11, THE MORNING OllEGONIAN, MONDAY, SEPTE3IBER G, 1920 REAIi ESTATK. For Sale Houses. A. G. TRKPB CO.. ROSE CITY PARK'S BKST BUYS. We handle more houses in Rose City Park than any other agency; wo are th loaders in sales in this popular district; we maintain a branch office there at fifth and Sandy bivd., are better equipped than Anyone else to handle property In that district; most of our salesmen live there; we know nearly every house in the district. Those who want to sell natu rally list their property with us realiz ing fully that it will sell quickly. Doesn't it stand to reason we can serve you best? I t would be folly to buy without first Seeing: our listings, t ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Pen $4250. Exceptionally large living room, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc.; close in; easy terms. ROSB CITY PARK. Bungalow Garage $4750. First time advertised; 5 nice rooms; in perfect condition; remarkably built home; hnrdwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, ga thro. Price $4730, subject to $70 assts. for street; some furniture included in price; it's a real bargain; you'll appre ciate it, too. ROSE CITY. PARK. 5 Rooms $5250. Here Is a splendid bungalow, folks; you' 11 be proud to own this attractive home; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc.; located on one of Rose City's most beautiful streets; let us show you. ROSE CTTY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW OARAGE. $ .17:10. "Here you are, folks; here's a home you'll be proud to own: modern to the very last detail; a perfet gem; excep tionally large living room, extending en tire width of house; the interior decora tions a re wonderful! v attractive: you nver would expect to buy such a home Xor so little money. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-Room Bungalow Garage. 5350. - Ideally located; here's the place for you. folks : a nice bedrooms an on one floor: situated below the hill In Rose City: modern to the tost detail: terms. Hear in mind we have, houses listed in " other sections of .Portland. Let us show ou ; you will be under no obligations, absolutely. BRANCH OFFICE ONLY OPEN SUN DAY AND LABOR DAY. PHONE TA BOR 05&6 Sundav and Monday. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 30f2. Sunday and Labor Day Phone Tab. ft 58 6. BRANCH OFFICE ftOTH, AND SANDY, OJ'KN SUNDAY AND LABOR DAY. Sunday and Evenings also phone Tabor 8-55. ROSS ME RE ADDITION. -room residence at :tth and Tilla mook, 3 blocks from Sandy bivd.: this Is t horoughly modern, 2-story house, large living rno m with fireplace, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, dining room and den on first floor; upstairs. 4 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, linen closet and large bath, full concrete bHSement, hot water heat; lot 1 OOxl "0; concrete ga rage ; a very beautiful home. Price $7450, terms. 1RV1NOTON. Strictly modern bungalow, near Irv ington school; 7 rooms, hot air heat. In perfect con d It ion and exclusive neigh borhood ; lot 62 xlOO; must sell im mediately; if you want & fine home, see this. Price $S500, terms. LOOK AT THIS. WAVKRLE Y HER; UTS. New 5-room house. Tibbfts near 30th t., concrete foundation and basement; all rooms on one floor. 3 blocks from car, 6 blocks from school; lot 40x100. Price $4350, $1000 cash, balance $30 per month. DON C. WORMLEY, 413-10-21 A bing ton bid. Alain 1232. FINE WEST SIDE HOME ON RALEIGH STREET. Half block from 23d street carltne; BOxlOO lot : fine lawn and shrubbery; garage. Lower floor has hard wood; reception room, large living ronm. beau tiful dining room with pantry and fine kitchen ; four large bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch; fine bath room with best of plumbing; best hardware throughout ; billiard room anl floored attic on third floor; full cement base ment; hot air furnace; wash trays and iruu room. This home must be seen to be appre ciated, trice uuuu; nair casn, easy terms. See Mr. Knuth, McClure & Schmauch Co , 306 Railway Exchange liiug. .Mam ian3. 7-ROOM HOUSE. DOT 60x11 FEET. ALL KINDS FRUIT. THIS IS A POSIT! VE BARGAIN AT THE PRICK $2650. DON'T FORGET WE'RE OPEN MONDAY". N EI LAN & PARKH1LL. 2 1 fl Lumbermen's bids... Hth and Stark gt. UORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Fine 8-room house, now vacant, at 54S Elizabeth street, living roam very large; fireplace, large glassed-in sleeping porch, extremely solid construction, best heavy hardwood floors, cement garage with plenty light, water and drain; unob m rue ted view of city. Way below value. B ROOK E. 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. Mar. 4S27. HOME BUILDERS. I guarantee to save you 5 to 20 per rent on the cost of building your home; can render financial assistance. Call Marshall 2310. L. VC. MURRAY 210 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. TOR S.A LK bv ou ner. beautiful home at 040.: 04th ave. and 100th st. S. E., on Mount Scott car line, near Lents Junc tion, consisting of M: block, well-built 7 -room house. with basement, small barn, fruit trees and beautiful shrubbery. Frr particulars call a,t above address. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 320o for a 7-room with bath. 2 toi lets, furnace, fine lot 50x!O. on E. Clay. only 1 block S. of Hawthorne car. $1200 cash. A snap. F. L. BY. A NC HARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall S29. IRVING TON. Buy direct from owner, save commis ion; charming six-room house and ga rage: lull lot: $Uooo. $2000 cash, balance j.iu per niontn. plus- interest, usu jl.. itn t. North. Mr. Rowland. 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. $1400 for this 4-room, with furniture, lot 40x170, with garden and berries, only $350 cash, bal. monthly. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. $1600 FOR A 5-rooin, only 3 b. from Mil waukee ave. and on Powell st. Lot 40x 13"; paved street and sewer in and paid, $400 cash. bal. monthly. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swe 1 1 a nd bldg . Phone M a I n 829. 4600 MODERN 7 -room .bung. ; full cement basement, furnace, '. trays, fireplace, h. w. floors, built-lns.; got it on mortg. Selling cheap. Lot 6t)xlu0; ga rage. See .1. P. McKenna, beimont, at 30th. Tab. 4l3. yiVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. large attic and sleeping porch, buffet kitchen, all built in conveniences, fireplace and furnace, 5iixlno lot; fine view and near Mount Ta bor park. Call and see it. 152 E. 66th St., between Belmont and Yamhill. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful home, large grounds. fine dis trict, flowers, fruit and garden; you can't duplicate this for the price in the city. Pacitlo Realty. -M. 547. 40a, spald HE auti I U L new "-room house near Hawthorne; must sell ; reason Is owner lea vine town: this Is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. Auto, phone I'.'.i1. u st... room ,t. --ROOM cottage on r.oxiO-ft. lot, corner Rodney avenue and San Rafael street. Kirtl stone cement basement, hot water brat. Inquire Geo. W. Kendaii, owner, 'J 4 Front st. N K W CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW. o rooms, strictly modern; ready to move in. SOft We idler, between 2Mb. and 20th. owner ana Duiider. Main 5231, Tabor rcjL kuH t a Aiooern -room nou, cor. lot 50x ion ; hardwood floors; nice yard with truit trees; garage in basement: blocks from school, u blocks from car line. Phone 'labor 107. J O It SA LE Rose C if y Park bungalow. H rooms hiiu sleeping porcn ; nas in been enameled and tinted, at 700 E. 59th st. IV T.Al'RKLHU RST Beautiful 7-rnom house ha-dwoud floors throughout, $7500; $2500 earth, 0 per cent interest, owner. Tabor HOME AND INCOME. rooms nd - attic rooms. good -lumblng. z eiH. garage, corner lot, 1042 Belmont. Owner, Tahor 8300. V;k SALE lOfxloO Jot. o-room. 2-si house, small basement. bearing frui trees, - blocks to cur, near school. Tel. Sell. 24..JI. -ROSE CJTY PARK. I arjf. 7 -room house, modern, rood buy. $5O0. 657 E. or.th st., 50 feet from Sandy bivd. Ta nor gTnOOM modern house, corner, north front age. Improvements paid; price $35O0. tMiine terms, owner. Wood lawn 0135. 