Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 03, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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W. F. Woodward Criticises
Resignation of Bittner.
Our Store Will Remain Closed Monday Labor Day Supply Your Over Sunday and Holiday Needs Today and Tomorrow
La Camille
"Just a little better than the best,"
We are now exclusive Portland Agents
for La Camille Corsets. Second floor.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
keep carpets and rugs looking1 like new!
Sold on easy payment plan, $5 down, $5
a month.. Demonstration on Third Floor.
Olds, Wortman & Kin
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Offer of Higher Pay Mathemat
ics Department Head Is De
clared Responsible.
"The effect on the teaching force
of Portland of accepting a resignation
tt this lara date just before the open
ing of school tends toward demorali
zation of the whole school system,
said "W. V. Woodward, member of the
school board yesterday, in comment
ing upon the action taken by the
board in accepting the resignation or
Omar N. Bittner, head of the mathe
matics department of Washington
High echool. . .
"Air. Bittner Is a man of more than
ordinary ability and his loss will be
felt by everyone concerned." he said.
-It is impossible to replace him now.
Mr. Bittner tendered'his resiKnation
when he received the offered position
of superintendent of the Slc.Minnville
echools. Mr. Woodward voted against
accepting the resignation at the school
board meeting, but A. C. Newill. i rank
L. Shull and George B. Thomas, who
presided as chairman, voted in favor
of it.
Harmful Kffect Forecast.
Mr, Bittner resigned because he
could get an increase in pay and
title." said Mr. Woodward. "When It
becomes known that, based entirely
upon pay. an Instructor nas B'"" "
his contract and left us, the effect
.v.- . fnir-a -urlil bs harmful.
VJl Llio Li ai.i'ih
"The suggestion was made that Mr.
Dinner's salary be raised, but this
was out of tho question because an
advance to him would mean an ad
vance to other teachers in similar
positions In the other echools of the
city. The whole question of salaries
is now under consideration and at the
first of the year Joint action by the
teachers and the board will determine
the amount of the Increases to
be made. Mr. Bittner would have been
ope of the beneficiaries of th in
crease. More Resignation Expected.
"We are likely to have resignations
of this character thrust on us con
tinually because the shortage of
teachers is acute and wages vary in
various districts. Districts without
teachers are eager to offer as much
as possible to obtain members for
ineir eiana.
"I am very much opposed to this
bidding away of teachers at the be
ginning of the new school terms.
"I consider that the teachers and
the board enter into mutual contracts
and 1 fear that some of the teachers
are losing eight of this fact."
TT, W. Griswold or Wisconsin Ac
cepts Oregon Fair Invitation.
A. H. Lea, secretary-manager of
the Oregon state fair at Salem, has
Just received word from H. W. Gris
wold of West Salem, Wisconsin, that
he would accept his invitation and
judge the Guernseys at the state fair
this falL Mr. Griswold is a judge
with a national reputation.
The Guernseys this year will be
Judged September 27 and 28.
'John T. Whalley, president of the
Qregon Guernsey Cattle club, has
called a meeting .of all members of
the club and anyone else interested
In the Guernseys for Tuesday evening
of state fair week, at which time
there will be a banquet, entertain
ment and several talks by prominent
breeders. H. W. Griswold will also
talk at this time on Guernsey breeder
Tickets for the banquet will be on
sale at the Guernsey breeders' booth
of the livestock judging pavilion.
Arrangements have been made this
year for headquarters of the Guernsey
breeders In the livestock judging
Centralia Faculty Complete.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Sept 2. (Spe
cial.) Miss Belle F. Reid has been
employed by the school board as in
structor of English in the high school.
She succeeds Miss Eunice Thompson,
resigned. Miss Reid is a graduate of
me university ui iunu xkvia anu
has had six years' experience, xne
election oi iuims xietu vuiuiueic. liiq
teaching stair ror tne new scnooi
ear in Centralia, which opens next
Centralia May Get Trophies.
CENTRALIA. Wash, Sept. 2.-(Spe-ela)
Claude Oliver, adjutant of the
GraJt Hodge post, American Legion,
yesterday received a letter from Rep
resentative Johnson statins that he
has taken up with the proper authori
ties the question of procuring war
trophies for Centralia.
After Vacation Peel
Your Discolored Skin
You Can Fee!
