TIIE MORXI'XO OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SETPTE3IBER 8, 1920 13 CANADA RAIL RATES RISE 85 PER CKVT mElGfTT BOOST GRANTED rV WEST. Increase in East Is 4 0 Ter Cent. Schedule ErrecUye Septem- ber 13 to December 31. OTTAWA, Sept- 1- The hoard or railway commissioners has granted to Canadian railway companies an Increase of 40 per cent In eastern Canadian freights and 35 per cent In western freight rates, it was an-d nounced today. The new rates -will become effective Monday. September 13. and will continue in force until December 31. After that dVate, the increased rate will be reduced to 35 per cent in eastern Canada and 30 per cent in western Canada, By the decree of the board, pas senger rates through Canada are in creased 20 per cent with cents a mile as the maximum charge. This in crease will be effective to December 31 when It will be cut to 16 per cent The latter rate will continue to July 1, 1921, when the passenger rates will return to the scale now in force. Sleeping1 and parlor car rates are Increased 50 per cent, excess baggage 20 per cent and the rate on coal 10 to 20 cents a -ton. No increase is authorized in the rates on milk. Clackamas Veterans Invited. OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) Clackamas county veterans of the world war are being urged to at tend the reunion of the 91st division at Portland, September 25. Colonel William A. Aird. of Pansy Gardens, n as in Oregon City today asking that all of the veterans interested get into communication with him, at Oregon City R. F. D. 6. "We plan," said the colonel, "to make this a great affair. September 2a Is an Argonne anniver sary." Pipe Laid to Short Circuit. A short circuit In. the. batteries of itn automobile engine was given as the cause for a fire which destroyed portable garage and machine yes terday morning belonging to Henry Peters, 915 East Stark street. The explosion of the gasoline tank scat tered the flames and the house was lightly damaged. Kxtra! Orpheum ehow tonight--Adv. KxiRi! Orpheum show tonight.-Adv. Kxtra! Orpheum ehow toniprht.-Adv. ACCTIOX SAXES. At Wilson' Auction Boom, 10 A. II. Furniture. 189-171 Secomd at. MEETING NOTICES. MT. TABOTl LODGE NO. 40. A. K. AND A. M. Spe cial communications today (Wednesday). 10 A. M E. A. dsgree; 1 1- A IS., 4 P. M.. M. M. decree. Stated com- moniratlon 7:30 P. M. Business session anl degree work. Visiting brethren wel come. I V. JENKINS, W. 11. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M.. E. 43d and Sandy blvd. Special com munication this (Wed.) eve., 7 o'clock. Work in K. A. de rree. Visiting rjrthrn n . 1 - By order W. M. RliSSliLL H. STEPHENS. Sec. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 18. K, A. M. Regular con vocation this (Wednesday) evening. East Klshth and Burn slit at,., at 7::iO o'clock. Visit ors .cnm H f . I.' Vf J HOY QUAOKKXBLiiH, " Sec. PAI.ES'ITVK LODGE. NO. lit, A F. AND A. M. (Archer Place) Special meeting; today ( Wednesday), 7 P. M. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors -welcome. By ordrr of W. M. W. S. TOWN SEND, Sec ROSE CITT SOCIAL CLUB will meet this (Wednesday) evening with Edith W'aite. 40 Montgomery st. corner V. Broadway. NELLIE LATH ROP, Sec. fiKiRVT T rr: it xir it S"tliB(Tv. REGULAR MEETING T?ztfrfczs'' this ("Wednesday) at 8 , o'clock. East 6th and Al der eta. 1st degTee. So journing" brothers cordial ly welcomed. K. O. VAN KATTA, N. O. E. A STARR. Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. S I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Oddfellows' temple, 2-6 Alder street. Initiation Visiting; brothers always wel G. E. SULLIVAN. N. G. JESSE T. JON'EA Secretary. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, plna, vw daslgna. Jaegsr Bros.. 131-3 6th at. TRIBDLAJJTJER'S for ledee emblems, lass pins and medals. 810 Washing-ton at. DTFIX. STPLLBK At Sin Francisco, Cal., Satur day, Bent 4. after a very brief lllniM ilrs. Helen Muller. beloved wife of l.usltv Muller or Portland. Or., formerly residing at -3:40 N. Larrabee bt.. Chi rao. 111.: beloved mother of Ernest and Arthur Loesch of San Francisco, al.. and daughter of Mrs. Carrie ;ruenbers; of San Francisco: sister of Mrs. fcilma Lewis of New Tork, Mrs. Kmil Hlrschfeld of San Franclsea, Mrs. .Alfred Sander of San Diegro. Cal., and twin sister of Mrs. tiu Knhn of Pa,i. land. Or.: also winter of Carl Gmenberg u.i j VO..J u i uiucuucik 01 can r rancisco, CaL Chicagro papsra please copy. yowi.ER Tn this city, September 7. "William Fowler, aced 64 years. Re mains are at the residential funeral parlors of McEntee A Eilers, Sixteenth and Everett streets. Funeral notice lateiv IWACKRCW Tn this cirv, Se-otember 6, NornltD Josenh Wackrow, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wackrow of this city. Funeral arrangements in rhars of McKntee "tellers. 6 4 Wmt"!,, ounc tonight, coma. Sandy Boulevard Home Description Large living; room with large, adjoining library and massive tile fireplace. Unusual dining room with wonderful buffet. Tiled lavatory downstairs, Dutch kitchen, sun parlor. Upstairs are three large airy bed rooms, sleeping porch, bath, linen closets. Full cement basement, furnace. Best of eastern oak floors, plate glass windows. Double garage, 100x100 on corner, abundance of beautiful shrubfcery. This-is an elegant home and cheap at the price. For appointment call Bihr-Carey Corporation , 211 Railway Exchange Building Main 7487 - , rCXEBAL NOTICES. FETrx At the homo of her daushtw. J Al r3. Eva Felix KoBlnutt ot fait orove. Or.. September 6, Henrietta May Felix, aged 70 years 10 months 16 days. Fu- . neral services will be held today (Wednesday). September 8. at 3 P. M., at the Portland crematorium, corner Fourteenth and Bybee avenue. . Friends invited. Will meet at the parlors of ' W. C. Kenworthy. 1M2-1534 East Thir teenth r?eet, Scllwood. CARLSON Funeral services of the late Frank O. Carlson will be held today (Wednesday). September 8. at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. FISEBAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL lie. FITNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Third and Salmon Streets. Main BOT. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less, independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, Between 20th. and, 21st Streets, West Side. Lady Assistant. Main S69L Auto. 678-85. Dunning & McEntee 1XNEKAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th. West Side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nection whatever with any other undertaking firm. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett Sts. Phone Broadway 2133. Automatic 621-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery a,t Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St. Irving ton Plat. East 64. EAST BIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning. Inc.) The family seta the price." 414 East Alder. Phone East 62. PT T T?tPTJ E. Eleventh and Clay . JLi. i-iJCiKljll East 78L Tabor 1833. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. 6802-4 92d St., Lents. Tabor 6267. A D TCI I CD Pfl 692 "Williams ave. Ml III a.L.Ul.L.11 VUl El East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK b u& SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO., 3d and Clay. M. 4152, A 2231. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. XXHJNTS S0UCITED. 3XS MORRISON rWI. 753 . 34 MOKmSON .T1AM.X57 POKVlANa HQTtu v BROAPVW A PAKK.. Smith's Flower Shop Portland'! progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, op posite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 334 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions, artistically arranged. CLARKE! BROS., florists, 287 Morrison at. Main 7701). Fine flowers and floral de sign 3. No branch stores. TONBKTH FLORAL CO., 28T Washington St., b.t. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 586 Fonrth St.. Opp. City Hall, yen Brea. BLAdSING GRANITE CO. CO. SET TKIHPT MADISON BTR OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 37S from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Theejociety has full charge "of the city f ound at Its home, 635 Columbia bou evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc. picked up free of charge. f- SI CHARGE, AC N VEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.? Old Rugs and Woolen Clothtnar. Wa Make Reversible, ttand-"Woveat FLUFF RUGS Room-Slao Flnff Rasca Waves. 17.50. Rsg Ross Woven All Sizes. Clothes ClesnlBg and Drelag Llepta. Mail Orders Send fox llooklct. Feathers Renovated Cai-pet Cleaning 9x12 Rues, Steam Cleaned, St. So VViiblKH.V MIFF BUU CO, 54 Union Ave. N. Phonest East 516 and East T5S FAHM MORTGAGES For Conservative Investors at rates not heretofore available. No safer in vestment extant. Not a foreclosure in twenty years. All securities first per sonally inspected. KEAH. Jb GRAY, Main 85. loa Fourth St. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE! ' LOANS United states Bank Mulldlns NEW TODAY. One of These Splendid Homes Will Surely Fit Your Needs t. - -r, ti. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT At 610 Grand Ave. Price fST.OO. . Beautifully situated on east bank of river and surrounded by high-class residences; four rooms and two fire places first floor. Five rooms and fireplace second floor. rft l9rTCa aV.K-: ' -.. In Eastmorrlssd, Near Heed College. Corner East 32d and Tolraan. Price 112,500. On sightly corner; grounds cover over ZVz lots. House in excellent condition and ready to move into. Nine rooms and five additional rooms on third floor; one designed for bil liard room; two baths; two fireplaces; garage and children's play house. Overlooking Monicipal Golf Links. . In 10n at morel and. No. Crystal Springs boulevard. Price J7650. Five beautiful rooms and bath on one floor, with room upstairs for two more. PMnest of interior fin ish; oak floors; every convenience in the kitchen, including built-in Hoosier cabinet. Automatic Gasco furnace and water heater; garage; lot 55x100; all improvements in and paid for. Com pare this for beauty of design, con venience and quality of construction with anything in the city. New Inrlnsrtoa Bnogslow. At Cor. 11th and Brute. Price fTSOO. Five rooms, papered walls, built-ins. hardwood floors, linoleum in bath and kitchen; large second floor unfinished with finished stairs. Fine lighting fixtures, enameled woodwork: e-arac- very sightly corner lot. with view of Mount -clooo. Ladd's Addition. "No. (564 Ladd's avenue. Price S7500. This property is in Portland's choicest close-in district. Two-story house, 4 rooms nrsc rioor: e rooms and sleep ing porch second floor. Just refin ished inside. Some of these houses may be bought on terms almost like rent. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. S4 Stark Street. Mar. B45 WEST SIDE TWO FIVE ROOM FLATS Modem and. up to ONLY J7100. (Late. Just listen to this: "Both flats are alike very large living room and dining room; hardwood floors; splendid convenient kitchen; nice large bedrooms and bath; massive fireplaces; full cement base ment; furnace, etc. Fine view lot, 60x100. with concrete garage. This very desirable two-family house property cost over $9000 a few years ago. Rental value. $90 month ly. It is ideally located on beautiful Willamette Heights, in the best home environment. Owner In California, will sell for $7100. Terms, $3800 cash, $3500 new mortgage, 7 per cent, 3 years. Possession Octo ber 1. You can rent one flat for $50. Live in the other. Truly a home with an income. See J. W. Crossley, Manager High-Class Home Dept. with FRANK L. McGUIRE Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d SU, Bet. Wash, and Stark. BARGE BUILDERS We have for rent our plant with fine river front, tool and supply house, air compressor, band saw with electric power equipment, etc. Will sell or rent to responsible p arty. Inquire at 221 Chamber .of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND HEIGHTS I Nine - Room Residence Excellent construction: E-nn vi.w large grounds; level; HARD SUR FACE: CLEAR OP EVERY KIM) OF ASSESSMENT. You will be pleased with ATTRACTIVE HOME. Telephone miriniu .1.1 , . WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Basra sua A IVooleai Clothiaa FLUFF RUGS All Wort Turned Oat Promptly Raar ( Woven All SUea Ul Order. Bend far Booklet Carpets Cleaned. Laid aad Refitted. XORTHWEST RUG CO 183 East 8th St. rkoM Jfaat SSbO, NEW TODAT. Km- llilillll Cozy, Artistic Homes Built Complet at our factory. Tolivereil to you in the form of sections. An In experienced workman can assem- bie any of our buildings quickly and in & very short and easily, time. Sectional Garages Special Offer; ' A 10x16 garage." made of 6-inch V Rustic fcidinjr, f. o. b. factory $73.00 "Write or Phone lor Catalogue. lwoodiles&5on?? 803 Title Trust Rldg.. On. Fourth M.. Bet. Mark and Oak. Phone Main 4124. HOUSES GARAGES ERECTED IV PORTLAND, ORE GON, SHIPPED ANYWHERE IS 4-FOOT SECTIONS READY TO PIT TOGETHER. Strictly higrh-srade material throuichout and especially at tractive in appearance. Redi made at a GREAT SAVING. Ask for Catalogue. REDIMADE BUILDING CO, East Eleventh ami Blarkett Portland, Ortgos t-aoue i.. 0114 Mortgage Loans Lroweat Interest rmtesii Installment re payment If desired ISaUUlnif loans made JS'o delay in closins A. H. BIRRELL GO, 217-S11 Northwestern Bank BuUdlmn aiarsiiaii n REAL ESTATK. PORTLAND H EIGHTS. 