440 K a i H ng St. K EN TON New, modern, large 3-room bun galow, bath, breakfast nook, full lota very attractively finished, reasonable, from owner. 1046 Minnesota ave. PORTLAND II EIGHTS home w-Ml ieTl furnished or unfurnished. Main 6450. 1U4 Gasco blda- j'oR SALE 2-room house, garage, chick en house. 50x100 lot, $1050. Uat St. Johns, 1331 Astor tot. REAL ESTATE. For Sale $500 DOWN. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. CHEAPER THAN RENT. FOR ALL OF THE MONTHLY PAY MENT IS NOT LOST. 5 rooms and large attic. New place, never occupied. .70x100 cor ner lot; all rooms enameled, hard wood floors in living room and din ing room; fireplace. Dutch kitchen. Good cement basement ; located north of car line; short walking distance to school; we are the owners of this place and will sell on straight monthly payment: price only $5150; no mortgage to assume. Why rent when you can buy like this? J. L. HART MAN CO.. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg: Main 20S. or evenings and holidays Call Mr. Boone. Tabor S3S0. 100x100 WITH modern home of seven , rooms and reception hall, French doors between living room and dining and hall. built-in effects, fine hardwood floors, artistic fireplace,, one bedroom on the first floor, draperies, linoleum and kitchen range included In the price of $450; $15iu) cash will handle. Bungalow of six rooms and attic, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood - floors, all built-lns, full concrete basement, garage, improved street, price $5500. Reason able terms. New modern bungalow of five large rooms, breakfast nook and sleeping porch, concrete basement, fireplace, built-in effects, white enamel finish, corner lot. Price $4650. Terms. Nifty f ivo-room bungalow, concrete basement, some built-in effects, price $2750. $1000 will handle. 5i: Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. I RVINGTON RKSIDKNCB. A very fine home of 6 large and airy rooms In old ivory and mahogany with French dooiv between dining and living rooms, all hard wood floors downstairs. Including stair landings: fine large fire place, built-in buffet, bookcases and win dow seats; fine basement, furnace: 2 toilets and good garage; lot 50x100, fac ing east. If you should want a fine home at ' the right price, see this; by appointment only. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. S2&. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. H-Room Bungalow $4750. Located 3 blocks Touth of Rose City Park school o 57th st. An exceptionally well-built bungalow; hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, double set of plumbing, full ppmpiit hapnipnt. etc.: vou prob ably couldn't build the house today for $6000: it's in perfect condition, too; very easy terms; let us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., hear 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th & Sandy, Tab. 9586, Open Sunday und Monday.) LAURELHURST. If you mean business and have money owner will sacrifice beautnui resiaence; situated near school and park on M V car line, in best part of Laurolhurat; ATtra Inreo livlntf room, riinlntr room. sun room, 3 big fine bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch, hardwood floors up and downstairs. Concrete garage, full ce ment basement: artistic built-lns; every thing to make modern home complete; cash, balance 7 per cent. uwner, 0K7 East Glisan. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME BY OWNER. Strictly modern 8-room home, finished In Ivory and mahogany; papered in tap estry; hardwood floors, sun porch, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, front and back stairway, 2 toilets and baths; beautiiui living ana music rooms, 40 ft. long with plate glass windows, 4 large bedrooms, garage and driveway ; near school, park and car; fine neighborhood; good terms. 98 floral v. i a our -i SOUTH MOUNT TABOR. Superbly built, finely finished home of seven rooms, with sleeping porch: inlaid hardwood floors: Inelenook fireplace ; large - airy bedrooms and commodious (atnsets: beamed ceilings; full concrete uTisement and efficient furnace; fine view; large lot 100x114 feet; fruit trees ana garden. Priced at W00. COB A. McKENNA & CO., 82 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4522. SNAP IN IRVINGTON. Modern 7-room, story and half home hardwood floors, two fireplaces, furnace full cement basement, gzrage, cement driveway; large living and dining room reception room, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms with large closets, bath room house freshly painted in and out ; lo 47x123; fine lawn and garden; $7100 cash down, $1500; terms to suit. McClure & Schmauch Co., 300 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. GET SETTLED for school by buying my excellent it-room oungalow, lot biixi4o with fruit-bearing trees, near Arleta school, churches and stores: house thor oughly done over and virtually new; all rooms light and airy, wonderful kitchen with built-ins. bathroom 7x12; price $2750, worth $3500; terms. Owner, Tabor 4200. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern h-rooin house at 302 Vista ave, walking distance, near bridge, large liv ing room with fireplace, hardwood floors. splendid view porches, la ree sun room garage, hot water heat, wonderful view cannot be beaten. All newly decorated. BROOKE. 541 Mohtgomery drive., cor. Elm st- 'Mar. 4S27. NIFTY BUNGALOW $4100. ' S.YO0 Down. We want you to see this new, attrac tive bungalow; finished in rich old ivory and white; dandy kitchen with break. last nooK. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. Sunday and Monday phone Tabor 8255. IRVINGTON. Swell home, 6 rooms, completely fur wished. Turkish rugs. Imported net cur tains. Silk tapestry, mahogany, brass bed sets, oak d in ing set. kitchen complete everything only $S300. This 60c on dol lar. East 1347. LOT 93x100, has 3-room new shack, no quite completed ; will furnish money for materia) ; ideal place for poultry garden; 5 blocks north of Rose City car line on wstti. i-rice s loou. aown $20 per month, including interest at per cent. Owner on the place 2 to Sunday. Tabor 6020. 6-ROOM, a fine home, quick possession lot tiUxioii, paved street, lull size base ment, wash trays, screened porch an all windows ; sewer; block from good district. Moving to farm, so mus sell. Aiso have 7-room house with bedrooms. Terms. Owner, 5o9 Maiden ave., be! I wood car. T W O -F A M 1 1 - Y H OU S E S 4 1 00. Located on the west side, near 14t and Columbia sts.; la rooms. 2-fami house. 2 complete sets of plumbing: lot 37-4x100; income $44 monthly; $1000 rasn, oaiance mommy ; a real value Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of commerce. FORECLOSURE. ENGLISH HOME Pressed brick, tine elevation.' hot wat heat, 200 feet on Belmont, 100 feet on ;ji:a, iuo teet .:d : cost $5U,000; will sel tor mortgage, $l.,O00. East 1347. Owne 5-ROOM bungalow on 03d ave., Mt. Scott car. corner lot 50x100; furnace, fire place, double constructed. Price $3500; cash down, $tOOO; balance like rent. Call Mr. Knuth, with McClure. & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange blilg Main 1503. $3100 LOVELY 5-r... almost new, semi mod. bungalow; full basement, large at tic, splendid plumbing; i. 50x100; sev eral young fruit trees Just bearing, berries, chick run. Must be sold this week. Liberal terms. See J. p. Mc Kenna, Belmont at 3lth. Tab. 6493. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful, modern home; hardwood floors, white enamel woodwork through out, large porches, gas furnace, cement garage. level lot. good view; a real home. See owner, 734 Montgomery drive. FOR SALE $45uO. west side; five-room house and sleeping porch, bath, gas, electricity, house in good condition and newly painted, btreet paved and paid for. Broadway 337. BLOCK with 3 double, nouses, in com ito; S. E. cor. East 1Mb and East Grant sts. 4 block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sta., income $20; good terms. H. E. Meserve, Rhododendron, Or. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale, modern 0-room bungalow on car line; fireplace, attic, furnace, beauti ful view, select neip-h borhood ; $7000, terms. Owner. Main 336. FOR SALE 7-room house, strictly modern hardwood floors, furnace, Dutch kitchen. pass pantry, tirepiace, Duiit-in buffet corner lot, fine district, block to car. Call owner. Tabor L'L'im. IRVINGTON YOU WILL LIKE THIS HOME; large living room, fireplace, dining room, sun room, attractive paper, oak floois. double garage, 50a E. 17th. near Braaee.