14 THE MORNING O RE G O NI AN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1920 fclTlATIONS WAMKO MALE. WELL appearing young man f good education and thoroughly competent, ex perienced accountant executive, also posa-8injr knowledge of stenography, looking for opportunity to get busy. AO 803, Oregonian. UVK, progrcBBivp. ambitious married man. not yet o5. wishes position with lots of responsibility. '.Not particular regards , location of work or kind. State par ticulars in first letter and salary paid. Have fine education. M 944, oregonian. ROOK attention should cost no more, so don't chance roof fixing without first investigating. We Repair and paint your roofs, giving a positive guarantee againt leaks; hundreds of satisfied customers are our references. Call today Main &044. . YOUNG Filtppino tailor .lust arrived de sires steady position with ome good firm In city or country: can do cutting, making and busheling; good references. Address J. M. Elefanio, Perkins Hotel. Fifth and Washington sis. e off years' experience'as all-around office man; excellent references. M. 930, Ore gonlan. NEAT-A PPKARING middle-aged white man would like work as watchman, por ter or Janitor.. Joe Wycr. Telephone "Broadway 2'.!ii7. ' Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office, SALESMAN EXECUTIVE AC COUNTANT. Married man, ago Mi yearn, employed, desires position where energy. Intelli yence and relibil Ity are required ; -0 yearn' mercantile and banking experi ence. Highest references. , AB 7i5, Oregon la n. EX-SERVICE man, reliable and progres sive paymaster, age -9. college education, desires permanent position with cor poration, payroll labor, auditing and public utilitv accounting experience; please state salary. Bo 265, Oregon City. Oregon. POSITION with lumber firm by young man. 2.", as invoice and order clerk. Thoroughly experienced. L 909, Orego nlan. AN A-1 ACCOUNTANT, nine years' lum ber experience, very highest references. Would like position requiring all or part of the time. A 988, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with nrst-ciass references wants position in or out of city. Main SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MISS BSTELLA SOMMER3, graduate of the Conservatory of M usic, Zurich. Switzerland, will accept two or three pupils for piano. Phone Main 474U tor appointment. COMPETENT stenographer, six years' ex perience general office work, desires per manent position; able to assume respon sibility ; salary $1 25; less where rapid advancement Is assured. Phone Main 8,121. HIGH school girl wishes to exchange light services for board, room and $13 mo. ; Al references as to character and abil Ity. AP bo9. fDregonian. REFINED middle-aged woman wishes po sition where competent, responsible help is wanted. For particulars write L 94 o. Oregonian. A REFINED lady would like to act as companion to read and attend to cor respondence by the hour. BC 787, Ore gontan. EX'KKIKNVKD married lady with good reference would like position as manager of rooming house or hoLel. Mrs. H. H. Jones. Main 2201. MOTHER and school girl would keep house in refined home for board and room, near high school. S. C. preferred. Room 840 Portland hotel. "WILL TEACH French to a few children between 6 and 12 years old In my own home. Tabor 8377. TW O SW ISS woman want work by the hour, 4.c an hour and carfare. (;2 E. Alder, bet. J 6th and 17th sta. East 948. LACE, SCHIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains dona up Ilk new. Will calL East 8518. ELDERLY woman will do light housework , for working woman in the city. B 917, Oregonian. A TRAINED baby nurse ana experienced primary instructor wishes a position a governess. AG 802, Oregonian. EXP. LADY clerk, different line, wishes steady position; good references. Maln 3507. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. References. Woodlawn ltJ 1. EXPERIENCED woman desires manage ment of apartment house or hotel. Woodlawn 242. J- WILL take good care of children after noon or evening. Main V&S. WANT house cleaning, other work, hours, day: work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. LADY would like work as kitchen helper. Aiarsnan jo.u. IOUNG lady wants washing and cleaning Fhone East 648 Sun.. 0 to 12 only. . LACE scrim. Marquisette curtains hand aundered; 10 years' exp. Eact 6106. EXPERIENCED woman withes day work Mon., rueSv, w ea. feenwood VJ32. FIRST-CLASS Tnhor ;rJH. dressmaker, day work. RELIABLE woman wants laundry work. tuast iia.-' COLORED woman wants day work. Main 7402. HIGH school girl wants work, on Satur days. Woodlawn 5679. COLORED lady wants day work. Phone East 32"7. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Oifice. STENOGRAPH ER, 11 months in business college, s-maM amount of office training, can trantiCJ-ibe notes ; will start at $i with chance for advancement. Ratie Poynor, .phone Tabo r 3 04 8. STENOGRAPHER Can operate "fiur roughs calculating, adding and posting machines. Prefer position where 1 ran use onn Burroughs machine. L 542, Oregonl-'n. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, with knowledge of stenography, desires permanent position; 8 years' experience; best of references. Phone 323-37. IOUNG lady with 2 years experience in general office work desires position; also understands switchboard work. G 009, Oregonian. LaDY would like position as assistant bookkeeper or small set of books. Mar . -shall IJS24. fiTENOORA PHER-bookkeeper wants posi tion, 7 years experience; salary over 1 ' $123. A m7. Oregonian. WANTED By a young lady, a po3iLo;i; clerical work preferred : have had some experience in bookkeeping. Bdwy. 2."iH7. . STENOGRAPHER with some experience desires position. Phone 325-10. TYPING at home, expert, very reasonable, or dictation by hour. Tabor 726. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants position. Excellent references. Main 7406. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best references. Main 2817. Dressmaker. COM PETENT woman wants mending or plain sewing. 40c hour; one or m.ore days a week at each, home; references fur nished. Phone Sell. 22G1. DRESSMAKING School clothes tailored, suits and coat if, dresses, etc., alterations reasonable. Mrs. Jvelly. 752 Vancouver ave. 316-06. DRLSSMA KING Satisfaction guaranteed prices reasonable. - 311 Central Bldg. 10th at.. Main 340H. XK EtiSM A KING. alterations. children's clothes; work guaranteed. Mrs. Ground. 407 imh. Main 17Sf. THOSE desiring first-class dressmaking, tall Main 7223. UN PERIKNCED dressmaker wishes work by the day. East 6264. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tabor Nurse. N L RSE w ishes position to care for Infant or children ; first-class references. M ' is7, Oregonian. POS IT ION as trained nurse, colored. 15 ears of experience. Call Broadway 224 "Room 502. TRA IN ED nurse w ishes more cate.s 01 hourly n ursing; reasonable- terms. Mar Fhail :ut. i DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children evenings, nick through the day. Mar. 34i. Housekeeper. A MIDDLE-AGED widow." first -elas ref erences. In good health, w tshes place at once to cook for 5 or 0 men. or would keep house for bachelor or widower without children. Fhone Main 4226. Call Tor room .n A W hliL-BA LA NCED. capaoie woman aesires a position as housekeeper In refined private home; excellent service guaranteed: no objection to leaving city A K S54. