TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1920 19 WANTED MISCELLANEOCS. Furniture Wanted. S. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURS STORK. FURNITURE "WANTED. Before you sell your furniture be sure and call Marshall 87. lour call will bring our buyer at once. We pay the top price for used furniture, carpets, rugs, etc., everything In household good a. We also buy otfice furniture. 11 calls attended to the same day. Call Marshall 587. A- A B. GEVURTZ FURNITCRH STORE. 205-207 First street. Between Taylor and Salmon. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all household goods, aud will pay the highest caan price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardwire, tools, sporting1 goods, tents, bi cjeles, typewriters, adding ma chine and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE F U RN IT L RE) CUH 221-223-225 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. STAR FURNITURE CO. HAS A REPUTATION OF PAYING THH HIGHEST PRICE'S FOR USEi FUHMTURE, CARPETS. RUGS, RANGES, OFFICE FURNITURE. ETC. CALL WAIN 5064 AND Bbl CONVINCED. TO UK CALL PROMPTLY AIXCNDED TO. 8TAR FURNITURE CO- 164-163 FIRST, COR. MORRISOCV. PHONE MAIN Kttft. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH FR1CES EVER PAID Blf ANYONE iN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS, ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. 0COTCH, Navajo, fluff or other rugs and -wardrobe. BD S40. Oregonian. ED CC ATI ON At. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, stive you a set of tools and soma pay m hile learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-aerviee men. the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. -34 Burn side st. ST. HELEN'S HALL 13th. and Ha LI Sts. Kindergarten, Vista ave, and St. Clair. Reopens Sept.' 15. Registration 13th and 14 th at loth and Hall Sts. Main 2278. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE- WALKER business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will leach ou the trade In S weeks: seals and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learping; tuition reauceq tnis term, -oa aiauison, fRTLAND Barber College teaches th barber trade ui eight weeks; pays while lLdrnlnif cood set ol too it Given; dom tlons secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. I'd st. M RS. G. M. MELBT'3 private kinder gurtm and preparatory, first grade, re opens st 696 East 4Mh at. N. Tabor r3!o. Rose City Park. i MISS MATTINULY'S PRIVATE SCHOOL. Shorthand and Typewriting; Individ ual instruction. 2b0 14th, near Jeffer son. Main iibl-3. LKARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bids. Free booklet. aiKS. HANNUM'S shorthand school. Enter v- hen convenient. 230 Tillamook, at. KhsL 3M0. FRENCH LESSONS snd classes by Pa risian lady. .To in this week. French tt-arhpr. Main 8340. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-aast. state iupt, Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. OREGON law school, Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, sec. Main 977. yA TES-FTSHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. PRIVATE kindergarten opens Sept. 13. 1203 Ivon st. Tabor4138. KINDERGARTEN opns Sept. 13. 666 Irv ing st. Phone Sellwood 3433. STUDY massage. Portland School of Mis sage I nc. . 71 1 Swetland bldg. Main 77SO. KINDERGARTEN Corner Knott and Vancouver, begins September 7. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4s35. Teaching positions, free reg. HELP WANTED MALE- DEFINITE INFORMATION CONCERN ING MOONSHINERS AND BOOTLEG GERS; ALL COMMUNICATIONS HELD SECRET AND GIVEN PROMPT AT TENTION BY THE PROPER AUTHOR ITIES A DDR ESS P. O. BOX 3555, PORTLAND, OR. WANTED Py wholesale house, young man to assist in credit department ; if you are the right man advancement to eredit manager's position is open ; state ge, references, ualary desired to start. V 934. Oregonian. V'ANTED 1 pot washer, salary $90 per month and board; work 6 days per week. Alfo one pantry h-el-per, $b5 per month and board; work 6 days ppr week. Ex perienced preferred. A pply to chef, Broad w ay Hazelwood. 127 Broadway. ADVERTISING solicitors; must be experi enced; trades pa pers, ba nkers monthly, builders' magazine, Randy-McNally pock et maps. railway brotherhood year books; road work. Call 1 to 3. R. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Stenographer who can figure and Invoice lumber. Timekeeper for saw mill; both jobs out of the city; state ace. , experience, salary expected and references. AG S70. Oregonian. WANTED Young man for clerical work; ene familiar with city preferred; per manent work; opportunity for advance ment; state experience, age and. salary ex pected. AH 876, Oregonian. WANTED at once, freight clerk on river steamer; must be good penman; wages 970 per month with board and room AH 875. Oregonian. WANTED Young man for grocery. Inside and outside, to drive Ford. Must be ex perienced ; references. Call after 12 A. M. 672 Alberta. WANTED First-class bushelman for ; teration. only. Call Tuesday noon. Hotel Portland, or address L. M. Mayberger, Mi'ji mnviiie, Oregon. FOR GARAGE. Thoroughly experienced wash rack polishing and Unionizing man wanted. inquire lli i t; u.nAui. WANTED Dependable young man over 23 w ith Ford, as collector; established com pany. Big money for hustler. Call 3 to o r ii. today. 2X0 Hotel Carlton. V AN 1 ED i neat-aprvearlng young men to travel with manager and learn good- paying ousinefs. -uaai alter to a. m. to day. Room 22-0 Hotel Carlton. BOOKKEEPER wanted for a camp; single man of mature years and good refer ences. Main 440-1 or 311 Lumber Exch. bldg. BuY ABOUT 1 or 17 to work on ranch and go to school, for board and Bmalt wages. A E bb.s. oregonian. 1X BOYS, all day work. Call Madras Hotel Tuesday morning, 8 o'clock, ask ror .vir. eite. A LE-SM EN, experienced or inexperienced, by manufacturing company. Call 62 y . . - a (i Fi. BOY FOR noda fountain, nights, 6 to 12 no experience necessary. Brink's Ph&r macy, latn ana wasmngton. BRWHT, active boy for wholesale house. Appiy & rront st. 1 W O 1 lHUUSK einviMcn every home buys; 10Q profit. 294 3d su BOY WANTED at Powers and Eftes drug Fiore, i - it J h m. Aji imvo wncel. BOY, 16 years old. for store work. Lion OlOtning -o.. .Timneun mm rourtn. EXPERIENCED auto washer and floor man Tor garage. ao d, oregonian EXPERIENCED baker's helper. Bakery Co., 65o E. Stark aL Viking -MALE. $300 TO $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many auto mobile experts are. You may Join ' the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks If you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOLS OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a eent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair. Isn't it? Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. require the services of an EXPERIENCED FURRIER to taks charge of the fur work room. Best wages. Permanent position. Apply to Mr. Ludwlg Hirsch, fourth floor. MEN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOY MENT. The place best equplpped to assist you In finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service is absolutely free to ex-service men. All men seeking employment in cleri cal, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C. A. em pluyment secretary, room 307. "WHERE THERE . IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN. WANTED Large corporation has opening lor nign-ciass office man, wno is capaoie of developing into position of responsi bility. We want man of energy and one who can handle a large amount of work accurately. Fair starting salary and good prospects for future. AL a S3, Oregonlan. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of a bus boy for tearoom; gooa wages; hours, 9:15 to 5:45. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier & F ra nk C o. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of two night janitors. Apply Employment Bureau Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Co. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced candymaker. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier A Frank Co. STEADY man wanted to take permanent charge good territory. Supplies and spe cial information furnished. Experience not required. Cash weekly. If a per manent, profitable business Interests you. give this a trial. Yakima Valley Nursery, Toppenish, Wash. ADVERTISING MANAGER to take charge of organization and to devote entire time to the problem at hand. Give age, whether married or single, residence. fthone. references and full information n reply; also state salary expected. Ad dress box AK. bos, oregonlan. WANTED 100 men at once to learn operate and repair automobiles and gas tractors. Apply Hemphill's Automobile A Gas Tractor Schools, corner East 20th and Hawthorne. Write or call for free catalogue. A REPRESENTATIVE for Portland, age 25 to 40j married man, salary and com mission, permanent position, mostly out side work; opportunity for advance ment. Address D. E. Witson, 601-3 Northwestern Bank bid?. BUSINESS MF.N. Tf your need is trained, efficient of fice help, call Broadway 4490. Clerical Help Service. 529 Artisans' bldg. OFFICE and commissary work, out of town, $500; lumber stenographer, out of town, $l0; traveling salesman, $.00; stenographer, city, $125. 38 N. W. Bank Bldg. AVIATION PAYS Wanted, a t?w young men to take pilot snd mechanic courses, splendid opportunities: big pay. Par ticulars. Dudrey Aircraft Co., 824 M or gs in bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-clans open- shop husky boilermaker helpers, work in city. Onry experienced helpers need apply. 620 Oregon building, 5th and Oak streets. BOYS and men can make good money cut ting nag of the ouiirusnea variety, h or information inquire of Western Cooper age Co., St. Johns, east end of a. P. A S. bridge. MAN WANTED Who can cut and lay carpets and cut and hang draperies; steady Job to the right person; answer, staging experience, references and salary expected. F. A. Gummer. Stockton, Cat. WANTED Experienced Hoffman press operator, man who can do some bushel Ir.g; wages $.'i6 per week. Phone or write Master Cleaners and Dyers, Astoria. Or. MEN Axe 17 to 55, experience unneces- tm ry ; travel, make secret investigations, reports; salaries; expenses: American Foreign Detective Agency, 616 St. Louis. A FEW men wanted for steady work by Portland Gas & Coke Co. at plant on Llnnton road. Take free bus at 23d and Savler sts at 7:15 A. M. WANTED Names, men, boys over 17, wi&hlng to become mall carriers; Ills month. Answer Immediately, AV 245, Oregonian, Portland, Or. WANTED Prune pickers; 6 miles north of Vancouver; hard surface road. J. N. Latham. Vancouver. Wash, Write or phone 7 F 3. MEN, sge under 55, experience unneces sary, travel, make secret investigation, reports, salaries, expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 616 St. Louis ALL-ROUND tailor wanted for good Job outside city, good -pay, good living con ditions. See Mr. Bow Tuesday. 5o3 Ab ington bldg. . . MAN wanted who can drive Chevrolet truck; a good chance tj get in business for yourself; will sell half- interest or all. Phone Woodlawn 4397. LABORERS wanted for street paving, corner of 72d and 56th ave. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car. WANTED Boy for office work; must be over 16 years of age. Apply Langs A Co., 1st and Ankeny sts. ' CYLINDER press feeder wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co E. 25th and Bolladay ave. MAN for chamber work wanted. Come 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. daily. Arlington Club, 20tf par st. WANTED Young clothing saieeman, one witn winaow-tnmming experience pre- lerrea. Appiy o wasningwn su PLANING mill help wanted; three feed era. $..25, and one setup man. East Oregon Lumoer to.. Enterprise, Or. WANTED Boy for work in bank as mes senger. Ktate age ana education.. Salary j jo per montn. am ou, uregoniap. WANTED SLUdents to learn vulcanizing and retreading irom Aaron, o., grad uate. 433 Stark st. CHANCE for young man to learn to op erate motion-picture mac nine. Apply 318 Piatt biag. EXPERIENCED Hoffman presser and bushelman at once. Wilson Cleaning A Dye WorKs, Astoria, or. - WANTED AT ONCE Two men to -learn vulcanizing and retreading. Call at 432 Hawthorne ave. CITY salesmen, splendid opportunity. Call 426 Northwestern Bank bldg., between 9 and 10 A. si. GOOD position for young man admitted to practice Law. Call 426 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED At once, two sportsmen to take interest in fine duck shooting reserve at Sauvies Island. BC 738. Oregonian. JAPANESE schoolboy wanted. Call Main 38K5. SECOND baker. $30 per wk., permanent, good town. Address AV 343. Oregonian. BOY, ABOUT 16, chance to learn tire" busi ness. 122 North Broadway. WANTED Bell boys and bus boy. Apply University olub, 6th and Jefferson sts. SHOEMAKER wanted; first-class mechan ic only. 42 E. 28th st. N. SHOEMAKER wanted. Oregon City. K, Shounhelnx, EXPERIENCED spotter. 