13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, SEFTE3IBER 6, 1!)2( REAL ESTATE. For sale smalt, dairy ranch fully equipped. i 28 -A Bcrps, all In cultivation, best of nil ; 5-room house, fine new barn and ffilo, good chicken hous; 10 miles from Albany. 3 miles from R. R. station on mail and cream route fine road ; -5 acres more adjoins this place that can ho rented for $3 per a,cre per year. To gother with 9 good cows, 4 fresh, 3 more fresh Nov. 1, 5 Rood horses, 3 sows, 20 large shouts, 25 small Fhoats, 100 White ; Leshorn chickens; complete line farm ' toots and machinery, including Interest In corn binder and ensilage cutter : 25 tons hay in barn, ft acres fine corn. Price S65O0. Terms, $3000 cash, bal. easy terms. AV 852, Oregonlan. OR SALE One of the best all-around , farms in southern Douglas Co., Or., con ' Kitting of 578.36 acres; 153 acres farm land, as follows: 20 acres under Irriga tion, -clover meadows, 18 prunes, 1 17 Krain and ' corn. 303 pasture, all under hog-tight fence: 120 acres first-class timber; 1 miles of creek bottom, 17 fields and pastures with living water in all of them year around: 4 barns, ran arv, machine shed, smokehoube, silo and . hog pens; plenty of outrange, access to the forest reserve; 7-room house, water , piped into house; si mile to school, 17 mile to R. R., Ricfdle; good roads, no hills; price $38,000, half cash, balance on time; will sell all of my machinery, grain, hay, 4 work horses, hogs, sheep and goats, cattle, at reasonable price; cause for selling, retiring. Address box 87, Myrtle Creek, Or. A BKAL SACRIFICE. ML" ST SELL. This place must be 'sold at once, it consists of 452 acres, in Newberg dis trict; fine road; 350 a. in crop, of which 1-3 goes with sale; 12 a. orchard. 4 springs, running spring water at house, 6-room house, bath, toilet, plastered, barn 00x120, machinery shed, etc. If you see this place you will agree that It Is a sacrifice at only $105 per a.i might tako tome trade Portland property. F. L. EDDY. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bids- NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. ' Yamhill, Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us :show them to you tree of charge. Phone or write Weldner & Vought, Bank bids,, Yamhill, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ANOTHER RECORD BROKEN. 137 HOMES SOLD IN AUGUST BY FRANK L. McGUIRE, Fourteen homes sold the first two days of September; 808 homes sold to date since January 1, this year. We spend thousands of dollars advertising. a-nd CAN SELL YOUR HOME; 21 courteous, ambitious salesmen to work on Its sale. We inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH tame within 24 hours after listed. See FRANK L. McOrtRE, To Sell Yopr Home. LARGEST HOME KELLERS OX THE PACIFIC COAST. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 106S. Have you an acreage which you would consider to subdivide? We are specialists in subdivisions. We are generous advertisers and have the organization qualified to Fell anything in an acreage or lot proposition. That is our business. If you have 20 to 200 acres in or near Portland on or near carllne or pared roads we can prove to you WE CAN SELL IT IN 30 DAYS at a bigger price than you ask for it now. Write for an interview. INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO.. 114 W. 3d st. Vancouver. WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH FURNACE. HU1LT-INS. ETC. MUST HAVE THREE BEDROOMS, CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CAR, GOOD DISTRICT. PRICE $4500. ABOUT $120(1 CASH AND TERMS. Y 259, ORE-GONIAN.- VE SELL a very large number of nous. We render real service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we guarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and oar appraiser will call on you. BIHR-CARE V COMPANY, Carey-SavtUge Company. Railway Exchange Bldg. Main T4S7. WANTED ACREAGE. Want 15 to 30 acres of land on or near Columbia highway. 3 to 6 miles out; must be cleared; do not object to a little timber or a small stream run ning through: will pay half cash: write and state orice ant location and will appoint interview. Wm. R. Mickei. 114 W . 3d st., Vancouver. AN ash. WANTED ACREAGE. Want a block of MNto 100 lots In the Kenton or University district, or would buy 10 to 20 acres and pay half cash. What have you? please write, state lo cation and price and appoint interview. Wm. H. Moffitt. Congress .hotel. Fifth st.. Portland. ilAVE client for strictly moaern resi dence ; must have four bedrooms; pre fers Irvington; might consider some ot her good district I will pay what the place is worth, all casti. 1'OINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 15(00; Residence, East 6771. BUILD NOW! 1 1 you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from $5000 up; they can pay $1000 cash, balance , SO or more per month and interest. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. WANTED 5 or 6-room -modern bunsaiow. preferably in Irvington or Laurel hurst districts, otve location, construction de tails of house, its conveniences and state lowest price you will sell for cash. No Rgents. M 946. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE HOUSES WANTED. I make a specialty of selling west side homes and have many buyers for same. If you house is for sale, call and see me. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. iua a late moaei o-pass. touring car, standard make, to trade for a mod bungalow; will assume or pay cash dif ference. Johnson, with Interstate Land 'o.. 24H Stark st. "W A NT modern house or buniralow from owner, not over $3000, in exchange for two Penn lots and one Fulton lot, bal ance casn. j uregonian. WANTED Completely furnished house or bungalow for cash. Jones. Main. 5423. L'4th ana btark sts. 19l'0 PAIGE sport model as part payment on good home. See Mr. Hageman, Broadway 3281. WE HAVE li clients who want houses in walking distance, j rooms up to 15. Ad aress w asn sc., room 1 . - w a." i lu i o ouy irom owner, ii-room house, -uu casn, $-iu per month; not over $2j00. .Phone East 74S7. CAN GET you cash or a good traQVe for your house equity. See Johnson,- with interstate Lana to., :ms stark st. WANTED Lot in Irvington hurst; price must be right. 4841. or Laurel Woodlawn WANTED To buy in Rose City Park. bungalow of 5 or 6 rooms, $2000 cash. DHiHnre irrriis. r wti, urefonian. WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as rirst payment. . a. oregonlan. I'ROM owner. 3 or 6-room house, not over y;iMJQ: can pay 1200Q cash. Tabor 4169. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE many clients wanttnr to ren farms of about 100 acres, near Portland. Rnd will buy personal property up to $4000. bee us at once. FVlI. EDDY. ' hitter; LOWE -A CO.. 901-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE client with cash wanting to ren mail farm, or acreage, near Portl preferred, will buy the equipment. John Fe Tuion. uernnger Diag. WANTED Good improved farm neat- rail road or river; must be priced right; giv location and terms in answer. BJ 791 OTeaoniafi. WANT to rent farm. 40 to 80 acres cai rent. A v 42P, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. LEASE on 320-acre equipped stock ranch grain, hay and stock for sale; half cash big snap for hustler. .101 Corbett hid TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Quarter section finest yellow fir timber; cruises T.aoo.ouo it.; tuuen creek section. Curry county. " Or. : prii TSc per iL W, B. Smith, Box 21, Hoope - wasn , . TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 3 to 4 million feet second growth saw timber; good road summer or winter, 4 k miles haul; pay as cut to reliable parties, or will consider putting timber against sawmill. 