IS THE MORNING OREG OXI AN, FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 1920 REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $4750. P -room bung-alow on corner lot, r t-Hge, large living room, paved streets, half basement, furnace and fireplace; thin U surprisingly good value at $4700 cash. ALAMEDA PARK. Six-rm. bungalow with sleeping porch; garage too; lot 7 ',4x100 on comer; fins lire place and hot water heating sys tom ; extraordinary living; room, laundrr trays; moderately priced at $6000. $2000 cash. SOUTH MT. TABOR. Eight-room residence with 4 -A acre of ground; all modern conveniences such as fireplace. furnace, full basement, metal flashed windows, and an abund ance of fruit; for a farm in town here Is golden opportunity and the price is $8700; terms arranged. HOSE CITY PARK. T Seven room;, semi-bungalow, close to car line. 50x100 lot. fine view of moun tains: Rector system of heating, good fireplace, garage, lots of fruit trees and berries; $5000, $200O cash. ASK FOR MR. MAHONET, COE A. MeKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 6S71. $000 DOWN NEW BUNGALOW KOtiK CITY PARK. "W ill sell on straight monthlv contract ef $00 per month, including all interest payments, 5 good rooms, large attic, hardwood floors in main rooms, all Tooms enamel finish, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, 00x100 corner lot. place located north of car line, short distance to school. See this at once. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPAKT, No. 8 Chamber of Com. JBldg. Main 208. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM QUEEN ANN HUM E. In perfect condition, H. W. floors, bra u tif ul fireplace, beveled g'ass buffet, china closet, bookcaars, D. K. with all built-ins; toilet upstairs and down: fur nace, cement basement, laundry trays; 2 large, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, paved St. Price including inlaid linoleum on kitchen floor, only $3250, reasonable payment down, $40 monthly. For appointment call Tabor 3 2 JO. No agents. ROSE CTTY PARK. A X. M1KKELSBN CO., 01d and Sandy "Blvd. MRS. NEWLrWKD. Be sure and see this 5-room modern bungalow before you buy; it's a dream; you will want it because it's right up to the minute and all ready to move right Into. The price is only $600ii; about $ i00 cash, balance three years. Come out today to our office. O'Jd and Sandy Blvd. A. N. illKKKLSKN CO. REAL IRVINGTOV SNAP. One of the most delightful homes on Hancock street, near East 22d, built by owner for home several years ago and never offered for sale before; center en trance hall, artistic living room, large den, each with fireplace, breakfast room. 3 large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch cn second floor; maid's room in attic; fine basement and heating plant; beautiful shrubbery, trees and garage; price $!000; terms. Tabor -407. Io0 to $200 CASH, and $10 to $20 per month or yearly pay ments, interest 6 per cent per annum, will buy a Jot anywhere and build small bunga'ow. select plans, build on lot al ready owned or partly paid for any where In the CITY Or SUBURBS. PHONE MAIN 8100. BUNGALOW BUILDERS. 230 Stark St. Portland, Or. HAWTHORNE ave.. restricted district, large, strictly modern colonial home with two sleeping porches; two stories and large attic and maid's room; white enamel throughout; hardwood floors; fine large light basement it h laundry and fruit room; two fireplaces; large living room and library ; 3,8 East 20th t., corner .Mill; price $13,000; shown only by appointment. Phone East 140. K. C. P. VIEW BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; finished In old ivory throughout, hardwood floors, dining room, built-in buffet, living room, fireplace and bookcases, fine kitchen, pass pantry, 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, 1 bedroom and sleeping porch 2d floor; large corner lot, garage and bweeping view of tho city and moun tains. Marshall 3913. T. 6301. JdODERN 5-room bungalow with attic, corner lot. 100x1 :!0. full basement and cement walls under full length of house, modern plumbing, bath and toilet, well worth looking at. Price $2501); will take $800 for mv equity and balance can be paid at rate of $10 per month, including 7 per cent interest, or $000 cash and $20 per month and 7 per cent interest. Tabor 5300. PORTLAND He75hTS Modern 8-room house at 302 Vista ave.. walking distance, near bridge, large liv ing room with fireplace, hardwood floors, splendid view porches, la rge sun room, garage, hot water heat, wonderful view, cannot be beaten. All newly - decorated. BHOOKK, 04 1 Montgomery drive., cor. Kim st. Mar. 4827. BARGAINS. Fine 8-room home, choice location, well built. large rooms, hd w. floors choice, fireplace, waterproof basement, trays, fruitroom. 5 bedrooms, storage at tic ; low price. New bungalow, 5 rooms ; owner built for himself; sick, must sell; garage; low price. East 273. Herdman. Irvington agt. KOR SALE by owner, Hawthorne district, modern five-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, with breakfast nook, all built -ins. hardwood floors, lire place, ce ment basemen t. garage, etc., on paved street, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car line; no agents. 3.S2 East 43d st., be tween Harrison and Llncol n. $3000 MOVE RIGHT IN. Hawthorne 5-room modern bungalow; fireplace, bookcase, buffet, linen closet, white Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, Ruud water heater, screened back porch, paved streets, newer; near school, excellent neighborhood. Terms. 1 182 E. Lincoln, near 3!th. Owner. Tabor 6081. ' HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. ' Prominent corner on East 24 th and Hawthorne; 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. both streets paved and paid ; $7000. Be sure to look this up. It is exceptionally desirable. W. H. ROSS, HOP Northwestern Bank Bldg. $700 "COR. LOT, 50x100, TEllMs! New bungalow, large living, dining room, bed room with plate gJass door, clothes closet, bath room, large kitchen, white enamel bu ilt-ina ; also stationary tub. gas and electricity. 1211 E. 33d N. FOR SALE $0100. Read this and call Auto. 223-33 and your worry is over. 3-rooms, fireplace, travn. full cement basement, laree lot. garage; 2 blocks to Sunnyside car; im prove a strerisjsn lancasnpayment. MODERN home of seven rooms, full base ment, finished In white enamel, artistic paper, new fixtures, lot Ottx 1 1 0, garage, fruit, paved street, price $4000. very easy terms. 009 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1 003. WILLXmETTE HEIGHTS HOME 7 rooms ; old ivory and mahogany fin ish ; splendid location : immediate pos session. Full particulars by calling Mra. H a rry Price Palmer, East 7 It 7 6. MODERN, 8 rooms. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, ample pantry, closets and built-in shelves and buffet, big view balcony, garage, paved street, ground 00xi20; splendid mountain view; $700. 200 Oregon bid g. MODERN 7-room bungalow with 100x100 grounds, close to car and school; smal payment down and easy terms. See owner. T1S Spalding bldg. Main 5642 or Tabor 7S03. WALKING distance, west side, 7 rooms, bath, cement basement, gas electricity, two fireplaces; lot 50x100: $0ooo, half cash. Owner, evenings, 407 10th st. FOR SALE 6-room house, lot 50x123. near car line ; fruit trees and chicken yard, 307 Morris, near X'nion ave. Inquire 300 Stanton st. Phone E. 2721. 6-ROOM house. 3 bedrooms, bath, full base ment, gas, electricity, improved street, fine location. 3 blocks to 2 car tines. $2!K0, terms. Call Sellwood 232. 813 Tib belts st. DISTINCTIVE homes in all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for Inspection ar ranged by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. East 7976. BY OWNER, brand new 3-room modern close in; Miss. ear. $4200, 301 Corbett bldg. SMALL, modern home, price $1800, terms' on Mt. Scott car line. 6220 87th st. S E Aut. 261-11, then 4712. 