TIIE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDATY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920 REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY GEM! LIKE A OEM IS A BEAUTI FUL. SETTING. t this 6-room ar tistic, lovely home, on the DIS Ti.VCTIVE ALAMEDA! Here are simp of the feat ures: HARD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT: (rreat, handsome buffet; art fire place; splendid furnace ; spacious, sunlit rooms that are poignant with the true atmosphere of pleas nnt home life. Ideally located on i8xl5 ft. lot, running from Ala meda straight through to Wis taria drive, affording an unex i1ed view for all time! It's im possible to properly describe this 'Rem of a home" In an adver visemen t. Your own eyes alone can do it justice: The price is 17000, and Its a "GIVE AWAY" at that. For further particulars see J. W. Crosstey, Manager High, Class Home Dept., with FRANK I.. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. THE HARRIS METHOD SEELS HOMES. MODERN 4-room plastered bungalow, all conveniences, hardwood floors, gas range and heater, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, stationary tubs, beautiful lot on paved atrcet, all assessments paid; price $3000, 8i0 cash. 57l Sumner street. A SPLENDID PLASTERED BUNGA LOW of 7 rooms. Al condition, newly tinted and painted, full basement with laundry trays, nice lawn and garden : price 2Roo. with one-half cash. 1180 Schliler street. PENINSULA 7-room welt built home with bath, electricity, gas, nice lot with fruit and berries, garage, chicken house. At 1321 Knowles street; price $2500, terms. WOODSTOCK 5-room plastered house with hath, ga. electricity, gas heating yKtem, lot 100x100 v ith fruit, berries and garden, garage, hen house and run. 1204 3lUh st. S. E. Price $2100, terms. Close to Wondstmk car. RALPH HARRIS CO., S27 Chamber of Commerce. 4,-j00 BUNGALOW HOME $4500. This pretty bungalow is near the Rose City Park car, this side of 28th st. It has living room with fireplace and book cases, dining room with handsome built in buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, bleeping porch and floored attic, full basement, furnact-, laundry trays, garage, paved st. What more can you ask for $4500? If you can pay 2o00 cash we'd advise you to see this today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, SOS Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main fi.VSQ. " ROSE CITY PARK. $0300 Let us show you tbls nifty bun galow home, west of 40th st., near car, south of Sandy boule vard; 5 rooms and bath, also mu sic roonn, disappearing- -bed in liv ing room, also in one bedroom ; strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, st. improvements in and paid. Requires $2200 cash. J. A. WICKM AN CO.. S4 Stark St. Main 1004 and 583. BEAUTIFUL LAURKLHURST HOME BY OWNER. Strictly modern W-room home, finished In ivory and mahogany; papered in tap estry; hardwood floors, sun porch, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, front and back stairway, 2 toilets and baths; beautiful living and music rooms. 40 ft. long with plate glass windows, 4 large bedrooms, garage and ririvewa ; near school, park and kar; fine neighborhood; good terms. 1S Floral ave. Tabor 2274 . IRVING TON. 73x100 TRICE. $oooo. B-room co-Ion lal. In first-class condi tion throughout, strictly modern in every detail, very large living room, fine fire place, fine large garage, nice lawn; this ii a real snap at the price of $0000; nhown only by appointment. 2S5 Stark treat. MARSHALL 180. 4-Room Bungalow LAVKELHURST DISTRICT Paving Paid $2500. Owner moving to California, sacrific ing his bungalow. Really you will be surprised to find such a good property selling at so remarkably a low price. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office 5Uh and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Let us show this A rooms and sleeping porch ; double con structed with building paper be tween; fireplace. furnace, full cement basement, wash tray a built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, and garage. J. A. W 1CKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 4 Stark St. Main lot4 and fS3. " $8500. " Laurelhurst, beautiful nine-room home, srtrictly up to the minute. H. G. fQPTON, J. ROBBINS. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. FINE Irvington home bargain, large mod ern home in a select district, corner lot 75x100; nice lawn, shrubbery; price only . 15.000, good terms. Crockett Co., 203 Washington bMg. Suburban Home. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. In the town limits of Grcsham. 5 acres, all in cultivation-, 6-room modern house, bath, toilet, concrete basement, laundry trays. Bull Run water, Portland gas, electricity, good family orchard, 1 acre raspberries. 3 chicken houses, garag rarn; on good hard-surfaced street; price I'jouu, some terms. KR1DER & ELK I NG TON, Gresham, Oregon. Phone 17-X. T ROOMS, 3 fireplaces, gas Rector heating system, laundry room witn electric waan er. water system : I71 fact, all city con vn fences, with flow org, shrubs, garden. A place highly improved. To appreciate It you should see; Oregon City canine. SO-mlnute ride; Courtney Station; about '3 blocks east to Courtney ave.. second house north. Will give terms. Phone Main 74. owner. AT A SACRIFICE 4 building sites, $500 each ; 4 $6oo each ; choice homes ; river front, paved highway. Oregon City ci 6 rooms, bath; colonial. 7 rooms, bath: 11 rooms. 3 baths, or will build to suit; 4 acre up. rnone owner lor appoint Tnent. Ask for Oak Grove 1-W. or mail Milwaukle, Or., Route 1, Box 2S8, River road. Also a. 61 acres, Concord tracts ;u00 cash. OVER 2 ACRES $4200. All in cultivation. 2 very neat cot tages. 1 of 3 rooms. 1 of 4. the latter be lug plastered, both in splendid condl tion; close to school, in city limits, be tween A V . and K. c. cars. This is very de. ided snap, $1000 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 . hamoer or commerce. A NICE HOME. One acre, highly improved, lots of fruit and berries, 7-room house, close to ry. sta. Price S3000. terms, or wil trade for 5-R. houte on northeast side, line nooauwn or near union ave. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 Mi 4th St. $1 R o o DANDY SUBURBAN HOME. 25 minutes from Portland on hard surface road and S. P.; 5-room very com- rortaote nouse. Darn ana cnicKen nouses, woodshed; excellent well water, all kinds f fruit: sightly corner: acre best fll; genuine bargain; terms. Sellwood ai 1 . owner. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW ONLY $1200. Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with TfiOxl 4a. pi pen water, lights, fenced woodshed. blocks to school. 3o mln utes out on big red electric; $200 down. Can you beat it. call 00 Concord bldg. 2d ana fctarw. MCE COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres In cultivation, very best felack land: 25 bearing fruit trees good Condition; lots of berries and small fruits; 4-room cottage, barn, chicken houso; on Oregon City line. Price $4300, half casn. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165H 4th Ft CHOICE 3-ACRE improved ti-ct and 6 room bungalow, close In, on Powell Val ley and Laurel ave., $5000. Acreage alone worm price. bpienaid house, aa rage, pure well water, gas, phone. Owner Tabor BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE. Near uararn j-iome station; 4 rooms, modern, large chicken house. $2100, terms. ineai ior iamny seeking co fnrt and economy. F. B. Layman, Main 1 OHO. At U LTNOMAH STATION Modern bunga low witn sleeping porcn: id minutes ou cn best car service. Price includes ga range and heating stove. fl!50. $4. rash. $25 a month. Main 5343 after 6 P. M. only. OWNER. Am leaving city, your own price an terms: 3-room nouae. close to nic aircm, 75x33x 1 00-f t. lot, 4 blocks to ca riO 877, Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, Trom siou up. Inquire 3d house nort of Risley station, on Oregon City car iiti. .BiKiiA kit nrooK. WAV h - 'i acres or ground, fine large nuu?, ""vemences. hou from center oi rny; not a commercla place, just an iui nome. l 54, ore gonian. SACRIFICE for QUICK sale: 2 acrs ftn land, moderi nousc; o oiocks south Huber; owner on place. J. A- Davis, riuprr, jr. FIN E suburban residence, Willsonia, w viae; uovu. esu, urruuiA, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. BUCKLEY AVE. SUBURBAN HOME. Six nice, light, attractive rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, gas, electric motor and water system, large cement basement; the house is modern and in splendid condition ; 3 acres of garden land, ail in high state of cultivation, plenty of fruit trees and strawberries for home use, near a good school and car line, $0500, and worth every cent of it; $3000 cash will handle It. R. H. CON FRET, HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 Vz acres of fine soil, with lots of fruit: 12c car fare; 40 minutes out; lots of shade trees; nice grounds with per gola ; attractive bungalow, with large living and dining room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on first floor; large room upstairs; good electric light fixtures, fine fireplace; price, $3300; adjoining this is also 1 acres of loganberries that can be had very reasonable; this is close to electric station. JOHN FERGUSON. GEKLINGER BLDG. SMALL COUNTRY HOME. $2000 2 acres, 4-room house, good barn, tool house, chicken house, 22 Iruit trees, berries, fne water, piped to house. Also 5 acres across the road. 60 fruit trees, lots of grapes, berries, fine well; $4000. These properties can be had to gether or separately and are below val "uatlon of adjoining property; 1 mile east ot. Courtney station, on Oregon City line. METZGER-PARKER CO., 261) Oak St. Broadway 5355. ACRE. NEW, UNFINISHED BUNGALOW on Mitchell ave., just outside city lim its, near 32d st.; Alberta car. $2150; terms. R. W. CAR Y, 121I N. "W. Bank Bldg." Main 1G43. Residence. Main 1377. lor Sale Business Property. INDUSTRIAL SITE. Quarter block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges ; sacrifice; easy terms. Owner, A K 843, Oregon ian. MUST sell at once, beat located revolving oven bakery with lunch room, doing fine business; Investigate; no reasonable offer refused. P 905, Oregonian. TWO UNION AVE. lots; mortgage about to be foreclosed; will give deed for $10 and expenses. Tabor 8212. WEST SIDE water front; trackage; paved street; bargain; owner. 1421 N. W. Bank bldg. BUSINESS corner, lot 0x100, 15th and Flanders sts., fcerms. Phone Auto 218-29. For Sale -Acreage. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies out doors, close to city car line, beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July, 1921. Thirty years' ex perience as fruit grower, juice manu facturer, moral and financial responsi bility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you. wish further details of proposi tion ? K. A. Breck, Mfg. Breck's Loganberry Juice. 384 East 42d st. North. SPLENDID ACRE HOME IN GRESHAM. Certainly a great big value in a mod ern acre home. This is right in Gresh am and offered for much less than value of the house alone, one acre of ground with an abundance of vegetables grow ing on It. Especially attractive 6-room house, full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, ga rage. Price onlv $3200. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th t. Broadway 4381. SACRIFICE! Two acres. 4-room cottage. 4Sxl2 chicken house. 32x16 brooder house. 12x J- leeuhouse, l oats sprouter, 2 plows, l horse, buggy and harness, i0 1 -year-old hens, 225 6-months-old pullets Leg- horn), 45 6-months-old pullets (Barred nocKs), i . 4-months-oid i.ee n or ns: a u for $2000 ; 3SJ00 handles; H miie from station, Oregon Electric railroad ; owner. PtH. Oregonian. . APPLE ORCHARD SACRIFICE. 15 acres 10-year-old Apple orchard at Lyle, Wash. ; Spitz, New towns and Jon athans. Just comlntr to full bearintr: cost $500 per acre to buy and clear land and set to orcnara ana bring to oeartng owned by an eastern widow, who cannot handle ; will sell for 00 per acre or $4oU0. and give terms of five years. GRUSSI & BENNETT, "1S-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ACREAGE AND SUBURBAN HOMES. Two aood buys in Titrard. on waved highway. One 6-acre tract with modern bungalow, one acre tract with modern bungalow, fruit, berries, etc. One 1 acre tract at Oswego with modern 3 room bungalow. Price very reasonable. Easy terms. For further Information see Mr. SrirfTjdt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry BMg. ACRES, all in cultivation, on paved highway, 1 ml. from Portland in small town; 5-room house with basement; good barn, modern chicken house 1 Sx70, new brooder house, new garage, family or chard f plenty berries: woven wire fenced ; A-l fresh cow, 100 laying hens 1 acre potatoes, wheat, corn and kale all for $550; terms. C. W. Miilcrship. Alder hotel. Main 5275. ACUIFICE Excellent 15. near Vancou ver; ideal location, good buildings; $1000; also choice 20 near Oregon City ; bui Id Ings, stream, best soli; Including horse, harness. wagon, hay, acre potatoes ; $:;5O0. Also 10 near CreswelJ-Eugene; frame buildings, orchard, best chocolate loam ; $3500. Owner evenings, 141 East 6Jth North. Tabor 7055. 7 ACRES on Sholls Ferry road, 10i miles from down town; nearly all culti vated ; lies beautifully. with flowing stream year round ; fair house, large barn, silo, granary, etc. Price $300 per A. Beats anS'tning in entire vicinity. Good for farming and a wonderful place for citv man. Hart. 1M0 t'h. of Com. Phone Mar. 155 or Main 8480. FOR A DESIRABLE HOME. Get an acre or so of ground in that tract of land next to Irvlngton Park; choice property, fine view, rich soil and In excellent condition for small f rulvs and vegetables ; 2 blocks from Alberta car. J. O. Elrod, owner, 517 Corbett bldg. Main 6173. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 5-ACRB BARGAIN, -room, double constructed, 2-story house, with, furnace, fireplace, hot and cold water; beautiful view; a bargain at $6000: abundance of fruit and berries; east of cltv limits; ideal soil. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. TWO ACRES. IMPROVED. Located In Rockwood acres adjoining Milwaukle. This Is a beautiful sightly tract, highly improved with 2 houses; lights and city water. Apply to owner, 207 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE 70-acre farm; 36 acres under high state or cultivation, good pasture; creek through place, well, good build ings, on forks o'f 3 roads, adjoining school, mail route, 4 mites from Rainier. Apply owner. B. C. Wjtham. Rainier. Or. 2Vi ACRES; all in cultivation: lots of small iruit ; .1 oiocks from school, at Park place ; close to carline : 4-room houtte. . terms. barn ann rnicKen nouM; xieoo; c W. Millership. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 5 ACRES unimproved land 6 miles from the city of Portland, s. E. ; cordwood timber on the place will pay for It. Price $50, terms; also 10 acres of land, price $900. terms Nelson, 313 Henry bldg. from 3 to 6 P. M. ACRES, all In cultivation. 0 miles from Portland on Base Line road. New 5 room plastered house: good barn and chicken house; $50 fine fruit trees; drilled well. A snap at $35iK; terms. C. W. Millership. Alder hotel. Main 5275. CLOSE in acreage, with water to each tract, some tracts witn truit. Alberta car. $2, payments $2. R. W. Carv, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. Residence Main 1377. $300 AND balance monthly payments win nanaie inis i acrs ana nice new 4-room house on it ; close to station ; buy direct from owner and save com mission. W Kruger, Tigard, Or. FOR SALE 2 acres, just off Buckley ave., or might exchange same a first pay ment on home. Bdwy. 3413. Call for Mr. Duke. 3 ACRES near Woodmere school: 75 fruit trees, two-room house: $2550: $000 cash, $20 per month. Including 6Ci Interest. Fred Spear. Tabor 5S7. ONE-HALF acre: 5 rooms and bath; close in: paved road; price $:;.oo. will take light car as part payment. Easy terms. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 6429. 248 Stark st. 96 ACRES. A-l soil. 3 miles from Port land; $150 per acre. Phone Broadway 4iis:i. Address Owner. 674 Johnson st.. W. Portland Or. 3 ACRES, half cleared; close in; $2000; $250 cash, balance easy terms. Janes, Main 5429. 