Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 08, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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P. H. Carlyon Opposed to
"Pay as You Go" Plan.
$30,000,000 ISSUE IS UP
Voters of Washington to Decide
"Whether Roads Shall All Be
Surfaced at Once.
P. Ft. rlyon, author of the $30,
00,000 road bill which -the voters of
Washington will adopt or reject No
vember 2, was in Portland" yesterday.
Mr. Carlyon is of the opini that the
people of Oregon are as Interested in
seeing Washington have a compre
hensive highway system as they are
in developing such a system in Ore
gon, for the more .good roads that
are offered to tourists the greater
will be the attractions of the Pacific
northwest to the motorist.
"The 'pay-as-you-go' system," de
clared Mr. Carlyon yesterday, "means
detours, and everyone dislikes de
tours. On the 'pay-as-you-go' plan,
only a little dab of work can be done
each year. Instead of waiting a gen
eration for a completed system of
highways, we want to issue enough
bonds to have the roads' built now.
Only Surfacing Provided.
"If this $30,000,000 road bill Is ap
proved by the Washington voters, the
main highways of Washington cas
be surfaced. This bond issue Is in
tended to provide for surfacing only.
The grades will be paid for from the
state public highway fund- The bonds,
like the road bonds in. Oregon, will
be paid for by the license fees of the
automobile owners. This year Wash
ington has received from these
licenses $2,700,000.
"When the bill was presented It
was estimated that the $30,000,000
would complete all of the highways
at the prices then prevailing. Since
then there has been an advance in the
prices of labor and material and it
may be necessary to use a little fed
eral aid to complete the job.
1516 Milca Involved.
"The bill is intended to surface
151C miles of roads. Of this mileage
there is now paved or under contract
264 miles. If the bill passes, the Pa
cific highway will be completed in
1921. with the exception of a few
spots which may be too soft to pave.
7'here are 100 miles of the Pacific
highway, north and south, yet to 'be
paved. Oregon is especially inter
ested In the completion of this road,
for it connects with the Pacific high
way in Oregon, which In turn, con
nects with the Pacific highway in
California. There is a considerable
territory in Washington, south of Se
attle, which is tributary to Portland
over the Pacific highway.
"Under the provisions of the bill,
which is known in Washington as
reierendum bill No. 1, a paved high
way will run to every corner of the
late and there will be highways east
and west across the center. It is
planned to start work paving several
of these highways at the same time,
thus road work will be in progress
in the Spokane, Walla Walla, Yakima
and Chelan sections simultaneously.
Some day the highway on the Wash
ington side of the Columbia also will
be pushed to completion, and it will
be as scenic as the famous Columbia
highway, but that ' will be an ex
pensive enterprise, owing to the rock
formation which must be dealt with.
Detonra Are Disliked.
"What I am anxious to see, how
ever, is a system of paved state high
ways which will develop Washington.
By following the "pay as you go
principle, it will take years for an
appreciable showing to be made, but
under the bonding system the money
will be available at once for the
whole undertaking. The bonds can
not be sold to net the buyer more
than 5 per cent. The state can buy up
quantities of these bonds and take
advantage of the interest.
"13veryone Is complaining about the
detours, particularly on the Pacific
hiRhway. Well, the only way to get
rid of detours is to pave the high
way, and the way to pave the high
way is to provide finances through
the $30,000,000 bond issue."
Dow E. Fpjohn Tells of Man of 75
Who, Following: Operatoln, Be
comes More Active.
FALEM, Or., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Tha"t the so-called goat gland opera
tions which are being performed on
prisoners in San Quentin penitentiary,
in California, are a success and that
the beneficial effects have not been j
exaggerated in newspaper reports was
the information brought here today
by Don E. Upjohn, private secretary
to Governor Olcott. who passed the
last two weeks in California inspect
ing the various state institutions and
attending the annual convention of
the National Traffic association in
Sun l"Tancisco.