6-ROOM bungalow in R. C. Strictlv mod ern. half block car; price $70oo- cash required. $3000. J 541. Oregon ian. DKAL direct with owner; $7000 value ' at $0300 : 7 rooms. Roe City park 607 E. 60th st. Tabor 9354. A GOOD 1 -story 6-room house, electri city, gas ; good ba rga i n . $ 4000. $ i ooo m.n, easy terms. Marshall 437S. ft-ROOM house, almost new; lot 50x105 frult trees, berries, and chicken house! etc Tabor 7602. . REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses). "WANT A HOME TN LAURELHCJRST? Come out today to the Laurel nurst office. East Thirty-ninth, and Glisan streets. THREE BIG BARGAINS $4000 6-room cottage all in old. ivory, all improvements in and. Paid. Terms like rent. ANOTHER fiV 7-room place, beautiful surroundings, house in fine condi tion; a big bargain. STILL ANOTHER o-room colonial, close to park, less than a year old; $1000 will handl-e any of these places. They are all vacant and ready for im mediate occupancy. Keys at office, E. 39th and Glisan sts., or phone for auto. Tabor 34.33. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner Lovely 7-room house, artis tically decorated, ivory finish; large porches. hardwood floors, charming bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, large living room, with fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, gas, furnace, cement garage, beau tiful shrubbery; lovely carpets, curtains, hangings, linoleum and gas range go with the house. 734 Montgomery drive. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Seven rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, built in buffet, bookcases, window seats, fire place, large sleeping porch, four bed rooms with large closets, pantry, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. A real home In one of the finest locations on Willamette Heights; all as sessments paid. Price $6500. one-half cash. For sale by owner; no agents. Phone forenoon.":, Marshall 4533. UORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Fine 8-room house, now vacant, at 548 Elizabeth street, living room very large, fireplace, large glassed-in sleeping porch, extremely solid construction, best heavy hardwood floors, cement garage with plenty light, water and drain ; unob structed view of citv. Way below value. B ROOK E. 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. Mar. 4827. IRVINOTON HOME. 504 E. 24th st. N. Urge living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms and sleeping porches, sewing room, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, gas furnace, 2 fireplaces, full-length mirrors, garage, fine shrub bery, etc. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. 1 RVTNGTON $7800 TERMS. IRVINOTON HOME, 6 lovely rooms. 3 Dearooms, jmxis giass-enciosea steeping porch, beautiful h. w. floors, art paper, plate glass, east front; -block from Knott, near Irvington school ; immediate possession ; owner leaving for Califor nia. Will sell some furnishings. See this. McDONELL East 410. TWO ACRES, all under cultivation, all kinds of fruit, etc., with modern 7-room house, 2 toilets, full cement basement, outbuildings for cows and chickens, etc., one block from hard -surface street and one block from city car lines. price only $ 6000, terms. J. J. Cahalln, 600 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 5-R. BUNGALOW, $3600. An attractive 0-R. bungalow on beau tiful corner 50x60 2-3; all impts. in and paid ; beautiful buffet and other built in features; full cement basement, fur nace and laundry; E. 31st, in Waver leigh Hts.; $1000 cash. R. F. KEEMSTER. 417 Abington bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. UpMo-date, well-arranged 10-room res idence, very large living room, library, hardwood floors, large sleeping porch, 3 level lots, finely arranged grounds, ga rage; very reasonable price; must be sold at once. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive, corner Elm st. Marshall 4827. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, ONLY $1200. Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with 150x145, piped water, lights, fenced, woodshed, 2 blocks to school, 35 min utes out on big red electric; $200 down. Can you beat it? Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOME. Nearly new 6-room bungalow with ga rage, near park; old ivory finish; French doors to sun and dining rooms; Pullman breakfast nook ; walls nicely papered ; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; a rare bargain and quick possession. Tabor 407. MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms and sleeping porch. A real home and not a "for sale" house. Paved street, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc. Best part of Richmond district. $4750, with a $2000 cash payment. 1101 Ivon st. Phone 22319. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful home at 6403 64th ave. and 100th st. S. E., on M ount Scott car line, near Lents J unc tion, consulting of 4 block, well-built 7-room houe, with basement. small barn, fruit trees and beautiful shrubbery. For particulars call . at above address. -R. MODERN house; 4 bedrooms, living room, pa nor, Kitcnen, oat n, toilets, clothes closets, summer kitchen, cas. electric lights, full basement, corner lot 08x100; Peninsula district; $2000 cash, terms on balance ; no agents. Phone Woodlawn to. FOR SALE 8-room house. 7123 37th ave. S. E. ; sun parlor, sleeping porch, ultra modern; two lots, garage, poultry-house: $.".500 furnished; $4500 unfurnished; $1000 will handle. Call on owner, 425 Mohawk bldg. IRVINGTON. Buy direct from owner, save commis sion ; cnarming six-room nouse and ga raze: full lot: $0000. $2o00 trash, bmann $00 per month, plus interest, 086 E. Hth st. North, mt. uowiana. HOLLADAY ADDITION. For sale by owner; I have two mod ern homes, one 7 and one 8 rooms, on E, Third ana wasco sts. yv tu sell one or both at a reasonaoie ugure. Phone E. 4291. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like root. Call ana see us. BUILDER'S REALTY EXCHANGE. 021 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. VERY attkaliivpj i-room house on 18th street, between Thompson and Till amook: ivory xinisn; sleeping porch, ca rage; $7800. For further information phone blast vi or tsast FOR SALE in Vancouver. 5-room house, good .corner lot; three big cherry trees, lour eoraa ary wooa. some rurniture; price $1700; $000 mortgage, balance cash 1S12 C. st.. corner 10th and C. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale, modern 6-room bungalow on car line; fireplace, attic, furnace, beauti ful view, select neighborhood; $7000, terms. Owner, Main 3 S3 6. YOU WILL BUY THIS ONE. 100x100 0-R MODERN. On a tine hard street, close to car, with garage; $270; only $300 cash; E Z terms. Don't wait. Tabor 82 f) 2 . IRVINGTON Modern 2-flat building of 5 rooms each ; fireplace, furnace, beamed ceiling and sleeping porches. Pays 10 per cent net. Price asked only $S0OO. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON B A RG A I N ON 22 D ; REAL HOME; 2 BATHS. 2 EXTRA LAVATO RIES. 2 FIREPLACES, EASTERN OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT; LIVING ROOM 32x10. GARAGE $11,500. E. 419. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS $7600 Nine-room house, beautiful view of city and mountains, two blocks from Ainsworth school, lot 60x100. No agents. Phone owner. Marshall 5498. BEAUTIFUL new 6-room house near Hawthorne; must sell; reason is owner leaving town ; this is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. Auto, phone 5-1824. 1934 2d St., room 3. $1100 4 rooms, 50x100 lot, electricity, wa ter, patent toilet, bearing fruit, walk ing distance, west side. Shown day or evenings. Marshall 3331 for appoint ment. IRVINGTON bungalow. 440 E. 21st t.N"; large living room, dining room, sunroom, large kitchen, also 1 bedroom and bath first floor, 3 bedrooms second floor. Own er, East 7076. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, lot 60xl3 3S1 East 54th st.. near Lincoln, on Hawthorne car line. NEW BUNGALOW, modern. 