TITE MOItNIXG OREGOXLVN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1920 REAL K8TATK. Huburbnn Home. $3500 1500 DOWN PARKROSE. 2 acres and house started, near Sandy blvd. and carline; ground all cleared ; corner tract; gas and water piped in front of property. This is indeed an exceptionally pood buy for the person mho wants a home and has only small mean; monthly payments only $25 and interest. T. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20$. MODKRM HOME WITH PTjUifBlXG. Four acres, all under cultivation; 28 cherry trees, 5 prunes, 7 pears, 12 apples, quinces. grapes, 70 loganberries, 2(MH strawberries and lota of garden; 8-room modern house with beet of white enameled plumbing; pood out buildings; 200 chickens, Jersey cow, heifer calf, incubators and all crops. Located between Newbers and McMinn ville on fine road, right In small town, near the Willamette river. Price $4500, $-000 cash. Or consider small bunga low up to $3000 in Portland. Inspected by Brook, photos at office, John Ferguson. Gerhnger Bid g. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM MODRRN 1TOUSTC. This fine home Is Just being? completed, 4 Here oC ground, large room the entire widt h of house, fireplace, bultt-lns. gas, electricity, A1 plumbing, woodwork fin ished In white, Dutch kitchen, walls tinted In delicate shades; an ideal home, close to good school and car line; price $5000, terms. R. H, CONKRKT, RITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROOM S, bath and reception ha 11, and white enamel finish, garage nrfvxsiirrt w n f p r- ; v t nm nitv try s. t ivory chicken park and barn; three . . -acre fruit tracts highly Improved; 00 bearing trees, acre berries, acre corn 10 feet high), good garden, Jersey hogs and chickens ; only H mile city limits, on good road; priced at (over cow, from $6500 I'M 4 U BtLII?. 1ITIII3, S - IV. JI II, 426 Lumbermen's bldg., Bdwy. 421. Co.. AT JENNINGS LODGR. One acre of ground and modem 6 Toom bungalow with full basement, fire place. In fact a very modern above-the-average place, facing Oregon City car line between Asbdaie and Jennings Lodge: for quick sale at $7500; must have $4,100 cash; good terms on balance. R. M. Holbrook, owner, Jennings Lodge. ONE ACRE AND I.AlUiE HOUSE IN GRESHAM. Gas, electricity, good plumbing, house In splendid condition, assortment of fruit trees and berries, access to grade and union high schools; price $3200 terms. R. H. CONFRKY, RITTER, LOWK & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ID E . VLi ub urb a a home, 5 acres, 3 under cultivation, fine grove, 1 acre berrle; modern 5-room bungalow, good cement basement, fireplace, 4 chicken houses, good water system, on good. road. 3 blks. to Powell Valley; $5800. easy terms. I N TEiR'S TATB LAND CO., Vain 5421. 24S Stark Gt. ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, completely furnished, on S. P. rod elec tric. 2 blocks from station, on 8c fare. City water, gas and electricity. ' Owner leaving at once for San Francisco. Will sacrifice home and furniture for $2350. See N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. ilULTNOMAH STATION bungalow and fc aero. Modern throughout. City water, gas, electric lights, furnace, breakfabt nook. On automobile road. For sale by owner. Must have $2000 cash, bal ance can be arranged, , bee OWNER. 204 Henry bldg. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, ONLY $1200. Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with 150x145, piped water, lights, fenced, woodshed. 2 blocks to school, 35 min utes out on bi; red electric; (200 down. Can you beat-it? Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME, SIGHTLY, acres, 140 bearing fruit trees, large eight-room house and garage, barn and chicken house; Foster road; eight miles from courthouse; price $15,000. terms to suit; now rented for $100 month. Owner, Tabor 6168. 5 ACRES, CLOSE IN. On Columbia blvd. House and other improvements, good well, city water and electric lights can be had. Big bar gain; half cash ; 8 years' time on bal ance. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Main 1377. ONE ACRE and 7-room house, with bath and toilet, on East 92d and 65th ave. S. E. All In fruit and garden. Price jiu, wun good trems. E. B. HOLMES CO., 272 Stark treet Main 8051. MODERN 5-room bungalow cotta-ge, nice light rooms, bath, basement, poultry houses, new garage. No. 1 condition; full lot, all kinds fruit, near school, car, good view, deep soli. A real buy. $2000. terms. J. C. CORBIX CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. GARDEN HOME, 14 AtKJiS. " 4-room house, gas, water, fine gar- I den; this Is a bargain at $2000, $500' cash, bal. easy. Call E. D. Schomacker. i Main 1038 or Main 4408. " CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES j and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car llne. sign "Alder Brook." HAVE 2 acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences, hk hour from center of city; not a commercial place, just an ideal home. L 54, Ore gonian. lOoxlOO 3-ROOM unfinished house foT $1100; $150 cash, balance $10 per month. West side, only 3 blocks from car line. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett b Id g. MULTNOMAH STATION. " By owner, 5-room bungalow, close to station ; must sell at once; bargain at $3200. Main 7615. - $1500 $250 CASH, balance $15 a month, buys 4-room bungalow; bath, etc. Fine largo lot on good road. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. $1000 ACRE, Lake Grove, 3-room house; S20-0 Bryant, 2 acres, 4-room house, Mt-Karland. 208 Failing bldg. l'"or Sale Business Property. H BLOCK of ground between First and' Front sts., in the heart of the business district; suitable for large garage, whole sale or manufacturing purposes. A won derful buy at the price. The property Is assessed at over $28,000 and I am offering it at $22,500. This is prac tically 50 per cent lower than anything can be purchased in this locality. If you are in need of property at this time, or if you have any spare money that you wish to use in making a handsome profit, do not fail to look up this opportunity. Portland is com ing back strong; the demand for busi ness property is becoming alive. Let me show you this opportunity. BEN R1ESLAND. Exclusive Sales Agent. 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park SH. OWNER MUST SELL OR TRADE Two-story building on a corner, lo cated on car line in a business district. Store occupied as a grocery. Income $80 per month. Will sell or trade for stock of merchandise in city or country. M 942, Oregonian. ox loo FOOT. 2-story white brick bldg., income $265 monthly; price $20 500 terms; cost of building today. $40,000. Inquire of owner. 549 Tacoma ave. Sell wood 140. For Sale Acreage. GARDEN TRACTS on red electric line as low as $35 down and $10 per month. City water gas and electricity available. 7c fare. You can't beat this proposition anywhere around Portland. See N. H. ATCHISON 2Q4 Henry bldg. 6 ACRES unimproved land 6 miles trom the city of Portland. S. E. ; cordwood timber on the place will pay for it. Price $430, terms; also 10 acres of land prire $!t(K, terms. Nelson, 313 Henrv :dp.. from 3 to 6 P. M. n y SAC HI FICE Choice 20; make beautiful nome, quarter cjearea, ouiltungs, stream, best soil, including horse, wagon, hay potatoes; $3500. See Chauncey Barney' 5 miles southeast Oregon City, by Linn's mill. FI V'E acres, 1 acre in cultivation, bal. near ly cleared: 5-room house, uonri ham chicken house, good well. 5 blocks from stH.. 1 block to school, on main high way : $15m, easy terms. L. O. Gerber A Ider hotel. . ' 6 ACRES. A-l soil, 3 miles from Port land ; $150 per acre. Phone Broadway 4683. Address Owner, 674 Johnson st W Portland Or. B a kuai.n in a cnoice -acre tract nn Killing-worth ave.; also two good lots near Franklin high school. Owner, 1006 7th N. FOR SALE 10 acres bearing cranberry land, cheap if taken at once. D 953. 