"I had a lengthy conversation with
the physician in charge of performing
these operations," said Mr. Upjohn,
"and later talked with a 75-year-old
Inmate of the prison who had under
gone the unique operation. Before
the operation this convict was hardly
able to get about the grounds, while
at the present time he is full of 'pep'
and has all -the physical appearance
of a youth. The first operation per
formed on this prisoner failed to re
sult satisfactorily to the physician,
and he later was subjected to a sec
ond operation.
"I received my information first
hand, from men who had undergone
the strange operation, and they told
me that the effects of the gland ad
ministering had not only improved
their physical being, but had greatly
stimulated their mental faculties. The
prison doctors also are highly elated
over the success of the operations and
declare they will continue as the oc
casion demands."
Mr. Upjohn says a herd of goats are
row on the prison farm at San Quen
tin. and these supply glands for the
open nuns.
4Tosca" to Be Given on Openij
Night, Sept. 30, at Heilig.
The Scotti Grand Opera will appear
three nights at the Heilig theater
under the joint management of steers
& Coman and the Elwyn Concert bu
reau. The repertoire has been
chanced from the announcement
made last Sunday. "ToBca" -will tie
griven on Thursday, September 30, the
first night; "Boheme" on Friday and
the double bill of 'IOracolo"-"Fagr-liacci"
on Saturday night.
Opera performances, correct and
authoritative in every detail, perform
ances that must be of the same high
standard as they are at the Metro
politan opera house, are some of the
things that Antonio Scotti, impres
airo, insists upon. Mr. Scotti be
lieves that communities that see
opera only occasionally- are entitled
to see the very finest his company
is capable of giving, which means
that it is as fine as it is possible
to give. With artist, chorus, scenery
and even the orchestra from the
Metropolitan opera house. Mr. Scotti
has had the world's greatest material
with which to work.
Autoists Pay $1 Toll; State High
way Commission Wants
Land for Road.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 7. (Special.)
When Malcolm Moody today refused
to accept $250 as full payment by the
state for approximately four acres
of land deeded for a road to connect
up the Columbia river highway with
the new bridge over the Deschutes
river, J. M. Devers, on behalf of the
state highway commission, filled a
suit in the Wasco county circuit court
asking that the land in- question be
The state highway commission some
time ago designated the land involved
in the suit as public property, and
later reauested the county court of
Wasco county to obtain the rights of
way necessary to connect up the
present highway with the Deschutes
bridge. This the court refused to ao.
Mr. Devers then submitted to Mr.
Moody a proposal to buy the land at
stipulated price of $250, but this offer
he refused.
At the present time travelers over
the highway In eastern Oregon are
compelled to pass over a private
bridge owned by Mr. Moody, for which
it is said automobiles are assessed $1
each. When the new highway of less
than a mile In length is constructed
the toll bridge will be eliminated as
a necessary means for travel.
Kecords in the office of the state
highway commission show that as
many as 50 automobiles have passed
over the Moody bridge in a single
Labor Scarce at Salem.
SALEM, Or.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
Calls received at the offices of City
Judere Race indicate that there is not
sufficient help in Marlon county o
fill the many jobs that are being of
fered. Yesterday a call came in for
30 berry pickers, but he was unable to
supply more than half that number.
Calls for labor in other lines also ex
ceed the number of. men listed for
Extra! Orpheum show tonight. -Adv.
Extra! Orpheum show tonight.-Adv:
Extra! Orpheum show ton ight.-Ad v.
Extra! Orpheum show tonight. -Adv.
x at Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron,
Ohio, who declares he has im
proved so since taking" Tanlac
that no one would ever take him
to be the same man. Says he
gained fourteen pounds.
"Te look at metoday no one would
ever take me to be the same person
1 was before I began taking Tanlac.
It simply has done wonders for me,
and I want everybody to know about
this medicine," said Francis Weirath.
foreman of a larg"e department of the
Goodrich Rubber Company plant at
Akron. Ohio. Mr. Weirath resides at
210 West State street, that city.
"I was in an awfully bad state of
health for fourteen years, and dur
ins the past ten years I got to the
point where life was a burden. I
suffered terriblyxwith indigestion and
dyspepsia. I never had any appetite
and all I could eat for breakfast was
a soft-boiled egg and a little milk
I would get so nervous and miserable
that many a night I never slept a
wink, and when nothing would bring
me any relief I had just about come
to the conclusion my case was hope
less. .
