THE MORNING OHEGOXIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920 y CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. 560-95 Sunday Kditor Main 7070, 50-85 Advertising Department .. Main 7070. 56U-9S Superintendent of Bids. -Main 7070. 5S0-U5 AMUSEMENTS. EEIL.IO (Broadway at Taylor) "The Mikado," Koya.1 EnflLsh Opera company Tonight. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5, C:4o to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays continuous, 1:10 to 11 P. M. PAXTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily, 2a0. 7 and D:05. COUNCIL CKEST Kree amusement park. Take "OC" cars, Morrison or Washing ton streets. TUB OAKS Campbells Amerl-sn Band in concert. Free admission until 5 P. M., except Sundays and holidays. COLUMBIA BEACH vnlldren free. Bath lnq and amusements. OREGOXIAX AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable In advance. Barvlew, Or "W. A. Sipprell Bay City, Or O. E. Shelley Bayocean, Or F. D. Mitchell Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe Carson, Wash C. B. Smith Cascadla. Or.. G. M. Grelsendorfer Ecoia. Or. .Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis & J. L. Kidder Gearhart, Or W. S. Roblson Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauha' Manianita, Or E. Kardel Manhattan Beach, Or. ...Mrs. S. F. Angel Kahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Keahkahnie Beach. Or A. C. Anderson Kehalem, Or D. C. Peregoy Newport. Or O. F. Heron Ocean Lake. Or Nettle Tompsett Ocean Park, -Wash Chas. Treble Pacific City. Or D. F. Edmunds Rockaway. Or ....Frank Miller Seaside. Or C. W. Alward Ehipherd's Hot Springs, Wash Mrs. N. St. Martin Seavlew, Wash George N. Putnam Tillamook. Or 3. S. Lamar Wheeler, Or,...E. H. Cody and Leo Sohler WUhoit, Or.. F. W. McLeran Scouts Break Up Camp. More than 250 members of the Portland Council of Boy Scouts have shared the hos pitality of Camp Chinidere, the sum- j mer camp of the Scouts, overlooking Wahtura lake, 14 miles up Eagle creek canyon, from July 7 to Sep- ; tember 1. The last of the Scouts, numbering 37, returned to Portland j Wednesday evening, a few coming down the Herman creek trail In i charge of W. J. Kent, the assistant scout master, and the majority coming ' down the Eagle creek trail in charge Moonlight Hike Planned. The Mazamas and their friends will meet at the end of the Rose City Park car line this evening at 8 o'clock from there they will hike over the top of Ilocky Butte, thence south over Cregg road to the Base Line road, thence to the Mount Tabor car. This is a walk of about six miles. ThiiS trip will be ODen to any desiring to hike with the club and will be under the leader ship of Miss LaFollette of Chicago. Miss LaFollette Is a member of long standing in the Prairie club of Chi cago and came west several weeks ago to take the annual outing with the Sierra club of California, then went with the Mountaineers of Seat tle on their two weeks' trip in the Olympics and has stopped over on her way home long enough to take a trip with the local club. Automobile Presented to Bond Official. Korbes B. Pratt, a vice preisident of the bond house of Mor ris Bros. Inc., is the happy owner of a fine automobile, presented to him by the firm, with John I Etheridge. president, as spokesman, as a token of appreciation for his long and faith ful services. The presentation took place at the close of business las( night, with all members of the head quarters office staff present. In a brief review of the rapid development of the concern's business, for which he gave Mr. Pratt much credit, Mr. Etheridge expressed the sentiments of the firm and Mr. Pratt, after over coming his surprise at the gift, re plied in appropriate words. Travelers to Dance bt (Mooliuht. Under auspices of the Travelers' Pro tective association a moonlight dance will be held this evening on the Blue bird. The Multnomah Guard band will accompany the excursionists and fur nish the music. The band of 65 pieces will meet at Eleventh and Couch Btreets and march to the boat. Prize's will be awarded the winners of various stunts. Membership cards will admit Travelers' Protective as ociation members and their ladies. but a charge will be made for other guestis. Parishes Combine for Picnic. Crystal Lake park Is to have another one of its fine picnjcs on Labor day September 6, when the combined parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows and St. John's-.Mil waukie hold their