620 A. LOGGED-OFF land, some tillable running waicr, guou siock rancn ; acres. terms. J. it. snarp. a.i? Sherlock bids. 8-ACRE farm. Sycamore station, Estacada line. $2500. See owner at place. W. P. Dean. Third house west from station. 2V ACRES, with Improvements. 7 miles from Portland, on Capital highway. Will exchange for first-class car. Main 7811. VANCOUVER 30-20 acres, $12. per acre, all level, a bargain; terms. Main 3672. McFsrland. Failingbldg. $10 PER ACRE 160 good ttmber7liesf7ne, cabin. Owner, 1010 Kelly st. REAL, KSTATE. -Acreage. $S7 DOWN. $17.50 MONTH. PARKROSE. Nearly 3 acres of rich silt land. $625 acre. This cholce tract la north of Sandy boulevard. A cor ner. 600 feet, facing on a main street. Deal for future platting, almost 3 acres, 321.200 square feet, equal to 24 V lots 50x100 feet. High, level ground; good view of mountains; virgin soil; suitable for berries, celery and truck patch. No restrictions. You can build a temporary home here and save rent. Your garden and chickens should more than make your pay ments. Total price. $1739. Come out and convince yourself. The richest land, cheapest in price and close to heart of city. Only a few desir able tracts remain to be sold. Nearly $100,000 sold In this tract in two months. Homes going up all around. , J- L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 20S. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARK ROSE CAR LINE. TAKK ROSE CITY PARK CAR, $S7.00 DOWN. $17.50 "MONTH. PARKROSE. Nearly 3 acres of rich silt land, $623.00 acre. This choice tract is north of Sandy boulevard. A corner 606 feet, facing on a main street. Deal for future platting, almost 3 acres, 121,200 square feet, equal to 24 lots 50x100 feet. High, level ground. Good view of mountains. Vir gin soil, suitable for berries, celery and truck patch. No restrictions. You can build a temporary home here and save rent. Your garden and chickens should more than tnake your payments. Total price $1739.00. Come out and convince yourself. The richest land, cheapest In price and close to heart of city. Only a few desirable tracts remain to be sold. Nearly $100,000 sold in this tract In two months. Homes going up all around. J. I j. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BLDG. MATN 208. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARKROSK CARL1NE. TAKE ROSJ3 CITY CAR. $600 ACRR. 8S-ACRE TRACT. $107.50 DOWN. $21.50 month, which includes interest at 6. Running stream south boundary line. 596 feet on a main street. Some beautiful trees along stream. A little natural park; ash, oak and cotton wood trees. This attractive home site will appeal to you. Be sure and ask to see it. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. MAIN 208. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARKROSB CARLLNE, TAKE ROSE CITY CAR. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies outdoors; close to city car line; beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July. 1921; 30 years' expert ence as fruit grower, juice manufac turer, moral and financial responsibility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of this worth while proposition ? F. A. Breck, Mfg. Breck'a Loganberry Juice, 3S4 East 42d st. north. Tabor 2678. or Main 6173. SELL YOU 20-ACRE RANCH AND TH ROW IN 6 ACRES OF LOGAN-. BERRIES FOR $190 AN ACRE. Loganberries, most of them will be 2 years old In the spring, balance of the ranch in grain, good rich deep soil. This is a good money-making- proposition for someone V, mile from eood town, elec tric station and paved highway. 40 miles from Portland. see saji MKWJii, at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 20 ACRES. $100 CASH. Balance monthly payments and only $20 per acre; all fine soil, but some too rough to plow; nice creek of fine water and several springs; eome creek bottom land, fine for onions and celery; enough fir and cedar timber to pay for land; located 7 miles from Gaston. This ia a real snap. If you want a home see us today. A. W. ESTES. 005 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. 25 ACRES on rood road less than half a mile from the paved highway, near Sherwood; 5-room house, barn, family nrrhflrd. 11 vine stream. If oianted to berries this place would pay for itself in few years. Team, some farm Imple ments go in; $2vKK cash will handle thia bargain, balance easy terms. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES. 6 blocks from electric sta tion, in Washington county; all can be cultivated; 4 acres -cultivated; good familv orchard: 6-room house, brick fnnnHafinn hnth mom and nlumbins in. ready for fixtures. This is the best of soil, right in small town north of Hillsboro. Price $2700. $1100 cash. John Ferguson, Gerllnger Bldg. SNAP. Ten acres, located mile from Rex station on Newberg highway, brand new 4-room house, land all in cultivation, f f n snrlnir we 11: land lies hich and sightly and surrounded by some fine prune orchards; more land adjoining can be purchased; price souu. jonn s. .uw ard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE COUNTRY HOMESITE. 19 H acres near Garden Home; high and sightly located, faces road, covered with nice grove shade trees, handy to Hunt and Golf clubs. Price $6000; terms reasonable. LUEDDEM ANN COM PANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. 1.1 ACRES one mile from Hillsboro; in a high state of cultivation, well r,nr fpnod 5-rnom clustered house. bam and other outbuildings; all kinds fruit and berries ; Ms mile from the electric line. Price $5000. H cash. 618 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. , Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over i o ooo acres Bold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 2 ACRES $50 DOWN $8.50 MONTHLY Located near ase ine roaa. tuu it. from electric station; all level and cov ered with nice grove of trees. easily r-i eared, eood soil. nice neighborhood. Price $850; terms $50 cash. $8.50 month. LUEDDEM AIMS fUMrAINl, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. A ACRES OUT POWELL VALLEY ROAD FOR $540. An ideal place to build a country home, covered with beautiful grove of native trees; easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DO YOU WANT 20 ACRES ON EASY TERMS? See us today about our subdivision; 20-acre tracts. $20 to $35 per acre ; miles from Gaston, Oregon. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. TWO ACRES. IMPROVED. T.nen.ted in Rockwood acres adSntninv Milwaukie. Tnis is a beautiful sightly tract, mgniy mi i ucu wun j. nouses; lights and city water. Apply to owner, 2o7 Northwestern Bank' bldg. 40 ACRES, 18 under plow, living springs; one mile electric station, 12 miles Port land; sell cheap. Call or address 912 Woodward ave. Fruit and Nut L.ands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres, 17 acres In trees; 7000 boxes apples this year; has modern 5-room bungalow. cellar, furnace. fireplace, sleeping porches, tub and shower bath, screened porch, kitchen bay. etc, large packing house and barn, 2 tenant nouses; spring water on place; improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000; a good investment, a fine home and place to live; has paid a good net return. A 540, Oregonian. CRANBERRY LAND. Have one of the very best five-acre tracts on main road at Long Beach, Washington; one acre in bearing vines; good crop of berries this year; price $2100, half cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. SOU Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead; either farming or timber tracts, on or near good roads; also have some good relinquishments, close In; hours, 8:30 to 5 and evenings, 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. bid g. TWO HOMESTEADS on county road. Good farm land, some good timber.' close neighbors, saw mill, trout stream, black soil. Near McMionville. $300. 