"I haven't taken but three bottles
of Tanlac, but I feci better than I
have felt for twelve years. I've
gained fourteen pounds in weight and
am getting Heavier ana stronger
every day. I never have indigestion
any more, my ap-petite is splendid and
I eat just anything and everything
I want. I sleep sound every night, and
all that tired, worn-out feeling is gone.
In fact, I am a well man in every
"The men at the plant all tell me
I am looking fine these days and get
ting fat. They all want to know what
I am doing to myself, and it's always
a pleasure for me to tell them about
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
Whole Family Sick
"AH of my six brothers and sister,
as well as myself, have suffered since
childhood from stomach and liver
trouble and bloating. I thought it ran
in the family and that I could never
be cure'd, but, thanks to Mayr's Won
derful Remedy, since taking it nearly
a year ago I have been enjoying the
best of health and feel like a new
person. I have no trouble from any
thing I eat." It is a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the ca
tarrhal mucus from the intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation
which, causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, includ
ing appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded. At all drug
gists. Adv.
S & H Trading Stamps Given -on All
Don't Fail to See
Battle of Argonne"
At Vaughn-street Ball Park
This Evening. Auspices
American Legion
Wednesday Another Great
New Fall Suits
For Women
The Basement Garment Store has just received
a new shipment of Women's Fall Suits. Very at
tractive models, made up in "Wool Serges, Tricotines
and Velours. Also a few in novelty checked ma
terials. Shown in the leading Fall CM O Cf
colors. Specially priced for today's sale btitJ)
New Dresses
At $17.95
Basement New Fall Dresses of Serge and Trico
tine. Many 6mart models in this showing. Trimmed
with braids, buttons, etc The woman who con
templates buying a dress : for street fl1 f7 Qr
wear should see these. On sale at only o J-1 VtJ
New Waists
Basement Just in by express. The prettiest lot of
Georgette Waists we have ever had to 6ell for so
little. Beautiful embroidered1 and beaded effects.
Large selection of the most wanted colors. (PO QQ
All sizes in the assortment. Priced special 'DwwO
Basement Special Sale of
Women's good, grade Cotton Hose,
tan, gray and white. Sizes G-t ff
86, 9, 93 pairs only DAUU
Women's Extra Size Hose in fa
mous "Burson" make. Sizes
9 to 10y2 priced special 0C
Children's Ribbed Stockings for
school wear. Slightly im- f)Q
perfect. Special at the pair
Men's $2.50
Men's Cotton Hose
25c Pair
Basement Men's Black Cotton Hose
with gray heel and toe. These are
well worth 35c a pair. Priced OP
special in the Basement Store
Boys' Suits
Basement Boys' School Suits in
Norfolk models with full-cut knick
ers. Made up in novelty mixtures
and fancy striped mate- QQ f(
Sizes 6 to 16 at VJ
School Pants
At $1.79
Basement Boys' full-cut Knicker
bockers for school wear. Mixtures
and fancy striped materials in
good serviceable colors. Q1 f7Q
Ages 6 to 16. Special DJLI7
Boys' Waists 25c
"Aunt Polly"
Glenwood Butter 2 Lbs. $1.32 Delivered Only With
Olds, Wortman
Union Suits
Basement Women's Union Suits
with plain tops and tight or lace-,
trimmed knee. Odd line JT Q
Sizes 34, 36 and 38 only, at
Women's Union Suits with plain
top and tight knee. Sizes (TP
40, 42, 44 priced special t J
Shirts $1.49
Basement Sale
SIZE 14 ONLY. If you weir this size
you are fortunate, for these Shirts are of
splendid quality. Made up in fancy striped
percale in a good selection of patterns and
colors. Stiff cuff s. Well worth $2.50. AQ
Priced special in the Basement Store DX4t
Men's Union Suits
At $2.89
Basement Men's Mixed Wool Union Suits in
medium weight for Fall wear. Closed "crotch
style. Take advantage of this sale and sup
ply your underwear needs for less. QQ QQ
All sizes up to 44. Priced special 0AO7
Men's Denim-Alls
At $3.98
Basement Men's One-piece Denim
Alls the ideal work garment. All
sizes in the sale from 36 QQ QQ
to 44. Priced very special DOi0
Men's Shoes
Basement .