No Tricks No Deceptions No Exaggerations But Merchandise of- Dependable Quality at Fair Prices
af e in Shopping at This Standard Store
Children's School
' Parents will find our Children's Sections replete with school apparel of the
better kinds, at reasonable prices. The problem of getting the youngsters ready
is not a hard one if you bring it to this store to be solved for right now- stocks
are brimful with everything in the way of school togs and our courteous sales
people will help you make satisfactory selections. As -the store will be closed
Monday, let us suggest you do your buying today if possible.
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
Children's New Fall Coats
- $9.50 to $57.50
Second Floor An attractive-display
of the new Fall models in Girls' Coats
may be seen in the Children's Shop.
The styles are exceptionally smart
this season, and we know you will
like them immensely. Coats of Bo
livia, Velour, Broadcloth, Heather
Mixtures and other materials. Some
have fur collars. All sizes 2 to 14.
Prices range $9.50 up to $57.30
New Serge Dresses
Second Floor Large selection of beau
tiful new models in Girls' Serge
Dresses. Braided, beaded and em
broidered. Also new Dresses of Wool
Jersey. Very newest Fall colors.
Ages 0, 12, 14 $22.50 to $32.50
Girls Tub Dresses
Half Price
Second Floor Odd lines Girls' Ging
ham Dresses priced for quick selling.
Various good styles for school wear.
Plain colors, checks and stripes. Broken
sizes 6 to 14 years. Note special prices:
Girls' $ 3.50 Wash Dresses $1.75
Girls' $ 4.98 Wash Dresses $2.49
Girls' $ 8.85 Wash Dresses $4.43
Girls' $11.50 Wash Dresses $3.75
White Skirts for Outing Wear
At $3.98
1 P
Second Floor Women's Sport and Outing
Skirts of Gabardine and Venetian. Gathered
styles and models with tailored fronts and
gathered backs. Neatly trimmed CJO QO
with buttons and pin tucks at DO.UO
Skirts $4.95
Second Floor For that over-Sunday-Labor-day
trip to the beach, one of these White
Skirts would be most appropriate. Of Pique,
Bedford Cord and Gabardine. Very attrac
tive gathered styles with patch and slash
pockets, wide or medium belts.
Priced special for Friday,
5 $4.95
Women's Wool Sweaters
At $8.98
Colored Smocks
Half Price
Second Floor Odd lines of Girls' Col
ored Smocks suitable for school wear
offered for Friday and Saturday at
half price. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14.
Girls $2.49 Smocks, special at $1.23
Girls' $3.50 Smocks, special at $175
Girls' $3.85 Smocks, special at $1.0:1
Girls' $4.25 Smocks, special at $2.13
Girls' $6.75 Smocks, special at $3.38
Sale of Children's Underwear
Main Floor Carter's Knit Underwear for children Pants, Vests and Union Suits
offered at just Vt regular prices on account of slight imperfections. Made from
best quality silk and wool. Splendid Underwear for Fall and Winter. Here is
a great opportunity to Gave, and no doubt mothers will be quick to take advantage.
Carter's Knit Underwear
for children; $4.75 grade, at
Carter's Knit Underwear
forrhildren; $6.50 grade, at
Carter's Knit Underwear
for children; $9.50 grade, at
Carter's Knit Underwear
for children; $10.50 grade
Boys' S'chool Suits $9.85
Extra Special
Main Floor You must see tnese Suits to appre
ciate what remarkable values they are. Latest
Norfolk styles with full lined knickers. Made
up in Blue Serge and Novelty Mixtures. Suits
formerly priced at $12.50 up to $17.50.
Ages from 8 to 18 years. School Sale
Corduroy Suits
Dark Gray and Brown Corduroy Suits in Nor
folk styles. Full cut and full lined pants. Priced
S12.SO and $13.50. Boys' Dept., 1st Floor.
Boys' Corduroy Pants
in dark grays and
browns. Sizes range 8
to 18 $3.50 to $5.00
Boys' School Suits of
the better grades in all
popular styles. Prices
range $22.30 to $33
. tmy
Second Floor Special group of Women's and
Misses' Wool Sweaters greatly reduced for
Friday and Saturday. Plain and fancy weaves
in a number of styles. Also a few in brush
wool. Ripple, tuxedo, 6lip-on and belted ef
fects. Excellent assortment of the bright
shades so much liked for sport and CQ QQ
school wear. Priced very special at dOUO
Ang-ora Scarfs
$7.95 to $20
Second Floor New Brush Wool and Angora
Scarfs in checks, stripes, plaids and two-tone
effects. Many different colors and combina
tions. Some have belts and pockets all are , ,
trimmed with fringe. Very popular for school .
and street wear. Prices range $7.03 to $20
Women's Middy Blouses
At Prices Ranging From $2.95 to $11.75
Second Floor Middy Blouses of Galatea and
other materials. Large selection of new models
for school and outing wear. Some are all-white
others have blue serge or flannel collars and cuffs.