15 -room modern houe. 5i3 Terrace drive, view lot, paved street, cloueto school and car. Owner, 502 Sellins bids. Main 36U3. Reaidence 527-1:8. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. BUY a home and have an income at same time. I have two small apartment houses In Irving ton for tuile at $17,000 and $1S,Ou0. Kirst-class in every respect. K. J. OXeil. 717 fioard oC Trade Bldg. Tor Sale Beach Proper ivy. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALT AIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I Have four choice lota, all toe ether, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk, county road and railroad runs in front ot property. The other two lota adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the depot, hotel and Rockaway. Size of lots ia 25 feet by about 70 feet and are ex ceptionally adapted for business or resi dence. Will consider some acreage near Portland or automobile in trade. Price $100 and Jl-u each Address R 070, Orgonia.n. t CHOICE BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging and Furnish Material. Located on Tillamook beach- (Salt air), near station and ocean. A.K 'StiO, Oregonian. For Bale Lots. WESTOVER TERRACE. Portland's Best View Homesites. AND THE BEST ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. ONLY $50 TO $S0- Per front foot. You may phone, call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSO CIATES. 1307 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 630, Residence. East UUtf. SOME BARGAINS IN LOTS. Sfrxioo Alameda Park $1COO 60x100 Alameda Park 1000 AOxlOO Rose Oity Park ttoO 60xlW Rose City Park S-o-xlOO Westmoreland 700 All improvements paid against these lots, all well located. if these do not auit, we have more to show you. CLBVELAN D-HEN DERSON COv 30tt-S Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 475-4. CONVENIENT to west aide. Vancouver, St. ,j onus, ivenion district. a0xl00 lot. $300; $30 cash. monthlv. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 33 K. W. Bank bldg. Main 378T. M URR AYM EAD LOT SACRIFICE. Beautiful lot on E 23th st.. off Haw thorne, for only $1500; paid $230O 3 yrs. ago; st. improvements in and paid. Mr. Carey, Main 74S7. NEAR Peninsula park, Jefferson high and gruae sen 00 1. line ouxiuu root lot, $300; $50 cash. $10 monthly. It's a bargain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N". W. Bank bldg. Main 378T. FINE building lot, Clinton st, near 43d, Richmond dlst., $o00. terms, liberty bonds. J. H. McMahon. 2606 East 43d. Tabor 53C1. THREE Irvington corner lots. 50x100 each, eight Stanton and Siskiyou, sale or trade. Owner. 316 Fargo st, after 2 P. M.. East 7345. WESTMORELAND SNAP. 50x100, East 21st and Bybee; all im provements .made; $C7o cash. Owner, E 564. Oregonian. 7fc: LOTS in Laurelhurst; Phone Main 7904. snap for cash. For a.le Houses. 6-room house on 6th st., near business district: 30x72 lot; $3000, cash. This Is a good proposition. Investigate. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. NEAR KENTON NEW B-ROOM BUN GALOW, cheap if sold before Sept. 10. Harold P. Mills, 1473 Minnesota avenue, corner Bryant. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Built for own er, now leaving; all oak floors, fireplace, garage ; snap at $6730, terms. Neuhau ser. Main 67S. - - - SELLWOOD, 6 ROOMS, ALMOST NEW. Modern, paved st., full basement, waahtrays, only $3000; $730 cash. This la a bargain. Mr. Bird. Marshall 3022. WALKING DISTANCE HAWTHORNE. 6 rooms, immediate possession, corner lot, furnace, fireplace, 17th at, only $4500. Marshall 1022. THREE-ROOM shack; pantry, closet. 50x 100 lot, fruit trees, berries; two blocks from car. Price $700. Phone Broadway 874. Ask for Mrs. Warner. BEAUTIFUL little 4-room home, 1 block from rrver. Fine view, very desirable neighborhood. Price $850. Call Main 3878 after 2:30 P. M. 3-ROOM house and 1 -room building de tached on 3 lota. Plenty of garden'; 6 fruit trees, chicken yard: gas, electricity, water. Owner, 676 E. 79th N. MODERN 7-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-lns, cement basement ; newly tinted inside and painted outside. Owner, LuU 2tS0i. iol Weidier u REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IaARGKST HOWTC SELLERS ON" THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PBOTOORAPHS OF HOiTES FOR SALE. Bee FTIAVK L. Me OCT RE To Buy Tour Home. The MoCiuire Ryetem has won an Vn ternational reputation and established a national record for home sel linr. be ratjse it Is th ORIGINAL. SCIENTIFIC. , fifUPERIOR. MODERN method of home ellinir. The system of REAL SERVICE. "We eliminate your every h-ouse-h-untlng problem and put you in immediate touch with the home of YOUR requirements. Everyone of our 1f00 Homes Is PER SONA LLT INSPECTED AND AP PRAISED. Our 1:1 autos and courteous," experienced salesmen constantly at ycrur sew Ice. OPEN EVENTVGS ANT STJNDA.YS. $44.rrO 4450. "Wfi HONESTLY Believe that this BEAUTIFUL ROOT CITY BUNGALOW Is the best buv rn the entire district TODAY! A TRULY WON DERFUL V ALU E ! 5 large, light, airy rooms; well planned ; living room with cheery fireplace and artistic bookcases: handsome massive buffet: HARDWOOD FLOORS; Indirect lights: Dutch kitchen, with sunny breakfast nook; A REAL. HOifELIKB ATMOSPHERE surrounds you h e re. E. tn th. LOOK AT THIS TODAY! X FORCED SALE! $500 DOWN! $4750 $500 down ; A VALTTE T7N DU PLICATED! Splendid bargain in a 6-room. well constructed OVERLOOK HOMJ2 : cheerful living- room, with fireplace and leaded art glass bookcases: din ing room with massive buffet: oozy den; full concrete basement, with furnace: laundry travs; SLEEPING PORCH: OWNER LEA VINO CITY; $1000 under value, 100 HAW THORN P? HOVTES! IOO. $4090 THE HAWTHORNE HOME BEAUTIFUL AWAITS YOUR COMING! There's everything here to promote your comfort and- please your artistic sense; 6 room commodious bungalow; HARDWOOD FLOORS; built-in handsome buffet; fireplace: sani tary Dutch kitchen, etc.: eplendid furnace: full lot: V. blk. to car; close to school. PAVED street, ail paid. E. 0Ui. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. $2500 $30O down; Piedmont Home; con venient to Peninsula park. JEF- t.KSU. HIGH bCHOOL. car narna and library; distinctive 5- room modern ; white enamel plumbing, electrlcitv. gas; full corner lot: no MORTGAGE OR STREET LIENS to ASSUME. Missouri ave., just north, of Killings worth. WOODSTOCK HOMT5. $3500 EASY TERMS: 6-room. larpe. roomy, substantial "WOODSTOCK HOME; living room, with fire place; best white enamel plumb ing: electricity, gas; 3 light, airy bedrooms; full cement basement: 100x100. with fruit, flowers, etc.; close to car and school. 44th st. TJiRMS EASIER THAN RENT! MT. SCOTT HOMES. $1000 EASY TERMS: comfortable 4 room bungalow cottage : white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. GOOD VALUE. 66th ave. A FEW MINUTES spent in our up-to-date office will accomplish as much as months of aimless shopping. Just try It and see. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. AbiTwrton Bid. Main 1068. 3d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $ 5 35 0 ROSE CITY PARK $5330. This handsome B-room bungalow Is beautifully finished in ivory, big living room, hardwood floors, wide fireplace, beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms, large basement, high-grade fur nace, wash trays, full lot; this ia a lovei home and if -you'll pay $1730 cash we'd advise- you to see It at once. We'll b glad to show you other homed in thil . district. COUTH & KOHLMAN, 2Q8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. S-ROOM modern home In choicest part of east side restricted district; full base ment, reception, hall, nice light kitchen, bedrooms large, light and conveniently arranged :-100&100 lot. hard-surfaced st. in. and paid for. Is walking distance to Benson Polytechnic. "Washington high or the grade school. Price only $0000. Very easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO. 633 rf. W. Bank bldg. Main S7ST. FOR SALE BY OWNER. B-room modern bungalow at 119 E. 40th St., corner of Alder; fireplace, full basement, garage, convenient to S car; 6 blocks from Glencoe school: can give immediate possession ; price $3000, $750 cash will handle. R. G. PERCIVAL. 8th. and Washington sts., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 187. HERE'S A BARGAIN bM, ROSE CITY PARK. Fine 2-story home, large IHrlng and dining rooms, fireplace, furnace. 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch on upper floor, garage, street paving paid;- on SOth St.. south of car. If you will pay $1500 down you'll get a real bargain. COMTE KOHLMAN, 2A8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $4130 Q ROOMS MODERN $4200. Modern, well built bungalow. Large nving room, iirepiace, peumed ceilings, hardwood floors, paneled dining room, built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms, bath, etc., cement basement ana Tioor, wash trays. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. NEAR J4TH AND BURNSLDE. 35O0 $1000 CASH. fiuhrtamJal 6-room houe, full cement basement, large living and dining room, 3 fine bedrooms, lot 30x90, al! st. Imps. in and. paid; easy walking distance tn Benson Tech., Washington high and grade school CLEVEiLAND-HENDERSON CO., 300-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. $3950 MOVE RIGHT IN. Hawthorne 5-room modem bungalow; fireplace, bookcase, buffet, linen closet, white Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, Ruud water heater, screened back porch, paved streets, sewer; near school excellent neighborhood. Terms, lit 2 E. Lincoln, near Jth. Owner. Tabor 6581. SNAP. Te.Mghtful 5-room bungalow, cheerful fireplace, furnace, light enamel wood 1 work ; desirable close-in location, near Laurelhurst park and Sunny side car: paved streets all paid; only J3750. terms. You can't beat it. A. K. Hill, Broadway : or evening. 1 aoor tioy. $4000 $1000 CASH. 6-room bungalow style house with sleeping, porch, fireplace, bookcases, buf- let, complete xitcnen, run cement base ment. 50x167 lot with fruit and berries. jUM.-vsuN-uuubUft c:o. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 378T. $100 DOWN ALBERTA $100 DOWN LABORING MAN'S HOUSE. Payments like rent; (2000 total price; 4-room cenea cot t ago, gaa, electricity, paved street, good plumbing, 50x100, near car. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms and sleeping porcn. jl real home and not "for sale house. Paved street, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc. Best part of Richmond district. $4750, with a $2000 rasa payment. 1151 Ivon st. Phone 2231B. - HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 5 rooms and attic, oak floors, fire place, built-ins, breakfast nook, papered and enamoledi full lot; near high and grade school; pavea and paid; S5O00, $ 1 XK cash. MaxshaU 3332; eve.. Tabor BUILD NOW. If you own a lot wa will sacure the money and build for you. Terms like rent, call ana see us. BUILDER'S REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. VERY AH kal i iv c o-room bouse on 18th street, between Thompson and Till amook; ivory finish; sleeping porch, ga rage; $7800. For further information phone East wis or n-asi -asap. NICE EAST facing lot; hard surface, sewers, etc., all in and paid. Not less than $500 cash, and month payment for SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. 6-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage, near 2 good car lines, $4000; $1000 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE in Vancouver, 5-room house, good corner lot; three big cherry trees, four cords dry wood, some furniture ; price $1700; $500 mortgage, balance cash. 1S12 C. St., corner 10th and C. PORTLAND HEIGH TS $7600. Nine-room house, beautiful view of city and mountains, two blocks from Alnsworth school, lot 60x100. No agents. Phone owner, Marshall M98. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms; old Ivory and mahogany fin ish : splendid location ; Immediate pos session. Full particulars by calling Mr a Harry Price Palmer. East 7976. DISTINCTIVE homes in all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for inspection ar ranged by calling Mrs. Ha.rry Price Palmer. East 7076. 3-ROOM house, almost new; lot 50x105; fruit trees, berries, and chicken hoUee, ate Tabor 7603. RKAL FSTATK.- WANT A HOMH IN" LAURELHURST? Come out today to the Laurel hurst office. East Thirty-ninth, and Glisan streets. THREE BIG BARGAINS J4.V00 6-room cottage all in o'd Ivory, all improvements in and. " paid. Terms like rent. ANOTHER $ft0A 7-room place, beautiful surroundings, house in fine condi tion; a big bargain. STILL ANOTHER ft-room colonial, close to parte less than a year old; $1000 will handle any of these places. They are all vacant and ready for" Im mediate occupancy. Keys at office. E. 39th and Glisan sts., or phone for auto. Tabor 3433. IRVINGTON. One of Irvington's most beautiful 100 300 corners, . all improvements in and paid. large rooms, most cosy library fireplace, built-ins; oak polished tioors. 