RANCH. 27 acre, located near Pacific high way at Felida, Clarke county. Wash ington ; 15 acres In prunes, 3 acres bearing, 5 acres 4 years old, balance young orchard ; good nearly new house with best of plumbing, full cement basement, electric lights; lots of other buildings; large family orchard ; com plete line of machinery, cow, horse, Z0 chickens; $4000 cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per tent. This is 15 miles from center of Portland. No gravel. Close to Columbia river in one of the best prune districts In the west. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. WELL IMPROVED 61 ARES AT A REA L BARGAIN. This farm is located 31 miles from Portland, on good road, west of Sandy, contains 61 acres, 13 under cultivation. 20 more can be cleared at very little costL 50 can be cultivated, all fenced, rlose to school, R. F. D. and cream route. Good family orchard, ft-room painted house, ceiled and papered; bam and out buildings, all in fair condition; joins 500 acres of outrange. Lots of neigh bora close by. Price $4700. Will consider house in Portland at cash value, or sell on good terms. & STEWART & BUCK. 81B Northwestern Bank Bldg. 131 ACRES in Ifiaho. 33 miles from Spo kane, on the International R- R. and the state highway: store and postoffice. 46x22-ft. garage, etc.; atore building is 2 stories. 5 rooms upstairs and dining room, hall and kitchen downstairs: will sell part or all. store, garage, business and stock and one acre ot land. $4500; 130 acres of land. $3500. $1500 cash, bal ance 8 years at 6 per cent, AV 365. Ore gonian. Sft ACRES $l8.0O0i - IVt miles from Newberg: a fine 6 room bungalow, bui ltsfn buffet, Dutch kitchen, hot and cold water, bath; good barn; 27 acres In cultivation, 4 acres in prunes, crop worth $1000 on the trees now ; some farm tools; close to electric line; road paved from Portland; $7000 cash, long time on balance. MORRIS & BUNDY, 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 42 ACRES. STOCK AND CROP, $12,0O0. 14 miles from Newberg; good fair buildings: 25 acres in cultivation; good team, new wagon, two cows; lies fine; on rock roaa, ctose to eieciric nne ; road paved from Portland: this ranch is a beautv: stock, implements and crops all go' '$4000 cash, balance to suit. MORRIS A BUNDY, 619 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACRES, located 24 miles from Port land; 2i acres unaer cultivation, acres can be cultivated; 3-room houre, finished with beaver board; barn, chicken house, root house ; 40 bearing fruit trees, well and good pump; half mile to school; good productive land; some equipment. Price $420O, $1000 cash. Might consider Portland house. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE; N. W. K of Sec. 31, Townshia 6 Range 1 east, 5 miles north of Wood land, Wash., 6 miles south of Kalama, come timber In northern part, southern nari ' nilv cleared: good ranee, nlent of water, fine view, good place for a home. o improvements; iu per acre, with terms. Inquire or addreia Cow l.lx County Abstract Co.. Kalama, Wash. IF you are looking for a good farm, don't fail to see my ou i m; o acres pas tiir halnnre in cut ti vat ion : Rood build tncr. including hop drier and storeroom: seven acres good bearing hops, one mile to railroad, macadam road. 30 miles south of Portland: must be sold this month; one-nan casn. - oaa. oregonian NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. TamhiU. Or., has some of the beat farms. We have small and large farm for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weidner A vought. banx Piog., lamniu. ur. tor SALE 36 acres on lower Column highway. IS milea from Portland court house; part oouom una ana some up land : livable house, good barn. wti ereek : this Is In Multnomah counfv. John H. Fisher, Scappoose, Ore., Route 1 . fciOX ftO- in:-t ACKE3. of wiirh 46 acres are i praperty is located between Canby and New fcra.,on racinc nignway. Please send sealed bids before Sept. 13. Terms cash, mifs jnary j .-cii, Lanpy, or. x a LEVEL, cleared, fenced. 3-rm hoim well; near Wiliamina: $150 cash, $10 mo. and Int. Jesse R. Sharp, 657 Sherlock bid. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. COLUMBIA RIVER VTEW HOMTS AND PRUNE ORCHARD. 1 5 acres of the very best loam soil, no rock or gravel, all in a high state of cultivation ; 5 acres In bearing orchard, four acres In bearing Italian prunes, heavy crop on trees; good iV-room house, good barn, chicken house and park, garage, team, wagon, harness, S fine Jersey cows, two Jersey heif ers, chickens, plow, harrow, culti vator, cream separator, incubator and brooder, and all necessary smalt tools, overlooking the Co lumbia river, Portland and Van couver, in the famous Prune Hill district, two miles from main line railroad town, on good automobile road, with all rural advantages. Price $5250, $3000 cash, balance term. BEAUTIFUL. TOCNG PRUNE OR-, CHARD. CLOSE IN. 24 H acres. 10 acres in a high state of cultivation, best loam soiL large spring, which can be piped to buildings, 6 acres of Italian prunes, most of them six years old, heavy crop this year: timber for domestic use, all fenced and cross fenced, adjoining highly Improved suburban homes, overlooking good town on North Bank highway, mile from city limits, on main county road, with all rural ad vantages; beautiful home site and money-maker. Price $5000, one haJf cash. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Washington. 40 ACRES. Stock. Crop and Implements. 32 acres In cultivation. 4 acres In timber, spring. 40 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit. f room house w'ith fireplace, good drilled well on porch, barn 32x32. machine shed, granary, team. 3 cows. 35 chickens. 16 tons clover hay, straw, wheat and oats. 1 acre of garden, farm implements: ."i miles from Oregon City on good road. Everything for $8750, part caah. A. C. HOWXANT 8th & Main Sta.. Oregon City, Or. AX OPPORTUNITY. We offer for sale our undivided prop erty, known as "The Sisters Farm." It consists of 148 acres of absolutely avail able and productive land, which Is now under high sKate of cultivation; hereon ar two fioie residences with barns, dairy and other outbuildings, all in excellent condition; this limit Is bounded on the south by the Columbia river and on the cast by the city of Vancouver, the 6. P. ft S. tracks touch its eastern boundary, the river frontage offers Ideal sites for docks, mills and factories, and the entire adjoining lands being contiguous to the manufacturing district of Vancouver, are particularly desirable as an addition to a city which la now highly prosperous and is spreading very rapidly. The Sisters of Charity, House of Providence, Vancouver, Wash. 80 ACRES. Stock. Crop and Implements. 20 acrea in cultivation. 20 acre in timber, balance pasture. 1 Li acres family orchard. 4-room house, barn 50x60 with shed for 10 row a : granary, 30 sheep, 2 cows, pig. fiO chickens. 10 tons of hay, straw, oats, farm implements. $6000, part cah. A. C. HOWLAND. 8th & Main Eta., Oregon City, Or. BEST FARM BUY IN THE COUNTRY. 20 acres all in cultivation, absolutely no wast a land, good soil, no rock or gravel, paved road ail the way but "i of a mile which ia graveled to the place; 1 mile to 4he street car line; can have gas and lights if wanted. Good 5-room house, barn, all outbuildings ; 2 good cows, 10 tans of hay, 35 chickens, 1 hog, cream separator, gas engine, tools. All for $6000, $2550 down, balance long time at 6 per cnt. STEWART & BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. DANDY 15-acre farm, stock, crop and equipment; 4 acres young loganberries and blackcaps; on main highway 1 Vi miles from Newberg; all highly culti vated ; running water ; lies level ; no waste land: deep, black soli, the richest we know of; plastered house, barn full 01 nay : cnicaen house- ana out-ouiia-ings: family orchard: vou can make a good living on this place; only an hour's drive from Portland by paved road; good community. Price $60OO. Call at D27 Corbett bldg.. ask for -Mr. Ackley. 1240-ACRE WHEAT FARM. In Eastern Oregon near station, 1100 acres In cultivation, half in summer fal low ready for fall seeding; all necessary buildings, wen ana gas pump, stock and machinery ror operating; win give im mediate possession. Price $4-5,000. Take income property any good town or val ley farm up to $30,000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. STRAWBERRY land. 35 A., fenced. $5000; - includes cow, hog, team, implements, hay ; 1 5 acres clear, pasture timber, 4 springs, ditch water, spring water In house. 8 miles south Odeil, Dukes Val ley district. Address. Spring Dale, R. R. 2. No. 126, Hood River, Or. 110 ACRES at Washougal, 45 A. under cul tivation, spring, orchard, buildings: will divide. 6i A. 15 miles from l'tt!and, 45 A. under cultivation, good buildings and fences. .On easy terms or trade. East 3158. THE YAKIMA VALLEY, the most pro ductive area In the U. S. ; government Irrigation means crop insurance ; large and small tracts on easy terms. Call or write for price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 612 Selling bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED S or 6-room modern bungalow, preferably In Irvlngton or Laurelhurst districts. Give location, construction de tails of house, Its conveniences and state lowest price you will sell for cash, Mo agents. M 946, Oregonian. WEST SIDE HOUSES WANTED. I make a specialty of selling west side homes and have many buyers for same. If you house is for sale, call and see me. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. WANTED 5-room house or bungalow be tween Montana ave. and Union, not too far from Killingsworth ave, A rea sonable amount clown and monthly pay ments. AP 4S6, Oregonian. HOUSE WANTED. . Have two clear Seattle lots, price $3000. to trade for good equity in Port land house. Lueddemann Company, 913 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE A HEART! . List an Irvlngton bungalow with me; two customers waiting. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Building. HAVE client wanting 5 or 6-room bunga low. See us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. STRICTLY modern 5-room house. Who will take my beautiful 8-cylinder Stearns Knight auto In trade 7 Phone Lenox Ho tel, room 416. WANT equipped farm, western Oregon, or small tract near city to $7500 or less, for desirable Portland residence and cash. Owners only. T 572. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to IO acres near Portland, with modern 6 to 8-room house ; price right, mostly cash. Main 8669. H, W. Garland, 201 Third. WILL pay cash for good home in any good district. See JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. A GOOD piece of stumpage to cut cord wood on, not too far from Portland; wttJ make a good proposition. Call East 4257. WANTED for cash, 6 or 7-room house, close in; must be a bargain. Call Main SHOft. A MODERN 6 or 6-room bungalow; will make substantial payment each month. A E S60. Oregonian. TO BUY or rent six or seven-room house in good location, near school; give loca tion and terms. 11 0 838. Oregonian. FARM or acreage wanted; must have ocean frontage.. A. Park, Tabor 446 J 944, Oregonian. MUST MOVE Want to buy modern 6 or 6-room bungalow; $5000 or less. Owner only. AB 471, Oregonian. HAVE client wanting 6 rooms and sleep ing porch In Alameda Park; will 'pay $7500. . Lueddemann Co.. Main 0U07. WANT 3 or 4-room bungalow, small cash payment, balance on terms. Lee-Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow; not over $2000. Call before 2 P. M., Main 8258. Miss Howard. WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as first payment. R 982. Oregonian. WANTED RUN DOWN PRO'FeIitTeS, CLOSE IN. G 341. Oregonian. LIST your property for sale, also rentals, with RyeL at 694 Milwaukee et., Brooyiyn, WANTED REAL KSTATR. WE SELL a very large number of houses. We render real service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we guarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and our ppraiser will call on you. BIHR-CAREY COM PANT, Carey -Savidge Company, Railway Exchange Bldg. Mala 74S7. LATTRELHURST HOME WANTED. House or bungalow, must be up to date and not too old; give price and size of lot in tirst letter. T 571. OregonJan. PARTY owning modern 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park, hot water heat, will exchange for modern home In country with 2 to 6 acres of ground on paved toad in vicinity of Portland; house must be modern and equipped with electric lights and water; will go svs fax aa Sa lm and up to $6000. t HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. RESIDENCE WANTED. We have a client with spot cash to buy a 'residence in any good district up to $45oo. Telephone ua and we will Inspect at once. Let a live bunch handle your property. Main 802. v, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Want to buy 6 to S-room house, not on car line and not more than 3 blocks off Sunny side, Irving ton or Laurel hurst districts; must be in first-class condition; party responsible but can spare only $500 as first payment. What offers? Owners only. Phone Main 3Q77. DO YOU WANT TO SELL . YOUR HOUSE? . If so, phone Hargrove Realty Co., Broadway 4381, and ask for Mr. Clark. This firm always has on hand some substantial buyers wanting homes in Portland ; usually farmers whose farms they have sold. HAVE client for strictly modern resi dence; must have four bedrooms; pre fers Irvlngton; might consider some other good district; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. PO IN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1500; Residence, East 6771. $300 CASH for nice bungalow of 5 rooms; oam complete; rooms are gooa sixe ana conveniently arranged; vacant, ready to move in; 3 blocks to car; Mt. Scott dis trict; price $2500, balance as rent; no mortgage. 1. A. Pierce, 815 Cham, of Cora. Main 3638. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bid g M al n 2035. JUST DISPOSED OF FARM, HAVE CASH, WA.-NA" 1M..MJALUW IN UUUD J-MS TRICT; MUST BE STRICTLY MOD ERN, NO TRASH; 6 RMS. PRE FERRED; DEAL THROUGH PRINCI PALS ONLY. A R 831. OREGONIAN. HAVE many clients who want modern homes In restricted districts from $5000 up; they can pay $1000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and Interest. POIN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence, East 67 71. Farms Wanted. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred; will buy the equipment. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.' WANTED A 25-acre farm near Newberg. Address Mrs. S., 6632 8d st,, city. FOR RENT FARMS. 160 ACRES NEAR GASTON. Stock and equipment for sale. 7 milch cows. 6 fresh; IO calves, ti hoffs, IOO chickens; abundance of fruit and gar den. Price for stock $llo0; rent for land. Including 8-room furnished house, barn and farm implements. $150 per year. It will tak $60O cash to handle tn is deal. See Mr. Ackley, 527 Cor bett bldg. FOR RENT 236 acres good rolling land, 1 ISO acres under culti vatlon ; 4 miles southwest of Wllsonville, Or., . near Mr. W il helm ; two sets of buildings; infor mation. Fred Roberts or phone Sell wood 2087. Sherwood, Or. UNTIL November. 1021. $;i0; 80 acres, 17 cultivated: stream, buildings, orchard, pasture. See Chauncey Barney, 5 miles southeast Oregon City, by Linn's mill. FOR RENT OR WTLL SELL 160-acre Willamette valley farm, with stock and equipment, Marshall 4376 after 6 P. M. LEASE on 320-acre equipped stock ranch; grain, hay and stock for sale; half cash; big snap for huitler. 301 Corbett bldg. TIMBER LANDS. MTLLMEN. N. B. Thirty million feet of Umber for aale at $2 per 1000 on sees. 33 and 84. T. 6 N. and 4 E. of W. M., Clarke county. Wash., abundance of water to flume timber to Lewis river, one mile distant. See Bradley. Sec. 33, Lauffer. Turn Turn Mountain, Hopkins, Yacolt. Wash. IN THE market for 3 to 10 million feet of timber; must be close to railroad; also small milling proposition handy to railroad. Address sW. B. Sams, 261 13th street, Portland. 