50-50 basis. F. P. Karrington. Hotel Alder. TO KXCHANuE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 320 acres in Toole count v. Montana : 200 acres in cultivation ; 100 acres in flax: 3 miles of good wire fence. Small house. Good barn for 8 head of horses. Good chicken liouae. good, granary, good well, with 'soft water. Price $10,000. $2oo0 mortgage at 6. Aged couple owners of this property and will con sider home in city of Portland or. sub urbs or wha t have you ? BROWN & BIDDLE. . 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MARSHALL 3331. . a. money: maker. Just tho place for man and wife. Owner left alone wishes to retire. Has cleared over $30,000 on this property. The only first-class hotel in town of 2500 pop., on Astoria-Portland highway. From 300 to 1000 cars pass every day. Next yea", with paved highway open will be a banner. Will consider a good city property as part payment. Call Rock for information. Marshall 3352. 20 ACRES NEAR ST. HELENS. " Half under cultivation; new 6-room house, ready for plastering; good -sized barn, all necessary outbuildings; 2 or 3 blocks off paved road; a aplendid little place. Price $0000; will exchange for 20 to 160 acres with running water; will assume small amount. Sec .Mr. Hurd, Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE One acre, locat ed in good addition, just outside city limits, good buildings; all modern- con veniences, in high state of cultivation. ' lots of fruit and berries; will accept in trade house and lot in city. Phone Tabor 2069. OWNER will trade for ranch not less than 10 acres with modem house, 11 lots with cosy 4 - room and 12 -room houses; ell in cultivation, all kinds of fruit and ber ries; situated in the heart of St. Johns. Value $3000. 512 East Tyler St., St. Johns. Phone Columbia 61. A DAIRY farm at Fruitland, Idaho, pro educes 150 tons alfalfa hay; 7 rooms, 'plastered house, abundance of irrigat ing water, cash rental $1000 annually ; $13,500; will take residence property In Portland to $3500; no agent. 390 Ross st. HAVE one of the most beautiful lots in Laurel hurst as first payment on house and lot. This lot is near the park and commands a fine view. Owner, 600 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. 42 H ACRES, 14 miles out on Base Line road, all under cultivation, no mortgage; will take bungalow as part pavrncnt. Marshall 272, bet. 9 and 10 A. M. JNo agents. 160 ACRES, one mile from Seal Rock, near Newport, in exchange for Portland in come property; will also pay cash and assume mortgage. E. H. Co Ilia. East S660. CASH, first mortgages and improved farms; would take improved city prop erty up to $300,000. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. HAVE a modern city home worth $5000. clear, and cash for 10 or 15 acres on a good road. MAIN 6034 or MAIN 8422. $15,000 EQUITY in a $20,000 brick building in the city for farm land near the city ; prefer to deal with owner direct. AK b t j, uregonian. HAVE a 1920 Chevrolet commercial deliv ery car in penect condition, run very little, as first payment on a bungalow. Call Tabor 4123. 354 E. 54th st. HAVE clear city property to exchange as pun payment oil oungaiow or late model high -class car. Marshall 272, between 9 and 10 A. M. No agents. ROOM house, close in, for smaller one with 4 or more lots near Catholic school Price $6000. J 990. Oregonlan. OR SALE or exchange. 9-room moderi nouse wnn a lots; small place well lo cated as first payment. Automatic 216-02. W1LL give you clear property for your equity on moaern Dungaiow. Marshall 272 between 9 and 10 A. M. No agents. FOR SALTS. Horwes, Vehicles, Livestock. HORSES HORSES! 20 head of heavy draft horses and mares, weight 1300 to 1800 lbs. 5 to 7 years old. heavy boned, blocky build. Some well -matched teams. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. U. 9. Stables, 365 Union ave. S. Corner of Stevens. C D. William son & Glass. 0 LARGE HOLSTE1NS. fresh and com ing tresn. 4 to fi gallons: a team of geldings, 2600 lbs., $125. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go one block norm. NEW SHIPMENT of fresh cows. .Torneva xjurnams anu iioisteins; will take dry cows in exchange. G. K. Howitt, Port land Union Stockyards barn. HEAD good working horses. 1200 to 3 700 ids., also harness, and wagon for sale cneap. Tabor TOOi 4138 3tl st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. 6 HEAD of good work horses to sell cheap, weigm . iou eacn ; price at -ou per Lt-am. w ouuyaru. c. oucn ana Burnside. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid ior ueau cows ana crippled horses. rnoneJinw au Kie mm-j lor ser vie e. FOR SALE 20 good dairy cows; one reg- wreu nuisiein uuu; one gooa milking FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. also Trinir era; win trade ror fat cows. E. H. Myers. 689 E. 61st st. N. Tabor B924. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead COWS. i BL 1 1.VU. FOR feAL.ii - gooa jersey cows. 1117 rmti n.v rz., caaiiuorciaaa Car. FOR SALE 11 registered Shropshire ewes. MOiman ruei o., v-i oin st. FOR SALE -Two milk goatst 331 G:enn venue. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TiiBOR 6566. DR. WANTED A fresh milking goat. Call X HORSE to swap for good milch cow. Main 7811. - FOR SALE Shropshire rams, registered. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th st.. Portland. WI LL take stock in pasture. Roth sc Streidler, K. l. box 3. iroutdxie. Or. YOUNG cow for sale, Tfl bor 7602. very reasonable. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. All in Good Condition. Phonograph, small $ 25 Victor, small 33 Victor, small . 60 Unola Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 16 records 60 Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... 75 Brunswick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 113 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $10 cash, $4 to $7 monhtly. Schwan. Piano Co., 101 10th., Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 107S. ORGAN BARGAINS. $20 and up. Mason-Hamlin. Estey, Beckwlth and ethers. Terms given. Sel-berllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., be tween Washington and Alder. BRUNSWICK phonograpgh, like new, ma- nogany case, gold trimmings, at a bar gain. Terms given. Selberling-Lucas Music C.. 123 4th at., between Wash ington and Alder. $300 PHONOGRAPH, brand new. latest cabinet style, eold trimmed, brown ma hogany; record albums: must be sold at once; only $130. Brokerage Co., 812 v orcester bldg. UPRIGHT PIANOS, $125 UP TERMS. Stern way. I vers & Pond, two Emer- sons. Fisher. Cable. Wellingtons. Cable & Sons, New England. McCameron and others. You can't do better. Compare them. You will Boon learn where to buy your fi-ne pianos. Brokerage Co., 312 v orcester bldg. BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE Stuyvesant pianola, (oak) $550 Smith & Barnes like new) 567 Harold S. Gilbert worth $800). 