an nual affair. Lunch will be served on the grounds and there will be the usual amusements such as swim ming, bowling and athletic events The evening will be given over to dancing. Claims of the Moore Sanitarium. T e claim to do one thing well. Ex pert administration of the Milk and Rest Cure treatment. It secures re markable results in a few weeks time and what is worth doing at all Is worth doing absolutely right. If Interested consult the Moore Sani tarium at the office, 908 Selling bldg Phone Main 6101. Adv. The Round-Up. Two Pierce-Arrow cars leave Port land Monday, Sept. 19, at 9 A. M. for Round-up. Pare $50 for passenger, round trip. Including use of car to fairgrounds during week. Returning ionaay, Sept. 1'b. l-or reservations pnone Jack Houston. Bdwy. 334. 90 aawy. Adv. The Oregon state board for ex amination and registration of nurses will hold an examination Sept. 30- Oct. 1. 1920. 9 A. M.. Cathedral hall, lith and Couch st,s.. Portland. Ap plications must be filed with the sec retary. Mrs. O. E. Osborne. 512 Oak dale ave., Medford, Or., not later than eept. zv. Adv. anchor council to Picnic. Anchor council, rso. 746, Security Benefit as sociation, will hold their annual pic me at crystal Lake park Sunday, mere win oe two baseball games, Doxing exnioition featuring Billv -Mascott and races of all kinds. There win oe dancing both afternoon and evening. Jewish Services Tonight. Service win be held at the Congregation inavai enoiom. rarK and Clay streets, .uiiisiii o o ciock. Tomorrow morn ing services at 9 o clock. Rev. R. Abrahamson will officiate. ijance A Real Dance. Cole Mc Elrey s orchestra just returned ten months in the east. Murlark hall, Twenty-third and Washington streets nance every w ednesday and Satur day nights. Adv ' oe sau.Mito wun just false teem, get Artificial Dentures of th better kind made by the specialist Ur. Rossman, 307 Journal building., AOV r.Lj. io lease a 4 or 5-room unfurnished flat in good neighbor nooei. by first-class adult tenants at once. Room SIS Washington hotel city. Adv. Dr. Fording. 515 Selling bldg.. will examine scnool pupils for glasse during tept. without charge. Mai 5075. Adv. Sunday excursion. To Cascad Locks, steamer leaves Taylor-st. doc 9 A. M.. returning 7 P. M. Lunch 50c. Alain &ub5. Adv. rOR brilliant garden display "Mrs, Fryer and "War" gladioli are mag nmcent. Known at the Crissey ex hlbit, Multnomah hotel lobby. Adv School Books bought, sold and ex changed. Hyland s, 204 Fourth stree between Taylor and Salmon. Adv Harold Bat let resumes violl teaching Sept. 1. 30S-9 Tilford bldg jfl v. Dr. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher. Chiropodist: returned. Selling-Hirsch bldg. Main 3713. Adv. Kemmerer Coai Carbon Coal Co. mine agents East 1188. Adv. Auto Storage. $3; 20th and Marshall Adv. Dr. R. M. Hood. Eyesight Specialist. Morgan Bldg. Adv. of C. C. Hall, who has acted as swim ming instructor at the camp during the summer and who is about to enter ! his senior year at the University of Oregon medical school. J. C. Oakes, j assistant ecout master, was left to i close the camp and will return to the city within a few days. i Dr. Butler Due Todat. Nicholas I Murray Butler, president of Colum- j bia university, will arrive in Portland I today and will be the guest at the j noon luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Butler is making a tour of the coast. During the recent j republican national convention in , Chicago, Dr. Butler was a candidate for the presidential nomination. When Vice-President James Sherman died, on the eve of the election, the na tional committee designated Dr. Butler as his successor on the ticket with William Howard Taft and as such he received the electoral votes j of the republican voters. For his topic at the luncheon today Dr. Butler has selected "New Problems of Gov ernment and Business." j Nearlt Lost $80. "When F. F. ' O'Brien responded to a tapping at a window at 429 Glisan street and entered the building he began an ad venture which nearly cost him his roll of $80, he testified in police court yesterday. On the other side of the window pane were Louise Talton and Maggte Miller, both negroes. After O'Brien had left the house and walked several blocks he discovered that his money was missing. He summoned the police and returned to the house. A search brought to light $60 of bills in the mattress of the bed. The two negro women received 120 days in jail from Judge Rossman yesterday, but served notice of appeal. Motorist Official Fined. George O. Brandenburg, an officer of the Oregon Motorist association, whose address is given as the Elks' club, was fined $25 in municipal court yes terday, the charge being failure tb render assistance following an auto mobile accident and failure to report the accident. Branden'berg was ar rested upon complaint of J. A. Currey, 20 fepring street. Currey was knocked own and severely bruised and his ight leg injured. Brandenberg tated that he stopped hLs car fol- owlng the accident, but did not ender assistance as he saw Currey olng away through the crowd. Cycle Taken From Youth. Until T. Dahlgren. 