4 rooms and full basement with two lots. E. 47th and Multnomah sts. $4750. easy terms. John Bain, 007 Spalding bldg. " IRVINGTON BARGAIN, $6250 7 rooms, sleeping porch, modern on Knott near 20th; 2 blks. to Catholic school. East 419. NEAR KENTO N N E W C-RO OM BUN GALOW. cheap if sold before Sept 10 Harold P. Mills. 1473 Minnesota avenuel corner Bryant. THREE-ROOM shack; pantry, closet, 50x 100 lot, fruit trees, berries; two blocks from car. Price $700. Phone Broadway MODERN 7-room house, hardwood floors fireplace, built-ins, cement basement : newly tinted inside and painted outside" Owner. East 2604. 401 Weidler st. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW? T rooms, modern, built-ins. fmnB fireplace, hardwood floors, view, corner lot, garage, impimciiirnia paiq. -j.-. 6351. T"Tt trELHURST Beautiful 7-rooin hn.... hardwood floors throughout. $7000; $2000 cash, 6 per cent interest, owner. Tabor i2S6. ALAMEDA PARK. Modern 6-room house, corner lot, 50 xlOO, for sale by owner. Phone Wood lawn 4446. 7-ROOM HOUSE. A SNAP. ROSE CITY PARK. Tabor 9304. IRVINGTON HOMES. ilcDonclL 6(H) Eat lith N. 'East tia. REAL ESTATE. For ah -Houses. 100x100 WITH modern home of wren rooms and reception tall. French doors between living room and dining and hail, built-in effects. fine hardwood f'oors, artistic fireplace, one bedroom on the first floor, draperies, linoleum and kitchen range Included In the price of $4800; $1500 cash will handle. Bungalow of six rooms and attic, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors. all bullt-Ins. full concrete basement, garage, improved street, price $5500. Reason able terms. New modern bungalow of five large Tooms, breakfast nook and sleeping porch, concrete basement, fireplace, built-in effects. white enamel finish, corner lot. Price $4600. Terms. Nifty five-room bungalow, concrete basement, some built-in effects, price $2700. $1000 will handle. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. ROST5 CTTT PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. One of the most attractive bungalows on the Pacific coast, living room across front of house, all large windows; beau tifully decorated; eastern white oak floors in every room; all bullt-ins; good furnace. This Is a map at $7500, $3000 down, balance easy terms. This is a house for one who wan tH individuality, style and the best of material and work manship. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 -Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. BRAND NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK E. 41 ST. ST. Artistic 6-roora bungalow with garage, breakfast room. plate glass windows, swell beveled plate buffet. 13x16 eastern oak floors, old ivory finish, trimmed ma hogany, tapestry paper, nice attic, fur nace, wide cement porch, etc. Phone owner. Tabor 1000. 501 E. 43d st. N. $7000 FOR SALE by the owner, that splendidly built home at 1175 Commer cial st., third house north of public library and Jefferson high. Garage on rear of alley. Every imaginable con venience built in. Large rooms, fire place, complete basement with furnace, three beautiful bedrooms above. bath and closets galore, sleeping porch. Price several thousand less than can be du plicated today. Kenton, MA or St. Johns car. Woodlawn 3110. No dealers. TO BEAT THE LANDLORD. $1250. Small, coxy 3-room house. patent toilet, sink, electric lights, gas. etc. ; garden all In: 0 bearing fruit trees; chicken run; located just east of Laurel hurst; we can sell this place for $300 down, balance $25 month. Why give this amount to the landlord when you can buy a home with it? Let Us Show Tou. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Icon Bid. NEW ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. I am offering for sale another one of my bungalows. This is modern. Hard wood floor throughout, Gasco furnace, low down tub. linoleum in kitchen and bath room. Ready to move in. Why buy a bungalow half completed when you can get one ready to live in. Owner and builder, Mr. Wcller. . Main 6231. East 6372. ROSE CITT PARK. A dandy 5-room bungalow on corner lot. below hill, all Improvements In and paid; lovely oak floors In living room and dining room : fireplace. 2 n ice bed rooms, furnace, finished in natural; only $0350; $1700 cash, this is real buy. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. $1000, $600 cash. 4 rooms, bath and pan try; plastered, partly iurnishea; Eclipse kitchen range, kitchen cabinet, screened sleepin g porch, nice basement, cement foundation : large barn for two horse.s and cows. Woodshed and chicken houses; garage; IS fruit trees, fences; lot SOxlOO; balance $20 per mo and 6 per cent Inter est. Fred ."peer, fiSth st. S of 50th ave. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Strictly modem, finished In old Ivory and mahogany, hardwood floors through out, cement basement, wash trays, tile bath, large living and music rooms, plate glass windows; near car and school; garage; choice neighborhood. C 945, Ore gonian. BIGGEST VALUE TN IRVINGTON. $6700 $0700. Eight rooms, modern, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, reception hall, large liv ing room, attractive dining room, east ern oak floors, full cement basement. Fox furnace, fruit room, finished attic. Located on 1 7t h. near Tillamook. In spection invited. Call owner. East 2406. FOR SALE BY OWNER, East side modern home. 7 rooms, walking distance, sleeping porch, ga rage, full 'cement basement, fine fur nace and fireplace, everything paid; price $0200. easy terms. Main 6206. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., l24 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. Colonial home of 11 rooms, central hall, hot water heat. 70x100 grounds, fine shrubbery, garage, spacious veran das, mahogany and oak finish; appoint ment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7970. ATTENTION, HOME BUYERS. We have several good bargains in both new and old houses in Irvington at prices considerably below the market. Call THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., home builders, 690 East 15th st. North, Telephones, East 2432. automatic 320-83. EAST SIDE BARGAIN. Beautiful large, moaorn home, Haw thorne addition, needs painting, other wise perfect condition; sreet improve ments in and paid; for quick sale $6O00. terms. Taggart Bros., 1102 Spalding bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. One block from car, on East 51st St.. near high school and business center; only $2600. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Old ivory finish, hardwood floors, fire place, shades and electric fixtures, ce ment basement and trays; lot 00x100, near school and Hawthorne car. Tabor 7039. Evenings 1176. 8EV EN-ROOM house, sleeping porch, best plumbing, cement basement, lot 80x120, bearing fruit, garage, paved street, no city, tax; beautiful home, $7O00; half cash: acre land if desired. 6657 S2d st. at 68th ave Tabor 4S83. C LOSE -TNB UN G A LO"VV New, completely modern. You better drive bv and look It over. 806 Weidler, bet. 28th and 20th sts. Owner and builder. Main 5231. East 6372. Mr. Weller. 4 BLOCK with 3 double houses, income $00; S. E. cor. East 9th and East Grant sts. H block northeast Interstate ave. and "Bryant sts., income $20; good terms. H. E. Mecerve, Rhododendron. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Modern 10-room, finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large garage, beautiful grounds. Price is right. Owner. Marshall 2486. -ROOM house, range connected ; rugs, beds and other furniture; some chickens Bargain. Easy terms. Must have $700 balance $25 per month, including inter est. Main 3601. NEAR WESTMORELAND No. 454 PRICE 3S00. CASH $SOO, 6 rooms, nice-size living and dining room, 3 good bedrooms, basement and furnace. Marshall 3989, Mar. 1265. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. FINE LOCATIONS. SEVEKAIj HU.