650 latest improvements, i sell satiufac. tlon. Six months' rental trial your guar antee, me uet-i nop in me city HAROLD S. GILBERT, B48 Yamhill." BRAND new Milton 'player piano, $960,' for $850, my equity $415;, piano player, 88-note and rolls, $35; Zon-o-Phone, perfect condition, $15. Marshall 18G3. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 12o 127 4th st. Main 8586. - PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Upright piano, walnut finish, in good condition: also guitar. Call room 549, Portland Hotel mornings. PIANO WANTED Pay cash from private parties. Call Marshall-1532. FOR SALE: Columbia Grafonola, 47 rec ords. Call 1117 Missouri ave. WANTED Good, sweet-toned piano: pay all cash. Call Mar. 5700: no dealers. WANTED High-grade piano "for cash deal.. Call Tuesday. Main 3b64. before 5. FOR SALE New Buescher C melody sax ophone for cash. Call Columbia 243. FOR SALE Nearly new piano, Marshall 19.10, Apt. 44. bargain. FIA.NO WAJSTEDCabh deal, ilain 85S6. rOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSINGOUT. 2 small upright pianos .65 and $ 75 1 Bradbury square at '85 $475 Hallet &. Davis upright piano, cash 195 $550 Kroeger & Sons upright piano. cash 210 $000 Stelnway & Sons upright 290 $950 player piano, now.... 40." $1000 concert grand piano 205 3 parlor organs $23. $35 and 4S Pianos stored. 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St $100 to- $150 cash paid for used upright pianos. Call Broadway 1673.. Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth street.1 1VERS & POND, one of the world's best pianos; beautiful plain case: only $350; easy terms. 312 Worcester blng. NEW upright pianovfor sale; $2 apartments, Marshall 2253. Furniture lor Sale. FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Two-Inch continuous post beds. $12.50: allteel spring. $H.50: 40 brass bud for $1 S.50: steel coil spring to fit. $6.50: 7 rooms body Brussels carpet, 75c to $1 per vd.;. 9x12 Wilton rug. $24: 9x12 Congo leum rug, $7.50; good steel ranges from $25 up; No. 8 cook stoves. $16; heating stoves of all kinds now on display. $2.50 up; sanitary couch. $7.50; upholstered couch. $5 to $10; slightly damaged daven port. taDestry cover. $50: good morris chairs. $7.50 to $10: reed 'chairs and. rockers. $12.50 and up to $25: sewing machines. $2.50 to $10.00; hotel dresser. $12; full size dressers. $25 and up; chif foniers. $16: dressing tables $18.50 and up; good kitchen treasures. $3 ; good kitchen chairs. $ 1.50 : rockers, $2.50 up; overstuffed rockers. $7.50 and up to $30: 9x12 grass rug, $7.50; curtain stretch ers. 50c to $1 ; used go-carts. $1.50 to $5; carpet sweepers. $1 to $2.50: good library tables. $8.50 and up; extension tables, square. $9 to $12; extension tables, round. $16 and up: kitchen tables. $1.50; pe riod dining room, suites at reason able prices; enameled bedroom suites. $110 to $-'i!5; 60-In. golden oak rolltop desk, $45; folding beds. $10 and up: combination range for coal, gas or wood. $110 (new but slightly damaged i; gas ranges. $18 to $35; gas water heater, with double copper coils. $15. . . Don't forget we sell on easr terms: no interest charged; liberal discount for cash. Don't forget our new location. 191 lid. between Yamhill and Taylor sts. (the old Ford auction building). WESTERN SALVAGE CO., Houaefurnishers. No connection with other salvage or junk companies. 2d St., between Yamhill Taylor Sts. Telephone Main 3751. and FURNITURE SPECIAL. If you are looking for bargains on your furniture, heating stoves, stoves and ranges, call at t&e Feldsteln Furniture Co., 174 First St., and get the great bargains which we offer to the public for all the week. Look over a few of our great bargain week sale: New Acorn range, coal or wood, the late style, only . $75 Combination range, gas, coal or wood $137.50 Linoleum for your kitchen . .65c, up Two in. post iron steel beds. $12. 75 "Yum Yum" springs $4.93 Cotton felt mattresses. -40 lbs. $14. 50 Beautiful line of library tables. . . .-.$11.00, up Copper bottom wash boiled. No. 8 only $3.50 Galvanized wash boilers, No. 8... $2.75 Galvanized wash tubs. No. l.$I.6." Galvanized wash tubs, Nofc2.$1.8Ti Galvanized wash tubs. No' 3. $1.08 .$1.00" Zan Brothers brooms, only, s each 60o . Look over our used ranges, from $15 and up. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., . 174 First St., N. E. Corner. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF $13.00 MATTRESSES AT $10.50 EACH I Following our ad two weeks ago . of $18 cotton mattresses at $10.50 each, the orders came in so thick and fast that we had to order an other carload to fill them. We have just 36 left of'this sec ond:, carload, and we offer them as before, at $10.50 each. First come, first served; so bet ter hurry'! ; MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First Street. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A BAR- GAIN in carpets or rugs, come in and see our great bargains; we purchased a few damaged high grade Wilton rugs and we will dis pose of them at a great sacrifice; the- most beautiful patterns on the market in the lot of rugs. We have one chenille dark blue solid color we will sell at a sacrifice, $98.50. You must see these specials to appreciate the bargains. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First st. N. E. cor. Yamhill. SPEAKING OF VALUES, here Is one that represents the " real meaning of the word $20 2-Inch continuous post steel beds, with heavy inside fillers and a life.-long guarantee; white, ivory or Vernis ; Martin finish; slashed to $13.85 ( Yes, they are brand new! MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First Street. IF EVER THERE WAS A BARGAIN, HERE IS ONE! 200 yards of very high-grade, slightly used Axminster carpet, at only, per yard $2.00 Don't Delay! It is too good to last long. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First Street. SEE THIS GREAT BARGAIN! Round . dining room table and 6 chairs; get it Tuesday at only $32.50. When you buy at Feld Btein's you are sure you .get bar- FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First st. N. ri. cor. YamhilL THE FOLLOWING described furniture In excellent condition for sale: Oak dining room set. . 9x12 Wilton rug. Chiffonier. Dressing table. Davenette. Brass bed. spring and mattress. Single iron bed. MUST SELL QUICK. 466 E. 42d St. Tabor 6347. TIME CLOCKS. nunriv-Simnlex time -clocks, in perfect condition, complete with card racks, at about one-third cost of the same clock new. These clocks are the best buys on the market and your opportunity to secure tne oest ciock maae at a. irau tlon of the original cost. E C- WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 31 North Fifth st. Broadway 2739. I FOR SALE One blrdseye princess flreaser, 1 oak dresser, 2 Axminster rugs. 1 body Brussels rug, sizes 0x12, library table, round dining fcble, six chairs to match, electric lamp, gas plate, swell canary singer in cage, 1 heating stove used two months, one " Simmons bed. coil spring and felt mattress. Call after 10 A. M. today, 338 E. 44th st. South. . SPECIAL bargains in rooming house fur - niture; good Iron beds. $2.50 up; mat tresses, $2 upi springs. $1 up; few cheap rugs, chairs, heaters, cook stoves, ranges, tables, etc. 384 E. Washington. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture i-going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson T ransfer &. Storage Co., 248 Pine s t. SEVEN ROOMS OF FURNITURE. BY PIECE OR WHOLE. GOOD, CLEAN; AT REASONABLE PRICE. I LARGE MIRROR AND TYPEWRITER DESK. 910 THURMAN ST., DM CAR. . FOR SALE Dining room set, dark wal nut; chairs have leather seats, look like hew; for sale cheap. 300 Park st., corner Columbia and Park. FURNITURE for sale, 5-room house for rent: modern. 6924 86th st. Tabor 6320. VERY fine mahogany set and mahogany piano. Phone Marshall 19. FOR SALE. Furniture for female. QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS COMBINED IN THESE DINING SUITES I 45-inch solid cak round table. 4 solid oak chairs', with real leather slip seat and a fine buffet, all for $95.00 42-inch round pdestal table and 6 chairs; a snap for someone, at $44.73 Terms to Suit. MISH FURNITITTIE CO., V 1SS-190 First Street. STEEL range with Izard cil heater, air tana, air pump and lOO-gallon oil tank. $50; 2 iron bed with springs and mat tresses, $8 and $10; 1 sanitary steej dav enport, with mattress and tjovers, $10; 1 solid -oak rocker. $2; 1 extension din ing table,. oak. $10; 1 table, 3x4 ft., $2. A. Meyer, M cMillan's plac. 1 mile "-east of Beavertnn- on jiew highway. Call Beaverton ,V.tS. FOR SALE Bridge Beach coiiibinnMon rang in A-1 condition, at a bargain. 6SS E. 77th st.. N. ; 3 blocks south of Sartdy blvd. or take RC car. ONE ilOOM of Qurniture for sate. aany new, mahogany and oak. 285 Montxuin - ery. apt. C. FURNITURE of 12-room house for in good condition and reasonable. Vernon ave.. Woodlawn 4272. i.le. 1122 FOR SALE Dresser, china-closet. Mde . board, couch. . rocking chairs, sew. lag mach'ne. East 2563. ' SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped In pool cars. Call East 891. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FURNITURE of all kinds for sale, suit able tor private resiaence or rooming house. 666 E. Washington st East 5645. FOR SALK 7 Oriental rugs and 1 Chinese carpet, at reasonable prices. - (owner leaving town. ) I nquire Broadway 3274. FOR SALE 2 fumed oak chairs and dav enport, suitable for home or office; smalt gas heating stove. Tabor 2540. OAK COMBINATION bookcase and writing desk. $14. 42 E. 34th. six blocks s6uth of Hawthorne. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat: flat rents for $25. East 18th and Morrison Phone East 474. IF YOU wish to sell household goods at good value can Ma dot I4gi. FOR SALE: Air-tight heater, $12.50, and .Majestic range. rnone fc.ast aoo. 1 lAKGE bed sets. roll top 500 E. desk. 2 3!th st. fine walnut Sell. 35H. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Kast 2885. Office Furniture. OFFICE EQUIPMENT from government ana ship yards, including desk, chairs. filing cabinet, tables, adding machines and typewriters. Prices lowest in city. i-. J. WAX OFFICE EQUli'MKM HOUSE, 31 North Flft h st. B roadway 2739. 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-ton t. w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law -size oooKcases, cnairs and in ins; cabinets. Kusnong Sz Co., ttl Park st. Poultry. FOR SALE 200 selected W. L. hens. 400 April pullets. $2.5t each. B. F. Holman, 04 Fifth street, Portland. WHITE Leghorn hens. White Leghorn and Rhodn Island Red pullets. 3 to i month! old. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th S. E Doss, liabbltft. Birds, Pet Stock. OK. salk Beautiful white collie pupa, registered stock, from Island White Collie kennels, sire McDougal's Pride, rep. 276157: dam Mona Faithful, reg. 276156. volume 37, American Kennel club stud book; best strain white collies known. C. O. White, 1883 E. Gl'.san st. .Portland. Oregon. Phone Tabor 4.i!5. ST. AXDREASBUROf roller singers from imported stock. 300 Shaver St., Wood lawn 3052. S-ROOM house, furniture of seven rooms for sale. East 6-jSI. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabol 15U1 yoO stud; kittens cheap; cats boarded. Machinery. HIGH-PRESSURE BOILERS AND ENGINES FOR SALE. 6 B. & W. boilers, 630 H. P., . 200 lbs. 6 B. & W. Boilers. 500 "H. P., ISO lbs. 4 Edge Moore water tube boilers, 600 H. P.. 200 lbs. 5 Stirling boilers, 230 H. P.. 160 pounds. 4 Heinle water tube boilers, 41& ' H. P., 175 lbs. 2 Erie City water tube, boilers. 360 H. P., 160 lbs. 5 72x18 quadruple butt strap, 150 H. P., 150 lbs. 2 78x18 buttstrapped, 175 H. P., 125 lbs. 2 66x16 tubular boilers. 150 lbs. 1 86x20 Lyons Waterleg. 500 H. P. 4 54x16 lap-seam boilers. tOO lbs. 1 48x14 buttstrapped. , 1 Firebox boiler. 1 Firebox boiler. 30 H. Pi - 2 Upright boilers. 12 H. P. 1 Scotch marine dryback, 200 H. P. -4 Atlas engine, 20x27. automatic. 1 Sylvester engine, 26x32. 1 10x12 side-crank engine. 1 SxlO center-crank engine. 1 12x:t6 Quincy Corliss. 1 upright engine. 8 H. P. 1 12x10x10 Duplex pump. 1 6x5 Fairbanks - Morse gear pump. ' Also many other sizes of BOILERS, ENGINES AND PUMPS. Always pleased to make pricea G. & -R. MACHINERY COMPANY, 503 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 8201. Portland, Oregon. AIR COMPRESSORS. A1P. TANKS U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. t AIR COMPRESSOR Jk EQUIPMENT CO Broadway 3300. 329 Couch St. TWO 5-TON pole trailers for sale cheap; these trailers are fitted with lumber hauling rollers, also log bumps; used about 30 days; will sacrifice for quick sale. Coast Engine & Machine Works, foot of Eat Taylor st. Phone East 6345. FOR SALE 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder equipped with 66-inch oblong boiler, good sled englae in first-class order; price right; can make delivery in 3 weeks and if you want a good buy answer quickly. C 033, Oregonlan. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand machinery, scrap iron and junk of all kinds. Phone calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 5684. GOLDBERG & DAVIS. 207 Columbia at. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3607. I.aimcheg and Boats. HA V E clear property to exchange for power houseboat or boat which can easily be turned Into same, do not care for epeed. Marshall 272, bet. 9 and 10 A. M. ; no agents. MODERN houseboat, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, finished in fumed oak and ivory, $1200. Call Tuesday. Sell wood 2940. 20 FOOT motor boat for quick sale, $S0; government equipment. See Lamberson & Reid, boathouse Oak st. 410-G. 5-KOOM modern houseboat for saie. bath and sleeping porch. Must seU. leaving city. Call Sellwood 3668. MOTOR BOAT. 8 H. P. heavy duty en gine, $100. Kenton Boat House. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, alt kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona nortable. 150 com- . plete with carrying case; supplies for aa makes. E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth St. Main 2283. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled ; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak St. FOR RENT Typewriters. $4 per month; 4 months 10; special students rates. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 62L ALL MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired ; send for retail pricea WUULEbALU TlfJfiWKlTJSK CO.. 3-il Washington St., N. W. Cor. 6th. REMINGTON No, 10. latest mod., & price. C. W. Roberts, 660 Flanders. Apt. 1 NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark, laln 140 ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 3668. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, first class condition. L 91 1. Oregonlan. M iftcelianeous. FOR SALE Kitchen heater with Call Tabor 5908.. t FOR SALE; 6-hole Jewell range. 7920. Main HIGH-GRADE bicycle for sale, Taylor. BARTLETT pears, $1.50 box; 3 dozen pint Mason jars. 40c dozen. Wdln. 296. FOR SALE Brand-new fulldrej suit, has never pecn worn. bj a i , uregonian. COATS, iurs. suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 1567. FOR JAI.E. M iscellanrous. DOLAN WRECKING 4- CONST. CO., 4i) Belmont "St., Cor. E. Sth St. ' u. s. government m vter1al. . 5 million ft. Limber for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 12x12, flooring, v . rustic. . sh iplap. " ' 1-ln. boards, S. T. E., Purchased from U. S. shipping Board. , We will sell at about price. We have a large quantity of ' PLUMBING SUPPLIES. roofing paper, 1 shingles, doors. ' wjtidons and sashes, . , pipe and fittings, chicken wire, inside finish. 50 work benches." fire hose, all ilzes, 3no mirrors, all sizes, in fact everything to put up v ou r building with. PROMPT DELIVERY". DOLAN WRiK-KINO & CONST. CO., 460 BELMONT ST.. for.. E. hth St. Phone East 61 10. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 131-B Hth street. Now open for your accommodation. We carry the largest stock of new and slightly used records for exchange -in Portland. Swap records you are tired of for new, late hits or old favorites. Music rolls also exchanged. We sell new Victor. Columbia, Emerson and Okeh records at 39c, 50c and 0:-c each; slightly used records at 25c, 35c and 5c each. Our place is neat and conveniently arranged. Come in and loo4t us over. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE, 3Ul 11th St. SEW, SEW. SEW. SEW. ' ' Phone Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfg. machines; .motors. - shafting and tables installed ; everything in ncedies. Phone Sellwood 1071. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesale price. 1 UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 Morgan Bids. HOG RAISERS. ATTENTION. We have a limited quantity of con densed buttermilk in barrels at a spe cial price; , see us quick for your re quirements. "Uazelwuod Co., Front and Ankeny. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first ciaas mechanical condition at a big .sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth st. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes : ma chines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third st.. near Taylor. ELECTRIC i-epair and parts for all makes Irons. heaters. " toasters. percolators, vacuum cieanere. fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc. Wiring and motor dept. Quick service. Hynson Electric Co Phone Bdwy. 4293. 3U2 Pine, at 5th. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secona-nand. at rigrnt prices, doush sold aud exchanged. Easy terms it da sired. . NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 2043. FOR SALE Cretons peanut and popcorn machines : Inside and outside models; none better; the machine that has stood the acid test of time and proved a money maker. Wynn . & Sands, Ells worth apt., room 15. 1 C6 Lownsdale st. CHINESE SEDAN CHAIR. WITH POUES; dozen steel traps: one canvas boat; 12-foot bobsled for coasting: 100 wooden decoy ducks: 9 decoy geese. Now at stable. 876 Hawthorne avenue. WHY DON'T YOU RENT? Shotgu n or' rifle, terms reasonable. -WE -BUY. SELL. RENT AND TRADE. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4495. 128 1ST. TABOR 679. SEVEN ROOMS OF FURNITURE, BY PIECE OR WHOLE. GOOD. CLEAN; AT i REASONABLE PRICE. 1 LARGE . MIRROR AND TYPEWRITER DESK. 010 THURMAN ST.. DM CAR. PRUNE trees, English walnuts, Oregon Champion gooseberry and Cuthbert red raspberry plants for sale. Order now. Woodstock nursery, 5803 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Seilwood 2332. COMPLETE vulcanizing equipment, includ ing buffer, compressor, air tank, toots, tire rods, work bench, piping, wiring, etc. U. S, plant. Bargain for cash. AV 844, Oregonlan. . HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gaI.. $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why pot a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky, roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. ONE NO. 3 Stewart oven, tempering fur nace. One oil-tempering bath with ther mometer; will consider trade for smaller equipment. Call Brodway 1827. Alba- - tross Metal Furniture Co. CUSTOMERS wanted for milk. 14c per quart, delivered in Fiedmont and Albina in Overland. Albina Dairy, Woodlawn 470C. v USED electric washing machines: some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. Sth and Oak sts. FOR SALE Soft drink fixutres consisting of bar, back ' bar, cash register, glass containers, card tables and chairs. L 101, Oregonlan. LADY'S genuine beaver fur coat. 30 "nchei long, high storm collar, excellent con dition; used only one season; price $200. Phone Sellwood 22 13. mornings. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON -STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Mornsou. Marshall 721. FURS FURS. Above high rent Below high prices. - THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th at Washington. LICENSED indepeudent electrician wires 3 rooms for IliV. o rooms $20; all new . material used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. AN EXPERIENCED iawn and landscape man: lawns made new or old ones re paired. 245 1& Alder St. Main 16J2. Res. Main 613. HOMES designed, built and remodeled by experienced anr reliable builders. Wood lawn 5348. CALL Woodlawn J381; ask about slab wood, short or long length, delivered.. We can Bave you on your moving job. NOTICE! Bartlett pears are now ready for d e livery at 112 East 55th St.. Portland, Or. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. HAND-KNIT ruffle-tall sweater, best yarn. oeautitui color ; never worn; fnontt Marshall 5838. WE BUY. SELL, RENT OR TRADE SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. NEWMAN. 328 First. Main 4495. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 fe Morrison st. JUNK WANTED JUNK. Highest prices paid. We also clothing and furniture. Main 734. buy GOOD milk goat for sale or will trade for wood or concrete worn. n,iiison, 10-2 K. Glit-an st. Tabor 4392. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. PATENT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX SILVRTON. OK. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT B'.UU. -MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE Factory sample; women's and children s. :J4 becona. cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car, trade for diamond, per fect stose. A P 852. Oregonlan. NEW ELECTRIC Singer sewing machine, used only few weeks. 