248 Stark st. TF.N ACRES. Hi miles east citv. Velio ave.. cleared, citv water, on ML Hood rallwav. Tabor 526S. 15 ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom. Tom Allen, 6131 92d sc. ' 45. E. FOR SALE 10 a,cres bearing cranberry land, cheap if taken at once. D 953, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 3 acres; cheap if taken rig aw-av; on electric; west stoe. near cilic highway. Owner. Main S:isO. ABOUT acre. 1 blk. N. E. of Errol sta tion. 7c fare, for about 'i of cost price; easy terms, senwooq zvvu. I V) ACRES Cloble. Or., for sale or exchange for bouse in Portland, i none Last 6. is REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. VERT BEST SMALL FARM BUT. 8 ACRES, 0 MILES OUT. No one will be able to show you any thing like this for the money. 8 acres, all in cultivation, no rock, and a perfect-lying tract. Good 6-room plastered house; nice red barn, outbuildings; nu merous large cherry trees, an abundance of prunes, 2 large English walnut trees and plenty of apples, pears, etc. Also 2 acres of strawberries. Two Jersey cows, 2 hogs, CO chickens and crops go with the place. It is only 6 miles from city limits of Portland, in thickly-settled community, right at stores, schools and churches. Price onlv $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th et. Broadway 4381. 4 ACRE ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. All in cultivation, strawberries, raspberries, other small fruit; 7 room house, with water system, electric motor, bath and toilet, electric lights, full basement, 4 hen bouses, work shop; 3 blocks from station; $4750.00; cash. A. C. ROWLAND. 8th and Main St.. Oregon City, Or. Fruit and Nut Lands. FOR SALE. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres. 17 acres in trees; 7OO0-box crop apples this year; has modern 5 room bungalow, cellar, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porches, tub and shower-bath, screened porch, kitchen bay, etc., large packing house and barn, 2 tenant houses; spring water on place, pumped by hy draulic ram; improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000; a good investment, a fine home and place to 1 ive ; has paid a good net return ; good reasons for selling. Write for particulars, price and terms. A 540. Oregonian. HOOD RIVER 35-acre apple ranch on main road to Mount Hood; 26 in 10 year, 5 in 6-year-old trees. Owner hav ing eastern interest wishes to make quick cash sale before this crop Is har vested. Address Owner, Box 241, Route 4. Homesteads, Relinquishment. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead. .Either farming or timber tracts, on or near good road a. Also have some good relinquishments, close in. Hours b:30 tn 5. -and evenings 7:30 to 0. ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. Bldg. For Sale Farms. RIVER BOTTOM. 00 acres at $50 per acre; H cash ; one mile from R. R. town on Pacific highway; 500 acres overflow land, 300 acres timber, pasture; all level and well drained, no waste land; no doby; no white land ; no gravel ; good, rich soil, suitable for all kinds hay and. grain. Including corn, wheat : yield this year. 30 bushels; plenty land suitable for potatoes, onions and garden truck; good buildings and plenty of them; well fenced and this year's crop Is there to show for itself. Nothing goes wifh the place; no trade considered, un less you can raise $20,000; don't answer if you can better come and. see it. L. P. HO BBS. W0 Willamette St., Eugene, Or. STOCK. HAT, IMPLEMENTS. 160 ACRES OF LAND FOR $0O00. 160 acres, 60 in cultivation. 35 In pasture, 25 acres good timber, 7-room house, 2 barns and tenant house, running water, family or chard, all fenced and -crossfenced, 80 tons hay, 29 head cattle, four good young horses, 12 hogs, 125 chickens. 8 goats, new rake, mow er (new), 2 plows. 1 harrow, 1 disc, buggy, 2 wagons, harness and complete outfit. Land lies rolling, but No. 1 soil. Owner raised 100 tons of hay this year. Fine stock or dairy ranch. Sickness in the family is why this Is otfered at this price, $U000 for all. J. C. GILBERT. I. O. O. F, Bldg., McMinnville. Or. EXCEPTIONAL RANCH BAR GAIN. r -0 acres, all rich land, about 17 acres under cultivation, balance in woods pasture; "new four-room house, fair barn, chicken houses and outbuildings, well and spring. Fine family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; ideal littl country home, only eight miles from Vancouver, seven miles of which are paved. Price for short time o-nly, $2750; U cash, balance caay payments. Act quick if you want this ranch. ' " THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. 3? OR SALE 60-acre farm at sacrifice be cause son is leaving for college. This place Is stocked and equipped, located just 7 miles from city limits of Portland, and the price is only $10O per acre; 30 acres in cultivation, balance good timber and pasture; lots of fruit, 6-room house, 2 barns and other bldgs. ; running water in house and barn; complete farm ma chinery, team, two "cow s. Ml hens, crops are worth $1000 alone: $3000 cash, bal ance ft years, 8 per cent; no trade con sidered. R. Mullenhoff, office hours. Main 7077 ; evenings, Tabor 2376. IF YOU want a place which will produce 414 tons of timothy per acre, 60 bushels of wheat or 120 of oats, I have an 81 acre place which I will sell vou nt its per acre. Every foot cultivated, livable . house, large barn-and a local market for an me nay ana oats you can raise. Might take in a good house In Portland. runer qetans at itanway Exchange. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BARGAIN 157 acres, all under cultivation. Mis sion bottom land, station on O. E. Ry, on land. 40 miles from Portland. AHant. ed to loganberries or hops; must be sold before Oct, 1, hence the low price of iou per acre. uj toucn bldg. Mar shall 8352. YAKIMA. THE VALLEY OF PLENTY. Government Irrigation, no cron fait tires, noted for frulta, alfalfa, corn and puai, -e your own doss-, 10 acres will make you independent; large and small iraciB, ierma. tau or write for price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 513 150 ACRES. $12 PER ACRE 46 MILES FROM PORTLAND. M mile to station on North Bank R R. right off (he Evergreen highway fine soil, plenty of water, scenic view great place for stock or fruit. ' MacINNES, 20ft-10 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658, NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill, ur., nas some of the best farms. We have small and large farms ior sai", us puuw mem to you free of charge. Phone or write Weidner & Vought. Bank bldg,, Yamhill. Or. 160 ACRES. 120 cultivated. 40 pasture, SO can go In grain this fall; fenced, cross fenced; house, barn, granary, chicken house, good spring; give possession Oct. 1. Take 5 rooms in city or Improved suburban a8 first payment. 324 Railway Exchange. CHOICEST lOO-aere farm to be had wlth in 14 miles of Portland paved highway, good buildings, all cultivated: worth $:;50 an acre: will take $250. Marshall 4440 or see Gillette. ia4 Abernethy at. Owner. 120 ACRES 10 acres cleared, house and 2 barna, 2 creeks running through place and crop for $2500. 18 mile, west ot McMinnville. Write B. F. Johnson, R R. No. 4. McMinnville. Or. 160 ACRES Wheat rancli In Canada; thia Is worth looking into it you want a bargain. See J. P. McKenna for price and terms. mimoni at aotn. Tabor 64i3. I HAVE the best farm in Beaverton. en paved roaa. 2uu acres ior sale at $300 an acre, term If desired. R 936. Ore gonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portlana, too to souu per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. 160 ACRES In the slate of Washington: you will get this at a bargain; It must be sold. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 3th. Tabor 6403. 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. near station : atore and school; price. $1000; SIO aown. i years lime on bal ance. Draper. 401 Board of Trade bids RiPnu-TCE Improved foothill SO, run down, worth $2500. bargain $1950, terms. Evenings, 7053. 