301 Corbett building. - TWO ADJOINING homesteads or relin quishments wanted. Describe what you have. O 923, Oregonian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable; employ ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, 831 3d. 0 A. LEVEL, cleared, fenced. 3-rm. house, woll; near Willamina: $150 cash, $10 mo. and int. Jesse It. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bid. fj-ntt FIN E 8 H seres, good house. Main 3672. McFarland. Failing b-klg. RKAL ESTATE. IDEAL SUBURBAN HIGHLY IM PROVED STOCK FARM. Consisting of 88 acres. 40 of which Is under high state of cultivation, balance in fine pas ture, dotted with white and live oak timber for shade; all rich sandy loam soil, best of alfalfa land; place fenced and cross fenced, fronts on main county road, one-half mile from good county town that has ten train daily, besides river transportation and auto service via Pacific highway; large dairy barn, pat ent stanchions, box stalls, concrete silo, machine sheds, garage, new six-room house, water piped to all buildings, concrete watering trough in barn lots; 22 head of regis tered Jersey cattle. 24 head of good grade Jerseys, 3 head of large work horses. 63 or 73 tons of hay In barn, enough corn to fill silo; 3 gas engines, ensilage cutter and blower. Empire milking machine. Simplex cream separator, kale planter, two mowers, rake, steel roller, plows, harrows, sulky plow, disc harrow, 3 wagons and all small tools and other crops; price only $20,000; one-half cash; this is a BARGAIN and MUST be seen to be appreciated. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEW. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. RESETTLING WESTERN CANADA OWING TO THE EXIGENCIES OF THE LATE WAR. The Canadian Railways Bond Corpora tion have 300.000 of improved farms, the most productive and fertile lands on the continent, available for selection in areas of 160 acres and upwards. Many of the farms are fenced, with houses, bams, etc., and all reasonably close to towns and railroads. Farm areas 1 6o acres and. upwards, open level Land $10 to $30 per acre, very easy terms. This year's Alberta wheat crop Is the greatest in history. Rainfall is copious, regular and adequate. There has never been a crop failure in central or northern Alberta. Improved, open land ready for the plow. Also larger areas, cattle ranches and range leases available. Reduced commutation railroad tickets to A 1'berta. Canada, to inspect lands. Sole agents. Get Particulars Portland Agency, of "the Canadian Railways Bond Cor poration." Mr. B. F. Westfall. TH F? FRKD A. JACOBS CO- 104 Fifth Street, Portland. Opp. First National Bank. FOR SALE or trade. Willamette valley farm, 410 acres black loam soil, all un der cultivation, fair improvements, rail way station, warehouse, store and school on place, eight m ilea north of Eugene, Or., on Oregon Electric railway; will take $10,000 cash down and give any reasonable terms at 6 per cent n bal ance or might consider good apartment house up to $50,000 in Portland or Spo kane, or good stock of mdse. in good town of not less than 10,000 inhabitants up to $20,000; price. $45,000 till Oct. 1. A reasonable commission will be allowed any dealer instrumental In closing deal. No Ms tings will be given ; submit full proposition in full letter. This place wiU not lat long at above price. J. P. Lich, owner. Junction City, Or. R. D. Meadowview farm. 'HURRY" IF YOU WANT ANY OF THESE FARMS. ALL CLEAR. WILL TRADE FOR CITY INCOME OR CLEAR ACREAGE. $25,000 for 460 acres, ISO cult, and balance also Rood lands; one mile sta tion; Lane county. Or., buildings modern. will take apartment house or income property and assume. $30,000 for 412 acres, located Eugene district, about 200 acres onen lands, bet ter class farm bldgs., near station, school ano on gooa roaas. win take city prop erty. May assume. $50,000 equity in three wheat farms. ana win taKe small tarm or city prop erty in any good coast city. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY -332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. 160-ACRE FARM. Located in the famous Willamette val ley, south of Portland; fronting on the Pacific highway now being paved; R. F. D., telephone and milk route, close to station, mere is no netter valley land than this 160-acre farm. All fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fenrine! 135 acres in crops, 25 acres pasture, some oak timber; A 7-room house, big barn with hay forks and carriers; chicken house, hog house, woad house. ere Or chard an,d small fruits.. Think of it. a reai iarm, wen improved, in a fine lo cality, paved roads, electric and steam transportation. Price $100 per acre. One half cash. HOGUE, NEWELL & SON, ' ALBANY. OREGON. BEARING PRUNE RANCH. 27 acres, located near Pacific high way at Felida, Clarke county. Wash ington ; lu acres in prunes, 5 acres bearing, 5 acres 4 years old, balance young orchard; good nearly new house with best of plumbing, full cement basement, electric lights; lots o other buildings; large, family orchard; com plete line of machinery, cow, horse, GO chickens; $4000 cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent. This is 15 miles from center of Portland. Jso gravel. Close to Columbia river in one of the best prune districts in the west. John Ferguson, GerJinger Bldg. 2 ACRES STOCK AND EQUIPMENT All in cultivation except 1 acre good timber; land lies fine, creek on place : good 6-room house, barn, granary, 2 chicken houses, other outbuildings; spring water piped to house and barn: team, 6 milk cows, 50 chickens, 20 or more tons hay, 22 sacks seed grain, crop of carrots, corn, potatoes, etc., and all necessary farming tools and implements go wun place; mile irom school: 1m mediate possession. Price $7000 ; terms fdouu casn, oaiance mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. NEVEJR FOR SALE BEFORE. 800 acres on Pacific highway, half way between Corvallis and Eugene: all river bottom land, 500 acres open farm land with 300 acres In wheat this year; 3o0 acres timber and brush pasture, but near ly all can be plowed when cleared. Large house and plenty of outbuildings. Owner is old and wants to retire. Price $40,000, one-half cash. Possession given Oct. L U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. 131 ACRES in Idaho, -33 miles from Spo kane, on the International R, R. and the state highway; store and postofflce. 46x22-ft. garage, etc.; store building Is 2 stories, 5 rooms upstairs and dining room, hall and kitchen downstairs; will sell part or all, store, garage, business and stock and one acre of land. $4500; 130 acres of land. $3500, $1500 cash, bal ance 8 years at 6 per cent. AV 365, Ore gonian. " 36 ACRES $lS.00a " 1 miles from Newberg: a fine 6 room bungalow, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, hot and cold water, batn; good barn; 27 acres in cultivation, 4 acres in prunes, crop worth $1000 on the trees now; some farm tools; close to electric line ; road paved from Portland ; $7000 cash, long time on balance. MORRIS & "BUDT, 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SMALL FARM CLOSEIN. 48 acres, 14 miles from Portland. 1 mile from station, 20 acres in cultiva tion, balance timber and brush, but all good land, 17 acres in clover; 5-room house, good barn, machinery for operat ing the place, 17 tons hay In barn. A snap for $6000; reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 67 ACRES, $6500 TERMS. 20 MILES OUT. WORTH DOUBLE price asked; 6-room house, barn, 6 acres cleared, iarge creek; cruised over 4000 cords wood; on good road near electric, 6 miles Oregon City, 5 miles Canby, 4 mile school and church; if you are look ing for a bargain here is your chance. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 40 ACRES, located 24 miles from Port land: 25 acres under cultivation, 39 acres can be cultivated; 3-room house, finished with , beaver board; barn, chicken house, root house; 40 bearing fruit trees, well and good pump ; half mile to school; good productive land; some equipment. Price $4200. $1000 cash. Might consider Portland house. John Ferguson. Gerilnger Bldg CLOSE IN. 50 ACRES. TERMS TO SUIT. FRONTS ON HIGH WAY. About 2 miles east of Clackamas, 23 acres under cultivation, 2 springs, one piped to house. 