4 large bedrooms. It would require too much space to fully describe this home, you must see it to fully appreciate the many desirable features and the excep tional value; $17,500, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th si Main 6S60. PORTLAND HEIGHTS By owner Loveiy 7-room house, artis tically decorated, ivory finish; large porches, hardwood. floors, charming bedrooms, di-ning room, kitchen, large living rom, with. fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, gas, furnace, cement garage, beau tiful shrubbery; lovely carpets, curtains, hangings, linoleum and gas range go with the house. 734 Montgomery drive. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Seven rooms, strictly modem, hardwood floors, built in buffet.- bookcases, window seats, fire place, large sleeping porch, four bed rooms with large closets, pantry, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. A real home in one of the finest locations on Willamette Heights; all as sessments paid. Price $0500, one-half cash.- For sale by owner; no agents. Phone forenoons. Marshall 4533. - - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. No. 513. Price $4300. $1000 Cash. 6-room bungalow, very good type of a home; Dutch kitchen, fireplace, tapes try papered walls, full basement, 44100 lot. Owner of this place! s out of town and Instructs us to relieve him if possi ble of this home, and has cut the price on the property. You will have to call early if you get this. Other good buys In this district. Marshall 3i89. IRVINGTON. A splendid 6-room home on East. 12th street, near Tillamook; lovely, large liv ing room; fireplace, cheerful dining, built-ins, eastern oak floors, Dutch kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath room up; good furnace; all improvements in and paid. $7000. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth st. Main 6S69. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot, with unobstructed view of city, mountain and river; every new fea ture, including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium, 12 sets of French doors, 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas, hot-water heat. 1079 Westover road. R, H. Torrey. owner. Tabor 407. UORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Fine 8-room house, now vacant, at 548 Elizabeth street, living room very large, fireplace, large glassd-ln sleeping porch, extremely solid construction, best heavy hardwood floors, cement garage with plenty light, water and drain: unob structed view of city. Way below value. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. Mar. 4S27. IRVINGTON $7830 TERMS. IRVINGTON HOME. 6 lovely rooms. 3 bedrooms. 19x18 glass-enclosed sleeping porcn, beau til ui n. w. iioors, art paper, plate glass, east front: -block from K nott, near Irvington school : immediate possession ; owner leaving ror Califor nia. Will sell some- furnishings. See this, McDONELL East 419. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE. A typical bungalow, between the Ala meda and Wisteria aves., in popular Rose City community; wonderful view of the city and mountains ; on targe corner lot ; with fine garage ; house finished In old ivory throughout and strictly modern In every respect. Phone Marshall 3993; evening. Tabor 6351. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. TJp-to-date, well-arranged 10-room res idence, very large living room, library. hardwood floors, large sleeping porch, 3 level lots, finely arranged grounds, ga rage; very reasonable price; must be old at once. BROOKE, S41 Montgom ery drive, cor. JMm st. Mar. 4o27. SOUTH MT. TABOR I ACRE. Price SoOOO, Cash. 7-room dandy home and an acre of the best assorted i rult in town today. Also an Kin as ot gar a on tructt ana real chicken house to house about 20(1 chickens. We say this will suit you it you are in tne mar act tor an acre. Marshall 3989. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, ONLY $1200. Here's a dandy 3 -room cottage with 150x145, piptd water, lights, fenced, woounnea, uiocrs 10 sen 001, .tj min utes out on big red electric; $200 down. tan you ocat itr aii ouu woncora bldg., Second and Stark. LAURELHURST. No. 896. Price $8500, One-half Cash. A beuatlful 8-room home, good garage, This house must be seen to be appre ciated. Owner leaving city. A real bargain we call this at $S.".O0. Strictly modern is what we term it, and a 50x iuo lot. .yarcriaii jtj. EAST BELMONT ST. " No. 3R6. Prico $4000, Cash $1000. A seven-room semi-modern two-story house, full cement basement and a large lot iif iuu , pienty 01 room tor a garage. 1 iu ; uue ui mo viwac-ui places on direct line to the city. Marshall 3089. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOME. Nearly new 6-room bungalow with ga rage, near park; old ivory finish: French doors to sun and dining rooms; Pullman breakfast nook ; walls nicely papered ; beautiful lawn and shrubbery: a rare bargain and qnlck possession. Tabor 407. HOME BUILDERS. I guarantee to save you 5 to 20 per cent on the cost'of building your home; can render financial afesisiance. Cail MatrsuaU 2310. L. W. MURRAY, 210 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG FOR SALE by owner, beautiful home at 40o 64th ave. and 100th st. S. E., on Mount Scott car line, near Lents Junc tion, consisting of ' block, well-built 7-room house, with basement, small barn, fruit trees and beautiful shrubbery. For particulars call at above address IRVINGTON. Situated In a corner of beauty; massed with flowers, draped with vines; hall, living, dining In old Ivory. 4 bedrooms In white, hardwood floors, garage; $6500 ferms $1000, bal. $50 per month. East 1347. IRVINGTON. Buy direct from owner, save commis sion; charming nix-room house and ga rage: full lot; $0O00. $2000 cash, balance $50 per month, plus interest. E. 11th t. North. Mr. Rowland. HOLLADAY ADDITION. For sale by owner; I have two mod ern homes, one 7 and one 8 rooms, on E. Third and Wasco sts. Will sell one or both at a reasonable figure. Phone K. 4291. BEAUTIFUL new 6-room house near Hawthorne: must sell; reason is owner leaving town; this is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. Auto, phone 5-1 S24. 193 2d St., room 3. $1100 i rooms. 