A sale of great importance to
every man who is in need of Shoes!
Hundreds of pairs in this offering.
Russia Calf, Vici Kid and Gunmetal
leathers. English, coif and medium
broad toes. All have welt IfT QQ
soles. Priced special pair 5 0
Women's Shoes
Women's Shoeu in blacks, browns
and grays. Hand-turned and welt
soles. All styles heels. Cpr QQ
Vici or gunmetal. Special tDO0
Sale of Children's School Shoes
Children's School Shoes of reliable
make. Buttoned and laced styles.
Sizes hVi up to 8 in the lot. P- OQ
Basement Store Sale pair DJL05
Outsize Shoes
For Large Women
Main Floor Aunt Polly Shoes are designed for the
needs of women who are difficult W fit because of
large ankle or leg measurements. Made without gus
sets. Solid leather counters, heels, toe boxes and in
soles. Also built-in arch-supporting shank of stee
in every Aunt Polly Shoe. All are reasonably priced.
Various Styles
Aunt Polly Shoes of all-black Surpass Kid with high
curved military heel priced at, the pair $16.00
All-kid Laced Shoes with shorter tops and
medium or flat heels. Priced $12.00 pair.
Dark Brown Kid Laced Shoes with cloth
tops, Cuban or half Louis heels $12.Q0
Dressy Black Kid Laced Boots with cloth
tops and military heels $11.00 a pair.
-We have a large number of other styles.
Charge Accounts if
Standard Store of the Northwest
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Day for Thrifty Shoppers to Save, in Our
Underprice. Store
Toilet Paper
20 for $1
Basement Crepe Toilet Paper put
up in medium size rolls. No tele
phone or C. O. D. orders accepted
and only 20 rolls to a Q- ff
customer. Special, 20 for D-LUU
Odd Neckwear
At 10c
Basement Odds and ends of Wom
en's Collars priced for quick clear
away. Many attractive styles to
select from. Regular to 35c "1 A
values priced special at J-"
Basement Women's Outing Flan
nel Night Gowns in fancy striped
patterns. Sizes from (IJO - Q
16 to 20. Priced special
Bags, Purses
At $1.00
Basement Women's Purses and
Handbags in many styles and sizes.
Some have inside fittings. On
sale today your choice, only
52 Inch Broadcloth $2.75
Storm Serge
Basement 52-Inch All-Wool Broad
cloth in black, wisteria, green, cardi
nal and white. Desirable CO Ht
weight. Priced special, yard D J
New Fall Hats
The Basement Millinery will fea
ture a special offering of 100 Wom
en's' Hats today at above price.
Large, medium and small styles
trimmed with flowers, applique and
novelties of various kinds. Black,
white, colors. Specially QQ QQ
priced for today's selling Di.ifO
Outing Hats, special at Jflt.OO
Special $7.98
Children's School Shoes in buttoned
and laced styles. Good substantial
footwear. Sizes range from PQ QQ
8 up to 2 special, pair bA0O
Hair Switches Special $6
Hair Goods Department Second Floor
" Special 3-Day Sale of Hair Switches beginning this morning.
Strictly first quality natural wavy hair (we do not sell inferior
grades). Made up in three separate stems much easier to coif
than the single stem. Switches selling in the regular Qft Oft
way at ?7.50 and f8.50, specially priced for today's sale DvJUU
Hair Transformations
Special at $5
Second Floor Only a limited number in this sale and they are of
such good quality that they will go out quickly. Made up in natural
wavy hair in style for all around the head. Transfor- CJC f(
mations hat were $7.00 and $8.50 special 3 Days' sale wO.UU
We Give S. & H. Green Stamps!