141 East oath North. Tabor WHEAT in Gilliam county Is paying more thi. the nrlce of the land it Is rrnnr n on; I have a- limited number; of farms ONE OK the best IrtO atNre farms in Wash ington irvumj c aoic ji iee. rt V OreRonlan. ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, larm lands. Special bargains. Ackley Co, ClarKSlon. nasn. LOGCiKD-OFF lands, $L0 acre up; running water, sooa fon, imaoie; employ ment, easy terms. J, R. Sharpe, b3 3d. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres, every foot in cultivation, A-l land, no waste, about 15 acres bottom land; good 7-room house, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modern chicken house, brooder house, garage, etc. ; 25 tons of hay in barn, chickens, family orchard. This place is 5 miles from Hillsboro: 2 miles paved road ; -one of the best forties in the district. . Price $13,000; good terms. NEAR REEDVILLE. 40 acres, 30 in cultivation. 10 acres pasture, creek, family orchard. 5-room house, barn, silo, etc., 16 miles from Portland, near pavement ; extra choice land. This is a real bargain at $S500. NEAR HILLSBORO. 124 acres, all in cultivation; .A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land: 5-room house, barn and other out buildings; l cow, 3 tons of hay, garden tools. Price $5000 or will sell 5 acres with improvements for $3500. We have many other good farm bargains, NEAR OREGON CITY. 21 acres. 16 in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber; about 60 bearing apule trees; rolling land; creek, 5-room plas tered house, good barn, full of hay, chicken house, hoghouse, etc., good well; on good road ; good team mares, 6 milch cows, 1 heifer, 4 hogs, 60 chickens: po tatoes, kale and corn growing. This Is a nifty little place for $6S0O; Vs cash. 25 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, 5 ' acres in pasture; choice land, nearly level ; 5-room house and barn, 21 acres orchard, small fruits: 18 miles Portland; price $6250, $2575 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. 20 acres. 10 acres In cultivation. 10 acres pasture and timber; extra choice location. V4 mile Ry. sta., 6 mi. Hills boro; 6-room modern house, modern plumbing; water In barn; good chicken house, family orchard, small fruits; price $G000; half cash. bal. 6. R. Mi GATEWOOD & CO., 1654 4th St. SPLENDID 65 ACRES, EQUIPPED, FOR $8700. This is no out of the way place, but a splendid property in one of our best farming sections; 65 acres, just 25 miles south of Portland, lhi miles from sta tton. 2 miles from good town and on graveled road; over 40 acres In cultiva tion, balance nice woods lot pasture with nice spring and large fishing stream on boundary; all lies with just a gentle slope to this stream. Good 8-room house, large barn, numerous outbuild ino' ahunHnnro fruit. Persona!: Splendid team black mares, third horse, colt, 2 cows, sow, 8 pigs, 5 shoats, 6 sheep, chickens, 2 wagons, full set ma chinery. Price $8700. $3700 cash, bal ance 5 per cent. If you are In the mar ket for a good farm, see us. We han dle no other kind. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 118 ACRES. 26 acres In cultivation, 50 acres first growth fir and cedar; 3000 cords of wood : 100 bearing fruit trees, grapes; 6-room house; run ning spring piped to tiouse; barn, 48x52; granary, 32x20; stone cel lar; new garage, hogpen, chicken house; close to school and church; on cream, route, telephone. R. K. D. ; 8 miles to Oregon City ; 20 miles to Portland; $12,500; $5060, balance long time. A. C. HOWL AND, 8th and Main ats., Oregon City, Or. WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT. READ THIS. An average crop from this wheat ranch will pay for It and that is no josh. 1120 acres in all, with 1000 acres of clean summer fallow, ready for fall wheat. Only 4 miles to county seat on state highway. Fine set of buildings. Immediate possession, or I have renter ready to take it for 1-3 crop rental de-livot-ftri Th THfe. Is $35 uer acre, with pavment or $20.00 cash. Will take Portland home to $600O. It sounds too good to be true, but investigate. W e will show you. MacINNES. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658. 10 ACRES WITH MODERN HOUSE, ON PAVEMENT. A perfect-lying 10 acres, all in culti vation and very rich soli; faces on pavement and right at station: just 6 ites from the city limits of Portland ; splendid, practically new 5-room bun galow, plastered concrete foundation, large living room with fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, all white enamel plumbing; bearing fruit and berries. Prica $5000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 40 ACRES, located 28 miles from Port land, on good rocK roaa; j mnen from electric station; 32 acres can b ouitivated -. 20 acres under cultivation good family orchard ; good 8-room house, with water pined in ; granary. barn, smokehouse; 1 horse. 2 cows, 2 wagons, plows, harrows, mower, rake. cultivator, garden tools, 2000 feet lum ber. 30 tons hay: 1 acre potatoes and crnod warden: urice. $OO0: S2U00 cash. 1 n spec ted by Brooks. with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. NEAR SHERWOOD. 0 acres, located 5 mH.es from Sher wood, 1 y miles from Oregon Electric depot; on fine macadamized road; all can be cultivated; 10 acres under culti vation; assorted bearing orchard; woven wire fencing; 1 mile to school; good attractive 6-room house, in good condi tion ; barn, chicken house ; with this place go 2S- acres potatoes. $150 hay. cow, chickens, hogs; price, $5000; $2Sno cash. Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. 118 ACRES. 26 acres in cultivation. 50 acres first growth fir and cedar: 3000 cords of wood. 1 90 bearing f ruit trees,- grapes, 6-room house, i iinnlng spring piped to house, barn 48x32, granary 12x20. stone cellar, new garage, hog pen. chicken 'house, close to school and church, on cream route, telephone. Ft. F. D, , 8 miles to Oregon 'lty, 20 miles to Portland; $1: 50O, $5000, balance long time. A. C. HOWLAND,. 8th and Main Sts., Oregon TTlty. Or. 21 ACRES NEAR CORNKUl'S FOR CITY PROPERTY. 21 acreu, IS. In cultivation, balance nasture and timber: a-room cottage. email barns, chicken houne, etc.; good well; also running water for itock; good soil; near highwav and railroad. Price $0500; mortcape $25(M); want bouse in city, aoout .;tHMf, ana some casn. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165Vi 4th St. v 23-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. This la splendid land. 25 miles south east of Portland, on good road, right at electric station; acres in culti vation. 6-roxim house: good new barn; 7 up-to-date chicken houses. Personal: Team, wagon, harness, plow, 350 laying pullets. 427 busneis grain, price $0000. HAK'iKUVr. ItlSALTI CO. 122 N. 0th st. Broadway 4381. $GO0- WILL handle thia 40 acres. 12 acres in 9-year-old commerjJal apples, r acres cleared this summer 7 acres in altalfa between stumps. Rest pasture with small stumps and brush removed. 5-room house, barn, chicken --coop. Crops go with place if taken at ooce IrrU gated. Red shot soil. Guy J. Parker, Pcrkdale, or. FARM FOR SALE. 56 acres, located in W'ashlngrton eoun- tv. about 12 miles from the courthouse. all under cultivation, JO acres of which in Rood beuverdam (tround; houe and barn and outbuildings ; price J--5 acre, and Brood term can be had. WAKEFIELD, KRIK3 A CO., 85 Fourth Street. FOR SALE N. W. U of Sec. SI. Townshio d, Kange 1 east, a mnes norm or wood- land. Wash., 6 miles south of Kalama. Some timber in northern part, southern part easily cleared, good range, plenty of water, fine view, good place for a home. No Improvements, $10 per acre, with terms. inquire or address Cow litz County Abstract Co.. Kalama, Wash. FINE STOCK RANCH. 1H.0OO acres. 130 alfalfa. 160 more easily pot In; plenty water. 400 cattle, 200 horsea. &000 ewes. If you want something pood, see thia. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALFALFA LANDS New government project on LoiumDia nignway and river: abundance of water, low altitude, long crowing season; cuttings per annum. adjacent land produced 7 tons per acre last year ; term. veorc;e Howard, own er. r-0 i,umoermens bldg. Bdwy, 33H4. WANTED REAL ESTATE. TWO to five acres, all in cultivation, with buildings, near Portland, price not "over 30O0. have $30C0 cash; give full details in nrsi letter, j. wronson, 'Jiu park st. WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER 5 or 6-room bungalow; can make small pay ment and ;i0 or 935 per month. Call V ooQiawn st i, mornings. WANTED Modern bungalow in exchange for improved cor. lot in Hawthorne add., balance cash. Apply 452 K. 10th sU after 12:30 P. M. 4 OR 1V-ROOM bungalow in any good part of city: will pay from $2.-00 to S3004); . nave .uw caen, owners oniy. At. bit, Oregonian. WANTkD About 3 acres with 5-room modern house; cement basement, elec tricity, on pavea roaa. h-none wiin. 1440 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow, have good Stutz roadster as first payment. AO ST1, Ore gonian. WISH to purchase from owner a modern home in Laurelhurst. AK 878, Orego- nian, . - WANTED Houe on west side; old house win do. Jones, Main y4y. U4 Stark, WANTED House or bungalow; have 91000 first payment. R 0S2. Oregonian. WILL BUT a house equity for cash. Jones, Main Zi-J 21S Stark st. ANTED RE. AL ESTATE. 137 127 HOMES SOLii IN AUGUST BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. Just think! 137 homes sold last month, 1920. WE CAN SELL YOURS. 14 homes sold Aug. 14. We inspect, ap praise and photograph your house with in 24 hours. 21 alert, ambitious LIVE WIRE SALESMEN to work on your home. We spend thousands of dollars advertising, and are in a. position to GET RESULTS. FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO HELL YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WE SELL a very large number of houses. We render real service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we -guarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and our appraiser will call on you. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY, Carey-Savldge Company, Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. MODERN home: 100x100 to acreage; on hard road; convenient to car; for party employed In city ; possession October ; $50, payable on drawing of contract ; $50 November 1 ; $100 or more January 1; then $25 to $100 per month until paid for : good title and priced accord ing to intrinsic value ; prefer to deal direct with owner. Sellwood 1071. ACREAGE WANTED. Have cash customers waiting for 3 to 5-acre tracts; not too far out; on a good roud ; must be priced right. See Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 0043. 410 Henry bldg. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms: prefers Irv lngton; might consider some other good district; wiil pay what the place is worm, an casn. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 3800; residence. East 6771. LATE model. Auburn beauty six car; will traae ior n-room modern bungalow, in good locality, and pay difference in cash. Address owner, 415 Chamber of Commerce bide, or Dhone Mnrshall 371fi. between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., tiaturris, BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the -d build for you. Terms like rent. Cai and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted- districts from $5000 up; they can pay $ 1000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and interest. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. m Main 1800; Residence, East C771. HAVE you a house that $30O cash wii: handle? I have scores of calls for s-mall-payment homes. Phone me at once. Mali 363S; evenings. Sell 1115. O. A. Pearce. 815 Chamber of Com. WANTED 1 to 5 acres with 5-room mod ern house with gas and electricity, on paved road, or one that Is accessible with auto all the year around ; pay up to $5000. AC 868. Oregonian. B U N G A LO W A BOU T $5000. HAWTHORNE OR ROSE CITY PARK. Pay $1000 cash: good payments. Give location. Answer if you want to sell. 'Owners only. N 912, Oregonian. LOT WANTED in good locality; Rose City rarn prererreo ; must be a bargain for cash. 415 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or phone Marshall 3716. between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., Saturday. HAVE dozen customers wanting small houses on easy terms Jn Albma and northeast side district. Albert Harala, 73Vii Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 3201. WANT 5-room house in S. Portland, on west side, place in need of repair, small cash and monthly payment; must be cheap. BF 846, Oregonian. Wanted to Rent r arms. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred, will buy the equipment. John Fe guson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 132-acre farm, 14 cultivated, especially adapted to dairying and ber ries; 5 miles east of Salem, hard -surface road; reasonable rent. Sell stock at market value. See owner, McKinley Mitchell, 202', Stark st. CONS I DERA BLE pasture, fruit. 80 near uregon Lily; tent .Nov ember, V.2i, y:.00. Evenings, 141 East 69th North. Tabor 0uo. FA RM 'for rent and equipment for sale or trade for first-class rooming house. Write or call at 5S3 Washington st. 1 rom to 4 or irom 6 to 8 P. M. TIMBER LANDS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. MAN WITH M KA.NS TO T A K 12 fc U BST A N T I A L I NTE REST IN ESTABLISHED hJANO SAWMILL; UN USUALLY GOOD MILL. INCLUDING 1..A KG E AMOUNT H AKDW OOD TI M BE R SURROUNDING. L 935. ORE GONIAN. BRAINS and nerve make money. It does not taae mucn of either to make money on nmocr at .. ana oo cents per thou sand. Have 50 million near railroad. D. a. uoneisou. b her lock, bidg.. Port land. Or. FOR SALE Quarter section finest yellow fir timber; cruises 7,500.000 ft.; Euchre creek section. Curry county. Or.; price i.ic per ax. w. id. bm it n. 5 ox Hooper, ann. TO EXCHAVGE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 320 acres in Toole county. Montana 20O acres in cultivation: 100 acrea ii flax: 3 miles of aood wire fence. Smal house. Good barn for S head of horsea Good chicken house, good granary, good wen. witn soit water. Price ajo.O'Mi, $2tto0 mortgage at 0. Aged couple owners ot tnis property and will con sider home in city of Portland or sub urns or what have you? bKUW.N Ac blUULE. XJ2-4 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDQ. i MARSHALL 3o31. 20 ACRES NEAR ST. HELENS. Half under cultivation; new tt-room house, ready for plastering; good-slxed barn, all necessary outbuildings; 2 or 3 blocka off paved road; a s-plendld little place. Price $0000; will exchange for 20 to 100 acres with running water; will assume small amount. See Mr. Hurd, Frel W. German Co., 73 Cham ber of Commerce. 40 ACRES of land near Kalama. Wash.; win take good auto In part payment, $2000. 100 acres of fir timber land near Hood River, cash $4500, part cash, bal ance trade. $5000, will take income prop erty for part; 10-room sirictlv modern residence, two lots, garage. $7000. will trade for small ranch and part cash or ,w-ill take good laud for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette. Or. ON K Ai:KE AND MODERN 0-KOOM house, garage, chicken house, in garden and berries, at Oresiium, Or. ; win tune cood 5 or 6-room houso In Portland trade. STEWART BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. OWNlilit will trade or rent not lesa than JO acres with modern house. II lota, with cozy 4-room and 2-room houses ; alt In cultivation; all kinds of fruit and ber ries; situated in the heart of St. Johns. Value $."wo. M2 K. Tylur St., St. Johns. Phone Col. 6U SO N KAR Oregon City ; 17 cultivated, build ings, orchard, stream, considerable tim ber; barjraln, $7jOO; accept S:J jOO resi dence. Owner evenings, 141 Kast ttth North. Tabor 7o. 4H ACRKS. 14 miles out on Base line road, all under cultivation, no mortgage; will take bungalow as part payment. Marshall 212, bet. and 10 A. M. No agents. SIX ROOMS, modern; improvements all paid; oOxJOO ana alley: yi:.u; take auto part, and terms. 