6-room house, barn, good soil, bottom and upland ; a little timber, about 14 miles Portland. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 10 ACRES, all under cultivation, running stream and springs, some fruit; 6-toora house, large barn, outbuildings, on good graveled road, near Foster road ; $5500, $2000 cash, long time on the balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5429. 248 Stark St. 200 ACRES, near town of Sandy, good buildings, half mile fronting Mt. Hood highway ; orchard. 60 acres cultivated, 60 acres pasture, land lies fine, running water; will sacrifice for quick turn, with half cash; immediate possession. Ad dress Geo. Beers, Sandy, Or. 140 ACRE'S, only 34 mUes to Portland, on main hard-surface road, highly improved place; 2 good sets of buildings. 8 cows, horses and farm machfnery; fine soil, creek runs through place; a real bargain for $150 per acre. H. W. Garland, 201 3d st., cor. Taylor. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres, every toot in cultivation, A-l land, no waste; about 13 acres bottom land ; good 7-room house, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modem chicken house, brooder house, garage, etc.; 25 tons of hay in barn, chickens, family orchard. This place Is 5 miles from Hillsboro; 2 miles' paved road; one of the best forties in the distrfct; price $13,000: good terms. 40 acres. 30 in cultivation. 10 acres pasture, creek, family orchard, 5-room house, barn, silo, etc. : 16 miles from Portland, near pavement; extra choice land. This is a real bargain at $3500. 32 acres, alt In cultivation ; A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land; 3-room house, barn and other out buildings: 1 cow. 3 tons of hay, garden tools. Price $5000. or will sell 5 acres with improvements for $3500. We have many other good farm bargains. 21 acres. 16 In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; about 60 bearing ap ple trees; rolling land ; creek. 5-room plastered house, good barn, full of hay, chicken house, hoghouse. etc., good well; on good road; good team mares. 6 milch cows. 1 heifer, 4 hogs. 60 chickens; po tatoes, kale and corn growing. This is a nifty little place for $6S00. half cash. 25 acres. 20 acres in cultivation, 5 acres in pasture ; choice land, neariy level; 5-room hou.e and barn, 3 acres orchard, small fruits; 18 miles Portland; price $6250, $2575 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. 20 acres. 10 acres In cultivation, 10 acres pasture and timber; extra choice location. mile Ry. sta.. 6 mi. Hills boro; 6-room modern house, modern plumbing; water in barn; good chicken houpe, family orchard, small fruits; price $60W half cash. bal. 6 per cent. R. M, GATE WOOD & CO.. 16.' 4tb St. (NO. 1) 50 A. NEARLT all clear, with fine 3 0-R. house; good or chard containing choice large and small fruits. Nice stream run ning through place. Large barn, thoroughly equipped. All farm implements, complete outfit of blacksmith tools and good dairy outfit. 17 head cattle, few hogs and all crops go with this place. if close to town and Columbia River highway. Priced at $13,000 on terms. (No. 2) 40 A., fully equipped and ready to move right on, only 3 miles from paved highway on good macadam road with access to rail way and fiver. SS miles from Port land, Fair buildings, fine orchard and excellent garden. All farm Implements and crops, good team and wagon. 5 cows. 2 heifers, chickens, bees ard household fur niture, all for $000 on very rea sonable terms. This pface Is about half cleared. . SEE RUTHERFORD REALTY St. Helens, Or. FORCED SALE. S20 ACRES. 320 in cultivation, more easily cleared. very little waste land; strictly modern 8-room bungalow, bath toilet, full ce ment basement, furnace, electric lights, etc. Another good 6-room house; a very fine, laree barn : on a very good road 23 miles from Portland. This is not onlv a verv laree producing farm, but has the best buildings in the entire county and it is going to be sold at a great loss to the owner. If you want a first-class farm look at this, b or price and terms apply W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE One of the best all-around farms in southern Douglas Co.. Or., con sisting of 578.36 acres; 155 acres farm land as follows: 20 acres under irrlera tion, clover meadows, 18 prunes, 117 grain and corn, 303 pasture, all under " hog-tight fence; 120 acres first-class timber; 1 miles of creek bottom, 17 fields and pastures with living water in alt of them year around: 4 barns, gran ary, machine shed, smokehouse, silo and hoe Dens : plenty of outrange, access the forest reserve ; 7-room house, water piped Into house; mile to school, 3 7 miles to R. R-, Riddle; good roads, no hills; price $38,000, half cash, balance on time: will sell all of my machinery. grain, hay, 4 work horses, hogs, sheep and goats, cattle, at reasonable price; cause for selling, retiring. Address box 87, Myrtle Creek, Or. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Acct. of recent death of husband, widow offers to sell this splendid farm home containing 31 acres; 27 in cultiva tion, 4 in pasture and wood for home use; splendid spring and spring creek; 6 acres clover, 4 acres spuds, 2 acres or chard, fine equipment of implements, eood team. 3 cows. SDrine calf, fine O. A- C. brood sow with 9 pigs, chickens; splen did 7-rm. house with sleeping porcn bath, built-ins. fireplace, telephone, etc. good barn, several tons hay, new chick en house 22x40: onlv IS miles from Port land, on good road, less than 1 mile off the Daved highway to Newberg. Every thing goes for $;000; terms on half. O. B, Kippey, bio i civ ay Diag. jnain xt-v. FOR SALE. 197 acres, 2Va miles from Battle Ground, place is stocked and equipped 30 acres cultivated that is river bottom land, this can all be Irrigated ; price, including stock and equipment of over S2000 value. $8000. which makes the nrfce of the land less than JJ3 per acre, $3000 will handle this, bal. long time at 6 per cent. W. B. McCarty, Battle Ground. Wash. WHEAT RANCH. 640 acres at lone, the best section there: good buildings, excellent water. no waste land. The neighbors say it is worth $40 per acre. Will sell on very easy terms or take some trade and crop payments on balance. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE N. W. of Sec. 31, Townshis 6. Range 1 east, 5 miles north of Wood land, Wash., 6 miles south of Ka lama, some timber in northern part, southern part easily cleared ; good range, plenty of water, fine view, good place for a home. o improvements; $10 per acre, with terms. Inquire or address Cow litz County Abstract Co.. Kalama, Wash. 80 ACRES. 35 miles out on Red electric line; 40 in cultivation. 7 In 10-year prunes; good 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, etc.; small barn, prune dryer, other outbuildings. This Is a dandy one-man farm. Cheap at $8300. Might take some trade. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. BANK BLDG. BETWEEN 15,000 and 25,000 acres of good farming land in the Willamette valley, which I am instructed to sell at $15 per acre; all within six miles of railroad and thriving towns and within 20 miles of the State Agricultural col lege. For particulars. call on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. IF you are looking for a good farm, don't fail to -see my 80 acres; 23 acres pas ture, balance in cultivation; good build ings, including hop drier and storeroom; peven acres good bearing hops, one mile to railroad, macadam road. 30 miles south of Portland ; must be sold this month; one-half cash. Q 558. Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner, 79 H acres land in Washington County, Oregon; 20 acres in cultivation, house, barn, other buildings; family orchard and small fruits; on county road; telephone; 22 miles from Portland; price $5000. For particulars Address A. L Nelson, Scappoose, Or., Route 1. 