18-year-old owner of a fractious motorcycle, can earn enough money to nave his machine geared own properly, the machine will re main in jail, according to the de- ision of Judge Rossman yesterday. Dahlgren was arrested for speeding n inird street between Oak and Glisan and Investigation showed that the machine was so geared that it could scarcely be made to run under o miles an hour. Card Dealer Sentenced. Louis Viras, employe of the Liberty Coffee ouse, was convicted of vagrancy ves- terday in police court and sentenced serve 30 days. Viras was said to be the dealer In a game at the coffee house. ETforts to prove that gam bling was going on in the house were unsuccessful, however, Viras declar- ng that the game was only -freeze out." Alleged Pheasant Hunter Ar rested. xt. Battin of Mllwaukie was arrested "Wednesday night charged with shooting two China pheasants near Eighty-second . street. When Deputy Game Warden .Craig took him in eustooy ttattin gave his name as C. A. Johnson, but phoned in yes terday morning that he had changed his mind and admitted his Identity. Dr. Dee Sats Gland Operation 'tcot Necessary. With my method the glands are renewed permanently and cell inertia, which is the basis of all disease, entirely overcome as snmB of Portland's best citizens can testify. Further Information free. 412-13-14 Artisan's bldg. Adv. Theodore Althop Arrested. Thn. dore Althop was arrested yesterday at 250 Taylor street and charged with tanure to give bond for the conduct ing of an automobile delivery. He was released on his own recognizance. For Sale. 3 over-stuffed ohairs $1'50. AJT 733, Oregonian. Adv Dr. Laurence Selling. 1211 Selling bldg.; returned. Adv. Dr. Dayton, glasses. Swccland bide- Adv. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Clean Cut Lines that Keen Men Like Advance Showing FALL S. & H. Trading Stamps. Suits, Overcoats Raincoats At Feature Prices Kuppenheimer Good ciothe Perfectly tailored, all wool, in splen did models and colors Lioil Service Fashioned Clothes All wool, in latest models, street wear $60 $45 LION CLOTHING CO. Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland. MORRISON AT FOURTH. Tbe Height of Perfection fox Home and Professional Use The Violet Ray Generator Too will eventually buy. with Ozone Generator built In. THE ALGRAT ELECTRIC CO. Recognized Hendquartera fur Renullfe Violet Ray Ueneratora. Kree Demontratlon. Open evening:. Write for our three-way offer. Phone Broadway 7SO. 425 Waahinerton St near 11th St., Portland. Or. 65-nCBE PARK PLANNED TRACT IX ST. JOHXS DISTRICT IS BEING CONSIDERED. Place Said to Contain AYonderful Possibilities for Development. Price Asked Is $50,000. land is wooded with a large amount of young fir, cedar and spruce. The land is of a rolling nature, with pos sibilities of arranging a water feature such as is found in Laurelhurst'park. At present there are numerous sylvan trails, much on the order of the trails in Macleav Dark. I It is believed that Commissioner Pier will complete his negotiations within a few days and will be ready to bring recommendations before the city council within ten days. Plans for a 65-acre park in the St. Johns district, a park which will in clude playground facilities, an ath letic field and tennis courts, are be ing formulated by City Commissioner Pier and Park Superintendent Keyser. The tract being considered Is known as the Strong-Ladd tract, situated in the northern part of tle district. Just three-fourths of- mile from the center of the bvslness section of St. Johns. Purchase of the acreage hinges on the possibility of the city obtaining it for a reasonable sum. The tract has been offered the city for $50,000, or a portion on the basis of $1000 an acre. NegotIa'ons are still pending with a vU".v of obtaining a cheaper price