- East 394. Main 807S. 75x1 00-FOOT, two-story white brick bide: Income $265 monthly ; price $26,500, terms; cost oi Duimmg tooay, s-iu.nuu. Inquire of owner, 54tf Tacoma ave. Sell. 14t IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $6250. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, mudern, on Knott near 20th; 2 blka. to Catholic scnooi. East 419. $3500. VERY EASY terms, close In. 5 room modern house, furnished if desired. 303 Cherry st. Williams ave. FINKLY loca ted modern 1 r vine ton home 7 rooms, sleeping porch, den; finished at tic. 459 East 19th tit, N. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $7000! $7000! $7000! H A WTHORN K AVE. SNAP I JUST TAKE A LOOK at 1014. corner 34th st.; splendid home bar gain in an 8-room modern home on this VALUABLE CORNER: good garage, etc. JUST IMAGINE what the value will be on this splendid corner home property a few years hence. Price i onlv $7060. IT'S SURELY GOING INTO BIG VALUE. A rare op portunity to HAVE YOUR DOL- ; LARS GO DOUBLE DISTANCS. For full particulars see J. W. Crosfiley (Sunday), call Main 5073. manager high-class home dept.. with , ... FRXNK L. McGUIRB. ' " . .. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. J BUNGALOW PAVED DISTRICT $3000 $750 Cash. Vacant Mnvfl in. Five rooms finished In tvorv and white enamel throughout, Dutch kitchen, far go ceneo. attic, cement basement. SOxlOO ot, paveo streets and sewers paid; one block to splendid car service, near nark, with view of city and moutains; this house is ciean as a pin and ready to movt Into. . CLE VELA N D-H HXDERSON fco.. 306-8 Board of Trade Bldg. B ro ad way 4754. Office Open Sunday and Labor Day. THREE HOUSES. 100x125; paved street, sewer all in and paid; walking distance; houses in very good repair; 5 rooms in each house: only - block from Williams ave.. 3 blocks from Broadway. This Is a fore closure bargain. We figure the houses alone would cont more to build now than we are asking for all. Price $6000. cash down one-half. Will be shown bv ap pointment obI v McCLURB & 'SCHMAUCH COMPANY. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. WE'RE OPEN MONDAY. OFFERING 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 FULL LOTS english walnut trees ' fruit trees ' only $:;mio. ' for this 7-room house AND TWO KULL LOTS -LOOK MONDAY. PRICE $::ooo. EASY TERMS. ' ' . ' NEIL AN & PARK HILL. 210 Lnmhermen's bldg.. 5th and Stark st. BOLL AD AY ADDITION. 308 Multnomah St., walking distance east side, near schools and churches; 2-story. S-room house, four bedrooms, .bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-sized concrete basement, with the famous Gasco furnace, large garage. If Sold this week can make special price and terms. PO IN DEXTER. 20$ SELLING BLDG. -MAIN 1SU0. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. -MOOERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ive rooms, fireplace, built-ins. Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement base ment, lau n d ry tra y s, garage. st ree t paved and paid; close to car; $500 cash; price $4200. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 30uT8 Board of Trade BJdg. Broad way 4754 Office Open Sunday and Labor Day. IRVINGTON HOUSE SNA P. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ; HARDWOOD FLOORS FIREPLACE AND FURNACE GOOD GARAGE FULL LOT EAST PACING ALL FOR $0500. WE'RE OPEN MONDAY. NKILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's bldg., Gth and Stark st. CLOSE IN ON BELMONT. Six-room house, large reception hall, some built-lns; Dutch kitchen, nice airy bedrooms; 50x100 lot, 0 bearing fruit trees, lots of .berries; street improve ments all in aryl paid. Car at door. Snap at 4mju, jiuuu caan, naiance montniy, i per cent. See Mr. Vail. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Com. Auto. 314-63. ROSE CITY PARK Five rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace furnace, full lot. cement basement, laun dry trays, all kinds of built-ins; $4b50 terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 300-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Broadway 4754. Office Open Sunday and Labor Day. $3100 CLNLi Modern O-room home on pavea street; tnree lots, corner, and lots of bearing fruit; nice garden; chick en house and garage ; close to school and Mt. Scott car. This is a big sac rifice as owner is caned east and must sel 1 ; will arrange very easy terms. See Johnson, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. 8 rooms. well arranged, beautiful tapestry wans, oak floors, double olumb- ing, double fireplace, hardwood floors. sieepmg porcn; excellent in every way. Price, $S250. CUE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 FOURTH ST. M AIN 45 22. LADDrS ADDITION. Practically new. modern 0-room house' corner, hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. larVe liv ing room, fireplace, dining room built in Dutch kitchen. 3 large -bedrooms, bath room. ioo; casn, si&OO; terms to suit McClure & Schmauch Co., 30tJ Bailway uxenange Ding. Main ld03. 53500. Close-in bargain: well-built 8-room house, newly painted. 5- rooms down. ivory and white enamel ; 3 rooms up has bath, pantry, electricity, gas. fruit and flowers, lot 50x125. See owner at house. 425 Tillamook St.. between Union ave and East 7th. after 5 o'clock eve- ntngs. all day Sunday and Monday. FOR SALE Just what you have been looking for; a neat, attractive 4-room Rouse, located right on the car line at Mt. Tabor; big yard, lots of fruit trees berries and. flowers. Price $250. cash $500. balance monthly installments. Mc Clure &. Schmauch Co., 30 Railway Ex- cnange nina LAURELHURST. Owner can arrange to give immedlat possession. Strictly modern, refined 7 room residence and sun room. Situated on carllne. near school and park. Fine concrete garage and grounds. Would like at -least $5000 or would discount for all cash. owner, 87 E. Gljsan. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. VACANT 0 rooms, a ttic, newly painted, ivory iinisn, tapestry paper, narawooa floors. fireplace, bullt-lns, cement basement. trays, steam neat, garage, paved street, sewer paia, near j-iawtnorne car, scho- and high schooi. Open, see it. 350 E. 4.Mn st. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, -ONLY 11200. Here's a dandy 3-roum cottage with louxtio, pipea water, iignts, fenced wooasnea, diocks to scnooi. 1 35 min utes out on big red electric; $J0o down tan you Deat nr tan uu tjoncord bldg. UEALi lp uli irvington home, on one of me uest streets, narawooa floors, en trance nan, aen, pantry with cooler, waterproor oastmeni, a ugnt, airy bed rooms upstairs, near scnooi. rlere s . real buy. Owner leaving city; act quick iy, i i 1 1 ))) n. m i i-tiu ii. lit Y FROM OWNER New 7-room house. all modern conveniences, full cement basement, z sets oi piummng, -nice la and -flowers, young trees and berriw am leaving town, will take $3750 for quick sale. 5o2o 60th st. S. E. Tabor 6-ROOM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Living room 14x17 feet,- large dinln room, uutcn Kitcnen, z corner bedroom cement basement; trays, garage. 50x100 lot, paved street, sewer paid, $3500, $1400 casn, oaiance mo. anu interest. Ta bor 4Juy; evenings, 'tabor 700S. $3500 6-ROOMS AND FRUIT TREES. And the lot is 50x100. And it's close In. Partly furnished- and wood in base ment. Brooklyn district. Snap for few days only. Phone Tabor 7o93. LAURELHURST. 110.500 'Extra well built modern room residence, hardwood floors, artistic beveled plate bunt-ins, concrete garage, beautiful lawns and shrubbery. Terras, Owner, Automatic L'l-Sj. TRVINOTOM HOM KS FROM $4500 TO $3U.0U0. SEE ME Bfe FO RE BUYING YOUR HOM E ; CAN PLEASE YOU. ZIMMERMAN, 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MAIN 8052. 1450O. Near Washington high school, good 6-room house, three bedrooms, furnace heat, small lot. POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. R ESIDEXCE EAST 0771. 