160 ACRES. 35 mi1e out; 70 in cultivation; good 8-room house, large barn ; one-half mile frontage on river. This is a mighty good farm. Price $100 per acre; terms. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. BANK BLDG. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. TamhilL Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farm.. for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weidner A Vought, Bank bldg.. Yamhill, Or. FOR SALE 35 acres on lower Columbia highway. IS miles from Portland court house; part bottom land and some up land; livable house, good barn, well, creek; this is in Multnomah county. John H. Fisher, Scappoose, Ore., Route 1. Box 3 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. Near station, on main county road nearly all in cultivation: assortment of fruit; $150 down, 8 years time on bal ance. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. - j THE YAKIMA VALLEY, the most pro- uueuv e m cd. m -"- o. , guv eminent irrigation iiien crop insurance; large and small tracts on easy terms. Call or write for price list. Central Yakima Ranches uo., oia oeiiing- mag. 363 ACRES, of which 46 acres are clear; property is located between Canby and New Era. on Pacific highway. Please send sealed bids before Sept. 15. Terms cash. Miss Mary Q'Neil. Canby. Or. 11-ACRE home, improved: 28 miles from Portland; for trade or sale by owner. For further Information address Chas. Schmidt, Scappoose, Or. Star Route. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg 160 ACRES. STOCKED, BARNS. HOUSE WELL WATERED: A DANDY PLACE FOR $4000; TERMS. ZIMMERMAN. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. . ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, iarm lands. Special bargains. Ackley Co Ciarkston. Wash. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 42 ACRES, STOCK AND CROP, $12. 000. 1 4 miles from Newberg; good fair buildings; 25 acres in cultivation; good team, new wagon, two cow&; lies line; on rock road, close to electric line; road paved from Portland; this ranch Is a beauty ; stock, implements and crops all go; $4000 cash, balance to suit. MORRIS & BUND Y, 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. A NEW RECORD ESTABLISHED By FRANK. L. McGUlRE. 137 Homes sold in August; 14 homes In one day; 822 Homes sold to date this year. We spend thousands of dollars in advertising and employ 21 experienced salesmen to work on the sale of your house. IS IT FOR SALE 1 We'll in spect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listed. THE SYSTEM OF RESULT! See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abfngton Bldg . Main 106S. WE SELL a very large number of houses. we render real service to Dotn seller and buyer. List your house with us and we guarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and our appraiser will call on you. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY, Carey-Savidge Company, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. LAUREL HURST HOME WANTED. House or bungalow, must be up to date ajid not too old ; give price and size of lot la first letter. T 67 L Oregon ian PARTY owning modern 6-room bungalow in Kose city parK, not water neat, win exchange for modern home in country with 2 to 5 acres of ground on paved load in vicinity of Portland; house muct be modern and equipped, with electric lights and water; will go as far as Sa lem and up to $6000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. HAVE client for. strictly modem resi dence: must have four bedrooms; pre fers Irving ton ; might consider some other good district ; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. POINDKXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1S0O; Residence, East 6771. WANTED FROM OWNER. Five or 6-room modern house or bun galow with ground 100 by 100 preferred; must be on paved street and priced right. Mt. Scott district will be considered. E. A, LIN DG REN, Savon Land Co., 135 N. W. Bank bldg. $300 CASH for nice bunealow of 5 rooms. Datn complete; rooms are gooa size ana conveniently arranged ; vacant, ready to move in; 3 blocks to car; Mt. Scott dis trict; price $2-500, balance as rent: no mortgage. I. A, Pierce, S15 Cham, of Com. Main 3638. BUILD NOW! If yon own a lot we will secure the money and build for you.- Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg, Main 2035. JUST DISPOSED OF FARM, HAVE CASH, WANT BUNGALOW IN GOOD DIS TRICT; MUST BE STRICTLY MOD ERN, NO TRASH; RMS. PRE FERRED; DEAL THROUGH PRINCI PALS ONLY. AR 831. OREGONIAN. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from $5000 up; they can pay $1000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and Interest. PO IN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, preferably in Irvington or Laurelhurst districts. Give location, construction .de tails of house, its conveniences and state lowest price you will sell for cash. No agents. M 946, Oregonian. WEST SIDE HOUSES WANTED. I make a specialty of selling west side homes and have many buyers for same. If you house is for sale, call and see me. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 947S. WANTED From owner, 5-room modern bungalow in good district. Fair payment down and monthly payments. See Mr. Pelk. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry bldg. LIST your house for sale or trade, we also buy house equities. Call manager, INTERSTATE1 LAND CO.. Main 5429. 243 Stark St. (Ground-Floor Office.) HAVE client wanting 5 or 6-room bunga low. See us at once. JOHNSON -DO DSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. STRICTLY modern 5-room house. Who will take my beautiful 8-cyllnder Stearns ivnight auto in trade Phone Lenox Ho tel, room 416. want equipped, farm, western Oregon, or small tract near city to $7500 or less. for desirable Portland residence and casn. uwners only, r o72, oregonian. WILL pay cash for good home in any good uisinuv, .ice JOHNSON-DODSOtN CO.. 633 N. W, BanOt Bldg. Main 3787. WANT 5 to 20 acres unimproved, not over $200 per acre and on good road, close to sman town. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. A GOOD piece of stumpage to cut cord wood on, not too far from Portland; wiU make a good proposition. Call East 4257. WANT to purchase from owner Beach cottage, four rooms only; real bargain. Answer m oay, oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house with built-lm and nrepiace. in iticnmona district. Sell wood 1345. WANTED for cash, 6 or 7-room house. ciose in; must oe a Dargain. call Main a sou. WANTED West side, 6 or 8-room house, walking distance: price $7000 or less. E. J. GE1SER. 417 Chamber of Com. must Aiuvti; want to buy modern 5 or 6-room bungalow; $5000 or less. Owner only. A is 471, oregonian. HA E client wanting 6 rooms and sleep ing porcn in Aiameaa Park; will pay i .mii. uucuueiniinn o., .Main uH7. WANT 3 or 4-room bungalow, small cash payment, balance on terms. Lee-Rob- ertson to., 413 coroett bldg. w Ai i tuu l or s-room bungalow; not over $2000. Call before 2 P. M., Main sdh. Aliss Howard. TO BUY or rent six or seven-room house in good location, near school; give loca- tion ana terms, uu saa. Oregonian. FARM or acreage wanted; must have ocean, irontage. a. ark. Tabor 5440. j v-i-k, oregonian. WANT to exchange two lots in Irvington ior a piece oi Deaveraam iana. AC S3 7 OregonianJ 1 WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as rirst payment, i-c wsj. uregonlan. WANT modem home on west side, cash payment. Main 5429. good Farms "Wanted. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred; will buy the equipment. John Ferguson, Gerl lnger bldg. WANTED A 25acre farm near Newberg. Address Mrs. S., 5632 82d St., city. FOR RENT FARMS. UNTIL November. 1921, $300; 80 acres. 