for the entire place. The tract has wonderful possibili ties for development, according to Park Superintendent Keyser. The C. S. JACKSON CRITICISED Attempt to Injnre Press Outside of Portland Is Charged. Robert E. Smith, of Portland, has been writing to newspapers' asking their assistance in defeating the in terest measure in the November elec tion. Frank C. Baker, of the Tilla mook Headlight, has written Mr. Smith of his co-operation in putting the measure to sleep, but declared that the way was paved for this freak measure and similiar ones by C. S. Jackson, of the Oregon Journal, who initiated measures to injure the newspaper industry outside of Portland. Jt is only natural that other per nicious measures will be initiated in the near future to injure other busi ness interests." writes Mr. Baker, "and New Location irk Military Shop 61 Sixth Street, Corner Pine BLANKETS, SHOES, MACKINAWS, RAINCOATS, AUTO ROBES, SHEEP-LINED COATS, SWEATERS, TENTS, COTS, CAMP STOVES, CAMP GRATES, PACK SACKS, BED ROLLS and CAMPERS' ACCESSORIES SHIRTS, MEN'S HOSE, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. Telephone Main 5010 Write for Prices fJLJ V"c"i if the non-partisan league ever ob tains a footing in this state it will be by the same method Jackson used to injure the newspaper industry, for the league will find that the initia tive 1a.w ntliiT our bloatpd Oregon system is exactly the kind of law to help them obtain control or tne poi ttical machinery of Oregon." Phone vour want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. Automatic 660-95. Dr. E. A. Sommer returned. Adv PACT WITH REDS REFUSED Germany Asked to Collaborate Against Western Powers. BERLIN, Sept. 1. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Dr. Walter Simons, foreign minister, addressing the reichstag foreign affairs committee today, declared he had been urged to collaborate with the Russian bolshe- viki against the western powers as a by the treaty of Versailles, but that after mature . reflection he had re jected this course. 'If we had followed these exhorta tions." said the minister. "Germany would immediately, have become a theater of war. Furthermore, the dis astrous consequences which bolshe- vism might be expected to bring with it would have fallen with double force upon Germany." Dr. Simons said proposals also have been made that Germany co-operate with the western powers against Rus sia, which he considered an equally impossible course. 14 CONE SPECIES FOUND Trees Within 12 Miles of Each Other in Cascade forest. Fourteen species of coniferous trees growing within a distance of 12 miles were found in the Cascade national forest by John S. Boyce, consulting pathologist for the United States for est service. Mr. Boyce has just returned from the region where he made this re markable discovery. The trees were on the old Oregon military highway between Rlgdon ranch and the summit at elevations varying from 2400 to 5600 feet. Here were .found western yellow pine, west ern white pine, sugar pine, lodge pole pine, knob cone pine, Douglas fir. western hemlock, incense cedar, west ern red cedar, Engelmann spruce, white fir. red fir. mountain hem lock and western yew. TODAY! BOYS' SUITS Wanted FOR MOTOR TRUCKS Absolutely the best selling; propo sition ever offered. Complete line to 5-ton trucks. Highest qual ity product. Established concern. SERVICE TRUCK CO. 227 Salmon St. BOYS' SCHOOL APPAREL Boys' Wool - Mixed Jerseys $3.50 to $5.00 Boys' Sweaters .... 3.00 to 5.50 Boys' Flannel Shirts 3.75 to Boys' Flannel Blouses 2.25 to Boys' Union Suits. 1.25 to Boy's Cotton Hose. 35c-40c Boys' wool and mixed wool hose . . . Boys' .wool mack- . inaws $10.50 to $15.00 Boys' pants $1.50 to $5.00 Boys' raincoats $8.00 Boys' Blouses ... .$1.00' to $2.50 4.75 2.75 3.50 50c 50c and 85c WOOL and MIXED WOOL .SO Regiilar $18.50 to $22.50 Values! These are splendid suits for boys and most of them are pure wool. They would sell for a great deal more in other stores, but since we manufacture them and sell direct to you we save you from paying- the Mid dleman's profit and this accounts for the big" saving you make when you buy here. , These suits are from our regular stock and were originally marked from $18.50 to $22.50. They are mostly All Oregon-Made Suits, from Oregon woolens, and are tailored in our big shops. Every coat is lined throughout and carefully tailored and you may choose most any style that looks best on your boy. A variety of shades in Gray, Green, Brown and Fancy Mixtures gives you a wide selection to choose from. Consolidation Sale WALL PAPER and PAINT Uhl Brothers and the Morg-an "Wall Paper Company have consolidated stock of 500,000 rolls of wall paper, to be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices From September 1 to 10. Present Price $2.00 papers , $1.55 papers , $1.00 papers . $ .75 papers $ .60 papers $ $ .25 papers ;.......