50x100 lot. electricity, wa ter, patent toilet, bearing fruit, walk ing distance, west side. Shown day or evenings. Marshall 3331 for appoint ment. IRVINGTON bungalow, 440 E. 21st st. N; large living room, dining room, gunroom, large kitchen, also 1 bedroom and bath first floor, 3 bedrooms second floor. Own er. East 7976. MUST sell my home at sacrifice; 7 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, full cement "basement, large cement porch. Price $4500. terms. Call Tabor 6310. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, lot 50x123. S81 East 64th st.., near Lincoln, on Hawthorne car line. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Lot 60x100: 2 houses rented for $45 per month, price $5000. $2000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Owner. Tabor 61CS. 1SEW BUNGALOW, modern. T rooms and full basement with two lots. E. 47th and Multnomah sts. $4750. easy terms. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $6250. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, modern, on Knott near 20th; J blks. to Catholic SChOOI. Cicol lu. DISTINCTIVE homes in all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for inspection ar- r an gcd by caning ii ra. Harry Price Palmer, cast imo. STRICTLY modern bungalow in Piedmont district, improvements all in. Call 1303 Rodney avenue. 4-ROOM nouse. acre rruit. berries and garden; good street; $1800; $300 cash. Taoor o-u-t- EAST TENTH north, Woodlawn. 4-room cottage, rauueni, .run.. u-rries. 2000 Main 3672. McFarland. Failing bldg. ROSE CITY 7-room bungalow, every con ventence, hardwood floors, etc.; close in' $5750; easy terms. 346 E. 4 1st at.. N. ' $3500, VERY aABi terms, close in. 5- room moutrn uuur.-. lurnisnea ix desired. 803 Cherry U Williams Va, REAL ESTATf!. For &ale MARSHALL 1S9S. ROSE CITY PARK. ETX.TR A SPECIAL. I42ZK). No. 173 Six-room bungalow, jut like new. in very best part of Rose City; has hardwood floors, fire-place, all the latest buiit-ins, hot-water h-eat; make no mis take, here is a real bareain, immfl iate possession. It is not oi ten we have a home we can sell for S4"00 $17.V cash; balance ?rvo per month including 7 per cent interest. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., SSS ta-rk St.. Near Fourth, MARSHALL 1S9S. LAURELHURST FLORAL AVE. No. 193 Extra special chance to get thi magnificent home on beautiful Floral ave. if bought within a few day. Has hardwood floors, fir-place, furnace, has four bedrooms upstairs, every bed room door is paneled with French mir rors, all the latest built-ins; house has music room built after design of a great musician; in fact, we do not feel ab'.e to describe this place in de-tail. Will show by appointment only, not later than Wednesday. Special price made on this home to sell it quickly, which is $12.3K. $500 cash, bal. long time. Marshall 1S94. ROSE CITY FOR QUICK SALE. Leaving city ; my 7-room with -sleeping porch, double plumbing, furnace, paved sts.; built for own era home; no comparison for price of $30041; vacant, Jacob Haas. East 1301 or Main 6127. 346 E. 41ST ST. AND BROADWAY. Rose Citv buntralow. 6 rooms, with sleeping porch, garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, hot water, system, up to-date built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen, laundry tray in kitchen. 2 in basement : lot 50x100; 8 fruit trees, roses and nice lawn, full basement. Come and see to appreciate. 34tt E. 41st and Broadway North. Price $5750, $S0O down, easy terms. IRVINGTON LOT. 75100. No. 200 Beautiful eight-room colonial home in first-class condition throughout, strictly modern in every detail, very . large living- room, fireplace, iine large garage; in fact. U muit be seen to be ap preciated. We think it a real snap, as the ground, 75x100, sets off the place. .fhftwn only by appointment. Only $'J000, half cash. Marshall lbftS. BARGAINS. Fine 8-room home, choir e location, well built, large rooms, hd w. tioors choice, fireplace, waterproof basement, trays, fruitroom, 5 bedrooms, storage at tic: low price. New bungalow, 5 rooms; owner built for himself; sick, must sell: garage; low price. East 273. Herdman. Irvington agt. - HAWTHORNE $4600. No. 1SG New 6-room bungalo-w. an on one floor; has hardwood floors, fire place, bull t-lns, Dutch kitchen, white enamel finish, basement, paved street, sewer, cement sidewalk in and paid for. Total price, $4600; $1000 cash, balance only $23 per month, plus interest. Lot SoxlOo. Marshall 1393. $4000 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $4000 Very attractive 5-rm,, double con structed throughout, fine condition ; f u'.l basement, tras, fireplace, all st. Im provements in and pd. ; desirable sur roundings, corner lot, 1 block from Haw thorne, on 13d st-: possession at once ; terms very easy; you cannot beat it fof the price. O. B. Rippey. 610 McKay bldg. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOUSE. S fine rooms, finished in old ivory and Imported tapestry paper: very cleverly arranged, with all modern conveniences; 50xl0o corner lot. faces north ; all im provements paid; $11,000, terms. For full particulars call i n n. i -. 1 i t, ."s i v.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main ftfH 5. FOR SALE by owner, Hawthorne district, modern Ave -room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, with breakfast nook, all built-ins, hard wood floors, ti replace, ce ment basement. ara ge, etc.. on paved street. 3 blocks from H aw thorn e car line: no agents. 3S2 East 43d st,, be tween Harrison and Lincoln. TWO ACRES, all undr cultivation, all kinds of fruit, etc.. with modern 7-room house, 2 toilets, full cement basenoent, outbuildings for cows and chickens, etc.. one block from hard-surface street and one block from city car lines. Pric only $05o0, terms. J. J. Cahalin, 635 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE) $3T50. No. 1S3 New 4-room bungalow and sleeping porch, fireplaccv fine plumbing, electric 11 Kh ts. good garage, hard-surfaced street and cement sidewalk; total price $37.0, $700 cash, balance small monthly payments. Marshall 1 SPS. FOR PALE BT O W N E R- Well-built 7-room house. Tot 11 0x5ft. garage, cIomo to school, all kinds fruit and flowers, $1700 payment down and easy terms will buy this place. Phone Trfbor r245. $2900 7-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, white Dutch kitchen, while en amel plumbing, solid panel dining room ; strawberries, raspberries. loganberries ; in Terrace Park; $700 cash, $20 and int. per month. Might consider acre to $700. SS Beryl terrace. Tabor 3401. 