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE woman with boy wishes posi tion as housekeeper in w idower's or oacneiors homo in city. 473 Taylor st cor. 14th. IN ELDKRLY woman wants a position as housekeeper for a widower with one school child, or light housework In small faintly. G 010, Oregonian. TO UNO widow !t3 desires position as housekeeper where she can o home nights to be. with children. Mrs. Luhr, SITUATIONS AVANTr-U FKMALE. Domestics HOUSK CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, ear pet cleaning by expert workmen; floors waxed, furniture polished like new. CITY -HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. THE VER! BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4t38. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Beat of references. YOUNG ladv wants a good home where there i 'ight work to do for her room and board. AL 791, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. HooNes, WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6-room modern house, unfurnished. East side location preferred. Possession required not later than Oct. 1. Best of refer encea furnished. Phone Tabor 6714. WA-NTEtD Completely furnished hou5e for Sept. at Seaside, no ch itdren. Phone Mr. Sterling, Marshall 1063, 1206 Sher man st. RESPONSIBLE couple with no chTidren desires to rent a modern S or 6-room un fu rnishd house ; can give good ref erences. East 2 14. WANTED Furnished house ; about five rooms, modern, with garage; best refer ences; family of three, J. W. Gebhart, Imperial hotel. FA MI LY of three wants house or apart ment, rooms, on lease; references. X 944. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 7 to fi-room house, west side- or Irvington; 3 children in family; references. Tel. East 109. WANTED By responsible party. 6 or 6 room bungalow, house or lower flat. Prefer Rose City Park. East 3864. Rooms. WANTED Well-furnished, well-heated room, W. S. preferred., steam heat, run ning water, electricity, housekeeping privileges; not over $6. M 945, Orego nian. Rooms WHh Board. WANTED Good home near school for 6-yar-old twin boys and mother, employed during day; someon who will be really interested in the bo and their develop ment; west side preferred; references exchanged. AP S01. Oregonian. REFINED couple employed wish- rm. and board with prlv. f am. ; willing to take care of children evenings. Box AV 3UL Oregonian. YOUNG man employed wants room and board with private family near 4,2d and anay Diva. Write box AB bit, Orego n ian. Bl'SlNE-SiS MAN WITH SMALL FAMILY WANl-S TO LEASE 7 OR 8-ROOM. UN FURNISHED HOUSE, GOOD DISTRICT. PHONE MAIN 1098. f WAN'TEiD To rent bv farrwly of adults an or H-room modern nouee witn ga- ra ge. t ho ni Wood j aw n 204 1 . ROOM and board wanted by gentleman with refined family; no children. Please give full particulars. AO 877, Oregonian WANTED Place to board and room girl that is attending high school ; must be private lamny. v um, oregonian. ROOM and board wanted for young lady hi Washington high-school district; r&f erences. Phone Tabor 8;so. WANT home for little school girl, with C. S. people, by working widow; Shat tuck school district. Cull 247 Yamhill FOR RENT. SOME very good, clean sleeping rooma at 208 17th St., near Taylor. - Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite or single rooms, with (or without baths in hign class apartment house, to refined gen- ueman. Marshall 2toU. HAZEL HOTEL. Large, nicely furnished, steam-heated rooms, hot and cold water in every room, nice parlor with piano; $4 to $fi a week. Cor. Third and Montgomery. Main iQ'.)4 ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates $J per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms; close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD. ' ast Morrison st.. at East Sixth. . The principal east side hotel ; dlgnl fled and refined; $1.2a per day and up; xh per week and up. NICE sleeping room for rent to one or two gentlemen. Call any time Sunday, Mon day or Tuesday at 12S' 13th St., near w asnington, upstairs. RITZ HOTfcL. Morrison and Park streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. commodious suites xor ramliies. DRIARD HOTEL, 410 Morrison, corner 11th, newly furnished throughout, hot and cold water in every room; special rates to permanent guests. SEPARATE and outside rooms now vacan at 24 Albina ave. ; make your own price workingmen only; board if desired. East GARLAND hotel. 25 Trinity place; rate. $3 a week up, modern outride rooms, steam heat. HOTEL OCKEY, Morrison at Tenth- Kates $1 a day up; weekly, $ up; free phone and baths. ROOMS to rent, all modern, close in; reT erences. Main 2006. 361 11th St.. cor ner oi .run. MAKE "The Bushmaxk your home clean, modern rooms. Washington su, a itcn. , SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and steeping rooms, rnona n.ast zyi, ztx V uru ii u ave. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 llth st. Nice modern, clean, rooms, at transient and permanent rates. HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th st. Central, clean, respectable. Suites with or with out bath for permanent guests. HOTEL LENOX. Third and Main sts. Rates $5 a week up ; large rooms, attractive lobby. NEWLY suite. furnished rooms, single or SS1 Everett, corner lOth. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadil lac, Third, near Jefferson. OHIO HOTEL ing rooms. Housekeeping and sleep 2C6 Front, corner Madison. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 269 5th st. In furnished Rooms. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, cen trally located. Call .370 14th St., near Montgomery. FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1206 East Main street. ROOM 1 7x21 . 52d and Sandy blvd.. $7.50. aiarynai o-j . oia corbett bldg. THREE housekeeping rooms, $6 per mo.. bower Aioina; adults only. Tabor 571. urnished Kytinw in Private Family. FOR TWO gentlemen of refinement I have 'Z toveiy rooms in private home, west side, $30 per month. Main 1080. WELL-FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 em ployed, near Broadway bridge. 423 Ross street. LARGE nicely furnished room suitable for one or two: also smaller room, $3.50 per week. Broadway 4251. 137S TABOR COURT. 2 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch; will furnish for per manent renters; ladies only. NICELY furnished room in private fam- Jiy ; modern, steam heat, home priv ileges; lady preferred. B 120, Oregonian. NICELY furnished room, in private family ior one or two ladies ; home privileges, modern veary reasonable. Tabor 5w50. FURNISHED room, suitable for two men. steam heat, walking distance. 6S0 Flan ders St.. apt. .i4. FURNISHED room, private family gen tleman only, free heat and bath. near Union ave. Auto. 322-63. IDEAL room w ith bath in private family for two girls: just one block from Rose city car. i aoor GOOD Home ror mgn scnooi girl near Jefferson nign scnooi. etm Williams ave. STEAM-HEATED room in private family 5 blocks from center Marshall 1137. LAURKLHURST room, private family. $20 a montn. jaoor tro. FURNISHED 2od st. room for rent. 147 North ROOM tor ladles employed; references 755 Hoyt st. FRONT room for gentleman in home near Camp beill Hill notei. :L' L.ucrerla st. LARGE front room. moaern, breakfast room. 327 tith st. fireplace, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: nic place for children. 29ri17t A LARGE, nicely furnished room, suitable two or three girls. 427 Clay. PLEASANT room for rent to gentleman. 515 Davis, comer 10th. Broadway 4317. ROOM for a gentleman in a private Jew. lsh family: references. Broadway 1 1 K2. NICELY furnished room, lanue, . 48 N. 20th. walking' dib FOR RENT. f urnished Rooms in Private Family. LlA RG E front sleeping room, suitable for two, $18; side sleeping room for two, $14; ladies preferred; walking distance, near Washington high school ; garage, $7.o0. .V6 E. Alder, bet. 9 and 5. PLEASANT front room In private family ior single iaay or gentleman e ipioyea ; a Christian . character preferred. 