7-ROOM house, full cement basement, bath. lot Soxl50, fruit trees and berries, 3 blocks to car Inquire at 527 Roseiawn ave FOR SALE Five-room house, with fur nace on Belmont st., near 35th. Fruit trees in yard. Selling to close au estate. Phone Tabor 1875. LAURELHURST. A modern 8-room home surrounded by fine homes. 116 Laddlngton court. Cash or terms. Owner. 3-ROOM house, almost new; lot 50x105; fruit trees, berries, and chicken house, etc. Tabor 7002. FOR SALE House an l 3 lots. Price $1TOO $1200 cash. Silverton, Or. Call 1117 Missouri ave.t city. -ROOM modern home, income. flat, close Owner. 672 In; lovely Everett. 6FLENDFD 7-room house, um $3150, worth $4000. - See inside. I2d N-; REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses.1 LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. . See FRANK L. McOUIRB To Buy Your Home. The McGuire System has won an in ternational reputation, and established a national Tecord, for home selling, be cause it is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR, SCIENTIFIC MODERN METHOD. The system of REAL SERVICE. We pro tect your every interest. We eliminate your every house hunting problem, and put you in immediate touch with the homo of YOUR requirements. EVERY ONE of our 100) homes is personally Inspected and appraised. Our 21 autos and courteous, experienced salesmen are constantly t vour service- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. - BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIEW. $3300 A DISTINCTIVE MASSIVE PILLARD bungalow beauty Mt Tabor's prize' bungalow; 5 rooms; -, ideally, situated In an exclusive t. neighborhood ; among the Wra grant pines; commodious living ' room has bookcases and fire- place; dining room has massive buffet: HARDWOOD FLOORS; 'Dutch kitchen; BILLIARD ROOM In full cement basement ; splendid furnace; 38x143 grounds. TERMS. A REAL VALUE. YOUR HOME IDEAL. ' $4990 THE HAWTHORNE H O M E BEAUTIFUL A WAITS YOUR COMING. There's everything here to promote your comfort and please your artistic sense; 5-room commodious bungalow; HARDWOOD FLOORS; built-in handsome buffet; fireplace; san itary Dutch kitoften, etc.; splen did furnace; full lot; 4 block to car; close to school. PAVED - street, all paid. East 55th st. WONDERFUL ROSE CITY BARGAIN. T.H.IS 4? AN UNUSUAL ROSE CITY. 94ijU We honestly believe that this ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Is the! best buy In ROSE CITY TODAY A truly beautiful home: r l light, airy rooms; very attractive living room with bookcases and fireplace; massive buffet In din ing room; INDIRECT LIGHTS; ! breakfast nook adjoining Dutch - kitchen; East 7th. A SPLEN ' DID VALUE you don't often find in a Kustii CITY. DISTINCTIVE WESTMORELAND. iJ090 YOU CAN TELL at a glance that . THIS HOME JS A "WORTH- . r . I ri Ci-MUJSi buv. It is splendidly built. . substantial nome, rooms large and airy; Ideal Dutch kitchen: 7 . rooms: I 2 bedrooms down, 2 upendoaed , sleeping porch; furnace; Reed way. Just .east of .Milwaukie; viuae lo car ana scnooi. -1EFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. ?jyyu .1 ust a few blocks tn .ifrrprnn high, Penfnsula park, and library : is this WONDERFUL BARGAIN . In a .'-room practically new.. . MODERN CALIFORNIA BITM. ' OAM)W; artistic built-in buffet. model white kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage, lots of fruit and berries: block to car, Mississippi ave. TERMS. $2950 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE ALBERTA MOM E ; S-room, seml-colonlal. uutiRauw iype; attractive du tit- ins; Dutch kitchen; best white . enamel plumbing; electricity. . . hb, gona casement witn fur nace; floored attic; nice lawn. $Oxl00 with . fruit and shade trees. bast 34th, near Emerson. xouu line tnis little home. ALBERTA SNAP. 7-room modern, substantial home on j,asi lain, near Ainsworth; a full lot; EASY TERMS- It neeas a REAL, UNUSUAL VALUE. A. chance for the handy man : i sci a Bargain: FORCED SALE. $500 DOWN. $47uU SUPERLATIVE VALUE TN THIS OVERLOOK HOM E t Six large, weu-arranued rooms-: liv ing room with leaded art glass nwiRCdses; cneery rirepiace; solid pttneieu uming room with mas sive uuuet; cosy aen; full ce ment Dasement with furnace, laundry . trays; SLEEPj NG . POKCH; OWNE-R LEAVING uii, sacrifices at $1000 undet vaiue. .fat ton ave. PENINSULA HOMES. jUU 7-room, substantial, attractive nome; convenient arrangement: best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; 4 light, airy bedrooms; full cement basement; 1 AtJUi UAIS t. E Ur FRUIT. Ma- - crura. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. $31o0r-A SELLWOOD HOME WITH 14 ROOMS. You? chance TO MAKE MONEY; 13 sleeping nuvaifl iurnace: near tne Nell- l wood carbarns: YOU CAN KEEP THESE ROOMS RENTED ALL THE TIME TO CARMEN. You snouju see tms. East.. 10th at. lermi, $250fl REAL SELLWOOD HOME BAR GAIN 5-room, substantial home. wmte enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, paved street paid ; RIGHT ON CARLINE. This is real value. One of our 50 SELL-. w UUU n U M fci BARGAINS. . Mil- wauKie, near Center. MONTA VILLA. $300 DOWN. $200 $300 down; ft - room WONTA- ' villa hUMW; electricity, gas; i wximj ; garage ; sieeninar noreh : VACANT, We have 00 homes in 1 mis uisinci. THINK OF THTS! $1995- -ARTISTIC LITTLE MT. SCOTT iJb.UALUW one of the neat est homes in this district: built- in labor - Having conveniences: buffet; 100x100 lot with bund- -SSTl'f0 MrIsV tkhm".? com si. WAVERLT RICHMOND. $1990 EASY TERMS. Five-room com- xor table, neat bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing: elec tricity, gas; sleeping porch; full basement with laundry trays; Clinton, on carline; close . to scnooi. If you buy your home through the Mc.GUiRE SYSTEM you are assured of leoeiving 100 per otnt return in real vaiue tor your time and monev ex pended. OUR Home Selling methods are unequanea anywnere.- see FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. LAURELHURST. Fme corner lot.. 100x100; fine view mountains and Laurelhurst park; mod ern 9-room residence, 4 bedrooms, sleeo- ing porch, maid's room; hardwood floors. hot water heat; double, garage. $17,000. l ermi. POIXDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 3 800. RESIDENCE EAST 6T71. IRVINGTON HOME. r04 E. 4th st. N. I.arge living room, dining room, tun room -.and kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms and Sleeping porches. sewing room, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, gas furnace, z fireplaces. tuii-ienetn mirrors, garage, fine shrub bery, etc. Mras Harry Price Palmer, $1830 5-ROOM bungalow, best buy in town; you will say so, too. Two lots. garden and berries, Dutch kitchen, china I closet and- bookcaees, electricity and gasL- priced several hundred dollars be low market for quick .ale and about nan caan. s-ee owner Monoay at 4447 i st st. . k., or pnone labor 44SI. $0500. Irvington, on carline. full lot. seven rooms, four bedrooms, furnace, garage. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST t771. AM FORCED TO SELL MY HOMe7 West Mount Tabor. 55x159. all kinds I of bearlTig fruit, o-room house. A-l con dition, ideal home. See it, only $3500, less for cash; no agents. Tabor 4727 DISTINCTIVE homes In all exclusive din trlcts. Appointment ror insMvction ar ranged by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. East 70. . 7-KOOM house on paved street; large, cor-I ner lot; J.i.u, mi casn, oat. like rent. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Stark st. MUST sell my home at sacrifice; 7 rooms. hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement, large cement porch. Price $45O0. terms. Call Tabor 6310. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow. lot 50x123. 3S1 East 4th "t.. near Lincoln, on Hawthorne car line. $35tK) EAST 17TH $3500. Near Wash, high, splendid six-rocm house, full basement, lUrnaoe; bargain. Jacob Haas, Main oi'ji, n,ast i&4. DHTINCTIVK homes in all exclusive di trlcts. Appointment for inspection ar ranged by ca Inng J Palmer. East 7076- jura, Harry price I V A C A N T $ 5O0 DOWN, $ 50 MONTH. Six room, sleeping porch; double ga rage; Woodstock car to Holgate. 4614 e. 41st St., owner. Evenings. 3 AS 12th st. $4200 IRVINGTON $4200. All furnished. 