180 Grand ave. TJ. S. Cleaners, LEARN tne vulcanising business, writo 158 East Broadway. Call or I EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SOUC- v vxv, Ori OLrUIN IAN. . HELP WANTEt HELI WANTED MALE. WANTED Man and wife for general work on up-to-date farm of 330 acres in Yam hill county, near good town. Three room house, electric lights, bath and running water, sleeping porch, vege tables, fruit, mfTk, eggs and fuel fur nished, in addition to best wages going, according to ability. Man must have thorough knowledge of general farming and mechanical ability to do repairs around farm in well equipped shop. Tractor and good implements for farm use, one or two cows and four horses to care for. Woman's part of work very light and easy. People of fair educa tion and good personalities and those willing to team with others are re quired. Splendid opening for right parties. Write full particulars In first letter and appointment will be made for interview. A V 800, Oregonian. ' THESE POSITIONS OPEN TUESDAY MORNING: Bookkeeper, Ibr good Wash. town.. $175 Stenos., lumber, Montana (2) $175 Railroad station agent, must have experience and be a telegraph op erator, good Wash, town $165-$1 75 General office men, ry. exp $135 Ledger clerks. 18-21. good penman.. $ WO Office boys, all lines $60-$ 70 MANY OTHER POSITIONS OPEN. REGISTER HERE. PORTLAND SERVICE BUREAU. 432 Pillock Block. Broadway 514. MESSENGER BOYS. WITH WHEELS. Average pay $125 per mo. Permanent work. Apply Delivery Supervisor, 76 Third St. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quire ioa services oi an eipencuucu oam and dress goods .salesman. Permanent position. Apply .Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Company. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors, vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute of Technology, Y. M. C. A. WANTED Two boys to line sugar sacks on piece work; good wages paid; u you are not willing to work, don't apply. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 15th and Hoyt. WANTED Young man between 20 and 35 with ability to handle stenographic work and small cost accounting system; must be real, high-graae man with good per sonal appearance and capable of ad vancing. Permanent position with live firm manufacturing wood products. Write Box 536, Nampa, Idaho. WANTED Boy over 16 yeaYs of age to work for his board and go to school ; small town in southern Ore eon: stand ard high school; must be neat and used to assisting about a house; chance to earn extra money on Saturdays. Address Al. O. Hoffman, wellesley court apta, loth and Belmont sts., apt. 35, city. EXPERT retail electric suction cleaner salesman, with car preferred ; no can vassing. experience and responsibility absolutely necessary ; work on appoint ment only, permanent if you qualify. See Mr. Stone before 10 or after 3. Fobes Supply Co., 2b5 Couch st. OFFICE boy to work from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wanes 12.50 Der week. Apply room 815 Oregonian newspaper, after 2 P. M. today. 5 NEAT young girls to help the discharged soldiers get their bonus; sao.oo per weeK, 6 hours per day. 516 Henry bldg. W. K- Rayl. Girls out of town write in. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED TWO HIGH -CLASS AUTO SALESMEN; ONES WHO HAVE HAD SKLI.INU EXPEKIKNUK J IN "KJ it 1 LAND PREFERRED NOT ORDER TAKERS. HUT ONES WTIO CAN DE LIVER THE GOODS AND WISH TO AFF1 MATE WITH A RKLIABLE CONCERN WHERE ADVANCEMENT IS ASSURED IF YOU HAVE; THE ABILITY. ASK FOR MR. WORTH. THE SCRIPPS- BOOTH CO. OF CAL. 522 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 3109. SALESMAN willing to be taught how to sell a high -class line or manuracturea products; old com pany, well known throughout the United States and Can sua; salary to start with liberal com mission ; permanent position for the right party. Call or write the W. T. Kawlel-h Co., 017 Union Ave., N. Port land. Or. ONE OF the largest organizations of Its kind desires the services or five edu ca ted. ambitious and matured men, capable of being developed into high class representatives ; the pay Is above the average ; even if employed, it will pny to invest 1 gate. Call 909 Wilcox bldg. 8ALBSM EN Wr A N TK F Real opportunity to get a position where your services are apprecia'ed and you are given every as sistance, all instructions and treated right in m fast-growing dividend-paying corporation. Call 404 Spalding bldg. al ter 10 A. M. Ask for Mr. St ra nan an. SALESMEN WANTED 'Rea.1 opportunity to get a position where your services are appreciated and you are given every as sistance. aU instructions and treated right in a fast-growing dividend -paying corporation. Call 4i4 Spalding bidg., after lO A, M. Ask for Mr. Stranatian. NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE SALES MAN with rora car tor worn in coun try ; exceptionally big allowance ; want a man in every fruit district of Oregon, Wash In gton, Idaho ; per ma n en t posit ion. Louis E. Joy, 317 Board of Trade, Port land. Or. INDUSTRIAL stock salesman; high grade man for unquestionaoiy meritorious proposition. Tell what you have done If your record Is right this Is a winner. Box Y 543, Oregonian. SALESMEN Catholic, capable of becom ing sales managers lor large organiza tion with branch offices everywhere. Calf 719 Spalding bldg., 8 to 9:50 A. M.. 4 to 6 P. M. IF YOU positively knew that you can make 4i to jhuu mommy rrom to 9300 investment would you Invest i gate? We can show you big money. Call 02 Vfc 23d st. N. AN OPPORTUNITY for live-wire eates- man to lake over estannsnea route in the city. Man used to railing on butch er and grocery preferred. Telephone Sellwood 554. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced. Learn the real estate Business. rsig in come assured. Address Peck Co., 6-G, Omaha. Neb. f AUTOMOBILE distributer wanted for state ot Oregon, win consign auwmoDue to reliable party. -tn wi. oregonian. CLOTHING salesman, thoroughly experi enced In men a wear, jiou tioiajng ,q., Morrison and Fourth. EXPERIENCED scale and store fixture salesman. Thompson Scale A Fixture Co., 806 Oak st SA LESMEN w onderfui opportunity. In come, insurance. oui orueii, oiai. WANTED AGENTS, AGENTS WANTED New invention, no leak valve reseater; sells on sight to plumbers, hotels, apartment houses, or fir buildtnirs. factories. 2d-hand stores, Junk dealers and Individuals; make $10 a day easy. Price of sample outfit sent on request; chance to get in business for yourself and make big money." Arnold & Co., 407 Sprague ave., Spo kane, Wash. TWO CIRCULATION" solicitors; call after noons. 211 Stock Exchange bldg. Stark St. HELP WANTED FEMALE." ELDERLY gentleman. wants girl or middle-aged woman, employed, to cook 2 meals a day for him for room snd board as compensation. N 540, Oregonian. CANDY salesgirls, steady. $12 week with increase; experience unnecessary; prefer girl living with parents. Call after 10, Harris. 120 Fifth st. HIGH school or ' business college girl to exchange light housework services for room and board. 