4-ROO-M HOUSE In Woodlawn district, partly furnished, good lot 50x100; fruit trees and berries. Price $1700. easy terms. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. MAN with means to take substantial in terest in established hardwood band saw mill; unusual iy good mill, including large amount hardwood timber surround ing. L ("5, Oregonian. BY OWNER, 4.000,000 ft. fir. near Oregon Electric and S. P. by paved highway. 25 miles to Portland. Price richt. Easy terms. 325 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 5405. 5- R OO M BUNG A IX W In Hawthorne district, $2550; $500 down and easy monthly payments. WOODCOCK, 2O0 HENRY BTDO. $7.50 ACRE, Washington county quarter section, cedar and fir, over a million each ; terms. Buy from owner. AH 812. Oregonian. SAWMILL for sale (half value), account sickness; making big money; abundant timber; valuable orders booked. J 638, Oregonian. SMALL sawmill for sale, with or without timber. Tabor 677T. TO EXCHANGE RE At ESTATE. A NEW RECORD ESTABLISHED by FRANK L. McGUIRE. Just think! 137 homes sold dnring August. 14 homes sold in one day! 826 homes sold to date this year. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and em ploy 21 experienced salesmen to work on the aale of your home. IS IT FOR SALE ? We Inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listed. THE SYSTEM OF RESULT! See FRAN K L. McGU I R B To Ssll Your Home. Ablnyton B!n Main 1068. SUPERIOR HOME. Modem In minutest detail, never occu pied except by present owner; prominent corner with double garage. Offered far below value and other property may be taken sA cash value as part pay. W. H. ROSS. 110O Northwestern Ba nk B Id g. CITY HOME FOR ACREAGE. Small city home with two lots, on paved street, to trade for small farm. Owner willing to pay cash difference; rricn of farm not to exceed $4000 or 4500. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, or trade on small, modern home, 8 acrea of fine soil; all cleared 6 years ago; partly under cultivation now; hi mile from macadamised road ; joins Oregon City carline and Ashdale station. Regarding particulars, write E. C. Board man, box 32. Jennings Lodge. Oregon. ONLY agency in Portland for well-known tire: tires, tubes, accessories - and vul canising business to trade by owner. Will invoice around $4000. Want 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, well located, and will assume. AP 836. Oregonian. OR TRADE: 10 acres land. In cultiva tion; fine for loganberries or prunes; 24 miles to good valley town, 50 miles from Portland; will trade for good automo bile. G 563. Oresronlan. car, get off East 10th and Davis, walk BEAUTIFUL 10 acres in cultivation, bear ing fruit trees, berries; good house, barn, chicken houses. Will trade for 100x100 and 5 or 6-room modern bun galow. Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE Equity in view lot, 80x 100. on Mt. Tabor, for email, new or nearly new. modern bungalow, conven ient to Irvlngton car. E. F. Herts, RL 3, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE or exenange, good clear farm or city property ; will assume small amount. What have you to offer? Call 330 Morgan bldg., city. 160 ACRES timberland, clear, perfect title, value $1600, for Piedmont or Irvlngton lot. Owner. 1210 Mai lory ave. Phone 324-10. $13,000 EQUITY in a $20,000 brick building in the city for farm land near the city; prefer to deal with owner direct. AK 873. Oregonian. $16.000 LAURELHURST lots: indebted - neas $5300. What have you to exchange for equity? Phone Main 7004. 160 ACRES, Lake county; want auto; might consider piano first payment. Owner.. 728 Cham. Com. bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL XSTATR BIG WHEAT FARM TRADE. 2080 acres, iu Umatilla county, 16O0 acres in cultivation ; very fair farm buildings, well, leased two years, 1-3 ot rrop. Price $40 per acre. Owner owes $50,000 on place, all payable out of crop. Will give good deal for his equity. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 4 LOTS. University park, $140 each, terms; or trade for auto. AJ 470, Oregonian. TO "EXCHANGE MISCELTANEOCS. WILL trade 2-ton auto truck. Jly equipped with furniture or moving body, for a piano. A. G. Onslow, Winton building. 23d and Washington streets. phone Main 7025. WILL trade new oak furniture of 4-room flat and fine oriental art pieces for auto of good make and in good condition, value $1800. J 640, Oregonian. NEW CABINET phonograph and some caah to trade lor late moaei moiori:ju. Address 724 Juniper Street, Walla- Walla. Wash. WANTED A Boston or French bull pup; will give a fine Oxford gray overcoat in exchange. Phone Tabor 7627 before 0 A. M. 1020 SPORT model Page; will take player piano part payment, balance terras. Mr. Hagerman, Broadway 3281, or East 7807. SMALL seating stove to exchange for iron bed. 193 Union ave. N. Phone East 2S32. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. MUST SELL 3 learns and their harness. Just out Mt. Hood road job; all A-l true workers: 1 team and harness, weia-ht 2500. for $115: 1 team and har ness, weight 2900. $135; 1 team, weight 26O0, $165; 1 pony, 4 yrs. old, weight htm. $20. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE At Cedarhrook station, Esta cada car. 11 registered Shropshire ewes, $12 each ; also 17 2-year-old registered rams, $40 each. At barn. East 6th and Ivon streets, Portland, 30 registered ram lambs, $20 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 Fifth street. HAVE nice six-year-old Jersey-Guernsey cow giving three gallons nice rich milk a day. would trade for hogs; also a gooa express wagon to traae ror any thing of value; price $25. T. E. Bledsoe, Beaverton. Or.. Route 4. Box 64. 7 HEAD of horses 000 to 1350 pounds, farm outfit, wagon and harness. $150: ex press snd gooseneck wagon. line mwen cow cheap. East 9th street and Haw thorne ave. Phone East 6106. FOR 8ALK Some extra fine cure-bred Duroc at Us, about 4 months old. One pure-bred Duroc boar, same sue. Price ' $2o each, registered. J. S. Beall. care Coast Culvert fc Flume Co.. Portland, or. 5 HEAD good working horses. 1200 to 1 700 ion., also harness ana wagon ior saie cheap. Tabor 7602. 4138 73d at. S. E., Mt. Scott car. FOR EXCHANGE New Sonora phono eranh. mahoeanv cabinet, for cow or livestock. Call Sunday A. M.. or week days after- 5:30 P. M., Tabor (.47. FOR SALE One 1230-pound sorrel horse. 6 3'ears o'd, sound and true puller; plenty of life; $123 buys him. Tabor 174, or Tabor 286. FOR SALE 8 registered Holstein cows; very fine breeding. Walter Schallenber- ger, n ; usaaie. or. rnone Aiain ;Mn. FINE cow and Ford delivery cheap for cash or trade for horses. rast Lom bard, near lth stt Take Wpodlawn car. WILL SELL havfataek. oats and vetch. 6 3 weeks-old pigs. 2 sows, bred; 1100-pound nnrse. Mar. mil FOR SALE Arabian gelding: ody's high clas sadd'.e horse. Dr. C. D. Clark. 165 West Watts street FOR SALE 30 Shropshire ewes, 30 lambs. 25 AnRora goats, right on Columbia river highway. John A. Stuart. Latourcll. Or. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 42C3. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Phone Milwaukle 60-J for service. UOOD. fresh Jersey cow and calf, cheap. 10.302 60th ave. S. E.. Lents Junction. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWE. TiiBOil 6568. FOR SALE One milch goat, fresh about Sept. 23. 331 Glenn ave. Tabor 1565. FOR SALE Good family cow. 1117 Flavel ave.. take Ea im ore! and car. WANTED Fresh milking goat. Phone 824-99. HAVE one horse or team to trade for fresh cow. Phone Tabor 2264. - 1 YOUNG cow lor sale, very reasonable. Tabor 7602. FOR SALE Riding pony. Call at 1317 Hawthorne or phone Tabor 1337. FOR RENT Large team for hire. East 118. THREE young milk cows, must be sold by Monday. W. A. Hansen, 252Stark. llanos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO, CLOSING OUT. 2 small upright pianos and 4 to 1 Bradbury square at 8$ $475 HaJlet & Davis upright piano, ta'blk 195 $55o Kroeger & Sona upright piano, cash 210 $9oo Steinway & Sons upright 200 $050 player piano, now 495 $1000 concert grand piano 205 3 parlor organs $28. $35 and 4& Pianos stored, 75o monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St $100 to $150 cash paid for used upright pianos. Call Broadway 1678. Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth street. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. All in Good Condition. Phonograph, small $ 23 Victor, small 35 Victor, small 50 L'nola Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 16 records 60 Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... 75 Brunswick cabinet and IS records. 1 00 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 113 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $-10 cash, $4 to $7 monhtly. Schwaa Piano Co.. 101 10th.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678. CIRCUMSTANCES force me to sell mv mahogany player piano and rolls; will take cash or liberty bonds or even short terms from a reliable party; this is a real sacrifice so don't put It off If yoa really want a piano. 565 Glisan street, Broadway 914, calf Friday ur Saturday A. M. BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE. Stuyveant pianola (oak) $550 Smith A Barnes (.like new) 567 Harold S. Gilbert (worth $00.... 650 Latest Improvements. I sell satisfac tion. Six months' rental trial your guar antee. The best shop in the city. HAKULU S. jl L. 11 r. 1 I. tfll Yamhill. FIN'fl upright pianos. $125. up. Steinway, Gabler, Emersons, McPhail, Cables, Wel lingtons, Oxford, Kimball, and Bush & Lane make, and others, we positively sell far below all others. Compare them. Kasy terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worces ter bldg. ORGAN BARGAINS. $20 and up. Mason-Hamlin, Ester, Beckwith and ethers. Terms given. Sei-berllng-Lucas Music Co., 323 4th at., be tween Washington and Alder. BRUNSWICK phonograpgh, like new, ma hogany case, gold trimmings, at a bar gain. Terms - given. Seiberltng-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th at., betw een Wash ington and Alder. FO R SALE Hamilton player piano, al most new. Worth $000, for $650. One Standard sewing machine, one Bissau's vacuum sweeper. Phone Tabor 3302. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125- ' 127 4th st. Main 8586. PLAYER piano, slightly used, now in storage, cost $900, cheap for cash, no dealers. Phone Broadway 3826. UPRIGHT piano, golden oak case, in good condition, cheap for cash. Woodlawn 3566. WANT good player piano for equity; lOtixlOo. Alberta st. AF SS0, Oregonian nian. THREE months' old golden oak Columbia Urapliono-la. None ruoh stock and 15 rVcords. $10(K 6S North Ninth street PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ S62. Oregonian. GR AFONOLAS with records for rent. Em pire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy 155. FIANOS for rent. Empire Transfer Co 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. PIANO WANTED Pay cash from private parties. Call Marshall 1532. PIANO WANTED Cash deal Main 83 Furniture for THREE-QUARTER brass bed all com plete, cabinet machine new, good trunir Marshall 1000. wunK. SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Call East 891. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FEW PIECES mahogany furniture and fine phonograph, very reasonable E. Main street. . IF YOU wish to sell household roods at good value call Tabor 1481. 1 LARGE roll-top desk. 2 fine walnut bed sets. 5O0 E. 34th st. Sell 3510 FURNACE FOR SALE See it at 631 E 58th st. N. Tabor 1642. FURNITURE of 3-room apt, for sale. Broadway 3031. tiOOD cook is love with coil. fhu iuia v. a Tenth etrect S. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. JsLITOHE-N heater with water cls: heat ing stove and pipe; three-burner gas plate. four kitchen chairs, English breakfast tabl. 9x12 rug, sma'l rugs, f irepJace screen and grae, sanitary couch, baby bathtub and clothes rack. Cail Wpodlawn. 4120. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. e can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 48 Pine st. A BARGAIN Furntiure of $ rooms, flat convenient, 2 rooms rented, cheap -rent. 811 5th st. Main 825a. West side. Call before 2 P. M. Miss Howard. FOR PALE Golden oak china closet and extension table, gas - cook stove, water heater, chair?, bed springs and mattress. Call 1253 East Davis st. LARGE gas range, 6 burners. 3 ovens, less than 1 year old, cost $175, price $75. Also Westinghouae electrio range; 1 rug. Sellwood 2033. FOR SALE Fine finished oak extension dining room table ; also small center table, 81 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Five rooms furniture, includ ing ruga. Acorn wood and coal range. Call at 10 A. M. 338 E. 44th St. South. FURNITURE for" sale, house for rent. 626 iN'OTthrup street- - CHEAP Fumed oak library tab". and t wx chairs, like new. East &M6. Office Furniture. TIME CLOCKS. Bundy-Simplex time clocks. In perfect condition, complete wi th card racks, at about one-third cost of the same clock new. These clocks are the best buys on the market and your opportunity to secure the best clock made at a frac tion of the original cost. D. C, WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. St North Fifth st. Brosdway 2730. OFFICE EQUIPMENT from government and ship yards, including desk, chairs, filing cabinet, tables, adding machines and type writ era. Prices lowest in city. 1). C. WAX OFFICE EWUIPMENT HOUSE, 81 North Fifth st. Broadway 2739. 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes.-2 rotary bookcases. 20 law-size bookcases, chairs and filing, cabinets. Rushong & Co.. 01 Park st. Dors, Rabbit, Bird, Pet Stock. FOR SALE Beautiful white collie pups, registered stock, from Island White Collie kennels, sire McDou gal's Pride, reg. 276157; dam Mona Faithful, reg. 276156, volume 37. American Kennel club stud book; best strain white collies known. C. O. White. 1S3 K. (Jlisah at, Portland, Oregon. Phone Tabor 4.525. WANTRT3 A Boston or French bull pup: will give a fine Oxford gray overcoat in exchange. Phone Tabor 7627 before 9 A. M. ST. ANDREASBERG SINGERS, females, best slock. Auto. 310-77, 6i6 E. oSia st. N. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501. $250 stud ; kittens cheap ; cats boarded. WANTED Service of male chow dog. 573. Oregonian. Poultry. WANTED Three ladies to take $10O0 in terest in poultry ranch in Portland; can show 25 per cent profit; 5O00 White Leg horn pullets. A E 4i4, oregonian? WANT to buy 100 White Leghorn and mo It. I. Reds, pullets. M538. Oregonian. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIT. TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. A1R COMPRESSOR A. EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 33ti0. 329 Couch St. ELECTRIC dri'l with press artachment. fi ll. P. steam boiler complete; lO-inch lathe, small drill press, 1-H. P. electric motor, shafting, belts, etc. Will seil cheap. R. E. Gore, 217 Main St., Van couver. Wa-h., or phone 4 SO or 306. WE PAY the high$.-t prices tor second hand machinery, scrap Iron and junk of ail kinds. Phone' calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 5684. GOLDBERG Us DAVIS. - 207 Columbia st. WANTED One 15 to 85-kilowatt genera tor, new or second-hand ;. must be tn good working order. Standard Box and Lumber Co., 311 East Oak. Phone East 4 4-H. P. N E W-WA Y gas engine, high tenelon magneto, in first -claws condition, $75. Main 0U55 or Tabor 61.57. rAlM praing machine. Chauipioa Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3607. Launches aTnd Boats. FOR SALE New barge, length 120 ft., beam 40 ft., depth 0 ft.. S-inch sides, - with 6-inch solid bulkheads, ail edge- - bolted; ship knees with heavy fastenings used throughout construction. This harse suitable for towing with lumber, ballast, coal, etc.; complete, ready for launching and Inspection. For further particulars call Broadway 2040. FOR 8 A LE 5-room furnished houseboat with floats, S large fir and cedar Iocs, 4 big timbers, good walks, wood shed, row boat. House wired for lights and phone. Furniture Includes Kimball grand piano. For quick sale, $3no cash. First house below Grant-Smith shipyard, St. Johns. MOTOR BOAT. 8 H. P. heavy duty en gine, $100. Kenton Boat House. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, ren t, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buv. Pell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6307. Supplies. 263 V Oak St. ALL MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired ; send for retail prices. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., S-'l Washington St.. N. W. Cor. 6th. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewrit ers, $3.50 a month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rate. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 366a. Miscellaneous. PRUNES. 8 oents per pound, picked, north aide of Simpson ; drive out Fremont st. to 42a st. .N. ana Simpson, ij. nennftt. 100-POUND white flour sacks, thoroughly laundered and pressed, $1.80 per doz. and $13.50 per 100 sacks, nodes Bros. 20O Union Ave. ITALIAN; bring basket: 1 25 S:rrupson street, or corner S.nxpson and Forty-second street north. Wholesale and retail. MUSK RAT fur collar, nultabie for coat or auit, never worn; price $10. .Phone ;ast 23'.ts. GOOD heater, kitchen cabinet, eoal-oil stove wit'h oven, cheap il taken at once. Phone Marshall 831. ITALIAN prunes for sale, 6 and 7c lb. Bring boxes; 6730 50th ave. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to Tremont. GAS OVEN, 5 -burner, $13; heater, coiled $18: go-cart. $12: sulky. $2; o8-35 Sav- aire rifle, $20. 764 Ivon St., nsar 23d. ON B MED. sised wood heater, $15; one small coal heater. $10. 441 East 12th street, corner Sherman. FOR SALE 200 tons A-l alfalfa hay, 1st and 2d crops, $20,541 per ton f. o. b. James Ware, v-estland. or. KALAMAZOO cast-iron heating stove, like new, barns coal, briquettes or wood. 012 Glenwood avenue, seliwood Oil. PEARS, apples, prunes and corn. East Glisan, first house south side after eroding Craig road. FOR SALE Baby's high chair, crib and mattress, reasonable. 103 Union ave. N. Phone East 2SJ2. BX TOP Davis sew ins; machine, all at tach ments and in first-class condition. Phone Marshall 168H. FOR SALE Tent 8x10. two folding cots 410 s-hotgun. 12 Wst Columbia. F. L. DunDar. FOR JALE Air-tight heater, $4; Vulcan fireplace gas heatr. $2. Call Sunday .ftr 4 P. M.. 13:6 OarfleJd avenue. SEWING machine for sale, cheap. Call Woodlawn 6081. FOR SALE Haviland china dinner set tor $175. worth $350. Tabor 1861. $1200 ALASKA sealskin lady's coat- for $30A. Inquire room 20S, Clyde, hotel. BRITANNIC A Encyclopedia for sale. Sell wood 67. FOUR hand-carved charlrF, tool chest, tools. 418 Commercial, cor. Page. COM PLETE set Harvard classics, do not show use ; reasonable. East 2767. FOR SALE One 8-ft. show case for sale. Phone automatic 510-13. 12 S Third st. BARGAIN Fumed oak library tabie, $2250. Phone Tabor 373ft. FOR t?ALE Cash register and scale. 49 Front s-treet. ' REED go-cart, Gordon wheel hoe. piano box. Phone evenings SelJwood 3710. FOR SALE Good medium-size wood heater. Woodlawnr.324. PRUNES. 5c per lb. Hawthorne ave. Call at house, &31 WRECKAGE wood $4 load delivered in city. F.ast 8479. 7th snd Hawthorne ave. COLUMBIA plums reasonable. Tabor 6091. FOR SALE. . M isvellaneoua. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131 B 11th St. Are you tired cf some of your phono graph records? Here is the place where you can exchange them for brand new. late hits or for old favorites; muto toVsj also exchanged. New Victor. Columbia. Emerson and Okeh records at 39c. 6O0 and 00c each: slightly-used recorda t 25c, 35c and 50c each. We also buy. Our stock is conveniently arranged. You can. try any record before exchanging or buy- ing. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE, 131 llth Street. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rather than return our salesmenA samples to the factory, consisting ot raincoats, motorroats and leather coats we have placed them on aale to the pub lic at wholesale price. UNITED RUBBER CCv. 726 Morgan Bldg. USED electric vacuum cleaners In first class mechanical condition at a big sav in; a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY; 81 Fifth st. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third sL, near Taylor. ELECTRIC repair and parts lor all makes irons, heaters, toasters. percolators, vacuum cleaners, fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc. Wiring and motor dept. uuick service. Hynson Electric Co. Phone Bdwy. 423. 302 Pine, at 5th. S A FES Fire and burglar-proof sales, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if do sired. NORTHS SAFE St LOCK CO., 10ft Second st. Main 2045. tOR SALE Couple National registers, floor cases, all size; ice boxes, wail and. counter cases, coffee grinder, electric; bar counter, computing scale, thoe-pbJn outfit, pea nut roaster, larce and small afe at sacrifice. 242 Salmon . WHY DON'T YOU RENT? 'Shotgun or rifle, terms reasonable. WE BUY. SELL, RENT AND TRADE. NEWMAN'S EXCH A N G E. MAIN 4405. 12S 1ST. TABOR 6T98- PRUNE trees, English walnuts, Oregon. Champion gooseberry and Cut hbert red raspberry plants for sale. Order now. "Woodstock nursery. 5Sf3 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Sellwood 2332. FOR SALE 6-ft. crosscut saw, $; 4-hoi steel camp stove. $4; 3 chairs. $2; 2 do a. Vi-ffal. fruit Jars, $1.25; 20-t. steei chain. $3. 