6 rooms, garage, $42O0, $1250 cash; cor. lot; this snap. East 3348. only 7-ROOM house, also laundry room, electric lRht and gas, at $2300. $300 down, bal ance $!" per mo; property ail clear. JL027 Huron st. St. jonnswc.gr. REAL ESTATE!. For Sale -Houses. OPEN MONDAY. Marshall 189S. - ' . $300 DOWN. $300 DOWN. Special Tf the rent profiteer has you. it surely must be your own fault not the landlord's. Listen: New 3-room bunga low, pretty breakfast nook, large liv- . mg room, run set or piumning, - very pretty fireplace, electric lights. good basement, cement driveway in for a ga rage, ht 40x116, only 2 blocks to car line, close In on 45th street; price $3550, which includes paving, sewer and side walk paid for; $300 cash, balance $35 per month, which is less, than rent. $500 DOWN. . " $33 PER MONTH. No. 8A -Big 6-room Queen Anne bun galow, newly painted inside and out. good plumbing. electric lights, gas. shades, paved street, sewer, basement. - cement sidewalk, full lot, 50x100. close I to high school, 1 block to car line, total prfce only $3000. $500 cash, balance. $35 I per month, which also take vr of 1 the interest. Now. if vou want to Day the rent to yourself instead of the land- I lord., better hurry. SUNNYSIDE.". $500 DOWN. No. OA Good 6-room bungalow', all on I one uoor. large iioorea attic, newly painted inside and out. good plumbing, electric lights, gas. cement floored base ment, half block to car line: this price. $:i."0O. includes paving, sewer, cement sidewalks; $500 down, balance $35 per month. Includes interests No rent profi teering here. Pay the rent to yourself. "WEST BIDE. $700 DOWN. -No. 1S3 New 4-room bunralow and - sleeping porch, garage, fireplace, bath. .toilet, electric light, gaa. hard surface streets, cement sidewalks: total price only -io0, foo cash, balance small mopthly payment. PRETTY CORNER. .-4- , $4100. No! 136 7-room Hawthorne home. furnace, paved streets., very pretty cor ner lot. .iiixiio: price X4Ko. ss.o casn. balance $50 per month. Place vacant and reaay to move In to. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stnrk street, near. 4th. MARSHALL 1&0S. . THE BEST BUY we know of in a double- constructed, attractive bouse: large liv ing- room with French doors opening to amino- room with firen ace: a we i- Ilghted kitchen: upstairs are three large bedrooms and sleeping porch with lots of closet room: the house outside has an Inviting, homelike appearance, wide I raven, porcn across tne iront -ana ex tend in it around the side: flower boxes : street is paved and paid: one-half block o w. w. car and only L"J minutes from office; only $4000, and only $500 down; vacant Sept. 35. See us for pictures mu particulars. A SeVen -rrtom hmiSA In Cl 7 orAn nr.ll built but run down as it has been rented; two full lots, paved streets;! owner out of town und orders us to sell It: a good home and KnlenrlM hnv nrir- $3(t0, with easy terms. Look at this .nd tell Um What ktnH Af t.ia UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., .rtroaaway 43. 'J84 Oak St. WANT A HOME IN . LAURELHURST? Come out today to the Laurel hurst office. East Thlrty-ni-nth and. Glisan streets. THREE BIG BARGAINS $4300 6-room cottage all In old Ivory, all improvements Jn and paid. Terms like rent. ANOTHER $6800 7-room place, beautiful surroundings, house in fine condi tion; a big bargain. STILL ANOTHER . 6-room colonial,- close to park, less than a yean old ; $1000 will handle any of these places. They are all vacant ana ready for Im mediate occupancy. Key, at office, E.-39t n and Gl Isaacs ts., or phone for auk), Tabor 3433. CLASST IRVINGTON HOME. $8500. Ideal location in one f the best home locations in. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON 7-rm, modern home on ItJth st., near Brazee; all in terior in ivory enamel, insuring lasting beauty and sanitation; a pleading sense of harmony that Is only found in one place home; very large living and dining rooms, model -kitchen, hardwood floors a-ni fireplace; splendid 50x100 lot. . fine big garage, nice shrubbery, shade tr6es, etc. a horn for peo ple "who care." Se-e- J. w. Cross ley, manager high-clans home dept.. FRANK L. McOUIRB, To Buy Your Distinctive Home. A-bingUon Bldg. Main 1068. PAVING TN AND PAID. BRAND NEW BUNGAIXJW. $4600 TERMS 140OO 891 ALBERTA ST. ALBERTA CAR. ' vdcdiiL, just completed, o-room bunga- I uw Hiiu large steeping porch, hardwood floors, fireuiiioe. hnkcn ia T,i tY. tt ehen and all built-ins: full basement, ce mented ; electric fixtures and plumbing .uiiij)ieiB, rrencn aoors, rine bath; paved street and all paid: few stens tn nar everything convenient. Ivory and enamel iiuinn; omen are asking V05OO for similar home. See this todav. Owner -n premises 12 to 5. or phone Automatic DOl,i"-g CONSTRUCT; THROUGHOUT. ;- jor appointment. v PORTLAND HEICJHTT Hy owner Lovely 7-room house, artis tically decorated, ivory finish; larae porches, hardwood. floors, charming i bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, large living room, with fireplace. French' doors, sleeping porch, full cement base merit, gas, furnace, cemeut garage, beau- : ti-ful shrubbery; lovely carpets, curtains. ijHugiiiss, un-oieum and gas range go mi my nousB. iM on isomer y drive. A K h,)A L home, comfortable, commodious. convenient, attractive location, building and lot; 3 roojna downstairs, 4 upstairs and big sleeping porch: large cement unueiii, auio convertible to 3 roon every room with 2 exposures and fine view; furnace and fireplace and plenty of bull-in conveniences.. House In splen did condition; lot 00x125, In lawn rows i run, ireea, oerries, snru opery. etc. 1161 iiiivuuMf m. rnone aenwooa JUI... " BARGAIN IN 5- ROOM HOUSE $2350. CASH :!30. ' 2 lots, house, has electric lights, gas. ! hath. 10 fruit trees, garden, chicken house. 2 lots with net wiring, cement wants; f h blocks to car, across street1 irom epeciauy weii-aept homes: owi er just moved Lo farm. See this today. at. uriiKieilttri NC V-O.. BROADWAY 5173. 624 HENRY BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendid seven-room house perfectly appointed; extraordinary iivinv unH I dining rooms with hardwood floors; pnss I imitrj- - anu conveniently arranged Kitcnen; bedrooms comfortable and cnarming; iot "xiw. trice. XIO.OOO. A. MCNE.NNA & CO.. i . - S2 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4522. . BIGGEST VALUE TN IRVINGTON jtiijtl 10750. Eight roomx, modern, 4 bedraoms and wifepiiis porcn, reception nail, large liv ing room, attractive amine- room, ext ern oak floors, full cement basemenf Fox furnace, fruit room, finished attic. Located on 17th, near Tillamook. In- spection in vi tea, can owner. East 2436. EAST SIDE BARGAIN. Beautiful, large, modern . home In Hawthorne addition, needs painting, oth erwise in periect condition; street im provements In and paid; price for quick Btir vniur. terms. xaggart .tiros., J101 rpaming oiag- IRVINGTON HOME. Colonial home: of 11 rooms, central hall, hot water heat. .75x100 grounds, fine shrubbery, garage, spacious veran das, mahogany and oak finish; appoint ment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer East 7076. . ROSE CITY FOR QUICK SALE. Leaving city, my 7-room with sleeping pojch, double plumbing, furnace, paved -t.; built for owner's home; no com parison for price of $5000; vacant. Phone Cast 1364 or Main 6127. MODERN5-room bungalow, doublo con structed ; furnace, electric lights and fixtures; $3500, $500 down, balance like rent. Phone owner. East 239, auto matlc 323-31 for appointment. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK. $2600 5-room modern bungalow, 1337 30th N. ; M)xl00. restricted, fruit, alley. full basement, wonderful bargain, near end Alberta car; open today. NEW 3-ROOM bungalow, unfinished, near station at Maple wood. 1 0Ox! no lot. $1100. JluO cash, ila monthly. Lee-Rob-ertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. BY OWNER Up-to-date modern heme Albina. Improvements in and paid; large Iot. For appointment call "Wdln. 465. . DISTINCTIVE homes in all exclusive dis tricts. Appointment for inspection ar ranged by calling Mrst Harry Price Palmer. East ib. RE A L ESTATE. For Hale -Houses. MARSHALL 3S98. I OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY. ROSE CITY, . - $4730. No. 176. 