50 cash. Main 597. PLUMS, prunes and pears for sale. We pick them. Tabor 4038. LAW LIBRARY: sacrifice, cash or terms. RC 739. Oregonian. SAFE Fireproof safe In good order; bar gain. A R 846, Uregonian. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding, 2454 Alder St. Main 1692. CASH register, computing scale and sate at a bargain. 306 Oak gt. PEARS delivered, $1.73 lawn 5357. box. Call Wood DENTAL supplies for sale at a sacrifice this week. 407 Oregonian bldg. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bent ley. Main 4907. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies' used apparel in Laurelhurst home. Tabor 2S25. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdln. 3607. BLOCK WOOD, slab woorl. mixed, 2 -load lots, special prices. Kast 2041. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. POTATO sacks, grain sacks; bargain prices. 153 Front t near Morrison bridge. FOR SALF, M iscellaneous. WHITE RUFFLED DRESS, SIZE "t. AND . BLACK WOLF FUR FUR SALE. CALL EAST 6S74. 5 SLIGHTLY usd drophead and ' cabi net sew ing machines, every make, from $ 16 to $4g. all the latest new Stneers; cash or time. Machines rented $3 per month. Singer Store. Moos bldg., UU 4th.' Main W::3. FOR SA LE Couple National registers, floor rasfs, all sizes; ice boxes, wall and counter eases, coffee grinder, electric; bar counter, computing srale, shoe-shine out fit., peanut roaster, larse and Mnali -afe at sacrifice. 242 Salmon . Hb.VjAHlAN plums ami French petite pnc, a pound; Bartlett pears. $1.50 abov; windfall apples, 5tc a box; bring I'oxe. Tabor 8232. 245 E. Ulst N-. MontavfKat depot car. FOR - SALE Second-hand timber planks. fooring ami other lumber. Phone East 7v S47W. See Mr. Whittock, east side, near " Hawthorne ave. PRUNES FOR SALE We have 5 acres In prunes on trees, for sale; close to Van couvt-r. on paved road. Inquire 306 Rall way Exchange bldg. FINE BAR.TLETT PEARS. good for can- ning and eating, delivered $2.50 while they iast. Phone East 8770. box 45 Kast Hurnslde street. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1060. 48 Front st. LOOK here, if your piano needs tuning, re pairing, regulating or cleaning, call U. C Thompson. Phone Aut. 518-13; res. 5ol Harrison st. All work guaranteed. FOR SALE New hand-made net ham mocks for campers and hunters : weight 2 pounds; prie $3. Phone Mar. 3761. SHIPYARD WOOD t'O. BDWY. !SS. EVE.. SELL. 3 44. Ha vy eprd wood and wreckage wood. FOR SALE Book of Knowledge, $30. and Standard Reference Works. $20. L 107, OreHonian. SLAB and block mixed, already sawed; . also cord and slab wood for quick de livery. Phone East 1303. DOUBLE bed spring and mattress; sanitary-base range with water coil ; rugs, suitcase and small grip. Woodlawn 4018. PAN A M A wood heater, with water coils. new last year. Call after Sunday, 2500 E. 4Sth t., near Division. BA RTLETT pears and Iallan prunes for tale. Call 503 Rodney ave., or call East ..tij an week. SAFES, floor cases, registers, wall ice boxes coffee grinder, scales, arms. On terms. 242 Salmon st IRON bedstead:, springs and mattresses. 4 dozen plates, cups and saucers, 2 per co' a tors, 1 dresser. 53 Rodney ave. BART LETT pears $1.75 per box delivered Phone East, 1015. EIGHT-FOOT floor show cases, plate topa is a foot. 610 1st st. iKt,ss btiT. size 4U. as goon n new, ex cellent material, cheap. Call Tabor 8257. DEER RIFLE. 30-30 Savage, good as new, at a bargain. Call Tabor 8257. THE Monarch combination coal, wood and gas range. Woodlawn 4797. NATIONAL cash relsterT lc"to $5; bar gain.$SO. Mar. 557. 51 S Corbett bldg. GIRL'S gymnasium suit, never been worn. Main 1303. WINCHESTER pump 12-gauge, $40 cash. gun. 1897 model, L 945. Oregonlan. BARTLETT pears. 3c. rear Kennedy school. 1236 East 3L'd N, Alberta, car. FURNITURE and fruit jars for sale. tvt.-nlngs, 61 Everett st. PRUNES for sale, Hawthorne ave. 5 cents a pound. 931 FOR 8 ALE AUTOMOBILES. 6 -CYLINDER Chalmers, overhauled and like repainted ; rive good tires; looks new ; a bargain. Bdwy. 1614, 53P Washington St. HERE. Brand new Mitchell roadster, used one week and run only 165 miles; cord tires in rear, non-skids all around, new spare tire, bumpers, spot light, license, etc. Factory guarantee. M ust sacrifice ; no reasonable offer will be refused. Bdwy. 3281, Mr. Argo. 1920. 490 CHEVROLET at a substantial reduction; car in first-class shape, run but a few hundred miles. If you are looking for a good car at right price in vestigate this. 129 Laurelhurst avenue. Tabor 8079. CLUhiMj out our stock or used cars. almost any popular make at low price, easv terms ; leaving city. Call Bdwy., 1454. 351 Burnside sL W. H. Walllng ford. $1000 TAKES Chandler chummy roadster; this car must be seen to be appreciated DEN BY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF N. W., mm anu uavis. Phone Broadway 3848. HAVE 1H18 Maxwell touring car, 4 nearly new tires and in good mechanical order. which 1 will sell at a bargain. W din 26H0. or can be seen at 875 E. 6th st North. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. Xo Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CA R CO. 101S OLDSMOBILE in line condition. $L1.0; 3 919 serje? y-tt i- ran kiln, runs like new, $2250. 93 N. Park st.. at Flanders. Week days phone Bdwy. 600. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wneels. axles. We wreck all makes of cars and a.' their parts at half price. Davia Hodct Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-T N. 11th st 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. '' In splendid condition, good tires and extras: a wonderful performer: 11400 cash. AV 35a. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring; lqoks and runs ltko new; equippea with shock ab corbers and lots of extras. Call East 7338. CHEVROLET touring car for sale, leaving town, must sell at once, can be seen at 483 E. Clay, or call phone East 2679. This is a snap. - LATE '18 OLDS BEARCAT pport road t.r. in oerfect condition; will sell out right or trade for G-passenger touring car. -51 rront St., corner j eirerson. NEARLY" new 1020 Chandler Chummy Four: extra tire and otner accessories owner left town; quick sale cheap. Call 748 Morgan bldg-. or phone Main 1162 1918 MAXWELL touring in first-class shape; $500. Call owrnr at Main 319. 4' Board of Trade building. OVERLAND 4 1920. Leaving city. Mus make sale by Tuesday. Will sell sacrifice. AC 852. Oregonlan. FORD BUG New paint, windshield : bargain for cash, or will exchange fo light six. Tabor iwo. 1918 FORD touring car, new tires, com pletely overhauled. I can guarantee it. MUST sell my 1317 , Chevrolet in good con dition,""'good tires. 501 Vancouver ave nue, near Russell. PAIGE light six; new tires. In first-class condition: bargain for 9o0. Owner, i .a tk 1919 Briscoe, wonderful tire eouln . ment; a dandy little car for only (750. Main 780. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND for sale. $300. 3526 49th st. a. xl.. juc acou car presto station. FOR SALE Dodge touring car. 3917. good condition; $850. 1013 East Irving st. Tabor l'uoi. FIVE-PASSENGER Cole in fine condition everything; a wonaeriui ouy ior o: terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1917 MAXWELL, starter, lighv. top. bat teries good shape, spare ure. Fortlan Garage, 5th and Taylor. FOR SALE 1914 Ford, in fine condition good buy for cash. Call Monday arter. i.ui --a si. . c. 19.18 CHEVROLET roadster with extras, $390. 