202 16th st. ONE LARGE front room, beautifully fur- nisned; also large side room; use ot piano and home privileges for refined people. East o5u4. NEWLY f urnished attractive front room and alcove with f treola.ee in beautiful home. One block from Mt. Tabor car line. Tabor SS."0. ONE or two nicely f urnished , front rooms. mriciiy modern nome ; gentleman pre ferred; walking diHtance; 1 blk. from Broadway car; reasonable. Fast 16fi9. PLEASANT, well-furnished room in mod ern, refined home, very reasonable: one or two ladies or married couple. Tabor r050. LOVELY room, suitable for 2 men, fur nace heat. Nob H 111, walking distance. Call before 10 and after 5. Main 2964.. 73 S Hoyt st. IN NICE home in Irvington. light, cheer- fa!, well -furnished room, heated with hot water; large closet, lavatory in room. Gentleman. East 3169. A LARGE front Tumished room with bath to a reliable man wishing a. home with a family of two. Tl.iO Hawlhorne ave.. opposite Sunny side lodge. KOOM with garage, 125 month. 884 Skid- more st., end of Broadway car line, in Alameda Park. 448 TAYOLR ST Clean, pleasant home- ime sleeping room, quiet, lor gentleman, reasonable. LARGE, neatly-furnished sleeping porch, modern nuijding, all conveniences, win accomodate two adults. 547 Yamhill LARGE, beau tifully furnished room ; rea sonabie; employed girls preferred. 74 o Hoyt st. NICELY furnished room, near Multnomah club, for gentleman. &87 Madison, Mar shall 1S59. ONE OR TWO outside rooms, newly fur- insned ; not ami cold water, free batn, phone, private home. 707 Flanders. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen or two ladies, near library; $7 a week. 394 Yamhill. MODERN room, west side, 443 11th st Call before noon or after 5 P. M. Main Ht:t:;. 141 11TH ST. Large alcove h. conveniences; also cheaper room f. all ; new. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Mais served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown hish-class family hotel: rooms en suits or single, with or without board, for families and ousmess men ana women. We give you ail the camforts of a, home. rnasonaoie rates. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and siuaens; reason auie rates. Alar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all moaern conveniences ; wai King distance ; $a per weeK. AUt. xi-vi. iz Hi. 7th st. TWO GENTLEMEN can find a nice room and two nome-cooked meals, very, close in, oy caning uroaaway 452 MORRISON. corner 13th; choice rooms ana uoard ; modern convenient Rooms With Board in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms w ith board, in pri vate family, near public and Benson Polytechnic schools. Call at 5-"3 Eat couch st., bet. 12th and 13th. Phone E 8099. bet. 5 and 6 P. M. LARGE room, furnace heat, good board; nome comiorts ; walking distance ; rrten preferred. Want permanent roomers. East 8445. LIGHT, pleasant, front room suitable for two, modern home, west side, close to two carlines: reasonable place. Phone Marshall 2781. ' NICELY furnished front room for two; fine location, waiting distance. I'none ii.ast . i i .. ROOM and board, close In, west side; hot and cold water In room; men preferred. Jdroaaway a 1 04. WILL board and room school srirl ia cheerful home 4 blocks from Sunny side school. Call Tabor 1 170 forenoons. NEAR Westover Terrace, good room with private family for person employed; ref. required. Phone Main 9563. BEST of care and board for 2 boys or girls; 2 blocks from school. 703 Everett st. Marshall 3023. BOARD and room In private family. Call Kast 28'j:t. LARGE front room with board for gentle man only, close in. west side. , 519-36. . LARGE front room for 3 adults. 721 East Ast street. East .8678. FtirniKhed Apartments. HIGH-CLAPS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnlnhed. 2 and .3 rooms, with sleeping porches; modern, outside, very light apts. White enamaled wood work, Ch inese rugs. Available at once. Also a very large 5-room and sleeping porch ; 16 windows; very handsomely furnished. Marshall 2S30. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, outside, with French doors and bal cony. Permanent and transient. BEAUTIFULLY furnished four-room lower apt. and garage for five months or long er; adults onlv. Phone Woodlawn 5551, or call 818 Patton ave., cor. Falling st. Home evenings. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON. 4-room modern, furnished: only 7 blks. from business center. Broadway and Washington; will rent to responsible party; rent $60 a month. Phone Main 2506 or Broad way 4075. a KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 VISTA AVENUE. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony. Call Main 383. Price $75; adults only. ' FURNISHED APT.. No. 298 Mr Tillamook tA., bet. Wms. ave. and Union ave.; 4 room apt., including hot water heat, $45. See janitor on premises or Wakelield, Fries Co.. agts.. So 4th st. References. ELBRIDGE APARTMENTS. 3 rooifrs, rirst-floor apartment In mod ern brick bldg.; light outside rooms. 274 N. 21st st. Broadway 4730. FURNISHED apartment to leaae for 4 of 5 months to desirahie couple, auver court apts., Irvington. With or without garage. Phone East 7667. . FOR RENT Lady alone will share four- room apartment in a residence with re fined business or professional woman. B 937. Oregonian. 3 DARG E outside rooms, completely f ur- ndshed, piano, ngnt, neat and un& or phone; 1 block south of Multnomah club; $40 pe-r month. 235 Chapman, cor. Main. 3-ROOM furnished apart men, west side. walking distance, with, or witnout ga rage. Main 5S05. . ' ' 1 ONE-ROOM apt., kitchenette, .furnished; west side; gas, ngnt, water, neatea. Broadway 1371. V v NKWLY furnished apartments, running water, ligtits ana gas. st. Tabor 7025. 157S E. Glisan BY BUSINESS girl, a business girl or teacher to snare apt. oawy. moi or Main 390. - , FURNISH ED apt.. rooms and with bath. Todd apis.. ltn and star sts. East 2509. MODERN 2-room apt. for rent. 341 14th si., rur, inainti. UNION AVE. all complete; and Killings worth, concrete bldg $21.50 THE BELKNAP APTS.. 2 and 3-room apts., close in. 1S7 17th st. $25 2-ROOM apt., close inl Call 147 Lownsdale, near Morrison. 2 3 AND 4-ROOM apts., also single rooms. ' Leeds apts.. 210 Market st. NEW YORK APAHTME NTS. 7th and Bel mont. East 2SS. 1-2-a rooms furnished. 2-ROQM furnished apartment, bath, on car line, $20 . 953 Willianrs avenue. t'nfiimlwhed Apartments. VACANT Sept. 8, 4-room modern upper f'.at. Call 2 to 4 Sunday- -oS'i Broad wa south. Phone M-3744 week days UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment. $27.50. 1424S: Sandy blvd.. corner 52d. - Kurnisheti or Unfurnished A part men tn. $40-$45 YOU'LL like these clean, newly renovated 3 and 4-r. apt., furnished or unfurnished. 394 Guild. 23d-st. car. Mat. 8-ROOM F LAT ; rent $35, furniture for sale. Tncome $35 to- $5(. reserving 3 rwoms for yourself. Main Wiwd; owner. 6 ROOMS, bnth and pantry, upstairs, first class condition; businRs district of Sell wood; adults only. Tabor :i;;s:;. MODERN 5-room upper flat on Portland Heights, o2i Vista ave, FOR RENT. FlaU. FOR, RENT 9119 Thurman st., unfurnished 4-room flat, sleeping porch ; modern, conveniences, newly tinted ; near Mont gomery Ward s new bldg. Inquire Wake field, Fries & Co.. 83 4th st. HOLLADAY addition, modern 5 and fi- room flat, with or without garage; close In. 264 East 2d aU North, corner Multno mah. Furnished Flats. CLEAN upper furnished flat. 3 rooms and Kitcnenette, close In, west Bide, idz.itu per month. Main 6208. FOR RENT Large, bright flat. Portland riei guts, newiy lurni&nec ; turniture ior sale, cash or terms. O 903, Oregonian. ENTIRE lower floor of modern Irvington house, 4 rooms and den, free phone and water. East 3147. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat; flat rents for $25. East 18th and Morrison. Phone East 474. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished one, two and three-room housekeeping suites, with of without private bath; hot water contin ually, gas ranges, laundry, electricity. 1&6 Sherman st. Marshall 3983. LARGE outside housekeeping rooms, gas and electric light, near .Broadway and steel bridges. Call early today and to morrow. Call East 8011. 222 Vz Crosby. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water; ready to occupy bepu & or v. Call East 3862, all week. FOR RENT Two large H. K. rooms, close in, jl large sleeping room. . -Morri son. TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district for 2oc. Auto service, r ree storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. THE BE AVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished ri. iv. rooms, (io up, inciuauig gas rauge, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. MAKE the Bush mark your home, clean, modern, respectable. Washington fat, corner 17th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms close to factories and school, prices reasonable, 1094 Corbett Bt. Phone Main 7262. $5 WEEK, completely furnished house keeping Buitca. liie cadiiiac, oa, near Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 22 d st. Call Broadway U o. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, completely fur nished , close in. 22s Harrison st. NICE rooms and kitchenette; single rooms reasonable. 655 Flanders. LARGE front housekeeping room for man and wire or two gins, jo- ix. nm. FURNISHED H. K. rooma, close in, em ployed people only. au itn sr.. NICE H. K, rooms in good location. 1086 Belmont st. i aoor a.im. 4 LARGE If. K. rooms. $:t2.r0. 139 Russell St. private bath, East 6003. 1 WO ROOMS, also single rooms. $12 to $20 monthly; adults. 65-5 Flanders. LARGE housekeeping rooms, private bath. 130 Russell st. TWO housekeeping rooms, down stairs, in front, clean, bright. 114 15th st. north. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FOUR well-furnished rooms In strictly modern home; fireplace, furnace, attrac tive surroundings. In choice location; no objections to baby. Tabor 4075. After 6 o'clock week days. ENTIRE lower floor of modern Irvington house, 4 rooms and den, free" phone and water. East 3147. DESIRABLE nicely furnished housekeep ing and sleeping rooms, select neighbor hood. 121 NoTth 23d. TWO VE KY desirable basement H. K. rooms, modern conveniences; close in. 428 Yamhill. 4fc block public library. L. H. K. ROOMS, gentleman. 875 E. Yam hill st.. cor. 21th. ROOM, $10 month; gas. free electricity, phone and bath. 3Q2 4th st. 10ft 20TH, COR. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. 3 ROOMS, private hath. Call "Woodlawn 1101 mornings. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, free phone, lights and heat. East 5223. CLEAN furnished housekeeping, rooms, adults only. 13 E. 7th st.. East 3i24. 1 TWO-ROOM housekeeping suit $3.00 and up. Call East 567. LARGEi light H. K. room, 305 3d at. Houses. SUBURBAN HOME TO LEASE. Must have 3 months' rent in advance. Will lease for 2 years, modem '4-room bungalow. Call M. 847, Tuesday. 403 Spalding bldg. W HEN YOIT MOV- Use NORTHWESTERN EI ECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A C747. FOR SALE or rent on long lease. 7-room house and sleeping porch, modern, J blocks S. S. car, near E. 30th; key st 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dls tance hauling s specialty. O. & W. Truck service jo.. 4U -a st. rnone uawy. oiza. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling, first-class equipment. Green Tr. Jo oVi Aider st. Main loi, Diz-oi. 3, 5-RM. cottages, Pennoyer and Hood sts.. South Portland, near shipyards and rac tories; rent $12.50 mo., water included FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, fireplace, all' conveniences, Mi blk. from R. C. car. CaH between 9 and 12, 807 E. 70th st. N. 7-ROOM home, good bath, lights, gas, no furnace, near car and school, woooiawn. $.'i0. Owner. Richards. 328 Main st. MODERN bungalow, furnace, adults: $40. Woodlawn 106. burnished Houses. FOR RENT 8 months, a real home, com pletely furnished, player-piano, nice lawn, porches, trees: cor. 100x100. good district. 8 rooms, $S3 month; adults; references; responsible parties only in quire. Phone Tabor 6;b4. . FoR RENT At Ashdale station, Oregon City line, furnished dr unfurnished 4- ; iom cottage; Dutch kitchen, garage. chicken houses, barn and 1 acre; first house east of station. AN 880, Ore gonian. IRVING TON For 1 year or longer. 7 rooms .completely furnished, large yard, garden, garage, sleeping porch, fireplace and all other modern conveniences, $lo0 per month. Phone Main 7014. FOR RENT Modern furnished house, with Karage to responsible party, for board of two high school students: other terms. Apply to, owner. 6220 26th ave B. Hi. FURNISHED house for rent. 0 rooms, mod ern, nice yard, iront porch, sleeping porch, parlor, grand piano. 483 East 26th st. North. Phone East 2797. KURX I SHED house. seven rooms and sleeping porch, garage, piano; will lease; $75 per month ; no children. 939 E. Everett. 5-ROOM completely furnished house to young couple. Tabr 3176 or 628 E. 64th N., one block from RC car. FOR RENT Furnished house of 8 rooms, or downstairs 4 rooms, modern, walking distance. East 686, forenoon. LOWER floor of furnished bungalow, 5 rooms, fairly clean; two blocks north of Mt. Tabor car line. 108 E. ynth. HOUSE for -renti new furniture for sale. Call and aakelus an offer.. 429 Schuy ler st. FIVE rooms, partly furnished house party buying furniture : very close wesP side. Broadway 4246. CONGEN'IAJ adults may housckeep in fine modern home. Sellwood 836. WILL rent my home, five rooms, complete ly furnished, adults, references required; $75. Sellwood 712, 6-ROOM house, desirable location; refer emces required; $50. M arshjill 196. SEPT. 15 S-room house furnished : trees, nice lawn and garage. 1277 E. 10th st. Summer l&ettorta. CAMPERS, hikers, fishermen. The Wa tum Lake pack train, 3 trips a week from Cascade Locks. Berry season on. Phone Glovers' siore. FOR RENT Seaside, one 4 and 5-room furnished cottage for Sept. Bdwy. ,1762. Stores. 3x0 BRICK store, formerf U. S. post office substation, basement, steam heat furnished, yard, room for vehicles, suit able ior . bakery, light manufacturing, long lease, reasonable rent. 310 Worces ter bldg. Main .8345. SPACE for barker, centrally located, long lease, low rent, white tenants only. ' 108 4th st. $7.50 LARGE store room for shop or stor age; 5 I'd and Sandy blvd. Marshall 557. $30 STORE, west side, close in. Tabor 1114. Office. good location. FOR RENT Office room with use of ste nographer and telephone; applicants for dC'iK room aione not wanted. Apply &13 Northwestern Bank building. DESK" and display spuce, ground floor; fine proposition for specialty man. THOMPSON SAFE Ar FIXTURE CO., 306 OAK STREET. FRONT ofrice. change bldg. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Pool hall, confectionery and Soft drinks; has 4 pool tables, doing biff business: price $2500. 1120 Albina Woodlawn 150. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OWING to the recent death of my hus band, I am offering my garage busi ness for salo; . a well-equipped shop, ready to commence operation -tit once; a fine trade already established ; ex cellently located on roAd to Astoria on Gales creek road, 6 mites northwest of Forest Grove, Or. Terms, cash. Ad dress, Forest Grove, Or., star route. Ali-e M. Richardson. Administrator. 