729 Northrup st., near 22d st. WANTED High school girl to assist with housework in family of three. Ffaone East 7417. 321 E. T7th St. N. STENO., a good beginner wanted, 1015 Wilcox bldg. $70. STENO. for doctor's office, one accustomed to meeting public. 1015 Wilcox' bldg. EXPERIENCED cafeteria girl wanted Ap ply Nicholas cafeteria. 125 6th. STENOGRAPHER with experience In legal work. 926 Northwestern Bank bldg. ELDERLY lady to take charge of eight house Keeping rooms, .viarsnaii a:S3. RELIEF telephone operator, four days week. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED Teacher for piano and violin; also saxopnone. rs u out, oregonian. GIRL to work in reception room. Call 409 Columbia bldg., 365 Washington st, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED! TOUNO GIRLS FOR BAG MANUFACTURING. Our gfrla average from $16 to J 23 per week on piece work, sewing sacks. The work Is pleasant and easy to learn, and we guarantee $12 per week while learning. Girls must not be over 25 or under 16 years of age. Modern and up-to-dats factory, with Saturday afternoon off. Apply AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STS. Take N. A S. or 16th Car. GIRLS wanted for factory work, good wages, steady work, experience unneces sary, Saturday afternoons off. Take North and South Portland car to 16th and Thurman, American Can Co. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of girls between the agree of 16 and 18 for our wraDDina and ottice departments. Only those who are not to return to school win be con sidered for positions. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of girls between the ageu of 18 and 22 for positions In the soaa lountain ana dairy lunch depart men ts. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. MISiUR. & r K AN hi. COMPANY. EXPERIENCED short-hour waitresses. Ap ply employment bureau before 10 :30 A. 11. LIP MAX. WOLFE A CO. THE MEIER FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced miliin ery makers and saleswomen; permanent positions. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor MEIER A FRANK. COMPAN x. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced sales women for Bilk 'and dress Roods depart mont. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth floor, JUeier oc J? rant company . THE METER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two Khort-hour women for kitchen ork. Apply Em ployment Bureau, sixth floor, Meier & a rank uompaDj. WANTED 2 etrong. active girls for lining sugar eaoks by piece work; good wages paid. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co 15th and Ho t- WANTED Young women who have sell ing ability ; experience not necessary. This is an opportunity to become con nected with a large company where you will be given every assistance to make good. Call 404. Spalding bldg. from 2-4 P. M. Ask for Miss Hall. WOMAN, well educated and resourceful, wanted for a permanent position In edu cationa 1 work. One with teaching ex perience preferred. Position good for from $1500 to $1800 first year. Rapid advancement to the right person. E 909, Oregcnian. GIRL or young woman living with par ents in Mt Scott district; experiences in general merchandise; references re quired ; state age and experience. AP 7il, Oregonian. WANTED Neat appearing ladies to dem onstrate high -class article, house-to-house, work in city ; salary ; no ex peri ence necessary. Apply 713 Couch bldg., afternoons 2 to 4. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in . all lines. Office 329 Henry bidg., cor. 4th and Oak ata. Bdwy. 4537 APPLICATIONS will be .received from young women, aged 20 to 85, for wood working factory at St. Johns; good, pay and steady employment. AB 392, Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER for Alaska, $500; secre tary, $150; stenographer and bookkeeper, $100; typist and G. O. W $90; be ginner in stenography, $60. S3 8 N. W. Bank Bldg. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sta. Phoas Maih $450. DM car. WANTED Names, women, glris over 17, wishing government positions; $100 month up. Answer immediately. AV 246, Oregonian, Portland. Or. WANT AT ONCE: Experienced book keeper; automobile business ; capable of taking full charge of office; good salary to rignt party. j pqj, oregonian. IF YOU are an experienced fitter, posses sing good personality, we have an open ing fur you. Eastern Outfitting Co., 405 Washington; inquire of Mrs. lerkea. WANTED Experienced laoy Preiser at once. Wages $4 per day. S hours. Mu ter Cleaners and Dyers. Astoria. Or, W rite or phone. GiRL wanted to assist with llaht houKe work; no washing or cooking. Call Main 802 or 7 I A Irving. WANTED Sept. 13. kitchen heloer. reai dent. Appiy tu nenn i iiaii, X6ttx and Bail sts. WANTED A middle-aged woman assist in taking care of children. Apply H,. a;ci anu ornwooa ( i O. WEST-SIDE hlgh-sooch girl to help In good nome; room, ooara, salary. Max shall 1930. WANTED Competent woman to keep house for family. 4; good wages and home to ngni party, tan iast 3l9. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 9o5 Kaat Glisan. Atv car. uast faitt. EXPERIENCED millinery makers want for wholesale work. Appiy Lowenga'rt TWO H oc s k-iu-h uusb can vassers ; every home buys; 100 profit. 24 3d at EXPERIENCED marker, also hand ironers. American Launary,t a,, xnird N. WAITRESS wanted at Pilot Butte inn, Bend. Or.; only first-class need apply, WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work. Phone Main 9540. WANTED Dressmaxer who comes to house Dy a ay. croaaway j om. WANTED A Christian woman to soHt-tr. .Apply Monday. 10 A. M., 414 E. Ash st. EXPERIENCED finishers. U. S. Cleaners, 180 Grand ave. . GIRL with some experience in office American Laundry Co 140 E. Third N, HELP WANTED FEMALE. J0 YOU WANT A WELL-PAID POSITION 7 TELEPHONE OPERATORS BARN A GOOD SALARY AT THE START. REGULAR INCREASES AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. CONTINUOUS EMPLOYMENT. FOR FULL DETAILS CALL AT Room 01, Sixth Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Sts. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register for positions with Miss Miller. 903 Yeon bldg. To relieve the shortage of expert operators now existing I will give a spe cial six weeks' course on calculating ma chines, comptometers and adding ma chines for only $15. This clans begin Sept. 7 and students should register now, as only a Umited number can be admit ted to this class. Ask any business man or banker. Salaries from $85 to $150. Miller school. U03 Yeon bldg THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY hat vacancies in several departments for experienced salespeople. These are per manent positions and offer splendid op portunities for those who desire ad vancement. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. MEIER & FRANK. COMPANY. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced girl for credit department, particularly one who understands newspaper clipping. Ap ply Employment Bureau, sixth floor. Meier A Frank Company. WANTED. Experienced Power Machine , Operators. Overalls. Shirts, Mackinaws. 44-Hour Weeks. I Saturday Afternoon Off. HIRSCH-WE1S MANUFACTURING CO.. 205 Burnside St. THE METER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced mil linery makers. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor, Meier A Frank Com pany. EXPERIENCED shirt operators. Experienced overall operators. Experienced pr ester on shirts. Experienced hand-sewer on men's overcoats. Apply at office of ML Hood Factory. 253 Couch st.. cor. 2d. BOOKKEEPE R and stenographer for hardware and furniture store In town of 25O0, 90 miles south of Portland; perma nent position for one who gives satis faction; $85 per month, advancement as you make yourself more valuable. Ap ply in own handwriting, giving full par ticulars. AV 3o3. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED short-hour waitresses. Apply employment bureau before 10:30 A, M. - LIPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. GIRL to assist with rare of small children and some housework; Jef ferson high-achool girl considered. References. East 1278. W A NTED Women and girls, experienced and unexperienced ; good opening for continuous work for Jail and winter: excellent working conditions and good salaries. Take Rose City or Montavllla car to East I Oth, walk 2 blocks south. Apply Tuesday morn in g. WANTED Young women who have sell ing ability; experience not neeesrary. This it? an opportun-ity to become con nected with a large company wheje you will b given every assistance to make good. CalJ 40-4 S-palding b.ldg. from 2-4 P. M. AsJt forMisHalr. WANTED 2 heat-appearing- girls over IS for candy sals girls; t-aiary $65 per t month a nd board first month and $ 5 per month and board second month and thereafter. -.Work ti days per week. Ap piy Broadway Haselwood. 127 Broadw a y . W A NTED Experienced woman for night manager of first-class restaurant; one who can cook waffles; seven hours' work. $2S per week. Give full particulars and phone number. D u4 1 . Oregonian. SCHOOL girl, 17 yea i s or older, to assist with housework and care of two children for room, board and wages, west side. Call Main 5547. LADI ES Catholic, for local sales work, pletu-ant work, experience unnecessary. Call 719 Spalding bidg., S to 9:50 A. M., a . 'a o i CAPABLE tailoress, aiFO 3 experienced helpers, by east Hide dressmaker; pteady position, good salary. 497 East 40th N. Tabor 561. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Widower with 5 children One that wants good borne more than mgn wages. latnouc pre ferred. stf8 Lc-mbard st. St. Johns car. BOOKKEEPER-S7ENO.. $100 to $110; In surance Pteuo., willing to assist with books, $r0 to $110; law steno., $100. 10i.j wucox bidg. WANTED Help. Girls and women on piece work. Call at t&- M kfstippi ave. Telephone 315-52. Streck fcaited Nut Co- WANTED A Washington high school girl to asi in nousewora ana care oi cnii d ren for boa rd and ernal I wages ; good home. Ftione Tabor 727. ooy K. 4th N WA N TED High school girl to help w ith gnnural housework and care of two chil dren. 723 Schuyler st. NEAT reliable girl; family . three adults; no washing, light work, gooa nome and treatment. Phone Beiiwooa YOUNG irirl to wait table; good wages, room ana ooara; steeay wort. write or call Bungalow restaurant. Rainier, Or, W A NTED Lady to work tore; experience unnecessary; steaay position to right party. 242 Salmon st. WANTED H. S. Klrl to assist In houw work; room, ooara ana wages. call East 24 20. GOOD wages to competent housekeeper in moderate sizea ismiiy; no ODjections to small chiia. fen. EXPERIENCED stenographer for secre tarial work. State references. AH 73, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced mangle workers. shakers, roiaers, ieeaers. iroy Laundry Co., K. imn ana fine. WANTED Young lady for office work salary $10 a week. Apply 406 Oregonian bldg., rues., oetween 10 ana 1 1. GOOD wages and good room for young girl to do light housework and plain cooking. can. Kast wz. MAN AND wife for cooking, housework and care of garden on small suburban place. Phone Main R52S. - EXPERIENCED collar lroner wanted good wages, steady work.- Opera House Laundry, 24o fcjverett WANTED Experienced Mars. 607D. chambermaid. WANTED Cook's helper. Chesterbury ho tel. 201 N. 2ttn st, EXPERIENCED waitress, extra-good wages. zVz im. ia s NEAT GIRL wanted for fruit stand. No. 55 North tn ana uavis. GIRL. 16 YEARS OLD. MORGAN BLDG. BOOTH'S. 823 WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Apply Hotel Katon. . EXPERlENCEiD child's nu-ree. 3065. COMPETENT girl wanted. 196. Phone 22 F-8. Route 3, Box COOK First-class, city, $25 week. Main 2692. Call EXPERIENCED mangle girl. Hotel laundry. Portland PRESS girl, plain work, laundry. Portland Hotel WANTED An experienced chambermaid, Ramapo Hotel. GIRL to answer telephone calls. lum-bla st. GLRL wanted for general housework. East 2420. Call WAITRESS WANTED 200 Morrison HELP WAXTET) FEMALE, THESE POSITIONS OPEN TUESDAY MORNING. Burroughs listing mach. oprs. (5).. $115 Comptometer operators (2) $115 Stenographers . .$100-$ 110 Stenographer bookkeepers $100-$110 PORTLAND SERVICE BUREAU. 432 Pittock Block. Broadway 514. WANTED Girl dishwasher; wait tables noontime. 114 3d st. North. Wsvnted Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for light housework, nice room and big wages. Call Highland Court, apt. 402. 22d and CI is an. or Mar. 3100, in the forenoon. WANTED A middle-aged woman to care for an old gentleman, do his washing, cooking and general housekeeper: the gentleman is able to be up most of the time; just the place for a neat woman wanting & home; wages $30 per month; for more particulars write Crandall Bros.. Oak Point. Washington. FRANKLIN high girl to assist with liht house work for room and board and wages. Splendid home with harmonious surroundings. C. S. preferred. Tabor 6313. RELIABLE girl or woman wanted for gen eral housework. Small home, modern conveniences; $00 to experienced woman. Mrs. C. H. Watxek, Wanna. Or. EXPERIENCED cook, best wages; no washing. Call mornings. 22u Cornell road. Phone Mar. 1807. References re quired. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; plain cook; small family, good wages. Call mornings, 170 Vista ave., apartment 47. Marshall 1732. WANTED Housekeeper, not over 40, for small family where parents are away all day; good home and good pay. 444 Park fctreet. 