7-R. MODERN house; 4 bedrooms, living room, parlor, kitchen, bath. toilets, clothes closets, nummer -kitchen, gas. electric lights, full basement, corner lot 5Sx 100; Peninsula district; $2000 cash, terms on balance ; no agents. Phone W ood lawn 377 5. LARGE residence on Thurman street, close to new Montgomery Ward plant and near Willamette Heights bridge. Strictly modern. 7 rooms and 3 attic rooms, full lot ; $9000. Inquire 710 Flanders st. Phone Main 4802. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Brand new 4-R. bungalow near Union and Dekum aves. ; a cozy little home with full plum bin g. white enamel kitch en and bath, two bedrooms, closets and hall, fine large lot: $2050. on trms; dis count for cash. Call owner. Main 958. CLOSING ESTATE BARGAIN. 200x200 and 2 modem 7-room houses, Alberta and Montana avenue, close to M ttsissippl avenue car line ; sell ai 1 or divide to suit purchaser; easy terms. Donald Macleod. 10O1-2 Spalding b'.dg. PRETTY CORNER $4100. No. 1 36 Seven-room Hawthorne home, furnace, paved streets, very pretty cor ner lot, 50x100: price $4HX, $S50 cash, balance $50 per month: place vacant and ready to move into. Marshall 1808. FOR SALE S-room house, 7123 37th ave. S. E. ; sun parlor, sleeping porch, ultra modern; two lots, garage, poultry-house: $5500 furnished; $4500 unfurnished; $10Ort will handle. Call on owner, 423 Mohawk bldg. Leaving Portland, must sacrifice equity in 62xl0 feet and modern 10-room resi dence. 1130 Cleveland avenue, near KII lingsworth. Donald Macleod, 1001-2 Spa 1 d i n g bldg. "' ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale, modern 6-room bungalow on car line; fireplace, attic, furnace, beauti ful view, select neighborhood; $7000, terms. Owner, Main 336. YOU WIUL BUY THIS ONE. 10ft-i00 5-R MODERN. On a fine hard street, close to car. with garage; $2750; only $350 cash; E Z terms. Don't wait. Tabor 8202. IRVINGTON Modern 2-fIat building of 5 rooms each ; fireplace, furnace, beamed ceiling and sleeping porches. Pays 10 per cent net. Price asked only $S5ft0. J. J. Cahalin, 633 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BARGAIN ON 22 D; REAL HOME: 2 BATHS. 2 EXTRA LAVATO RIES. v2 FIREPLACES. EASTERN OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT; LIVING ROOM 32x19. GARAGE $11,500. E. 410. 7-ROOM house, range connected: rugs, beds and other furniture: some chickens. Bargain. Easy terms. Must have $700, . balance $23 per month, including inter est. Main 3Gol. TWO fine bungalows that will interest you; garages. Call THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 615. WEST SIDE, CLOSE IN. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room house; hardwood floors in liv ing and dining room; R. bail, floored at tic. 14Z0 Alameda. $3U00 BARGAIN. SOUTH PORTLAND. Weli-bu ilt home of 7 rooms: fine big 'living room, fireplace, lot uOxlOO. Owner, East 4921. SACRIFICE sale, 50x100 corner, with large good house, W, Parlc.st.fc apt. -house site; income while wait, $6000. Cash $4000. Terms. Owner. J 561, Oregonian. 4-ROOM HOUSE. partlr furnished, lot 50x100; fruit trees and berries. Price $1700; easy terms. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bldg. 3-ROOM house; patent toilet, on Glenn ave.. end of Alberta line; lot 5Ox10; fruit trees; $7oO terms. Inquire 1031 Union ave. N orth. " 7-ROOM HOUSE, A SNAP. ROSE CITY PARK. Tabor 9354. FOR SALE 6-room house, lot &Ox 1 .0, near car line; fruit trees and chicken y ard. 337 Stanton st., near Union a v e. 5-ROOM corner bungalow; room for sec ond flat ; right home for one wishing . good house. Owner. 618 E. 64th N. HOLLADAY PARK Six-room modern houe. Tabor 204 4. No agents. IRVINGTON HOMES. WcDoncU- Lat 11 th. IN", East ill). RKAL ESTATE.' For Nate Houea. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. New and modern 12-room Irvington residence, containing spacious living, Ciiiing and breafefast rooms, librarv. sun parlor and large central hall, all tinlshed in the finest selected mahogaay and oak. nardwood floors throughout . five larpe bedrooms, artistically finished; maids Quarters separately arranged; three toi lets, til bathrooms. latest sanitary p. umhing fixtures, large finished attic, ruli cement basement, three artistic til nrepiaces. stationarv vacuum cleaner; large grounds, beautified with rare flow-er- plants and shrubs materials and workmanship guaranteed ; reasonable terms. By owner. AR S4S. Oregonian. 1 RVINGTON'S FINEST. Circumstances necessitate quick saa of one of the most fascinating, neariy new 2-story. 8-room homes, located on choice 75x100 lot on E. 17th st.. near Stanton. This beautiful place was built for a home by owner and has every new feature, including sun and breakfast rooms, sleeping porch, riuh old Ivory finish and finest oak floors throughout; very elaborate tiled bath with most ex pensive fixtures and shower; automatic gas heat, finished banement, double ga rage. Priced below actual value. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 407. ROt?E CITY $4750. No. 176 6-room bungalow, prertv liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms downstairs, one bedroom and attic on second floor; downstairs verv fine oak floors, fireplace, good set of plumbing, electric lights, very pretty ' built-ins, white enamel finish, cement f.oor in basement, laundry trays, graded streets, cement sidewalks in and paid lor; only one short black to Rose City car. fuil lot 30x100; total price $4750, $12o0 cash, balance only $45 per month, including interest. Here is a buv that is only rent money. Marshall 1S9S. ilol-XT TABOR, SWELL HOME. $15.OO0. -room large residence, 4 fireplaces, furnace, all built-ina, library, sewing room, 4 bedrooms, large sleeping; porch, v large at'vic. room for 4 rooms; 3 lots, 150x100; paved street and all city Im provements in and paid; elegant view; 1 block to car: will install oak floors, build new garage and paint house two coaLs; price $15,000. some terms if de sired. Photo at our office; shown by appointment onl v. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S-321 Board of Trade. Main 74. "C. GOOD GRACIOUS. MR. AND MRS. HOME- aMaVLR. JUST LOOK AT THESE. One of those nice 6-room bungalows, ROxloo lot, close to car, stores and school, only $3500. 