160 ACRES laaho land, price $3200: 9 acres acreage Goldendale, Wash., with modern buildings, price $55o0; . $1600 equity in modern Portland bungalow, 2 blocks car. with stone garage, price $:I200; furniture of 5-room bouse. In cluding pianola, price $15H; new Dixie style car, price $1700; will trade for farm, or good business property, or what have you? Phone Sellwood 162. or write to T. Mack's. 5SS Layfayette street, city. TIRK. and vulcanizing shop for sale In Piedmont district. Here is a business opportunity hard to beat. Tire retread ing in vulcanizing shop. Doing a fine business; also agents for Miller and Diamond tires. See this If you are in terested in a shop that will pay. Prii:e ""$1300 cash, which includes a very good service car and over $10OO of machinery and tires. Call Automatic 318-71. AN ESTABLISHED manufacturing plant of woodenware specialties can use about $50,000 or more additional for improve ments and working capital ; plant can earn 25 per cent on investment ; in creasing demand for product due to in creased freight rates ; Investor may be come personally active In concern. E 4, Oregonian. FOR SALE PRICE $90O0. Three-story frame building. 24 rooms.1 and two stores; present monthly rental $102.50; small payment down; for any one who can run these rooms a good income is assured. COVER & GREGORY. Phone' East 2 4 3 . FOR SALE Well-equipped lumber man ufacturing p.ant in Willamette valley, consisting of sawmill, capacity 30 to 40 thousand : loerint nut fit nianlnp mill and flume to shipping point. Plenty of umoer at mm site. A aplendid oppor tunity to the right party. AE 7S4, Ore gonian. FOR SALE A dandy millinery business. Owner must go east; sell at invoice. For saie. good bakery business doing good business; owner selling account of death in family and must go to Min nesota. George W. iSldcr, Pendleton, Or. 81S M-ain St. FOR SALE or trade, country hotel. 20 acres land, cattle, horses, hogs, chickens, feed, garden, potatoes, canned fruit, fur niture and farming tools, $4000 worth of timber, wood for winter; $10,000 for an. terms, or trade equity for country vj. jui u, t idewater, or. ON ACCOUNT of death of my husband will sell my grocery, confectionery, etc.. do ing $76,000 ' year: etock and fixtures win go close to sio.nuu; a rare oppor tunity; trial given If desired; owner - D 99.1, Oregonian. FOK SA LE Saw and pianinx mill, al 40 million feet good timber in Lincoln county; mill located 10 miles up Alsea bay at Tidewater; making money; good iTTtxovu j or iM ting. inquire or owner, Claus Ludemann, Tidewater, Or. THE ONLY confectionery and ice cream parlor in town of 30OO. Are you looking for. & good, clean, cash business, with no complications? Phone East 2705 in- day. Price $5000. some terms; will take good car in trade. SAWMILL. 30 to 40 M capacity, locrinr camp and planing nifll; plenty of tim ber, flume to shipping point; location Willamette valley; splendid proposition to right party. Owner, AF S70, Orego nian. TAILOR'S OPPORTUNITY. For a practical, experienced tailor to enter In partnership with a well-established, prosperous, money-making busi ness. Inquire at once, AV 347. Orego nian. FOR SALE) Nice little grocery with mod ern Mving rooms, all new and clean, ex cellent location; business can be doubled with small effort; east side; on carllne; lot 03x123. Garage. Tabor 80S6. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal ot so-catieu interest in established real estate business, get- advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg., Broad way 3902. 10O0 RESTAURANT on busiest street In t-ortiaTia, doing iig' business; good rea son for selling See Morris, with Inter state Land Cu?f 248 Stark st. Call Mon day. FOR SALS Country paper, ill health com pels owner to sell for S100 cash. M - tablished country weekly with Jbb office. Inquiries received at National Colof- type Co.,'4 First st Portland. $itOO GOING restaurant, well located and best ot equipment; established 15 years: can give, some terms. See Morris, 24S MarK st. interstate Land Co. Call MOncray, U. S. A. and Canadian patent for sate at reasonable price; moneymaker for right party; working model can be seen at inventor's home, S70 Kelly st. S. W. cuy. r-none iarsnaii -ja.nt. $ 100U LIGHT grocery, dining room in connection; low rent and well located Morris, with Interstate Land. Co.. 243 star st. NEW 2 -TON TRUCK with good bnsl lness for sale; do not answer this un less you havfi at least $1500 cash; $3800 is price. es. K. Chafer, Deer Inland, Or. CASH grocery doing good business: rent $2 a month; going into other business: price- $1000, including fixtures. Tabor 6S42. WANTED Partner; one who is salesman or mechanically inr lined, for auto burd neps; $1000 to $1300 required. AK 8G0, Oregonian. DRUG STORE Must sell best-paying drug store on account of other business ; no competition, best location, 2-man store. Owner, T 145. Oregonian. WANTED Ar.y kind of merchandise stocks; best prices paid; furniture stocks preferred. Write or phone Main 46,'U. 174 First at. WANT reliable man with practical mining experience to take charge of properties for corporation: small investment. Sell wood 651. YOUNG man. 3S, would like a lady part ner to go in a good business: one with a little money, preferred. D 039, Orego nian. GOING into other business and will sell at a sacrifice. Columbia Oarage, 107 E. Fessenden st., ' St. Johns. Look us over and make an ftffer. Owner on premises. COUNTRY newspaper and job printing plant for sale, live town in Yakima val ley. Wash. Price $3500. O 572, Orego nian. . CONFECTIONERY store with soda foun tain, good location, big sacrifice; facili ties for light lunches; price $550. Tabor 4206. MUST sell at once, beet located revolving oven Danery wnn mncn room, COing -fine business: Investigate: no reasonable offer refused. P 905. Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, '-au or write ur. juean. 234 h Morrison st. BA K ERY Rotary type for sale, rea so n able.. Call and get particulars. Tabor 1913. GROCERY and confectionery, 4 livln rooms, rent $2o ; rare opportunity. 140 Shaver st. LIVE opportunity, going manufacturing business. Write for particulars. AP 8ih, Oregonian. MUST sell general store, about $4500 stock: good, location and business; let fixtures with store room. a & 7, Oregonian. ATTORNEY wishes to meet experienced man - who will associate himself with collection agency. BF 830, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, $S0O. no agents need apply. AB -gonian. bv owner; ore SHOULD PAY 100S FOR $2500 IN ONE YEAR; GOOD SECURITY. WRITE 724 E. POLK, C l l i. -ROOM modern flat, close In on west side; lovely home and Income. Owner, tinjy. cverett at. FOR SALE Ladies' slightly used apparel snop at 400 ruiocK oik. w iu sell rea sonable on account or nealth. SMALL grocery, just the place for man and wife: four living rooms; rent $15. AC 7 uregonian. AUTOMOBILE distributer wanted for , tate of Oregon, will consign au torn o bide NEW SHIN GLE mill; price and term: right for quick sale. H. L. Sterling, general aeuvery, roruana. ir- CREAM, confectionery and lieht -or ery stock and fixtures; expenses only $1 a day. Phone Eaet 1251. PHONOGRAPHS, confectionery. fflm cannot get help, must sacrifice for $30u terms if aesirea. irwner. Alain 3430. r.nnn oavlne restaurant : fine location cheap on account of sickness. 375 Front. FINE store for sale or trade. 