1KL for general housework In family of 3 adults; good wages, every evening off; no Sunday dinner. Phone Main 6262. 1025 Savier St. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some iiuuscwurK ; no laundry; no Thursday dinner; no furnace. 822 Johnson st. ftypiy mornings. RELIABLE girl for second work In pri vate family of 4 adults, good home, good wages. 702 Main st.. corner of King. Phone Main 1j."S WANTED H. S. girl to work for board snd wages; no laundry nor cleaning. Phone Alain 3710, or apply 835 Loveiuy. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing ; must like children; wages $55. Phone East 2485. WANTEDCook for a famlJy; no washing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Montgomery, Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6773. COM PETENT woman for general house, work, Irvington; must be good cook; wages $ t JO. Marshall 604. morning At ID DLL-AGED widow to keep house for lamily of three. W. A. Dcior, 508 Har ney st.. Vancouver. Wash. YOUNG gentleman mechanic with own home wishes housekeeper. Call Wdla. 850 after 3 P. M. WANTED Girl to assist with housework Sr38CMre 0t 8mail n'd. Automatic WANTED Lincoln high school girl to get meals for 8-year-old boy for room and board. 588 Broadway. Main 212. GIRL wanted ; washing or cooking; good wages. 'Main WANTED A girl for light housework; good wages: 3 adults in fnmiiv Aniv v-u"cge, tor. Din. west siae. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. ZiT ldmu'' a. preferred. Tabor " 1 v. tilJ?:LJ 'or general housework; no washlnr: per month. Apply at 162 Hazelfern Place. Take Montavllla car. EXPERIENCED jrlrl for general hrt..- jprK, p.am cooking; no washing; wages RELIABLE girl or middie-aged woman to asis-i wnn nouseworK. no furnace, but good wages. East 1499. 5S. . 22d N. j!RL for general housework. No wanh- iim . montn. a ppiy at office, Levitt s store. 4th and Washington. WANTED Plain cook. $50 per month- private sitting room, bedroom and bath Call Sellwood 1008. WANTED Girl for general housework and 1.-00 k inn;, Rooa nome, no washing. 410 cj. i iin si. a . COMPETENT help for general housework. io, - huuiib. .ij King su Main WANTED Competent girl to do cooking good wages. Apply 429 Vista ave.. corner COMPETENT girl for general housework. " k . iiu "rtMiiiin or ironing. Call oiaranau j i's j nurmap at. A ' JOOD girl to do cooking and down stairs work. Main 2926. WA NTED Girl for general housework. Call Main M73. GIRL to assist with housework or high school nni. yyiy u'"J inurman. WANTED WOMAN TO DO 7th st. work. A pply 1 2 E. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no waaiims, K "Q 1 ages, fnone . 3i00 EXPERIENCED girl for second work. SSI w psiover roau. main WA NTED Cook a nd nurse maid; Main 3140. family; good wages. WANTED Second maid In small family Apply mornings. ib.I r landers st. ijrirti 10 assist in cooking and general A GIRL to aist In general housework. "Hi uverton at. Main oolT. VV A MbD iiiri for housew ork, three in family; no children. Phone East 8779 COMPETENT maid for cooking and down stairs work; nigh wages. East 37S. SCHOOL girl to work for room, board and wages: good home. Phone East 7177. MTtTATlONS WANTED MALE. REGISTERED druggist would Invest $200 or $-i000 with services: young man; 10 years experience. aj Oregonian. MAN COOK, wife flunkey or second, want camp, to o men; experts on pastry ana nreaa. t.!, uregonian. AU '.'INTAM, 8 years experience, wants permanent city position. Bet refer- enres. a .vi rja, oregonian. CARPENTER and Jobber; prir-ej reaxon- aoifl eT irnates 1 urn is nei. hJerkey, M shall 17t.J. Work guaranteed. E A HKKI KM ED lumberman wants good executive position in lumber butuneas best qualifications. AH 8S7, Oregonian. BA RBER, first-class workman, wants job in a nrst-ciass payinmj shop. If you need such write to Y P4S, Oregonian. WANTED A few hours' evening work by weii-eom-aiwi man. reiiaote, AtS Sow oregonian. REGISTERED druggirt w&ntn nnRltiin young man. 10 years' experience; first- ciass reierences. Af so7. Oregonian. MAN WANTS position at painting: h 2 S years' experience. AO 676. Orego nian. EXPERIENCED all-around baker wants steady job, writs or phono T. S. 77, rnone n,aat 78S4. 2 STEADY young married men win t steady wotk or any aina. raone East ootte, be tween 7 aJid P. M. -Afek fox Fen ton. WANTED Home on . farm for boy 13, where he can attend school. AN 809, oregonian. TAILOR and pants maker to work horn or in shop. E. C. Petersen. 171 Bua- FIRST-CLASS all-round cook, city pre f erred. H. J. McDonough. 164 Beech st., fortiana. jArA in wisoes aiiuation; take care garden and housework. AR 786. Ore gonian. WATCHMAN, night or day; lots of ex perlence; good, references. Phone East B3U. EXPERIENCED salesman and mechanic wants position aemonstrating and sell ing tractors aei c-iir, oregonian. GOOD carpenter wants work. Oregonian. AG 830 CEMENT work of all kinds; garages. Call Tabor 6070. also frame VIOLA and violin player wi5he orchestra position, notei, cm. moor sug. FOR HOUSE-PAINTING. phone Tabor 585B. t a ciKRSE bov wants a noaitlnn . houaeboy in a family. J 943. Oregonian. MAN. 33. Dajie. wants position: handy mind FOR HIRE 2-ton truck with, dump body ana noiai. " . TRUCK 2-ton, with freight body, for hire. rnone piuauwnj uo. JAPAN ESE wants position; porter work. AR 70. S"- PAINTING, tinting, decorating, Call Lapp Willis A ft ,J. oouiwu , iui. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND Rfl ROOMS tinted, $3-$4; good work and all leaks stopped, proaaway in mill flremxn vanln 1nh In kIv 8 years experience. AO 763, Oregonian! SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG married man with four years lumber office experience. three years with one of largest Oregon mills as or der clerk and general office man. will be open for permanent position with fu ture about October 15th. Is also excel lent stenographer. Would like to con nect with large Portland wholesale firm or as assistant to sales manager in mill office. Write, stating best salary can pay and outlining position, to AV 357, Oregonian. A personal interview can be arranged. FI RST-CLASS maintenance machinist. 