741 Michigan: block Mississippi car and r remont, t ive rooms JJ0OO; see owner. ' 160 ACRKS, one mile from Seal Rock, near Newport, in exenange ior roruana in come Dronerty: will also pay cash and assume mortgage. K. H. Collia. Kast fcrtHO. WANTED Mostly cultivated Willamette vl ley farm, in exenange ior J-O-acre utock and grain farm in eastern W ash-in-gton. For appointment pbone lllO-oS. HAV'fc) clear city lots to exchange as part payment on DUUKaiow or late model high-class car. Marshall between 9 and lO A. M. No agents. ! FOR SALE or exenange. good clear farm or citv DroDerty: will asaum ama amount. What have you to otter? Call ouO Morgan iiJg., city. I DO NOT let your equities trouble you; will srlve you clear property ror same. Marshall 'J7 between V and 10 A. M. No afrits. WANTED, by owner, trade for grocery store, U-room nouse. grouna lOOxluu. phone Automatic 5i'4-u. FOR SALE or exchange. 9-room coders house with lots ; a man place well lo cated as firM payment. Automatic 216-0'J 5 ACRKS, in cultivation, in exchange for it-room nouse in city or Portland, Phono owner, w ooa iaw n iiois. FOR EXCH A NG K An automobile agency. exclusive territory- win accept ral es tate or hotel, t uregonian. 7 ACRES. 10 acres clear. 5 timber and i- of a mile from electric station, for home In portlana, cirar. rnone fcetl. 7J7. I WANT amall acreage in valley;, cash or trade. M 12, Oregonian. GOOD STUTS5 roadster as first payment on fumisnea nome. an 004, Oregonian. TV TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. - PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514-U0 Shetland Building. Marshall 3!P.s'.t or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. FJtUIT LAN D l-lWO.. J 1200 138 acrea. located !! 'miles northwest of Salem. Or. BO acres in cultivation. 15 acrea ot timber, balance pasture. This land ia .'ocatecl in the Iruit section of Willamette valley, at the right price. - Will exchange for a :rsi l.ouse In Portland that could be be made Into apartment8 or room ing nouse, or will take residence up t.l 4OG0. liOUSB AND LOT 1-223. 1 1 Hi.) l-roorn house and lot .V) XJ20. locate 1 at Maplewood. Or, 3 blocks from school and . tf a mile irom station; some fruit tro-; and btine-, gas and city waor. will exchange (or a farm up to ; -toon TILLAMOOK LAND 1-228. 8SO0 18 acres located In Tilla mook. Or. Also 80 acrea locate 11 miles south or Tillamook, both unimproved but good dairy land. Will exchange for anything of good value and will assume on sood proposition near -Portland. KLOfR AND FEED MILL 1-223. 17000 Flour and feed mill, op erated by water power. 5 acres of vround. large barn suitable lor waitrhnuse, and mill building ia of frame construction, 30x20, two stories with baaement. witn ware house 32x24; paying (200 to (300 Ver month This la locate i 16 nil.es from T ortland. 8 mil I torn Sherwood. Will exchange for houfe In Seaside or acreage near Seaside up to $4000, or tinub. and acreage ntar Portland, Hillsboro or -be g. f-KOOil I.OUSE IN POUMD. 1-222. 9-4C' 6-room house, located - on rat siue, chicken houso and ca rage, blocks from school, three from the car line. Will exchange for farm up to $5000. 3IW-ACRE FARM 1-219. $2000 10 H acres, located in Clarke county, Washington. on paved highway, fenced on three sides, no improvements. This Is Al prune land. Will exchange for riou&e in Portland and might as sume. 360-ACRE FARM 7-219. $14,400 3K0-acre farm, located near Wtllamlna. Or. Cm acres in cultivation, 30 acrea pasture, bal ance timber. 2-room hete. barn, other outbuildings. Will exchange for 40-acre farm in valley. FRUIT LAND. $18.000 00 acres, located near White Salmon, 45 acres In orchard, 5 acres cherries, 3 acres in cur rants. 37 acres apples and peach es; fine black loam soil. 2-story 10-room house,-, basement, bath and toilet; water furnished from well with gasoline pump. Good barn and other outbuildings, 4 horses, 2 wagons, 2 cultivators, in fact, all implements and tools. Mortgage $450O. Will exchange equity for apartment house, fur nishings or other business. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., S14-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 39U or Marshall 12S5. FOIl EXCHANGE X will exchange the following DroDerty free and clear of In curnbrancea for one piece of property and- would assume some. 1 want some thing in Oregon that I can handle with out too much time, as 1 have other business; Lots 9 and 10. Francis add. to Port land; fine location, fir trees, only block to fine paved street and street car line. Si 00. Lot 8 and frac. lot 7. blk. 12, Fall Grounds add. to Seattle. S750. A choice level 5-acre tract llcht brush. sandy loam soil, very best berry and potato land, one mile east of Aurora, Ur.. IS00. An undivided one-half Interest In 130 acres of timber land in sec. 8. twp. 5S rs., R. 41 j;., Stevens county. Wasnins ton. $1000. These properties are all good, but I want in one piece and will assume some. bUDmll your proposition. Aadresa C. t. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard. Or. WE HAVE 9 Iota, 50x115, in Jamestown, -r. i., to traae lor acreage near Port- iana. or. call 103V, West Park at. Anaerson & Clark. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANTIOl'S. ELECTRICIANS L C. S. course, a lot. jAu.iwu, engineer s dooks, want com binatlon range, furniture, guitar, rec ords or what? Phono East 112. iu exchange Painting, tinting and paper hanging for cash register, office xurniture or furniture of any kind. East 1.3, cei.wooa i..us. WILL, trade piano for anything except lots. What have you? AE 73S. Orego nian. FOB SALE. . Horse.. Vehicles, Livestock. CARLOAD of horses and mules Just In irom oeins niru out on nighway, weigh ing from 1200 lbs to 1500. This stock Ii all right out of hard work. and in good condition. I will hire them to responsi ble partus or sen tne mcneap, price ave- raging from $i5 each to $150; all guar anteed, u. K. Howitt, Portland Union stocKyaraa. HORSES. HORSES. 20 head ot heavy draft horses and mares, weight 1300 to 1800 lbs.. 5 to 7 years old; heavy boned and stock built; some well-matched teams; ail horses guaranteed as represented or money re- xunaea. u. s. stables 3tlo t;nlon ave. corner of Stevens. E. 1. Williamson 4c Glass. TWO YOUNG cowa. just fresh: one Guernsey; one red. white cow, milking J pounds on dry feed; see them; milk 7:30: one block south S. P. depot. Mil waukle. Phone 80-J Milwaukle. Henry Smith. Also one team, 2300 pounds; will iry mem tor you. JUST received, new shipment of cows, con sisting of Moistelns. uurnama and Jer seys; all are tuberculosis tested; some are fresh, with calves at their sides: others can freshen soon. G. K. Howitt, en ion stockyards barn. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 1 gray mare, 6 years old, weight 1300. sound and gentle. Must be disposed of I at once. Mrs. i.auger, 4'.(Ot ftbth st. 3. E. Phone Tabor H710. Alt. Scott car to Myrtle Park. FOR SALE 14 head of well-broke mares na yearlings, weighing from 13o0 lbs. to 1650 lbs., all stock guaranteed true to work. Call at Transfer stables. E. Vth ana r i ann era, NEW SHIPMENT of fresh cowa .Tersevs. Durhams and Hoisteins; will take dry cows in exchange. G. K. Howitt. Port- ianu lpioq siocKyaras earn. TEN HEAD of horses, 4 to 7 years old. l'joo-isoo lbs. and soma well-matched teams. Inquire Geo. Brown, u64 North- rup sc. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid ior aeau cow ana crippiea horsea. rnone MuwauKie uj-j ior service. 0 HEAD of good work homes to sell cheap; wt. 1 each; priced at 9-0 per team. wooq yaru nn ana t Murnwtde. GOOD gentle SOO'lb. hore for sal cheap or iraae otner uveaiocK. nouta z, box tj, amnion. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. al?o so pinc ers; win iraae ior iac cows. rJ. n. Myers, u?; r. uisi si. laoor bhi'4. FOR S.VLE Good Jersey milch cow n,i 1 cair. inquire JUoiz twth ave. a. E., Lents junction. GOOD heavy dairy cows, just fresh. Ui3 r'owcu aiiey, cor. a -a st. woonstock ear. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. laoor FOUR milch goats Tor sale" cheap. Call Tabor 3oi4. FoK SALE 2 good Jer&ey cowa 1117 Flavcl ave., take East more land c FOR SALE 11 registered Shropshire ewes. rtoiman ruei o., otn st. GOOD family cow for rale or trade for good work horse. io B. Yamhill st. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE Shropshire rams, registered. Holmoji Fuel Co.. b4 5th St., Portland. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth A Streidler, R. 1, box 3, Troutdie. Or. Piano. Organs and Musical Instrument. ETGHTriNE UPRIGHT PIANOS9l25 TO 9-25; ALL FTNE STANDARD MAKES; EASY TERMS GIVEN. BROK E R AGE CO.. 312 WORCESTER BLDG. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASHpaid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Seiberllng-Lucaa Music Co., 125 127 4th at. Main S586. CABINET Grafonolasi with records for rent. Empire Transfer Co.. ii4 Broad way. Broadway 155. ""T PLATER PIANO WANTED! Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862, Oregonian. LEA VI NG town, muat sell my beautiful Chickering player piano, electric. 800 rolls mujdc music cabinet. Tabor 5014. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for bar gain from private party. Marshall 152. FOR S A LB New Buescher C melody sax ophone for cash. Call Columbia L'43. WANTED .Bargain In good toned piano; give cash. Main 364. before 5 P. M. FOR S VLK Steinway piano. flrst-cia&s condition. Phone Broadway 4246. Main od&d. FOR SALE. Piano!.. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 2 small upright pianos t. and $ i- 1 Bradbury square at 65 $47o Hallet Ac Davis upright piano. cash 185 $55u Kroeger & Sons upright piano, cash 210 $!oo Steinway & Sons upright 20 $30 player piano, now 4'-.: S10O0 concert grand piano 2;" 3 parlor organs 2S. $35 and 4S Pianos stored, 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St. $100 to $150 cath paid for used upright pianos. Call Broadway 167S, Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth street. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. Ail in Good condition. Phonograph, amall $ 25 Victor, small 35 Victor, mail 50 Unola Cabinet and 12 records 00 Music, cabinet and 10 records K0 Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... 75 Brunswick cabinet and 15 records.. 100 Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to 10 cash. $4 to $7 monhtly. Sen wan Piano Co., 101 loth.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1078. "MUCH BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE." StuyveFant pianola toakl $5!TO Smith & Barnes (like new) 507 Harold S. Gilbert (north $SO0 650 Latest improvements. I sell satisfaction. Six months' rental trial your guarantee. The best shop in the city. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 34S YAMHILL i $175 PERIOD mr.del Windsor phonograph. m.nugany, mgn-graae machine; records worth $125; all as goo'd as new; $150 cash makes this a bargain that must be seen to be realized. Sti.i Borthwick st. Take Mississippi car to Shaver. PIANO BARGAINS. .Yoo should see our real bargains !o used pianos. We will SAVE YO0 MONEY. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Furniture for Sale. , RANGES AND HEATERS. WEEK-END SPECIALS. "WE OFFER RANGES OF OUR SE LECT STOCl-C. ALL IN PERFECT CON DITION AT $17.50. A TUfT 3CITCHEN STOVES AT $10. HEATER9 IV FTcrirt.T.RVT 5H1PP JS.50. BUT NOW AND RAV MONET. FREEMAN-WOLF FURNITURE CO.. 200, 2fi 204 FIRST ST.. COR. TAYLOR. HANDSOME Ivory bedroom suite, itieiuci- in-cva and mattresses, large writing desk, dresser and dressing table, with Plate-glass tops; J500; plain blue velour rug. xl2, $00: beautiful blue figured Wilton' rug. yxl2. $110; all practically new; white enameled bed complete, small stand and chair, $00. Phone East 255. BEAUTIFUL tapestry davenport. all spring-edge back, arms and seat, uphol stered lu a beautiful, expensive tapestry; ells In any store for $75; buy Irom the maker and save the dealer's pruflt: :t high-grade crattsnian leather rockers that soil retail for $32.50 to $35; my price $1850 delivered. Automatic 210-37. FOR SALE 1 A. & B. combination range. almost new. davenport, dining table. 0 chairs, buffet, china closet, large leather rocker, all In solid oak and good as new ; 1 mahogany settee; prices right for quick sale. Call at 112 E. 30th st. N. Alberta car. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to callrornia. we can save you money on sour freight In our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & storage Co.. 24S Pine st. NEW WOOD and coal range, trimmed with white enamel, cost $IJ5, for $so: New Home sewing machine like new and other furniture. 1120 K. 52d North. Auto. .'21-44. o ROOMS of furniture, house for rent. swell location. Make over . per cent on investment. After 3 P. M., 310 East Broadway. SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool ears. Call East SHI. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FURNITURE of all kind for sale, suit r rooming East 5045. able for private residence o house. 6"i0 E. Washington St.. $150 TAKES most of the furniture of 7- room nouse. balance tor rent wttn the house. Call East 7QS1. FURNITURE of 7-room house cheap. Phone Broadway 30w, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Owner. FOR SALE Household furniture, includ ing new 60 Singer sewing machine. 105 East 33th St. FOR SALE Furniture of an I house; no dealers. East 2503. FURNITURE for sale for 4 rooms plete. name as new. Call M. 4.... FOR PLAIN furniture see Mrs. Hoffman. 607 Umatilla ave. FURNITURE 42-lnch eak table and wii- low chairs; no dealers. Tabor 3273. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Bast 2SS.V Office Furniture, LARGE office eafe, 2'ix4x6 feet; also vault doors. Supple-Ballin Shipbuilding corporation, 604 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone 51 l-n.T 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. J safes, tl rotary Dookcases. 20 lnw-size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Bushong & Co., !1 Park st OFFICE desk, roller top. soild oak. 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 rt. 4 in; tent l.y 16x10; cow. 200 Kllpatrlck. BY OWNER Desk chairs, bookcases, best grarte; sold separately. Main 44,s0. Poultry. 200 WHITE LEGHORN yeaning hen. high-grade hoganized stock, now laving. 91.3 each: B0 Barred Rock and 23 R. 1 Red pullets, to $1.70 each; Barred Rock and R. 1. Red yearlinz hens. SJ each. This stock is expertly selected for heavy laying ana guaranteed to please J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon St., Portland fi DOZ. WHITE leghorn pullets, ready to lay. waverley Court, ilOth and Clinton st.. apt. l. FoK SAL R. I. R. chicks, 2 l mo 36 Seofieid st.. Wood- old, 4.x each, lawn 493. FOK SALE 2 thoroughbred Golden Cam- pine cockerels. Call Tabor 1H. Dog Rabbit, Bird, Pet Mock. FOR SALE 4 New Zealand does, pedi- gree stock; one for flu; three at 95 each. Call East Ctoo:;. BE A L'TI FU L canaries, finger?, both old and young; also females. Tabor 10.11. POUTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7301 $250 stud ; kittens cheap ; cats boarded. Lannrue and Boats. CANOE CANOE. 16-FT. OLD TOWN CANOE In A condition: Is only a year old, Tith naddlea. 2 non-ainkable pillows. 1 laz back. -2 blankets; also a IV. VICTROLA with -0 of the latest records. This canoe and equipment cost me $JoO: will sacri fice at (100. AL 738, Oregonian. HAVE clear property to exchange for power houM)oat or boat which ca n easUy be turned into sam, do not care for fpeed. Marshall 212, bet. 9 and 10 A. M . ; no agentg. WANT trade brand new never used type writer 91 07.50 for Evinrude motor and something else of value. Describe fully. Address AM Oregonian. FOR S ALE Modern 5-room houseboat. furnished or unrurntsned, winter s wood, bath and sleeping porch; must sell, leav Ing city. Call Sellwood 30i8. 5-ROOM modern houseboa t for sale, bath and sleeping porch. Must sell, leaving city. Call Sellwood VtitH NEWIjY painted canoe with paddle., light. cusnions anu easy oacK. nai Virginia. MOORAGE space at Harriet club, west side. Mam 4bbH. Machinery. $3 500 COMPLETE machine shop equip ment, all new, suitaDie ior mig. jeweler, experimental, tool or die work, garage, etc.; 12x5 quick change lathe, chucks, toots, etc.. ehaper. slotter. drill preps, emery wheels, motor, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belts, etc.. vises, drill!, taps, reamers, ete.; good deal for cash; may consider some terms. Phone for appoint ment before noon or after t F. M., Wood lawn COTrt. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. V. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety vaivea, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 329 Couch St. WK PAY the highest pricea- for second hand machinery, scrap iron and junk of all kinds. Phone calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 56S4. GOLDBERG &: DAVIS. 207 Columbia st. WE HAVE available for immediate de livery 1O0 tons 40-pound relaying raila. Mohr Machine Co., 001 Lewis bldg. Broadway 4731. rALNX spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3007. Tjpfw riter. Pij ' Tiinvritrr- purchased new in Ma... 1920. sacrifice cash. Y 021, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Rex tpewrier at half price. Owner leaving city. Tabor 54G8. IQK SALE. Typewriter,. KLBLILT typewriters, all kinds, for a:. rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. 50 com p ete w ith carrying case; auppilea lor all makes. ... , W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2CRS. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER . SERVICE. Vl'l maKea overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON KEQCEST. Main 6307. eu, i.ent and Exclianse. Supplies. 2GV Oak St. iOR EtM-Typewriters. $4 per roontii; ?r.V!?,10: ePe-'al students- ratea. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. " Broadway. Broadway 821. ALL MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged: wt'nrVl''l'1; sf,nd for retail prices. i -i ."-o.ic 1 1 rK K11EK CO.. s-l w ashington St.. X. W. Cor. 6th. ' TYPEWRITER Xo. 8 L. C. Smith, used fm."- ''"""old carrying case: half price. lnqulre 204 W. lUjh St.. 6-S P. M. toda. i:npR ivonn ti . : . T Oil .r1 rvemington typewriters. - - "."inn. empire Transfer Ca., 4 Broadway. Broadway REMINGTON No. 10. latest mod., prc Roberts. 600 Flanders. Apt. "econd-hand rentals at cut r. u. k,o., 231 Stark. Main 1407. AVf.ES "nted and repaired. Oregoa typewriter Co. 4 5th st. Main 366s. .'Miscellaneous. DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO. 4iM Belmont St.. T- cror- E. S;h St. L. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL 5 MILLION FT LUMBER for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 3 2x12, liooring. rustic, ehlplap. 1-In. boarde. S. I. S.. Purchased from u. s. shlppm Boar4. We will sell at about H price, we have a large quantity of PLUMBING SUPPLIES, roofing paper, shingles, doors, windows and sashes, pipe and flttinga, chicken wire, Inside finish. SO work benches, fire hose, all sizes. 300 mirrors, all sizes. In fact everything to put up your building with PROMPT DELIVERY. DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO 400 BELMONT ST., Cor. E. fth St. Phone East 0110. 51BLOCO" FURNACE, the Ford of the furnace world; $135. equal to any of its size: same guarantee given by others; investigate. I. T. Woodruff, 12l Mallory avenue. Phone Woodlawn 2U3. HUNGARIAN -NGARIAN plums, tic per lb.; pears. $2 er box; windfall apples. J1.25 per box: tners $2...0 per box; sweet corn, 2mc per per ou aox. Hrlng boxes. Tabor S232. 215 E. ...at st. Jiontaviila Depot car. EMERsON MOTOR, 'i horsepower, altnosi. new, direct current . V. 110-amp. 2 5. compound wound. 1200 revolutions: also Cutier-Hammer reostat; ail for $30. Call Broadway IrtoM, PRUNES FOR SALE We have 5 acres In prunes, old trees, for sale; close to Van couver, on pave.I road. Inquire 300 Itaii way Exehrtnge bldg. f,J,V """s anil 2 boys' overcoats, aged o. like new; also a miscellaneous lot of new hardware, including builders' hard ware. and tools. 44 Front st . SALE Cyc.e car: has top and wind shield: seats 2; very eeonomio.1 to run: a neat little car. S3 5 Mlsaiaslppi ave. Phone Woodlawn ool'J FOR SALE. Counters suitable for garages, picnlo grounds or reefreshment booths. Apply H. T. Hutchinson. 5211 Artisans- bidg ONE GAS STOVE. 1 sanitary couch with mattress, 1 awning for sleeping porch 3 waiter's Jackets, 1 butcher', coat. 125 N. 17th et. FcK SALE Falien Bartlett pears. 50o rwr box. lou furnish your hox. First house west of Kuby stock farm. Base Line road. WINTER coat, splendid condition: wool r ter. 9$; winter hat. Marshall XR SALE One electric hake oven. Call Second st., between Alder and Wash ington. HOTEL range 9 feet long. 3 ovens, a dandy V 1 ins camp; price siuU. Broadway 1 i:ii or 104$. LARGE refrigerator for delicatessen, res- i.tuiaif. or grocery; good as new. Tabor .i..i:(. 1404 Hawthorne ave. BEAUTIFUL 90 bathrobe for 1 2 : 5 'J leather purse. Just new. 912; fall hat til. Y -JQ. Oregonian. srilPVARD WOOD CO B D W Y . !S ti. E V 1-2. . SELL. 144 JHcavy cordwood and wreckage wood. WINDFALL apples and pears for sale on r. oiittan : iirst nouse south aide after crossing Craig road. LAF'.GE boy's suit and overcoat and1 waist, ladles' shoes and slippers, No. G. 44S Belmont ft. SWEET CORN, Yellow Bantam. 'V0i per sack. Bring your sacks. 1S0 Base Line road. Tnbor 0O::t. SEW INO machine, bird. server, chair, :x7 screen door, reading lam p. dresser and bookcase, kitchen table. Wdln. i:;:;n. 9 NICE cigar and soft drink, located Hil St., fine location ; iuick action re-' quired. Cobb Bros., Onk st SLAB and block mixed, already tawed; al-so cord and slab wood for quick de livery. Phone East lOflS. FOR SALE One bed t cook stove, one No. 8M Thurnian Ft. .nd bedding, one -0 Kuud heater. HOT-A i R furnace and pipe for 6 to 7-room house for tale; excellent condition. AP S.".4 .Or gonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 W Morrison st. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies used apparel In Laurelhurst home. Tabor 'JS.NS. FOR SALE Paint Champion Mfg. Co. spraying machine. Wdln. ;UUV7. T BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. :-wd lots, special pricep. East 2041. FOK SALE Law library of the late J. C. Simmons. 1m7 Wilcox bldg. PEAKS, delivered. 91.73 a box. Call "Wood lawn r:."7. COATS, furs, sui ts. gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main P.fl7. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adrtins; machine, showcase. 4:t 1st St., near Ash. FoK KKNT -Vacuum rlenners. Si per day, delivered Anywhere. 'W dln. rl!'.i. POTATO sacks, grain sacks; bargain prices. 1 .VI Fron t St.. near Morrison bridge. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific-Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st St. PATENT SIGN-W R ITING APPARATUS. A DDR ESS BOX 1!!1. SlLVKRTON. OR. DESK ADDING MACHINE. 9 1 -V 018 COR BETT HLDG. MARSHALL .V.7. BIG LOAD of hox wood. 9-vTjO per load. Woodlawn 6t'Q4 or H:;:i Mont, ave. FOR SALE Good hot-air furnace. 512 1'annma bldg. FOR SALE Factory sample: women's and children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car. fade for diamond, per fect stone. A P 852. Oregonian. NEW ELECTRIC Singer sewing machine, used only few weeks. $50 cash. Main M7. CASH register. National; Corbett bldg. Marshall ! a bargain. 13 PLUMS, prunes and pears for sale. W Pick them. Tabor 4f3. LAW" LIBRARY: sacrifice, cash, or terms. RC 7i. Oregonian. SA FE Fireproof safe In good order; bar ga i n. AR S4ft. Oregonian. 15-YEA R-OLD boy's beau I if ul dark blue suit; bargain. Kast EVES tested free: spectacles giiarant',d. rr. Balding. 245U Alder t. Main 1W12. OX V-ACE XYLENE welding and cutting outfit. 95. East 777S. BA RTLETT pears, ready for canning. Phone Tabor 4209. ir52 E. Taylor. CASH rfx inter, computing scale and at a bargain. 0J Oak st. PEARS delivered, lawn 6357. $1.75 a box. Call Wood- BOY'S 0-inch Crown bicycle. In good con dition. Apply 741 Everett st. ROLL-TOP desk 4 office arm oak and A-l condition. Main ; TWO LARGE, black hea cherVtv 224 K. Ptlth st. hides fe mmJm Tabor fi.vTej. RELIABLE gs water heal er. like new. 913. worth :i0. Wdln. t.fN7. DENTAL supplies for sale at a sacrifice this week. 407 Oregonian bldg. ST E El j rang, water coils and gaa plata attached: 9:i3. 13 N. 23d. FOK SA LE Good 12x14 4-f t. wail tent Marshall ONE CRESCENT rteel range in excellent condition. Tabor 6593. FOR 17 SAL E I naitd batr. 1 E. Stark "t Phwoa Ta arvoti oraer. Q S43TT. VACUUM cleaner aokd. rwntd, rrWr4, exchanged, bought. Bewtley. Va 4r;. TWO SHARES of Bay Oea sta stock for sale, 125 N. 17th st. STEEL RANCH, almost new; dinrnr-room tab lea Phone East 1062. 257 Morris. PIANO WANTED ray caah i