6-room bungalow, pretty living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. -bedrooms downstairs. 1 bedroom ana sttio on second floor, downstairs er fine oak floors, fireplace, good set of plumbing, electric lights, very pretty built-ins. white enamel finish, cement floor in basement, laundry trays. Graded streets, cement side walks In and paia for, only one short block to Rose City car, full lot 50x100. Total price. $1250 cash, balance cfily $4o per monin Including interest. Her la a ouy is only rent money. ROSE CITY. " , ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. "Jr 1 at. Ctritlv mnrtern 6-room bun- a-alow and sleeuina porch, has hard- built-ins, beautiful light - lWturea, set or fine DlumbinK. - sras. aarage and nrive- way, basement and furnace. I-ot oOxlOO, nnvM ntrmt-t cement fl newaiK. Btrwi, all in and paid for. Price. $tfV0. :ww eesh. balance to suit H block to Rose City carline, A good buy. IRVINGTON. LOT 75x100. 'n JO0. Ben vi f If ul 8-room Colonial home in first-class condition throughout. ? 1 strit-tlv mnriern tn everv detail. very larsre liv ing room, fireplace, fine large earns e. in fact It must be seen to aDurecKted. We think It a real snap as the ground 75xlO( sets off the place. Shown only by appointment. Only $9000. half cash. LAURELHURST. FLORAL AVENUE. No. 193. Extra special chance to get this magnificent home on 'beautiful Floral ave. if bought within a few days. Has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. has four bedrooms upstairs, every oeu rnnm rlnoe i rtnneled With French mir rors, all the latest built-ins. house has music room built after .design oi a grei i musician, in fact we do not feel able to jieacr Tie t h m n ace in aeiau. win show by appointment only, not later 1 than Wednesday. Special prica made on this noma to sel it ouicaiy. wntcn isi $12,500, $5000 cash, balance long time. HAWTHORNE. $400O. No. 1P6. New 5-room bungalow, all nn nna flnnr. im hnrdwaod I IOOTB. Tire- place. built-ins. Dutch Kitcnen. wnm enamel finish, basement, paved street. sewer, cement sidewalk in and paia ior. Total price. $4o0. $1000 cashv balance onlv $25 Der month plus interest. Lot t0Xl uu. - " "WEST SIDE $3730. No. 1S3. New 4-room bungalow and sleeping porch, fireplace, fin plumbing. aU.'irl,. llohln trnrni triA rM are liard-SUr- ! faced street and cement fliuewam. xuv.i nrice S373U. S70 cash, balance small monthly payments, y OPEN SUNDAYS.' Call at our office any day and see the man. photos of the homes we are offer ing for sale. LAWYERS TITLE A TRUST COMPANY. 2So Stark street, near tin. Marsh all 1 SOS. ROSE CITY PARK. A. N. MIKKELSBN CO.. 51d and Sandy Blvd. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. We have some very choice homes for Fale. This one is a snap, only $5500, $3500 cash, bal ance terms. It's a 5-roo-m mod ern bungalow, nicely finished, with all the bnilt-ln conveniences. Let us show you. Our office is open Sundays. A- N. MIKKELSEN CO.. ; 52U and Sandy Blvd.. VKA r .TFPVKRSON HIGH. 54500. 7 hetLiitlful rooms and sleeping 4orch. I French doors between main rooms, den. all kinds o built-in conveniences; l pea room down, 3 and sleeping porch up; full cement basement, wah trays, laun rlrv mnm furnace, full lot. fruit trees; all rooms finished in enamel. Only $1000 down for this fine home. Call us and we'll show you. Comte k Kohlman. Main 055O. 208 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Open Labor day. BIG KENTON BARGAIN, $3K00. liandnip 7 -room 2-storv home, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and bed mnm down. 3 bed rooms and bath up; full cement basement and bath, extra In vh l or v nnil toilet down; beautiful 1 street paved. This place is easily worth $4500. If you can pay $15m cash you can buy It for $3M0. Call us up. Comte & Kohlman. Main 6550, 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open Labor nay. Suburban Humf. A COMPLETE SUBURBAN HOME, ai: ncreK on the Red Electric Hn with 6-room modern bungalow, fireplace, pmm. . cement basement. pump house, - wetter tank, gas engine, garage, barn full nf huv. chii-ken houses, mixed variety rtf fruit, berrriea and vegetable. Few hundred leet to station and hard sur face: $5000. This Is a bargain; nt.vvKl.AXn.HKNDKRSUN CO. 300-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 4754, Office open Sunday and Labor Pay. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. In the town limits of Gresham. 5 acres, ii in cultivation, ft-room modern house. bath, toilet, concrete basement, laundry trays. Bull Run water. Portland gas, electricity, good family orchard, 1 acre raspberries. .3 chicken houses, garage, barn; oa good hard-surfaced, street; price $9500. some terms. K RIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Oregon. Phone 17-X. AT A SACRIFICE building sites, $300 each ; 4 i"u eacn ; cnuice nomes; river front, paved highway, Oregon City car; 6 rooms, bath; colonial, 7 rooms, bath; 11 rooms, .3 baths, or will build to suit; -4 acre Up. Phone owner for appoint ment. Ask for Oak Grove 1-W, or mail Milwaukie, Or., Route 1, Box 2S8, River road. Also 5.61 acres. Concord tracts, $3000 cash. - BIG ACRE. ALL IN FRUIT WITH 5-ROOM HOUSE JUST OUTSIDE CITY YOU CAN SEE IT MONDAY. PRICK $2500. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen's bldg.. 3th and Stark st. R1VERDALE PORTLAND'S EXCLUSIVE HUM - 2 acres, overlooking the city; beautiful 6-room concrete home, extra large rooms, maid's apartment. beautiful grounds, near school, all extra modern conveni ences.. Only $15,0O0. That's what the house cost. Any reasonable terms. Mar shall 1022. ' SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, ONLY $1204). Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with 150x145. piped water, lights', fenced, woodshed, '1 blocks to school, 35 min utes out on big red electric; $200 down. Can you beat it? Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. $1J550 DANDY SUBURBAN HOME. '5 minutes from Portland on hard surface road and S. P.; 5-room very com fortable house, barn and chicken houses, woodshed; excellent well water, all kinds of fruit; sightly corner; 4 acre best roil ; genuine Dargain 65 1 , o w ner. terms. Seilwood TWO VALUABLE lots 50x200, and 5-room bungalow on the Willamette river. Has eas electricity and Bull Run water. You can enjoy boating, bathing and gat your years supply of fuel free. Take Oregon Citv car to Island station. In- ouire for Williams CHOICE 3-ACRE improved ti act and 6- room oungaiow, wiuoc m, vu x wi ley And Laurel ave.. $5000. Acreage alone worth price. Splendid house, ga rage, pure well water, 'gaa. phona. Owner Tabor 0249. . CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder BrookV' vi a t u". ! acres 01 grouna, line large hnuMB. all Cliy i.iii.ciiiriiLco. 7i uuur from center of city; not a commercial place, just an laeai nome, i- o. ure gonian- 8-ROOM modern home. acres or land, on good gravel roau, uuumio icrins pwun, rrf vard. fruit, berries. $35o0 cash balance terms. Main 80511 or call at Log Cabin at Multnomah station. NATURAL park of 30 acres, two creeks and springs, tiecinc s.anon on grounas; one of the most beautiful homesttes in the vlcluity of Portlandj B 940. Ore gonisn. 8-ROOM modern house, hardwood floors, firtplace. 1 acre ground, all kimfS fruit. Price $8000. Main 80o9 or call at Log Cabin at Multnomah station. Inquire for Mrs. Scovold. 6-ROOM cottage, gas, water, phone, 4 acres highly improvea. une orcuaru. rric $5000. Mrs. M. A. Johnson. Milwaukie. Phone 61 M or 14.T. ' 4-ROOM bungalow with bath, on large lot on wei siae. ri ice i""", vu, $13 monthly, Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. ftKA L ESTATE. Suburban Hunni SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOME. A splendid 20-acre tract, very sight ly; a very well-kept orchard of 250 trees; an 8-room plustered house with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, and stationary wash trays; barn is 30x 40; another barn 24x24 ; splendid appie house, 2 modern chicken houses with glass fronts, a new water tower and tank, good team, 1 cow, double and sin gle harness, 2 buggies, 1 wagon, spray pump, harrow, cultivators, hay rack. 3 plows, small tools, 3 tons of hay and all of the crop; located 2 mile east of Oregon City, 15 miles from Port land; price $9500; will take a 6 or room house in Portland up to $.iOOU and give plenty time on the balance, or will take 2 aooa nouses up to xui value.' See Mr. Hurd. Fntd W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME AND ONE THAT PAYS.