5-room bungalow cottage, fruit and. flowers, close to store and car service and school, only $2500. I have many other desirable homes from $2500 to $SO0O each, on which I can quote a horaeseeker reasonable pricea and terms. I. B. HQLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. REAL IRVINGTON SNAP. One of the most delightful homes on Hancock street, near East 2 2d, built by . owner for home several years ago and never offered for sale before; center en trance hall, artistic living room, large den, each with fireplace. biakfast room, 3 large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; maid's room In attic; fine basement and heating plant: beautiful shrubbery, trees and garage; price $i500: terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITT. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. No. 145 Strictly modern 6-room bun galow and sleeping porch, has hard wood floors, fireplace, all the latest built-lns. beautiful light fixture?, set of fine plumbing, gas, garage and drive way, basement and furnace; lot 30x100, pa.ved street, cement sidewalk, sewer. aU in and paid for ; price $tS50. $2000 cash, balance to suit: ls block to Rose City car line. A good buy. M a r. 1 SflS. HAWTHORN'S BUNGALOW GARAGE ONLY $500 CASH REQUIRED. WHY PAY RENT? Modern 5 room.', large floored attic fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basemen t, wash travs. garage and cement driveway; price $4200, $5O0 cash, V balance rasv. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., .tfHi-S Bo.trd of Trade B'dg. Bdwy. 4T54. ON LY $;;00 DOWN $2050. Pay $300 cash and move in. tomorrow; a good 2 -story home with R rooms and bath down and 3 up; good basement, 5oxlOO lot. This plai-e is in fine shape, newly papered and painted. Th room are all large with big win-lows. Close to M i so I ss i pp i cat1. COMTE fc KOHLMAN. 2ns Chain, of Com. Bldg. Matt 6350. SUN N YS I D E HO M E $ 3 7. SO. LOT 50x10 BEARING FRUIT. A substantia!, clean, attractive bom of 7 rooms with 4 bedrooms, 1 bedroom, bath and toilet down, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, all kinds of bearing fruit and Eng'.:h walnuts; street imp, in and paid: price $3750. terms. C L K V EL A ND-HENDE RtiON CO., Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 47.V4. $50 to $200 CASH, and $10 to $20 per month or yearlT Pay ments. Interest 6 per cent per annum. ill buy a lot anywhere and build small bungalow, sf.ect plans, build on lot al ready owned or partly paid for any where in thf CITY Or SUBURBS. PHONE MAIN 8130. B UNO ALOW BUILDERS. 23" Stark st. Portland. Or. HAWTHORNE ave., restricted district, large, strictly modern colonial home with two sleeping porches; two stories and large attic and maid's room; white enamel throughout; hardwood floors; fine large Ugh t basement with laundry and fruit room ; two fireplaces; large living room and library ; 338 East 25th st., corner Mill; price $13,500; shown only by appointment. Phone East 140. R. C. P. VIEW BUNG A LQW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; finished in old ivory throughout, hardwood floors, dining room, built-in buffet, living room, fireplace and bookcases, fine kitchen, paws pantry, 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, 1 bedroom and sleeping porch 2d floor ;. large corner lot, garage and sweeping view of the city and moun tains. Marshall 3903. T. 6351. A REGULAR ONE. No. 538. Price $4250, $1250 Cash. For a small family, 5 rooms and a dandy 125x200 lot. There are only a fw of these left around Portland to- . day. These email tracts with lots of fruit. We have many on our list and think perhaps we may suit you if you will call at our office. Marshall 1265. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 8-room house at 302 Vista are., walking distance, near bridge, large liv ing room with fireplace, hardwood floors, splendid view porches, la rge sun room, garage, hot water heat, wonderful view, cannot be beaten. All newly decorated. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive., cor. Elm st. liar. 4S27. IRVINGTON HOME, 504 E. 24th st. N. Large living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms and sleeping porches, sowing room, tile bath, hardwood floors t h rough out, gas furnace. 2 fireplaces, f uil-length mirrors, garage, fine shrub bery, etc. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. MODERN 5-R. BUNGALOW, $3600. An attractive 5-R. bungalow on beau tiful corner 5Ox60 2-3; all impts. In and paid : beautiful buffet and other built in features ; full cement basement, fur nace and laundry; E. Gist, in Waver leigh H ts.: $1000 cash. R. F. FKEM STKR. 417 Ablngton bldg. A I A MEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Neariy new 6-room bungalow with every new. feature; French doors, old ivory finish, best oak floors throughout, Pullman breakfast nook: nice lawn: at tic; a real anap at $7000, terms. Tabor 407. " ' IRVINGTON HOME. Colonial home of 11 rooms, central hall, hot water heat. 75x 100 grounds, fine shrubbery, garage, soacious veran das, mahogany and oak finish; appoint ment arranged. Mrs. Harry Prico Palmer, East 7976. $300 DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN $300. 5-room bungalow, end of Alberta car, Irvington Park Add.; full basement, fine plumbing, built-in kitchen, electricity, gaa. 50x100; $2500. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $ 1 0,000 1 RV INGTON $ lO.OOO Last chance to buy my 10-room houae in center of this beautiful district. Owner eaJl East 3348. FOR SALE Rose City Park bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; has Just been enameled and tinted, at 700 E. 59th st. N. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, modern, built-ins. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, view, corner lot, garage. Improvements paid. T. 6351 LAURELHURST Beautiful 7-room house, hardwood floors throughout. $7500; $2300 cash, 6 per cent interest, owner. Tabor 626. 7-KOOM house, four bedrooms, hardwood floors downstairs, full concrete basement, furnace, garage, corner Jot 50x100. Own er. Eiyst 333. ALAMEDA PARK. Modem 6-room house, corner lot. 50 xlOO, for sale by owner. Phono Wood lawn 4446. DISTINCTIVE homes In all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for inspection ar ranged by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. East 7076. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Desirable, 2-story. modern, 7-room house: near car; owner. Main 2986, 7-ROOM Rose City bungalow; strictly modern, with view garage. Marshall 3Vt03. ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive Ave-room bungalow, g ra?c: ?4QOQ. terms. Owner. Tabor 1 029. FOR SALE 5-room bouse, 1227 Denver ave. Peninsula district. Marshall 4413 $2500 6-room modern house, close fccilwood 503. -Iso afenta, in.