Other Grocery Purchases
Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month
& Kin
Royal Worcester Corsets
Special $2.29
Basement For style, service and all around satisfac
tion Royal Worcester Corsets have no equal. In this
offering are several splendidmodels for the average
figure. Medium and. low busts. Sizes
from 19 to 36. Priced special in Basement
Jersey Bloomers
Only 69c
Basement Women's and Misses' Jersey
black, white and fles
styles and well made
black, white and flesh color. Cut in good
Full range of sizes; at
Girls' School Middies $1
GIRLS' Percale Aprons in neat, at
tractive styles and patterns. Kp
Sizes from 2 to 10 years; only Utll
$1.98 Yard
42-Inch All-Wool btorm berge in
navy, midnight, black, brown, green,
tan, copen and cardinal. On C" QQ
special sale today at, yard 0-LiO
"Housekeepers' Day"
In the Basement Store
We have prepared a list of special offerings
for today that will be of interest to every wom
an who has charge of the family expenditures.
Huck Toweling
22c Yard
Basement Full bleached Cotton Huck Toweling
of good heavy quality for general use. 15 and
16 inches wide. On special sale today in OO
the Basement Underprice Store at, a yard
10 Yds. Long Cloth $2.89
Basement Chamois-finish English Longcloth put
up 12 yards in a sanitary package. As we have
only a limited quantity, early shop- (J?Q QQ
ping is advisable. 12 yards for only
Bleached Sheeting
69c Yard
Basement 63-inch Bleached Sheeting,
free from filling or dressing.
telephone or mail orders ac
cepted. Priced special, yard
Sale of Soiled Blankets
Only a limited number of these Blankets and at the sale prices every one
is a real bargain. Mostly double sheet blankets. Slightly soiled and imperfect-
Basement Specials
Writing Tablets 2 sizes priced special at 0
Talcum Powder priced special, the can J)0
' Purity Castile Soap medium size a cake 1)
Glycerine Toilet Soap priced special, cake 9
Whisk Brooms
20 and 30c
Small size Ofln
Large size QQo
Brooms at v-' Brooms at
Not more than 2 sold to a customer.
Bloomers in
full fl(f
Sizes From 8 to 14
Basement Every mother knows how serviceable and
smart Middy Blouses are for school wear. These are
made of splendid quality white twill and will launder
nicely. Sailor collar, with black tie at- f(
tached. All sizes from 8 to 14. Special BXUU
Girls' Dresses $1.69
Sizes 6 to 12
Basement Girls' School Dresses of pink C- ?Q
or blue percale. Belted styles. Sizes 6 to 12 0 J-DJI
Girls' Outing Flannel Petticoats of good f7Qf
quality. Sizes 2 to 10. Priced very special at
Girls' Outing Flannel Night Gowns
and Pajamas. Priced spe- (PI OQ
cial for today's selling at DJ-OI
Remnants and short lenjfths of
Dress Goods and Silks that have
accumulated in the departments, go
on sale today at the Basement
"Pit" at special low prices. Pieces
suitable women's waists, skirts, etc.
Cotton Batts 6 for $1
White Cotton Batts for making of
comforters. No telephone G"1 fC
or mail orders filled; 6 for DXUU
Comforter Challis in large assort
ment of medium and dark pat- QOn
terns. Priced special, a yard
Notion Day
Bargain Circle
Main Floor
Bone Hair Pins, asst. sizes 10
Phoenix Hair Pin Cabinet, at S
Pocahontas Common Pins, &t 4l
Twilled Tape, 2 4-yd. pieces 2o
Dress Snaps, priced special 2
Cubs Pins, jet, jet and white 2o
Ribbon Wire, white, 'black, at 4$
Century Lingerie Tape, bolt 7
Hair Brushes, good grade 40
Spool Silk Black, white and
colors 50-yard spools; each 80
Tooth Brushes; 2 lots, 18, 230
Aluminum Brush Holders 130
Aluminum Soap Boxes for 150
P1 yj