- 7 room-house equipped with modern plumbing, air-pressure water system and sewer, dandy garage, chicken park and nam. in ree -acre tracts an in Dear ine fruit and Harden: . excellent soil corn now grow ing lo ft. high. Jersey cow. hogs and chickens ; delightful lo cation on good road; only mile from city limits. Photos at office. Price $0500 for quick sale, terms. A. K. DILL' CO., Acreage Dent., 426 Lumber mens bldg. Bdwy. 421. FOR SA LE 1 acre with house, garage. chicken house, city water, lights and gas. running stream along place; crop; electric range and som furniture in cluded ; 7o tare, Gresham car. Tabor -i.'0o4. For toale -Acreage. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. "Have secured option on heet ground that lies outdoors.; close to city car line; beautiful home sites. 1 will plant loganberries, giving best of care till. July. 1921; 30 years' experi ence as fruit grower, juice manufac turer; moral ajid financial responsibil ity; guarantee fulfillment of cont racts. Do you w ish further details of proposi tion ? F. A- Breck. Mfg. Breck's Loganberry Juice. 3S4 E. 42d St.. N. Taoor J07S, or Main 6173. CLOHEJN ACREAGE SNAP. 20 acres only 3 miles from city bound ary, 1 1 miles from courthouse; best soil f or ft'uit and. berries ; fine view ; few acres clea red. balance brush. On(y $2750 less than $140 per acre. FREDERIC C. PRATT, Broadway 1058. 10 Oregon Bldg. BEAVEUTU.N ACUEAGE. 13 acres & mile from station, with fine 8-room residence with fireplace, bath and toilet, basement; small houe land barn and hot houses. This soli is next to braver dam and very productive and only $000 per acre. It you want a ood place, investigate this. F. L. BLANCHARD. . 401-2 Swetland BMg. Marsh. S29. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Sf acres with fine 5-room bungalow, wood shed and barn. The soil is of the finest ; has some oak timber on one aide and S -mile from town and s:a tion w ith P. o., school and church; 33 miles from Portland, for S43UO. F. L. BL A NO HA R D. 401-2 Swetland Bid. Marsh. R29. 120 ACRES, located in Wash. Co. Or.. 43 miles out and o miles from small town, no buildings, about 10 acres cleared, more easily cleared; running water: 20 acres but torn land, balance .bill land ; small amount of, fir and cedar. Price $27. 50 per acre. Haif cash or U. S. bonds. G. W. Boynton. Portland. Or. General Delivery. FOR A DESIRABLE HOME Get an acre or so of ground In that tract of land next to irvington Park choice property, fine view, rich soil and in excellent condition xor small fruir and vegetables; '2 blocks from Alberta car. J. O. Elrod, owner. wl7 Corbett bldg. Main 6173. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western 'Washington showing location, price and terms. Over lO.tHH) acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments ottered to actual . settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash.t ON BASE LINE ROAD. 1 acre with new modern 4-room bun galow with hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bath, toilet, gas and electricity ; basement and garage; street is paved . and ciose; for 37ih, with $1500 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marsh. 829. FOR SALE 3 acres fine soil, all cleared ; 3-room house. 5 minutes to school, on Oregon v electric, near Orenco. (Jr., 20 minutes to station; might trade for Port land property, price $1050. By owner. H. Jeibmann, Orencov Or. Steady em ployment if wanted. . FOR SALE- Best acreage home, Medford, nearly 3 acres inside city limits; two houses, lots apples, pears, graces, ber ries, garden, city water; must sell ac count age ; S32O0, terms if necessary ; fine proposition. Address AV 340, ore gontan. ' ' VWO ACRES. IMPROVED. Located In Kockwood acres adjoining Milwaukee. This is a beautiful sightly tract. highly Improved with 2 houses ; lights and city water. Apply to owner, 27 Northwestern Bank bldg. NEAR E. 82d St. 8 acres with house, 75 bearing fruit trees, one cow and chickens. This is all under cultivation and only $3200. A snap. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marsh. R29. 5 ACRES unimproved land 6 miles from the city of Portland. S. E. ; cordwood timber n the place will pay for it. Pricw $45D, terms; aleo 10 acres of land, price $ino, terms. Nelson, . 313 Henry bidg. from 3 to 0 P. M. YOU CAN buy or trade for this restful country home just outside the city. ad Joining the golf links: three acres and a typical country home. Call Main 0054. or Main S42J ' DO IT NOW! T W O A C R ES. L E V E L L N D. CLOSE 1 N : PA Y HA LE IN WORK, SPARE TIME; GOOD PROPOSI TION RIGHT MAN. :t34 COLLEGE. 90 ACRES, A-l soil, 3 miles from Port land; $150 per acre. Phone Broadway 4ts:i. Address Owner, 674 Johnson fit., W. Portland Or. a BARGAIN In a choice 2-acre tract on KlllingRW orth avenue. By owner, 1006 Zt Seventh street North. 15 ACRES, house moving outfit and carpet loom. 1 om Alien, til Ji U2d at. 6. E. FOR SALE 10 acres bearing cranberry land, cheap u taaen at ones. u vii, Oregonian. 3-ACKE farm. Sycamore station, Estiicada line. $2500. See owner at place. W. p, Dean. Third house west from station. GARDEN tracts, west Bide, city water and gas. $350. $25 down. $5 monthly. Lee- Robertson Co.. 41.; coroett bidg. Fruit and Nut Lands. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres. 17 acres In trees; 7000 boxes apples this year; has modern 5-room bungalow, cellar, furnace, fireplace, sleeuinB porches, tub and shower bath screened porch, kitchen bay, etc., large packing house and barn, 2 tenant houses; spring water on place: Improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000 ; a good Investment, a fine home and. place to live; has paid a good net return. A 640, Oregonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead; either farming or timber tracts, on or near good roads ; also have some good relinquishments, close in ; hours, S .30 to 5 and evenings, 7.-"I0 to P. A N PERSON. 531 Railway Exch. bldg. TWO HOMESTEADS on county road. Good farm land, some good timber, close neighbors, saw mill, trout stream, black soil. Near McMinnville. $300. 301 Corbett building. TWO ADJOINING homesteads - or relin quishments wanted. Describe what you have. O 12:1, Oregon ian. For SaJe Farms. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN ! Here's where moue talks at Tilla mook. SO acres in finest dairying coun try tn. Oregon, some cleared: S-room house, lots- of outbuildings, fine spring that can be piped to house; trout ga lore, good bearing orchard, near school, ' store and postoffice; $1000 takes it; would consider car for part payment Can you beat it? Nuff sed. Call evenings, 23 East oth at. North. Montavilla car. BETWEEN 13. 000 and 25,000 acres of good farming land in the Willamette valley, which I am Instructed to sell at $15 per acre; all within six miles of railroad and thriving towns and within 20 miles of the State Agricultural col lege. For particulars. call on Ben Riestand. 404 Piatt bidg.. 127 Park st. $50 DOWN 50 MONTHLY , for splendid 20-acre tract, 12 miles to Oregon City, 6 miles to Beaver Creek electric, one-half mile to Highland; fine soil ; lots of large timber; 2 acres cleared; total price -$110o. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. SAN" JOAQUIN VALLEY, CAL-40 acres, all under Irrigation, is all you need, let ma tell you about this beautiful valley; our next excursion leaves next week; free trip If vou buy I pay all expenses t misrepresented. Phone me for in terview. Geo. A. Riggs. M6 Hancock st. FOR SALE $36.010. first mortgage on sections - of w heat land ; well located good improvements. Address T 33i, ore-gouian. REAL ESTATE. For Sal Faums. IN CLARKE COUNTY, WASH. READY TO MOVE IN. 77i acres. 65 acres In cultivation. 22 Vj acres pasture, first class soil and good fences. New 7-room house, new barn 5Ox0O feet, new machine shed, potato house, new garage with cement floor, woodshed, sep arator house, "hog house and chicken house. 