14 years" experience in many lines of ma chines. In seeking position in mill, mine, factory or shop; is able to take charge of maintenance In said lines; efficiency Uirough machinery my motto. N 53J, Oregonian. WELL appearing young man of good education and thoroughly competent, ex perienced accountant. executive, also possessing knowledge of stenography, looxing for opportunity to get busy. AC 8j3, Oregoni a n. LIVE, progressive, ambitious married man. not yet 35, wishes position with lots of responsibility. Not particular regards location of work or kind. State par ticulars in first letter and salary paid. Have fine education. M 944, Oregonian. ROOF attention should cost no more, so pon t chance roof fixing without first investigating. We repair and paint your roofs, giving a positive guarantee against leaks; hundreds of satisfied customers are our references. Call today Main 5t44. YRN,iAX STUDENT DESIRES WORK ?AR LIXCOU HIGH. PREFER DIN VV ROOM SERVICE WITH ROOM anp boa hp. a k mo. oregonian. NEAT-APPEARING middle-aired hite man would like work as watchman, por ter or Janitor. Joe Wyer. Xelepnone Broadway 2337. MIDDLE-AGED workingman, well edu cated and good at figures, wants work in spare time evenings, from 6 to 10 and Sundays. B t41. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN desires office position; five years experience as an all-round office man; excellent references. M U36, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED man and wife want po. sition as janitor and management of firyt-ca3 apartment house; best refer ences. Main 5164 or Bdwy. 317. apt. 1. POSITION as cashier in some store or other light employment: salary no ob ject. B. E. Sheffield, 59H 16th street Marshal! 1622. JAPANESE, experienced cook, with wife. a position in camp or club; group of 20 or 30. T. T. Yama. 93 14th st. N. Phone ol6-13. B EXPERIENCED lumberman, capable v. mmnK cnarge or lumber manufac turing and shipping. BJ 643. Ore gonian. STEADY, reliable man, single, wants per manent Job on farm or country place, experienced farmer and gardner. Ad dress 704 Wash, st.. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED By married man with small tar, position as salesman or collector. Phone Woodlawn 6337 all week. CARPENTER WORK done satisfactorily. m v-im l. x IIVUO VUI. I Oil. WINDOW cleaner, handy man. wishes work, hour or day. Main 2,302. Bookkeeper. Stenograpnera. Office. POSITION . with lumber firm by voung man. 23, as invoice and order clerk. Thoroughly experienced. L 909, Orego nian YOUNG man with good education wants work in office, bank or similar place, with a future for one willing to work. B 544. Oregonian..- AN A-l ACCOUNTANT, nine years' lum ber experience, very highest references. Would like position requiring all or part of the time. A 0b3, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with first-ciass references wants position in or out of city. Maia 746. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MIS3 ESTELLA SOMMBRS, graduate of me conservatory of Music, Zurich. Switzerland, will accept two or three pupils for piano. Phone Main 4749 for appointment. RE KIN ED widow, employed, with girl. school age. would like a position to help with housework morning and evenings in exchange for board and room near good school. Call room 246 Venable HoUl. after 5:30 P. M. COMPETENT stenographer, six years' ex perience general office work, df aires per manent position; able to assume respon sibility ; salary $1 2i; less w here rapid advancement is assured. Phone Main EM'hKIEXfRn mari-io.l ln.lv J , K , J reference would like position as manager vi 1 uwming nouFe or notei. .Mrs. xi. ti Jones. Main 2201. WILL TEACH French to a few children between 6 and 12 years old in my own home. Tabor S377. LAcE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up tik new. Will cell. East 8518 CHINESE girl wishes position ah aiir. or biiss girl. Call between 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., Broad way SWTS. ELDERLY woman will do light housework .or worKing woman in the city. B 17. Oregonian. LACK scrim niarqui?tte curtains, hand red 10 years" "Perience. East W ANTED A place to taKe care of chil dren evenings while mother is away References Woodlawn 161 1 EXPERIENCED woman desires manage ment of apartment house or hntnt Woodlawn 242. WIDOW with 2 children denires house keeping in gentleman's home. B 54S Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work. East 8372. root mi. WORK wanted; fine laundress; 7 to 9 hrs preferred. Woodlawn 3040. GIRL like to l-arn elevator wnrlT w ants permanent pontiion. Phone Eaet 437 1. WILL take good care of children after noon or evening. Mam 9SS. WANT house cleaning other work, hours d ay; work guaranteed. Woodlawn H3 05. FIRST-CLASS piemaker wants position"; Al references. L 54Q. Oregonian. LACE scrim, Marquiaette curtains hand launder"!; 10 year?' exp. Eat 6100. CLOTHES laundered at home, dried it fre.h air. Main 8132. FIRST-CLASS Tabor 55:. dressmaker, day work. HIGH days nrhool girl Woodlawn wants work on Satur 507!. COLORED lady wants day work. East 3237. Bookkeeper. Stenographers. Office, ST E NOG R A PHER Can operate Bur roughs calculating, adding and posting machines. Prefer position where I can Use one Burroughs machine. L 642, Oregonl-n. CASHIER, experienced In water or light office, wishes position; references fur nished. Call room 246. Venable Hotel. ST E NOG RAPHE R-bookkeeper Wants posi tion. 7 years experience; salary over $125.- A 997. Oregonian, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants position. Excellent references. Main 7496. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best references. Main. 2817. Dressmaker. DRESSMAKING School clothes tailored, suits and coats, dresees, etc. alterations reasonable. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 316-06. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed prices reasonable. 311 Central Bldg. loth st.. Main 3408. DRESSMAKING. alterations. children's clothes ; work guaranteed. Mrs. Ground, 407 loth. Main 17S0. DRESSMAKING $3.50 PER DAY. BRUSH. EAST 4172, EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by the da y. East 6264. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tabor 7855. Nurses. CHRISTIAN woman wants practical nun ing by day. AO 825, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, housewo-rk If wanted. Broadway 1193. after 10 A. M. Housekeepers. AN ELDERLY woman wants a position as housekeeper for a widower with one school child, or light housework in a small family. G 910, Oregonian. WANTED By widow, position as houa keeper; no objection to one or two children; experienced; good wages AV 358, Oregonian. YOUNG widow 33 desires position as housekeeper where she can go home s nights to be with children. Mrs, Luhr. 6103 45th ave. S. E. EXPERIENCED housekeeper or matron wishes position ; good references. Mai giBl. 295 West FarK. , Domestics " HOUSE CLEANING. " House cleaning, window washing, ear pet cleaning by expert workmen; floors waxed. furniture poltphed like new. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. I83 Chapman St, Phone Main 1157. KITCHEN work In a boarding house or Plain family work; no laundry. Main -7000. . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. .Domestics. Til E VEIUBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4638. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates chterlully given. Best of references. . WANTED TO KENT. Houses, Wa NTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6-room modern house, unfurnished. East side location preferred. Possession required not later than Oct. 1. Best of efe ences furnished. Phone Tabor 6714. WANT 5 or 6-room furnished cottage in suburbs; quiet famllv. responsible party. Address F. Wynn. Ellsworth apt., ltio Lownadiile st. RESPONSIBLE couple with no children desires to rent a modern 5 or 6-room unfurnished house; can give good ref erences. Marsh. 1234. WANTED Modern 7 to n-room house, west side or Irvington; 3 children in family; references. Tel. East Wtf. WANT ED To lease 5 or ti-room unfur nished house, good location; only adults in family. Phone Tabor ssm. 6-ROOM houe; WdJn. 457$. reiereace required; $1 5. Apartments. UiOFlNED lady would like to share apart ment or rent large front room in de atrable location. AH 874. Oregon-Ian. 3-ROOM furnished apt. or flat by mother and eon. close in. Phone Tabor 4261 after 5 P. M.. or write L 53S. Oregonian. Rooms. WORKING man wants furnished room, with or without board, star Front street and 1 7th street North; terms, etc., to AO S24. Oregonian. MAN-WIFE want room in private famiiv where little girl 5 V can board, where she will get the best of care. Broadway 42Q5. mornings. A YOUNG business man wants a pleasant bedroom, convenient to Multnomah club. L 341. Oregonian. SINGLE man wants permanent, wedl-fur-mshed room Phone 51t-!9. Uoorat ith Uou.nl. REFINED couple employed wt-h rm. and board with priv. fam. ; willing to take care of children evenings. Box AV 3UL Oregonian. YOUNG man employed wants room and board with private family near 42d and Sandy blvd. Write box AB S77, Orego nian. Housekeeping Rooms. COUPLE, employed, would like furnished housekeeping rooms in private family. Williams ave. district preferred. AR 8S2. Oregonian. FOR RENT. SOME very good, clean sleeping rooms at 20S 17th st.. near Taylor. . Furnished Rooms. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th Street. Hot and cold water, steam heat every room. Uet located for winter; ideal lo cation, close in. Transients, a home away from home. HAZEL HOTEL. Large, nicely furnished, steam-heated rooms, hot and cold water in every room, nice parlor with piano: $4 to $6 a week. Cor. Third and Montgomery. Main 704. ANSONIA HOTBU 124 34th St., t Washington. Rates $0 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms; close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $0 per week and up. NICE sleeping room for rent to one or two gentlemen. Call any time Sunday, Mon day or Tuesday at 128 Va 13th St., near Washington, upstairs. RITZ HOTEU Morrison and Park streets. New. fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suitea for families. DRIA RD HOTEL, 410 Morrison, corner 11th, newly furnished throughout, hot and cold water in every room; special rates to permanent guests. SEPARATE and outside rooms now vacant at 24 Aibina ave.; make your own price; workingmen only; board if desired. East 8 J 50. F I "1 R N V S H ED room and sleeping porch. connrct-d. suitable for 3. Near Lincoln high. 265 llth st. GARLAND hotel. 25 Trinity place; rate. $5 a week up. modern outside rooms, steam heat. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison Kates $1 a day up; weekly, phone and baths. at Tenth $5 up; Ires ROOMS to rnt. all modern, close In; ref erences. Main 2000. 301 llth st. cor ner of Mill. MA KE "The Bushmark" your home; clean, modern room. Washington at, at 17th. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone Eat 2U1, 271 Vs Grand ave. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 llth st. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th at. Central, clean, respectable. Suites with or with out bath for permanent guests. HOTEL LENOX. Third and Main PCs. Kates $5 a week up ; large rooms, attractive lobby. LIGHT, large furnished room, all the con veniences of a home. 7 11 Hoyt, Main 6194. N EW LY furnished rooms, single or en huite. 535 V Everett, corner 1 6th. $1 DAY, $2..M week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cad ii lac. Third, near Jefferson. Oil lO HOT El inc rooms. Housekeeping and eieep 266 Front, corner Madison. GARLAND HOTEL. 25 Trinitv place. Clean outside room. $5 per week and up. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 260 5th st. Unfurnished Rooms. ROOM 17x21. Marshall 55' 52d and Sandv blvd., 51S Corbett bldg. $7.50. THREE housekeeping rooms, $6 per mo.. Lower Aibina; adults only. Tabor 571. r u rn ished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY f urnie-hed attractive front room and alcove with f i replace In beautiful home. One block from ML Tabor car line. Tabor SS50. . LOVELY room, suitable for 2 men. fur nace heai. Nob Hill, walking distance. Call before 10 and after 5. Main 2964. 7:8 Hoyt st. ROOM with garage, $25 month. 684 Skid more Ft, end of Broadway car line, in Alameda Park. LA RGE, neatly-furnished Sleeping porch, modern building, all conveniences, will accomodate two adults. 547 Yamhill st. LARGE, beautifully furnished room; rea sonable; employed girls preferred, 745 Hoyt st. NICELY furnished room, near Multnomah club, for gentleman. 587 Madison. Mar shall 1S39. ONE OR TWO outside rooms, newly fur nished; hot and cold water, free bath, phone, private home. 70" Flanders. MoDERN room, west side. 443 llth . st. Call before noon or after 5 P. M, Main lo13. NICELY furnished room in private family for one or two ladies ; home privileges, modern; veary reasonable. Tabor 59.0. FU RNISH ED room, steam heat, private entrance, west side; young gentleman. Broadway 3405. FURNISHED room, private family; gen tleman only; free heat and bath. 363 Fargo st.. near Union ave. Auto. 322-63. IDEAL room with bath in private family for two girls: just one block from Rose City car. Tabor 2549. GOOD home for high school girl near Jefferson high school. b06 Williams ave. LAURELHURST room, private family, $20 a month. Tabor 6286. FURNISHED room for rent, 23d st. 147 Nortii FRONT room for gentleman in home near Campbell Hill hotel. 52 Lucreria st. A LARGE, nicely furnlsned room, suitable two 01 three girls. 427 Clay. 341 11TH ST. Large alcove h. t. all conveniences; also cheaper rooms; new.' Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you ail the coaforts of a home, reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Aut, 21-974. 12 E. 7th st, TWO GENTLEMEN can find a nice room and two home-cooked meals, very close in. by calling Broadway 35 2 4 . 452 MORRISON, corner 13th; choice rooms and board; modern con venienossv