-NUAUUVVtt, r KOM $4.'O0 TO $35,000. SEE ME BEFORE BUYING TOUR HOME. ZIMMERMAN, 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room house; hardwood floors in liv ing and dining room, R. hall, floored at tic 1430 Alameda. DISTINCTIVE homes In all exclusive dis tricts. AppvuHiuciii r inspection ar ranged by calling Mra Harry price Palmer. East 7976. $ 1 0,04)0 I RVING TON $ 10.000 Last chance to buy my 10-room house In center of this beautiful district. Owner call East 3348. FOR SALE Rose City Park bungalow. O rouino u j.v- "- fuftju; nas just been enameled and tinted, at 700 E. 69th st. N. IRVINGTON. 7-room house. furnace, firepTace sleeping porch, garage. Owner E. 43'i' by appointment. DISTINCTIVE bomes In all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for inspection ar ranged by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. East 7976. TWO GOOD, modern, 7-room houses full basements, 908-910 Corbett st., imme diate possession. $3000 each. David fl Stearns. 617 Corbett bldg. 7-ROOM Rose City bungalow; strictly modern, with view, ffarage. Marshall 3993. ROSE CITY PARK. " Attractive five-room bungalow rage; $4000. terms. Owner, Tabor 1029. 6-ROOM corner bungalow; room for sec ond flat; right home for one wishine good house. Owner. 618 E. 64th Nr $2000 6-room modern house. Sellwood 503. No agents. close in. HOLLADAY . PARK Six-roorrT modern Tabor 2044, No ag.ent REAL ESTATE. For Bale Houses. FOUR CHOICE HOMES NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $3800-5 rooms with fine Bleeping porch, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; lovely exterior dec orations; 2 blocks to car; $2000 cash. $4000 6 rooms and sleeping- porch : built-in features In dining room and kitchen ; full cement basement, fine furnace; street paved and paid; full lot with fruit and berries; only $1000 cash to handle. $030O 6-room 1-story bungalow; lovely - built-in features and fireplace: full cement basement; good furnace; fine lot with frui. berries and new ga rage ; street paved and paid ; $1500 cash. Tou: will find that we have the Tery best bargains in the vicinity of Jefferson high, as well as in other localities. Come in and go over our listings with us and pick out your home before the rainy season. $2400 6-room plastered house in good condition, full plumbing and bath fix tures, built-ins. Full basement. Good lot 50x100, on 39th ave. S. E. $300 cash to handle. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 5624. KENTON DISTRICT. 4- room house on paved street In the very best of condition; $1600, can make easy terms. 5- room modem house on paved street, fine yard and fruit; $2000. $300 cash. 3-room house with sleeping porch, full lot; $1700, $000 cash. 6- room house on full lot. 1 block from ear line; $1700. $200 to $300 cash and $25 per month. 5-room house. 73x100 feet of ground, fruit; $1600. $-100 to $200 cash. a. c. Mcdonald & son, 296 W. Lombard St. Woodlawn 6273. Open Evenings. Marshall 1S9S. ITtVINGTON SACRIFICE. 8-ROOM COLONIAL. "No. 202 Has beautiful large living room, dining room, den, pass pantry, L-itrhpn n n H tI ra tnilat nn first floor. 3 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and I bath on second floor; very vfine base-1 merit, good furnace and laundry trays; 70x100 ground, with nice lawn and shrubbery; very large garage. Owner of this property has no use for it and Is offering it a very low figure. Shown only bv appointment. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, 280 Stark St.. near Fourth. Marshall 1808. QUICK POSKRSSION. $5400 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOMS ATTIC GARAGE: place occupied only few weeks, on paved street and sewer, improvements all in and paid; hardwood floors, gas fireplace, living room nicely papered, all rooms old ivory enameled ; cement basement and fur nace; oniy $1000 down, balance month ly. Don't delav If you want thin place. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ALL THIS. FOR $4200. Fine 100x120 corner with fruit and garden ; splendidly constructed 10-room house, the very best of material and workmanship, cost $60O0 to build on low market 'few years ago; oak floors on entire lower floor, hardwood finish ; basement is a wonder, high, light and airy, with laundry trays' and furnace. This is a chance of a lifetime to buy a fine, big residence at a very low figure. Only $420O with easy terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Broad way! 60S. 210 Oregon Bldg. $0350 ROSE CITY PARK $0300. This handsome 6-room bungalow is beautifully finished in ivory, big living room, hardwood floors, wide fireplace, beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms, large basement, high-grade fur nace, wash trays, full lot. This is a lovely home and if you'll pay $1 750 cash we d advise you to see it at once. We'll be glad to show you other homes in this district. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce .4 Main 6550 BARGAIN ON 36TH FT. In restricted district with good homes all around; paved sts... lawn and shrubbery; 6 large rooms, fur nace, all bullt-ins. garage; one block to car; price $4000, $1000 down, balance to suit. Tabor 3089 for appointment. No agents. GOOD GRACIOUS. MR. AND MRS. HOM ESEEKER. JUST LOOK AT THIS! One of those large 7-room bungalows so nice and conveniently arranged, beau tif ul lawn and flowers, fine garage, 50x120 lot. only $3900. I have many other fine homes from $3000 to $0000 each on wh ich I can quote a home- seeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. Hoi brook. 214-210 Panama Bldg. COSY HOME $7000. Owner having just bought larger home will give some one rare oar gain in a strictly modern 2-story 6-room home with sleeping porch, built for him for home and never offered for sale; finished In old Ivory, gas furnace, 11k new: 70x100 lot with beautiful trees lawn and shrubbery just the place for children; vacant, easy term. Tabor 407. MOUNT SCOTT CAR. 7 Rooms $2200. 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. S0xHO lot, line garden, close to scnooi, gooa barn could be used as rararc. Easy terms and an easy way to get rid of the landlord. Let. Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg $4800 $4800 $4800. A dandy 7-room house with 4 bed rooms and bath upstairs and living room, den. dining room, kitchen and re ception hall down; large garage, 50x100 lot. finest kind of fruit and berries; walking distance to school, stores, etc. ; terms easy. RUMMELL & RUMMBLL, 274 Stark st. BY OWNER. $0500 Fine corner, modern house, largft rooms, wel 1 arranged ; can rent 3 rooms furnished for $60; gas. radiant fires Installed; good cement basement and furnace ; 5 min. walk from new P. O. ; owner leaving city; will sell furni ture. This is an opportunity. Cor. Lar rabee and Halsey sts. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS. Beautiful new bungalow: owner sick and must leave city ; in restricted d is trict; extra well built; finished in buff brick work; hardwood floors; everything to make a beautiful home; near Vernon school. This is a real buy at very low price. East 273. BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN. Attractive 7-room bungalow with double lot, east facing, 400 feet to paved street and car line; garage, cement walks. Ask the owner about It. Main 5642 or Tabor 7853. Tou will be sur prised at the price and terms that It can be had for. $2100 $2UM) $2100. A 6-room house, basement, bath, etc., on 20x150 lot: hard surface st. and sewer in and paid ; winter's fuel in basement : price only $2100. $10O0 down. bal. like rent. It's real buy. Investigate. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. $4250 ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW. Large living raom, den with fire- Elace. large dining room with bulit-ln uf fet, Dutch kitchen with large break fast room in old ivory, three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs. 727 E. 72d st. N. Tabor OS 44. Owner. MT. TABOR. Built for home, strictly modern, eight rooms, hardwood floors throughout, lot 50x200. POIN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800, East 6771. A FINE modern home In Ivory and ma hogany for sale; easy terms; near Lau rel hurst park; car and school, light rent to adults: best references required. 98 Floral ave. Tabor 2294. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $7000, erms; fine home near Knott; one bedroom and den; 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets, oak floors, plate rlaes; garage. Main 8078; evenings. East 394. " BUNGALOW. 5-room furnished. new mahogany furniture. $4000. Tabor 73S8. 610 E. 64th N. 3-ROOM house and 1-room building de tached on 3 lots. Plenty of garden; 6 fruit trees, chicken yard: gas, electricity, water. Owner, 676 E. 79th N. BARGAIN 6 rooms, modern, 3 bedrooms, lots of closets, good lot, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace: cheap for quick sale. 1025 East Broadway. 6-R. MODERN BUNGALOW. Nice corner with fruit, on improved street. 2 blocks to car; this ideal borne to be sold at $3500. terms. Tabor S292. 8-ROOM house, 1 blocks Broadway, walking distance; $3000. 390 E. 1st N., near an cock SEE THIS 6-room house, garage, excellent location; price $6900. Knst 200ft., REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS i ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 100 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. See FRANK L. McGTJTR E To Buy Your Home. The McGUIRE SYSTEM has won an international reputation and established a national record for home selling, be cause it Is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN METHOD OF HOME SELLING. The system of REAL SERVICE. 1000 photographs of person ally inspected and appraised homes for 'sale. Evorv district in the city. TERMS AND PRICES THAT WILL MEET WITH YOUR APPROVAL. 21 courteous, ex perienced salesmen with autos at your constant SERVICE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. $4200 A DELIGHTFUL WEST PIED MONT BUNGALOW. 5 light, pleasant rooms; HARDWOOD FLOORS; Interior finish OLD 'IVORY; fireplace; built-in buf fet; model white Dutch kitchen ; full cement basement; THIS IS AN IDEAL LITTLE HOME, and you cannot DUPLICATE IT ANY WHERE FOR THE MONEY! De troit at. ALBERTA HOMES. $3100 A splendid 7-room English type cottage home; reception hall, liv ing room with fireplace; 4 light, airy bedrooms ; full basement ; 00 xl07 lot; TERMS. This is REAL value. $1995 $490 down; 6-room, substantial, modern home: electricity, gas; full cement basement; PAVED STREET LIENS PAID. Close to car and school: E. 21st, near Prescott. We have 80 Alberta homes. A ROSE CITY BARGAIN! $3O0 A TYPICALLY ARTISTIC ROSE CITY bungalow of 0 cosy rooms; living room with built-in book cases; solid paneled dining room with buffet; very convenient white kitchen: full basement: PIPELESS FURNACE (you'll need it, too): laundry trays: best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; 1 blk. to R. C. car. TERMS. E. 72d, near Klickitat. We have over 100 homes in the HAW THORN E DISTRICT, close to car and school and CONVENIENTLY PRICED ! $3100 This is a well built, substantial HAWTHORNE HOME I 6 rooms Ideal floor plan; dining room with built-in buffet; 1 light, airy bed room down. 2 up ; laundry trays. NO MORTGAGE OR PAVED STREET LIENS TO ASSUME; good corner lot. E. 44th. ' SOUTH OF LAURELHURST. $000 down! $2200 $000 down; substantial 7-room, comfortable modern home : sleep- ing porch ; white enamel plumb ing; electricity, gas; close to the best car service in the city, iu Morrison, near 31st. JUST $000 DOWN! $3400 NORTH MT. TABOR home; $000 oown; targe, attractive 6-room, conveniently arranged home: two bedrooms down, three up; white r r H in a 1 nliim hlnf r-lix-f rli-i t v pan 100x1 00 lot. THIS 13 GOOD VALUE! Holladay at. MT. SCOTT HOME BARGAIN. $1800 $000 down; attractive 5-room bun galow type home; convenient and practical; 2 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electric ity, gas. 1 blk. to car. 47th ave. SELtwOOD FORCED SALE! $400 down! $1S00 $400 down: 100x100 SELLWOOD neat, comfortable bungalow cot tage ; electrlcit v, gas ; just $400 down. BALANCE EASIER THAN R ENT! We have 50 homes in this district. ALL PRICES AND EASY TERMS. ST. JOHNS CAR. $1990 Just 1 blk. to car, cu Ivanhoe st.. is this 5-room, comfortable home; 2 light, 'airy bedrooms: white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas: full lot with abundance of fruit. LIBERAL DISCOUNT for CASH. Our great display room contains over 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS of HOME BAR GAINS FOR SALE. The most RE MARKABLE SELECTION of homes you' 11 ever see anywhere. A few min utes spent in our modern office will SAVE YO U TIME AND MONEY. See FRANK L. McGUl R 15 To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. 3d St. Bet. Washington and Stark. Marshall 1S08. IRVINGTON. 100x100 CORNER $15,000. No. 185 Beautiful 10-room house on a fine corner in the very heart of Irving ton, close to Broadway car. Has excep tionally large living room and other rooms in proportion. 2 baths and other extras which most houses do not have. The owner of this house has placed a very low price on the property, and if you are looking for something choice it will pay you to ook this over. $30ito cash will handle. Shown by appoint ment only. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, 280 Stark St., near Fourth. Marshall 1808. IRVINGTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, all on one floor: large break fast diner, all hardwood floors, pedestal bath, fixtures, tile floor, gasco furnace, inclosed back porch, garage. This place is practically new. You will not find fault with this. Price $0000. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber o Commerce bldg. Main 208. $250 DOWN. 5 Rooms and Attic. Here is a chance to buy a comfort able home with a very small initial pay ment: lot 50x100; 4 blocks to school; 2 blocks Irvington car; full price $2SOO. The house is now renting for $20 per month. You can pay the balance off at same rate. Which shall it be. $25 to the landlord or $25 to apply on a home of your own ? Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg ELEGANT 11 -ROOM COLONIAL NOB HILL HOME. With sleeping porch. This is an ex ceptional buy in one of Portland's aristocratic districts; surrounded by beautiful homes. Only $9000. terms. For appointment call Ta bor 30S9. No agents. i BUNGALOW.. ROSE CITY PARK, $4750. This neat bungalow has 5 rooms, with 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 attractive bedrooms finished upstairs; hardwood floors and old Ivory throughout, 50x100 lot. 1 block from Sandy blvd. $1250 cash will handle this. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COZY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and breakfast nook, with large attic, old ivory finish, oak floors, large living room across front, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, walks and paving in ; built 1 year; like f w ; full lot; everything except furnace; lo cated above hill in desirable neighbor hood. Price $4600 And terms. Phone Tabor 7736. $5100 LET US show you this nifty, at tractive 6-room bungalow, fin ished throughout In enamel, beau tiful buffet, fireplace, Pullman kitchen, hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, wash trays. We can make good terms. 54th and Sandy. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. IRVINGTON HOME. T have a 9-room modern home In Irxington with hardwood floors, 2 fire places, ud to - the minute in everv re spect, of stucco construction. Large lot ana gooa garage. trice su.oo. Any terms in reason. Write for appointment to see. No dealers. UU 738, Oregonian, WESTMORELAND BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. 9-room bungalow, hardwood floors, all modern built-ins, furnace, fireplace, east front, corner lot, 2 blocks to car and scnooi ; Duut tor home, immediate pos session. Owner leaving city. Marshall 1 022. FINE CORNER. 100x100, with modern 8-room house and good 6-room house, walking dis tance; take small bungalow or two bun- . galows part pay, balance easy. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800, East 6771. $3000 $800 CASH. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace; owner leaving city, can get immediate possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ONE BLOCK from Rose City Park school. 