Full range of sizes. Priced at $2.95 to $6.93
PONGEE MIDDIES suitable for outing and
sport wear. Laced front with yoke. Priced $7.50
Wool Middies
Second Floor Latest styles in Wool Middies here
for your choosing. Navy and red flannel and
serge materials. Slip-over or laced front styles
trimmed with braid and emblems. Sizes for
women and misses. Priced $6.95 to $11.75
Women' Khaki Outing Apparel
Second Floor For hiking, camping, motoring, sport and outing wear Khaki
garments are the most practical one can select. We show a complete stock
popular prices. Full range of sizes.
in separate garments or in suits at
Khaki Coats at $5.00 to $7.30
Khaki B r e e ches $3.50 to $5C00
Khaki Skirts at $3.05 to $6.50
Khaki Leggings $1.75 to $2.50
Wool Coats at $8.75 to $15.00
Wool Breeches $6.05 to $10.95
Wool Shirts priced only $ 6.75
Wool Khaki Skirts at only $11.50
Wool Khaki Leggings only $2.75
splendid garments for the woman
who likes to work in the garden and
for outing wear. Priced $5 to $7.30
Girls' Dresses
At 69c
Center Circle, 1st Floor. Girls'
stamped and made Dresses in blue,
pink and rose. Somewhat soiled from
display. Ages 2 to 12. Regu
lar $2.25 values. Priced at
"Women rtumlnir from the seaside or
eountry with browned, reddened or freck
led skins will be wise In immediately
taking up the mercolized wax treatment.
tVeatherbeaten skin had best come off, for
no amount of "beautifying;' will ever make
It pretty to look at. The sorest, safest.
easiest way to shed the despoiled cuticle
Is with the treatment suggested. Put the
wax on before retiring, as you would cold
cream, and rinse it off next morning; with
warm water. Minute particles of scarf
kin pet I off day by day. gradually show- j
Ins the healthy, youthful skin beneath.
One ounce of mercolized wax, obtainable
at any drug store, is enough to make any
discolored or spotted complexion clear,
white and satiny soft. Its action is so
Rent la no harm Is caused and the face
shows no trace of its use.
Burning1 heat, irritating winds and dirt
are such wrinkle-makers that the daily use
or the following astringent-tonic lotion a t
this season ia highly advisable: Powdered
saxolite, one ounce, dissolved in witch
hazel, one-half pint. Used as a face bath
this is a splendid wrinkle remover and
preventive. Adv.
Gasoline for 2
50 GAUC'iS EXTRA FOR $1.00
' the gasoline you need can be ob
tained from the use of i a vr T u K1in
Fold on an absolute money-back quarantee.
ppihianently removes carbon from plugs,
rylindora and piston heads. Tour motor
will run smoother and develop more power
end energy. Absolutely guaranteed not to
Sale of M. J. B. Coffee
3-lb. Cans $1.55
5-lb. Cans $2.55
Fourth Floor Try M. J. B. Coffee you will
-like its delicious flavor. Packed in air-tight
tins which preserves its freshness. Buy M. J. B.
in the 5-lb. can and it will cost only 51 lb.
Pork and Beans
15c a Can
Pierce's Pork and Beans specially priced for
today. Take . ritage of this sale and buy a
full case.. P No. 2 tins regular
2c size p ...ien $1.65 per
20c Fruited Oats or Fruited Wheat;
a delicious breakfast dish. Spe
cially priced for today's selling
Kerr's Rolled Oats, 80c sacks, r7?f
9 pounds to the sack; special
Demonstration on Fourth Floor.
Drapery Remnants
Bargain Circle, First Floor Several hundred Drapery Remnants on sale
today at Half Price. Good useful lengths in cretonnes, madras, tapestry,
silkolines and various other materials. Large assortment HALF PRICE.
S8.00 Cedar Boxes $4.95
Bargain Circle, First Floor1 Fancy
Taapestry and Damask Pil- CAXt.