2175 Hassalo. cor. 8Sth st. FOR SALE Ford delivery. 1919. class condition. 6211 72d S. E. NEW AUTOMOBILE at factory price by financing company. AN 875, Oregonlan. 1920 FORD touring. Al shape, $550. 439 Sumner st. LATE 1918 Dodge touring car, good condi tion. Tabor 2549. FORD metal covered delivery body for saie cheap. Woodlawn 5S94. 1917 VELIE. five oversized cord tires, new paint. $90. Main 780. 1912 FRANKLIN touring car; $325. Own er, Woodlawn 396. 1915 -Vi-TON BUICK. 439 Sumner St. good shape, $200. 1920 FORD sedan; a bargain at $873. 1701 E. 7th st. S. FOR SALE Good delivery Ford, for $375. 86 E. Irving st. Will sell BUICK ai-ton, exchange for Ford. Sumner st. FOR SALE One Ford delivery just over hauled. Call Broadway 2400. FORD hug. good shape; a real buy; $290. 4 OO Monroe nt. East S096. FoRD chassis without motor; good tires. Phone Sellwood 264. FOR SALE Al'TOMOBlLES. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Tou will note the difference as soon ax you step into our ued car salesroom. In fact, you may wonder if you have not gotten into the new car department, so trim and neat are our uted cars. our policy is to go through every used car that we tke in trade and dress it up. mechanics 11 v and otherwise, and when we get through the car is worth mucn more than before, yet the added cost is little. We offer'here a few for your approval: 1015 REO. 5-Dass.. 4-cvl $ 300 45 400 1915 Bl'ICK. 5-pass.. 4-cyI l:16 MAXWELL. 5-pass.. 4-cyl - . - -OVERLAND model 75. 5-passeager, 4-cvlinder OVERLAND, model 90, 5-pasaenger, 4-cylimler .500 650 OVERLAND model 85. 5-passenger 4-cylinder 70 1910 MITCHELL. 7-pass., 6-cyI. " 1017 Hl'PMOBI LE. 5-pass.. 4-cyl.. IO.iO 1017 MITCHELL. 5-pass., fi-cyl IOimi 1018 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyl H-Ml 1917 MITCHELL. 7-pass., 6-cyl. n" 101S MITCHKI.U 7-pass., 6-cyl ItOO 11119 MITCHELL, 5-pass.. 6-cyl.... 10 191S MITCHELL, Chummy 1100 litis OAKLAND. .Vpass.. 4-cyl. WILLYS-KNIGHT. 5-pass., 4-cyl 1U1 MITCHELL roadster, 5 cord tires a real buy. JORDAN Sport Marine, 4-pass., 6-cyl. JORDAN Silhouette, 5-pass., 6-cyl. WE HAVE OTHERS BOTH LARGE AND SMALL. REASONABLE TERMS. NO BRO KERAGE CHARGES. WE HAN DLE OUR OWN PAPER. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone, Broadway 4075. WILLTS-OVERLAND-PACIFIC CO. USED AUTOMOBILES. 1014 Ford touring car, good running condition; all new tires. 1917 Ford roadster, ready for service; good tires and paint. 1918 Ford touring: looks like new, witn many extras; exceptionally itood. 1919 Chevrolet touring in good condi tion, with new tires; the kind of used automobiles that are seldom found. 1910 Overland S."i-4, touring, very good condition throughout; good power, very roomy. 1U20 Nash roadster, run less than ooOO miles; will accept small automobile la exchange, terms difference. These used automobiles are second to none. Call and see. You are assured of fair dealing. WILLYS-OVERLAND-PACIFIC CO.. Bdwy. : i 5 a 5 . Broad w ay a nd Davis Sts. FORD OWNERS. PHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed .... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. AU work guarar teed. THE REASON, the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have U RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 1916 Buick little six chassis, fine con dition; tires good; .Just the car to make a real speedster: $675. 3918 Maxwell touring, like new; tires good: well worth $tO0; our price $495. STUDEBAKER four touring. light model: electric lights and starter; $-'J5; best buy in town. g& 1918 Briscoe touring. $550. w TERMS if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. "770 Grand Ave. and Hawthorne Ave. li18 BUICK touring 5-pass., 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet. Saxon 6. $550. Ford bug. $425. Big Six Buick. S500. Winton Six. $125u. Ford trailer, new tires. $. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO.. 345 Union ave. North. East 06. WE HAVE several express and delivery automobile of loOO ids. capacity, wuu starters, good condition throughout ; we will accept car in exchange; they are priced right; call and see; you are as sured ot fair dealing. WILLYS-OVERLAND-PACIFIC CO.. Broadway 3535. Broadway and Davis st. $550 $550. 1016 Dodge, 5 good tires and Al me chanical lv ; tnap for this price; 40 per cent down, balance easy payments. 522 Alder. m $550 $550. WANTED at once. Ford touring car, con dition no Object, as pari pajinrni on a. brand new Ford touring car wirh extra. 5820 i2d st. S. E. Phone Automatic Lents 20-11. FORD. Panel delivery a bargain at $250. Call owner, al" day Sunday and Mon day, at Tabor 639-). 7510 53d ave., near Foster road and 76th st. MY NEW 1920 Overland demonstrator. now selling at a sacriiice at iuaj. Equipped with spotlight, motometer; lust nicely limbered up; would pass for new. Call Tabor 8850. FORD touring car. good condition; equipped with speeuomevr. special iens. warning signal and numerous other accessories. Covered by fire and theft insurance pol icy JastJV169. DANDY bug. suitable the year around; will carry rive passengers, newiy enam eled and overhauled; cash or terms. $175. Call 3M li East 11th st South or call autom a tic 222-67. DODG E 5-PAPSENGER, $650. Privately owned: will cost $S00 from nnv dealer. Seeing is believing. Phone Sunday or evenings, East 583. VELIE. The very latest 1919 model car. like new, all cord tires; will sell for $1400. Main 780. LIGHT SIX roadster like new, driven 4000 miles, perfect condition. Leaving; will sacrifice at $S50, terms. Seilwood 5 1 . BEST BUY IN CITY. 1918 Maxwell touring, good condition, new paint ; only $550. 609 Lexington. Sellwood 2379. t . r-y c- v T IT1 Tn rnl.r r,nnlr H o r C m. Dassenger Detroiter; motor and tires In i good shape; $175. Oregon Auto Repair Co.. lKth and Glisan sts. 5-FASSENGER Cole touring, in excellent condition in every way. A wonderful buy1 for $625. Act quickly. Can ar range terms. Broadway 3HM1. Mr. Argo. SACRIFICE, leaving the city. Overland 4, 1920 model; run 3000 miles; in perfect condition ; just like pew ; must sell by Sept. 7. 415 E. loth fit. N. FORD COUPE Electric lights and starter, demountable rims, spare tire, Moore brakes and other extras, $800. Tabor 725. t AM LEAVING CITY. WILT. SACRIFICE MY ALMOST NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER- TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PAR TY. EAST 4-J16. FORD ROADSTER, WITH LIGHT DE LIVERY. MODEL 1918. A-l CONDI TION; SNAP AT $375. 631 HOOD ST. BUICK 6 D55. cord tires, like new, $1095. terms. Ask for Wallingford. Bdwy. 1454. 351 Burnside st. Wl LL trade Cadillac bug, in good condi tion, for late Indian motorcycle. Sell wood 3465. DODGE touring car. A-l condition: act quickly. Third Street Garage. 84 North Third street. Broadway 4918. LATE model Ford touring, excellent con dition, $65, extras. See this before you buy. 066 Market st. BARGAIN BUICK LIGHT 6. $1150. Late '18 model, fine condition, five good 1 1 res, terms. Call Sellwood 05 1 . 19 JO OVERLAND light four, best light car on market today; $S50. 613 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AUTO W R EC K I NG. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 190 Union Ave., Near Hawthorne. 19-0 FORD SEDAN. $875, $400 liberty bonds or Ford touring, balance cash. 170 E. 7th st. E. 6234. "WILL sell my Ford touring cheap, for cash ; good condition. East 3 SOS. 129 E 3d st. X., except Sunday 10,19 FORD touring; pulls like a Packard; $473 drives it away. 281 Fr-it st cor ner Jefferson. 191' COLE. $150 cash, electric lights Multnomah Auto Repair Co., 271 Fargo. Automatic 319-8 LATE 1018 Maxwell; good tires. Main a dandy; 780. new paint. 1919 CHEVROLET roadste East 6057. G. S. Brown. a bargain. LATE model 7-pass. Mitchell, cord tires: make an offer. new paint. Main 780. FOR SALE 1917 Paige 7-pasenger, good MARMON touring, bosch equipment, fine condition. oroaa a-i -"'''j- 1918 DODGE CAR in ,A-1 condition, for o. 1. an 1 nmm .., room sn,i. OWNER must sacrifice late model Buic line condition. Main 554. FOR SALE AITOMOBIIES. NOW IS THE TIME, to buy n god car at a low price. We have some real 1-ar-Ph ins in ali sizes and ma kes; we gua r antee all of our cars to bo in first-class shape. A fw w p have are; 1919 Nash, run 500 miles; save $S0O. 1918 Nash. Hudson puper 6. 7-pjisse-njcer. 1918 Paige, ju&t painted robin -egr blue. 1915 C-25 Buick. 1918 Cole S roadster. 1919 Paige. 7-pasen.cer. 191S Buick bisr 6; a barga-in 1917 Stearns-Knight; a real car. 1914 Cadillac. Call us up or come and see us fo-r a demonstration. PORTLAND GARAGE. Marshall ti'v FKth and Tavlor. YES. WE ARE OPEN TDA V. BIG BARGAINS IN LATE M I L L CARS. COME SEE FUR YOURSELF. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. USED CHEVROLET! SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO CHEVROLET AGENTS. 1TH AND ALDER ST 3. BDWY. 240. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND' i MORTGAGE CO., 20& SELLING BLDG.. -L FLOOR. 1920 BUICK ROADSTER, Just new. driven 1700 miles: six over size cord tires, double tire carrier, two tire covers, cable tire iock and spike theft lock, mot or meter, clock, bumpers, cutout, step plates, Warner lenses, two spot lights, geur shift extension, rear view mirrors, skid t nuins and a lull set -.of rebound snubbers. Cost complete $2300; a wonderful roadster and a genuine bargain at $l$50 cash. AV 356, t'regonian. THE SCRIPPS - BOOTH CO OF CAL. Here we are, fol ks ! No commissions, no profits on all our used cars. Each car has been thoroughly overhauled. A few samples of our bargains: 1 Dodge $ 550 1 brand, new 3 920 Monroe Io50 Scripps-Boor h roadster 450 And we have some others. We give long terms. THE SCR1PPS-BOOTH CO. OF CAL 522 Alder St. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed Magneto recharsred ..$20 . . 6 Wo hand-lap pistons, etc.. which insures a motor. Genuine Ford All work guaranteed. scrape bearings, perfect running parts only used. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 2S0 Front St., Corner J etferson. 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. This car has been used by me as a dem onstrator and has been kept in pertect shape, equipped with five Miller cord tires, two spotlights, large nioiometer and two Hoover spring bumpers; has been run just enough by an expert driver to break in properly; terms. Dana, Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. HERE. Brand -ncw Mitchell roadster, used one week and run only 165 miles; cord tirea in rear, non-skids all around, new spare tire, bumpers, spot ligh t, license, etc. ; factory guarantee; must sacrifice: no reasonable offer will be refused. Broad way 3281. Mr. Argo. MERCER RACE A BOUT. 22-73 MODEL. Like new, driven less than 5000 miles: six wire wheels and cord tires; guaran teed speed SO miles per hour; t he smartest sport car made ; cost $490; must dispose of same for $2750 cash. AV 354. Oregontan. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesscrl tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; al&o do towing. Open day and night. j LONG & SILVA, Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. HAYNES 3-pasenger. run less than 7000 miles. 4 good cord tires, one spare; a bargain. $SO0 will handle. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington st. 1919 DODGE, 6 tires, bumper, spotlight and snubbers. always driven by A 1 me chanic and in in best of condition. Bdwy. 1614, 531 Washington St. 1020 WESTCOTT SEDAN", good as new; in perfect run-nin gorder; driven only 40O0 miles: a bargain for anyone desir ing a closed car for the winter. Tele phone 1919 NASH touring, newly painted, thor oughly overhauled and in absolutely first class condition, at an attractive price; terms if desired. Broad a v 1 S."S. 1917 MAXWELL, chassis, can be seen at 249 Sixth street. Will give terms. 1914 FORD touring, new fenders, lights, etc., in fine running order. $250 ca&h. 90S "Williams ave. A SNAP Late 1917 light 6 Mitchell. 5 passenger, fully equipped; cheap; terms If desired. Tabor 89 19. PAIGE SPORT, 1920, at a bargain; good condition. Mr, Hageman. Broadway 3281. 1917 STUDEBAKER. good condition and . appearance, 5 good tires; sacrifice $400. Main 7Su. APPSKSON -iisht. perfect condition, a snap. Can be seen at 14 North Otb. st. Phone Proariway 1716. FORD bug cheap. Call 81 Garfield ave. Automobiles Wunted. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. 8. W. corner 15th and Washington. WOOD SAW for sale, mounted on Winton chassis, or will trade for light touring car ; will consider no junk. Call isun days, Woodlawn 620. Week days tail Automatic 324-46. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1332. WANTED To sell or trade a fuiiy equtpped small cafe, doing good busi ness, for a late model Eight auto: Ford preferred. Wit lamina C'aie, Wi.iamna, or. WANTED Light car up to $800 as part payment on l acre and 5-roo-m modern nouse. ror particulars can 3ir. .r issuer. Main 5420. 248 Stark st. WANTED New Ford from private party, on year's time. Real estate security. :;03 94th. Lents. IVi-TON late model Gary truck, cab and Hat beu, i or tale cneap. or irauo ior light touring car. Haley, Broadway 41 7S. TWO lots, 50x100 each. 6Ud st. R. C. dis trict, to trade tor light car. u. -mut-phy. Morgan bldg. barber shop WANT to buy old cars, any size, any con dition. Call Vancouver 5o6. R E. Gore. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. AU makes, terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand A e. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. 1914 TWO-SPEED Harley-Davidson twin with 1919 side car. $1 75. McKay Francis Motor Car Co.. Grind ave. and Hawthorne. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Auto Tires and Accessories. BRAND new 40xS Goodyear cord, all weather tread. complete with tnbe, mounted on rim; 25o off. Phone Main 160. 3bx4Vs CORD tire, retread. Miller Ad-On. C. P. Barette, Ms in 937. AatomuOilra tor Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCH MAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Rrodwa 3f?L6. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS, HUDSOS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. HlvU A U J 1 '3. 1 v" 1 ri .-1 u .-1 13 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER-S. New 19'0 models. Teasona ble rates. 132 12th t.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840,