830 37th street S. E. Wood stock car. COMPLETE vulcanizing equipment, in cluding buffer, compressor, air tank tools, tire racks, work bench, mandre's Piping, wirinjr. etc U. S. plant, iargata for cash. East 1415. CHILD'S white enamel wood bed, adjust able sizw, floss silk mattress: good con dition. Collapsible baby bugRy ; f0 vol ume act Harvard CHssica, never opened. East 7150. HOT-WA TER tanks, 30-gal.. $7: 4 0 - g a U $0 ; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. F.ast Sid Welding Shop. 203 Adams St. East 8516. UsED electrio washing machines; bargain. SCOTT ELECTRIC COM PANT. 6th and Oak sts. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sew in g machine repairing. M O R R I SO N - ST KE E X SINGER. S TO RE. SS2 Morrison. Marshall 721. FOR SALE Player piano; mahogany, Kohler At Chae, and forty music rolls; rot $850; used year and half; price $4T0. Call Tabor 3477. PRUNES FOR SALE Larae Italian prunes. 42d st., between Simpson and Ainsworth. Ask for Mr. Skinner. Al berta car. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 2 sportsmen, to take Interest In a line shooting re serve near Portland : hour's drive; good cabin. C 561, Oregonian. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 1250 or East 4045. BARGAIN Mole skin fur. elegant satin, and georgette afternoon gown, worn twice. Worth looking at. Call morn ings only. Main 3726. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. THE FUR SHOP, CyOn Swetland Bldg., 5th at Washington. LICENSED independent electrician wires S rooms for $12. 5 rooms $20; all new material used and guaranteed to paa inspection. Woodlawn 3701. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1066. 48 Front st. LOOK here, if your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. C. Thompson. Phone Aut 51S-13; res. r.01 Harrison st. Ail work guaranteed. SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. 0S6. EVE., SELL. 34 4. Havy cordw ood and wreckage wood. BA RTLETT pears and Iallan prunes for sale. Call f.A:i Rodney ave., or call East SS62 all week. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 h Morrison St. LION gas water heater, 32-foot copper coil and some pipe; aa good as new. $15. 375 Holluday avenue, cor. Union avenue. FOR SALE 75 tons of No. 1 packing hay. Address Harold A. Lee, Linton, Or., care Hadley's -store. FOR SALE Mechanical drawing set. shfrhtlv used, $15. 402 Washington tt.. Mfg. Dept. ONE No. 54 Diebold safe with burglar proof chekt, tor sale cheap. Fox Bros. Troutdale. Or. WANTED Good sportsman to join one of gun clubs on Sauvies island. D 560. u egonlan. CHEAP Steel safe, leather bound trunk, large revolving globe. Main 7553 mornings. CEDAR posts, large size; get a carload; get ten carloads. IL Goodrich, R. S, box 304, Ients. Or. SA FES. floor cases, registers, wall cases, ice boxes, coffee grinder, scales, draft arms. On terms. 242 Salmon st. NEW RACINE tire, two tubes, 34x4; Fisk tira with tsbe and rim, mounted, 35x 4S, Wdln. 047. ITALIAN prunes, 6c per lb., delivered. Wdln. 5357. FOR SALE Good camp trailer. $35. 80 a7th pt. S. E. Woodstock ear. A FEW tested Italian queen bees, $Lu0 each. Room 1 8. 2ol S Morrison st. FOR SALE Good camp trailer. $33. .50 37th st. S. E. Woodstock car. NATIONAL cash register, very reasonable. 518 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison sts. B A RTLETT PEARS. $1.50 box; windfall Bpplo, box. 652 Belmont, cor. iwth. NEW .256 Newton rifie with full leather case, ammunition. P fi'iO, Oregonian. ONE COLUMBIA hornless phonograph; also evening gown. large slse. East 1276. FOR SALE Folding gray wicker baby buggy and baby chair. Call E. 70S2. KENTUCKY wonder beans for canning, 6a per pound. Broadway 2301. FOR SALE Gaa cook range, good as new. Marshall 4701. Ji SHOE shop complete, cheap; living rooms In the hftck. 302 Clay st. PRINTING outfit for sale. 7ii Michigan ave. SHOWCASES, scales, cash register, check writer, meat s;icer. 113 2d st. LITTLE girls school and fancy dresses for sale. Call Automatic 210-03. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sa'.e. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st St. PATENT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX 201. S I LV K RTON. OR. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dressest slightly worn. Main 1567. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR LETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE Faetory samples; women's and children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car. trade for diamond, per feet atone. AP 852. Oregonian. SAFE Fireproof safe in good order; bar gain. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Beiding. 245 Va Alder st. Main 1002. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley, Main 4007. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies used R pparei in laureuiursi nome. i anor 2 825. IOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdln. 3qot. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2 -load lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Wfdln. 3405. POTATO sacks, grain sacks; bargain prices. 1 53 Front st near Morrison bridge. EIGHT-FOOT floor show cases, plate topa $8 a foot. 690 1st t. FIR CORD wood for sale. Phone East 68. SECOND-HAND FURNACE for sale cheap. 250 Washington,