Bargain Circle, First Floor $8.00
cretonne covered white OA QK
Cedar Boxes on sale today DtWJ
low Tops; priced special at
Women's $15, $16 Boots
$11.95 Pair
You will miss one of the best shoe bargains
of the year if you fail to attend this sale. Strictly
high-class Footwear from our regular stocks.
Brown Kid Boots
At $11.95
Women's Laced Boots of brown kid With nar
row tipless toe, welted soles and half Louis heel.
Whipcord cloth toppings. John Kelley P" 1 QP
$16.00 Boots. Special, the pair D-L-L0
Dark Brown Boots
At $11.95
. Women's Laced Boots of dark brown
kid. Famous Grover make. All
widths AAA to C and a full range
Regular $16.00 (3- - np
:ed special, pair 511.,Iil
of sizes.
Boots, priced special, pair
Dull Kid Boots $11.95
Alain Floor Women's Laced Boots of
dull kid. Pointed toe, military heel,
welted walking sole. Reg- - QpT
ular $15.00 grade a pair 5-i--L7t)
Buster Brown Shoes
For Boys and Girls
Nowadays SHOES instead of NATURE shape the
Unless the shoes are RIGHT the feet will
SUFFER. Buster Brown Shoes are rightly shaped
because they are made upon the scientif
ically designed Brown. Shaping Lasts.
They give ample toe room and arch sup
port, yet fit like a glove. Buster Brown
Shoes are beyond compare for health and
wear. Complete showing now ready.
Main Floor
Shoe Department
Young Men's $35 Suits
$27.95 -
Main Floor We have selected from our
regular stock of 200 Young Men's Suits and
offer them Friday and Saturday at a sub
stantial reduction in price.
Smart, Snappy Styles
for Boys of
High School Age
Single and double-breasted, with or with
out belts. High-class garments, handsomely
tailored throughout. Browns, greens, tans
and novelty mixtures. Young men going
to high school or college should take prompt
advantage of this sale. Sizes CJO'T QC
32 to 36. Regular $35.00 Suits JO
Men's Suits
Men's Novelty Suits in our celebrated
"Racer" model. Double-breasted front with
side plaits. Plain blues, browns and greens
also in fancy mixtures. All sizes in the
sale from 34 up to 40. Regu- Ql "1
lar $60.00 and $65.00 Suits at XHlt
Men's $3.50 Ties for $1.95
Choice Assortment of Patterns
Main Floor Replenish your stock of Neckwear at a good saving! Hundreds
of high-class Ties in this sale and each and. every one of them is from our
regular $3.50 line. Popular wide-end effects and mostly all have QtT
hair-cloth lining. Neckwear selling formerly at $3.50; priced at DX.i0
Men's $2.50 Shirts for $1.89
$2.50 Caps Only $1.29
Main Floor 1 ou save 61c on every
one of these Shirts you buy! Better
lay in a good supply. ' Choice assort
ment of striped patterns. Made up
splendid quality percale. Styled
e I
with French cuffs. Regu- (J" QQ
lar $2.50 Shirts special 3-LOi
Main Floor We are anxious to close
out a small lot of Men's and Young
Men's Sport Caps on account of the
sizes being broken. Fine for Fall
and winter wear. Good range of
patterns. Regular $2.00
and $2.50 Caps; special at
I New Fall Hats I
1 $10.00
1 $12.50
The Millinery Salon announces O
EE for today a special showing of New U
5 Fall Hats at the above TJrices. O
S You will want to see this display,
for the styles are distinctive Vo
a degree, and the values are ex-
ceptionally good. Hats for matrons
and misses in a variety of charm-
ing styles, including the new close-
fitting Turbans, Roll Brims and
EE Tarn effects in black and all the
newest Fall colors. There are also
E a number of beautiful Feather
Turbans in this great showing. EE
Millinery Salons 1
Second Floor
Bathing Suits
At $6.79
Second Floor Special sale of Wom
en's and Misses' Wool Bathing Suits.
Latest straight styles with V or
round necks. Plaiij colors and vari
ous combinations. Good '7Q
range of sizes. Special at 0 )
Many other styles in Bathing Suits
are priced $7.50 up to $11.50
Harm jour motor or engine in any way.
100 Gasaver Tablets, 91.00,
, 126 Strk Street. Main 5334.
distributors for Oregon.