9-room house, $4000. Call owner. Tabor FOR SALE 5-room house. 1227 Denver I ave.. reiuxuuia aismcu jaarsniu 4.41-1, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, REALTORS. MAIN 7487. Our listing is not only large, but very carefully chosen. We have desirable houses in every section of the city, bee us before you select your home. ROSE CITY. 100x100. $4200. $8no will take this double constructed bungalow of latest design. It is on a lot 100x100, with all kinds of fruit, shrubbery and berries. Cement basement, laundry travs. 2 good-sized bedrooms, best of plumbing, Dutch kitchen. This house is 3 vears old, in Al condition, fine neighborhood. One and one-half blocks from car. See this. Only $30 per month, interest Included. ROSE CITY PARK. $4200. 5-room modern bungalow on a lot 50 xl25. full cement basement. laundry trays, garage, large living room with fireplace, handsome built-in buffet in dining room. Dutch kitchen, excellent hardwood floors. This bungalow is dou ble constructed. 2 blocks from, school. Convenient terms. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $3000. 8-room house, on full lot. 5 blocks from Jefferson high school; 5 bedrooms. 4 of them being upstairs. All the rooms are large, well arranged: paved street and sewer in and paid for. This is a good buy. Only $800 down. AINSWORTH AVENUE. $2800. $350 down will buy this substantial, attractive 7-room house on full lot. four good-sized bedrooms upstairs, large liv ing room with fireplace, cement base ment with laundry trays. Small monthly payments. This is what Is called a snap. PENINSULA. $1950. 70x100 lot with 6-room bungalow, 1 block from car, close to Peninsula Lum ber company's plant. House i new sides not yet shingled. This is a good buy at $350 down. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2000. On 61st avenue-, full lot. 1 block from car. substantial 7-room house with three bedrooms, two of them upstairs: walk ing distance to Jefferson high school, 4 blocks to grade scnooi; oniy iw 8-ROOM HOUSE. $1800. $130 down, $15 per month, will take this 8-room house on Foster road, lot 67x120 teet; four bedrooms. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 Railway Excnange 5ing.. 487 xmra ana riarn OPEN EVENINGS. Marshall 1S98. ROSE CITY PARK. EXTRA SPECIAL. No. 173 6-room bungalow, just Hke new. very best part of Rose City. Has hardwood floors, Ureplaeo, all the latest built-ins. hot water heating system; by paying $000 additional you can have this house completely furnished. Total price $4700. without furniture $42iO; $1700 cash, balance $00 per month, in cluding interest. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, 2S5 Stark St.. near Fourth. Marshall 1M8. Marshall 1S9S. ROSE CITY. $4200. Vr '03 0-room bungalow, good attic, good set of plumbing, electric lights, ga', Dutch kitchen, lwtest built-lns: been built 5 years; IVi blocks to Rose City ear- nn viiiik lot. Remember, the total price is only $4200, $1000 cash, balance terms. Party buying tho house will be expected to buy the winter's wood that is in the oasement. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 280 Stark St., near 4th. Marshall 1 SOS. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. rracticaiiy new o-rwum uummv living ana aining room '" and finished in old ivory and tapestr paper. i ni cuy numc - 2." narowoou uuuia, wj . Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, plastered attic and a good ga rage. It Is immaculately clean and we know you will appreciate it; large lot. jf rice iow -1 " J. A. HUHUELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave.. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office." COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 3200. 7-room. double-constructed residence. 3 blocks from irood school, 4 blocks Sellwood carline; OOxloo lot. bearing fruit trees; paved street; all in first class condition; this house is complete iv f umiahAri with eood crade furniture ready to move in at any time; house furnishings and all oan be nanaiea ror $0OO down, balance same as house would rent for. WHY PAY RENT? GE O. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Most Desirable Location. First time offered; modern, like new, 8 rooms, old ivory, tapestry paper, finely arranged, choice eastern oak floors, fine heating plant, tile bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, fun cement basement 2 ga rages, full lot; all rooms airy and cheer ful wide porch. Don't miss this real home, priced away below actual value. For appointment call Tabor 7736. I . A 1 T RKLHURST HOME. $7350 Beautiful 2-story home, newly painted white, strictly modern, with furnace, llreplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins. rooms and music, room, also brea.itast rm.. sleeping porch, all large, spacious rooms, st. imp. paid; terms. List No. 83. 1014 pacific st. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 264 Stark St. Main 10O4 and 583, ROSE CITY PARK. S3 1 30 SSK5 Down. Cozy 4-room double-constructed bun- ralow : larsre living room, dui i t-in our fet, fine Dutch kitchen, beautiful bath. basement ; nicely located on corner lot. 1 block from Rose City car. Pay $865 down and be Independent of the land- lord. Let Vs Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. NEW HOUSE, WALKING DISTANCE. Six rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath room, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, built-in features, paved sts., cor ner lot. $5000, terms. Could not build house for price asked. Jacob Hams. 626 Chamber of Commerce. Phones, Main 6127, evenings East 1304. PIEDMONT HOME. $3200. 7-room residence, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 1 down, full basement, corner lot, lOOx 10O. We have till Saturday only to sell this, as after that date It will be leased for one year; $700 rash, balance terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. Here Is one of the best values in Irv ington. Well worth $14,000, but owner has Instructed us to get an offer on this modern 10-room house. Hot water heat and modern in every detail. Do not over look this, as it will not last. Can give Immediate possession. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule. basement, hardwood floors, mirrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white and ivory finish; choice, neat, desirable; on Haw thorne car line at 27th avenue; terms reasonable. By owner. Tabor 3502. POSSESSION AT ONCE. This beautiful Piedmont mahogany finished home of 6 nice rooms, hard wood floors, sleeping porch, hot-water heat, full basement, streets, fine dis trict, garage, 50x100 lot. near school; for quick sale $6000. worth $10, OOO; act quickly. Come see and make offer. Marshall 1022. $3600. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room, 2-story residence, on paved street, close to school; 1 block car; a mig-hty good buy; will sell on most any kind of terms; owner gone; vacant; can move right in; payments same as GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Kew 6-room, l-story bungalow, mod ern, up-to-the-minute, with hardwood floors. French doors, handsome but'fet, Mueller furnace and gas water-heater; draperies, gas range and winter's fuel. Included in price of $0700; $3200 cash. 475 E. 52d st. north. Tabor 646S. $6000. Within block Fern wood school, corner lot. modern 2-story 6-room and sleeping porch, garage. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. . Mala 1800. Kt 67 IL KJSAL ESTATK. For fcale Houses. Marshall 1S9S. $0000. No. 104 6-room house, consistirg of living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, attic, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, full set of plumbing, pretty bullt-ins, good cement basement, garage, paved street, sidewalks, sewer. Remember, this place has only been btiiit four years. Four blocks to grade school, about 7 blocks to high school. Total price only $0000, $1500 cash, bal ance to suit. LAWYERS' TITLE A- TRUST CO., 285 Stark St.. near 4tti. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW FOR $2000 LESS THAN COST. This beautiful bungalow is all on one floor; very artistic; 2 cement courts with flowers; 2 beautiful stone fireplaces. Dutch kitchen with pass pantry; break fast room, large living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, furnace; corner lot with very artistic stone wall all around; winding cement walk from corner of lot; enters pergola and continues around houy : paved streets; restricted district. Tis bungalow would cost fully $2 ooo more to build than we are asking for it. Price only $64oO. Tabor 3os9. No agents. ONE OF THE BEST HOUSE BUYS IX THE CITY. Located in Woodlawn. four blocks f roan car; consists of 10 rooms: con venient for two families; has bath and tol :et on both floors: full cement base ment; laundry trays; hou&e is piped throughout for furnace; on 50xl00-ft lot. This house is in perfect condition, could not be buiit for les than $6000 todav; owner wants money ami will sell for $4000. This Is the greatest bargain in Portlax.d. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwest Bank Bui'.din g. MURRAYMEAD SWELL HOME. Nine-room strictly modern house, fur nace, three fireplaces, oak floors, aM built-in effects. three bedrooms and sleeping porch on tecond floor; fine re stricted location, just south of Haw thorne avenue on E. 24th st.. walking distance. Can be bought for $10.O0O, or will cell with mahogany furniture and $1500 player piano for $13,000. Will take good five or six-room bungalow as part pav. Shown by appointment only. GR ISSI e BENNETT. 31 8-321 Board of Trade. Main 742. A COMPLETELY FURNISH TCO BUNGALOW FOR $25 A MONTH. Th dearest bungalow on paved St.. good neighborhood, roses, nice big front porch, cement basement, good furniture and piano included in price ; only $3070. small pay ment down and $20 monthly. Tabor 3220. No agents. ROSE CITY PARK. 5- fJ n.trti Rune Alow $4000. Folks, here's a bargain. Never before advertised. You w ill have to hurry, lHeaiiv im-atprl. Hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Fox furnace. Terms. Prob ably never again an opportunity like this one. A, G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St.. near- 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. VACANT. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $4tU)0, terms, just completed strictly mooprn a-room oungaiow, ijhrc sleeping porch, hardwood floors. lire nlarp. Dutch kitchen, all built-ins. tin ished in Ivory and enamel, full basement (cement), double constructed throughout; nihAr nri nkini? Sti.itt0. deal direct with builder and owner; paving in and paid fnr Soe this todav. I wi'.l be on premises from 1 to 5, or phone East 6010; take Alberta car to SM Alberta st. A LAM E D A RUNG A LOW. $5 750 $ 1 000 CAS H . I M M EDI ATI-; POSSESSION. 0 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, nf fet hfinkcusea. litrco living room breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, finished in ivory and white enamel throughout. Large attic; more rooms can oe nn ished. t -1. KV ELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 3nt;-:;0S Board of Trade Bide. Bdy. 4704 HAWTHORNE SWELL BUNGALOW. Fine 5-room bunealow. old ivory fin Ish throughout, papered with latest de siirn naner oak floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, trays; a nifty home; paved liens ail rR id: on E. 37th. south of Hawthorne; price $ 1000, about $ 10O0 cash. 1'hoto at on ice. GHLSSI &r BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7102 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Tr.vlOO fine ehrubberv and fruit, mod ern. ready for occupancy : hard wood floors. fircDlacc. all built-in conveniences, 1 bedroom downstairs, 3 and sleeping norch uDstairs. Nice home In mc location. Donald Macleod. 1001-2 Spald ln,r bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, good sleeping porch bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, fire rlii'p full cement basement. large porch extending across front of the house; 00 xlOo-foot lot, with some fruit; price $ 10U0, reasonable terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S V1VV.-UOOM modern cottage, full bate mcnt. 40x100 lot, near good school and between 2 good car lines, iruit trees buy from owner and save $2O0: price $2200. will take $500 down ana balance s:io nor montn at per cent. ner 6S03 Powell Valley, cor. Obth stree S. E.. phone Tabor 3002. - BKACTIFUL. lame. 0-room bungalow hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, trays, full basement. buiit-lns. outlet, aiti flnnroil a nri pnnrl for two laree room and closets; newly decorated and painted throughout; parage, car, pavea street, best view : $4 1 On. terms. J. C. Corbin Co.. RV5 Lewis bldg. Hdwy. 4PQ. Marshal! ISO. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1600. 1 u. hiorkx from car. This is plastered has sas. electric lights, complete plumb ing. concrete foundations and basement: most remarkable value; $1000 cash. Fred W. Gorman Co., 7!t2 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Buy this with your rent money, 3-room cottage, grounds 75x1 0O; lots of nice fruit trees, berries, garden and chicken house; $1S0; very small payment down, balance easy. Tabor 7174 or 62 E. 75th st. nort h. $100 DOWN buys Woodlawn 4-room plas tered house, full basement. OOx 1 00-foot lot. 4 large fruit trees, berries, chicken house and run. Price $1700. See A. H. Srhmitt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 543. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Brand new 4-r. bungalow near Union and Dekum aves. ; a oozv little home with full plumbing, white enamel kitch en and bath, two bedrooms, closets and hall, fine large lot: $26oO, on terms; dis count for cash. Call owner. Main .0s. $100 DOWN, $20 MONTHLY. Well-built ceiled and papered 3-room house; splendid attic with space for 3 more rooms: fine lot. 4SVjXli0; total price $040. Come on, Mr. Handy Man. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $4000. 7-room. modern, with 100x100. hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, fine fruit trees, A real snap and a sacrifice. Own er leaving city. Call for Information. 301 Ra i 1 wa y Ex change. Main 7 031. IRVINGTON BUNG A LOW SNAP, $6700. terms; could not be built for this: 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage ; all oak floors; near car and school. Neuhausen. Main K07R. 2 HOUSES, IOOxHM) each, 7-room house, all modern conveniences, chicken coop and barn: 4-room house, sleeping porch; good chicken coop. Both close to school. 7.-.0 Marlon. Sellwood 2334. NEAR BROOKLYN SCHOOL. 6-room house, lot 50xlK). in good con dition; pairKed insid-e and out; new roof; $1000 will handle. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. DANDY CORNER. 5-room modern, lot 50x60, new garage, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, Hawthorne; price $4500; terms. Mrs. Thomson, 620 21 Henry buli-dlng. FOR SALE by owner; 5-room bungalow in fair condition, and garage: close to grade and high school, 4 blocks to car; price $1000. $000 cash, $J0 a month. 3312 54th st. S. E. ROSE CITY. $05007 rooms, hd w. floors, fireplace, furnace. On Sandy blvd. Real value. B. M. PRICE & CO.. 200 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5146. BY OWNER in Piedmont; 4-room bunga low, white enamel : lot 48x100, near Jefferson high and car line; price $2S00, terms. Woodlawn 4379. FIVE lots, 30x125, 7-room boarding house and furniture, cellar, barn and two chicken houses, located 0O miles from Lewiston, Idaho. Phone Tabor 6478. FOR SALE 5-room house with furnace, on Belmont street; fruit trees in yard; selling to close an estate. Phone Ta bor IS 70. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5-room bunga low, all modern except furnace; 1 block to Hawthorne ave. Price $3000. Terms. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com. $7900 CASH. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, elegantly furnished. 1040 E. 18th street N., phone Woodlawn 772. 