33 tons of hay in barn. 400 bushel oats. IOO bushel w heat threshed, 7 acres in pota toes, with line crop, 12 cords of 16 inch wood. 4 big horses. 3 sets harness, new buggy and harness, i cows, 1 heifer. 1 sow and 7 pigs. lo chickens. New binder, potato planter, mower, rajte, plows, har rows and all kinds of small tools: plenty of timber for wood ani posts ; fine running water year around with well beside. Four miles froni railroad and town, river boat landing on place. price $18,000; cash $oo0; balance easy terms. 8O -seres, four miles from town. 65 under plow and what we call aa up-t-tiftte tarin. running water spring and well, good fencing; new tt-ronm house, tights and water in stalled; new barn 4x60 feet; 4i tons of hay; straw grain, kale and carrots in field; 10 cords of wood cut : 19 acres seeded to clover, 7 acres potatoes; good orchard of assorted fruits, berries of all kinds, large chicken house and new "ga rage, potato house and hog housa, grannry and brooder hntAe. 6 cows. 1 heiff-r, good teaJti. S sioa.ta. T.J chickens. All kinds of farm im plements too numerous to list. Price $1.4,000; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. One mile from paved Pacific hickway. 40 acres with 37 acres umter cultivation, good fencing, good house, new barn, plenty of running water, in ?ood neighbor hood, in famous Pioneer section. Pru-e $S500; cash $35u0, balance 6 pf-T cent unlimited time. We recommend this as a good buy. A small place for party wish ing to - work in town, 3 acres cuterl 2 miles out of city limits, -It undr cultivation, fenced with . chicken wire, 4-room house, barn, chicken house and woodshed. Price. $1050 cash: but we will help you carry It if necessary. Plenty of work In town. Piece of lnnd wfthout Improve ments and. houses. 45 acres. 2 miles from town, 3 acres clea red ; fine soil for prunes and general farm ing purposes; price 100; cash $&00, balance 7 per cent. Dairy ranch of 215 acres with 175 acres river bottom land, 40 acres hill land, bottom land docs not overflow, 80 per cent can be put under cultivation, partly with in the city limits of small town, wl:h modern creamery and cheese factory. The right place for a ds iry man. Price $14, J23; half cash, balance terms. r LEASE MAKE IT UNDER STOOD T.O. YOURSELF. THAT W E A R E N OT IN THE REAL EST A T K B LSI N ESS FO R TH A T PURPOSE ALONE; BUT WE ARE TRYING TO BUILD UP THE COMMUNITY AND OUR MOTTO IS, "WE WILL HELP YOU OUT." THE GREKLT COMPANY, RIDGEF1ELD, WASH. C A N A D I A N PACIFIC R Y. L A N D. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairies, ready for the plow, interspersed with tres, which of frd excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raisinpeare being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offering a larne area of these fertile lanus in Lloyd minster and Hattleford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land St-ager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloyd minster the world's prize oats have been grown and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become independent on a lann In this district. These lands can be bought now ut prices averaging about $18 an acre. You pay down lu1'. If land is purchased under settlement conditions, no further payment of prin cipal until end of fourth yeaV then 16 annual payments. Interest is 6. Also thousands of ares of irrigated lands in Southern Alberta at $50 per acre, on wlych the company will loan $2000 for improvements to approved purchasers, with 2n years to pay for land and loan. Harvesting is in full swing. Now Is the time to make a trip to see the produc tion of the country. Personally conduct ed landaeekers' excursions. Reduced rail way rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacitlo Rv. Co., 20$ Railway Exch. bldg. L. P. Thornton, district rep resentative. I'LL. GIVE IT UP. I have tried "and tried to write an attrat tlve ad like some 1 have seen in the papers, but concluded that Is a business by itself, for an ad writer, not a sawmill man, st I'll just try to say w hat 1 want everybody to know about that tract 1 nearly 1OO0 acres ot logged, off land of mine. DIFFERENT EXCEP IN PRICE from the ordinary logged off land proposition that comes to your notice, because It Is really a ranch, with fences, about 50 acres cultivated land, orchard, barns and houses, with water piped to them; poild for trout culture, water power for electric lights; closa to school, high school, good roads, only two mile to highway. railway and Columbia river; good bottom bench land, deep soil, no 'rock, plenty of water; a little over two hours run from Portland; and say, so cheap for cash, really 1 must ask you to cume and see me personally for I can't afford to spend the prica of the ranch 011 this ad and there i lots more to be told about it. If Inter ested drop In and see me soon as I have to go back to my mill in a few days. J. B. Laber, 705 Broadway Bids. No phone. 6i ACRES, river bottom, no gravel; 1 miles from pop toff ice. Centra I ia. and i mile off Pacific highway, on graveled road; strictly modern "-room bungalow, plastered throughout, porcelain bath, toilet and lavatory, hot and cold water, electric lights, tank house with thre rooms, windmill and 12.5o0-ga.llon tank, excellent water; barn with 4 tons hay" in: two chicken houses. 2 incubators. 1 Kresky brooder stove In 1000-capacity brooder house, and various other chicken raising Implements; work shop, garage; buildings on concrete foundations: ot'O pullets from 3 to 3 months old. some, now laying ; acre each logan and strawberries, other small fruits and 20 young, just bearing assorted fruit trees. Land all in cultivation; on 5-gallon Jer sey cow, one hog; various farm Imple ments and tools; buildings less than 8 years old, painted; all- goes for $7300. terms, or will exchange $2000 equity for Portland property and assume. No agents. Address ROute 1, box 13, Cen tralis. Wash. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 2o acres under cultivation, S acres In timber. 4 acres in apples, plums and cherries; a good well and a small spring. A hou.se with 4 large rooms, machine house, of a mile to electric rail way, of a mile from school. Can give a clear title. Price $55ofi, liberal terms. DON C. WORMLEY. 413-19-21 Abington Bldg. Main 1232. FOR SALE N.,W. H of Sec. 31, Township 0. Range 1 east, 5 miles north of Wood land, Wash., 6 miles ooutht of Kalama some timber in northern part, southern part easily cleared ; good range, plenty of water, fine view, good place for a ht-me. -o improvements ; $10 per acre, wi th terms. Inquire or address Cow litz County Abstract Co.. Kalama, Wash. 40 ACRES $15 PER AORK 46 MILES FROM PORTLAND. On North Bank R. It. and Evergreen highway ; beautiful view of Columb!a; plenty of water, tine soil; lies well; eay cleared and a great location for poultry, berries and fruit. Mac TNNES, 210 Oregon Bidg. East 243ft. ISO ACRES of land, about 70 acres tide land, well diked; the balance first Trench. An ideal dairy farm, situated ou Nes- tucca bay, Tillamook county. Or. Price $200 per acre; $7000 down, the balance on time. Consult M. A. Gage, Sher wood, Or. Route 5, box 37. 7 ACRES $4500; fine. large spring pure water; acres cultivation, some timber; 6-room bungalow. Call on owner, Elmer Coleman. Coleman station. Carver rail- ron:l, 3 "miles S. E. of Milwaukie. i(j; ACHES, of which o acres are 01m; pr-pertv is located between Canby and New Era, on Pacific . highway. Please send sea ed bids before Sept. 13. Terms cash. Miss Mary O'Neil. Canby, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. iAKUh. RANCHES near roruanu, i ""' ftrr svere, easv terms, best soil: farms for sale, all e 1 y-fi McEarland. goft Failing bldg. WHEAT in Gilliam county Is paying mora than the price of the land it la grown on- I hav a limited number of farms for sale. M. fiHinauni-e, onaon. Or. 10- ACREt. STOCKED, BARNS. HOUSE, WELL WATERED; A DANDY PLACE FOR HMit; TERMS. ZIMMERMAN, SIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ti RC HARDS, aKalfa, (tardea tracts, tarns lands. Special bargains. AckUy Cos Clarkston. Wash. IjOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running aler, good' ollt tillable; employ ment; eay trroa. J. R. fiharpe, B3 3d, i