6924 S6th st. Tabor t3'a. -tip s.lk ,aieiena. une location: mn.i sell at once, cheap. G 007. Oregonian, FOR SALE 2-chair barber eh op. 187 Tnira hi FOR LE Dancin"g school doing good business n. .".' vrcgunnn. CIGARS shoe shine and hat cleaning fo sale. btest location. 9 io wash. RETREADING and vulcanizing outfit for sa le : a ISO our ting moior. -uu fourth st DELICATESSEN and groceries, good stock and doing yooa nusinesa. lanor Tll. BARBER chairs mirrors and supplies gi eat sacrmct. bo om. near star. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE POOL HALL AND COX- rKl'TInx KRY Strictly high-class place, best location in town. Fine marble fountain 15 ft. I lr.r. o- with hi? n hi 1 1 itIhks mirror: plate I glass clsar cases, cigarette and tobacco racks: fine lighting fixtures, electric fans, carbonizer and other fountain equipment; 1 billiard table, 4 pool tables. good as new ; office aesK, sare. siov ?, chairs, completely equipped and now doing $100 per day. Business averaged that. aU last vfiftr. Lease for 5 years at $N." per month. It is a real bargain for any one who knows that business, and will uav for itself within pix months Price for fixtures and lease $375it. .Stock at inventory. Don't ask why they want I to sell under these conditions. That's their business. Come and see for your self. If not as advertised we will pay your expenses. ALBANY REALTY COMPANY, ALBANY. OR. FOR SALE General merchandise business In country town in Rogue river valley. $6000 stock. $:h00 turnover per month. New frame btiilrfine- s.lxtlO fVet. one story. Fixtures new and up-to-date; include wsyne 1-gallon stroke gasoline system: monevweieht scales, 10.000 pounds ca pacity pdatfrtrm scales and 600 pounds I capacity ref riirerator: stock new and clean, no handovers: no exDense except taxes and insurance. One man can handle Dustiness without hired help. Owner musi sell; other interests demand attention; will sell stock at wholesale, invoice value for cash: will take S27.i0 for build ing, lot and fixtures; will give terms on building, lot and fixtures to reliable pax- ty. Address AV 334. Oregonian. GENERA L merchandise and post of f ice; modern living rooms in connection; es tablished business over 15 years in good Willamette valley town. Owner ret iring and will sell at invoice, about S2oOO. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Stark st. Business OpportnnHies Wanted. v WANTED A-n established Portland manuf acta ring plant with machine shop and wood work ing machinery whose present line Is seasonal wishes to add a line for man ufacture during the fall, winter and spring months; will consider outright purchase or royalty basts for patented devices of. merit, -or combination with some other plant, needing expansion or equipment. Parties contemplating enter ing manufacturing business will do well to see us. Write Cutler Manufacturing Co.. East Tenth and Mill. Portland. WILL pay cash for small grocery or con fectionery; must be well located, doing I business. Morris, with Interstate Land v o., -to BiarK Hi. YOUNG man, gnod education and some hard-earned monoy, would llke to buy cr come into some legitimate business; no wiia cats. l imu, Oregonian. WANTED Light grocery and confection ery store; price about $1500. Harper. aiain 03. WANTED Good paying restaurant busi ness. In good location. Address P 1H0, Ureponian. Stocks ana TJonas. WANTED To secure bonds of Portland Realty Associates; particularly aeries one. c. B. Martin, Loeb Bldg. HoteiM and Rooming-House. A FEW VERY CHOICE Ft!" Y Si lo rooms and garage, rent $4. lovely corner,- furnished complete, disappearing beds, hot and cold water in all apts. Beautifully clean : price $1750, t,erms. Clears month. 20 rooms downtown. Northwestern heat: lovely place, new like, newly paint ed, papered and completely furnished ; long least at Tt0 per month;- has piano and new vacuum cleaner: clears Jl 225 per month and provide good home besides; price Terms.. 150 MODERN ROOMS. SSSnf. Only takes $2.00 to handle this place; long lease, rent '$225. clears $400 per month; with some improvements this place win sell for SoOO. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show vou. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. JUST A FEW WE HAVE OTHERS. 20 H. K., running water all apart ments strictly modern, close In west side, clean- and a money-maker; $1500 secures it. 1 1 M. K. right downtown, pleasant 3-r. suite ior owner ana su ner mo. income very low rent and clean throughout; Cozy C-r. flat, fur. and ruga new and good, west side, modern except heat; 3 bedrooms: $650. some terms. Homelike 10-r. flat, fine location, good fur. and rugs, strictly modern, shower M bath, for Quick action priced at $1000, terms. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 164 West Park st. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment nous, of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write ail kinds of Insurance. WANTED Furnished apartment or room ing house in good district. Will give 10 acre bearing apple orchard, best irri gated Washington district, and some caPh as first payment ana assume; give I tun particulars. 1: jm.s. uregonian. HOTEL SACRIFICE. Snap for hotel man and wife, lease and furnishings of 30-room hotel in live town, doing good business; must be sold to ciote up partnership account. Write box 22, Silveiton, Or. OR COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND QUICK RESULTS. LIST YOUR HO TELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND OTH ER PROPOSITION WITH TH E TRY US REALTT CO.. 169 W. PARK ST. 1250 CASH buys an apartment house. clears $100 a month and a 3-room apart ment: a good location near the river, between steel and Broadway bridges. Call today. East 8011. MRS. M. E. LENT hotels, rooming and apartment houses. All sizes and prices. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8500 for appointment. I HAVE $5000 TO PAY DOWN. I want modern hotel up to $10,000. 'want to get settled this week: will deal with owners only. Monday and Tuesday at Seltwooo BUY FROM owner and save commission. 13 rms., Al furniture, a 2-room apis.. 1 3-room apt. ; nice home : reasonable rent; $2000. some terms. Call Main 1173. WANT ROOMING HOUSE. 10 OR 12 H. K. ROOMS. ON WEST SIDE; WILL DEAL WITH OWNER ONLY. , V 044. ORE- UO.N IAN. FOR SALE BY OWNER 11 housekeep ing rooms, well rurnisned. A-r- condi tion: close in; a bargain. 373 Taylor. eKio 9-KOOM flat, all furnished, rent $20 a montn, rurnace neat, run oc roomers; taking in $S0 month. Bdwy. 1040. WA XTED--Good paying1 rooming: or apart ment house; Rive ruii particulars in answer. BJ 1 91;, Oregonian. FOR best bargain in apartment houses se members 01 tne tteaity tioaro. xates jeai ty Co.. 245 rourth at -ROU modern, flat, west side, lovely home, income, owner. 01 Everett. 13 ROOMS, beautiful new furniture; makes lovely horn. By owner. B46 ooliege st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST CARVED IVORY PENDANT. HEART SHAPED. SOMEWHERE ON RAILROAD BRIDGE, OR NORTH 3D ST.; REWARD 1 c RETURNED TO CASHIER, OREGONIAN OFFICE. LOST Black purse with U. S. bankbook and $20, at Hippodrome treater. Satur day afternoon, suitable reward If 1 returned to 333 East 40th st. Norths phone 311-16. LCWT On Thursday, bunch of keys on ring on 10th, bet. Hoyt. ami starK, or on Stark bet. Broadway an-d 13th, or on 4th, bet. Burnide and Everett. Return to N. Baik Restaurant. Hoyt, n-ear lHh. LOST Auk. 2W. hr ween Aschof f and Bull Run, black laundry Dag containing clothing. Kewaro. n.. .House, k. d. 1. Hood River. Or. LOST A black skunk fur neckpiece, marked "'ilene's,' on Broadway or Broadway car, Sunday evening, August 29. Reward. NotTfy office of Oregonian. $5fl REWARD for mink fur taken from toilet room Owl Drug Co.. Aug. 31: no questions asked. Mrs. Harraghy, R. 1, Camas, or tel. 40-F-41. Vancouver. LOST R R- ticket to Elgin, Oregon, and Pullman ticket to La Grande. Finder please return to 207 Oregonian bldg. Reward. LOST A very large yellow cat. part Per sian, 23d and Thurman. Call Bdwy. 4816. Mrs. Cartwright. Reward. LOST Small mink neckpiece, Saturday night in Pautages theater. Call East 14."ii. Reward. . LOST Brow n pocket purse containing money and car tickets, on Mt. Scott car or 70th st. S. E. Reward. Tabor 52ol. PERSON w ho took purse In First Na tional bank please return same and avoid trouble; no questions asked. LOST Empty portfolio; reward. L. G. Balmer. Clyde Hotel. NAVY blanket lost. Burnside. bet. 2fth on Sandy boulevard. Phone East 42V. SPKC'LL NOTICES. THE GLEN HAVEN REST HOME, for merly the Moore Sanitarium is now open for convalescent patients. Milk and rest cure, massage and electric treat ments. K. 4222 or apply 11a E. 28 su Suiuiyside car. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposars invited. NOTICE OF SALE OP IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received until the 20th day of September. A. D. 1920, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for the purchase ot Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars (J0u.0OO.OO worth of bonds of the Langell Valley Irrigation district of Kiamatn county, Oregon. Said bonds to draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually upon the first day of July and the first day of January of each year until the ma turity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of directors of said irrigation dis trict and should be directed to the sec retary of tne Langell Valley Irrigation District, care of Ferguson, Fletcher & Mifflin, No. 16 Loomu building, lam ath Falls, Or. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. A. U WIS HARD. Secretary of the board of director of Langell Valley Irrigation district. iscel Igneous. NOTICE CF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, Septem ber 13, 920, the board of equalization of Multnomah county will attend at the office of the county assessor, at the court house in Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rohs for the year 111:0, and correct all errors In val uation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property, assessed by the county assessor. And it shall be the duty of persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. If it shall appear to such board ot equaliza tion that there are any lands or lots or other property assessed twice, or in correctly assessed as to description or quantity, and in the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or asse sed under or beyond the actual cash value thereof, said board may make proper correction of the same. If It shall appear to such board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the assessor are not assessed, such board shall assess the same at the full cash value thereof. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Washington, Aug. IS, 1920. To Whom It May Concern; It having been recommended that the secretary of commerce amend tho ord-r of December 20, Htli. limiting or prohib iting fishing in the Copper river, Alaska, and it deuta and alt tributary waters, notice is heroby given under th provi sion of section 6 of th act of emigres approved. June 20.. lio6. entitled. "An act for the protection a-fxl regulation of the fisheries of Alaska," that hvarmgs, for the purpose of eliciting iif.'orniation as to what if any changes in the present Ccpper river reflations are necessary or de.sira.ble. will to held at Cordova, AUtt-ka, on October , li2u, at 10 o'clock A. M., and at the office of tho bureau of fisheries, 1217 L. C. Smith building, Seatt le. Wash., on November 1 S. 1W20, at 10 o'clock A. M., respectively, at which all in teres ted persons will be heard. All persons having pertmejit in formation are particularly Invited to be present and to impart such information. I. II. DUNLAP, oUng Commissioner. Approved : E F. jWfc:iT. Acting Sec. of Com. FIN AN CIA 1 LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. MKMSH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELL1NU BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Nobie. 316 Lumbermens b'.dg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman .Co., iv inamoer or commerce. MONEY to loan. See Lawyers' Title irusi company. 283 Stark St.. near 4th. Money to Loan 011 Real KHtate. RESIDENCE LOANS. tf, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce in terejst on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exam pie. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest ; you have privilege of pay ing hiu or any multiple thereof monthly interest reduced accordingly. No COM- jh laaiu.N. . BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6. Excellent 1 payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOATC COMPANY. Main 8308. 407 Yeon Bldg CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for improve ment purposes. ' The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan $:i2.26 per month for 35 months, or $21.24 per month for 0 months, or $15.17 per month for Oft months Pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. T.-ans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MONEY AT PER CENT to buiid small bungalow on lot you own or have partly paid for, or to buy a lo anywhere in the city or any suburb; pa back $10 to $20 per month or yearly iets; plans furnished. PHONE paym .Main 8 1 ;tt. BUNG A LO V BUI LD E RS. 230 Stark St. Portland, Or. $0O.OtfO TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BUILDING; THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. DEVEREALX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, and 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. S3 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. 1 WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE t30., HO Fourth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS." Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Ad tractive repayment privileges, A. H. B I Ft R ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4119. b'lHST MORTGAGE LOANS. On Portland realty in sums to suit. Safe deposit boxes. $3.00 yearly. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT &. TRU.ST CO.. 24 Oak St. Bdwy. 943. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mtps. and Contracts. No Dela v. No Delay. No Dei a v. $1000. $1"00. $2000. $3000 and UP. F H. DESHON. 015 CHAM OF COM. $4U0. $500. StfcK). $S0O. $10O0, $1200, $ 1 ."o0, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 31 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan oui money orv real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock. notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city property, ravorabie repaying priv ileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 3"9 Ptatt bidg. Main f371. $500. $10tM AND upward on improved real estate ; favorable terms ; no delay ; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. $00. $400. $ro6r$730T$10OOAN DUP low rates; quick Hiction. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on real estate. 1 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg SEE OREGON TN V. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOAN'S. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis fcaloman fc Co.. 48 Selling bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries . ALARY LOANS CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transact ion strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed.) 218 FAILING BUILDING. QUICK money to salaried peo.ple, without indorsers or security; investig. conllden Ual. olfi Cham, or Com, bldg. GEO. HARVEV loans money on house hold guods; lefcal rates. Tabor 3&06. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and) Salaries PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, VI C TROLAS, PIANOS. LIBERTY" BONDS AND FURNITURE. S31 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN UF.T IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PTA.X03, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too largs on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay t hem up and advance you more money if needed. Wo make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE A LAKY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes.. Rates reasonable. Private offices. AU business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LICENSED. 306-307 Dekum Bidg. Marshall 32SS. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds, watches, jewelry sndl bonds, legal rates: all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third St.. Corner Washington. Main 6i49. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry. legal rates; articles held a year; estab lished 18S8. Dan Marx & Co.. 2S3 Wash. Loans Waited. WANTED $2000 at T per cent, $7000 prop- $1500 on $3500 security. $1000 on $2u00 security. These are nil well improved properties. Ask for F. C. Marshall. FRANK L. ilcGUIRE. A RING TO N" BLDG. MAIN 106?. WA NT lo borrow i 1&U0. ti oer cent on business property with - income $u pr month. Seo J. p. McKeniia, Belmont at 10th. Tabor 6193. WANT LOAN $7 000 on Improved west side business property; no cuminissiou. A U4't, Oregonian. $1000 WANTED on best of residence secur ity .- years or more; individuals only. C 03 1, Ort so 11 i a n. SHOULD PAY lOOr FOR $2000 IN ONE TE 71:1' iL.-trt; UUl) ECUlilTY. W Rl r"OLK. CITY. SEE OREGON INV A MORTr..r,R Cham, of Com., Fourth and Stark. PERSONAL. EPHEDRA NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Lphreda. is a harniie&s herb Uhed iu treatment, of all ktutioy uist ass, uropsy, stomach and intestinal disorders. Kphreda is a. fccrmieiue uud tonic. cleansing the faioiuacli, liver, kidneys and intestinal organs. Ephreda relieves gas and acid condi tions of digestive, uryans, has most won deriul effects on riieunia.ti; conditions. 1 6 days treatment, $j.,'.o. EHHKKUA CO.. AL1SKY BLDG. THE ROUND UP. Two Pierre-Arrow cars icavc Portland Monday. Sept. 10, at u A. M. Ior Kouud Up. Karu Jj0 tor passenger, round trip, including uae ot car to rg rounda dur ing weeK. Returning Monday, Sept. ti. For reservations phone Jactt iioutoo. B.iwy. 334. I'O Broadway. ELK. hunting in Montana, Dordei ing Yel lowstone para ; party, business nd. pro fessional men now forming; season opens Oct. 10; party starts Oct. luth w.ih bad die horses and pack outfit; for garticu lars address Jack, Hamilton, Lkeviuw, Mont. ilMK. PATTENEAUDE'S School of Beauty win oueu oepu rei'lObi ue- siring to tal.e advantage of class in siructions snould register at once at .Benson Imp- o vein cm Shop, mezzanine fioor. Scnson hotel. ony a. limited number of applicants In each class. RHEUMATISM and stomach troubles yield LO A-KUlfc B lUlUCidi UilUtr Wllell all tilt fails. A pure mineral, not a drug. Puck aJ (1. KecommeuueU by tnousanUs. Portland Dit. Co.. 314 trtaik. Portland. IA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cteanaing, healing germicidal aud invig orating douche, a a real aid in leucur riioca and female disorders; Cue and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LEARN beauty culture, utgnt school, 7 to 9 o'cIock ; 5 expert special teacners; work day time, learn good trade evenings, toanitary .Beauty Parlurs. Martthall 170. GRADUATE NURSE gives body massage. steam baths, vibratory and electric mas sage. -U floor Swetland Lndg., room iUo. Main 1705. Open evenings till !t o'clock, i'houe fur evening appointments. WANTED Every woman to know ha vaiue of Princess powders and creams. Removes tail and KUinnu r freckles. Beauty box. three month' supply, special $-0. BATHS Steam baths chiropractic body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haym. Mum IT0V1. 'Jij Sm etland uid. Op'm evenings; trained purse assistant. PARMER Do not burn your straw. Write us and learn how to turn it Into dol lars. American Superphosphate Co., Northwestern liank bldg. FEB VET 11ANEBUT. .eaaing wig aud loupe makers; finest stock human hair goous, haii'dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 31a Alder Main o4i. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; & yrs. here; exam, free. Ulooe bidg.. llth & Wash. Bdw. i:ta-4 TH E OEOROE RUBENSTEIN, veteran optician ; eyes tested, glasses Piled, broken Senses duplicated; not inhaled prices. Morrison si. WANTED to adopt a baby girl between two and four years cla ; the best of home and advantages guaranteed and references -furnished. C i42, Oregonian. ETHEL ADAMS Treatments for dan druh -and tailing hair, manicuring. 4u Broadway b.ug.. cor. Morrison; his. 11 to 8. Sundays 12 to t. MATERNITY cases taken in private hos pital; Ti for 2 weeks including doctor's services. AE 737, Oregonian. VIOLET KAY. A-l MASSAGES. 410 K L -C H A N AN B L DG . MAIN J 0 G. OPEN SUts DA YS AN D E E . ING S C. VV. SHAW 4t lrviag 6L readings daily Pubiic croies Mon. Marshall lAuS. nd Wed.., b A. 11- NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown 011 batd neads; ia,u.iea or geuLa. :14 Maolea blog. MEETINGS Sun., Thura., 8 P. M. Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schori tor private help. 441 F 12thst., cor. Sherman; Sellwood car. VIT-O-XET MAGNETIC AND vTOLET KAV TREATMENTS. BODY MASSAGE, DAILY. 4o0 MoRGAN BLDG. M. 7."7i. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Lr. Eina Sorenstm. drug Ifss phys.. 50S Panama bicg. Mln uUStf. DRIVING in auto to San Francisco and L,os Angeles Tues. morning, want three passengers. Room 5. Klickitat hotel. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray: improv your system. Mrs. Roliins, 42ti Clay. Main Saoa. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. IF TROUBLED wiUi cancers or tuinori, see Dr. Goldie Rigg. Cancer Specialist. 710 Dekum bldg. Main I0S0. GRADUATE nurse treats "lumbago, etc. Hours - -'- j Buiuujieui. rnoal Main 104tf. Offices 3oS-C. Third sl SCALP treatment, facial massage, elec trical treatment, steam bath and mas naiee. Ethei Burke. 304 Dekum bldr. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 Morrison st, SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by IO needless method; trial free. Jo si a Finley. 514 Bush A Lane bidg. Main tiJtfU. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 5o4 Swetland bide.. Fifth and Washington sts. IK VOU are tired and nervous, hav m. ciontific body .asfiage. Dr. ovldia Lax 8on, 427 Morgan bidg. Main lS'Jtt. UOES-'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Viercck. collections. Dekum bldg. A SMITH, 4221 Morrison street; silk 'drest.es a specialty. Room 6. PHlMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 221j mornings. CiOlTKE. e.tiargea gisnas; cure yourseit K. strachan. route Hilisboro. Or. GERMAN cunersation taught; reasonable rates- Address A K. Oregonian. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. JUN1CIDE will cure rheumatism or money b ac k. 408 Dekum bldg. HU PTUKE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Erce booklet. P. O. Box no EVES- tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding, 2 4 5 U Alder bt. Main 12. L. DIES t ry our French Facial Mas-sage ; s'-aip treatment. 'J0 rtetriner Bldg. PEUK1NS National Morbs. 80 9 Morgan bidg. Fhon Main o'Joo. 6103 4.oth ave. j. E, (