17 cultivated: stream, buildings, orchard, pasture. See Chauncey Barney, 5 miles southeast Oregon City, by Linn a mi 1 1. FOR RENT OR WILL SELL 160-acre Willamette valley farm, with stock and equipment. Marshall 4376 after 5 P. M. LEASE on 320-acre equipped stock ranch; grain, hay and stock for sale: half cash; big snap for hustler. 301 Corbett bldg. TIMBER LANDS. MILLMEN. N. B. Thirty million feet of timber for sale at $2 per 1000 on sees. 33 and 34 T. 6 N. and 4 E. of W. M, Clarke county. Wash, abundance of water to flume timber to Lewis river, one mile distant See Bradley. Sec 33, Lauffer. Turn Turn Mountain, Hopkins, Yacolt. Wash. MAN with means to take substantial In terest In established hardwood band saw mill; unusually good mill, including large amount hardwood timber surround ing. IT 935, Oregonian. BT OWNER, 4,000,000 ft. fir. near Oregon Electric and S. P. by paved highway, 25 miles, to Portland. Price right. Easy terms1, 325 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 5405. SAWMILL for sale (half value), account sickness; making big n oney; abundant timber; valuable orders booked. J 538, Oregonian. WANTED Contract to log and saw or log or saw by M. Answer C 565, Ore gonian. SMALL sawmill for sale, with or without ' timber. Tabor 5777. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $16,000 LAURELHURST lots; indebted- ness $.V00. w nat nave you to exchange PVinna Main T'ikl for equity? 160 ACRES, Lake county: want auto; might consider piano f'rFt payment Owner, 72-S Cham. Com. bldg. IRVINGTON snap, choice corner lot. ac cept part exchange. East 7504. Owner. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. PROPERTY OWNERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION. I have a good many properties, both city and country; some highly improved, some unimproved, some large tracts, several one-man farms, that I can sell on very easy terras or trade for other property. If you desire to make a change come In or write me. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. BANK BLDG. GOOD INCOME PROPF.RTY. "We offer for exchange 100x300. im proved with a very well-constructed three-story brick building, yielding an income of over $20,000 a year. This prop erty is very well located, near the re tail district. In the line of growth of the city; want going farm or city prop erty in line for improvement and a long time mortgage for balance. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, or trade on email, modern home, 3 acres of fine soil: all cleared 6 years ago; partly under cultivation now; 4 mile from macadamized road : joins Oregon City carline and Ashdale station. Regarding particulars, write E. C. Board man, box 32, Jennings Lodge. Oregon. ONLY agency In Portland for well-known tire: tires, tubes, accessories and vul ranizlng business to trade bv owner. W 111 invoice around $4000. Want 3 or 6-room modern bungalow, well located, and will assume. AP $36, Oregonian. FOR TRADE 10 acres land, in cultiva tion; fine for loganberries or prunes: 2V4 miles to good valley town, 50 miles from Portland: will trade for good automo bile. G 563. Oregonian. car. get off East 3 0th and Davis, walk BEAUTIFUL 10 acres in cultivation, bear ing fruit trees, berries; good house, barn, chicken houses. Will trade for 100x1 00 and 5 or 6-room modern bun galow. Zimmerman, SIS Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE. 320 acres, $12 per acre, Forsyth. Mon tana, good soil, prairie, clear, fenced; house; trade for store, merchandise. Box 524. Salem. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE Equity in view lot. 8 Ox 100, on Mt. Tabor, for small, new or nearly new, modern bungalow, conven ient to Irvington car. E. F. Herta, Rt. 3, Vancouver, Wash. $15,000 EQUITY in a $20,000 brick building in the city for farm land near the city; prefer to deal with owner direct. AK 873. Oregonian. FOR TRADE. 8-room house, three lots, well located In Pasadena. California, for Portland property. Call Tabor 61 63. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. MUST SELL 3 teams and their harness. Just out Mt. Hood road Job; all A-l true workers; 1 team and harness, weight 2500. for $115; 1 team and har ness, weight 2000, $135; 1 team, weight 26O0, $165; 1 pony. 4 yrs. old, eight 800. $20. 420 Hawthorne ave. HAVE nice six-year-old Jersey-Guernsey cow giving three gallons nice ricn raiiK a day. would trade for hogs; also a good express wagon to trade for any thing of value; pric $25. T. E. Bledsoe, Beaverton, Or., Route 4. Box 64. 7 HEAD of horses 900 to 1350 pounds, farm outfit, wagon and" Harness. low , ex press and gooseneck wagon, fine milch cow cheap. East 9th street and Haw thorne ave. Phone East 6106. 5 HEAD, good working horses. 1200 to J7U0 it.. also Harness ana wagon tor saie cheap. Tabor 7602. 4138 73d st. S. E., Mt. Scott car. WILL TRADE new oak furniture of four- room flat and fine oriental art pieces for auto of good make and in good con dition; value $1300. J 540, Oregonian. FOR SALE One 1250-pound sorrel horse. 6 years old. sound and true puller; plenty of life; $125 buys him. Tabor 174. or Tabor 2S6. FOR SALE 8 registered Ho Intel n cows; very fine breeding. W alter fachallenner ger, Hillsdale, Or. Phone Main 9376. FINE cow and Ford delivery cheap for cash or trade for horses. 549 East Lom bard. near 11th st. Take Woodlawn car. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. also spring ers; will trade for fat cows. E. H. Myers, 0S9 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 8924. WILL SELL haystack, oats and vetch, 6 3-weeks-old pigs. 2 sows, bred; 1100-pound horse. Mar. 3471. DEAD horses taken quickly; cows. Tabor 4203. cash for dead FOR SALE -11 registered Shropshire ewes. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Phone Milwaukie 4i9-J for service. GOOD, fresh Jersey cow and calf, cheap. 10,302 60th ave. S. E.. Lents Junction. FOR SALE Good milk cow. East. 230 8Sth St VETERINARIAN". HOWE. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE Good family cow, 1117 Flavel ave., take Eastrooreland car. HAVE one horse or team to trade for fresh cow. Phone Tabor 2264. FOR SALE Shropshire rams, registered. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st.. Portland. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth A Btreidler, R. 1. box 3. Troutdale. Or. 1 YOUNG cow tor sale. Tabor 7602. very reasonable. FOR SALE Riding pony. Call at 1317 Hawthorne or phone Tabor 1537. Plan oh. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CoTcLOSING OUT 2 small upright pianos 65 and $ 75 1 Bradbury square at 85 $475 Hallet & Davis upright piano. cash 195 $550 Kroeger & Sons upright piano, cash 210 $900 Stelnway &. Sons upright...... 290 $950 player piano, now 495 $1000 concert grand piano 295 3 parlor organs $23, $35 and 46 Pianos btored, 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St., Corner Stark St $100 to $150 cash paid for us?ed upright pianos. Call Broadway 1678, Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth street USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. Ail in Good Condition. Phonograph, small $ 25 Victor, small 35 Victor, small CO Unola Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 16 records 60 - Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... 75 Brunswick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $10 cash, $4 to $7 monhtly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th., Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678. BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE. Stuyvesant pianola (oak $550 Smith & Barnes (like new) ...57 Harold S. Gilbert (worth $S00) . . . . 650 Latest improvements, I sell satisfac tion. Six months' rental trial your guar antee. The best shop in the city. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 348 Yamhill. FINE upright pianos, $125 up. Steinway, Gabler, Emersons, McPhall, Cables, Wel lingtons, Oxford, Kimball, and Bush & Lane make, and others, we positively ell far below all othera Compare them. Easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worces ter bldg. ORGAN BARGAINS. $20 and up. Mason-Hamlin, Estey, Beckwith and others. Terms given. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st, be tween Washington and Alder. BRUNSWICK phonograpgh, like new, ma hogany case, gold trimmings, at a bar gain. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st, - between Wash ington PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 127 4th St. Main 85S6. PLAYER PIANO WANTED Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862. Oregonian. GRAFONOLAS with records for rent Em pire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy 155. PIANOS for rent Empire Transfer Co , 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. WANTED Bargain piano; cash deal. in sweet-toned Marshall 5709. PIANO WANTED Pay cash from private parties. Call Marshall 1532. PIANO WANTED Cash deal. Main 8586. Furniture for Sale" r TWO 9x12 RUGS, $30 each; Premier vacuum cleaner, $23; 6 solid oak dining chairs, $20; IS-inch lawn mower, $6 etc. 1304 E. 8th st N". Wdln. car. FOR SALE Fine finished oak extension dining room table ; aUo small center table. 89 N. 6th st TH REE-QUARTER brass bed all com plete, cabinet machine new, good trunk. Marshall 1009. FURNITURE, carpets, draperies, ranges, bedding of private home. 365 West Broadway. SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped In pool cars. Call East S91. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. IF YOU wish to sell household goods at good value call Tabor 1481. FOR SALE Golden oak hall tree; also leatherette couch; cheap. Tabor 9009. FURNITURE FOR SALE. " EAST 2885. I LARGE roll-top desk, sets. 500 E. 34th st. 2 fine walnut bed Sell 3510. FURNACE FOR SALE 58th st N. Tabor See 1642. it at 631 E. FOK SALE. Furniture for Sale. QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS COMBINED IN THESE DINING SUITES! 45-inch solid oak round table, 4 solid oak chairs, with real leather slip seat and a fine buffet, all for $03.00 42-inch round pedestal table and 6 chairs; a snap for someone, at $44.75 Terms to Suit. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-100 First Street. WHY PAY MORE! Select your heater from our large assortment. Our prices range from $2.50 to $27.50. FREEMAN & WOLF FURNITURE STORE. 200-202-204 1st. ONE RANGE. 1 heater, 2 good-sized rugs, 1 writing desk, 1 chiffonier, 1 dining room set (6 chairs and table), 2 rockers, 1 single bed (springs and mattress), lino leum for good -si zed room. Tabor 5437. ALL KINDS of ranges, wood coal, gas and heaters, 20 per cent reduction all this OKI FURNITURE STORE. 209 3ft st.. Bet. Taylor and Salmon. 4-PIECE wicker set, 9x12 rug. rocker, 50 feet of hose, 2 porch chairs, gas stove with heater complete, bed complete, lounging pillows and utensils. 544 E. 7th N. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer Storage Co., 248 Pine st. A B ARG A IN Furntiure of 5 rooms, flat convenient, 2 rooms rented, cheap rent. 31 1 Ti 5th st. Main 825S. West side. Call before 2 P. M. Miss Howard. FOR SALE Golden oak china closet and extension table, gas cook stove, water heater, chairs, bed springs and mattress. Call 3253 East Davis Ft. FOR SALE Several pieces of wicker fur niture, like new, suitable for small apart ment; bargain. Phone evenings after 6. Main 561. Office Furniture. TIM E CLOCKS. Bundy-Simplex time clocks. In perfect condition, complete with card racks, p t about one-third cost of the same clock new. These clocks are the best buys on the market and your opportunity t secure the best clock made at a frac tion of the original cost. D. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 31 North Fifth st. Broadway 2739. OFFICE EQUIPMENT from government and ship yards, including desk, chairs. filing cabinet, tables, adding machines and typewriters. Prices lowest in city. D. C. WAA. OKF1C-K t. U 1 -M 1' HOUSE. 31 North Fifth st. Broadway 2739. 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk, 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law-size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinet. Bushong & Co.. 01 Park st. Poultry. FOR SALE 200 selected W. L. hrns. 400 April pullets, $2.00 each. B. F. Holman, 94 Fifth street. Por tla n d WHITE LEGHORN and Rock pullets, $1.25 each. 0576 65th st. S. K. Dogs, RabbitN, Birds, Pet Slock. FOR SALE Beautiful white collie pups, registered stock, from Island W hi its Collie kennels, sire McDougal's Pride, reg. 276157; dam Mona Faithful. r. 270156, volume 37, American Kennel club stud book; best strain white collies known. C. O. White. LS83 E. GHsan St., Portland, Oregon. Phone Tabor 4525, A REGISTERED Llewellyn setter. 6 mo. old, partly trained force system, very best breeding, $35. Call Main 504 or ad dress V 509, Oregonian FOR SALE Female Australian shepherd pup; also young female fox terrier. Tabor 1631. ST. ANDKEASBERG SINGERS, females, best stock. Auto. 310-77, E. 38th at. N. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Taoor 7501. $250 stud; kittens cheap; cats boarded. LEWELLYN PUPS, age one year. Morrow, Main S129. WANTED Service 573. Oregonian. of male chow dog. T Machinery, $15oO COMPLETE machine shop equip ment all new, suitaoie tor mig. jeweler, experimental, tool or die work, garage, etc.; 12x5 quick change lathe, chucks. tools, etc., shaper, sotter. drill, press. emery wneeis, motor, snaitmg. nangers, pulleys, belts, etc., vises, drills, taps, reamers, etc.; good deal for cash; may consider some terms. Phone for ap Dointment before noon or after 6 P. M Woodlawn 5076. Wm. James, 1550 Wabash ave. WE PAY the hiKhest prices for second hand machinery, scrap iron and junk of all kinds. Phone cans promptly at tend ed to. Call Main 5684. GOLDBERG & DAVI3, 207 Columbia st PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3607. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE New barge, length 120 ft, besm 40 ft., depth 9 ft.. 8-inch sides, with 6-inch solid bulkheads, all edge- bolted; ship knees with heavy fastenings used throughout construction. This baige suitable for towing wun lumDer, Ballast coal, etc.: complete, ready for launching and inspection. For further particulars call Broadway suho. FOR SALE 5-room furnished houseboat with floats. 8 large fir and cedar logs. 4 hie timbers, good waiKs. wood shea row boat House wired for lights and phone. Furniture includes Kimball grand piano, tor quick sale, $300 cali First house below Grant-Smith shipyard, St. Johns. NEW 1920 DODGE; never been used owner unable to take car; will sacri fice cash deposit. AH 4S3, Oregonian. MOTOR BOAT. 8 H. P. heavy duty en gine. $100. Kenton Boat .House. Typewriters, REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for ail ma ices. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 & Oak St. FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month 3 months $10; special students' rates. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 621. ALL MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired; send for retail pricea WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3-il Washington St.. N. W. Cor. 6th. UNDERWOOD anfl Remington typewrit ers, $3.50 a month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. JsiW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter to.. ttn st. Alain 3tiuS. Miscellaneous. NEW RACINE tire, two tubes, 34x4; Fisk tire with tbe and rim, mounted, 35x 4. Wdln. 947. ITALIAN prunes, 6c per lb., delivered. Wdln. 5357. WHEEL chair for Invalid, ball bearings. What offers? Bevan. Phone Main 4529. ITALIAN prunes. 5c per lb. 55th and Powell valley road. Tabor 1301. STEEL range, good as new; library tabie ana otner lurnnure. i a Dor t.;:. FOR SALE Good camp trailer. $35. 37th st. S. E. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Dayton bicycle, slightly used, best made saddle. $15. East 5039. A FEW tested Italian queen bees, $1.50 each. Room 18. 231 Morrison st. FOR SALE Good camp trailer, $35. 