$ $ .20 papers .......$ Sale Price ..$1.50 ..$1.12K $ To .45 .13 Pure Paints Present Price Pure House Paint $4.55 per gal. Best Floor Paint $3.05 per gal. Enamel $5.50 per gaL Special White Paint $4.00 per gal. Utility Coach Varnish $4.25 per gal. Sale Price v $4.05 per gaL $2.75 per gaL $4.DO per gal. $3.50 per gal. $3.90 per gaL All Clean, Fresh Goods No Damaged Stock or Remnants UHL BROS., Inc. 230 Second St. w;.vw,ww.- Ft 3 r Jl BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG The School that Places "You in a Good Position Open All the Year Enter at Any Time DAY SCHOOL-NIGHT SCHOOL Business Course, Shorthand Course Secretarial Course One or More Special Branches Telephone Broadway 1821 n Oregon Institute of Technology (A unit In National Standardized System.) Fall Term Opens in September Electrical Engineering Radio Telegraphy Mechanical Engineering College Preparatory Automotive Schools Business Schools Business Administration and Accountancy, Also 176 Different Unit Resident and Home Study Courses- -176 Through State Aid and Special Y. M. C. A. Srbolarnhipa, Kr-Sfnlco Men Have Opportunity of Lifetime to Get Complete Education. For complete information and catalogues concerning above schools and courses, or gtate aid and scholarships. Call at or Address Oregon Institute of Technology, Div. C, Fourth Floor, V. M. C A. Bids., Portland, Oregon. FREE TO BOYS THE U. S. ARMY MESS KIT We will give every Boy who buys his Suit or Overcoat here today one of these handy, Regular U. S. Army Aluminum Mess Kits ABSOLUTELY FREE! These are just the thing for camping and picnics and can be used as a Frying Pan, Dutch Oven, Camp Kit, Auto Lunch Box and Plate. BOYS, READ THIS! These Kits were bought from the Gov ernment and are just like our Soldiers used in France. Every one is new! Look at the picture. Figure 1 shows a Boy Scout using one as a Frying Pan. Figure 2 shows the lid of the plate used as a dish. Figure 3 shows the kit folded up, ready for packing (notice the handy carrying ring). Largest Manufactur ing Clothiers West of Chicago x Tat . - n i-fiiaivrii;,n i n mi -i u ,c ssss s . .ti'.w vr mm wom 1LLL WNSV Portland WOOLEN MILL STORE Entire Bldg. (S. W. Cor.) Morrison at Third Astoria Eugene Marshfield Boys' Clothing De partment on 3d Floor Take Elevator HOTEL SEASIDE, INC. SEASIDES (CLATSOP BEACH). OREGON. Oregon's New All-the-Year-Round Ocean Beach Resort Hotel Special reduced rate Saturday, Sunday and Labor Day Rooms With Meals Included For reservations, address CUAS. II. UOWLEV, Mana?er. TONIGHT Eddyism Russellism Spiritism Mormonisrri Romanism Modern Protestantism And Others How May We Know the Truth? "There Shall Arise False Christs and False Prophets." Hear LOUIS K. DICKSON, Evangelist Bis Tent Pavilion Cor. 13th and Morrison. TONIGHT BEAVER BOARD i r.Avr BOARD FOR BETTER WALLS fclJ AND CEILINGS Mj RASMUSSEN & CO. N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets Read The Oretonian classified ads. TRAVELERS OCIDE. Experienced Man Teacher wants princlpalshlp or position In commer cial department of hi;h school or college; best of refencea; Oregon life diploma. Address L 20-4. Oregonian. jl) Spend your vacation in cr A IM PPANCISCO HOTEL North Bend STOP AT THE STEWART On Geary St, Jnt off Union Squire, doie to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moaeraie r'". Breakfast, 60c, 60c, 75c. Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c), Dinner $1.25 (Sundays $1.60). Municipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reservations in advance of arrival. STOP ITCHING ECZEMA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo. Furnished by an v druirgist for 35c Extra large bottle, 51.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short ' time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, al way suse Zemo, th-3 penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. Wherj others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of ail kindi, The . W Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-55.