0-ROOM house, suitable for 2 families, oak floors, enamel finish, furnace, garage, lot 100x100; price $6000, $1500 down. Phone Woodlawn 1 274. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room modern bunealow. furnisher garage, etc.; price $4300, $1500 cash. 330 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BUILT BY A MASTER BUILDER. A distinctive, artistic, spicndidlv constructed LADD'S ADDITION HOME; 6 spacious, livable rooms ; attractive living room with cheer ful fireplace ami art bookcases: solid paneled dining room wit h massive; buffet; cosy den: ideally pleasant white Dutch kitchen; fine full cement basement with fur nace; steeping porch; garage; fruit snd beautiful law n. TH IS IS A REAL HOME: with a quiet, re fined home environment. Mul berry street, 1 blk. to car. Price $7150, terms. If you're interested in a SPLENDID HOME BAR GAIN, see J. W. Crossley, manager High Class Home Dept.. with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10S. LAURELHURST $ S000. One of the best constructed homes in. the city, heavy hardwood floors, maple floors in kitchen and bath, massive built in oak buffet, deep fireplace. French doors between living and dining rooms, all rooms enamel finish with Jus' enough oak trimmings to make it ver attractive. very large dining room 115x151. very attractive entrance hall. 3 bedrooms. 2 of them very large. You will not be disappointed when you se this home. Terms $toot cash, balance J years if desired. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. lo. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Marshall 1S0S. LAURELHURST. No. 103 Beautiful 7-room home; has hardwood f loorp. fireplace, furnace. 4 bedrooms upstairs, every bedroom door id paneled with French mirrors ; all the latest built-ins ; house has mifsic room with built-in music cabinet; In fart, this is a modern home Jn every detail. Will be shown bv appointment enlv. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, 2S0 Stark St., near B'ourth. Marshall 1K0S. Marshall 1S98. SUNNYSIDE. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. No. 1 0? 7-room modem house and attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, good plumbing, gas, screens. shades; paved street, cement sidewalks; lot OOr 100. House cannot bo duplicated for about $0o0O. owner has good reasons for scLing place at $7 OOO, haJf cash, bal ance long time. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO.. 250 Stark St., near 4th. Marshall 1 j.-,HROHB CITY PAR& $51. This is one of the few good buys in, this beautiful district; a 6-room bunga low on 0 1st st., near car. finished bil liard room or dance hall in largo attic; strictly modern, of course, with hard wood floors, fireplace, all built-ins, hot air heat: an exceptionally fine lot, witti flowers and fruit. If you realise the good value here you'd eee it today. Terms. COM T K ft KO H LM AN. Main 600O. juS Cham her of Commerce. DUTCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x132. ADJOINING LOT A V A I L ABLE AND VACANT; UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF CITY. AND MOUNTAINS. CIOSE IN ON CAR LINE; 10 ROOMS 3 BATHS. HOT WATER HEAT, OAK FLOORS. MAHOGANY AND FIVE COATS WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY 40 PER CENT FOR IvONG TIME IK DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL HOUSE IN IRV INGTON AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE. RESIDENCE PHONE MAIN 3360. ROSE CITY FOR QUICK SALE. Lea.ving city; my 7-room witn sleeping porch, double plumbing, furnace, paved sts.; built for own er's home; no comparison for price of $0000; vacant. Jacob Haas, East 1361 or Main G127. MT. TABOR RESIDENCE. $6500. A modern 8-room homo on Bclmonl with grounds 73xlOi. abundance of frui and shadi trees, full concrete -basemen t, furnace, fireplace, every modern conven ience and is a sacrifice; $2000 cash will handle. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR WESTMORELA N D. Half Block Car. 5-room, up-to-date bungalow, bat h. Dutch kitchen, bulH-ln bufct, fireplace, laundry trays. OOx 1 "rt lot; 5 blocks to school; full price $00OO; pay $0'O down and balance like rent. Why pay the landlord when the t-ame money could be applied on a home of your own? Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5000 0 rooms, modern, al I built-lns. . corner 57lh, i'Iofc to Sandy blvd.. paved street, full cement basement, new Gasco furnace, double garage: a very fine buy. $ 1 0OO; will consider vacant lot as part pavment. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 260 Oak Street. Broadway 5305. $ .i o on $ ;; r.oo $ 3 o oo . A 7-room bungalow, with good base ment, bath. etc. : fireplace, paneled din ing room. 100x100 ground, all kinds of fruit and herries. consisting of 0 cherry trees. 6 apple, walnuts, plums, berries and grapes ; sidewul ks and sew er in and paid.; price only $30t'iV. with $1000 down, balance like rent. RUMMELL & RUM MELL. 274 Stark st. AN EXCEPTION A L BUT. To Cio; an Estate. 6-room modern residence: 1 block to streetcar: Waver lei gh Heights : in per fect condition ; this belongs to an es tate and must be sold at once at tho very low price of $4200; only $1200 down, balance terms. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-Room Bungalow $1 700. Located rear Rose City school. Hard wood floors, French doors, full cement basemen t. double bet of plumbing. Ex ceptional value. Easy terms. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St., nca- 4 th. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. $310O buys a 6-room, newly finished throughout in white enamel, 4 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up. full cement basement, street in) p. paid-, Dutch kitchen; terms. 34 1 East 3Sth. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 261 Stark St. Main 1094 and 53. SPECIAL. $30O CA.SH. Good 5-room house, located on Eart Davis near 2th; lot alone worth $1S00; improvements in and paid: po-iee $2"00; $350 cash, balance $15 per month. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. Main 670. 310 Ry. Exch. Bids HOUSE PLANS. 'Distinct! vo Homes." Beautifully 11 rrjstrated book of over a hundred do Kigns, $ 1 0. Blueprints and specifica tions. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Building. HAWTHORNE $4000. A well-built 2-story 8-room house; a wonderful lot, 5uxH0. with all kinds of fruit trees; owner is in the east and the house is vacant. See it at 1309 East Madison st. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce "bldg. Main 0478. ' HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW. " 5 rooms and attic, oak floors, fire place, built-ius, breakfast nook, papered and enameled, full lot, near high and grade schools, paved and paid ; $4100, $1000 cash. Marshall 3302; evening. Ta bor 3000. $4000 $1000 CASH. 6-room bungalow style house with sleeping porch, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, complete kitchen, full cement base ment, 5x1 67 lot with fruit and berries. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $5600. Within 50 feet Rose City car, full lot 50x100, modern two-story 6-room house, fine repair. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800, East 6771. $2700 0OO CASH buys nice 4-room mod ern furnished cottage, corner E. 20th and Cora ave ; street paved and paid ; good oak furniture; fine bathroom, laundry trays; house all In white enamel. Phone East 3220. FOR SALE BY OWNER Lot 50x100, 6 rooms, plastered, sleeping porch, bath, 3-piece white enamel fixtures, garage, walks in and paid, cement basement, nice lawn, garden, city water, lights, gas, price $2000, $700 down, balance like rent, 6 per cent interest. "Woodlawn 3616. STX ROOMS, MODERN! Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, paved street, room for garage. Price $4200, easy terms. W. It. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 0-ROOM bungalow, modern and on pa veil street, nice lawn. Price $2350. down. Easy terms on bain nee. Call Mr. Fis-her. Main 0420. 24S Stark. SUNNYSIDE Owner; 6-room house, same built-in. 1000 E. Salmoa.