8S0 37th st. S. E. Wroodstock car. FOR SALE Girl's $50 bicycle, like new, for $25 Main 5924. NATIONAL cash register, very reasonable. 518 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison sts. BARTLETT PEARS, $1.50 box; windfall apples, $1 box. 652 Belmont cor. 18th. FOR RENT Good duck lake near Colum bia river, close in. East 2409. NEW .256 Newton rifle case, ammunition. P with full leather 539, Oregonian. BLACKBERRIES; Tabor 6433. aiso prunes, for kale ONE COLUMBIA hornless phonograph; also evening gown, large size. East 1276. FO R SALE Folding gray wicker baby buggy and baby chair. Call E. 79S2. UTA II grand lump coal, spec ial Thursday and Friday. Call East prices !041. FO R SAL E VV bite Phone Col. 23 or wicker basinet. $6. call 236 Mohawk m. PRUNES for sa i e. Phone Woodlawn a cents per pound. 700. GoCART for sale cheap. 590 Prcteott st. FOR SALE. M birell&neous. DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO.. 460 Belmont St., Cor. E. Sth St. U. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL. 5 MILLION FT. LUMBER for sale. Fverything from 2x3 to 12x12, flooring. . rustic, shiplap. 1-in. boards, S. I. S., Purchased from l S. shipping Boajd. We will eell at about price. We have a. largo quantity of - PLUMBING SUPPLIES, . i roofing paper, shingles, doors, wmdows and sashes, pipe and fittings, chicken wire, inside finish. 50 work benches, fire hose, all sizes, 3(M mirrors, all sizes. In fact everything to put up your building with. PROMPT DELIVERY. DOLAN WRECKING CONST. CO. 460 BELMONT ST.. Cor. E. Sth St. Phone East 6110. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 331 B 11th St. Are you tired of some of your pbnno ograph records? Hero is the place where you can exchange them for brand new, late bits or for old favorites; music rol" also exchanged. New Victor, Columbia. Emerson and Okeh records at 39c, 5(o and 6ic each: slightly-used records at 25c. 35c and 30c each. We also buy. Our stock is conveniently arranged. You can try any record before exchanging or buy ing. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE, 331 11th Street. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather' than return our salesmen's samples to tho factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoais a nd leather coat 3. wo have placed them on sale to tho pub lic at wholesale prire. UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 Morgan Bidg. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth st. SE W ING machines, new and Kcond-hand. sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. M a in 9 431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third st.. near Taylor. ELECTRIC repair and parts for all makes irons, heaters. toasters. percolators, vacuum cleaners, fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc. Wiring and motor dept. Vuick service. Hynsnn Electric Co. Phono Bdwy. 4293. 302 Pine, at 5th. SAb'KS Fire and burglar-proof safes. nw and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Main 2045. FOR SALE Couple National registers, floor cases, all sizes: ice boxes, wall and. counter cases, cc-f f ee grinder, electric ; bar counter, computing scale, shoe-shine outfit, peanut roaster, large and email pate at haerifice. 242 Salmon . WHY DON'T YOU RENT? Shotgun or rifle, terms reasonable. WE BUY, SELL, RENT AND TRADE. N E W MAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4495. 128 1ST. TABOR 6798. PRUNE trees, English walnuts. Oregon Champion gooseberry and Lu t liber t rod raspberry plants for sale. Order now. Woodstock nursery. 503 Woodstock ave.. Portland. Phone Seilwood 2332. FOR SALH 6-ft. crosscut saw, $6: 4-hole steel camp stove. $4; 3 chairs. $j; 2 doz. i-gal. fruit jars, $1.25; 20-ft. steel chain, $3. bSO 37th street (S. E, Wood stock car. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal., $7; 40-gal.. $0 : tested and guaranteed ; stove ana furnace coils, gas heaters installed ; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. Est 8516. CSfayD electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 5th and Oak sts. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. COMPLETE vulcanizing equipment in cluding buffer, compressor, air tank, tools, tire racks, work bench, mandrels, piping, wiring, etc. U. S. plant Bargain for cash. East 1415. CHILD'S white enamel wood bed, adjust able size; floss silk mattress; good con dition. Collapsible baby buggy; 60 vol ume set Harvard Classics, never opened. East 7159. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 2 sportsmen to take Interest in a line snooting re serve near Portland; hour's drive; good oin. i oi, uresonian. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer: satitfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 1259 or East 4045. BARGAIN Mole skin fur, elegant satin and georgette afternoon gown, worn twice. Worth looking at. Call morn ings only. Main 3726. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high pricea THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th at Washington. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 rooms $2; all new material used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 48 Front st. LOOK here, if your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call O. C. Thompson. Phone Aut 518-13; res. 501 Harrison st. All work guaranteed. SHIPYARD WOOD CO. BDWY. 9S6. EVE.. SELL. 144. H-avy cordwood and wreckage wood. SLAB and block mixed, already sawed; also cord and slab wood for quick de livery. Phone East 1393. B X.RTLETT pears and Ialian prunes for sale. Call 563 Rodney ave., or cail East 3862 all week. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 V Morrison st. SAFES, noor cases, registers, wall cases, ice boxes. colTee grinder, scales, draft arms. On terms. 242 Salmon st. BARTLETT pears, good quality; ain at $1.50 per apple box. 71o bar . and Powell valley (at new house.) KENTUCKY wonder beans for canning, 6o per po-nd. Broadway 2899. KITCHEN range, or will exchange for b c dstead and springs. Sell. 432. FOR SALE Gas cook range, good as new. Marshall 4761. SIZE 5 B gray kid shoes, worn twice, h price. Bd wy. 3306. A SHOE shop coraplete. cheap; living rooms in the back. 392 Clay st. PRINTING outfit for sale, ave. jU Michigan SHOWCASES, scales, cash register, check writer, meat siicer. 113 2d st. $80 LADIES' suit for sale, half price; size 36-38. Wdln. 6300. LITTLE girls' school and fancy dresses for sale. Call Automatic 210-93. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for saie. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st St. PATENT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX 291, SiLVERTON. OR. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE Factory samples; women's and children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car. trade for diamond, per fect stone. AP 852. Oregonian. SAFE Fireproof safe in good order; bar gain. AR ti46, Oregonian. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245 Mi Alder st. Main 16y2. DENTAL supplies for sale at a sacrifice this week. 407 Oregonian bidg. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley, Main 4907. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies' used apparel in i-aureiuur3t nurno. laoorzy.'o. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdin. 3607, BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2-load lots, special prices. East 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR KENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. POTATO sacks, grain sacks: bargain prices. 133 Front st.. near Morrison bridee. EIGHT-FOOT floor show cases, plate tops SS a foot. 690 1st st. $23 BUYS $70 gas range. Call E 2846. Apt. 1. 2 GAS CHANDELIERS., tables, dishn. sil verware. 287 Morris. Phone East 10S2. 7-FOOT bteel range in good order. 2M Morris. Phone East H'82. SI NGER sewing nm chine, almost new. 27 Morris t. Phone East 102. KlH rORO wood for Kale. Phone East FOR SALE Bartlett pears. 225 Knott t-